The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 25, 1901, Image 3

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    3food Iftver lacier
Uriah Ileep cigars.
New lamps at Coe's.
Fresh oysters at Jensen's Cafe.
Hay for sale by 11. M. Abbott.
Ask your grocer for Fure White Flour
Buy your lime at Sherrill'a.
Fresh lot of Aldon chocolates at . Coe
& Son s.
First-class clover liny for sale by II
M. Abbott..
For pood results in bread making, use
rure white Flour.
Fure 'White Flour is the best flour sojd
in Hood River.
Sun fruit jars at Bone & McDonald's
Shirt waists, full line, at Bone & Mc-
1 lunulas.
For rifles and amunition go to Bone
s McDonald a.
For clover and grass seed go to Bone
s Aiouonaiu a.
Fifty tons of hay for sale by H. M.
A DDOtt.
Second-hand heating stove for sale by
u. u. mompson.
Those iron beds at Slierrill'B are hard
to beat for the money.
See the kitchen treasure and cupboard
combined at Sherrill's.
All the latest disigns in Wall paper at
tne wan roper Jbmpornini.
Get a sack of White Spray flour, only
00c. No better flour made.
Always in stock. Best grade of lin
seed oil at Slierill s.
Don't forget that Coe's have a fine
line of decorated lamps.
If you want good bread, use Pure
White Flour.
When you want a good smoke, buy the
"Uriah Heep" cigar. For sale by all
Sherrill is receiving new goods daily.
Those wishing goods in his line please
call and get prices.
Bed bugs are holding indignation
meetings all over the valley, all on ac
count of Hartniesa' iron lied" steads.
What's the use of paying more for a
gootk sewing machine than we charge?
A fine, ball bearing.drop head hinchine,
fully guaranteed for $25.00. BOOTH'S.
W. W. Treat has now in his employ a
first class tin smith and plumber and is
ready to fill with despatch all orders in
hisline. He also has a fine assortment
of heating and cook stoves on hand.
Dr. F. C. Brasilia has removed to his
new residence at the west end of Oak
street, midway between the school house
and armory, and can he found in his of
fice over Jackson's store between the
hours of 10-11 a. m., 2-3 and (i-7 p. m.
Jos. A. Wilson wants to let a contract
to clear land.
J. J. Lnckey and family returned from
Portland Saturday.
Miss Emma Bonney went to her
homestead at Wamic Wednesday.
Miss Carrie Butler arrived home from
her trip to the East last Saturday.
"Mrs. Joseph Teal came up Tuesday
for a few days visit with her daughter.
Rev. J. L. Hershner will preach at
the Crapier school house on Sunday, at
3 p. in.
Isenberg & Son sold Ike Nealeigh's
place of 74 acres to J. C. Abbott for
1 1,000.
Chas. Savage came up from San Fran
cisco Tuesday, to attend the sick ted of
his father.
Don't forget that Chas. Riggs, the
Jeweler, engraves all articles-bought in j
his store free.
N. Tostevin lost a new pair of gloves
on tho.road. He will appreciate the
favor if they ar returned to him. . j
Robt. Insure oT Mt. Hood brought!
his littlubabv boyto town last week for
treatment. The child is badly ruptured.
The ludits' aid soeietv. of the Con
gregational church will be held on Fri
day afternoon at the residence of Mar.
Noah Bone.
S. B. Fay of Dayton, Oregon, is stop
ping with L. Bradley. Mr. Fay is a
practical pruner of fruit and ornamental
trees anil is looking for work in his line
in Hood River.
"E. A. Wright, traveling correspondent
for the Oregon City Courier-Herald, was
in town last week. We may look for
favorable mention of Hood River in this
week's issue of that paper.
J. B. Hunt started hist week for Has
tings, Neb. After visiting there a few
days himself and family will go to Iowa
to visit friends and relatives. They ex
pect to be gone about six weeks.
The infant child of X. H. Cunning; at
Salem is very sick. Its sickness' has
prevented Mr. and Mrs. Cunning from
moving to Hood River, which they were
about ready to do when the child was
taken sick,
Clayton Grewell of the East Side has
gone to Toppenish, Wash. He says the
Yakima country is booming. Fanners
are getting good prices for their big crop
of potatoes. He will winter his stock
there, where hay is cheap,and return to
Hood River iu the spring.
Capt. A. S. Blowers returned from his
Eastern trip hist Friday. He was at the
encampment of the U. A. R. at Cleve
land, went to the Buffalo Exposition,
visited the scene of his boyhood in
York state and later spent some time
w ith old friends in Minnesota and the
Dakotas. He enjoyed the trip but says
it got rather tiresome and he was glad
to get home again.
Chris Dethman did a brave act last
Monday in stopping a runaway team,
belonging to Mr. Anderson of Belmont.
The team started at Second and River
and ran up Second to State street. On
State street it was making its best time
towards home. Mr.Dethman was stand
ing at Clarke's drug store when he saw
the runaways cross Oak stteet a block
and a half awav. He ran to State street
and arrived just in time to intercept!
them opposite .Mr. Mewart s resilience,
lie seized the horses' bridles and stopm-d
them. It was a daring act and one that
not many would attempt.
The entertainment given Friday night
by Mr. and Mrs. Goddard, James He
Bord and others was a bowling success
in every sense of the word. The laugh
able comedy of "Thompson's Ghost"
created more fun than anything that
has hapiH-ned in Hood River since Wm.
Haynes anil Bert Stranahan pulled our
local wise men by hanging a lighted lan
tern in the top of a big pine tree on the bill
Mr. IK" liord as Jake, the servant, was a
whole show himself. Miss Gloria aw
acted well her pari, a she always does.
S. A. Knapp as I.ord Fitsmoodle acted
as if at home on the staw- Karl Bart
mess acted the parts of ihe lover and
the ghost and paralvied Jake and Mr.
Bron u whenever he appeared. Mrs.
Ooddard rendered the monologue,
"Haunted lv a Smg," in a manner thai
called for a hearty encore. The singing and
music was gixd throughout, every piece
onthe programme was encored. Miss
Anne Smith deserves social mention for
the accompaniment of thedillicult music
on the organ. The house wascrowded and
nianv were turned away.
Last Thursday evening while Rev.
Frank Spaulding and -wife were at
prayer meeting.the children were left at
home in charge of their boy Rollin.
Rollin heard a commotion in the chick
en pen and went out to see what was
wrong. As he looked into the chicken
house he was seized bv a man. choked
and thrown into the chicken house, and
the door locked on him on the outside.
The boy stayed in the chicken house
till his father came home and released
him. There seems to be a bad lot of
hobos in this vicinity lately. Every
loaier mat cannot give a good account
of himself should be made to move on.
Rev. G. W. Eliot, jr., state sunerin'
temlentforthe American Unitarian Asso
ciation, will preach at the A.O.U.W. hall,
Wednesday evening, Oct.30,at 8 o'clock.
Mr. Eliot represents a church which is
distinguished in its membership bv such
names as Edward Everett Hale, Thomas
Starr King, Longfellow, Bryant.Holnies,
and Dr. Channing; and will endeavor in
his lecture to set forth the main ideas
which characterize this fellowship. All
are cordially invited, but a special in
vitation is extended to all liberal Christ
ians who have not found themselves
sincerely at home in other churches.
Gocia Smith, daughter of S. C. Smith,
met with a very painful accident last
raiuruay morning. tne was on nerway
trom A. L. 1'helps place to U. N. liyer
lee's, and when coming down the steep
est part of the hill south of Fraukton
school her toot slipped trom the pedal
causing her to lose control of her wheel.
which ran away with her and a little
further on struck a tree that had fallen
across the road, demolishing her wheel
and throwing her some 10 feet down the
hill. She struck on her face, severely
scratching and bruising it.
Sain C. Smith and family were in
Hood River from Thursday last till
Monday, renewing old acquaintances
and noting the many changes that have
taken place here irr the two years they
were away. They have been located at
Dallas, in the hotel business, at which
they were very successful. Monday
they went to Pendleton, where they ex
pect to remain tor the winter.
Mrs. Elizabeth II. Porter of St.Joseph,
Mo., arrived here Monday on a visit to
her brother, Win. Ellis, senior. Mrs.
Porter lives part of the time with her son
at the Canyon hotel at Salt Lake City.
She is Mr. Ellis' only sister, and they
had not met for 15 years till her arrival
here. She is much pleased with Hood
Samuel B. Hess of Mt. Hood on Fri
day brought in some vines of blackcap
raspberries with fruit ripe and in ail
stages of development. Mr. Hess made
final proof on his homestead, Friday,
before Judge Prather. He has a good
piece of land in a good neighborhood.
Mr. Marshall, formerly otSpokane,has
been looking around Hood River and
vicinity for some time with a view to lo
cating in this part of the country. Mr.
Marshall likes the valley very much and
has in view two iilaces.on either of which
he can go into the berry business.
Clinton Parsons, the delivery bov for
the Commercial Company, had an ex
citing experience with his team Satur-1
day, when the whittletree fell and the
horse kicked till he kicked Clinton on
the leg But his injuries were slight and
he was around next day as usual.
The Dalles has recently had eleven
cases of diphtheria. Five of these cases
have recovered andthereare now six cases
quarantined. One caes,just outside the
city limits, proved fatal. Claude Milli-
i - t. . e m .1 ; j . , i .
Kin, a ooy oi i years, uiea oi tne ais-
Frank Fosslierg had a close call last
Saturday. He was cleaning his well
when his boys let a bucket of sand drop
to the bottom. He happened to 'be
standing at the time," and the bucket
just missed him.
Rev. II. C. Shaffer will return to Hood
River tomorrow and will preach in the
II. B. church morning and evening.
Mrs. Shaffer will visit her sister in Iowa
for a week, and will then come home.
Ernest Jensen is making a specialty of
gathering fine specimens of apples. If
you have something nice, bring him a
sample, and he will do the rest towards
letting it be seen by everybody.
D. N. Byerlee has been honored by
appointment as vice president of the
Oregon State Poultry Association for
Wasco county. Mr. Byerlee is secretary
of the Hood River Poultry Club.
The Masonic building is now finished.
E. L. Rood gave the finishing touches
to the painting and decorating of the
lodge room Wednesday. There is no
neater lodge room in Oregon.
Bear in mind that the annual meeting
of stockholders of the Hood River Fruit
Growers' Union will be held Saturday,
November 9th,at 10 o'clock. Important
business on hand.
Isenberg & Son made another gale
on Wednesday, which gives T. D.
Tweedy a home in our midst and adds
another G. A. R. nian to the residents
of the valley.
E. E. Savage is still a very sick man.
But he is being carefully looked after by
his physicians and good nurses and
hopes are entertained for his recovery.
D. F. Lamar has opened a flour and
feed store at his place one mile south of
town, on the Mt. Hood road. He will
sell for cash at bottom prices.
Miss Hester Howe went down to
Portland last WVdtwsday, and returned
Saturday. She reports a delightful trip
down on the Bailey Gatzert.
The members of the U. B. ladies' aid
society are requested to all be present
at the lecture room of the church Friday
afternoon, at 2 o'clock,
Dr. Cams has' so far improved in
health as to he out again and is again
attending to his dental business.
E. L. Rood will go to Cascade Locks
to paint, paper and calsomine the gov
ernment building at that place.
Mr. Lafferty and family, who bought
W. A. Baird's place on the East Side,
moved in from Hilgard Monday.
W. E. Sherrill went to Portland Tues
day to purchase furniture to furnish
the new bouse of O. L Stranahan. .
S. J. La France is up from Portland.
He has purchased a nice little home on
Front street in South Portland.
Mrs. Geo. P. Crowell and her niece
and nephew returned from Portland on
the Bailey Gatzert Tuesday.
Miss Blanche Howe visit! in Port
land Saturday and Sunday, the guest of
Mrs. John Parker.
Miss Rnbv Chandler left Wednesday
for Terrell, Texas, where she expects to
make her home.
S. C. Jackson went to Portland Mon
day to purchase goods for the Wall Pa
ier Emporium.
The ladies of the Congregational
church w ill give a fakir's fair Thanks
giving evening.
S. Cochran and wife are visiting iu
Grand Ronde valley and expect to be
gone a mouth.
Hood River Teachers' Association will
meet in Hood River tomorrow .Saturday,
at 2 o'clock.
Bruce Wolvert-in's Bevilier gate took
the prt mium at tl.e state fair.
Miss Nellie Clark is teaching school at
Home Valley, Wash.
C. L. Ciq pie is again laid up with
the rheumatism.
Pr, E. J. Welty of Portland came up
Saturday evening .and returned
Sunday afternoon, (ihe was pleas
antly surprised at the improve
ments that nave taken place in Hood
River during the past year.
Clark Thompson and Robert Hyde,
recently from Wisconsin, , were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Payt Davidson
over Sunday. After being" taken out
over the valley they thought Hood Riv
er all right.
M. P. Isenberg brings in from his
place at Belmont the potatoes that take
the bun, two of them wieghing 2
pounds each, down weight.
Jensen has boxes of Hood River rasp
berries and strawberries in his show
windows and Christmas only 60 days off.
This is the fourth week without rain
at Hood River. Old Webfooters are be
ginning to sigh for rain.
Mrs. Geo. Snipes of The Dalles is dan'
gerously ill with pneumonia and is not
expected to recover.
Rev. Chris Nickelsen of Goldendale
was in Hood River Thursday.
Council Proceedings.
The common council met In regular session
October 21st. Present Mayor Brosius, Alder
men Bell, Blowera, Barnes, Davidson, Luckey
and McDonald, Recorder Nickelsen and
Marshal Oilnger.
On motion of Bell, the Judiciary committee
was Instructed to draw up an ordinance reg-
uiuiing ine passage oi oraiunnces mat, iney
be read first and second time and Anally
adopted by an aye and no vote.
McDonald, from the special committee on
drainage, reported that the committee had
gone an far as It could till they hud surveys
and figure to estimate the coat. Communi
cation of Paget A Clark whs read as part of the
On motion of Davidson the report was ac
cepted and thccommitteecontimied,
Davidson moved that the committee accept
the otter of Paget A Clark, and that thev have
plans and estimate of costs submit ted: and
get estimates of both plans If possible. If it
could be done for the price stuted(tl); if not,
get the best for the city: have both the com
bined and xenurate storm water systems In
ame estimates; the committee to use their
discretion. Carried.
Ordinance changing the nameof State road
to Waucoma street, on motion of Bell, passed
first reading.
Ordinance fixing the bonds and compensa
tions of the treasurer, on motion of Barnes.
passed first reading. The bond Is fixed at
2,(XI0 and compensation, 2 per cent of all
in-rum money.
Report of Judiciary committee was read.
On motion of lilowers, the commute was giv
en further time to draft an ordinance defin
ing duties duties and fixing compensation of
On motion of Davidson, the marshal was In
structed to havenotlcesofflneslnortllnancelM
printed and copies posted on tree that are
used for hitching posts.
On motion of Davidson, the recorder was in
structed to have all ordinances published till
further notice.
The mayor appointed J. H. Dukes street
commissioner. On motion of Davidson, Ihe
npifoiiii.iueiii was couurmea.
Communication from O. B. Hartley, asking
that his dog tax be refunded for the reason
that other owners of dogs had failed to pay
the tax. On motion of McDonald, the com
munication was returned to Col. Hartley .ask
ing him to state whose dogs did not pay tax.
On motion of Li.ckey, a committee was ap
pointed to solicit citizens to purchase hand
Are-extinguishers. The mavor aonointed the
committee on fire and water.
On motion of Blowers, the treasurer was au
thorized and Instructed lo take up t lie pest
house warrants, amounting to UK.
On motion of Lucky, C. J, Hayes was al
lowed the fruit on the pest-house grounds for
taking care of the trees and keening fences in
Moved Dy blowers mat a committee be ap
pointed to procure quarters for council cham
bers, and If they could not get ouarters with
enough furniture, that' the committee buy
me necessary lurniture, carried.
Moved by Davidson that the committee In
vestigate the Shutt property, or any other
town property, and see if they could buy at. a
reasonable figure. Carried. The mayor ap
pointed the committee on streets and public
The following bills were allowed:
W. L. Clark, surveying street grades S! 00
H. C. Coe, street commissioner 10 00
Wm. yhlpman, helping surveyor 8 00
W. A. Isenberg, painting sign 2 00
K. W. Paget, In regard to sewerage 10 00
K. H. Husbands, street commissioner... S 00
E. 8. Olinger, marshal's salary and five
dogs killed 115 00
Lost I.ake Lumber Co.. lumber 7 64
Mt. Hood Mluge Co., heuling 1 00
Halloween. - -
U. B. -Endeavor Societv, Thursday Even
ing, October 31, 1001.
A silvery sheen
Lingering on the fairies' green;
Let us with them liimnv stray.
On thelt merry holiday;
Willi them on their mischief bent,
Kach Kndeavorer is intent;
F.arly sprites their fun begin,
No delays If you want in.
Corner Fourth and Oak streets the rendezvous;
Come, Kndeavorer, It means you.
ftiurican scamp win mrmsn cneer;
Invite your friends and meet us there.
All may have some pumpkin pie
If they will but come ana try.
Programme to bogin promptly at i p. ni.:
Goblins -A
quartet The Long and the Short of It.
Hamlet's Ghost
Paderwlskl's Ghost' Ac, Ac
Mandolin and guitar selection Mrs. Dr.
Dumble. Mrs. Huxley. Miss Entrican.
wedding neieeieu.
A "free will offering basket" will occupy a
modest position.
To be rendered at the entertainment to be
given by the, Red Cross Society at their hall,
Saturday even ing, October iitJth. Everybody
Piano solo ..,. Howard Henries
Remarks C. L. Co mile
Recitation Earl Kov
Guitar Mrs. K. L. Boorman
Remarks James L. Hanna
Recitation Kiuma Noble
Vocal duett Misses Anderson
Select reading D. N. Byerlee
rtacitrion v irgu Jones
Song ...... ..Leo Ntaleigh
Select reading H. Lyde
Keeiiauon ..ora tfoorman
Piano dueit,..Mra. (luxley and Miss Entrlcun
Recitation Florence Byerlee
Song Laura and Don Ellis
Recitation l.ulu Anderson
Stephen Nelson Sears of East Hood
River died in a- Portland hospital
Wednesday, October 16, 1901, aired 3
years and 10 months. He was born in
Ohio and when young went to Missouri,
where lie lived until eight years ago,
when he came to Hood River ami resid
ed here until his last illness. His wife
survives him and is in California spend
ing the fall and winter with her daugh
ter. All their children are
in number. Mrs. Anna Hawks is in
California; Mrs. Nora Collier lives in
Kansas, Mrs. Ida Nan Allen, Mrs. Fan
nie Robertson, Chancy and William H.
live in Hood River; Chester lives at
uilock, Wash, Funeral services were
conducted at the Pine Grove church by
new J. l.. iiershner on lliursday. Ihe
burial was at Pine Grove cemetery. D.
II. Sears of the East Side is a brother of
11 'n.lnw.uut U'..k f ... I 1 . 11 . . .
' ' .pi, i,it.t jei. it, inn, iu Mr,
and Mrs. George Tyrell, a son.
In a Portland hospital. October 9a inn Mm
Mary Oily Mellon, aged 28 years, lieeeased
lewvem a husband and two small children liv
ing In Hood River. Remalna were bmimlit
to Hood River Monday and Interred In Idle-
wiiae cemetery.
(Iinrch Notices.
Congregational Chnrch. -Service will he
held on Sunday Ml the following hours: II a.
m., preaching service, auhiei-t. "The Kuiirrnie
Thing." 10 a. m.,Hunlay school. 7:15 p. m..
C. E . service, subject "Bible Reading. "Leader,
D. N. Byerlee. Bring yimr bibles. All who
do not worship elsewhere are Invited lo these
rvieea, j. l nersnner, pastor.
I hereby give notice that I will ir no debts
contracted by my wife after mis date.
Jon Pi rskr.
For Sale.
A valuable ranch of 70 arm. 40 nil nine.
drive from Hood River. For price and term.
en I ion K. E. SAVAfiK.
To let a con I met to grub acre. more oi
l m. on the tjurt Side. F. C. BRt 1 I S.
Don't be Shortsighted.
Reubinstein, the celebrated pianist and composer, was very near-,
sighted and used to remark that he had a great advantage over men
. ,who had keener vision, for all women looked beautiful to him.
There are many Shoes that can only be sold to those who are
very short-sighted or blindly ignorant of quality. Get close to such
articles by experience and you will refuse them point blank. People
who depend on the superficial appearance of a shoe get left every
time. It costs very little to make a shoe simply for looks; it cad be
madein the flimsiest way, just as they make flowers out of paper ;
but who wants such shoes? Who will take it if he knows it?
Our Shoes are made for the hardest kind of sustained wear, day
or night, hot or cold, wet or dry. They are not indestructible, under
stand that, but they will not fail by any kind of honest wear.
We sew all seams free. Our profit on a single pair of shoes don't
amount to anything; we depend on large Bales for our profits. WE
Don't be short-sighted.
DRESS PATTERNS Twilled Flannelette, in Scotch Plaids, fine checks,
ana stripe enects,richcoiorings,exceptionallytinegoodsata little price
and materials,
in beautiful colorings.
DRESS Mvnwi), Black Our line of
Manchester Brilliantine, water color
nicely made, stylish etc. Picture
$2.(JU each. tor mounting
Up to Date Store
Has undoubtedly solved the problem of dry-goods buying and can state
with assurance and without fear of contradiction that its walls inclose as
new, stylish and thoroughly reliable a lot of wearing apparel as was ever
gotten together in any first-class store. Situated as we are, we have
made such arrangements as enable us to have here on a day's notice any
article not in stock, and no mail or express charges do you consider. WE
PAY THEM. Bring your dry goods troubles to us, and we will give you
such comfort in the way of good, intelligent service, low prices, nice,
clean, new goods, that you will forget it was ever your lot to take chances
on sending to Portland or The Dalles or even more distant points for
such articles as the average Christian person absolutely requires in this
20th century. We are in position to own our goods at the lowest market
jirices, as we buy entirely for cash and sell for cash, and our expense be
ing moderate, we adjust prices accordingly. Don't misunderstand us.
We don't lose money on anything we sell ; on the contrary, we make
something on every sale, but not such a sum as will bar further transac
tions, as wo are not only anxious to sell you goods today, but we hope to
sell you what you need in our line 10 years from now". We are here to
.stay, and our interest is to establish a mutual confidence which will grad
ually grow with each successive transaction.
Having secured a few extra good values, we take pleasure in announc
ing them while they last at these prices:
28 inch Outing Flannel, the usual 5c kind 4c
Good dark Calicos "? ( 4e
Beautiful 30 Percales, full count k. 10c
Elegant combinations in Worsted goods , 15c
Good Turkey-red Table Linen, 54 inch 20c
All wool Red Flannel T 25c,
Children's gray fleeced Combination Suits, sizes from 3 to 0, each 20c
Indies' heavy fleeced Ribbed Vests and Pants, each 20c
We have 25 pair Boys' Knee Pants, sizes 4 to 13, in nice neat patterns,
usually f 1 ; while they last, 75c. A splendid line of Men's Furnishings
always here, and we are pleased to meet the gentlemen in the evening
after working hours are over. Respectfully yours,
Stepped into Live Coals.
"When a child I burned my foot fright
fully," writes W. II. Eads of Jonesville,
Va., "which caused horrible leg sores for
30years,but Bucklen's Arnica Salve whol
ly cured me after everything else failed."
Infallible for burns, scalds, cuts, sores,
bruises and piles. Sold bv Chas. N.
Clarke. 25c.
Rarrelt School.
Report for the month ending Oct. 18,
1901, is as follows: Number enrolled,89;
whole number of days attendance, 1407;
whole number of days absence, 109;
percent of attendance, 93.5; number
tardy 23. Those who were neither ab
sent nor tardy :
Wesley Markham, Ame Copple,
Floyd Arnold, Aylmer Tawney,
Grace Sherrieb, Faith Poor,
Mabel Jenkins, Emma Gibbons,
Wilber Dodge, Laurence Dornecker
David Dodge, Clarence Dornecker,
Orland Morse, Alma Hinriilis,
Willie Davidson, Carl Ellingsen,
Ralph Sherrieb, Vernon Shoemaker,
Islie Sherrieb, Alvin Poor,
(ilenn Shoemaker, I.ena Newton,
Raymond Ingalls, Lillian Pierce,
Wilford Jenkins, Elsie Lewis,
Viola Wilson, Lucy Jenkins,
Bertha Rordan, Freda Hinrichs,
Laura Hinrichs, Hulda Hinrichs,
Carl Galligan, Byron Smith,
Jesse Short, Ralph Hinrichs,
Zed Bridges, March Morse.
L. E. Bridoks, Principal.
Kodol DyspepsiaCure is not a mere stim
ulant to tired nature. It affords the stom
ach complete and absolute rest by digest
ing the food you eat. You don't have to
diet but cah enjoy all the good food you
want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure instantly re
lieves that distressed feeling after eating,
giving yon new life and vigor. Chas. N.
Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
Advertised Letter List.
October 21, ml.
Butler, Mrs Kovllla Kitchens, Walter
Cooper. Mrs May Oldenburg, Aiitel t
Kow. Mrs Mcliren Molt, Andrew
W. M. YATKS, P. M.
Frank Cram has moved into C. L.
Rogers' cottage. Mr. Rogers has moved
to his farm.
8 cents per yard.
3c each, 00 inch Linen Tape Measures.
3c per pkg, Stove polish, a brilliant and lasting polish.
5c per pkg, Mason's Shoe Polish, the Old Reliable.
8c each, Aluminum-bound Horn Combs.
10c each, 8 inch Rubber Dressing Combs.
10c per bottle, Le Page's Liquid Glue.
15c each, Wire Hair Brushes, a good article.
20c per pair, Ladies' Fleece Lined Hose, fine value.
25c each, the "M" waist for children, a fine garment.
25c each, Silk Imperial Ties, stylish new effects.
25c each, Bat Wing TieB, the new popular shape.
'25c per jfiair, Men's Suspenders, Just like the President.
25c each, 8 inch Nickel-plated Shears, brass nut.
25c each, Children's Golf Caps, pretty patterns.
50c per pair, Asbestos tanned Gloves, soft on the hands.
Wo have the finest lot of Art Embroidery materials
ever shown hero. Indian Head Pillow Tops, stamped
- Linen, Doilies and Center Pieces, Battenburg Patterns
Point Lace mi
naterials, Embroidery Silks
R & G Corsets produce a fine fortn; they're hy
genic and comfortable. You can get them only of us.
Artists' Materials is complete. Oil and
Paints, Brushes, Oils, Varnishes, Canvas,
Matting and Passe Partout Binding
1'ictiires, at less than fortland prices.
II. S. GALLIGAN, Prop'r.
Has a good assortment of the leading va
rieties of Apples, grown on WHOl.K ROUTH,
that are second to none grown in the North
west. All Stock Guaranteed.
Land Ofllee at Vancouver. Wash., Sept. 21,
1001. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his In
tention to make II mil proof in supiiort of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the Kegister and lleeelver U.K. Ijvnd
Oltlce at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday,
Novembers, null, vix:
of White (Salmon P. ()., Washington, who
niaileH. K. No. KI.ISO, for the west halfol
nor' hwest quarter of section 1(1, and eas t half
of northeast quarter of section It, township 3
north,, range 10 east. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Kmanuel Ijirsen, John Nelson. Ole Thiol
and Gilbert Knutnon, all of White Halinon
P. ()., Washington.
s2;nl W. R. DI'NBAR, Register.
Timber Land, Act .lune 3, IS7S.
I'nlted states Land Offloe.Vaneoover.WaKh.,
Aug. 22, 1H01. Notice Is hereby given f lint in
compliance wita the provisions of the act of
congress of June 3. 1S7S, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lauds in Ihe stales of Cnti
Strnla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Tei
ritory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, Wi
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, lias this day a led in this office his
sworn statement, Ni. 2:iu'i, for the purchase of
Ihe southeast northwest section No. 22.
In township No. north, range No. 10 east,
W. M., and will otter proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for its
timber or stone than lor agricultural pur
iHiM and to estahltsh his claim tosalil land
I before the Kegister and Itecelver of tills oftli-e
at ancouver, w ah., od I ueday, the Ma
dav of November. I'i.
lie names aa itnesie: Joseph V. Iteed,
Robert l ox and Aunust J. WagniK, all of
Trout Lake. W ash., and Albert W. Lobdell ol
Portland, or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aboe-deeriheii lands are requested to file
their claims in tins office on or before said
itb day of Novemlier, l'l.
aW W. It. IirXBAR, R.-gitei
Jersey Bull for Sale.
A nrst-da. Jersey bull, t years old. ol the
8U Lambert strain; registered.
Is coming, but BONE & McDOSALD.are here first with a stock of
Mmm, Mm, BMets, Cifirts. &c, &c.
We have on the road to arrive a fine stock of SCHOOL SHOES,
and the largest stock of French Flannels and Waistings ever shown in
Hood River. Come and see them before buying.
Cong Son
If your
r Manufactured by
rra jpg
11 isEssn;sue:a iiuis w sr. paul, riinn.
bone &
For YOU to Remember
When you need anything in the line of
m You should call on
The Glacier Pharmacy
S. B
The Reliable Real Estate Agents.
1. Two lots, 50x100, facing State st;
centrally located; price $700.
2. Two corner lots in Waucoma ; lota
50x100; one lot facing Oak st, one lot
facing River st; good dwelling house on
one lot, rents for $7 a month : price fi)00.
3. Four lots in Hood River proper, 3
blocks from deoot; lots are level ; 2 are
corner lots ana 2 inside lots; price t'JOO.
4. One lot in Winans addition, 50x125,
good building lot; price 100. -
6. 72x100 on Second st, good building
and also good business comer; f2,li'm.
6. 18x18 feet facing on Second M,gowd
a. 40 acres, house, orchard 500 . trees;
small vineyard; l,l.j acres in alfalfa;
plenty of water; .2 mile of town ; f 1,200.
b. 20 acres, all clear, fine apple land;
6 miles south of town; price f 1,200.
c. Good 8 room house, 20 acres land,
10 acres in fruit, 10 acres wood land ;
good spring ; 3 miles southwest of town ;
price $2,000.
d. 13,li' acres, all under cultivation;
plenty of fruit, good water, house and
improvements; f 1,000.
e. 100 acres, 8 miles south of town;
partly under cultivation ; spring water;
good apple or grass land ; good range for
stock; price 4,000.
f. Fine house and 10 acre orchard, fl
miles from town ; t2,500.
g. Good 6 room house, 80 acres land,
free water for irrigation, 450 trees, 8
acres in clover, 3 miles from town ; price
h. House and 40 acres; (KX) trees; two
good springs; 15 mile from town ; $2,200.
i. House and 7' acres, all in frnit ;
near Belmont; price f!050.
j. 19'4 acres, partly cleared, 3 miles
south ou main road ; price fVH) per acre.
k. 80 acres on the East Side, adjoin
ing E. L. Smith's 30 acre orchard ; price
$2,500. This is a bargain.
Timber Ijtnd, Aet JnneS, 1KT8.1
IT. 8. Land Office, The Dulles, Oregon, Auk.
15, 1!KU. Notice Ih heretiy given that in corn.
Dlianee with the urovlnions of the act of eon-
KreHK of June 3, 1kT8, entitled "An act for the
Kale of timtier laudH In theHtategnf California.
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
asexlentled to all the public land Hlates by
act of August t, is,
Of Tvgti Valley, county of Wasco, Mate of Ore
gon, ha on May Jl, 1H0I. tiled in Oils office her
sworn statement No.lsl.for the purchase of the
northweid H aouthweftl ,and southwest 1.4
north weat of aeelion No. 5 in township No.
norlh, range No. V east, W. M., and will olFer
proof to show that the land Bought is more
valuable lor Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and toei.ll;lwli her claim
lo said land before the Register and Receiver
of this oltlce at The Dalles, Oregon, ou Mon
day, the -Mil day 01 Ociotier, mil.
Mie name. a witnesses; iiytie ra,r.ney 01
Hood Kiver. Oregon; A. A. Bonney of Trgh
Valley, Oregon; Kil. Mays and Joaepli Maya
of Hisd River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-deMcritied lands are requested Ut tile
their eiaiius In this otttce on or before aaid
lli dav of October lull.
aitoSi LI CAS Register.
jnd Office at The Dalle. Oregon, Hept. 2J,
I'OI. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has Hied notice of bis inten
tion 10 tuaite final pnsif in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before iteorge T. I'raSlier, I'. K.Couimts
.i.iner, al Hood River, Oregon, on Friday,
Novemtier 1. vik
Of Mt. II.smI, uregon, 11. K. No.,:, tor the
isiulil southwest '4 "d wmiiIi , soutlieaM
V4 .ac-tloll .1, township tnouth, range iiieHM.W.X.
ite name me 10.10 ing w ;uieheft 10 pro,
hi" eontinu-iua residence upon and cultiva
tion of an!d land, viz:
W. W. .Nawin Janes N. Knielit. Fred Knud
on and viijrge IVrk ins, ail ol Mu ILhsI, or.
feCul i f. LtCAS, Register.
III 1 ills I bhi vvmrimiAoi.c
Equal to any $5 Shoe on the Market
dalar dnf not kp thm, Inilrt on him fettlng
tor y.u. w wrry ui.ia matuet trout vtu hi, iuuimms.
g C. GOTZIAN tV CO., Prop'rt.
The young man loves the young woman ;
That's his business.
The young woman loves the young man ;
That's her business.
The young man and young woman get
married ;
That's the preacher's business.
They will need furniture, carpets, wall
paper and building material ;
That's my business.
hnildinff. renin for tft a month tlllYI
7. House and 2 lots facing River and
Fourth sts; good location ; price fl.000.
8. House and lot facing on Oak st; a
good business lot; f 1,000, all cash;
9. Three tine dwelling lots east of
school house ; fine view ; price $475.
10. Oomer lot, 50x100, corner River
and Bonney sts; price $250.
11. Two good lots in Parkhurst, 200.
12 Two tine lots in Barrett-Sipina ad
dition ; line view of the river; $200.
13. HiHdl new lii'iife, 7 rooms, and two
lute in I'-lowerd addition ; price f 1,0(10.
I. 40 acres, two libiises, good barn;
l.i.00 apple trees of choice varieties, only
3,'a miles out; price f 0,000.
in. 110 acres uncleared, fl,000 worth
of oak timber; in the apple district;
price $1,0110 cash.
h. 50 acres"uncleared, 9 miles out;
price $12.50 per acre.
o. 200 acre ranch, large house, plenty
of water, largo orchard, good hay land,
will cut 100 tons of hay ; good range for
stdck ; price $4,500.
p. 20 acres fine npnle laud, 7 miles
from town: $800.
q. 80 acres, 500 trees in bearing, only
two miles from town on the East Side;
price $40 per acre.
r. 100 acres, 11 miles from town,
mile from school ; 40 acres under culti
vation ; large orchard ; $35 per acre.
s. GO acres improved land, 1300 trees;
40 inches free water ; good house, large
burn ; near town ; $5,200.
t. 80 acres in ('rapper district, partly
under cultivation; $2,000.
n. W i SV H SE M sec 5, tp 2 N, R
10 E; unimproved; fenced two sides;
can get water on land ; $12.50 per acre.
We also have a number of farms in
Klickitat Co., Wash., for sale. Call and
see us and get prices on fruit and stock
(Timber Uind, Act June 3, 1S7S.1
I'nlled States Ijmd Oltlce, The Dalles, Ore
gon, August 2, lull. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of June , 1K.M, entitled "Anact
for the sale of timber lands In the HUtlea of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
slU-s by act of August 4, ISH2, the following
persons have this day filed In this office their
sworn statements, vix;
Of KMkane, couaiy of Stokane.stateof Wash
ington, sworn statement. No. im for the pur
cha1" of the Kast c south-east of section
No. 24, In t.iwnshlp Nn, I, north; range V east,
Willamette Merridian.
Of Kpokane, countyof Hskane,statenf Wash
ington, sworn statement No. IH6 for the pur
cliae of the north , southweat yt and west
northwest V of section No. i, in townshlpNo.
1 north, range No. 9 east. Will. Mer.
Of Seattle, county of King, state of Washing
ton, sworn statement No. li, for the purchase
of the south I,, northwest of section No. 24,
in township No, 1 north. range No. demit, Wr.M.
Thul they will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Iu timber or
lone than for agricultural purpose, and to
cfttublisb their claim to said land befiire the
Ri-giMer and Receiver of this office at The
Da lies, Oregon, on Saturday, the dith day of
October, M)I.
They name as witnesses, W. O. Davis, H. A.
Leeand Herbert UKtmhallof.Hpokaiie.Waftli.,
H. F. dough of ulile. Wati., Chas. t'rogwler
of Ashland, Wis., and N. Whenbion of The
Dalle. Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
alMfvelecnbed lands are requested to Ale
their rlaims In this ottkee on or before aald
2m r day of October, MH.
JAY H. UTAH. Register.
And waan rv;w.rsnic aii'iicied t pioinpUy at
my tiopon tlie ML H nl,u!ti H lomn.
iwwvl wtrk at n -twin Lie prue.
epi! U. A, H JWY.LU