The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 27, 1901, Image 2

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    3cod Iftver lacier.
Oregon Wins the Medal.
Henry E. Dosch writes from Buffalo
to the Oregonian as follows:
"Poniologieul Society of America, now
in session, ami the highest Riithority on
fruits in America, has awarded Wilder
medal to the Mate of Oregon for horti
cultural exhibit at the hui-Aiiierican
Exposition. This is the greatest honor
that can be bestowed on American fruits,
and the Oregon delegation are corres
pondingly elated."
"The Pomolugical Society of America,
which includes the British provinces, was
founded some 70 years ago. Marshal 1.
Wilder, the veteran enthusiast in horti
culture, was its first president, and for
many years filled that important posi
tion. It included among its members,
t ion as now, all the noted fruitgrow rt. In
order to stimulate the production of new
varieties as well as perfect fruit, the so
ciety gave money prizes, whichhowever,
for obvious reasons did not prove satis
factory, and they decided on medals of
awanf instead, and in honor of their
president and promoter, the name 'Wil
der medal' was given it. When Mr.
Wilder died.he left a fund of $1,000, the
interest of which was to be devoted U
silver and bronxe medals for new fruits',
most perfect fruits; largest collection of
fruits ot any given pomological variety,
etc., and to be awarded only by'its own
members for pure merit," -which has
been religiously earned out ever since.
The Hood Itiver contributors were E.
L. Smith, W. J. Baker and G,- J. (Jess
ling. ,
A pretty wedding occurred on Wed
nesday morning, September 25th, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Tostevin, when
they gave away their only daughter,
Miss Lillian Marie, in marriage to Mr.
Edward N. Benson; Rev. J. L. Hersh
tier otiiciating.
The home was beautifully decorated
w ith Oregon grape, smilax and cut roses.
The bride was becomingly attired in
white organdie and carried a boqtiet of
bride roses and smilax. Immediately
after the ceremony the happy wedded
pair, with invited guests, repaired to
the dining room, where an elaborate
wedding breakfast was served, smilax
predominating as table decorations.
After the wedding repast, Mr. and Mrs.
Benson were driven to the train, whicli
they took for Kan Francisco, where they
will spend about two weeks, when they
.will return to Hood River to reside per
manently. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. N.
Tostevin, Mr. and Mrs. James Graham,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry lirown, Rev, and
Mrs. J. L. Hershner, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Biiins,Mes
dames 1". C. Brosius and O.K. Williams,
Messrs. G. W. Graham, Chas. Tostevin,
Clarence Gilbert and Arthur Rogers.
Bear Killed.
Flint Bradford and Ike Nealeigh killed
a 300 pound bear almost within the city
limits Sunday morning. The hear was
first seen by H.'M. Abbott's little three-year-old
girl, who ran to the house one
day last week and reported that she
saw a cow up a tree. Mr. Abbott had
also noticed that the fruit in his or
chard was disappearing ami had blamed
the boys from town with taking it.
Eater F. II. Blngg saw the bear and re
ported to Ike Nealeigh. Noalcigh came
to town and together with Flint
Bradford and the hitter's bear-dog, went
in quest of bruin. The dog soon treed
the bear on Dr. Eliot's land at the
mouth of Indian creek. Ike Nealeigh
fired the shot that killed , the bear. In
this connection it might be added that
some one who loves bears better than
dogs poisoned Flint's faithful old tear
dog Monday morning. By prompt action
in administering antidotes Hint saved
the dog's life, and lie may live to tight
bears another day.
The fine display of corn and the big
egg plant exhibited in the Glacier win
dow during the past week came from
the farm of W. P. Watson and were
grown by him. The com is of the Klon
dike, Kansas Dent and Golden Amber,
all'new varieties introduced by Mr. Wat
son. One car of the Klondike corn
measures 13 inches, the length adver
tised and illustrated in the catalogue of
the eastern house from which he re
ceived the seed. The egg plant meas
ures 214 x 24 inches. Mr, Watson
says he can beat this monstrous growth
after the com has become acclimated.
He will take this display to the Port
land carnival.
Dalles Street (ainiviil.
For the above occasion this company
will make low excursion rates for the
round trip to The Dalles and return.
From Hood River to The Dalles and re
turn, 70 cents. Tickets on sale SepJ.
30th to Oct., inclusive, good two days
alter sale. Children under 11 years of
age, half fare. For further information,
call on J. C. Clay, agent O. R. & N. Co.,
Hood River, Or.
Plankton Note.
J. O. Eastman has commenced the
erection of a substantial and commodious
residence on bis place on Phelps creek.
Ward Tompkins, eldest son of Gilbert
Tompkins, who recently purchased the
T. E. Wickeus ranch, came home last
week. With Ward and Bert Mr. Tomp
kins lias a good team and evidently will
soon have bis new borne in ship shape.
He is preparing the ground for a new
strawberry field.
W. S. Boorman took a trip to Sher
man county last week.
Mose Kby boarded the Dalles. City
Saturday, bound for Oregon City.- He
has been visiting his nephew, Wm. Eby,
during the past two weeks.
Klx'ii Boorman has his house nearly
completed and will move into it in a
few days, an agreeable change from
"tenting it" these showery days and
Mr. Amen and family have moved,
into their new home on tne stale road.
Big Sale of Applet
Leavenworth, Kas., Spt. 14. An
agent for a big New York fruit firm, has
purchased, the apples in the Wellbouse
apple orchards at Fairtnouiit, Kas., and
la-vs Summit, Mo. The orchards con
tain 4.0 acres of apples, and it is esti
mated they will yield iilx-nt Ili.OtH) bush
els. The price for the apples on the
trees is to lie f 1. 50 and $2.ol) per barrel.
The highest price is to Ik' paid for Jona
thans. The agent has also purchased
the apples in the large orchards of John
Storns and Mrs. O. S. Hiatt. The ap
ples will be packed in barrels in the or
chards and shipped to New York direct.
Ai.cicnt Order of the lied "ro.
Hood River lodge No. 10, A. O. R. 0.,
will meet Friday night, Sept. 21th, inJ
the I. O. O. F. ball. Action willjhj ta
ken looking to the purchase of para
phernalia lor the degree team. It is
important tlisl every member should I
present. Awwnimt No. 7 should he
paid on or before the ;.0tli a;tt this mil
be a most convenient opportunity.
Sheep Herder's Reply.
Editor Glacier: In your issue of Aug.
26, 1901, you stated there were about
25,000 sheep making life weary for the
settlers on yie head waters of Neal
creek. Now, the settlers w ho are wor
ried the most are those who do not live
there. They come to their homesteads
and stay over Dight once in six months
and go back home the next day. These
same settlers like a piece of mutton at
any time. The wheat hay of Mr. Rogers'
was not hurt by sheep; it was hurt by
cattle and thtf hard winter. The- fence
was of brush and the snow of last winter
mashed it down so that stock could walk
over it. ' There has not been any herd
er's tent pitched on or near Mr. Rogers'
place this year. You spoke of several
kegs of beer. I think that is a mistake,
as sheep and wool are too low in price
to afford any such luxuries. The boys
who came up to cut Mr. Rogers' hay
were his wife and daughter.andthe tools
they brought to cut it with were an um
brella and a fan. Now, the sheep men
pay taxes and help support the county
and 1 think they are entitled to some of
the grass. As to Mr. Rogers' neighbors,
I am not prepared to say, as they live in
Hood river valley and I know but little
about them. Sheep men have not in
jured settlers at the head waters of Neal
creek, but range cattle have torn down
fences and destroyed crops. Oto Bii,i
(Indian name for Hood River.)
In ancient days, ere the foot of man
Came westward with the march of time
In peaceful quest or conquering clan,
To dwell In earth's most lovely clime,
A scene of quiet beauty lay
Beneath M. Hood. A pleasant dale.
And a silver stream did thread Its way
Throngli Lo-le-pam-mc's lovely vale.
The giant firs, the waving pines
And sturdy oaks in splendor grew,
And twining honeysuckle vines
Their gorgeous petals reared to view.
Here Mother Karth did spread her flower",
And fruitful blossoms did not fail
Amid her brightly sun-kissed bowers
In Lo-le-pam-me's lovely vale.
The strawberry then as now did grow,
And Oregon grapes of purple hue,
And dog-wood blossoms here did blow,
And violets rich In azure blue.
There was "a bridal day of earth and sky,"
When the dusky warrior made his trail
O'er the "bridge of the gods," his steps to try,
Turough Lo-le-pani-me's lovely vulo.
The "bridge of the gods" was the red man's
According to legendary lore;
He loved upon Its rocks to ride 1
A single span from shore to shore.
But Hood and Adams fought one day.
And the giant bridge was tumbled down;
And the river since has made Its way
Above Its shattered fallen crown.
MU. Hood and Adams, with Ihelrsnowy crests
And glacial sides, kept the summer's cool,
And warm winds fanned the winter's nests
Of the birds that watched the red man's rule.
I.o held an undisputed sway
Through ages long In this quiet dale,
Till the Boston man did find his way
To Lo-le-pam me's lovely vale. .
The pioneers of '44
To the land "where rolls the Oregon,"
Were treading Columbia's southern shore
With nothing more to feed upon
Than their faithful dog. They slew him there,
And while on the banks they shiver
They feast upon a dog-meat fare ,
And call the stream "Dog river."
Long after this. In 'ml,
'Twos callid Hood Klver by some few;
And some did auk, Where do you fix
This river that we never knew?
And they did answer, 'TIs the Bame
That we called "Dog river" on the trail;
Above Cascades they've changed the name,
And since 'tis Hood Klver without fall.
Then hall to Hood Itlver's fruitful land,
Where the bright red strawberries grow,
With luscious fruits on every hand
And a climate no other place can know. .
Come ye who dwell 'neath blistering skies,
Or freezing where the snow lies on,
And see what a glorlus prospect lies
In the land "where rolls the Oregon."
To a land where the chlnook blows
In winter time like breath oT spring,
And the bright chrysanthemum blossom
Vile the lark and robin Joyous sing,
Beauteous land by the Western sea.
Where the luscious redripes nevfrr full
And the fruits hang full on every tree
In r,o-le-pam-me' s lovely vale.
Hood River, Oregon, September 15, 11W1.
Working Sight and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr.King'sNewLife
Pills. These pills change weakriess into
strength, listle'ssness into energy, brain
fag into mental power. They're wonder
ful in building up the health. Only 2,rc
per box. Sold by Chas. N. Clarke.
Oregon Game Laws.
The game here enumerated can be
killed lawfully between the dates men
tioned :
Beaver After February 29, 1911.
Deer July 15 to November 1.
Elk After September 15, 1904.
Gray .squirrels October 1 to June 1.
l nick s, geese, swan September 1 to
March 1.
Water rail and upland plover August
1 to January 1.
Prairie chicken, grouse, pheasant,
quail October 1 to December 1. Limit
10 birds.
It is against the law to kill English
partridge, wild turkey, woodcock, silver,
gold, copper or green Japanese
pheasants until October 1, 1905.
medicine 20 years for asthma, but one bot
tle of One MinuteCough Cure did me more
good than anything eise during that time.
Best Cough Cure." Chas. N. Clarie.
Fresh oysters every day, served in any
style: fried, stewed, oyster-cocktail, any
old way at Jensen's
Don't wait until you become chronically
constipated but takeDeWitt'sLittle Early
Risers now and then. They will keep your
liver and bowels in gssl order. Kasv to
take. Safe pills. Chas. X. Clarke. "
Meigs Bartmes has the agency for
"The Life of William McKinley,'' in
cluding a history of the assassination.
He w ill call on you in a few days.
Manv physicians are now prescribing
Kixlol Dyspepsia Cure regularly, having
found that it is the best prescription they
can write liecanseit is the one preparation
vthicheontainstheelenients necessary to
digest not only some kinds of food but all
kind, and it therefore cures indigestion
and dys-epsia no matter what its cause.
Clou. N. Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
Professor M. L. Miller of Chicago uni
versity was in Goldendali last week.
The professor is gathering data concern
ing the antiquity of - man on the Pa
cific coast, ana on his journey has gather
ed much valuable information and
lecimens of the former man, says the
Agriculturalist, - lie was greatly inter
ested in Dr. Stewart's fine and large col
lection of Indian arrow heads, now
numbering 40,000. The professor went
to The Dalles where he found no speci
mens more interesting than the petrified
bones of a human body being dug out of
the cement rock at a depth of 40 feet ly
George Krause of that city, while sink
ing a well near the old garrison.
aim: i. i . "i -&.
1 ' ! ' s Y
Note some of the Prices :
A Single bit handled Axe 90
A ditto '$1.25
A Mann's bronzed double-bit Axe LOO
A Douglas Axe Co. (Hunt) do .75
An Old Honesty double-bit Axe. . . 1.10
The largest stock in town, tit
Team for Sale. .
A team of about INK) pounds, 4 and 7 years
old; team and hurness ttS't. Also, a saddle
horse and saddle, v 1 T. BH K U.KY.
Studebaker Wagon. v
i A Mtudebakei light farm wagon unit single
harness nearly new, for sale, inquire of
On the road between Tucker's dnd Rooth
hill, a fur Collarette. Kinder will leave at
Glacier otlice and receive reward.
Piano for Sale or
Exchange. A resident of Portland owns a
line I'iario which he wishes to sell, or would
exchange III whole or in part payment for a
few acres of Hood River land suitable for
strawberry growing. Land In any part of the
valley considered. For particulars cull on or
wrueio ollJ K. 1 MAKBlSOS,
Sewing Machine.
New Home Hewing Machine for 8ti!e; price
aiv. aiwi rHifW'M nour imx. inquire oi
ol Mils, W. 1. WATSON
House for Rent.
In Mowers addition; s rooms; plenty of free
soring waler: splendid view of Ml. Adams;
sii ier nionin. . sis h. wakke.i
Br. Leghorn Roosters.
Thoroughbred llrown Leghorn Roosters for
sale at f0c. each, or will exchange same for
pullets of any breed 1 rooster for i panels,
ot C. L. COl'l'l.K
A gold enameled linger ring, with heart
selling. Kinder will be rewarded by leaving
ii hi. me oiicier omce. si;i
For Sale or Exchange.
ilalfuerein 'l!y of Kulcm; will (tell or ex-
elmnfce for Hood Hiver property, ror piirtle-
ulars Inquire of jaiATHKR AJIARNEH,
$5.00, Reward.
Strnyed Two K-mottl hsolrt calves one roan
heifer, the other a retl sUvr; no ear niarku or
brands. The above reward will he paid for
their return to . V. 1. 1IINRICHH
Two Cottages for Rent.
impure or w. r. a iwi.i.
All perKoitsare notified not to take gravel
irom me pii iu .ioe earner s place.
WARKKX MILLKK, Hupervlsor.
Bull for Sale.
A tlrst-claMS Jersey bull, 8 years old, of the
cu ijuiuoeri Ninon: reuiNiereu.
s27 A. It. HVRKKTT,
Horse for Sale.
A young horse, about l.'iOO pounds weight.for
saieomap, iy man wsitiii
For Sale.
I still have one lot, 50 feet by IK). It Is only
7 blocks from the Hood Klver depot. I will
uiae ?u ior H. Amirem
J A. UlsllKUW. Hood River, Or.
For Sale.
Good level land on a good road, free from
stone; IS miles from town. Price, Including
water ior irrigation, ? per acre.
27 A. ldslil(tlV,HoodRWer,Or.
Peanut Roaster.
We have a peanut Itoiudcr of latest ontern
and can supply our customers with the best
quality or pean u In, Ires n roasted every day,
Sample Ihem. COLK.& GRAHAM.
For Sale.
A valuable ranch of 70 acres, 40 minutes'
drive from Hood Rtver. Kor price nnd terms
can on b. i-.. KAVAtiri.
To let a contract to grub ni acres, more or
less, on me ftsst Mine. , r. jihohi i's,
Berry Land For Sale.
Hilt or ten acenof Itrst-claKssIrawberrv hind
with house, barn, cellar and woodshed; ruif-
ning water; nilli-s from Columbia river.
inquireHi inisoince.
Good Work Horse
Kor sale or trade for lumber. T. R. COON.
Pasture fnr fint.tlfi
I will take a limited number of rattle lopna-
uire mversiue llirtn until ucl, li, liWl.
Terms. tier month. In,.,. u.' ill n.,,
be responsible for any kind of accidents or
Snecial School Meetine-
Notic Is hereby given to the legal voters of
-.,,. j.. , uwu n , nu. i oi numu count v. state
of Oregon; that a special school meeting of the
llifl flihilrif.t Will 1 l,,.l,l at tl.u ,llul.l..t' .-...I I
house on tho 5th day of October, HOI, at 10
ui-iwn iii mf lorenoou, ior ine loiiowing ob
jects: To decide whether or not the llth grade
shall be taught during the next term ol school.
Hated tltis nth day of September, Hull.
most. ltlsHul', Ch nin Hoard Directors.
Attest: P. I). HINK1CHS, Hist, clerk.
To Water Consumers.
The rules nf the coninanv wilt he strictly
followed after litis dale. All who are delin
quent after the loih day of the month will lie
ciiiirgen me lull pne?, vlx: l. l per month;
the extra t going io the collector, who will
shut off waier at the main from residences
where payment is not promptly made, and It
will not he turned on again until all arrear
ages are paid. Hegiiming July 1st next, all
water rent will be charged to owners of rent-
eu niiiiiiings Instetttl of lo the occupant.
Notice of Sale of Stock.
On Monday, September SO, hull, at 10 o'clock
In the forenoon, all the slock in the Hood
River Transurlatlon nnd lioom rouipanv,
thin has been siiliscrlhed for and upon whicli
there Is any tinnaid HsscKwtnentj. will he sold
to the highest bidder r cusb; the proceeds of
mien io Hppt.v on ine unpitltl assessments.
Sale to lie conducted hy (' A. Hell, vice presi
dent of the HihhI Itiver Transportation mid
Htstm roinpunv. and before the disir of the
ottieeofsaid company at the livery barn of
me .uountntn mage l.lvery ooinpiiuv.
liy order of the Hoard of iunvtnrs.
Hood River, Or., Aug. Hi), !!'.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially dlfrests the food and aids
Nature in ntxenirtheninir and recon
structing tho exhausted digestive or
gans. 1 1 is the latest d iM-overed d ijjest-
ant ana tonic o other preparation
can approach It In efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Cramps and
allotherresuluof iaiperfectdigestlon.
PrWWr rd ft. Lanrestrecontalna J4 time
small sin. Book all aOouldyspepsia ma uedfn
Prtpartd by E. C. DITT CO, Cblcog
ffltf If
Highest, standard lathe state. Two hun
dred courses In Literature. Science and the
arts, Science and Knulnevrlug and Music.
New building; and equipment: seven now In
structors. Nearlv 5,)0 volumes adiicd to li
brary in liioi. Hummer sell xil with Univer
sity eredlt. Special eourscH for teat-hero, for
Law ana Medical students. Department oi
Kducntion for teachers, principals and siiner
Ihtendciits Toll Ion free, cost if livlna low.
Three students granted scholarships in large
ha.itern universities In IMtll
Hend name to President or Registrar for
circulars and catalogues, Kugene, or. a2
Blacksmithing -
Ana wajfon rppuiritiK uinnmu 10 imomijh iy t
my tthop on tho Ml. Hood roml, south of town.
Good work ut miaomibie prWrea.
Town Lots for Sale.
Apply to J. V. WATT,
Sec'y liood River Townslte Co.
- McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. Phone 35.
The place to get your harness supplies and
repair work done Is at Hunt's old viand, cor
ner Third and Slate streets. All parts of har
ness furnished and repair work done on short
notice. Also, all kinds or shoe repairing sat
isfactorily done at reanouuble prices.
auli C. WKl.TW.
Frankton Express.
Passengers and baggage taken to and from
mill cainpnand all parts of the valley; also,
light transferring and single rigs furnished for
shopping. l - ft. 1). CALK 1X3.
Sheriffs Sale.
In the Circuit Court, of t lie state of Oregon for
Wasco County.
Alnieda IT. Ha-rett, plaintiff, vs. Harris .
Wvatt, Hallle Wyatl. W. H. Wlnans, John
Le'laiiil Henderson, Hubert Hand and U, K.
t'ewul. deleiulanls.
By virtue of an execution, decree and order
of sale duly issued out of and under the seal
of the Circitlf Court of li:H:te of Oregon lor
the county of Wnseo, to me directed ami dated
the 121 Ii day of Hepteinlier, 1W1, apon u de
cree of forutdosiire of two certain mortgages
and judgment rendered and entered In said
Court on the 12th day of September. UHtl, In
the above entitled cause, In favor of the
plaintiff and against the defendants, Harrie
(i. Wyatt and tlatlie W.vatt. as judgment
debtors in the sum of S.1H7.7o, with Interest on
Jit:t.75 thereof from the Mill any of Scplember,
1IKI1, at the rale often per cent per annum, and
Interest on the sum of $4.U0 thereof as
attorney's fees at six per cent per annum
from said date; and the further sum of Sf 17.17,
costs, and the further sum ol '$14.1(1, with In
terest at ten per cent per annum from Septem
ber ii, MM, nu 24.111 and on ,110.(10 thereof at the
rate of six per cent per annum, and the costs
of and upon this writ, and commanding me
to make sale of the real properly embraced in
such decree of foreclosure and hereinafter de
scribed. I will, on the 21st day of October. 1111,
at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of
said day, and at the front door of the County
Court House In Halles City, in Wasco county,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title
and Interest which the defendants, Harrie O.
Wyatt and Hallle Wjatt, or either of llieni,
hatl on the 12th day of August, 18!iil, the date
of the mortgage foreclosed herein, on winch
such defendants or any of the defendants
herein nave since acquired or now have In
and to the following described real property
situate and being in Wasco county, Oregon,
to wit: ihe Hotilhwest tpiarter of section
twenty-four (24) of township one (H north,
range nine () east of t lie Willamette .Merid
ian, or so much of said properly lis will sat
isfy said Judgment and decree with costs and
accruing costs. Said property will be sold
subject to confirmation and redemption, as
by law provided.
Hated at The Dulles, Oregon, this 12th day of
neptentner, imn.
Sheri If Wasco County, Oregon.
(Isolated Tract) I'ublic Land Sale.
United States Land Olllee,Vancouver,Wash..
Sfnteniber (1. 1001. -Not ice Is hereby given that
In pursuance of instructions from thtt Com-
missioneroi tne uencrai i.ana umce, nndi-r
authority vested In him by section 24, I. H.
Kev. Stat., as amended by the act of congress
approved February 2(1, Jrti0, we will proceed to
oiler ill puiillc sale, at 10 o clock a, in., on the
twenty-second (22d) day of October , W01, next,
at thlsotlicc, tilt- folio iving tract ol innd.towit:
SK!4 MV4 section , township i north,
range if Fast, W. M.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-desert bed iaitd are advised to file their
claims in this office on or belore the day
above designated for the coinnieucement of
said sale, otherwise their rights Will be for-
leiten. v . ti. iiiJUi.iit, iiesistcr.
slHolS L. H. CUHIUH, Receiver,
Timber Land, Act June .1, IK73.
United States Land ()tttce,Vaneoiivcr,Wash.,
July 25, 11)01. Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provision of the act of
congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled an act for the
sale oi tiinner minis ip the suites ol t aniornia,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the public hind states by
act of August 4, IW.H,
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day tiled in tills olllee his
Rworn statement, No. 22!t0, for t he purchase of
the southwest, quarter northwest quarter, west
half southwest quarter section l.itnd north
west quarter northwest quarter ol section No.
12, In township No. 4 north, range No. 10 east,
W. M.. and will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
slnnethmi lor agricultural purposes, and to
establish Ills claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of tills ofllce at, Van
couver, Wash., on Friday, the llth day uf
October, i'M. '
He names as witnesses: Albert C. Peels and
Joseph Ked of Portland, Or., and August J.
Wugniteand Robert F, Cox of Trout Lake,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-descrllied lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or belore said
llth day of October, llml.
a2H . W. R. DUNBAR, Ucglster.
tlrnVr I, and, Act JuiieS, "g;."" "'"
United Stales Land Ortlt, The Dalles. Ore
gon, Aug. I"i, 1!1. Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of Juno .1, 1K7S, entitled "An
act for the sale of timtier landsln the states of
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
stales by act of August 4, lsi-2.
Of Hisid River, count y ol Wasco, slate of Ore
gon, has this day tiled In this omen Ins sworn
statement No. lsr.for the pat-chase of the north
east quarter, southeast quarter of section No.
27. in uiwnship No. 2 lioiih, rumre No. a east.
W. M., and will otter pnsif lo snow Ihatthe
land sought Is more valuable lor Us timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish disclaim tosaltl litnil Detore ttte iteg
Isierand Receiver of tills olliee at The Dalles,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 2d tiny of Nov. .pml.
He names as witnesses, F.. T. Winans, Frank
Davenport, F. K. Neby and A. Winans, all
of Hisid Hlver. Orctroii. .
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
anove-ucscrmeil lanus are requested to me
Iheir claims in this oltice on or bcfoi-esatd2d
day of November, mil.
o2lo2i JAY P. LUCAS. Register.
Ifiiilher l and, Act Jlllu' S, 1S7H.)
United Stales Ijind Olllee, The Dalles, Ore
gon, August 2, imii. Notice Is hereby giveu
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act nfeonuress of J unci. ls7N,eiilil!cd "Anact
for the sale of limber lands in the Stales of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Terrlniry," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, lsi-2, the following
iersons have this day filed In thisotljec their
sworn slulen cnts, vi.:
Of Sisikane. eonniv of SiHikanc.state of Wash
ington, sworn stniement No. In! for Ihe pur-
" tne rjist soul n-ea-t j ,,r sivtion
No. 24. in lo nship No. I, norlh; range east,
W lllulnctte Merri llan.
Hll'kS A I.EK
Of Spokane, counlyof SMikane'.stateor Wash-
inuion, sworn statement No. !", for the pur
chase of the nonh ,. ninth weal and west ,
northwest oi s-non No. - In township No.
1 north, rntiire No. ti east. W ill. Mer.
Of Seattle, eonniy of King, suite of Washing
ton, sworn statement No. liei, for the purchase
of the Mintii t, nirtnw-sl '4 of section No. -J4,
in townstnn No. 1 norlh. ranye o. umwi w i
That they will otter pnsif lo show Ihsl the
land sought is more vaiimhle fir Ms timber or
lonetlutn for mirlctiltunil p;irtss's. nd to
establish their claim to sutii Inn 'I lieloiv the
Keirister and Receiver of this offlee ut The
IihIIcs, onvon. on Salurdav. Ihe 2,tli dav of
tn-tuber, li.u.
They name as witnesses, W. (5. rwvfe., 11. A.
Ieand Herls-rt L.Kinilmiiof Sjs.kanr.W a-b.,
H. F.CIotnth ofstvitlv. Wssii., ims. nnr-ter
of Aslilmut, Wi., and N. WIichIUoii of Ihe
Dalles, Otgon.
Any and rH fsmnscUlminr adverwly th
alsve-tlesrritsi lands art, rcues'eu to rti-
thir elit, in thl ofliee on or iK-furo said
.lh day of t!;t.ber, MM.
JAY P. LUCAS, RecUter.
We now have a nice line of Mon's and Boys' fjweatora that we
are gelling cheap.
Men's Puck Coatn, hlanket lined, 3
pockets, only fl.i!0
San Silk, nil colors, per spool 4c
Children's Toy Brooms 10c
A full line of Gents' Linen Collars, 10c
The Right Goods at the Right Prices.
Fitly your Utibbcrs of us; we have no old stock to sell yon.
Visitors are welcome. . ,
Hood River
Commercial Go.,
Fresh and Cured Meats.
Pure Alfalfa Honey, as Cheap as Syrup.
Have an entirely new deal on goods FOK CASH ONLY or equivalent.
All prices marked down to the lowest possible figure. Below will be
seen a few of their new prices;
18 lbs d. g. Sugar $1 00
1 sk White Spray Flour 90
1 sk Dement'8 Marvel Flour 75
8 lbs Arbuckle or Lion Coffee 1 00
5 lb pail beft Lard 05
Confectionery & Fruit,
Colored Confectioners' Sugar Always on Hand.
Nuts, Grapes, reaches, Pear-", Bananas, Watermejons, Mnskmelons,
Nuts, Grapes, Peaches, Pears, Bananas, Watermelons, Mnskmelone,
Nuts, Grapes, Peaches, Pears, Bananas, Watermelons. Muskmelons,
F"Ageiit for The Dalles Steam Laundry Co. .&"M
School Books
And we are prepared to exchange or sell you the books at the regular
price set by the com mission. DON'T FORGET we have anything
you need for the school room. Yours for business,
Phone 11U GEO. F. COE & SON,
A Complete Line of the new School Books adopted by the State of Oregon will be
found at our More for
Sale or Exchange,
according to the established new law and prices. We also carry a full line of
and will appreciate a liberal share of your patronage in this line.
When exchange of books is desired same must be made before the first of next
January. After that date no exchange can be had. Courtously soliciting
vour patronage, we are, yours respectfully.
Job Printing a Specialty.
ethrone Prejudice
I'se reason and judgment in your choice of fruit jars and investigate
the good qualities f the Sun Fruit Jar. They are giving perfect satis
faction to those ho have used them.' You will find the Sun Fruit
.Tar at
. Ti B
d? 1 I
Irv Goods, Groceries, Boots rtnd Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hats
Caps, Flour, Feed, etc. We buy direct from manufacturers in large
lots ami defy any firm in (re;,o'i to undersell us, whohandln the same
quality of goods. We do not deal in Cheap John trash, but handle
reliable goods, which we warrant to be exactly as represented. Give
us a call.
Is the best
White Art-iiie
Sal PtKhi .
V. S. Commissioner Dud N-itarc Public.
AIM, Garspii 8?J El3, Moeej lo Loan, Irani
fj.ts nd Blocks for Sale. Taxes p:il. for non-rsideut. Township
Pl-.its sutl lllar.ks in tock.
Telephone 51.
. : i . ....
(luting Flannel, fancy figure, per
Ladies' Shoe Strings, per pair '"
Ladies' Finger Purses. . , . . . .. ..
Men's Wool Socks, 2 pair for. .... , 25c
10 lb pail best Lard : $1 30
Best sugar-cured Hams, per lb. . . 14,c
Best sugar-cured Breakfast Bacon,
per lb ; 15c
Best Side Meat, smoked, per lb. . . 13,Vc
and Supplies.
we can buy.
J 2-tt. lots 10-Bi lots, 50-1. lots,
f l'.";e per B,. 10c jer It. 9c per S.
) -1-K. lots, 20-11. lot, 100 t. lots,
t 4c per '". 3c tier B. 2'c per B.
Correspondence olicitl.
For Sale
I. Lots in Waucoma Park addition
from $80 to $150j
3. Eight acres off the W. J. Baker
place, known as the Heffernan place ; in
strawberries; price, with crop, $1,000.
4. Twenty-five acres of the Silliman
place, EastSide; 18 acres in cultivation;
young orchard; 75 an acre, v --
5. The Richard Kirbyson place of 20
acres on the State road ; earjy straw
berry land; price $1,500.
6. Twenty acres off J. W. Baker's
lace ; pear orchard and other fruit in
anng; price $125 per acre.
7. Barrett-Sipma addition ; f 75 per lot :
$10 down and $5 per month ; no interest.
9. Fine homestead of 160 acres on
Rock creek near Davenport's. Price
$1,000 $300 down, balance at 6 per
10. Lots in Hull's addition; each
lot level, 80 x 140 ; center of ball ground ;
$100 each.
12. The Chas. Rogers 5 acre tract and
cottage, Frankton. Good springs anil
creek. $t!50,ternis easy.
13. Thirty acres off C. A. Wyman
farm in Odell neighborhood; all improv
ed, with free irrigating water; lumber
on ground to build house. Must sell in
30 days. Price $1,600.
14. ' The Allen Fulton farm, 160 acres,
5 miles east of town ; price $1,000 ; terms
15. Lots in Henderson sub-division
$37.50 a lot.
16. Thirtv-five acres land east of
county road in John Monroe and J. M.
Monroe homesteads; wild land; price
$20 per acre.
19. The Glover farm, well improved,
miles from Goldendale ; 240 acres ;
140 acres in cultivation; 63 acres in
winter wheat; 7 acres in hog pasture,
with a creek running through it; all un
der fence, with cross fences; large
new barn and fine house. Price $12.50
an acre ; will take Hood River projierty
in part payment.
21. N. 8. E. X, S. N. E. sec.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11 E White Salmon ; fine
timber land ; $10 jer acre. .
22. The Emerson homestead, onlvone
mile east of town ; fine range; $1,500.
23. Lots 5 and fi, block 7, Winans ad
dition ; $50 a lot, or $85 for the two.
25. Two beautiful building lots near
Robt. Rand's new house. Price $200
for the two.
26. S. H. Cox's fine resilience' In Hood
River, lot 100 x 160; price $1,200. ;
28. 529 acres, with much fir timber,
including both falls on Hood river. Re
fer to Butler & Co. .
29. Twenty acres lying north of Peter
Kopke's, East Side; good land; unim
proved. Price $500; terms easy. -
31. At Trout Lake. RO a 3 i n titr,tlii.
cuts 8 tons a year ; 50 a. in heavy saw
umoer, winie pine, nr anu cedar; west
fork White Salmon rivor i-nna tirnt.
the place ; price $1,250.
32. Lmma G. Robinson's 160 acres on
bills east of Whita Mulmon InAom ., a
the-Dryer place; fine timber; unini-
proveu; foo.
Eligible residence lota in Nnaiiuln.1.
subdivision, near cannon hrunm: nnlv
$75 ; terms easy.
$200 to $1,200 to loan.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
surveyor's transit, ami the proprietor
ueing a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of lavinz out acre
age proiierty in lots and blocks, and do
ing an Kinus oi surveying.
N. B. Terms are easv on all thealmvn
lands, with interest at 6 per cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads
and timber claims should apply at the
Tlmhr ljin.1, Act Juii S, 1S7K.1
t'nltcd Htatwi IJind OIltce.The Dnllra.Ommn.
July il, l!U. -Vol Ice lit lierel.y given that In
compliance with the provisions of ihe act of
congress of June 8, 1S7H, rntltlid "An act lor
me mile oi umoer latum lu ihe Htntcs of :al
Ifornlu, Oregon, Nevurin and Washington
Territory," uk extended to all the public land
untie by act of August 4. KI2
K.I.MKlt K. KIX.
Of Pendleton, county of I niatllla, state ot
Oregon, hits thin dy filed In Ihinottlce his
sworn nlutenient No. i'M, for the purchase of
the Mh 1, 2, It and f wt-tlon No. :11, In town
itlilp No. i north, range No. east, W.M., and
will otter proof 10 allow that the land nought Is
more valuable for lu timber or stone tliiiu for
agricultural purxcH, nnd to eKtHhUtth his
claim to said land before the Keginter and Ke
eelver of thla otttce at The 1rI Ira, Oregon, on
Saturday, Ihe oth day ol October, 1'HII.
He nainen a wiIiickhck: ('apt. J. H. Puke
and ('. J. Haven of HihmI Klver, Oregon; B. If.
Hlefttand t,f MartinHbutg, Indiana: and l.ydl
E. HieMtandt.f HimmI Hiver, Oregon.
Any and all peraonn claiming adversely the
above-dtucrllied lands are requested lo tile
their claims In thlaottlc&on or before auldath
day of October, Mil.
ai4 JAY P. I.UCAS, Register.
Timber Ind, Act June S. 1S"S.
rnltedHtnlen Iud office. The Dallea, Ore
gon, July '21, IMOI. Notice la hereby given
that In eompllMnce with the provision of the
act of eongrewi of June . ISTS, entitled "An
act for Ihe nale of timber laud In the Mate of
California, Oregon, Nevada autl Waittifngton
Territory," m extended to all the public land
tatea by -t of Align! 4, l-'2.
Of Hiwd Klver, eonniv of Wmni, alate of Ore
gon, ha till day ft lea In till office her sworn
aialeinent, No. lid, for ihe pun-haaeot the lota
X. 4. Hand Iflofaertlon No. :tu, and kit a and 4.
m vt Ion si, in U.wnnhip No. t north, range No,
t eat, W.M., and will otter proof to how that
the land aonghl la more valuable lor It tim
ber or atone than fir agrk-uitural pnrpwiea,
and to etbllh her rlaim to nald land before
the Kcgiitlerand Receiver of Ibi oltice at The
I "allot, Oregon, on Friday, the 27th dav of
Mettcmber, lull.
Hbe names a vllnewea: J. If. Unite, f. J.
Have and H. '. Hhaffer. of HimmI Klver, Or.,
and K. Klx nr I'endleion, Or.
Any and all penon claiming adversely the
atMve-dcrribfd land are mjueted to file
their claim lu Oil office no or before aaid
xTth day of Hepteniher, Isul.
Jysw; 1KX P. Ul'CAS, E-tlstw.