The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 06, 1901, Image 2

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    Kcod lyver Slaciei
it.ihay, si;rri:Mi:i:i: , i?oi.
Act'oriliiig tn Secretary I.uiiiberson, of
tlii" state board of horticulture, Oreoa
will jr .tlm-e this your lHtwce.ii L,),lH(,(Kiu
nml 2l,tXHI,(HK) poll Iils of eviiporat
prunes. I'itIkvj.m Clink, which is Wat-1
inton's chief prune county, will send t
market ".") carloads of evaporated prum
Tho rest of the state will not doiil;
(lark coiiiiIv'n production Malm
vicM will he nniler L'dO carloads of to
toiiseucli. The news from San .lone
to the effect that the California Curt
fruit association lias hail men out in
speeting every orchard in the state am
making mi estimate of the prune cro
lo tin' Injure tlniH arrived at the usso
eiation lias added 10 per cent, ifiviii
total of it little more than .r5,)0(,(KH)
The total for the Santa Clara valley
hut 2.5,HX),IK)0 us against a crop of 100
000,000 hint year. The California en
last year approximated 1 10,000,01
pounds, and this ceasoii 'n yield will l
less than 40 per cent of that. The Cal
fornia association now has on hand less
tlmn ;iH,0IH),00l) pounds of last year'
product. The prospect is that Califor
liiu'H carryover prtineH will not exoee
20,000,(KK) pounds, when the new crnj
f hull U ready for tho market. To thi
will lie added this year' crop of 55,000
OW) pounds for California, pay 22,0oo,0(K
pounds for Oregon, 4,00(),0(K) pounds foi
Washington and 3,000,000 pounds foi
Idaho. Last year Oregon marketed 17
5l0,0(IO pounds, Washington nboin
1,000,000 pounds, and Idaho's, prodim
wim inconsiderable. Thus tho Unite
States prime crop this year will bonbon
84,000, (KM) iiounds, hh against nearly 100
wu,mu pounds, lust season. 1 lie cro
in the Pacific Northwest in materiall
hotter thin season than it w as for last, si
those states, are likely to profit from tin
failure in California.
The Dalles will hold a street carniva
in conjunction with the second (iistric
Eastern Oregon agricultural fair, Sep!
ember liOth to October tith. A spec. a
effort will he made to secure a big d.spla
of fruit, for which generous mono
prizeii w in lie olloreil. Hood Kiver i
tlu fruit producing section of the ills
trict, and our fruit growers should go ii
luvvinuie prizes. t e. haven t got on i
usual crop of summer apples., hut In
the latter part of the month the wintt
apples should he sullicieiitly colored t
admit of a prizo-w inning displav. Oin
fruitgrowers will have the fruit, am
they can easily secure mostoi the prizes
1 lie Dalles carnival will attract a lar;
number of visitors, and a proper display
of Hood Kiver fruits would be a good
advertisement of the resources of oui
('. II. Markham, general freight am
passenger agent of the Southern l'acili
lines in Oregon, has been promoted to
the position of assistant freight trallio
malinger of the Southern Pacific com
pany, with headquarters at San 1'rai
ti . . f . . .
i.isuo. i ne promotion ni .nr. .liaikhan
is a just recognition of that gentleman'.
worth to the railroad company, hut it i.
to he regretted that his new position
takes him out of Oregon. Mr. Iaikham
..i.:i.. i j i . ,
nmiu jieneiai iroigni ami passeugel
agent of the Southern I'ucilic conipaii
in Portland, took'a personal interest in
the development of the state, and spent
mucliofhiH time in furthering the in
dustrial interests of the Willamette val
ley. It is hoped that the impetus, for
improvements set on foot by Mr. Mark
1... i , .....
nam hiii noi ne permitted to lag now
that he has left the state.
Colonel I. Donan of Portland, the dis
tinguished writer, whose piquant pel
has produced some of the best descrip
tive magazine material of the past third
of a century and whose genius luu
guided numerous great industrial enter
prises, is touring the Rocky mountain
states, and ineidontly advertising to tin
people of these states, what a blessing it
is to live in Oregon. In an interview in
the Denver Times, Mr. Donan mentions
that "as a fruit growing region the state
is a veritable garden of the gods."
A compilation of the gross and no
earnings of the railroads of the I'niteii
States, made by the Financial Chronicle,
shows remarkable- gains, not confined h
any section tif the country. The tahlt
compares the result of the first ha
months of the year with the same period
a year ago, and shows an increase i;
!ft;S,U)0,000 in gross, and f2ti,lKl0,Dl)0 ii.
net earnings. This indicates a wonder
fully prosperous period lor the railroad
of our country.
Tl.e Eli. u- Eculst'-r cm-.- ia:. i.v
wiinii.g a in rl ; , -i -a
dross, in in ihv i,e;.u.. i;... ,i. ; i ..
Morning Register .s a hrij-ht p;,-.'i.,-s:c
paper in one of d o best. H ,.;'.n.v ih v...
ley towns, and v.i. coiigruti.late tin (...
.strap Bios, on their enterprise and suc
cess. The Forest drove Times is in new
hands. U. II. Pratt, the former oditui
. and publisher has been succeeded by
Walter Iloge A: Co., recently from Ne
braska. The first issue under the new
management shows a decided improve
ment. The (Under acknowledges receipt of a
complimentary season ticket to the Port
land carnival, to be held in that city
September ISth to October liHh.
The Dufur Dispatch has changed own
ership, Harry Mcnel'ee retiring ami C.
If. Reed taking charge.
We think Hood River is in the apple
business pretty extensively, but there
are evidently others. In (ireon county,
Missouri, a 2,000 acre orchard has al
ready sold $54,000 worth of apples this
season, reports the Carthage Democrat.
A St. Louis deader has taken nearly ifoi),
000 worth of the Pen Davis variety. A
Chicago buyer offered the owner of the
orchard $10,100 for SO acres of his apple:,
but his order w as, Th apple
crop 'if the I'nited State- this season
will be tl.e shortest lor years. Tlieie
wiii be no New York or Canada fruit for
export, ami buyers from nearly every
stale are in Mis-miri buy ing apples for
Written Tor t lo- t;la ier.
Ore'tuiS I lower.
(lull lo llll e, nio-sy leaf lit Klecil,
Ami llovi'ot ul "olilell lllle,
Wlu'le'er iv foliml" l.t Ik ill Is s. ell
We Iniiii iire clvi lo von.
Sprinkled l-y itmiiiihiiti torrents' spray,
In a Ii lil il ii, Hi' i s hi own how er.
( iv n spi lis of jjreen cm I lie hi I i-ide 15 ray ,
We hall thee, i in 'inn', ('lower.
Hull' burled liy Minds limn thoi-easiih' Mown,
I r NH'i'iiililif I liy petals o'er if I. lend sll'Cl ,
Willi (lelleilte steins on Hie fallow (.''"Ull'l,
K mi r led ii m! ruined where Idea k winds hlnw.
KII cinhlcm, lliiin, of it nolile slate
Jlieli lii thy prisilne dower,
We pleijKe In thee Imiinu nil l.ile
And hall I hoe, Oren' Mower.
Then hull, nil hull in the (ireirnn if r.i pi-.
Hoiiuh sleinnieil and Mi ni of root,
Willi liuruuit llowerof Hiuei lul shn;ie
And inyal un de fruit
We dnipe (hee o'er a loved one's hier,
We I wine thee in our li.dy s Imwer,
With honor mid reieet ineel'e.
We hail thee, oriyun' I'lower.
Hood Hi v-r, August 'J7,
A Trip In Ide NnisiiIc.
Fditor (ihuier: About 5 p. m., August
2!ttli, our partv, consisting of Ir. mid
Mrs. Cams, Prof, and Mrs. Haines, .Mis. '
l. A. (iok, Miss Clara I'.lythe ami Miss
A I vena 1 loud ley, cm harked on the steam- ,
er r.ailey ( iatzert bound for the coast.
iVe wore joined on the boat by Rev. ami j
Mrs. Tabor, who have been campiuir on
l.vinan Smith's place, and liov, I locker
Vlso, Dr. Shaw's horse Dandy, who
made some objections to iroing aboard
hip, though it could hardly haw been
possible that he objected to tin' crowd,
dr. Tabor is to drive Dandy to Ashland.
hore Dr. Shaw has located.
All started with good appetite", hav
ing hurried our lunches, and as somi a
lossible we gathered at Ihe table forum
if the I'uiiley iatzert'" well-si-rved din
UTS. When we linallv settled ourselves
in deck the sun as sinking in the liaz
est, looking like a hall of lire and leav-
i;ig .1 blood-rod trail across the water. I
A'e scanner! the shore eagerly at Collins I
Lauding for a si'ht of some of our llood
iivor friends, but had almost triven up;
i despair when we discovered Professi r
. hoinpson, close i the river's Imiik, I
.vaving a parting farewell. Although he ;
.va."(iiite a d stance away, wo all re-j
marked how much belter ho w us looking.
Kverythiug conspired to make the:
veiling nil enjoy able one. Faeh mem-
her of our party 1 1 1 1 Suited a comical
-lory or at least a conundrum. Af'er
passing Cascade Locks we found seats
hi the leeward side of the boat and lu -'iin
siiiL'ing ol.l familiar songs. A" the
lark ii ss l'ivu deeper, the captain throw
he searchlight along the shore. luce
.t fell on a group ot hoys playing tag, or
scenting some lantastic dance lor our
.tinu.-enieiit ; once on pretty foaming
falls, and once aain on a white winrod
-oil biid, which, blinded by tl.e light,
sought toe. -cape it onlvto have it follow
him into space. The white bird against
tlie uiackiiess oi uignt win oe a viviu i -
long-romeinliered tableau. Wewalch-
e I the stars over the rock v peaks and
nattlenielits M Inch mark the shores of
iho inLditv dreuoii. " I h'sperius, that
I'd the slarrv host, rode brightest, till
the tiioon, rising in clouded niajcslv,
throw her silver veil over the azure robe
of nieht." We hoard music on thedeck
beiow , so ', e hurried down and found
at two .i iiiig men were placing, one a
banjo and the other a guiiar, while the
Hid once sung 1 In' loader ot tlie sing
ing was a joiiv oiij man w l;o could have
an orchestra in competition with
oiisa. He could sing iale soii.'s m
uicli animated style that we womli red
f he had ever belonged to t he ( I lee cl nb. I
'Mary had a little lamb," pidee," '
and 1 here was a ta tner liiul two sons,'
were rendered with variations truly orig
inal, with always a repeating chorus in
which the audience joined. Not until
the boat landed did we seek our state
rooms, to'i sleepy to be otherwise than
happv. Throe of us occupied one state
mom Mrs. Cook, Clara lilythe and I
and alter our last sham battle over pos
session of the upper berth, wo sank into
;l peaceful slumher until called to go
asliori! in I Me niornim;. (in the doi'Us
we found Mr. mid Mrs. Wilhelni. and
with thi'in we vvalki'd to the laraline; if
the steamer T. .1. Lolled for Astoria.
After a hearty breakfast al Watson's we
;opiirateil to meet on board Ihe Lotter
it il o clock. Ciara and I went to Lip-
nian iV Wolf's ami looke I up Lav La
ranee, vv e loumi iter nnisi!tniin as-
head of tin' until oiilor depart). lent, as
Mrs. .Markie was on her vacation nml a
number of others were sick.
On board the Lotter, we settled our-
olves to read aloud lor aw hile. .Near
us sat a w hite-haired oldi'i'lv lady vv ho
seemed to hi' lisleiiint; to tlie reading
ind studviiif; the L'roup. Later, as we
daved whist, she was an iiiteresied
pi'ctator, and one of our partv iiotiein;-
li s, opened a convorsal ii n with b l
ind found that she was an enthusias' a
a hist piavcr. Also, that she was no ie
le coast to visit friends w o kept t'u
Newton house. We loft the hi. tit at II-
ieo about 4 o'clock and look t he t ra .
or Ilvvaco Leach, or Liiiilt Loach. he.
e train siopi ed at the Newton aio
our wh'to-hai d fr end wot off, we h-!-
vi d 1 i r, tiller i i.i uhnico at t! e lion
rs w hich tilled tho vt;rd. Tim law p !..:
rai. da' were
. in. On Ihv.
11" ll
ve -ai
d "i
,.!a h;;-
ruir.. in i en? 'ii-
Ihe ll'.
; i-ar!.
le eil.eiia , W hll
. I
''I 11" ie' :s,T e.-ll !:'"ti, ;ini '.fi ll
iat. tin.iH on we called In r "mother."
Our r.u ins ovei looked !he ocean and
we ti" a view of the -urf, which we en-
yi d early and late. .Mrs. Cook, Clan:
.mil l sharoo a larsie room w ith a to h hny
d resoinbliP!; a hmo ln,n; si, elf. Ir.
irii" thought it str:i; that Mr". C.
imiiil come all the wav troin Hood
ivcr to ho laid on the shelf. We tool;
walk on tlie beach and spent the re
I'imler of the evonini; playini; whist
and in reailintx.
Saturd;iv uiorniii'j; we took a walk in.
own and out on the beach, and some of
s waded in the serf. Master Clarence
Ciirns, whose name ve oindti
to men-1
tiiin iK-tore. was upset- nv a Idl' wave
tin.t came roilinif in ami out a tluekim!.
At the iliiiii.k' tahle Claremv notieeil
lhat the Inciter was servel on ohitii
shells, ai'. l he retie.ckeii that lhev ''pnt !
the Imttei on lobsters' l,;u ls." ' j
As the surf v as so oohl we intemlo'l to j
coin the hot hati.s, Ind. wont to the'
Crystal bath-honse by mistake a nl
foun.'l the water "ooh! as iee. or Oohler." j
liefore we were nllnwod to p;n into the!
ianks we had to take a hot sait-vv iter '
shower I a'.h to be t-iw we wore o!.-;in
As Mr. i'drnes staid in till :iSal-i
most, s, ok, vve ji'si.i d linn iibout asoni:-i
annual bath U-ini: too severe a ohaiiLre. i -
In tke evening hie bonlires iliuminateil !
me oe.ieo, me ton, wot u niril.L-fllU
plenty of nr.iteriii! for fuel.
! ::,,
: , 1 Te -
i.e i . .
iMii-iluv, a:ter n.iiiier, we went on
Ih'iioIi and iv;telud tlie "ainbols of Mr. '
Mr-. Cook,
fairies. Mr.
fairy ipiei n
an ' Sialk."
1 on the re-
turn trip. I he Poller w a s so crow i led
we could not get st ile rooms but got
what sleep we cuiild on the Hour of the
cabin. W in n w reached Portland we
had breakfast at Wnt on' and then sep
arated to visit our several friend.- ainl
meet in the evening for dinner. Wo
saw the Labor-day parade and were all
ready to rest when we met on board the
Itailev ( iatzert in the c cuing, so retired
to our hunks' and only aw oke as t he boat
sleamed away from the dock at 7 o'clock.
l.VlV L. IbiAIUIV.
A 'ig'!it of Ten nr.
." A w fill an iety w as felt for iho vv idow of
t he brave ( ien . I'.u ruha in of Maehias, Me.,
w hen the doctors said she Mould die of
pneumonia before morning," w rites M rs.
S.ll. Lii In, w honttehiie.l fear-
I fill ni;dit,but she beegi d for Dr. King's
Now J hscov ery.w hich had more I ban once
saved her life, and cured her of consump
tion. After taking, .-he slept all nieht.
Further usi' entirely cured her." This
marvelous medicine is go ar.ii deed to cure
all tht'oal. chest and lung d:sea-es. Onlv
AOoandfl. Trial hollies free afChas. .V
Clarke's drug slore.
mil At!!i:::il
and Mrs. Ilariies and
bo represented w ater
Panics looked like the
in ".lack and the I
Sunday evening w e stai 1
ijijp-pjiipQ Qnf.;nJ7
nIiudiLUul !..'J.:iull,
I'o he !,. -id el 'I'HK ,' v. i 1 - i: j.,,-,
Soptambur CIO -October 5.
I'o-i'lVi l'. the
lion e r ''iven in Hi
Tie-le V. ll I, al i-l
I mid ir
a st jiiirae
ln'aud Ian, lire,
.eeial a id tare all rae
r ii-1 i i !i!' !;; :ii i i: i. u-t w in i.
'-' I "- pi ll.lil ' lie' s:o ,. HL'I ie'llltl-
I ml :
l 'i 1 1 i ' v ; . ; i 1 1 1 .
I .V ;!-:' . .i. I l:i". ii ; o i I lie l :'e! p,-
M v i.;l iiaia ; ii i doll m v, 111 lie ...hen In
pni'M-, .i ;,;,,! ,. speed.
I'l'1'- will I. made oa all Inui-norl
I lllle-
id ample ,e-i O'llieO li-hen- ni-e
lie 11 ''11- I 1 1 I i W llll ! ! l-l! ills
sslll - I ..V I
-I I' mod I-:,;
helot lilli. i
t e low ran
"on I i ii.- I I.
11, like-.
. !i
ui : tal;
I I 'lal.e.'" ol
- Hill see tl.e
r i. .' Ui ulai s
Fi5 I. Sun -- t-iry,
Crop ibr E?le.
side toi
I ;;l 'I elel .1.
1 1. ( . i; i i Ji m.
l Two Cottiises foi' .Eont.l
' '-
" ,vid
All per
linn: . he
.i.i i.
Jersey Bull lor Sale.
A tilsl-ehe.-,lc;-ey I, all. :t ve'i !;; ol d . ol til,.
Si. I.anil.eri sira.n; iv: isiet'ed.
A. II. llVr.i-l.i !'.
Horsa ibr Sale.
A voi, tin hot
"ii le cheap, hv
aiiout I; el ii
end.- w'eiuhi.ior
'I : sv! i i n.
tt 'St
... J A
I -
7 le.
ll I . onlv
ol. I
A. 1 ..-
lied i
:i; .'.y. He.
1 K-ylo.
II .a
t iv
' V . 1 1 '
JI4 1
"nu e;
I- ui le.- w
rerei', e i-
I. y
v -;
i t
-n ('old i
r i dice and
iiS'OUt vvTanted.
l-'l.l- I I ,S V alley OH II new Ty., Amail
will he tall" a ; ho .V to I, in n n ; my I he foods.
I.adyor yeiu Ii man, N. i pe;"hl or middle
mini'" proilr. il, c,
'n I .yi i r-n i i ' h place, I ;., mil,.- iv. it, i nnv n
I- mm in v p'ai-e, .lul-.-j I ,i, n red iie.v, w ir li
whiie spot in forehead, one hora ilinap, d
ahoiii S year- old. Anv 1 n ', e ma I ion us lo her
W'heieiili ants will I. ;!i -rally rcvarded. Ad-
ii l ess
II. I'.. l.ll.SMI.Mi, llood li ver.
Peanut Roaster.
Wo Im ve a peanut Hoa-ler ot latit pai.-rn
and .-1111 supply our eu..oiu. rs w i.h Hie lies) ;
finality of peanuts, IV.-ii i-oa .led every dav i
Maniple Hiein. ( n,.;,v uitAIIAM. ' ' 1
For Sale.
le much of ,ii a. res
llo id Kivei'. I'm- pr
l-l. !:
.i,iunH lllll' I .li ii.'i-es. I'l in tnntes' l
ilnvi' horn llo id Kiver. I '.n- price and terms j
I-- siAS'A'.i;. 1
iwjyies life
The place lo L'i'l your Parties- sepj.lics and
'cpair win u done is in Haiti's old stand, coi
ner i hi I'd una sin le si i eel-. A 1 1 pa rls nr' hur
ries," I'lll'll islied lill I repair v orl. ,,.n shot'l
""' h'O. Al-O, llll I- Ill I . ef -a,.. I , 1 -ll . 1 , r ,.
islaclin ily .lone al i ea.-ona i.:i' pi i.-'. -
C. W'KI.Il-'..
I" t to si l.n le aces, ia,,',. oi
' Sine. I-, c. hi.i.sit s.
in 1. 1 hi
, oil ile
Berry Land ier Sale.
a ! n t
. nn house, ii,
e ii.' vv ater:
lit III Il'e ill I I ;
... oi -oe a-;- - a ', I, "I", V ;,
echa" and w ; o.i-le d; ran
i li s i ; .no '.,!nml ia ri v ei .
I re 3 l or 6 Bays,
i If l ' l ' ( ' i I l H(l ('. .p O.t C., i 1. ,,L'
iiood Vt' oik
' ' - of I nit oi 1 1 1 -1 1 1 m
ii 01 S 9
i.i: ci iux
iotic-o of Bah. cf
( at t llii iy. :-, ..;, .. j. ;., ,
ll i i.c for. n on, 'ad toe SI ..;
it v. r I'lao-e"! oe ee. an ' p, ...
. ,i..i lias In ; n -i.i it,,..;
i 'a l e I . n ii.v a n ; si ! i a- is.
o hie lii"iesi liinmf lor
-uell sate lo apply on i de
sade lo I,.- eori'ipi.-ied l,v i
deal or liii; 11 1 Kiv'er
ll'l ll, "HI VI iiiaj,
e. v-. lli he
Ii; ll
pr,,;.' -as o
i-'iM o -c--n,i'iits.
. . Iv: , ire f.vf-i- j
Nsji'.i liiliim and
ooin co'iipan , and he;.
o'ilee of said c,
ilil' .Mi ol li 1 al o .
lie on
Hood I ; I ver, I
"ii i -0 1 1 v at 1 he li ve.- barn o;
hue I ,i ,-i eo'ii pair,'.
"! "1 I he I Vs.r.i oi d i c tor-.
'i'.. .vi;.-. ::. I'-.l.
I lei,
PaStUl'S I OX CattlS.
I ...
ii. K
11' v-
I M ili I
I !
' a iMio
i pis-;
an i lea. 1,. is
n adv.,:; i,.. V, . . .
Kind .." j,. e del. is i
i. w. :.i'K'ii..
UiiFErsiif of Ones,
lliell.-.l -dlen
eon. -e'
Mils, .s-. l. In
O O I II , ill llll
Ill I II. inline
' him I.e. lie-
s'lle. Ivmi 1,
Seli nee illlil I lo'
I'llitT mid Mll-1,
it' : sev i n new in-
New i.iiiI.Iiml;
slruetois, ,
lOei i 1 1 O 11 1 io
I . ll v ollllll,. ailUed III II
hrury in .m.
sl.v eli 'lll. S,i
I aw llll l Mi Ui
II I I -ell. i. il w il I) I'll! VI r
eeill - s or leaell. I lor
I Id. Ills. 1 'i 1 1. l-l luenl ol
I lllli'il! ion lol' 0 re hers
Inn iideni" 'I'. iii j,.,, 1 1
T'lll'i e sllldi'llls .oui!, , I
pi IlirljiaN .Hid sepi'l
''. eo 1 ol ll lei; low.
noun -Ii 1 1 .is In oilgi
! ii lei ii iniiv in s i ,, , 1 1 1 enil
Sellll lliillie lo I'n siiU 111 OI 1
circulars a:id eaial,in -, I .ii.ei.-.
; I -liii r for
.V lei w.-ieoll n ,.n ;i-n.f III !e
ii. y sli. i iiii Hie Mi. ll .o l
( ..."I work id n a-nmiile j
lux IT
I hi in.iiiiii! !v at
!, n ol low ll
. ihi i:i.i
Town Loty for Sale.
Apply I..
.1. I '. W V I T.
e'y I .olid lil e! Tow II -lie I 'o,
soma m mm.
HcGuiro Bros.
-- Ol; w I lis IS
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard. PouPry,
Fruits and Ve'ot iblcs.
Free I iciivery. 1 bone ;!,".
-Mi'I'li i:-
To Vatcr Consumers.
Ttie rule-; of Hie i .eiip.iyv w ill lie sliieliv
followed ruler lies dale. All w ho mv deliie
llen I II fli T llll' Im ll llll.v of t III' II mill ll Will lie
elwii'.reil Iho lull i hi ; . vl.: "I.'u per nmnlle.
Ihei .;lrn g,e ui. ui j iii Hie eol'i i lor, vvliu w ill
slllll oil' ( nli T ill die lilntlt llolil I esldellrn s
w In iv piiyineiii Knot promptly made, mid II
will not iie liuiiel on ria 'll nut I all in rear-IlL'i-
111 e 111 I, ll' ijillllillL' July I "I let. nil
W.ller re'lt- Will h 1 1 ; 1 1 . I lo ow lieis o relll
ei I hll I Id ui'! ill-0 III ol lo I In' ineilpalit.
iiimiii i.'ivi-: c ;si'i:i.i,w. ri;i( cu.
I Frankton Kxnress.
Iiikeit lo anil fioni
i I no v allev : also
e rig- I'm ui' In d for
id in-'. i.i i-;. ii. i a I kins.
Ladies' Tailoring.
I llave dei-nteil lo put in 1 .ail le-' 1 a I Un itiu
III I oil mi I ion Willi lay I 'less I ui 1 im. Srllool.
Hi) one wi-lillli! laek, I ; ai;- -Mi ls made
-liinild eall an I el m' pii e-. A pi i ;ee Hi
an I llr-t-i la-s .vor,, uaarinile.-ii.
.1 V M-: HIATUS,
Manager Stiindard I "e Cult ui" School.
NOI It K Ft Mi i'l I'.LIi A I 'ION.
1 .11 II 'I I Utiee III Vimi'im Ver. Wasl ,, A m.'llsl 7,
It'll. .N I.I i.-e is Inaehy ulv ell thai the i ii Inu -
IniMiiinii'il seiller lias ii led not !.,. ,, his in-
jtelllloll to 111. IK" ll ri; I proot III -llpporlot
I his clo ' in. and -ail Imil w ill he lunar
I helolellie keui-le end lo'Ceiver I'.S. I.nml
idiliee at Viuieoir, er. Wash., on Satuidav,
I Seplelll h T -.'I , It Id, V :
Wii.l.lAM II. (i'l'i!I!At'i ill,
II. I!. No. !i(- i, Im I Ue nori h w e-l ' , of unrlli
ea -t 1 no; 1 1 1 1 Hi il li i!v l , and -i ilil ii we-t ' t
ol noi l hwet 1 , .-eel ion ;;, imv nsliiji ( norili,
ranee 1 1 en-1. W. M.
He Haines llll' lollo'. ill;; W'lllK to prove
Ills eonl illllo'.ls re-!'iellee liou and I'll h I II-
tioii in .-aid land, v a:
William McCoy. .1. W . i iei l.n'.'i'li. Howard
I'. Cooli and IPiwIv Adams, all of W'h He S.'il
li o n I'. 1 1.. Wn lila. lon.
ai -j'i w. u. iu'mi mi. Heels!,.,-, i
IIO.M r-s I i; n consoi.ima'I i:d No-
th i. foi: rr r.i, H'AiioN. i
al Tile ;a!i"s. ' 'n-Mu. Aii rusl 7.
I'K 1. - Ni
- I- I, el, l,y .;.Ve;l lhat the follow-
In" nam
i intention I
1 oil fla-n i'l
I I'lalher. I
d sell!' :s Pave Med in, ii,.. I
1 e niiii.iiie and make final proof 1
S eel IV, O ll. ' 01 e ll, . ,C I i 1 ; I ! 1 ' . ' '' 1
. Colaioe-aiei'l. ill IP ! er !
i j
ii i-1 p.r-.-. ,-;
on homestead a( i la a!
.soiuiiwi-! -1 et ,i r M -j
a No
for 1 he ,
J north, I
r.l'ue a . list, VA . M.
Al.l.l- l:'i T. l.i.K.
on hoiectead n ppl iea ! l. ai .o. . U 1 1 , lol'ltn
W '-I 1 solll ie'a- I I , ,, W I - I 1 1 I'l". I ll '.is! I
""I ion -JS, tow i'i i p " ii.e't ll. r.nm-!Mte.,V . Al
V'iille--i s; I- I'-; II 'v 1 i;. M 1; oi't-t . .Mar'! llaVl'll
p. n'l, II. I' hi !. -1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 . i o a it I'a i ion, I '. l-l. I 'uroi
nml A T. eek, a tt ot 1 !. ,, I'lver, i n , e..n.
id '-.'ii .1 A I' I.I i A..", lo-isicr.
NO i K'i', i"i; ,'(!;!. '(ATioN.
I and l 1 1 i ! a I Va a-., i mi', VV';. -1;., ii"!il 'i,
il n.--N.e i e i- iiei. i.y i, "ii tic, i th,. ioil,,-,v.
II",' lialne.! 'e';:el- lee; ille l loll .' id his
il.leli; ion lo m-lUe tinal eolnl.llHa' mil proot;
it. -1 1 1 . i "li ol l-.i cla'ui, and lliat s;i : 1 1 proof '
al la
le I-
- le" I..V.J. I. i a, id he- j
.Hi- ) olive, -, a-li., i
il ('.-. I. ale
oil Ivloi
m !;:. i"'l. v i:
'!!!' 1 .
lo!' li
lid. I
AO. In.i-v lo!' lie I'l-.I ';. -I lltieie
' , and . li.v e-
;iil;i lot i It ,Ve t ' ,
Ilil' ' Ilia ill, ran
si. ' . --eel.mti ;
i 1 , s -i-l ;. ill ','. tO'.V 11- '
'. V . M. i
lie lialne-. I'ii- lot lowi ier vv 1 1 te-as to prove
II is ! "Ill t me a Is iv-atteaee 11 ; n,,i aim cultiva-
M II ill sal. I land, vis-.;
vi al ! he vr Mal'lm and Al' Marlin of Clieu
iwdli, vv a-h.. and ilvioii I lam ; Ito.i' and A lilt-!
I. VVa;tlitz ol "I'l. ilil;.'. Va.-'l.
nli.-Ji vv'. !;. Id S l; (, IP-aster.
! I'inilier l.aad, Act .1 li in-;!, Is ..
I'niled S;ae-. Land I iliee,'an,-ollver,V!ish.,
.1 Illy li'i, 1'iH .--Nid iea is, I'.erehy iri - en I lia! in
or o 1 1 1 d in 1 1 e Willi ti e provisions of Hie act of
eon Lire-;, in .1 , i tie .1, j -,7s, en I li led an led t, h' t he
sale ol I inili -I- la in I;- in i hi' SI a I is ot ! a 1 1 Ion i ia .
' I" .on, Nevada alai Wa-lim ;t n I Vrrilor.V."
II-extended to all llie pu In ic la lid stales hy
ael oi A u.pisi i. isa;,
Al.m-.H'l W. I.niild l.l,.
I if 1'oillatid, eoioiiv i, Mniiniinniii. stiite of
I ll'etoa. I;as till', il i.V'liled ill tills olllce his
swoi n staleia. ill, .'.'ii. .'J'll. ..r Hie purchase of
I lie sou i ! iv i -1 ! , in. i 'er nort hwest ij iiarter.wi-!
half -iiiii ii west .pint ier s. ei ion I, and norlh-
i VVesl I plat lei I una ll 'Vest ollal 111' oi .eel inn No.
I I'.., Ml low le-'iip So. I ma t II. i'allae No. PI east,
i . Al., and will o!e in'ool to slio-.v lliat the
I..I..1 ,,1,.. 1.. I 1 C . ! : 'l ! - 1 i , I I . 1 1 1 1" 11 I ; 1 . . 1 ., ,.
sione llii.ti lor a;- leu i ! u ; a I pui-poa-.. unil to
. - lahh - h Ins eiaua to - aid land In nil" the
li-Misi. r and U. eeiv. r of in is oillee ai S'i.ii-
cotlve:-, v, a-n., oa I'll. lev, llie llliidavol
(icioliir. (;'!.
lie taiin. s as vviln 's Alheit ('. peels and
.Joseph lie d ol I'm I land, i ir., and Amjusi ,1.
V av ii ; i a ad 1 1 all. al 1'. Ihv of Trim; Lake,
Any a i el all pel -on., td-itmina adversely tin
uhovc-iioMTlbed l.'Uill.s ale re.pje.-ted to llll
heir elninis in I hi- otii.-e on or lielore sain
llll V of I li'tolie , I i
H-.'oH V'. 11. HI'MlAlt. Ihulsier.
1 I'lmliei- l.lllnl, Ail .In I ie !i, IS s.;
Silt I! La 1'Oli I t L.LiC A I i),
I niicd '-(.iff"- . ' !!(', ' Im ImJIin, m..
i--n, Awix, l liHU. Xolh-e is ln-n ti y -jive.
l;-v '! '.'Of,-!1, .1U1M- :. IS-, riihlirii "An
trt I : r the ?i Ic t'i I.Uilii-1- !;iiii.M l) I he J m t s m
'ail!' .I'M l;i. t t'ti'ili. '' ii'h n till W'ii - lii MjrMi
1 crrii n v ," a . .'-Mii.'-i i' i. it I i.c im t'i ic lam i
iU s by a-l "i A''..!iM i,
wtij.t . (.().,nt-N
1' f!:?u. aiVi'!1, rMl:i;.V oi V;iv'i. .-.!:; t- ofOfc
;tiH. !.,( 1 ' a , i 'i ill ! ii.s nm.-i- lii.-; sunrn
a ! ;i n! ", I i' t i.c pn iciia-s tn i he in ii i ti-
,,4iU' H I'. SO. I t I' ;ih
: , fi 1-1 lii!;' .Mi. Z n -I i :t. ini i' u c,i";,
.vl.. ami will I'li-i' j r.l lo .-mow thai
11'- N' ; ; ij,; 1 1 1 Is 1 : H . 1 1 ' I I i I ) 1 1 1 1 I'll I i I i III t'f Oi
i.'ii-' iiuih i 'or u-w.i in ui (,.in i " '-, nti-.t t
i' ill M -!. ' i I It M , I t)i I- -I'l ' I I H' 1 i'l 'II-
-!! :- . 1 1 i . ' i - ..fur at I l da .
'i Joil, i.;i -.i'Mivtc '. tic Ui, (x m.V. .l!l!
na .c. r i' !''."-!-. 1- 1'. W iha;-, (';:: nk
'i-''o: s, I", .w -!'. au.i A. v'l!iau. an
-1 H-m,.. river, i .Tcy.-n.
Ad, .in i :i j i . : .(:..- i ia1 1! : . a 1 it-i iy tin
I; : ; . I . t , i ian.N hit i c j i.t-s; i u fih
iitr ci'iinis in i iit "!! t" mi nr I.:-,..r fn'ui 2ii
IV oi .-.oVeliili; I-. .';.
ll'.'-i -2,t .1 W I'. l.r. '.VS. lieei-l,-!'.
- I r,;i. r I ;. ei. Act ,!uue :l, i-;s.l
xoiu i; i i,!i I'i'iaacA'no.v.
I'ni'ed -St,
on, ,V..:i: t
s I aiid I nle-e.
I'.,:. - No:,. a
i 1
1. ai l.-
ili .
-.- o
II t-e'
'I ovist
etltilie, is ol t tic
An aei
;!."iis of
I 'ien.,;-,!!.,, i ire...
d'- i-i i:orv .'' as e
slaies l,y aid o:
end Wi
1 lie p'a
-J. v
a in
V. li
A Vis,
;.:ie,s;a!i nl'Wa.di
. .. i;' i for the pur-
1 1 ) ; ;
1 1 .
1. S VV -' 11 1! -t ; ,
of I in- I 'a- , i ,
. in lor- n.-i.o '
nail. , . ,
jiii i
aiea e liuv
:- ; in
;' in r ins,
W i ;
...... I.
i r.i:.
. .aiie,--::
f .Vasli-
; a
. hu for 1 he pur--'
' , and v, ei
,V "-iej.No.
'i ' i ;' 1 1 '
tui ei V.'iislnn r-
io;- '.::! pllil'!!;.-.
'' 'H.'- ''.'v. Vh
o -'l.ivV thai lia
i.,r li- !m. lie- oi
lllS'i'l 'III' ll'll li
i ! ll,
1 I i:i I
; i K. c,
I I,'
,' " a !'',.
Ion. su,
i i lov, n
. lea':
en .. I eer. i rai'
j'hat II. . v v ;1 ..e. r pio,
Inml son, 'et is more aiaai.
s.oee ih.Mi (or i-.eri '!;: ;n a 1
e i -ll ' .
. I ;-
i.. f. h
I V U'll,
,;. ! He
i.,n 1 la ;
,re t n,
It dill
. !..-,vis. II.
,' Kalie.H :.-le-
- Ci ,
Ut'.S. Hegish
Is the place o, e, t (I,,, things
ol. We have l.ovs pant.-.
to id ri ko t he girls .Ii
s, hat".
Wire i:---!...;!!, r- .
Mover I'ee-healeis
(tooil Lead I'elli'il.s, -n lil
I for
Marbles, .' f,.r
Move l'oli-h, per cake . , ,
r tipi.
If y mi need a pair of I,,
lindiey and itive y oil a better
hers eonie lo its.
M i
Evory Day is a Bargain Day With Us.
Ami we are prepart
price set liy the i
you need for the
Phone I'd
A Coinp
le Line of the new
at our store for
Sale or
ai'Cordina; (,, the established now law and prices. We a! -o carry a full line of
SLATI'.s, TA LLLTS, PLNS. IN K. l'i:('ll.S. LI.AXK I'ALI'.ii. SlTloo
SI'A niiM'.l.'V AM Si l'l'I.II.S.
and w ill appreciate a liberal share of your patrona::o in thi" line.
hi'ii eoh:ui'.'e of books i- di sired same nin-l he m nle b"lore the flr.- l of next
laiiiiary. aik r I lull dale no eve!.,
your patrmiaL1
we sire v our- n-sin-e'l
Job Printing a Specialty.
isoM and juil.-uie
'd iiialilii-" "if ih.
IP Vela'
llll Llll'
us -1
the eoi .l i
fai'l ion to
.! ir al
ho-e w Im I, a
T.5- jr. vr.w
.':.-.: :, ...7
lS tfll
IhV li.;,..
..-', Lionr. I
ami -.1. I'v ;;
ii'.' Ima in I ,-.
-. V e do led
w hich we a:
I '-
us a cal
ho lie I'
ice ,
iprict'T of
A full line
t':i!l't.V, .N'lliS. I -
KblViuft, 'wf
1' H'
I i
loi- sale.
Ice ( 'renin. I
i I t'i' tin 'la, :ih
i-t' A'i. ni J ir 'J'li
11 I?
i.n , t -i n-
BUI iP li
Is the best
i I:
-r-T-f-T -S' T T
i;i:o. t. I'liAiai
r. s. i mi ...oe
,- , ', ' K
I.e'S ;i:,.l
Telephone .il.
neee-,ary to
wa;s. - . shirt",
end our child ro n to
overalls, etc. ! I"
legein..!s, etc.
Tin-pitiiiti d ( 'ii-piiloi s . .
Coin l and I !ni si i Trays, il U i; lass.
N". LN reeile.-s (iraitile W'a.-h La-
sili", only .
Tin Coffee Lots
Wood 1,
Knives and Fork", sot TV
. colue li
pair i f sh
We can save yon
When vou need rub-
ma supplies
e vehan'.' or sell y mi Ihe I k
sion. IhlN'T I'Oh'liKr we
roniii. Yours for business,
at the re''tilar
i.ive anvlhiiiu
mil Look" adopti d by the Slat
' of ( troL'on w ill In
met- can he ha, I. Courlou-lv soli
Solicit III".
:'l v.
li oit j-ir- am
ey tiro eivite.
will li'ld the
erfoct -ati-
Sun l i'iiit
Ml. V"
I'm ; u i-d.
in luaniu'
il ii-, w Im
t U I'eV
I.-. Hat."
in laree
ee! i
1 in
e.i p .I'.l'.n rash, Im; han.l !o
to ll.'
L. O. lelS h.S.
'lltil I'll',, ;il,VMV
in S'i
I (f?rs
lor wile.
rtn ttv
for sale.
i lliat i ; si MI'l.V I'Mlll 1-:
nidi'.-.- ( o.
s It
hit e?k-$'&tn tn. $
V70 can "buy.
-is, ;,d-.
.er Ih.
I'll' pel- li,
L"(i-ii; !.,is,
"' 1 '
-s-i-"l s t- i '- S'TT ;
1 1; I : i i'. !:Aiia;s.
lor m -n -r--si ii n -i.
io -.v I
in tieek.
Curro.-i oipletur sohi'lted
3 i fi
iiii fir a 1 A?m a in
mi vmmi
I-i y 1 ? . J rri . w f i m m fft u p
For Sale
AT . 0
I. The Loy place, near Tucker's mill,
in llood river: small house; ii nercs
cleared ; price if-'-Mh
Wcmiotf I'liice, near I'lidervMioil,
Wii-h.; li'.ll acri's ; HI in cultivation; lair
improvements ; y-otine; on hard"; It acres
I k'-.i ii"ii'r straw berries; plenty of uoml
wiili-r. I'rii'o ifL'.OOO ; tonus easy.
II. Ih'dht aires off the W. j. Laker
place, known us the llelfernan place; in
strawberries; price, with crop, if I, Odd.
-I. Twenty-live acres of the Silliinan
place, Lasl Side; ISaciesin cull i vat ion :
yi ii ntz orelui rd ; if7"i an acre.
'i. Twenty acres off ,1. W. Maker's
place; pear orchard iiinl other fruit in
bearing; juice fLe") per Here.
7. r.arrett-Sipnui addilioii ; 75 per lot :
?I(I dow n and ifo per nioiilli ; no interest.
S. Toil choice lots in I liehlaml addi
tion, only two block" oust of the post
oilier, on State street, at to.') lo flod.
Terms easy. Lvery lot has ti command
inu view .
I -i no homestead of Hid acres on
Look creek near Iavonport's. 1'rieo
if l,(MK)-f !ild down, balance at (i per
Id. Lioht I, ,is in Hull's addition ; each
lot level, NO x-110; center of ball -round ;
1 00 each.
11. The 1 1. T. ( ialliuiin t'.O acres, lyiliK'
on the county load north and east of the
Lai'ioll farm; -4 aores in cultivation;
!I00 fruit trees Lriee. 1,1..0, or Jl,2iK)
half cash. New filld barn on place.
IJ. The ('has. Looers 5 aero tract and
collate, I'runktou. (iood springs and
crook. i ."( I, terms easy.
I t. Thirty acres off C. A. Wyinan
farin in Odell iioiyhborhood ; all improv
ed, wiih free irrinutiiiji water; lumber
on uronnd to build house. Must sell in
.".0 davs. I'riec Ifl,l'i00.
IL The Allen Lullon farm. Lid ncres,
."i miles east of low n ; price f 1 ,000; terms
L"i. Lots in
t.' a lot. .
I ItMilcr.-on Htib-ilivisio
Id. Thirty-live acres lam.l east of
county road in John Monroe and ,1. M.
Monroe homesteads; wild lan l; price
V-'O per acre.
Id. The ( Hover farm, well improved,
I 4 ' miles In t 1 1 iol.lenihile ; 'Jill acres
: Ho acres in cultivation; ('.'! acres in
j w inter w heat ; 7 acr".s in uii, pasture,
i with a creek I'liniiiiio t hr.meh it ; all un
( Ii i" fence, with cross fences; larte
i new bai n and line house. Price fl.dll
an acre : v, ill lake Hood Liver property
in part payinent.
I'd. P. A. Tr:nin place. White Salmon,
I in si:l;t id' llood Liver; S acres, 5 in
I straw heniesand loiuatoes 1 7,000 straw
I berry plains and 1, 100 tomato plants,
i No imitation roiiiirod.
! -I. N. h, S. L. S. .. N. L. '., see.
j 4- 1 ' L. 11 I... While Salmon ; line
I timber land ; If 10 pe,- acre.
i I he L.tiiersiui hiiiiie.-toiid, only one
, hiii'' east of town; ii lie ra ii-j;e ; . lj 1 ,500.
! -o. Lois .1 ami ii, block 7. Winaiis ad
oilioii : i,-..o a hd, or its:, f,,r the two.
i -V Iwo be.iulii'iil hllildiipj lots hear
i O' i'l. imiiil - new house. I'rice
j for lie- two.
If 20! I
! I'". S. II, Cos'." line lesidence ill lino. I
i Liver, lot ll,.! ... .1!; -i,, f ),)( i
24. n-.l a. re-, with much Mr timber,
j liicliuhmi both fall" on ,.,I rjV(.r ,.,
t' r to I im li-i- .V Co,
. I weiily acres iy ii,o north of Peter
ivopkeV, Lust si,i(.; j,,,,,, 1U1, , lmi1H.
proved. Price !'.,00; lerms easy.
'.I Al Front Lake, so a. ; ,'J in liniothv,
ctils S tons a year; ..0 a. in lietitv saw
timber, while pine, lir and cedar'; west
lork While Salmon river runs throihih
the place; price If , .,.(.
'll'. Idiiina O. Lobinson's lOOaereson
hills east of While Salmon, known as
tlie pryer place; line
proved ; lf7N.i.
r; ilium-
L.Iioible rusidence lots in Sonn.rh.i-'u
I subdivision, near caiiiion house; dmly
f i; terms easv.
ifl'OO lo if 1,200 to loan.
At tlie
survi'v or
iiiioriuin is kept a lirst-elass
transit, .m,j ,). jn-oprielor
I henp.' a praeiieal Mirveyor, is ivell lire-
l.a r.,,1 I. . ,1. . 1 1 ..I. i I ' .
i."'"" ' 'oe ivinn oi laving on., iipn-
:i;ie property in lots nml llooks, ainl (lo-11!)-'
ilil K I III Is of siirroviiiu.
N. I.. Terms are easv on all tliojli.,ve
lan'ils, vvitli interest nl (i percent. 1'er
sons ilesiriiif; Incut inns on lioniosteailsi
aim niiiiii r olainis sliouli
lliii ' n i- i 1 1 itj .
applv nt the
! I iniher Lund, ,ct j,,,,,. :( jh;K j
I K K l-'OJ! I'l'iaaCATli
1 While 1 ,1111,1 I Mil.... 'I'l,,. I i.i II.. I I.
Inly.';:. I'.'iH.-Not ice is herein- ,o. ,.,,', ,,,
en inpllanee vvitli tlie pr,,v isiuns ,,( 1 1,,. ,.( ,,(
conercs. ,, .lulled, IS s, enlilii .1 "An ,., ,
Ihe sine,, i Minliei- la n, Is i n t he SI .ites of I 'ill
loiiiia. iit-ceoti, Nevada ,., didnaioii
; en ;,or,v, n- oxtende,, p, (p,. p,,,ip. j,,,,,,
slajes h.V act ol A 111511st -I S!i-
Id.MKIl !:. MX,
"' leiu'l''o" uiil.v ol' 1 in.-dilln. shite o
""lion, has tids day filed t,is,,ice his
-v.i ill .ship iiieli! N,,. ,,- ,e pi, , eluise of
I he lots l. e ., ri, ,,( sooip,,, Nl) ;;
' '' I' -v ' ' - 'Hi. rrntii,' No. '.leasi, W.M., nm
v. ll:-. IP ,- po.ol lo show thai (lie laud solllit is
more v-i'lu;; ,e r,,i- lis I iinhi-r or ,s,,nc I linn I'm-
i't.1 a " 1 1 1 1 1 I'a I, iiii, I to i s'alllisli his
rl;il,;t P. said n 1 In lore the lieulstci- mid
L.-. IV I- o! lips olli, e 'i'l,,. I,.,i.., ,
.;-d;:y. the ,a;Ji day o Oclo'.-.f, p.;l '
H e na me - as iiniuss,,: 1 n pt. -I. II, I Mikes
lad C. .1 Haves ol'llood hive,-. III-,.,., U.
lil, -' 111, 1 Oi .'dllllin-hllle. ll, li;,,..l el I
- land ol I loud lih e, , i irei.on. '' '.
.ind e ll person-claiiiiiie; aii verselv IIkj
' ' I'd';- ! latl.ts are icotlesl,.,! lo
dl ,
;: el i i i ;.v-, olli i-e on orhel'ore said. -,11)
, ,.l .'elolii r. Pin', ,
""t . . -1 '-V !' l-l"' 'AS. licirjslcr.
I'l Old" 1' lilld, el Ilineli. IS S I
NOI II K 1 OH li iaaCATlOX,
I :
- l.a
!1 Id.-
I ' '.'ih e, 'i'lte llalles, (ire,
'.'olice Is licr.ihv
Ihal HI ' Ma!,: a v, ill, . i.i,,,,, .a n,..
ac, oi .!-! sot -i i :, s,s, entitle,! -,n
nr'. ml Ill ' i ll,'.,; ti, idler lauds ill liji. sliiPsiif
i a!;'o!,iia.iir..e,;. N.-vmi,, ,i.;d Wusl.lnitiun
I ; r; ihe . i-vii'in'el to ell ij,,. puhiiediiiii:
-iale 1: , a. ! oi '. ii"u.-l i-e
,'' ii a i:. ii ii. sivvn 1 1,
"I I. ci! I i:e,', ,-,,ii,,,v of VViisen. slatP of Oiv-'-a:,
has no. day til.-.l in this olilee li e r s vv, I Hi
I ''em. ii'. .o. ltd. lor ll,e .tll-,-hi..-e .-I Ihe low
. I. a mil, ,' ot se -lion ,,. ;!, im, j,,t ;! ,
':' i'l. in to.,' n - I: tn No ,,,,, 1 1, -.,,,.. v..
t. A .M.. and H ill oil, I- yr.Hil lo'shi.W tlnit
;ili . .M.Otfut i inor.- vaoiahic lor ils lini.
, oi -' -ne tiii.n ior o'.-rici !:,iia I piu-piKcs,
il t-M S'ahlis!, her clan;, lo .-i:d land h,m.
ip lv-iti'i r mid U.-eelver ol this odii-e nt Tj,,.
a,, s. i......e!. in, l ri, lay, 11,.. a ,,, ,av f
i.t. le'. -r. 1'mi.
..ill. I. - es V . ,pS J
- ::.'-t.l.i' ':i:;ii';r.i, Hood it ivcr, nr.,
.. I-., i . : ol rendlelo:,, i M-.
and I'll p i -oii- elaiiiiiiiu mlverolv the
-i.e-cr,hed lands uie leiplesli :l tjL.
' lanes m Ihis olli , ,,r 1,,-f,,,,. 1uii
.v ol SepiMnher. mil.
Ih i.
jvi ;
JAY P. UVAS, ItegNftr.