I. I 111 .The Doetor'$ fjilemma 11 1 I '1 di - I By Hesba Stretton $ i L 1 ' i fl l ilW'H 1 1 1 1 1 'H"1'H I l 1 H 1 cnAPTEn xxviii. I do not know why terror always strikes me dumb ami motionless. I did not stir or speak, but looked steadily, with a fascinated gaze, Into my husband's face a worn, white, emaciated-face, with eyes peering cruelly Into mine. It was an awful look; one of dark triumph, of sneering, cunning exultation. Neither of us spoke. He sank down on the seat beside me, with an air of exhaustion, yet with a low, fiendish laugh whieh sounded hide ously loud in my ears. His lingers were still about my arm, but he had to wait to recover from the first shock of his suc cessfor it hud been a shock. His fare was bathed with perspiration, and his breath came and went fitfully. I thought I could even hear the heavy throbbing of his heart. 'I've found you," he said, his hind tightening its hold and at the first sound of his voice the spell which bound me snapped "I've tracked you out at last to this cursed hole. The game is up, my little lndy. By heaven! you'll repent of this. You are mine, and no man shall come between us." "I don't understand you," I muttered. He had spoken In an undertone, and I could not raise my voice above a whis per, so parched and dry was my throat. "Understand!" he said, with a shrug of his shoulders. "I know all about Dr. Martin Dobree. You understand that well enough. I am here to take charge of you, to carry you home with me as my wife, and neither man nor Woman can interfere with me in that. It will be best for you to come with nie quietly." "I will not go with you," I answered, In the sume hoarse whisper; "I am llv- I ens you, my poor little mam'elle? Tell me what to do. He had drawn me back into tne green shade of the trees, and placed me upon ! the felled tree where 1 had been sitting before. I told him all quickly, onecy all that had happened since I had written to hiui. I saw the tears start to his eyes. "Thank God 1 am here," he said. "1 lost no time, uiam'selle, after your letter reached me. I will save Monsieur le Cure; I will save them both, if 1 can. He Is a Eood man, this cure, ana we must not let him perish. He has no au thority over me, and I will go this mo ment and force my way in, if the door is fastened.. Adieu, my dear little main -zell." He was gone before 1 roum spean a word, striding with quick, energetic tread across the court. The closed door under the eaves opened readily. In an instant the white head of Monsieur Laurence passed the casement, and I could hear the hum of an earnest altercation, al though I could not catch a syllable of it. Rut nresentlv Tardif appeared again in the doorway, waving his cap in token of visit my little parish, flood! We do not have that honor every day. I ask hirn to have the goodness to tell me the English man's name. It is written in the book at the bureau. Monsieur Fostere. I re member that name well, very well. That is the name of the husband of my little English daughter.. Fostere! I see in a moment it will not do to proceed on my voyage." The cure's return, and his presence un der the name roof, save me a sense of the chimin? of the birds Imvine (ruined his poinf. awoke me in the morning, I could not at It seemed to me almost bb if time bad first helipvft thnt the events of the day been standing still since that ftpst morn' hofr were not themselves a dream, inn when Monsieur Laurentie had left Matins were ended, and the villagers my side, and passed out of my sight to were scattering about their farms anil geik for my husband in the fever-smitten households, when I noticed Pierre loiter- dwelling. Yet It was the tenth day af- Inir stealthily about the nresbytery. as ter that when, as I took np my weary if anxious not to be seen. He made nie watch soon after day break, I saw bim a sign to follow him out of sight, round crossing the court again and coming to- the corner of the cburcu. wards me. "I know a secret, madame ." he said, in What had he to say? What could lm- a troubled tone, "that monsieur who came pel him to break through the strict rule yesterday has not left the valley. I fol- which had interdicted all dangerous con lnwed monsieur your enemy. He did not tact with himself? His face was pale, go far away." . and his eyes were heavy as if with want "Rut where is he then?" I asked, look- of rest, but they looked into mine as if lng down the street, with a thrill of fear, they could read my inmost soul, "Madame," whispered Pierre, "Jje la I ' (To bo continued. stranger to this place, and the people would not receive him into their houses not one of them. My father only said, 'He is an enemy to our dear English madame,' and all the women turned the back upon him. I stole after him, be hind the trees and the hedges, NEW GAME PLAYED WITH. CANDLES. L n nan "Hwi fvmiB mm mmwmm tmmm mm BEST TIME TO MARBY. WHEN A REASONABLY COMFORT ABLE HOME IS ASSURED. Here is a novel trick and one which never fails to afford.much entertainment at an evening party. Two persons kneel on the ground at f"1 three feet from each other, and to each Is given a candle, of which one shou d be lighted. The right or left foot of each, as the casmay be, is then to be held bv his free bund, the result being that the entire weight of foe body will rest on the other kuee. The person holding the uulighted candle must then try to light it at tlie other one. That this is no easy task can very easily, be ascer-tained. DON'TS FOR FATHERS. Some of the Beat Ware to Treat Grow ing Bojs. - Do not exneet vour son to keen per- He fectly quiet for any length of time. You marched very slowly, like a man very u dQ hen wer0 ft boy weary, till he came in sight of the fac- ,a. Zy of the late Pineaux. He turned writes Mrs. M L. II. Alger. 'JOHN BROWN'S BIRTHPLACE. Movement Started to Perpetuate Old New Kiislnnd Farm house. An association, called the John Brown Association, lins been formed for the purpose of purchasing aud preserving the old homestead at Torrlngton, Conu., where Joliu Brown, the noted abolition ist aud martyr, was born. . The iiuusii has stood untenanted for many years and relic hunters have carried away many of Its fixtures, but an end Is to be placed to this vandalism by the association. The Brown homestead has been In ex istence a century and a half and has been the dwelling place of many fam ilies who tried to eke out an existence aside into the court there. I saw him knock at the door of the house, try to lift Do not expect your son to confide and trust In you if you do not meet him half way. Remember there Is no one on earth who has a keener sense of right and wrong than your boy. Kemember, also, thnt naughty, mischievous boys are us ually very clever and have the making of smart, reliable men. Always keep your promises. If you threaten to punish a boy the next time he offends or disobeys, be sure to do It. Bemember your wife had had the care of the children all day. Few men realize the responsibility and unceas ing labor In the care of children, tho long, weary hours with the babies, the constant attention, the everlasting pa tience neeessaiy. Help her in the even ing with the boys. I am a firm believer In "early to bed" for children. Do not spoil your children with lux uries, rinln food, plain clothes, are what they should have. Silk dresses, diamond rings, trips to the theater and opera in the evening take the zest away from your daughters when they become young women. Visits to your club, and the keeping of late hours, do not tend to mnke your sons either healthy or wise. They will know all about life before they are grown up. Keep both your daughters imr here in tho presbytery, and you can- the latch, and peep through the windows, and sons amuscil ana mreresieu in n I ... .i.i t . . i . , ., I i tilt..!. it.t.. . 1 rm net rrta 1 1 r not force me away. 1 will not go. i Alter tuat ne goes into tue ractory; mere eniiuisu tilings n ions i'""-! "The silly raving of an ignorant girl!'' , is a door from it into the house. He time enough for the care of life luter ho sneered. "The law will compel you passed tlirougli. 1 dared not follow him, ou. Ifflf fJf JOHN BKOWN'S BIRTHPLACE. "THIS MAN IS MY ENEMY." to return to me. I will take the law but in one short half-hour I saw smoke into mv own hands, and compel you to go coming out of the chimney. The smoke with me at once. If there is no convey- Is there. The Englishman has sojourn mice to bo hired in this confounded hole, ed there all the night." we will walk down the road together, "But, Pierre," I said, shivering, though like two lovers, and wait for the ouini-. the sun was already shining hotly bus. Come. Olivia. Our voices had not risen much above Four O'Clock. The hour of 4 a. in. has something uiysUnlous about it. Cocks crow, peo ple on the brink of death give up the ghost, everyone who Is asleep sleeps sounder, and even the watchful sentry "Pierre, the house is like a lazaretto. No one has been in it since Mademoiselle I'l- tbeir undertones vet. but these lust words neau died. Monsieur le Cure locked It can't always keep his eyes open. he spoke more loudly. Jean opened the ' Hp, and brought away the key." At this hour people are In their weak- Unit is true, madame," answered the est state, and, If life Is Just on the nick- boy; no one in tne village would go near ,i,w,r if th siioristv and looked out, and Pierre came down to the corner of the transept to see who was speaking. I lifted the hand Hit hard was not holding, and beckoned Jean. "Jean," I said, in a low tone still, "this man is my enemy. Monsieur le Cure knows all about him; but he is not here. You must protect me." "Certainly, madame," he replied. "Mon sieur, have tho goodness to release mad ams." "She is my wife," retorted Richard Foster. "I have told all to Monsieur le Cure, I said. "Monsieur le Cure is gone to England; it is necessiiry to wait till his return, Monsieur Englishman." "Fool!" said Kichard in a passion; "she Is my wife, I tell you." "Ah!" he replied plilegniaticany, dui from the stony and stubborn acres at tached to It. In 17118 Owen Brown, father of the abolltioulst, moved iuto it after having tried to make a living In other parts of New England. Here in 1800-on May 9, to be exnct-tne tuiuie martvr was born. The first five years of his life were spent within Its shelter. The Browns had more or less claim to the title of sons of New England, no less than six generations having tilled Its soil since the coining of the May flower nearly two centuries before. In 1805 Owen Brown forsook the East and settled In Hudson. Ohio, where his son received his early education. In 1812, securing a contract to supply the army with provisions, the Brown fam ily took up Its abode in Detroit, i.atcr the son settled In Klchmoud, Pa., where President Jackson appointed him postmaster. Id tho subsequent stormy years of bis life John Brown settled for a time In Massachusetts, but Torrlngton and Its vicinity knew him no more. Now the people are aroused to retain the fame which the accident of birtu conreneu on Torrlngton. the accursed place, tut I never thought of that. Perhaps monsieur your enemy will take the fever and perish." "Kun, Pierre, run!" I cried; "Monsieur Laurentie is in the sacristy with the strange vleaire. Tell hiin I must speak to him this very moment, time to be lost!" er, It is not surprising that It goes out. Many a man's life has been saved by a spoonful of brandy or ammonia admin istered Just when the c'.ock strikes 4. The period of deepest s'eep varies from 3 o'clock to 5. An hour or two There is no after going to bed you sleep very sound ly; then your slumber grows gradually I dragged myself to the seat under the gilter, and it Is easy enough to waken sycamore tree and hid my face in my at x or 2 o'clock. But when 4 o'clock hamlu u-liila shtlilili.i ftni Bhiiil.lnr milv- I ered through nie. I seemed to be watch ing him again, as he strode weariedly down the street, leaning wuh bent shoul ders on his stick, and turned away from every door at which he asked for rest and shelter for the night. Oh! that the time could but come back again, that I might send Jean to find some safe place for him where he could sleep! Back to It is my affair to protect madame. There my memory rushed the old days, when he is no resource but to wait till Monsieur le Cure returns from his voyage, tr madame does not say, 'This is my hus ' band,' how can I believe you? She says, 'Ho Is my enemy.' I cannot confide her to a stranger." "I will not leave her." he exclaimed. "Uood! very good! Pardon, monsieur," responded .1 'an, laying his iron fingers upon the hand thut held me, and loosen ing its grip as easily as if it had been the hand of a child. "Madame, you are free. Leave Monsieur the Englishman to me, aud go away into the house, if you please." I did not wait to hear any further al tercation, but tied as quickly as I could into the presbytery. Up into my onn chamber I ran, drew a heavy chest against the door and fell down trembling and nerveless upon the Moor beside it. But there was no time to lose in wom anish terrors; my dilllculty -end danger were too great. Why should I not wrile to Tardif? He had promised to come to my help whenever and wherever I miht - summon him. I ran down to Mademoi selle Therese for the materials for a let ter, and in a few minutes it was written, and on the way to Sark. The night fell while i was still alone. Suddenly there was ihe noisy rattle of wheels over tiie rough pavement the baying of dogs an iulistinct shout. A horrible dread took hold of nie. Was it possible that he had returned, with some force which should drag nie away from uiv refuge aud give me up to him? I heard hurried footsteps and joyous voices. A minute or two arterwara, Min imn beat against my barricaded door, and shouted gleefully through the key hole. "Come down. Aunt Ncl'.y," she cried; "Monsieur Laurentie is come bogie again!" I felt as if some strong hand had lifted me out of a whirl of troubled waters aud set me safely upou a roek. I ran down into the salon, her Monsieur Lauren tie iv as seated, as tranquilly as if he hail never been away, in his high-backed armrh.iir, smiling qniitly at Minimi's gamlHiis of d light, .lean stool jut with in the door, his bands behind his tack, screened me from the unkindness of my step-mother, and when he seemed to love me. For the sake of those times, would to heaven the evening that was gone, and the sultry, breathless nigh:, could only come back again! I felt as if I had passed through an immeasurable spell, bolh of memory and anguish, before Monsieur Laurentie came, though he had responded to my summons immediately. I then told him in hurried, broken sentences, what Pierre had confessed to me. His face grew overcast and troubled, and he at once started for the factory. He returned af ter a long, long suspense. "My child," he said, "monsieur Is ill! attacked, I am afraid, by the fever. I shall remain with him all this day. You must bring us what we have need of, and leave it on the stone there, as it used to be." "But cannot he be removed at once?" I asked. ' "My dear," he answered, "what can I do? The village Is free from sickness now; how can I run the risk of carrying the fever there again? It is too far to send monsieur to Noireau. Obey me. my child, and leave him to me and to Cod. Cannot you confide In me yet?" "Yes," I said, weeping, "I trust yon with all uiv heart." "(So, then, and do what I bid yon," he replied. "Tell my sister and Jean, tell all my people, that no one must intrude upon me, no one must come nearer this house than the appointed place. Yon comt's you are in such a state of som nolence that you would take no notice of the end of the world. Military men are well aware of this curious fact, and they often made sud den assaults on camps or cities between 3 aud 5, for they know that at that time the most wideawake sentry Is liable to doze, Strangely, at the corresponding time In the afternoon, most people feel a bit done up. Whether It is due to the elec trical condition of the atmosphere, or to the position of the sun, no'one knows. But It Is a fact that the nervous system brain and lungs are most vigorous from about 10 or 11 o'clock (night or morn ing) to 12 or 1, and at their lowest ebb between 3 and 5. "Why We Need Hobbies. Business is not Inseparable from higher things. Men may be born gro cers, but need not live only as grocers. Solon and Thales, wise men of the Greeks, were merchants; Plato peddled oil; Spinoza, the philosopher, mended spectacles. Linnaeus was a cobbler as well as a botanist. Suakspeare prided himself more upon his success as stage manager than as a dramatist. Spenser was a sheriff. It might require a rather strong wrench of the Imagina tion to imagine sheriffs of to-day writ ing another "Faerie Queen" but why? Milton taught school, ds have almost all great men. Walter Scott, the wizard of the North, was circuit clerk and prac tical man of affairs; Grote was a Lon don banker, Rlcardo a stock Jobber and Sir Isaae Newton master of the English mint. Paul was a tent-maker and the Great Gentleman an apprentice at a true; but there Is the other side tf!it of losses. Said Philippe at Pelmonli-oV "If one of our w aiters constantly speculates on 'tips' loss and failure are certain to come sooner or Inter. As in the case or Beau Bruiiiniel's neckties, one never hears of the unsuccessful, and their losses. It generally happens that a -waiter is successful at first. If he puts the money he makes Into real estate he prospers; but let him continue to speculate and he generally loses Ms all. I have had some good winnings, but prefer Investment In real estate. "Stock speculation really distracts a waiter." continued The Philippe, ac cording to the New York Times, "and he cannot properlyoattend to business As soon as we find a waiter getting too engrossed In speculation we discharge hlin, as he cannot keep away from the jn the way of reasonable prices, tlckBr. and confuses bis orders. One ftxr fellow yearly went crazy here last winter In consequence of his stock spec ulations. He would forget bis orders and call for 'one Western Union,' when he should have said 'one steak under done,' and so on, until we bad to dis charge him. I do not know what has become of him. but expect to hear hu has landed In the Insane asylum." and, getting the boy aside, he discov ered the cork and pulled It out When we started playing la the great contest," continued the talkative man, according to the Detroit tree Press, "I became aware at once ihat some one was making horrible dis cords, and, turning around, I discov ered to my horror that the half-witted youth. Immensely proud of hla posi tion, was filling his Instrument to the full extent of his lung power. It la hardly necessary to state that we did uot win the contest." SKILLED IN MANY SPORTS. Modern Young People Walt Until Too Late In L'fe-Nearly All "Self-Made" Men Wedded on 1,000 a Year or Lena. n Why should lovers defer their mar riage a day longer than the time when, as far as we mortals can discern the future, the prospect of a comfortable homo Is reasonably assured? asks Cy rus C. Adams in Alnslee's. It Is sense less to wait for the coming of aliment days. Their lives should ue uuueu. and each In his way should ueip io bring about the advent of easlertimes if they are ever to come. It is as rooi isUoto wait for a larger Income than Is reully required as it Is for parents to slave and drudge Jbat their children may enjoy a degre of aUluence they have never known. This Is the rock upou wh'ch the French nation has split. They are a frugal aud a thrifty people. It Is Interesting to know that many of the tasteful, artistic and cost ly products of France are made almost exclusively for the foreign trade. Two thirds of the best chinaware of Llmo- gei, for example comes to the United States. A well-to-do Frenchwoman Is likely to use a preparation of rice flour as a cosmetic, leaving the delicate per fumes and other toilet articles of Paris for her American and British sisters who are willing to spend uior money for such things. But the rich father, unfortunately., conceives It to be his duty to leave his children richer than himself; if, on the other hand, ue be a R , rnrsinn astronomers. It poor tiller of the soli, It Is disgraceful gbowg at ,cagt qoo stars. Y 7"7": Plants with white blossoms have a profession so that the family name to' " ' - GEO. P. CROVELL, Successor to E. I Smith, Oldest Established House in the valley.) DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Flour and Feed, etc. Thin nl .t-pnt.nl.lielied house will con tinue to pay cash for all its goods; it pays no rent; it employe a cierK, uia, does not -have to divide with a partner. All dividends are made with customers 9 Davenport Bros. Are running their two mills, planer and box factory, ami can nil oroers lor ill V VI1I1VII Tyndall says DO.OOO typhus germs will thrive In the small .circumference of a pinhead or visible globule. The most wonderful astronomical photograph In the world is that which has recently been prepared by Loudon, Lumber Boxes, Wood and Posts ON SHORT NOTK'K. Left-Handed People Are Proficient In Waye that Astonish One. It Is not wise to poke fun at a left- handed boy or girl. They may develop qualities that are unattainable by those who use their right hands prererauty, Children who have fallen Into this hab it of using their left hands should not be taught to do violence to a strongly implanted Instinct and use the right hand whether they will or no. Such a training not only Inflicts upon the child a useless amount of hardship aud luconveulence, but may do him se rious injury, er7 to depriving him of the power of speech. According to the latest scientific dis coveries all manner of hnvoc may be wrought with the brain by the adop tion of this mistaken method of teach ing left-handed children to use the right hand. This discovery Is the result of experi ments lately made at the University of Chicago, which has gone more deeply Into the modern subject of "child study" than most of the universities. It is Professor Smedley, director of the department of pedagogical Investiga tion, who has made the most fruitful experiments with the left-handed. He discovered that by far the great er majority of mothers looked upon left-handeduess as a defect to be over come at any cost aud that the child was in consequence forced Into a l ist uncongenial system of training. The greater number of chlldreu so trained, says Professor Smedley, are defective in speech. By endeavoring to substi tute the use of the right hand the nice balance of the brain Is disturbed and besides producing far less manual dex terity the power of speech may also be Impaired. It Is also a matter of record that left- handed persons are In games of skill more proficient than those who are right-handed. may have a higher place in the social scale. This deplorable ambition fixes upon the family a burden almost too great to be borne, and parents deliber ately restrict the number of their chil dren. In large districts, particularly In Northern France, families of more thnn two children are rare. Many of the young people, seeing the hard lives their parents lead, defer their own than any others; next comes red. then yellow and blue, after which, and in the same order, may be reckoned vio let, green, orange, brown and black. Dr. G. L. Johnson, whose studies of the eyes of mammals have recently been published in the Philosophical Transactions, cnlls attention to the fact DAVIDSON FRUIT CO. SHIPPERS OF HOOD RIVER'S FAMOUS FRUITS. PACK RMS OP TUB Hood River Brand of Canned Fruits. MANlFACTt'RERS OF Boxes and! Fruit Packages mnrrlmrua In nnllr to hotter their for tunes till at last even the desire to two eyes. On the other hand, the low mnrrv - Mtinffiila'uxl. Parents and er mammals possess divergent and con chlldreu of all lands may well heed the sequently very widely extended vision, that men and monkeys alone possess Fertilizers & Agricultural Implements parallel and convergent vision of the DU MAURIER'S NOVELS. Harry Fnrnlte' Talk an Indirect Cause of Their Creation. Heurv Furnlss, the caricaturist, writes as follows In Harper's of his acquaintance with, George du Maurier: "It is a curious fact mat i reany never had a seat allotted to me at the Punch table; I always sat In Du Mau- rler's, except on the rare occasions when he came to the dinner, wuen i moved up on-; It was always a treat to have Du Marnier at 'the table.' He was by fai and away the cleverest conversationalist of his time 1 ever met; his delightful repartees were so neat and effectivf., nnd his daring chuff and his criticisms so bright and re freshing. "Du Maurb;r's extremely clever con versation struck me the moment I joined the staff of Punch. As I went part of his way to Hampstead, we sometimes shared our cab, and In one of these Journeys I mentioned my con viction that he. In my mind, was a creut deal more than a humorous ar tist, an ! if he would only fake up the pen seriously the world would be all the more Indebted to him. He told me that Mr. James had for some time said nice things of a similar character. "About ten days afterward I received a letter saying that my conversation has had an effect upon him, and that he was starting his first novel. So. per haps the world Is really Indebted to me, Indirectly, for the pleasure of rend ine 'Peter Ibbetson' and 'Trilby.' The fact is that he had, with Burnand and myself. Just visited Paris, the first time he had set foot In the gay city since his youth. Many things he saw had Impressed him, nnd 'Peter Ibbet son' was the result." His Generosity. An amusing story Is told by the Bap tist Commonwealth of a bazaar held In a Western city. Among the features of the entertainment was a refreshment stall, to which charitable donors con tributed supplies. In order that all the money taken in might represent clear profit. The lady In charge requested a gift for this purpose from Mr. Billings, a man who was both well known and wealthy, but not famous for liberal giving. To her surprise she received next day a note to the effect that he was sending ber a sirloin of beef and two ox tongues. The same morning the lady happened to go to her butcher, who also sup plied the family of Mr. Billings with meat, aud after giving him a large or der for her stall, she asked If he him self would not like to give her some thing. "I should, very much, ma am, re plied the butcher, "but yesterday 1 gave to Mr. B.lilngs at his request, for this very purpose, a sirloin of beef and three ox tongues." lesson In sociology that France Is now teaching. ' Nearly all our self-made men, lead ers In the professions and In business, married young and on very moderate Incomes. Many assumed, without the slightest trepidation, the responsibility of supporting a wife on $1,000 a year or less. These men usually have very pronounced views on the inadequate knowledge of the value of money and how to take care of It possessed by the majority of young men and women. The views of these young persons as to the amount of Income upon which they may prudently marry vary, of course, according to the circumstances In which they have liv?d. Many an Intelligent girl who works In New York kitchens has no doubt whatever that she and the steady. Industrious fellow sue Intends to marry will have a comfortable home on $12 to $14 a week. A penniless German school teacher who came to Philadelphia when a young man and who In his old age lives In New York on the rentals of apartment houses bought with $300, 000 he earn?d slowly In manufacturing asserted the other day that $1,000 to $1,500 a year In New York would give to young married couples of refinement a comfortable home, books, music and amusements and everything they might need for the rational enjoyment of life. This gentleman has the Ger man ideas of thrift There Is scarcely any doubt that any man and wife, gift ed with an ability to disburse dollars to the very bjst advantage, would be able to realize his Idea of comfortable married life on a small income. THE REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. Squirrels, for Instance, and probably hares and rabbits as well, are able to see an enemy approaching directly from behind without turning the head, The Bev. John M. Bacon, the Eng lish balloon expert, Insists that light houses should have warning bells un der as well as above water, because In a storm sounu travels inruier uouc. COM MKNCING JAN. 1, lf02, K-nter limn thrnnirh tlip nlr. nnd exper iments both In England aud America And continuing until March 1, 11)02, have proved that a bell struck under this company will have but one steamer water can be heard at a long distance running between The Dalles and Port- In the hold of a ship. Mr. Bacon Is ex- land; leaving The Dalles Monday. list think of nie hs one absent, yet close 1 carpenter's bench. at hand; that is the lmerenee. I am here, in the pa.h of my duty. Go, and tultill yours." For three days, morning after morning, whilst the dew lay still upon the grass. I went down, with a heavy and forebod- "I practice law simply to support my self," said one of the greatest of St. Loult attorneys au attoruey-at law, not an attorney-at-polltlcs "but my real life Is at home In my library." lng heart, to the place where 1 could Thoroughly practical people need the wnt k the col tune, through the long sul try hours of the summer day. Here in the open sunshine, with the hot walls of the mill casting its rays back again, the heat was intense; thouch the white cap I wore protected my head from it, my eyes were damled, and I felt readv to faint. No wonder if Monsieur Laurentie should have sunk under it. an 1 help of hobbles to keep them from shriveling up. St. Loul Globe-Democrat holding his unite ottn cap in them; he the long strain upon his enerciee. which had been making his report of the day's j would have overtaxed a younger and events. Monsieur held out his hand to stronuw man. I had passed the invisi- me. and I ran to him. caught it in both , ble line which his will had drawn about 1 weighs 4,000 pounds. Aluniinnm Curtain. Aluminum has Just been employed for the construction cV a new fireproof curtain to le used In theaters. The curtain Is sixty feet wide by fifty-four feet high, la composed of aluminum sheets one-telfth of an inch thick and HOW THE OTHER BAND WON. of mine, twnt down my fai-e upon it. and i burst into amission of weeping, in spue of in self. "Come. come, madame!" he a;iid. his own voi.e faltering a little; "I am here, my chi d; behold mel There is no place for fear now; I am king in Ville-ea-boia. Is it not so, my good Jean?" "Monsieur le Cure, you are emperor," relied Jean. "If thnt I the case," he continued, madame is perfectly secure in nvr raatle. You do not ask me what brings e back rt iin so on. But I will tell you. luad- the place, and had half crossed the court, when I heard footsteps close behind me. and a large, brown, rough hand suddenly caught mine. "Mam"e!ler cried a voice I knew, "ii this rouT" "Oh. Tardif! Tardifr I exclaimed. I rested my heating head against him, and sobbed violently, whilst be surronnded rue with his strong ami, an I laid his j hand upon my head, aa if to assure Bie of i his help and protection. "Ilu. hush! mam'telle." he eaid. "It Hlgn-Prlced Hook. The biggest price ever paid for a book was $44.5tt. given for an original copy of the Psalterium. published by Faust la 14."!. It wa bought by Bernard QuariUb, Tutnaela's Mineral Wealth. Tasmauia, In proportion to Its area. Is the richest In Australasia's coiouies In mlneraJ wealth. is Tardif. your friend, my little mam'- amo. At Noireau. the proprietor of IB telle; your servant, yon know. I am con bus to tir.mvle I'll nie that an here. What shall I do for yon? Is there Lu, i'a"vu had sne 'bat iuoioj ta Uj pursua in jonlcr house mho fright- Some wouieu are so bumble that they think every woman who has moie money than they have, good looking. They Mmle the "Silent" Member of a Kival Organization a Noisy line. "1 once belonged to a country band when I was a youngster," said the talk alive man. "It was great spurt, and no man has really lived unless be has belonged to such an organization at some period In his life. There was a great rivalry between the band that I was a member of and oue In an ad joining town. When the rivalry was at white heat a band contest was held In a nelghlmrlng town. We were both entctfd In the same class, aud only ask ed for a free field and no favors. "Now. the class that we were entered In called for bands Laving at least six teen members, aud the best we could do after "scouring the town for talent was "fifteen men who understood how to push wluJ through brass Instruments and have It resemble umslc We were Id despair, until I conceived a happy Idea. There was an odd character liv ing in the town whom every one called George. He was only bslf-witted. and had a; t.ivl'cd himself to our baud, mak ing himself generally useful by carry ing our music and taking care of our band room. My plan was to fit him out with an instrument securely corked, and trust to luck that the deception would not be noticed. "But the plan proved a most disas trous one. A meiulier of the rival baud seeing the youth proudly carrying a , born, mistrusted what we eroip to, about the boja. She Wanted Revenge, A certain noted pianist says that whenever he feels unduly elated by fa vorable notices of his playing, or by in dividual compliments, he calls to tulud an occasion when his pride received a fearful fall. He had been a guest with others at a suburban house for two or three days. The last evening was a particularly merry one, and at Its close some one begged hlin to play a Hungarian Rhaps ody by Liszt I've played two or three times," de murred the pianist, "and lt' pretty late. Don't you think I might disturb the neighbors'." 'I hope you will," announced the young daughter of the house, "for we are perfectly sure they tried to poison our cat last week. Nothing you could do would be worse than they deserve Then her Ingenuous countenance was suddenly overspread with blushes, and the company gave way to mirtn. LEFT AND RIGHT HANDEDNESS. Explained by Anatomical Keaeona for Same Quality in Eyes. It Is a well-known fact that the stronger activity of the nerves of the right half of the body (for not only tho hand Is concerned) must be ascribed to a preponderance of the left side of the brain, whose finer development, es pecially as the seat of the center of speech, Is a matter of common knowl edge, says the Loudon Optician. In a paper by Dr. Luddeckens in the Allemelnes Journal der Uhrmacher- kuust valuable Information regarding the causes of the unequal working of the two hemispheres of the brain is fur nished. A sketch touching on the his tory of evolution leads from the prlg- lual symmetry of the organism to a subsequent disytumetrlcal arrangement of the heart and the large blood ves sels, from which It follows quite nat urally that the two halves of the head plorlug the air over Loudon with bal loons, and he has made some Interest ing observations on the best methods of slirnallne by sound. By applying a parabolic reflector to a speakiug-trutu pet he Is able to send the waves of sound In a straight, compact beam, re- semblltig In Its directness a ray of light, It Is reported that an attempt Is about to be made by the aid of Dr. Isaac Uoberts' celebrated photographs to de termine whether Internal movements occur In the spiral nebulae. Miss Dor othea Klumpke, of the Paris Observa tory, will conduct the examination of the photographs, her experience In the measurement of the plates for the In ternational photographic chart of the heavens having given her special fitness for the work. Some of Dr. Koberts' photographs were made 10 or 12 years ago, and by conqiaring these with In ter pictures of the same objects, It Is hoped that any changes that have oc curred In the shapes of the nebulae may be detected, such changes would possess great In terest and Importance for astronomers. The astronomical Instruments that were seized aud cnxrled away by the Germans after the capture of Pekln by the allied European, Japanese and American forces ranked as great sci entific curiosities. There were two sets of them, placed on and at the foot of the wall of the Tartar City. One set, of Chinese manufacture, consisted of old armlllary spheres, and other out- of-date Instruments, of great size aud strangely mounted on bronze dragons. The other set comprised a large azi muth, and other similar Instruments, together with a celestial globe of bronze covered with stars of gold. These last were made uuder the direction of the Dutch Jesuit Verblest, who was ofB clal astonomer for the Chinese empe ror In the seventeenth century. Some of the instruments were presents from Louis XIV Wednesday and Friday, aud Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. STEAMERS Regulator, Dalles City, Reliance. a WHITE COLLAR LINE. The Dalles-Portland Route Str. " Tahoma," Between Portland, The Oallei and Way Points TIHK CARD Leaves Portland Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 a. m. Arrives The Panes, Bums day, 5 p. m. leaves 1 lie issues iucmiryh, imirmmi mm Siuunlays, 7 a. m. Arrives Portland, sanieday, 4 p. in. This route lias the grandest scenic attractions The discovery of on earth. Str. "Bailey Gatzert," Dally Bound Trips, exceyt Sunday. TIME CARD. Leave Portland...7 a.m. I Leave Astoria 7a.m. Landlna and ofhee, foot ol Alder street. Both 'phones, Main 351, Portland, Or. E. W. CR1CHTON, Agent, Portland. JOHN M. HU.OO.N, Agent. The Hallos. A. J. TAYLOR, Audit, Astoria. J. ('. W YATT, Aiienl, Vancouver. WOI.KOltlJ & WYE US, AbIb., White Salmon. R. B. OlLltRETH, Agent, Lyle, Wash. PRATHER & HEMMAN, Agonts at Hood River Eskimos Not Small of Stature, The old tradition that the Eskimos are not placed on an equal footing as fire a people of small stature Is without regards the distribution of the blood, fOHmmtion. On the contrary, In Laura and consequently of the blood pressure, A BatHuland and all around Hudson aud that, on the contrary, there must K tue height of the men is probably be, under normal conditions, a strou- , ... rntner than below the average ger pressure on the arteries of the left of tue Uuman race, but, as a rule, the side of the head. women, although very strong, are con- Thls theory Is borne out by well- giderably shorter than the men. They known experiences of anatomists and are brave, industrious, provident and pathologists and a series of Interesting communicative, In all of which charac observations. Of especial Interest is terlstlcs they contrast with tho north- the effect of the higher blood pressure era tribes of Indians. upon the left eye. Dr. Luddeckens found In the latter, as compared with the right one, In a surprisingly large Oregon Shot line and union Pacific Old Age Pensions in France. The proposed law for old age peuslons I,.,. -oo narrnnor nnnll in meets WHO un u un..... . consequence of a more filled-up con- on the ground that the age a which the dltlon of the vessels of the Iris, and pension falls due. bo. Is far beyond the upon closer examination a shorter con- average life of the t rench workman. ..' t ,h .voh.li Thi. fnmishe. Many lalior organisations have protest- for the fact that In a laree nurn- ed and all on the same ground, that Diminishing in Stature. Vhen a than cease to grow he begins to diminish. Such la the conclusion al which a German physician has arrived, after several months' careful study of the subject of human height Men, so it la asserted, begin to grow smaller in their thirty-fifth year, and women a little before they are 40. Men, however, stop growing when they are 30, and for five or six years their stature remains stationary. Then It decreases, at first very slowly, but afterward more rap Idly. rat lent Jaue. "Jane alwayJooks under the bed for a burglar." "Did she ever see oner "No. But she lives In hopes." Cleve land riain Dealer. Rig Birx-rtan Hlver. The Irtish River. In Siberia, la 2.200 mlles In length, and drains 000.000 miles of territory. Nothing please a young girl tnort than to have her older brother fall In love; then be can t aay anything to ber their members have no mind to lay by from their wages money by which they personally are little likely to profit. ber of persons the left eye Is the bet ter one. Thus the finer development of the left half of the brain Is explain ed very simply by the fact that It la better supplied with the blood, and tne question why It Is the seat of the cen ter of speech, and why most people are right-handed la solved in the most natural manner. It la striking bow true a reflection of the conditions described Is afforded by the examination of left-hauded persons. Id many cases a redder color was no ticeable on the right side of the face; the right eye was built shorter, its , i n ... n-..r In ahnrt ovori-thlnir nolnta to a better blood supply on the nclally declared dead. right aide of the hain. which. Id con sequence. Imparts to the left side of the body the preponderance over the right one, a condition styled left-hand-edness. In close connect loo thereto la the habit of most left-handed persona to deep on the left side In the uncon Sheer Nonaenae. Joakley Queer thing about that tall man over there. AU his intimate friends call blm "Short." Coakley Just Because be la so tall, eh? Joakley No, because that's bis name, -Philadelphia Tres They Didn't Hare to Notice It,. Although the late ameer of Afghani stan vu bow-legged, nobody dared to allude to the fact until after be was of- Thls shows w hat It Is to be a success ful autocrat Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Clash or Brain. The man of staid and studious turn Will struggle day and night to learn nd rival seers will try to show That all bis knowledge io'to. scloua endeavor to relieve the right Washington Mar, half of their brain, which la more charged with "blood during the day. For right-handed peryms the position on the right side la the normal one for the tame reason. Every man bldea bis deformity. We are all caught oftener than we Imagine. Waiter Who Speculate Stories of th successful (peculation of waiter In bopular reaorta on ""tips' There la a certain measure of good lack In dying while one is still f an age to cause p-.-'ple to be sorry about It- Butt Lake, Penver, Chicago Ft. Worth.Omaha, Portland htieclal Kansas city, St. special 11:20 a.m. I.niiis.Chicugoand 2:06p.m. Last. Walla Walla l-ewls- Bpokane ton.Hpnltnne.Min- Portland Flyer nvauolia.Hi. Paul, Flyar 1:27 p.m. Diilolli, Milaau- 4:30a.m. kee.l'lncaKoAKast Salt Lake, Denver, Mail and Ft. Wortli.Oinaha, Mall an 4 Express Kansas City, St. KipreM 11:4.! p.m. liuis,Cniij(oniJ (:42a.m. kaau OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE rUUM POUTLAKR. SO p.m. All sailing dates 4:00 p. aa. aubject lo chauge For San Francisco bail averjr a dayl Dally Catuxkla Ulnar 4 on p.m. Fa. Sunday ttaaawra. Ix. Sundaf a :Ui d. m. Saturday To Astoria and Way le. w p. m. landing a. 4:45a.m. WMtaaiart ttvar. 4:Mp. m. Lx.bunday Oregon cur, Ntw- la. SuaJaf berg. Slm, In.la pemirtirc a Kf I-andings 1:00am. niaat and Ta- p. m. Tua., Thur.l km aixra. Hon., Wad. and Su. , aad Frt Oregon City, Day ton , a War Land- ti-gv 4 45a m. WUIaawtM tlitr. 4pm. Tnra., Thnr Hon., Wed, and Sal. Portland to Corral. aott Fri. lit Way Laud- iDgv Lt. Rlr-rU Rivaa. tT.Uwlnaa :Vim. it-par: to Lewliton tarn. daiiy I daily Lot of people enjoy a good runaway received from the patron art often I on a crowded streei. For lo rain and other Information writ ta , A. L. CRAIO, "-"i PaawngCT agent. Portland, Of. J. fiat.... 'gral. II Md Klvor. I- '