The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 25, 1901, Image 4

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If The Doctor's fillemma II I
By Hesba
CHAPTER XIV.-(Continued.)
"I am no phantom," I laid, touching
her band again. "No, we will not go
back to tbe shore. Tardlf aball row ua
to the caves, and I will take you into
- them, and then we two will return along
the cliffs. Would you like that, mam'
aelle?" "Very much," abe answered, the amile
still playing about her face. It was
brown and freckled with exposure to tbe
un, bat so full of health and life aa to
be doubly beautiful to me, who saw o
many wan and sickly faces.
"Doctor," said Tardifs deep, grave
voice behind me, "your mother, is she
better r
It was like the sharp prick of a pon
iard, which presently yon knew must
pierce your heart
The one moment of rapture bad fled.
Tbe Paradise that had been about me for
an instant, with no hint of pain, faded
out of my sight But Olivia remained,
and her face grew sad, and her voice low
and sorrowful, aa she leaned forward to
speak to me.
"I have been so grieved for you," she
said. "Your mother came to see me once,
and promised to be my friend."
We said no more for some minutes, and
the splash of the oars in the water was
the only sound. Olivia's air continued
sad, and her eyes were downcast as if
she shrank from looking me in the face.
"Pardon me, doctor," aaid Tardlf in our
own dialect which Olivia could not un
derstand, "I have made you sorry when
you were having a little gladness. Is
your mother very ill?"
"There Is no hope, Tardlf," I answered,
looking round at his honest and hand
some face, full of concern for me.
"May I apeak to you as an old friend?"
he asked. "You love mam'zelie, and yon
are come to tell her so?"
"What makes you think that?" I said.
"I see It In your face," he answered,
lowering his voice, though he knew Olivia
could not tell what we were saying.
"Your marriage with mademoiselle your
cousin was broken off why? Do you
suppose I did not guess? I knew it from
the first week you stayed, with us. No
body could see mam'zelie as we see her
without loving her."
"The Sark folks say you are In love
with her yourself, Tardlf," I said, almost
against my will.
His lips contracted and his face sad
dened, but he met my eyea frankly.
"It Is true," he answered; "but What
then? If It had only pleased God to
make me like you, or that she should be
of my class, I would have done my ut
most to win her. But that is Imposslt'el
Bee, I am nothing else than a servant in
her eyes. I do not know how to be any
thing else, and I am content. She is as
fur above my reach as one of the white
clouds up yonder. To think of myself us
anything but her servnnt would be Irre
ligious." "You are a good fellow, Tardlf," 1 ex-
. claimed.
"God Is the judge of that," he said
with a sigh. "Mam'zelie thinks of me
only as her servant. 'My good Tardlf, do
this or do that.' I like It. I do not
kuow any happier moment than when I
hold her little boots In my hand and
brush them. You see she la as helpless
and tender us my little wife was; but
she is very much higher tliun my poor
little wife. Yes, I love her as I love the
blue sky, and the white clouds, and the
stars shining in the night. But It will
be quite different between her and you."
"1 hope so," I thought to myself.
"You do not feel like a servant," he
continued, his oars dipping a little too
deeply and setting the boat a-rocking.
"By-and-by, when yon are married, she
wiil look up to you and obey you. I do
not understand altogether why the" good
God has made this difference between us
two; but I see It and feel it. It would
be fitting for you to be her husband; it
would be a shame to her to become my
"Are you grieved about It, Tardlf?" 1
"No, no," he answered; "we have al
ways been good friends, you and I, doc
tor. No, you shall marry her, and I will
be happy. I will come to visit you some
times, and she will call me her good Tar
dlf. That is enough for me."
At last we gained one of the entrances
to the caves, but we could not pull the
boat quite up to the strand. .A few paces
of shallow water, clear aa glass, with
pebbles sparkling like gems beneath it,
lay between us and the caves.
"Tardir," I said, "you need not wait
for us. We will return by tbe cliffs."
"You know the caves as well as I do?"
he replledothough In a doubtful tone.
"All right!" I said, as I swung over the
side of the boat into the water, when I
found myself knee-deep. Olivia looked
from me to Tardlf with a flushed face
an augury that made my pulses leap.
Why should her face never change when
be carried her in his arms? Why should
she shrink from me?
"Are you as strong aa Tardif?" she
asked, lingering, and hesitating before
she would trust herself to me.
"Almost, if not altogether," I answer
ed gaily. "I'm strong enough to under
take to carry you without wetting the
soles of your feet. Come, it la not more
than half a dozen yards."
She was standing on the bench I had
just left, looking down at me with the
aame vivid flush upon her cheeks and
forehead, and with an uneasy expression
in her eyea. Before she could speak
again I put my arms round her, and lift
ed her down.
"Yon are quite as light as a feather,"
II said, laughing, as I carried her to the
trip of moist and humid strand under
the archway In the rocks. As I put her
down I looked back to Tardif, and aaw
turn regarding us with grave and sorrow
ful eyes.
"Adieu!" he cried; "I am' going to look
after my lobster pots. God bless yoc
He spoke the last words heartily; and
rwe stood watching him as long as he was
In sight Then we went on into the
. I had known the caves well when I
.was a boy, but it was many years sine
I had been there. Now I wa. aione In
them with Olivia, no other human being
la sight or sound of us. I hid scarcely
even for any sight but that of her face,
which had grown shy and downcast, and
was generally turned away from me. She
would be frightened, I thought if I spoke
to her in that lonesome place. I would
wait till we were on the cliffs, in the
open eye of day.
She left my aide for one moment whilxt
I was poking nnder a alone for a young
pieurre, which hid darkened tbe little
pool of water round It with its inky fluid.
I heard her alter an exclamation of de
light, and I gave np my pursuit instant
ly to learn what was giving her pleasure.
She was stooping down to look beneath a
low arch, not more than two feet high,
and I knelt beside her. Beyond lay a
straight narrow channel of transparent
water, blue from a faint reflected light,
with smooth sculptured walls of rock,
clear from molluscs, rising on each aide
of It Level lines of mimic waves rip
pled monotonously upon it, as if it was
stirred by some soft wind mhivh we could
not feel. You could have peopled it with
tiny boats flitting across it or skimming
lightly down it Tears shone in Olivia'a
"It reminds me so of a canal in Ven
ice," she said, in a tremulous voice.
"Do you know Venice?" I asked; and
the recollection of her portrait taken in
Florence came to my mind.
"Oh, yes!" she answered; "I spent
three months there once, and this place
Is like It"
"Was it a happy time?" I Inquired,
jealous of those tears.
"It was a hateful time," she said ve
hemently. "Don't let us talk of it."
"You have traveled a great deal, then?"
I pursued, wishing her to talk about her
self, for I could scarcely trust my reso
lution to wait till we were out of the
caves. "I love you with all my heart and
soul" was on my tongue's end.
"We traveled nearly all over Europe,"
she replied.
"I wondered whom she meant by "we."
She had never used the plural pronoun
before, and I thought of that odious
woman In Guernsey an unpleasant rec
ollection. We had wandered back to the opening
where Tardif had left us. The rapid cur
rent between us and Breckhou was run
ning in swift eddies. Olivia stood near
me; but a sort of chilly diffidence bad
crept over me, and I could not have ven
tured to press too closely to her, or to
touch her with my hand.
"How have you been content to live
here?" I asked.
"This year in Sark has saved me," she
answered softly.
"What has it saved you from?" I in
quired, with intense eagerness. She turn
ed her face full upon me, with a world
of reproach in her grey eyes.
"Dr. Martin," she said, "why will you
persist in asking me about my former
life? Tardlf never does. ' lie never Ini-
plies by a word or look that he wishes to
know more than I choose to tell I can
not tell you anything about It"
Just then my ear caught for the first
time a low boom-boom, which had proba
bly been sounding through the caves for
some minutes.
"Good heavens!" I ejaculated,
Yet a moment's thought convinced me
that, though there might be a little risk,
there was no paralyzing danger. I had
forgotten the narrowness of the gulley
through which alone we could gain the
cliffs. From the open span of beach
where we were now standing, there was
no chance of leaving the caves except as
we had come to them, by a boat; for on
each side a crag ran like a spur into
the water. There was not a moment to
lose. Without a word, I snatched op
Olivia In my arms,' and ran back into
the caves, making as rapidly as I could
for the long, straight passage.
Neither did Olivia speak a word or
utter a cry. We found ourselves in a
low tunnel, where the water was be
ginning to flow In pretty strongly. I set
her down for an instant, and tore off my
coat and waistcoat Then I caught her
np again, and strode along over the slip
pery, slimy masses of rock which lay
nnder my feet covered with seaweed.
"Olivia," I said, "I must have my right
hand free to steady myself with. Put
both your arms round my neck and cling
to me so. Don't touch my arms or shoul
ders; Yet the clinging of her arms about my
neck, and her cheek close to mine, al
most unnerved me. I held her fast with
my left arm, and steadied myself with
my right We gained in a minute or
two the mouth of the tunnel. The drift
was pouring into it with a force almost
too great for me, burdened as I was.
But there was the pause of the tide,
when the waves rushed out again in
white floods, leaving the water compara
tively shallow. There were still six or
eight yards to traverse before we could
reach an archway in tbe cliffs, which
would land us In safety In the outer
caves. There was some peril, but we
had no alternative. I lifted Olivia a lit
tle higher against my shoulder, for her
long serge dress wrspped dangerously
around us both; snd then waiting for tbe
pause in the throbbing of the tide, I
dashed hastily across.
One swirl of the water colled about us,
washing op nearly to my throat and
giving me almost a choking snsation of
dread; but before a second could swoop
down npon us I had staggered half-blinded
to the arch, and put down Olivia in
the small, secure cave within it She
had not spoken once. She did not seem
ablo to speak now. tier large, terrified
eyes looked up at me dumbly, and her
face was white to the lips. I clasped her
in my arms once more, and kissed her
forehead aud lips again and again, in a
paroxysm of passionate love and glad
ness. "Olivia!" I cried. "I wish you to be
come my wife."
"You wish that!" she gasped, recoil
ing. "Ob! no, no I am already mar
ried r
Olivia'a answer struck me like as eeie-
ifhf Mitel
trte shock. For some moments I was
simply stunned, and knew neither what
she had said, nor where we were.
"Olivia!" I cried, btretching out my
arms towards her, as though she would
flutter back to them and lay her head
again where it had been resting upon my
shoulder, with her face against my neck.
But she did not see my gesture, and the
next moment I knew that she could never
let me hold her In my arms again. 1
dared not even take one step nearer to
"Olivia," I said again, after another
minute or two of troubled silence
"Olivia, It It true?"
She bowed her head still lower npon
her hands, In speechless confirmation. A
strickeu, helpless, cowering child she
seemed to me, standing there in her
drenched clothing. An unutterable ten
derness, altogether different from the
feverish love of a few minutes ago, filled
my heart as I looked at her.
"Come," I said, as calmly as I could
speak, "I am at any rate your doctor,
and I am bound to take care of you. You
must not stay here wet and cold. Let us
make baste back to Tardifs, Olivia."
I drew her hand down from her face
and through my arm, for we had still to
re-enter the outer cave, and to return
through a higher gallery, before we could
reach the cliffs above. I did not glance
at her. The road was very rough, strewn
with huge boulders, and she was compell
ed to receive my help. But we did not
speak again till we were on the cliffs,
in the eye of day, with our faces and our
steps turned towards Tardifs farm.
Oh! she cried suddenly, in a tone
that made my heart ache the keener,
"how sorry I am!"
"Sorry that I love yon?" I asked, feel
ing that my love was growing every mo
ment in spite of myself. The sun shone
on her face, which was just below my
eyes. There was an expression of sad
perplexity and questioning upon it which
kept away every other sign of emotion.
"Yes," she answered; "it is such a mis
erable, unfortunate thing for you. But
how could I have helped It?"
"You could not help It," I said.
"I oid not Wean to deceive you," she
continued "neither you nor any one.
When I fled away from my husband I
had no plan of any kind. I was just like
a leaf driven about by the wind, and it
tossed me here. I did not think I ought
to tell any one I was married. I wish
I could have foreseen this,"
"Are you surprised that I love you?"
I asked.
Now I saw a subtle flush steal across
her face, and her eyes fell to the ground.
"I never thought of It till this after
noon," she murmured. "I knew you were
going to marry your cousin Julia, and 1
knew I was married, and that there could
be no release from that. All my life is
ruined, but you and Tardif made it mora
bearuble. I did not think you loved ma
till I saw your face this afternoon."
"I shall always love you," I cried pas
sionately, looking down on the shining,
drooping head beside me, and tbe sad
face and listless arms hanging down In
an attitude of dejection.
"No," she answered in her calm, sor
rowful voice. "When you see clearly
that it is an evil thing you will conquer
It There will be no hope whatever in
your love for me, and it will pass away.
Not soon, perhaps; I can scarcely wish
you to forget me soon. Yet it would be
wrong for you to love me now. Why
was I driven to marry him so long ago?"
"Your husband must have treated you
very badly, before you would take such
a desperate step as this," 1 said again,
after a long silence, scarcely knowing
what I said.
"He treated me so ill," said Olivia,
with the same hard tone in her voice,
"that when I had a chance to escape it
seemed as if heaven itself opened tbe
door for me. He treated me so ill that
If I thought there was any fear of him
finding me out here, I would rather a
thousand times you had left me to die
In the caves."
(To be continued.)
Some of World's Iuhabltanta Cllns to
Ancient Mole of Warfare.
Dr. W. J. Hoffman of the geological
survey has been making a study of
poisoned arrows. Among other things
he says:
"I have never met an Indian who
would admit tbe use of poisoned arrows
In warfare against man. They will say
they use poisoned arrows to kill game,
but not to shoot In warfare. In nearly
all Instances when poisons are "pre
pared by Indians tbe operation is per
formed with more or less ceremony,
chanting and Incantation, for tbe pur
pose of evoking evil spirits or demuus.
In their belief the effects of poisons
are due wholly to the presence lu them
of malevolent spirits or demons, which
enter the body of the victims aud de
stroy life.
"Tbe Shoshone and Bannock Indians
state that tbe proper way to poison ar
rows, as formerly practiced by them. Is
to secure deer and cause It to be bit
ten by a rattlesnake. Immediately after
which the deer Is killed and tbe meat
removed and placed In a hole In the
grouud. When tbe mass has become
putrid the arrow points are dipped Into
it The Clallams of Puget Sound, used
to make arrow points of copper, which
were "'twward dipped In soa water
and permitted to corrode. This was a
dead-sure death dealer.
"A microscopic examination of such
a coating upon arrows obtained from
Apaches years ago showed the presence
of blood and a crystalline substance
that was apparently rattlesnake venom.
It is a well-established fact that tba
venom of serpents retains It poison
ous properties when dried indefinitely.
A Good Week's Record of Commercial and Industrial
Progress and Development in Oregon, Idaho,
Washington and California.
Railroad and SmtHer (or Oregon Mines.
The Helena and the Mustek Mining
A Milling Companies, of the Bohemia
district, announces that arrangements
have been completed for building a
railroad from Cottage Grove, Or.,
southeasterly, a distance of 85 miles
through a region of heavy timber to
the Bohemia mines. It la expected
that construction work will be com
menced this fall and that about half
the track will be laid before spring.
Connected with thlB, though not yet
wholly arranged for, is the project of
building a smelter, either at Portland
or in the Bohemia, mining district.
The smelter enterprise is expected to
follow the completion of the railroad
and it Is deemed probable that both
will be in operation In less than a year
from date.
"We have gone so far," said Presi
dent Jennings, yesterday, "that the
rest of the work Is easy. We have
$500,000 assured for the railroad,
largely on the basis of the mineral
richness of tbe district as shown by
developments already made. Capital
is eager to build an adequate smelter,
but there would be no use tor the
smelter without the railroad, so the
road Is to go first. This Is the natu
ral order. I have not a doubt that
'the smelter will be provided when
we are ready for It. The field is too
Important to be neglected and the
problem of ore, fuel and fluxes prac
tically solves itself here." .
The money for the railroad enter
prise will be supplied by Eastern
Bit; Thing for Eastern Oregon.
William Pollman .and a number of
other Baker City men have filed on
the waters of Rock creek, and have
announced their intention to estab
lish a power system for the genera
tion and transmission of electric pow
er to this city. It will be necessary
to construct a ditch about three miles
long, to convey the water to the site
of the power-house, where a fall of
several hundred feet can be obtained.
From the power-house, which will be
located several miles from the city,
the electric current will be transmit
ted by means of copper wire to this
city to run mills and factories and
light the city. The company, which Is
to be formed by Mr. Potlman and his
associates, will expend about $50,000
on tUe power plant. It expects to
have from 2000 to 5000 horsepower to
distribute. This will be all the power
that will be required In Baker City
and vicinity for several years. The
work of building tbe plant will be
started as soon as the arrangements
for the necessary material can be
made. .This Is a very important mat
ter for Baker City and all of Eastern
' Will Handle Anything Alloit
The first section of the 'Moran
Brothers Company's floating drydock
has been launched at the company's
yards at Seattle.
The new structure is 200 feet in
length ami 80 feet In width, with tow
ers 30 feet high above the pontoon,
which is 12 iifei deep. It has a float
ing capacity of 3,000 tons and its own
weight is 2,000 tons. In its construc
tion there was used 1,600,000 feet of
lumber and 150 tons of iron. Centrif
ugal pumps, operated by electric mo
tors, will be used to empty the water
compartments by which the dock Is
to be lowered or raised in the water,
together with any vessel which may
be placed in it
Work will immediately be begun on
the second section of the dock, ana
when it is completed the two will be
used together, matting a dock 400 feet
In length and large enough to raise
the largest vessel afloat in the Pacific
'ocean, while the addition of the third
section, which is In contemplation,
will enable the company to handle
and repair the largest vessels ever
under construction anywhere In the
The Guernsey Does Things.
The big whaleback steamship
Guernsey, which was the first vessel
that ever carried over 3,400,000 feet
of lumber out of Portland or any
other Pacific coast port, left Manila
October 15 for Portland, under char
ter to load lumber and piles for the
Orient. Unlike the most of the lumber-carriers
which come across the
Pacific In this trade, the Guernsey is
not coming In ballast. She is report
ed to have on board 1500 tons of hemp
for Portland and. San Francisco. The
consignment for the Bay City will be
landed in this city and sent to its
destination by rail. The Guernsey
has been In the service of the Pacific
Export Lumber Company for nearly
two years, and on her last trip across
the Pacific made herself famous in
marine annals by having a broken
shaft repaired and a new propeller
shipped in mid ocean.
New $10,000 Church.
Work has begun on the new $10,
000 church being constructed by the
congregation of St Paul's Episcopal
church, at Walla Walla, Wash. The
structure is to be of stone, and will
be modern in every particular. It
will occupy a pretty site near St
Paul's school, an Institution of- the
church. It will replace an old build
ing, the first to be erected in Walla
Walla, which, with repairs and re
modeling, has served the congrega
tion for over forty years.
Gives Engineer Chance.
A locomotive is now nearing com
pletion in the North Pacific Coast
Railroad Company's machine shops at
Sausalito, which, if It shall accom
plish the sanguine hopes and predic
tions of its inventor, will result in a
radical revolution in the construction
of locomotives. This new mechanical
prodigy differs from other engines in
that it has the engineer's and fire
man's cabs out in front instead of the
rear of the boiler, thus affording the
men in the cab an unobstructed view
Northwest Firm to Dredge Manila Harbor.
The Puget Sound Bridge & Dredg
ing Company, a Seattle corporation,
has been notified that It had been
awarded the government contract,
valued at $2,000,000, for dredging the
harbor of Manila and completing the
old Spanish breakwater. The com
pany will immediately ship the neces
sary dredging machinery and 1.000.000
feet of lumber to be used in construct
ing scows upon which to carry the
masonry for the breakwater to its
position. The working crews will
shortly be sent to Manila from Seattle.
Chrysanthemums Take a Back Seat
The newest floral wonder Is the
"Shasta daisy," originated by a flower
grower of California. It measures a
foot In circumference, and, when one
was exhibited recently In a florist's
window in San Francisco people lit
erally flocked to see It.
It is really a new kind of flower, and
has been produced by several years
of crossing and selection, three differ
ent kinds of daisies being used the
common American species, the larger
and coarser European sort, and the
Japanese daisy.
There are three rows of petals of
the purest white, and each blossom is
upheld by a single strong and wiry
stem which Is nearly two feet long.
One advantage of the Shasta daisy
Is said to be that it Is exceedingly
hardy, enduring much cold, so that it
can be grown out of doors. It Is
claimed that it prospers in almost any
kind of soil, blooms all summer long
(in California nearly all the year
round) and may be rapidly multiplied
by dividing the roots.
A peculiarity of this new and beau
tiful blossom is that it sometimes
shows colors, indicating that daisies
of various hues and of gigantice size
may be placed on the mark'et before
To Open Boise Basin.
The railway project from Boise
L V. Y 1 , .....
iu me noise oasm is Deing put on a
firm foundation. A surveying party
is In the field under the supervision
of the chief engineer of the new
company, D. O. Stevenson.
It is now Investigating the feasibil
ity Of a rallwnv lino in tha
creek canyon from the mouth of More
creeic to tne mouth of Grimes creek,
a distancn of nhnnr 21 mllon ThU
is a very bad piece of country, broken,
rocky and precipitous. If the railway
is leasime nere, it wm De easy the
rest of the wav.
The railway is projected chiefly be
cause ot tne great timDer belt tra
versing a large portion of Boise
COUntV. Which tha lino urnnlrl tan
The mines of Boise basin, Idaho City,
Placervllle, Quartzburg, Centerville,
Bannock, Grimes Pass and Pioneef-
vuie would add largely to the business
of the corporation, but It is entirely
upon their timber, that the business
men at the hfiflrt nf tha nrntopr flcmro
for sufficient revenue to justify the
Mide Some Pin Money.
R. C. McCroskey, who owns and
cultivates 1400 acres of land near Gar
field, Wash., has finished threshing
his wheat and finds that he has a
total Of .If! 000 hlishola nf urhoar tnr
this season's crop. Mr. McCroskey's
crop -averaged 35 bushels to the acre.
He had about 1000 acres of wheat, the
remainder of his land being in oats
or other crops. He has figured all
expenses of the crop just harvested
and finds that his wheat cost him
an average of 23 cents per bushel
placed in the warehouse. He sold
15,000 bushels before the beginning
of the harvest for 46 cents per
bushel. Wheat Is now worth 40 cents
per bushel, and If it were all sold at
the present prices Mr. McCroskey
would net 17 cents per bushel, or
$5.95 per acre from this single crop.
But adding the amount sold at 45
cents per bushel makes the total aver
age, if the remainder were sold at
present prices, $6.87 per acre net
profit. Multiplying this by 100 gives
a total net profit on this crop of wheat
of $6870.
Glgintic Steel Mill at Everett
There Is no longer any reason to
doubt the report given out nearly two
years ago that a gigantic steel and
iron mill company .was in a state of
formation to build a mill on Puget
Sound. Since that time tbe coke and
coal mines at Hamilton, Wash., near
Everett, have come under the control
of President Hill, of the Great North
ern, and further and exhaustive pros
pecting on Hamilton and Texacla
islands prove them to be liberally sup
plied with ore. Railroad and street
car building in addition to the num
erous trolley line projects has ren
dered an enterprise of this kind an
absolute necessity. A plant to meet
all the demands sure to be made up
on it will have to be a big one, the
estimate running up to as high as
$18,000,000. It will in all probability
be erected at Everett, or in that im
mediate vicinity.
Cuts Out Frisco.
The Western Union Telegraph Com
pany will soon begin the construction
of a new line between Boise, Idaho,
and Pendleton Or. The new wire will
double the capacity of the line be
tween the places named. From Pen
dleton west there are several wires.
It is the intention to put up another
wire between Ogden, Utah, and Boise,
and when that is up most of tbe
through business from the East to
Portland' will come over this new
wire instead of going by the way
of San Francisco.
Trying a New Port.
As an experiment 2000 tons of
Washington wheat was shipped, Oc
tober 8, to the port of Callao, Peru,
from Seattle, on the big steamship
Memphis. This is the first consign
ment of this grain ever made to this
port, and the shippers are confident
that the venture will prove profitable,
in which event other ports will be in
vaded. Boise's Public Building Started.
The foundation of the new govern
ment building to be erected at Boise
City, Idaho, is now completed. Sup
erintendent J. E. Hosford, superin
tendent of construction of the govern
ment building at Helena, Mont, is
here and will have charge of the Boise
building until another superintendent
is appointed. The building is being
erected by Boise contractors, the con
tract calling for completion within 22
months, and the price is $286,000. It
will be four stories, built of Btone.
New Dredger at Work.
The powerful shovel dredger re
cently completed by the Puget Sound
Bridge A Dredging Company, of Seat
tle, haa started work on tbe new slip
for the pier to be built on tbe ocean
dock site. Unlike the ordinary
dredger, the machine haa the shovel
fitted at the end of a huge beam
which ia driven into the debris and
mud by means of slots into which the
play a rapidly driven cog-wheel. By
reason of its unusual size the dredger
is at present one of the water front's
chief attractions, and draws large
crowCj daily.
And the Attorney Decided Against Ilia
Owa Client
The importance of tbe justice of the
peace is more felt the farther In from
the stir of towns. In cities this office,
though it Is Important and dignified,
does not receive tbe recognition that it
should, but out in the country tbe jus
tice Is a big man, bis decisions are gen
erally final and his opinion Is eagerly
sought Oten, however, bis knowledge
of the law Is a little deficient
In a little town In middle Georgia
there lived a lawyer, saya the Atlanta
Constitution, who has since made his
name famous through the South for
eloquence, knowledge of tbe law and
practical sense. At this time he had
about reached tbe stage where be could
afford to stop practicing" In justice
courts, and to clinch this resolution be
had determined to accept no more prac
tice for any fee under $20.
Oue day a lady came Into his office
and Informed him that she had a case
in a' court about ten miles out In the
country, and that she wanted him to
take It for her. The subject of conten
tion was a cow. He told ber of bis fee,
thinking to get rid of her In this man
ner. From somewhere in ber dress she
pulled out some bills, counted over $20
and told blm that he had to go. Still
wishing to find a hole through which to
escape he Inquired as to tbe value of
tbe cow. She answered $15. He then
asked about the case, and when she
bad finished her story he Informed ber
that she had the wroug side of It and
that whether he went out or not she
would lose It. Nothing would change
ber determination, however; she want
ed to law It out and he had to go.
On the day appointed the lawyer
drove out to court, having shut up his
office for the day, and on bis arrival
there found everything In readiness for
the trial. The witnesses were examin
ed and the counsel for tbe other side
made its plea. The evidence was
against blm, but be determined to do
the best for tbe old lady and to rattle
the other lawyer If he could. He com
menced bis speech, mixed up all the
law he had ever heard of, ridiculed the
other lawyer, rattled the witnesses,
shifted about their testimony to please
himself and utterly confused the jus
tice, who looked on In amazement, un
able to decide tbe case. When the
speech was over the judge said:
"Bill, I will leave the case with you.
If you really believe that your client
should have the cow, upon your honor
as a gentleman, I will give It to her."
The lawyer was surprised, and by no
means desiring to lose the cow for his
client, said:
"Judge, you are the judge in this case.
I am not. I am merely expressing the
opinion of my client.".
The judge Insisted on an answer; so
he was obliged to reply that he did not
think his client bad any right to tbe
animal and tbe case was decided.
Strange to say, the client was not
angry, but agreed that under the cir
cumstances be bad done all that be
could. It was merely her desire to law
It out that had brought on the difficulty.
BaTCntaenCountrlei Have Special Meas
urements of Their Own.
English-speaking countries, says tbe
8t Louis Globe-Democrat, have four
different miles the ordinary mile of
6,280 feet and the geographical or
nautical mile of 6,085, making a differ
ence of about one-seventh between the
two; then there Is tbe Scotch mile of
5,928 feet, and the Irish mile of 0.720
feet; four various miles, every oue of
which is still in use. Then almost
every country has its own standard
mile. The Romans had their mil pass
num, 1,000 paces, which must have
been about 3000 feet in length, unless
we ascribe to Caesar's legionaries great
stepping capacity. The German mile
of to-day Is 24,318 feet In length, or
more than four and a half times as long
as our mile.
The Dutch, the Danes and the Prus
sians enjoy a mile that is 18,440 feet
long, three and one-half times tbe
length of ours; and tbe Swiss get more
exercise In walking one of their miles
than we get In walking five miles, for
their mile is 9,153 yards long, while
ours Is only 1,"j0 yards. Tbe Italian
mile Is only a few feet longer than ours,
the Roman mile Is shorter, while the
Tuscan aud the Turkish mile are 15(1
yards longer. Tbe Swedish mile Is
7,341 yards long, and the Vienna post
mile is 8,790 yards In length. So here
Is a list of twelve different miles, and
besides this there are other measures
of distance, not counting the French
kilometer, which Is rather less than
two-thirds of a mile.
The Brazilians have a mlllla that Is
oue and one-fourth times as long as
our mile; tbe Neapolitan miglio Is about
the same length; the Japanese ri, or
mile, is two and one-half times ours;
the Russian verst Is five-eighths as long
as our mile, while the Persian standard
is a fesakb, four and a half miles long,
which Is said to be equal to the pnra
sang so familiar to the readers of Xen
ophen's "Anabasis." The distance In
dicated by the league also varies In dif
ferent countries. Ledger Monthly.
A Club,
lcllowly What! Are you
home already?
Brownly Yes; I must go.
Wife is
waiting up for me.
Yellowly My wife belongs to a wo
man's club, and when she goes out to It
In an afternoon, I never say a word If
she stays away six hours, so she never
says anything to me If I am out a little
later than usual. Don't your wife be
long to a club?
Brownly No, but there's a clnb that
belongs to ber, and it is the knowledge
of that fact that Is hurrying me home.
Boston Courier.
Scotch Armorial Bearings.
The armoral bearings of many of tbe
8cottUh border families are aynilxtllc
sf their old predatory profession. "We'll
have moonlight again" la the motto of
Lord Polwarth. "Best riding by moon
light" was the ancient motto of the
Fro the foil to Hocletv.
Marmaduke How do you feel about
thla much-discussed man-with-tbe-boeJ
Courtney Oh! ne's all right la
three generations be will be the mao-wlth-the-tallybo.-ruck.
Rucceiwor to E. L. Kmttn,
Oldest Established House in tbe valley.)
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Flour, and Feed, etc.
This old-established honse wi 1 con
tinue to pay cash for all its goods; it
pays no rent; it employs a clerk, but
does not have to divide with a partner.
All dividends are made with customers
in the way of reasonable prices.
Davenport Bros.
Are running their two mills, planer and box
factory, and cull tlli orders for
. Boxes, Wood
and Posts
siiippKRji or
Hood River Brand of Canned Fruits.
Boxes and Fruit Packages
Fertilizers & Agricultural Implements
Dalles, Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co.
Leaves Oak Street Dock, Portland
7 A. M.
Leaves Dalles 7 A. M. Dally Ex
cept Sunday,
Regulator, Dalles City, Reliance.
The Dalles -Portland Route
Sir. "Bailey Catzctt,"
Between Portland, The Oalles and Way Points
Leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursrtavs and
Saturdays at 7a. m. Arrives The Pallet, i mi
day. d p. in.
leaves The Dalles Sundays, Wednesdays and
Fridays at 7 a. m. Arrives Portland, same day,
4 p. m.
This route has the grandest scenic attractions
on earth.
Str. " Tahoma,"
Dally Round Trips, except Sunday.
Leave Portland...? a.m. Leave Astoria... ..7 a.m.
Landing and ofhee, foot ot Alder street. Both
'phones, Main 331, Portland, Or. -
E W. CRIOHTON, Agent, Portland.
JOHN M. F1I.LOON, Agent, The Dalles.
A. J. TAYMIK, Agent, Astoria.
J. C. WYATT, Agent, Vancouver.
WOLFOKD & WYEKS, Agts., White Falmon.
Agouti at Hood Klver
Siiorp Line
akd union Pacific
from Heoa Blur. A""T"
Salt Lake, Denver,
Chicago Ft. Worth.Omaha, Portland
Special Kansas City, St. Special
11:26 a.m.. I.oiiis,ChicagoatKl 2:06 p. m.
Walla Walla Lewlt-
Bpokane ton, Spokane, Min- Portland
Flyer neapolis.Rt. Paul, Flyar
t.W p.m. Duluth, Mil wan- iiS9a.ui.
Bait Lake, Denver,
Mall and Ft. Worth, Omaha, . Mall and
Express Kansas City, 8t. Exprese
ll;42p. m. Louis.Caicagoaud .4ia. m.
CO p. as. All salting dates 4:00 g.BV
subject to change
For Pan Francisco j
bail (very daya
Dally Cslumblt Hirer 00b. bi
Ex.Hunclay tlaaaisrs. II. Sundae
s ou e m. '
Saturday To Astoria and Way
lii OU p. m. Landings.
:tfa.m. WHlaawtt liver. :. m.
tx.Sunday Oregon City, New. Ki.Muadar
berg. Salatn, In. la-
peudeuce Way
, landings.
7:00 tin. WUItxels aaa Yaav 1:10 p. m.
Tnes.. Thur. am Iinra. lon Wwt
and Sat. and Frt.
Oregon rity, pay.
ton, A Way Land-
:45 a. m. Mliiaaterta llnv. 4 p.m.
tnes.. Thur Mob, wl
and Sal. Portland ts Corral, and FrL
lis a Way Land-
It. Rlparia Smakb Rivsa. LT.Lewleum
t:a m. Rlparia to Lew litoa a m.
dally daily
a: l. craiq.
General Passenger Agent, Ponlaad,Or,
. B AO LIT,, Hod stiver.