The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 09, 1901, Image 4

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CHAPTER XXI.-Continued.)
Days puKseil on, ami at lust rumor
reached Klla that Henry was constant in
hi atlendiiiice upon tbe proml Southern
beauty, wbos fortune was valued by
hundred of thouauuV At firat alie re
fUHed to believe It, but when Mary end
Jenny both aHHiired her it was true, aud
(vlieu alio herself hnd ocular demonstra
tion of the fuct, she gave way to one
lung fit of weepiug, and then, drying ber
eyes, declnred that Henry Lincoln should
ee f'tliat alio would not die for him."
K t ill a minute observer could easily
have aeon that her gayety wn feigned,
for she hud loved Henry Lincoln as sin
cerely as she was capable of loving, and
not even Ccorge Moreland, who treated
her with his old boyish fumilinrity, could
make her for a moment forget one who
now passed her coldly by, or listened pus
ively while the sarcastic Kvron Hern
don likeuej her to a waxen iuiuge, fit
only for a gluss case!
Toward the last of April Mrs. Mason
and Mary returned to their old home in
the country. On Klla's account Mrs.
Campbell hud decided to remain in the
city during a part of the summer, and
she labored linrd to keep Mary also.
Mary promised, however, to spend the
next winter with her aunt, who wept at
parting with her more than sh.i would
probably have done hud it been Klla.
Mary hud partially engaged to teach the
school in Itico Corner, but George, as
suming a kind of authority over her, de
clared she should uot.
"I don't want your eyes to grow dim
and your cheeks pule in that little, pent
up room," said he. "you know I've been
there and seen for myself,"
Mary colored, for George's manner of
late had puzzled her, aud Jenny had more
than once whispered in her ear, "I know
George loves you, for he looks at you
just as William does at nie, only a little
more so!"
Ida, too, had once mischievously ad
dressed her as "Cousin," adding that
there waa no one among her acquaint
ances whom she would as willingly call
by that name. "When I was a little
girl," said she, "they used to tease me
about George, but I'd as soon think of
marrying my brother. You never saw
Mr. Elwooil, George's classmate, for he's
in Europe now. Between you and me, I
like him and "
A loud call from Aunt Martha prevent
ed Ida from finishing, and the conversa
tion was not again resumed. The next
morning Mary was to leave, and as she
stood in the parlor talking with Idu,
George came in with a traveling satchel
in his hand, and a shawl thrown care
lessly over his arm.
"Where aro you going?" asked Ida.
"To Springfield. I have business there,"
said George.
"And when will you return?" continued
Ida, feeling that it would be doubly
lonely at home.
"That depends on circumstances," said
he "I shall stop at Chicopee on my way
back, provided Mary is willing."
Mary answered that she waa always
glad to see her friends, and as the car
riage just then drove up, they started to
gether for the depot. Mury never re
membered of having had a more pleasant
ride than that from Hoston to Chicopee.
George was a most agreeable companion,
and with him at her side she seemed
to discover new beaut iues in every ob
ject which they passed, anil felt rather
sorry when the winding river and the
blue waters of Tordunk Pond warned
her that Chicopee station was near at
"Oh! how pleasant to be at home once
more, and alone," said Mrs. Mason, but
Mary did not reply. Her thoughts were
elsewhere, and much as she liked beiug
alone, the presence of a certain individ
ual would not probably have marred her
happiness to any great extent. But he
was coming soon, and with that in antici
pation she appeared cheerful and gay as
Among the first to call upon them was
Mrs. Perkins, who came early in the
morning, bringing her knitting work and
staying all day. She had taken to dress
making, she said, and thought mnybe she
could get some new ideas from Mary's
dresses, which she very coolly asked to
see. With the utmost good humor Mary
opened her entire wardrobe to the inspec
tion of the widow. At lust the day was
over, and with it the visit of the widow,
who had gathered enough gossiping mate
rials to lust her until the Monday fol
lowing, when the arrival in the neighbor
hood of George Moreland threw her upon
a fresh theme, causing her to wonder
"if 'twas Mary's beau, and if he hadn't
been kinder courtin' her ever since the
time he visited her school,"
She felt sure of it when, toward even
ing, she saw them enter the school house,
and nothing but the presence of a visitor
prevented her from stealing across the
road and listening under the in.low.
She would undoubtedly have been highly
edified could she have heard their con
versation. The interest which George
had felt in Mary when a little child was
" greatly increased when he visited her
school in Rice Corner, and saw how
much she was improved In her manners
aud appearance; and it was then that he
conceived the idea of educating her, de
termining to marry her if she proved all
he hoped she would.
He had asked her to accompany him to
the school house, because It was there
his resolution had been formed, and it
was there he would make it known. Mary,
too, had something which she wished to
say to him. She would thauk him for0his
kindness to her and her parents' memory;
but the moment she commenced talking
upon the subject George stopped her, an 1
for the first time since they were chil
dren, placed his arm around her wai.i
and, kissing her smooth, white brow,
aid, "Shall I tell you, Mary, how you
can repay me?"
She did not reply, and he continued:
"Give me a husband's right to care for
you, and I shall be repaid a thousand
fold." Until the shadows of evening fell
around them they sat there, talking of
the future, which George Said should be
all one bright dream of happiness to the
young girl at his side, who from the very
fullness of her joy wept as she thought
how strange it was that she should be
the wife of George Moreland, whom
many dashing belle had tried In vain to
win. The next morning George went
back to Boston, promising to return in a
week or two, when he should expect
Mary to accompany him to Glenwood, a
he wished to see Hose once more before
she died.
The windows of Rose Lincoln's cham
ber were open, and the balmy air of May
came in, kissing the white brow of the
sick girl, and whispering to her of swell'
Ing buds and fair young blossoms, which
bis breath bad wakened into life, aud
which she would never see.
"Has Henry come?" she asked of her
father, and in the tones of her voice there
was an unusual gentleness, for just as
she was dying Rose was Warning to live.
For a time she had seemed so indiffer
ent and obstinate that Mrs. Howland had
almost despaired. Hut night after night,
when her daughter thought she slept, she
prayed for the young girl, that she might
not die until she had first learned the
way of eternal life. And, as If In an
swer to her prayers, Rose gradually be
gan to listen, and as she listened, b!i
wept, wondering, though, why her grand
mother thought her so much more wicked
than anyone else.
On her return from the city Jenny had
told her as gently as possible of Henry's
condirt toward Klla, and of her fears
that he was becoming more dissipated
than ever. For a time Rose lay perfect
ly still, and Jenny, thinking the was
asleep, was about to leave the room,
when her sister called hcr 'back, and bid
ding her sit down by her side, said, "Tell
me, Jenny, do you think Henry has any
love for me?"
''He. would be an unnatural brother if
he had not," answered Jenny, her own
heart yearning more tenderly toward her
sister, whoso gentle manner she could
not understand.
"Then," resumed Rose, "if he lovs
me, he will be sorry when I am dead,
and perhaps it may save him from ruin."
The tears dropped slowly from her long
eyelashes, while Jenny, laying ber round,
rosy cheek against the thin, p:,le face
near her, sobbed out, ' Vou must not (lie
dear Rose. You must not die, and
leave us."
From that time the failure was visible
and rapid, and though letters went fre
quently to Henry, telling him of his sis
ter's danger, he still lingered by the side
of the brilliant beauty, while east morn
ing Rose asked, "Will he come to-day?"
and each night she wept that he was not
Calmly and without a murmur she had
heard the story of their ruin from their
father, who could not let her die with
out undeceiving her. Before that time
sho had asked to be taken back to Mount
Auburn, designating the spot where she
would be buried, but now she insisted up
on being laid by the running brood at the
foot of ber grandmother's garden, and
near a greenf mossy bank where the
spring blossoms were earliest found, and
where the flowers of autumn lingered
longest. The music of tho falling water,
she said, would soothe her as she slept,
and its cool moisture keep the grass green
and fresh upon her early grave.
One day, when Mrs. Lincoln was sit
ting by her daughter and, as she fre
quently did, uttering Invectives against
Mount Holyoke, etc., Rose said, "Don't
talk so, mother. Mount Holyoke Semi
nary had nothing to do with hastening
my death. I have done it myself by my
own carelessness;" and then she confess
ed how many times sho had deceived her
mother, and thoughtlessly exposed tier
health, even when her lungs and side
were throbbing with pain. "I know you
will forgive me," said she, "for most se
verely have I been punished."
Then, as she heard Jenny's voice in the
room below, she added, "There is one
other thing which I would say to you
Ere I die, you must promise that Jenny
Bhall marry William Bender. He Is poor,
I know, and so are we, but he has a no
ble heart, and now, for my sake, mother,
take back the bitter words you once
spoke to Jenny, and say that she may
wed him. She will soon be your only
daughter, and why should you destroy
her happiness. Promise me, mother,
promise that she shall marry him."
Mrs. Lincoln, though poor, was proud
and haughty still, and the struggle in her
bosom was long and severe, but love for
her dying child conquered at last.
"And, mother," continued Rose, "may
he not be sent for now? I cannot be here
long, and once more I would see him and
tell him that I gladly claim him as a
A brother! How heavily those words
smote upon the heart of the sick girl!
Henry was yet away, and though in Jen
ny's letter Hose herself had once feebly
traced the words, "Come, brother do
come," he still lingered, as if bound by
a spell he could not break. And so days
went by, and night succeeded night, until
the bright May morning dawned, the last
Hose could ever see. Slowly up the
eastern horizon came the warm spring
sun, and as its red beams danced for a
time upon the wall of Hose's chamber,
she gazed wistfully upon it, murmuring,
"It is the last the last that will ever rise
for nie."
William Bonder was there. He hnd
come the night before, bringing word that
Henry would follow the next day. There
was a gay party to which he had prom
ised to attend Miss Herndon, and he
deemed that a sufficient reason why he
should neglect his dying sister.
"If Henry does not come," said Hose,
"tell him it was n- last request that he
turn away from the wine cup, and say
that the bitterest pang I felt in dying
was a fear that my only brother should
fill a drunkard's grave. He cannot look
upon me dead, and feel angry that I wish
ed him to reform. And as he stands over
my coffin, tell him to promise never again
to touch the deadly poison."
Here she became too much exhausted
to. say more, nnd soon after fell into a
quiet sleep. When sheen woke her father
was sitting across the room, with his
head resting upon the window sill, while
her own was pillowed upon the string
arm of George Moreland, who bent ten
derly over her, and soothed her as he
would a child. Quickly her fading cheek
glowed, and her eye sparkled with some
thing of its olden light; but "George
George," was all she had strength to say,
and when Mary, who had accompanied
him, approached her she only knew that
she was recognized by the pressure of the
little blue-veined hand, which soon drop
ped heavily upon the counterpane, while
the eyelids closed languidly, and with
the words, "He will not come," she again
slept, but this time 'twas the long, deep
sleep from which she would never awak
en. Slowly the shades of night fell around
the cottage. Softly the kind-hearted
neighbors passed up and down the nar
row staircase, ministering first to the
dead, and then turning aside to weep as
they looked upon the bowed man, who
with his head upon the w indow sill, still
sat just as he did when they told hiui sheM
was dead. At his feet on a little stool
was Jenny, pressing his hands, and cov
ering them with the tears she for bis
sake tried in vain to repress.
At last, when it was dark without, and j
lights were burning upon the table, ther
was a sound of some one at the gate.
and in a moment Henry stepped across
the threshold, but started and turned
pale wbeu he saw bis mother in violent
hysterics upon the lounge, aud Mary
Howard bathing ber head and trying to
soothe ber. Before he bad time to ask
a question, Jenny's arms were wound
round his neck, and she whispered,
"Rose Is dead. Why were you so late?"
He could not answer. He had nothing
to say, and mechanically following his
sister he entered the room where Boss
had died. Very beautiful bad she been
in life, and now, far more beautiful in
death, she looked like a piece of sculp
tured marble,' as she lay there so cold
and still, and all unconscious of the scald
ng tears which fell upon her face as
Henry bent over ber, kissing her lips and
calling upon her to awake und speak to
him once more.
When she thought he could bear it
Jenny told hi in of all Rose had said, and
by the side of her colon, with his hand
resting upon her white forehead, tbe con
science stricken young man swore that
never again should anient spirits of any
kind puss his lips, and the father, who
stood by and heard that vow, felt that If
it were kept, his daughter had not died
in vain.
' The day following the burial Georgs
and Mary returned to Chicopee, and as
the next day was the one appointed for
the sale of Mr. Lincoln's farm aud coun
try house, he also accompanied them.
"Suppose you buy it," said he to
George as they rode over the premises,
"I'd rather you'd own it than to sea it
in the hands of strangers.
"I Intended doing so," answered
George, and when at night he was th
owner of the farm, house and furniture.
he renerously offered it to Mr. Lincoln
rent free, with the privilege of redeeming
it whenever he could.
This was so unexpected that Mr. Lin
coln at first could hardly find words to
express his thanks, but when he did lis
accepted the offer, saying, however, that
he could pay the rent, and adding that
he hoped two or three years of hard lirtmr
in California, whither he intended going,
would enable him to purchase it back-
On his return to Glenwood he asked
William, who whs still there, "how he
would like to turn farmer for awhile."
"Oh, that'll be nice," said Jenny, whose
love for the country was as strong as
ever. "And then, Willie, when pa comes
back we'll go to Boston again and prac
tice law, you and I!"
Jenny looked up in surprise while Wil
liam asked what he meant. Briefly then
Mr. Lincoln told of George's generosity
and stating his own intentions of going
to California, said that in his Urn-no
somebody must look after the farm, and
he knew of no one whom he would as
soon trust as William.
William pressed the little fat hand
which had slid into his, 'and replied that,
much as he would like to oblige Mr. Lin
coln, he could not willingly abandon his
profession in which he was succeeding
even beyond his most sanguine hopes.
"But," said he, "I think I can find a good
substitute in Mr. Parker, who is anxious
to leave the poorhonse. He la an honest,
thorough-going man, and his wife, who is
an excellent housekeeper, will relieve
Mrs. Lincoln entirely from care."
"Mercy!" exclaimed the ast-mentioned
lady, "I could never endure that vulgar
creature round me. First I'd know she'd
want to be eating at the same table, and
I couldn't survive that."
Mr. Lincoln looked sad. Jenny smiled,
and William replied that he presumed
Mrs. Parker herself would greatly prefer
taking her meals quietly with her hus
band in the kitchen.
"We can at least try it," said Mr. Lin
coln in a manner so decided that his wife
ventured no further remonstrance, though
she cried and fretted all the time, seem
ingly lamenting their fallen fortune more
than the vacancy which death had so re
cently made in their midst.
(To be continued.)
Mrs. Hetty Green Tell Why Ihej
Can't Amain Fortune.
Mrs. Hetty Green la the author of an
article In Success on woman's inability
to accumulate money and the dangers
she encounters when going Into specu
lation. She says that If women could
become rich In a day or a month, all
would try, but they can never make up
their minds to work years to accumu
late a fortune, as men do. Yomen
would much rather spend than earn.
And because women spend so much
they are hardly ever In the field for In
vestment when the chance comes
No person, according to Mrs. Green,
can Invest unless he has the where
withal. Most great fortunes have been
started by men who saved and saved,
and finally hnd a few hundred or a few
thousand dollars to Invest whenever
the opportunity should come. There
are many women who earn good salar
ies and who might lay by a few hun
dred dollars a year If they were so
minded. But that is not the way of
women. They spend every cent they
make, and In most cases have their
monthly salary all spent before it is In
their hands. As long as women won't
save there are not likely to be many
women millionaires In this country.
In their anxiety to get mony without
working for it, women are the victims,
Mrs. Greiyi says, of the first bucket
shop man who gets hold of them. The
man tells them that he'll double their
money in a month or two, and they be
lieve him. After a while they hear that
their broker has failed In business and
left the country. Then they weep and
bewail their fate and promise their
hnsbands they'll never do It again. But
they will. Gambling Is getting to be a
popular vice with women. There are
worse things than bridge whist tailing
hold of the women of New York. The
old saying that "A fool and his money
are soon parted" might be changed to
read, "A woman and her money are
soon parted" and be just as true as In
the original.
Proof Positive.
Briggs Bertler Is an ass, that's what
he la. Hels always on the wrong side
of every question.
Harlelgh But ljj says the samo
thing of you.
Briggs Well, and doesn't that prove
what I sny of him? Boston Transcript
An Ill-Eipreised Idea.
"How much Is that employe short?"
inquired the commercial acquaintance.
"Short!" echoed the bank director.
"We're the ones who are short He is
away ahead of the game." Washing
ton Star.
Not Her Way.
"1 suppose that woman orator stok
her mind freely on the subject!"
"Not much. She demanded half nf
her $50 In advance before she went on
the platform." Philadelphia Bulletin.
Pleasant Incidents Occurring thai
World Over-hay logs that Ar Cheer
ful to Old or Young-Funny Soloc
tions that You Will Enjoy.
"Did yon have a good time on the
"Never enjoyed anything so well In
my life. You know that mejji old
hunks that wakes me up so often at
daybreak by munlng his lawn mower?"
"Well, the night before tbe Fourth
I got all the boys In my neighborhood
to agree to shoot firecrackers In front
of his house from midnight till 7 oVUx-k
and then I went out Into the coun-
try." Chicago Tribune.
riut .Vl Her Face.
Gussle Gutdi I)o you know I paint?
Willie Softlelgh-Aw-weally, Miss
Gush, I nevah noticed It. Ohio State
A Strange Reduction.
He (reading notice) I shouldn't have
thought It.-The King.
Huatllng Household.
Careful Housekeeper Bridget, you
may got all the preserves we canned
last year, and boll them up again,
am afraid they have begun to work.
Bridget Like enough, mum, like
enough. Everything 'round this house
has lo. Harlem Life,
After tbe Reconciliation.
Dooley Say, Hooley, gin me a punch
on th' Jaw opposite phwere yez kicked
Hooley-Phat for?"
Dooley I want yea to straighten out
me face. Baltimore World.
A Willinir Youth.
"You say that you don't care for the
salary, so long as you can get a chance
to work?" said the billionaire.
"That's the Idea," answered the youth
with the sharp nose and chin. "I'm
willing to start right In at a big reduc
tion and take one of those $25,000 posi
tions you say are so hard to fill at half
the niouey." Washington Star.
Mrs. Nosepoke John, don't you think
It's about time for us to call ou our new
Husband Why, they only moved In
this morning..
Mrs. Nosepoke O, I know, but all
their stuff will be downstairs and I can
see It better. Ohio State Journal.
The Terrible Inrant.
Host So sorry you have to be going.
Guest Indeed, I am, too. By the
way, I'm not sure about my train. It's
nlue-soinethlug, Jut
Host's Eldest-It's 9:32. Pa said he
hoped you'd take that one. Philadel
phia Record.
A French Duel.
"Sir, I shall be, at 8 o'clock to-morrow
morning, at the Bols de Boulogne with
my seconds!"
"Sir. von will find Hint I am nnl pnaitr
frightened! I shall De at the same hour
to-morrow, with my seconds, at the
Bols de Vlncennes!"
"Say, pop, I've got to write a compo
sition on hope. What is hope, any
way?" "Hope, my boy, is the Joyous expecta
tion of being able to dodge our Just
deserts." Life.
What Hurt Him.
"I shall sue him for libel," said the
man who Is making large sums of mon
ey out of the credulity of the masses.
"For what?"
' "He called me a common swindler.
It's pretty hard for a man who has
worked as hard as I have to be original
to be referred to as 'common.' "Wash
ington Star.
Boder Bryght's new work will be in
four volumes.
Boggs Four? The man is foolish to
attempt to float a novel of that size.
Boder But the public would be sus
picious if he made It any shorter. You
know the bookds to be called "A Chi
cago Woman's Love Letters." Judge.
- Trnc Resignation.
The Spinster (an Invalid) Is It really
true that marriages are made In heav
en? The Parson Yes, I believe so.
The Spinster (resignedly) Oh, then
I'll tell the doctor he needn't call again.
Chicago News.
A Libsk
Ascum He said he saw yon In a store
the other day looking at trousers.
Cholly Twousers! The Idea! Why,
I never look at anything- bat twouser
Ings. Twousers are all ready-made, ye
know. Philadelphia Press.
f ;
A Good Runner.
"Aaln't you most afraid to have John
go to war? You kuow these far-hoot-In'
guns will hit a man a mile au' a half
away every time."
"There ain't no bullet that'll catch
John If he gits a mile an' a half start"
Clevelund Plain Dewier.
Quite Likely.
The Chrome Dlscusslonlst (truculent
ly) If Andrew Jackson wore alive to
day what would be his sentiments In
this matter?
The Sober-Minded CitlEen (wearily)
He would be glad he was dead, I pre
sume. Puck.
Tho Two I'erlolt,
"After all," said the Old Codger, In
bis usual dry way, "I klndor think that,
Instead of there belli seven ages of
man, as Shakspcare contended, there
are only fwo-befoie he Is married and
afterward. During the tlrst period he
puts In the most of his time trying to
make the lady thluk be Is a devil of a
feller, and during the second he spends
still more of It In endeavorlu' to con
vince her that he ain't." Puck.
Proof Positive.
Singleton Do you believe It U possi
ble for one person, to hypnotize anoth
er? Wedorly Never met my wife, did
Singleton Why, no. I nev
Wederly (IntetTiipting)-8o I thought
Othrewise you wouldn't have asked me
such a fool question. Chicago News.
The Modern Way.
Knlcker Was Jones' new book a suc
cess? Bocker No, It only reached the two
hundred and fiftieth edition before It
was printed, so the publishers didn't
think It worth while to get It out.
In Hoston.
"It Is true he Is young, handsome and
well to K but the only question, my
child, concerns the heart. Do you love
"I will be frank with you, mamma.
I never could love a man, no matter
bow attractive externally, who says
'all during. " Chicago Tribune.
Hatlafle I.
"Why, yes, your flat is cozy," said
the visitor, "but how do you ever man
age to live In It? It looks to me as If
there wasn't room enough to swing a
cat here."
"We haven't any cat," explained the
tenant Somenille Journal.
Latest in F.quino Millinery.
Old Hoss-Part with It? Nelgh,
A Little Person it.
Miss Plunipersouat (of lady baseball
nine) I am uot going to pitch for this
Lady Manager Why not?
Miss Plumpersciuat (indlirnantlv)
While I was practicing some-body in the
crowd yelled, "Get onto her curves."
Brooklyn Eagle.
The Knd.
"Miss Sharpe Vera," he began, "you
must know why I've been coming here
so much; why I sit here In the parlor
with you night after night, and "
"I suppose, Mr. Plnchpenny," Miss
Vera Sharpe Interrupted, "It's cheaper
to do that than to take me out any
where." Philadelphia Press.
A Testimonial.
"Dear Doctor: When I began using
your hair medicine three mouths ago,
you assured me that my hair would not
trouble me much longer. I take pleas
ure In stating that you spoke the truth.
Could you give me the address of a
good wig maker?" Baltimore Ameri
can. I.eson In Arithmetic.
"Now, Tommy," said the teacher, "if
your father had ten one-dollar bills and
your mother asked him for half of
them, how many would he have left?"
"He'd still have the ten," replied the
wise child. I'hiiadeiphia uecord.
l lflieoltlea in the Way.
Wiggles Do you call your kitchen
girl a maid?
Waggles How can we? Her name is
Mrs. Moriarty, and she has eight grown
up children. Somerville Journal.
Favinor V one jr.
Mr. Hardhead I saved a big pile of
money to-day.
Mrs. II. -That Is lovely! How?
Mr. II. Insteall of suing a man for
what he owed me, I let him have it
New York Weekly.
Use of the Automobile.
With the increase of endurance and
the perfection of motive power and nie-
chancal parts, the automobile has
grown popular. A crippled beggar In
Paris, who formerly propelled him
self Tja; hand In a cart, recently bought
a one-horse power machine and Is now
makjng money by running errands. A
public service Is to be established in
Honolulu. Routes are being laid out
In Madagascar. The King of England
Is having a car de luxe built In Paris.
Socialists are to make a propagandist
tour through Pennsylvania In a ma
chine of their own. Emperor William
has been offering cups for contests.
Th'e London and New York Are depart
ments are both using autos, and a self
moving fire engine has been In use for
years in Hartford, Conn. The State
Department of this country has re
quested our consuls abroad to furnish
It with the rules governing the opera
tion of automobiles in foreign cities.
Tbe list of significant things Is almost
endless. World's Work.
A man soon forgets his faults when
they are knwa only to himself.
Now Fhe's Married and Apparently
Happy that the Didn't Telt
Judge John II. Baker of the United
States District Court at Indianapolis
was In his private otllce the other day
when a yv ell-dressed woman, hardly
more than 20, knocked at the door, and
In response to bis invitation walked
Into the room and approached his desk.
"I waut to thank you," she said In a
Sw, musical voice, "for having sent me
to the reformatory and also for secur
ing my pnrdou. I am now married and
happy, and I owe it to you for having
placed nie where I would no longer bu
uuder evil Influences." &
The Judge recognized the woman
and spoke lu words of pralso of her
conduct In the prison and congratulat
ed heron her better surroundings. Then,
as If recollecting something, he asked:
"Now that you have been released
from the reformatory, are you not
ready to tell who gave you tb.e couuter-
teit money - .
The young woman seemed thoughtful
for a moment, aud then, shaking her
head slowly, replied:
"Oh, I don't have to tell you now."
Judge Baker recognized bis visitor
as a young woman who was brought
before him five years ago on a rhurge
of passing counterfeit money. She wus
then about 15, and neither t!io court
nor the district attorney was disposed
to prosecute her very vigorously, but
they were anxious to learn from whom
she received tbe money, that the maker
could be punished. Two men were un
der suspicion, but the Government had
no evidence that would Justify arrests
The girl was asked from whom she
received the counterfeits, but she re
mained silent, and no amount of coax
ing could get tbe information from her.
Finally the Judge told her he would
send her to the reformatory till she was
of age unless she told the name of the
person from whom she got the money,
but would release her If she would tell.
The girl kept silent and was sent out
to the reformatory to spend the night,
the court hoping that a sight of the In
stltutlou nnd the prospect of spending
six years there would cause her to
name her confederate. When she was
called before him the next morning she
was as obdurate as ever, aud he passed
sentence upon her.
Thirty-eight in This Country with a
Population of 100,000 or More.
The census bureau has Issued a bulle
tin, prepared under direction of Will
iam C. Hunt, which gives the popula
tion of the incorporated cities, towns,
villages and boroughs scpnrate from
tbe population of the townships, pre
ducts, districts, etc., of which they
form a part. This bulletin places the
total number of incorporated places In
the United States in 1900 at 10,002,
against 7.578 In 1890.
Speaking of the growth of the large
cities the bulletin says: If cities with
a population of 100,000 or more aro
taken to represent the large cities of
the country there are 38 such cities In
1900, as compared with 28 in 1890.
Of the 38 large cities in 1900 three
contain upward of a million luhab
Hants, the same as in 1890, while
for cities having between 500,000
and 1,000,000 inhabitants those lu 1900
number three, as against one only In
1890. There are no cities In 1900 eon
talnlng between 400,000 and 500,000 In
habitants, but at the census of 1890
there were three cities of this class. On
the other hand, there are five cities in
1900 with a population of between
300,000 and 400,000, but in 181H) there
were no cities coming between these
limits of population. The cities having
between 200,000 and 300,000 inhabitants
numbered eight In 1900 as against nine
In 1890, while ior cities of from 100,000
to 200,000 Inhabitants there were 19 In
1900 as compsred with 12 In 1890.
Pittsburg is In ' he class with a popula
tion of 3O0,OQ0 and under 400,000, and
Is outranked Id this class by Cleveland,
Buffalo, San Francisco and Cincinnati
Bono Florida Hirers.
In Florid one may have another odd
experience; a river ride in an ox-cart.
Florida ri-'ers are usually shallow, and
when the water Is high you can travel
for miles across country behind oxen,
with more or less river under you all
the way. There are ancient Jokes about
Florida steamboats that travel on
heavy dews, and use spades for pad-
But those of you who have been on
Its rivers know there Is but one Florida,
with its bearded oaks and frouded
palms; Its dusky woods, carpeted with
glassy waters; Its cypress bays, where
lonely cranes pose, silently thoughtful
(of stray polliwogs); nnd its birds of
wondrous plumage that rise with star
tled splash when the noiseless canoe
glides down upon their haunts.
F.very strange fowl and every hideous
reptile, every singular plant aud every
tangled Jungle, will tell the American
boy how far he Is to the south. Florida
is, In fact, his corner of the tropics;
and the clear waters of Its rivers,
stained to brown and wine-color with
the Juices of a tropical vegetation, will
tell him, If he reads nature's book, how
different the sandy soil of the South Is
from the yellow mold of the great West
ern plains. St. Nicholas.
Largest City South of tho Line.
Ten census returns for the nietropoli
tan district of Sydney, N. S. W., show
that during the past ten years Its pop
ulation has increased by a little over
100,000 persons. The total Is now 380,
&3, of whom 197,227 are males, 189,032
females. Sydney now ranks as one of 4
the large cities of the world. It Is the
largest city south of tjhe lino. The
United States only contains six larger
cities. New York Commercial Adver
tiser. Beaver a Xuiaanoa In Colorado.
Beaver have become so numerous In
the southern part of Colorado that the
ranchmen want them killed off to save
their property.
When a man has nothing to do,
nobody wants him around. Ever no
tice how a business man scowls wbeu
an Idle man comes In to occupy his
chairs, and "talk?"
The greatest distinction to a sick
woman Is when her doctor accompanies
her when she goes out on her first
Successor to K. 1.. Smith,
Oldest Established House ill the valley.)
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Flour and Feed, etc.
This old-established house wi I con
tinue to pay cash for all its goods; it
pavs no rent; it employs a clerk, but
does not Imve to divide with a partner.
All dividends are made with customers
iu the way of reasonable prices.
V. H. Commissioner suit Notary I'ublie.
Hood River, Oregon.
Real Estate,
Money to Loan,
Tmfi paid or non-resldcnta.
Township l'lats nnd HlHlikn in stock.
Telephone SI. Correspondence Solicited.
sHiri'KRS or
rti'trti or tiik
Hood River Brand of Canned Fruits.
Boxes and Fruit Packages
Fertilizers & Agricultural Implements.
Dalles, Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co.
Leaves Oak Street Dock, Portland,
7 A. M. nnd II P. M.
Leaves Dalles 7 A. M. and 3 P. M.
Daily Except Sunday.
Regulator, Dalles City, Reliance.
Str. "Tahoma,"
Daily Round Trips, except Sunday.
TIMR Altl.
Leave Portland ..7 a.m. I Leave Astoria "a.m.
The Dalles-Portland Route
Sir. "Bailey Gatzert,"
Daily Round Trips, except Monday.
TIN'rf Sl'KIM'iS, liooll RIVKK, WHITK
Leave Pnrtliiil... . in. I Leave ThcDal It n4 p.m.
Arrive TlieDnllrs ;t p.m. Arrivel'ortlmid lu p.m.
Meal a tho Vary Beat.
Tit it. route has the Brainiest Reenlr' t tractions
on earth. Sunday trip a Icadinx feature.
Landing and oliiee, loot of Alder street. Both
'phones, Main ttol, I'ortland, Or.
E. W. CKICHTON. Accnt, I'ortland.
JOHN M. KILLOON, Axi'iit, The Dalles.
A. .1. TAYLOR, Asent, Ahtoria. ,
ETHEL MeUl'KN, Agent, Vancouver.
At;out8 at Hood River
Shot Line
and Union Pacific
at o
Suit Lake, Denver,
Chicago Ft. Worth.Oniaha, Portland
special I Kantian City, St. Special
ll:"ia. in. i Loiiia.Cliicugoand 2:05p.m.
Walla Walla Lewis
Srnl.ane ton.gpokane.Min- Portland
Elver neapoli,St. Haul, Flyer
6.7 p.m. Diiliith, Mil wan- :30.iu.
Bait Lake, Denver,
Mall aud Ft. Worth, Omaha, Mall and
Express Kansas City, St. Expres
11 :4J p. m. Louis, ( iinmjoaiid 6.42a.m.
(40 p.m. All nailing ifotes 4:00 p. ok
subject to change
For San Francisco
o tail every 5 days.
Dally Columbia Rlvtr 4 00 p.m.
l:F.x. Sunday Steamers. Kx. Uundar
Saturday To Astoria and Way
1I:UD p. in. Landings.
6:45a.m. Wlllamatt lvr. 4.30p.m.
Ex. Sunday Oregon City, New. Ex. Sunday
berg, Salem, Inde
pendence & Way
l andings.
7:00 a.m. lllir-tt, tns Yam- :p. m.
Tues., Thur. t.f.1 Sitrt. Mou., Wed.
and Bat. and Fri.
Oregon City, Day
ton, A Way Land-
:45a.m. Wlllamtttt llvtr. 4:p.m.
Tues., Thur. Mon., Wed.
and Sat Portland to Corral- and Fri.
lis & Way Land-
It. Rlparia Ssam Rive. Lr.Lewlstou
6:8Aa ni. I Riparia to Lewiston a m.
Ii'y I dally
For low rates and other Information writ to
General Passenger Agent. Portland, Or.
it BAULKY, A(Dt, Hoed River.