The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 09, 1901, Image 3

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    3food Iftyer Slacier.
Fill DAY, AUGUST", 1!01.
Ice Rt Jensen's.
Uriah Jlecp cigars.
Ice nt Cole & Graham's.
Shingle at Snvagit'H.
Pishing tackle at Cnc's.
J'aints ami oils tit Hnvagu's.
lluy your lime at Sherrill's.
j Roof paint, 1 per gal., at Savages.
JoIIm' ice cream at Coe's Saturday.
KuggieH ami road wagon at Savage's.
We have some bargains in groceries at
Shirt waists, full lino, nt lione it Me
Doonld'ii. ('ream puff Friday and Saturday at
the Royal.
A lot of white can rubbers, 5 cents a
dozen nt Savage's.
Always in Mock. Ilest grade of tin.
feed oil at SlieriH's.
See the kitchen treasure and cupboard
combined at SherriU'H.
Those iron beds at Sherrill's are hard
to beat for the money.
When you buy get a Selz shoe; they
will make your feet glad. For sale at
When you want a good smoke, buy the
"Uriah lleep" cigar. For sale by all
Now is the time to take pleasure in
hammocks. Sherrill's is the plat to
get them. Q
Note the Price. Stone 'jars, stone
churns, bean crocks at 15c per gallon, at
J. E. Hand's.
We have plenty of money to loan on
first class real estate for long term. Pra
ttler A Barnes.
A pair of good rublier boots found in
Plowers park are nt II. J. Frederick's
for the owner.
More Royal Ranges sold in Hood River
than any other. See them at Savage's,
headquarters for stoves.
We are closing out our stock of Planet
Jr gwsls. let some of them before they
are all gone, at Rand's.
Red bugs are holding indignation
meetings all over the valley, all on ac
count of Hartniess' iron lied steads.
lst On the steamer Dalles City,
July 24th, a package containing a shawl
mid blanket. Return to (ilacier ottice.
Whip lost off the Sprinkler Finder
return to Win. Thompson and receive
reward, more than the whip is worth.
Jensen's Confectionery the only
place in town where you can find natu
ral ice. Delivered free to any place in
Dr. F. ('. Prosins has removed to his
new residence at the west end of Oak
street, midway lietween the school house
and arniorv, and can lie found in his of
fice over Jackson's store lietween the
hours of 10-11 a. m., 2-It and t-7 p. in.
A lnm;li I.i.IiikI like music,
II lingers In the heart.
And where II" melody Is hoard
TlielllHof life il,-)Hi (;
A lid happy HioukIiIh conic crowding
Ah Joyiul nolPH to greet -A
iHiigh In JiiHt like iniiKie
For tusking living sweet!
St. Ixmiih Republic.
Entertainment at Belmont Aug. 10th.
S. A. Knapp and mother are in camp
at Collin's landing.
W. 11. Pishop is building a small cot
tage on his lots on state street.
The Vancouver military baiid will fur
nish music on the (iat.ert, Sunday.
Elmer Rand and family went into
camp at Collins lauding, Wednesday.
Judge Haves has the thanks of the
( ilacier for a handsome bociuetof daliahs.
John Kelley's crop of slrawlierries on
t wo acres this year netted him filoO. He
got 350 crates.
The (Ilacier is sending out statements
to delinquents. We hope they will dig
up; we need the money.
The Ldacier is indebted toJ.T. Hoi
man for the present ot a big head of let
tuce grown in his garden on River street.
11. E. Wilson, a pressman employed
in Paltes & Co.'s big printing house in
Portland, is rusticating in Hood River
valley, o
C. A. Bell has purchased the livery
business known as the Mountain Stage
Co. ; Capt. J. II. Ferguson and Joseph
Wright retiring.
Rathing season now open at Collins
Hot Springs. Campers only. No ho
tels. Hunting it Ilosford managers,
Collins, Wash.
The Pelmont, (reorge Fox, proprietor,
will. give Sunday dinners at 1 o'clock
each Sunday. Family dinners prepared
at the same hour.
(leorge DeBord was here from New
York, Sunday, visiting his brother,
James, the genial onsoriul artisj. at the
Bon Ton parlors.
Jas. E. Hanna went to Lost lake,
Tuesday, by the eayuse route. Ixiu
Tomlinson hauled the supplies, all but
the snake medicine, as far as .Maple
R. (i. Davenport, foreman of the
Chronicle office, and Mr. Purget came
down from The Dalles, Sunday, on the
Bailey (iatzert. They came on the trip
to cool off.
School Clerk Nickelsen of Frankton
district lias posted notices for a special
meeting of the taxpayers, Aug. 17th, at
2 p. m., to elect a director in place f
J. F. Armor.
A party consisting of Mrs. M. A. Cook,
Edna ilierrill, Viola (ireen, Pearl Cox,
lva Vorbeck, Will and Walter lsenberg
and I-eo l.'lrich went into camp at Maple
Dell,' Tuesday.
W. E. Pavne, representing the Oregon
Nursery Co. of Salem, Or., is making a
permanent stay in town, with head
quarters at the (tlenwood. Call on him,
all ye that would plant trees.
W. T. Hansberry traded his farm to
A. L. Neonfor town property, lie
then traded his town property to Walter
"Hull for three acres in Hull's addition,
(Vhere he is now camped till he can
build a house.
Mrs. Mark Thomas, living on the bill
east of town, killed a garter snake three
feet long last Friday. In killing it she
cut a hole in its side, and from this hole
21 voung snakes emerged, which he
killcas fast as they came out.
The Belmont f?pworth league will
give a literary onR-rtainnieiit at the
home of M. II. Nickelsen, Saturday
evening, Aug. 10th, and after the pro
gramme a basket social. Every lady is
requested to bring a basket. Pro
gramme free.
Sunday was the hottest day this year.
The thermometer on Bartniess' porch
went up to 94, while ordinary thermom
0 eters about town registered 97 in The
shade. At Portland the government
thermometer stsx af 92, while af J he
Dulles it was 102ls;
Why cultivate ati acre of strawterries
for a crop of 75 crate when you could
raise 1.50 to 200 crates on same ground?
Order a sitpplv of ready-mixed complete
fertilizer from the Davidson Fruit Co.
THIS WEEK at Portland prices and in
crease your profits.
E. J. Orendorff, recently from South
ern California, and who has Ix'on here
for his health for the past three months,
staying with J. J. Jordan, left Tuesday
night for Eastern Washington. Mr.
Orendorff saw service in tho Philippines
as a iiii'tiihcr of the Firxt Washington,
where he did messenger sorvii'e for lieti
eral Wheaton. At the time of his regi
ment's first engagement a buuler reck
lessly tired a rille no close to Mr. Oren
dorlf's head as to injure the hearing in
his right ear. Mr. Orendorff has been
in the oil business for the past two years
and he goes to the "hole in the ground"
country near Spokane to investigate the
recent oil strikes in that region.
Captain J. H. Dukes with a force of
men is engaged moving the building oc
cupied by W. E. Sherill'B furniture store.
The house will hereafter face mi Third
street, next to the corner on which is
Everhart's grocery store. The building
was one of the first business houses
erectA'd in Hood River, having been
built in lXK.'i by R. O. Evans for the first
livery stuble. "judge Prathcr and W'.ti.
Clcllaud did the carpenter work. The
house on the same lot, wherein C. Welds
mended the sides of Hood River people
for many years, is being removed by
Rev. J. W."Rigly.
The old Chiimplin building," now
owned by Prathcr it Barnes, is being
fitted uj, repaired and repainted, and
Prather it Barnes expect to occupy the
first floor with office rooms, by the mid
dle of the month they having found
their present quarters too cramped. The
building w hen fixed up will have a plate
glass frotlt for the ollice rooms, mid an
eight foot sidewalk on each street. The
second floor will contain six room, which
have already been rented to roomers.
I.angille it Cook have charge of the car
penter work.
The strawberry growers in the com
paratively small community of Hood
River received $S5,IK)0 for theircropthis
summer, and for the rest of the year
can take it comparatively easy and let
the rest of the people do the worrying
alsiut crops, prices and the problem of
deficit and surplus. The Hood River
eople are not-rich in large areas of land
or big bank accounts, but they are easi
ly and contentedly prosperous. Even
ing Telegram.
Mrs. II. L. Howe expects to go onto
their homestead at the head of Neal
creek alout the first of September.
There is quite a settlement in this neigh
borhood now, ami when a good grade is
made for the road up the mountain,
this w ill lie one of the most desirable
parts of the valley. The snow peaks of
Hood, Adams, St. Helens ami Kaiuier
are in sight from here.
The dog and ponv show w hich was to
perform here last Friday night met with
financial difficulties, ami has since been
stranded! at The Dalles. All the proper
ty excepting the dogs, monkey and guilts
f have been attached by the employes, for
the amount ot f 1,200. Hie horses have
been placed in pasture on Three-Mile,
while the tents and o'her paraphernalia
are at the Regulator dock.
C. Welds has bought out the harness
business of John Hullt, and has moved
his shoe shop into the building former
ly occupied by Hullt, where he will con
tinue in the boot and shoe repair busi
ness, and w ill carry leather sundries for
harness. John Hullt is disposing of his
bicycles and other goods, and thinks of
leaving Hood River.
The Ix)st Lake Lumber company has
about completed a splash dam on the
east branch of Hood river, three and a
half miles above the forks. The dam
will hold Itl feet of water, and extends
2H0 f"et up the canyon. It is expected
that this will furnish sufficient force to
drive logs beyond the forks.
Jensen, of the Cloud Cap Inn confec
tionery, has bought Davenport's ice 15
tonsin all. Last winter the ice was
taken from Davenport's mill pond, and
shoved over the foot of the dam, where
it was piled up and covered with saw
dust. The ice was thus secured with
hut little expense.
In the strawberry belt near town D.E.
Miller is preparing to set four or five
acres in strawberries. R. M. Hunt will
set 1 li acres. The Kiser boys and Me
Cuistians will set four or five'ueres. 11.
IL Holmes will set l'j acres. D. F.
Lamar will set two or three acres.
Judge and Mrs. L. Henry returned
Tuesday from their outing at St. Mar
tin's springs. The judffe is much im
proved in health and thinks these
springs are all right. There were (ill
tents at one time and about NO guests in
the hotel while he was there.
Since going to Astoria, Rev. J. L.
Ilershner received a telegram offering
him the pastorate of the Congregational
church in Nome City at a salary of 12,000
a year. Mr. Ilershner declined the
offer for the reason that he could not
take his family to Nome.
Winans Bros, are operating their
splash dam on the west fork and are
driving posts and logs' in Hood river.
They have 55,000 posts in the river be
sides t00,000 feet of logs. The posts and
logs are arriving in the flume at the
mouth of the river.
A family of immigrants, a man and
wife and four boys, took lodgings at the
City Restaurant and lodging house Sun
day night. They saw the sign, "Lodging25
cents," and next morning refused to
pay more than 50 cents for the whole
family. 0
Chas. Russell, who at one time had a
homestead on Wind River, Wash., has
been granted a pension. His where
abouts now are unknown. Any one
knowing his address is asked to commu
nicate with the Stevenson Pioneer.
The Davidson Fruit company have had
numerous inquiries for strawberry plants
from prospective planters in the valley.
Those who are able to supply good stock
will do well to call at the company's of
fice and learn particulars.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Butler returned
Thursday of last week from a pleasant
month's trip to Alaska. Mr. and Mrs.
Learner, Mrs. Butler's parents, returned
with them and are spending a few days
in Hood River.
C. P. Ross, freight agent at the depot,
is taking a month's vacation, and Louis
Henderson is tilling his place. -Mr.
Henderson is a son of John Inland Hen
derson, and arrived here recently from
New Orleans.
J Winchell Foley left Tuesday for Ida
i ho, going horseback by way of Urineville.
Having been used to a sparsely settled
country he found Hood River tini crowd
ed, and is going to Idaho to raise stock.
Harry Gray and wife from the Puget
sound country are visiting relatives in
Hood River. Mrs. Gray w ill make quite
a protracted stay, while Mr. Gray will
j go on a trip turtlier J-.ast.
j One of the infant twins of Mr. and
I Mrs. S C. Zeigler of White Salmon
is quite sick and not expected to recover,
j George T. Prather, last week, pur-'
chased C. Welds' farm on the East Side,
! paying $1,200 for the same.
The county Isiard of equalization w'll
meet at the court house. August 2'th.
Mrs. Eliza Rillen of Viento was a vis:
jtqr in Hood River last Friday.
Prather it Barnes i!idcthe selling of
Fred Bailey's place last week.
l.eave your orders for plain and fancy
cakes at the Royal.
Teachers' examination at The Dalles,
August 14-17.
The many Hood River friends of Dr.
and Mrs. f. F. Shaw will regret to learn
that they me about to leave us and to
take up their residence in Ashland.
Mrs. SI iiiw'b health requires a change of
climate, and fur this reason thev will
iriake the change. Dr. Shaw has been a
practicing physician in Hood River for
the past three or four years, Bnd during
that time has built up a practice ami
gained a reputation for skill second to
no medical practitioner in the state.
Wherever Dr. ami .Mrs. Shaw may lo
cate, the Is-st wishes of their numerous
friends will follow them.
Booth's mill-summer clearance sale
closes August 15th. Those w ho wish to
take advantage of the excellent bargains
hail better go early if they w ish to pur
chase before everything: is gone. Mr,
Booth reports that returns from his big
ml are more than he anticipated. 1 lie
judicious advertiser gets the business.
Dr. H. L. Dnnile of Washington,
D. ('., has purchased Dr. Shaw's res
idence prois-rty and w ill locate In Hood
River for the practice of medicine. The
doctor is a man of broad experience in
the profession and brings with him the
best of recommendations.
E. K.Ross and wife of Wallula.Wash.,
were hen-, Suilflay, visiting his brother,
C. P. Ross, and family. Mr. Ross re
turned next day, but Mrs. Rosb will
remain for a short visit. ' Mr. E. K.Ross
is station agent at Wallula.
Joe Alleck got a letter from his son
George, who is serving the state at Sa
lem; George writes that he has lieen
very sick but is better again. He hopes
soon to be out of tho pen.
The United Artisans have changed
their assembly night and will hereafter
meet every ednesday night in Middle
ton's hall. Next week the meeting will
be a social.
Mrs. M. V. Harrison and daughter
Lela, who have been visiting in Hood
River, returned to Portland Thursday,
accompanied by Miss Florence Hanna.
Young Kelly took his uncle to the
woods to show him how to hunt bear.
Coining home they were so heavily
loaded they broke dow n the flume.
John J. Wall, representing the inter
national correspondence schools, at
Scrauton, Penn., is in Hood River solic
iting students in technology.
There w ill Is- a business meeting of
the Christian Endeavor Society at the
Congregational parsonage this Thursday
evening, at S o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Bishop and son
Pome went to Mt. Hood last week and
uscended to the top of Cooper's spur.
Dr. Brosius has moved his office to the
Jackson building, where he has good
Alfred Ingalls Drowned.
Alfred Ingulls, the 21-year old son of
Alfred Ingalls, met death by drowning,
Sunday evening, August 4, 1001, w hile
swimming in tint John Day river with a
threshing crew from Wasco. Word of
the accident reached here Monday, and
the young man's father left on the noon
train for the scene of the drowning.
Search was immediately made for the
body, but was unsuccessful until
Wednesday morning, w hen after
of dynamite the body was found floating
a quarter mile below where the boy was
drowned. The remains were conveyed
overland and reached Hood River.Thurs
day. Funeral arrangements have not
been made yet.
How the accident really happened no
one seems to know. The threshing crew
were bathing in water not deep enough
for swimming, w hen young Ingalls sud
denly threw up his arms ami disappeared
from sight, (food swimmers dived for
the body hut could find nothing of it.
It seems that he fell in between a ledge
of rocks where the water was 30 feet
deep, and perhaps his body caught and
prevented liini rising again.
Alfred Ingalls was a bright, capable,
industrious young man, and his family
have the deep sympathy of the commu
nity in their oereavenient.
(Iiisfian Church .Meetings.
The Valley Christian church has se
cured the services of Rev. Morton L.
Rose of Eugene to hold a meeting in the
town of Hood River, beginning August
15th. The place of holding the meeting
has not lieen decided upon, but an
nouncements will be made in due time.
Mr. hose is pastor of the Christian
church in Eugene and for several years
has lieen president of the Oregon Chris
tian Missionary society and is a speaker
of ability. He has held several very
successful meetings and since he became
pastor of the church at Eugene the
membership has grown from one hun
dred and titty to nearly six hundred.
Ancient Order of the Red Cress,
Hood River lodge, No. 10, of the An
cient Order of the Red Cross organized
in the I. O. O. F. hall last Saturday
night, with 70 charter members and 45
more to come in wiieit the cirtilioates of
membership are returned from head
quarters. The officers elected are: 0L
Copple, president; D N Byerlee, vice
president ;J E Hanna, secretary; C II
Temple, treasurer; Ralph Ellis, guide;
C M Sisson, prelate; Seely Rand, inner
guard; Arthur Cole, outer guard. The
lodge meets again Saturday night.
Church Notices.
I'nlted Brethren Church. Sunday school a
10 a. ni. l'lVHi-hlng at II a. in. S p. in. ('.
K. nt ':''). Prayer service Wednesday even
ing nt S. H. ('. Shatter, pastor.
X'nlley Christ lun Church. Sunday school
nt 10 n. in. Preaching nt II u. ni. Kndeavor
meeting nl 7:30. Preaching ut S:l.i p. in. All
not worshipping elsewhere are cordially in
vited to attend I hese services.
Congregational Church. Rev. K. K. Hell,
pastor of the ( ungregnt inrnl church nt An
lui ni,will conduct divine service nt II a. in.
C. K. service nt ".-:) p.m. All are cordially In
vited to attend these- services.
Advertised Loiter List.
Young, Mrs Ilruscllii Howe, Joel K
Clark,. I Hnhher, John
Hick, John .Moore, John
Ferguson, lei Koliertsoti, H K
llailley, Clay Slingerton, S A
WM. M. Y ATK.S. P. M.
Timber Land, Act .lime 3, ITOU
t'nlted Slates J.and Office, Vancouver,
Wnsli., May i I'.Kil. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
net of congress of June 3, 1S,S, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the Stales of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, 1SW2,
Of Husuni, county of Klickitat, stale of Wash
ington, has tills day tiled In this oftice his
sworn statement. No. 2211, for the purchase of
the southeast quarter of section No. :V, in
township No. It north, range No. lleast.W.M.,
and will otter proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for lis timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Hireiver of this office at Van
couver, Wash., on Friday', the 1-ith day of
August? 10I.
He names as witnesses: Jonithnn L. Stump,
Ijconnrd stnip, and Jennie stump, all of
Fulda. Was.i., and (iwenllinn Jones of
H usu in, Wash.
Of Husnm, county of Kllckihil.stateof Wash
ington, has this day tiled in this ottice his
sworn statement. No. 2J1.". for the purchase ot
the southwest quarter .of section No. :V. in
township No. ti nor'h, range No. II east. W .XI.,
and will otter (;woof to show that the land
sought is more valuable tor tts timber orsiouc
than for ugricullurnl puffjosiw, and to estab
lish tils claim to said hind before the Kegisicr
and Receiver of ibis otliiv at Vanmiiver,
Wash., on Friday, tin- lath day of August I'.HU.
He names as witnesses: Jonitlian U Stump,
U-onard Stump and Jennie Slump, all ot
Fulda, Wash., and ,Mordicui Jones m llnsnin,
Any and nil person claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their clitms tn this ottice on or before said
lKih day of August. 1H0I.
Je7it W. It PI'NBAR, ReglsUr.
School Shoe Problem
, Is solved when you buy District 76.
0 Rest by every test.
I'neqiiuled for lit.
Superior in style. ,w
We have the celebrated Dis. 7tl shoes in women's, misses und
children's, boys', yoWhs' and little gents. We will take pleasure in
showing them to you.
Eor the loy that needs cast-iron shoes we have
"Hi-Value," an uiilined genuine kip custom-made shoe.
Eor the youth
"Hi-Value," an uiilined geiQiine Milwaukee oil grain.
NOTIHSO STRONGER MADE than these shoes.
These are only a few of the many of our extra good shoo values.
Value is the only true test of cheapness, especially in shoes. Put
we combine value and low prices, good styles and good fits.
4c Men's Turkey, red, good quality
and si.e.
3 for 5c Children's I'rinted Rorder,
good enough for the kids.
4c Ladies' plain while Hemstitched.
5c White Hemstitched, lace insertion.
10c Men's fine white Hemstitched,
largo nine.
20c Ladies' bountiful Embroidered Pat
terns. 2"e Finest Linen Embroidered, regu
lar 50c values.
Edgings and insertions in Nainsook,
Swiss and Valenciences, bountiful duin-
tv patterns, wouth t to ;j:o.
At 4 to 23c a Yard.
They will make charming trimmings
t little cost for summer dresses and are
a splendid investment to buy for next
fall's gowns w lieu obtainable for so little.
0c Ladies' black double heel and too.
10c Children's fast black double knee
and foot.
13c Misses' ribbed triple knee, n very
line article.
15c Ladies' white footed, solid comfort.
15c Ladies' and misses' fancy l'olka I ot.
25c Sheepskin, smooth lined, soft and
50c Asliestos tanned, always soft, for
00c (ioat skin, a durable working glove.
85c flog skin, gentleman's, walking or
driving gloves.
$1.00 Heavy Sealskin, guaranteed first
class, regular f 1.25.
20c Ladies' Rlack Hermsdorf dye Lisle
45c Gray Lisle Seude, street gloves,
verv stylish.
tic Ladies' and misses' Sleeveless Rib
bed Vests.
10c Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests, fine
20c Ladies' fine Ribbed Vests, with
25c Misses' Vests, fine material daint
ily made.
35c Misses' fine Swiss Ribbed Union
ITImberl.nnd, Art June 3, 1S7S.
United States I.iindOflloe.Vnncouver.WiiNti.,
July 13. VMl. Not Ice 1m lii-reby slvcn that In
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress of June :t, 1S7S, entitled "An net for
the wile of timber lands In the Mutes of Cal
fornia, Oregon, Nevadn and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the public land
Htuu-H by act of August , 1XU2.
Of Trout Lake, county of Klickitat, state ot
w UHiiliiKton, tms this day tiled In tins oltice
his sworn statement, No. iUHl, for the pur
chase of the northeast '4 southeast section
W, township A north, range 10 east W. M and
lots 1, 2, 8 of section No. 18, in township No. f
north, range No. 11 east, W . M and will offer
proof to show that tiie land sought Is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim
tosiild hind before I lie Register und llecelver
of t his oliice nt Vancouver, Wash., on Tues
day, the l.'ith day of October, ltKll.
He names ns witnesses: Mil ium B. Brooke
of Portland, Or.; Joseph V. Keed and Elbert
('. l'eets of Trout Lake, Wash.; A. W. Liibdell
of rortlttiui. Or.
Of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, has this day tiled in this ollice his
sworn statement, No. 4t2i for the purchase of
the east northeast '4, southwest 'i north
east ;4,and northeast J4 southeast 14 of section
No. 17, in township No. tt north, range No. 11
east VV. M and will otter proof to show that
the laud sought Is more valuable for Its tim
ber or stone limn for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land liclore
the Register and Receiver of this ollice at
Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 1.11 li day
of October, Will.
He names as witnesses: Hubert F. Cox, Jo
seph V. Reed and Klbert ('. l'eets of Trout
Lake, Wash., and A.W. Ijibdcll of Port land.Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
I heir claims In this orllce on or before said
l.ith (lav of October, l!Kli.
JyiasM W. R. IHJNBAlt,Jtiflster.
Jjind Ottice nt Vancouver, Wash July 22,
Hull. Notice' Is liereKj-given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice 01' his in
tention to make final misif in support of his
claim, and that said proof will lie made
before the Register and Receiver l". M. Land
Ottice at Vancouver, Washington, on Fri
day, September , 1IKI1, viz:
OfLyleP, O., Washington, who made H. I-;.
No. WtW, for the northwest quarter of section
17, township :t north, range 12 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous n-sldenee usm and cultiva
tion of said land, vim
Christian IHekson, James Morgan, James
Hotsford and Haskin Trabue, all of Lyle P.O.,
jy:W W. R. UUN'HAR. Register.
Timber Lani. Act June :i, 1S78.J
I'nited Slates Land ( mice. Vancouver W'h -
June 20, I'M. Notice is hereby given that in
eomplianie wltll the provisions of the act of
congress of June :t, 1S7S, entitled "An act for
the-sale 01 timber lands in the states of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the public land
states bv act of August 4, 1h!I2,
ARTHl'R C. srt'llLINU,
Of The DiilUs. county of Wasco, slate of Ore
gon, hits this day tiled In this ottice his sworn
statement. No. 2211, lor the purchase of the
south southeast t southwest
section it, and southwest xi southwest of
si-etion No. 10, in township No. 8 north, range
No. H east, W. M., and will offer proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for fu
timber or stone than bp-agricultural purises,
and to establish his clalei tu sajd laud before !
Illb Register flint llec-iver of tills office ut
Vancouver, Wash., on Thursday, the lath dav
of Seplenilier, hmi.
jie names as winiees: r rnnK li. connellv
of The I taller. Or.; Thomas W. Lnsk and Hugh
Lnsk of Chenowith. Wash.; and (.Tin. J.Hlub
ling of The Dalles, or.
Of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day tiled in this ottice his sworn
statement. No. 2215, for the purchase of the
north rnirtheast i. section . and north
northwest of section No. 10, In township No.
S north, rang No. ft east, W. M.. and will offer I
proof to show that the land sought is morel
valuable for it timber or ston- than for agri- j
lc yd Ruby liihhon, all shades.
21!!c vd Satin (iros Orain, Jg'in. w ide.
4c yu Satin Gros Grain, in. w ide.
5c vd Satin (iros Grain, 1 in, wide.
12;2'c yd Taffeta Neck Riblx.ns, 2?4' in.
10c yd Rest Satin Velvet Ribbon, )i in.
12'ac vd The stylish size for neck, ?4 in.
20c yd l'.j wide; make you n ne belt.
Fven if time, money orcom-
fnrt wcrp no nliii-i-t 1-011 pmil.l
V ii.'i linn a iriin oi.M'l lllilll Tt
the R & G. A
80c Straight Front, Military T
Style, regularly fl.00.
HOc Rlack or Drab :I7, style
medium length.
45c Vigilant, medium length,
nicely made.
45c Zarina, long waist, black
20c Children's Waists, verv
.-oc-fittiil jseit. I lose htip.
porters, cushion buttolli
We'd rather you'd have them at a lit
tle price, and wear them, than to keep
them so.
$1.15 for White Lawn, embroidered
waists, worth fl.50
05c for White Lawn, embroidered
waists, worth . . ; 1.00
55c for Colored percale waists, w orth 00c
40c for Colored percale waists, worth (iOc
Our sale is a great success; people are realizing this to be the bargain
opportunity of the year for first-class merchandise. Don't wait ; the sale
only lasts 15 davs.
Still Smaller During This Sale.
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver
of this ollice at Vancouver, Wash., on Thurs
day, uie 111111 uay 01 September, IH01.
He names as witnesses: Frank U. Connelly
of TUe Dalles; Thomas W. Lusk and Hugh
Lusk of Chenowith, Wash.! and Arthur C
Stnbilng of The Dulles. Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
iimeiivw-iiiii-u laiios are requesiefl to nie
their claims In this office on or before said
lttttj day of September, liKll.
Je2Xa:) W. R. PI'NBAR, Register.
(Timber Land, Act June 8. 1878.1
I'nlted States Land Office, Vancouver, Wash.,
June IS, 1(101. Notice Is hereby given that In
compliance with t lie provisions of the act of
congress of June A, IS7S, entitled "An act for
the sale 01 Umber lands In the states of Cal
torniu, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," us extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, ISItt,
of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of
Oregon, has this day Hied In this office his
sworn statement No. 22t), for the purchase of
the south southwest '4, and touth south
east L of section No. S, in township No.
north, range No. 11 east, W, M., and will otter
proof to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish hs claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver
of this ottice at Vancouver, Wash., on Thurs
day, the lath day of September, I H01,
lie names as witnesses: Hurry W. Kelllnger,
Robert F. Cox, George R. Sel linger and August
J. Wagner, all ot Trout Lake, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In tills olUee on or before said
lllth daj of September, 1H01.
Je2Sa;l0 WJt. DUNBAR, Register.
ITImber I ji ml, Act June ;i, 1878.1
United States Land Ollice, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Julyoi.-,, nan. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance w ith the provisions of the
act or Congress of June a, KS, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber' lands In the States
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory,!' as extended lo all the public
land states by act of August 4. lKH2,the follow
ing persons have filed in tills office their
sworn statements, viz:
Of The Dalles, Wasco county, Oregon, Sworn ',
statement No. ISO, tiled April 27, lo, for tho '
pun-base of the northeast J4' of section Xt,
lownsnip 1 norm, range w gbm, w,.vi.
Of The Da lli-s, Wasco county, Oregon, Sworn
Statement No. 11H1, tiled July 15, WM, for the
purchase of the southwest y. section IB, town
ship I north, range ti east, V . M.
That they will offer pnsif tbshow that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish their cliiim w said land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at the
Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, the21st day of
stepteinher. Mil.
They name as witnesses: Halina M. Phir
man, J. H. Phirman, Henry Boyen and Chris
tine A. Phirnian of The Dalles, Oregon, and
William Rand of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In this office on or before said
21st dav of September, liJl.
Jylfls20 JAY PJA'CAS. Register.
Land Office at TJ.e Dafle, Oregon, July II,
ltu. Notice, is hereby given that the follow-iiig-naiiu'd
si llier has filed notice of his In
tention o make final proof in support of his
cliOio, and that salt! proof will be made before
tho Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on Tuesday. Sep.ember 8, Idol, viz:
Of Mosler, Oregon, II. K. No.52M, for the west
half southeast quarter, northeast quarter
southeast imarter and southwest Quarter
northeast quarter section 23, townsh.ip 2 nftrth,
range u east, w. 31.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his cootiuuou residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
W. a. Huskey, (teorge Wois), Andrew Pra
thar sud Charles Prat bar, all of Mosler, Or.
Jy Ia2l J AY P. LI.'CAS. Register.
Three or four acres of land grubtied, hy
iyl JfofjX KFLLLY.
Bone A McDonald.
u . VM fTvi r
, Z 01 ILL
fW,;.v "VTHEY
it ' n iniiir
II GH ZT"laHftryjlf )'""r
l Manufactured lifijji
J 1
H Mhmesola Shoe Go s't. ium. i
bone & Mcdonald.
48c White Lanudried Press Shirts.
48c Golf Shirts, detachable cuffs, pretty
48c Form-fitting light wt. Underwear.
48c Straw Hats, nobby styles ; a few left.
12'nC Corliss Coon Collars; any shape.
15c L'nen Link Cuffs.
12c Men's Silk Garters.
f 1.25 Corded edge, colored, light weight
Mercerized Sateen. $1.50 value.
l."5 Rlack Sateen, 12-inch uccordeon
plaited flounces. Regularly $2.
2.00 Rlack Silk Finish, a beautiful gar
ment; would please you at $2.50.
2.00 Heavy Mercerized Sateen, corded
edge, deep llounce in Tnrqoise
or purple. Sterling value.
Large assortment of Hammocks. Look at them.
75c and up.
Iron Beds, latest designs and lowest prices.
PAINTS AND OILS. The best is the cheapest. I have them.
Wiiflois, Doors, llis lie awl Hair,
At Portland prices.
A large assortment of WALL PAPER in new shades and designs.
Undertaking and Embalming.
(iet prices on anything in the Furniture lino of me before going else
where. At rav old stand on Oak street.
Call on Clarke.
Call on Clarke.
For all kinds of PATENT MEDICINES,
Call on Clarke.
Call on Clarke.
Call on Clarke.
The Glacier Pharmacy
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Are running their two Mills, Planer
Bosses, "XTocd. 5c I'osts
On short
SL. .
ipi A fc; fj t l
r"'n;Ljc!e-- 'ati
- 1 . . - T
1. Th
7iv Vrf7i 11
ll.llv nnrukr
lll;llt -
li . nun iti;
Cljuai IV any 9 nuo un mo mamui
f"tl"r ,'"', n" "P l,,m ,,,14 1,11 if" in
v um m f r...,. r u. :k m n t.-t.
2 for Ic 7-in. Hat Tins, Jet head.
le Aluminum Thimbles.
lc Aluminum Hair Tins.
12 for lc Atfate liuttons.
12 for lc Wire Hair l'ins, any size.
12 for lc Hooks and Eyes, any size.
2c Crochet Cotton.
3c Darning Cotton, black or tan.
0 for 5c Lisle Shoo Strings.
5c Pair Porpoise leather Shoo
3 for 10 Elastic Corset Laces, black or
tic Imitation Cut Glass Toothpick
lie Salt and Pepper Shakers, blue or
8c Lamp Chimneys, Macbeth's com
mon size. o
10c Lamp Chimneys, Macbeth's largo
10c Tubular Lantern Globes, heavy
clear glass.
10c, 15c, 25c for dainty China Tea Cups
and Saucers, worth twice that.
4ic Rockingham Decorated Tea Pots.
4c Small Hand Scrub P.rushes.
18c Large Fibre Scrub P.rushes, reg
ularly 25c.
5c SmaH'Splint Raskets.
5c. Sure Catch Mouse Traps.
$1.20 Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons, set 5 pieces.
20c Star Towel Rollers.
5o Mason's Shoo P.lacking.
25c Hair Rrushes, regularly 35c.
5c Tooth Prushes.
12c Whisk J'rooms.
8c Filie Combs, rubber or celluloid.
10c Dressing Combs, clear horn.
12c Violet or Heliotrope Toilet Soap.
18c Shaving Soap, antiseptic, the best.
12c Shaving Rrushes, good quality.
And the startling pried is not the
ohiefest fascination about them
6c, 8c and 10c per Yard
Ought to induce. You can't have too
many pretty summer dresses.
anl Box Factory, and can fill orders for
The voune man loves the vonnir woman
That's his business.
The young woman loves the vonr.g man ;
hat a hup hncinuou
The young man and young woman get
- lt'a flip nrpar-lmr'ii t.tiuiio
' W1" n"" iurrjiture, carpets, wall
anil l.n i lit i nn ino tapinl .
. ..u.iui.i Uldlll.l ,
That's mv business.