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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1901)
-TOn eo It, OHks, "IT'S A COLD DAY WHEN WE QBT LEFT." - - " .. . ,'" .."r""""" i " '.'""Ti"""'.""," ". "' 1 "T"r".r ..' . 1 '. .... J 1 """ . .i,, .,-,' ',"."i,' "".' '", . 1 , ..".'".i. . .""V "" '"'." ", , 1 """ " VOL. XIII. . HOOD BIVEB, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1901. NO. 18. HOOD RIVER GLACIER Published Every Friday by S. F. BLYTHK. Terms of subscription 11.50 yew when paid In advance. THE MAILS. The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at It o'clock a. m. Wednesdays aud Saturday!; depart! the aame days at noon. For Chenoweth, leaves at I a. n. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; arrives at 6 p. m. For White Salmon (tt ash.) leaves dally at t. m.; arrives at 7:16 p. m. Iron) White Salmon leaves (or Fulda, Gilmer, Trout Ike and Olenwood daily at A. M. For liimten (Wash.) learei at 6:4a p. m.; ar nres at 1p.m. SOCIETim. !Al KKL KKBEKAH DKOREK LODGE. No i 7, . O. O. P. Meets first and third Mon eys In each month. Miw Kati DavtNroKT, K. tt. H. i, HiBHitD, Secretary. fUKBY POHT, No. le, 0. A. B. Meets at A. J O. V. W. Hall second and fourth Saturdays of each month at 1 o'clock p. m. All i. A. K. members invited to meet with u. T. J. CDNKixa, Commander. i. W. Rio BY, Adjutant. CANBY W. R. C, No. 18- Meets first Satur day of each month In A. (. U. W. hall at J p. m. Mm, B. P. SHniMiKKa, President. Mm. ('Mils ln-KKS, Secretary. HOOD RIVKK LODGE, No. 104, A. F. and A. M. Meets Saturday evening on or before each full moon. A B. Baku, W. M. A. P. Batkhah. Secretary. UOOD RIVKK CHAPTER, No. 27, R. A. M Meets third Friday night of each month. F. (J. Bkosius, H. P. H. F. lUvnwos, Secretary. BOOD KIVEK CHAPTER, No.Ji. O. B. 8 Meets second and fourth Tuesday even s of each month. Visitors cordially wel comed. Mas. Eva B. Haym, W. M. H. F. Davidson, ftcretary. LTA A8SKMBI.Y, No. 103, United Artisans, f Meets second Tuesday of each month at Fraternal hall. F. C. Bnoaitn, M. A. 1). McDonald, Secretary. W ACCOM A l.ODiiE, No. 80, K. of P.-Meeti In A. O. I', w . hall every Tuesday night. Dorrancr Smith, C. C. Frank t. Davidson-, K. of K. at 8. KIVER81DE LODGE. No. W, A. O. V, W. Meeti first aud third Saturdays of each month. N. 0. Evans. M. W. J. F. Watt, Financier. " H. L. Howe, Recorder. i DI.KWII.DK l.OIHiK, No. 107, I. O O. P. Meet! In Fraternal hall every Thursday ght. A. U. Gctchii, N.O. J. E. Hanna, Secretary. HOOD RIVER TENT, No. W, K . O. T. M.. meets at A. O. U. W. hall on the tint and third Fridays of each month. J. E. Hand, Commander. T)IVERSIPK LODGE NO. 40, DEGREE OF Ji HONOR, A. O. U. W.-Meets first and third Saturdays at 8 P. M. Mrs. Gkoroia Rand, C. of H. Mas. Chas Clarki, Recorder. UNBH1NR SOCIETY Meet! second and fourth Saturdays of each month at 1 o'cloc k. Must Lina Skill, President. Miss Carrir Butler, Hecretary. fJOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A.. II meets In Odd Fellows' Hall the first and third Wednesdays of each month. F. L. Davidson, V. C, X. R. Bradlit, Clerk. JJH. . T.CARN8, Dentist. Cold crowns and bridfe work and all kind! of Up to-BaU DaDtlstrj. HOOD RIVER ' OREGON J L. DUMBLE, PI1YSICIAN AND SURGEON. S icces.or to Dr. M. F. Bbaw. Calls promptly answered in town or countiy, Dav or Niirlit. Telephones: Residence, 81 ; Office, S3. Office over Kverhsrt'i Grocery. J OHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-AT LAW, ABSTRACTOR, NO TARY ri; ana k&al. , EST Al E AGENT. For 3t vsars a resident of Oregon and Wash ington. 'Has had many years eierlence In Real Estate metiers, as abstractor, searcher of titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charge. J F. WATT, M. D. Surgeon for O. R. A N. Co. Is especially eqitlpiied to treat catarrh of nose ana throat and diseases of women. Special terms for oltlce treatment of chronio Telephone, office, US, residence, 4.V . pREDERICK & ARNOLD CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Estimates furnished for all kinds of work. Repairing a specialty. All kinds of shop work, Hiop on State Street, between First and Second. gON TON BARBER PARLORS. Newly furnished in all the latest modern barber fixtures, making it second to none for first-class service I'orcelarn Bath Tob. Hydraulic Karber Chain. A shoe polishing artist always on hand. EVANS A DeBORD, Proprietor!. JHE KLONDIKE CONFECTIONERY Is thfl place to get the latest and best in Confectioneries, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. ..ICE CREAM PARLORS.... COLE & GRAHAM, Props. p C. BROSiUS, M. D. " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Honrs: 10 to II A. M.j J to I and 6 to 7 P. M. Q H. TEMPLE. Frtetlul I.tcbm&ker 4 Jeielir. My long experience enables me to do the beat poseioie wore, wiucu i tuny guarantee, and at low prices. gUTLER 4 CO., : BANKERS. Do a general .bankinj business. HOOD RIVER, OREGON g C. JACKSON, ' MUTES AMD PIPE! BINGES. AU Work Promptly and Satisfactorily KxeculM. umoe at ooerna Furniture Store. f J. HAYES, J. P. Ofllre with Bone Bi others. Business will be ettenoea so i in. um. vuhwhv., W ill locate on good government lands, either A "NEW PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT TOOK THE OATH OF OFFICE AT BUFFALO. Will Continue McKinley' Policy-Cabinet Officers Asked and Consent to. Remain No Special Session of Congress Affect, inj Scene In the Wilcox House.-Special Religious Services Will Be field. Buffalo, Sept. 16. Theodore Roose velt, who today was tragically elevated to the Chief Magistracy of the Ameri can Republic by the death of President McKinley, entered this city of mourn ing" yesterday afternoon, after a re markable and perilous Journey from the heart of .the north woods. He had been President under the Constitution and law of the land, since the minute the martyred. President ceased to live. All the duties aud pow ers of the office had devolved upon him, but be was as powerless as the humblest citizen to exercise one of them until he had complied with the constitutional provision requiring htm to take a prescribed oath to support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States. thkuiiuiui kuosvu,i, miiBiuRM or me imiku bi atis, He took the oath at 3:30 o'clock Sat urday afternoon in the library of the ridence of Ansley Wilcox, a personal friend with whom he stayed earlier In the week when the physicians thought President McKinley would recover from the wound Inflicted by the as sassin. There were present when he swore to th oath: Secretaries Root, Hitch cock, Long, Wilson and Postmaster General Smith, Senator C. M. Depew, of New York, Judge of the Court of Appeals Halght, John H. Scathered, Mr. and Mrs. Ansley Wilcox, Miss Wil cox, George P. Sawyer, Drs. Mann, Parke and Stockton, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Sprague, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Mllliurn, the secretary to the Presi dent, William Loeb, Jr.; the secretary to the deceased President, George B. Cortleyou, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carry, C. R. Scathered. J. D. Sawyer and Wil liam Jeffers, official telegrapher, in ad dition to Judge John R. Hazel, of the United States District Court, who ad ministered the oath. The scene was a most affecting one. The new President had Just come from Milburn house, where his predecessor lay cold In death. Overcome by the deep personal sorrow he felt, in his characteristically Impulsive way he had gone first to the house of mourn ing to offer his condolence and sym pathy to the broken hearted widow. Secretary Root, who 20 years ago had been present at a similar scene when Arthur took the oath after the death of another President who fell a victim to an assassin's bullet, almost broke down when he requested Mr. Roosevelt on behalf of the members of the Cabi net of the late President, to take the prescribed oath. There was not a dry eye in the room. The new President was visibly shak en, but he controlled himself, and when he lifted his hand to swear it was as steady as though carved in marble. With the deep solemnity of the occasion he announced to those prerent that his aim would be to be WU'.iam McKlnley's successor In deed as well as In name. Deliberately he proclaimed It In these words: "In this hour of deP and terrible National bereavement I wish to state tht it shall be my aim to continue ab solutely without variance the policy of President McKinley for the peace and prosperity and honor of our belov ed country." Death Mask Made. Buffalo. Sept. 17. A death mask of the President's face was made at 7:20 o'clock. The mask was taken by Eduoard Pausrh, of Hartford, Conn. Pausch has mode'ed the features of many of the distinguished men who have died In this country in recent vers. The nwsk is a faithful repro duction of the late President McKln ley's features. Sympathy of Austrian. Vienna, Sept. 17. A constant stream of diplomats and other visitors called at the United States Legation, tender ing condolence upon the death of. Mr. McKinley. Anarchist Meetings Forbidden. Berlin, Sept. 17. The Cologne Ga tette asserts that all anarchist meet ings have been forbidden In Germany since yesterday, and that all anarchist club will be closed. RESULT OF THE AUTOPSY. Death Caused by Gangrene Possibility of the Bullet diving Been Poisoned. Buffalo, Sept 17. The following re port of the autopsy upon the remains of President McKinley has been made public: "The bullet which struck over the breastbone did not pass through the skin and did little harm. The other bullet passed through both walls of the stomach near its lower border. Both holes were found to be perfect ly closed by the stitches, but the tissue around each hole had become gangrenous. After passing through the stomach the bullet passed Into the back walls of the abdomen, hit ting and tearing the upper end of the kidney. This portion of the bullet's track was also gangrenous the gang rene involving the pancreas. The bullet has not yet been found. There was no sign of peritonitis or disease of other organs. The heart walls were very thin. There was no evi dence of any at repair on the part of nature, and death resulted from the gangrene which affected the stomach around the bullet wounds, as well as the tissues around the fur ther course of the bullet. Death was unavoidable by any surgical or med ical treatment, and was the direct re sult of the bullet wound." , The report of the autopsy has giv en rise to the theory, hinted at a day or two after the President wag shot, that Czolgosx, In order to Insure the accomplishment of his purpose, pois oned the bullets that were fired. The gangrene found in the path of the bullet is thought to be strong evi dence in supports this view by Dr. Wasdin, one of the consulting phy-. slclans. Dr. Wasdin is considered an expert of high standing In the Ma rine Hospital service. A chemical and bacteriological examination of the remaining bullets In the pUtol will, however, confirm or demolish this theory and such an examination will undoubtedly be made at once by the authorities. DAY OF MOURNING. Governor Gcer'i Proclamation to Oregon People Tribute to Dead President Salem, Or., Sept. 17. Governor Geer has Issued the following proclama tion: "To the People of Oregon For the third time within the history of the United States Its people are in mourn ing over the death of their President by means of an assassin's bullet. During an era of profound peace, when our people are in the enjoyment of an era of unexampled prosperity, and while mingling freely with all classes of the people whose interests he had labored impartially , to pro mote, the hand of the treacherous as sassin, which was extended in pro fessed friendship, committed one of the foulest deeds that will ever dark en the pages of the world's history. Our beloved President, William Mc Kinley, Is .dead, and in this hour of National affliction the grief which overspreads the entire Nation Is shared by the people of Oregon, with bowed heads and sorrowing hearts. "The mortal remains of Pesident McKinley will be laid to rest at Can ton, O., on Thursday, September 19, and In respect to his memory, I rec ommend that on that day ail public and private business be suspended, as far as possible, that fiasrs be nlar.rl at half-mast, that the people meet in meir respective places of public wor ship to ask for that National con solation which can onlv enm from Almighty God. and that at the hour Or tne luneral ail Church belli thrnntrh- out the state be tolled as an expres sion of the grief which weighs upon our hearts as we pass through this shadow of National bereavement, "By the Governor, T. T. GEER. "F. I. DUNBAR, Secretary of State. Grief at Manila. Manila, SepL 17. The profoundest grief Is manifested by every class la the community over the death of Pres ident McKinley. Governor Tatt has issued proclamation which explains to tne Filipinos, that while the death of Mr. McKinley is an Irreparable ln dividual loss, it does not alter the sta bility of the Government or change the course of the administration. This was considered necessary because the Filipinos thought Mr. Bryan would 00 ceed him. BORNE TO THE, CAPITAL. Remains of the President Taken From Buffalo Entire Route UnedWith People. Washington, Sept 17. Through a living lane of bareheaded people stretching from Buffalo up over the AUeghanies down into the broad val leys of the Susquehanna and the city on the banks of the shining Potomac, the Nation's martyred President made his last journey to the seat of the Government over which he presided for four years and a half. The whole country seemed to have drained Its population at the side of the track over which the funeral train passed. The thin lines through the mountains and the sparsely-settled districts thick ened as the little hamlets suddenly grew to the proportions, of respectable cities, and were congregated into vast multitudes in the larger cities. Work a suspended In field and mine and city. The schools were dismissed. Ev erywhere appeared the trappings and tokens of woe. Mlllons of flags at half-mast dotted hillsides and valley, and formed a thicket of color over the cities. And from almost every banner streamed a bit of crape. The stations were heavy with the black smyboi of mourning. At all the larger towns and cities, after the train got into Pennsylvania, militiamen drawn up at "present arms," kept back the enormous crowds. The silence with which the countless thousands viewed the remains of their hero and martyr was oppressive and profound. Only the rumbling of the train wheels, the sobs of men and women, with tear-stained faces, and the dole ful tolling of the church bells, broke upon the ear. At several places, Wil liamsport, Harrisburg and Baltimore, the chimes played Cardinal Newman's grand hymn. Taken altogether, the journey home was the most remark able demonstration of universal per sonal sorrow since Lincoln was borne ot his grave. Every one of those who came to pay their last tribute to the dead had an opportunity to catch a glimpse of the flag-covered bier ele vated in view in the observation car at the rear of the train. There was no spot of color to catch the eye of this train of death. The locomotive was shrouded in black, the curtains of the cars In which sat the lone, stricken widow, the relatives of the President, Cabinet and others were drawn. The whole black train was like a shuttered house, save only for the hindmost car where the body lay guarded by a soldier of the Army and a sailor of the Navy. Mrs. McKinley stood the trip brave ly. In the morning, soon after leav ing Buffalo, she pleaded so earnestly to be allowed to go into the car where her dead one lay that relucant consent was given, and she spent a half hour beside the coffin. All the way the train was perceded about IS minutes by a pilot engine, sent ahead to test the bridges and switches, and prevent the possibility of an 'accident to the precious burden It carried. . The train had the right of way over everything. Not a wheel moved on the Pennsyl vania Railroad system 30 minutes be fore the pilot engine was due. General Superintendent J. B. Hutch inson had sent out explicit Instruc tions covering every detail. The or der Included: Every precaution must be taken by all employes to make this move absolutely certain." General Boyd, assistant passenger agent, had personal charge of the train. The train left Buffalo at 8:30 o'clock a. m. and arrived at Washing ton at 8:38 o'clock p. m. In 12 hours, it is estimated that over half a mil lion people saw the coffin which held all that was mortal ot President Mc Kinley. While the casket was being removed from the observation car one of the large windows was lowered at the side, slowly and carefully the casket was slipped through the opening and ten derly received upon the bent shoulders of the body-bearer four artillerymen and four sailors. Straightening them selves unde fthelr burden, they walked slowly toward the hearse. At the casket emerged a bulgle note rose clearly, and "taps" rang out. That was the only sound that broke the dead silence. - The Funeral Train. Buffalo, Sept. 17. The train that carried the late Presdent's body to the National Capital was a solid Pull man of seven cars, drawn by two en glnes. An extra engine went IS mln utes ahead to clear the track of ev erything. The casket was placed be tween open windows on the observa tion car, where it was in plain view ot thA people as the train passed by. The casket of the dead President was completely covered with a beau tiful silk flag. At the head was a floral piece representing the French and American colors, the gift of a Franco-American society. Standing at the foot of the casket was a soldier of the United States Army, uniformed and accoutred with a gun at "order arms." At the head a sailor of the Navy stood at "attention," cutlass at shoulder. The lid of the casket was closed. 1 .On the Journey On board funeral train, Port Alle gheny, Pa., Sept. 16. Mrs. McKin ley was prevailed upon to lie down soon after the start was made. Presi dent Roosevelt was quartered in. a drawing room in the Car Hungary with Secretary Loeb. He busied him self with letters and telegrams, and with the innumerable questions which required imrrseidate answer. The members of the cabinett individually cared lor the more pressing business requiring their attention. Immense Crowds at Baltimore. Washington, September 17. Night came on as the train sped from New 1 ork to Baltnmore without a stop, and in the darkness only the nicker ing lights on the wav and the tolling bells of the stations gave evidence that the man ies tut ions sorrow were still going on. As the train drew into Baltimore black masses of people could be seen ranged up on the huge viaducts, and at every crossing a liv ing tide surged up to the train. president" Mckinley dead END -CAME AT 2:15 HIS LAST HOURS WERE WITH OUT PAIN OR DISTRESS. Surrounded by Friend end Relatives Mrs. MeKinlcy Not With dim at the Lest Mo mentTheir Partinj Wet Heartrending '' Immediate Cause of Death Unknown Post Mortem U Probable. Milburn House, Buffalo, Sept. 11. President McKinley died at 2:15 a. m. He had been unconscious most of the time since 7:50 p. ra. Hlj last con scious hour on earth was spent with the wife to whom, he devoted a life time of care. He died unattended by & minister of the gospel, but his last words were a humble submission to the will of the God in whom he be lieved. He was reconciled to the cruel fate to which an assassin's bullet had condemned him and faced death In the same spirt of calmness which has marked his long and honorable career. His last conscious words, reduced to writing by Dr. Mann, who stood at his bedside when they were uttered, were: "Good-bye all, good-bye. It is God's way. His will be done." Our Last Martyred President, William McKinley. Born Miles, Trnmbull Co., Ohio, January 24, 11143. Kntered Alleghanv College, Meadville, Pa., 160. Enlisted as private, Company . Twenty-third Ohio Volunteer .Infantry, June 11, 1H61. Participated In battles Auuth Mountain and Antletam, Sep tnoiber 14 and 17, 1862; promoted from commissary sergeant to lieutenant. Promoted enptdin, battle of Kernslown, July 24, 1864. Commissioned Major by brevet March 14, Wti. Studied law at Albany, N. V.; admitted to bar at Warren, Ohio, March, lt. Elected prnnecuttng attorney, Stark county, Ohio, 1H69. Elected to. Congress U7u. He elected to Congress for the seventh time, November, 18hs. Inaugurated governor of Ohio January 11, vm. Klecied president of the United Slates November, 1896. Re elected November 4, 1900. Shot September 6, 1901. Died September 14, 1!W1. His relatives and the members ot his offlcal family were at the Milburn House except Secretary Wilson, who did not avail himself ot the opportun ity, and some of his personal and po litical friends took leave of him. This painful ceremony was simple. His friends came to the door of the sick room, took a longing glance at him and then turned tearfully away. The Partinj With Hit Wife. He was practically unconscious dur ing this time. But powerful heart stimulants, Including oxygen, were employed to restore htm to conscious ness for his final parting with his wife. He asked for her and she sat at his side and held his hand. He consoled her and bade her goodbye. 8he went through the heart-rending scene with the saem bravery and fortitude with which she has borne the grief of the tragedy which ended his life. In the Death Chamber. From authoritative officials the fol lowing details ot the final scenes in and about the death chamber were se cured: The President had continued in an unconscious state since 8:30 p. m. Dr. Rlxey remained with him at all times and until death came. The other doctors were in the room at times, and then repaired to the front room, where their consultation had been held. About S o'clock Dr. Rlxey noted the unmistakable signs of dis solution, and the Immediate members of .the family were summoned to the bedside. Mrs. McKinley was asleep and it was desirable not to awaken her for the last moments of anguish. Silently and sadly the members of the family stole Into the room. They stood about the foot and sides of the bed where the great man's life .was ebbing away. Those In the circle were: The Newi at Seattle. -Seattle, Wash., Sept. 14. The un expected nent bulletin this morning has thrown Seattle Into a state of almost inactivity. Business men go about their tasks half-heartedly, with bowed heads, and immense crowds throhg the streets In front of the newspaper offices, waiting for the latest bits of information. A more de jected aggregation of people could not be Imagined. Many stand with tears rolling down their cheeks reading the late bulletins. Business is practically suspended. Kaufman Re. Elected. Berlin, Sept- 16. Herr Kaufmann has' been re-elected Second Burgo master of Berlin by a small majority Emperor William once refused to con firm Herr Kaufmaon's election be-1 cause of his dismissal from the army . for political reasons 10 years ago. There is much curiosity as to whether ' the Kaiser will a second time refuse to confirm the election, and thus come Into collision with th City of Berlin. Abner McKinley, the President's brother; Mrs. Abner McKinley; Mfas Helen, the President's sister; Mrs. Sarah Duncan and sister; Miss Mary Barber, a niece; Miss Sarah Duncan; Lieutenant J. F. McKinley, a nephew; William M. Duncan, a nephew; Chaies Dawes, the Controller of the Currency; F. M. Osborne, a cousin; Colonel Webb C. Hayes; John A. Barber, a nephew; Secretary George B. Cortelyou; Colonel W. C. Brown, the business partner of Abner McKin ley; Dr. P. M. Rlxey, the family phy sician, and six nurses and attendants. In an adjoining room sat the physi cians. Including Dm. McBurney, Was din. Parke, Stockton and Mynter. residents Last Word. The President, In his last period of consciousness, which ended abcut 7:40, chanted the words of the hymn, "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and his last audible words, as taken down by Dr. Mann at the bedside, were: "Good-bye. all; good-bye. It Is God's way; His will be done." Then his mind began to wander, and soon he completely lost consciousness. His life was prolonged for some hours by the administration of oxygen, and the President finally expressed a de sire to be allowed to die. About 8:30 the administration of oxygen ceased and the pulse grew fainter and fainter. He was sinking gradually like a child into eternal slumber. By -10 o'clock the pulse could no longer be felt in his extremities, and they grew cold. Below stairs the grief-stricken gath ering waited sadly for the end. All the evening, those who had has tened here, as fast as steel and steam could carry them, continued to arrive. They drove up in carriages at a gal lop, or were whisked up in automo biles, all intent upon getting here be fore death came. One of the last to arrive was Attorney-General Knox, who reached the house at 9:30. He was permtted to go upstairs, to look for the last time upon the face of his chief. - When the End Came. It was now 2:05 o'clock, and th minutes were slipping away. Only the bods or tnose in tne circle about the President's bedsida hrnlra th w.1llr silence. Five minutes passed, then six, seven, eight now Dr. Rixey bent rorward, and then one of his hands was raised as If In warnln?. Th tint. terlng heart was Just going to rest a moment more and Dr. Rlxey straightened up and, with a choking voice, said: "The President is dead." Secretary Cortelyou was the first to turn from the stricken clrcln W. Stan. ped from the chamber to the outer nan ana men down the stairway to the large room where the members of the Cabinet, Senators and distinguish ed officials were assembled. As his tense white face appeared at the doorway a hush fell upon the assemblage. "Gentlemen, the President has pass ed away," he said : For a moment not wnnf ram i reply. Even though the end had been expected, the actual announcement that Mr. McKinley was dead fairly stunned these men who had been his ciosesi connaants and adviser. Car's Visit to France. I Berlin, Sept. 14. Although the ; Dantzig festivities are not vet over. i and the cannon not yet silent, public Interest centers largely In the visit l of Emperor Nicholas to France, and there Is much speculation as to whether he will go to Paris. Judging from the dispatches Tecelved from ' the French canltal. It lnnVa- le m. cial c'rcles In France had not given , up mat nope, and were devoting them selves principally to securing the safety of the Imperial guest. North Pole Ships Art dure From. Cmrlstianla, Sept. 1. A messagpf dated August 5. and received by way of Hammerfest, from Evlyn B. Bald win, head of the Baldwln-Zeigler North roie expedition, sayi: "America, latitude 78. lont-itnrU i Seeking passage northward through ice. ah well." North Sydney. C. B., Sept. 1. The i-eary Arctic steamer, from Cape Sa bine, Ellesmere Land, August 29, ar nvea nere toasy. All well. RESULT OF A CONSPIRACY. Assassin Ciolgosz Breaks Down end Make a Compute Confusion. New York, Sept. 12. A special to the Herald from Buffalo says: Leon Crolgost has confessed to the police that hia attempt upon the life of President McKinley was the result of a conspiracy In which many besides himself had a part. So far as can be learned Czolgoss has refused to men tion any name except that of Emma Goldman, but papers are In existence which, if they can be discovered, will lay bare the entire conspiracy and will result In wholesale arrests, fol lowed by prosecutions. Although Emma Goldman has been arrested In Chicago, it Is probable that she will be brought to Buffalo for trial. The center of the conspi racy Is here. Buffalo Is filled literally . v': w ill. LEON CZOL00SZ. The name of Leon Csolsoei. the assaasln ot President McKinley. Is best nronounced by tne uninitiated by recollecting how the Kusiian always Introduces a "t" Into the pronuncia tion of the name of the esar. thas: "I tar." In the case of Csoliross one should ear "Tat hal. notch," with the "1" faintly lonnded and the second "t" quite full. The assassin bus lived in Detroit, other parts of Michigan, Cleveland, Cincinnati and Chicago. He Is without par ticular education, except In Anarchistic doe trine. The picture Riven is the one taken by order of Chief of Police Bull, ot Buffalo, and Secretary ot War Koot. to overflowing with agents of the secret service. A search Is being made of every sewer that underlies the city, for It Is known that In one of themi Is a package of papers con taining details of the conspiracy and the names of those concerned with CzolgoBz In the plot, together with an outline of Its ramifications. In his confession Czolgosz told of his attempt to destroy the written evidence of the conspiracy. He said that they did not permit him to burn the papers as he had desired. Before . leaving his room In Nowak's hotel he gathered together all of his papers, taking them from his pockets, and from his valise, and from the draw ers of his table. All were bound to gether in one package, which he con cealed beneath his coat, Czolgosz says that he made a circuitous and aimless trip about the city, and that at some point, which he cannot now describe, he came upon an open sewer. Into this sewer he cast his papers. Inch by Inch the sewers ot this city are being searched, and If such a thing is possible, those papers will be recovered. On authoritative information It can be said that during the last ten weeks Emma Goldman has visited six anarchist organizations. ' She has been in Buffalo three times since July 12, having left the city the last time four days before the attenfpted assassina tion. Emma Goldman, Czolgosz, Abra ham Isaak and Marie Isaak were in consultation In Chicago on two occas ions. Marie Isaak accompanied Emma Goldman to Buffalo the last . time the arch leader of the anarchists was here. Leon Czolgosz was accompanied to Buffalo and about the city by a mys terious Bohemian man and woman who acted so suspiciously as .to war rant the assumption that they knew of the intention of Czolgosz to assas sinate the President. NOME POSTMASTER IN TROUBLE. Charged With Embezzelinj $3,200 From the Government. Seattle, Sept. 12. The postmaster at Nome, Joseph H. Wright, has been arrested and held for trial on the charge of embezzling $3,200 from the Government of the United States., Postal Inspector J. P. Clum Is the prin-' clpal witness against Postmaster Wright. At the preliminary hearing, Clum testified that upon the first ex amination of Wright's affairs he found a shortage of about $10,500. This was on a Monday. Between that time and Wednesday Wright replaced $7,200, leaving a d?1Mt still remaining of $3,200. Robert H. Mumford, known through the Yukon country and the States as "Policy Bob," committed suicide on August 27th by swallowing 20 grains of morphine In a room at the Gold hill Hotel, Nome. Anarchists Can Be Expelled, New York, SepL 12. Justice McAd am, of the New York Supreme Court, gives the opinion that Emma Gold man and other anarchists who are naturalized can be expelled from the country on the ground that they have sworn falsely In that they have obtain ed certificates of citizenship by fraud In testifying that they are attached to the principles of Government and would support Its constitutional laws. etmberor tarmlnf