Kood Iftver Slacier FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1901. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Toys at Goes'. -Dolls at Coes'. Albums at Coes'. Xmas novelties at Coes'. Fresh oysters at Jensen's Cafe. Money to loan on real estate. A. A. Jayne Ask your grocer for Pure White Flour. Souvenir mailing cards atCoe & Son's. Full line of up to date toys at Coo & Son's. One second-hand range for sale. See Bone & McDonald's. Jos. A. Wilson wants to let a contract to clear land. Ladies' underwear extra sizes at Bone & McDonald's. For pood results in bread making, use Pure White Flour. Pure White Flour is the beBt flour sold in Hood River. For loggers' shoes go to Bone & Mc Donald's. No. 1 baled hay for sale at the Transfer & Livery Co. . - Bargains in watches for the next 30 days at Chas. Rigg9' the jeweler. Get a sack of White Spray flour, only 90c. No better flour made. For flour and feed go to Bone & Mc Donald's. If you want good bread, use Pure White Flour. See that mackintosh sale at Bone & McDonald's. . The Davidson Fruit Company wants to purchase half a million strawberry plants. Denver Clothing Store stock will be sold at auction Saturday, Dec. 14th, at 11 a.m. Bed bugs are holding indignation meetings all over the valley, all on ac count of Uartmess' iron bed steads. Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. want 50 men to cut cordwood. Good fir timber. They pay 80c, 90c and fl per cord. See Frank Davenport. , Read, Read, Readl how to get a beau tiful present for your little ones, abso lutely free. With every purchase to the amount of $1.00 we will give you a chance in our $10 Bisque. Doll, now on exhibition in our show window. ,i Madam Abbott, Mllirfery. Auction sale Saturday. Special rateB on home made candies at Jensen's. Something to interest everybody in our advertising columns today, . Fare to Portland from Hood River by the White Collar Line is now only 50 cents. A fine line of toilet articles and per fumes just received by Williams & Iiroeius. Miss Gile came up from Portland last Friday and was the guest of Miss Teal till Tuesday. Lost. A ' package containing five yards of gingham. Finder will please leave at this office. Don't fall to attend the auction sale of the Denver Clothing Store Saturday, Dec. 14th, at 11 a. m. George Smith was taken suddenly with cramp colic Sunday night and was obliged to call in a doctor before finding any relief. Jensen will give a $12 doll to. the lucky one holding the right number. Each 25 cent purchase entitles you to a chance. Mies Leila Harrison of Portland visit ed the families of O. B. Hartley and Jas. E. Hanna last "week, returning home Tuesday. C. P. Ross and family moved to The Dalles last Friday. - Mr. Ross is per manently employed at the railroad de pot at The Dalles. , The place to get a good cigar and the best tobacco is the place where they make a specialty of this line of goods. Cole & Graham s is the place. ; , A letter received by Mrs. T. Bishop last week announced the death, at Pas sadena, California, of Mrs. D. M. Bal lard, who died Dec 3rd. Her age was 67. A stray cayuse, a light built bay with saddle marks all round it.shod all round, will cost the owner something if he doesn't look after it. Call at the Qlacier office and get particulars. Wanted. We will give a box of candy for the best four-line rhyme on Coe's peanuts and a pound of peanuts for the second best. Send in your verses on or before Dec. 18th. Geo. F. Cob & So. The residents of Hood River and - vi cinity will, on Saturday, Dec. 14th, at 11 a. m., at the auction sale of the Den ver Clothing Store, have a grand oppor tunity to buv useful and serviceable Christmas gifts. See ad. Jackson & Firebaugh will hsve a sign writer in town next week to build a sign for their house, to let everybody know where they are located.- This will give an opportunity for others who need signs to procure them. Little Virgil Anderson, about 10 years if age, living with his parents on Lyman Smith's place, ran into a barbed wire fence, one dav last week, and cut his face badly. The doctor called had to take eight stitches in sewing up the wounds. J. T. Hnlman brought to the Glacier office, Monday, Dec. 10th, a green pea vine from his' garden on which were well filled mh!s of green peas and blos soms. At this rate Mr. Holman can have green peas from his garden for his Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Staten of Hood River were Thanksgiving visitors of Col. and Mrs. Havnes, returning home Mon day. These two families were neighbors and intimate friends in Utah, before they ranie to the coast, and they try toget to gether occasionally. Forest Grove Times. Jas. DeBord reported the execution of Jim Green at Stevenson for the Spokesman-Review. He sketched the jail, the docfor.the sheriftand the scaffold where the victim swung, and also sent a photo of Green to the Spokesman-Review. Green died game, acknowledge! his guilt, and said he was going to heaven. John Koberg and w ife are making 33 rolls of gilt-edge bntter a wee trom their 9 cows. Thev churn every other day and turn out 11 rolls at a churning. Thev aim gather on an average SB down eggt'a week. They have about 2-H) chickens, old and young. Their chick en feed, wheat, costs 00 cent a bushel laid dowh at their place by river steam er. It pays to keep cows and chickens when they are rightly looked after. Citizens in the neighborhood of Bel mont have put in volunteer .work on the roads for which they deserve the thanks of the whole coinninnitv. Geo. W.lson. (i. I). Wood worth, G. K. Cartner, R. J. Kills, Hugh Galliitan and James Ingalls and other furnished teams for hauling gravel, and the road from Joe Purser's to J. A. Wilson's gate, and al.o the mud holes on the free delivery mail route to wards the Barrett farm.liave been made good by plenty of gravel. W e made seven transfers in land last week, considerations ranging from $000 to $1000. Some of these are holiday (fifta, hence we will not give names. They were attested by Geo. P. Crowell, notary public. We are not envious of any who are selling more land than ' are- Isknerbq & Son. F. 0. Brace, who bought the Cox lots near the armory, went to Portland Thursday to bring his steam wood-saw outfit to Hood River. He will then be prepared to saw your wood with "neat ness and dispatch." An enterprise of this kind has been needed in Hood River for some time. Miss Lulu Anderson returned last week from a week'B visit with friends in Portland and Sheridan. A surprise par ty was tendered her at the residence of Mrs. Tom Scroggins, where about twen ty of her old friends gathered and a pleasant evening was spent. The new . board of directors of the Hood River Transportation and Boom Company organized by electing the fol lowing officers: C. A. Bell, president; Geo. T. Prather, vice president; Geo. P. Crowell, treasurer; P. 8. Davidson, secretary. Joseph Aerni of Trout Lake was in town Wednesday on a business trip. He said it was snowing when he left home Tuesday morning, and about two inches of the beautiful covered the ground. " A change in the weather occurred Tuesday, and we are now having a touch of winter. The days and nights are clear.with sharp frosts. Thursday morn ing the mercury was down to 24 above zero. ' A company of colored minstrels "The Funny 4 Company," struck town Wed nesday and willive a performance at A. O.U. W. hall this Thursday evening. They promise a good programme. The Artisans had another of their en joyable invitation dances Wednesday night. They will have a Christmas tree, for members only, Christmas night. Regular meeting of Canby Post, G. , R. and W. R. C, tomorrow. Inspec tion and election of officers. Be on hand in time to get an office. T. C. Dallas did a commendable act in having gravel hauled for a sidewalk between his buildings and the Langille house. Arnold A Belieuare ready to commence the erection of the K. of P". hall as soon the lumber is on the ground. F. E. Waters, agent for the Oregon Fire Relief Association is in town. Cheapest and best insurance in Ore gon is the O. F. R. A. of McMinnviHe. F. E. Waters, agent, is now in the city. Grand masquerade ball given under the auspices of the orchestra at the ar mory New Year's eve. Don't forget the masquerade ball at the armory New Year's eve. Red Cross, Saturday night. Big time. Special features. Every member come. Lost. A pocket book containing $15. in gold and some small change in sil ver. Finder will be rewarded by leav ing the same at this office. Strayed. A dapple grav mare, with a halter round her neck. Will pay $3 re ward for her return to me or informa tion as to her whereabouts. H. C. Schwartz. For Sale, Dec. 13th and 14th Useful and fancy articles, in the room formerly occupied by Miss Coates, above Mc Guire Bros. By the ladies' aid of Bel mont. Letters remained in the post office, Dec. 9th, for H. M. Allen, A. E. Mo Lane and R. L. Nicholson. The Misses Vida Thomas and Rachel Thomas of White Salmon are new pupils :n the Hood Kiver school. Anti-Dustine No dust arises in sweep ing floors when it is applied. For sale at the Wall Paper Emporium. If you desire improved or unimproved orchard land, it will pay you to see or address Burnette E. Duncan. Paint, mixed to match all colors and shades without extra charge,at the Em porium. Paper napkins and all kinds of fancy tissue paper at the Emporium. Finest, selection of artists' materials juBt arrived at the Emporium. T? R Amlreus. after an flhseiica of nearly a year in Kansas, returned to Iioou Kiversaturaay. Council Proceedings. Regular meeting of the common coun cil was held Monday evening. Present Mayor Brosius, Aldermen Bell, Blow ers, Barnes, Luckey and McDonald, Ke- Vi.tlruliaon Marshal Olinffftr. Committee on streets and public prop- i 1 !. eri y, io wnom was reicrreu hid mw of opening First street to the Columbia, reported that, under the new charter, first steps would have to be taken by or- .I..-;... - .ii.iMin Kir tltn nitv Blirvnvnp. On motion of Barnes, the report was accepted ana committee cunuuueu. Luckey moved that the mayor appoint a City surveyor. Adopted. Special committee on the matter of l. P. .Inn. hi a at root, rpnortad thev . I iy (-1 .1 vvu. ....... . . - , . had no report to make. Chairman Mc Donald said tnere was no petition iroiii the property owners on the street to close it. Report adopted and committee discharged. -McDonald, from special committee on .......l. ..;.,. a lit fitr nitv hall And tail. fiuiltianiug m .ww . i reported that nothing had been done.by the committee. E. L. Smith refused to sell on terms asked for. Keport accept ed and committee discharged. McDonald, from special committee on ,i,n.iwl fhnfr tha cnrnmittaa had notified Surveyor Paget that his prop- osition was accepieu, anu me wmiuiim now awaits ins action, ttepori atx-cjiwu and conimitue continued. i i.ir.r mm fiiwrinl cnmmitieeon the L'l....i,i.. 1 ;.rl,t C.i 'a nrnnnaitioil to light the streets, reported that the committee had hem no meeting. .... ii mnvnil that tliA electric lient proposition be laid on the table till next meeting. tarneu. Ordinance requiring sidewalks to be laid on Oak street, between First and Fourth, to conform to the established I .. .iiul 4tr.it rmntintr. Bills were allowed as follows: Judges and glerks of election W F tirebaugh, $1.5011 C J Haves, $1.25; Thus Clark, $1.25; L Clark, $1.25; J H Dukes, $1.25. Marshal Olinger, two months salary, $(i0; E. R. Kradley, election ballots and i;.,o ititiii- HivnHi ml Underwood. removing dead cow, $2.00; Mt. Hood Stage t o., hauling lumoer, uicu wood house, four meals,$l; Glacier, publishing ordinances, f 1. 1 i..Ti...,.,i.l ...mnl i hat instead of va illWUHlMV ....... ......... ...ri ..f Columbia street, the ground wanted by, the Davidson Fruit i lu. leasea to urcui m iiummm rc-iiiai. , in ......a mnvikl that m committee be ...l appointed to look into the legality of Kia afreet. farritHl. leitaiufi 'i v. v ti... ..am n.nmiillmt wail atiiKiinteu Blowers moved that the surveyor, when appointed, t instructed to lay out the extenf:'n of First street, north, as provided by the cnarier. turrwu, On motion of McIKjuald, the judiciary ... ...itii itiutritrr! tit report an ordinance defining the duties and fixing the compensation oi me urvcyw. V L'..n. hi ranted lirlvileiW to address the council. He thought it due the Electric Light Co. that some action be taken on the proposition made by the company to light the streets. He asked that it either be turned down or accept ed in whole or in part. The council Droceeded to canvass the returns of the late city election. Blowers moved that the candidates found to liave received the highest num ber of votes be declared elected. Carried. Adjourned. . Hunter's Thrilling Experience. Ike Nealeigh and young Dave Purser went hunting Sunday. Ike, shot a squirrel and it lodged in the fork of a pine tree. Dave decided he could get the squirrel by climbing a leaning oak tree. The tree leaned over a bluff near Tucker's mill. He reached the squirrel and dropped it to the ground, then stepped back on a limb of the oak to make his descent, meanwhile holding to a limb of the pine tree above his head. Tlie oak limb cracked and he swung back. He again placed his feet on the oak limb, and this time it not only cracked but fell to the ground. This left Dave swinging lit .the air 35 leet above rocky precipice. Ike was near ly paralyzed when he saw what a pre dicament Dave was in ; but he saw at a lance that the best thing the boy could o to gain the top of the limb he held io was o inrow nis legs over u m me manner of "skinning the cat." He yelled to Dave to "skin the cat." Dave said he couldn't bad never learned that trick. Ike insisted he must, but the boy didn't feel like taking his first lesson at "skinning the cat" while sus pended 85 feet in the air over a pile of rocks. Ike then ordered him to climb hand nvar hand to reach the Dine tree. The boy obeyed this time and reached the ground safely, but bis wrists were fearfully scratched by the rough bark oi the pine tree. "Philippines and Fllllpliios." Christmas comes once a year, but Rev. W. S. Gilbert, pastor of the Calvary Presbyterian church of Portland, and formerly chaplain of the Second Oregon in the Philippines, doesn't come that often. However, he will lecture at the United Brethren church Monday even ing, December 16th, at 8 o'clock. His subject will be, "Philippines and Filli- pinos, as seen in Uamp, field and Hos pital." Prof. J. B. Horner of the state agricultural college and Dr. Frank Strong, president ot tne state university at Eugene, will also lecture under the auspices of the Brotherhood of Andrew and Philip later on. A collection will be taken to defray expenses. Saw Death Near. . 'Itoften made my heart ache," writes L.C.Overstreet.of Elgin,Tenn., "to hear my wife cough until it seemed her weak and sorelungs would collapse. Good doc tors said she was so far gone with con' sumption that no medicine or earthly help could saw her, but a friend recom mended Dr. King's New Discovery and persistent use oi tnis excellent nieui cine saved her life." It's absolutely guar . - --, , ...... ... . ,r anteed for coughs, colds, bronhitis, asthma and all throat and lung diseases. Due ana $1 at Cha8.N.CIark's. Trial bottles free. Trotunit nf t.ha Mnrn Ohaarvpr evidently has been taking lessons in hniioelteeninir. Ha flnva:"The richtwav . i. ZuZi .1 i... LU UlHKe a ucu is w clicia;ii LUC U11UCI sheet tightly over the mattress, then fold nnrlav hw liftino thA mflttrAHB ti nana the sheet underneath, now draw the up- i .i.i.. i i i i i i. ler sneei sinoouny tutu nisu iuiu iv un o, at thn ainVa anrl font rif t.h ma.rt.rpaa fimnnlli tVtA hlanttct anil anrpail aa p.anh is placed and the result will be a fault lessly made bed. Air your bed room every nice forenoon, sumer and winter." Oregon has 5,740 pensioners, drawing $749,310 annually. Free Entertainment. The ladies' aid society of the U. B. church will give a free entertainment Friday evening at the gymnasium hall. Besides the literary and musical feat ures of the programme, there will be some irvm nasties by the young men, in eluding the wonderful performance of the great and only clown, ine ladies will have their new calendars for sale, Sneak early if vou wish one, for the number is limited. The following pro gramme will be rendered : Mualc, "Love Slave," Gavotte, stringed in- insiruinem mm, it. uumuie, oiihh cuiri nun. Mra. Huilev. Mr. Wentworth. Recitation "The Baby in the Car" Vera Allen. HoiiR-"WhBt Will You Give for Me, Papa?" (?A.t.hrvn Hartley. Recitation "1ecture by One of the Sei." Mm. Zoe C. Bhafl'er. Honir "Come flay House with Me." Vera and Mettle Allen. Music "Daughter of Love." Stringed In struments. Ovm Exercises Scientific bait punching, C. N. Clarke; Tumbling, various members; HorlKmtAl bar exercises, uruno ran. Born. In Hood River valley, Dec 5, 1901, to Mrjtnd Hi. J.h. Harbison, a son. In Hood River valley, Dec. 6,1901, to Mr.and Mrs. Jerome wens,a aaugnter. Church Notices. Vallev Christian Church. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Preaching at 11 a. m. Endeavor at e:H0 p. m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Subject of evening discourse, "The Land of the Pha raohs, Illustrated Dy me siereopucon.rreacn Inir at C rapper school boose at S o'clock. A 11 notwonihlppingelsewhereare cordially Invit ed to atienu. i. w. jenaini, pasior. Cnnarefatlonal Chnrch. Rev. J. L. Hersh ner, paauir. Preaching service with worship at 11 a. m. Subject- "TheTwentleth Century and the Sunday School. Sunday school work ers especially invited to this morning ser vice. U. Fj. service I u. in. uemmr iihi Ronth. Sublect. "Imperialism vs. Christian ity." Rev. J. L. Hershner will preach at the Uolumma scnooi nonse ounuay at o p. ui. TTnltLd Brethren Chnrch. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. Y. P. S. (J. E. at :) p. in. Prayer servleelevery Wednesday evening, at 7:H0. Strangers In the city will be cordially welcomed, li. u snai- ner, pastor. L. D. S. Chnrch. Preaching at 11 a m and 7 p m at the new rnurcn. Sunday scnooi at s o'clock in the afternoon. Everybody is wel come. For Sale. flood team of horses. harneM and hack complete, worth fJGQ cash. Price $100. Now come a running. inAiiutvunini. HOLMAN & SONS. Harness&Repairing Having purchased the complete outfit of E. D. Calkins in the harness line, we are pre pared to serve the public with new harness or do repairing on short notice. Promptness and sHtlsrai-iory work will be our inouo. Shoe repairing a speeia it v. da J.T. HOLMAN SONS. NOTICE. REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLK. In the matter of the application of David A Turner. U nwlster the title to lot numbered One (11 In block numbered Poor Ml of Wlnans addition to the town (Dowellylol hihki tuver, county of w asco ana state oi urefon. To Mrs. O. P. Dodge, C B. Oabrlel and Mrs. C. It. Uabrlel, bis wire, ana an to wnom 11 may concern: TAKE NOTICE. That on the th day of November, A. D. A. turner In the circuit court of Wasco coon- ty for Initial reglstnittoB of the title of the land above dwribed. Now, unless )ua ap pear ou or before the lath day of la-wiiiher, A l MM. and show cause whv said applica tion should not be granted, the ssme will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be ca tered according to the prayer of the applica tion, and you will be ftsrvver barred fruiu dis puting ttoeaame. W itnens my band and the seal of said court hereunto affixed this 1-lh day of Novem- Job Inland Henderson, attorney for ap plicant. niil day Specials. Our useful holiday articles are arriv ing, and we are prepared to show you the biggest values going. We bought our goods right, and our prices will con vince you that we are asking smaller profits than you must pay elsewhere for inferior goods. . Neckties. A magnificent assortment men's flue Tecks, 25c grade 20c Men's Band Bows, 20c grade 15c Men's Band Bows, very pretty, 25c grade ., 20c Men's 4-in-hand Ties 15c up Special A line of the most beautiful coloring of richest silks, ALL NEW IM PORTED GOODS Tecks 60c; 4-iu-hand 75c Gloves. Men's fine Kid Gloves, lined or un- lined, first-class goods direct from factory $1.00 What the Ladies Say: "I never had anything wear like your $1.0 1 Gloves." It's net a dream ; they do wear. THE PEOPLE S STOKE. STORE , 49th SATURDAY 14-inch Alfred Williams. Sheffield make, you pay 35c elsewhere for same 23 cents. , 15 tents each, Infants' fleece-lined Vests. 25 cents per pair, Ladies' and Misses' Wool Hose 60 cents per garment, Men's fleece-lined Underwear. 75 cents per suit, "The Melba" Union Suits for ladies. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. Photograph Albums, 40c, 50c, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Autograph Albums, 5c, 10c, 20c, 25c and 75c. Juvenile Books, 5c, 8c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 48c and 63c. "Chatterbox," the famous and popular children's book, 85c. Paint Books, containing non-poisonous paints, 50c. Crokinole Boards, $1.15 each ; Checker Boards, 15c and 25c. Pearl handle Gold Pens in silk plush cases, $1.00 each. Fountain Pens, $1.50; Artistic-back Playing Cards, 50c. Mexican hand-carved Leather Purses, gold frame, 50c. Link Cuff Buttons, gun metal, and other late styles, 50c. Violins, Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos, Xylophones, Zoboes", Harmonicas, Horns. Drums, etc. BEAUTIFUL BASKETS, JAPANESE THE LITTLE STORE Dallas' The UptoDate Store Corner Oak and Main, Will show an interesting line of Xmas suggestions, such as are usually found in first-class Dry Goods stores, embracing everything in our line.. For ladies and gentlemen looking for Nice High-grade Gift.s Our selections will surely appeal to you. Come to us for ANY THING in our line. FOR LADIES Furs of every description, Fancy Neckwear, t Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Feather Boas, , Dressing Sacques, Purses, Chatalaines. 1 And innumerable other just as suitable Xmas presents, which will be found at headquarters for Dry Goods, Clothing, Overcoats, Shoes and Fancy Goods The Up-to-Date Store. Yours truly, FRANK A. CRAM. Christmas Goods , COLE & GRAHAM'S. We have the largest stock -of Christmas Candies ever brought to Hood River. Candies of all makes and designs, and at prices that will astonish you for their cheapness. Our Christmas goods in other lines are also better than ever. We make a specialty of. Smoking Goods, v And onr store is the place to fiud what you want when you wish to treat yourself or your friends to a fine cigar or box of cigars, or some thing in the line of Meerschaum, Briar, Wood, Clay or Corncob Pipes. We have what you want. Prices were never more reasonable. TROPICAL FRUITS AND NUTS, always in stock at our store, will be the best the market affords tor the holiday trade. Do not FORGET that Coes' have a well-selected stock of oys, AND XIIAS GOODS. When yon select your gifts be sure to see our stock firnt, for we anticipated your wants and can Mipp1' tliem. We have all the bfrt Games, Iron Tovs, While Enamel Tov Furniture, Pyrographie Nov elties, Ieather Goods, everything in raiicy China, St'riscoe8 and Views, I'boto and Auto Albums, Panetries.'Gift liixik that yon can't resist. Booklets and Cards, Dolls, Drums, Sleds, Mechaniral Toy?, a beautiful line of Souvenir views and mailing cards, CaK-mUrs, etc. Yours for business, GEO. F. COE & SON, "When yoo see it in our ad it's so." 100 dozen llanderchiefs received for holidays. Our assortment includes lat est designs and daintiest of patterns. 2 cts for phild's picture hanx. 5 cts for lace-trimmed ladies' hanx. 5 cts for insertion trimmed ladies' hanx. 5 cts fqr silk embroidered ladieti' hanx. Values equally good for 10c, 15c and up. These are "too good to keep." If you I see them you will buy them. . Sensation in Jewelry. Our stock of gold-filled Chains, Rings, Stick Pins, Studs, etc., on sale at lees than cost to close. $5 chain for $2. $1.50 stick pin for U5c. 50c stick pin for 20c. Everything in proportion. It's our Iobs and your gain, but we want part of the money invested, and you will be de lighted to see what a fine present you can buy with so little money. Any of the above will make a most acceptable Xmas present. Men's Box Coals at cost. NEWS. SURPRISE SALE. standard grade Butcher Knives; NOVELTIES, CELLULOID NOVELTIES WITH LITTLE PRICES. Corner FOR MEN Sweaters, New Neckties, Gloves, Mittens, Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Mulders, Hats, Slippers, AT- Games Mackintoshes rWe are closing out our stock of mackintoshes at sale prices. See them if you want Bargains. - Our stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's underwear is complete. We have the best values in shoes ever shown in Hood River, and our prices are as low as the good quality of the goods will justify. bone & Mcdonald. )VSni. XftHET I Goodyear rnhLiiV-t' Nw Equal to any $5 Shot OR SOU 'ivlf J At jaat daM Bat Vmfi Manufactured "j- Ju ' " a-"' WITH 9 c 1 fiO&Ota ShOO COa ST. PAUL. MINN. FORSALELBY bone & McDonald. Candy? Wall, I should say so! The largest and most complete .line ever brought to Hood River.' Also, nuts and fruit in great variety at JENSEN'S A beautiful 12 Doll to be given away before Christmas. Each 25c purchase entitles you to a chance on it. Special rates on home-made candies. For YOU to Remember When you need anything in the line of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS, You should call on CHAS. N. CLARKE, PROPRIETOR OF The Glacier FURNITURE married ; funeral director and embalmer. s. e. BARTMESS. The Prather Investment Co., The Reliable Real Estate Agents. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. ;ts, Conveyaicis, Real r - W Lots and Blocks for Sale. Taxes paid for non-residents. Township Pints and Blanks in stock. Telephone 51. EWiilleE Sh Need no introduction to the old settlers of this Valley, but for the ben efit of newcomers we wish to say that these Shoes are positively un excelled for hard service. When you want a pair of Shoes that will WEAR, try Miller's. A. Hood River Pharmacy WILLIAMS & BROSIUS, Proprietors Headquarters for everything you need in Patent Mm, Mi Dims; Soaps, Miss, BRUSHES OF ALL KINDS. Prescriptions Our Specialty. EMMA MEAT MAM McGuire Bros. nEALKR IS Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard, Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. Free Delivery. Phone 3ft. X ot I c e:-HTTi :G Rnu?ToNOF LAND TITLE. In tlif innltpr of the application of Iiavld A. Turner, to mtUier the lit le t' lot numbered Koim4 in hl-k nuinlreti fr'otir (4i ot Wl mtnti illinon lo the town tnnw rlly) of Hood Hiver, county of W amn anil Male of Oregon. To Mm. li- 1'. IKHlt-e and all to whom It may ouncern: TAKK NOTICE. ThHt on the !th day of November, A. H. lflOl, an nppliration wn filed by wild Iiavld A. Turner in theeireuit court of Wancocounty for initial nuMratnm of the title of the land atiove ilimrriiHMl. Now, nnlem yon apiiear on or helore the 1Mb. dity of llecentlier, A.I.. 1H01 and ftmw calic why Haiti application should noi te Kntr.teri. the game will be taken aacon kn'd, and a decn-e will be entered according n the prayer of the application, and you will be ftrvver barred tnmt disputing the mm. Wltnc-) my harH and Hie .eni of Raid cnirt , , hereunto atti led -iw 121 h day of No I1" ' veniber.A.I'.lil. A. K. I.AKK, Clerk. John Iceland Hendernoo, attorney r ap plicant, nljdli $l(f Worth for 60c. I will wnd to any farmer Ihe following three r'ii for cent iih ulatnpni: 1. rtr the pr'Venlion of hog cholera. 2. Kor the preYentlon of chicken lice. 3. f or the protection of yonr fruit treea aguinvt n.hhit peeling off the bark of Uvea. I n.-rantHe the receipt to do Ihe work. Ad- drem Hoi the liaiun. oreiron. SHOE for .WOMEN. GORRECJJQ50SMOR - CjJ9 HMU1T FIT THE FEET mSnmSu on Ids Market Inilat cm hla nttlni took tnm OKUIliU Pharmacy The young man loves the young woman ; That's his business. The young woman loves the young man ; That's her business. The young man and young woman get That's the preacher's business. They will need furniture, carpets, wall paper and building material ; That's my business. Estate, met to Loan.Iiii Correspondence solicited. oes S. BLOWERS & SON. NOTICE. REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLK In Ihe matter of the application of Laura K. Turner to revlHter the title lo lot numbered Three (3) In block numbered Konr () of Wl nans addition Ui the town (now eityi of Hood Kiver, county of Wanco and state of Oregon. To Mra. O. P. Itodge. M. C. Hlout and Isabella Hloat, and all to whom It may concern: TAKK NOTICE. That on the dth day of November, A.I). 1901 , an application waa filed by said Laura K. Turner In the circuit court of Waaeo county r Initial registration of the title of the land above described. Now. unless yoa appear on or before the lMh day of December, A. 11. mil. and show cause wby said application should not be granted, the same will be taken as con fessed, and a decree will be entered accordlnc to the prayer of the applii'ation, and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. Witness my band and the seal of said court ., . hereunto atftxed this 121 b day of No reniber.A.D.lMil. A. K LAK K, Clerk. John Leiand Henderson, attorney for ap pl leant, nlidU NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Omtron, No. Jg, lrtll. Nmice Is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has Hied notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at The Iiallea, Oregon, on Monday, January f, Itui, via: RALPH BOOTH, of Walla Walla, W ash., H. K. No. &M, fhrthe south northeast i and south y, northwest section XT, township t norUi, rauge 11 eaet. He names the following witnesses to prova his con un u sis residence apoa and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Wyalt Htark. Kami Stark, (ieorre Wood and twsorge Ireland, all of Miatler, Oregon. na)1 . JAY P. LLC AS, Krister.