The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 01, 1901, Image 2

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    wrr iT'uii t rn mm
o3d Iftver lacier.
FRIDAY, N0VKMI5ER 1, 1901. '.
Where KolU the Oregon.
Corrcf-lMmdotice Oivgiw City Courier-Herald.
After a few Jays of activity in The
Dalles wo floated down to Hood River,
where we spent Sunday. Hood River is
fumed the world over for her bitf red
apples and luscious straw berries, and por
hapg the readers of your columns will
find ft brief sketch of some interest.
We are indebted to much valuable in
formation to IlonK. I.. Smith, presi
dent of the Oregon state board of hor
ticulture, who hag been a resident of
this valley for 20 years, has a lovely and
prolific orchard of 50 acres, three miles
above town, and he is enthusiastic over
the future prospects for the Oregon fruit
growers if they can be induced to co
operate, for 'only in union is there
strength". The individual producer is at
the tender (?) mercies of commission
sharks and diamond stud speculator?.
One reason why Hood River fruit al
ways commands good prices is that they
have a well organized union and no
competition among the producers.
Henry T. Williams, who owns exten
sive orchards in the (tark mountain of
Arkansas.and who recently purchased
fin 80 acre orchard in Hood" River val
ley, says, in speaking of the strawberry
industry here : "The demand exceeded
the supply. Markets that wanted them
'could not lie supplied, and had to go
without. Commission men who wanted
them on commission were told that
nothing left this place except when paid
for iu advance or guaranteed. Dealers
wanting to beat down the prices '.vere told
that if 1 1 ley were not good to stick by
prices first given they would not get any.
Jicver before was the grower king of the
market. Rut oue variety can be sold
with favor and but from one place, the
home of its adoption Hood River.
There are certain peculiar merits
connected with this variety t he Clark's
Needling that constitutes a chapter in
horticulture, very remarkable. What it
is that gives this berry its excellence
here no one knows. The berry is not
the same elsewhere. Jt carries for dim
tances of 2,tu() miles or more and holds
tirm to the end."
Several shipments that went to the
Klondyke country are reported to have
arrived there in good condition and sold
like hot cakes at $5 a box. There were
40,000 crates of strawberries shipped
from here this year over 00 carloads.
The cash returns to the growers was
about $5,000; a deduction of $25,000 for
picking and crates, leaves the growers
about $ii0,u00 clear of expenses. The
entire acreage in strawberries in Ilooi
River and White Salmon is about 350
acres, over $100 per acre net profit.
Space will not permit us giving the
Hood River valley a proper description.
The people here all seem prosperous. As
an example of apple culture we will
mention C. Dethman's orchard of
five acres 11 years of age. He has most
ly late winter varieties, and' of course,
exereiws care in picking and packing-,
but t-r the last live years his a.jphv e !
from the? five acres has brought him
an average, of $1400 in cash. Say, don't
that beat raising 40 cent wheat.
Our thanks are due V. Wincheli, a
pioneer native son of llotvl Rivervailey,
for a pleasant drive, anil much of the in
formation we gathered of the valley's
pioneer history. The first settler locat
ed in Hood River valley in 1H54. The
first store building was erected in the
town in 1WI by John Parker, now de
ceased. It is stilt standing and is occu
pied by Bone & McDonald, as a general
merchandise store. The town was in
corporated in 1804, and now lias a pop
ulation of 7tO souls. An electric light
plant has recently been placed in opera
tion. It hasa local telephone system, and
isalive up to date town. It is ((i miles by
rail from Portland. During the high
water, the river steamers run rigiit. up
to thetown,but at low water as at present
it is a mile from the landing. But. after
all Is said about Hood River, she can't
hold a candle to our native soil Clacka
mas county. HoPO.
Mcnlai Sides.
The congestion of railroad tics iu the
mill company's yards here has caused
the mill to only run half time, and con
sequently many men have been thrown
out of employment and have moved
A petition to take Con Repp's place
into the Frank ton school district is being
circulated by W. A. Lotkman. The pe
tition was generally signed at Vieuto.
The Sunday school here still flourish
es, notwithstanding the loss of much of
our population. John Drill is superin
tendent and Miss Lulu $ .listen, secretary.
Miss Absten is also a teacher in the Sun
day school.
Mrs. (iranf McOarn is epiite low
with consumption. Mr. McCurn is
giving his entire time to caring for his
sick wife. The family came here from
Wisconsin last May. It was hoped that
the change of climate would 1 neiitMrs.
McCarn's health.
The mill company donated the win
ter's supply of wood for the branch
school house here, known as the Colum
bia school. F. R. ALsten, one of the
board of directors, donated the hauling.
Miss Kdna lirown is successfully con
ducting the Columbia school. She has
Ii0 pupils enrolled, with an average at
tendance of 2S.
Irvin Hoggs, who worked in the mill
here last winter, it is reported lost a leg
that was cut off by the cars w hile trav
eling on the railroad, time and place not
' lhifces Valley Items.
' This is the home of flu; rattlesnake,
digger squirrel and cayote and is one of
the prettiest little valleys in Oregon.
The farmers are all done sowing their
fall crops and grain looks fine.
The big dit'h is almost completed -to
Dukes Valley. Then? was some water
in it lat week, an 1 the ditch slid out
for several ieet. We may get washel
away next summer i! the dit'-h i g"iig
to act Irko this.
Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Kasel are visiting
in the valley from lin-obum, tire. They
came up overland and expect to locate
!ei. 1 !,.? w!d t':-..;r :-,-m r ar R -bur-..
Mr-. K;.ei ,s v:-.:;, :,it :,..,
er. Mis .i. F. U. n.
D, iinfs Hod son en me. h-'iiie sick, last
Sunday, from the Chenowith saw mill,
but is gettirg better now.
Wni. Dod'on, J. Kasse! and H lVds.,n
intend t'i iro to w.rk on the ditch soon.
' Us-:.
IMith of the Oldest Man.
London, Oct. 1. A dispatch to the
Paiiy Mail from Athens records tbe
death at Khuti. Albania, of Ismail llud
io, said to have been the hWt mar,
in the world. It is atd that he ua- It';
years old. - H:s faculties were tinim-pai-ed,
and he had all his teeth when he
died. He leaves - t) descendants.
St. Joseph, Mo.. Oct. 17. Mr-. Ann
Taylor, one "f the Wstorict! character
of this city and state.died here yesterday,
aed 110 years. For i,.v" than a centu
ry she had lwn addict 1 to the use ui
tobacco and bipii-r.
, The greatest deienrd f-.r fr lit trvo
frm the nursery, this year.
be for the apple an 1 cherry, -ys r.vvtic
X Colon f Interests.
A fruit growers union at Salem is in
dispensible to jirotcct the Jierry trade
at both places. For instance, the Hood
River berry is grown on the sandy bot
tom land about Salem, and ia even a
good crop on the heavier lands of Salem
prairie in favorable locations. The so
called Hood .River terry is Clark'g seed
ling, and grows to the greatest perfec
tion for the home market and cannery
at Salem, and quite a number of crates
were shipped from here last year. They
were so large and fine in color and qual
ity that they brought orders for more.
One small shipment from Salem to a
California town brought an order for a
carload. The Clark's Seedling grown at
Salem is probably not as good a ship
ping berry for distant markets as when
grown at Hood River. But both places
can produce fruit of such excellence and
superiority that they have nti need to
fear of holding markets. The difference
in price received by growers at the two
places is so great that as Salem ship
ments increase they are bound to inter
fere wiih Hood River trade.
A meeting of the fruit growers of Sa
lem and vicinity is to be held at Salem
on Saturday, Nov. 23rd for the porpose
of hearing a discussion of the pierits of
forming an union of interests locally and
possibly of avoiding friction and compe
tition "with Hood River. Industrial
agent Jadson of the S. P. Co. expects to
have some represenative men from
Hood River at that meeting to tell the
growers iiere how it is done. The Jour
nal believes that the Clark's seedling
berries grown here can be handled un
der the Hood River brand with better
result to gnv.vursi.if. both jctfoui.
lent .foiirnaL
Green Must Hang.
Murderer tireen has given up all hope
of escaping the gallows. State Senator
E. M. Rands, his attorney, was up early
this week and,- it is reported, informed
his client.that he must suffer the ex
treme penalty, A night and day watch
is now kept and will be maintained up
to the day of Creen's doom. The pre
cise day of the execution has not yet
been made public, but it is evidently
near at hand, as Sheriff Totten is now
planning to haw cards printed ii: vitint;
liia friends to witness the gruesome
event, About 200 of these favors will he
distributed. The prisoner s!;ow Mich a
svofu! lack of courage as lhe day ap
proaches for the execution that the sher
iff has decided to construct a gallows in
the woods adjacent to the town, and
away from hearing distance of the con
demned man. Pioneer,
D.'rttli of Mr. Snipes. '
Mrs. Martha Snipes, wife of (ieo,
Shipes, died at tier home three niilfs
below The Dalles.Oct. 21th. Deceased's
maiden name was Martha Imbler. She
was born in Iowa, Feb. 25, 1K35, and
with her parents crossed the plains in
'o'i. On their arrival at The Dalles Bhe
was married to Ceo. Snipes on Septem
ler 25t h of that vear,t hey having been
the second couple married in Wasco
county, and ??iiee then have made their
ho rno in tiii-s county. To Mr. and Mrs
Snipes 14 children were born, eleven of
whom survive. She was a sister of
Jesse Imbler of Hood River.
. Spreads Like Wildfire.
When things are "the best'' they be
come'.'tbebost selling." Abraham Hare,
a leadingdrnggist of Pelleville,0., writes:
"Klectric Bitters are the best selling bit
ters I have handled in 20 years." You
know why? Most diseases iiegin in dis
orders of stomach, liver, kidneys, bow
els, blood and nerves. Klectric Bitter
tones up the stomach, regulates liverf
moneys ami uoweis, purines me moon,
strengthens the nerves, hence cures' mul
titudes of 'maladies. It builds up the
entire system. Puts new life and vigor
into any weak, sickly, run-down man or
woman. Price 5oc. Hold by ('has. N.
Clarke, druggist.
County warrants registered prior to
December 3, l.W, on which interest
ceased after September 12, lilOl, will be
paid uptm presentation to the treasurer
of Wasco county.
First-class appk-s are selling in Port
land at from f 1 to $1.50 a box.
Milton will ship 50 carloads of apples.
Buyers are paying $ 1.25 to tl.Ss) per
box. :
If anybody asks you what the evening
wore on, tell him, "the close of the day.'
A new case of diphtheria was reported
to the city authorities this morning.that
of a child of W. S. Woolsey, who resides
in the MiliuiryoAddition, near the enu
of the flume. " The house was promptly
quarantined. This is the first new case
in nearly two weeks. The old cases are
all weU and only await the limit of the
Savvjfor raising theijuarantine. T'neflag
was taken down from J. 15. Goit's house
yesterday. The quarantine will be
raised on the remaining five old cases in
a few davs. Dalles Chronicle.-
"Best Winter Apples on Earth."
The (ilenwood Howa) Opinion claims
that its locality can produce the "best
winter apples on earth." Glen wood is
the-con nt.y seat of Mills county, a south
western county of Iowa, bordering on
the Missouri river. The following ex
tracts taken from the Opinion have a
familiar sound :
Almost everyone is surprised at the
nntnlier of apples being harvested in
the vicinity of (ilenwood. The season
for summer apples was remarkably
good. Hut in the winter apple crop is
wlrere we shine in this locality. It
cannot jw heat. TheOpinion re.vived a
letter this summer from Frederic W.
Taylor.director of concessions at the
Pan-American exposition and who has
also charge of the horticultural depart
ment. .Mr. Taylor is an old Missouri
valley horticulturist and took occasion iu
tiiis letter to say that t ilenwood was the
center of the best apple country in the
world. Coming from a man of such
wide experience as s traveler this etate
n eiit is worthy of consideration. Mr.
Taylor means to say that nowhere in
the world are J t-re hotter rtppleg pro-'!;,-
'-! Ui-.s.: ;-.ii,i heroin Milis couiity.
The .loi. athau apples tir's season are
something remarkable. The season is
now at its best for this famous variety
and they are being shipped from (ilen
wood by the train load. Carson Walker
came to town Tuesday w ith some fine
s)HV;!m)is which were quickly bought
up by a Chicago house. The packers paid
. that 'iu all their experience, they had
never aeon as good Jonathan apples as
Mr. W;i!ker had on his palee.
The priv Jonathan ai-pleg, too, is
s'irpvi.ig everybody, and is bringing
j great n igirets of gold into oor midst.
! Tii is week the price is from t2.50 to $3.
j r barrel. The fact is that Glenwood
i is toe only place wber1 they can be
found in any quantity. Palmer & Co.
I of Mo'ix City, and J W. Stump of Chi
! cago. fw the handw riling m the wall
t months ai;o and sottied lu re. Now they
j are reaping &f ne harvest. At niv of
', o':r h.,te!s the majority of the boarders
! are apple packers. Yesterday a man
from New York happened along and
ii rew ii ; his hands iu wild despair, lie
was too Lite. Most o: the orchards have
U-en U.ught p hv wet-tern hustler.
Mr McKerron.a bricklayer who moved
! from ChK-$- t (tnx4 a few years
ago, h in great fortune this year. His
apple orchard northwest of town is one of
the roost prolific in these parta. When
he came here Mr.McFerron did not know
a thing about orcharding. Wash Murphy
gave him some pointers and he began
slashing around with the pruning hook.
At any rate he got the place cleaned up.
This year he has been compelled to use
props and scaffolding to keep the loaded
limbs up.
W. M. Meyers of Tabor was a welcome
Opinion caller this week and astonished
us, with bringing in some samples of the
Wolf River variety of apples so large
that six of them would cover the bottom
of a half bushel basket. Mr. Meyers
took them around to several apple pack
ing establishments in Glen wood and was
tickled to see the apple experts open
their eyes and stop work to examine
them. Six of these apples weighed an
ounce and a half less than six pounds.
Astounding Discovery.
From Coopersville, Mich., conies word
of a wonderful discovery of a pleasant
tasting liquid that when used before re
tiring by any one troubled with a bad
cough always insures a good night's rest.
"It will soon cure the cough, too," writes
Mrs. S, Ilimelbnrger, "for three genera
tions of our family have used Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption and nev
er found its ecpial for ooughsand colds."
It's an unrivaled life-saver when used
for desperate lung diseases. Guaranteed
bottles 50c and fl at Chas. N. Clarke's.
Trial bottles free. .
Call and See Us.
I have now taken cliarKCof thecmtliifr le
punwieiit of Mrs, OiirK s Dress Mukhu; estab
lishment, nrii wfl art now rtrwpHred to do
Kfnernl )rtws musing, Iso Indies' tailoring.
Allolit i"iistonitrn autt u iso new ones are re
sjvtful!v luvltfd to call and examine our
work mi 1 sri't oar prices. I also comluei my
Ilress t'nttlm; school In connection. Honrs
from 2 to 4 p. m. You should inquire into the
merits of this work. . JANE CO.VfKS,
Manufrer Standard Dress I'm Una Scnool.
NEW ""
At my place, on the Mt. Hood road, one
mile south of town. I have opened- Flour
and Feed Stow, No need now to haul your
feed up the bin hill from town when you can
ht;y of went liiittllO priees,
nfc: . j, y. i.mar.
Contracting Painters,
TinMnj, Pwoiatifiu. Frmeoina, H'en Paint
'h. Pujmr .lain;iit;, (ihtzlne, Itecora
tiv,; NovfitiMs, Hooni Moldings,
Artists' Materials. Mixed
Ints, oils and
Wall l'nptr,:lc per roll and upward.
None but tin most nklllvd workmen em
ployed, ArTYou Short of FeedP
Two acres of popcorn shork f-Mtder; also,
sweet corn fodder, awful cheap, C the fodder
or -in 14' W. P. WATSON.
Taken Up.
Three en Ives, less than one ear old. Own
ers wilt pnv lor fits ad und take tncni may
for kwiM. Ii. (.' K A l2HAM.
Piano for Sale
or Kxcnange. A resident of Portland owns a
fine Piano whii h he wishes to sell, or would
exchanue in whole or In part payment for a
few acres of Hood Kiver land suitable (or
strawberry (trowing. Land lu any partof the
valley considered. For particulars e.ali on or
wrile t i oj K. K H A R B1MON,
Soft Snap.
A cheap Krull liryer, compielft. Also, 10
ae.-esofinnd wHiiluV, milt ol Trunkton school
and mliesof town srhon); no an acre. In-;nti-e6:'tii4ci''roi-
To Trade for Wood.
A lante Crib and a Healing stove to trade
forwond. UilNin MltS. R. Ii. KKWIN
A full line nfXtvu! H!:inks for sale at. Brad
ley's Kuafc Store.
Note some of the Prices:
A Single bit handled Axe.. 00
A ditto ......... 1.25
A Mann's bronzed double-bit Axe 1.00
A Douglas Axe Co. (Hunt) do .75
An Old Honesty double-bit Axe. . . 1.10
The largest stock in town, at
"$10 WortOolOcT
I will send to any farmer the following
three recipes for 60 cent (no stamps):
1. Kor the prevention of hog choleru.
2. Kor the prevention of chicken lice.
3. Kor the protection of your fruit trees
against rabbits peelins off the bark of trees.
I guarantee t he receipts to do the work. Ad
drcss Box SH7, The Dalles. Oregon.
And wagon repairing attended to promptly at
my shop on the,MuHMl road, south of town.
ikmii work at reasonable pnec.
sep!7 O. A. MOWEI.L.
Peanut Roaster.
We have a peanut Koaster of latest patern
and can supply our customers with the best
Quality of peanuts, fresh roasted every day.
Sample ihem. COI.K URAHAM.
For Sale or Exchange.
A .roomed modem cottage, lot SO x IU) de
Klrable liK'tlou f..r home tr, Portland, worth
lljU'V-for a small improved farm in Hood
River. Address t',C, Januen, ttfi Montana
ave., Portland. Or nl
Town Lots for Sale.
Apply to J. K. W ATT,
SJf'; nood River Townsite
For Sale.
A steel Flunge and Ijirties' Hicv.-le. rl at
Hereford Bull.
Thoronghbret Hereford Hull for service at
S!.Si). O. IiWOttliWOKTH.
Jersey Bull for Sale.
A tlrxt-elaioi .lersey bull. 3 yoars old, of the
St, Lamtiert strain; registered.
For Sale or Trade.
A g,d wnnd home, liarnis and waimn.
! H. M. AHIUilT.
Stockholders Meeting.
Notice Is heret.v given that the Minimi
meeting of the t-k holders of the Valley Im
provement miny, tr to eleriton of of
rtvr and for nch other huiness a may
come b kre It meeting, wilt be held Mori
day, N-vemlHr In lJi. at !,'i o'cliwi A. M.. iu
theromptny'orb, in Jackwn's bnildjng.
HoxJ Iiier. Ky ordr of the nmldetiL
nli K. H. KAILKY.Wecretary.
Harness Work.
Having made arrangement to rnn the hr
ns dt'iMrtiuent .r Veld, at Hulii old
stn.l, am pn-parwl tod,. ;l km. is o' work in
first-c fhui. A specialty made,,, reino
irig. il K li. t Af.KI.Vs,
if i$t fe&S v
I Mi hi &
U fashion's latest cn'ation In fetnlnliin head
wear. Thin hat Is n general utility hat and Is
especially adapted for the climate of Hood
Kiver. .
We are also prepared to show the lauwt
KftsUirn atyltw la ladies' Ures and Htreet
Hata. We make 'o order any design. . Prices
reufiouablb. Workmanship first, dims.
MAUAM AflltOlT, Milliner.
Harness aM Shoe Shop.
The place to get your harness supplies and
repair work done Is at Hullt'sold stand, cor
ner Third and HlHte streets. Ail part.s of har
ness furnished and repair work done on short
notice. Also, all kinds of -shoe repairing sat
Islaerori iy dime at reasonable prices. ,4r V. Vfl'.UW.
Money to Loan
On improved farms and good stock ranchesat
low rates and on long time, if want.-d. State
particulars and lowest amount wanted by
writing or calling upon
H ' 27.1 Mmrk Sit, Port land, Or.
McGuire Bros.
Fre&h and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. Phone 3o.
Frankton Express.
Passengers and baggage taken to and from
mil! camps and all parts of the valley; also,
light anil single rigsfiirnislied for
shopping. 1 K. I). t.'AI.KlNS.
Stockholders' Meeting.
'Hie animal if !?.ing of the stis kholilers of
the Hjd Kiver Fruit (irowors' tTnlc,n tor the
purpose of electing a board of directors lor the
ensuing year, amending the by-laws, and the
transact ion of any business that may legally
come before tl meeting, will be held In the
A. O. U. W. ball, Saturday, November It. l:Ji,
at Iflo'eloek A. M. A full attendance is de
sired, as there i important business to come
before this meeting. Ity order of the board of
dirtctore. U. J. UKSSLINO, piec'y.
I,and Ofllce at The I ial les, Oreeon, October
2S, 1001. -Noli is hereby given that the fol-lowing-numed
settlers have filed notice of
their IntiMition to (ninmnm ad make ilmil
iinsif on their respective eliilms belore the
Register and Kt-ceiver at T he. liiulc-s, Orngon,
on Saturday, Decernber if. HH3I, viz:
OI. K.N H. KAllHK'K,.
on homestead apiilicat ion No. Kr.i, for lot 7,
north yi southeast and situtiieasi l north
east si'ction SI, township i north, range !
east, W. M.
. DKU'.ERT K. FA.Nn.
on homestead n)ilication No. for lots s,
9, 10 and 11, section 81, township i north, range
9 east, W.M.
Witnesses: Ie Morse, liu Morse, W. 15.
J)le, I). K. Rand and Glen Katirl.-k, all of
Hood River, Oregon.
n 1 iW j J A V P. 1 .WASj Regjrter.
Umd Offlce at Vancouver. WcsK Sept, 21,
1901. Notice is heieby given that the foilow-Ing-named
settler has tiled nutiuo of his in
tention to maki! final proof in suppurt of
his claim, and that mvid proof will be made
before the Register and Receiver t).H. Lund
Olttoc at Vancouver, Wusli., on Wednesday,
Novembers, Hull, viz:
of White Salmon P. O., Washington, who
made H. E. No, 11, 1 SB, fr the west half of
northwest Quarter uf section HI, and eat half
of northeast quarter of section 9, township :i
north, range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence. nKia and cuitlva
tlon of said land, Vi: ,
Emanuel Lwsen, Jolin Nelson, Oie Tinol
and (filbert Knutson, all of White Salmon
P. O., Washington.
H2:ul W. R. fITNBAR, Kngister.
To Water Consumers.
The rules of1 Hie company will be strictlv
followed atler tlvis (late. All who are delin
quent after the Hull day of the month will be
charged the full pric, via: II. Kl per month;
theextra ic going to the, coliis-tur, who will
shut off. water at tlia ruain from )-e!deni-e
where payment is not promptly made, and It
will not be tvr'ie.l on again liniil all arrear
ages are paid. li ti lining July 1st next, all
water rents will be charged to owners of Hint
ed buildings instead of to the occupant.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of tlmMtate of Oregon for
- Citseo Ciinnty.
Almeda H. Hnrrett, pliiintilt, vs. Hert V.
Wyiitt,V. K. Winuiik, John Leiand Hen
tlerson, Itohcrt linml and Oeorge K. For
nythe, defendants.
Hy virtue of au execution, decree and order
of sale duly issued out of uud under the en!
of the l 'intuit t'nurt of the htute. of Onigon lor
theiHiunty of Wasco, tome directed and dated
this ijlh day of Hcpteiulier, lull, upon itdicree
of foreclosure f i.wm cirlain iimriKuses and
judKinents rendered nnd efiti red In said court
on the 2.rth day of s, ptember, , In the
above entitled cause. In favor of the pluintifl
and against the defendant, liert V, yat t, as
Judgment dchlor in Hie of rJ'.:;, w
lntreHt thereon from lhe2"ih day of Keptem
ber, 1H01, at the rate of ten per cent per an
num; and the tin ther um of i'ti.m as attor
ney's fees; and the mini of RJI.21, with interest
at ten percent per ani.iilii fro il theii'ith day
of September, 1H01; and the further sum of
J10.00 as attorney's fees; uud the further sum
of 117.17 costs, and in favor of the defendnnt,
Oeorge E. Korsythe, and asralnst, the defend
ant, Bert V. Wyalt. us Judnmcnt debtor In
the Hum of fKl.iK, lth InteieM tnereoii troin
the ith day of September, Hill, at ten per
cent jier annain; and the further sum oi Si'.cm
as attoniey'i tt-esi and the costs of and upon
thin writ, and commanding me to make sole
of tiie real property embraced in such decree
of foreclosure and hereinafter d- scribed, 1
will, on the lltli day ot November, null, at the
hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said dav.
and at the front door of countv court
house in Dalles City, in Wasco count v,Orenoii,
nell at public auction to the highest iildder for
casii in hand, ad the r'i;iit, title and itHei est
which the defcudant, Bert V. Wvalt. hud on
thelJthdayof Aunust, lstid, the dale of the
mottgiutes foruclosed hi rein. or whlcb any of
the defendants above nnmrd have since ac
quired or now have in or to the following le.
scribed real pnierty situmed and lieinj in
Wtwco county, slate of Oregon, to wit; ihe
northeast nuurter i of section twentv-six
.ijtilof towurilii)Mip (1) north, range nine oi
east of the W illatnette Meridian, containinn
one hundred ami sixi v (Ml, acres of laud, or
H much thereofasttiil satisfy mid jiiiliriiients
and decree with cost and aceruinic cost.
Said proporty will be lil subiec t to ccnfimi
ationaud redemption, r by law tirovided.
Imled at 'file 1 'uiles, Oregon, this i'ttli day
of Keptenber, IIKI1. ItDllLllT KKI.i.V,
(rtnl SJienir Wuseo County, urcsun
Foreclosure Sale.
In the Circuit CoortoftheFtateof Orcein for
' County.
iirKe K. .Koi's'ilie. tnisuv, fur tlie ;ic and
benetit of Kcuiririe MilieCiit Suller, now Titoti,
of I-eipsic, tkruuny, pluintiil, vs. The Hood
Kiver Lumbering Company -and K. 'i'. Wl
naufi, def. ndants:
By virtue of an'execitttoii, decree and order
of sale duly lsKiieil out of and uu-1cr ih w al
of the Circuit iViurl of the stale of Oregon fur
theiHiunty of Wasco, to me directed ami
datisl the'lvlth day of OctoN-r. A.-Il. IHII, upon
a decree for the tiu'is.l'Kiire if a ccnain mort
gage and iii'tf.-nieijt rendered and entered in
said conrt an the, Mil dav of Octobei, a. I'.
1WI1. In the above enlillet cause, in favor of
the plaintitfiind against, 1!ie dcieiidaiiis The
HiKul Kiver I.muberiua ('ompany and K T.
Witians, Hs.iudgitteiit detdors iu the stun of
eight hundred ,shc. dollars in geld coin of the
Vnited Slut,-, beour the prim ipal debt accord
ing to the T'rins i said pi-.nnis-iry n't ibe
further sum of ninety and slxiy-seven iinn
dredths (l.t,7) dollars interest' money due
thereon, computed to ami including Hie 4th
day ofOvTohcr, hW, and ais-Hnt,i- tiieitti
unci paid at eight p- r iit fs-r kiiiiuui: and
tlie furtner sum of me. linndre I Jii. ii,.i!,,i -as
attorney's f,-, and lntere eer.",n ut.t:i
paid; and the furOier sum of seventeen nfty
in.-Vi dollar costs, an.! tnccoMs oi and upon
Ihli writ, aii-t cnmiiHii-Hng me to make stile
of the real pr-uiertv eio irio-f-d lu hu, t decree
of fore- iosuiv and" her'ir.Mfter des.'rilvl. I
will, on th l-ith dav of NoveiiitT. A. I. P"l.
at t!ie hour of 2 n'clocit Id tue afteru,m oi
said day. and at the front door of the c-arity
eourl hoiw In liail, t'ity. Vi,sco coumy.
Ongon.sell at public auction to the lntnsi
bidder for ewdi in hau l, all the ligut, titl
and iMere-d wineti tlie lielVniiuiiis, the llKid
Kiver l.iiintMTiiig Company and K.T.Wiimns,
or either of them, had mi me I vh dny .f June
.A. II. I'lCm. the date irt the niorig.'e force!. n-.
hwein.or which tc df-Vndamt or any of
tlie de!ei,da!its ii.r'j, have :n;-e ire 1 or
now have in and M the follow tug d scrllK.-t
real proi,rtv, .sttnme uud l.ntg in Wne
county. I., w it. ll of the N. . ,.f the N. o
se,'t,in toar,ip 1 N.. K , W. M. An ,
the north tmif of :je nortti naif oi c :i,,i;
tliirt-n in towu.hi one icriii of rang- plne
essof the Wii:ametie luxrultitii, in W.iw,
county, .lair of Oregon. oiislMinin; la,r.-.
more or less, or s,, itoicii f sjiid p-a;- rty
will sHiiKty Miid OMgmcnt an-t d,c.. u,i,
cosrx nj an-raing ciB.ts.
Sjtid p-openy w.J: he mS e, T t - .;':::;.:.-ti-Kiniid
i-d ii!p'i'ii at,v ,am pr"v. '--i.
lted ski Ihou i it v. ir-eg I : - rd, i!i i
or K-s.di r. I .;. KOHKKl KKU-V.
tsin r it vt j.--,, - a, hi , , , a '
l"nn tfVAnn 1IM hson, a-ij i- r j ..r.
Books . i
Magazines .
Stationery x
job Printing at BRADLEY'S BOOK STORE.
Comprises the Latest Styles end Qualities.
Yf al-'o have tin t'xtenwvc collection of
Mp. L. Bradley's Magnificent Hood River and
Columbia River Scenes,
than which no more beautiful or acceptable gift could he made.
Your patronage respectfully solicited,
Ned no introi'iii'tion to the olJ settlers of this valley, but for the ben
t!it of ii'.vi.ii!i.'i's wj wisii to say that tlieise. Shoes are positively un
exivlle l fur liar ! s. rviv. When you want a jiairof Shoes that will
'WEAli, try Miller's.
1 he Pans raip
We liavu bargains in lilies' ami Misses' Union Suite. Call anil
eee them. We have the Iwst liolhtr Comforters in th towu.
Infant' Si'.k 1IoxIh fur wiater. Tlie gooils are good and prices
cht'up. We h:. ve some ui'te patterm! in black all-over Laces.
VhiMrenV nice School Handkerchiefs, three for ? 5'
;i, 1 .'la-.vl Straus, with hiitnlh'
Ktiiiipi;a-ry U iojis:
.Mrs. IV.t's I'Utt-lron Jlundlcs
MiiSKea' Hfcce-iinetl Itloven
InfactV V.V.1 Mitts 10c
Misses' Double Knit Wool Mitts. '. 10c
t .iitiJ' fine grade Pearl Cuff buttons, per pair . . .'. 15c
Silver Friendship Hearts 10c
Trade with Us and
Cutcutcut ca daw cut !
Isn't it NICE that there i;j some place in town where you can gut
, ..fat, jniey, tender, chicken, either alive or dressed.
Jensen Has Them.
' o
Also a great variety of Fruits, Home-made Candy and Fine
French Candies.
0 We . an
I'ijini': I'M
Every One Knows
What ft magic solvent and "flirt starter" iiapt-ha is. FliLs-NAPTIf K
SOAP possesses tills property and washes everything washable,
cleans everything definable, hurting nothing, not even the most dei
0 icate fabric. Try it. 10c a bar; '! bars for 25e.
Makes liot cake. ta:e good : Towel's Ijh Cabin Maple Syrnp.
Are still doing business at the same old stand, and tin ir cash prices
are pler.sing their tra-l-i. We have no large bank account to boast of
but blieve in the old saying that ''A nimble sixpence beats a lazy
.dollar," therefore we are satisfk-d with
Quick Sales and Small Profits.
Large assortment of e.boj.'e Trees.
( year old Apple. "
WK CAN St" IT V' tr. Send
Hood R
Fresli aud Cared Meats.
Pure Alfalfa Honey, as Cheap as Syrup.
Is the best
WVt- Ar
... i -.'-a -
' t T
' ' He
'. . . .' 15c
You'll Save Money.
"ipply that tooth vv ith t!:e ht
Sole Agents for Aldon Chocolates.
Noiio hotter.
F. COE fc SON.
KnpeciaHy lino hj of one and two
in your order early.
Commercial Co.,
we can buy.
M - n. l it,.
,-r t .
! ' p-r It,.
t'T 8-. "i ... a
For Sale
I. Lots in Wancoma Park addition
from f90 to fit).
3. Eitrht acres off the W. J. linker
place, known as th Ileffeman place; in
strawlx-rries; price, with crop, fl,O0i,
4. Twenty-five acres of tlie Silliman
jilace, East .Side ; 18 acres in cultivation ;
voting orchard j f 75 an acre.
5. The Richard Kirbyson place of iM
acres on tlie 8tate road; early straw
berry land ; price $1,500.
7. Barrett-.iprna addition ; f75 per lot :
$10 down and $5 per month ; no interest.
9. Fine homestead of KiO acres on
Rock creek near Daveniiort's. Price
$1,000 $$'10 down, balance' at ! per
1'). Lots in Hull's addition; earh
lot level, 80 x HO ; center of ball ground ;
$150 each.
II. The Allen Fulton farm, li0 acres,
5 miles east of town ; price $1 ,000 : terms
1-5. Lots la Henderson sub-division
$37.60 a lot.
10. Thirtv-five acres land east of
comity road in John Monroe and J. M.
Monroe homesteads; wild land; prici'
$20 per acre.
10. The Olover farm, well improved,
miles from Ooldendale; 240 tteres
lit) acres in cultivation; (i:5 acres in
winter wheat; 7 acres in hog pasture,
with a creek running through it ; all un
der fence, with cross femxts; lame
new ham and tine house. Price $1:1.50
an acre; will take Mooa Kiver property
in part payment.
2!. N. U 8. Ki V, S. N. K. U
4, T. :$ N., R. 11 K V;hite Salmon ;
tinilier land ; $10 pr acre.
... J lie hmersoii l.omestead. only one
iiiiie ftu?t i town ; fine raiit ; $1 ,5i.K).
21. Lots 5 and ti, block 7. W'inans ad
d'titm; $50 a lot, .ir 5 for the two.
25. Two beautiful building lots near
Robt. Raii'l's ni'w liouse. Price $2tK)
for the two.
2 520 acres, with nucli lir timber,
iiicludlng iMtli falls on Hood river. Re
fer to" Rntier A Co. .
81. A r Trout Lake, SO a. ; 3 in timothv,
cut 8 tons a year; 50 a. in heavy saw
timber, white pine, tir and cedar"; west
fork White Mmon" river run through
the place: price $1,250. r
S-' Kmniu : T?.,l,;,-,i3.,..J Ti:a .. ....
. " - hi r ilLM 1,1
lulls eart of White Salmon, known us
the Dryer idaee: line timliprr ,,,, im
proved ; $7S5.
Kliitibid reiiOi'iifrt Ima ;
subdivision, near cannon hurnv- 'nnlu
$75; terms easy. .
At the Emporium is kent a first-class
surveyor's transit, and the .proprietor
)ein a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age prniierty in lots and blocks, and do
ing ul! kinds if surveying.
B. Terms are easvonall the above
lands, with, interest, at Vi cr cent. Per
sons desiring locations r,n homesteads
and timber cla-'rns should apply at the
: linn cr-f.mi.l, A.'i .luimil, 1,-,tk I ""
i:tt Stilts I.iit little.., VnncmiviT,
mil., sept. 11, I1. Null,, uiicivtiv Kiv-ii
that in compllnii- wiiii th,. iiic. iki,,h ot tic
Hd ot mttrf of Jur.p it. IS"S. ntitlct ' An ml
tiir tliHMiV.'iil tiinbi r ir, thi- st u,-, , f
tlil.irniii,t),-.en, Nviul ,.,! WH.-tiinmoM
territory, us vx:-i, !, . t., ll tin-ml,!,,.- hud
ktlllHK llV IH-I Of AllCft -1, HI-'
,, simon H. ki:kTs,
Of tllll;i,cnut,!yi!'K"lii-kllnt,i:it. of VV-isI .'!:.yf:!t., in t!,,s IiIk -worn
MiH.-in.-lit N. S,r ,.,.),,, r
wc.itl wt U iin !,..! v. ,,; ,,r1 i,M-.-st
wiiftii-a.l 'j if mvti.1,1 No. Ji, n towns!,!,, N.
i i!"r'!'. r"- N. tl (-aft, W. M.. mi I
win otn-r i.root to .Iww i::.l the ,.a 1 ,Mt-ir
tK nun- volatile f.,r j!s ,,,,., 0r ,,, ,
Dn-iMfrH-niturxl (.tir,, Hn,l to.,u,tilisli
-liii.n t4, W1nl laii.I l-torr tn Kokikkt anu
H.t,;iv,t oi th. oilier,, Viiii,,,,,,, vi, ,
on liifilay, tlK-LSih .Invof S'.,v..niti-r l'-l
H ' i)a:e," ,n witici: Hulw 11
iimi,-l M. I'oie i.ii-l .. ,f,.i Wim of Vni-I:.'
-i w. .iiim-r or oiw'.
A iy nii'J sA: p, r,ii rlHltnitiK n.lversolv I.-ti.iv...dcH,-ni...:t
Ian-1. tv iv,,u.ii fii
their .-.liiin- In tlii one,. ,,r i,..,,r.. ,:i,t
- lay i Novtiii"-r,
K-",:-' V'. K. l.l Vll.U!. !WM.r.
Ian 1 1. rtl,.,. at T!,I-n" .ir-1.o,i.s.i . .
'-' t IWtlV g,V.. 1hHt tlH-foih.U-III.'
lOllll.d H-tllf.r t1HB fil,..i ,. f,, t-, ,,lk,. I;, , ,
"f In- ciniin. hi!.J t.,t ,,;,! ,lr,M ' Vol
In- iiiM.1f t.frt- i,.rj T. rrattirr. 1'. Co,,,-
''I'-lonw, nt h.nhI l:iv,-r,0!iou.ol1Stl,r-
lii). N.,,..r t, I'.ij, vi7-
WII.I.I IM C M. l-fL VI. .V.-
."n, for f,"
rati H '.v. M
"mii-tiip 2 iiorin.
It-- i,i,r,a
tl,- loil.iw.iia wit:irw to prove
, "... , : "i,n' .,tl mi l rul'lV4-
... i,. ,,-it v,i:
"A. V. si,k. i..-,-vh Hrri..i. .'ru.,fcj,n.
i mi l ii,.,-... Ii.k.., ull i.r i.-i..