The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 30, 1901, Image 2

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    ?'ccd liver Slacicr.
l'KPUY, Aldl'sT :io, 1 n .
The American Forestry association in
alliliation with tin A iinTii-an A hs iciat jmi
for the Advancement if Science ii'iet this
Week ill PfllVI-r. I'll ptTf (III tin- I'liiled
States govcrmfieiil forest work were fend
nml discussed. William I., Hall's i :i i -r
mi " Progress, in Tree Planting" showed
the iiicrcaM'i i interest felt over tin'
country in tin' planting of forest trees,
(iiffunl Pint-hot, Washington, forester nl
tin- department of agriculture, had a
paper on "(irazing in tin' Forest Ke
serves." Professor I.. II. I'n in ni1 'f
Ames, Iowa, in discussing tin; qui'i-t imi,
"What Slionlil In tin Pulicy of tin
iovcrninciit in tin I'intali l-'orcnt Kc
scrv'," took u strong position against
permitting sheep to graze thereon, lie
arraigned tin present policy "f tin gov
enilnent IIH ruinous to tin' host interests
nf tin- forest. Willi 21 0,OU sheep in
tin reserve, the 'iicrhaecons plants are
cut down in Mich a manner that the for
est covering, ho important for the sturt
iii of 11 yoiitio; growth, in entirely pre
vented. Sheep tire driven into the re
serve in defiance of law and regulation.-.
If the forests are to be protected, the
government must evert its authority.
The Oregon cmuinissiniicrs of the Pan
Ainerican exposition have recently I, mi
pnHli'hcd a neatly printed 5n-pnge fnld
tr, which sets forth in condcie-ed and at
tractive form the wealth and resource
of our favored stale. Hon. I',. I.. Smith
president of the state hoard of horticiii
tare, and one of the commissioners, ha;
nn extensive art icle on horticulture. Tin
folders are for distribution at lluffalo,
and will be effective in advertising tie
many attractions of our slate.
The progressive lleppner (ia.ette ha
llow six pages. The additional sheet,
though patent, is bright and newsy, am)
might be profitably adopted by other
Pastern ( iregon papers.
The little town of Vacn is preparing
In do eleventh grade work in the public
school of that place. Can't Hood Kiver
do as wr!l?
Some Karl)' Oregon History.
!r. W. I.. Adams was in Yamhill
county la.-t week alter an absence of ;0
years. Speaking; of his visit there the
McM innville Reporter gives some early
Oregon history in the following article':
Only the oldest old-timers will re
member bini, unless, perchance, they
know him as a prominent resident ol
Hood Uiver. lie was one of the early
school teachers of Yamhill county, and
at the same time one of its most exten
sive farmers. His was that spot of land
front which has sprung so niaiiv w ho af
terwards, became prominent in public
life, among theni lovernor George P.
JVoods, the Mcl!rides,Kow lands, Pcadys
and cithers. The little old log school
house that stood on the Thompson place
west of Carlton was the location w here
he taught the young idea how to shoot.
In tin; 50's he was editor and publisher
of the. Argus at Oregon City for nine
years, the paper afterwards lieint! merged
into the Salem Statesman. His paper
was contemporary wit h the Oregonian,
then published by Thomas Prycr. J It
was appointed by Lincoln receiver of
customs at Astoria, and after serving for
a number of years he made a tour of (lie
world for his health. Returning, he had
occasion in the practice of medicine tn go
to Hood Uiver. It was a case of love at
lirst sight, and be purchased a tract of
laud and located thereon. He prospered
to his entire satisfaction, and rents large
tracts of land for the cultivation of
strawberries. ' No other spot on the face
of the earth has cipial attractions for
him, and at the age nf 80 years he is one
of the most sought after and active citi
zens of his tow n.
He has had nn interesting career since
coming to the state in IS IS, and is often
solicited to write in book form the many
events w bich came under his observa
tion, and which retain a place in his re
markable memory. He hesitates to un
dertake tin! work for fear of not know ing
w here to stop, and the high cost of pub
lishing and illustrating, lie says the
greater part of ( Iregon history as hereto
fore, published is filled with error.
lie regrets the fact that Mr. ,,f
the Oregon City hind cilice failed to
gather up anil weave into bis highly in
teresting narrative the His! iic-jib 1 i
pale-faced heroes "w bo not their start in
Yamhill." On the w hole, though, t In
doctor gives M ion's the cred I of ha i,
come nearer the mark of a tiutl.h.
writur than has most any one of iin. s.
w ho "have been dumping
barrow loads of tia.-h
sides of the Oregonian and oilier put,..
cationa w hich have been enlightening n,-,
with early-time history,!?) not even t -cepting
the hcautiltil legends nf 1ml. a.
tradition which have been kinillv disheil
t out to ns in the Native Son, alter bavin;:
been pumped out of the belly of a salmon-stuffed
Indian, or drawn from the
'innocuous desuetude' of an hisln?ie
vacuum." He says he regrets that in
his coming hook of sketches of pioneer
life he cannot attribute Moore's la'rucss
to the fact that 'be got his start in Yam
hill.' The doctor thus describes an attempt
ed murder nf a medicine squaw in early
days: "The Indian rule then, as ail
Oregnnians knuw, was rto kill every doc
tor who lost a patiejit. The doctor
squaw was then living on my farm with
ianishut and Peter's family. The
thret'Tndinns came to. the Indian camp
riding bareback on one small ponv.
Wianishut, I'eter and P.oshneku, the
only males belonging to the camp, were
not at home. The test-jimmy in court, fin
which I was sworn in as interpreter,
was, as was sworn to by Shununw ush,
that three Indians came riding a puny
to her camp about three in the after
noon, tied their pony to the fence, dis
mounted and entered the cabin. One of
them, with a cocked revolver in his
hand, announced their purpose in com
ing, then, seizing the old squaw by the
hair, dragged her screaming around the
room, and throwing her head back put
the muzzle of the revolver to her nose
and fired, the ball lodging in her neck.
Wianishut, coming home about sundow n
and learning w hat had happened, came
to my house aUuit a mile distant, and
begged me to go and see the wounded
squaw. When I entered the Qudge si e i
was holding her head over a washbowl
and washing away the blood which was
gushing from her nostrils. I went back
for medicine, anil treated her the best I
knew hew. The squaw recovered. The!
next morning Wianishut and Peter came j
tome and said the Indians had been j
back and wanted to 'memiluse' (kill) the i
old squaw more. I said, 'Where are;
they now?' They answered. Yila.-kuj
nlt:i bias clatawa sia klonas ka vaska
toak I'uintux.' (Now they have pone in j
ajmrry to some distant place, we can-1
not say where.) I said, 'Saddle my horse,
Peter, as ipiiek as you can.' The l,nr-e
Was S .till i -in I v al the iloor, where I
-tood waiting, Wi:ichi.-!er rille ill hand.
Peter said, Where are you going!' I
-aid, ' 1 or I ho-e Indians.' Is in ivvniii t be
Indian habit of tdiielding all Indian crim
inals tun! trying to help tin-in to escape
from pursuing ollicers. I said, ' Peter, if
von see iinv of t be I lid i tins and tell the In
I am after t hem. I w ill -boot you.' I
soon found a ca in p of some 20 Indians
cloM' lo t he briiLe on baker creek on t he
road to where McM innville How is.
I li.-mounting, 1 walked into camp, Win
chester in hand. Kowe-ha, one of the
three, was there. I said to him, 'k.nvo
sha, walk out here.' lb- ca me out with
il hang-dog look, 1 -aid, 'Oct tn that
horse aad don't be very long about it .'
He obeyed, and I tied "him i'a-t under
the horse's belly, just about where 'hit-inch
had taken pii-so--ioll. I then
walked to Lafayette, leading my horse,
and shoved him into the jail. An nllict-r
was soon found who pursued 'i'sla nn-t'
and Isinalbee, who had lied toward"
home by w ay of Portland, where annlli
cer found them in an 1 udian lodge on
the hank f the Willamette ju-t. In-low
Portland, and brouglit them both back.
Their friends came and olleied me if;'."
if I would release theni from prison. I
told them I hud no such power, and if
it was left to me I would hang them. At
the trial before P.oi.-e. the old squaw tiiat
had been shot was there a- a w i'la'-s. I
drew from her a line story !' (he shoot
ing, hut she to. d up and made an elo
quent and impassioned speech, which
neiiig translate 1 this w ay :
" ' 1 do in. I vv I. n! you to iini.-h t he.-e
Indians. They tried to kill me, I know,
nut they didn't miiv. . d, for I am here,
.is oil see. alive well, if they bad
killed me. I -ilppo-e that by Po-hm la',
llicy would have lo be k,!l. ) t !.in,-el e '.
i'he lnd:an law justilljs I lo in f..r killim:
an v ilnciiu- w ho l.cs o-t a p i t lent . I have
. - p. . I ii ills a ml perhaps ought to d e.
i am not de-id. I hen vv hat jit t'ee i
here in puuisoilig ne-n who w ere i.'.l.'i
d by their chief to ee,-nte India, i law
w hich w a- giv vii to us hi 1 1 1 -1 1 w In go'
oiir laws fn m the same great spirit y e
got all your law "
('arlnail of Ap; le. ai xl. rr per
D. II. Sear-, tin- Lu-t Sid.-app!" .1 v
er, sold a cat load of Pen 1 '.(!.- ;: :: .
Monday, at fl '" per !'..:, ,, !iv. :.'! . n
board the cars, a I t he Hood ii .1 d po' .
flu- carload of .am boxes b." ..1.1 (.
Leash, and were bought by .1. . ( ..!.. .1.
a nil-reliant ol I 'aw son 1 ny, , . i.a .
The app'es will be gat h -re. I and -i; ' ;
at once in oider I hat I he;, may r- eci
the Klonii'yke niaiket bel, li.e viiir,
freeze sets in.
Inline. Iiat-dy after Mr. a ha I - i i
this carload isi Ifl.o.'i per b iv, a Chh 1..
buyer appeared and a-ked loin s - ;
price on the lest of his crop .-nine nil.
or ten carload-. We if. I not l-aru the
result of his bar... :iu . illi the Ciiii -ii.
buyer, but it ;. .- to -h ..v that 1 1 i
Itiver apples ai.- in d. u and, and 1.1.1
growers will realize mM.-iaci.ny prie.--for
their vv inter a ppe - lies v 1 ar.
W;;al a Tide :t Ti Ih.
If t hat mirror of oitrs show s a w retciieil,
sallow ci.mple-.. ion.a jauielici d ii h
patches and hi .itches 1 ! I he s I i er
trouble; hut I r. King's New Life Pills reg
ulate t he liver, pu l ily I he blood, giv e ch a 1
skin.msv chc I.a, rich complexion. I Inly
.'."n- at Chas. N. Chu ke's drug store.
The man who seeks tn belter his own
condition by building up and developing
the interests of the cm in unity is a 11 inch
better citizen than the man w hose stingy
soul rejoices only in his own success. To
help one's self by helping others, is the
tin it to of true citizenship. Wa.-eo New s.
Pro. P.lylbe, lake back that statement
aboiil where Knox got his small pnv.
We spurn, with all the venom of hades,
the falsehood that Mr. Knox contracted
tbt! disease at Morn. lliserver.
Walla Walla is to have a si reel rail
way system. The company granted the
25-year franchise is to pay the city !j lull
a year for the lirst live years, floill'or
the next live years, and f'JMl a year for
the remainder of the term.
'I'he steamer Keliance, of The l.d!e
City Company, which has heretofore
been rather unsuccessful, ow ing to some
fault in her machinery, has been hauled
out at Supple's yard for a thorough
overhauling. She lias a new wheel, and
wyw valves have been put in her engine,
under the supervision of Mr. Cashing,
an experienced Lake Kngineer, and she
w ill be ready to make her trial trip in a
day or two. The new valves, it is ex
pected, w ill check the wastage of -h am,
vv hich has heretofnie cuu.-ed the l rouble,
and will make great imnrovemeiit in
1 he working ni the boat. Oregoiiiau.
Tu Save Her ( it: til
l-'l'i nn fright I n ' 1 1 i - !i pi relni-ii! M ; s. N 11 n ie
iallegerof Latin i:gv, I .a., apph-d Ih.ek
len'sA I l.i.'aSai ve lo gieai -ore-. 111 her tViee
and head. I'le I w : it-s ii s 1 , 11 ick cu re- e -coede.lall
!, a h, ,,., I; vvorl.s wonders in
sore-. 1 1. .e-. - -.; ; 1, . rMi.i : ns. cuts, bun,-,
scalds and pic-. ( are gaarau-
ieed h- Cha- N. 1 lark.-.
! Li :. ' I i I.
A la. I. -I
,11. Mrs V 'he A
i In n .1
I ' e a, l.'.w
.1 A K
lo i. -I 2 . P nl.
lla.-vef . I-; i
o i: . .1 i;
.HaJ.s. i ,n. ai. ! !. air '
ha:, la W.I-...I, : i'.J,
v' vl. M. 'i ..TPS, .
ii er i :.:
, la s: li.
'a.l.ll.i.l'v I'
I; a. I. ih, i : 1
W anted.
a. t lo to el '-'I i
I Sale. 1 . 1
To Ii I n i'.. nil a. t I
I. en the IP:-, -I Sal
Ii -'I a.-re-. ii. .-! o
1 . i . I'.hii-I! S.
Berry Land For Salo.
six or i. n m" cm i h r v t -c i : i v.- nv, h. v, y 1;uhI
w if h Ihhm1, Ivti'ii. i' Uv jutd w oiih. ii; run
nim; wait r; 'i1., utiles iioin Coluiniiia nvi r.
hniuiiv ai t h is o!h-
Free For G Days.
Die. e- eat anil lit lor any one ea in n at the
staiiitiii'tl I ii'ess tintae.' M'hool lii'iaie.: ihat
tune. .1 A N i , Cll.l I I S, Manager.
Team For Sale.
Span nl liniM'-, harea- s aa.l vvaiaai lor sale
clieiip. In.p-.irem . IP M. 1IP.N I'.
Good Work Horse
Kit s;iU' or t iiii it fur lumlur. T. il. n m X.
Notice of Sale of Stock.
tn .Motitlny, Srptt tutii-r :0, l-hil. ni !0 "-li - k
fit llic lurcHooii, iili lilt- stuck in Die Hood
liivcr Ti"i;nsporti' ion aini I'oom cnriii'diny,
ihat hns he u Hiili!-ci UhmI tor -mid n j on liicli
t lici i' is it ii v ui! I'ii'ui aMf-Mticli I s. v. ill he sold
to I he hiu'hcl I 'id tier for r;ih; i in1 proc c-ts nt
such --itlc lo apply on the unp-ihl u-scvsii!i'!iis.
Salt to he cofuhn y ' A. licit, u t pre-.;-dent
ol'thv Hood Kivcr Tr;t nspurta ! Um :mh)
lio-niMotiipaiiv, and in-fore the duiii ut' the
iIiict' ct stid coinpnny :t: the li cry b;nn o!
the Mountain Mn-.e A i.i cry cuinp.iny.
I'.y order ot i he lioard ot I ti rector.
Hood Kiver, nr.. Am;, :!. I'.l.
. NOriCKl'DK IM'liUCA'noN.
I.iin'l iitlii'i- ni X'liiii'.inv er. X'. n.-li.. An;. 1 1,
pml. - Nol i.-e i- la reiiv uivcn Unit tin-
inu-Ulinieil -eltler ila- tileil netiif nt Pis m-
lentinii to make iniiil pr.ii i in Mi'p.ut ni h.s
elailll, an. I I ill. I sa nl' wall li" l.iaile h. tore
XV. li. l're-liy. I n ii il Nnnes i iMiiiiii inner
tor ill-lrie! et", al h.s mpee in
i li i!i lamia !e, ';i.- i i nj: ! ti, nn 't in -, lay, net.
s, liml, vi:
t.Ki'Hi;!' !'.. SI'I.I.IN. IK!:.
Ilonii-li aii Kiury No. ai-il Pa t!i- v.. hai'ot'
snut In a-t qual e r: . "ill In a-l .plal l, r ,,:' -"i,t ii-we-t
ipiaiiec si-iion Is, aint ie ,i a .iia-i
ipmrter ti nm al'v.i -i uiiui-i. r ( --iin l.i.
tnvvn-liin ii nmi It. nl i nn'e 11 ea-i. Xv n). Mi r
Me if, Hies 11, e I.elovv ire- Wll: . s (o ja'ove
Ii i - ism! .nii.ui - re-nienee upi in iia.i eu it i a I ion
nl. -ai.i lain! n::
llliiiai limit. I liarles A. l"i nr-.m. rhm- 11.
l'eiirsiiii, lU'iiry f Ken iainin;. nil nt Trout
ljtke, 1. U., U'a-liiiiL-nn.
nilsT W. K. it"Xi;.!!, r.e'jist. r.
I.usl I'li'la'- or Halnr.liiv, l.iHvuii I'nlil
Slums 101. 1 lh... .1 IPver, a roll o! I.e.l.hna.
I'lieli-r v ill a-e I. a v e a I ilneler nil iff iiinl
it- tav e 1. i oil.
Articles Found.
uvi'tna-.1111 l.avt -at, ie l.v catling 11I
lilllii I V: 1'a.r ill' s.eel,.eli ;' I'all.leli ll.'ll Willi
I hllllilli', 1I1. .' i'le. Ill, gl ue.
Tor Sale.
lllli'lil'M I Colli A 11 1 1 -la t 111: !'! Ill" ''I'll
s.riiu: I li"l. r.niip -lov .; 1 ..nip amir-, lalce,
Ii III Ii". a ; wa-h I ll!i an I le 10. 'U inu HI ai-i!-,
all tor -!a. I!. t'. I Ml' 'il.
1 111 1 v man Sin II 1 1 place, I'., miles In a 11 low n.
Agent Wanted.
For tills vaili'V mi II llru pI'HM.-.lloll. Agent
wall he lntlglil how lo linililil'le! lire 1 lie L-i io.'s.
I. a. Ivor (j . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . No Inagl.t or mnlilli
mini's pr.illl. II. t' 'l', Hi ill.
ue l,v man sinll h plit.'e, I ' , miles limn low 11.
A itai'ii I.opm n, s-inoin 11-iil.l lieileraai 1.1'iun!
hill inarU' -I Willi V- Inle on loii'lli a.l lllel
lell -l.olii.lri ; White on L.'llv an. I llanliP-ix
Well .level,, pell leal s. I ! .' VI HI ll Inl' III lol'llllll lull
hit ill tilara r nilice or v ilii lee.
,i'll 1IAKI.L.
Ok!c;5t and Most lieliable
III Illi' Valley, ha- ell hall, I :l- l liniei' It till ill
1 1 1 e- a : .'Ii 1 1 1 i- -ia-on n- nr.- In !' Illl'l HM
vvl.i i :'. I a I i -1,11 i ill all k in. Is. t 'all all. I see
Hi, in. Tl' I 1 1 1 1 -1 Iiii- I I.I- loea lil V. Ill
ipai.e I'.l l.' pun -list. II. ('. HA I'l'.U AM.
Crab Apples For Sale.
ii. c. HATi:n m.
li. S. I. l I.Hi.W. I'.op'r.
lie. a ..I .-a i, I.I i .1 I.a.- I I. Ill :.' - a-
.'. I I :.; . -. '.'.... I V, II 1 1 PI: a .'IS.,
II, .-I ! I ' - ' .a. I e; ii". ii '.' o.l Ii ill Pu N'.iHll-
Ali G i.t.k (luai anloo'.l.
, i; . .,.! ,'.,. , ... n h ee . -. npphe- alel
'.'-:.' al .' I ";! ..pi -i.ili.l, nn
.1 II : . I .. -I .. , , ...It HI h II-
... - !, 1 I.i la ltl iv;'i-. ! : .i.'l -Ii'.li
I.i.i .. t 1 .. a.r i..; it-
ai'i . ' '' ' ' i '. I Hi.-..
V t .... I i , ! .1 . . . ,'i,i 11 I ,
. -a v.'l.n . r ..' !,,.. V. I'.
p . : . . . . .i '.'.. , : :.: wj lii-
,,. ." . a I, . i I, -,. al ll," ii-
a.. ..'. .i : , a; . , : a a. i.v
ii : . 1 i I" - I. . i ' ' I i
Pasture for Cattle.
I will hi lie a Mm I leil tin r 1 1 . r tit" - :t 1 1 1 . m pas
lili't III III' 'I'' -I 'e It--ill mini ni l. I i. Ht.
i i in a .-l.'.c p' r ..n li I i ml - i.: -. '. .11 nm
I .. ' a i a l -. 1 1 i . r i Pit 1 i : a- e .a-als or
I.-v.; a. vp. ..,1 u.Yi in.
i ,ai.l'."l I .ae.'., Ael .lira' .1. :.:.
NO l'ir I') i';!: i 'J'.i.!t A'i ION.
I'lli !e! .-'-"' -' PallP nii 'e.'i a I.' Mr. er.W'ash.,
Am;. :2. I .I. - N"! i.-e i a i . In' .. i'.i ii liiai in
( '-I VI !l.e ..'l I: it. I: - til' :ha a''l of
roll.;-,.-- a 'Pel.. ,!, l-7 . I . i I . ' . I "An ,fl fur
tin- Miieo.''. r Ian. is in il a s:.:t. s i,' Pali-
I. iiaoa. ' r. '.hi. .Sevatla aa.l Wa.-PmL-pni Ter-
I'it'UV." at- eleli(p..l In all tile pnli'ie lit II 1 1
.-tales In' !..! ol Ai i a-' 1. v
in 'ii ai,!' !i. i . : r i ::r.
nl' IWIIitii-l, email ,' i alnPii.i.aa,,, -Pile nf
I let -r li. !ta- P.!.. i. a;. PI ,i in P.i- i.ili.a' lii
svwaai -I ii "i a ai i . N e ',''''.. far ; Pe j ai rr I.a -e i if
I lie .11. ll f...-1 ' , 11 : I I . '.V , . i , nf a rl ion N (I 22,
ill It. -A a-Pi. i .n. Ii .la.!,, una... No. Ill east,
V. .M , :l!l l will e-l r p:....f In show
thai Pi. hi i ni s.iti.'lil i- mine vaiuahle I'm- Us
liinlier oi sinne than tor ai; i ii u 1 1 urn i pn r-pn-e-,
ami tn e-talil,-n hi- t-a-im in -aiii iniid
li.tare tin- Kea-isla- ami Kerei v it nf. Iliis i.lllee
al X aiieiiiiv ei , W'n li., nn Tiie.-.lay, tin' ath
ilay i, , i iv ei 1 1 In i , I' nl.
lie names a- uatne-.a-: .ht-eph X'. KihmI.
K. .li.'il ( 'nx ami Aiea-I I. le-nllz. nil nl I . lie. WhsIi., nn. I Alherl W. l.nli.iell nl
I'nrl Ian I. I r.
Any ami nil per-iuis elaimin nilv ei s. ly tlie
aliav -la'ilie.l lanti- are re.iie-teil In (He
I heir claim- in this niPce mi nr lielure -alii
',til .lav of Niivi.mli: r. I' al
aahii V. li. I'i'MIAK. leaii-t.'i'.
TiiaP. r I ii ml, AW .ieea .1, Is.s.:
I llite.l Map ". haml I lillfe, The 1 la i li '-, I ll I'
ll. ill, AIM. la. Ilinh- Noliee is In l-el.y ;iivell
Halt hi i i m 1 1 . 1 1 a a a. ' Willi I he prnv u, I lie
act .il'i 'i.le:rr of .1 nm- :s. Is,'-, ealilleil "An
ail i'ol' I lie -a lr nf I ill 1 1. 1 I' t.ll,.i- iil lite -laies l.
1 'al I i.a a et. l a .-. al N-vaila ami W it-1 1 i mil on
ler: iiei, ,' a.- ealemle'l in Illi lilt' ptllilic allni
stales li an nf -t I, 1m2.
Wit, I, I XXI li. h'di.PliS.
: ii I iui 1. 1 I; iver, cmi illy ol xVnvi., slut. tif I ire
jim. Iia- Iiii- Pay It lei I in tin -1 it lie" lo - -win n
I a I. a I. ellt .'.i I. la, lor I lie plli'.l III -.ol I in' Iierl ll-
ea-i i tn 1 1' I a', a- ni 1 1 ii ii a pnarler i.l'-iei am No.
2 . in In... toliip No. 2 ma lii, ramie No, 'a ea.-t,
VV . M., ami n ill mi'i r pianf In samv llial I lie
I a mi ii a' 1 1 1 l- more va i tin hi a lor 1 1 - I i liila'l' ( a
-1 .mo tiaoi for aaPirulliiral pun...-. -, an I to
'siiiinlsh cliiitii it. s.-iiii liin.i l riie Ilea-l-ler
ami li, , ( an a, lie,- i ilii, -e a I 1'iie 1 la lie-,
i iraiien. on Sai iii .lay, t la- 2d t. ay nt No , , I : .i 1 1 .
lie name- a.-' ivilne-- T. V iaans. Prank
I la v ee pi . l t . I'". l i. Nop.; and A. V inan.-, all
ill (limn I' iver. I IreLioll.
Any ami all per-me. .daimiiia' a Ivi-r-eiy Hie 1. ..Tiliei land- ar" reipn-te'l in til,
i lie 1' e'a ate- i li I !n- o Pi . i mi i ,r I for. - -a it I 2.1
.iav .:l Nov.- r, P"P.
ipa.Pi JAY 1'. l.l't AS, ip.-i-p ,..
Tit, il.. r I aa.l. A .: .lana :l. Is.', s,
Nol 1 1 Ql l-'OU lTilLlCA riox.
t'llited St. t!.'- I ami I llli.'e. 'i'l,a I la I ! e.-, 1 I "(-
noti, Aiaiiel 2. 1 an. o'i"e i- la ri'i V .riven
paa! Ill i. in I phi. nee V il li the p:' o ;-ioa of I In
lie I nl eni..,'l'..-s ol .1 line I- .-. .-: . ' i I P I "A n aet
lor t lie -a ie ni rimiifr lamis in iii" smies ni
la I ill ii ana, i iri-imn. Neva, at and Wa.-liintnii
T-. rrliory," a- en aided In all the pul.lie land
-tales li.v net el Ail-ru-l I. I-'.'.!, Hi." f iliiivvim;
per-oll- iia v e I lii-ilay li Pit i,i 1 IPs nlliee 1 iieir
sworn staleniem-. w.:
Wit.Ui'li ti. I'A.VIS,
( if Spokane, enaidy of SpuPaae.-iale of Wa-li-imilmi.
svvnrn .-lalemenl An. 1 i 1 fur tile ilir-elia-e
ol t lie I n-t iimlii-ea-t '. of seelioli
No. 2tl iii low n-iiip' No. I, nertii: rama It east,
Xv'iilantetle Miara.ian.
llll'KS A. I.KK,
l If Sjinl. a lie, cull lily of -eol.aae, -late nf 'A', 'i-h-ilU'lim,
-via.rn stieemelit No. I . ii far I lie pi! r-
clin-e of I lie rtorlli 1 ,.. -mu li vv.'-t i , and west
iiori liv e-i ' , t.f -eel am No. 2 '., in ne.v nslnii No.
I mirth, ramie Nn. !i ea a. V, ill. M, r.
1 1 Kit ii hi! I I '. I 1 .1 ' I ( ( I i
1 if Seat! Ie. comity of Kitej. : Ian- of Wii-111 un
ion. s'.Mirn slal.'m. n' No. l: li, Iia tile pu l 1 1 ;t -v
ul the Suit! n P.. nm'i liu i -t i , el -eetlull Nn. 21.
in tnwiishiii No. 1 imrt h.rana.' No. tiea-a.W'.M.
i liat lin y will iitler pru.ii m .-inm the
land sum: lit i- mure v a ma hie f-.r iis t imhei air
sninethan P.r pnrp.'-e-. amltj
e-t a lp! i.-li 1 1 i"l r eilii In Pi sanl land l.cinre t hi
IP iii-ter an I K'.'eiaver nf tlii- oiiice l:i 1 he
I mile-, t mi;, hi, mi .sap.irda'. , llir 2..tii davnf
tietnln r, Pmh
They name as vvitm s-i s, W. i. nvis, 11. ,.
I ee ami I lerlna t h. K iin I -at I in Si nne.W a-h.,
II. I', t'lmlull of S .,.! Ie. Vv lali.'l'lll.M 'l-iHjslr
of A-iiianil, XV ami Ni. Vv la aid, at oi 'I he
1 nlle-, i ireirmi.
Any and nil pn- a,- eiai-aiair n iver-elv Ine
III. land- i. 'a i, ,pn'-n d ih nle
llieir eiaiius iii tin- iiilicc on or liefori.' said
2,1 li dav i.lXiclnlii r. Pud.
iiiit'2'-. J.VY I'. I.r.'.is, Ce ::h;er.
j NOTK'Kl'OU l't I.LK'A 'I'JOX.
i I afal i Mine nt Tin- 1'alles. iireirmi. Ana.
I Pml. Noliee i- hf .ehy tivee. Il.nt the fmlnvv-
I ill mimed selPer I.a- Iii. ii nut It of his!
i iumcimu in make liaal nrnof in support I
j ol Iii- claim, mid that Mild pi'mil Willi
j Pe ma.1..' l-.-fnr." tin' (Pa- i-i. r i.aa P,-i-e:v er at .
' '1 he linlte-,i ir. j.iii.i.a Ti.e- ! ( a Ic-r s, pii
! 1 1. Ill IX 1 U l.i A-, i'.l p j
i in le.e laili.--. i'. . a. il. P. No. al.' 7 fur the ..
: -on iii P.. iith.ii.-l 1 , and -1.11111 '.,. a: I ii .te-1
j ',. -ee. 2a. Pp. 1 map.. I n.L'e ,..; VV. i. !
; He nam.'- ila- i..P ..X .a.; v i'm , - ta prave :
hi- ennin.ii....;- iv-.iPier e.i .iii .0,. I tan'.iva . j
. ll 'il nf. -aid laa.!, vi: 1
; .lol.n M...:... ila. XhllU. y ;. a t ll. r-liey:
. ?na: kiey nf linn 1 tiiv, r, . a ., ami J. vV.!. "a :
' nl Tile lniie-, lliiiam. 1
i 2-i27 JAY V. l.VV S. l!eSi-ter. I
Hlulic.-I -tun. lard in the slnle. Tvinliuie
lire, I cum -es in l.iteraliut', f-t'4t'l.'(- itlni the
lll't-, S.'ieliei. mid 1 in. llieel inn unit Music.
New hiulilin is imd 1 ipiipineul: mcii new ln-
-I riletiirs. Ncarlv a, lull Mlltllnes llihli'il In II-
lirar.v in hi. Summer vvllli l iilver.
-ll.V el'i'dll. Sp. elal emir-i s lor tenellers, fill'
I. iivt and M.iiieal -: niictii s. 1 1. part mint nl
KilticnttiHi for teneln r-. prmciiials ami sniei'
I11I' ndi nn. 'f an nm lice, en-i ul liv Inn luvf.
Tlii't e slinh nis e in 1 1 i ml sclinlar-lilps In Inrue
Kn.'leni nniver-iiies In lltnt
sti ml ilium, in 'r.'slil"iit ur Ih clslriir I'm'
clienlnis and cnliil.niiie-, laiueiie, nr. n2
A Hit wan;. 111 . pniriiu- nl lelliled tu pi mil d Iv ill
la v slni. 1111 I he M I, Hnnd I'uail, snlll ll nl PlVMI.
ii Mill vvurk nt r. n -unnlile nriees.
Iiiv l? ti. A. ItnXV Kl l..
Town Lots for Sale.
Apply In .1. I'. XV A 11',
Sec'y ; i. nl Civ er i'uw n-ile Cu.
McGuiro Bros.
Pl.VI.I'lis IN
Frch and Cured Meats,
Lard, F'ouliry.
Fruits and Vootablos.
l-'ree I lelivery. I'lmiie Iin.
To Witer Consumers.
fill rule-ul Die cnmpallV will In- sll'ieliv
liilluwed nil. !' II is dale. All w hu are delill
t Ileal alter I he l. ll tta V (if 1 1 ie II lull I ll Will lie
illaiyetl III" lull prlc, vil -I. .'ill per 11 it ill 1 1 1 :
II Mrn 2,e .n m; In I he eulli ctol', w hu will
shut utl Wilier al Ihe imilll llolil leslllenees
where pav ineid P no! pinmpll.v niadi-. mid il
w ill mil i. ' Itirie d on a.aPn until nil iirreat'-
imi.iiii'i. 1 1. I'....ji!imni,' .Inlv l-l nevl.nll
vv an r 11 ni- vv ih he . iiai a .1 in nw m r- nf renl
ed l.tlll Olea- he-'' ad al a. tie' oei llpnnt.
lit 11 H HI hit SI'lilN' ,V X l ( H.
For Kent.
'I'lieS. S. N.itenmn phn t ncre- nl lld-iii-piii:
on.- a.-re in Mm-. i fries, l-'or p.oiic
nl;ii s Mpil v ! . I'. IE. 4 ' f .
For Salo.
Two linr ' vviu'oii ;e,d earl ami thoroim-li-hi'etl
1 Idcii. 11 :, tiy Mr-, s. S. Ni li'l-PXI AN.
5 Acres Land for Sale.
I P. miles snip li ol lima ul I loud Uiver; nil III
si 1 a i', Per ric-; I ill fruit 1 1 0 a ma 1 1 lit ai-e; price
rta-omil.le. Adde s- W. H. II XIII'I.C,
n ;n I lund Hiver.
Franktou Fxftress.
I'a 1 ler. r-and n a. ..aeie Inken in ami frnm
mill camp-and nil pari- nf t he v a llev; nl-n,
hi; hi 1 1'uii-lt'i-riii'i a n l single i i .'.- liti n i.-hed fur
-hu.pii:,L'. I-'. K. 1'. I'A I. K I NX.
Ladies' Tailoring-.
I tin , e decidi il In pill 111 l adle-' i ailea ilii;
In eoNiieclion wdii ley I 're-s lull iiet Selniul.
Any on.' ivi-him..' j n-Pcp. n'al -Mils made
shu.lld call nn I eaa 11. v ,l i. A perfect lil
and llr-l-cla-- vvurk nun. ana
J.VXK t'n A IT '.S,
Ma ha",, a s la it da r.l lac - 1 'ml I in eli,nil.
Bids Wanted.
I 'y S' In ml 1 'Pa k. (P'u. 1 . I 'r.i 1 per. for 2 1I...1 11
hrn nils, a aallons farter's writinir tiuiil, 1 dir ,
ctacer-. I.eaM' sainplc nf uuod Willi,
Hid- cl.-c .- u'e'u.'k, Anjn-1 Hist.
leigian Hares.
I'l'iuLlei d st.K 'i. I' O -a'e ' V
li ti! Winn. VV (PITH.
Noun: roit rnn.icAi ion.
Land 1 mice at X'aa.'iiuvi r. V:i.-'- Ana'i-I 7,
la ih None i- her. hy aiven li a' Hie itiPu.r-Iiiii-nai.nd
si lll-i- fas 1 1 Ie. I iniiii',' i f In.- in
tentimi In matte linai piu.d' In support nf
Ills i ll. im, and ilia! said pl'ue.l vvidlie Imuie Hie Hei'ii t.r ami IP'eiver ('. S. Cnml
lliiiee nt Vim, 'Oliver, V a-h., mi Sat lirda v,
seplenih'-r 27. Iwl. v ;:
I'. !:. Nn. !H- i, lur Hie nurllivve.-i ul mil l 1 1
easl 1 ,, n.irtti P. norihvve-l o( ami southwest '4
ul nm I h west ' , -1. 1 inn luw n-lihi I niii lli,
ramie II east. XV. M.
lie iinities the f.illnwhai witnesses tu iiruvc
Ills eun ! i minus ri -ideiice upuii and cuiliva
t it 111 nf snid land . vi.:
William Xlel'iiy. J. XV. iv crham:l. Hnvvnrd
I '. Ciink 11111I Unvvly Atlalns, nllnf While ISnl
iiii.ii I. 11., VV'nsliimdiim
nii.-2l VV. II. JiCMlAU. l!eKlsler.
iio.mi:sti.:ai) co.siii.iiiati:i no-
TIl'l-; lOU ri'lll.K'ATION.
hand l Mlice at The I iiillcs, ( 11 eitmi, August 7,
1'inh Nutice i-herehy niven Hint the follow
inur mtmed seltlers have filed nolici
intentiun tn eeminmenml make tlnnl irnnl'
en llieir re- ective claims lielnre (ie(rieT.
Crnlln r, l . s. ('uminissiuiaa', nt Hmnl Hiver,
I Ireuini, on I'ridav, s, pn .,Mi -r 'j,i umi Vi.:
MINA l.i.K.
(in lliinic-lcaii i!.ilienliull Nn. SICK, fur Ihe
smithwi'-t seel inn 2-, township 2nurlli,
ramie !i eaat, XV. .XI.
A I.I Haiti' T. y.KKK,
nn hnme-ttad M ppl i( al ion Nn. S2II, tnl'tlie
West P, siaililta-t ami west nurtllensl !j
sa-t inn 2s, Pom i-a ip2 Hurt Ii. ran it 11 east, XV'.. XI.
Wilim e-: frank Hav. naeri, .Vlitrk Hiivcn
inrt, H. I'. h.l!eimin,(irant Catluii.l', K. Huron
nml A . i'. Z. i li. I nf I loud III v 1 r, 1 irctrain.
nh;.-JI .IAV C. 1,1 I AS. Kc-ister.
NOl'K I'; FOIt l'l T.LH'ATION.
I and 1 1(1 ice at X'linceiiver, Wash., AULTiist ll,
Itlill. Nut .it Is liel'ehv mvei. Iliat Hie lullnw'-
im; iiaiiied ,-etller lias (tie I lattice nf his
intentiun tn make Ihntl euiaumlni inn tirnul
in suimurt el hi- e'nim.nmt thai said pl'iiuf
will l.c maiie t.efurc the Itci.-ier nml he-
t-civei- nf I .S.I. audi Uli. i nl V'aiiciiiiver.XViisli.,
nn .M uiitia v, scpiem her 2.1. iant . vi:
tld. l-aitry No. Ki'.'ss, Inr the e t.-t P, stmtheesl
(,11ml s,,ldi:we-i Milllllenst '. -cclioit 22,
and lima itvi e-a 1 , norl acn-t 1 4 .-. ei'iuii 2,',tnwn
ship ii ma'lli. i-iiicii- lllea-l, W. .VI.
He mi -nc- t lie I'olluwim; vvi 1 1, .--es (n prn'.T
hi- cnlili.illi.lis re-iiliaiee lljiun nnd eullivn
I1011 of said iand, v i,:
Mallite'V Mnrtill nnd Alex "da.ahi of Chell
owitii. VV a-i,., ami llyiini laniillun iiinl Ah-jrn-1
.1. VVamiitz "i ,l'r.;:: I tike, Wiisli.
11 11,-211 W. IP I d' N II A li, llejiisler.
ii'iml.i r hand. Act .lime is.s. j
no ri. ' I-; 1 ' i ; 1 i' 1 ; i . 1 1 ' ATI on.
I'liiteil S'ia'es hand idh'.'. Vancouver.
V. n-1 1.. .lime 21, l:H.-' Net ice is licreliy c I veil
t in. I in'latiH'e w a' h ! h. pr iv i-i. 1:1s ul' (In
net nf ( 'uiiare-- n! .(mil 't, I-7S, enl il ied "An
nu act inr I he 'at a' of 1 inihi r lands in t he -la les
0 1 ( 'a 1 i lo ru i a , 1 1 r, ".-.' n , Nevada ami Wn.-himj-lon
I en iiurv . " as eMcmlt il tn all the i.uhlic
land -laics l.v net nf Aiiuiii l I. Isn2,
T'llt 1 .VI AS I- I.YN'N.
Ill' Sealtle. e.illlity nf K ilej. -tate (if
XV'n-nimiimi. has lids dif. Pled in 1 1 . is olh "e
hi- sw .a n -iaieim 111 N'o. 2'.'."K'. lor Hie p nre I nise
nl the S.; ' , ni'SI i 1 , sec. '.'I: K P, ul S,W 1 ; nnd
SW 1 . ul SSV I.-, nf sect iiai No. 2 : ill lownsllii
No. 1., curt Ii, 1-nm.e Nu. la ca-t, W. M., ami will
ulli r prniif In, show Hint Hie land sum-lit Is
mm'" vnluame a ir ll - t mill, r nr since , P, n inr
10; rn-ii 1 1 11 in I pui'io-.-. ami to e-iaPu.-li his
claim to said land hcime Ihe IP ii-ter nnd l!t
cciver ol' this otliee nt X'nn. mi v er, Wn-!i., on
I- riday. Sept. hi. vl.
Hemiinesiis wilne es: Kuh'r! I-'. ( 'n and
A. .1. la-niunl i runt Lake. Wn-ll., A. W.
l.iihtlell 1.1 Curl land, 1 n, ami N lies il. Winans
ul'Sealtle, Wash.
N lj.KS II. W IN' ANS,
1 if Seattle, cm 111 y nl' Kim;, slate (if Wnshinu
h 111, Iia - 1 his da v li I. il ill I his ullice Ins sworn
slalement No. 2i'"il. for the airchase nf Hie S
!., nf N K'j and sp, nf N W ',, nl sectiun NO. K in
tiiwn-lilp Nn. li nurth, I'liiiirc Nn. 11 eitsi, W.M..
ami will tiller primf In slum' dial Hie land
MiiiLTht is mure v aiuahle (ur its t imherur stunr
than for a-rrieultiirnl pill pn-e-, and (n eslnh
lish liisclaini In said Innd heliil e Hie Kei! isler
nml lieeei"r nf Ilii- nUice at X'ltncunver,
Wash., mi Pridny, Sept. Pi, hiiil.
He names as w it m'.--. s: Knliert V. I'nv an. I
A. .1. VV'niinilz nf Trullt I.ilke, VVa-li., A.W.
I nl. dell ni PoiSi.ail, dr., nml Tiiunuis K.
I hull nf Scaiile. 'a-ll.
Any ami all per-ons chiimim.' adversely the
ahnve il- -crihed lands are retpnc-lcd tu tile
then-claims in mis ullice on or lieforesnid 1-it J
day ot .sepi. pml.
je2-nu;i) VV. K. IiCNMAIt, Kep'istt-r.
t l'imher, I.a tld. Act .Ilme.'l, lsrs.l
t" nil nil Si ale- ( itllce.X'a 11cm! ver. Wash.,
.Inly 2.1, (mil. Noliee is hcrchy niven Hint In
eniiipiiance witli the provisiuns nf Hie net of
eoimre nf lime ",. s7s, emit ied nn net Inr Hie
sale nf lini'iei- lands iii the siate-nf 1 ':tli torn hi,
nr."-'..!!. .Nevada and V. .'i-huc-lun Territory,"
a- exientie.l tn nil I In- jinhlie laml states hy
ael nf AllL'llst I. 1-H2,
AI.UPKT W. I.iiIlliKI,!.,
fif Cortland, eocnty of .Ainlinumnli, stnte of
I ilenmi. this tiny filed in this nlliee his
sworn stntemen!. N o. 22:ii. (ur (he purchase of
(he -nat i: west ipin: ler imriliwest iiinrter.vve-t
half .-..nt'iiie-i (piar:-r se.'iiuii l.nml nnrlli-we-i
i,ii:irter mirthwi -I 1, nailer 1.1 -eetiun Nu.
I'-. hi No. I ii'irtli, ramie Nu. lueiisi,
XV. .XI., and wiil ni'er r.n...f tu shniv IhiK Hie
land smiiil is inui'e vamalde fnr Its liniher nr
sinne than (,,y le-' ;iiirpn-.e-. nntt in
e-tai ti-'n iii- nn tu - pd land lielnrP Hie
H".'i-ler ami llcceiv.'r nf (hi- oilier nt X'nn
ttnivrr, Wn-h., nn Kridnv, t lit Htli day of
t letnlier, pni.
lie nam"- a- wit m :-.-: A I Pert ( . I Y-ets nnd
.Tn-i pli j;,. (j (1f i',,i tiand, 1 ir., nml Am.-iisi J.
XVauii!!.'. a 1,! K iht rl V. I . of Troni l.itkr,
V ..-a.
Any and ai! pel .-..n- el aimimr igiv-f'r-ily the
nNive-.l,-. !ine lands nre re., m-ted to tile
'.iieir claims isi (his niiiee on ur helure Baitl
Hill dity u (icruher, 1 ) i .
a2 i( V. K. lH'XISATl. Htirlstrr.
A Cnin'iletc Line of tin new Sclniul l'nKiki nlt .ptctl liy tin: Stnte of Ore'nii v ill lie
f 1 hi 1 1. 1 lit our stnle for
Salo or Exchange,
iiecuriliiie; to the estnMislictl new law ami irifC'. We also carry il full line ot
nii'l w ill iiiiriciute a lilierul share, nf yuur pal r tiiiitr in this line.
When i xi haiii-'t of hnnks is ilesiretl siiine must he iiiiiih hefore the lirst nf next
January. After that date nn exchaiiire can he luul. ('niir'musly Holicit inj
yuur jiiitriinaue, we are, yours rcsiectfullv,
Job Printing a Specialty.
Dethrone Prjudice
I'se retismi nml juilineiit in yuur chuice nf fruit jars ami investipite
the eond iiuilities of the Sun I'l'llit Jnr. They are ejivinn'jierl'ect satis
factiiiti to those who have useil theni. Yon will tin. I the Sua Km it
Jar al
chool Books
and Supplies.
We w ill have iii 11 lull line uf schnul hunktt fur exchaiiL't and sale.
I'on't for."'! that we sell lunch hoxes, hook sirups, eracers, sioiiei
a ml in l':ict 't vi-ryl liitie; y.ui iieed for sch ml. I'.y past, experience we
knuvv yuur neeils and are prepared to supply theni. Yours fur
I'linne H(
Xini can huy u'on'l p'omls :U niost sturex at a hifrh )rice, and vmi
i-iiti huy tru-li at a c!hm;i pric . It, is seldom ymi will liml a store
x it Ii tlit i mil Is nu. I the cheap prices cMnhiiieil as they are at
the Paris. Fair.
Oil (
Tow 1
I issue
li, per yard
1'iyinj.' Pans II c Ladies' Shoe Strings, peBiair
Kius, each f c 1 h't l Plates, 2 pair
ne -'ii ckinp I'Vet, Ii pair L'."e lihickinp' P.rushes, with dailher.
If ue ever luiil a haryaiu we have jit it in Latlies' Press Skirts,
These are inanufaclurer.'s' sainines atul tie are sellim.' theni at, IIS1.,
Jjer cenrjvof ri-L'iih'.r pric;-. They are not ilaiiuiL't-d, and styles are
strictly up tu date.
Many people art: takine; advaiitane of nnr offer and are .'ittiiiji a
hcantil'iil dinner set free, lie sure ami get yuur share uf these heauti-
"leaders in low prices.
Pry (iunds, Omceries, Paints and Shues, l'n rniKli i n-j ioiiI.-, Hats
0:iis, I'lniir, I'ecd, etc. W't: huy direct from inaniifaot nrers in large
lots and del'y any linn in Oregon tn undersell ais, who handle the same
iptaliiy of goods.. We do nut deal in Cheap John trash, hut handle
reliable goods, which we warrant to he exactly as represented, (live
ns ;i call.
Phone Hi.-).
A full Mm nr Cnnily, Nuts, fruits, etc., always in spick.
Zee Zee Zee Zee Zee
Inr sale.
Cur sale.
lee ( 'renin, lee Crenni Smla, nnd I'luin Hndii Hint is SIMl'M' I'KKl'iX'T.
Ap-iait fur iin- Ilalles I.iinndr.v Co.
o a i 1J i -j ! y 3, i ii i 1 j I i v
Is the best
White Ar-enic ,ot-
12'.,c per In.
Sal Soda
n m m sa rs ru viyxv
rtOi i
I 4-11. lots, L0-lt. lots, 1(K) n. lots,
t' 4e per He Sic ar fl. 21..!- per Hi.
P. S. ('oinniissioner and Notary Puhlic.
AW, Gfflj ml U Esti, Mow lo In, kwm.
Lots and I;i(H ks fur Sale. Tuxes jiald fur nun-residents. Township
Plats and Planks in stock. g
Telephone 51 . Torres ontlence solicited.
(.'linl.pine; Iluwls, an low as
I'ouhie-I'ililile Chupiiini; Kllffe
ne li
ne 10c
t t 1 ". ! 1
P. O. Pox -ICS.
ai a.
Inr stile.
Cur side.
V O 'J d l v t V V V li
x .x .h . .h . .'x :x m :i -l . . .a
we can buy.
!:'-n' U f"1""'
10c per It.. Oc per Hi.
17- " I-....-
ell lb 1 tin B
For Sale
I. The I,oy place, near Tucker's mill,
on lluud n'ver; small house; li acres,
cleared ; price fl-'nO.
.'. Weinlorf place, near rmlerwood,
Wash.; 1 00 acres; 10 in cultivation; fair
iin-priiveineiits ; young orchard ; 'A acres
hearing si raw lu rries ; plenty of good
water. Price $-,IKHl ; terms easy.
It. Light acres off the W. j. P-aker
pliice, know ti as the Ileffernan place; in
straw lierries ; price, w ith croii, $I,(KKI.
II. Twenty acres off J. . Maker's
jilace; pear orchard and other fruit in
(tearing; price fl'-'d per acre.
7. Piarrett-Sipina addition ; $7." per lot :
$10 dow u and f ") per mont h ; no interest .
S. Ten choice lots in Highland addi
tion, only two hlocks east nf Iht post
nll'iov, on' State street, at f7.r to f 150.
Terms easy. Kvery lot has a command
ing view .
Ii. rim homestead of lilt) acres on
Hoik creek near Pavenport's. Price!
f 1,(KI0 tf.'lllO down, halame at, It per
10. I'dL'ht lots in Hull's addition ; each
lot level, HO 1 HI ; renter of hall ground ;
flOO each.
11. The ( i. T, I lalligaii 00 acres, lying
on the county road north and east of the
Parrett farm; L'l acres in cultivation;
!MI0 fruit trees Price "fL'.lnO, or tL'.L'IK.)
half cash. New f'KKI ham on place.
12. The ('has. Pogers 5 acre tract nnd
cottage, Lranktun. I innd springs and
creek, if I. terms easy,
Pi. Thirty acres off ('. A. YVvnum
farm in Odell neighhiirhood : all improv
ed, with free irrirat ing water; Itiniher
on ground to huild house. Must sell in
lid days Price l,ii'.IO.
14. The Allen l'ultoii fnrm, IliO acres,
5 miles east of town ; price f 1,000; terms
1."). Lots in Henderson siih-division
If:i7..r;0 a lot.
1(1. Thirty-live acres land east of
county road in John Monrne nnd J. M.
Monroe homesteads; wild laml; price
f.'O per acre.
10. The (ilover farm, well improved,
4'.. miles from ( ioldemlale ; 210 acres
110 acres in cultivation; (: acres in
winter Avheat ; 7 acres in ling pasture,
w ith a creek running through it ; all un
der fence, with cross fences; large
new ham and line house. Price jf 12.50
an acre ; will take lino, I Uiver property
in part pi'vuient.
JO. P. A. Trana place, White. Salmon,
in sight of Hood Kiyer; 8 acres, 5 in
straw herries and tomatoes 17,000 sira w
herry plants and 1,400 tomato plants.
No irrigat ion required.
L'l. N. ',, S. . S. ',, N. K. V see.
4, T. :i N., I!. 11 K,, White Salmon; line
timher land ; 10 per acre.
21'. The Linersnii hnniesteail, only one
mile east of town; line range; f 1,500.
2,'i. Lots 5 anil (!, hlock 7, Winans ad
dition ; if 50 a lot, or lfM5 for the two.
25. Two heaiiliful huildingolots near
Unlit. Kami's Hew house. Price fJlK)
fnr the t tin.
L'll. S. II. ('ox's line residence in Iloo.l
Kiver, lot 100 x Hill; price If 1,200.
2H. 52!l acres, w ith much (ir timher,
including hoth falls on lluud river. Ke
fer to Puller tV. Co.
20. Twenty acres lying north uf Peter
Kopke's, Last Side; good html; unim
prnved. Price $500; terms easy.
111. At Truiit Lake, 80 a.; 3 in timothy,
cuts 8 tuns a year ; 50 a. in heavy saw
timher, w hite pine, lir ami cedar ; west
fork White Salmon river runs throng
the place; price $1,250.
32. Linina (1. Kohinson's I'iO acres on
hills cast of White Salmon, known as
the Prycr place; line timher; unim
proved ; $785. ,
Lligihle residence lots in Spangler's
siihdivisiuii, near cannon house; only
$75 ; terms easy.
$200 to $1,200 to loan.
At the Lniporium is kept 11 first-class
surveyor's transit, and the proprietor
heing a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laviinr out acre
age property in lots and hlocks, and tid
ing all kinds of surveying.
N. I!. Terms are easy on nil theiihove
lands, with interest at (i er cent. Per
sons desiring locations tin homesteads
and timlier claims should apply ttt the
Notice to Taxpayers.
Tin Una nl ni K.iializati..ii (ur Wa.-eu enmity
(ri'j.'iin, will meet iiinl lie in se.sin nt Hie
cuiirl liuiise nt said eonnty lroni .lundnv.
August until, until Saturday, A iiiist. :tls,l!MI ,
liutli days liielii.-ive, nnd will alleinl to any
nml nil matters vv liieli nuiy come lieliirc sncli
linaril (cu- euti-ilterntinu.
Tlie i nlle-,jW'nse 1 ruiinly, Or.. inr. il. liKi
nn ('. Ii.srii.xinir,
Assessor W'nsrn County, I U'eaon.
ITimlier Hnnd, Act .lium.'l, 1h:h.
t'n II ril Slides 1, 11 ml ("Ilier.Tlie Iliilles,(lre(;nn,
July ilii, liKil.-Notice is licreliy (liven Hinl in
emniilliinee vvltli the provisions of the net of
i'uni;rrs- nf .lime a, Is.s. fiitilli il "An act fur
the sale uf tlinl.i r laml- 111 Hie Stales nf I '11 1
ifurnin, (ireKini, Nevndn nml Wii-lilnutun
lei'i itiiry," iisfxlenileii In nil Hie public land
slides by net uf Alluust I. lsttf.
KI.MKIl I). KrX,
nf I'endlitun, euiinly uf rmnHIln, stnli ot
(Iri-Kon, litis Iliis ilny tiled in this nlliee Ids
sworn slali nient No. ItrJ. fur Hie pnreliiisr of
Hu- lots I, .', .", nml ti of sect Inn Nn. .il. in tuvyn
slilpNo. 2 nurt li, rnii!'e No. II ensl, XV. .XI., unit
will nti'er proof tu sliu vv Hint Hie land sonulit is
more valuable for ils liniber or slone tluin fur
liuiieultlllnl mil'lmscs, 'iiinl to cslnblisll his
claim In snid Innd helure Ihe Iteulsler and lle
eeiver uf I his nlliee n( Tint I ui les, ( irt'i-oii, on
Salurdny, I tit ."it h ilny ol (letober, I'KH.
lie mim e 11s wit m.-ses: Cnpt. J. II. ImUes
itnd ('. .1. I laves of Hood Itiver, (lre(.'on: It. II.
Ilie-iiind of Xliirtinslmrit, Indiiinn: nnd Lydia
K. Hi. stnml nf lluud Kiver, t Iregon.
Any mill nil persons cluiiniiii; adversely the
nliiive-deseribed binds ttre n-.iie-leil to in,,
llieir rlaiins in this oilier 011 orbefuro s,iiid .lih
(lit v ol i letober, Hull.
Jiiio-I JAV '. inus, Ilrnister.
ITimlier I-,nnd, Ael .lunc:i. 1S7S 1
I'nltrd stnlt-s I.nnil ( iltlec, The Dalles Orc
mui, July -i. Itml. Nnliee is hereby given
(hut in runiplinnee wild Hie provisions of Hie
itrt of t-niii.'1'ess uf June it, 1.H7H, entitled "An
act for Hie sale uf timber lands In Hie states of
I aliluniia. Dreiiun, Nevada nnd VVnslilnirtim
Territory," 11s t xiended to all the public lum;
sillies by net (if AutiUst I. s!r.
( if If noil Hi ver, con if l.v of Wa-rn, state ofOre
siin. lias (bis day liled In (his nlliee bersvvnrn
-llllelllenl. Nil. 111 , fof lilt- pltrellllsrot Hie lot,
it, 4, Hand III nf section No. lit I, ami lots it and 1.
sectiun ill, in Imvnsiiip Nn. 2 north, rnntie No!
Hea-t, X'..XI., and will oiler pnsif to show Hint
Hie Innd sniiL'ht is mure valuable for i tx lim
ber ur slum- 1)1:111 fur iiL'rienliiiriil piirpoe-,
and to f-tnblisli her claim to said Innd befurt
the Hi-sister nnd If.-ceiver of this odp-e at - j)0
luilles, fiii-.-nn. on Kiiday, Hie -',tli tin v of
seplemlier. pml.
; Sli.h'tiiinies as witness es: J. II. Dukes (' .1
Hayes and II. c. Shatl'er. of Hnnd Hiver, dr.,
and K K. Kix uf l'emllediii. Or.
A iv and nil p. 1 0i- elaimin adversely tin-alsive-tle-crilHil
lands are reiiit trtl to llle
tiit-lr t -lui ms in tills ullice tin or before snid
2rih (lav of Kcptcrntwr, l'.n.ll.
i-27 JAY I'. I.CCAS, Rerlster.