4 , lieii H,.OlJS,clty hall' I M .. I. 1 '. I 1 'US 1 y A 5 4 k'V 2 "IT'S A COLD DAY WHEN WE QBT UEFT," ' . VOL. XIII. HOOD RIVEE, OEEGOK, FEIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1901. NO. 19. HOOD RIVER GLACIER Published Every Friday by 8. F. BI.YTHK. Termi ot subscription-1.60 a ycr when paid In advance. TUB MAILS. The mall arrives from Ml. Hood at 19 o'clock a. m. Wednesday! and Saturdays; departs the same dnvs at noon. For Chenoweth, leaves at i a. m. Tuesdays, Thnrsdavs and Saturdays: arrives at p. m. For White Balinou (Mash.) leaves daily at : a. m.; arrives at 7:15 p. m. . from While Salmon leaves (or Fnlda, Gilmer, Trout ike and (Jlenwuod daily at 9 A. M. ForBliiKen (Wash.) leaves at 5:4 p. m. ; ar rives at 2 p. m. S.XIBT1K. 1AURKL KKHKKAH PKURKB 1-OlKiE. No i 87, 1. O. (). P. Meets tlrnl and third Mon dsys in eaeh month. Miss Katk DiVKNPOBT, N. G. H. J. Hibimrd, Secretary. CANBY POST. No. IB, O. A. R. Meets at A. U. U. W. Hall second slid fourth Haturlara of Mc li U'onth at !i o'tilcxk p. ni. All U. A. K. members invited to meet with us. T. .1. t unninu, Commander. i. W. Rigby, Adjutant. C1ANBY W. R. C, No. 16-Meets first Batur J dsy of eseh month ill A. O. U. W. hall at 2 p. m. Mrs. B. K. Bhokmakkr, president. Mrs. t"Bri.a KrKRs, Secretary. HOOD RIVER LODGK, No. UK, A. F. and A. M. Meets Saturday evening on or before each full moon. A N. Ramm, W, M. A. tf. Batfham, Secretary. II OOD RIVER CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M. Meets third Friday nlKht oi each montn. H. F. Pavidsoh, Secretary. HOOI) RIVER CHAPTER, No. 25, O. E. 8. Meets second and fourth Tuesday even ings of each month. Visitors coidially wel comed. Mrs. Eva B. Hiynh, W. M. . H. F. Davidson, Secretary. OLETA ASSEMBLY, No. 103, I' lilted Artisans. Meets sec ond Tuesday of each month at Fraternal hall. F. C. Brohiuc, M. A. I). McDonald, fecretary. W ACCOM A 1 OIKIK, No. 30, K. of P. Meets 111 A. O. V. v. . hail every Tuesday night. John Bitk, C. C. J. Lkland Henderson, K. of R. 4 8. K1VERHIDE U)1K)K, No. 68, A. O. I', W. Meets tlrst and third Saturdays of each month. N. C. Evans. M. W. J. F. Watt, Financier. H. L. Hows, Recorder. 1DLEWII.DE LODGE, No. 107, I. O O. F. Meets in Fraternal hall every Thursday night. A. 0. Gktchei., K.G. J. E. Hawna, Secretary. HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M.. meets at A. O. U, W. hall on the first and third Fridays of each month. J. E. Rand, Commander. KIVERSIDE LODGE NO. 40, DEGREE OF HONOR, A. O. V. W. Meets first and third Saturdays at It P. M. M rs. Georgia Rand, C. of H. Mrs. Chas Clarkr, Recorder. OUNSHINE SOCIETY Meets tscond and O fourth Saturdavs of each month at 2 o'clock. MimhLknaSnkli., President. Miss Carrii Butler, Secretary. HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A., meets ill Odd Fellows' Hall the first and third Wednesdays of each month. F. L. Davidson, V. C. ' E. R. Bradley, Clerk. "PR.E.T.CARNS, Dentist, Cold crowns and bridge work and all-kinds of Up-lo-DaU Dentistry; HOOD RIVER OREGON LJ L. DUA1BLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. B:iccestor to Dr. M.,F. Bruw. Calls promptly answered In town or commit, Dav or Nluht. Telephones: Residence, 81 ; Office, 88. Ofllce over Everhart's Grocery. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON . ATTORNEY-AT LAW, ABSTRACTOR. NO- ' TARY PUBLIC and REAL E8TAUS AGENT. For23vears a resident of Oregon and Wash ington. Has had many years experience in Real Entate matiers, as abstractor, searcher of titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. J F. WATT, M. Et Surgeon for O. R. A N. Co. Is especially equlpiied to treat catarrh of nose and throat and diseases of women. S)ecial terms for ofllce treatment of chronic taxes. Telephone, office, 125, residence, 4V pREDERICK & -ARNOLD CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Estimate, furnished for 11 kinds of work. Repairing; a specialty. All kinds of shop work. Shop on State Street, between First and Second. B ON TON BARBER PARLORS. Newly furnished in all the latest modern barber fixtures, making it second to none . for first-class service. Porcelain Bath Tub. Hydraulic Harber Chairs. A shoe polishing artist always on haud. EVANS & DeBORD, Proprietors. f HE KLONDIKE CONFECTIONERY Is the plate to pet the latest and best in Confectioneries, Candies, Note, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. . , ....ICE CREAM PARLORS.... COLE 4 GRAHAM, Props. p C. BROSiUS, M. D. " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Phone Central, or 121. Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M. ; 2 to S and 6 to 7 P. M. Q II. TEMPLE. Practical Watchmiker I Jeieiar. Mt long experience enables tue to do the best possible work, which I fully guarantee-, and at low prices. gUTLF.R cV CO., BANKERS. Do a general banking business. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. g C. JACKSON, FAINTER AND PAPER HANGER. All Work Promptly and Satisfactorily Executed. OliU-e at Shernli's Kurnitnre Store. SIGNS FIKNISI1I AT ANY TIME. Q J. HAYES, J. P. Office with Bone Brothers. Butineiei wilt be attended to at anr time. Collections made. W ill loraie on good government lands, either timber or larmint EVENTS OF THE DAY FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE WORLD. K Comprehensive Review ef the Important Happening! of the Past Wtek Presented In a Condensed Form Which It Motf Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many Readers. Edward J. Mclntire, of Portland, was murdered near Olequa, Vah. Five masked men held up Pendle ton gambling house for f 1,500. Arbitration council will declare itself incompetent to act on Boer appeal. At Chehali , Jhn W. Ferrier was acquitted of the murder of Bramon Holcomb. , . ' Bureau chiefs of the treasury de partment as a body called on Pros- dent Roosevelt. Duke and Duchess of York enjoyed a day on the Ottawa river as the guesta of lumbermen. Admiral Sampson, at his own re quest, will be relieved as commandant of the Boston navy yard. President Shuffer reviews the late steel strike, and severely criticises other labor organizations. Czolgosz, the assassin of President McKinley, was placed on trial. He pleaded "guilty" but the court or-. dered the plea of "not guilty" to stand. The prisoner seemed uncon cerned. Destructive forest fires in Colorado have subsided. A Cheyenne woman shot and killed her father-in-law. Columbia s being prepared for the coming yacht races. The Buffalo Exposition lias suf fered a heavy financial loss. No poison was found on the bullets or revolver taken from Czolgose.. ) McKinley memorial services were held at Chicago and other cirties. Harry De Windt will again attemt the overland journey via Behring straits. The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York will visit an Ottawa lum ber camp. Col. Murray, commander of Lovatt's Scouts, was killed by Boers on the Orange river. Explorers in Northern Alaska found herds of mountain sheep frozen in the ice of glaciers. The U. S. training ship Mohican returned from a prolonged cruise and reports 90 desertions. Herr Johann Most was arrested after a hard fight while making anar chist speeches in New. York. A boy attempted to photograph President Roosevelt as he left church, but was stopped by a policeman. Many Boers will settle in Damara- land. Mrs. MeKinley'g condition does not improve. W. A. McCormic, timber land deal er committed suicide. The Duke and Duches of Cornwall and York are at Montreal, The "allied party' was launched by reformers at Kansas City. Puget Sound conference of the M. E. Church opened at Olympia. - The San Francisco strike has resolved itself into a game of seige. The czar arrived at Dunkirk, France, and proceeded to Campiegne. Roosevelt inspires confidence by his announcement that he will carry out McKinley's policy. O. R . & N. company arranges for a monthly exchange fair a help to the farmer at Pendleton. Citizens of Marshfieid, Or., made a man leave town because he spoke dis respectfully of President McKinley. The body of the late president ar rived at Canton. The remains were taken to the Canton Courthouse, where they lay in state. Log raft reaches San Francisco jn safety. Chinese troops have re-entered Pekin. Czolgosz' trial was set for next Monday. Mrs. McKinley seems to be break ing down. Northern whaling fleet meeting with poor success. Frost in the corn belt strengthens the grain markets. The state funeral of the late presi dent occurred at Washington. The charter commission went on record in favor of civil service regula tions. Roosevelt asked th members of the cabinet to remain througnrout the term. Men are en route from Ohio to take the places of the strikers at San Francisco. A pair of old English brass andirons or "fire dogs" were sold for 280 guin eas in London the other day. In many of the perfume factories of South Europe only the purest olive oil is used in fixing the perfumes of flowers. The Forth bridge is constantly Us ing repainted. So vast is the struc ture that it takes 50 tons of paint to give it one coat, and the area dealt with is something likt 120 acres WORSE FATE THAN DREYFUS. General Hernandez of Venezuela, U Being Tortured in Confinement New York, Sept. 25. According to the story told here by & Veneiulean who reached New York a few days ago, General Jose Manuel Heurnandez, the head of the Conservative party In Venezuela, and who Is a political pris oner, Is undergoing treatment even worse than that of Dreyfus on Devil's Island. His political and military strength was recently shown, says the Tribune, In the organization of a. revo lutionary movement on the frontier, under the leadership of General Gar brane. This uprising which President Castro called, a Colombian Invasion, was, in reality a Heurnandez move ment. It Is said. "Immediately following this," said one of Hernandez's former fellow prisoners now here, "began the sys tematic attacks on General Hernandez, which his frlendB fear will end tho veteran's career. The first move was to transfer him to the darkest dun geon in the foul-smelling old fort. A huge bell was fastened to his ankle. He is not permitted to see anyone, nor Is he permitted to communicate with the outside world. He Is even denied the usual exercise about the prison yard. His keepers take a fiendish de light In throwing live rats, spiders and other vermin fhto his dungeon, particu larly when he sleeps. The rations al lowed General Henrnandez are only half those required by a man of his physical condition." GHASTLY SCENES AT WRECK. Person! Injured In Hungarian Collision Were Burned Alive. Bucharest, Sept. 25. The collision yesterday at Palota, between the Vi enna express and the petroleum trains, appears inthe light of latest events, to have been a most terrible affair. In a few seconds the whole arena of the collision became a huge lake of burn ing petroleum. Trees and every thing inflammable within an area of a quarter of a mile were destroyed. 1 here were some ghastily scenes. A girl was burned to death in sight of both her parents, who escaped. M. Dinu, a Roumanian millionaire, got his foot jammed in the wreckage and begged one of the train guards to sever the foot with an ax, promis ing him a large reward if he would do so. Jiolore the guard could neip him he sank into the flames and was burned to death. Schwartz, the con ductor, who was similarly jammed, clung so desperately to the man who tried to extricate him that his would be rescuer had to be dragged away just as Schwartz perished in the flames. Most, of the 22 who were killed were burned to death. BOERS APPEAL IN VAIN. Administrative Council Will Declare ftelf Jn. competent to Pass on Issues Involved. Tho" Hague, Sept. 25. It is under stood that the administrative council of the arbitration council will declare itself incompetent , to deal with the Boer appeal for arbitration upon the issusi involved in the South African war. Comment of German Press. London, Sept. 25. The Berlin cor respondent of the Times says : "The news of the British reverses in South Africa is discussed on the whole with much moderation in the more serious organs of the German press. The less responsible papers make no effort to conceal their exulta tion. The concensus of opinon is that the chief importance of the "re cent Boer successes' is in the encour agement they will afford to the burghers and their enect upon the Cape Colony loyalists. The paperj-e-gards the new activity and daring of the Boers as a crushing reply to Lord Kitchener's latest proclamation." Ten Killed In Collision. ' Warren, Mass., Sept. 25. Ten were killed and 21 injured in a col lision on the Boston & Albany railroad today, between a switching freight and a gravel train. All the killed and injured were gravel train em ployes, who were in the caboose eating dinner when the collision occurred. The calioose was telescoped by a gravel car. The New Controller. Chicago, Sept. 25. William B. Ridgely, whose appointment to the controllershiip of the currency was announced at Canton yesterday, will within a few days resign the vice presidency of the Republic Iron it Steel company and leave Chicago for Washington to assume his new duties. Big Insane Asylum Fire. Norfolk, Neb., Sept 25. The asylum for the Insane in this city was almost completely destroyed by fire today. It Is believed that three Inmates were burned to death. The fire originated from some unknown cause in the west wing of the Institution. Loss on build ings and contents will probably reach 300,000. Owing to the early hour and the nnpreparedne8s of the fire depart ment but little could be done In the effort to save the institution. There was 600 Inmates In the main building and the efforts to rescue them were difficult In the extreme. Coming to Hit Father's Side. Silverton, Or, Sept 25. T. W. Dav enport, who was injured a few days ago by falling In the running gear of uis wagon, breaking his lower jaw and receiving other injuries, is renorted better today. His friends, however, have little hopes of his recovery. In view of ths serlos condition ot the patient, the physicians have sent for Mr. Davenport's son, Homer, the famous New York cartoonist He started for Oregon last Saturday, and win corns oirectiy to Silvorton. NEWS OF THE STATE TEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OF OREGON. Commercial and Financial Happenings of lm. portance A Brief Review of the Growth and Improvements of the Many Industries Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth Latest Market Report ; Philomath reports a scarcity of houses to rent. ; : Umatilla county proposes to try crushed rock on her county roads. The Salvation army will hold a harvest festival at Pendleton, Septem ber 24-25. , "4. The Marshfieid clerks are advocat ing an early closing movement.with a good show of success. Many Christian Adventists are at The Dalles to attend the camp meet ing which opens Friday. It is estimated that nearly $500,000 has been invested in Eastern Oregon mines since January 1, 1901. A Woolerowers' association for Wheeler, Crook, Wasco and Sherman counties has been organized at Mitchell. Rapid progress is being made on the improvements on the new race track and grounds at The Dalles. It will all be completed this week. A grain buyer for an Athena com pany purchased several lota of wheat at 44J for club and 45 for blue stem. Nearly 30,000 bushels were sold. Stock Inspector Joseph B. Jackson, of the Lone Creek country, lost his sheep camp by fire. It was piled in a heap and set on hre by an unknown person. On account of the improvements in the water supply of Pendleton, the insurance rates have been reduced go ad to save the property owners about $3,000 yearly. More farmers are wanted In Oregon. The Roseburg street fair Is now in full swing. Settlers in the neighborhood of Lor raine want a shingle mill. The winter session of the State nor mal school at Monmouth Is now open. The sawmill of W. H. Llda, on Gales Creek, was burned with 20,000 feet of lumber loss over 6,000. The state board of education has granted a state certificate to A. B. Serfling, a teacher at Halsey. While trying to drive an intruding bull out of his pasture near Coos Riv er, George YoakurB was gored to death. Ernest Cox, aged 18 years, was kill ed by being struck by a falling tree while teaming in a lumber camp near Medford. John Peterson, who claims to be a Norwegian, was run out of Marshfieid for making remarks derogatory to the late President McKinley. Two stockholders tti the Lucky Boy mine in the Blue River district recent ly sold out their interests for $20,000 each. They each owned one-sixth. Mi'3. Lou Hash, living on a home stead in Lower Alsea, ' spied a huge buck on the edge of the clearing the other day, and seizing the ready Win chester brought him down. The lessees of the E. Ray mine near Gold Hill, recently received returns from a shipment of ore that gave a total value of $7,905.30 per ton. The vein is widening and shows no de crease in values. Portland Markets. ' Wheat Walla Walla, nominal 55c; bluestem, 55c; valley, 55. Flour best grades, $2.653.50 per barrel: graham, $2.60." Oats Old, 90$1 percental. Barley Feed, $1515.50: brewing, $16.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $17 18; mid dlings, $2021 ; shorts, $1920; chop, $16. Hay Timothy, $1113: 'clover, $79.50; Oregon wild hay, $5C per ton. Butter Fancv crearnery,25(a!27 Wc; dairy, 1820c; store, 12)15o per pound. Eggs 23 25c per dozen. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12 13c; Young America, 13)Mc per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 4.00; hens, $4.004.60; dressed, 10 11c per pound; springs, $2.503.50 per dozen ; ducks, $3 for old; $3.00 4.00 tor young; geese, $0(39 per dozen ; turkeys, live, 12(3 15c; dressed, 10(312)0 per pound. Mutton Lambs, 3,'c, gross; dressed, 66c per pound; sheep, $3.25, gross ; dressed, 6c per lb. Hogs Gross, heavy, $6(86.25; light, $1.7a5; dressed, 77c per pound. Veal Small. 8(9c; large, 7 7c per pound. Beef Gross top steers, $3.50(34.00; cows and heifers, $3.00(5' 3. 50; dressed beef, 5)69c per pound. - Hops 10 lie per pound. Wool Valley, 11 13U'c; Eastern Oregon, 8 1 2 c; mohair, 2021o per pouna. Potatoes $1(3 $1. 15 per sack. . The Dean and Chapter of Westmin ster are entitled to claim as "perqul sites" every article which Is taken Into the abbey for the purpose of the coronation, and that reverend body reaped rich harvests in 1821, 1831 and 1838. Two thousand of the 30,000 books on the French Revolution, which have been presented to the Bibllotheque Na tionals by the British Museum, will be kept there. The remaining 28.000 will be sent to the Blbliotheque Se- Tigna. s RUSHED BY BOERS. Commander of Lovatt's Scouts Killed on the Orange River. London, Sept. 24. The war office has received the following dispatch from Lord Kitchener, dated Pretoria, September 22 : "Kritzinger, while endeavoring to force a passage of the Orange rive.', near Herschel, at 1 o'clock Friday morning, rushed the camp of a party of.Lovatt's scouts. He failed to cross the river, but the scouts lost heavily. Lieutenant Colonel Murray and Cap tain Murray; his adjutant, were killed. Deep regret at the loss of Colonel Murray, who throughout the war led Lovatt's Scouts with great gallantry. Under cover of darkness, the Boers managed to carry of a gun. They were promptly followed and the gun was recovered in a smart engage ent in which Kritzinger lost two killed and 20 taken prisoners." Lord Kitchener also reports that the British captured by the Boers in the ambush near Scheeper's Nek, Sep tember 17, have been released, and that the British casualties in the recent Vlakfontein engagement, when the Boers captured a company of mounted infantry and two guns, were one officer and five men killed, 23 men wounded and six officers and 109 men taken prisoners. He announced that these prisoners had since been released. He furthei reports the capture of two commandoes one consisting of 55 men, under Commandant Kochs, who wore taken with their entire transport, west of Adeburg, and the other, consisting of 54 men, in cluding J. P, Botha, who were take"n with 48 wagons, and their belongings, 45 miles southeast of Carolia. Lord Kitchener's latest dispatches, although they contain good news as well as bad. have contained little to reassure tho people concerning the state of affairs. The loss of Lieuten ant Colonel Murray, a brother of Lord Mansfield, is keenly felt. There is little doubt that further details will show, it was a serious bffair. Remarkable Discovery in Alaska. Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 24. The Dawson News prints a remarkable story about the prospecting tour just completed of II. W. Bracken, who has returned, to Dawson after six months in Northern Alaska. Accord ing to Bracken's- narrative, while in the Bomanzoff mountains, about 1,000 miles from Dawson, he and his servants ascended a mountain glacier At a height of 8,000 feet they found herds of mountain sheep frozen in the ice. Th theory is that some ex treme mid-winter blizzard had caught them while stampeding over the dome. Then the sheep huddled to gether and perished, snow gradually forming an icy covering. Whatever portions of the bodies of the sheep were above the ice were devoured by artic bears and wolves. Bracken is said to le a scientific miner of 25 years' experience, having resided three years on the Yukon. Guarding the Route. Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 23. Prepa rations are now perfected for the safe conduct of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York across the conti nent to this city. The entire line of railway from Quebec to Vancouver will be guarded and patrolled during the royal progress. Thousands of these men have been specially engaged for this purpose by the Canadian Pacific railway. Each guard will remain in sight of his neighbor on either aide The royal train will be preceded all along the route by one or more pilot engines, which will keep a short dis tance ahead. A special army of pri vate detectives is on the watch all over Canada for suspicious characters, with orders to arrest any such and keep them in jail until the royal party has left Canada. The thousands of switches all along the line of the transcontinental railroad will be spe cially guarded and locked. All traffic will give way before the royal train, not a wheel being allowed to turn within a distance of 200 miles, of the duke's train. A New Brigadier General. Washington, Sept. 24. The presi dent has appointed Col. James M. Bell, Jbighth Cavalry, and president of the Military Board of Review, to be a brigadier general, vice Brigadier General Ludlow, deceased. Gen. Bell wilt retire Oct. 1, thus leaving a va cancy for another appointment. Philippine Cable Completed. Washington, Sept. 24. The signal office of the war department today received a message from Manila say ing that the last link of the cable had been laid, which allowed telegraphic communication with the southern most islcnd of the Philippine group. Broke Up the Souphoiuts. Tampa, Fla., Sept. 24. Some days ago the citizens' committee notified the striking members of Resistencia union that the souphouses established by the union must close, claiming that they encouraged cigarmakers to remain idle. Most of them were closed, but today citizens visited seven of them, poured the soup on the ground and put out the fires. Some of the cigar makers assisted in the work. Six hundred strikers have re turned to work. Ki'tcd Her Father kvLiw.' Cheyenne V.'yo., Sept 24. Mrs. Lena Fair shot and killed her father-in-law, Michael Fair, t their home in South Cheyenne this evening. Mrs. Fair is a girl of 20 years. She says Fair, who is past 50 years old, threatened to kill lu-r, and when she fired had one hand on her throat and with the ether was reaching for bis revolver. The police found a revol ver in the hip pocket of the dead man. Mrs. Fair was arrested. CZOLGOSZ ON TRIAL ASSASSIN OF PRESIDENT M'KIN LEY PLEADED GUILTY. Prisoner Wai Unconcerned Court Orders - th Plea to Be Recorded "Not Guilty" Case May Be Concluded in Two Days The Physicians Gavs Important Tutl. mony. Buffalo, N. Y, Sept. 24. Leon F. Czolgosz was placed on trial yesterday charged with the murder of President William McKinley. He entered a plea of guilty, which was subsequently changed to "not guilty," by direction of the court. All the events of the day indicated that the trial will be short. Court convened at 10 O'clock and within two hours eight jurors had been secured. Technicalities were not raised by the examining counsel, but It was significant that every man who said he had formed an opinion on the case was excused by the District At torney. Those who acknowledged they had formed an opinion or Btated they were prejudiced, but admitted their opinion could be changed by evi dence were accepted by both sides. Justice Truman C. White, one of the oldest and most experienced of the Supreme Court Judges, was on the bench. Immediately after the opening of the court and after the prisoner had pleaded, Justice Lorn L. Lewis, senior counsel for the defend ant announced that, together with his colleagues, ex-Justice Robert C. Titus and Carlton E. Ladd, they were ready to act In behalf ot the prisoner. "I thought it best," he said, "for my colleagues and myself, that I should say something regarding our presence here SB attorneys for the defendant. At the time my name was suggested I was out of the city, and knew nothing of what was transpiring here with reference to the selection of 'counsel for the defendant When the circum stances of my selection were told to me, I .wtas extremely reluctant to ac cept But the duty has been Imposed, and I considered it my duty, in the light of all the circumstances, to de fend this man. I ask that no evidence be presented here that the court will not permit the acceptance of any evi dence unless it would be accepted at the trial of the most meager criminal in the land." "I am familiar with these circum stances," said Justice White, In reply, "and I wish to say, I will give you every assurance that the prisoner will have a fair and impartial trial. Dur ing the progress of the trial he . will receive such treatment as the law de mands in any criminal case." The work of securing the jurors was then undertaken, with a celerity that was amazing. Before the day was over the entire panel had been sworn, the jurors had listened to a description of the Temple of Music, where the crime occurred; had seen photographs of the Interior of the structure, and had been told by three surgeons what had caused the death of thi President, and the effect of the assassin's shot on the various organs of the body, They had also learned why the fatal bullet had not been located. The probable duration of the trial, it is believed, can be placed at two full days. Judge Titus, for the de fense, was non-committal, however, and merely said : "That depends upon the turn things take." It is not prob able that any defense will be put in, owing to the character of the prisoner and his refusal to help his attorneys in any way to procure evidence which they could use In his favor. The idea of an attempt to enter the question ot his sanity is not thought of, in view ot the reports of the two alienists who have recently examined him. Murder In the First Degre;. Buffalo, Sept. 25. Leon F. Czol gosz, alias Fred Nieman, was found guilty of murder in the first de gree by a jury in part III. of the supreme court, in having on the 6th of September, shot President Will iam McKinley, the wounds inflicted afterwards resulting in the death of the president. The wheels of justice moved swift ly. The trial of the'assassin consumed eight hours and 26 minutes, and covered a period of only two days. Practically all of this time was occu pied by the prosecution in presenting a case so clear, so conclusive, that even had the prisoner entered the plea of insanity it is doubtful if the jury would have rendered a verdict differ ent from the one rendered today. The announcement this afternoon by the attorneys of Czolgosz that the eminent alienists summoned by the Erie county bar association and by the district attorney to examine Czolgbsz and to determine his exact mental condition- had declared him to be perfectly sane destroyed the only vestige of a defense that the at torneys could have put together. Better Fuel Than Coal. Mexico City, Sept 25. Daniel Gug genheim, chairman of the executive board of the American Smelting ft Refining Company, is here with a party of leading manufacturers engaged in the lead Industry. The party will make careful inspection of smelters In this country controlled by the trust Regarding the substitution of Texas oil for coal in this industry, Mr. Gug genheim said: "We have proved beyond all doubt that crude oil is by far the best fuel. It has passed beyond the experimental stage." Reciprocity With Cuba. Washington, Sept 25. As a result of several conferences between Presl dent Roosevelt and General Wood Governor-General of Cuba, it has been determined to negotiate a reciprocity agreement between the United States &ad tho Island, the agreement to be sent to Congress early in December. Cereals and machinery from the Unit ed States will enter Cuba at reduced rates, and sugar and tobacco will be the principal Cuhjw prodacts affected by the agreement SCHLEY COURT OF INQUIRY. Sessions Resumed at Washington Many Im portant Witnesses Called. Washington, Sept 23. The Schley court of inquiry reconvened Saturday, and before adjournment examined four witnesses. The most Important incident of the day was the decision of the court withdrawing a question put by the court itself, asking a witness to give his opinion concerning a point under controversy. The witness was Rear Admlral HIgginson, who participated In the Santiago campaign as captain EEAE ADMIRAL SCHLEY. of the battle-ship Massachusetts. This vessel was at one time a part of the flying squadron, commanded by Com modore Schley, and the court asked him to state whether all possible measures were taken to capture or destroy the Spanish vessel Chrlstobal Colon as it lay in Santiago harbor from May 27 to June 1, 1898. Counsel for Admiral Schley objected to tho question on the ground that a reply would Involve an opinion and not a statement of facts. Judge-Advocate Lemly admitted that the precedents were against questions of this charac ter, and the court withdrew this in terrogatory. It is generally admitted that this decision will have the effect of ma terially shortening. the term of tho court, as will also the court's intention to cut out irrelevant questions and all heresay testimony. In several cases. the witnesses were admonished to re late only events coming within their own observation. Admiral Dewey showed himself a prompt and methodical presiding offi cer. He called the court to order exactly at the designated hour, and adjourned it just as promptly at 4 o'clock. The witnesses today were Rear-Admiral HIgginson, who com manded the battle-ship Massachusetts during the Spanish war; Captain C. M. Chester, who commanded the cruiser Cincinnati; Major Thomas N. Wood, of the marine corps, who com manded the marines on the Massa chusetts, and Commander G. B. Har ber, who was an executive officer of the Texas, the latter being on the stand when the court adjourned. The attendance of the public was small. . Rear-Admiral Ramsay occupied the seat which, on the first day of the session was niied by Rear-Admiral Howison. All three member of th court were In service uniform, and the morning air was cold enough to make their closely-buttoned coats appear comfortable. Mrs. Dewey accomppa nied her husband and remained a short time. The general attendance whs not large. BOERS MAKE ANOTHER HAUL. Captured s British Company and Two Guns, Killing An Officer. London, Sept, 23. Lord Kitchener reports that the Boers have cantured a company of mounted infantry and two guns, at Vlakfontein. One officer was killed. The Boers. In sunerior forces, surrounded the British. Lord Kitchener is making a strict investi gation, and has sent columns of troops in pursuit of the Boers. The Gazette announces that on the disband ment of Lord Strathcona's Can adian corps, 29 officers have been granted honorary rank in the British army, corresponding with their pres ent rank. The list commences with the name of Colonel Stole (the com mander of Strathcona's horse la South Africa), who becomes an honorary lieutenant-colonel In the regular army. London, Sept 23. The succession of "regrettable Incidents" which Lord Kitchener has reported has vnki editorial counsels to the government to ieae io enaeavor to wage war by proclamation and to recognize the need of crushing the Boers by force of arms. No news has as yet been received that the Boers have liberated the prisoners recently according to Boer circles In Brussels! iummanaani-ueneral Uotha intends to hold the 150 British prisoners as hos tages against the carrvlnv mi r th. . VWV v. M4. terms of Lord Kitchener's proclama- May Be An Anarchift Washington, 8ept. 23. The police are looking for a man who approached several pedestrians early today and asked the address of President Roose velt's sister, ILo wife of Commander Cowles. of the navy. Several of the officers were detailed to guard the Cowles residence. The man Is de scribed as about 40 yeari old, speaks with a foreign accent has a light moustache, dark clothes and had a hot about eight Inche long and about threa and a half wide. . i