The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 18, 1901, Image 1

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    (5 A '
V fin.-.
NO. 22.
hubliehed Every Krlday by
8. F. HI YTHE.
Terms of subscription 11.50 a year when paid
In advance.
The mall arrives Irom Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
. m. Wednesdays and baltirdays; departa the
tame davs at noon.
Kor Ch'enoweth, leaves at 8 a. m. Tuesdays,
Thuisdaya and Saturdays: arrives at 6 p. in.
for White Salmon (Hash.) leaves daily at 6:45
A. m.; arrives at 7 ; 15 p. in.
f rom While Salmon leaves (or Fnlda, Ollmer,
Trout Lake and Glen wood daily at A. M.
For Hnweii (Wash.) leaves at &:4.i p. in. j ar
rives at 2 p.m.
M iETim.
i t7, I. U. O. K. Meets flrst and third Mon
days in each month.
Mm Kat Davenport, N. O.
H. J. Hibbard, Secretary.
rtANBY POST. No. 16, 0. A. R.-MeetsatA.
J O. U. W. Hall second and fourth Watur ays
of each month at 'I o'clock p. m. All U. A. K.
memtieis invited to meet with u.
T. 1. ('cxmno, Commander.
J. W. Rio by, Adjutant.
(IAN BY" W. R. C, No. 16 Meets tlrst Katnr
j day of each month in A. o. U. W, hall at l
p. m. Una. B. K. bHoKMAKKB, President.
MRS. I'rsvla liiKKa, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER LOIKiK, No. 105, A. V. and A.
M. Meets (Saturday evening on or before
ei.oh full moon. A N. Kahm, W. M.
A. P. Batkham, Secretary.
Meets third Friday ins hi of each niontli,
F. U. Brcbius, H. V.
H. F. Davidson, Secretary.
II Meets second and fourth Tuesday even
IiiKS ol each month. Visitors coidially wel
comed. Mrs. Eva B. Haynk, W. M.
H. V. Davidson, Secretary.
"kLETA ASSEMBLY, No. 103, United Artisans.
) Meets second Tuesday of each month at
Fraternal hall. F. C. Bruiiis, M. A.'
D. McDonald, f-'ecretary.
W ACCOM A l.ODtiE, No. SO, K. of P. Meets
In A. 0. I. . hall every Tuesday nlttht.
John Bt'CK, C, 0.
J. Leland Henderson, K. of R. fc B.
KIVKRBIDK I.OWIE, No. 68, A. O. I', W.
MeeU first and third Saturdays of each
month. N. C. Evans. M. W.
J. F. Watt, Financier. , ,
H. L. Howa, Recorder.
IDI.EWILDE LODCiE, No. 107, I. O O. F.
Meets la Fraternal hall every Thursday
night. A.O. Gktchki,,
J. E. Hakna, Secretary.
OOD RIVER TENT, No. Itt, K. O. T. M..
meets at A. O. U, W. hall on the lirst and
third Fridays of each month.
J. E. Rand, Commander.
HONOR, A. O. U. W.-Meet first and
third Saturdays at 8 P. M.
Mrs. Oeorhia Rand, C. of II.
Mrs. Cha Claskk, Recorder.
SUNSHINE SOCIETY Meets second and
fourth Saturdays of ench month at i
o'clock. Mif Lena, president.
Mikh Carrie Buti-kr, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,7(W, M. W. A.,
meets In Odd Fellows' Hall the first aiid
third Wednesday! of each month.
F. L. DAViiaoN, V. C
K. R. Bradlky, Clerk.
Gold crowns and bridge work !nd all kinds of
Up-lo-DiU DiDtlstrj.
jccuLOr to Dr. M. F. Shaw.
Call! promptly answered In town or countiy,
Dav or Nlsht.
Telephone!: Residence, 81 i Office, 8S.
Office over Everhart's Grooery. .
For 23 years a resident of Orenon and Wash
ington. Has bad many years experience in
Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of
titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charge.
J F. WATT. M. D.
Surgeon for O. R. 4 N. Co. Is especially
equipped to treat catarrh of nose and throat
and diseases of women.
Special terms for ofllct treatment of chronic
Telephone, office, 123, residence, 45.
Estimates furnished for all kinds of
work. Repairing a specialty. All kinds
of shop work. Shop on State Street,
between First and Second..
Newly furnished in all the latest modern
barber fixtures, making It second to none
for first-class service. Porcelain Bath lnb.
Hydraulic Harber Chairs. A shoe polishing
artist always on hand.
EVANS 4 DkBORD, Proprietor!.
Is the place to get the latest and best in
Confectionori, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco,
Cigars, etc.
p C. BROSiUS, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M. ; 2 to S
and 8 to 7 P. M.
Practical Watchmaker I Jeielir.
My long experience enables me to do
the bent possible work, which I fully
guarantee, and at low prices.
Do a general banking business.
All Work Promptly and Satisfactorily
Execute.). Office at Sherrill'a
Furniture Store.
ion rrRNMHttn at amy time.
OflNca wltfc Bone Brother. Bninese will be
attrnded to at tnt lima. I'ollertioaa xaea.
W ill iora'a am fou4 government land wthar
4 Comprehensive Review of the Important
Happening! of the Past Week Presented
In a Condensed Form Which It Most
Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many
Molineux has been grunted another
new trial.
Salem warehouseman charged with
larceny by bailee.
Officials of the Harriman system
met at Salt Lake City.
Colombia is willing to accept the
mediation of the United tates.
Manipulation fails to hold up prices
in the New York stock market.
Steamship Alberta diverted from
San Francisco by strike trouble.
De la Vaulx' balloon trip across
the Mediterranean was afailure.
Colfax, Wash., wheat sales aggre
gated 350,000 bushels at 40 cents.
Revolutionary outbreaks occurred
at Seville and other Spanish cities.
"The convention of the American
Bankers' association opened at Mil
waukee. Several eastern capitalists send rep
resentatives to the Malheur county,
Oregon, oil fields.
Cuban election law will be promul
gated. King Leopold, of Belgium,will visit
A general strike of tobacco workers
is on at Seville, Spain.
Ex-Governor Pillsbury, of Minne
sota, is dying of Brights disease.
Senator Frye will remain at the
head of the commerce committee.
Palouse farmers are selling wheat
readily at the local price of 40 cents.
England orders 29,000 soldiers to
he in readiness to proceed on active
service. .
Cudahv withdraws the reward of
$25,000 he offered for the abductors
of his son.
No passengers are allowed to sail
from Cape Town ports without mili
tary permits. '
Burglars blew open a safe at Bluff-
ton, O., setting fire to the building.
They got nothing.
The sultan says he will oppose any
effort of Great Britain to assume au
thority over Koweit. .
House of deputies of the Episco
palian convention at San Francisco
regulates remarriage after divorce.
Johann Most, the anarchist leader,
is sentenced to one years' imprison
ment for publishing articles regarding
the assassination of McKinley.
Malvar is preparing to operate in
Bulocan province.
Pat Crowe states the terms on which
he will surrender.
The business section of Los Gatos
was destroyed by fire.
There is much demand for cheap
Eastern Oregon lands.
Catches of the Behring Sea fleet
were reported by a sealer.
General "Otis wants better garrison
prisons in his department.
Russia demands that Turkey pun
ish the murderers of Armenians.
The construction of more naval ves
sels will I recommended to congress.
A French aeronaut is trying to
cross the Mediterranean in a balloon.
' There is criticism at Manila of the
recent statements of Congressman
General Merriam calls attention to
the necessity of better drill work by
Braganza, who ordered the execu
tion of 103 Spanish prisoners, will be
The steamer Ha Ting from Skag
way to Vancouver, ran ashore ou Jar
vis Island. '
The attorney general of Washing
ton holds that high schools cannot be
supported by common schooV funds.
Russians believe Afghanistan is on
the verge of civil war.
Martial law has been declared
throughout Cape Colony.
King Edward has bought back his
former racing cutter Brittania.
Dr. H. P. Tuttle, inventor of
thorite, dropped dead at Tacoma.
Oregon's farm exhibit took first
prize at Pan-American exposition.
Prince Cbing asks that foreigen
merchants be removed from Fekin.
Halifax police took two deserting
British seamen from an American
Charges of drunkenness are made
against Commander lilloy, of lu
tuila. Ex Chief Justice Scott, of Wash
ington, charged with criminal assault,
proved an alibi.
The petrified forests of Ariiona
were recently examined anew under
the direction of the general land
office. The silicified logs lie in the
greatest abundance within an area of
eight square nines m jpacne county.
In some places thev lie more thickly
than they could have stood while
living as trees, and it it thought that
they must have been carried there ly
a swift curr?nt of waUr in the mes
oiotic age.
Extraordinary Meeting of the Cabinet Held
to Consider the Situation.
Madrid, Oct. 17. An extraordinary
meeting of the cabinet was held today
under the presidency of the queen re
gent to consider the outbreaks at Se
ville and elsewhere. Fresh disturb
ances are reported nt Seville. A mob
that was stornflng the convent of St.
Saviour was dispersed by the troops,
but not until the door of the con
vent had been burned. Marital law
probably will be extended to other
towns where revolutionary disorders
are occurring-
Martlal Law at Seville.
Seville, Oct. 17. Martial law has
been proclaimed here as a result of
the general strike which began here
yesterday, and the goveror has made
over his functions to the captain
general. The strikers are overrun
ning the town, burning the octroi
offices find committing all kinds of
During the riots the populace pil
laged two markets and attacked the
university, breaking all the windows
and wounding two students and a
beadle. The university will be closed
until order is restored. The windows
in numerous factories were broken.
Troops now hold the streets and
guard the tramways and bakeries.
Arrest of a Woman May Uad to the Cap
ture of a Gang.
Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 17. Annie
Rogers, alias Maud Williams, aged 26,
is in the custody of the police here,
and General Superintendent Taylor,
of the Pinkerton agency of Chicago,
who is in Nashville, believes her ar
rest will lead to the apprehension of
the gang which, July 3, held up a
Great Northern express train near
Wagner, Mont., securing over $40,000
in bank notes. The woman came
under suspicion by her actions at the
Fourth National bank Monday after
noon, when she presented a large roll
of new bills of small denomination,
asking for large bills injreturn. Not
ing" the bills closely, the teller be
came suspicious and while she was
engaged in conversation, the police
were notified. When arrested the
woman refused to make any explana
tion of where the $550 in her posses
sion came from. The bills were on
the Helena bank, and though signed
the serial numbers coincide with
those given in the Pinkerton circular
advertisement of the robbery. A
warrant was sworn out against the
woma charging her with attempting
to pass forged bank notes. She de
clines to tell of herself further than
to assert that she was born in Texas
and that she arrived here Sunday
night, from where Bhe will npt say.
Adverse Wind Caused de la Vaulx to Aban
. don His Voyage.
Taris, Oct,. 17. The attempt of the
Count de la Vaulx to cross the Medi
terranean in a balloon, which left
Les Sablette, near Toulon, Saturday
night, has failed. ' The minister of
marine, M. de Lannessan, has re
ceived a dispatch from Toulon an
nouncing that the cruiser Chayla,
which was escorting the balloon, is
returning to port with the balloon
and her passengers, which she picked
up 10 miles east of St. Laurent light
house. - The balloon was uninjured.
Toulon, Oct. ' 17. When count de
la Vaulx landed here today he said
that the weather was bad yesterday.
A hard east wind blew the balloon
toward the coast of Spain, and a
heavy rain also fell. The passengers
in the balloon eventually sighted the
St. Laurent light, near Port Vendres,
and fearing that the balloon would be
blown ashore, ' they decided to aban
don the voyage, and therefore sig
nalled to the cruiser Du Chayla,
which was escorting the balloon, ask
ing to be taken on board, which was
done with only slight damage to the
balloon and no injury to the passen
gers or scientific instruments. The
voyage lasted 42 hours.
Bankers in Convention.
Milwaukee, Oct. 17. The 27th
annual convention of the Bankers'
association closed a two days' session
here yesterday. Bankers from nearly
every state were present. The mem
bers of the association represent a
combined capital of over $8,000,000,
000. Friendly Solution Can Be Reached.
New York, Oct. 17. The Buenos
Ayres correspondent of the Times
says that in spite of the warlike, pub
lications regarding the strategic
roads made by Chilf in disputed ter
ritory, and the hostile atmosphere
created by the Chilian war party, the
president of Chili has made emphatic
declarations that friendly and peace
ful solution of the difficulties can be
reached within the terms of the
treaties aud agreements between
the two republics.
Would S0 Panama Canal.
New York, Oct. 17. A dispatch
from'Taris to the Times says the
directors of the new Panama com
pany, in a circular to the sharehold
ers, aay that Colombia haa expressed
a readiness to sanction the transfer
of the canal to the United States.
An estimate of the value of the un
dertaking is therefore being pre
pared, at the request of the Isthmian
Canal commission. It will be leady
by the time congress nieeU.
Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im
portanceA Brief Review of the Growth
and Improvements of the Many Industries
Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth
Latest Market Report
Umatilla county has 103 schools and
nearly 3,000 school children.
The slope iB now dowii over 1,200
feet at the Beaver Hill mine.
A Hubbard correnpondent says the
Pudding river bridge will be rebuilt..
R. C. Edwards' big log drive of 3,
500,000 feet for the llarrisburg saw
mill has reached its destination.
. The Empire Gold Mining company,
of Portland, will station a $75,000
gold dredger on the John Day river.
The Monument school board has
decided to purchase new desks and
make improvements on the grounds.
A stamp mill will soon be put
on the Merritt, Applegate & Leever
quartz mine in the Elk Creek district.
Through the kindness of Charles
Martin, the citizens of Hubbard have
access to over 1,500 books, which he
has placed in the room over the post
office. William Allen had the largest pota
toes of the season on exhibition last
week at Lostine. Among them were
three that averaged three pounds and
six ounces each. ?
The oil fields above .Vale are creat
ing an excitement next to the famous
Big Bend gold fever a few weeks ago.
More than 12,000 acres are now lo
cated and half a dozen surveying
parties are in the field. The hotels
at Vale are crowded.
The latest news from the Malheur
oil fields is to the effect that loca
tions and locators have become so
thick that the county recorder is
obliged to insist that the applicants
form in line and take their turn when
they come to file their applications.
Michael Primeau,a miner employed
at the Red Boy mine, was injured iast
week by the explosion of a cap that
was placed on the wrong end of a
fuse. A small niece of Conner imbed
ded itself in his right thigh and ne
cessitated his going to the hospital at
Baker City.
Sumpter's new hotel is nearing
City election at Albany will take
place December 2.
A lodge of Woodmen of the World
has been organized at Milton.
An institute of Jackson county
teachers will be held at Ashland,
October 16-18.
A. A. Davis warehouse at Medford,
which collapsed recently, will not be
rebuilt until the grain in it, of
which there is about 10,000 bushels,
is sold. ;.
The onion crop of Milton is large.
Several , carloads have already been
shipped out, mainly to Kansas and
Nebraska. Probably 20 carloads will
be shipped from Milton this season.
Dr. N. G. Blalock, of Walla Walla,
is purchasing large quantities of- fruit
throughout the Walla Walla valley
and in the vicinity of Weston and
Ath na.
Portland Markets.
Wheat Walla Walla, nominal
5353o; bluestem, 64c; valley, 54.
Flour best grades, $2. 65 3. 50 per
barrel ; graham, $2.60.
Oats Old, 90$1 percental.
Barley Feed, $1515.50; brewing,
$16.00 per ton.
Millstuffs--Bran, $17 18; mid
dlings, $2021 ; shorts, $1920; chop,
Hay Timothy, $11 13; clover,
$79.50; Oregon wild hay, $56 per
Butter Fancv creamery,2527)c;
dairy, 18 20c; store, 12i15o per
Eggs Storage 20c; fresh 2325o.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 12 J
13c; Young America, 13)14o per
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
4.00; hens, $4.004.50; dressed, 10
llo per pound; springs, $2.003.50
per dozen; ducks, $3 for old; $3.00
4.00 for young; geese, $69 per
dozen; turkeys, live,1215cj dressed,
1012c per pound.
Mutton Lambs, SJo, gross;
dressed, 66ic per pound; sheep,
$3.25, gross ; dressed, 6o per lb.
Hogs Gross, heavy, $6 6.25;
light, $4.7o5; pressed, 77)o per
Veal Small. 8 9c; large, 7
7)c per pound.
Beef Gross top steers, $3. 50 4. 00;
cows-and heifers, $3.00 3. 50; dressed
beef, 56H'c per pound.
Hops 8H;9)tjc per pound.
Wool Valley, 11 13c; Eastern
Oregon, 8 I2c; mohair, 2021o per
Potatoes $J $1. 15 per tack.
Anthrax, the sixth plague of Egypt,
mentioned in the bible, is ravaging
the lower counties of South Dakota.
The population of Nevada has
shrunk to 42,000.
The latest census bulletin shows
that Chicago outclasses all the other
large cities in the number of d oat lis
from railroad accidents. 'Its total
for the census year is 330, while the
.combined total for nine other large
cities La only 483.
782,000 Poods of Rye Will Be Required to
Relieve Distress in One Province.
St. Petersburg. Oct. 16. (Corres
pondence of the Associated Press.)
It can now bjforseen that the wide
spread crop failures, the consequent
famine and the relief work of the
government and of philanthropists
Will be engrossing subjects in this
empire during the approaching winter
Ihe word famine is not used in the
official publications, which speak of
famine-stricken districts as "places
that are in an unfavorable condition
as respects the harvests," but the
facts that are freely admitted show
that the struggle to keep the peasant
population alive until a new harvest
will be harder than has been known
since 1891-2. The extent of the
disaster can be vaguely surmised from
an inspection of the government re
port, which names the province of
Viatka as among those where there
was an "insufficient harvest," and
which gives the amount of govern
mental assistance required at 782,000
poods of rye.
City Authorities Have Patients Under Sur
' veillance.
Chehalis, Wash., Oct. 16. Four
cases of smallpox have developed at
Chehalis within the past few days.
The authorities took , the matter in
hand promptly and quarantined three
houses. The disease . was brought
here froth Ellensburg. There is no
general alarm or disturbance of busi
ness, as nearly everyone was vacci
nated when the scare first came, two
years ago. New cases that may de
velop will be promptly quarantined
by the city authorities. Smallpox,
in a mild form, was prevalent in sev
eral parts of the county for a long
time alter its nrst apperance in
1899, but there has been none in
Chehalis for over a year until now,
and no cases are known to exist in
any other part of the county.
Three Deaths From Black Damp.
Connellsville, Fa., Oct. 16. Black
damp today caused the death of John
Gilleland a miner, aged 50 years, and
his two sons James and Winfiold.aged
11 and 15, at the mines of the Juniata
Coke company, near Juniataville.
The bodies were rescued; but in the
effort John Nicholson, mine fireman,
and John Baker, a fire boss, were over
come by black damp and are in a
precarious condition. James had
climbed to the top of some of the
boards surrounding the pit, which had
been abandoned, when he was over
come by a suddon gust of the fumes
and fell in. The brother went to his
rescue, and not returning, the father
entered the pit. All three were over
come immediatelyand were dead long
before it was possible to send fresh
air into the shaft and attempt a res
Benjamin Franklin's Great-Granddaughter.
Philadelphia, Oct 16. Mrs. E. D.
Gillespie, the great-granddaughter
of Benjamin Frankljn, and one of the
city's most prominent women, died
at her home here aged 80 years. Her
father, William John Duane,was secre
tary of the treasury under President
Jackson, and was summarily removed
by the president for refusing to com
ply with his order to remove the pub
publio funds from the bank of the
United States.
Burglars Cause $25,000 Fire.
Bluffton, 0., Oct. 16. Burglars
early today blew open the safe in the
office of the Bluffton Milling company
here with a large charge of dynamite
The building caught fire and the
entire plant was destroyed, causing
a loss of $25,000 It is said the burg
lars got nothing. They fired two
shots at the night operator, who at
tempted to turn in a fire alarm, and
then escaped.
Anarchist Most One tear In Prison.
New York, Oct. 16. Johann Most,
the anarchist, was sentenced to one
year in the penitentiary today in the
court of special sessions for publishing
in his paper, The Freiheit, a sedi
tious article on the day folowing the
shooting of the late President Mc
Kinley. China Pays the -Indemnity.
Fekin, Oct. 16. The Chinese plen
ipotentiaries today performed their
last official act and forwarded to the
Spanish minister, who is the doyen
of the diplomatic corps, a bond for
the indemnity of 450,000,000 taels.
Boer Forces Disappear.
New York, Oct. 16. Heavy rains
have temporarily interfered With the
communication between the columns
in the field, says a Dundee, Natal dis
patch to tire Mail, and it is believed
that Botha's command, in trying to
make its escape, has melted into small
bands. Commandant General Botha
and the main body of burghers, ac
companied by three commandants,
have reached Fengola forest, near
Luneberg, Transvaal.
Codahy Withdraws Reward.
Omaha, Oct. 16. Edward A. Cud
ahy today unconditionally withdrew
the reward of $25,000, which he
offered 10 months ago for the capture
of the abductors of his son. At the
suggestion of Mr. Cndahy and at the
request of Chief of Police Donahue,
the city council will take up the mat
ter, it is expected it will withdraw its
offer of $25,000 for the arrest of the
Robbers Got Away With Good Hauls In Each
Cast Express Package Robbed of $5,.
000 In a Most Mysterious Manner
Government Employes Are Evidently
Gallion, O., Oct. 17. The vault of
the Farmers fc Citizens bank at Tyro,
a small town near . here, was wrecked
early today by six robbers, who se
cured the contents and escaped. It
is said the vault contained $40,000.
The cracksmen used nitro-glvcerine.
The doors of the vault were blown
completely off and the building par
tially demolished. 1 The terrific ex
plosion woke the people of the town.
All who approached the bank, how
ever, were driven away by the rob
bers, who were armed with rifles.
Mayor McConnel attempted to enter
the bank but was fired on by the rob
bers and compelled to retreat. Hav
ing obtained their booty, the cracks
men went, to a livery stable, where
they bound and gagged the owner.
They then took several rigs and
drove rapidly away. A posse and
blood hounds are on the trail of the
Dynamited the Vault
Mount Vernon, O., Oct. 17. The
vault of the bank at Danville, O., was
blown open early today by a gang of
eight robbers. Five charges of dyna
mite were used, and the bank build
ing, as well as the vault, was wrecked.
The explosions aroused the citizens,
and a pitched battle took place, dur
ing which the thieves took flight.
They were folio wd to Buckeye City,
where they had conveyances in readi
ness, and drove hurriedly away. Pur
suit was at once taken up, and a
number of Bhots were exchanged,
until Adrian's woods were reached,
where the vehicles were abandoned by
the robbers, who sought cover. The
woods and all roads in the neighbor
hood have been placed under guard,
and it is expected that the men will
all be captured. During the fight a
buggy in which two of the crooks
were riding broke down and they
were foroed to abandon it, riding
away on the horses. In the buggy
was found a largejquantity of chick
ens, potatoes, and edibles of various:
kinds, which is taken to indicated
that the gang intended to hide them
selves in the woods somewhere and
camp out until the excitement of the
robberyjiad diedjdown. At least one
of the robbers was wounded in the
Banker Wolfe says that the robbers
got little of value so far as he can now
. Another Good Haul.
Mason City, la., Oct. 17. The safe
of the bank at Rudd was blown open
last night and the robbers got $3,500.
They escaped on a handcar and took
to the woods.
Express Package Robbed of $5,000. .
New York, Oct. 17. W. H. Bren
dell, collector of customs at Buffalo,
N. Y., has been in this city recently
in consultation with the sub-treasury
officials and secret service officers over
the theft of over $5,000 from an ex
press package containing $7,000 on
signed from Buffalo to the sub-treasury
president. The original package
was filled with $7,000 in bills of the
same denomination as were in it
when it left Buffalo. Certain pin
holes had been made in the covering
at Buffalo, and when the package was
again filled these pin holes,. which
had penetrated two portions of the
covering, were found to fit exactly.
The package was carefully traced,
and it was shown that it had not been
tampered with from the time it was
receipted for by the express company
until it was delivered at the sub
treasury. It was also proved that it
had been receipted for in good order
at the sub-treasury, and that the
seals were unbroken. After the ex
pert examination the secret service
men are inclined to think the pack
age was tampered with after it reached
the sub treasuiy and had been re
ceipted for.
Surprised By Revolutionists.
New York, Oct. 17. Landing un
expectedly early Sunday morning,
at Tahoga Island, a watering place
12 miles off Panama, a party of revo
lutionists surprised the garrison, cap
tured - arms and ammunition, kid
naped the Alcalde and two other
officials and carried away two small
schooners, one of them loaded with
provisions and the other belonging
to the alcade, says the Panama cor
respondent of the Herald. They also
obtained a large quantity of provis
ions and raised about $300 in silver.
Alaska Towns at War.
Seattle, Oct 17. A hot contest is
on between Juneau and Douglas
City, Alaska, over the courthouse
and vault location. Douglas City
sought to wrest them from Juneau,
and the latter is determined not to
allow them to go. A Juneau dispatch
openly accuses Governor Brady of
being behind the matter, and of false
hood, among other things. The Cght
is the mn determined ever recorded
in the nortneni cities.
Struck In a Dense Fog Passengers Not In
Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 15. In a
dense fog the Canadan Pacific steamer
Ha Ting, from Skagway to Vancou
ver, went ashore yesterday afternoon
at Tucker Bay, Jarvia Island, and is
now hard and fast on the rocks. The
place is a small rocky islet lying to
the northeast of Lgsquetti Island, at
the entrance to Sabine Strait, 49
miles north of Vancouver.
When the steamer went ashore Cap
tain Gosse was On watch, and first
officer Newrotsoa was on the bridge
with the master of the vessel. The
fog at the time was so dense that it '
was impossible to see 10 feet in any
direction. The Ha Ting had on
board 170 passengers, of w hom 130
were first class and 40 second class.
There, was no panic when the steamer
struck, and the passengers were soon
made aware that there was no danger
to be apprehended. After examina
tion of the steamer, when it was found
that she could not get off the rocks
by her own efforts, the captain started
Pilot Gunns off to Vancouver in a
ship's boat with four men. Gunns
rowed down, arriving in Vancouver
this afternoon. He met no steamer
until his crew had rowed 35 miles
distance, when a tug picked them up.
The Ha Ting is a particularly
good boat, having been brought from
Hong Kong for the northern trade
about eight months ago. Her esti
mated value is $240,000.
The Ha Ting a Total Loss.
Vancouver, B. C, Oct. 15. The
latest reports from the steamer Ha
Ting are to the effect that a big hole
has been discovered in the steamer's
bottom. It is stated that at high tide
the stern is under seven foet of water.
The passengers have all been landed
on adjacent islands. Canadian Pa
cific officials here have advices to the
effect that the Ha Ting will be a total
loss. Captain Gosse, who was in
command, was considered a most care
ful and successful navigator. This is
bis first accident.
He Will Surrender If Bail Is Placed at $500
Letter Believed to be Genuine.
Omaha, Oct. 15. Chief of Police
Donahue has received a letter from
Pat Crowe, naming ' the terms on
which he will surrender. The letter
came in the care of an Omaha news- "
paper in.which it is published, and
covers 15 closely written pages cf
manuscript. The postmark is illeg
ible, but the letter was mailed at 8
o'clock in the morning, and reached
this city at 8 o'clock in the evening
of that day, indicating that it had not
traveled a long distance. In the let
ter Crowe agrees to give himself up
and stand trial for the kidnapping of
Eddie Cudahy, providing he is not
locked up until a jury shall adjudge
him guilty. He says he is unable to
furnisli bond in excess of $500, and
demands that bail be fixed in that
Chief Donahue expresses himself
as satisfied that the letter came from
Crowe. Donahue has known Crowe
for several years, is acquainted, with
his manner of handwriting and style
of expression. The Chief also re
ceived a letter from Crowe's uncle at
Manchester, la., submitting similar
terms for Crowe's surrender, which ,
leads the police to believe that they ,
are dealing with the right man.
Crowe, in his letter, takes the detect
ive agencies to task," defying them .
to attempt his arrest. -
New Ameer' Brothers Did Not Acquiesce In
His Accession. ,
London, Oct. 15. According to
official intelligence from the Ameer
of Bokhara," says a dispatch from St.
Petersburg to the Daily Telegraph,
"the brothers of Habib Ullah Khan
left Cabul secretly with their par
tisans the moment their father died,
and therefore cannot be said to have
acquiesced in the accession of their
brother. Habib Ullah, indignant at
their flight, has taken measures to
defend the capital and sent strong de-
tachments to prevent their return
or to endeavor to capture them aa
rebels. He has further resolved to
ask assistance of Emperor Nicholas
and the Ameer of Bokhara." '
Maintaining Order at Cabul.
London, Oct. 15. "A large Af
ghan force has been assembled around
Cabul and ia maintaining order,"
says a dispatch to the Daily Mail
from Simla. "Habib Ullah Khan
has appointed a special guard for
each European in Cabul, directing
that the guards shall answer with
their lives for the safety of their
charges. "The Indian government
has postponed the usual move to Cal
cutta, and Lord Curzon has indefi
nitely postponed his projected tour. "
Second Gold Medal He Has Won.
Olympia, Oct. 14. For the second
time in his career W. O. Bush, a pio
neer of Thuraton county, lias won
gold medal at the great expositions
of the world. Mr. Bush haa been
awarded the gold medal at the Pan
American exposition for the beet in
dividual agricultural exhibit. Mr.
Bush, at the Chicago world's fair,
wona similar medal, for the same
form of exhibit.
luuMr larwiing