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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1901)
'Kood iiver Slacier, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1901. A "Ciller' Anion? u Taklu' Jole. E. II. Woodward, editor of the New berg Graphic, who was in Hood River for several days, a short time ago, has thin to say of Hood River in his paper: Four hundred dollars an acre sounds like a pretty stiff price for land but thev a8k it here without a shrug of the shoul ders and then catch their breath in time to make a raise in price before you close the deal. About the hotels you hear little else but "strawberries" and "big apples." Growers made good money this season on berries and it is expected next season's cron will be one-third larger. An elderly gentleman from the East, who talks "apples," is Here snow inir his faith in the business. He owns extensive apple orchards in Colorado and also in Arkansas, ana nas nna long experience handling fruit, lie nas in vested in extensive apple lands hew and. talks like a veteran of Baldwins and lien Davis. Then there is "Hood River Smith," who is known all over Oregon as the champion heavy weight in an argument in favor of Hood River apples. Just now he is not doing it by back talk but is out of town six or seven miles tip the valley looking after his crop. He lias a fine home in town and is one of the fortunate ones who got in on the ground floor and helped lay the foundation for the present prosperity of the place. There are lots of Smiths in Oregon but very few localities have a "Hood River pninn ana mere is wnere uiey miss it. Wm. Yates, who has looked after the U. S. mail at this point for the past four vears, is a relative of the late Governor Yates of Illinois, a very efficient iniblic servant. The office was in the fourth class list when he took charge of it but it has been advanced to the third class and now pays a salary of $1,500 a year. Mr. Yates has a very neat, up to date office and the significant notice, "No Smoking," adorns the walls. B. F. Blythe, editor and publisher of the Glacier, gives the people a first-class local paper w hich seems to be appreciat ed, as his subscription list is large already and still growing. Mr. Blythe worked at the case in Portland in pio neer days but of later years he finds life at Hood River more to his liking, where he alt mates between the Glacier office and a nice little lierry and fruit ranch a little ways out of town. He also owns an elegant home in town overlooking the Columbia and surrounded by massive oaks, for which Hood River is noted. The most widely known character of the litte city is Dr. W. L. Adams, a pioneer of 1848, who got his start in old Yamhill. In company with the Glacier scribe, the writer spent an hour in the home of Dr. Adams, and listened to him teil of ye olden time and of the early po litical history of Oregon, with which the old pioneer, who is now 82 years of age, is very familiar. At one time he pub lished the Argus, at Oregon City, in op position to the Oregonian which was ed ited by Thos. Dryer, and the war must have been carried on after the true Western style, as Mr. Adams says he carried two revolvers and a big knife at all times, in order to be ready for all emergencies that lie thought were liable to be met. Speak ing of the present site of New berg, he said he sold some property at Astoria for $3,400 in an early day, and coming up the river he landed here and footed it across the country with the hard cash stuck in his boot legs, which made walk ing rather heavy. Before leaving Yam , hill county he sold what is known as the Thompson farm, over beyond North Yamhill for $28,000. Dr. Adams has a wonderful memory for names and dates and he has been urged many times to write a history of the early settlement of Oregon, which he is fully competent even at his advanced age to do. When you have a little spare time to spend away from home, by ail means take a trip up the Columbia, and a stop-off at Hood River will not be out of the wav. Hood River Urowg It. They raise a strawberry in Oregon of so firm a texture that it stands a five day trip from the coast and is placed up on the markets of the central West in perfect condition. These berries come on after the home product of the central Western states is gone. We should like to know something more about this berry. Iowa State Register. Medals for Hood River, The following named fruit growers of Hood River and Mt. Hood received med als at the Buffalo exposition, as follows: Gold Medals. E. L. Smith, Wm. Ehrck, Geo. Booth, W. P. Watson. Silver Medals. C. L. Rogers, W. W. Nason, G. J. Gessling, E. L. Smith. Bronze Medals. W. J. Baker, Fred Knndson, D. R. Cooper, G. A.MeCurdy, B. R. Tucker, F. G. Church, H. C, Bateham, W. W. Nason. W.P.Watson also received honorable mention for coin exhibited. The state of Oregon received medals in the horti cultural division as follows: Gold med als, 17; silver medals, 18; bronze med als, 51 ; honorable mention, 22. County School Superintendent Gilbert is making his semi-annual visits to the various schools in the county and hopes to make the rounds of all the districts lietween now and the holidays. He says from the information at liana the attend ance of schools throughout the countv is better than it has ever before been dur ing the fall terms. New districts are Iieing created, wherever necessities de mand, and Mr. Gilbert says it is evident to him that there is increased interest Iieing taken in educational matters throughout Wasco county. Hood River's school has an attendance of over 300 and six teachers are employed. This school is doing very excellent work and is the liest in the county outside of the Dalles. The attendance in the school at Pine Grove, in Hood River Valley, has so in creased that it has been found necessary to employ a second teacher. According to the records of the United States land office at The Dalles, Wasco county has still 512,408 acres of land that is open to settlement. Of this 333, 348 acres are surveyed and 179,000 un surveved. The total area of the county is 1,7(11, 000 acres. Of this 23,530 acres have "been reserved and 1,225,062 acres appropriated under the various land laws. Between January 1st and Nov. 1st of the present year 280 new homestead entries have been made in the countv, covering 44,000 acres of land, while proofs have been made on 65 homesteads, 18 commuted homesteads, 4 timber cul tures, cash entries, and 10 timber and stone entries. The last legislature made a radical change in the mode of collecting taxes. If taxes are paid in full by the 15th of March, a rebate of 8 per cent is allowed ; if one-half are paid by the first Monday in April. the balance can be paid on or In-fore the first Mondav in (X-tober. If taxes are delinquent after the first Mon day in October, 12 per cent interest from the riot Monday iu April will be charged and collected. Why is a dirty boy like flannel? Be cause "he shrinks from wasihn. Death of E. E. Savage. '-Edward Everett Savage died at his home in HoodHiver, Oregon, at 6:40 o'clock a. in., Nov. 21, 1901. The cause of his death was cancer of the stomach. He took his bed Oct.l2,for the last time. He leaves a widow and two sons Charles Savage of San Francisco, and Ralph Savage of Hood River. Mr. Sav age was born in Augusta, Maine, Sep tember 15, 1848. In 1856 his parents moved to Butler county, Iowa, w here the subject of this sketch grew to man hood and engaged in business. Among other enterprises he published a . news paper at Parkersburg, Iowa,and also at Shell Rock, Iowa. He was i married March 17, 1809, to Mary Elizabeth Bur dick, at New Hartford, Iowa. For a number of years he was in theemploy of the New England l.oan & Trust Co., at Sioux Falls, Des Moines and Omaha. He came to Hood River in February, 1894, and engaged for Several years in farming and fruit growing. For the past 18 months he was engaged in the hardware trade in Hood River, and in that time had built up a good business. He was a member of Hood River Lodge No. 105, A. F. and A. M., inwhich order he was a past master. Mr. Savage was universally respected, not only for his many noble "qualities as a man and a citizen, but also for his great abilities and general knowledge. Ho was self-made and a remarkable man in many respects. An accom plished parliamentarian, he could preside gracefully and with digni ty over a deliberative body, or w as at home at the blacksmith's forgo, or in a carpenter shop, or in a printing office. He was learned in the law, had mastered several languages, could report a speech in shorthand and was an adept at the deaf and dumb alphabet. At all times reserved, he never put himself forward, and a stranger might not have taken him to be the erudite scholar and ac complished gentleman that he . was. He was a man that would have done honor to himself and a constituen cy in the halls of congress. Iu politics he was a life-lomr renublican. In the death of Mr. Savage llood River loses its most accomplished and useful citizen. Funeral at 2 o'clock, Fridav.November 22d, from Masonic temple. , White Salmon Newt. Mrs. A. H. Jewett went to- Portland Tuesday for a short visit. Miss Mary Cheyne has accepted a position in Spokane, as a teacher, and will leave for that place next week. The Artisans will give a dance in Lau terbaek's hall on Thanksgiving evening. T. Wyera and daughter, Miss Minnie, went to Fulda, Wash., Friday morning. Miss Francis Hendryx and Wesley Locke were married Sunday afternoon at the home of P. Groshong. Frank Moore of Trout Lake was in town Tuesday, on his way to Portland. Don't fail to come to the social, to be given at the Congregational church Fri day evening, Nov. 22d. W. F. Stadelman was in from Trout Lake Wednesday, and went to The Dalles before returning home. Mrs. Nellie Stewart and her father, A. Cheyne, were here this week looking for a house to rent. They expect to move in two or three weeks. Rev. Dillinger will preach in the Con gregational church Sunday, the 24th. ' Frank Moore went to Portland last Monday and returned the latter part of the week. He reports a very enjoyable trip. Misses Anna Wetherell and Anna Reynolds returned home Monday even ing after a short visit at Carson, Wash. - X. Trout Lake Items. R. A. Snider, the celebrated dentist from Portland, was out last week to pull teeth. He extracted every tooth in Trout Lake with the exception of two, which were eye-teeth. They we're so long that Dr. Snider was afraid thieves of the patient might be injured. "He made his stopping place at W. F. Stad elman's. August Wagnitz, wno has been quite sick for a while, went to Portland about two weeks ago to see a doctor. We hope he is improving. Fred Moore is taking care of the family while August is away. The Artisans gave a social dance last Saturday evening.Nov. 2d, at D. F. Mor row's. A good time was had by all pres ent. . . , ,. W. F. Stadel man was a White Salmon visitor a few days ago. Nine new Artisan members were ititia ted last Saturday, Nov 10th. Charles Marble informs us that ' he will no longer drive the meat wagon up to Trout Lake. He made his last trip Saturday. Y. A Great Circus. The Masque Skating Carnival to be held Wednesday evening, Nov. 27, the evening before Thanksgiving, will be the greatest and most amusing affair ever given here. The costumes will all be new, and the many novel features intro duced will make it worth your while to attend. The laughing you will do will give you a good appetite foryour Thanks giving dinner. Take the children, go and enjoy yourself; you wont regret see ing the coons do the cake walk on skates. or the grand scramble for the yellow legged chicken, fcach spectator will be given a numbered ticket and the one holding the lucky number will get a fine fat turkey. Remember, next Wednes day night, Nov. 27th.' Qnincjr Lee Morrow. Great reform movements produce great orators. The abolition movement gave us Beecher, Sumner, Phillips, Lin coln. The temperance reform has given to the country a galaxy of star orators Goigh,Fincli,Franoes Willard, Woolley, uieKey. uur community .is fortunate in the opportunity to hear one of the foremost of the vounirer veneration of advocates of this great reform in the person of Qnincv Lee Morrow of Indiana, who speaks iu the Mondav, wov. Zi at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. The Evening Telegram of Providence, R. I., said :"Mr. Morrow delivered the ereat- est lecture heard here in twenty vears." AUDiismon win De iree and the public coruiany invited. Temperance Confemee. Rev. Quincy Lee Morrow of Indiana will preside at the temperance confer ence to be held at the M. E. church Monday afternoon and evening, Nov. 25, at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. Rev.F.R. Spauld ing and Mrs. H. C. Shaffer will also ad dress the meeting in the evening. Good singine. Admission free. Election Notice. Notice Is hereby given that on the third rtav of Iieremher, ld. at the A. O. V. W. hall Iu the el I. vol Hood River, county ofWunuuw of Oregon, an election will I held for cily office rs, namely: tine mayor, to serve one year two aldermen, U serve one year thre aldermen, U serve two years: one recorder, to serve one jean one treasurer, to servo one I'Mi; wnirn election will be held at torlnck n th morning and will continue nntll In the afternoon of said dar. Judgeeof Hrrtkjn J. H. nnken I.n.rk Thoa. Clark. Clerks Helbert Rand and U J. nayea. Dated this 2M day of November, 1VOI. 4. It. MCKELSEX, City Rwrder. The barn of R. Heyting, at Lyle, con taining 100 tons of hay, was destroyed by fire November 10th. Loss, $l,(i00. There are very few apples suitable for shipment sold in Portland. Some pret ty fair apples are sold at retail at $1 per box, but the bulk of those for sale would in ordinary years be unsalable and they retail at all kinds of prices from 50 cents a box up. For really good apples, prop erly packed, the retail price is from $1.25 to $1.75 per box. Rural Northwest. We learn from the Goldendalo Senti nel that J. F. Reed died at his home in th Horse Shoe Bend country, Klickitat county, Nov. 9th. Mr. Reed at one time lived in Hood River and owned a place in the Crapper district. His age was 63. He was a veteran of the civil war and served in the 33d Missouri. He was the father of Charles Reed of Hood River. Thomas M. Whitcomb, an old settler and prominent citizen of Klickitat coun tv.Wash., died at his home at Lyle, Nov. 5th. Mr. Whitcomb was a resi dent of Hood River valley from 1874 to 1876, and owned the place now owned by M. B Potter. He was a veteran of the Mexican and civil wars. (reat Luck of an Editor. "For two years all Efforts to cure Ec zema in the palms of my hands failed," writes Editor II. N. Lestor, of Syracuse, Kas.,"tlien I was wholly cured by Buck liu's Arnica salve." It is the world's best foreruptions.soresand all skin diseases. Only 25c at Chan. N. Clarke's. Busy in Country, Too. Jlood' River, Nov.' 14, 1901. Editor Glacier : I noticed in last week's Glacier that you spoke of Hood River being such a busy town. Now, I am more than glad to hear this; but I want to call at tention to the fact that the surrounding country is also very busy. If yon don't think so, just take a spin around the block some fine clay and notice the new houses being built on every side. This with the improvements lately made in some portions of the road, makes a very pleasing sight for those who enjoy the building up of Hood River valley. Haysbkd. . That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills Ttiousandsof sufj ferers have proved their matchless merit forsick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and build upyourhealth Only 25cents.Money back if not cured. Sold by Chas. N.CIarke.druggist. WALL PAPER, Paints and Brushes, Oils and Glass. We have ready-mixed Paints, made by the oldest paint establishment In the world. Ev ery can bears the following guarantee: "If you have any fault whatever to find with this paint atany time, either now In the painting, or alter In the wearing tell your dealer about It. We authorize him to do what la right at our expense. But do your- seu ana us me justice to loiiow instructions. F. W. DKVOK A COMPANY." WILL PAPER EMPORIUM. JACKSON & FIREBAUGH, Painters and Decorators. Dressmaking. To the ladles of Hood River Valley: Miss M B. Ooss will do dressmaking or sewing at your home. Cuts by McDowell Garment uraugiuing mncnine. Kales 73c per day. Address MWS M. B iOSS, Hiaid River. Wanted. To let contract for clearing about 15 jcres near August l'aasch'g farm. Inquire at Gla cier omen. For Sale. An 80 acre tract of land. 1ft miles from Hood River: moNtly level and free from stone, with deep, loose anil, plenty water for Irrigation: a creek, a large spring; 10 acres fenced and most ly In meadow and bearing orchard. A good House, burns and cellars, t'rlce l,wu cash . ARTHUR HISHROW, Hood River, Or. For Sale. f one-yeaiwild male calves, one male calf 8 One 3.rpflr.nll cow nnoH-vnoMilfl hull turn mounts old, and one boar one year old. At iarmoi ii.ui.nKN, d!3 Underwood, Watih. Stockholders Meetine The regular annuel meeting of stockholders of the Hood River 'I'liinapnrtiulon and Bfxun Company will he held at the Hood River Transfer Co's office In Hood River. Tuesday, mwmoer hi, iwii, at zociock I', m., lor tne purpose of electing a board of directors and transacting any other business that may property uome oeiore ine nneMng. JP. . DAVIDSON, Secretary. New Establishment. Mrs. I E. Plersol has opened Dressmaking, Cutting and Kitting i'arlors np stairs in the Prattler building. Special attention given to ntuiig stout, lames, rrices reasonable. 10 Acres for Sale. Ten acres tine fruit hunt V. miles from town Prl lee . R .JLX HI N . Wagon for Sale. .A 2" Inch wagon, can be used double or single; giaxi as new. tan ie seen ac I u.(;0n Cue's barn. J. WAGKNBLAsT. Cockerels for Sale. At Everhart's ranch, mile east of Belmont church, a few Rose Combed White Leghorn icaereis. rricesi.tweacii. NOTICE. - REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLE. In the matter of the application of David A. Turner, to register the title to lot numbered Pour HI In block numbered Four Hi of Wt nans addition to the town (now city) of Hood River, county of Wasco and state 'of Oregon. To Mrs. f P. Dodge and all to whom It may concern: TAKE NOTICE. That on the Wh day of November, A. D. VM. an application was tiled by said David A. Turner In theeircult court of Wasco county for Initial registml ion of the title or the land above riewcriied. Now, unless vou appear on or before the 1Mb day of December, A.D.. Mil, and show cause why said application hoiiWi not be granted, the same will be taken a con fessed, and a cli ent will be entered according to the prayer of the application, and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. Witness my hand and tiie seal of said court fI ,i hereunto affixed this 12tb dav of No-'"-"'vember.A.D.lHtil. A. K. LARK, Clerk. John Leland Henderson, attorney for ap plicant. nl.idU NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. lind Office at The Dalles, Oregon. Nov. 7. 1!M. Notice is hereby given that the lollow-Ing-namcd settler has filed notice of hl Intention to commute an, I make final pi( iu support of hi claim, and that said pnf will be made beftn-e the Register and Hvt Iver at Tne I Mil lea, Oregon, on fviturdav, lieocem ber 2, l'.ll. vie ALIIKRT I. ANTONE. of Hood River, Oregon. H. K. N. . w the east l, southeast V northwest '4 south, l,. and southwest northeast secuon 2i,umn. ship i north, range east, VV. M. lie nan- the following wttiiemes to prove h!scontinuousreideMce upon and euilivalioti of. said land, ris: Way Rand, sw'ely Hand, Benjamin KadeW man and E. T. Winans. all of Hood Kiver. or. nl.Viai JAY P. WCA. Register. m WW Peanut Roaster. We have a peanut Roaster of latest, patern and can supply our customers with the best quality of peanuts, fresh roasted every day. Sample them. COIjKA liltAHAM. LegaTBlanks. A full line of Xegul Blanks for sale at Brad ley's Ikiok Htoro. Town Lots for Sale. Apply lo - .1. K. WAIT, Mee'y Kood HIverTownsite Co. Hereford Bull. Thoroughbred Hereford Bull for service at UK). U. I). WtMlDWORTH. .Tfirsisv Thill fnr Sa.lfi. A flrst-cluss Jersey bull, 8 years old, of the rat. ijtiinnei-i strain; reaisiereu. s27 A. it. BYRKETT. Pigs for Sale. A numlier ot I'ius for sale by nai J. A. HENDERSON, lllngen, Wash. Rogers Bros. 1847 goods a ihik Kioi'K 01 Iiuhih nnw, inn niiivnt, Korku, Hpoonw, etc, AH for wile at reasonnble Good Milk Cow Eorwileby C. A. ROHS. Stove for Sale. Second bund Cook Stove for snle by nat T. BlMHOP. HOME NURSERY, THE H. S. GALLIGAN, I'rop'r. Has a good assortment of the lending va. rletles of Apples, grown on WHOLE ROOTS, mat are amrnd lo none grown in tne sunn, All Stock Guaranteed. Money to Loan On Improved farms and good stock ranches at low rales and on long time, If wanted, state particulars and lowest amount wanted by writing or culling upon CHARLES K. HENRY, all - m Stark St, Portland, Or. MEAT MARKET. McGuire Bros. DKAXKRH 1S-- Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard, Poultry, . Fruits and Vegetables. Free Delivery. Phone 35. Call and See Us. I have now taken charge of the cutting de- fiartinent of Mrs. Clark's J )ress Making estah ishmcnt, and we are now prepared to do general dress making, also ladles' tailoring. All old customers and ulso new ones are re spectfully Invited to call and examine our work and gel our prices. 1 also conduct my Dress Cutting school In connection. Hours from 2 Ui 4 p. in. You should Inquire Into the merits oi this work. jane cuatkn, Manager Standard Dress Cutting School. -NEW- FEED STORE mile south of town, I have opened a Klonr ana eea iore. no need now to naui your feed up the big hill from town when you can ouy oi me at doiioiu prices. 1)22 D. P. LAMAR, NOTICE To Parllc Wauling- SI raw berry Land. I have a tract of land very suitable for above purpose, which I will lay off in tracts of 10, 20 or 40 acres each. The land Is well watered and located on the main county road, only 'iYt miles from Columbia river. Each tract will have frontuge on county road. For fur- thei information write to the undersigned at White Salinou, Wash., or come and see the land, only miles fiom L'nderwood Land ing and about same distance from Rankin fer ry. K. 1). CAMEROON Taken Up. Three calves, less than one year old. Own ers will pay lor this ad and take them away ior seeps. - . s. tiAieaiAM HOMESTEAD CONSOLIDATED NO TICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, October 28, IH0I.-Notice I" hereby given that the following-named settlers have filed notice of tneir intention tu commute and make final proof on their respective claims before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on naiuraay, ueeemner h. mil, vm: (iLEN R. EAH1UCK, on homestead application No. W74, for lot 7, north V, southeast H and southeast V. north, east, y. suction HI, township 2 north, range 9 runt,, , DELl'iERT E. RAND, on homestead nmilication No. MUS. for lots S. 9, 10 and 11, section 81, township 2 norlh.rangc V r,, O . ATI. Witnesses: Lee Morse. Lou Morse. W. B. Cole, D. E. Rand and Glen Eabrlek, all of llood River, Oregon. nlU8 JAY P. LUCAS, Register. notice- To Water Consumers. The rules of the company will be strictly followed alter this date. All who are delin quent niter tne 10th day of the month will be charged the full prlc?, viz: gl.rsl per month; the extra i'M going to the collector, who will shut off water at the main from residence where payment Is not promptly made, and it win not ne turned nu isguln until all arrear ages are paid. Beginning July 1st next, all waier rcrns win oeciiurged to owners ol rent ed bullillnirs Insteadofto the occupant. hood river spring water co. NOTICE. KKGLSTKATION LAND TITLE. OF In the matter of the application of David A. Turner, to register the title to lot numbered One tl) In block numbered Four (ti of Wimtm addition to the town (nowelt.v)of Hood River, county of Wasco und state of Oregon. To Mrs. O. P. Podge, C. B. Gabriel and Mrs. C. B. Gabriel, his wife, and all to whom It may concern: TAKE NOTICE. That on the lllh day of November, A. D. 11)01, an application was filed by said David A. Turner In Hie circuit court of Wasco nulli ty for Initial mrlMiHtion of the title of the lund above descrilted. Now, unless you np pcuron or before the ltilh day of December, A. D. ltOl.and show cause why said applica tion should not lie granted, the same will be taken as ifotitessed, and a decree will be en tered according to the oca ver of the apnllca Hon, and you will be forever barred from dis puting the same. "Witness my hand and the seal of said court hereunto attlxcd this 12th day of Novem- li-. j iwr. a, it. . r.. i.-ivr., i terK. John Leland Heudersou, ulliinic) lor ap- I'lll-HIO. III.MII3 NOTICE. HKGIST11ATION " OF LAND TITLE. In the matter of the application of I .aura E. Turner, to register the title ti lot miiuliercd Two (2 In blin k numbered Four (f ol Wluans addition lo the town (now city) of Hood River, county of Wasco and state of Oregon , To Mrs. O. P. Dodge, W. O. Ash, Mary A. Ash, Marlon McCart) and Louisa, McCarly, and all to whom it may coucern: TAKE NOTICE, That on the lllh day of November, A. D. HMil, an application whs filed by said lanra K. Turner in the etrcuil court of Wasco coun ty for Initial registration of the title of the land above devritied. Now, unless you aiv lear on or bciore (hebitlidav of liceember. A. D. Pull, and show cause why said applica tion should not be granted, the same will be taken as eon les!, mid a ileerc will be en tered according to ihe prayer of the applica tion, and you will be forever barred from dis puting the same. Witness my hand and the seal of said court ii 1 hereuntoadixed this 12th dav of No vemher,A.D.lH. A. E. LAKE, Clerk. John Iceland Henderson, attorney Mr ap pHeHiir nl.VUS NOTICE. I !TX. ivritA T ION OF LAND TITLE. In the matter of the application of Laura E. Turner to rt-citer the title lo kt number! Three (S) In bi,a-k nuuibeKj Four (4i of Wi nans addition lo ihe loa'n mow cilvi of Hood River, county of Wasco and state of Oregon. To Mrs. O. . Iwidgc, M, C. stoat and Isabella Hloul, and all to wttom it may concern: TAKE NOTICE, That on the H. h .lay of November, A.D. 101, an applira'ion whs filed by said I -sum K. iurncr tn ll.e cirrus! court of Utmncmiulr r Initial reeli ration of Ihe title of the land above teeri!ed. ,,w. unless vou appear on or helor Ihe P.lh dav of leeeiiilier, A. D. IMU, and fiow esu- whv aid application should not be nn.nt.-d. the sme wlil be taken aom less.'d, and a tlceree w ilt be entered a-eordlnr lo tne prayrr of the ai.nli. !i.,n. and yon w ill be forewr burred from (llplttng Itie anie. line- my hand and Ibesenl or said enrt r, . j hereunto ti vol this l1h dav of No 1 Ten.lT.A.IMl. A. F l-AKK, Clerk. John Leland HrnuVrsob. ait.Hrney for ni plicaut. nl'xlll 1 h islIPiS More Goods for Less Money than any store in Hood River. . ''After yon have xamined all the special ami reduced prices, come and get our prices. We will save you money. - We have just received a line of manufacturers' samples of Belts. We bought them cheap, and we'll sell them cheap. We have a very nice line of Outing Flannel that we are selling -at 4c ami up. 1 Babies' Hoods, good ones, at 20c and 25c. Nice Tarn Oshanters only 85c. We have nearly double our stock of Shoes and can now give you nearly anything you want, WE HAVE 80ME SHOES THAT WEAR. - Children's Outing Flannel Apron Dresses, only 25c. Towels, 5c and up. . , No. 8 Granite Iron Teakettles, only 70c. Everything Marked Down to the Last Cent. The stock of Clothing, Shoes, etc., carried ING STORE, must immediately. By order I. SCHWARTZ, Trustee. tali Ms to lie Soli Everything must go. No limit. No reserve. A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS: Men's 121-fc'c, 15c and 20c Linen Collars Trustee price 5c Ladies' 12ac and 15c Cotton Hose " " 7!aC Children's extra value 15c and 25c Hose. '. . " "" 10c ; Men's and boys' strong Web Suspenders ,. " " 15c Strong, durable Working Gloves " " 18c Ladies' 50c jersey-ribbed Underwear " " 25c Men's 50c and 75c Overshirts 14 " 35c Overalls, men's, 9 oz denim " " 35c Misses' 75c Combination Uuion Underwear " " 45c Men's heavy Fall Underwear, per suit " " 75c . Above but a sample of our values. A large stock of Hats, Shoes, Rubber Goods, men's, boys and ,'. 5 j children's Clothing, fit greatly reduced prices. Come and investi - gate. A good investment to buy now for your future wants. Denver Clothing Store ' - Opposite Bank, Hood River. I. SCHWARTZ, Trustee. IN THE LINE. With FIRST CLASS STAPLE And FANCY GROCERIES. &"Goods delivered to any part of the Ci(y.rl Your Patronage Solicited. H. 0. Books Magazines Stationery job Printing at BRADLEY'S BOOK STORE. 0"r Q STATIONERY and WRITING HATERIALS Comprises the Latest Styles and Qualities. ' We also have an extensive collection of Mr. L. Bradley's Magnificent Hood River and Columbia River Scenes, than which no more beautiful or acceptable gift could be made. Your patronage respectfully solicited, EI. R. BRADLEY. HANNA & HARTLEY, THE GROCERS, Are still doing business at the game old stand, and tin ir cash prices are pleasing their trail. We have no large bank account to boast of but believe in the old paying that "A nimble sixpence bcatn a Inr.y dollHr," therefore we are satinfled with Quick Sales and Small Fronts. COME AND Columbia Large assortment of choice Trees. year old Apple. WE CAN SUIT YOU. Send H. C. Hood River DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Fresh and Cured Meats. Pure Alfalfa Honey, as Cheap as Syrup. Ml I P. Furnishing Goods, Hats, by the DENVER CLOTH be converted into cash fearis of Furmer Prices. EVERHART. Agencyi THE OREGONIAN EVENING TELEGRAM SEE THE Nursery's Especially fine lot of one and two in your order early. BATEHAM, Propr. Commercial Co., LIST OF LANDS For Sale AND FOR RENT AT THE EMPORIUM. I. Lots in Waucoma Tark addition from f!0 to $160. 2. One thousand acres No. 1 orchard land, at $1.75 an acre. Also, flume and water privilege, w ith buildings and land ing at Drano, $2,500. Property of Ore gon Lumber Co. on east (ide of Little White Salmon ; must be sold together. 3. Eight acres off the VYV J. Baker place, known as the Ileffernan place; in strawberries; price, with crop, $1,000. 4. Twenty-five acres of the Silliman , place, East Kide; 18 acres in cultivation ; young orchard ; $75 an acre. 5. The Richard Kirbyson place of 20 acres on the Htate road; early straw, berry land ; price $1,500. 6. The north 40 acres of the Hender son place, miles west of town on the Belmont road ; $55 an acre ; or the east 10 acres of the south 40 at $100 an acre. Only one tract will be sold. 7. Barrett-Si pma addition; $75 per lot: $10 down and $5 per month; no interest. 8. 38 acres of the Monroe place, near Pine tirove school house; $700 cash. 9. Fine homestead of 160 acres on Rock creek near Davenport's. Price $1,000 $300 down, balance at 6 per cent. j 10. Lots in Hull's addition ; each lot level, 80 x 140 ; center of ball ground ; $150 each. II. 150 acres about 8 miles from Hood River on Mosier creek, new house, three acres in fruit, $700 cash, title perfect. 15. Lots in Henderson sub-division $37.50 a lot. Id. Thirtv-five acres land east of county road in John Monroe and J. M. Monroe homesteads; wild land; price $20 per acre. IS). The Glover farm, well improved, i miles from Goldendale; 240 acres; 140 acres in cultivation; 63 acres in winter wheat; 7 acres in hog pasture, with a creek running through it; all un der fence, with cross fences; large new barn and fine house. Price $12.60 an acre ; will take Hood River property in part payment. 21. N. S. E. H, 8- k N. E. K.'sec. 4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon ; fine timber hind ; $10 per acre. 22. The Emerson homestead, only one mile cant of town ; fine range; $1,500. 25. Two beautiful building lots near Robt. Rand's new house. Price $200 for the two. " 28. 529 acres, with much fir timber, including both falls on Hood river. Re fer to Butler & Co. 31. At Trout Lake, 80 a. ; 3 in timothy, cuts 8 tons a year; 50 a. in heavy saw timber, while nine, fir and cedar"; west fork White Salmon river runs through the place; price $1,250. 32. Emma G. Robinson's 100 acres on hills east of White Salmon, known as the Drver nluce: film timber: iinim. proved; $785. Eligible residence lots in Spangler'g subdivision, near cannon house; only $75; terms easy. 160 acres of land about 8 miles from Hood River on Mosier creek, new house, three acres in fruit, perfect title, $700, for sale at the Emporium. $200 to $1,200 to loan. At the Emporium is kept a first-class surveyor's transit, and the proprietor being a practical surveyor, is well pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying. N. B. Terms are easy on all t healiove lands, with interest at 6 per cent. Per sons desiring locations on homesteads and timber claims should apply at the Emporium. Tlinh r Ad June 3, lHTd.l NOTICE H)K PUBLICATION. United Stiiton Iud Office, Vnneouver Waxh., Sept. 11, iwii. Notice Ix hereliy given thiil in compliance wltli the provlHlonii of Ihe act of coiicresn of June H, lies, emit led "Anao for the khIc of flintier ImikIk In the HlateH of California, Oregon, Nevada and WaxliinKton territory," an extended to all the public land suili by act of Auuiial 4, IK'2, SIMON" It. K KKI'M Of Kulda, county of Klickitat, male of Waah- liiKUin.hiin Hi utility tiled In thin office lilnworu ulaleinelit No. 3H0 for the purcliaae of the outhucKt norlliwsl i,4, mid northwest W southeast of neci!on No. II, in township No. i north, rtinire No. II cant, W. M.. and will oner proof to allow that the land aoiiKhl. Is more valuable for lla tiiuher or atone than for agricultural inrtocK. anil lo eiuhiiui. io claim to anid land before the KcKlnter and uc-civer oi una onice at Vancouver, Waali.. mi Tucadnv, the 2Kth day of November, Imil. He name aa witnee: Halaev 1 Samuel M.t-oie and John Wyera of Kill. la. Wa", and Oeorire w . Gilmer of (il liner. Waah. Auv and all neraima claiming ai1pnrw.iv h above-dmrritM'd lmid are reuneaicil to nie their claim In thin nffl.-e On or before kmIi! iilh day of November, Uit. ii.-i . W. K. lH'N'BAR. Register. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. Ijnd Office at The llle. Oregon, Nov. 5, 'mi. Notice la hereby given that Ihe following-named wilier nan tiled not ice of ul.lnlei, tioti to make final rtroof in !.... of hla elnlni. and that mild proof will be nu uriore i .cor e i. rrainer. t;. H.tVininila loiier, at 111 Kiver, Oregon, on Friday. UiemlK-r !:, lil, vit; V KOIIKUT K. liOBKPTSON. f Hod tllver. Oregon. II. K. No. Mm, for the eal K BHiineaai i, section 7 and mutnweat nonhwext i4 and northweat i south weal i? ac tion, townihip 2 n rth, range II enot.w'M, He nam the .,i!ow!ng Diiiinwuuinnx hla in(nnm rol.lrllce uiajn and ruLticy. tionof aaitl laud.vil: : . '"". Krank Adama, H. Lage and H.r. K,.l.1i,..n,all ot Hood Kiver, Or UMU JAY I. LCVAH, JVglntCT.