The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 23, 1901, Image 2

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    I ?
jfcod Iiver (Slacier.
Fiiio.vY, .n;i;sr 23, woi.
l'ortliiml in to have a new imtrninx
daily to Im; know n as tin; Portland Joiir
mil. There 18 money behind t?ie scheme,
and if the promoters are assured of their
requested guarantee the first issue will
tipliear about the first of next year.
1'ortland, with the surrounding torri
c tory in Oregon, Vanliinutoii, Idaho and
Ilritish Culumbia, offers tt fii'JJ of 1 ,000,
0O0 population, und there is no reason,
if firmly established, w hy the new ven
ture should not succeed. Oregon 'h me
tropolis lias 100,000 population and there
in no city of itH sue in t tie I'nited State
where one paper lias the w hole field as
with the present Portland daily. The
Oregonian ha heen published . for 50
years, ami during that time has not only
made itself n permanent fixture in the
I'iiciflf Northwest hut has made itself
recognized as one of the half dozen
really great and able papers in the I'ni
ted Slates. Time and again opposition
papers have gone to the wall trying to
dow n the Oregonian, but Oregon's great
paper u as-only made stronger through
them. The time is bound to come
when Portland (dull have two big dai
lies, and as the field is now , big enough
for two the Oregonian will do little wor
rying for its ow n safety. The new paper
will be democratic in national politics
and independent in municipal affairs.
The war between the cattle men and
the sheepmen of Crook county still goes
merrily on. The Prineville Review re
marks: "Our sympathies are with the
stock men as against foreign sheep. They
have no right to come into our midst
and eat up our grass from our own stock
and force them to retalliate on their
neighbors. This kind of business has
driven out many thousands of our cat
tle and sheep, who preferred to move
rather than have trouble with these
highway robbers. Others say, nay, we
will stay and defend our little home and
few head of stock ; we will not be driven
from pillar to post, ami if any of yon
dares to trample upon our little home with all our might.
Who can blame this class of people?"
Oregon will have a banner crop of ap
ples thin year. Conservative estimates
place the total amount of first-class
fruit to be harvested nt 700 cars, or, to
be more exact in detail, at about 21 ,000,-
000 pounds. These figures have been
gained from Commissioners of the State
Hoard of Horticulture, who closely in
spect the various districts at regular in
tervals. '
In Alabama the legislature is to meet
only once ir. four years under the new
constitution. Evidently Mabama be
lieves with Thomas Jefferson that a state
is best governed w hen governed least
MeMinnville Reporter.
New Portland Daily.
rortlaml is to nave another morning
daily. That is if the people of Oregon
w ill give the new paper 10,000 paid up
subscribers for the daily and Sunday
issues at if". 50 a year, the amount to be
deposited with I.udd & Tilton in trust
find not to be paid over to the paper un
til the first edition is published, llearst.
the millionaire newspaper man, is be
hind the scheme. Willis S. Thompson
and Arthur Cooper, of Denver, are the
promoters of the enterprise. J he new
paper w ill be the Portland, Journal.
A prospectus of the paper states: "We
w ill have built anil placed in our office
a four-deck, straight-line Hoe press, the
most modern pattern and comprising all
the improvements up to date, printing
three extra colors in audition to the
black, and being in fact, one of the best
presses that the Hoe people put up
That it will have a speed of 24,000 pa
pers per Hour oi 10, 14 fir 10 pages.
w ith the extra colors, or 12,000 per hour
with 20, 24, L'8 or :io pages. e will put
in a battery of ten linotype machines,
built with all the most modern patent!)
and improvements, with universal fit
tings, two-letter attachments, extra
magazines, etc., making it in this re
spect also more complete than any plant
now in Portland. The illustrating plant
will be a duplicate in capacity of that in
the ollice of the San Francisco 'Kxam
inor.' In some instances the machinery
will have later improvements. The.
stereotyping plant, including double
head steam table, cutting box, shaving
machine, tail cutter, trimmer, furnace',
irontop tallies, elevating table, stereo
typing chases, curved r niter and other
appliances making this part of the plant
complete, will all lie of the latest and
best variety that can be constructed and
built to our order. As a news service
we will have the same special telegraph
ic news as that printed by the three
Hearst papers the New York 'Journal,'
Chicago 'American' and San Francisco
'Examiner.' This is recognized as the
best and most complete and thorough
news gathering service of the United
States. That all the news that comes
over the leased wire from New York,
Washington and Chicago to the San
Francisco 'Examiner,' as well as the ex-
0 cellent coast news service, will be sent
over a leaded w ire from San Francisco
to the new paper at Portland. The
tensed wire and the difference in time
between the East and West will also
enable the new paper, in addition to its
superior special service, to have every
thing of importance that is printed in
all the morning papers of New York,
O Washington or Chicago."
Excursion to l.ull'alo.
The Portland Evening Telegram's sec
0 ond personally conducted party will
leave Portland on Septeinlicr 3 for the
Pan-American Exposition at Puffalo
and other points in the East. The thirty
meniliers of the first party, which left
Portland on June 7, have all returned
and report a jolly gnd most profitable
The Evening Telegram quotes a rate
for Clie round trip, delightful side trips
and practically all necessary expenses
while en route to Buffalo and during the
stay at the exposition. As an experi
enced conductor accompanies the paitv
and attends to all the details of travtf,
e it is a most desirable plan on w hich to
make the long jonrnev. The Telegram
is to be commended for its enterprise,
and persons contemplating a trip East
will do well to investigate its otter be
fore making other arrangements. Peo
ple from all parts of the state are al
ready enrolled for the second party.
" lirotlieihnoil of Ai.drew.
Dr. and Mrs. M. F. Shaw last week
presented to the brotherhood of Andrew
and rhilip a complete set of Dickens'
works in 15 volumes. They also gave
the order u crokinole board. The young
men of the organization appreciate the
gilt, very much. J he lirotliernooti is in
debted to the tllacier for a large map of
the United States. Otters of lnagaznus
hiiiI equipment have been gratefully ac
et p'ed. It is expected to open the read
ing room early this fall, the exact time
dep. 'iiding on the promptness w ith which
the remaining subscriptions are paid.
The president, Rev. 11. C. Shaffer, has
received inquiries from all parts of the
state, as well as from California anil
Washington, and also from tile East,
all of them commending in tne highest
terms the enterprise ami liberality of the
citizens of Hood River, which made the
gymnasium and reading room possible.
Siiccesful Strunlieiry Primer Invented.
John Ilakel and (ieorge W. Reed have
secured a patent on a st raw berry pruning
shear invention which they worked out
last winter. The machine has two cir
cular knives which work in cissor fashion
at right angles to the handles. The
handles are three feet long and work
similar to a bund corn planter. The
'machine is very effective in clipping off
the runners and leaves, and is an inven
tion of which the strawberry growers
nive long felt the need. Witli these
shears a man can qivcr four or live
times us much ground as with a hoe, do
the work more effectively, and with no
injury at nil to the plants. Messrs.
liakel ami Keeil will try to sell their
patent, but if not successful in that
they will have a lot of the machines
manufactured to sell.
Ashland will haveliO, 01 lOboxes peaches.
O. O. Ruck, I'.eirne, Ark., says : I was trou
bled with roiiHtiimtioii until I bought De
Wilfsl.ittlcEarly Risers. Since then have
been en t i rely cured of my old complaint.
I recommend them. Chits. N. Clarke.
A pitless prune is the latest hyhred
developod by l.uther liurlmiik of San
ta Rosa, Oil., by crossing the ordinary
French prune with a plum.
If the act ion of your bowels is not easy and
regularserioiiscotnplicatioiis must be the
filial result. DeWitt's Little Early Risers
will remove this danger. Safe, pleasant
and ( ffective. (.'has. N.Clarke.
The school statistics show a loss n.
school population in Northwestern Ore
gon, lint a gain in Eastern and Southern
Oregon. Wasco county made a gain of
300 for the year l'.HHt.
Jas. While, liryantsville, Ind., says Di
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve healed running
sores on both legs. He had suffered li years
Doctors failed to help him. Oct DeWitl's.
Accept no imitations, ('has. N. Clarke.
Fish Hawk, chief of the Caytisc tribe,
died of consumption at his home on the
Umatilla reservation last Sunday, lie
was a son of the famous w ar chief of the
Cayuses, Young Chief, w ho was conspic
uous in the wars of the tribe during the
50's and tio's.
Eruptions, cuts, burns, scaldsand sores
of all Kinds quickly healed by DeWitt's
Witch HazelSalve. Certain cure for piles.
P.ew are of counterfeits, lie sure you get
the original DeWitt's. ('has. X.Clarke.
There is one thing that should be kept
before the public in regard to tliecliange
of school books. It is the introduction
price for the new books, which is half of
the regular price, by exchanging the
old books for the new. The parents
should all know this fact.
In cases of cough or croup give the little
one One MinuteCoUgh Cure. Then rest
easy and have no fear. The child will be all
right in a I it tie while. It never fails. Pleas
ant to take, al w ays safe, sure and almost
instantaneous in effect, ('has. X. Clarke.
A sorrow ing cortege has deposited in
the silent city the untimely remains
of a rash citizen whol'acetiotisly inquired
of a perspiring pedestrian csterduv:
"Are the profuse radiations of salubri
ous ozone w hich permeate our em ir ms
sufficiently adequate to meet your appr
bation." Eugene Register.
Mrs.S.II. All port .Job ustow n,Pa., says:
"Our little girl almost strangled hi death
with croup, The doctors sanl she couldn't
live but she w as instantly relieved by One
Minute Cough Cure. ('has. X. Clarke.
Indians returning from the berry
patches on thi' Washington side of the
river ha e loud complaints to make re
garding the scarcity of huckleberries.
They, claim that the frosts and sheep
have almost abliteratud all signs of the
wild fruit on which they depend for
their chickaiiium, says the Chronicle.
P. T. Thomas, Sumterv ille.Ala., "I was
suffering from dyspepsia when 1 com
menced taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I
took several bottles and can digest any
thing." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is theoidy
preparation containing all the natural di
gestive fluids. It gives weak stomachs en
tire rest, restoring their natural condition.
Chas. X. Clarke, Olaeier Pharmacy.
A party of three, gentlemen, including
a Telegram reporter, spent Si. inlay in
vestigating the possibility of scaling
Castle Rock. When about two-thirds of
the way to the top they found it impos
sible to ascend further w ithout the as
sistance of climbing paraphernalia,
which they returned to Portland to se
cure. With these necessary adjuncts
they feel assured the ascent can lie
made. Xo white man has ever scaled
the rock Indian legend has it that the
ancient chiefs with their treasures were
buried on the top.
From frightful disligurenientMrs.Xaniiie
(iallegerof l.iit irange, Im., applied Buck
Icn'sArnicaSalve to great soreson her face
and head, anil writes its quick cures ex
ceeded all her hopes. It works wonders in
sores, bruises, skineruptions, cuts, burns,
scalds and piles. 25c. Cure guaran
teed bv Chas. X. Clarke.
One on the .Inilire.
Tt seems that while Grand Cutiiicellor
rii-.idshaw and party were making their
trip in Kastern Oregon recently, the car
riage in which they were traveling need
ed some slight repairing, for which a
monkey wrench was necessary. Judge
Cake, who is always ready to render any
assistance, volunteered to go and get,
one, and walked over to a ranch nearby
and asked for the tool in as plain Eng
lish as he knew how, but this is the re
ply that he got : "No, das ban no nion
ka ranch; das been sheep ranch. Ah
tank you strike the wrong place."
vinit a Tale il Till.
If that mirror of yours shows a w retched,
sallow complex, inn, a jaundiced look, moth
pnteliosand blotches on the skin, it's liver
trouble ; but I r. King's Xew Life Pills reg
ulate the liver, purify the blood. give clear
skn-1, rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only
'2Tw. at Chas. N. Clarke's drug store.
Land ofncp at Vancouver, Wash., An?. H,
hull. Notice is hereby given that the follow-
In-named settler has tiled notice of his In
tention to iiinke liiuil iiroof hi suminrt of his
claim, and that said proof wiil be iiiadcbcfnrw
. Ii. rresliv, I illicit states t oliuiiisstoner
for district of Washington, at Ins office in
(ioldetidale, Wiishiimtoii, on Tuesdav, H't.
S, liml, vii: v
lif t iliHf; li, SKl.l.l.MiKIl,
Homestead 1-Jiliy No. !WI for' the west half of
soutluast quarter; snntlaast quarter ofsoiuh-
wesi quarter oi section Is. and nortneist
quarter of northwest qu iner of sedion 111.
tow nship ii ninth, of iniue 11 east.Wiil. Mer
He tiaines the lohnwiiii; wit ne.sses lo prove
his continuous residence noon and cultivation
of. said hind viz:
1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 Coate. Charles A. I'f arson, ('huts H.
l'earson, Henry C Keiideuburst. all of Trout
Luke, P. ll., asliiniT'oii.
iU:T W. n. Iit'XRAH, Register.
Lost. Friday or Saturday, between Cold
Hrlnv mid Hood Klver, a roll of lieilihntl.
Finder will please lci,v at Under ollice und
re vive reward.
Articles Found.
Owner enii have mono hy eitlllus at Ito.VH
bakery: 1'ulr of s,ccliii'les;' hiindcrclnif with
thimble, dos; i'IihIii, love.
For Sale.
hie new (-foul Kail Sl.'i lent; tme new bed
HftriiiLf; 4 hole camii stove; e:inii chairs, tulile,
lent Moor; wash tiiliiind lew cooking utensils,
nil forth. "i. It. C TAItoK,
dii l.yiiinti Smith p hire, 1 miles from town.
Agent Wanted.
For this valley on u new proposition. A Kent
w ill be tiiUKot how In manufacture the goods.
I . ad v or geiiileiiiiin. No lieliilil or middle
nihu'ii proill. II. C TAIIOK,
On Lyman Smith place, 1'7 mile hum town.
Oldest and Most Felialbe
In the Valley, lias mi liiind h choice H lot of
treeK iiitalii this season as lire lo he had any
where, r nil stock or ii 1 1 knots, lull mid see
I li, in. ' lor ihls locality. In
quire for new pilcelisl. II. (.'. HA I KH AM.
Crab Apples For Sale.
Hest for Jelly, pi
serve or nickels.
Til I.
II. S. OAl.I.KiAX, Prop'r.
Has a cood assortment of the leading va
rlellisol Apple, grown on W I ll I,K Iti M li'S,
that are second to none urovvn In theNorlli
wet. All Stock Guaranteed.
For Sale.
di i v i
nl inble i'mic'i of
from II. . id tiiver.
;o in res, il minutes'
I' or pi iee and terms
i:. I-:, savaoi:.
Household Goods
' Sli.Vl', llllit'.,ll(t(lk
Ciisc, ln cstt'inl--, lii'il :
M. ssi in.
lis aM Sli gboD
e li:ie- to :ret Volir llMI'll:'
supplies and
r iofii linn., im iii ilui
id siiinil, cor-
ncr i lil.-d nn I Slale Nii-eels. A 1 1 pn rt of har
ness furiosi,... mi I repair w ork done on slmrl
urn lee
l.liie ii
i;ni I- nl shoe repiiinn? sue
t(. le.isonalile p: ie. M,
c. vi:i.ns.
Mm Compay.
'- ALEM, Oli-KGON,
Wooe, n
lllle ill's
i:;.' bill whole r.iol tree. V. F..
repi-i-s -iii-itie, is n, nkim his
ill Hon I li.M-l', ill the (ilen-
II ! ple.-t.'.l lo in'erv :ew any
ml w
il.ll,. I
1! w!
I pllllltliu ti'tlil trees illioltler
I p.-IV ,', oil III ..iv llllll. j.i
Bids Wanted .
i' is heieliy "iveti that sealed bids will
ed lip to S o'eloek A. ,l. Allifllst, 17
ll;.- nillee ol ihslriet iletk ot school
No. :i of W'useo coii n I , i hi-on, for :Hi
be re.'v
llllll, at
enrilsnl I'll' and ,'i I'oiils ol Oak W ood; said
wood to tie four feet torn:, sliMiyhi and iHidy
Wood, and to be ilellvere.l at t lie sehool liollse
In said til riet, In basement, iind corded up
In icood eonilil inn. '1 he w wnl In he deliveretl
on or before i lelubi'r l 'i. lull.
Haled at Hon I liiver, nr., Ihl.s.'ilh dav of
Aimust, liml. (Hill. T. lit A 111
Clerk Hist. No. 3.
Notice to Taxpayers.
The Hoard of ion lor Wiisommnty
Otvifoii, will iiK-i t and he in session al the
eonil house uf saiil county from Monthly,
Aimust I'nth, null I hulm-duy, AumiHt lilst.liKil,
luitli dnyj inclusive, and will attend lo iinv
and all mutters which may come helorc such
hoard tor consideration.
The Iailes.Vascocoimtv, lr..Amr. :i, Vm.
all T. l-.S('II.MJii',
Assessor Wasco County, h'ejjon.
Pasture for Cattle.
I will take a 11 ml led niilnlRi'ol' eat tie to pas
ture at llivei'sidu farm until (let. Li, l'.ml.
Terms. SI. "ill per inniilh. In ailviiuee. Will not
be responsible for anv kind of accidents or
losses. .1. W. MDK'I'U.N.
; i'liiiber t aiid. Act June:!, Ks.
t nlled States Land Ollice, The Dalles. Ore
ffon, Ann. In, 1!H)1, Nol ice is hereby Kiven
unit in compliance Willi the provisions of the
act of Congress of .1 une ; i.sts, entitled "An
net for the sa Ic of timber lands in the states nf
California, rei;on, Neada and Washiniiiun
Territory," as exlended to all the public land
stales by act of A i must 1, lSii.
if I lood Hi ver, counly id Wasco, stale of (Ire
i:on.4ias this day tiled in this ollice his sworn
sin lenient No. 1117,1'or the purchase of the north
east quarter, soniheast quarler of section No.
2r, in township No. 2 nort h, rnnue No. II east,
W. M. .and will oiler proof lo show that the
hind siiuirht is more valuable for lis tinila-r or
slone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his ctaii n to said la ml before t he Hefr.
islerand lieeeiver ol I liis olliceat The Dalles,
I Irecon, on Saturday, the 2d day of Nov. .1IKI1.
He iianies as witnesses, K. T. inans, Frank
Davenport, F. 1). .New by and A. inans, ull
ol Hood H iver, I heuon.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the
iibove-ileserihed lands are requested to tile
their claims in this ollice on or before said 2d
dav of Nov ember, lU'l.
ici'lui) JAY I'. l.l'CAS, Resister.
Timber Land, Act June :!, isrs.
I'nileil States Land (llllee, The jhilleH, Orc
tfon. August 2, hill. Nol iee is hereby ifiven
that hi eonniliance Willi the provision's of the
hid ol'eomjress of June l.s;K,enii(led "An net
lor 1 he sate oi iiinner lauiis in the states of
California, Dri'Kon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states hy net .of August 4, ISI.2, the followinjj
persons have this day tiled in this ollice their
sworn slatenietus, viz:
Of Spokane, county ol'Spokane. state of Wnsh
inuloti, sworn statement 'o. in t for the jftir
eiiase of the Fast J. Miuih-east of seetTon
No. 21, in townshipN'o. 1, north; ramie H east,
Willanielte Merriiliiin.
Of SpokaiQ1, counly of Spokane, stnteof Wash
iiiL'lon, sworn stiiienicnt No. I lift tor the pur
chase of Ihe iiorlh '2, southwest '4 and we.-t .v
northwest '4 of seclfoti No. 2,"i, in township No.
1 north, ranire No. II east, Will. Mer.
lll'.Klll'.KT F. ( Loroll
I If Seattle, county of Khnr. slale of Wns.1 , Insi-
ton, sworn statement. No. l'Hi, for Die purchase
of the soul h '. norihwest 'i of section No. '21,
In township So. 1 north, raniie No. (least, W.M.
That they w ill oiler prom to show that the
land sought is more valuable for is timber or
stone than tor ai;riciiliural purposes, audio
establish their claim to said land before the
Kcinsler and Heeeiver of this ollice at The
Dalles, Ore-jon, on Saturday, the i;th dav of
October, Had.
They name as witnesses. V. (i, Davis. II. A.
Lee and lli'i iiert L. Kim ha 1 1 of Spokane, Wiush.,
il. F.('IoiiiIi of Seattle. Wiisli., chas. ('roaster
ol'Ashliiiul, Wis., and N. Wlualdon of The
Dalles, Oregon.
Any and all persons claimiii-' adversely the
above-dcM-ribed lands are lequesied to tile
their claims In this otlice on or before said
2Mb dav of October. ltKll.
ii2;Io2. JAY ILt"( 'As, It. uister.
I unit Otllee nt The Dalles, orenon, A tip;. 15,
hull. Notice Is hereby given that the follow.
Imr uaineii settler has tiled notice of his
intention to make lyial proof in support
of his claim, and thai said proul will
tie made before the Iteirister and Iteceiver at
The Dalles .Oreiron, on Tues.iav. October,, bull
viz OI.1V1-.H LOW hit,
oiTheDniles, Oivami, li. F. No. 7i!77 forthe
south r... si utlieast i4 and soiiih 1 ,i. sou t h rt'est
'4. sw. l, 1 p. 1 ii..i 111, iTir.g)-- ii east. C . .11.
lie names the following w i messes to prove
his comiimous residence upon and cuitiva
tion of. said land, viz:
John Moore. Lav Marklev arid Hershev
Markiey of Hood I; iver, 1 r., and J. W.Konntz I
of i he lialles 'nt'on.
a2s'.'J, JAY H. I.l'CAs, Keufster. j
HlKhest Ktiiiidard In the Ktale. Two hint
tired eiinrm'H In Literature, Keletiee itnd the
io'Ih, Helenee Mini Ktii.lneerhiK and Al lisle.
New hiilldinv'x h n il i 1 1 r i t-i 1 1 : seven new In
Ntriietiirx. Nemlv .j.imtl volume milled to li
brary In Iinii. Ku in - school with I'nlver
Klly credit. Siiechil courses for teachers, for
haw and Medical studeiitN. liepartinent of
Kduealloii lor leaehers. principals and super
intendents. T'lltloll free, cost of llvhm low.
Three Ktudeiils uianteil scholar-hip In lai'Ke
r.ii ucrii universities in imii
Hend inline tn 1'rcMideni or lfenlstrar for
clretilars anil eataliiKiies, Kiiueue, t Ir. n'i u
And w-aiton repairlm; alteinltil to promptly ut
my shop on the Ml. I loud road, hoiiIIi ol town,
liiHid work at reasonable prices.
Iiiyl7 O. A. IHiWFI.I,.
Town Lots for Sale.
Apply to ,1. F. WATT,
Sec'y liiMid 111 ver Tnw nslie ( 'o.
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery . I'lione M'.
Water Consumers.
'I'he rub'K of the eoiniianv will be strlctly
fiillowcil alter thU dale. All w Im ate delin
iliieiM alter tin- llllh dav of the month w ill be
charged the full prh", viz: SI. .Ml per month;
the extra :5V gidnir to Ihe I'olleetnr, who will
shut oil water at the mtitit Iroin reshlences
w here uavnieiit Is not promptly inane, liml n
w ill not be tinned on imain until all arrciir
lines are paid. lte;liiiiliiii July 1st next, all
,. i..p j ulll l,., ..I... i',ri..t in ownei'M of rent
ed bttllillnt'ii Inslead ol to the occupant.
IIIHII) tilV Kit M'HINliW AII'.U 1 11.
For Rent.
The H. S. Noteinan place of ft aeres ill llel
inonl; oitf Here In si raw bei I ies. For partic
ulars apply lo T. It. COON.
For Sale.
Two horses, wiiKon and earl and Ihoroimh
bred ehlekeii .. by Mrs. S. S. Nl I'l'KM A N.
Taken Ud.
A small, palc-rcd bull calf, aTioiit I luolil lis
old; hole hi rntlit ear. tiivni r will pay ciiarues
mid lake hhn away. A. t. 1 1 1 HSU l: .
Belgian Hare.
SliM-lt of all iiki-s for sale. I'riccN teaniniible
ail MIIS... II. HKItsllKY.
5 Acres Land for Sale,
II ...o..u u,,i,ll, ..I I.,, en ol' llitii.l Itiver. nil 111
strawberries; 1,'id fruit trees, small house; price
reasonable. Address. w . Ji. ll
it'll) Hood Klvcr,
Frankton Express.
lisscnirers and biiinire taken to and from
in 1 1 1 .'ii in h unit ill I purls of theyallev; also,
llllll li'iinsierriiiK unit siiil'H' I 'lts iurnisiiei lor
shopplni.'. b" F. ll. CALKIN'S.
Ladies' Tailoring:.
I have decided In put In Ladles' Tailoi Iiik
In eiinnectloti w ith niy Hress t 'ill I i nir School.
Any one wishing laekels mid skirls iiiadr
should call mi l e'l niy riees. A perfect lit
and lirst-class work iiarioiteeil.
Milliliter Staiularil In ess ( iillhn; ScIuhiI.
.and (Uliee at Vancouver. Wash,, A uirust ".
liml. Notice Is hereby ejvcli Unit the folhiw-
hiu-uiinied settler has tiled not lee ot his in
tention lo make tinal proof in support of
Ills claim, and that said proof will be made
before lie Kesiister and llccelver I'.S. Land
(llliec ill Vancouver, Wash., on Satiirdav,
September 27. 1IKII, viz;
II. K. No. insii, lor the norlhwest of nortli
east i ,, north 'a norihwest V't and soiithuest
ol northwest secl'.on :il, tnwnshii I north,
rant!e 11 east, V. M.
He nanies the followlna w llnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said hind, viz: -1
William McCoy. .1. W. Overbtiuiih, Howard
C. Cook and llawly Adams, all of While Sal
hion l!. t ., Wii.sliinelori.
aliisjn W. It. WW HA It, ItiKlslcr.
l.ii ml I Mtlcc at The 1 111 1 Ies, I Ireuon. Aim list 7,
liml. Notice is hereby uiveu that Ihe follow
hiK named sctllcrs have tiled notje
Inlcnlloii to . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 11111I make linal jiroof
mi their res echve ehilius before (leorjjeT.
I'ratlier, I'. S. ('oniniis.ioiici-, al Hood Klver,
Urei;oii, on Krhhiv. Sepleinb-r '.II, liml, viz:
on lioiiiesicail application No. SHS, for the
southwest ';, section 'H, toutishlp 2 north,
111 hue II east, W. M.
A LilKItT T. ZKI'.K,
on homestead npplicnt ion No, f:l, lor the
west soutiieasl '4 and west ':J northeast (4
seel Ion L'S, township'J north, raiijie !i east. W..M.
Wllnesses: Frank Diiwniiorl, Murk Daven
port, 11. F. lilieiiiiin,ttiant ratton.C. K. Duron
and A. T. Zeck. all of liiHid Hi ver, Oreon.
aliis.'O JAY 1'. I.LCAS, Helster.
Land I Uliee at Vancouver, Wash., Ainrust (I,
1IKIL Not ice is hereby 1,'iven that the follow
init nained seiller lias filed notice of his
Intent Ion lo make final couitnutation proof
In support ol his claim, and t hat said proof
will be (nude before the Itefjistcr and Lis
eeiver of I'.S. La mil llt'iceat ' a neon ver, Wash.,
on Motiday, September il, Hull, viz:
lid. Entry No. lmiss, fur the cist '.t southeast.
'4 and southwest 14 southeast, '..j section il,
and north west 1-l n irllieast ', section 2r,town
shiii ij iiorlh, in litre HI east, . M.
lie names the followinir wil nesses to prove
his coiilinuoiis resilience upon ami cultiva
tion of said hind, viz:
Matthew Martin and Alex .Martin of Chcn
owith. Wash., and llyion llainlllon anil Au
gust .1. Wiisiiilz of Trout Lake, Wash.
aliisAl V. It. DI'NHAH, HcKlster.
iTIinher Land, Ael .lune.'l, ISTS.
I'nited Slides Land (Uliee, Vancouver,
Wash., .It St. I'.KII. Notice Is hereby Klrcn
that ill compliance with tin provisions of the
ael of Contfiess of June :!, IS7H, i nlilled "An
an act lor the sale of timber lands in thestates
oi ( a I i li irti ia, 1 Iri'unti, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all Ihe public
land states bv net of August I, ISII2,
Of Sealtle, eounty of Kinir, stale of
WashiiiKlon, has this (lay tiled in this ollice
his sworn slut, -incut No. ilKl, for Ihejuirehase
of the SF. '-, ol'SF. sec. 21; K ., i'stS' U and
SW i of SW '4 of section No. il in township
No. li, north, rane No. 10 east, W.M.,and will
oiler proof lo show that the land soui'lit Is
more valuable for ils limber or stone than for
airrictiltural iin-ioscs. hiiiI lo estalillsli his
claim to said kind before the Heclstcr and He
eeiver of tiiis ollice at. Vancouver, Wash., nip
Friday, sept. i:t, 1001.
fie names as witnesses: Itobert F. Cox and
A. .1. Wtmnitz of Trout, Lake, Wash., A. W.
Lohdell ol I'ortland, 1 ir., and Nlles il. Winans
of Sealtle, Wash.
Of Seattle, county of Iv in!. state of Washing
ton, has this day tiled in this ollice his sworn
statement No. 'il'd, for the purchase of I he S
'., of NK'.$ and H'4 of N W '4 ol seclion No. S In
township No, li 1101 lb, ratine No. II east, W.M..
and will ofler proof to show that the laud
sought is more valuable for its tint her or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estali
lish biselaini to said land belore the Hegister
and Heeeiver of this ollice at Vancouver,
Wash., on Friday, Sept. l.'t, IIKIl.
He iianies as w itnesses: Hubert F. Cox and
A. .1. Waiinitz of Trout Lake, Wash., A. W.
Lohdell of rortland, Or., and Thulium K.
Flinii of Seattle. Wash.
Any and all oiirsons claiming adversely the
above described) lands are reiiuested to tile
theirelahns in this ollleo on or before said l'lth
day of Sept. Ifiol. .
Jcisac.:;u W. 11. DL'NHAK, Kegister.
'Tiniber i.and, Act .InneH, IS'.H.
I'nlleil States Land I miee.Vam oiiver.Wash.,
July 2.1, lsiil. Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with I he provisions of the net of
congress of June .1. 1ST A. entltl.-d an act for the
sale of Umber lands 111 the states of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all tiie public land states bv
act of August 4, lstrj, .
Of I'ortland, counly of .Muliiionmli, state of
Oregon, has this day tiled In this ottiee his
sworn stalenii nt, No. tor the purchase of
the southwest ifunrter northwest uiiarter.west
half southwest quarler section Land nortli
wes! quarter northwest quarter 01 section No.
li. In township No. I north, range No. 1(1 east,
W. St., and will uliur proof lo show that the
hind sought is more vn, liable for ils timber or
slone than for gi ii uluiial purposes, ami to
establish his claim to said land before the
Hciiister and Heeeiver of this otlice a! Van
couver, Wash., 011 Fridav, the llthdavof
October, liml.
He naiii'-s as witnesses: Albert C. I'eets and
Joseph He d of Cortland, or., mi l August .1.
Wiignitz and Hubert i fox of Trmt; Uike,
Wash. i
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to hie
their claims in this otlice ou or belore sum
11th day of octolicr, bid.
n-'oi K. nrS'HAIt. Reirlster.
W S6ll
Dry Uoods, (iroceries, Roots and Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hats
Caps, Flour, Feed, etc. We buv direct from manufacturers in large
lots and defy any firm in Oregon' to undersell us, who handle the same
quality of goods. Wo do not deal in Cheap John trash, but handle
reliable goods, which we warrant to he exactly as represented, (live
"rttt !" A. S. BLOWERS & SON.
We have iv nice line of hnties' full skirts that we tire offerinn nt
' itttnictive irices.
Cliilitrens' apron ilreiises .,-. n spools Chirk (). N. T. thread L'oe
Infants' w hite dresses Illlf Kxtru jirade Men's blue overalls. .. . -loo
Hoys' waists JSe and L'Uc Siniill joti Men's overalls '!5c
Mending tissue He I.ace shelf ittier, per hunch 5c
Ilennison Crepe tissue iitier .er roll He Tissue paper, H sheets , lo
I. allies' (touches for the fall at less than wholesale prices.
Ladies' Leggings just the thing for bicycle riders, per pair, 40c.
Have yon seen our ladies' 5c handkercheit's?
We can save you money Come and be convinced.
it 1 i. 1 1
l'hone 1 (.",
Proprietor of
A full line of ( 'a inly, N'uls, Frulls, etc., nlways in slock.
Ice Ice Ice Ice Ice
for sale.
lor sale
Ice 1 'renin, IceCivnni Soda, and Plain Soda Unit Is SIM PLY I'KltKI'.CI'.
Hit- Auent for The Dalles Laundry Co.
9 ?
A Thing of Beauty
We make a
Specialty of
Housekeepers' 'tyiM
Needs. lfjMSJM- Advertisement.
The Golden
l'hone 101
IF YOU were cannini; fruit ami should
tinkers, "wouldn't it jar you?"
Sun Fruit Jar.
Absolutely the
best .far made
Punier of fruit spoiling.
4 lj Metal to corroite or taint conlents.
I'anejornf biirnini; hands.
Woniaii losini; her temper.
Call and see the Jar and get prices.
Is the best
White Arsenic
2-n. lots
per lb.
4-It. lots, 20-11, lots,
4c per tt.. lie tier tt.
Sal Soda
Haviti! removed to the new store btiilding one door west of old lo
cation, I would respectfully invite old friends and new customers
everybody to give us a call when needing goods in our line. We do
not iiamlie everything but will enlarge along the lines of
As the ileum ml may warrant, and shall endeavor to merit a Jmre
of your patronage, fiespectftilly yours,
Job Printing a Specialty.
1 1 1'
I'nited States Land llltlce. Vancouver, Wash..
June I.'l, bull. Notice is hereby jjlven that in
coinpltaaee "t T the provisions of the act of
pontcivss of June Ijjs. entitled "An a.-t for
the sale of timber laCls In Ihe stales of full
lornia, Oreoii, Nevada and Washiii'.M in Ter
ritorv," as cxleinled to all the public bind
states bv act of Anstust i. XS'.'l.
Of The Paul's, county of Wasn, state of Ore
gon, bus this day tiled hi this olllt-e his
sworn statement, No. J-'t, for the pin chase 1,1
the lot Kami I. and soul ' 'v noil Ii west ijofsec
lion No. in t,,wnsiiip No. :i norih, rane No.
feast, W. SI., and will oiler proof to show
that the land somht is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to his claim tosaiu land
beforethe Keiister and heeeiver of this unicc
at Vanisiuver, Wash., oil Wednesday, the S!h
day ol Aiisust. Ind.
lie 11111110 as witnesses: T. vi . Ltisk. llui;h
I.usk and J. SV. Hill of Chenowiih, Wash.,
and F. (i. Connolly of The alles, 1 ir.
Any ond all (ero!is ('lailii!lit adversely the
Hbove-dcserilM'd lands are requeued to tile
their claims in this office on or before said
dlth day of Anatist. hull
JeJlai! W. Ii. I'l NHAH. register.
' ? if ? ? 1
5' n'n' n' 5' 's' .' .' 5' c'
1 1 n ri t : t t i 1 tt i t
I'. O. I'.ox 4t,S.
for sale.
for sale.
is a Joy Forever!
v if-
A Pleased
Is Our Best
Rule Bazaar.
break the top of the jar or burn your
Avoid such mistakes bv usine; the
Easy to seal.
Kasy to open
we can buy.
10-11. lots.
50-11, lots,
tie per 1t.
100 11, lot,
2V.e per It,.
10c per It..
v$j i LY
CltntinnnriTr nnrl Finrliinrl I
uauuu UUUUUl
i'l imber Land, Act .lime 3 1S7S.I
l ulled Slates t.and Oftlce.V.iCcoiiver.Wtisli
I June IS, liml. Notice Is herebv ttiven tliat hi
! compliance with the provisions , if ihe act of
1 congress of . I une :!, IK'S, entitled '-Ail act for
1 the sale 01 timber lands hi the shn. s .,, 1
torniii, Orenon, Nevada and Q,,Vhhmtoii Ter
rllory." as extended to all the public hind
slates by act i f Al.trlist I. s?rl
nt 1 ne naiics, coucity ol W hih, state of
oiejiin, bus this day tiled In this ottiee his
sworn stalcmciit .No. i'Jli. for the purchase of
the south 1 ,j southwest ',, and south '-asmtli.
cast 1 f section No. , 111 township No. li
north, laie.-e No. II east, W. SI., and will oiler
proof liii-l'im- that the land sought Is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for iife-rl-culluial
intriioses. mid to establish bis -l,,i,,,
to said land before the Keijister anil Heeeiver
of this otlice at Vancouver. Wash., on Thurs
day, the hiih day of September, l:i.
He name-as w itnesses: Harry W. Selliner
Holier! F. Cox.iicoi -ire H.Scliiniier a ml . ue'usl
J. Waam-r, kII 01 I rout Uike, Wash. j
An and all H-rsiius claiming adversely the i
alsive- leseribed lanus are requested to file:
' their claims in this ottiee on or before said I
Huh dai of Septeinher, liml. 1
Jea:i W. K. IU NH.n, Iteglster. I
For Sale
1. The l.ov pi. ice, near Tucker's mill,
oil llo 1 nl river; small house: ll acres
cleared ; price f2,Vl.
2. Weinlorf place, near, I'liderwood,
Wash.; KKi acres; 10 in cultivation; fair
improvements; vomitf orchard ; .'1 acres
U-iirini: strawberries; plenty of 'imhI
water. Price v-',(KK); terms easy.
M. i:iht acres off the W. J. linker
place, known as the lleffernnn place; in
strawberries; price, with croti, $1,000.
li. Twenty acres off J. W. (Inker's
l.lace; pear orchard and other fruit in
beariiiji; price f UTi per acre,
7. llarrett-Sipnia addition ; $75 per lot :
fit) down and f." per month; 110 interest.
S. Ten choice lots in Highland addi
tion, only two blocks east of the post
ollice, 011 State street, nt $7" to fLVt.
Terms easy. Kvery lot has a command
ing view.
il. Fine homestead of ti0 acres on
Pock creek near Davenport's. Trice
Tl,lHI0 TolMI down, balance at li per
10. Fiirht lots in Hull's addition ; each
lot level, 80 x 110; center of ball uround;
f ItH) each.
11. The (!. T. Oalliniin ti() acres, Iving
on the county road north and east oi the
Kurrctt farm; 1!4 acres in cultivation;
!)00 fruit trees Trice f'.l.'S), or TJ,2(H)
half cash. New frtll) barn on place.
12. The ('has. Powers 5 acre tract 11 ml
cottage, Krankton. (iood springs and
creek. lfii.r)(),terms easy.
l:!. Thirty acres off C. A. Wyinan
farm in Odell lieinhborhooil ; all iniproy.
ed, with free irrinatitiir water; liimlsT
on (.'round to build house Must sell in
MOdavs. Trice if l,(i(KI.
14. The Allen I'ullon farm, ItiO acres,
5 miles east of town; price f 1 ,000 ; terms
1."). Iits in Henderson sub-division
T:.i ft) n lot.
111. Thirtv-five acres land east of
county mail in John Monroe and J. M.
Monroe homesteads; wild land; price
fl'O per acre.
10. The Clover farm, well improved,
4'.. miles from (ioldendale ; 210 acres
140 acres in cultivation; i;j acres in
winter w heat ; 7 acres in uni pasture,
with a creek running tlirotioi it ; all un
der fence; with cross fences; large
new barn and fine house. Trice If Pi. 50
an acre; will take Hood Pivcr property
in part payment.
20. T. .'. Trana place, White Salmon,
in sight of Hood ltiver; 8 actes, 5 in
strawberries and tomatoes 1 7, iKKI straw
berry plants and 1,400 tomato plants.
No irrigation rnpiired.
21. X. S. K. 4', S. a X. K. 14' sec.
4, T. 3 X., P. 11 F.,, White Salmon; fine
timber land ; if 10 per acre.
22. The Knierson homestead, only one
mile east of town; lino mug,. ; fifiU).
2.'i. bits 5 and (i, block 7, Winans ad
dition; foil a lot, or fsf-, tr ti, (vvo.
Two beautiful building lots near
Id lit. Kami
I'or the tvo.
new house. Trice $200
20. S. II. Cox's fine residence in Hood
liiver, lot 100 x Kit); price $1,200.
28. 52!) acres, with much. fir timber,
including both fulls on Hood river. I!e
fer to Putter it Co.
20. Twenty acres lying north of Teter
Kopke's, Fast Side; good land; unim
proved. Trice $500; terms easy.
31. At Trout Lake, 80 a. ; 3 in ti thy,
cuts 8 tons a year; 50 a. in heavy saw
timber, while pine, fir and cedar"; west
fork White Salmon river runs through
the place; price $1,250.
32. Fniina (i. Ihibinson's IliO acres 011
hills east of White Salmon, know n as
the Dryer place; li,,,. timber; unim
proved; $785.
Fligible residence lots in Spangler's
subdivision, near camion house; onlv
$75; terms easy.
$200 to $1,200 to loan.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
surveyor's transit, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying.
X. P. Terms are easy 011 all theabove
lands, with interest at (i per cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads
and timber claims should apply at the
Three or four acres of land (jrubbed bv
Jvm G John kfllf.y,
ITiniber Land, Act June :t,"lSTS 1
compliance Willi the provisions of the ae of
eoiiLO-ess of .lin,i:i iw-.s .......1...1 .....
Ihe sale of limber 'lands in the stntes of Cal-
. . .. ., , ... . ,,,,,,, , an mo pq , ,. inn, 1
slates by act ol August 4. lsii.
r.i,.iM, .,, flA
Of I'endlelon. conniv or r... , . .
OrcKon. hs ,hiM ,'v , , ,'"""" , "
ship Xo. 2 iiorlh riuure No easi W "l' a, i
will ofler proof , show , ,", ; sVa Ld 1
more valua ,le for ils timber or stone a, f, r
iifrricu turnl purposes, and to eslab il I s
claim to said land before the 1 1 ..
eeiver of this otlice , The l.ilu a ' i
Saturday, the., lb day of October l'M.I
He names as wn 1 .. .
find C. .1. Hayes of llooil itio.... .',..'.-
lliestiinil ot Mioilnsl,,,... i.. 1,.'.: ' -"".'."
1.- iii,,s., ,i .in 1 1 K' '""oiiiii: ami i.yd la
1.. iiies.aiul ol Ilisid Hiver. Oreiroi,
: " '" ' I'CAS, HeKister.
v,i , I'.'m',1.'""'1' Act June :j. IKTS l
I'lillPfl Mtt.tnu r j
that iii ('(.miilliin,! .i,i! . m,r " 'n
states by ci of Ausi , i"r """1
he H, ,iK.rand Hc-iver t, s , iii ' V '
Dulles, or.'L-oii. on Fridav lei . .
September, huh lrl,lu. the day of
She iiain -s as w itnesses: ,t 11 Doir c 1
al-,"'' le', ,"!!,,il','r''': u"x adversely the
IthciainiV ''c
.hdavofsepte'.iberi;,!''" M""' Nul1
iyirl: JAY. lj-fAs, Heelster.