The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 27, 1901, Image 3

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    3ood Iftver (Stacier
Uriah Heep cigars.
. Ice at Cole & Graham's.
Auk your (trocer for Pure White Flour,
liny your lime at ShcrriH'g. i
For irood results in bread making, use
Pure White Flour.
Pure White Flour is the beet flour gold
in Hood River.
Suu fruit jars at Bone & McDonald's.
Shirt waist?, full line, at Bone & Mc
Donald's. For rifles and amunition go to Bone
& McDonald's.
For clover and grass seed go to Bone
& McDonald's.
Always in stock. Best grade of lin
seed oil at Sherill's. .
Those iron beds at Sherrill's are hard
to beat for the money.
If you want good bread, use Pure
White Flour.
Of hot waffles, coffee andhocolate,you
will find the beet at Jensen's at all hours.
Pehool books and supplies at the book
and stationery store of E. R. Bradley.
When you want a good smoke, buy the
"Uriah Heep" cigar. For sale by all
We have plenty of money to loan on
first clans real estate for long term. Pra
ther A Hsfues.
Bed bug are holding indignation
...meetings alt over the valley, all on ac
count of Bartmess' iron bed steads.
Sherrill, the furniture man, has on
the way a supply of fancy rugs, port
ieries, couch covers, etc. Call and see
them when they arrive.
Hherrill, the man who sells furniture,
building material, etc., has just received
two invoices of dressers, chairs, iron
bedsteads, trunks and other goods. No
charge to show you how nice they are.
Dr. F. C. Brosius has removed to his
new residence at the west end, of Oak
street, midway between the school house
and armory, and can he found in his of
fice over Jackson's store between the
hours of 10-11 a. m., 2-3 and 6-7 p. m.
The boy stood on the burning deck,
Eating peanuts by the peck.
Ills father called: he would not go
lie loved the peanut bought of foe.
Mrs. A. B. Canfield is spending the
week in Portland.
Peter Cordes has sold his place to Mr.
Lakin, recently from the East.
E. E. Lloyd of Portland was in town
last week, the guest of P. S. Davidson.
Highest market price paid for fruit,
vegetables, and poultry at Jensen's.
W. E. Sherrill has just, received a new
line of couches and bed lounges. Call
and see them.
Miss Carrie Byerlee returned to Cor
vallis Saturday to begin her second year
at the Oregon Agricultral College.
H. Pngh has purchased S. II. Cox's
property, near the school house, and
w ill build another cottage on the lot on
the west, for which Cook & Cox have
the contract.
Rev. J. R. Parker, president of Philo
math college, was in town Monday, on
his way from Eastern Oregoiij where he
had been in the interests of his college.
His school begins Oct. 2d.
The Campbell & Wilson millinery par
lors. The Dalles, are the headquarters for
stylish millinery. As we have engaged
the services of a first-class trimmer from
Portland, wecan give you Portland styles
for less money than you can. buy the
' same articles in Portland. Call and be
A never failing cure for cuts,burns, scalds,
ulcers, wounds and soresisDeWitt'sWitch
HazelSalve. A most soothing and healing
remedy forall skin affections. Acceptonly
the genuine. Chas. X. Clarke.
The New Home, automatic drop head,
silent, ball bearing, five drawer cabinet,
antique oak, highly engraved finish;
does beautiful work ; the finest machine
made. Our special price, 3S. BOOTH'S.
W. V. Parry of Trego county, Kansas,
arrived in Hood River last Friday on a
visit to his father-in-law, II. C. Hengst.
Mr. Parry comes to Oregon with the in
tention of looking for a location to go
into the stock business.
B.W.Pursell, Kin tersville,Pa., says he suf
fered 25 years with piles and could obtain
no relief until DeWitt's Witch HazelSalve
effected a permanent cure. Counterfeits
are worthless. Charles N. Clarke.
Mrs. Lockard, who is visiting Mr.
and, Mrs. Calkins will remain till about
the titli of October, when she will go
home to Kanas by way of California,
making an extended visit in our sister
state. M rs. Wkard is formerly from
Carlisle, Pa.
Sid Darling,1012 Howard st.,Port Huron.
Mich., writes:"! have tried manypillsand
laxatives but DeWitt's LittleEarlyRisers
are far the best pills I have ever used."
They never gripe. Chas. N. Clarke.
S. C. Jackson has made signs recently'
for Mciiuire Bros., !r. Brossins, W. h.
Shun-ill, Dr. Dumble, X10U8 Restnnr
ant.Jensen's Cafe, S. E. Bartmess, Mrs.
Abbott, C. Welds, Hood River Transfer
anil Livery Co., Fonts' saloon. Mr.
Jackson desires to state that be can fur
nish signs at any time at reasonable
, J. L. Gordon has sold his place to F.
M. Amen. Mr. Gordon left Thursday
for California, to find some spot in that
sunny clime w here he can fool the old
"rhiiniatir." into the belief that it isn't
a distant relative of his. Mrs. Gordon
w ill stop for a visit of a week or two
with relatives and friends in the Willam
ette valley before taking Higbt to the
land of perH'timl -sunshine and jack
rabbits. NorrisSilver.North Stratford, X. H. : "I
purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure when suffering with a cough doctors
told me wasincurable.One bottle relieved
me,t he second and third almost cured. To
day I am a well man." Chas. X. Clarke.
W. D. Rogers, photographic artist, got
a good picture of the interior of the I'.B.
church and its decorations on the day of
the Mckinley memorial services. For
an inside picture it is a most excellent
one. Everybody will want to possess a
copy of this picture. A limited number
have been printed and are at S. E.
Bartmess' furniture store for sale at 50
cents each.
Young Rots Winatis, at the forks of
Hood river, was mowing clover re
cently, w hen the jniint of his scythe
struck grouse in the head, killing it
instantly. The grour-e was squatted on
the ground in the clover.- Ross's grand
father tells a story that beats this a lit
tle. He was mowing timothy once,
when, as he sVutig his scythe he noticed
the head and rattles of a rattlesnake on
the blade.
Geo. W. Lane, IVwanio, Mich., writes:
"YoiirKodol Dyspepio Cure is the tiest
remedy for indigestion aud stomach trou
ble that lever used. Foryeare I suffered
from dKpepsia,at times compelling me to
slay in bed and causing me untold gonv.
I amconipletely cured byKodnlIh sjiepsia
Cure. In recommending it to friends who
suffer from indication I always offer to
pay for it if it fails. Thus far I have never
The Glacier's water tnoter is a great
success. .With Hi inch pipe from the
street main and inch nozzle, it turns
the big press w ith less than half the
force being' applied. The motor was
ordered last July, but the big strike in
San Francisco interfered in shipping it
and it was not received until the first
week in September. Then it took a full
week to get the pipe from Portland.
When you order anything from Portland
be sure it can be made use of by your
successors or assigns. Last week vs.?
used the power to print the paper for the
first time. The motor was ordered for
us by Joseph A. Wilson and was set up
by M. A. Cook and Jas. Langille. T. C.
Dallas also did his part in the work.
Every farmer and others who call to see
our motor will want something like it
to help them in their work. Wherever
mere is suincieui water power to run one
of these little machines it will be found
a great labor-saver. Joseph A. Wilson
is the man to be interviewed when you
contemplate buying a -water motor. He
can tell you all about it and get you
what you want.
The union services held at the U. B.
church on the day of President McKin
ley's funeral was largely attended. Ad
dresses full of patriotism and love for
the dead president were made by the
Reverends Frank Spaulding, J. W. Jen
kinandj. L. Hershner. The church
was richly and beautifully decorated un
der the skillful management of E. V.
Jensen, Mrs. Baldwin aud Mrs. Bartmess.
The black shawl that covered the pul
pit was one that was used at the funeral
services in memory of Garfield, held in
McMinnville 20 years before. The
shawl is the property of Mrs. Jos. Mc
Gnire of Hood River. The - music fnr
nisbed by the U. B. orchestra was ex
cellent. Mrs. P.S. Davidson gang a solo.
"Nearer My God to Thee"was chanted,
and' the services closed by the audience
joining in the singing of "America"
The business houses in town all closed
during the services.
Mr. and Mrs. Rutland of Vancouver,
Australia, who are making a tour of the
world, were in Hood River during the
week. They are engaged in fruit grow
ing in Australia, and visited some of our
best orchards here. 'At Mr. Kennedy's
place they stopped several hours and
with their camera took views of his
Spitzenberg apple trees. After travel
ing over California they thought Hood
River the best fruit section they had
seen. . .
Peter Mohr savs the little pig fed with
a bottle by his children gained in weight
faster than his 12 brothers and sisters
did and took the place of one of them at
meal time. The one that was left is now
being fed with the bottle and is getting
along nicely. When he thinks it is
time to feed, if it is in the middle of the
night, he will come to the door of the
house and make himself heard until
some one brings the bottle.
Mart Rand is still the boss fisherman.
Wednesday he caught a rainbow trout,
36 inches long, with a Xo. 6 fly hook.
He was three-quarters of an hour land
ing the big fish. Mart hasn't the papers
for this fish story no photographer was
near, but the veteran fisherman, Sam
koplin, was a witness of the catch.
Miss Mabel Boorman started Monday,
for Corvallifr, w here she will enter the
college as a student. Her father, Alfred
Boorman, accompanied her as far as Sa
lem, where thev will visit the state fair
and Miss Mabel's uncle's family, Supt.
J. II. Ackerman, for a few days!
UucleJohn Smith returned to HooJ
River last Friday after a visit of four
months in the Eastern states. He went
as far east as Cleveland, Ohio, visited
his old home in Ohio and friends and
relatives in Iowa and Minnesota. lie
is glad to get back to Hood River.
The first of the afternoon teas, of the
season, of the ladies, aid society of the
Congregational church will be held at
the home of Mrs. Pay ton S. Davidson,
Friday afternoon, Oct. 6th, at 2 o'clock.
An interesting programme will be got
ten up ; also, a light lunch will be served.
Amos Underwood was in town for a
doctor Wednesday morning. A peculiar
disease has attacked the children at Un
derwood. They have sore throat and
swelling of the throat, in the arm pits
and other parts of the body.
Horace Peters visited the family of S.
E. Bartmess Tuesday afternoon. Mr.
Peters was an old neighbor of Mr. Bart
mess in the East. At present he is an
attorney in Seattle and was on his way
to visit friends in the East.
Recently a horse belonging to E.
Locke was run down by wolves and
mired in a swamp on Mr." Locke's place
on the Washington side. The horse,
known as "Dolph," was killed and eaten
by the wolves.
. W. W. Treat has now in big employ a
first class tin smith and plumber and is
ready to fill with despatch all orders in
his line. He also has a fine assortment
of heating and cook stoves on hand.
Ixist The person, who picked ifp a
macintosh on the road between Potter's
corner and Barrett's school house on the
morning of the 12th is asked to kindly
leave the same at this otllce.
The entertainment given for the bene
fit of Dr. Hi lies, Monday evening, was
well attended and the rendition of the
programme was pleasing to every one.
Receipts amounted to $20.40.
H. C. Schwartz, recently from Seattle,
has purchased two places in Hood River
H. M. Abbott's and O. D. Rea's. Mr.
Rea sold for 1,600 the place he bought
last spring for f 1,300.
The state association of the Congrega
tional church is in session at The Dalles
this week. Rev. J. L. Hershner is pre
vented from attending on account of
W. YV. Treat, who suffered a stroke of
paralysis a month ago is rapidly improv
ing. He has a first-class tinner and
plumber in bis employ now to do his
Mrs. A. P. Morse started for Russell
Springs, Kaunas, Wednesday, where she
will visit during the winter with her
daughter, Mrs. A. W. Rains.
Ernest Jensen has teen making im
provements to his store,and his big win
dows now show off his fruit and decora
tions to advantage.
The ladies, aid society of the Congre
gational church will meet with Mrs.
Whartou this week, Friday afternoon,
at 2 o'clock.
F. T. Miner and family returned,
Monday, from Sherman county, where
Mr. Miner put in two months in the har
vest fields.
The man who borrowed W. E. Slier
rill's Stanley combination plane is re
quested to return it and save trouble.
Miss Ilda Jones of Brooks.Oregon, was
the guest of the Misses Georgia and Em
ma Bonner, the first of the week.,
Woman wanted at once to do house
work at J. L. Henderson's. Fifteen dollars
a,month. Three in family.
Rar Imbler, Louis Henderson and
Xed lilythe have gone to their studies
at the state university.
Sam Eliot, last week, started for Si.
Iouis, where he will enter Washington
college as a student.
C. A. Wynianis making bricks at his
place with a machine of his own inven
tion. If you want fresh fruit, vegetables or
dresd multry tall at Jensen's.
Seed wheat for sale by A. W. King.
A. C, Staton went to Salam, Wednes
day, to take in the state fair.
The Dalles carnival opens next Mon
day. Every preparation has been
made to make it a grand success.
Second-hand heating stove for sale by
C. D. Thompson.
- Miss Mella dinger is clerk in the Up-to-Date
E. E. Savage has been sick abed dur
ing the week and under the doctor's
H. A. Hubbert of Dilley, Oregon, is
visiting ins uncle, K. liraaiey.
Mrs. N. M. Harrell is again in Port
land and inquires after friends in Hood
Shawl with a HisWy.
Covering the pulpit at the iiiemoriul
services at the U. B. church, Thursday,
was a black cashmere shawl belonging
to Mrs. McGuire,and has been in her
family over 30 years. It seems fated to
do duty as it did Thursday. When
President Garfield's memorial services
were held throughout the country, Mrs.
McGnire resided in McMinnville Ore.,
and on this occasion the shawl was
brought forth and adorned the speaker's
table. It was also used on many other
funeral itervices of less prominence.
When it was determined so hold theMc
Kinley memorial services in this city,
Mrs. McGuire remembered the shawl
aud kindly tendered its use to the chair
man of the decorating committee, Mrs.
Baldwin, who so artistically draped it
on the pulpit. Thursday it repeated a
service which it is hoped may be its last
of a similar character. The white crape
shawl draped over the black shawl is a
relic of Mrs. Baldwin's brought from
Canada, which will be treasured more
than ever since being used for this sad
Professor Htcckel, the German (dent
ist, and professor at the Jena Universi
ty, while traveling in Java recently, in
search of the missing link, discovered
striking evidence that the monkeys
are descended from man and not man
from monkeys. Professor Ila-ckel says
that children when lost in the forests
adopt monkey habits.
I will sell at public auction at my
former place, 2 miles west of town on
the'state road, on Wednesday, October'
2d, all my household and kitchen fur
niture. Terms cash. Sale to commence
at 10 o'clock a. m. Joe Purser, auc
tioneer. J. L. GORDON.
The Dalles Carnival and Street Fair,
; From Sept: 30th to Oct. 4th, pursers
will sell tickets at one fare for round
trip from all points between Cascade
Locks and Lyle, inclusive, limited two
days from date of sale.
A Shocking Calamity
"Lately befell a railroad laborer," writes
Dr.A.Kellettof Williford.Ark. "His foot
was badly crushed, but Bucklen's Arnica
Salvequickly cured him. It's simply won
derful for burns, boils, piles and all skin
eruptions. It's the world's champion
healer. Cure guaranteed. 25c. Sold by
Chas. N. Clarke. -
In Tygh Valley, Oregon, September 17, 1801,
to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde T. Bouney, a daughter.
At White Bntmon, V'Bh., September 18,
W0I, Mrs. Cornelia Vanderpool, aged H3 years.
She leaves four children, all grown. Her hua
band died 28 years ago.
At Cascade Locks, September 22, 1001,
Chnrles Vernon, only child of Mr. and Mm. L.
Hainmersburg, aged 6 months and 14 days.
The remains were brought to Hood River and
burled at Idlewtlde on Monday.
Church Notices.
Itev. C. F. Clapp and Rev. C. T. Hhelton will
hold service at the Congregational church on
this Thursday evening, at 7:45. Both are
among the best speakers of the denomination.
The public Is cordially invited to attend.
Valley Christian Church. .Sunday School
at 10 a. ra. Endeavor at 7 p. in.; leader, A, A.
The regnlar monthly business meeting of
theC. 1-.. society of the Valley Christian
church will be held tuts Friday evening.
Rev. J. W. Jenkins went to Wasco Wednes
day, and will not return till next week.
Congregational Church. Preaching service
at 11 a. m. No preaching service in I lie even
ing. Sunday school at 10 a. m. C. E. service
at 7 p. ni. The public U invited to these ser
vices. Rev. K. E. Fix will preach In the U. B.
church Sunday morning and evening.
Advertised Letter List. ,
September 23, 1(101.
Carlson, Miss Irene Maearvy, Henry
Collins, Miss Floe Myers, II H
Duncan, H Smith, Walter
Henrichsen, X Itorlch, John
Macarly, A Thomas, E J
Macartney, Alec
East Hood River.
I will sell at auction on the above farm, on
Tuesday, October 8, lisJl,
t 10 o'clock A. M , the following personal
SO head of prime Cattle (no Jerseys), consist
ing of calves, yearlings, two and three year
olds, and some Cows. About onehal('suid
stock are In nrst-clas beef condition.
Also, Farm Implements, Harness, Wagons,
and some household goods.
Also. One span Shire Draft Horses, mates, 7
years old: one span good farm Horses, 6 years
old; one good Saddle Pony, 6 years old.
And oilier articles too numerous to mention.
Harness Work.
Having mode arrangements to run the har
ness department for C. Weld, at Hnlit's old
stand, am prepared to do all kinds of work In
flrst-class shape. A specialty made of repair
ing. 13 E. D. CAI.KISS.
Harness and Mending.
The place to get first class and up-to-dute
Harness or get your harness mended Isal J.T.
Holnian A Sons, whose well-stocked store Is
In the old Rand building. There yon will
find a most complete stock of everything in
the way of harness and saddles.
Shoe repairing a specialty. s27
For Sale or Exchange.
A 5-roomed modern cottage, lot SO x 100 de
sirable location for home in Portland. worth
H.HOO for smull Improved farm neiir Hood
River. Address C. C. Jantzen, 92) Montana
ave., Portland, Or. s27
Pigs for Sale.
A line lot of young pi for mile hv
' (Timber I,and. Act June a, IfOU
Tutted Htatea I,and Office, Vancouver,
Wah., Sept. II, Hull, Notice is hereby Riven
Omt in com pi in with the pmvixintiH of the
t of congress (f June H, entitled "An net
for t he mm le of timber lands In the Htalc of
California, Orern, Xevmta and WHwhmifton
territory1 ah extended to nil the public land
mates by act of August 4, W'2,
SlMoS H. KKfciH,
Of Fnlda, county of Kllrkmu. state of Wah
liiKton.haM Ihisdayflled in I his office his sworn
tfaieiitent No. 2iiu fur the purcha of the
southwest 4 northeast , imd northwest
soulhenst V4 of section No. II, In township No.
& north, range No. II eust, W. M., and
Will otter proof to show that the land sHit:hl
is more valuable for Its timber or sume than
for agricultural purposes, and to etahNh his
claim to said land before the Kexister nd
Keeeiver of this ottloe at Vancouver, Vn
on 1 uesday, the th day of November, h'l.
He names as witnesses; Hatsoy It. role,
Samuel M, Cole and John Wyers of Fuld.i,
Was M and tieorjee W. it. I liter of Uiimer,
Any and all persons claim in adversely th
a bove-dt bribed laud are rejuet'd to tile
their claims tn this office on or before said
githdavof November,
W. a l'L'NBAR,
3) LIP (L
We have ladies ami misses' Soft Felts in bent ninnies. We have
ladies and misses' Correct Draped Hats. We also have the most
stylish, the best grades of street Hats that money can buy.
We are daily adding to our stock of Trimmed Hats. We have
repeatedly demonstrated our prices to be lower than Portland. Full
line of Trimmings.
Hats Trimmed to Order a Specialty.
Sorosis Kid Gloves They have more quality, more style and are
better made than any other glove for the price
The best $1.00 Glove for Women.
lUack and Inset seasonable colors. Come and lie fitted with a nair.
Store ITctxtg.
UNDERSKIRTS Finest mercerized Sateen, accordeon- tilaited flounce,
corded edge, in black and colors, an elegant, serviceable garment
Special Price, $2.00 Each,
50c Men's White Dress Shirts, laundried, nicely made, full length bosom.
25c Men's fall and winter weight Casaimere Half Hoso.
15c Double Swing Razor Strops, good enough for any one.
12c Mop Handles, patent head, good durable sticks.
10c Three doz. Spring Clothespins; they never slip off.
8c Doz. Lamp Wicks, large size, fit No. 2 burner.
5c Sure-catch Mouse Traps, a terror to mice.
3c Pencil Tablets, 200 pages, good paper. ,
2c Spool King's Cotton Thread, all sizes, black or white.
2c Spool H. B. Embroidery Cotton, red, white or black.
lc lead Pencils, good ones ; you pay twice that elsewhere.
X.c Hat Pins, jet head, good long ones; won't lose your hat.
Dallas' Corner.
UptoDate Dry Goods
Offers the following goods at prices which are not for ONE DAY but
whenever yon want them, and everything else found in a first-class
Dry (ioods store at corresponding prices ' We have carefully selected
a full stock of our various lines and frankly say we -bought them
right, and now we are willing to sell them in proportion. . An inspec
tion of our stock respectfully solicited.
28 inch Outing Flannel, per yd .... . 5c
ALL standard Calicos 5c
Good heavv Apron Gingham 5c
36 inch unbleached Muslin 5c
30 inch bleached Muslin 5c
36 inch Curtain Scrim 5c
Ladies' Hosiery, fast black, 10c, 3 for 25c
And innumerable others which are just as good, but space will not
permit of mention in detail. A hearty welcome extended to all and
satisfaction absolutely guaranteed.
Of the 2d Easlem Oregon District Agricultural Society.
September 30 to October 5,
The Unique and Entertaining
The Turkish Village,
The Muscle Dancers,
The High-class Vaudeville Theater,
The Old Plantation, by 8 genunine
The Streets of Cairo, with the gun
spinner, wedding ceremony, war dance,
wrestling match and swora fight.
Luenette, the Flying lady; an optical
The Projectoscope, showing 3500 feet
in length of moving pictures.
The High Diwr dives, afternoon ami
evening, from an elevation of 75 feet to
a tank below. .
MM ml Aft Eilits, Mfifflffls Bsctls, etc.
At the Carnival Grounds.
The 7th Regiment U. S. Infantry Band,
of 25 piece, now stationed at Vancouver
ternoon and evening
Stock Exhibit, Running and Harness
Uaoes, with siwoiallies every af-
noon, U-niiiiini Oct. 1st. I
Reduced Rataa nn all
Mnrino Cur, .w.W Ilia Whlti I'.'Ur
AH--hB, nun a i mi u ui inrcc uayn rciurutug.
Children's Hosiery, " 10c, 3 for 25c
Good Umbrellas, 60c and up.
Ladies' Calico Wrappers 75c
Men's Working Gloves 25c
Men's Cotton Working Shirts 35c
Men's Wool Working Shirts 75c
10li Cotton Blankets ' 50c
A Reminder of Pioneer Days
Will be one of the unique features of
the Carnival, where War 1'ances will De
given by braves from the Warm Springs
Thev will be accompanied bv their
klooU-hmen, pnMws, ponies and dogs;
will erect their teKes on the Carnival
grounds and, as far as possible, depict
the lives of their ancestors.
At tne Vogt Opera House
will be presented
bv one of the ablest artists in the pr
T. I- ,Unu Imd Luin
famous by LA LOIE FULLER.
Barrarks, will furnish music every af
during the I arnival.
To le dii-tributed by the Second Dis-
trict Agricultural Society in
Pnr and Premium.
Transportation Lines
a,l 1,...nut,,r I.illl'SI mukllll! ft nit of
all poiuts east of and including Cascade
Is coming, but BONE & McDONALD are here first with a stock of.
We have on the road to arrive a fine stock of SCHOOL SHOES,
and the largest stock of French Flannels and Waistings ever shown in
Hood River; Come and see them before buying.
w mm
U .-Jvirii.. '.. ..,,.!.. lr
If your
Ji I X
h Cork Sol.
lc Manufactured by '
n Minnesota Shoo Co. st. pau.. biinn.
bone & Mcdonald.
. -. Call on Clarke.
Call on Clarke.
For all kinds of PATENT MEDICINES,
Call on Clarke.
Call on Clarke.
Call on Clarke.
The Glacier Pharmacy
Prescriptions a Specialty.
ftfT Agent for the SHERWIN-WILLIAMS
at The young man loves the young woman ;
'?ft 6 Q ft ift That's his business.
y,iyf " The young woman loves the young man ;
jf ' . , That's her business.
VsjT Cif ii lie 70U"8 man au(l 'ounS woman get
" Vi- ' married;
, ,A
fyyv'lVy lVVrffii- paper and building material ;
SiSMX3m!TCIJ!m That's my business.
H. S. GALLIGAN, Prop'r.
Has a good UHftortment of the lending va
rieties of Apples, grown on WHOl.K HOOTS,
that are second to none grown It the .North
All Stock Guaranteed.
Oldest and Most Reliable
In the Valley, has on hand ns choice a lot of
trees again this unison as are to be had any
where. Kull Htock of all kinds. Call and nee
them. Thev no the best fur this lorallty. In
quire for new prieellst. H. O. BATEIf AM.
Handles nothing but whole-root trees. W. E.
Payne, their representative, Is making his
headquarters In Hood Kiver, ut the Glen
wood, and will be pleased to Interview any
one desirous of planting fruit trees another
season. It will pay you to see him. 15
Timber Land, Act June 3, 187H.
United Mates Land Offlec.Vaneouver.Wash.,
Aug. 23, mi. Notlee Is hereby given that In
compliance wltn the provisions of theaet of
congress of June 8. 1STH, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands In the states of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the public land
suites by act of August 4, 1HH2.
of Portland, county of Multnomah, stat of
(iregiui, has this day filed In this oflice his
sworn statement, No. 'HA, for the purchase of
the southeast M northwest iof section No. 23,
in township No. t north, range No. 10 east,
W. M., and will oiler proof to show
that the land nought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur-
Eoses, and to establish Ills claim to said laud
eforethe Keglsterand Keeeiver of this oltlce
at Vancouver, Wash., ou Tuesday, the ath
day of November, ldOl.
He names as witnesses: Joseph V. Reed.
Hubert V. t'ox and August J. Wagilit., all of
Trout Lake, Wash., and Albert W. Ubdell of
Portland, or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-deHcrlled lands are requested to file
their claims In this oirice ou or before said
5th day of November, WH.
:K)nl W. It. DUNBAR, Register.
Ijdid Office at The lhilles, Oregon, Aug. 15,
Mil. Notice is hereby given that Hie billow
ing named settler has (lied notti-e of his
Intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will
he made before the Register and Receiver at
The lMlleii.Oregon.on Tuesday, October, 8, 1!)1
vi ollVKR I.OWKII.
Of The Dalles, Oregon, H. K. No. 71177 for the
south V,, southeast V, and south , southwest
i, sec' 20, Tp. I north, range II east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence npon and cultiva
tion or, said land, viz:
John Mi,r. knv Marklev and Hershev
Marklev of Hood Kiver, Or,, and J, W.K.ionU
of The Dalles, Oregon.
a2tt7 J A Y P. IAXAS, Register
Ijind office at Vancouver, Wash., Aug. H,
1(101. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
inir.nutiied wilier has Hied notice of his In
tention to make final proof tn support of his
claim, and that said pnsir will be mane oeiore
W. B. Presbv, I'nited Htates Commissioner
for district of Washington, at his ottice In
(;lilendale, Washington, on Tuesday, Oct.
S, IW)1, vi:
(iKOltliK R. 8KIJ.INGKR.
Homestead Kntry Nik ftMl for the west half of
MHitheiuii quarter; souincasi qimneroi souiu
west quarter of section is, and northeast
quarter of northwest quarter of section lit,
township B north, of lauue il east. Will. Mer,
He names the following witnesses lo prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
or. said land vn:
William Coate, Charles A. Pearson, Clans H.
Pearson, Henry C. Kendcnbnrg, all of Trout
Lake, P. o W ashinetoii.
xiMiX W-Jl- Dl'XBAR. Register.
Ijind Office t The 1 1 lies, Oregon. He pt. 10,
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his
Intent i'in to make final proof In sup
port of hl claim, and that said proof will
be made before (ieonre T. Pniihc.-, U. W. Com
missioner, at H'm1 River, onipHi, ou Krt
dav, October H, Iml. vii:
Of Hood River, Oregon, M. K. No. -Wi. rlois
Ml, II and It. s.i-!ion. 2.. ana loi .t, section -H,
low-nhitip I north, rimje ItieiU't, W. M.
He naiitc Ui followttg wiiucsee U prove
his continuous residence upon mod cuiuva-
ll,4i of said land, vuc
I Hi vol ,pcr. liobl. leAMire. Ownr Freden-
bnr -rwl IHiMJ M Mutri, all ui iiumu mm,
tidol JAY T. Ll'C.V-4, RegU(
. &c, &c.
for WOMEN.
Equal to any $5 Shoe 'n the Market
dl dnai not ke them, tnitft on htm fettln
(or yuu. wrry una id ock irom tKumui nut.
- '
That s the preacher s business.
Thpv VL-itl nAPil pumnta wnll
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
U. R Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Aug.
15, 1H01. Notice Is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act of con
gress of June a, 1;8, entitled "An act for the
sale of timber lands In the Htates of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,''
as extended to all the public land suites by
act of August 4, 1H02,
Of Tygh Valley, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has on May 20, 1001 , tiled In tills office her
sworn statement No.lsi, for the purchase of the
northwest southwest Jv and southwest
northwest ol section No. 5 in townsliipNo.2
north, range No. V east, W. M., and will oiler
proof to show that I lie land sougut Is more
valuable tor its t imber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver
of this oltlce at The Dalles, Oregon, on Mon
day, the 2.SII1 day of October, 1HU1.
!She names as witnesses: Clyde Bonney of
Hood Kiver, Oregon; A. A. Bonney of Tygh
Valley, Oregon; Kd. Mays aud Joseph Mays
of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and ail persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this office on or before said
2St h day of October liui.
a:tio2a JAY JLUCASReglster
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 23,
MtOl. Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing-named
settler has tiled notice of bis Inten
tion to make ilnal proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before George T. Prattler, U. H. Commis
sioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Friday,
November 1, IMH, vl.:
Of Mt, Hisid, Oregon, 11. E. No. 56 ,'8, tor the
south V, southwest and south ',- southeast
section d.lownshlp t south, range lOeasl.w.M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultiva
tion of said laud, viz:
W. W. Nttson. JiiniesN. Knight. Fred Knud
on and Ucorge Perkins, all of Mt, Hood, Or. '
s2ml JAY P. LUCAH, Register.
Land Office nt Vancouver, Wash., Sept, 21,
10(11. Nolle Is hereby given that the following-named
settler ha filed notice of his In
tention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will lie made
before the. Register and Receiver I'. H. Land
Office at Vancouver, Wash., on Wednesday,
Novembers, 1101, viz.:
of While Halmon P. O., Washington, who
made II. E. No. 10,IS0, for the west half of
northwest quarter of section 10, and east half
of northeast qtiarter of section 9, lownshlp 11
north, range 10 eastj W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence ujion and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Emanuel loosen, John Nelson, Ol Tlnol
and Gilbert Knulsou, all of While Halmon
P. o., Washington.
K-J,'nl W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Omrt of theMtate of Oregon for
Wiuh'o County.
Almeda H. Iianelt, ptuintitT, vh. Iarwlti
Bradley, Minnie. Itrmiley, Wilson II. W I nana
and John Lelund HcuderHon, defendant. .
By virtue of u exeeutkm, item and order
of wile, duly lotted out of and under the hca!
of the Circuit Court oft he stuteof Oregon fort he
county of Waned, to niedireeted ttnd daled the
IJth day of .September, lwi, upon a decree for
the foreclosure of a certain mortgage., and
judgment rendered and entered in nuta Court
on l tie 12th day oX eptMitler, lttol, in the
above en u tied ean in favor of the plaintiff
and against the deieiidtintM, larwin Bradley
and Mtnme Bradley, a judgment debtor, in
ttte Kirn of five hundred and ninety-even and
7.WU i&rt7.7s dollur. with interest on oK7"
therein 'from the 12th day of rseptetnber. IttM,
at the rate of ten percent per mintim, and In
terest on the mini of fifty four i4.uo doltant
thereof km attorney's fee, at stt
cent per annum from Maid date, and the fur
ther eum ol eveiiteen and i-hM 117.17) dol
bint, ctmtK, aud tti piwui of and ujon tntn
writ, ttud eoniniaiidiitg me to niKkenaleof
the real pn.M-rty embrH'ed In uch derree of
forwlohure and hereinafter desrribet, 1 "ill,
on the2lHt day of ih-uriH-r, the hour of
lUo'ckiek In the foreuoon of wild day, and at
the front door of the Count V Court Houne. In
liallea City, Wawo county, Oregon, net 1 at
public auction Ui the htt;i?'t hidier rir cnxh
in hand, all the right, tit le bnd In tenant which
the defudanttt. larwin Bradley and Minnie
Bradley, or either of them Imd on tne I 'Jin day
of August, ly, the duie trf tne morttr rr forw
cliMtttd herein, or whii-n uen defendant or
any of the detendanla herein have inee a
uuin-d or now have in and lo the following
dcM-rdM-it teitl pnHTiy, mtiiate and being In
Wi-oouiuy, Urtori, U-wit: i'he Mouth naif
of the Mitilheatt quarter and the nonUi half of
the .uthwt quiiri-r of t'tion twenty-live
tit of township otu lt north, rantfe nine i5j
eut of ttie WiflHiuette Merilian, or po much
o( hmkI pnpert aA will Kl . wild Judif meut
and decree, wiih vt and accruing oifi.
raid pro'rty will oe wtid nutiject U mn-firiiiHtt-Hi
and iedrtiption n by l pnviilU.
liHiedat Hie laiiem t rvm. tliin Iti h day
of m ptetnher, ld. f KKCLV,
rttul MtcnfT Wac ountv. tmt"n,
the kitvlieu trvHfure uJ cupboard
coUibiueU at fchcrnli'i.