The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 08, 1901, Image 2

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    'Hood Iiver Slacier.
Dukes Valley Rattlers.
Dukes Valley, Nov. 4, Editor Glacier
t i ..nnr .'ast issue some items
x eve J i i
fm thia neighborhood, by Ike, which,
while t.!,ev are true, every word, still I
fear they are misleading, to the det
riment of the valley. He says Dukes.
Valley is the home of the cayote and
the rattlesnake. The latter name has a
terrible meaning to some people, who
would not come to such a pine to live H
they could get a home free, through fear
of the rattlers. Now while I do not pre
tend to deny that they are here, as Uey
are everewhere in our western , .coaitwy
where there are rocks.but in tins valley,
as in most ptoces, when you find one he
is on the run. He will not stop to dis
cum the matter with you but it there is
an avenue of escape he will not tarry on
the manner of hit going.yet if there is no
way of escape, it will figbt, as will
almost any other animal. I suppose Ike
fi afraid of snakes is what prompted the
itein.but the unqualified stafcur.eut that
this is the home of the rattler, would
lead liooieseekers to think it infested
With thetn and deter them from coining
here., buying up our surplus land and
the country. To show that
this viillfiv in tint dangerously infehted
I will make this statement which can be
verified by any one who has lived here )
any length, of time : I have lived here
nearly 12 years in this valley and have
the first time to hear of.a person being
bitten by a rattler, I lived in Eastern
Oregon nearly seven years, where the
rattlers are just as numerous as they are
here, and no one was bitten there. All
dinit that a big rattler is ascarey thing
to some people, and they will try to gel
around behind themselves when they
meet one. I suppose that is because
the good book says the serpent shall nip
Ike's heel, but the rattler is always the
worst scared of the two and takes to the
brush. There are seven or eight fami
lies in the valley, some 20 little Ikes, of all
ages, sizes and sex, they go where they
please, w hen they please, barefooted or
shod, and Mr. Rattler says, Mr. Ike if
you'll let nie alone I'll let you alonc.but
Ike, being a beleiver, "bruises the ser
pent's head. In few words, while we
have rattlers here, they are not at all
dangerous. ' Joakkb.
While Salmon Side.
Nov. 4 1901. The best sale of real es
tate ever made in White Salmon was
closed today. Frank Noble sold his
place of 43 acres to J. W. Adams The
price paid was $4,000. Mr. Adams
. came here last spring from Marceliuo,
Mo. During the past summer he super
intended the work on the C. A. Shurte
. place, lying alongside the place he
bought of Frank Noble. Mr.Adams haB
learned the value of White Salmon soil,
and therefore knew what he was about
when he made this purchase, lie esti
mates there are 30 acres of tillable land
on the place.
Flint Bradford recently refused $400
an acre for three acres of his strawberry
land. J. P. Egau refused $5,000 dollars
for his place recently, and well he may
refuse. During the last season he took
$400 worth of strawberries off one acre.
White Salmon is strictly in it when it
comes to high priced real estate. But these
startling hguresaretorstrawberry lands.
When it comes to apple lands, the best
bargains on earth can be secured in
Oa the hills east of the vallev, above
the range of the codlin moth, the apple
grows to perfection.and here, some day
in the near future, will be our most ex
tensive orchards. Here laud is cheap.
not much above the government price
N. W. Freeland, whose place is on the
hills, savs he will take rjleasura in show
ing land seekers good bargains in his
neignoornoou. utuers win ao tne same,
They want more neighbors.
J. E. Jacobson built a steam
this season to dry his prune crop,
dryer cost $175. He has between
and four tons of dried prunes.
jacoDson nas one ot the nest places in
White Salmon. His lands stretch across
the valley, right "in town," and the
land is of the best for all kinds of fruit.
Like nearly all other places here above
the bluff, strawberries do very well
without irrigation. He has 30 acres in
orchard. Owing to an injury received
10 nis snomuer, Mr. jacobson is inca
pacitated from labor and offers to sell
238 acres at $25 per acre.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noble returned
last week from their trio to Pncet Sound.
They had a very pleasant visit with rela
tives. They found Jake Iluueaker at
Everett, in thereat estate business.doing
a laud office business. Mr. Hunsaker
at one time lived on the ranch iust be
low Underwood now owned by Geo.
Knapp and later was in the merchan
dising business in White Salmon.
C. C. Wetherell, who recently pur
chased and moved upon the Swan place,
contemplates extensive improvements.
including new buildings and clearing up
i i si.. i. .i. . ii i i - - . .
mum inr, tieiiiereu anu ranuty
are welcome additions to White Salmon
society. Mr. Wetherell is a veteran of
the civil war, having served in the 84th
Illinois. i
Capt. II. C. Cook and J. W. Over
baugh have platted hart of the unim
proved portions of their farms into Ave
and ten acre tracts and offer same at
$50 an acre. This land is on the river
front and, of course,finds ready sale at
these figures.
Robt. Rand of Hood River and A. II.
Jewett recently purchased the Ward
iro. piace ot ILK acreH lying Just east
of Wolford's store. The price paid was
Born at Mosier, Oct. 11, 1901, to Mr.
and Mrs. Rowland, a daughter. Mr.
Rowland is the ferrvman between White
Salmon and Hood River.
8. C. Zeigler is building a dwelling
house on his homestead eight miles out.
He has had land cleared to set 4 acres
10 anpie trees tins la.ll.
The United Artizans will give a social
at their hall Saturday evening, Nov.Oth.
F. W. Rowland will furnish the music.
P.S. Teck and family have moved into
their new home on land recently pur
chased in the Cook-Overbaugh tract.
I. B. Terry, Sunday went out U his
homestead at Tine Flat.
From Itimren, Wash.
cngen is sun on me river and pro
poses to be heard from occasionally
through the columns of the Glacier.
Several new houses here and plenty
ui rmnn lor more, ;o corner vet on
town lots.
A new school district recently organ
iited here is buh.'ing a schooi house.
The building is being constructi-d bv
volunteer work of the citizens. The
hoard of directors are J. A. Henderson,
J. R. Rankin and John H. Dethman.
The district as yet has no teacher, but
wants one right awav. Have vou am-
teachers at Hood River w ho want the
job of teaching the voting idea how to
shoot? If there are any such, let them
apply at once.
Harry Wyatt. the genial proprietor rf
the Biugen howling alley, is doing a good
business. He also keeps a lixery rig to
accommodate parties who wish to takoa
look at the country.
S G Hadley, tt gentleman from Clark
county, has opened a store here and is
doing a fair business while he grows up
with the country. Mr. Hadley is a vet-,
eran of the civil war and served in the
0th Iowa cavalry.
The Maple hotel flourishes still, under
the management of John Dethman.
This is the starting point for the stage
line to Trout Lake and intermediate
points. Mr. Dethman runs a uacs w
theboat landing.
More anon. I AT.
Hood River School.
The following named pupils were neith
er absent nor tardy during the month of
Oc tolieri '
Henry lilagg,
Ray Samuel,
Grace Williams,
Bessie Hutson,
Ivy Jmies,
George Struck,
John Sutherland,
Dale lionney,
Claude Filsinger,
Arthur Kerr,
Donald Jiloklusen,
Clyde Rand,
Charlie Struck,
Elsie Udell,
Paul '.lowers, ;
Willie Ct)piai),
Freddie Gee,
Mae Miller,
Ella MeKahan,
Don Udell,
Mona Green,
Jesse Hut-son,
Kirbv Ross,
Herbert Struck,
Edris Waldo,
Ray tmry,
Milo Fredei
ricks, '
Lulu McCuistion,
Ralph Parsons,
Eddie Struck,
Roy Samuel, .
Virgil Anderson,
Lulu Brauaman,
Lottie Gabriel,
Viohi Jones,
Fred McMillan,
Clifford Ross,
Carrie Sparks,
Claude Anderson, Bessie Bouncy,
Teddy Button
Roy lilagg,
Etta Blag!?
Daisy Eainigcr,
Myrtle Jones,
Eva Vales,
Edna Evans,
1 .ijujio Usiult,
Leonard Miliar,
j-enoie Adams,
Arthur Bouncy,
Lloyd Colo,
Evii Eliiaon,
' Mabel Fesk,
Wallace Moody,
Gertrude Wharton,
Garnet Green,
Anna (Jackson,
Emma Millet,
Walter Parsons,
Willie Baker.
Maynard Cole,
JaUih ilorhmir,
Nona Wheeler,
John Council,
Amv Suihr,
'Puiuy K'iker,
Maude Parson,
Fred Whe'elvr,
Joy Russell, '-'
Hugh Jones,
Hiiryey Rand,
El wood Luckey,
Freddei Bell,
Yinrie Crowe,
Eleanor Coe,
illie Evinger,
Lester Foss, -
Roy yen I,
Vera Allan,
Blanche llowo,
Lottie Jones,
Colestia Metealf,
Hernia Kami,
Eva Council,
Elsie Gannon,
Henry Brown,
Pearl Bradley,
Harold Uershuer,
Nettie Allen,
Edyth (look,
Feidinund Struck,
Edward Bverlee,
Florenca jflanna,
Stella Parsons,
Martha Struck,
Herman Struck
Herbert Searles.
C. D.TiioMiwts, principal.
Otlcll District.
Following is the report of the Odcll
school for the month ending Nov. 1st.:
Total nunibar. of pupils enrolled, 43;
total number of days inttondinico, (128;
total number of days absence, SO;
average daily attendance 31.4; number
of cases of tardiness, 5. The following
named pupils were neither absent nor
tardv uuriins the month!
Ruby Little,
Margaret Owens,
Eva Boyd,
Naoma Boyd,
Hernfttn Dethman,
Bertha Jnsc,
Sadie Thomas,
Veva Crockett,
Grace Wyman,
Edna Little,
Hugh Copple,
Lynn Davis,
Edith Copple.
E. II.
Hartwig, teacher.
Ht. Hood School.
The following named pupils of
Hood school was" neither absent
tauij tiiiTili Tiro uiunra tirxT-'luinil ;
Martin Gribble,
Donald Larwood,
Elmer Meyers,
Hattie Cooper,
Mason Baldwin,
Walter Larwood,
Zelma Meyers,
Myrtle Tomlinsqn,
May Cooper,
Clarence Ries.
Troy, Teacher.
" Spreads Like Wildllre.
When things are "the best" they be
come "the best selling." Abraham Hare,
a leading druggist of Believille,0., writes:
"Electric Bitters are the best selling bit
ters 1 ha"e handled in !i0 years." You
know whv? Most diseases begin in dis
orders of stomach, liver, kidneys, bow
els, blood and nerves. Electric Bitters
tones up the stomach, regulates liver,
kidneys Bnd bowels, purifies the blood,
strengthens the nerves, hence cures mul
titudes of maladies. It builds up the
entire system. Puts new life and vigor
into any weak, Bickly, run-down man or
woman. Price 50c. Sold by Chas. N.
Clarke, druggist.
. More Medals for Oregon.
A Buffalo dispatch of Nov. 3, said:
Notwithstanding the limited supply,
Oregon secured a basketful of awards in
the horticultural division, consisting of
14 gold, 15 silver, 45 brnn.o medals, and
14 diplomas of honorable mention. This
is certainly a good endorsement of the
fruit fhat captured the8 coveted Wilder
medal. Hsnky E. Dosch.
Hood River Camp of Modern Wood
men of America will hold an open meet
ing next Monday evening, Nov. 11th, in
the Odd Fellow's hall, at which time
State lecturer Geo. Byron and Head
Physician of Oregon and Utah, Dr. Ham
ilton Meade, will lie present and address
the meeting. It is also expected that
some selections of music will be render
ed and probably a short progarmme
given. An invitation is extended to
every one to attend and loam some facts
about woodcraft and the great work it
is accomplishing.
One benificent result of 1he Spanish
American war is now manifest, at lewt.
Heretofore Jack Frost in the south was
looked for as longingly as were the
rains in the drouth stricken terri
tory of the middle West. This year,
because of the sanitary condition of
Cuba, the result of the United States
control, yellow fever did not. make a
landing on our shores.
A baloon containing nine persons
snapped its fastenings at San Francisco
Saturday afternoon ami floated away
south and west, over the coast range",
out to sea, then turned and came back to
land. The involnulary aeronauts made
ft landing unhurt, stopped w ith a farmer
for supper and came back to San Fran
isco Sunday morning, glad that they
were Blive.
E. C. Rogers left the largest cucum
ber we have ever seep, at the Glacier
ollice Monday. It measured Iti inches
in length by I.V4 inches in circumfer
ence at the largest place. It grew on
his place at Belmont, and is a good
mate for 11. W. Wait's turnip which
measured 17 inches in circumference.
W. P. Watson left a couple of seedling
pears which he calls the V. P. Watson
pear, he having propagated it from the
seed. They are a nice, large, smooth
pear w ith a short neck and a rich yel
low color when ripe. Mr. Watson says
they are good late keepers and very
prolific bearers.
Mrs. Louise ; d has the ncencv
f.rthe Kimball and Allen 1L Webber
pianos, and a tine Kiiiball is on exhibi
tion bi tl.e miliiuery rti'ir." of M jduni
Abbott on Main street. Terms very reas
onable. Frankton comes to the front this week
with a half d.ien tine potatoes from R.
Kirbvsoii's ranch thai averages over 2
pounds each. ,
E. H. Woodward of Newhurg, post
master and editor of the local paper at
that place, is rusticating in llood luvur,
the guest ot 1'ost Master . ates. ,
Spars A Porter brought in two Per
fectly smooth, mw. Rose potatoes four
pounds cacti, grown wit limit irrigation.
The debate is on at Adventist church
and is said to be drawing n crowded
house. ; v ' ; ...
H. W. Cor'belt subscribed $30,000 to
the Lewis and Clark exposition fund.
An attempt to assassinate the cm-
press oi China was made last Friday. .
Klamath Falls schools, it is said, are
closed on account of small pox.
Lost. A bunch of keys, Under will
please leave at this odU'e,
Mrs. A- A, Bonney is visiting in The
Dalles. '
Church Jiotice.
Valley' Christian i.'hunrh. Btmiiiiy sHiool
at 10 a. in. Communion at 11 a.m. Y.l'.li.
V. K. at WD P. ; leader, Ueoi'te Wilson.
United Brethren C'imreti.'-ISuiittii.v M'hnol
at 10 a. in. 1'reaching at 11 . in. and 7:80 p.m.
Y. 1 C. E. at 7 p. in. Prayer sorviee ev-ery
Wtnlnesdav eveni nit. at ":). rju-aiiiershi the
city will IjP eocclny wlmif.
V it, C, MliHlk-r, pastor.
'CimftriwHoiiBl Church. Key. J. 1.. llersh
ner, pastor. Pi-OHchtni seivl o Willi worship
nextmmiliiv, at 11 a. in. At the evening wr
vlee, the ('. K society will have charge. U- d
nr, J. . Month. Mummy school M 10 n. ni. Mid
u-.-elt nin'tiii!; W'eimi-sihiy evening at 7;;y, All
wiio dii'uot Miij'slilp elspwipiro UIH Inylti'll to
these ; yict','
t Notice.
I bereliy give notice that 1 will pay no debt
comraeieu uy my woe anei-.inp. vimi..
Call and See Us.
llnive now taken ehnmeoi tlm eutlins; di
purliiienl of Mis. t.'lark's l""rts .Vlakuii; esm't
liHhineiit., and ' nr piv.pared to i' p
ri nerul dress mnlii.-iK, dio ladhat' Uiilorilif.
All ol.l (:'it -Jiin.Tm und t:lo new ones uie.iu-snft.-tl'iiilv
inviii .i to tiuil 11 ml ixniiiine our
work and tjei uur rieo, i also eonduet my
ln?; I'.HtitiJ seiiiinl in connect ion. Hnnre '
from 1 tn 1 p. 111. Vou should impure into the
inerps oi '!uiw worlt. JAis'h i'n,TKS
iiiin mvr Niamlnid l.-riMs CiiMtng .School.
-NEW- .
At my phiCH. on tin) lit. llQ'il roud, one
mllB siiiitii of tow n, I n.ive opened a 1'lonr
and K.wu :i'ia:. ,o m e. I umv to haul your
i. ed up 1 Hp his I. lil from town when you can
bay ot meat bottom prices.
I. I". I.A1IAU.
" NOTICE ; .
Jo Piiilics Vi''iiir Siravihi'rry Lund.
I have a tnicl ot hiiul vcr.y s'.iiluhle for above
purpose, wliirii I tvili lay 0'1'm tnuMh trt" 10,0
or 10 ncpis enel). The land la well watered
and Ujeated oi, tiie u.ln county road, only
2l4 miles iVuin Cidn'nihiti liv1''.' K,iel tmeL
will nnve tVtnimo oiieouniy ro:id.J 1-or fur
tnei'iiilOrniiu.oii wide tn the undermgnod at
W iiio, ;'tiliiHiit, 'iah., or eome and see the
liiuu, oiny i'y .nic Pom tUiderood haml
Inu torn ubeuisnliie iii.lunce from Hunk in fer
ry. ' II. I). CAMKUO.N.
Are You Short of Feed?
't wo acres or popcorn shock (odder; also,
sweet coin fodder, awful clu-up. C the fodder
or p).'. W. 1'. WATso.N,
Taken Up.
Tlireocalyfx.leNiiii.oi en;! .iir old. Own
er will py feir 1 III Hrt and Hike them away
fori;ec)H. 4L C. li-Vieai.iM.
Piano tor Sale
or KxeiiGunq. A reHideut of Portland owns a
tine Piano which lie wishes to Bull, or would
exehimiii' In hole or in part payment for a
few acre of liood lliver land sullnlile loi
strawberry Krowini;. I.iind in any p:o'l of the
valley considered, For particulars tall on or
wrih) to o'ijj U. K. HAKbiHDN.
Soft Snap.
A 'oliean Pi'iill l!:yr. em'ii'ltts. Also. 10
cpilreofUiHderor W. 1'. WATHUN.
To Trade for Wood.
A large Crib .01 1 IP iillr.a; stove to trade
rwood. Call on -MRS. It. it. Kit WIN.
To let a p tract to snib fl acivs, mnrei or
loss, on th Kaat Mi'h?. JtUOSlUS.
Note atone of the Prices:
A Single hit handled Axe .00
A litto ,, f 1 .25
A Manh's bronzed double-bit Ave LdO
A Dotijjlds Axe Co. (Hunt) do .75
An Old Honesty donblu-bit Axe. . . 1.10
The largest stock in town, at
Peanut Roaster.
We have a peniuit Hoaxer of Intent piiWn
and enn supply ourcu'HU'w Willi tho b?sl
((Uulilv ot pt'timUs, fitt-ii rniKtcd irverv day.
Ka l13ill u'm- ct u-: ; u a i i.t.
To hnv-( for eaHh, lmi or more paeki winter
I'olaloes. 11. M. AllHDXT.
Legal Blanks.
A full line of ie$nl lilttnttfor wileut Brad-U-y'H
itw(k si ore.
Town Lots for Sale.
Apply 1o ,1. K. WAIT,
See'y Hood lliver TownMte Co.
For Sale.
A steel Range and Ijidles' Pi;vele. Call at
ns Ml. ipioii sfAiiKr(lL
Hereford Bull. .
Thoroughhred lleretord Hull f"r nervlep al
tl.M. ii. I. WtiniiWoRfil.
Jersey Bull for Sale.
A ttrwW'litMH .(f'tKi-y t"iti, S yearn oti, of tin
St. LauiiK'rt strn'n; r-g'..;!'Tfl..
f-l!T -A. H. l HKHT.
For Sale or Trade.
A good sitiiitl hornf f luirn1 ht,1 w m rn.
oln n- M Aht't'TT.
Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice Is herehy plv.-n tlnd the nnuunl
noftina of the otoi-kholdeiv of iiif alley lin
pmveimnt l unipjoiy, lor the e;ovi:,,ii Vit nt
licrs anil l-.r mi,-Ii ,it(-r hsii.i-v neu
come tx t.ire tne on i-ii-is, v ill ho '-ild Men
ly, Nnvenilx-r K i' ul. ut HI 11 c.ivk A.
the H.nip.iny 'sonic,-, 01 lr,-.-.n I niiuin.
liM,d Uivrr. p.v ,r,U r id in nnld. nt.
H. IC 11A1I.I
Harness Work.
HavitiB in;i.!e prranem.-Mts to run the h-r-
ni-w de, :iruiiel!t tor I ". Weld, al lli;!it'Vtll
ciHiid. am pr. red t r!,, mM k litis of work n
fl rl-i-iai wl.Hjw. A lvi:;'t liiio'ei.f ri'pnl-I
li'li- Si I.. l. .;.i.K1Ns. I
Bids Wanted.
S.-!iU-d hid e ;P t. r'--i-. cd m tie rnlee of
Jindi 1 ihii I lien I.-! --a In ii.'.Hi Kiivr Mriy
li;ne mi, or Iw f--r.- ., . i ;. :' j, 1 r th. er-e:;.n
of a iw.i.try iHoi.lioc n in. i,.t i,t iti, n-.nh--t
in'., rvvOi n 1. 1 r j.irth .'.-.-t.oi I Whikm
tllil nvoine. 1 ne lr-:. o-m-i Vv IP' I .hl In
rrNvt nny and nil !.. VHn- n 1 ;;r , -it-I
!) will tlt,ui,d ttt 1'.e '! !i. ::::c.-.n
lodl.v. . A. I-nli.-,
j H.C. Iiw,
J. U H.-ndeti-- n, !
I Trnte, Wam-oms lv N 1. ai K. of I'. '
Th plane tu uei voi.r (harness sttppllm nmt
repii.r work dune Is hi I'flnlit'solfl mnnil, cor
ner Third sntl So,is. trt-ij is. Ail purli-, of har
ness fnruWicil iinil ri, :llf' work done'011 short
nntlcc. Msn, nil kln.:fif hoe repairing sat-
lMiieioriiy none at n nwluihH! prie
II. S. GALLI tU.N, Prop'r. - ,
Hfis a good ttKiiirtiueipt i-f.he leading va
rieliesol' AppleH.froit r 011 W XDI.K K ad's,
that are second U'tnnc :itrwi in the North-
All Stock guaranteed.
Money to Loan ,
On Improved farms mic fomt loek mnehesat j
low rates and on lon t :1ne. If wanted. Htat
pnrllenlara and lowej', amount wanted by
writing or chilting Dn
Bl 1 ili t.wk Mi, Port land, Oi
burekaJIeat iaiet.
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured lV!eats
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits ana Vegetables.
Free Dolivwy. ', I'lmue 35.
Frankton Express.
I'ttsnf ;ifer and hat'if.'e taken to and from
mill rump und all pain a of tin) valley also,
iiltht trunl'ei riiis mid at ugh rhiNl'urnislied for
sliopplng, " in i K. 1). CALKINS.
Stockholders', Meeting.
The annintl inerinff f tiie toekiiohiers !('
the Hood Hivm-r-'ruil lirowers' I'nion lor the
pnrpoMe of el'-etiiiir a hoard (I dirt-tors for the
ensuing, inen llnn the hy-law, and the
trani-aelina of any hiwiitew that may le(aliy
eoinr-bvf.wo 'he meet! tig will he held In tiie
A, (). C. W. Iiiill, Hatitid'iy, Noveinher , 1M1,
at Hlo'eloeK A. ij. A lull wttendnnee la de
vired, ns ihetvi s important to come
tieture this ni.HMin. liy onter ot the noard ot
dirwdors,; -U..J.-rWUNU, hev'y.
Land Oilier at Til lal!es, fim?on, Ofllnher
it. l!l. - Nnlli-n ii iieu tiy uiveii that the t'ol
loV Ina-iuimod Maulers inive tiled notiee of
tlieir inienli'in to eotninnto and mnke Hnal
proof on" their resi"eilve platina tmfora the
lieurlider and t'eeeivi' al. The Hiilleii, Oregon,
on Niiiirnav, nereiniHT it. i:n, viz;
lil. K.N It. PAllltll'K,
en liotni'MiwI uppllMilion No. Kl'.4i for lot 7.
norili mailheaiit and southeast '4 north
eavt ?4 st'riion 81, township '1 north,' range 1)
rant, w. Al.
y KF,Wmr K KAN P.
on honiesleHil aiiplienllou No, SHW, for lots S.
II, ill and 1 1. tjeetlon lil, township i 1101 lb, range
i enxi, v. si.
V ltnev,.s; f,ee t4rirse, Lou Morse, V. II,
Cole. ii. I-:. Hand inii Glen I'ahrh k, all of
noon Kiver. ureon,
"ldu JAY l- Ll'C'AH, RpKlatcr.
Land Olllee at Vaneouver. W'anh Kept. 21,
PK1. Nonee 1 nereny uiveii that the follow.
InK-nnnied Hettlur lias fl led notice of ids In-
tent 1101 to make tinul proof In sunuort of
hiselaim, and Unit said proof will he made
netoretiie itetOMer ann rteeeivpr 1;. . ijidii
1 mice al aneouver, ash., 011 Wednesday,
Novenhei'li. I'.ihl, viz.:
of White Siilmon P. U., Wilt IiIiikIoii, who
rnidell. K. Nr. Hi.lSil, fir tiie. west half of
it'irthwe.-d. ipmrier ot section 10, and east, halt
of iiorllieiist quarter of swilnu lownship 8
north, rnnite i(i ea'd W. M.
He nan!e,s the firflowimi witnesheii to prove
Ids enniinuoim residence ujam and cultiva
tion 01 sunt unm, vizi
Kinanuel Larsen, .h)hp Nelson, (lie Tinul
and Uilliert Iviniisnn, all of Willie Kaliuon
i . ii., ashnmion.
kJ, ill W. II. UrjNHAK, Uwniater,
' i-.1(JTlCE- -
To Water Consumers.
The rnlosof the Company will be Btrletly
toiiowen aner tins nine, aii wnoareuei n
tpient afier tiie IO1I1 day of the tnopth will he
ciniijjed the full pi'ie:!. yU: ifl.iit) per month:
Uioe.slra ;:."hi uroin to the iiolleetof, wlio will
win inn oe uiruei on uaain until all arrenr are niild. )! ilnnihs July 1st next, all
waier reins win in-enaiwn to owners 01 rent
ed huild:ui; Instead of to the occupant.
Sheriffs Sale.
In the Circuit Courtof t tie state of Oregon for
wasi-o 1 ouniv.
A'.nieda 71. llarrett, plainlilt', . Uort V
wyatt, y, . li. winnns, John lieland Hen
dci son, Kohci't Ilaipl and ((eoriia l' l''or
Kylhe, dcfendtutiH.
liy virtue of an execution, decree and order
of sale duly issued out of and under the seal
of the Circuit Court of the slute, of UrcKiin for
the county of Whkco, tome if nvcled and dated
th's 251 Ii day of iSepleinher, liinl, iiiuii a ileerec
of tOroclosure of iwo cmtain mnrtjiaicm and
Judnnieut- rendered and entered in uid court
on tiie tfitli nay of Sepleuiher, 1IH, in the
above entitled cause, in favor of the plaintitl'
und against the defendant, liert V. W yatt, as
judiiiiient. ih hior In tne sum of VT.aV, Willi
Inlerest tliereon from theiith day of Heptem
her, luil, nl the rate of leu per cent per an
num; and the further sum of ivf.uo as attor
ney's fi-es; ami the sum of $H:it, with Interest
at leu i-rcnt ir aniiuin frnai the ;Sth day
of Kciueiuher, pull; anil the further sum of
JllUHl as attorney's fees; and the further sum
ol 17. 17 costs, and tn favor of 1 he defendant,
Gt-orgo K. Korsyt he, and iiisal list t lie defend
ant, liert V. Wyalt, as judgment dehlor In
the sum of pti.'M, illi Interest thereon from
the &lh day id' Hcptrmbcr, 11X11, at ti-n per
cent per anniiin; and ll,e further sum ot ifi,.0U
us ailomey s ieeM and tho eosls of snd upon
this writ, nmt eominimdm me to make sale
01' ihe real properly embraced in sindi decree
of foreclosure and hercinufier descrita-d, 1
will, on the llih day ot November. Hull, at the
hour of 10 o clock in t lie forenoon of mud day,
and nt the from door of tiie eonnty oourt
house in Italics City, in Wasco coiinty.oreiion,
sell al laihlic uueiion to tiie highest bidder tor
casli In liniid, all the riifnt, title and Interest
winch the dcf. ndanl, liert V. Wyatt, hud on
the Uih day of AtisMist, l'.it), the date of the
mort liases foreclosi d lierein. or whleii any of
the dee-n'btnts ahio'e named have since' ac
ipiired or now have in or to the following de
serihed real property situated and being in
Wasco counly. state of Ureunn, to wit: The
northeast ipiaru-r (!4) of Kectii.n twcnly-six
1 ) or township one (It nnrth,' ranac nine ill)
east of the Willamette Meridian, containing
one hundred and sixty (Hh aeies Of land, or
mi inneh toereiiias willsutiMy Kaid judgment
and (Oscree Willi 111 and accruing i-osts.
Said projicrly will la' sold subject to contlrm
ation and reileuiption. ns br law pi-ovided.
1'aied at I he Dalles, OreiTon, this iiiih day
of Se,iicnilK r, hull. liDlIKHT KKLl.Y,
olnl sheritr Wasco County, Oregon
Foreclosure Sale.
In the Circuit Cmul or ihe state of Oregon for
NVmst'h Vounty.
tlcnrtte K. Kol-syttlP, trtisti H, for the use and
bandit of lteatnee. liiu-ent Salter, now TitotT,
of irf-ipsic, Wenuanv, plaintilV, vs. i'lie H.mhI
Hiver I.umherlng Company and K. T. Wi
nans, d.-f ndants: - .
By virtue of Hit execution, decree and ordir
of sale duly issued nut of and under tiie seal
01 the Oieuit c -lot the slide of Oregon for
the county of Wasco, to me direeled und
ihite.l the 101 Ii day 01 1 leiober, A. 1). Pmi, upon
a decree for the lop, closure of a certain mort
eaeeaud luilginent. rendered and eniered In
said const on tne -,ib day of OcPiU-r. A. 1.
1'iHl, in the abiivp entitled causH, In favor of
Ihe pluitmii'aiu! ii7iusl Ihe di len.iMrils ' He
Hood Hiver I, uinlHriiu Company and K T
' mans. Hsjudnnient dehiors In Itie sum 01
ejahi huiidred (sun dollars In gold coin of Ihe
CnPed S!j,(,.N iK-inir the pi on outl dehl accord
ing tc Ihe ti l ins of mod uroinissory nole; tile
fur'.her sum of ninety and sit-sv, 11 liuu
dre.Phs (iil.iiTl doliaVs inp-ii'st numev due
tiH-ieon, wunpuled 10 and Ineludtuu the 4th
day of iN'toln-r, I oi,.iiU ! inleie.,1 thereon
uiilil paid at re.i,t p, r cent t r annum: and
tin- furl hit sum of one hundred toi, dollars as
aitm ney's iis-s, anil Imeresi then"Hin nnii)
paid; and the luriuer sum of seventeen tifiy
!si7...M dollars ciists. mid I be cost of and iisin
ti'i- writ, and eoetuuindtng in" to make sale
Oi the real projs-n enihnieed in such decree
nf form losnr.. ali i hereilmfPT duscrlb 'd, 1
wih.ornn.. ,th day of No-.cuiIxt, A. Ii. lull,
lit loe hour ot 2 oV'oek In the apernoon ot
siiel 1: , an t a; !ie front door of the county
court ii.aise in hjtpe. I'ily, Wasco eounly,
nr. aon. eil ni pnM- aucilon to the hnihesi
bid lrrf -r r rli 11, ii.nnl. all the rlglil. til le
and u-t-Tisi !n.-h pn- def.inlanm. tne Il.sid
Uiv. r l.anl.-rii:; o"ioanv nno LT Wuinrn
or enh" .' 11.-111. had on t i,e li h uny of June.
A. I'. J o.!ne dali-1,1 I he nvirf li-e t'rel,.' ised
h-'i n. or Him !i u, 1 def.-n i mtsor aav of
the d.-l. i.iimm- l re.ii hriv sile-e aeipilri d nl
new Iwu :ii i,n-l to Hie hii..a no; i. ilsd
rc' yr'p u.,,;c atel tr. .n i.i V asi-
fouf.1 v. Ut wii:-,.t,j of Uie S. 1. ol the N. ,M
--:'n It. p. ),;i. I N.. I-:., . ja.i-AII 01
Mil "i;i ii'i.l of ,. iiortii half i f iHs-non
t!iirii- n 01 !ior:is:i;a one north f rani1 nine
eM 1;,.. i!i.,i: 11c ineri l an, in vj'-i
fs'Uli' 1, vih". o, t-iii'iiii. iMi'Haia' m-ri'.
li ii.i'.ira, rii 11 ii M- I p- as-rty j
Hot sio.i iioi.-'iii tit nnd .1. cyt. w Mil i
Costs ! .lis-rip,L' e.
iel r-i'i ;:v iO In j.Tli-'.s.'t t." -..l,llrma-
ti-'ii i.r.d r,--ini-.:e.i, as i.y i. '(o i ii.
1 d Ht l:;es i ,j v. 1 ietf..n 11. ;s c:.-i daV
nfoiHit'. IM. 11'MtL.lirKM.I.Y.
tslierlft W Hrs ouriiy, 10 jt-'-i.
tilt I.IIAJli HitM'KksoK, Aliy f--rp fT.
Im. . II 11W
i ne (rails
Our htiflinesti has increased go we wore compelled to make more room. We will
s jeoon oe ixsupr able to take care of our growing trade. The perypie aro not
' slow in finding the store that given the most goods for the least money.
- Good crimped top Lamp Chimneys, No. 2 for 7c.
" ." " " " , " " 1 for 5c.
Lantern (ikfbei) , 7c.
Lamp Hiirnprf, good grade, 5c and "c eneh.
Whisk lironiiin, good quality , 5c.
Children! School Handkerchiefs, 3 for. 5c.
Mens Heavy Outing Flannel Shirts, .... , 40c.
Good Lend Pencils, not the cheap kind, each 1c.
Good Steel Rod Umbrellas , 45c.
Clothes Pins, pur dozen, lc.
Rolling Ping V 10c.
Brownie Lunch Boxes. ..'...' , '. , 10c.
ffflTGoods delivered to any part of the CHy.jgJ
Your Patronage Solicited.
Stationery .
job printing at BRADLEY'S BOOK STORE.
Comprises the Latest Styles and Qualities.
We al:o have an exteiis-ive collection of
Mr L Bradley's Magnificent Hood River and
Columbia River Scenes,
than which no more beautiful or acceptable gift coultl he made.
Your patronage respectfully solicited,
Was not canned by the Boxers, hut by Cos'a Holiday line coming in
direct from Sew York. , .
CUPS and SAUCRES, All the latest styles and decorations from 10 cents to 85
cents. Over tit) patterns to choose from.
VASES, Forty Htyles ami fihtipc8. All the heat.
STATUES, The latest dewgiw, an ornament to your home,
PLACQUES, Beautiful ones from 15c. to fl.OQ,
PERN DISHES, Seat ni( tasty, just the thing for ferna and Chinese lillies.
SALAD foWlt Beautiful effect in this luteal patterns.
PLATE.S, AH kinds, that can't be beaten for beauty, from 15c. up
C'ELEUY TRAY8, An ornament to any dining table, new patterns'.
SPOON TRAYS, Are all the fad now, you'll tbiitk to when you aee them.
MUtiS, Any stylo or shape you may wish. We can suit you to a T.
NOVELTIES, Such as frog, clown toothpick holders, tlog figures, sheep, monkey
.' head banks, bon bon hexes, match boxes, sugar and cream sets, flower baa
kets, and many others. '
THE HALF lias never been told. Come just to see, no trouble to show goods.
Seed in. introduction to the o!d settlers of this valley, but for the ben-
flit of newcomers we wish to say that these Shoos are positively un
excelled for bard service. When you want a pair of Shoes that will
. WEAR, try JUIler'a, - . -
Isn't it SICE that there is some place in town whore you can get
fat, juicy, tender chickens, yither alive or dressed.
Jensen Has Them.
Also a great variety of Fruits, Home-made Candy and Fine
F'rench Candies. v -
Are still doing business at the sa'me old stand, and their cash prices
are pleasing their trade. We have no large hank account to boast of
but believe in the old saying that "A nimble sixpence beats a laasy
dollar," therefore we are satisfied with
Quick Sales and Small Profits.
Large assortment of choice Trees.
year old Apple.
H. C.
Hood River
Fresh and Cured Heats.
Pure Alfalfa Honey, as Cheap as Syrup.
Is the best
White Arrnii
( 2-n. !u
' r B.
Sal S.jJ.1 .
t 4-n. l,,t,, 100 Mot,
S l -r fi. He ptr t.. 2K.r ir B.
ca daw cut!
Especially fine lot of one and two'
in your order early,
Commercial Co.,
we can buy.
iie )K.r B,.
SO- 8 Iota,
9c er
For Sale
1. lots in Waucoma Park addition
from $90 to f 160.
3. Hight acres off the W. J. Baker
place, known as the Heffernan place; in
strawberries; price, with crop, $1,000.
4. Twenty-five acres of the Silliman
place, East Side ; 18 acres in cultivation ;
young orchard ; $75 an acre.
5. The Richard Kirbyson place of 29
acres on the State road; early straw-
oerry lanu; price f l.auu. -
7. Ttftrrpt.t.Sinmn nihlif tnn t7.t rut Lit
$10 down and $5 per mouth ; no interest.
9. Fine hltmHtnd nf 1 Hfl arua nn
Rock creek iifinr lla ven nnrt'a Prliw
$1,000-$300 down, balance at 6 per
10. Lots in Hull's nililittnn nu-h
lot level. 80 z 140 : center ni hull
$150 each.
11. 150 acres about 8 miles from Hood
River on Mosier creek, new house, three
acres in fruit, $700 cash, title perfect.
15. Lots in Henderson anh-iliuieinn
$37.50 a lot.
1(1. Thirtv-five nrrps lnml en at nf
county roao! in John Monroe and J. M.
Monroe homesteads; wild land; price
$20 per acre.
19. The Glover farm, well improved,
miles from Goldendale ; 240 acres :
140 acres in cultivation; 83 acres in
winter wheat; 7 acres in hog pasture,
with a creek running through it; all un
der fence, with cross fences; large
new barn and fine house. Trice $12.50)
an acre ; will take Hood River property
in part payment.
21. N. M S. E. U. R. Xi. N V. U
4, T. 3 N R. 11 E White Salmon ; line.
timber land ; $10 per acre.
' BB. The Emerson homentcadronly on -
mile east of town ; fine range ; $1,500.
23. Lots 5 and fl. hlrwk 7. Winnn. o,f-
dition ; $50 a lot, or $85 for the two.
25. Two beautiful building lota near
Robt. Rand's new house. Price $200
for the two.
28. 529 acres, with much fir timber,
including both falls on Hood river. Re
fer to Butler & Co.
31. At Trout Lake, 80 a. ; 3 in timothy,
cuts 8 tons a year; 50 a. in heavy saw
timber, white nine, fir and cedar; west
fork White Salmon river runs through
the place; price $1,250.
32. Emma G. Robinson's 160 acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known aa
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $785.
Eligible residence lots in Spangler'si
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$75 ; terms easy.
$200 to $1,200 to loan.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
surveyor's transit, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying.
N. B. Terms are easybn all the above
lands, with interest at 6 per cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads
and timber claims should apply at the
J.I'.T1.1" tj,nd' Act Jon , W78.1
United State Inl Offlc. Vancouver
that In cnmpliHnre with the provlMoni of the
act of c.mitmj ..f J,,e S, IS7S, eolltled "Ah art
f.r thiwleof timber land In the lUU- of
l-aliftM-iilH Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," a. extended U) all the public land
Male by act of AukdM 4, Ixw "" 'n
Of Fulda, eotmty of Kllr ktut, tHle of Wah
Inetoii.lmiiihl.dfly Hied in thtoffl1hl.worr.
.tateinent No. 2110 for tha purohaw" thS
Qthwei.t northeast v, and northwi 1
Jouthea.t H ,'t .Kh, NTlLtS toMp iY
5 north, ranee No. II eat, W. M . and
will ofler proof to show that the land HiKhi
Is mora VHliiHble for in. tlmberor . ton" than
for agr cnltnrHl pr,Me, and to wtabilah bH
on i Tii$day, the2Bih Uy of (VMI4' ton.
... " " w mirr-w-; n HI Hey It i f
Samuel M O and John Wyer. of Vtilda:
Anv nH it nAaun.n. i i
iihV.. .V "? "n''" or be fore aaid
iith dny of November, 1!).
. v, Jrt 1(1 NBAR. RectMer.
wa"'ta KThS w". l. .
dy, Novembers , Mil, via-
of Moeler, OrTt..n, H. E No. 57U far th.
hi onnUtiwHi tvilfnc upon and cuUiv.
iwm of, und land, vi; cutuv.-
W. A HiArb Slm. . H .
. LA'S It'jii.ver.