cty nu OH.' "ITS A COLD DAY WHEN WE OBT LEFT." VOL. XIII. HOOD EIVER, OEEGON, FEIDAY, OCTOISEIi 4, 1901. NO. 20. HOOD RIVER GLACIER 1'ublished Every Friday by ft. F. BLITHE. Term, ol ibcrlpUon-$l.SO t year when paid In edvenr. THE MAII . The mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock a. m. Wednesdays and baturdavo; departs tlie tame dara at noon. "ot (.'lieuoweth, leaves at 8 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; arriveH at 6 ). m. For White Salmon (Wash.) leaves dally at 6 :47 at. m. i arrives at 7:15 i. m. F rom White Salmon leaves (or FuMa, Gilmer, Trout Lake and Ulemvood daily at 9 A. M. For Binften (Wash.) leaves at 6:45 p. ni.; ar rives at 2 p. m. Ht IKTIK. JAUKEI. WiBEKAH DKOREB LOIr;K No J 7, 1. 0. O. . Meets first and third Mon days lu each month. Miss Kate Davknfort, N. G. H. J. Hibbard, Secretary. iMANBY FOST, No. 16, O. A. R.-Meels at A. j O. 0. W. Ha'l second and lonrth (-aturlavs of each month at 2 o'oloclc p. in. A1J 0. A, K. members invited to meet witii ns. 'I'. J. (osmna. Commander. J. W. RianY, Adjutant. CANBY W. R. C, No. 18-Meets (I rat Satur day of each month in A. O. V. W. hall at 2 p. m. Mks. B. F. Shokmakkb,, President. Una. Uast'LA Ol'KBs, Secretary. HOOD RIVER LODUK, No. 1113, A. K. and A. M.Mceis Saturday evening on or before each full moon, i A N. Kahm, V. M. A. r. Bateham, Secretary. OOD RIVER i:HAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M. Meets third Friday night of each month. r. BKoaits, H. P. H. F. Davidson, Secretary. STOOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. , O. S. 8. XI Meets second and fourth Tuesday even ings of each month. Vis. ton coidially wel comed. Mas. Eva B. Haync, W. M. H. F. DAVlDsort, Secretary. ".LET A ASSEMBLY, No. 103, United Artisans. J Meets second Tuesday of each month at Fraternal hall. F. C. BitoBIua, M. A. jD. McDonald, Secretary., WAUCOMA I.OIX1E, No. 80, K. of P.-Meeta Id A. O. U. W. ball every Tuesday niphfc John Buck, C. C. J. Leland Henpkron, K. of R. 48. RIVERSIDE LODGE, No. (18, A. O. V. W. Meets first and third Saturdays of each month. N. C. Evans. M. W. J. F. Watt, Financier. H. L. Howe, Recorder. 1DLEWILDE r.ODOK, No. 107, I. O O. F. Meeti iu Fraternal bHll every Thursday night- A. O. Gitchel, N. U. J. E. Hanna, Secretary. - HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M.. meets at A. O. IT, hall on the first and third Fridays of each month. . J. E. Rand, Commander. IVERSIDE LODGE NO. 0, DEGREE OF HONOR, A. O. U. W. Meets flrat and third Saturdays at 8 P. M. Mrs. (iKoroia Rand, C. of H. Vu Chas Clark k, Recorder. SUNSHINE SOCIETY Meets second and fourth Saturdavs of each month at 2 o'clock. Mixa Lena Hnklu President. J.HMI Carrie Bitti.kr, Seeretary. HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A., meets in Odd Fellows' Hall tlie first and third Wednesdays of each month. F. L. DAVIDfON, V. C. . K. Bradley, Clerk. TjR.K.T.CARNS. Dentist, Gold orowns and bridge work and alt kinds of Up-to-Data Dentistry. HOOD RIVER OREGON J L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. - Biccesor to Dr. M. F. Shaw. Calls promptly answered in town or conntiy. Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 81 ; Office, 83. Office over Everhart's Grocery. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-AT LAW, ABSTRACTOR. NO TARY PUBLIC and REAL ESTATJt AGENT. For 23 years a resident of Oregon and Wash ington. Has had many years experience in heal Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. J F. WATT, M. D. Sura-eon for 0. R. 4 N. Co. Is especially equipped to treat catarrh of nose and throat and disease of women.. Special terms for otlica treatment of chronlo caxea. Telephone, office, 125, residence, 45. pREDERICK A ARNOLD CONTRACTORS AND BUILDER8. Estimates furnished for all kinds ol work. Repairing a specialty. All kinds of shop work. Shop on State Street, between First and Second. gON TON BARBER PARLORS. Newly furnished In all the latest modern barber fixtures, making it second to none for first-class service. Porcelain Bath Tub). Hydraulic Harber Chairs. A shoe polishing artist always on hand. EVANS 4 DeBORD, Proprietor. JHE KLONDIKE CONFECTIONERY Is th place to get the latest and best in Confectioneries, Candies, Nats, Tobacco, Cigars, etc ....ICE CREAM PARLORS.... COLE A GRAHAM, Props. p C. BROSiUS, M. D. " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON., 'Phone Central, or 121, Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to 3 and 6 to 7 P.M. Q H. TEMPLE. Practical Watchmaker 1 Jewels?. Mr long experience enables me to do the best possible work, which I fully guarantee, and at low prices. gUTLER A CO., . BANKERS. Do a general banking business. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. 5 C. JACKSON, ' rusiEi 1XD pipes mm. All Work Promptly and Satisfactorily Executed. Office at Sherrill's Furniture Store. IONS rritNUHKD AT AST TIME. J.HAYES, J. P. Office with Bone Brothers. Business will be attended to at anv time. Collerlioaa mad. Will loeate oa (ood tevernoent laada, either Umbel or taming EVENTS OF THE DAY FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. K Comprehensive Review of the Important Happenings of the Pitt Week Presented in a Condensed Form Which It Most Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Readers. The Turks are preparing to . attack Koweit. The cabinet discussed Mckay's Pa cific cable scheme. Venezuela is sending more troops to the Goajira frontier. I'ro-Boers in Bermuda aided Dutch war prisoners to escape. Duke and Duchess of York begun their homeward journey. Prominent names are mentioned in connection with the Heistano affair. German owners christen their ships in honor of Oregon and the Colum bia. Plans are about completed for the opening of the Fort Hall, Idaho, Indian reservation. Important decision regarding the sale of . lands, on which payments are overdue, by the Oregon State Land Board. American'ship Iroquois dismasted. Dining car robbed of $400at Ash land. Colombia has a cabinet crisis on hand. Heavy increase in visible grain supply. Several miners killed in a mine ex plosion near Victoria, B '. C.K Official investigation begun of the alleged Manila hemp combination. The Duke and Duchess of York were royally entertained by Vancou ver, B. C. Sentinel was deceived in thinking there were intruders at the tomb of McKinley, A new branch of a society to slaughter whites discovered in the Philippines. ; Venezuela's finances are in bad shape, and the feeling against Presi dent Castro is growing. Benjamin J. Goe confesses the murder of Edward Mclntyre, in Cow litz county, Wash., last week. Admiral Evans, Captain Jewell and Commander Miller were the new wit nesses before the Schley court. Officers did not escape in the dis aster at Sumar, as at first reported. Two soldiers from the fight bring the news. Prince Chun has started for home. Roosevelt was bre vetted a brigadier general. The London autumn season is in full swing. The Chicago elevated railroad strike was a failure. T American theatres in London are do ing a good business. Prowlers attempted to stab the guard at the McKinley vault. English yachtsmen admit that the American yacht is a marvelously good one. A bloody fight occured at Beirut, Syria, between Mussulman and Christians. The secretary of the American em bassy at Paris has written a work on Columbus. Police and strikers fought a pitched battle in San Francisco, and seven men were wounded. The fiehl between bulls and mata dors mounted on automobiles at Paris was a failure. The bulls would not attack the autombiles. Forty-eight Americans were killed by insurgents in Southern Samar. The troops were attacked while at breakfast, and lost their ammunition and stores. United States transport Rdsecrans arrived from St. Michaels with 427 soldiers. Stowaway on the Bosecrans gives gloomy account of conditions at Cape Nome. .Natal does not fear an invasion of Boers. China's apology is satisfactory to Japan. There are 12 cases of plague at Naples. The port of Rio, Brazil, is affected by the plague. Mrs. McKinley continues to im prove in health. Go'mpers and Mitchell challenge Shaffer to prove his charges. General Corbin found conditions in the Philippines satisfactory. Ten Boer leaders recently captured have been permanently banished. The steamer Sierra arrived from Australia with $2,500,000 in gold. The Duke of York and party left Ottawa for the west. - Treasury officials figure out an accu mulation of 540,000,000 of gold within year. . The river Dee in Scotland lias had more poems written in its honor than any other stream on the British isle. -The English bought $3ft0. 000 worth of American shoes in 1S!8 and in creased their purchases last year to 11,150,000. English shoe firms are trying to save themselves by putting in American machinery. PRO-BOERS IN BERMUDA. Aided Dutch Prisoners of War to Escape from the British Camp. Hamilton, Bermuda, Oct. 3. The pro-Boers in Bermuda are excelling themselves over the . escape of some prisoners of war whom they made very effort to aid in their attempts to regain their freedom. Last Satur day night three men a nephew of the late Commandant Joubert, Alfred Marlinas Joubert, and two brothers, named Indemar made their escape from the prison at Darrell 8 Island and swam over to the Princess hotel, where they dressed themselves in clothing carried over, tied in bundles, on a plank. Then, making their way to a livery stable in Hamilton, they hired a trap and drove to the residence of Dr.. Outerbridge, at Bailey's bay, 'and then retired to a place of concealment in the neighbor hood. The search continued for two days and nights, soldiers, sailors, mil itary and civilians taking part in it, before the men were captured. The affair has caused great excitement here, not merely because the men succeeded in making an escape, but because of the apparent exhibition of the pro-Boer spirit here. CABLE TO PHILIPPINES. Proposed Scheme of John W. Mackay Is Dis cussed at a Cabinet Meeting. Washington, Oct. 3. Five of eight members of the cabinet were present at today's meeting. The principal subject discussed was that of a cable to Hawaii, Guam and the Philip pines. , A proposal has been made to lay a commercial cable from San Francisco to connect these islands, and the question under discussion was whether, under our peace treaty with Spain, the United States could authorize or in any way encourage the laying of such a - cable by private persons. The question now at issue is whether permission to land the pro posed cable at Manila or some other Philippine port would be a violation of the terms of the Paris treaty. The attorney general will prepare a statement for the president covering all the questions involved. STRIKE ON SCRANTON ROAD. Line Covering the Entire Lackawanna Valley Is Completely Tied Up. Scranton, Pa., Oct. 3. The strike of the employes of the Scranton rail road company is now on, covering the entire Lackawanna Valley from Pitts burg to Forrest City, hot a car started. The men refused to accept the offer of Gen. Manager btillman to leave the question involved in the dis charge of the two Carbondale conduc tors to the arbitration of Bishop Ho ban, or one of the priests of the dio cese whom he might name, because the offer did not give the employes the representation they demanded. Nearly 600 men are involved in the strike. Besides the reinstate .nent of the men discharged, the men demand the forming of a new agreement in place of the one they claim has been violated by the company, and a uni form scale ol JU cents per hour. Defaat of Invaders Confirmed. Colon, Oct. 3. Arrivals here from the coast bring no news from Rio Hacha, but they confirm the news previously cabled to the Associated Press of the defeate of' the Venez- uelian invaders at the peninsula of Goajira by Colombian troops, unassist ed by Venezuelian invaders. Sev eral guns, some mitrailleuses and rines and a large quantity of am munition were captured. After this defeat, the Indians who inhabited Goaiira captured the returning Ven- ezuclians, among the prisoners being three Venezuelian rebel chiefs. The invaders lost many killed. General Orbis, who formerly served under General Alban, was also killed. Costa Rica's Neutrality. Wn.ahintrr.niv Oct 9 Referring to ti0wa in rpirard t.rt the Pnlnmbiftn re- Volution in which it is said that the liberal party has organized in ban Jose. Ctwta Rica, for the rmrnose of currying on the revolution now in progress in Colombia, the Costa Kican miiiistcr sttit.es tli nt bis crnvnriiient has observed and will strictly observe the laws of neutrality. Oil In the Kitchen Stove. Pittsburg, Oct. 3. As a result of using oil to hurry along the kitchen fire, Mrs. Barbara Sturgent is dead, her husband and their son are dying, and two other children are very badly burned. The bturgents lived in a tenement bouse. The building caught fire and other families had to lie rescued by firemen. ' Textile Workers May Strike. Fall River,Mass.,Oct. 3. At a meet ing hen today of the textile council at which every union in this city was represented it was unanmously agreed to order strike effectve October 7 if the manufacturers refused to grant the 5 per cent increase in wages de, manded recently. Disorders In Yangtse Province. London, Oct. 3. "Disorders have arisen in the Yangtse province, ow ing to the ravages of the floods and the diversion of the relief funds by corrupt officials," 6ys the Shanghai correspondciit of the Standard. "These threaten to culminate in rebellion. Th situation is very grave and the local authorities have been ordered to raise troops and place the districts in state of defense." NEWS OF THE STATE iTEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREGON. Commercial and Financial Heppenlngs of Im portanceA Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industries Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth Litest Market Report Knights of Pythias of La Grande will organize a uniform rank. The steamer Altona made her first trip of the season to Independence. The Golden Standard mine on Galls creek near Ashland has been- sold for $40,000. iv- Machinery is on the ground for a 10-stamp mill for the Gem mine, near Sparta. John Hart, aged 22 years, was killed by his horse falling on him near Ashland. The Aurora flourinc mills were tn. tally destroyed tbv fire, siinnnsnd to be incendiary. Oil TirrtRnMllnra In fiint tinnaf arn Oregon report unmistakable evidences 01 on in aDunaance. The total dhaphnm! vulimt inn rf TV. lli- COUnty is $3,771,447, or $G41,656 greater, man jasi year. Close invcnt,i(rn.tinii rnvoal th.it. (lie feed prospects for the interior stock districts are very poor. . A Salem man 78 vears old commit ted suicide bv takin? carbolic aci.l.rin account of losses at gambling. " A denutv cranio warden ni regrad a man near Ashland while shoot ing; auai out of season The fellow had 13 dead birds on his string. Manv snecimnnH of cvnanm Manila i o.r i v, salt, mineral oil, fresh and salt water shells, pre-liistoric bones, etc., are be ing found by oil prospectors in Mai nour county. There is rnnRirlarnhlp OTnibmunt oyer a rich find of copper in the Siskivou mountains on Kllinl.t. f.KL where a whole mountain of copper is saiu io nave Deen discovered. . The salmon run continues good. Wheeler county has total equalized assessment of $957,551. Oil lands in Malheur countv wil be filed on by Portland syndicate. Ninth and tenth grades have been added to the VVoodhurn public schools. The county treasurer of Yamhill under indictment for a $1,800 shortage. The Old Mason io hall nt Rnsplmrcr now used bv a steam laundrv. who tn. tally destroyed by fire. Baker Citv owns a nkcer minn which it is estimated will brinv a royalty of $2,000 a year. j Work is beine rmshed on the Nehalem coal mines and some coal j may be shipped this fall. Stone is beine shinned rfrom Forest i Grove for the stepping of the new normal scnooi at Weston, Anthrax, a fatal cattle disease, is killing many horses and cattle in Marion and Klamath counties. The grand jury recommended that the city authorities of Astoria enforce tho city ordinances and preserve bet ter order. Portland Markets. Wheat Walla Walla, nominal 5353ic; bluestem, 54c; valley, 54. Jflour beat grades, $2.65(83.00 per I barrel: graham, $2.60. Oats Old, 90(3 $1 percental. Barley Feed, $1515.50; brewing, $16.00 per ton. Milistuffs Bran, $17 18; mid dlings, $2021; shorts, $1920:chop, $16. Hay Timothy, $1113; clover, $79.50; Oregon wild hay, $56 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery,25a27Kc; dairy, 18(aj20cf store, 12J15o per pound. Eggs Storage 20c; fresh 23 25c. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12Vg 13c; Young America, 13)(3l4c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 4.00; hens, $4.OO4-50; dressed, 10 11c per pound; springs, $2.003.50 per dozen ; ducks, $3 for old; $3.00 4.00 for young; geese, $fi9 per dozen ; turkeys, live,1215c; dressed, 1012)o per pound. Mutton Lambs, 3,c, gross; dressed, 66c per pound; sheep, $3.25, gross ; dressed, 6c per lb. Hogs Gross, heavy, $66.25; light, $4.7o5; dressed, 77ic per pound. Veal Small. 89c; large, 7 (7vc per pound. Beef Gross top steers, $3.50 4. 00; cowt and heifers, $3. 00(8 3. 50; dressed beef, 5Js6Mc Pr pound. Hops 8S9ic per pound. Wool Valley, II 13 Vg'c; Eastern Oregon, 8123c; mohair, 20(S21c per ' pound. Potatoes $1$1.15 per sack. Keats commonly wrote a short poem in a single day, taking two or three more to polish and complete it. A South Orange, N. J., man, who has just succeeded in eating 420 clams at a sitting, now offers to eat 500 on a wager. Oliver Stevens, of Boston, has been the county district attorney for 27 consecutive rears. He is a democrat. but has been twice re-elected by the republicans. VENEZUELA IN A BAD WAY. No Payments Made on Indebtedness for Three Years People Are Suffering. Caracas, Venezuela, via Willianv stad and Colon, Oct. 2. The finan cial condition of Venezuela is best ex emplified by the fact that the -repub lie has not paid interest on its foreign or internal indebtedness for the past 38 months. Only two or three im porting houses at Caracas are paying expenses, business is practically hm ited to needed foodstuffs, many im portant orders have been counter manded, extreme lack of confidence prevails in business circles, and the immediate future contains nothing promising. me" general expecta tion is that the financial situation will become worse before it can im prove. The war rumors have de. creased imports and the government is getting into more severe straits to hud money to meet the extraor dinary expense incident to maintain ing the army on the frontier. Amang the people the suffering from the hard times is greater. The sala ries of all the government civil em ployes have been cut in half, but even this is not now paid. bince the reverses at Guaiira, the government has been transferring its attentoin to the San Cristobal country, south of Maracaibo, and is sending arms, men and 750,000 rounds of ammunition from Caracas to Barquesimeto, where the interior forces are converging. The feeling of the country against President Lastro is growing stronger every day- The country's discontent at General Castro s dictatorship is evidenced by many comparatively insignificant signs, but they plainly fortell a grow ing revolution. A rupture between Colombia and Venezuela would give the revolutionary element the desired chance to attack the government. The president recognizes discontent oxistings and is taking measures to meet whatever revolutionary exigen cies may arise. AN UNUSUAL CASE. Severe Punishment of Soldier for Abusing the Late President. Washigton, Oct. 2. A most unus ual case reported to the war depart ment is that of Private Peter J. De- vine of Troop H, Eleventh Cavalry, who was tried by a general court martial at Fort Ethan Allen, Vt., on the charge of using disrespectful words against the president of the United btates, in violation of the 14th article of war. It appears from the evi donee that when the news of the shooting of President McKinley was received at Fort Ethan Allen, Devine expressed groat satisfaction over the crime, and applied an uncompliment ary epithet to the late president. His comrades handled him roughly before he could be secured in the guard house. He was found guilty by the court, and sentenced to be dis hjnorably discharged from the ser vice of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowance due him, and to be confined at hard labor for one year. Ihe record of the case having been referred to Major General Brooke at New York, commanding the depart ment of the East, he endorsed it and said : "It is not within the power of the reviewing authority to increase the punishment, but in order that the prisoner may not wholly escape pu n ishment, the fsentence is approved and will lie duly executed at Fort Columbus, S. J., to which place the prisoner will be sent under proper guard." General Brooke s action in the case is final, and the record is simply sent to the war department for filing. SWEATED OUT OF HIM. Missouri Man Confessed That He Killed His Sister and Her Suitor. DeSoto, Mo., Oct 2. After being sweated eight hours, William Green- hill . tonight made a confession to Posecuting Attorney Williams, in which he says his brother, Daniel Greenhill, killed their sister, Mrs. Sadie Uren, and her suitor, John Meloy. The confession savs that the brothers objected to Meloy's at tentions to their sister because he was a spendthrift, and wanted to marry Mrs. Uren lor her money. On the night of the murder, Saturday last, Daniel entered the room of Mrs. Uren, according to the confession, and found the woman sitting on Meloy s lap. In a ht of race, Greenhill grabbed a hatchet arid sunk it into the head of Meloy, after which he brained bis sister. He then took a revolver from " Meloy's ' pocket and fired into tne wounds he had inflicted with the hatchet. Morocco's Promise to Spain. Tangier, Oct. 1. Savadra, the drag oman of the Spanish legation has ar rived at Marakesh and has been re ceived in audience by the Suitan of Morocco, who promised that all the Spanish claims should be satisfied. The Sheriflian government declares that the Spanish boy and girl who were recently abduettd by the Moors are still captive. Boer Prisoners Willing to Swear Allegiance. London, Oct. 2. A dispatch to the Times from Colombo says that Sir Jose Ridgeway, the governor of the island, has announced that 200 of the Boer prisoner, in Ceylon have ex pressed their willingness to take the oath of allegiance to King r.dwanl. The prisoners not only desire to take the oath, but also w uh to enlist in the British army. They are willing to serve anywhere but in South Africa, BURNED IN A MINE DAMAGE IS LARGE AND FLAMES CANNOT BE CHECKED. Twelve Men Have Been Lost They Entered to Subdue the Fire and Could Not Cet Back Pit Lamp the Cause of the Dis asterThe Mine May Be Ruined and Survivors Deprived of Employment. Nanaimo, B. C, Oct. 2. Curtain Extension mine No. 2 caught fire from a pit lamp at noon. The fire extended to the woodwork and was caught by an - indraft and carried through the mine. The men were warned and all got out safely. Twelve men who entered to subdue tho flames never came back. Three otners went alter them. Then a res cue party was formed. They were driven out by fire and smoke, one of them unconscious. Then the fire attacked No. 3, which is connected with No. 2. Several slight explosions then occurred. Smoke poured out of all the entrances, t lames from No. 2 shot up into the'air. All Lope for the men in the mine is abandoned. The mine is probably ruined. No water is available, and there is no way of extinguishing the fire except by closing up the entrance, which might cause a terrible explosion. It is feared that hundreds of men will be thrown out of work. Premier Dunsmuir, president of the Wellington Coal company, which operates the mines, left the royal re ception at Victoria and started for the scene on a special engine. This is the fourth disaster in the mines here this year. . MADE FULL CONFESSION. Benjamin J. Coe the Man Who Killed Mcln tyre at Chehalis, Wash. Chehalis, Wash., Oct. 2. By clever detective work the ; murderer of Ed ward Mclntvre has been run to earth, and lie now rests in the Kalama coun ty jail, having made a full confession of the shooting. Benjamin J. Goe is the man who was arrested for the crime, and who has admitted that he is the guilty man. He was taken into custody by Sheriff Huntington at Winlock, a few miles from the Patterson hop yard at Olcqua, where the murder,, took . place. Detective Sam Simmons, of Portland, was the leading spirit in the forces that have been, working on the case. He arrived last week and went quietly to work. The one fact more than any other that led to Goe's arrest was the discovery of the bullet and the hole made by one of the shots firedjby him the evening of the murder. The de tective and his assistants surveyed the line of this shot and found that it could have come from nowhere else than Goe's doorway With this evi dence to support their suspicions, the authorities determined to arrest- all the mem Iters of the Goe family. This was done. Warrants were sworn out in Kelso, and the whole family was corraled on Sunday evening- BOER MATTER DECIDED. The Hague Tribunal Will Not Assume the Initiative in Intervention in Any Form. London, Oct. 2. A dispatch to the Times from Brussels says that the council of The Hague Permanent Court of Arbitration has unanimously decided that the question of the as suming the initiative in arbitration or intervention in any form in regard to the South African war must be defi nitely abandoned. The decision, it ia stated, probably accounts for the fact that the date of the meet ing of the council to consider the ap peal of the Boer representatives in Europe had not been fixed, and it is not likely that such a meeting will take place for a considerable time. Young Girl' Burned to Death. Lunda, Utah, Oct. 2. Yesterday morning while the 7-year-old daugh ter of Lorenzo Davis, of Quitchapa, Utah, was trying to make a cup of coffee on the kitchen stove, her dress caught fire. Her little brother, after vainly attempting to quench the tlamcs, ran to the barn for his mother. When the mother reached the house the little girl's clothes had all been burned from the liody and the flesh burnt in a 'terrible manner. The little girl asked her mother to pray for death, and while the mother prayed the child died in great agony. Boers Attack a Garrison. Durban. Natal, Oct. 2. A force of 1,000 Boers, commanded by Gen. Botha, made an attack which lasted all day September 26, on Portitala, on the tiorder of Zululand. The burghers' were finally repulsed, but at a heavy cost to the garrison, whose losses were an officer and 11 men killed and 5 officers and 38 men wounded. In addition 63 men are missing, of which numlier many are l?licved to have been killed or wound ed. The Boer Commandant Opper man and 19 burghers were killed. Capital and Labor in Assam. London, Oct.2. The Simla corres pondent of the Times reports that the Assam tea planters will prolbly pre senta memorial embodying a request for the appointmemnt of a commis sion to consider the present relations between capital and ulwr in Assam. There is said to be no chance of any thine definite evolving from the con troversy between the planters and the chief commissioner lor the province A PITCHED BATTLE. Strikers and Policemen Clash In San Francis, co Seven Wounded, One Fatally. San Francisco, Sept. 30. A pitched battle between strikers and policemen occurred shortly after 1 o'clock yester day morning on Kearney street be tween Post and Geary streets. Seven men are positively known to have been wounded, one probably fatally, and it is thought that several others who escaped notice wore injured. Not less than 50 shots were fired. Several of the injured were innocent passers by. A number of plate glass windows, were broken by flying bullets. Four special policemen and a recently discharged naval man were the target for a combined assault of a mob of strikers and sympathizers, number ing, according to the declaration of the special pol icemen, at least 200. The party of special policemen were on tfieir way home from a variety theater. When they turned into Market street from Turk, they noticed a large crowd following them, and they asked Police Officer Tillman to accompany them. Just as the party reached Kearney street a shot was fired. It was followed in quick succes sion by several others. A regular fusi- Jade ensued. 1 he crowd scatterd in all directions, but not before a num ber of policemen arrived and succeed ed in arresting about 30 of tho mob. Four were identified as striking team sters. They were heavily armed. While Officer Tillman was attempting to protect the specials when the first shots were fired, one of the members fired at him at short range. The ball grazed Tillman's ear. J. Boyne, who was among the injured, is a non union carpenter. Application was made to a number of hackmen to carry him away, but they refused to do so because he was not a union man. ROW AT M'KINLEY'S VAULT. Guard 'Shot at a'Suspicious Man, When An other Attempted to Stab Him. Canton, O., Oct. 1. A strange story comes from Westlawn cemetery tonight, wherea company ofregulars trom fort Wayne are guarding the vault in which the body of the late President McKinley lies. It is to the effect that the guard on duty on top of the vault fired a shot at one man who refused to heed his challenge; that the shot was diverted by another man who appeared from another di rection, and that an effort was made to stab the guard. Military regula tions prevent either the -officers or men of the post from being quoted on any matter connected with their service, and for this reason Captain iiiddie, who is in command, was obliged to decline to be quoted at the camp tonight. Jlo will make a full report to his superiors at once. Re liable authorities made the following statement : "Private Deprend was on guard duty on top of the vault at a point commanding the entrance below and the approach from the rear. Shortly before 7 :30 he saw what he took to be he face of a man peering from be hind a tree about 40 feot from hit post. He watched it for 20 minutes, lie says, and at 7:45 saw the man hurry to a tree 10 feot nearer. He challenged the man to halt but this was not heeded, and the fellow ap proached nearer. Deprend leveled his gun and aimed .to shoot for effect, but just at that instant another man, who came towards him from the op posite side, caught the gun, threw it up, and the bullet was spent in the air. This same man struck Deprend on the right side of the abdomen with a knife or other sharp weapon, cutting an "L" shaped gash in his overcoat an inch and a half long each way, and a smaller one in his blouse. The flesh was not broken, but was bruised under the clothes. Deprend, in the struggle, fell and rolled down the side of the vault. Lieutenant Ash- bridge, officer of the day, was in front of the vault, and rushed to the top on hearing the Bhot, but the men mado good their escape. All members of the company on hearing the shot, hurried to the vault, and besides searching the cemetery, the guard was increased." Fugitive Embezzler Arrested. New York, Sept. 30. William Hop- pener a confidential bookkeeper for the A.W. Faber Company who disap peard June last, after having, it is al leged, embezzled between $30,000 and $40,000 has been arrested at Buenos Ayres. It is said that extradition papers will be secured at once. Canteens Will Be Maintained. Milwaukee, Oct. 1. The annual tour of inspection of the board of managers of the national soldiers' home was completed today with the inspection of the national home in this city. Gen. MacMahon, speaking of the board, said : "The board has directed to main tain canteens at the home, for the good and sufficient reason that exper ience has taught us that it is better for the veteran and the people in the community in which the hemes are located." . Germane Will Be Withdrawn. Pekin, Oct. 1. It is asserted here on high authority that th German garrison in Shanghai nnd the Get man troops who are guarding the railroad beyond the Kiao Chou boundary will soon he withdrawn. At the request of Dr. Mumm von Schwarzenstein, the German minister, seven Chinese have been tried and sentenced to be be headed for complicity in the murder of German trader in the village rnear Tckin.