The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 20, 1901, Image 2

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    'Hood Iftver Slacier.
The joy expressed nil over tho land
when the physicians attending the
wounded president announced, a week
ago, that he would recover was rudely
dispelled in the following 24 hours, and
joy turned to grief when the bulletins
announced "The president is dead."
Sorrow is universal, and foreign coun
tries show their high regard for the
man who had been chosen a second time
to the high office of president of the
United States. In times like the pres
ent, when every patriotic heart is stirred
by the act "of the vile assassin, there are
no republicans nor. democrats, no im
perialists nor anti-imperialists, but all
are Americans, feeling deeply the insult
and calling for the extermination of
every organized band of men flying the
red flag of anarchy. William McKinley
was the last man on earth to deserve
such a fate. No one can read the story
of his life without being impressed with
the noble qualities of the man, how he
struggled with poverty in his early man
hood to gain an education, how he
faithfully served his country as a sol
dier during four years of war, and with
.what confidence the people returned
him to congress, elected him governo
of a great state, and finally elected and
re-elected him to the highest office in
the gift of a free people. But it is not
merely the taking off of the man William
McKinley that the people of this great
republic deplore. The same sympathy
would have0 been extended to whom
sover was shot down by the assassin
while occupying the exalted position in
our government. The people call for
prompt action in exterminating an
archism, and it is hoped their appeal
will not be in vain. -
' Rev. Dr. E. R. Dille of Oakland, Cal.,
is authority, for the statement that this
is the anarchist creed :
I believe in no God; I believe in no
hereafter; believe in no civilization; 1
believe in no marriage; all property is
robbery; all government is tyranny;
right and wrong are mere prejudices ; I
believe in the red flag of anarchy ; the
ricti and the ruler are only proper food
for gunpowder and dynamite. I am
sworn to live and die by the articles of
this creed.
A man who can subscribe to such a
creed has no right to live in this country.
The anarchist must go.
When the assassin strikes down the
head of our" nation and thereby strikes
at the government seems strange
that the act cannot be declared treason
and the miserable culprit given a drum
head court martial.
Scenes of Splendor.
Never in the history of the Northwest
have the people been offered such en
joyable entertainment mingled with
instruction as will be laid before them
during the month of the Portland car
nival, which will be held in the great
exposition building from Sept. 18th to
Oct. lUth, and also in the beautiful
Multnomah field adjoining. The com
mittee of representative business men
having the carnival in charge have al
ready made contracts involving the ex
penditure of $50,000 to make the car
nival a success. Un the music and
amusements alone there will be
$13,000 expended, and the other appro
priations will be in proportion for the
horse show, the grand military tou ma
il merit and the athletic exercises, etc.
These figures will give people an idea
of the grandeur and immensity of the
carnival, winch will be illuminated with
3800 electric lights. The music by two
full military bands will be grand, and
there will not be a dull moment after
noon or evening. There will be a re
production of Multnomah falls in the
exposition building, a bis mining ex
hibit, a German village, a showing of
an the products ot the JNorthwest, and
many other sights to see. All railroad
and steamboat lines will sell excursion
tickets to the carnival good for 7 days,
at one-and-one-third-fare for the round
trip. People who miss the Portland
Carnival will miss a grand event.
Mt. Heod Note.
It is fine weather here at present and
all are getting their fall work done early.
A. ' Leroux is getting ready to have a
log rolling in a few days.
F. II. Watts of The Dalles is here,
canvassing tho valley to sell tomb-stones.
Emory Ross and his brother Kav spent
a few davs last week visiting friends
here, fcmorv returned to Seattle,
where ho is fireman on the Great
Northern.ond Ray will stop here and
improve their ranch.
Douglas Riggs met with a painful ac
cident last Thursday bv a log rolling on
his legs, but luckily no bones were bro
ken and he is still a work.
The Mt. Hood mill is at work early
and late, and C. K. Bone is doing the
logging with two teams.
John R.Bird is getting ready to start
logging and will commence next Mon
J. N. Knight arrived home from the
harvest held last Tuesday. L.
Portland Carnival.
White Collar Line steamer, Bailey
Gatert, excursion rates. Round trip
excursion tickets will be sold on Sept
10th and 25th, Oct 2d, 9th and 16th,
good going, six days after date of sale,
making our week's limitation incltidiuu
date of sale. The price from The Dalies
to 1'ortlaim on the days these ticketsare
sold will be 2.50, round trip, including
two coupons that are good for one admis
sion each to the Portland carnival. I. vie
to Portland round trip, same as The
miles, including two admission tickets.
Hood River and White Salmon, to Port
land, round trip. $2.20, including two
admission tickets. St. Martin's Spriugs
and Cascade Locks, $1.85, round trip to,....l :.,!.,. .j.: . i.
viiiauu, iiii.iuuiii mil llllllcimill HUH'
ets. Prather A Barnes, agents.
Mr. Roosevelt is 5 feet 8 inches in
height, measures 42 inclii nmiin.l ilm
chest, wears a lti collar, number 8
glove, .l4 nat, nnmDer vy, shoe, and
does not smoke. Dalles Chronicle.
Locomotive engineers Thomas Har-
lain and td Kees were killed in a wreck
on the railroad one mile east of Ihe
Dalles last triday. The wreck wai
caused by sand on the track. Both
men were highly lespected citiiens ol
ine i 'a lies.
Hobos are infesting The Dalles. Ihe
ty marshal ordered 15 of them to move
on! one day last week. The Chronicle
calls lor the expnlnon of 1ft or 20 more.
1 Union Memorial Services.
Committee on arrangements for me
morial services, to be hold Thursday,
Sept. 19th, 1901, met as per rail, the
following named gentlemen present:
Rev, J. L. Ilershner.S. E. Bart mess and
Oscar Stranahan, and took the follow
ing action: On' motion Bart mess w as
made chairman, E. R. Bradley, secre
tary. On motion it was decided that
the. church bells be tolled previous to
services. It was decided, to now uie
services at 2 o'clock p. ni., Bev. V. R.
Spaulding to be requeued to preside at
the service?, and also deliver ono of the
addresses. - It was decided that the 1
cal pastors be requested to make ad
dresses, that the services I h-dd in the
United Brethren chtvrch.. A general re
quest extended to nil to furnish flowers
for decorative purposes. S. E: Hardness
was appointed a committee of one, to
arrange for music. G. A. R, and Wo
man's Relief Corps requested to attend
in a bodv. Glacier requested to publish
notice of services and Mr. Bradley tn
print notices of similar purport. It was
the sentiment of the committee that
the recconimendatiuus of Gov. titer,
relative to the closing of business houses
should be followed ns far as practicable'.
Resolution by Canity VY. R. C.
Whereas, The people of America have
for the third time been called upon to
mourn the loss of a chief magistrate b
the hand of au assassin, we, the mem
bers of Canby post W, K. C, auxiliary
to the Grand Army of the Republic, beg
leave tosubmit the following resolutions :
Resolved, 'lat iu William Mckinley
we recognized the. highest type of Amer
ican citizenship, and that in his death
our nation has met with an irreparable
loss. ords cannot express our sorrow
and humiliation that a man so pure ami
good could not be allowed to live out hit
allotted time in tins our tree America.
Resolved, That we add our mite. to
wards furthering the principles of Truth
(which he so. nobly advocated) ami up
rooting from our tree soil, the nnxiout
weeds w hich are responsible for los un
timely death. ? .
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be handed to the Hood River Gla
cier for publication, and that a copy lit
spread upon the minutes of our society.
i'ANME Bailkv,
Aosks Crsstsis,
At the regular meeting of Canby Post,
G. A. H., last Saturday, a 'committee
consisting of C. J. Hayes, E. I). Calkins
and H. H. Bailey, was appointed to
draft suitable resolutions on the
death of our president and their
late comrade, m. Mckinley to lie pre
sented at tho next meeting.
Robt. Rand has purchased C. I.. Rog
ers' house and lot adjoining the school
house grounds, consideration $1,150.
KorrisSilver.North Stratford, N.H. : "I
purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure when sttffenng with a cough doctors
told me wasincurable.One bottle relieved
me.the second and third almost cured. To
day I ant a well man." Chits. N. Clarke.
Working Sight and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr.King'sNewLife
Pills. These pills change, weakness into
strength, listlessness into energy, brain
fag into mental power. . They're wonder
ful in building up the hulth." Only 25c
per box. Sold by Chas. Ji, Clarke.'
To Water Consumers.
The rules of the company will tin strlctlj
followed Hller this flute. All im are delin
quent nfler the llllli day of the month will tie
charged the full prlc-, viz: Si. .id per month;
the extra 2fe goltiK 10 the eolUi-tnr, who will
shut otr water at the main Irom resliienee.
where payment t not promptly made, anil tt
will not be turned on iitftun unfit all arreat.
Hues are paid. rlegliiiiiiikr. Inly 1st next, all
water rents will he chanced to owners of rent
ed buildings inxtcadol lo the occupant.
Notice of Sale of Stock.
On Monday, September :m. Mil, at 10 o'clock
In the forenoon, all the Mock in the lloon
River Transportation and llnoin company,
that has beeu Niihserilieil tor and upon wiiiti
there Is any unpaid asscusiiitaits. will be soh
to the holiest binder for cash; the pro- eirs o
such sale to Hpply oit ttie unpaid assessments.
Kale U be conducted by ' A. licii, vice presi
dent of the Hood Hiver Trnnsporlation and
Hoom eoiupanv, and before the door of tin
otttce of said company at the livery burn ol
the Mountain Hume A Livery company.
Ily order of the Hoard of lliiectorw.
Hood Hiver, nr.. Auk. :, liul.
ITImber Ijind. Act June 8, 1-7S.J
tTnlted States Land Ottice, Vancouver.
Vah., Kept. II, Mil. Notice i hereby given
that in compliance with ttie provisiiniM of lin
net of contfiVHS of June it, IS S, enii! led "An act
for the sale of timber hinds in the slates ol
California, Oregon, Nevada and Wiisliiiittnii
territory,'' as extended to all I lie public land
states by act of Auuust J. Isn2.
Of Fulda, county of Klickitat, state of Wash
ington. has t Ids day tiled in t Instance his sworn
statement No. 2UU fur the puichasc of tht
southwest northeast and northwest
southeast of section No. II, in township No.
S north, range No. II -east, W. .M., and
will oiler proof to show that the land souirht
l more valuable fur tt tinilicr or lmie than
lor agricultural purposes, and u establish his
claim to said land bel'oie the Kcgistcr huu
Iteeeiver of thin olllce at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Tuesday, the'Jtitti day of NoveintM-r, l!d.
He numes mm witness's: Halsey i. role,
MHinnel M. Cole and John W.vers of Knlda.
Was ., and tieorge W. liiitner of t.iliner,
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
Hbove-oewrlbect lands are retiiesteit to fit,
their elatniH in thin ottice on or t ie tore sal u
2 tlt day of November, null.
-Swl W. It. lil'NH AnIleglsier
Sheriffs Sale.
In the Cln-utt Ouriot tue Muteof oivjrrrn for
AlmefU H." Ijarrelt, plaintiff, v. Iurui.
K rati ley, Minnie liruUlcy, WiUm K, Wimin
nnt John Ia'IhiiiI Ht'mterwui, iJccinlunts.
By vlrlu' of mi execution, t wice un I order
of sale, dul isMieti out o( mul tinder I lie pent
of theCtrviiil Court ol theKtuieofumron tort he
county of U hsco, to tne direeteil dim tinted the
12th day of Sepieinh.T, 1WU, upon a decree lor
the fbrtvloKure oi a cerium inortmc, anu
judgment rendered nil eiwered in snM t'ourt
on the I'lh day of pl.-uiher, liml, in ttie led eaUMe, in lavorof the pl.tiutitl
und agiiint the defendant, lar in l!ntule
Hnd Minute Bradley, as judgment dfh.oris. iii
the sum of five hundred and ninety-seven anu
M00vtt7...,Vi dollar, with inieivM on 4i.7;
thereof from I lie I'Jth day 01" et.iemtH'r, pt.
at the rate of ten kroent per annum, nd in
torevtt on the Mini of llity inu VttMi dmlais
theref attorney n fee, nt ti p,-r
cent eraniuini tnmi mhi dale, and the fur
ther sum ol Nevenleen and 1 ,-(Knl7.l jdol
lar, eoNlR, and the costs of and iiHin t rue.
writ, and command hit; me to tnakc mile oi
the real prfH'rty emhiaced In tieh d'i-ee oi
fitrecHMura and herenmtter Ik-i hh, I wit).
n the2lMt day of mtohcr, "d.Ht tne hour ot
lOo'ehteh tn the torcnion if Kaiu d'ty.and at
ttie front dMr of the t'ountv v'omt lioue, in
11 le City, Waeo cnnty. oreou. mII at
public auction to the hluii t thlder for eah
in hand, ail the if u lit, tit te and intcie which
the defendant, 1'iirwin lirtt'lley and Minnie
Bradley, or either ot them had on the l.tiMdtiv
f AtiUt, IwW, the dide of the inortitue tuix--cloed
beivin, r winch ftuch th f.-nu;titlf 01
any f the deiendaiii hcii tn haem(v ac
uulred or now hae in and to ttie fullotviitit
described leal projHirty. ftituate and in
W'ajM-o cimtit v. hniftiii. lo-w ttr ine Mt.tti mil.
of Ihe wHiihenNt quarter nnd the mih hi It ot
t ie nouthwtMt qmuicr of hIiou twenty-five
tan of township one (It norm, rami.- nine tin
e-at of the Wtliameite Aieridinn. or so much
of atd proiertr as will Mti-fy sjtid Jutliimeiii
and dec re1, oriib cn-i nnd iun'ruins h !,
Said piopcrty will m.iI .m'k i lo vii
Arnmttwn Miitt teU inpii.n a. bv pr-videi
I v led at The laiU, onvnti. thiH l-Mii day
of vvptendKr. KoBrKt' KKI.I.Y,
SiolH SheriffW'aM'o t'minty, Oregon.
5 . rf 2'ffv'-1
... t .
Note some of tho Prices:
A Silvio bit handled Axe. 00
A ditto $1.25
A Mann's bronzed double-bit Axe 1.00
A Dottjihts Atte Co. (Hunt) do .75
An Old Honesty double-bit Axe. . . 1.10
The largest stock in town, at
Team for Sale.
te on of about IMotl pounds. 4 and 7 years
old; team and harness ftj'i.',. Also, h saddle
ho s-aii-1 a Idle. 1 T. HHK IJ-KY
Studebaker Wagon.
A witdelaikcr llirht farm wauon and single
hafness nearly nca', for wile. Inquire ttf
el K. K. .SA V AIIK.
f n the road ladween Tuelfer's and liixdh
hill, a Kur Collarette Kinder will leave at
'.llaeier olllce and receive reward.
Piano for Sale or
Dxclmnne, A re-ddont of Portland owns a
line l'mno wlili-h lie wishe to sell, or would
celi:iHi:e In whole or In part payment for u
lev.' acii s of Knod Hiver land suitable for
-ir.ittl.erry eiowiiijf. land In any partofth"
ai:ey considered, i-'or particular call on or
wii'eto oil H. K. 1IAUHISDN.
Sewing Machine.
New lloine Sewum Muehlne for sale; price
flo. Also raised Hour box. Inuulreof
' Mlt-, W. I!. WATrWIN.
- House for Rent. '
In Itlo'vcr-addition; S rooms; plenty of free
im inn wider: splendid view of Vit. Adams;
j'liper mon III. sli B. WAKllKN.
Br. Leghorn Roosters.
Tuorouijlihred Hrown Lenhorn K'aislers for
sale at ," K each, or will exchange same for
pullets of nny breed -1 rooiter lor 2 pallets.
'St C. I.. roi'l'I.K.
A Rold enameled tiUKer rlnii, with heart
seltlns. Kinder will be rewarded by leaving
it at the ellueier olllce. s;) '
For Sale or Exchange.
Half acre in cit y of Malum; will m-II or ex
hanse lor Hood Klver ptsiperty. for partic
ulars ItKinire of l'lt ATH Kit H.UNKs)A
$5.00 Reward. "
Rtrayetl -'I wo 8-iuouthnold calves one loan
heifer, the other n rail suit; no ear mark or
brands. The nJove reward will lie paid for
their return to 1. I). HINKU'HSS.
Two Cottages for Rent!
Inquiieof V. I'. WATHON.
All persons are notltted not to take gravel
from the pit at Joe I'uraer's place.
W A RK EX M1L1.K H,Hu trvlsor.
Jersey Bull for Sale.
A tirsi-lass Jersey bull, S years old, of the
ist.. Lambert strain; registered.
"2 . A. H. WilK IT.
Horse for Sale.
A yoiinir horse, about 1:1(10 pounds wclht,for
saei'l-ap, by lAjVI AN MVill'll.
For Sale.
I still have one lot, aO feet by l.Tt). It Is only
.'blocks from Ihe Hood Klver depot. 1 will
hike SiO for it. Address
-T, , A. lllSUHOW, Hmid River. Or.
For Sale.
flood level land on a o.t road, free from
stone; 15 mill's from lown. Price, including
water for Irrigation, i per acre.
s-! A. mwHH- W, Hood Klver, Or.
Peanut Roaster.
Wehaiea ennm Koaster of latest patMti
and can supply our customers with the best
duality ol peanuts, fresh roasted every day.
Sample litem. (X)LK A UKAHAM.
For Sale.
A valuable ranch of iO acres, ) minutes'
drive from Hood Klver. For price and terms
call on K. K. SAVAHW.
To let n contract to grub in acres, more or
less, on the Knsl Side. K. I'. HKhMI H.
Berry Land For Sale.
wix or tui acesof II rst-class strawberry land
with house; barn, cellar and woodshed; run
ning water; 2'j miles from Columbia river.
Inquire at HQs ofllco.
Good Work Horse
Kor sale or trade for lumber. T. H. (XiOX.
Pasture for Cattle.
I will lake u limited number of cattle m pas
ture at Kiversidc farm until. Oct, l.", timi.
Ii-rnis, KLat) per month. In advance. V III nut
hp responsible, lor any kind of R'-eidents or
losses. J. w. Mt iKToN.
Sheriff's Sale.
In Hie CirctiU Court of the sitatc of Uregnn for
W aseo l oiinty.
Aluieda 11. Ba relt, plainiitl, vs. Harris i.
W'yall, Hatlie Wyati. V. It. W lnaiis, .lohn
Inland llenderaon, Kohert Hand and K. K.
Kewel. dcicndnnls.
By virtue of an exiiution, decree and order
of sale duly Issued out nf and under the seal
ol the Circuit Court of the Hot te of Oregon for
the comity nf Wasco, to me dlni-ted and dated
Ihe 12th day of Siepiemtn'r, Hull, Umhi o de
cree of foreclosure of two certain mortgages
and jndmncnt rendered and entered in said
l ourionthe 12lh day of ieptemts r lull, in'
Hie above entitled cause, in favor of the
plnintitl and against the defendants, llairie
U. Wyatt and Hatlie W'yatt. as judgment
debtors In the sum of Kt.Ti, wtitl Interest on
WS.!a thereof from the 12ih davof seplember,
oml. at the rateof en percent peraunum.and
inleresl on Ihe sum of f."l.tio thereof as
attorney's fees at six er cent er annum
mini said dale; and the further sum of SUM.,
eosla, and I lie furl her Mim of 14. h), with in
ten-st ai ten percent per annum from ISepteni
lier 12, Hill, and on SHI.Ui) theriidat the
rate ol six per cent per annum, an I Ihe corns
ofand niHUi this writ, and commanding me
10 matte wile ol the real proerty embraced in
such decree of lOrei-losnre and hereinafter de
si riheit. I will, on the 21st day of (K-totwr. 1HU1,
ut the hour of It) o'clock In the forenoon ot
said day, and at the Iront diair of ihe Coiiulv
i ourl House in Kalltn l.'ity, in Wasco coiiulv.
lircuon,ell at public Huetlon to Hie highest
b.doer, lor easii In hand, all the ritht, title
and interest which the defendants. Hnrrie U
yall and Hatlie Wyatt, or either of ihem,
11 id on tne I ith tlay or Augusi, Isjih, tbe dale
..f the mortgage toreeloaeit herein, or which
such defendants or any of the defendants
Herein have since ucu Hired or now have In
and to the toilowlng ucscritted real pniertv
suuateand being In Wasco manly, Oregon,
to wit: ihe southwest quarter of nection
twenty-four c'l) of township one (li north,
range nine (i east of tne Willamette Merid
ian, or no much of said property as will mtt
Isty said Judgment and decree with cosund
accruing costs, said pniirrty w ill lie sold
subject ut confirmation and redemption, as
by law provided.
IHited at The Iialle, Oregon, this 111th davof
September, lanl. KoKKKT KKI.I.Y,'
'J"kils SiberifT Wasiit County, I tregon.
S UTl C E FO ItTpL'HL I C A 1 1 ON. "
(Isjilated Tract) I'ubllc Laud Sale.
I'nited Slates Ijind i uflee, Vancouver, Wash..
Si-piemrnT n. iwil. - .Notice is hervtiv given that
in pursuance of distinctions from the Com
missioner of the Iteneral (.and ( imee. tindtT
mi i horny vested In him by seviion i L'. s.
liev. flat., as a mend. si by the act of emitrcw.
appmveil Kebruary ai. Isn't, we will proceixj to
nil. r at pitliiie woe, at le o cKs k a. m.. on the
I w-eiity-soitd i&Mi day if tSTobt-r. Isni, next,
at tiusothee, the lollolnt tract of lnnd.toi. it:
.sKs, sW'j wition , lowiisliip i norlli,
range II KhM, W. M.
Any and ad ftersons eUlmlng adversidy the
Nive-denbed land are advisMf io file their
ciiiimiin this office on or before the day
ahote desianatinl Htr the commencement '
said ante, otlierwlse tlietr rights will he fir
feited. W. It. M'NIiAR. Kettister.
IW U B. CIXil'HH, Receiver.
mi .
t- I,
?( tti It .VI
Highest standard In the state. Two hun
dred eoiirxcs in Literature, Science and the
arts. Science and IJmJnccring and .Music.
New buildings and -iiiipinFnt: seven new In
structors. Nearlv i,iM) volumes added to li
brary in imii. SuiiuiHir scliool with I 'nl ver
ity credit. Special iiiurs-s for leai-liers, for
Law mid Medical students. Department of
Kdncallon for teaehers principals and suH'i
Intendenis. TMiiion free, cost of living low.
Three students granted scholarships In large
Eastern universities in l!Ki
Wend name to I'resldi lit' or lteglstrar for
circulars a,nd catalogues, Kugene, nr. ai
And wagon repairing attended to promptly at
my shop on the Mt. Hood read, south of ton.
OihmI work at reasouahle pries.
niyl7 IHWEIJ
Town Lots for Sale.
Apply to .1. K. WATT,
Sec'v riood River Townslle Co.
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. I'linne 33.
Hansss 8rJ 13 M
The )l:ire to ot your ImniOhs Hitpp'.lrw nnri
ronair work tlonf N nt ilullt'w oiti uttnl. txir
ner 'J'hlrrl ii mi wiato sln'Hs. Ail mrts of bar
ings fumlsluHl and repair work ilnm- on short
notU'H. A No, nlf -kiiiiif hf Mhno repairing nt
JhfaelortJy iiotftu iphoiihIiU,' prices.
Frankton Express
Passengers nnd titiggnee taken to and from
mill camps nnd all purls of (he valley; also,
light transferring and single rigs furnished for
shopping. J-r K. liCAhKl.S'S
Ladies' Tailoring:.
I have decided to put tn I.ndies' 'luilotlng
in connection Willi my liress Cufting School.
Anyone wishing jackets and skirls made
should call and get my prices. A perfect (it
and first-class work guaranteed.
Manager Slandurd I)res Cutting Scliool.
"nUTH K KOll lM'in.H ATIOX.
Land Otlli-e at Vuneouver. Wasl-., August 7,
liKil. Notice Is hereby given Unit the following-named
settler has Hied notice of his in
tention to make finul proof in support er
his claim, and that said proof will lie made
before the Iteglsler and Iteeeiver I", s. Land
Olliee at Vancouver, Wnsli., on Saturday,
September 27, iwil. vlr.:
H. E. No. (liHi, for the norlli west, of north
east 14, north northwest V4 and southwest1
of noi l h west . aeet ion St, iowiishlp 4 north,
range 11 east, W. .M. A
He names the following witnesses to prove
liis continuous resident a upon nil cultiva
tion of said land, vlx:
William McCoy, .1. V. Overbaugli. Howard
C. Cook and Kuwly Adams, all of White Sal
mon H. ()., Washington.
nliisao , . H. DUNn.VR. Keglster.
ilti.M I'.STKAl ) CON SO Q DATE 1 S O
TlClv FOR rriiJ.H'ATION.
Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, Augnst7.
1901. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settlers have hied notict.
Intenllonto commute and make final proof
on their res ective claims before lieorgeT.
Prather, I'. S. Commissioner, al Hood Uiver,
Oregon, on Friday, September 31, 1IKU, viz:
on homestead application No. MM, for the
southwest section 2.S, township 2iiorih,
range 1) east, W. M.
on homestead application No. H2II, tor the
west f-2 southeast and west t northeast li
sect ton 2S, townsliip'2 north, range it east. W.M.
Wiinesses: F'rank DaveniMirt, Mark Daven
port, K. K. Idlf-iiinn.Uraut I'atlon.C. K. Doron
nnd A. T. Keek, nil of Hood Hiver, 1 ijegon.
nlllsai JAY P. l.l'CAS, Kcgister.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., August ft,
lt)Ul. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named scillcr has tiled notice of his
Intention to make final eommuuilioii proof
In support of i his claim, and that said proof
win oe mwit uetore me t.egister unu Ke
ceiver of I'.s.l.nndoife'eat Vancouver.Wash.,
on Monday, September?!, HUH, viz:
If d. Kntry No. mm, for the east southeast
nnd solilhwisl Vt southeast seidion 21,
and nortliwest uorliieast '.section 2, town
ship H nortli, range 10 east, . M. ,
Ik) names Ihe following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence Usiti anil cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Matthew Martin and Alex Martin of Chen
nwlth, Wash., and llyron llaniilton and Au
gust J. W'agnitz of Trout Lake, Wash.
uliis20 W. H. Dl'N HA II, Keglster.
fTlmln-r Ijind, Act Junes, 1S X.
United States Land nlitee,Vaneon,ver,Wasli.,
July 2"i, lSKII. Notii'e is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress ot June It, 1S7S. emitted an act for the
sale of timber lands in the St ales of California,
Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory,"
ns extended to all the public land states bv
Bet of August 4, istr.',
AI.IIIdiT W. LuBnia.!,.
Of Port land, county of Mtilinomah, state of
oretron, has this day tiled in this olflce his
sworn statement, No. 22ml, for the ptireiiiiKeof
ttie southwest (planer nori invest (iiiurier.west
half southwest oiiarter'section 1 and north
west quarter norlhwesi qu:iru-r ot section No,
h, in Unvnship o. 4 north, range No. lueasf,
W. M.. and will oiler proof to show that the
land sought is more viuu.ible lor its timber or
stone than for agricultural' purposes, and to
establish Ids claim lo said land before Ihe
Kei:ister and Iteeeiver of ihis olliee al Van
couver, Wash., 011 1'iiday, tiie nihility or
Ol-tolHT, iiill.-
lli mum's as witnesses; A IberttC. Peels and
Joseph Ite.d of port In nil, dr., nnd August .1.
Wngnitz and Hoherl V. Cox of Trim! Lake,
Any and all persons ei-ilmlng adversely the
above-described lands are rciuested to file
their claims in this office on or belore said
11th dav ol October, lind.
n2o:l W. H. DCNHAH, ltegister.
I'l'imlier I and, Act .Tune ;t, Isrs.l
. s,
l ulled States Land Oltlce, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Aug. !', lil. Notice Is hereby given
I tint in compliance with the provisions of ihe
act of Congress of June H, IST.s, entitled "An
act for tin- saic of timber Ic.ndsin ttie stales of
i'alifornia. Oregon. Nevada and Washington
lerritory, asextendedto all ttie public land
slates by act of August t, nr,
WILLI .M (i. li 11 iKHs,
Of Hood Uiver, coiituy oi Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this tlay Hied in this olliee ins sworn
statement No. IM.j'or the piirehaseof the norf h
east qllurler, southeast qmirter of .action No.
2 ,sin toanshi-i No. 2 noi l h, ratiiie No. ii east,
W. M., and will idler proof to snow that the
hind Nought is more aiualile for its timber or
stone than for agricultural -itrHtses, and 10
eslatilish his cini lit to said land ta lore f lie Reg
ister and Heeeiver of this offic e at The Dalles,
Oregon, on Saturday, the 2d day of Nov. .liitil.
He names as witness--, K. '1'. Winans. Krank
Davenport, K. K. Nciibv and A. Winans, all
wi lIiHitt Hiver, iiregon.
Any and ail persons claiming adversely the
atHiviMlcscribed luruls are reuitcsied to file
their elamis In this otiii-e on or la-lore said 2d
day of NovemlM-r, inn.
Ji2:o2"i JAY P. l.l'CAS, Iteglsler
ITImber Latul, Act June M. lsTS.
United States Land 1 ulice, Tlie Dallen. Ore
gon, August 2. hull. No;icc Is hereby given
that in compliance with le pro isions of tue
act of congress of liloe;t. Is s.entitleil "An act
tor tlie ale of tindier laieis In the state of
California. Oregon, Nevada and V. a-hinginn
Territory,'' n extended lo all the public land
slates by act of August 4, ss2. Hie follow ing
M-rsons have this mty liiiii in ttos olliee their
sworn stateiuenis. v i
WlLlil l! ii. DAVIS,
Of Spokane, count y of Spokatie.slate of Wash
melon, sworn statement .i. i:u for the pa r
ciiase ol tue I-ast 1, iMinth-easf it of scciton
No. 24, In township No. I, north: range east.
Willamette MciTioian.
Of Kok8iie. counlyoriwdiiiiie.stateof 'nsh
ington, sworn KH1e10. nl No. Is, lor liie ur
chitse of the north Miuiliwcsi and uesi
northwest of s,s non No. :", In ton nalop N'i.
1 north, range So ! east, Will. Mer.
HKKBI-UlT K. CLtifiiil
Of Seattle, county of Kltv. slate ol Washing
ton, sworn statemen' No. I; t, tor tfsc purchase
H thenaitli le.rdiw.-s' '4 of -,-!, ,,n (
In townstnp 1 norlti.tange No. It.n-t.W.M.
TIlMtlliey will oiler pnd lo short- thai tlie
land Miiiglii is more nuimldc f ir lt timls r or
stoiiethan tr agrlcttitural periosei. and t
estahiWIi tlietr caim io said land before (lie r and l',v, iv.-r of this iittiee at The
Dalle, Hregon. on swlurdav. the 2.tli davof
ta-toher, liDl.
They name as witnesses. W. (.. Itnvls, H. A.
Island Herlierl L.Kiioierloi'f-i-.kaiie.U a-i..
H. K.Clongh ofsi.nie, W a-h .1 has. Crg'iT
of Ashland, Ww. and N. Wheuiditn 01 Tim
I Hi lies, l ireiron.
Any and ah ftersons elairtdni a iver-cty tH,
ahove-lescrile, innds are ie.te-M" 1 lu lilr
their claims In ottice on or ta iore aaid
dh day of Octots-r. l'd.
JAY P. I.CCAS, R.gltcr.
I he Pans ran1
The great steel and tin strike is cans'iitf tin and granite ware to
advance. Yon had better cunie and get it at our store ; we haven't
advanced prices yet, "
Ladies' Hress skirts frora $1 tip.
We have just received a nice line of Toilet Soap that we are
selling- cheap.
Nice smooth Rolling l'ina.'. .". 10c
Skirt Jmllund socket faateuerw,V doz Cc
Invisible Iluir Xcts, each 5c
One-quart piece cups, full size, each 5c
Ladies' Underwear at bargain priivs. W
Calicoes and Percales. Call and get price?.
Hood River
Fresh, and Cared Meats.
Pure Alfalfa Honey.vas Cheap as Syrup.'
I hue an entirely new deal on goods FOR CASH ONLY or equivalent."
All prices marked down 1 1 the lowest possible figure. IVlow will be
wen a few of their new prices': - .
18 lbs d. g. (Sugar
1 sk White Spray Flour ;
1 ek Pement's Marvel Flour
8 lbs Arbuckle or Lion Coffee, . ;
5 lb pail best Lard
,T1 00
. 00
. 1 Oi)
Confectionery & Fruit,
Colored Confectioners' Sugar Always on Hand.
Xuts, drapes, Peaches, lVur, liananas, Watermelons, Muskmolnns,
'"Nuts, tirapes, Peaches, Pears, Hanantis, Watermelons, Musknielons,
- Nuts, (irapeM, Peaches, Pears, liananas, Watermelons. Musknieloiis,
X3T"Agent for The Dalles Steam Laundry Co.Jfjf
School Books
And we are prepared to exchange or sell you the books at the regular
price set by the com mission. DON'T FOIiGKT we have anything
you need for the school room. Yours for business,
Phone im
A Complete Line of the new School Hooks adopted by the State of Oregon will be
found at our store for
Sale or Exchange,
according to the established new law and prices. We also carry a full line of
nml will appreciate a liberal share of your patronage in this line.
When exchange of books is desired same must be made before the first of next
January. After Unit date 110 exchange can be bad, Couriously soliciting
your patronage, we are, yours respie. fully,
Job Printing a Specialty.
ethrone Prejudice
I'se reason and judgment iti your choice "f fruit jars and investigate
the good qualities of the Sun Fruit Jar, They are giving petf' ct satis
faction to tlio who have used them. You will find the S,ia Fruit
Jar nt
Dry (ioods, (iroceries, Hoots and Shoes, Furnishing linod., ilais
Caps. Flour. Feed, etc. We buy direct from manufacturer in large
lots nuil defy any firm in Oregon to undersell us, who handle the same
quality of goods. We do not deal in Cheap John trash, but handle
reliable goods, which we warrant to be exactly as represented, tiive
us a call.
is tn8 Dsst
White Ar-enie J '"
t V2.,r ier "i.
!al Sila
I'. S. Commissioner and Nota-v Public.
I-ts and Ptm-'kS for Sale. T 'e :iil for noo-resi II ;is. Tuk--lttp
l'ia's aud P.iauks iu stock.
Telephone 51.
Granite Iron Hasting Sioons. . . .". 5c
ClothesPins, 3 dozen for -. 5c
Chopping Itowls 10c
Leather Watch Chains 3c
have a nice line of
10 lb pail bust Lard $1 30
Best sugar-cured Hams, per lb . . 14.c
Ifcst stigtir-cured lireakfast ltacon, '
per 1U. tdiii1'
Best Side Meat, nmoked, lier lb. . . 13l;ic
and Supplies.
we can buy.
I"';. M.
ltic jr fl. tc pi r 1t.
1 4-n. lots, L'ti-n. lots, im iti lots,
t 4c per A.. :e per Hi. 'JK.r i.e It,.
For Sale
AT '. .
1. bits ill Waticoma Park addition
from $.S0 to f 150.
3. Eight acres off the W. J. Daker
place, known as the Heffernan place: in"
strawberries; price, with crop, $1,01K).
4. Twenty-live acres of the Sillimati
place, East Side; 18 acres in cultivation;
young orchard; 75 an acre.
5. The Richard Kirbysou place of 20
acres on the State road; early straw
berry land; price If 1,500.
(I. Twenty acres off J. W, fiaker's
place"; pear orchard nnd other fruit in
bearing; price $125 per acre. .
7. Harrett-Si jiina addition ; $75 per lot :
f 10 down and If5 per month ; nointerest.
8. Ten choice lots in Highland addi
tion, only two blocks east of the post
olliee, on Slate st reel, at $73 to $150.
Terms easy. Every lot has a command
ing view.
9. Fine homestead of 100 acres on
Rock creek near Davenport's. Price
$1,0)0 $:i()0 down, balance at G per
10. Lots in Hull's addition; each
lot level, 80 x 140; center of hall ground ;
$100 each.
12. The Chan. Rogers 5 acre tract ami
cottage, Frankton. tiood springs nnd
creek. $050, terms easy.
l.'J. Thirty acres off C. A. Wymuu
farm in Odell neighborhood; nil improv
ed, with free irrigating water; lumber
on ground to build bouse. Must sell in
30 davs. Price $I,t00.
14, The Allen Fulton farm, IliO acres,
5 miles east of town ; price $1,000; terms
15. Lots in Henderson sub-division
$37.f 0 a lot. -
lii. Thirtv-five acres land east, of
county road in John Monroe and J. M.
Monroe homesteads; wild land; price
$20 per acre.
li). The Glover farm, well improved,
4li miles from Goldendale; 240 acres;
140 acres in cultivation; 0"! acres in
winter wheat; 7 acres in bog pasture,
with a creek running through it ; all un
der fence, with cross fences; large
new barn and fine house. Price $12.50
an acre; will take Hood River property
in part payment.
21. n. i$ s. e. , s. :, n. e:
li sec.
4, 1. 3 -V, R. 11 E White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 per acre.
22. Tbe F 'merson homestead, only one
mile east of town ; line range ; $1,500.
23. bits 5 and 0, block 7, Winans ad
dition ; $50 a lot, or $H5 for the two.
25. Two beautiful building lots near
Robt. Rand's new house. Price $200
for the two.
2ti. S. H. Cox's flue residence in Hood
River, lot 100 x 100; price $1,200.
2H. 529 acres, with much fir timber,
including both falls on Hood river. Re
fer to Piutler & Co.
20. Twenty. acres lying north of Peter
Kopke's, East Side;' good land; unim
proved. Price $500; terms easy,
31. At Trout Lake, SO a. ; Sin timothy,
cuts 8 tons a year; 50 a. in heavy saw
timber, white pine, li r anil cedar"; west
fork White Salmon river runs through
the place; price $1,250. ,
32. Enimati. Robinson's KiO acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; line timber; unim
proved ; $7S5.
Eligible residence lots in Spangler'8
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$75 ; terms easy.
$200 to $1,200 to loan.
At Ihe Emporium is kept a first-class
surveyor's transit, and the proprietor
being a practical survevor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do.
ing all kinds of surveying.
N. I. Terms are easy 011 all theaboVe
h:nls. Willi interout nt ft i- n..-
sons desiring locations on homesteads
and timber claims should apply nt the
i Hinticr l.iiii-l, Act .In nelt, ls;x.
fnlt-ilKti.te- I.Hii'H'tlii i.Tlieriille,Orei:o!i,
July I'!, 11KI1.--Nun, (. is liereliv irlven tluif in
eiiiiioilim -, in, un. inoviflioi" of ine iet of
cenitresKoi .lone II, Is s, eniiti. l -An mi. for
ine -itie ut limner minis in me Mt ic ol i'nl.
Il.illliil. llieiili, .Nevil.ln Hlli Vlllllic.'lilll
I'eri ioo-v," 11 -exitinle,. ,, nil I lie imlilic liiml
it 11 lei. Iiv net ol Aliiillft t. INI'.
Of l'i 'iiilloton, nniiity of t'uiutlihi, nHtc nt
"res-oii. lot, Un,: ilv ,,, i ,,i,t),.,, ,js
ovuril Ktiileliii iil N,i. lr.', for the pineliiis i.f
tlie lots I, -2. ,s nml 1, ,m m i 1 Inn .No. :,,. in t n
liil No. i in. illi. mini N'n. east. W.M., nml r imxif to slmif t lini 1 he IhhiI mhikIh Ik
more in limbic for its tun Iter or stone IIimii for
atrrifn It lit ill pnio-s, mot to etnlisli hlt
claim Ins Oil Ihii I iM-mre the It. i-i, 1 nml lie.
eivr ol llil-olll.'.' nt Tne I'll ley. Ilnvoil nil
snliir liiy. (lie "illi .Inv ol (icloli. r, rll.
Ilcn..n.i" tii witnV'i apt. J. li Dnkc
mil t'. .1. flnvo 01 !ln 1,1 Hler. II H
)ll-li.lli 1.1!f. In IIhiiii: mul l.v.llj
l-J. lliextinij of II. oil H'ver, oreif
All v 11 mt nil . eliiinuiM lelvcrsely tt.e
l..v.--t. -r i I. laiiitx nte 11-1,11, .(eil fi', j,.
Ilieircliotns in HiImjIH -,. on , i.),,r,. RH,i
iliiy of 1 lelo'ipr, IMII.
.lV . I t'CAK. IteitlMl-r.
'Tiintt. r l.uinl. Act .Itine :i. s f 1
t'litteil liite l.iiii.t llii-e. The I)iilii (r,,.
c Jiy i'oi..oii,.,. 1, n.-n-t,,. iVrn 01 ei.tni llnni.,. Mill, ,e pr,vin,n 111 l,f.
net ol eoni-n .i June .1. v,s, eiitltlcj An
net f'H lhei!,. limlMT lilll'l- 111 fliPMHllt4lr
i Hl'ioritin.Or.itoii, Ni viirta ni l Wiiihtintiuii
lerrltori,' ,xi.-.t. .1 o. -.0 lUf ,,i,l,it- HIM;
fltllleii tlV net f,f AtlKt!1 1 sr
I.V1HA K Hl l-f 'AXD,
tiritonil I!, Ver. county , fttilln i,f t Ire-
. Iin tlict ii.iv lii 1 in fliii,fti.. ii,
t ! oicol No. fi, for .1,.- virehiwof the I..',
H. .'mul lunf tin,, N. :ti, mul li,::jH,(
civ. n :t, )n t,, ,((. No. north, ttmv No!
ei(,t. ,f., ,, .,, ,.r rr,Hr , ii,,,,
t ic ImiJ Kiimlii t mon- vii n,it,i. t.,r it. t,,,i-i-ror
n'nni- th in for :irrieiiiiiiriil pnrrann
:nj toi.l .l.isii i,.r cliirin to.,1,1 ,,. ifn'.
i. I' nml H.-i-eivr of ihl. oiti hi The
Hi't. (r...m. on Krhlay, the f o, ,uy f
f"n. li!im :i iln.i. : .). H.' 1'ilko. ( J
t-ivc- lilei II. c. f-t.Hil. r. of IiikkI (iv,r Or'
mi T. t-. lrn ! i,,r,. nr. "
An . mi I no -r un. I cr-. lv the
ii ov.'.,:.. ,-r Lin.-u un- fnimfnl to file
..flr r!:.i!ii m I',!. m -f on or I,. fori- mo.1
.'li 1:il of .S ltenllr-', l -i . j iv i i.irt, r uuter.
Corr-.-spi.iidenf w.licite 1.