The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 25, 1901, Image 2

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    oodliver lacier.
ML Hood Notes.
' D. R. Cooper and his brother Robert
Cooper of The Dalles went to Portland
last week to take in the carnival. They
returned home Saturday.
H. Gribble spent a tew days lust
week in Portland, visiting friends, and
took in the carnival before returning
Judd S. Fish, Thad Seufe'rt, Richard
Gorman and 8. L. Cline came to Mount
Hood, last Saturday, for an outing.
They were much surprised to find it did
not rain while Judd Fish was here. It
doesn't rain all the time here, Mr. Fish.
JSome of our nimrods went out gun
ning last week. Bears, cougar and deer
were the game mentioned before going
out, but on returning the name they
had for their trip was "prospecting. '
Venison and bear oil are as high as be
fore they went "prospecting."
S. B. Hess made final proof on his
homestead, last Friday. That means
another taxpayer next year.
The Middle Fork Irrigation Co. is sur
veying their ditch and will have it
platted. This is the final touch so far
its Uncle Sam is concerned. L.
A Sew Church.
The following is a copy of a paper be
ing circulated tor signatures. The new
church, for which '!50 has already been
8ubscribed,will be erected on land for
merly known as the Tendick place,
opposite A. L.Newton's place on the Mt.
Hood road. The objects of the promo
ters are set forth as follows:
"We, whose names appear below.agree
to pay the amount set opposite our res
pective names for the purpose of erect
ing a church building in Hood River
valley. Said property to be deeded and
controlled by the Reorganized Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Said
church building to be open to the free
use of all people or denominations per
mitted to preach or lecture under the
laws of the United States. No party
shall occupy said building for the pur
pose of excluding others. No party shall
begin a continuous meeting in said build
ing without giving at least two weeks
notice. JNo party snail hold a meeting
longer than two weeks to the exclusion
of others. Any damage done to the said
building or property shall be immediate
ly repaired by the party occupying at
the time damage occurs. Each party
shall defray its own running expenses,
such as wood, oil, etc. A copy of this
article snail be recorded with the deed
of said property."
O. M. In the New York Bud.
Woman is the greatest moral force on
earth. She is the helm of all things hu
man. She is at once the most insistent
and the most relevant thing in nature,
She is sunshine on a holiday, balm of
Gilead, strength in weakness, the pound
of sweetness to every ounce of sourness
in human life. She doubles the joys
and halves the griefs of every son - of
She is the one thing needful, a per
petually recurring comfort and consola
tion, a whip and spur to success, the
shadow of a great rock in a weary land.
The words of her mouth are sweeter
than honey and smoother than butter in
a lordly dish. She is a rod and a staff,
ehe is a friend that sticketh closer than
a brother, she is as good news from a fur
country, and as cold water to a thirsty
soul, her counsel is as the counsel of
princes, her love is stronger than death,
lier jealousy is as cruel as the grave, she
is a pearl of great price a helpmeet for
man, the star of his- hope and betimes
the nemesis of his destiny.
She walks by faith and not by sight,
and her hand is the right hand of fellow
ship. Her face is the outward and visi
ble sign of an inward and spiritual grace ;
she is fair as the moon, clear as the sun
and terrible as an army with banners.
A light which never shone on seaorland
twinkles from her eyes, and like dew on
the gowan lying is the fa' o' her fairy
feet. For her are wars, peace, fire and
Bword. For her men spend theirstrength
in gathering gains, and for her men
spend their gains gathering strength.
'lh rones and dominions, principalities
and powers, have bowed-to her sway;
she has crushed empires beneath her
feet ; the proudest of the sons of men
have on bended knee besought her
She soothes the wrinkled brow of age
with her soft caresses, she wipes the
death dew from the brow of the dying,
she performs a thousand acts of grace
and gladness to friends and strangers
alike, she causes the widow's heart to
sing for joy, she kisses away the tears of
the orphan. In the first flush of moth
erhood she is the envied of gods and
men and all angels, she is a thing of
divine beauty as she coos and cuddles to
her breast her first born, the first-born
among many brethren. Her heart
throbs and she weeps tears of sorrow
o'er the bed of suffering, her notes of
angel sweetness ascends to heaven as
she carols the yodlings of peace; they
find echo in the outmost depths of per
dition as she calls her sons to go forth
beneath the banners of war.
It is hers to lift un the fallen, her wav
is the way in which light dwelleth, she
uulooseth her sweet influences and the
hands of devildom are unbound. Pub
lic policy, private happiness, domestic
peace everything from a good con
science to a good complexion attends up
on the will ot a woman. She can quench
the purple fire of love by a ladleful of
lukewarm soup,the milk' of human kind
ness she can turn into curds and whey
by a dish of bony potatoes and Monday
washday hash. Erery mortal thing,
from law, logic, literature and the prop
er washing of dishes, to science,
icine, and the fulfilment of prophecy, is
made either better or worse because of
her. She is the genius of life, liberty
and the pursuit of happiness which the
framers of the Declaration of Independ
ence declared to be the inalienable
rights of man. Her reign is forever and
ever. Her beauty knows no horizon.
Her love knows no limit.
Dr. R. C. Rollins is in the East and
visited the Pan-American exposition.
He w rites to the Grass Valley Journal
as follows: "I had pleasant interview
with Hon. E. L. Smith, presideut of the
Oregon state board of horticulture, ho,
on Oregon's dav, stood before the mul
titude of 137,(XX) people and proclaimed
our right to be awarded the first prize
for the best exhibit of fruits at the Pan
American exposition, and it was award
ed in fine style. Hurrah for Oregon and
Hon. E. L. Smith of Hood River! May
he live to ripe old age and meanwhile
be our distinguished president ot our
state board of horticulture.
The North Idaho Star reports that A.
B.CIemuions.who lives Rbout three mile,
northeast of Cameron, Idaho, planted 50
acres of apple orchard five year? ago.
Last year hi crop was 6,000 boxes.
This year it is estimated at lti.000 boxes.
He has contracted the crop to I.. A.
Porter at 75 cents a box delivered at the
station. The leading varieties are Jon
athan and Ben Davis.
A Christian Act.
Wlien Father Bronsguest learned yes
terday of the death of Wenceslans Fafih
ek he immediately communicated by tel
egraph with Father Dominic, president
of Mount Angel College, and requested
him to break the sad news to Mr. Pash
ek's eldest son, Alois, who is, 'or rather
was, a student there. Without a mo
ment's delay Father Dominic mailed a
letter to Father Bronsgeest inclosing a
check in favor of Mrs. Pashek for $iS5,
the full amount her husband had paid
the college in advance for the education
of the boy, and adding that the check
was sent thus hurriedly lest the bereaved
widow should be in need of the money
and that after the funeral, should Mrs.
Pashek be able to get along without the
boy's assistance, the college would take
him back and educate him free of ex
pense. Father Dominic then gently
broke the news to the fatherless boy and
sent him here to attend the funeral. No
wonder such men ns Father Dominic
find a warm place in the hearts of their
co-religionists. As an Irish methodist
preacher once said in the hearing of the
writer, this is "religion with a bone in
it. "Dalles Chronicle,
Mothers everywhere praise One Minute
Cough Cure for the sufteringsit has reliev
ed and the lives of their littleones it has
Baved.Strikesat the root of the trouble and
draws out the inflammation. The child
ren's fiivoriteCoughCure.Chas.N. Clarke.
'John Ginder has sold the Skamania
Pioneer to Milton Harlan. Mr. Harlan
is a thorough newspaper man. Success
to the Pioneer.
During the past month a large mini
ber of Wasco and Sherman county peo
ple have visited the i'oriiand exposi
tion,tind while in the metropolis made
extensive purchase of dry goods and
clothing, but after returning home they
were surprised to learn that they could
have saved money by making their pur
chases here. Moral: Always consult
your home merchant before going
abroad to spend your money. Moun
taineer, The Dalles claims to have the biggest
apple. It is a Gloria Mumli and in'eas
ures 17 inches in circumference.
W .T.Wesson,Gholsonvillf,Va., druggist,
writes: "Your One Minute Cough Cure
gives perfect satisfaction.- My customers
say it is t he best remedy for coughs, colds,
throat and lung troubles, Chas. . .Clarke
Washington isgetting the same world's
fair prizes on all her exhibits that Ure
gon is. The Fan-American managers
aive gold medals to evervbedv. They
cost about $4 a hundred. Every state is
bragging of receiving just such medals,
Salem Journal.
CM. Phelps, Forestdale.Vt., says his child
wascompieteiycureiiota UHdcaseot ecze
ma by the use of DeWitt's Witch Ha.1
Salve" Bewareof allcounterfeits, It in
stantly relieves piles. Chas. N. Clarke.
Cranks are persons who do not see
things as you do.
LewisOckerman, Goshen, Ind., "DeWitt's
Little Earlv Risers never bend medouble
like other pills,bitt they do their work
thoroughly and make me feel like a boy."
Certain, th"orougli,geiitlc. C'has.N. Clarke.
Soniebody has commenced writinglet
ters and sending flowers to Czolgosz.
Evidently he was not the biggest fool in
America, alter all. Bums iNews.
DeWitt's Little EarlyRisers neverdisap.
point. They are safe, prompt.gentle, effect
lve in removing all impurities from the
livorancl bowels. Small and easytotake.
Nevergripeordistress. Chas. N. Clarke.
Instead of the drouth killing the apple
crop in the vicinity of ;St. Joseph, Mo.,
the center of the severe drouth of last
summer, there is said to be a big erop
this year.
Do you suffer from piles? If so do not turn
tosiirgery for relief. DeWitt's Witch Ha
zelSalve will act morequickly, surely and
safely, saving you theexpense and danger
of an operation, ('bus. N. Clarke.
The Pioneer savs this will be tho ban
ner cordwood'ear for Stevenson. This
in spite of the fact Unit more than one
thousand cords were burned in the re
cent destructive woods fires.
"I had long suffered from indigestion,"
writes G. A.LeDeis,('edart'ity,Mo. "Like
othersl tried manypreparations but never
found anything that did me good until I
took KodolDyspepsiaCure.One bottle cur
ed me. A friend who had suffered similarly
Iputon theuseof Kodol Dyspepsia Cure,
tie is gaining fust anil will soon be able to
indigestion had made him a total wreck."
Chas. N. Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
Contracting Painters,
Tinting, Deeoiatlnsr. Frescoing, Minn l'liint
liiK, Paper HniiKlnir, Uluziiiir, Meeora
tlve Novelties, Hoont Moldings,
Artists' Materials, Mixed
Taints, oils mid
Wall Paper, per roll and upward.
None but the most skilled workmen em
ployed. House to Rent
And Furniture for sole." A seven-room house:
ts a month. MUM. T. 11. I'LAKK.
Are You Short of Feed?
Two seres of pox-irn shock fodder; also,
sweet corn fodder, awful clieiip. (' the fodder
or nir, W. P. WATSON.
Piano for Sale
or Exehaniro, A resident of Portland owns a
fine Piano which he wishes to sell, or would
exchange In whole or in part payment for a
few acres of Hood Hiver land suitable tor
strawberry (trowing. Lnml In any pin t of the
valley considered. For particulars call on or
write to oi" K. K. HARBISON.
Stockholders' Meeting.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
the Hood Kiver Fruit Orowers' t'nion for the
purpose of electing a board of director for the
ensuing year, amending the by-laws, and the
transaction of any business that mav legally
come before the meeting will be held In the
A. O. I'. W. hall, Saturday, November 9. I'M,
at 10 o'clock A. M. A lull attendance Is de
sired, as there Is lniMirtant business to come
before this meeting. Bv order or the board or
dim-tors. U. J. UKSSUNU, Sec y.
Soft Snap.
A cheap Fruit Dryer, eompleto. Also. 10
aeresof land within nilleof Trankton school
and I miles of tow n school; f) an acre. In
quire of Ulacier or W. P. WATSON.
To Trade for Wood.
A large I'rlb and Healing stove to trade
for wood, fall on Mltsjt. KKKWIN".
Is fashion's Intint creation In feminine head
wear. This hat is ft general utility hut and l
eieeially adapted lor Ihe climate of Hood
We are also impaired to show the latest
Kasiern styles In Indies' Dress and street
Hals. W e make to order any design. Price
reasonable. Workmanship first class.
Legal Blanks.
A full line of i.etnil Blanks for sales! Brad
ley Book store.
itajpoi Stop.
The place to get yonr harness sopplie and
reimir work done is al llulit's old stand, eor-b--t
Third and stale trsis. All partnof har
ness tarnished and repair work done on short
n aice. Also.all km-isof shoe rcimirtng mtt-IsU.-o.rlW
done at reasonable pr res.
u i . WELDS,
What' Your Face Worth ?
Sometimes a fortune, but never if you
have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced
look, moth patches and blotches on the
skin all signs of liver trouble. But Dr.
King's New Life Pills give clear skin,
rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only 25c
at Chan. N. Clarke's drug store.
Ordinance No. 33.
Entitled An Ordinance to Protect Paths In
Waueoma Park.
The City of Hood Kiver does Ordain as fid
lows: Bectlon 1. ft shall be unlawful for any per
son or persons to ride or drive on any paths
that are now or may hereafter be constructed
In Waueoma Park.
Hec.2. Any person or persons found guilty
of violating section 1 of this ordinance shall,
upon conviction thereof before the recorder,
be fined not less than five dollars nor more
than twenty dollars for each offense.
Passed the Common (Jountl I October", MOT,
and approved by me this 7th day of October,
1H01. F. 0. BKOSIDS, Mayor.
Attest: J. H. Nickklskn, Recorder.
Ordinance No. 34.
An Ordinance Providing for the Ixwatlon and
Protection or Shade and Ornamental Trees
In the Public Streets and Other Houds.und
for the Care Thereof.
The City of Hood Hiver dues Ordain as fol
lows; Heetlon 1. All shade and ornamental trees
that shall hereafter be planted or set out In
the streets or other roads of the city of Hood
Kiver shall be placed at the distance of from
seven to eight feet from the line of the blocks
in the streets of sixty l'eet In width, and from
eleven to twelve feet from the line of the
blocks In streets of eighty feet in width.
Sec. 2. All shade and ornamental tnes now
planted or growing In a natural state, or
which may be hereafter planted or set out In
the streets or roads of the city of Hood Kiver.
shall be trimmed each yearaud kept trimmed
hi a height of at least nine feet above t he curb,
over boih sidewalk and street. The sido
walkB and streets to the center line to be kept
clear at all times of the leaves fullen thereou
from such shade or ornamental trees by the
occupants of the premises adjoining, or by
the owner thereof in wine the premises are Un
OCCUpled, Sec.!), All property owners are hereby re
quired lo keep I lie trees In front of their re-
specuve iois, anu uie trees overiiangintr the
sidewalks on their respective lots, trimmed
In conformity with the provisions of section
i of this ordinance, and the occupants of the
premiseMidJoining who shall refuse to clear
the sidewalk and street to the center line of
leaves or other rubbish, us provided in see.
tion 2 of this ordinance, or the owners of
pioperty who neglect or refuse to trim the
trees or keep the streets clear of rubbish as
above provided, alter tell days' notice ironi
the stieet commissioner, shall, tiporucouvic
I Ion thereof la-fore the recorder, lie tilled not
los than live dol ars nor more than twenty
doliais, or be Imprisoned pot less than two
t'.uyt nor mole than It n days m ttie city Jail.
rkc. 4. shade o ornamental trees planled
or crowing wllliln the streets aa perinltlcd by
this ordinance may be protected by such tem
porary lenees or structures a the street cmii-
Miissiouer shall approve, Ui be removed under
tne direction oi ine street coin in issloner when
so Instructed by the council.
See. 5. ll shall be unlawful for any person
or persons to hitch or fasten any animal to or
otherwise destroy or Injure any growing or
living shade or ornamental tree, whether ar
tificially planted and set out or growing nat
urally In the streets m1 roads In the city of
maid Kiver, or any box or caslpg around
such tree, or to hang to or otherwise attach
any sign or other thing thereto, without tlrst
obtainliii; permission from Ihe council, and
then only under the supervision of the street
committee of the council or of the street com
inlNHloner under lis direction. Any pcrsonor
iicum g violating any of the provisions of
this section shall be tleepied guilty of, a ruls-
uenicaiior, tinu upon conviction inereoi ue
fore tiie recorder shall be subject to a fine ot
not lesa than twenty dollars nor more than
two hundred dollars, or lv Imprisonment not
less than five dajs nor more tnau thirty days
ill the city Jail.
. Passed the Common Council October 7, MOI,
and approved hy inn this 7th i ay of October,
l'JOl. F. C. liKoslCS, Mayor.
Attest: J. R. NtCKKI.SKN, Recorder.
Pigs for Sale.
Hlx and eliiht weeks old Pigs for sale by
J)23 - - lili0iitOHL)AN.
l it w--r J&M
Note some of the Prices;
A Single hit handled Axe 90
A ditto $1.25
A Mann's bronzed double-bit Axe 1.00
A Douglas Axe Co. (Hunt) do .75
An Old Honesty double-bit Axe. . . 1.10
The largest stock in town, at ,
Peanut Roaster.
We have a peanut Roaster of latest patent
and can supply our customers with the best
quality of peanuts, fresh roasted every day.
Sample them. COI.K A' (I RAH AM.
For Sale or Exchange.
A 5-roomed modern cottage, lot 50 x loo de
sirable location fur borne in Portland, worth
Hl.tiOO for a small improved farm in Hood
River. Address C. C. Jaiitzcn, 021 Montana
ave., Portland, Or pi
Town Lots for Sale.
Apply to
Sec'y Hood River Townsite Co.
For Sale.
A steel Range and ladles' Bicycle. Call at
Hereford Bull.
Thoroughbred Hereford Bull for service at
11.50. U. I). WOODWORTH.
For Sale or Trade.
A good sound horse, harness and wagon.
Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice Is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholder of the Valley Im
provement Company, for the election or of
ficers and for such other business as may
come before the meeting, will be held Mori
day, November IS, WOI, at 10 o'clock A. M.. In
I lie company's otlice, In Jackson's building,
Hood River. By order of the president,
nla H. H. BAI1.KV, Secretary,
Ijind Office at Vaneonver, Wash., Oct. 17,
Mil. Notice Is hereby giveu that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make filial proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made
before the Register and Receiver U. H. Land
Office at Vancouver, Washington, on Wed
nesday, Decembe, 4. lull, viz:
For the lota 1 and and south of the north
east li section 6, township H north, range 12
east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
C. C. Conner, C. Hall, James o. Lyle and K.
B. Hewitt all of l.vle. Washington.
oainat W. R. lil'S BAR, Register.
jnd office at Vancouver, Wash., Oct.",
I!i. Notice l hereby given that the following-named
settlers have hied notice ot their in
ternum o make final pnaif In suoiHjrt of their
claims, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver I', s. 1 .and otlice
at Vancouver, Wash.. November ii, lsul, viz:
r.n l. M. J.K IN,
Who made H. K. No. nrni, for the west
norttu-nst and west southeast 14 section
14, township s north, range 11 east, W. M.
Whonameft the following w Uncases to prove
his continuous resnteniv upon and cultiva
tion of said bind, viz:
Walter J. Bales. Byron K. Craudall, Calvin
J. Hannan and John II. J irvls, all of Pine
Flat, Wash. Viz:
J'dlN II. JaRVIs,
Who made H. F- No. OTw!. f,ar the east
northeast and east 1, southeast t of section
14. townslup 3 north, range 11 east. W. M.
Who name the following vlinaMis to ,m,ve
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of fcaid land, viz:
Walter J. Bates, Byron E. Crandall, Calvin
1. Ilanuan and Kdwii. M. Jwvia, all uC Pine
Flat. Wdu
oln2 W. P. PVSBAR, Register.
Highest standard In the state. Two hun
dred courses in Literature, Science and the
arts, Science and Engineering and Music.
New buildings and equipment: seven new In
structors, Nearly 6,000 volumes added to li
brary In 11KU. Summer school with Univer
sity credit. Hjwciul courses for teachers, for
Law and Medical students. Department of
Education for teachers, principals and super
liiti iHlenls. Tuition free, cost of living low.
Three students grunted scholarships In large
Ka.itern universities In HKIl
Send name to President or Registrar for
circulars and catalogues, Ktigene, Or. a2
Money to Loan
On Improved farms and good stock ranches at
low rates and on long time, if wanted. Slate
particulars and lowest amount wunted by
writing or calling upon
all 27.1 Stark St, Portland, Or
MAT 11m
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. Phone 35.
Frankton Express.
Passengers and baggage taken to and from
mill camps and all pin ts of the valley; also,
light transferring and single rigs furnished for
shopping. Pi K. I). CALKINS.
To Water Consumers.
The rules of the company will be strictly
followed after this date. All who are delin
quent after the Kith lay of the mouth will be
charged the full price,' viz: per month:
the extra .ii",e going to the collector, who will
shut olf water at the main from residences
where payment Is not promptly made, and It
will not be turned on again until all arrear
ages arepald. Beginning July 1st next, all
water rents will be charged to owners of rent
ed buildings instead of to the occupant.
(Timber Land, Act JuneS, 1S7S.)
United States Land Oltlce, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Aug. 15, 11KJ1, Notice Is hereby given
thai in compliance Willi the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 8. 1S7S, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the states of
California. Oregon, Nevada and W ashington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August i, 1SII2,
Of Hood River, county ot Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed in this otlice his sworn
statement No. lib", for the purchaseof the north
east quarter, southeast quarter of section No.
, In township No. 'i north, range No, east,
W. M and will oiler proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for itB timber or
stone than for ngiVulliiral purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the Reg
ister and Receiver of this ottlccat Tho Dalles,
Oregon, 011 Saturday, the 2d day of Nov. ,11)01.
He names as witnesses, FJ. T, Winans, Frank
Davenport, F. E. Newby and A. Winans, all
of HiRid River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to file
their claims In this otlice on or before said 2d
day of November, 11101.
nato-a JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit, court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
Almeda H. Barrett, plaintiff; vs. Bert. V.
Wyalt, W. R. Winans, John Leland Hen
derson, Robert Rand and tleorge E. For
sythe, defendants.
By virtue of an execution, decree and order
of sale duly issued out of and under the seal
of the Circuit Court of t he stale of Oregon for
the county of Wasco, to me directed and dated
thiH'iath day of September, Will, upon u decree
of foreclosure of two cerUiiu mortgages and
Judgments rendered and entered In said court
on the h day of September, 1IKII, In the
above entitled cause, in favor of the plaintiff
and against the defendant, Bert V. VVyatt, as
judgment debtor In the sum of "4..'t7, with
interest thereon from the 2ith day of Septem
ber, lliol, at the rale of ten per cent per an
num; and the further sum of Vi.(H) as attor
ney's fees; and the sum of S21.24, with interest
at ten percent per annum from the 25th day
of September, Mil; and the further sum of
jflO.OO as attorney's fees; and the further sum
of SI". 17 costs, and in favor of the defendant,
Ueorge E., and against, the defend
ant, Bert V. W'yatt, as judgment- debtor In
the sum ol' K).ti0, idi Interest thereon from
the 2.HI1 day of September, 11101, at ten per
cent per annum; nipt the further sum of tii.00
as attorney's tees mid the oosls of ami upon
this writ, and comminuting me to make sale
of the real properly embraced in such decree
of foreclosure and hereinafter described, I
will, on the 11th day of November, HKIl, at the
hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day,
and at the front diajr of the county court
house In Dalles l ily, in Wasco eotintv, Oregon,
sell ut public auction to the highest bidder for
cash In hand, all the rigid, title and Interest
which the defendant, Jlert V. Wyatt, had on
the 12lh day of August, 1S!W, the date-of the
mortgages foreclosed herein, or which any of
the defendnnls above named have since ne
quired or now have In or to tho following de
scribed real property situated and being In
Wa-co county, slate of Oregon, to wit: The
northeast quarter (4) of section twenty-six
(i) of township one (I) north, range nine (0)
east 01 the Willamette .Meridian, containing
one hundred and sixty (1X11 acres of land, or
s much thereof as will salisly said judgments
and decree Willi costs and accruing costs.
Said properly will be sold subject to confirm
ation and redemption, as by law provided.
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this iith day
ol September, IIHJI. ROBERT KELLY,
ohil Sheriff Wasco County, Oregon.
Foreclosure Sale.
Di the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County.
tieorge K. Forsvthe, trustee, for the use and
benefit of Beatrice Mllleent Sailer, now Titoff,
of Leipslc, (iei niany, plaintiff, vs. The Hood
Kiver Lumbering Company and E. T. Wi
nans, def ndants:
By virtue of an execution, decree and order
of sae duly issued out of and under the seal
of the Circuit Court of the slate of Oregon for
the county of Wasco, to me directed and
dated the 101 h day of October, A. I). 1111, upon
a decree for the foreclosure of a certain mort
gage and Judgment rendered and entered in
said court on the Vh day of October, A. D.
Ilitll, in the above entitled cause, in favor of
the pluintitl'and against t lie defendants The
Hood River Lumbering Company and E T.
Winans, asjudgmeul debtors in the sum of
eight hundred (audi dollars In gold coin of the
l uited Slates, being the principal debt accord
ing to the terms of said promissory note: the
further sum of ninety and sixty-seven hun
dredths tm).il7) dollars Interest money due
thereon, computed to and Including the 4th
day of Oi tujier, Mull, and also interest thereon
until paid at eight per cent per annum; and
the further sum of one hundred (KJOi dollars as
attorney's fees, and interest thereon until
paid: and the further sum of seventeen fifty
(17."bl dollars costs, and the costs of and upon
this writ, and commanding ine to make sale
in the real property embraced In such decree
of foreclosure and hereinafter described, I
will, on Ihe day of November, A. D. IMI1,
at the hour of i o'clock In the afternoon of
said day, and at the front dar of the county
court bouse in Dalles City, Wasco county.
Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, alt the right, title
and interest which the defendants, the Hisid
River Lumbering Company and E.T.WInana,
or either of them, had on the lsth day of June,
A. D. 1!00. the date ot the mortgage foreclia-ed
heieln. or which snc't defendants or any of
the defendants herein have since acquired or
now have In and to Ihe following described
real property, situate and being in Wasco
county, to wit: ( All ol the N. ot theN. l-tof
section l.t, township 1 N., h., W. M.) All of
the north half of the north half of section
thirteen in township one north of range nine
east of the Willamette meridian, in Wasco
county, state of Oregon, containing ISO acres,
more or less, or so much of said properly as
will satisfy said judgment and decree, with
costs and accruing costs.
Said pMqierty will be subject to confirma
tion and redemption as by law provided.
Dated at Dulles Ciiv, Oregon, llils loth day
oroctolicr, lil. ROBERT KELLY,
Sheriff Wasis, County, Oregon.
JOHS l.K.l.AMi llK.XIIKKSOfi, All)' for pi ft'.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Itartifielauy digests the food and aids
Naturrt in Rfrenirt honinir and re.nn
structtng the exhausted digestive or
gans. 11 isuieiutestaiscoverea aipesir
ant and tonic No ct her preparation
ran Arvrmmch If 1,, orKiar,fv Ir. in.
stantly relievesand permanently curej
T 1 .. .. . : , . 1 . 1, . 1
J"!" leoa, indigestion, neanuuru,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea.
- ' ' ii.aitiivur, aujn suu
allot her resultsof imperfect digestion.
Prlce5iV. ndH. tare sir contains tH tlmei
(mail sim. book all aluut dyspepslm mailed (r
Prcportd by E. C DtWITT CO, Cblcog
Fihe Pans Fas
It will ruin before long; when it does, don't forgot this is the
place to get your Rubbers, Umbrellas, Mackintoshes, etc.
Buy your underwear of ub; we will save you money.
loys' School Knives, 2 blades and chain l"c
Hewing Machine Oil, per bottle 5c
Press Matches, mr box , 4c
Table Oil Cloth, best prude, per
We have bunched nearly nil our Jielte, and offer you your choice at 15c
Carpet Tacks, per box le
Men's Shirts, all prices mid kinds . . .
A few 1110e Men's Natural Wool Hose, per pair 25e
Outintr Flannel, rjer vard
Glass Wash Boards
The Money
Cutcutcut ca daw cut!
Isn't it NICE that there is some place in town w here yon can get
fat, juicy, tender chickens, either alive or dressed.
Jensen Has Them. '
Also a great variety of Fruits, Home-made Candy und Fine
French Candies.
We can
Phone m
Every One Knows
What a magic solvent and "dirt starter" naptha is. FKI.K-NAPTL1A
SOAP possesses this property and washes everything washable,
cleans everything cleanable, hurting nothing, not even the most del
icate fabric. Try it. 10c a bar; 3 bars for 25c.
K Makes hot cakes taste good : Towel's Log Cabin Maple Syrup.
Are still doing business at the same old stand, and thtir cash prices
are pleasing their trade. We have no large bank account to boast of
bnt believe in the old saying that "A nimble sixpence beats a lazy
dollar," therefore we are satisfied with
Quick Sales and Small Profits.
Columbia Nursery's
Large assortment of choice Trees. Kspccinlly fine hit of one mid two
' year old Apple.
WE CAN SUIT YOU. Send in your order early.
H. C. BATEHAM, Propr.
Hood River
Commercial Co.,
Fresh and Cured Meats.
Pure Alfalfa Honey, as Cheap as Syrup.
A Complete Lino of the new School Btsjks adopted by the State of Oregon will be
found at our store for
Sale or Exchange,
according to the established new law and prices. We also carry a full line of
and will appreciate a liberal share of your patronage in this line.
When exchange of books is desired same must be made before the first of next
January. After that date no exchange can be had. Cotirtonsly soliciting
your patronage, we are, yours respectlnlly,
Job Printing a Specialty.
Q S6
Pry Hoods, Groceries, Hoots and Slioe, Furnishing Goods, Huts
Caps, Flour, Feed, etc. We buy direct from manufacturers in Inrtie
lots and defy any urm in Oregon to undersell n, who handle the same
qualitv of goods. We do not deal in Cheap Johu trash, hut handle
reliabfe goods, which we warrant to be exactly as represented, tiive
us a call.
Is the best
White Arsenic fc
4-a. lots.
Sal Soda . .
4 per .
yard lHc
Saving Store.
supply that tooth with the best
Sole Agents' for Aldon Chocolates,
None better.
we can buy.
in a. i..t-. sti-n lots.
liH per Hi. !V -t B..
ith iti, 100 n. lot,
I 4c per f. :e per n.. 2'.rir t..
For Sale
I. Lots in Waucoirm Park addition
from if'.lO to f 1(10.
3. Eight acres off the W. J. Baker
place, known as the Heffornan place; in
strawberries; price, with crop, vl,000.
4. Twenty-five acres of the Silliman
place, East Side; 18 acres in cultivation ;
young orchard ; 175 an acre.
5. The Hichard Kirbyson place of 20
acres on the State road; early straw
berry hind ; price $1,51)0.
7. Barrett-Si pnia addition ; 75 per lot :
$10 down and $5 per month ; no interest.
II. Fine homestead of 100 acres on
Rock creek near Davenport's. Price
$1,000-$;S()0 down, balance at per
10. Lots in Hull's addition; each
lot level, 80 x 140 ; center of ball ground :
$125 each.
14. The Allen Fulton farm, 100 acres,
5 miles east of town; price $1,000; terms
15. Lots in Henderson sub-division
$H7.E0 a lot.
lli Tlo'rt,.fi,.u o..-o t.,.,,1 4 ..t
.... i... 1 -m , .tn e lami ettni. 01
county road in John Monroe and J. M.
.Monroe homesteads; wild land; price
$20 per acre.
11). The Glover farm, well improved,
4,la miles from Goldendale; 240 acres:
140 acres in cultivation; 63 acres in
winter wheat; 7 acres in hog pasture,
with a creek running through it; all un
der fence, with cross fences; large
new barn and fine house. Price $12.50
an acre; will take Hood River property
in part payment.
21. X. K S. E. U. S. U' X V. V w,
4, T. 3 N.,K. 11 E White Salmon; fine
timber html ; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, oulyopo
mile east of town; fine range; $1,500.
23. Lots 5 and ti. block 7. Winans ad
dition ; $50 a lot, or $85 for the two.
25. Two beautiful building lots near
Kobt. Band's new house. Trice $200
for the two.
28 . 529 acres, with much fir timber,
including both fulls on Hood river. Re
fer to Butler & Co.
31 . At Trout Lake, 80 a. ; 3 in timothy."
cuts 8 tons a year; 50 a. in heavy saw
timber, white pine, fir and cedar; west
fork White Sa)mon river runs through
the pluce; price $l,250.
32. Emma G. Robiiixon'a inn mh
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Drver olace: fine timber ;
proved ; $7S5.
Eligible residence lots in Snano-ler's
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$75; terms easv.
$200 to $1,200 to loan.
At the Etimorinm w L'nnt a fitut-.1.iao
surveyor's transit., nml flu, i.r.i,
being a practical surveyor, is well pre-
lnieu 10 un uie worK oi laying out acre
sure nronertv in Iota mwl lilm.L-u on, I
r- , 1 " --- .... . ...... ...I, 4 , ,,-
ing nil kinds of surveying.
N. B. Terms lire kukv nn all 1,a alu-u'd
lauds, with interest at (j jier cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads
and timber claims should apply at the
ITlmher I.ini1. Act June 8, 1S7S.1
Irnlt...l I .... .1 r,m .
..nn., ..mi-, iiiit-miver,, Sept. II, I'.itil.-N'ntic e is herehv Kiven
till,! Ill l-ltlll lllilKW'M U-lll. ,ltu .r....lui t.
net of eoniriiKK nl Jiine.H, s;s, entitled "Anset
tor Hi iii ! or tlmlHT IhiiiIs In the stiites of
t'lilitornlii, liretfoii, Ncvmiu and W'twlilnnton
lernlory." sa extended to nil Hie nubile land
slates by ui-t of August 4, rj,
KlMtiX li. KKK1N,
Of Kiildn, ruunty oi KllrkitHt. itale of Waxh-
nmMMi.n;, iiii..::: iiipu in iniHOflirAhlKKWoru
-li' t N". ill" lor the purelmse of I lie
soniiiwest , norilienst mid northwest U
until, nsf 14 of seetlon No. II, in townxlilp No.
. norlli run.a V.. II ....... it' w .
..... .ni, , una
will iifl.-r proof to show that the land soiikIiI
1 , ...,- .nmitiMr ,r in, (tinner or utone ttmo
nK, it iiouno purposnt, and 10 est a III IbM hi.
htiiii t.. u.i,l I.. ...I lu.r..... .1 .... .
" ......itr 1 1 ikyimit ina
iverrlv.-r of thin oilWat Vaneonver. Wah.,
i. uir 4.,, 1, in, y ,,, .sovenitjer, ihiii.
lie Millie hh wlluesses: llnls.. v It, (ole
illlMlfl f I'l.lf. 111..I i ....--' ..r
wn ..and (ieiiite W. (illtner of Ulimer,
A II V mill Ull iwrumi .l.lml.i. 1..
.... ,.. . . ,,, nu , t-r:iy I Mr
ali'lVt.-l,'rMarilii.d lands nrt re.iliil..H In fllu
their I'lailns in this oltlis. on ..c iur..M Mui
i.lU'levof Novetnlier. I'.oi
-"U-i WLU. I t' S BAR. R.-RtKter.
l and (! m The lialles,, Oreson. Henf
Hill V..i..w h..r..l... - .. ' ,,.V'
' - ..".' i.i-iuiai i,ieiolHw-
Ine named -t:ler has riled notier of ,ls
1 ane final pnml In ll..rl
il liis eliiim, and thai wild imxit will
tie Ii.tuli. (.u.... T D-.... .
' "11 iit, i . e. vllt-
mlMKiiirr. hi Hisel Un er, Ureuou. on Hauir-
.... , ..... . Vt 1., 1, ,,7.:
'if M...ier. onvnl. H. K. No. 37 for tbf
souinwesi ., s.ia,ri township J north,
roite 11 east, w, v.
lie nnie the follom'lric wineieii u, prove
his rriiiiiniMHia reiileiiir Uion and c-nltlvn-
uion ot. SIOO h.llil, vi:
W . .sin-k. tinorve llnrrls-m. r rank(,ln
"r an I s.rye IIii-S-.v.hII of Mmier.Orerou,
o4ns JAY 1'. U XAX, Ivi-stater.