Tho 0. R. & N. company iH making extensive improvements on Ha tracks nnd roadbeds in Oregon and Washing ton. A total of 13 steel bridges and 5 concrete masonry arch culverts are U be eroded this year, (or which anordi'r was placed some time ago w ith the American ISridge company for I, Ml, 000 pounds of steel for niiM'rxtructure of some of the bridges.' The most important (piece of work Iw-ing done is the change of loca tion of the roadlied lietwecn tunnel No. 3 and The Ialles. This improvement is made Wause the present road is quit crooked and will !e abandoned en tirely between the jioints given. The present lino has a maximum curvature of 10 degrees, while on the new line it will lie but 4 degrees. The new line will be 1000 feet shorter than the old. The work of improving this line by reduction in grades and curvature, ballasting, sub stitution of steel bridges for frame struc tures and pile trestles, new heavy steel for the old rails, etc., is being consistent ly and vigorously prosecuted, and it is expected that even by the close of the full of 1001 the patrons of tho road will la able to observe a very noticeable im provement in the line These improve ments should add much to the comfort and safety of the traveling public, as all work is being done in a first-class man ner and with the idea of jiermaneucy. The open season for grouse is Octoler 1st to Decerning 1st. The Shaniko leader thinks this a most unjust law, for by the time shooting opens the birds have taken themselves to the heavy tim Ist and are hidden away in tho big firs. .."Tho law," says the leader, "so far as protecting tho birds works to perfection, and helps the poacher, who cares noth ing for that law, to the detriment of the honorable sportsmen who do not shoot before the opening day." Concerning thedallesof the Columbia, Mr. Heevesof the congressional commit tee says: "I am deeply impressed with the opinion that the cost of the pro- isised canal has been greatly overesti mated. The present estimatcof (4,00,- 000 is $2,000,000 less than the original estimate, and I cannot see why thework cannot be done for $2,000,000. Part of the way there is already a natural canal of half sufficient size, and with modem facilities for excavating both earth and stone, with locks of reasonable and proper proportions, the work should be done for the sum named." The University of Oregon. The University of Oregon, the state university, has had an exceedingly pros perous year. Tho success in athletics has been only enrfaee indications of the enthusiastic and loval spirit of the stu dents, and of a strong determination to put the university to the front and make it stand strongly for Oregon. A better and truer indication of the prosperous condition of the university is the high standard of scholarly work done during the past year. The Uni versity of Oregon is fast becoming a true university and is doing a continually ad vancing grade of work. Indications of this are the winning of the debating con test with the University of ashington and the three university men, two grad- nates and one a graduate student, to scholarships at Columbia and 1 ale wtiere tlie competition is very heavy, iheor ations on commencement and the grail anting theses, required of e eryone re ceiving a degree, were of unusual merit, The outlook for next year is bright.The departments of the university have been strengthened by the addition of seven new instructors, men of the highest scholarship and training. AlcCluro hall, the new laboratory for chemistry and mining, is beting fitted up at a cost of nearly (7,000 and will be one of the com pletest and lest in the country. The new engineering and power plant is in the process of erection and will greatly increase the facilities of the university in engineering. J he university will then have eight buildings, six of theseof brick. The present year w ill see the largest in crease to the library in the whole history of the university. Nearly 5,000 volumes will be added by exchange, gift and pur chase, and by 1902 the university will have tho largest library for scholarly re search in the state. The number of vol umes will be by the end of 1!H)1 about , 111,000, besides several thousand pamph lets. A system of special lectures was inaug urated during the past year by which prominent men from different" parts of the state were brought to Kugepe to lec ture on topics related to courses of in struction carried on at the university. The growth of the university in num bers has been somewhat remarkable. The total number of students for all de partments at Eugene for the year 18(18 90 was 181 ; for the vear 18!9-1!HX it was 220, and for l'.NVoi'it was 3t2, or a gain of 100 ier cent in two years. In the Hunch l.rass Country. liums, Or., July 22, 1901. Editor Glacier: As a munlier of my frienits wished me to let them know what I thought of this country, I will give all a chance through the Glacier. Of course every one reads or should read the home paper. The tow n of Horns is a business like town about the size of Hood Hiver well represented by the usual nunilierof stores and business houses of all kinds but it decidedly lacks the fine old oaks and pretty gardejis of Hood Kiver. The town has four-roomed school building with about enough young Americas to till it. The Baptists and Presbyterians have church buildings, and the Catholics have a building in course of construction. The town is built on a small rise of ground on the edge of Harney valley. Its water supply is furnished mainly by wells and wind mill tower. The water is fair on the hill but in the valley is in clined to be alkali. The country is one of magnificent dis tances. Everything is told off at a fif teen, thirty, sixty or seventy mile rate. A man says, "Just over on Silver creek there is fine troiot fishing." I think os sibly 1 might take a stroll over that way after otlice hours and try my hand on the finny beauties, and innocently in quire the distance. 1 am answered as innocently, "O, its only alxmt 35 miles. Hut its tine roads," he adds, as he no doubt notices the expression on my face. Hid I go fishing in Silver creek? Well, no, not hardlv. One t hing this vallev is specially noted for is its hay and stock. The altitude is high and with the exception of the liar dier varieties it is difficult to raise fruits and farm and garden products. Old set tlers tell me that the climate is changing and things they once thought were im possible to raise do quite well. Of course the best and handiest locations are taken, but there seems to he plenty of land subject to homestead and desert land entry, and it is possible for It to lie right in sight and still lie sixty miles away. The land cilice business is in creasing each mouth and we are kept quite busy. Thero are plenty of oppor tunities lor people here, but Hood Kiver people who come hero must not expect to find the pleasant natural surroundings they have at home. I, fur one, when 1 am through working for Uncle Samuel will be glad to have old Hood Kiver to call me back, and say, "Old boy, you have done pretty well, come and stay at home." ' II. I.. Howk. Items (leaned from Kural North next. From present indications, apples will sell Is'tter this year than last. Keep the spray pump going. The Oregon exhibit at the Huffulo ex position is Itettcr than that of Washing ton, if our appropriation wasn't so largo. Hut more fruit is wanted by our repre sentatives at Ituffalo. The regents of the agricultural college made o mistake when they abolished the position of horticulturist in that in stitution. Prof. Lake, who has been horticulturist, is hereafter to give all his time to teaching in the college. Prof. Cordley is left to devote all his time to the experiment station. A subscrilsT reports having lost his apple crop by spraying w ith prepared liordcaux mixture. The" leaves turned brown and the apples are falling off. This has lieen an unusually good year for Oregon fruit growers, ami appear ances indicate it will continue to the end. The total wheat crop of Oregon w ill be alamt the same this year as last. Wormy apples will hereafter lie shut out of the markets of Montana, Wash ington and British Coflimbia. The total apple crop in the United States this year will be far la-low the average in uitautity ; and the apples will average interior in size and Is1 poor keepers. It is estimated the shipments of fruit from the Hlalock ranch at Walla Walla this year will amount to 100 carload. Hnvers at Watsonville, Cal., are con tracting for Yellow Newtown apples by the carload at from 90 cents to (I a box. John II ti lit (Vts a lliry.-le Patent. John Hilllt, the Hood Kiver bicycle re pair man, ban been granted a patent en his cushion handle bar invention whYh he worked out last winter. In this in tention the handle bar is allael.i I to an adjustable bar supporter which eon tains a spiral spring. The cushion han dlebar supporter can be fitted to any I ; -cycle and is very effective in relieving the jar and vibration of the oid;i r handle bar. Mr. Ilullt has made appli cation also for two other inventions a cushion seat supporter, working on the same principle as the cushion handle bar, and a new sprocket coaster brake. This coaster brake is similar to those how in use, only that it is applied to the sprocket wheel and ermits the revolving of tho chain. Its construction is simple, containing but 9 pieces, w hile the brake now used has 22. Being attached to the sprocket there isnecessarilly less friction and the brake w ill last the lifetime of the wheel. Mr. Ilullt has some good inventions and should be able to realize considerable money from the sale of the same. ( razy Man at Viento. Deputy Sheriff Wood had to deal with tho craziest of crazy men Monday at Viento, in the person of A. E. Darling, an old man who for the past few weeks has lieen living in a shack a few miles from that station. Not until Sunday did he cause the residents any trouble, but on that day he seemed to have an idea that he must eradicate some of his neighbors from the face of the earth. Word was sent to this city, and yester day Mr. Wood went down and brought him up last night. Upon visiting his cabin he found the old man engaged in mixing up a batch of bread, into which ho had put a quantity of carbolic acid. It seems that he imagines he has hydro phobia and that nothing but carbolic acid will effect a cure, and for some time he has lived on bread and potatoes, well seasoned with that drug. Some time ago he came to The Dalles from Butte, Mont., and going up on the beach aliove town built a scow and started down the river. A short time after his boat was found upside down in the river, and it was supposed he was drowned until he was found living at Viento. When Mr. Wood endeavored to bring him up he fought desperately and had to lie hand cuffed ; but once on the train he grew quiet. Today he has been beseeching the officers to give him carbolic acid, seeming to be a hend alter that drug He was examined this afternoon and will lie taken'to the asylum tomorrow. Chronicle. Their Secret is Out. All Sadieville,Ky., was curious to learn thecauseof the vast improvement in the health of Mrs.S.P. Whittaker.who had for along time endured untold suffering from achronic bronchial trouble. "It's all due to Dr. King's New Discovery," writes her husband. "It completely cured her anil also cured our little grand-daughter of a severe attack of whooping cough." It pos itively cures coughs, colds, lagrippe, bron chitis, all throat and lung troubles. Guar anteed bottles 50c anil $1. Trial bottles free at Chas. N. Clarke s drug store. . o Improvements at State Fair (iroimds. The state board of agriculture are making some wonderful improvements at the state fair grounds, and old-timers will hardly recognize the place when they attend Oregon's greatest fair next fall. The old pavilion is being enlarged 1. 1.. : . .. i .-. .i i , io nun on- hi size, it u i auer ine nesi ex hibits ever seen in the state are arranged there will le ample room left for an auditorium, a thing that has been need ed for a long time. A bran new up-to-date creamery building is being erected ; also w here the best dairy display ever made in the state will certainly be seen. The machinery hall is being enlarged, new cattle stalls, sheep pens, hog stys, and horse stables are being built. ' A cozy farm cottage, hay barn and new sidewalks are also oii the list of im provements, and nothing will be left undone to accommodate the exhibitor and entertain the visitor at the state fair this fall. Astounded the Editor, Editor S.A.Brown of Benuettsville,S.C, was once immensely surprised. "Through long suffering from dyspepsia," he w rites, "my w ife was greatly run down. She had no strength or vigor and suffered great dis tress from her stomach, but she tried Elec tric Bitters which helH'il her at once, and, after using four bottles she is entirely well, can eat anything. It's a grand tonic, and its gentle laxative qualities are splendid for torpid liver." Foriudigestion, loss of appetite, stomach and li ver t roubles it's a positive, guarantiel cure. Only 50c at Chas. N. Clarke's. Regular meeting of Canby post, G. A. It. and W. K. C. tomorrow at 2 o'clock. Notice to Taxpayers. The Hoard of Konllatton for Wasco count v. Oreiton, will meet and he ill session at tlie court house of said county from Monday, August 2tith. until Saturday, August Mst,lf. bolh davs Inclusive, and will attend lo anv and all mat lem which may come before such board for consmeratlon. The littllcsJWasco count v, Or..Ang. S, 1901. as C.USCHMinr, Assessor Wasco County, Oregon. The pliico to net your harness supplies am! repair work done In at Ilullt sold stand, cor ner Third and stale streets. All pnrlN of bur ncss furnished ami repair work done on (hurt mulct. Also, nil klndsiif shoe repairing sat isfactorily done at 'reasonable prices. litis ('. WK1.DS. II fcALEM, ORKCON, Handles nothing hut whole-root trees. W. K. Payne, lln-lr representative, Is mukliiK IiIh lieadituartcrs in Hood Itlvcr, at llm lilcn wimhI, and will lie pleased to Interview any one desirous of planting fruit trees another season. It will pay you to see him. l.r Belgian Hares. Pedigreed slot K. Kor sale hv li 01 Y WOODWOHTH. Bids Wanted. Notice in hereby given Unit scalcil bids will he received up to S o'clock A. -li. A 1 1 it 1 1 1 . 17. Hull, at the otlice of district clerk ol school district No. Kof W'useo county, ircgnn, fur IHi cords of I lr and 5 cords of Oak Wiaid; said wihuI to Ihi four feet, long, straight and Isidy Wood, and to he delivered at the hcIiihiI house ill snid district, lu basement and corded up In ool condition. The wood to he delivered on or heforc October l.i, limi. lulled at II.hhI Kiver, or,, lltls 'illi day of August, limi. UKo. T. PKATHKK, t lci k Inst. No. 3. Executor's Notice. In t lit I 'oiinty Court of the state of Oregon for Wasco County, In the matter of I In- estate of Samuel Me 1'arlne.y, iIcitiici1: Noii.-e Is hen-hy given that tin- undersigned has been appointed ex ecutor of the lasl will of the iihove-iiituicil Saiiiiu-I McCartney, deceased, hy order duly' hv the County Court alsive limned; nnd all pci's.ins having claims against said estate are herehy notified to present the saute, W illi proper vouchers nod duly veillled. lothesatd executor, at II Dice ol A. A. .Iiiyne, III llisid Kiver. in snid nseo county, within six inonl lis from date ol this notice. Dated wmii-t I-, hml. c I.. liHUKKs, Kxcculor. Notice of Assessment. Ti the holders of the Hood Kiver Trioi-i i ini ion a ml I loom ( om puny: You are licivlo i'ot!:;.'d lino an awsiiti'iii of twenty ijiii I cr ccni on ihe capiinl stock ifiMKi s-r siiiiivi tins Hits 'Iny hccii h' led, due and p.iy iili.c id oiu-e, antl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in ! . I in. in nnd alter the 'Jillii da) ol Ainrnsl, pull. 1'avnhle lo the ItciMiiier, iio. I'. Ciowi'll, al Hood Kiver, iin-r-.ii. I!v oi iler of the Mould of Htreclors, I mtcd iitihI r, pull. AT SAVAGE'S. Fresh Cow for Sale. A half Jersey cow, been fresh six weeks, rrlcel(l. A I, .'.I A HoWK Strayed. From my place, July lilsl. a reit cow. with white sMt, in forehead, one horn drooped: about S years old. Any Information as to her Wlicreaunuts will be llberallv rewarded. Ad dress I). 11. I.KA.MINIi, Hood Kiver. For Rent. The 8. H. Noteinan place of ft acres at Hel mont; on acre In sti'itwhcriics. Kor partiv untrs nppty io i . h, coo.. For Sale. Two horses, wagon and cart and thorough bred chickens, by Mrs. S. K NOT KM AN. Taken Up. A sinall, pale-red hull calf, atiotit 4 months old: hole In ngnl ear, owner will pity charges luinmae iiiiiiuwiiy. A. o. iikksiikv. Belgian Hare. Stock of all ages for sale. Prices reasonable, HZl -Mils. A. O. HKKSHK.V, Closing Out Millinery. All my millinery stock will lie sold below cost, lo close out by Aug. Willi. Also, furni ture and a new sewing machine and new side saddle lor sale. ANN IK MATH KW'S. 5 Acres Land for Sale. IV, miles south of town of Hisitl Kiver: all In strawberries; l-VI fruit trees, smull house; price rensonitoie. Auuress vt.n, 1 1 a hi kk, Bill Hood Kiver. Frankton Express. ,asseiitf(TH Hiid hiigtow tftkeu to nnd from mill ntiiiiuu nnil nil unrlu .if tbo rulh.i.. Muht tninsfrmng and single riyslurnishcd for ttluiiitif mr I"i W. It I'll U" I Vu Stock Pasture. We have good pasture for stock, unlimited. ror ine nexi lour mounts win par.:ure stock at 7'h- a head per month, nnd warranted J)I ItAVKNTOKT HKOH. Bids Wanted For three cords of Kir and Pine Wood deliv ered at Frankton School House hv Sept. 1st. lilds will be received by M. H. Nlckelsen, dis trict clerk, until Aug. at, limi. Ladies' Tailoring. I have decided to put In Ladies' Tailoilng In connection with my Kress Cutting School. Anyone wishing Jackets and skirls made should call and gel, my prices. A perfect fit and first-class work guaranteed. .1 A N K COATKS, Manager Standard Itrcss Cutting School. Strayed. Two ll-innnths-old calves; one heifer, the other a red steer; no ear marks or brands. A reward will be paid for their return to 17 V. H. 11INK1 CI I H. For Sale. A small house, I.' x 12, with a gistd. new No. 8cook stove and utensils nil for SJ0. Apply at Uliieler olllce between II and 11 a. 111. all Lots for Sale. At about $..') each. On the ridge overlooking both rivers, covered with ireesand shrubbery, and only six or seven blocks from depot. Ail dress AKTHI K IHSHKOW, Hood Hiver. AJVOJI b io 1JJ.G vai UclUtJSL. K. K. Tucker Is agent for Standard Mowers and Kakesand Fish liros.' Wagons. Try one. None better. ni2 Cow for Sale. A full-blooded Jersey, g)d family tow; a pet. Call at the Glacier otlice or Usin "I" S. Jl. COX. Cows for Sale. Plintoji ronilU' r-AH-u full Kt,..l 1 i.. Jerseys, lor sale by J. A, HKNDKKSON, Peanut Roaster. We have a peanut Koaster of latest patera and can supply our customers with the best ouallty of peanuts, fresh roasted everv day Sample tlient. COLK& GRAHAM. Timber l.and, Act June.), ISrsVI NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. I'nlled Slates Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., July ', P.mi. Notice Is hereby given that, in compliance with the provisions of the net of congress of June S, 1S7S, entitled an act tor the sale of timber lamji In the siatesof California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," us extended to nil the public land states hv set of August 4, W, ' AI.HKKT W. I.OKDKM.. Of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, nas mis nay n led in this otlice his sworn statement. No. .til, for Ihe purchase of the southwest quarter iiorthwe! quarter, west half southwest iptarter section l.and north west ijuarter northwest nuarter or section No, l in township No. 1 north, range No. 10 east, W. M and w ill offer pnsil to show that the' land sought Is more valuable for Its liinl,rr stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Kegister and Receiver of this office at Van couver, Wash., on I ndny, the llthdayof He nam? as witness w: Albert C. l'eets and Joseph Ke.d of Portland, Or., and August J. Wagnlti and Ruber! F. Cox of Troul ljike. Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are rei-nestcd to their claims in this officii, on or lielore said tlfb dav of October, lml. i iuHS W. K. lU'NRAR, Register. Highest standard lu the slate. Two hun dred courses in Literature, Helmut) and the arts, Si li nee and F.hi.lnecrlhg and Music, New buildings and eiiilpmcul: seven new In structors. Nearly .ri.ii volumes added to li brary In limi. Hummer school with Univer sity credit. SiHH'lal eonrsi'x for teachers, for Law and Medical students. Department of Kdiiciillon lor teachers, principals ami supcr Inlendi'iils. 't uition free, cost of living low. Three students grained scholarships In large Kit. item uiihcrsillcs In hull Semi Damn to I'reslilenl or Registrar for circulars mid catalogues, hugcuc, Or. it J DR. E. T. CARNS, Dentist. Gold Crowns and liridge vork nnd all kinds of IT-TO-1IATK DKNTISTKY. lllSlll ltlVKII, On. BON TON Barber Parlors. Newly furnished In all the latest modern burlier fixtures, making It second to none for Mrst-cliiss service. I'Wcelaln Hath Tubs. Hy draulic Hal tcr Chairs. A shiM'-pollshitig artist always on hand. EVANS & DeBORD, Piop'rs Blacksmithing And wagon repairing attended to pioniptly at my shop on the Ml. Hood road, south of town. Good work O reasonable prices. HIV 17 G. A. HOWKLL. 0 W. A7FIREBAUGH, All orders given prompt attention. l'lciiUes li nined. Repairing done. Shop In rear of W. K. Slierrlll's furniture store. Town Lots for Sale. Apply lo i v Wi"l Sec'y !isid Kiver Townslte Co. McGuire Bros. DK.M.I.'KS l fresh and Cured Meats,1 Lard, Poultry, 0 Fruits and Vegetables. Tree IVlivory. l'linne Ho. Notice of Trustee's Sale Notice is hereby given t Inn I lie utitcrsl(ticil, trtstet of the estate of Mursc til-others atld L. K. Morse null C. L. Morse, bankrupts, will, on Saturday, the tilt li day of' August, hull, At the liotir of 2 o'clock on said day, at tin oilier of lint I - !' Co., bankers, lu lie city of Ibsid River, Oregon, sell to the highest and best bidder therefor for cash, the followlng- descrllieil rial property belonging to said bankrupts, towit: I he north 'u of the north west 'i of section and the. east ' of the northeast i., Ihe north west '.of northcist and 'he northeast !4 of north wes! t , of section L-J all in towtisni i norm of range cast in Willamette meridian. Said sale will he by miction of entire tract described, or In lots ac cording lo legal subdivisions to suit pur chasers. Hated at Hood Hiver, Oregon, this loth day of July, llMil. I.Ksl.lK HI "I'l.KR, Jyl'iaV Trustee. -NOTICK- To Water Consumers. The rules of the company will he strictly- followed alter this date. All who are delln iiucnt after (lie loth day of the month will be charged the full prh , viz: SI..VI per month: theextra going to the collector, who will shut oil water at lite main I loin residences where payment Is not promptly made, and It will not lie turned on again until all arrear ages are paid. Hcginning July 1st next, all water rents will be charged toownersof rent ed buildings Instead ol to the occupant. HOOK KIVF.K SI'KINGWATKK CO. NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION. Land Oltlce nf The I ia lies, Oregon, July 2, liHII. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing mimed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make dual pnsif in support of his claim, and that said prtsif will be mane before the Resistor and Receiver at The ialles,(rgon,oti Monday, August 12,1110, ADOI.I'H II. G! II iRKKSKN, Of Mosler, Oregon, 11. K. No. fvUd, for the northeast 'i southwest v4 and north south east 4 sect inn 2,1, and northwest 4 southwest quarter section , township 2 north, range Jl east. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove nts continuous resilience upon aim cultiva tion of said land, viz: Axsel K. Peterson, Mosler, Oregon: R, J, Korden.The Dalles, Oregon: H. K. Fisher and George ood of .Mosler, Oregon. Jy.mll JAY 1 UTAH, Register ITimber Land, Act June :, 1STS.1 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. t'nlted States Land Olllce. Vancouver. Wash.. June I'!, limi. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance witu the provisions of the act of congress 01 .lunc.s, iHiS, entitled "An act for the sale nf timber lands in the states of C'all lornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory, " as extunded to all the public land states hy act of August 4, 1SII2, IIKNKY H. KIHBKY. Of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, has this day tiled In this office his sworn statement. No. 2221. for the purchase of the lots :iand 4, and soul" 14 northwest J4 of sec tion No. 8, In township No. 3 north, range No. (least. W. M., and will oiler proof to show that tlie land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than tor agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to salt) land before the Register and Receiver of this ottlee nt Vancouver, Wash,, on Wednesday, the 2Sth day of August, liitll. He names as witnesses: T. W. Lusk, Hugh Luskaiid J. W. Hill of Chenowllh, Wash., unit F. G. Connolly of The Dalles, Or. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims In (his office on or before said 2Sth day of August, limi. Jo2la2:S W. K. DI'NHAR, Register. (Timber Land, Act June !J, 1S7S.1 0 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United Slates Land Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, June 7, ltrnl. Notice is hereby given that Incompliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June X. lsrs.cntltled "An act for thn sale of timber lands in tlie States of Calltornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land stales by act of August I, 1SII2, Al'GI'S'lTS A. KONNF.Y, Of Tygh Vallev, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, has, 011 Dee. 1.1, I'm, tiled In this otlice his sworn statement No. lull for the purchase of the West , southeast and lota 7 and 12, section 7, township 2 north, range S east, W M., and wll oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its tim ber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land netorethe Register and Receiver of this ottlce at The Dalles. Oregon, on Monday, the lath day of AugiPst, 1!KI1. no names as witnesses: Clyde T. Honnev, Donald Ross. Ix'slle Htillerand O. K. Hiu-llc'v. all of Hood Hiver, Oregon. Any nnd uJl persons claiming adversely the nbove-deserrlied lands are requested to tile their claims in this olllce on or before, said HHh day of August, pmi. JeUaKI JAY V. LUCAS, Register. ITimber Land, Act June 8, 1S7S.1 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. V nncotivpr Wash., June 21, l'.KIl. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with thr provision's of the act of Congress of June 3. 1S7S. entitled "An an act tor the sale of timber lands in thestates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ion i'ei-rll.ire " uw .-tu., fn ..11 o.n'i.. land states by act or August 1, ls(i2, THOMAS K. FLYNN. Of Seattle, county of King, state of Washington, has this dav filed in this oltlce his sworn statement No. 2-.1V). for thenurelmsp ot me sk y, of SF. sec. 21; 10 ofSW' iQid sW of,sVV '4 of section No. 22 in townshin No. ti, north, range No. 11) east, V. M and will offer proWf to sh,,w that Ihe laud sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural nunsises. and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of this otlii-p at Vancouver, Wash., on Friday, Sept. 18, put. He names as witnesses: Robert F. Cox and A. J. Wagnllz of Trout Ijike. Wash., A. W. Lohdell ol Portland, Or., and Niles 11. Wlnans of Seattle, Wi sh. MLF.S H. WINANS, OfSeattlc, county of King, state of Washing ton, has this day tiled In this otlice his sworn statement No., for tlie purchase of Ihe S i, of NF.1, and s',,of N W of section No. K In township No. I! north, range No. 11 east, W.M.. and will offer pnsif to show thai the land sought Is more valuable for lis timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish his claim losaid land la-fore the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Friday, Sept. l i, l:U. He names as witnesses: Robert F. Cox and A. J. Wagnitz of Trout Lake, Wash., A. W. Uibdell of Portland. Or., and Thomas K. FHnn of Seattle, Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile tbelrclaims in this office on or la-fore said 1 1th dav of Sept, lull. je2Min:) R. TU'NRAR, Register. HssisHSR'SnHS ice i,s Phono lftT. K E. V. JENSENr ii-o ice l'ropriotiir of i(M THE CLOUD GAP1NN CONFECTIOM. A full line of Candy, Nuls, Ico Icq Ice Xoo Ice1 for sale. for sale. for Ice Cream, Ice Cream Soda, mill Plain Soda Uial lsIMl'LY PKRKKCT. r- Agent for The Dalles Ijiii Wry Co. 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 .1 Si .1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 .1 . A Thing of Beauty i Specialty of Housekeepers' Needs, o it l fM- Xi-HM.'i The Golden Rule Bazaar. GEO. F. COE & SPNL Phone Ini The Pa&is We have only one tailor-intuit' suit worth f 10, size !!ti, that we will sell for fS.'J5. All our Shirt Waists must (to. We arc selling them out at cost. They w ill not last much longer, If you need one, come, early. A special huruain in l.ailies' v'nlorcil I'mlerskirts. The regular kind for fl.l.-). Have you seen otir 'Joe I'ahy Slna-s? For this week only we will sell l.ailies' Seamless Suez JUacI; Hose, excellent tptality, yooil weight, ilonlilc heel and toi', I! pairs for 2.V. Children's Lisle Thread Tun Hose, donhle knee, double heel and toe, only l.ric. TRSCT Reciprocity Corner owpHced Cheapness is often clearness disguised. We handle first-class Goods at, rock-bottom prices. Our stock is complete, and it will pay you to call on us when in want of Pry Goods, Groceries, Hoots and Shoes, or Flour and Feed. A. S. BLOWERS & SON. IF YOU were canning fruit and should fingers, "wouldn't it jar you?" Sun Fruit Jar. Absolutely the test Jar made Danger of fruit spoiling. . - Loss by breakage. II 0 Metal to corrode or taint contents. Hanger of burning hands, j Woman losing her temper. Call and see the Jar and get prices. EVERHARTS STORE. HOOD RIVER Spraying Is the best White Arsenic lo,s S W.jc t fii. Sal Soda '' ) 4c per a. REMOVAL. Having removed to the new store building one door west of old Its ion, I would respectfully invite old friends and new customers cation everybody to give us a call w hen not nanme everything but win enlarge along the lines of Rooks. Mwiis. Stntifirail p,il Roods Ah the demand uiav WHirnnt. and of your patronage." Respectfully Job Printing a Specialty. Timber land, Act June 3, 1S7S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION t 'nltert Wales Ijind Office, The Dalles. Ore gon, May 81, l!ll. Notice is hereby (riven that In cnmplliiMce with tlie provisions of the act of t.'onirress of June ;t. IS7H, entltWil "All net for the sale of timber lauds in thefates ol California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public laud stales ny aci Ol Alltisi , isir, & q nr.ioir.nt i .. js ti a r r 1. It , Of Hood River, count v of Wasco, state of Ore gon, has Hits day filed in this office bis sworn statement. No. Is2, for tlie purchase of the lots 1, 2, 8 and of section No. i, in township No. 2 north, range No. a east, Willamette Meridian, and will otter pnsif to show that the land aoiivht is more vhIihi- ble for Its timber or stone than for agricultur al purposes, and to establish his claim to eaid I land belot-e the Cegister and Itts-elver of lliitll office at The Dalle. Oregon, on Wednissday, j ine iisi nay or August, isoi. He names as witnesses: K. K. Fix of IVndle ton, Oregon: J. H. Dukes, u. D. Woodworth and Miss U lliestiind of Hood Hiver, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming advi-rselv the above-descritM-d lands are rtsinested tit tile their claims In this ottlee on or before said 21st day of August, IHtil. jeUalH JAY I". l.rt'AH, Tteglstt-r. 8 9 8 8 S'8 3 8 S 8 3 S 8 3 S 8 3 3.S ,c P- 0. Box 4IW. ice ice ice Ice ice ice c ice' ice ice ice ice Fi ulls, etc., always In stock. ice sale. for sale. for sale. i,.e ice ice i'e 1 1 1 1 . . -1 .1 . .1 .1 fi.S.S .h .1 is a Joy Forever! A Pleased Customer Is Our Best Advertisement. M In break the top of the juror burn your Avoid such mistakes bv using the Knsy to seal. Kasy to open. PHARMACY'S Material we can buy. 10c per It. . 50-tl. lots, !)c per Hi. 1(10 Hi lots. fit, lots, He per lb. h air per n. 3c per lb. . 2'i.e per It. . WILLIAMS & BROSIUS. needing goods in our line. We do 1 MIUUVUVl I UUU 11U1U1UU UUUUUi shall vours, E. R. BRADT.F-V Timber l.and, Act June 3, 1S78.) NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. I'nited States Ijndilfflce,Vaniiuver,Wash., June II, limi. Notice In hereby trl veil that. In compliance with the proislns or the act of congress of June 3, 1S7S. entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands In the states of Cal ifornia, Olfcon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory." as extended to all the public land s'ates by act of August 4, 1S1I2, tIKOKGK KKKPS. Of Kuldn, eotmty of Klickitat, state of Washington, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement. No. 2222, for the purchase ol the southeast yt southwest t section 2, anil northeast y4 northwest of section No. II. In township No. A north, range No. 11 east, W. M., and wi(l opcj pnsif lo show that tlie land sought Is mofe Valuable for its tim- hi'Fni- iil.i.A ihnn .....I....I... i ... a,,, nKHVUIIUini IMiriMIM-M. and to establish his claim to said land before the Itegistar and Iteceivei1 or ibis otlice at Van--ouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 7tli day of August. Mil. lie names as witnesses: Kimiuel M. Cole, Halsev l. Cole, .lonalhan Htiinip and Court limit Chapman, all of t'uldn. Wash. Any and all ers.,iis claiiulng adversely the nlsive desi-rllssl lands are reiiwwd to file thelrcliiliii in this ottlee on or iJlore said 27th day of August isoi. JeltalH W. It. DI'NIIAK, RegiatPr. LIST OF LANDS For Sale AM FOR RENT AT c-j THE EMPORIUM. 1. The Isty place, near Tucker's mill, on lhsiil river; small house; ti acres cleared ; price l.'.'Hl. 2. Wendorf place, near Umlerwissl, Wash. ; ltid acres; 10 in cultivation ; fair improvements; young orchard ; 3 acres Is-aring strawla'rries; plenty of good water. Price L,(HH) ; terms easy. 3. Eight acres off the V. j. linker place, known as the lleffernan place; in strawberries; price, with crop, (1,(100. (!. Twenty acres off J. V. Baker's place; pear orchard and other fruit in iK-aring; price fX'J'y per acre. 7. I'.arrett-Sipina addition ; (7.r per lot : (10 dow it and (.) per month; no interest. 8. Ten choice lots in Highland addi tion, only two blocks east of the post otlice, on' State street, at (75 to (150. Terms easy. Every lot has a command ing view. 9. Fine homestead of 1(10 acres on Hock creek near Iavenort's. Price (1,000 (:K) down, balance at t cr cent. 10. Eight lots in Hull's addition. ; each lot level, 80 x 140; center of hall ground ; (100 each. 11. The (1. T. (ialligan tK) acres, lving on the county road north ami east of the Barrett farm; 24 acres in cultivation; 1HI0 fruit trees Price (2,150, or (2,200 half cash. New (500 barn on place. 12. The Chas. Kogers 5 acre tract ami cottage, Frankton. (iood springs and creek. (i)50,terms easy. 1:1. Thirty acres off C. A. Wynian farm in Otlcll neighborhood; all improv ed, with free irrigating water; Innilier on ground to build house. Must sell in HOdavs. Price (1,000. 14. The Allen Fulton farm, 100 acres, 5 miles east of town ; price (1,000; terms easy. 15. Lots in Henderson nib-division (.'J7.C0 a lot. 111. Thirty-five acres land east of county road in John Monroe ami J. M. Monroe homesteads; wild, land; price (20 per acre. 111. The (ilover farm, well improved, 4'. miles from ioldemlale ; 240 acres 140 acres in cultivation; (ill acres in winter w heat ; 7 acres in hog pasture, with a creek running through it ; all un der fence, with cross fences; large new barn nnd tine bouse. Price (12.50 an acre; will take Hood Hiver proierty in part payment. 20. P. A. Trana place, White' Salmon, in sight of Hood Kiver; 8 acres, 5 jM strawla'rries nnd tomatoes 17,000 straw berry plants and 1,400 tomato plants. No irrigation required. 21. X. ',, S. K. '4', S. , N. E. i B(.,.. 4, T. 3 N., K. 11 K White Salmon; line timber land ; (10 ja-r acre. c 22. The Kmerson homestead, only one mile east of town ; tine range; (1,500. 23. Ixds 5 and (i, block 7, Winans ad dition ; (50 a lot, or (85 for the two. 25. Tvi beautiful building lots near Hobt. Hand's new house. Price (200 for tin! two. 2li. S. II. Cox's fine residence in HimhI Hiver, lot 100 x KM); price (1,200. 28. 52',) acres, with much fir titular, including both fulls on Hood river. Hv fer to P.utler A. Co. 2(1. .Twenty acres lying north of Peter Kopke's, Fast Side ;' good larttl ; unim proved. Price (500; terms easy. 31. At Trout Lake, 80 a. ; 3 in timothy, cuts 8 tons a year; 50 a. in heavy saw timber, white pine, fir and cedar"; west fork White Salmon river runs through the place; price (1,350. 32. Emma i. Hobinson's KM) acres on hills east of White Salmon, known as the Dryer place; line timlx'r; unim proved ; (785. F.ligible residence lots in Spangler's subdivision, near cannon house; only (75; terms easy. (200 to (1,200 to loan. At the Emporium is kept a first-class surveyor's transit, and the proprietor being a practical surveyor, is well pre pared to do the work of laving out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying. , X. B. Terms are easy on all the above lands, w ith interest at'tl per cent. Per sons desiring locations on homesteads and timber claims should apply at the Emporium. ITimber l,anil, Act June 3, IS7K.1 NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. United stales Land OfficeThe Dnllw.Oregon, July 2H, IIKll. Notice is hereby given that lu compliance with the provisions of the act of eongressof June 3, 1STS, en! It led "An act for tbesaleof timber lands In the States of Cal ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to nil the public rami slates by act of August 4. 1SII2. Kl.MKU K. KIX, Of Pendleton, county of I'timtilla, state of Oregon, has this day Hied in tills oflice his sworn statement No. lf, tut the purchase of the lots 1, 2, ii and II of section No. .11, in town shin No. 2 north, range No. east, W.M., and will nfler proof to show that the land sought it more valuable for Its timber or thine than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of this otttce at The Dalles, Oregon on Saturday, the Atli day of October, 1K)1 ' He names " witnesses: ('apt. J. H Dultts and C. J. Hayes of lliiinl River, Oregon; H. 11 Hlestand ol Martlnsbttig, Indiana: and Lvdia K. Hii'sIiiikI ol HimhI Kiver, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are n-iiticstcd to flic in tlii... .ill.. A . , . ... v . " " "in-"ii im uciore sum .nn day of October, limi. , ."At. JA CAM, Register. (timber lind, Aci Julie ;i. 1S.S.I NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Cnitcrl Htnlos t nii.l nut..,. Ti... I..... . ....... ' -mi i, j lie iraues, I rc- gon, July 22, IIKII.-Notice Is hereby given that in compliance Willi the provisions of tlie act of congress of June 3 1S7S, entitled "All VI iiV V . . ' moos in i up states of California, Oregon. Nevaila and Washington , ' .'i neAieiiiieii io an ine public land HfUt.Mt til- 11. It ..r A ......... J lui.l ... t ... nugii-i tl , I.YDIA K. HIKsTAND, Of Hood Hiver, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, has tills day tiled liwhis oftti-e Iler sworn sUitenient X... ltd fur the purchaseol the lots 4. 4, Hand lilotssetlon No. :tn, and lots Hand 4 section 31 In Unsbip No. 2 north, range No" east, W.M., and will otter proof lo show that the land sought is more valuable for it tlni V s!,."?'M"n ,(,r "tCieullural pnriKises, and to establish tier claim losaid land before the Hegisler and Receiver of this oltice at The SiS: "n Kri""-V' u -;ih " She names as wllnesses: J. II Dukes V J Haves and H. C Shatter, of HihkI Hiver Or' and K. K. Kix of Pendleton, Or. ' ' Any and nil persons claiming ad' ersely the lands are reoueslcd li, tile their claim's In this otlice n or ta-fore s,d 2.tb day i,f Septijinlier,' IWI I.V2S2T fVVJl.JTAS, Heglster. Dissolution Notice. Notlr Is hereby given Hint the partnership heretofore existing l)u,er the flrni lame ,Pf I nderw.KHl Hrothers b. h ,),. dissolved by miltual consent of both parties AMOS I NDKItWOOD tv,. . f:"AKI)l.HKKtX)II. Dated at i nderwon.1. W ash., I nlv i i