T Jbe lDoetor'5 By Hesba J.H-.Ht-H CHAPTER V. "Martin Dobreel" ejaculated both In on breath. "Yes, mgdeuiulsolles," I sulil, uui'oilln tha traaa of hair a If It had been a ser pent, and folng forward to greet tliew; "are you surprised to see wei" "Burprlsad!" echoed the elder. "No; we ere amaied-petrlHed! However did you get here? When did you com '(" "Quite esslly," I replied. "I csuie on Sunday, and Tardif fetched me in his own boat. If the weather had permitted I ehould hare paid you a call; but you know what It has been." "To be lire," anawered Kuiuia; "and how la dear Julia? Bbe will be very anx loua about you." "She wat on the erg of a nervoua at tack when I left her," I said; "that will tend to increase her anxiety." "Poor, dear girl!" alie replied sympa thetically. "Hut, Martin, in thla youim woman here ao very 111? We have heard from the llenoufa alie had had a danger oua fall. To think of you being In Hark ever ainoe Bunday. and we never heard word of !t!" "la that the young woman's hair?" "Yea," I replied; "It was necessary to cut it off. Khe la danjeroualy 111 with fever." Doth of them shrank a little towarda the door. A audden temptation assailed me, and took me ao much by surprise that I had yielded before 1 knew I wns attacked. It waa their shrinking move ment that did It. Mr answer was almost a automatic and Involuntary as their retreat. "You aee It would not be wise for any of ua to go about," I said. "A fever breaking out In the Island, especially now you have no realdent doctor, would be very aerloua." Thus I secured Isolation for myself and my patient. But why had I been eag'-r to do so? I could not answer that ques tion to myself, and I did not ponder over It many minutes. I waa impatient, yet strangely reluctant, to look at the nick girl again, after the loss or her beautiful hair. The change la her appearance struck me aa singular. Her face before had a look of suffering and trouble, mak ing It almost old, charming as It wns; now she had the aspect of quite a young girl, scarcely touching upon womanhood. We sat up again together that night, Tardif and I. He would not smoke, lest the scent of the tobacco should get in through the crevices of the door, and les sen the girl's chance of sleep; but he bold his pipe between his teeth, taking an Im aginary puff now and then, that he might keep himself wide awake. We talked to one another In whispers. "Tell me all you know about mam' tellx," I said. He had been chary of his knowledge before, but his heart seemed open at this moment. Most hearts are more open at midnight than at any other hour. "There's not much to tell, doctor," he answered. "Her name Is Ollivler, as I said to you; but she does not think she Is any kin to the Olllviers of Uuernsey. She la poor, tlrtuigh she does not look as If she had been born poor, does she?" "Not in the least degree," I said. "If she la not a lady by birth, ahe Is one of the first specimens of Nature's gentle folks I have ever come across. Has she written to any one since she came here?" "Not to a soul," he answered eagerly. "She told me she had no friends nearer than Australia. That Is a great way off." "And she has had no letters?" I asked. "Not one," he replied. "She has neith er written nor received a single letter." "But how did you come across her?" I Inquired. "She did not fall from the skies, I suppose. How was it she came to live In this out-of-the-world place with yon?" "I'll tojl you all about It, Doctor Mar tin," he said, and he related how he bad met the young lady in London. "Tardif," I said, when he bad con cluded the recital, "I did not know what good fellow you were, though I ought to hare learned it by this time." "No," he answered, "it is not in me; It's something In her. You feci some thing of it yourself, doctor, or how could you stay In a poor little house like this, thinking of nothing but her, and not car ing about the weather keeping you away from home? There was a curious Mag she had not any luggage with her, not box nor a bag of any kind. She never fancied that I knew, for that would have troubled her. It Is my belief that she has run away." "But who can she have run away from, Tardlfr I asked. "Heaven knows," he answered, "but the girl has suffered; you can see that by her face. Whoever or whatever she has run away from, her cheeks are white from it, and her heart sorrowful. I know nothing of her secret; but this I do know: she is as good, and true, and aweet a little soul as my poor little wife was. If she should die, it will be a great grief of heart to me. If I could offer my life to God In place of hers, I'd do it willingly." "No. ahe will not die. Look there, Tar dlfl" I said, pointing to the door sill of the Inner room. A white card had been slipped under the door noiselessly a sig nal agreed upon between mother Renouf and me, to Inform me that my patient had at last fallen Into a profound slum ber, which seemed likely to continue some hours. The morning was more than half gone before mother Renouf opened the door and came out to us, her old face looking more haggard than ever, but her little eyes twinkling with satisfaction. "All goes well," she said. "Your lit tle roam'zelle does not think of dylnj yet." I did not stay to watch how Tardif re reived this news, for I was impatient myself to see how she was going on. Thank heaven, the fever waa gone, the delirium at an end. The dark gray eyes, opening languidly as my fingers touched her wrist, were calm and intelligent Khe was as weak as kitten, but that did not trouble me much. I was sure her niitural health was gMd, and she would noon recover her lost strength. I had to stoop down to hear what she was saying. "Have I kept quite still, doctor?" she asked faintly. I must own that my eyea smarted, and my voice was not to be trusted. I had never felt so overjoyed in my life s at that moment. But what a singular wish to be obedient possessed this girl! What a wonderful power of submissive self -coo troll "I should like to see Tardif," mur mured the girl to me that night, after ahe had awakened from a aecond long and peaceful sletp. I called bim and he came in barefoot, bis broad, burly frame seeming to fill up all the little room. She could not ralae dilemma 12 " Stretton her heud, but her face was turned to wards us, and ahe held out her small wasted hand to bim, smlliug faintly. He fell on his knees before he took it Into his great, horny palm, and looked down up on It as he held It very carefully with tears standing in his eyes. "Why, It is like an egg shell," he aaid. "Ood bless you, uiaru'celle, Ood bless you for getting well again!" She laughed at his words a feeble though merry luugh, like a child's and she seemed delighted with the sight of his hearty face, glowing ss it was with happiness. It was a strange chance thut had thrown theiie two together. I could not allow Tardif to remain long; hut after thut she kept devising little mes sages to send to him through me when ever I was about to leave her. Her in tercourse with mother Uenouf was ex tremely limited, aa the old woman'a knowledge of English was slight. It happened, In consequence, that I was the only person v. ho could talk or listen to her through the long and dreary hours. CHAPTER VI. My mother was lying on the sofa In the breakfast room, with the Venetian blinds down to darken the morning sunshine. Her eyes were closed, though she held in her hand the prayer book, from which sUo had been reading as usual the Psalms for the day. Whilst I was looking at her, though I made no sort of sound or movement, she seemed to feel that I wns there; and after looking up she started from her sofa, and flung her arms about me, pressing closer ami closer. "Oh, Martin, my boy; my darling!" she "LOOK THERE, TARDIF." sobbed, "thnnk heaven you are come back safe! Oh, I have been very rebel lious, very unbelieving. I ought to have known that you would be safe. Oh, I am thankful!" "So am I, mother," I said, kissing her. "You have coma back like a barba rian," she said, "rougher than Tardif himself. How have you managed, my boy? You must tell me all about It." "As soon as I have had my breakfast, mother, I must put up a few things in a hamper to go back by the Sark cutter," I answered. "What sort of things?" she asked. "Tell me, end I will be getting them ready for you." "Well, there will be some medicines, of course," I suld; "you cannot help me in that. But you can find things suitable for a delicate appetite; jelly, you know, and jams, and marmalade; anything nice that comes to hand. And a rew amusing books." "Books!" echoed my mother. I recollected at once that the books she might select, as being suited to a Sark peasant, would hardly prove Interesting to my putient. I could not do better than go down to Barbet'a circulating 11 hrary and look out some good works there. "Well, no," I said; "never mind tho books. If you will look out the otner things, those con wait." "Who are they for?" asked my mother "For my patient," I repliad. "What sort of a patient, Martin?" she inquired again. 'Her name is Ollivier," I said. a common name. Uur postman s name i Ollivier." 'Oh, yes," she answered; "I know sev eral families of Olliviers. I dare say I should know this person if you could tell me her Christian name. Is it Jane, or Martha, or Rachel?" "I don't know," I said; "I did not asK. The packing of that hamper interested me wonderfully; and my mother, rather amazed at my taking the superintendence of It in person, stood by me in her store closet, letting me help myself liberally. There was a good space left after 1 had token sufficient to supply Miss uuivier with good things for some weeks to come. If mv mother had not been by 1 nomo have filled it up with books. "Give me a loaf or two of white bread, I said; "the bread at Tardif's is coarse and hard, as I know after eating it for a week." "Whatever are you doing here, Mar tin?" exclaimed Julia's unwelcome voice behind me. "He has been living on Tardif's coarse fare for a week," answered my mother; "so now he has compassion enough for his Sark patient to pack up some dainties for her. If you could only give him one or two of your bad headaches he would have more sympathy for you. "Have you had one of your headaches, Julia?" I Inquired. "The worst I ever had," she answered "It was partly your going off la that rash way, and the storm that came on after, and the fright we were in. Y'ou must not think of going again, Martin. 1 shall take care you don't go after we are married." Julia had been used to speak out as calmly about our marriage as If It waa no more than going to a picnic. It grat ed upon me just then; though it had been much the same with myself. There waa no delightful agitation about the future that lay before us. We were going to set up housekeeping by ourselves, and that was all. There was no mystery la rt; no problem to be solved; no discovery to be made on either side. There would be no Blue Beard's chamber In our dwell. Ing. We had grown up together; uow we had agreed to grow old together. That waa the sum total of marriage to Julia and me. I finished packing the hamper, and sent Pellet with it to the oark office, tar lag addressed it to TardifT who bad en gaged to be down at the Creux Harbor to receive It when the cutter retornefl. I waa In baste to secure parcel of booka before the cutter should start home again, with lta courageous little knot of market people. I ran down to Barbet'e. I looked through the library sbelvea uutil I hit uuou two novels. Besides these, 1 chose a book for Sunday reading. Barbet brought half a aheet of an old Times to form the first cover of my par cel. The shop waa crowded with market people, and aa he was busy I undertook to pack them myself. I was about to fold the newspaper round them, when mf eye waa caught by an advertisement at the top of one of the columns. "Strayed from her home In London, on the l!Oth Inst., a young ludy with bright brown hair, grey eyes, and delicate features; age twenty-one. She la believed to have jeea atone. Was dressed in a blue silk dress, and sealskin Jacket and hat. Fifty nomida reward Is offered to any person giving such information as will lead to her restorstlon to her'frlends. Apply to Messrs. Scott and Brown, Gray's Inn Road, 12. 0." I stood perfectly still for some seconds, staring blankly at the very simple adver tisement under my eyes. There was not the slightest doubt In my mind that it bad a direct reference to my pretty pa tient IB Sark. Hut I had no time for deliberation then, and I tore off a largo corner of the Times containing that and other advertisements, and thrust it un seen. Into my pocket. In the afternoon I went down with Julia and my mother to the new house, to aee after the unpacklug of furniture. I can imagine circumstances in which nothing could be more delightful than the care with which a man prepares a home for his future wife. The very tint of the walls, and the way the light falls In through the windows, would become matters of grave Importance, but there was not the slightest flavor of this senti ment in our furnishing of the new house. It was really more Julla'a bualness than mine. I went about the place as If in some dream. The house commanded a splendid view of the whole group of the Channel Islands, and the rocky Islets in numerable strewn about the aea. The afternoon sun was shining full upon Sark, and whenever I looked through the window I could see the cliffs of the Havre Gosselin, purple In the distance, with a silver thread of foam at their foot. No wonder that my thoughts wan dered, and the words my mother and Ju- lia were speaking went in at one ear and out at the other. Certainly I was dream ing; but which part was the dream? 'I don t believe he cares a straw about the carpets!" exclaimed Julia, ia a dis appointed tone. "I do Indeed, dear Julia," I said. She had set her mind upon having flow. ers In oer drawing room carpet, anu there they were, large garlands of bright colored blossoms, very gay and, as I veil- tured to remark to myself, very gaudy "You like it better than you did In the pattern?" she asked anxiously. I did not like It one whit better, but I should have been a brute if I had said so. She was gazing at it and me with so troubled an expression, that I felt it nee essary to set her mind at ease. 'It Is certainly handsomer than the pattern," I said, regarding it attentive ly; "very much handsomer. "Julia, my love, said my motner, re- member that we wish to show Martin those patterns whilst it is daylight. To morrow Is Sunday, you know." A little tinge of color crept over Julia's tintleBS face. We then drew near to the window, from which we could see Sark ao clearly, and Julia drew out of her pocket a very large envelope, which was bursting with Its contents. They were small scraps of white silk and white satin. I took them mechanic, ally into my hand, and could not help ad miring their pure, lustrous, glossy beau ty. I passed my fingers over them softly, There was something In the algbt of them that moved me, as If they were rag- ments of the shining garments of some vision, which in times goue by, when was much younger, had now and then floated before my fancy. I did not know any one lovely enough to wenr raiment of glistening white like these, unless unless A passing glimpse of the pure white face, and glossy hair, and deep grey eyes of my Sark patient flashed across me. "They are patterns for Julia's wed flinn dress." said mv mother, in a low, tender lone. (To be continued.) A Queer Inscription. A queer sentence closes the Inscrip tion on a tombstone In a churchyard in Leigh, England. After announcing the name and other particulars of the lady there burled, these words follow: "A virtuous woman Is 5s to her husband.' The explanation Is that space prevent ed "a crown" being cut lu full, and the stonecutter argued that R crown equals 5s. A Fellow-Feellu'g. Perambulating Pete Boss, I aiu't an ordinary tramp. But every spriug, 'bout April, my wife Insists upon clean In' hou Mr. Boerum Place (Interrupting him svmpathetlcally) My poor man! Don' sav another word. Here'a a dollar! Brooklyn Eagle. A Conservative Claim. "I suppose you think you have tbs greatest climate In the country," said the tourist. "No," said the man who was suffering from a cold. "We don't claim the greatest in that line. But we do claim the largest variety." Washington Star. Cheap Koough. "Isn't It ridiculous to say 'Talk Is cheap?" "Oh, I don't know. I could take you to a place where you'd get dead loads of It and a shave thrown In for 10 cents Philadelphia Press. Ao awkward boy Is a chip off tha old stumbling block. THE RICHEST AMERICAN CITIES. Baltimore Is Fourth, Following New York, Boston and Ban Francisco. There U uo way lu which the diffu sion of wealth among the Inhabitants f American cities way be gauged with buolutfe predion, but the amount of lerxonul property held In each fur nishes one test, fur It Includes, general ly botidx, cash, money, furniture, Jew ry, equipages, stocks and money M- t'Htcd lu business. It l a fact well kuown, of course, that the general taxation of all such htsoiui! property Is ImpoHslble, that a oiisldt'iable portion of It esenpes taxa tion und a considerable portion of It, too, Is exempted by law, but the rela- ou which personal property of one big Ity bears to that of another furnishes fair guide to the wealth of each. By this standard New York ranks rat among American cities, out not very fur lu advance of the city of Bos on, one of the oldest and most opulent of American municipalities, and one lu which personal property bears the re lation of one to four of real estate val ue; lu New York It Is only one to six. Following New York and Boston, which are at the head of the list of the richest American cities, comes Sau ranclsco, with f 1:20,000,000 of taxed personal property, a condition of afllu- nce due to the vast property which has come from the Pacific const mines, he chief owners cf which, or their de scendants, have an actual or, at least, leuul residence In the Golden Gate Ity. Following San Frimclsco is Balti more, one of the most substantial mu nicipalities of the United States, with linger amount of personal property axed than Sau Francisco, but with a much larger population as well. Following Baltimore comes Chicago ml then Hetrolt, St. Louis, Trovl deuce, one of the wealthiest of Amerl an cities; New Orleans and Indlanap oils. New York Sun. HIS GUESTS ALL "SKUN." Johnnie Invited the "Gang" to HI Ulrth lay Tarty. A 10 year-old boy, whom it will not harm to call Johnnie Joy, living In Her kimer street, Brooklyn, on his last birthday had a party. It was a party that stands out fresh and sharp In the memories of the entire family. John tile's sister had had birthday parties, where all the girls and boys governed themselves strictly according to the rules of decorum. Johnnie's purty was made up entirely of boys living in the mmediate neighborhood. "I Just want the 'gang' I play with," said he to his mother, according to the New Y'ork Tribune, and the "gang" It wns that awkwardly surrounded the table lu the basement dtulug room and (K)ked with gleaming eyes on the boun- tiful supply of goodies. Noticing their restraint, Johnnie's mother tactfully withdrew, after noting that there was plenty for every one to eat. She had scarcely reached the floor above be fore her uerves were thrilled by a ter rible commotion below. There was sound of breaking crockery and glass ware, and the jingle of spoons and knives striking a hard substance. There were excited exclnniutlons and a scur rying of feet outside the basement door, Then suddenly all became silent as the grave. Wonderlngly, the mother of Johnnie returned to the dining room, where three hilnutes before were 11 huugry little boys. The tablecloth and dishes were on the floor In a heup, Johnnie's head was burled lu his arms, and the scalding tears were trickling down his nose. "Why, Johuuie, dear, where are your friends?" asked the mother. "They they-swl swiped all all they wuz ou ou the table an an kuu!" said Johnnie, breaking forth into a fresh torrent of tears. Fanning Told ou Him. It was not an American farmer of whom nil English paper tells a story, although the Incident might possibly be matched on this side of the water, The usrii'tilturisl in question had been to a rent dinner to enjoy himself among men of bis own walk In life, while hi hard-working wife stayed at home and saw to it that the farm suffered no loss In bis absence. "I'm about tired out," was the man' greeting upon his return. "Is t' cow in t' barn?" "Yes, long since," replied his spouse, barely stopping a moment from her du lies to glance at him as she spoke. "Is t' bosses unharnessed aud fed?' lie inquired. "Yes." Fowls locked up?" "Yes." "Wood chopped for mornlu'?" "Yes." "Them ducks plucked and dressed for market?" "Yes." "Wagon-wheel mended and ready to start lu t' mornin'?'1 "Yes." "Oh, then," concluded the good ma with a sigh of relief, "let me have my supper and turn In. Fannin' is begin nln' to tell on nic." By Hull from Egypt to China, Consul-Gcneral Richard Guenther of Frankfort, writes that an English en glneer has worked out a plan to con nect Alexandria, In Egypt, directly with Shanghai. The railroad, which will be about 0,400 miles long, will have three divisions. The middle one, of 2,125 miles, Is already In existence It Is In the railroad net of India. From Alexandria the road will run east southeast over the Isthmus of Sinai to Akaba, the north end of the Bay of Akaba; from there, almost due east to Kurvelt and Bassorah, thence through Southern Persia to the frontier of Ba luchistan and across this State, which is under the English protectorate, to connect with th? India railroad net. From Shanghai to Chunking the road will run along , the Yangtse Klang, touching all Important trade centers such as Nankin. Hankau, etc. Then It will run by way of Shan Tung, Yunna and Talifu to Kunlog, the most eastern terminus of the India roads. A road will connect Mandalay and Calcutta. Karache, at the mouth of the Indus, will become one of the principal sta- "tlons. Within a few weeks after a man dies, his wife's name begins to appear often er In the personal column of the news- papers. ,ET US ALL LAUGH. JOKES FROM THE PENS OF VA RIOUS HUMORISTS. Pleasant Incidents Occurring ins World Over-Baying that Are Cheer ful to Old or Youn-Funnj Selec tion that Ion Will Enjoy. Nebb You must like to bear that dreadful grind organ, since you puj the man to play uinler your window every day. Nobb No, I don't like It any mote than that girl over tne way v. no taking vocal lessons.-Boston Post. Answer ' "What do you fish mostly for?" "We mostly lish for a living, mum." Judv. Kxpenalve. Funnyblz Fresblelgh's sweet heart has sent him word from abroad that she cannot miiry bim. Fiddleestlcks- Fresbleiirh must be dreadfully broken up. Funnyblz He Is; she sent word by cable, collect, and explained why, Ohio State Jourmil. THE ACCOMODATING WAITER. "Can I offer you another chair?" In Haste an 1 at Leisure. 'You seem to be lu something of a hurry," said the divorce lawyer, "it hasn't been more than six weeks since you were married, has it?" 'X no. sir," faltered the fair young client, "but It It was n St. Joe mar riage." 'I see. And this Is a Chicago re pentance." Chicago Tribune. Thirteen Ktorle-. O'lloolihan Phwat wild yez do If yez wor t' ran otr tins rure: O'flarrlty-Falth oi'd make up nie mind goln' down Ohio State Journal. So f weet of Her. Mrs. Cbatterleigh-Fancy. dear, at the Browns last night they were ail saying how glad they were to hear you were at last engaged! Of course 1 didn"t believe the report, dear, and said I wondered how any one could be so stupid as to imagine anything so absurd. Punch. Krnpp'a Fortune. "The German papers state that old man Krupp Is worth $5,000,000." "Who Is old man Krupp V" "He Is the maker of the Krupp guns." "Well, say, $5,000,000 Isn't much for a caunonmaker when you consider all the startling reports." Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Continuous Strike. "Your cousin, Chollie, Isn't a youth of striking appearance." ' "He Isn't? Well, I never saw him yet when he didn't appear to be strik lng matches to light his cigarettes." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Sentiment and Discretion. Billy Did she accept you? Jack Well, she said she'd make a memorandum of my proposal and ccn sider it when the weather gets favor able for mental effort. Kasy All Around. "Birthday go off all right at our boarding house." "How's that?" - "We don't allow but sixteen candles to anybody's birthday cake." An li lucement. "Dot vas a perfeck fit," said Moses Coheusteln, the clothier, ffs he pinched up the customer's coat lu the back. "It seems to be loose," said the cus tomer doubtfully. "Yell,"' said Mr. Cohenstelu enthusi astically, "but see how much extry goods you get for de same niunny!" Whr He Ml It. "Merciful heavens!" she exclaimed on her first visit to the daJry. "Why do you crowd the cows so close together In the stalls?" "Them's th' condensed milk cows, mum," replied the accommodating chambermaid. Denver Times. As Ton May H Noticed. "Look at the stuff that goes to wusts In the grocery business," said the lounger lu the store, "und think of the small margin on most of the goods. Where does the profit come In?" "The prollt." said the linpatleut man with the basket ou bis arm, "comes from havlug only one clerk to wait ou thirty-six custoineis."-(.'hlciigo Trib une. Art tidal Meant. Flnlne-DId you notice the mean way that Smytbe girl sneered at my uew hat? Gladys-Yes, but those sneers were onlv artificial means-Ohio State Jour nal. Wmlth'a Vexation. Mrs. Newrlche- Mrs. Do Smytbe told me lust evening that she Is troubled with ongwee. Mr. Newrlche-Whnt's that? Mrs. Newrlebe-Deiir me! I don't know. I've looked all through the "O's" of three different dictionaries and can't find any such word.- Puck. All Alike. Furmer Hunk-How's your new hired man, Ezry? Farmer llornbeuk-Jest like all the rest of 'em I've ever had -so lazy that he gits tired restlu'. Puck. K;nl1y licnurau"l. . j "Blnglelmng says be Isn't going to , do any more courting. He claims he: can't see any fun In it." "What's the matter with Blngy?" "He's so short be can't turn down the gas."- Cleveland Plain Healer. Willfully Mlsnnileratoo 1. "Some of my latest photographs," said the camera fiend, "1 took fifty feet under water." "Why did you go to the trouble of taking them there?" remarked Pep prey. "It would have been easier to Just tie a stone to them and throw them lu."-Philadelphia Press. Fliegende Blaeter. Too Piny. Uncle Joshua I s'pose sence yer son John got back frum colllg lie's helpin y' considerable on th' farm? Fbenezer Xaw, John Jes' hain't got time; he's too plague biz.y swlngiu' dumbells an' smokin' clggyretls. Bos ton Post. Then He Takes UN Cliuncet. "A millionaire can have things pret ty much his own way In this world,' said one philosopher. "He can't," answered the other, "un til be conies to ke his will." Wash ington Star. Ton Tired. 1 Misty Dan III, git off the track Here cuius de t'roo freight. Layaround Lucas (sleepily) Wuzu't fer gittln' my clos tore I'd lay still. Ohio State Journal. Punishment In Advance. Mother Johnnie, I am going to whip you for taking that piece of pie. Johnnie All right, maw; whip me real hard; there's another piece left. Ohio State Journal. Bnperfluom. Summer Boarder Y'ou didn't men tion having so many mosquitoes. I'nde Ezra Xo, I knowed it wuzu't no use, cuz yu'd find thet out soon as y' got here. Ohio Stale Journal. Mii.t Kun the Rink. "Do you approve of women taking an active part In politics?" asked the Idle person. 'Certainly," answered Mr, Meekton "Let them go ahead. If they want to stay away from home and take the chances on a man's walking right In on the best carpet with his muddy boots, that's their lookout, not ours." Wash ington Star. linn I'.verytliiuK Now. Towne Your wife has recovered from her nervous trouble, I hope. Browne Well, she was doing nicely, but now she's got a complication of dis eases. Towne You don't say? Browne Yes, when she was conval escing Mrs. Fauxpas next door sent her a lot of medical almanacs to read. - Philadelphia Press. Ant-Catching Thistles. Many flowers have the power to form for themselves a contrivance which an swers the smile purpose as the fly pa pers which are sold In shops and by hawkers lu the street. Among these plants is the common thistle. Ants manage to climb the stem as they are eager to obtain the sweet Juices in the flower, and they struggle their way through the close frill of small leaves thickly set with thorns, which nature throws around the blossoms. The auts then find that they are caught in a trap. On each scale of the green cup lu which the flower is set, there Is a streak of gum. The moment the insects touch It they are fast prisoners. The more they struggle the more helpless their case Incomes, for every move ment causes them to get more entan gled. In a little while the gum stops up the breathing holes in their sides, aud then all is over. They are literally smothered to death. A score of dead or dying ants may be often hern on the head of a thistle growing Just above their nest The value of a mail's advice depends upon the success he has achieved iu fol lowing It GEO. P. GROWELL, HiiorpMor to E. I.. Smith, Oldeal EUabllnhed Home In the valley DEALER IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Flour and Feed, etc. This old-established house wiil con tinue to pay cash for all its goods; it pays no rent; it employs a clerk, but does not have to divide with a partner. All dividends are made with customer! in the way of reasonable prices. Davenport Bros. Are running the Ir two mills, planer end box l'lor, Slid can nil order lor Lumber Boxes, Wood and Posts ON SHORT NOTICK. DAVIDSON FRUIT CO. siiipi'kks or HOOD RIVER'S FAMOUS FRUITS. rACKKiis or THK Hood River Brand of Canned Fruits. H ANCPAITURKRS O' Boxes and Fruit Packages DKAI.KSH IN Fertilizers & Agricultural Implements. THE REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. DALLES BOAT Leaves Oak Street Dock, Portland 7 A. M. and II P. M. PORTLAND BOAT Leaves Dalles 7 A. M. and 3 P. Dally Lxcept Sunday. M. STEAMERS Regulator, Dalles City, Reliance. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Str. "Tahoma," Dally Kound Trip, except Sunday. TIME CARD. Leave Portland, ..7 a.m. I Leave Astoria 7s. m. The Dalles-Portland Route Sir. "Bailey GatzcM," Daily Round Trips, except Monday. VAM'OUVKR, CASCADK LOCKS, ST. MAR. TIN'S SPKINCH, 1IOOI) KIVKK, WHITE SALMON, I V I K and THE DALLES. TIME CARD. Leave Portland...? a.m. I UaveTheDallea A p.m. ArriveTheDallesSp.in. ArrlvcFortland 10 p.m. Meal tha Vmry Baal. This route has the grandest scenic attractions on earth. Sunday trips a leadlu feature. Lauding and orflce, loot o( Alder street. Both 'phones, Main 361, Portland, Or. E. W. CRH'HTOM, Agent, Portland. JOHN M. K1LLOON, Auent. The Dalles. A. J. TAYLOR, Agent, Astoria. J. t WYATT, Agent, Vancouver. WOLFORD fc W YEK.S, Agis . White falmon, PRATHER & BARNES, Agonts at Hood River Oregon Shot Line and union Pacific sisfV M Unit Lake, Denver, Chicago 1 Kt. Worth.Omaha, Portland Special Kansas City, Hi. Kpeclal Il -.'iSa. m. Louis.Chlcugoaud 2:05p.m. East. Walla Walla Lewis- Bpnkait ton, Hpoliane, Min- Portland Flyer neapolla, fit. Haul, Flyer 8:27 p.m. Duluth, Mllwau- 4:30 a.m. kee.Cbicagoi&Eaat gait Lake, Denver, Mall and Ft. W orth.Omaha, Mail and Kxpresa Kansas City, 8c. Ei press ll;4'2p. m. J.ouis,CMcagoaud 6.42a. ra. East. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FKOH POHTLAND. I AO p.m. All sailing dates 4:00 p. as. subject to change For Pan Francisco bail every t days. Dally Columbia River 4 00 p.m. Ej. Sunday Steamers. Ex. Uuudaf S OO o. in. Saturday To Astoria and Way 10:00 p. m. Landing a :45a.m. WlllamaM River. 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New. kx. Huaday 'berg. Halem, Inde- rendenee k Way andlnga. 7:00 a.m. Willamette an4 Yam- l:p. m. Tun.. Thur. hill Rlisrs. Mon., Wed and Sau and FrL Oregon City, Day ton, A Way Land- Inga. 6:45 a m. Willamette River. 4:10 A.m. Tues., Thur. Mon., Wed. and Sau Portland to Corral. aud FrL lis A Way Land- Inga- L. Riparla Snaxi Rivxb. Lv.Lewistoa 6:35 a m. Riparla to Lewliton la m. dally daily For low rates and other Information writ t A. L. CRAIQ, General Paaaenger Agent. Portland, Of. J. BiULEr, Agent, Hood Itlver.