The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 04, 1901, Image 2

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    (ood Iiver Slacier.
The secretary of the interior Jibs hand
ed down a decimon of great importance
relative to the tenure of homestead
claims. He holds that the homesteader
must actually live upon the land filed or
his entry will be null and void. A per
son who has a homestead entry can go
to some place and work to earn a living
for a time, if necessary, - but his home
must be on the land, as nothing else will
take the place of residence and improve
ment. Those who toll homestead entry
men that they need only go to the
land occasionally and stay over a night or
two in the cabin erected as an excuse for a
dwelling, do injustice to the entry-men,
whomut lose their claims by accept
ing it. Because some entries are made
and the land patented under such cir
cumBtauceSjWhen no contest is entered,
it must not be inferred that the law re
quires nothing more than a cabin, a
little fence,or clearing and an occasional
visit to land embraced in a homestead
entry. -
The disaster suffered by our troops
in the island ef Satuar, Sept. 28th, is the
worst defeat that ever happened to our
armies in the Philippines. The dis
patch says "officials were not unpre
pared for news of just this character
from Samar." Some one has blundered.
If news of this character was expected,
why was not more precaution taken?
Four hundred Fillipinos never before
were able to route 72 American Boldiers.
The surprise must have been complete.
The suggestion that a special session
of the legislature be called to vote an
appropriation for the Lewis and Clarke
exposition is generally opposed by the
press of the state, not on the grounds of
opposition to the exposition, but for the
reason that extra sessions are too costly.
The good people of The Dalles are to
be congratulated upon the fine weather
prevailing during the carnival week.
With perfect weather,good exhibits and
large crowds in attendance, everything
is moving along auspiciously to make the
carnival a grand success.
Anarchist Czolgosz will be executed
within two months after committing the
crime, Gitteau was allowed to live, by
the law's delays, one year after his as
sassination of Garfield.
This week Hood River people should
. attend The Dalles carnival. Next week
or the week after, we can go to see 'the
other big show at Portland.
Mt. Hood Notes.
John R. Bird has started up his log'
ing camp and expects to run four teams
all winter. He expects to put from six to
eight hundred thousand feet per month
in the swim.
Thos. Larewood's mother and two
sisters arrived in Hood River laBt Sat
urday and came out to Mt. Hood for the
winter. 1 hey came from Illinois.
W. II. Edick went out of the sheep
business with a rush last Sunday. Some
dogs ' got among his sheep and
killed three out of four. ,Any one having
such dogs had better take care of them
. hereafter.
Most of the Bheep herders have start
ed tor the bunch grass country, the rain
. having driven them out. Our neighbors
over on Neal creek had better be on the
look out.
Arthur Pinbrow's brother from Iowa
arrived at Mt. Hood, with his wife,
last week. Not havina seen his brother
for over 15 years, Arthur wag jump
ing sideways wlien last seen.
Joseph Dimniick got home from Wal
la Walla last Friday, where he has been
harvesting and threshing. Joe is glad
to get back to old Hood again.
Douglas Riggs went to The Dalles last
Friday to attend the carnival. Nothing
like being on time.
J. It. Steel has moved back to Mt.
Hood and is going into the sheep busi
ness, as every farmer should do. Noth
ing more profitable on a small ranch
than a small bunch of sheep. L.
Save the Huckleberry Patch,
And now it is reported that sheep have
been driven into the huckleberry patch,
have eaten and trampled down the bush
es so that the patch is entirely ruined.
This should not be allowed by the for
est reserve authorities. Indians go up
there by the hundreds every year to
gather their winter's supply of this lus
cious fruit, and the authorities ought to
see to it that sheep are not pastured on
this particular spot. There is room
enough on the reserve for sheep pasture
without encroaching on the rights of
the Indians to this, the fiinest berry
patch in the whole United States, and
it ought to be reserved for the In
dians and such white people as choose to
go there to gather berries. If it should be
let alone by the sheep now the berries
will come again in two years, but if it is
pastured again next year the roots of
the plants will bo killed and the patch
ruined forever. Something ought to be
done to preserve this spot, so rich in
Indian lcgeuds and huckleberries.
Skamania Pioneer
A Mistaken Theory.
K. P. Dunn, formerly an officer
in the U. S. Weather Bureau, in a re
cent article in the Washington Star, ad
vances the rather startling theory that
the severe hut spell which occurred in
the Middle West last July was due to
the increased area now under irrigation
along the eat slope of the Rocky moun
tains. Mr. Dunn puts the blame for the
burning up of the corn crop on the
shoulders of the irrigation com
panies and the small farmers who are
trying to make the desert bring forth
sustenance for man and beast, and he
argues that the farmer who raises small
crops by means of irrigation must be
suppressed that the farmer who raises
large crops' without irrigation may pros
per. He says that low pressure, trough
shaped, areas occupy this semi-arid re
gion and that the moisture evaporated
Ironi the sil is commensurate for their
existence but insutticient to propel them
onward, and warm air is thus drawn
from the South which for days at atime
flows over the corn belt and withers the
This theory is illogical and is con
demned bv theentirv scientific staff of the
Weather Bureau. It is, in fact, unwor
thy of serious consideration ami its pub
lication is calculated to injure the cause
of irrigation not onlv in F.astorn Oregon
but in all of the rapidly growing states in
the sub-arid West.
The weather of the United States i
controlled by the passage of low ai d
high pressure areas and these disturb
ances are carried eastward by the general
movement of the upper atmosphere.
The general movement of the upper at
mosphere is controlled by the differences
in the temperature between the poles
and the equator. When these differen
ces, as in the winter time, are great, the
upper currents move rapidly, but when
they are slight, as is the case during the
midsummer season, they move slowly,
sometimes become stagnant. Last July
the upper air currents were sluggish and
the high and low areas drifted very slow
ly, their inaction was not in any way
caused by the moisture element they
Severe droughts and heat waves have
occurred in the past, long before irriga
tion was practiced and they may be ex
pected in the future as long as the dif
ference between the temperatures at the
poles and the equator decreases, in the
summer time, as it now does, and no
efforts on the part of man can change this
orderof events. Edward A. Beals,
Forecast Official,
U.S. Weather Bureau.
Portland, Oregon, Sept.,24, 1901.
A Fiendish Attack.
An attack was lately made on C. F.Col
lier of Cherokee.Iowa, that nearly proved
fatal. His back got so lame he could not
stoop without great pain.norsitin a chair
except propped by cushions. No remedy
helped him till he tried Electric Bitters,
which effected such a wonderful change
that lie writes he feels like a new man.
Thismarvelous medicine cures backache
and kidney trouble.puriflesthe blood and
builds up your health. OnlySOc at
Chas. N. Clarke's drug Btore. ".
The personnel of the Hood River Glee
Club which has its first rehearsal Thurs
day evening.Oct. 3d, at the U. B. gym
nasium, is as follows :Mesdame8 Canheld,
Cook.Jackson.and Agiies Dukes. Messrs.
Dr. Boeius, Chas. N. Clarke, E. E.
Savage, John R. Nickelsen, Sam M.
Blowers, Meigs and Earl Bartmess,
Sam E. Bartmess and Elmer Rand.
Look over your harness and see w hat's
needed, and you can get what you want
at Holman & Son's,
Little Early Risers never bend medouble
like other" pills.btit they do their work
thoroughly and make me feel like a boy."
Certain, thorough, gentle. C'has.N. Clarke.
The state fair was a grand success
notwithstanding the rain that kept up
all the week, The Jiye stock exhibit is
said to have been the Wet evpr seen in
the Northwest.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers neverdlsap
point. They are safe,prompt,gentle,effect
lve in removing all impurities from the
liver and bowels. Small and easy to take
Nevergripeordistress. Chas. N. Clarke.
Regular communication of Hood Riv
er chapter No. 2o, U. h. ., Thursday,
Oct.tsth, at 7 :w p. m. All members are
requested to be present. Work.
Do you suffer from piles? If so do not turn
to surgery for relief. DeWitt's Witch Ha
zel Salve will act more quickly, surely and
safely,saving you the expense and danger
of an operation, Jjhas. is. tjiarke.
W. J. Campbell, last week sold his
house and lot near the school house to
Robt. Rand.
C.M.Phel ps.ForestdaleJVt., says his cliild
was com pletely cu red of a bad case of ecze.
ma bv the nse of DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. Bewareof all counterfeits. It in
stantly relieves piles. Chas. N. Clarke.
Geo. M. Welster, the Portland artist,
and L. Bradley returned from a. trip to
losi lmhv lasirrmay.
writes: "Your One Minute Cough Cure
gives perfect satisfaction. My customers
say u is uie oesi remeuy lor cougus, cuius,
throat and lung troubles."Chas.N.CIarke
' SecretafV Hav has had the unioua ex
perience of being in close relations to the
three murdered presidents just before
their death. He was secretary to Lin
coln, he stood as friend and comforter
at the bedside of Garfield and he was
McKinley's chief of cabinet.
Mothers everywhere praise One Minute
Cough Cure for the sufferings it has reliev
ed and the lives of their littleonea it has
saved. Strikes at the root of the trouble and
draws out the inflammation. The child-
ren s fa voritet'oiigliC'ury, Chas. N.Clarke
A Hood River poetaster says the orig
inal Indian name of Hood river was
Lode-pam-me, and that certain pio
neers of 44 christened it Doe river.froin
having to kill their faithful dog for food
while in a state of starvation. This lat
ter affirmation is probably just poetry
and nothing else. Dalles Uhronicle.
KodolDyspepsiaCure is not a mere stim
ulant to tired nature. It affords the stom
ach complete alid absolute rest by digest
ing the food you eat. You don't have to
diet but can enjoy all the good food you
want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure instantly re
lieves thatdistressed feeling after eating,
giving you new life and vigor. Chas. N.
Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
Hood River orchardists are coming
here with splendid exhibits of fruit, and
expect to carry off some big prizes. They
certainly have the material to do It with,
"Iliad long suffered from indigestion,"
writes G. A. Le Deis, Cedar City.Mo. "Like
othersl tried manypreparations but never
found anything that did me good until I
me.A friend who had suffered similarly
Imiton theuseof Kodol Dyspepsia Cure,
lie is gaining fast and will soon be able to
work. Before he used KodolDyspepsiaCure
indigestion had made him a total wreck."
Chas. N. Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
Card of Thanks.
Wo wish to ex pitta our sincere thanks to
the friends who ho kindly awlsted at the
death and bnrinl of onr little son Ward. Ka-
peclHlly to Kev. and Mm. J. I,. Hei-Nhner, the
K. I', and ladles of the Degree of Honor.
Mh. and Mas. U. J. Frkprkick.
la fashion' Intent creation In feminine head
wear. This hut la a aeneral utility hat and la
esiwelRlly adapted for the climate of Hood
We are alw prepared to allow the latent
Kastern at, viva in ladiea' Drew and Ktreet
Hats, We make to order any dehrn. Price
reasonable. WorkntatiKhip first eiaaa.
Legal Blanks.
A full line of Legal Blanks for aale at Rnd.
ley a Itook Store.
Pigs for Sale.
Hx and eight weeknold Pies for aale by
Pigs for Sale.
A fine lot of young pip Ibrwlf by
, East Hood River.
I will aril at auction on "the above farm, on
Tnettalav kt.,),r a mil
at 10 o'clock A. St , the following pergonal
4) bead of orlloe Cattle inn Jrwn).
lna of calves. vearlinirH- two and titrtw vmi
oIiIh, and some tiows. About one-half mid
alork are In tirtt-rlaxs Nef condition.
Aim, Kartn Implement, Harness, Wagoua,
and some booseiiold good.
A Iso. m span Khire In-aft Korwn, niatea. 7
yarold: one span gtd farm Horses. years
old; one good Saddle l"onv, S vmrs old.
And other articles t numerous to mention.
CD ii-fl A
I mi s
Note uome of the Prices :
A Single bit handled Axe .90
A ditto 1.25
A Mann's bronzed double-bit Axe 1.00
A Douzlas Axe Co. (Hunt) do .5
An Old Honesty double-bit Axe, . , 1.10
The largest stock in town, at
Team for Sale.
A Unm of about ?S00 pounds, 4 and 7 years
old; team und barnesa ti. Also, a saddle
t A ...l.,l.. ti m UUU f 1 I.' V
Studebaker Wagon.
A Htudehaker light farm watton und single
harness nearly new, lor auie. inquire of
On the road between Tucker's tnd Booth
hill, a Knr Collurelte. Finder will leave at
ulaeier office and receive reward.
'Piano for Sale or
Exchange. A resident of Portland owns a
line rhino which he wishes to sell, or would
exclmnve In whole or in part payment for a
lew acres of HiMvl River land suitable for
strawberry growing. Lund In any pai l of the
valley aonsieieroa, for particulars can on pr
wriiB to inj ilAl'lUfll.
Sewing Machine.
New Home Hewluir Machine for Bale; price
riu. aini ntiwn miur oo.. tni uiretii
House for Rent.
In Rlowera addition; Srooma: plenty of free
spring water: splendid view of Mt. Adnnia;
sr.- per inonin. aia a. WAttriftiN.
Br. Leghorn Roosters.
Thorqntrhlfi'ed Drown leghorn Koostcrs for
sale 111 Wk 'each, or wll exchange same for
pu I kits of 14 1, y bread
A gold enameled finger ring, with heart
setting. Kinder will be rewarded by leaving
it at lite liiiteier omce. sin
For Sale or Exchange.
Half acre in city nf Sulum; Wil el or ex
change for Hood Iflver property, h'or pitrlitt.
ulars Inquire of PBATHKK & KARNES.
$5.00 Reward.
Strayed Two H-mont lis old calves one roan
heifer, the other a red steer: no ear marks or
brands. The above reward will be paid for
theirretnrn to p. n. hinkiuhn,
Bull for Sale.
A flrat-ilttfW "urwjy bull, 3 years aid, of the
Peanut Roaster.
We have a peanut Roaster of latest natern
and can supply our customers with the best
quality ot peanuts, rresn roasted every day.
Bum pie mem. uui.r. Ull ah AM.
For Sale.
A valuable raitoh of 70 acres. 40 minutes'
drive from ilood Klvur, Fur prW and terms
cuiiou r,. p.svvattr,.
To let a contract to grub Sft acres, more or
less, on tne nasi wide. r . v. kkijnujh,
Berry Land For Sale.
Hi x or ten acres of n rst-class st rawberrv land
with house, barn, cellar and woodshed; run
ning wautr; z", nines rroin (joiumoia river.
Inquire at tills oflltw,
Good Work Horse
'orsajejirtradc for lumber, T. B. COON.
ITImber Lnnd, Act June S, 1878.1
United State Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., Kept. 11, 1WI1. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of congress of Jnne 8. 1878. entitled "An act
for the sale of timber lands in the states of
uaiiroriila, Oregon, Jeva,da and Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, M.I2,
Of Fulda, county of Klickitat, state of Wash
ington. bus this day tiled in thisottlce hlssworn
statement No. 2110 for the purchase or the
southwest i northeast and northwest
southeast yt of section No. 11, in township No.
5 north, range No. 11 east, W. M and
will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for Ita timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land btifore the Register and
Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Tuesday, the aitli day of November, Mil.
He names as witnesses: Halsey 1), Cole,
Samuel M. Cole and John Wyera of Kulda,
Was-., and Oeorge W. (jllmer of Ullmer,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
ith day of November, Mil.
saunfll W. R. HUNBAR. Register.
Ijtnd Office at The Pallcs, Oregon, Sept. 28,
1901. Notice la hereby glveu that the follow.
Ing named settler has filed notice of Ills
Intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and Hint said proof will
be made before (leorge T. Prather, U. M. Com
missioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Satur
day, November , 1101, vir:
of Mosler, Oregon, H. E. No. 671, for the
Bouinwesi section 2), township 2 north,
range 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
W. A. Stark, (ieonre Harrison. Prank Oln.
ger and George JiusKey, all of Mosler, Oregon,
ofim JAY P. I.UCAS, Register.
Sheriffs Sale.
Id the Circuit Court of the stateof Oregon for
Wasco County.
Almeda H. Barrett, plaintiff, vs. Bert V.
Wyait, W. K. Wlnans, John Leland Hen
derson, Robert Rand and George K Kor
svthe, defendanta.
By virtue of an execution, decree and order
of sale duly issued out of and undei the seal
of the Circuit Court of the slate ol Oregon for
the county of Wasco, to me directed and dated
this in h day of seiitcmbcr. lui. uimn a decree
of foreclosure of two cei laiu moruiaices aud
Judgments rendered and entered in said court
on tne tn day or September, MM, In the
above entitled cause. In favor of the plaintiff
and against the deteudant. Bert V. W vat I. as
Judgment debtor In the sum of Hi.;!,, w l in
interna t Hereon iroin ine iilii aay ol Septem
ber, luui, at me rate of leu per cent per an
num; and the further sum of SVI.U0 as attor
ney Ices; and the sum of tH.l. with interest
at ten percent per annum from the Aim day
of Seplemtier, 1HOI; aud the further sum of
tlO.tU as attorney's fees; and the further sum
of 117.17 cusla, and in favor of the defendant,
George E. Korsy the, and against the defend
ant, bert V. Wyatt, as Juogment debtor in
uie suiuoi, 4tn inure-l t Hereon irom
the ilh day of September, loll, at ten per
rent per annum; ami toe lunher stun ol Ji).W
as attorney's lees and the costs of and upon
this writ, and commanding me lo make sale
of the real property embraced In such decree
of foreclosure and hereinafter described, I
will, on the llth day ol November, Mil, at the
hour of Wo ch s it in Hie fc-renoto of said day,
aHt at the front door or tne county court
house in Ivllea City, in Wasco county.oregon,
ell at publle auction lo the highest bidder for
cash in band, all tbe rigut, title and iniervst
birh the defendant, bcrt V. Wyait, had on
toe 12th day of August, IrMt, the dat of the
mortgage rorecksv-d herein, of whnli any of
the detciidanta above named have since ac
quired or uow have in or lo the following de
scribed real property situated and being In
Wasro county, state of Oregon, to wiu 1 he
northeast quarter i) of an-Uon twenty-six
tii ot township one ill north, range nine ti
emst of the W illametie Meridian, containing
one hundred and sixty (l-oi acres ol land, or
M murli It ereof a will sallsty said Judgments
and decree with ctwu and accruing cost.
id property will be sold suhiect lo continu
ation and redemption, as by la pro third.
iatird al l b Dalles, tin-son, this 't day
of Septa-niber, li. Knill.hT KKi.i.V,
oinl Sheriff Waco County, (tregtm.
Highest standard In the state. Twohiln-
ared courses in Literature, Science and the
arts. Science and Eniiineering and Music.
new Diinuings and equipment: seven new in
structors. Nearly a.otsJ volumes added to li
brary in Idol. Summer school with Univer
sity credit, Stieclnl miii-ais nir teachers, for
Law and Medical students. Department of
truncation tor teachers, principuiaana super.
Inteudenls. T'lillon free, cost of living low.
Three students granted scholarships in large
Ea.itern universities in HUM -Send
name to President or Registrar for
circulars and catalogues, Kngene, Or. an
Blacksmithinsr .
And wagon repairing attended to promptly at
my snop on the Mt. Hood road, south ot town.
uood worn at reasonable prices.
aep!7 (. A. HOWELL,
Town Lots for Sale.
Apply lo .1. F. WATT,
Bec'y tiood River Townslte Co.
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. Phone 35.
The place to got vour harness supplies and
repnlr work done Is at Hulll's old stand, cor
ner Third and Stale streets. All pin ta of hat
pess furnished and repair work done on snort
notice. Also, all kinds of shoe repairing sat
isfactorily done at reasonable prices.
au , . ... C. WELDS.
. Frankton Express.
Passengers and baggage taken to and from
mill camns and all uiirii of the valley: also.
light transferring and single rigs furnished for
mopping. la ti. D. CALf.i
Harness Work.
Having made arrangements to run the har
ness department for C. Weld, at Hullt's old
stand, am prepared to do all kinds of work In
first-class shape. A specially made of repair
ing. Ti fcD. LAUIUS
For Sale or-Exchange.
A 8-roomed modern cottage, lot SO x 100 de-
Irable location for home In Portland, worth
M.'iUO for a small Improved furtn In Hood
River. Address CC. Jantzen, W&) Montana
ave,, roritauu, ur . nt
Special School Meeting:
Nutlc Is hereby given to the legal voters of
Bcnooi District no. i oi vtnsco county, state
of Oregon, thu t a special school meeting of the
said district will be held at t lie district school
house on the oth day of October, IMOI, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon, for the following ob-
jeos: 10 aeciae wneuier or not tne mil grnoe
snail oe tntignt uurtng tne next term ot school
Dated this nth day of September, ltml.
THOS. BlWHi'l". v'h'inu Hoard Directors.
Attest; p. D- m, metis, Dist. ( lurk,
Water Consumers.
Therulesof the company will be strictly
followed after this date. All who are delin
quent after the loth day of the mouth will be
Charged tne inn pries, vtit: i..w per month;
the extra 'JAc going to the collector, who will
shut off water at the nisln from residences
where payment Is not promptly made, ami It
will not be tinned on again until all arrear
ages are paid. Beginning July 1st next, all
water rent will be'ehnrged to owners of renf
ed buildings Instead of to the occupant.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 18-8.1
United States Land Oftice.Vancouver, Wash.,
July 21). 1001. Notice is hereby given that, in
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress oi June , ims, entittea an act tor tne
sale of timber lands in the SUttesof Cullforiila,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the public laud stales 'by
act, of August 4, m,
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
tiregon. nas tins nay nteu in tins omce nis
sworn statement, No. 22(10. for the purchase of
uie souinwesv quarter noritiwest.quarier.wesi
half southwest quarter section I, and north
west quarter northwest quarter of section No.
12, In township No. 4 north, range No. 10 east,
W. M., and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his clulm to said land before the
Register and Receiver of tills office at Van
couver, Wash., on Friday, the llth day of
October, 1901.
He names as witnesses: Albert C. Peehi and
Joseph ttetd of Portland, Or., and August J.
Wagnluand Robert J'. Cox of Trout Lake,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this o'llre on or before said
llth day of October, l!ll.
atoH W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 187H.J
United States Land omce, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Aug. li), liHll. Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance, with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June H. 1S7S, entitled "An
act for I lie sale of timber lands in the states ot
California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act nf August 4, Wtt,
Of Hood River, county ol Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day tiled In this o litre his sworn
statement No. HI7,for the purchase of the north
east quarter, southeast quarter of section No.
27, in township No. 2 north, range No, Beast,
n. ai., ana win ontT prooi to snow mill the
land sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the Reg
ister aud Receiver ol this ntHce at The Dalle,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 2d day of Nov. ,11101.
tie names as witnesses,,, r. Vt limns, I'l'mili
Davenport. K, K. Newby and A. Wlnans. ull
of Hood River, tiregon.
Any and an persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their chums in this office on or before said 2d
day of November, 1H8I.
aSMto JAY p. LUCAS, Register.
ITImber 1 .and. Act June 3. 1S7H.1-
United States Land Office. The Dallos. Ore
gon, August 1 1HH. Notice is hereby given
mni in compliance wiui ine provisions ol tne
act of congress of, f line 4, lx;a, entitled "An art
for the sale of timber lauds In the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and W'asliington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by art of August 4, lsti2, the following
persons have this day filed In this oltlee their
sworn statements, viz:
Of Spokane, county of Hpokane.state of Wash
ington, sworn statement No. 101 for the pur
chase of t lie East U. south-east M of section
No. 24, In township No. 1, north: range V east,
Willamette Merridlnn.
tfll'k'H A. t.FK.
Of Spokane, county of'Spokane.stateof Wash
ington, sworn sinicuient No. 10o for the pur
chase ol Ihe north southwest Vt and west tt
northwest of seel ion No. 2.", in township No.
1 north, mnge No. east, Will. Mer.
Of Seattle, county of King, stale of Washing
ton, sworn statement No. for the purchase
of the south northwest i of seetion No. 24,
in uiwiismp An, i norm. range ,o, ti east. v . t .
That they will oar proof to show that the
hind sought is more valuable for lis timber or
tone than for agricultural purposes, audio
establish their claim to said land before the
lt-gister and Receiver of this office at The
Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, the 2th davof
October. 1001.
They name as witnesses, W. (4. Davis, H. A.
Ieand Herbert L.Kiinbiillof Hpokane.Wash.,
H. r'.CIoush nfseettle. Wa-li.. " has. Crogster
of Ashland, Wis., and N. Whcaldon of The
Dalles, tiregon.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above-described lands are lequestcd to file
their claims In Hits office on or before said
2ii!h day of October, I'KU.
iKoAi JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
I If till A i V'
n urn us
cpsia Curs
Diaests what vou cat.
It artificially flljrpsts the food and aids
Nature in stTcnprtheninfj and reoon
tructlng the exhausted dipestlve or
pans. It isthelatestdisoovered digest
ant and tonic No other preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Cramps and
all other results of iai perfect digestion.
PrWKV-.andt!. Ijirjreslrr contains tS timet
troird by E. C-tM WITT CO, Cblcooa
We can
Phone 1(
he Pari
You need these Goods. We have them:
Jackets, Capes, Mackintoshes, Slickers,
Underwear, Sweaters, Canvas Coats, Flannel Shirt Waists, VVinter
Shoes, Press and Walking Skirts, Collarettes, Leggings,
Umbrellas, Outing Flannel, Blankets, Skirt
GooiIh, and many other winter
goods too numerous to
We have not quoted you prices on these goods, but they are sold at
Paris Fair prices, whicji means the very lowest price goods can be sold.
Every Article in Our Store is a Bargain.
Every One Knows
'. What a magic solvent and "dirt starter" naptha is. FELS-NAPTHA
SOAP possesses this property and washes everything washable,
cleans everything cleauable, hurting nothing, not even the most del
icate fabric. Try it. 10c a bar ; 3 bars for 25c.
Makes hot cakes taste good : Towel's Log Cabin Maple Syrup.
Are still doing business at the same old stand, and their cash price
are pleasing their trade. We have no large bank account to boast of
but believe in the old saying that "A nimble sixpence beats a laiy
dollar," therefore we are satisfied with
Quick Sales and Small Fronts.
Columbia Nursery's
Large assortment of choice Trees. "Especially fine lot of one and two
year old Apple.
WE CAN SUIT YOU. Send in yon r order early.
H. C. BATEHAM, Propr.
Hood River
Commercial Co.,
Fresh and Cured Meats.
- Pure Alfalfa Honey, ss. ; Cheap as Syrup.
E. V.
Confectionery & Fruit,
Colored Confectioners' Sugar Always on Hand.
Nuts, .Grapes, Peaches, Pear, Bananns, Watermelons, Muskmelons,
Nuts, Grapes, Peaches, Pears, Bananas, Watermelons, Muskmelons,
Nuts, Grapes, Peaches, Pears, Bananas, Watermelons. Muskmelons,
ff"Agent for The Dalles
A Complete Line of the new School Books
louim at our store ior
Sale or Exchange,
according to the established new law
and will appreciate a liberal share of your patronage in this line.
When exchange of books is desired same
January. Alter that date no exchange can be had. Courtotisly soliciting
your patronage, we are, yours respectfully,
Job Printing a Specialty.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hatl
Caps, Flour, Feed, etc. We buy direct from manufacturers in large
lots and defy any firm in Oregon to undersell ns, who handle the same
quality of giwxln. We do not deal in Cheap John trash, but handle
reliable gnod, which we warrant to be exactly as represented. Give
Is the best
White Arsenic; .:,Ut ,
12lse per
Sal . . .
supply that tooth with the best
Sole Agents for Aldon Chocolates.
Kone better.
S 1 Si
Rubber Boots, Rubbers, Rubber Hatt,
Steam Laundry Co,
adopted by the State of Oregon will be
and prices. We also carry a full line of
must be made before the first of next
we can buy.
10-. lots.
50-1. lot,
Ho per .
10c per .
4-B lots, lots, 100 l lot,-
) 4c rr f.. 3r per t. 2Kr er t.
For Sale
1. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
from 90 to f 160.
3. Eight acres off the. W. J. Baker
place, known as the Heffernan place; in
strawberries; price, with crop, $1,000.
4. Twenty-five acres of the Silliman
place, East Side ; 18 acres in cultivation ;
young orchard ; f 75 an acre.(
5. The Richard Kirbyson place of 20
acres on the State road ; early straw
berry land; price $1,500.
6. Twenty acres off J. V. Baker's
place; pear orchard and other fruit in
bearing ; price $125 per acre.
7. Barrett-Sipma addition ; $75 per lot :
$10 down and $5 per month ; no interest.
9. Fine homestead of 160 acres on
Rock creek near Davenport's. Price
$1,000$300 down, balance at 6 per
10. Lots in Hull's addition; each
lot level, 80 x 140 ; center of ball ground ;
$125 each.
14. The Allen Fulton farm, 100 acreB,
5 miles east of town ; price $1,000 ; terms
15. Lots in Henderson tub-division
$37.50 a lot.
16. Thirty-five acres land east of
county road in John Monroe and J. M.
Monroe homesteads; wild land; price
$20 per acre.
19. The Glover farm. Troll imnnwul
44 miles from Goldendale ; 240 acres '
140 acres in cultivation ; 63 acres in
winter wneat; 7 acres in hog pasture,
with a creek running thronch it - all nn.
def fence, with cross fences; large
new barn and flrio house. Price $12.50
an acre ; will take Hood River property
in part payment.
21. N. S. E. X, 8. i N. E. X sec.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon ; fine
timber land ; $10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, only one
mile east of town; fine range; $1,500.
23. Lots 5 and 6, block 7, Winans ad
dition ; $50 a lot, or $85 for the two.
25. Two beautiful building lots near
Robt. Rand's new house. Price $200
for the two.
26. S. H. Cox's fine residence in Hood
River, lot 100 x 160; price $1,200.
28. 529 acres, with much fir timber,
including both falls on Hood river. Re
fer to Butler & Co.
29. Twenty acres lying north of Peter
Kopke's, East Side; good land; unim
proved. Price $500; terms easy.
31. At Trout Lake, 80 a. ; 3 in timothy,
cut 8 tons a year; 60 a. in heavy saw
timber, white pine, fir and cedar; west
fork White Salmon river runs through
the place; price $1,250.
32. Emma G. Robinson's 160 acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim-
Eligible residence lots in Sr,aniHr'
subdivision, near canlion house; onlv
?K , .. ' J
fiv, iciiua easy.
$200 to $1,200 to loan:
At the Emnorium la knot a l.iuo
i , - - ...
surveyor s tranmt. and the proprietor
uuiiik pracuuu surveyor, ih well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre-
rpa nrmwrtv in Wa on.l t.l,,nlr ,i
. n r i -- j vjj,wk.a ami uu
ing all kinds of surveying.
N. B.TVrmn arp poiv nn all K..A
- - . . . -"v niv a irv i u
lands. With intrtnt at It nor rani Ua .
sons desiring locations on homesteads
uu uiiiuer cianns snouni apply at the
(Timber Land, Act June S, 1K7H.1
TTnlturi HtutM ? jn1 If II ..a TI. 1 1 .... . ,
July Vt, IDOL Notice la hereby lven that In
compliance with Hie provisions of the aot of
omifrewi of Jnne H, UTS, entitled "An act for
thenaleof tlmlier Inndu In the Htittes of Cul-
noniiM, oreieon, Nevada and WaahlnRton
TerrlUiry," aHextended Ui all the public land
aiatea by act of Auitiixt 4. 1KD2,
Of Pendleton, county of I'inatllla, atate ol
,,k.f,i, imn iIH ukjt leu in UIIKOntfe hill
tworn tntement No. Iltl, for the purchaae of
11,1. Lkta I JI A a ml M,,f I V ,,, , .
ulilp No. 2 north, ranine No. II eaul, W.M., and
w ,,, i.m hi "now iiihi ine lana miuKht la
more valuable Sir Ita timber or atone than for
airrlcil llurul MirnuMa nrf Au.,.i :..i. ti.
i , : , . r . ' " " ' ' "iunii ins
flu I m In w.1,1 Unit KuA.m tl.A I, 1. .
erlverof thlomat The Dailen, (irmm, on
Main,.)., ll.a ftik A....
. ... . . '. . T ' . II, I 'II R PB
and I,. J. Itnyea of Hood Uli r. Orexnn: B. 11.
I. 7; 1 """i"""ni. inaiana: and l.yd a
E. H icntand of Hond Kiver. Oregon.
Any ana an pcraonii elalmiiig adverncly the
ahove-dewrihed landn are reiinented to fll
their i.iul,iiM In ( It m i. u ...
... .. . ... -....- ,,i urtiirrHm,ii
day of Ortotier, Hull.
(Isolated Tract) Public Land Kale.
FnllMl Ut.ta. I n4 lbMu 1 ...
- mn,, v.nii-, KimHjver.w anil..
September a, Mil. - Noilre in heretiv Kl ven that
In pnnuance at iiiit ruction from the (Vim-
...,.,i wl iiriirm inrj iinn unoer
authority vented In him by aection Uu V. H.
. ,11 ac i oi oonrreHM
approved rebruary i, ImKi, we will pnnwil to
ortr at puhllr uie, at lOo'rkicli a. m., on the
iwrniy-necoan izni aay ofllrutber, Hull, next,
t fhlaolTlce, Ihe illolnf Irwtot land.towiti
ranVe'l,- w."! "? wwn""" ".
A ii v mnA mlt r. l ..
abovecarrltied land areadviw-1 to Itle their
ci.lnnln this office on or twfora tbe day
above dealicnaKyl ior the commencement of
aid aale, otberwlne their riehta will he for.
IJtoU L. a CLOLUH. Receiver.