The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 08, 1901, Image 3

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    3(ood Iftver Slacier
H Warren found a five dollar (told
piece on the state road one day last week,
lie left it at the Glacier office to be ad
vertised for the owner, who proved to be
I Misi Bernice toley. me was very
thankful for its return. How much beU
ter Mr. Warren can always feel over the
little incident than some people in nooa
River who recently found pocket booss
in the streets or on the roaas ana
made no effort to find the owners.
If they have any consciences at all,
the fact that they kept their finds with.
Uriah Heep cigars.
Fresh oysters at Jensen's Cafe.
Hay for sale by 11. M. Abbott.
Ask your grocer for Ture White Flour. out trying to look up the owners will about two years ago from Y yorc
Buy your lime at Sherrill's. . haunt them as long as they live. where his relatives st, 1 1 1 wdo. He
Was It Jfurder or Suicide.
Sunday atternoon as Miss Lizzie Back
us was gathering mushrooms along the
little run that comes down by Paradise
farm, and near the railroad track, she
found the dead body of a man lying un
der a tree. The startled girl notified the
propper persons and the remains were
at once taken charge of by the author
ities. The dead man proved to be J. E.
I t. f ....l i V., ,lr lrnonor for -T flit.
Bird. Mr. Rourke came to Hood River
sizes to close.
1 roaiito. He I
my your lime at enema a- - . - . . rn in Hood River and vicinity almost
Jos. A. Wilson wants to let a contract 1 Experience shows that almost any ntilluouslv ever gince he canie. At
to clear land. fruit or vegetable raised in semi-irop . . , . jn the em.
For trood results in bread. making, use- can De raised in tins v'ciihiy , . Kirk trick Bros. The follow-
. I u ...... ..,. at rmi nmfn H ill, I l vm I ... .. . . .. . . .
iiniinu ra ov ..... - - - - inu ia th ninor of the coroner s mry:
Mint, iitr I : -;-
We. the tindersiened. lurors empan-
nelled by W. II. Butts, coronerof Wasco
Ture White Flour.
Pure White Flonr is the test flour sold
in Hood River.
Sun fruit jars at Bone & McDonald's.
Shirt waists, full line, at Bone & Mc
Donald s.
irnu n in his yard in this city, that for
flavor and size eaual the best grown in
California. The tree that produced them
is three years old and this year Uore
about a bushel of fruit. During the
Schaniio encases it
county, to inquire into the cause of the
death of the body now before us, find
his name to be J. E. Rourke, of Wyo
ming and And from evidence that lie 18
-a ...... l
For clover and grass seed go to Bone
& McDonald's. .
A large assortment of hats at greatly
reduced prices at Madam Abbott's.
Second-hand heating stove for sale by
winter months Mr,
For rifles and amunition go to Bone m corns aiits to pro.ei y. ... &J - rg 0,d and has mjwi a reg,dent here
& McDonald's. " ln!OT .,r IE tor about two years, and we further And
uuu cakh ...v - that the cause of death was suicide oy
tiinee. . ' shnnt.ini? himself in the head, as we
W. H. Allen, who is back again at his foun(j a caiiber revolver in his right
old work of running the pile driver ana nanrt- tightly gripped and one barrel had
doinif bridee work on the side for the O. upn dischmved. that this occurred on
R. & N. Co., was in town Friday. About or about the first of November, and one
three weeks ago no maue a misstep on
Men's Kid dress shoes $1 75
Ladies " ' "".... 1 50
Children's Box Calf....... 85
Misses Oil Grain 1 00
ti 75
We recommend the Packard Shoe for
men and are prepared to fit you.
In ladies footwear we suggest the
"Tniia Marlowe" for ease, try in anu
durability, and the FEDERATION
2.50 has no equal at tne price.
The District 76 school shoes never dis
appoint. They will run aooiu ow nines
tanner man any omei ...v...v.
Fully guaranteed.
Our RUBBERS are new ana nrst qua
ky. We do not impose on you by offer
ing 2nd and 3rd quality goods. We
know that yon know better than to buy
any but the. best.
C. Ti. ThomrjBon
Those iron beds at Sberrill's are hard bridge at Huntington, while a locomo
to beat for the money. . . motive was close behind him. He
Kee the kitchen treasure and cupboard caugm nis too,,
combined at Sherrill's,
Get a sack of White Spray flour, only
90c. No better flour made.
Alwnvs in stock. Best grade of lin
seed oil at Sherill'8.
If yon want' good bread, use Pure
White Flour.
Before buying your winter hats, in
spect Madam Abbott's bargain counter.
Oil paintings by the best artists in the
country for sale at the Wall Paper Em-
two ties that
njertt not the reeulation distance apart,
and in his hurry to extricate his foot to
get out of the way of the engine, he
sprained it and then fell 20 feet to the
ground. But he was recovering from the
sprain when in town.
mil west, rif Hood River,
J. E. Rand,
J. H.Nickelsen,
A. McGregor,
A. 8. Blowers,
J. J. Lnckey,
While in the judgment of the jury
his death was a suicide, there are some
circumstances which would possibly in-
How often wehear people say :" Where dicate murder, such, for the
ii i. ii .. ii: -,.v,9" I . . . .. 1 i ,,f ,v.n.1ra t htii-na
M 1116 WONQ UO all Wlc men wine 11001 . wmi HUtwiltv ui imnuui iuw vi
It is simple enough. The toper makes about the wound, the abeenceof import-
the blue bottle fly, the stern father ant papers he was supposed to nave on
rokoa th narl flv. the cvclone makes his nerson. and position of wound which
housefly, the blacksmith makes the is unnatural and would be difficult for
fira flu tlm carnenter makes the saw fly, a man of his aee to accomplish. The
tho or.icpr makes the sand flv.the board- evidence showed that he was in a des.
When you want a good smoke, ouytiie er m"Hkeg the Dtterny ani the common pondent mood the last few days he was
"Uriah Heep" cigar. For sale by all every day.cigarette smokingdude makes seen here from some unknown cause,
dealers. the "fly iip the creek." certainly not in regard to money mat-
You will save money by purchasing p Richmon(i brought to the Gla- ters, as his father's estate which will be
liav. foed and flour of the Hood River . settled in January would have given him
Feed and Commission Co.
Don't forget that Chas. Riggs, the
Jeweler, engraves all articles bought in
his store free
cier omce tampi
grown at his place at Mt.
also brought along a stool
growth oats 40 inches high.
mond made final proof on
Hood. He
of second
Mr. Rich
his home-1
it a i i, or.; i. onimtr filled with t.tad before .Tudore Prather Friday. From
hats ranging in price from 25c to $1.50 at the samples of apples, potatoes and oth
about 112.000. His relatives have been
communicated with and the body is be
ing held in S. E. Bartmess' undertaking
rooms pending instructions from them
Congregational Monthly Tea.
The regular monthly tea of the ladies'
aid society of the Congregational church
was held Friday evening at the home of
Mrs. Brosius. Owing to threatening
weather through the day, not as many
were in attendance as had been expect
ed, only 60 being present.
Miss Clara Blvthe opened the
word that I :. with a delicrhtful Diano
the cockerel was awarded first prize and Mj(Jg ciaraB playing is very ac
the pullet second prize. Mr. lenwick centable to all music fovers. She was
has exhibited his fowls aud carried on f0iiowej DV the historian of the society
in tne .l,,. ,l .ia ,.lir, nl ilia Octalier
Miss Leila llerstmer played
er nroducts cominir from his ranch, we
should say he had a piece of ground well
worth proving up on.
Frank Fenwick, a breeder of poultry
near Mt. Tabor, sent a pair of black
Langshan chickens to Buffalo, a cocker
el weighing nine pounds and a pullet
weighing seven pounds hatched last
March, and nas just received wuru uw
Madam Abbott's.
See the new arrivals in iron bedsteads,
venoleum, rugs and art squares at Slier
rill's, In the Masonic building.
Bed bugs are holding indignation
meetings all over the valley, all on ac
count of Bartmess' iron bed steads.
160 acres of land about 8 miles from
Hood River on Mosier creek, new house,
three acres in fruit, perfect title, 700,
for sale at the Emporium.
' Davenport Bros. Lumber Co. want 50 prizes in about every fair held
men in nt Mirdwood. liood nr timper. aortnwesi. mmtina.
Thev nav 80c. 90c and tl per cord. See The newlv found orchestra composed of a selection in a very acceptable manner,
Frank Davenport. Miss Roberts, Clarence Gilbert, Charles jjr. Benson read a humorous selection
Three tons of wall paper, advance of Bunnell and G. 8. Evans, will furnish entitled "The Interview," which called
a laree consignment, has arrived at the music for the twice-a-month dancing forth generous applause. Mrs. Goddard
Wall Paper Emporium from the East, parties at the armory. The party Fndriy played a very fine piano solo, thereby
i .1 ...i ,!..;, frnm tlinw cunts pvpnincr nromises to be one of the addiiur fresh laurels to those she had
i iii nn most enjoyable affairs ever held here. already won. Mr. Barnes very kindly
f i - - .. .... i .. . . j i in ...... ; -
w r t-. t,. I, l liia emnlnv a More fees were collected Dy the coun- consented w nn a yaua.iuy m
firat'nlnJa tin smith and plumber and is ty clerk in October than during any
nisiine. iic . " - . V " . n-e .Za npi,l th Ifirk randerinn
of heating and cook stoveson nana. r' " on the piano and
removed to Ins " u",T,r- ' Mr hllhart on the violin. Refreshments
consisting of coffee and cake were served,
Ladies Kid Gloves.
Black, Tan, Browu, Pearl in fact all
leading colors. The famous AYWON &
SOROSIS brand. This line of gloves Is
well known to our customers. To those I
whn have not tested them we wish to
Ail v this is bv far the best 11.00 glove
on the market. Fully guaranteed and
fitted to your hand.
Beautiful laces and footing for Xnins
railifs trood weiaht Underwear AT
COST, nerlect eomls. This is a small
lot to close. "YOU'LL HAVE TO
In Men's Gloves
wn ran fit vou in weiaht. quality and
Men's Mocha unlined $1 00
" Horsehide and Buck ..125
Rnnlf OOand I 50
Cheaper ones too, down to 30c.
Is coming, but BONE & M.-DONALDJare here first with a stock of
itaw, Site, BMels, GofflfA ft, to.
We have on the road to arrive a fine stock of SCHOOL SHOES,
and the largest stock of French Flannels and Waistings ever shown in
Hood River. Come and see them before buying.
lyvl1 LATEST
for WOMEN.
;uunmu o l tut uuruuun
;M Mill IWIf
' CTVI C 111 1 1 HI III
Agents for Royal Tailors.
Cork Sou
Equal to any $3 Shoe on tho Mvkti
tour dultr flow ool ml mnu, to." -" -
iit for r.u. W.oury ItMi Ui.toJHraCiMl"i-
C. B0TZIAN CO.. Prao'ra.
U X J V r-Tiirv tit tuc rrcT
vinci ni inc rcLi
r.linncsota Shoe uo st. pauw. rinn.
For YOU to Remember
When you need anything in the line of
You should call on
UMBRELLAS, 20-inch, Gloria Covered, Steel Rod, witk-Contfo wood handles,
fortunate purchase enables us to sell them at the unheard of price,.
. -50 Cents Each. '
75c each, Flannel Working Shirts, Gray Stripe effect. .
65c " Woolen Negligee Shirts, famous Mt. Hood Brand.
25c per pair, Men's Suspenders, a variety of styles and patterns.
25c each, Ladies Fleece lined Vests in Ecru or Silver Gray.
25c " Ladies Pocket Books, Excellent values in new Styles.
15c " ' Shaving Brushes, the good, lasting kind.
10c per pair, Washburne Cuff Holders, the best made.
8c each, Metal Bound, Horn Combs, very serviceable.
Tvonino Whiwla. verv handv in dressmaking.
Tooth Brushes, good enough for the children.
Elastic Corset Laces, Black or Drab.
The Glacier Pharmacy
.vt nDP.iv mid Wo nld a Piano and took a fine six octave Carpen-
,v i v,.,.,0 Wa want someone to have it at a little priee. Come in
Mir UrjOII Hi .......
and let us tell you what we will do for you.
Dallas' Corner
fr (Smi
yTfill with desp atef oTder " n Pilous monui Tn the lof- Wasco uge,.eF.eld,called;;OurTwo OphW'
ih, He also has a fine assortment countv. The fees collected aggregated The musica gem of the evening was the
l,n?: "e.??lilh issfiOK .nH th salaries oaid the clerk rendering of the , overture to .William
Dr. . V. Brosius nas removeu w mo --. - .,,. QK ir,iainoi'
Aew residence at the west end of Oak g of Iff .eS -Mountaineer.
street, midway between the school house Chas. Chandler came to town f-atur-
flW. ' ' , i .1 : v.: t j i nw.n noil; Avprorl hftk. lie
Utljf III (ft ivv j " ,
seems to think it preferable to carrying
an umbrella, or even to letting the
sparkling raindrops trickle down his
spinal column.
who has spent several
weeks in Portland in the employ of the
Rnatnn Rubber Co.. has decided thet
"there is no place like home," and is
again among his Hood River friends.
Wotfh the Rtreet Darade and the fire- We are clad to hear the Macedonian
works and go to the carnival. cry from our Bingen cousins. This is a
See Prather Improvement Company's good opening for some one of our bright
ad for bargains in real estate. - young teachers aud should be attended
The clouds have cleare&away and we to at once. .
are enioving bright sunny days. Episcopal services in the A. O. . U. W.
are eiijoyu s B filacier a bin hall on next Sunday evening, Nov. 10th,
H.W. Wait gave the Olacier a nig A cordial invitation is ex
turnip to help out the Christmas dinner. Rkv. c. e. Lake. .
Isenberg & Son i "J?1" The fusionists elected their candidates
20 sera home on the Pflaume place Sat- forinayor an(, district attorney, after
vrday. , one of the hottest campaigns New York
Jas. Ungille has 16 inch wood for sale city haa ever exerienced.
nhich he will deliver in any quantity, at hag convicted
the market price. , . , of complicity in the fcJoebel murder the
M. N. Scroggin picked up i a lady s time)and sentenced to life im-
macintosh near Tucker and left it at this prigonment
office for the owner. T1 .ilpoi ,t Mosier gave a basket
Th Hood River telephone system has . . fnr tha vnefit 0f the school libra-
been extended from Belmont to Daven- Saturday evening.and retlized 38.50.
J nrmnrv. and can be found in his ol
ce over Jackson's store between the
iiours of 10-11 a.m., 2-3 and 0-7 p. m.
Pay your water rent.
The Carnival Saturday night.
Fun on wheels at the carnival.
Masque carnival Saturday night.
False faces ualore at the carnival.
port's mill and A. A. Jayne's place. 4
H. C. Bateham, of the Columbia nur
sery brought in six kindsof strawberries
and 4 kinds of raspberries Saturday.
TheDufur fire companies will give
their first annual ball in the I. O. O. F.
liall at that Place Friday evening, Oct S.
. - .... i . I 1 lie iwuita - r- - o -
A rummage sale win oe given uy iuc ci,urch will meet riday atternoon at tne
of lielmont cnurcn im im ui residence of Mrs. McMillan.
Flint Bradford's little one is improv
ing in The Dalles hospital, and they ex
pect soon to have her home again.
Miss Hattie UansDerry is wording i
Mr Rncrer's studio for the purpose of
studying the art of photography.
The ladies' aid of the Congregational
ladies' aid
Look out for special notice
the month.
next week.
The family of F. J. Wright and Mrs.
Seymour moved to Portland last Jriday.
Mr. Wright has a position in the street
car service.
Mi Mlla White went to Monmouth,
Tuesday, to attend as bridesmaid at a
wedding on Wednesday. F. B. Barnes
iaHght her school during her absence.
Hood River is the busiest little town in
this part of the state. If you think this
4s not true, juet take a walk through the
business part of town any day in the
Third annual meeting of the Forest
r.,aI.-.,a i uoiviatinn will be held at Du-
Morehead of Dufur was kicked
in the stomach by a horse Sunday morn
ing and died Monday night.
Dr. W. L. Adams has rented 5 acres
of his strawberry land to various parties
and has 20 more to let.
Tha Davidson Fruit Co. is engaged in
turning out a 30,000 tot of strawberry
crates for next season
The new Multnomah mills at 19th and
Wilson streets, Portland, burned Mon
day, loss 112,000.
Any one wishing good fresh mills can
have same delivered by applying to H.
J. Frederick.
C. T. Woolsey and family are occupy
after which Mrs. W hartou conducted a
floral guessing game which occasfonea
much merriment. After much persua
sion Mrs. P. 8. Davidson consented to
sing, and favored her audience with the
beautiful song, "Goodbye Summer."
The committee havina the evening's en.
tertainment in charge were Mesdames
Tostevin. Wharton, Williams, Brosius,
Bone and Button. The reeeipts amount
ed to $8.00 . Mrs. ti.
A Pioneer of Hood River.
An old pioneer of Hood River, D. A
Turner, received a letter from J.B.Neal,
the youngest son of Peter Neal, a pio
neer to' Oreaon in 1814, crossing the
nlains with his brothers and their fami
lies in wagons drawn by ox teams. One
brother died on the plains. They went
down the Columbia late in the fall
Peter, the subiect of this sketch, worked
the following winter at Oregon City at
the blacksmith's trade and the following
soring went to Salem prairie and took a
donation claim, remaining there until
late in the hfties.then moving to ine
Dalles for a short time, and from there
in Hood River. He built a saw mill
near the site of Harbison Bros', grist and
saw mill on the stream that bears his
name. Leaving here he went to Doug
las county where he is at present in
good health. His wife died after going
to Douglas county, and he is living
with his son on a farm near Koseburg
Mr. Neal will be remembered by many
of the early settlers of Hood River as a
jolly good hatured neighbor, a kind hus indulgent parent and one who
was able to meet the trials and hard
ships of pioneer life.
Apple Crop Short.
New York, Oct. 30. The apple fam
ine which dealers have been predicting
for several months is now an assured
fact, says the Tribune. Ever since the
unfavorable apple weather in the
soring, buyers and arowers have antici
pated a shortage, and now local dealers
announce that the sit aution is even worse
than anticipated. One dealer is quoted
as estimating the crop at 23,000,000 bar
rels, against 48,000,000 barrels last year,
and 70,000,000 barrels the year previous.
The UptoDate Store
The young man loves the young woman ,
That's his business.
The young woman loves the young man ;
That's her buHiiccs.
The young man and young woman get
'married ; ,
That's the preacher s bunnies.
They will need furniture, carpets, wall
lapcr'and building material J
That's my business.
Cor. Oak and Main Streets. -
... 1..L.1. I. T o.lioa PliililrRn'a and Misses, llian 1
we nave more j " " " , nrnnnm .
there shou d he, anu iiiougu me opnaim ,n ,ov v...6 r-i ., -make
this reduction NOW that our customers may derive every possible
L. -..oi .1 f,m U'u hovn done an excellent business in tins line thus far
, might clean the stock up entirely but I want to make assurance
doubly sure and close every garment in the house out by J an. It We are
believers in constant progress, and hold 4hat "ONE BRIO II r, UVh
DOI LAR" is worth 10 "dead ones." Hence we offer our entire stock of
Jackets and Skirts without any reserve, at just X off price, and our goods
are all marked in plain figures. t
8alb Commences ax 9 A. M.Friday, Nov. 8th.
Fvnrt Buvlne. Lowest Prices. Honest vaiues.
Our great object is to sell goods, but every dollar that yon spend at thie i store
r 8 must bUven its fullest purchasing power else we , woo be
trust. We are Keenly anve w mi", w w.u..w.. j - ---
in our progressive business methods will never be abused with our sancUon.
There are no distinctions knowingly made here. The child is treated with
the same careful consideration which the parent receives. our interests
will guarded to the limit of our watchfulness and care. Progress is our
aim The Highest Quality at the Lowest Prices. No misrepresentation.
.... ,..t i !; fi fit, ra. Vmir mnnpv back if VOU want it.
fcvery art.c.e r , "V " h,lsinfiSH 0iicv-simple
BOme OI UIB Cruiui w - .
The Prather Investment Co.,
The Reliable Heal Estate Agents.
1 Two lots, jfoxlOO, facing State st; 7. House and 2 lots facing River and
centrallv located; price $700. Fourth sts; good location; price $1,000.
2. Two corner lots in Waucoma; lots 8. House and lot facing on Uakst; a
50x100 ; one lot facing Oak st, one lot good business lot; $1,000, all cash;
(;.. n;UUi. at- cmnd rlwellina house on 9. Three fine dwelling lots east of
one lot, rents for $7 a month : price $900. school house ; fine view ; price $475.
3. Four lots in Hood River proper, 3 10. Corner lot, 50x100, corner River
blocks from depot ; lots are level ; z are ana wonney sis ; price .
corner lots and 2 inside lots; price $900.
4. One lot in mans addition, 50x10,
fur Kridav. Nov. 8, 1901. There will be ing the house ttiey renieu io vout.
!...;.....,.( imTvirtanre transacted and last ween
A full attendance is uetweu.
Tieman Hall. Hood River Lodge No.
105 A. F. A. M., will be dedicated next
Monday evening by the officers of the
orand Kxlge. After the services a ban
quet will be spread at the hotel.
Deputy State Commissioner Burke,
of the Knight, of the Maccabees, arrived
iu town a short time ago, and is a hus
tler.A special meeting wa. held by them
in A. O. U. vt. nan ou t"uj tifi
'ov 1st. So it seems as if they am go
ing to be among the leading orders of
Hood River. From now on they will
hold regular meetings each week.
G. W. Martin with a force of men is
taking down the old railroad bridge,
and building a new one on the same
piers. The new structure is much
heavier and stronger than the old one,
necessitated bv the use of heavier trains
and engines than were used when the
old one was built, and also the trains
-run at a higher'rate of Bpeed.makuig a
jieavier strain on the oruige.
Saturday clerk at the
To assist Miss Oling-
Harvey Rnnd ii
Elmer McCray of Portland was in
White Salmon Saturday.
A sehoolbook was found and left in
this office for the owner.
E. E. Savage is still very low and un
der the doctor's care.
Mr. Rliigg has his house nearly com
pleted. -
Prather Investment Company.
The Prather Investment Company,
articles of incorporation of which were
filed last week and notiee given in this
paier,held its first meeting of stockhold
ers for the election of officers lat l linrs
dav. The Investment Company suo
.l tho m-dl known firm of Prather A
Barnes, which has been doing business
nnntlv in buving and selling Hood
River real estate for their numerous pat
rons The companv starts out with the
hpHt of nrofpeeu. Messrs. Marshall and
Such are
n r
Ladies .
Fur Bcasties
" Collarettes
Dressing Sacques .
Belts and Belt Buckles
Underwear im,M
Mackintoshes, Lads and Childrens
Lads Rubber Boots 0
' t.
pailURlO , , Duttkn. ,tnAa
Hieh Invaders. we ao not sen seconu gruc viuUC. ftu.D.
Ask us for whatever you want to wear and seo us hustle to please you.
krnk a. cram.
New Clothing
" Single Pants
Silk Handkerchiefs
Underwear .
""Night Shirts
Rubber Coats
Lined Gloves
onnA hnililinc lot: price $100.
o. 7ZXIOU on oeconu si, guuu uunuiuj
and also good business corner; $2,100.
a. 40 acres, house, orchard 500 trees ;
small vineyard ; 1,'a acres in alfalfa;
plenty of water; )i mile of town; $1,200.
b. 20 acres, all clear, tine apple land ;
miles south of town ; price $1,200.
e. 1G0 acres, 8 miles south of town;
partly under cultivation ; spring water;
good apple or grass land ; good range for
stock ; price 4,000.
f. Fine house anu iu acre orcnaru, u
mileB from town ; $2,500.
g. Good 6 room house, so acres land,
free water for irrigation, 4oo trees, o
acres in clover, 3 miles from town ; price
h. House and J acres; ouo irees; iwu
The Right Place.
Ii, lis -rl
Nl iofe'P
The e,liorialtriH has worn big blis- H
.,. it little tootsies this week chas
ing the festive item, and frequently or
ofiener just a it had tlie faithful pen
cil in the act of pinning the imp dow n
. ih interviewed would hnrried-
1y ren.ark "f xcuse me a minute, and
then proceed U sell some one of onr
substantial strawberry growers teen
dollar's worth of store pkhIs for s;xt
rash and the versatile tripod would am
ble on in search of new victim. V r
lyweall have our troubles, but the
greatest trouble in Hood River seems to
,fe scarcity of time.
Hood River, but their misinew-iiKe
methods and gentlemanty demeanor
have already won for them host of
friends. Messrs. Prat her A Barnes are too
well known in this community for the
Glacier to undertake to speak for them.
Both are fuvorablv known to all old
timers. Geo. T. Prather was elected
president ;W. II. Marshall, vice prepj
dent; F. B. Barnes, secretary ; and C.E.
Hemmn, treasurer. Directors: Geo.
T. Prather, W. H. Marshall and F. B.
THE RMPORU'M I Did ycra not hear? .
Thei h.v. flnnNt vhII naiwr lu th k)WO,
Wil'htlialriilwmxH'IcclianirPson b.crroundT
Iailrs bkjim on pa(era or urure imir,
Kw bud aud bkxm on an ashen bat,
Lllllea of the valley are aealiered on the pveo
And flower oral! Ilnm are evernere een
On color eiqulllely blended with rare
To produce frulm and Otfer a; tair
A if laid no by nature's own hand.
I'ntane del(rn both opaque and round,
And Jamse Biurea on elided ground
And hntainic Brtirdnwy linen are found
In bewildering array.
Transform your bare and hideout walla
Into dreami of beauty a pnifuee
Aa covered t.ranada'a famotia halla.
f rom any detiirn your fancy may oliooae.
Th. mull, nremvpred with eaee.
It la not oureumom.birt the wealthy tnpleaae.
We have beautinii paper at a low prir.
Alilio' not o rnreHi4u arliatie aud nk.
And ony Sc. to li.oti per rolL
He "Nav, dearest, nay. And wouldst thou have me paint the
home to which, could love fulfill it prayer, this hand would lead
IK Listen A deep vale shut out from the rude world by alpine
n Us We'd build a colonial mansion and feast upon anibrosial
swel'ts. We'd read no books that were not tales of love. W e'd have
no friends that were not lovers. Would we, honey?
, dearest, nay. I d build my home in tne oeauinui
I'd tmv no lurnisnmKS, irom looi-umio v.
City OI IlUWl nivoi. v. KJ -- -r.-, . .
mot expensive bric-arac, except from th. princely dea r V . L
Do you know
She "Nay,
city of Hood River.
citypRllI. who sells the verv finest of all
cheape' than il 00111,1 ,10re 1,6 pu',i,hfted-
honey T t
Ho "Know him ! The man, woman or child in all tins city and
surrounding countrv who would confess that he, she or it did not
know W. E. SHERRILL, would be condemned for idmcy. He
is known far and wide as an uHc-date furniture dealer H.s haiid
rll, in the
.l..rl in ti.p hoiise-tumisliinz line, " ut,,. ... -"m e j
of Hood River and buv our furnishings from
the new Masouic building.
Adverllsedlietter List.
November 4.1S01.
Smith, Mr. Mlnnw Carbreaih F. W.
Howe. K. U IJtwrenee. jouu
Hcbiller. H V. tuiillh.r-.l-.
Tayk.r.Wm.H. atct. P. M.
band Offlc at Tha Iwllea. Oreiron. Noy. S,
Ml N-IU 1 hereby given that Ihe follow-Ina-oamed
ettlr ba Hied nolire of hi Inleu
Uon to niaKe final P"f lo uiport
of hi claim, and that nam prontwiii
made before t.eorge I. rra.uer, . i ...-.--Imier.
at Hh1 River, Oregon, on Jriday,
Deeeniber IS, HJl, vi: - j
nt Mini Rlvee. Onwon. H. E. No. . tor th 1
Hat s snntneaat , "turn 7 and aonthwert U
mwthwert W and northweat H aoiuliwesl H
aeetlonS, uiwnliip i north, ran ire 11 eal,w..
He name tlx lollowinn wiuiewe uprv.vf
hlarontinuou reideo npoo and eulllvw
Uonof said land, vie
J H Jarkaoo, Frank Adam, H. IMgt and
B. r". R -biiikuu. all of Hood Kiver.Or.
nsdli JAY F. LUCAS. KegiMer.
Avloiiniliiiir Discovery.
Frr.m Ponnersivil !e. Mich.. eun.o word
of a wonderful discovery of a p'. as.u
oatinu linitid that when n-el 11. ire re-
tiri.u In unriiiii' tniuhl.-d ith a bud
cough al'wayx titi-iires a kf-xi'l nighf''ret
'It will ws.'u cure the coiiuh, t',' w r.te
Mrs. Hiiin-lbtirgeT, "for lliree genera
fiAnu r.f our fnmilv have used lr. King
New Discovery for consumption and nev
er found lis equal lor couguraim nnui.
it-, an iioriialeit life-saver when ure
for nVsnerate lunediseases. Guaranteed
liottles oUc an.l 1 at Chas. N. Clarke's
Trial bottles free.
Strawberry Plants.
I have fnr tale nia tra berry planU
tn-m laM Miniut' aettinf. Allflrt elaaa.
B22 4. C.JHaltiS.
S10 Worth for 50c.
t will end to any farmer the following
three recipee, for SC. rent (no tampt:
1. For the prevention of In cholera,
j. y,yr Ihe prevenli'-o of rhi- ken IU.
. v. n. ..rikiiion if vour fiuit t
acalnM rabbii peeling off the hark ol .tree.
I itnaranlee tne rv!oi i. m-, --kt .....
dre Box Tlie lwli.tfveonJ
And waon renalrlnir aiiended (nproinpi
mv khouoa Uie ML Hind road.aoutbof 1
. I.j .b i uwmulil. nrii A.
aepl" . A, HOWEU.
11. Two good lots in Parkhurst, $200.
12. Two fine lots in Barrett-Sipma ad
dition ; fine view of the river; $200.
13. Good new house, 7 rooms, and two
lots in Blowers addition; price $1,000.
We also have a number of farms in
Klickitat Co., Wash., for sale. Call and
see us and get prices on fruit and stock
1. 100 acres i miles from Hood River
on Columbia. About 14 acres in cultiva
tion. Water for irrigation, water in house
Orchard embraces fruit of every descrip
tion. Also vegetables. Price $3,600.
2. 10 acres 3 miles south of town, first
class berry land. Price $1,500.
3. 12 acres 7 miles from town, un
cleared, $30 per acre.
4. 100 acres, 2 acres cleared, good tim
ber, and barn. Good land for
apples, 12 miles from town. $7 per acre.
aood springs ;1 mile from town; $2,200. , 6- 114 acres 4 nines irom town, ovu
gT llousegand 7 acres, all in fruit; fruit trees good house, barn and water
l 4rt AorfM. two houses, atood barn; ,T.rt ,o
- -, ' - . i . n. iou acres i iiuicb uuu. wn ii.muv.xi
,300 apple trees of choice varieties, only a bargain $700.
7. 200 acres 12 miles from town, good
..... . ...ina til nno
u nines out, u.v.w
... r i i Anil -U
m. 11U acres uncieareu, fi,uw wunu
of oak timber; in the apple district;
price $1,000 cash.
n. ou acres uiii'iemeu, ,
price $12.50 per acre.
o. zUtl acre raucu, largo uuuw, picui
of water, large orchard, good nay land,
will cut 100 tons of hay; good range lor
stock ; price $4,500. .....
p. 20 acres hue apple laud, t miies
from town: $S00.
n. 80 acres, 500 trees in bearing, only
two miles from town on the East bide;
price $40 per acre.
r. iw acres, ii uiuva uuu,
mile from school ; 40 acres under culti
vation ; large orchard ; $35 per acre.
00 acres improved lanu, i.uu tree,
40 inches free water; paid house, large
barn ; near town ; $5,2li).
t. 80 acres in t riipr nisiiiri, pnrut
under cultivation: f2.KH.i.
u. W H '4' M. U .f'c tp - -V.
10 E; unimproved; leneeil two (ii-6 ,
cm get wah.r er. land; fl.'.w per a' re.
house and barn, good meadow ; partly
fenced ; close to post office and school j
good for stock and fruit. Price $3,200.
8. t40 acres z4 nines irom voiuiuuia,
in Washington, well watered.good house
and barn ; 50 acres under cultivation,
100 can be cultivated ; 8 acres in alfalfa,
6 acres in orchard. Will sell 320 acres of
above improved land for$15 an acre, and
balance 320 acres for $10 an acre, or th
whole 640 acres for $8,000.
9. 20 acres 5 miles from town ; East
Side; all Bet out to trees; price $2,250.
10. 10 acres with fine house and barn,
all clear and all set out to applet and
bearing; price $3,000.
11. Ten acres all set out in orchard;
Kood hotice and barn, $2,500.
12. The Huttoti property ha been di
vided into 5-acre tract. We have the
handling of wuvi.
Und i'11'it-e l "v " 'iiv. r. Whm... 0.1. 17
Ik lltlItl ''l'..-ll .111.1 HI' 1 "
. ..' , ... 1,1. I ln nu
1. ii I11 till. .,lnil!i! " 'II "It - '
lull Nolle
l.i-iminc.l t! 1
. I i'H
1 n. ,mi1 lit lilnllu
.iii.l' i;c it 1 . s. liiel
OHice at Vanei-ovrl. V K-i. 11111111, u
Till I.H - - mi,
C. Ih. 1 i,mi Mllit tlt'h L Of
tint wi ilun , toansliip 3 norm
s ... U
llinammthe followlnir wltncs-e to prove
hi eonlinuou residem UK.n and cultiva
tion of said land, via:
ft' (V.nner. t. Hall. Jamea . I.yle and E.
B. ilewlu all of Lyle, Walnni:i"ii.
,vl W. 11. IdMlAK. Kgller.
ti north. ! who ri- '
nJe t'ln'rlba' '' W"1 e' H'"t
, ranne j 4 toa ie-llipa norlll. rall 11
Rogers Bros. 1847 goods
uTve.KHll of K"ir-T llnm. 1M. Knlvea,
Fork, fpoona, eu-. All r mie at r- a
prhe. nJl
Good Milk Cow
Formic by f. A. R IM.
Stove for Sale.
Second hand tvk Stove tit ,uJl1TSHOp
ljin.1 nine! at Vancouver, Wi... (lei. 7,
SotM-t-. liecny uivrn inai ine toihw
1,, ...I Mtilcrshave lilnl nonce of tbetrln-
lou to mkc inoi iu supp-rt nf tlie:r
.iii.ii-i. iilid iiu.tiiu iroollll'H inane o ior
the K-lMer mid lUi-civcr I.. . oflli
ul Viiiuomi r, W'ii, Noveinh" i 2a, I'JOl, TlK
Kl 1A M- J All in.
No. W, a tne weat
.uuieaai u avuon
11 rail, W. M.
WlMinunie the following amneanea lo prova
hi eonlinuou reMrteoc uixm aoo cuiuva
tion of aid land, vlr
Waller J. Bale. Byron Lranuan, uni
J. Hannan and joliu H. Jarvla, all of Hue
Flak V. ah. VI:
W ho made ti. r.. ."-o. ., w in. wmm
northeast and eat Satwtlieaal feetlou
1. lownKhip north, ranee 11 eaV W. M.
Who name ihe following Jtneiea toprov
bl oontmnou residence opoo and cultiva
tion of aid hind, vi:
Waller J. Bate, Hyron E. Crandall, fTla
I. ilannan and Uwla M. Jarvla, aU of floa
FUt Walj.
ulsuil W. a. DUNBAR, ReaiaWT.
Pigs for Sale.
A number of I'lm for ale by .
n J. A. H EN l'F.KuN, BlngeB, Wuh.