The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 09, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 12.
I'ubllshrrl Kvery Friday by
Tmi of subscript Ion-ll.lto a r when iait
lu advance.
Tht mall arrive from Mt. flood at 10 o'eloek
a. in. W 'eilnraclayii and hamnlayk; departs the
name la at noun.
Kor Ciii'iiiini'ih, leaves at S a. in. Tnes'tays,
Th innlaj and xaiunlav s: ai riven at li i. ni
. Kor Vi bite Salmon (Wash.) leaves daily ai tM'i
a. ni.; arrives at 7 : 1 ." p. in.
r nun Wlilta Salmon leave for Kiilila, fillmer.
Trout Lake and (ileiiwinnkdaily at A. M.
Kor RiiiK ii (NYhsIi.) leaves at j:t."i p. in.; ar
rivet at U p. in.
J ?, I. (i. o. v. Meets Urn and third Mon
s) s In each mon t h.
M ihh Kara IUvrnpokt, N. 0.
II. J. HlHHiRh. Secretary.
1ANHY POST, So. I, (i. A. U.-Meets at A.
j . I'. W. Hall niiciind and fourth Natiir'ava
of earn month at 'I o'clock p. in. All l.. A. K.
member, invitetl to meet with lis.
T. J. I'llNKlfiu, Commander.
J. W. ItiiiBY, Adjutant.
(1 A N B Y W. K. C, No. Ill Meets first Satitr
J day of each month In A. (. I). VY. hall at 2
p. ni. Mkb. H K. hiinKMAKKR, President.
M km. Ciist'LA In Kies, Secretary.
110OD ItlVKH I.OlMiK, No. UK. A. K. and A.
. J I M. Meets .Saturday evenliiK on or before
each full moon. A N. Kahm, W.M.
A. I' BvmiAX, (Secretary.
HOOI) RIVKIt CIIAITKK, No. 27, R. A. M -Met'ts
third r ridav night of each mouth.
K. U. Btuail'S, II. P.
II. F. Daviosok, Secretary.
00I RIVKR f'HAITKIt, No. 2, O. E. 8.
J 1 Meets second and fourth Tuesdav even
iiixs of each month. Visitors coidially wel
comed. Mas. Kva B. IlAYMI, W. M.
II. V. Davidson, Secretary.
I,ETA ASSHMB' Y. No. 103, United Artisans.
V) Meets fecond Tuesday of each month at
Iratrrtial hall. K. C. Bkobiw, M. A.
U. MtlioNAi.ii, Secretary.
WAl'COMA I.OIM1K, No. 30, K. of I'.-Meets
in A. 0. I'. W. ball every Tuesdsy night.
llOFHANl K l-MITH, C. C.
Frank L. Davidson, K. of U. fc S.
11 Meets first and third Saturdays of each
month. N. C. Etans. M. W.
J. K. Watt, Financier.
II. L. IloWK, Keeordvr.
IDI.KWll.DE I.OIKiK. No. 107, I O O. .
Meets lu Fraternal hall every Thursday
night. A. (J. CjKtchki., N. U.
J. K. Hanna, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19, K. O. T. M..
meets at A. U. II. V. hall on the first and
third Fridays of each month.
J. K. Ka.vd, Commander.
Ji HONOR, A. O. IT. W. -Meets lirst and
third Haturdays at 8 P. M.
Mkm. Okokoia Rand, C. of H.
Mm. Chas Ci.abke, Recorder.
QUNBHINE SOCIETY Meets second and
n fourth Saturdays of each mouth at li
o'clock. Miss I.kna Snklu President.
Mim Cabkik Butler, Secretary.
OOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,7(r. M. W. A.,
meets In Odd renown' Mall the nrstaud
third Wetluesdaya of each month.
K. L. Daviihon, V. C.
E. R., Clerk.
Oold crowns and bridge work and all kind!
Up-to-Date Dentistry.
For 23 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has hud many years experience in
Rial Kstnte matiera, as abstractor, searcher of
titles and agent. Satisfaction guaranteed or
no charge.
F. WATT, M. D.
Surgeon for O. R. N. Co. Is especially
equipped to treat catarrh of nose and throat
and diseases of women.
special terms fur office treatment of chronic
Telephone, oflice, 15, residence. .".
Estimate! furnished for all kinds of
work. Repairing a specialty. All kinda
of shop work. Shop on State Street,
between First and Second.'
Men's half Boles, hand (ticked, $1 ;
nailed, best, 75c ; second, 50c ; rtiird, 40c.
Ladies' hand stitched, 75c; nailed, best,
50c; second, 35. Best stock and work
in Hood River. C. WELDS, Prop.
Is the place to get the latest and best in
Confectioneries, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco,
Cigars, etc.
p C. BROSiUS, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M. ; 2 to 3
and to 7 P. M.
Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler.
My long experience enables me to do
tbe best possible work, which I fully
guarantee, and at low prices.
Do a general banking business.
All Work Promptly and Satisfactory
- Executed. Office at Sherrill's
Furniture Stoie.
Office with Bone Brothers. Bnainess will ba
attended to at anv time. Collections made.
Will local on good government lands, tttber
timber or laxmlog
A Comprehensive Review of the Important
Happening! of the Past Week Presented
in a Condensed Form Which Is Most
Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many
Rockefeller is going to build a pal
ace to cost $1,000,000.
The steel trust succeeded in opening
a null at Lecchburg, Pa.
Relations between France and Tur
key are somewhat strained.
Striking garment makers at New
ark, N. J., have won their strike.
Over 600 national banks have leen
organized under the law of March 4,
A company lias been organized to
construct a trolley system from New
York to Boston.
Colombian insurgents have been
successful in several engagements
a gun it4 the government troops.
Quarantine officials at Victoria, B.
C, have been warned to guard
against possible introduction of bu
bonic plague.
Empress Frederick, mother of em
peror of Germany and sister of King
Edward of England, died after a lin
gering illness.
The recent murders of miners on
Nunivak island are said to have been
committed by white deserters from a
fishing schooner.
An explosion of gasoline in a gro
cery store in Philadelphia caused a
destructive fire and resulted in the
death of about 20 persons.
Owing to a fire which has been rag
ing for months, the owners of the
Jersey coal mine at Plymouth, X. J.,
will be compelled to abandon the
The request of shipowners and mas
ters of vessels that fureign Chinese be
allowed to unload vessels at San Fran
cisco during the strike has been de
nied by the treasury department.
The new government of Manila is
now in effect.
Liberia is afraid Germany wants it
for a colony.
The legation defenses at Pekin are
approaching completion.
Insurgetts havo been driven out of
three more towns in Mindoro.
. England approves the stem Boer
policy announced by Chamberlain.
Any settlement of the Sa.i Francis
co labor troubles seems very remotCj
The death of Dowager Empress
Frederick is expected at any moment.
Austrians will resort to force to
keep out American shoe stores in
Another Negro lias been lj nched in
the Taliaferro neighborhood in
Fruit failures by drouth in Eastern
states will create a good demand for
Northwestern fruit.
Statistics for 1900 show the United
States to be by far the greatest coal
producing nation in the world.
Canners and fishermen on the Co
lumbia agree that the down river
salmon run was caused by hatchery
Several pouches of mail were stoen
from the union depot at Portland,
Saturday. Some of the mail was re
covered, but no clew to the thief.
William StefTen, a laborer, of Mos
cow, Idaho, while violently insane
shot and killed Dr. W. W. Watkins,
and wounded two others before he
was shot by the posse which gathered.
An attempt was made to assassinate
the queen dowager of Portugal.
Conferees on steel strike have come
to an agreement on peace terms.
Another revolt has been stavted
against President Castro, of Vene
zuela. The names of 4,200 people were
drawn in one day in - the Oklahoma
land lottery.
An American anarchist on his way
to Russia to kill the Czar was arrested
in Switzerland.
The military affairs of Oregon and
Washington will lie turned over to
General Randall.
The strikes on both sides of the
continent continue with no prospect
.of an immediate settlement.
Lord Roberts has been voted 100.
000 for his services in South Africa.
The transport Egbert sailed from
Seatttle for St. Michaels with DO re
cruits and a cargo of goods for tho
military post there.
. Five masked men held up a train
near Chicago. They secured no
treasure, although ttoe express car
carried about $30,000.
Captain Diaz Moreu, who com
manded one of the Spanish warships
in the battle off Santiago is of the
opinion that Schley was both bravo
and competent.
The population of the German em
pire includes 3,000,000 who use the
Polish language.
The world has two and a quarter
million acres under . tobacco cultiva
tion, which produces 830,000 tons
each year.
The will of Pierre Lorillard, of New
York, disposes of an estate valued at
about $4,000,000. Twenty years ago
bia wealth was estimated at $20,-000.000.
Five Masked Men Stopped Passenger Near
Chicago Failed to Find TreaMre.
Chicago, Aug. 2. The Btimore
& Ohio passenger train from tha
East, which was due to arrive at the
Granft Central station, Chicago, at 9
o'clock last night, was held up by
five masked niri at 8 o'clock last
night, between Edgemore and Grand
Calumet Heights, Ind., 31 miles out
of Chicago. One of the mail cars,
which contained no money, was dy
namited and wrecked. The attempt
at robhr.ry was made after the two
mail cars had lieen detached from the
train ami run a quarter of a mile
ahead. The failure of the robbers
to make a rich haul was due to the
fact that tho express car, which con
tained tho train's treagure. was in an
unusual place. After wrecking the
mail car and obtaining no booty the
men disapjieared in tho darkness
without attempting to rectify their
mistake. The nly loot they carried
away with them as a result of their
adventure was the gold watch of tho
engineer. Tho train was tho New
York and Washington vestibule lim
ited. Most of the trainmen were shot
at and had narrow escapes from bul
lets. No person was injured, either
by firearms or dynamite.
English House of Lords Votes Him Snug
Fortune for Work in South Africa.
London, Aug. 2 In the house of
commons today, proposing a resolu
tion granting Field Marshal Lord
Roberts 100,000 for his services in
South Africa, J. Balfour, the govern
ment leader, in tho course of his eu
logy of tho field marshal, said that
there was no doubt that but for Lord
Roberts' daring and strategy, and tho
rapidity with which his plans were
carried out, Kimberly and Mafcking
would havo fallen, 11,000 British
would have been starved into submis
sion at Ladysmith, and there would
have been a general rising of disloy
alists in South Africa. The Liberal
leader, Sir Henry Campbell-Banner-man,
concurred in tho motion.
John Dillon, Irish Nationalist,
strongly opposed the vote. He de
clared Lord Roberts had shown the
greatest inhumanity in South Africa,
and said he had employed barbarous
methods and had pruved himself a
dismal failure. Mr. Labouchcre,
Radical, and Mr. Kicr-IIardy, Social
ist and Independent Labor, also
Htrongly opposed the measure. Swift
MacN'eil, Irish Nationalist, said ho
considered Lord Roberts' operations
were conducted with a maximum of
cruelty and a minimum of humanity,
and that his farewell speech at Cape
Town was horrible hypocrisy and
blasphemy. After further debate Mr.
Balfour moved the closure, which was
carried. The resolution was adopted
by a vote of 281 to 73.
He Says the Americans Can Settle Up and
Get Out Within Eight Months.
New York, Aug. 2. General Leon
ard Wood, military governor of Cuba,
who is now on board tho dispatch
boat Kenawha preparing for a cruise
along the coast of New England, said
today, in discussing Cuban affairs:
"Cuba is a totally undeveloped
island, and has a great future before
it. Yellow fever, in another year,
will cease to be epidemic. We have
not had a single case of yellow fever
in Havana this summer, and none in
Eastern Cuba for two years past.
Cuba's resources require time .for de
velopment. The last enormous sugar
crop was raised on 8 per cent of the
entire sugar producing lands Only
this small percentage is under culti
vation. "We have $1,500,000 in our reserve
fund, and can pay all our debts and
get out of Cuba within the next eight
months. We have established 3,600
flourishing schools. Two years ago we
were obliged to provide about 100
orphan asylums to protect the desti
tute children. Since then we have
abolished 60, and expect to be able to
close more before we retire from the
management of Cuban affairs. Our
health compares favorably with that
of the troops in this country, showing
that the island is healthy."
Americans Killed Seven Rebels and Took 13
Prisoners. ,
Manila, Aug. 2. Lieutenant Croft,
of the Nineteenth infantry, with a
mounted detachment of Ccbu scouts,
has had an encounter with bO insur
gents. Seven of the rebels were killed
and 13 taken prisoners. Of Lieuten-
tant Croft s force, two privates were
slightly wounded.
The Philippine commission has
passed the Manila civil charter,
which will go into effect immediately.
The tax on real property has been
amended, it being fixed at 1 per cent
for the present, and I per cent after
Tomorrow all the military cable and
telegraph lines will be opened for com
mercial use.
Baldwin Arctic Exploring Ptrty.
Vardo, Norway, Aug. 2. Tho
Arctic exploring ship America, with
Evelyn Baldwin, leader of the Bald-win-Zeigler
expedition on board, has
sailed from here. There were 426
dogs and 16 ponies aboard. The ves
sel's course was toward Cape Flora,
whern Mr. Baldwin expects to join
the Frithjof and Belgica, the other
two vessels of the expedition, which
left several days ago. Mr. Baldwin
intends to push as far north as possible.
Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im.
portancc A Brief Review of the Growth
and Improvements of the Many Industrie!
Throughout Our Thriving Commonwealth
Latest Market Report
The first shipment of Oregon early
potatoes to the Last lias been made,
Counterfeit $5 gold pieces and half
dollars are in circulation in Baker
Tho Eugene creamery turned out
over five and a half tons of butter dur
ing July.
Veteran farmers say Lane county
will have more wheat this year than
ever before.
A large forest e is reported to
be burning in tho neighborhood of
Diamond Peak.
A large attendance of Btudents is
expected at the Mt. Angel college dur
ing the coming year.
A postoflieo has been established at
Luda, Coos county, to lo supplied by
special service from Dora.
Wallowa stockmen are protesting
vigorously against the presence of
Umatilla county sheep herds on the
government ranges in the former
J. Ball, a Seattle cattle buyer, was
in Camas valley last week. He offer
ed $3.60 per hundred pounds for beef
cattlo, but could not get anything at
that price. ,
An experimental prune dryer, now
being built at the Oregon Agricultural
College farm, will have the trays laid
vertically in stacks after the Cun
ningham system.
The special government plat of the
abandoned Fort Klamath military
and hay reservation has been com
pleted. It covers an area of about
2,200 acres. Application for entry on
the lands will be received at the Lake-
view land office on and after August
The town well in Lakeview has
gone dry ana is to be dug deeper.
A fine lot of 81 bucks from tho
Ladd farm have been taken to Gil
liam county for breeding puproses.
The Booth-Kelly Lumber Company
will have 20 five room cottages built
(or its employes at Wendling, Lane
The Modoc tribe has dwindled to 77
members, mostly women and sick or
diseased children. There are only 13
able bodied warriors.
Some Gilliam county cattle were
dying of a disease thought to be black
leg, but veterinary diagnosis proved
it to be caused by eating rusty grass.
Baker City is having lots of trouble
liecause her new gravity water system
is not completed. The streets are six
inches deep in dust and the sewerage
is bad.
The air is now somewhat hazy down
the Willamette valley, but not because
of . forest fires. Numerous farmers
and ranchers are clearing land and
burning brush.
The Mule Gulch, Grant county
placers, owned by Cannon & John
son, have cleaned up $8,000 already
this season, and are expected to dou
ble the amount before snow flies this
Portland Markets.
Wheat Walla Walla, export value,
5556c per bushel jbluesteni, 5758c;
valley, nominal.
Flour best grades, $2.903.40 per
barrel; graham, $2.60.
Oats $1. 15 1.20 per cental.
Barley Feed, $16 16.30; brewing,
$16.3017 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $27 per ton; mid
dlings, $21.50; shorts, $20; chop, $16.
Hay Timothy, $11(813; clover,
$79.50; Oregon wild hay, $56 per
Butter Fancy creamery,17 J20c ;
dairy, 1415c)3' ; store, ll12c per
Eggs 17c per dozen.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 11
11'c; Young America, llQltc per
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
3.75; hens, $3.754.75; dressed, 10
11c per pound; springs, $2.50(94.00
per dozen ; ducks, $3 for old; $2.1 f0
3. 50 for young; geese, $44 50 per
dozen ; turkeys, live, 810c; dressed,
lOij'c per pound.
Mutton Lambs, . 3V4'e, gross;
dressed, 67c per pound; sheep,
$3.25, gross ; dressed, 66c per lb.
Hogs Gross, heavy, $5.756;
light, $4.755; dressed, 6l7c per
Veal Small. 89c; large, 7
7) j'c per pound.
Beef Gross top steers, $3. 50 4. 00;
cows and heifers, $3. 25 3. 50; dressed
beef, 67V4'c per pound.
Hops 12(8l4c per pound.
Wool Valley, ll13Js'c; Eastern
Oregon, 812c; mohair, 202Ic per
Potatoes 90c$1.00 per sack.
The odlest specimen of paper money
has turned up in China at the age erf
534 years.
American methods and manufact
ure are displacing all others in En
land, where everybody studies the
Gen. Wood has been made O mem
ber of the Academy of Science of
Havana, a most exclusive society
limited to 40 members, all elected
for life.
Report of Big Concern Backed by French and
American Capital.
St. Paul, Aug. 6. The Pioneer
Press says: Robert Barbier, manager
of the Russo-China bank, of Pckin,
representative of tho Russia govern
nient and manager of tho Manchuria
railway, who is at present in St. Paul,
is said to bo connected with a tremen
dous scheme of railway construction
destined to unito Alaska and Siberia
and furnish rail and water connec
tions between Circlo City and Vladi
voHtock, the eastern terminus of tho
trans-Siberian railway, at a cost of
The enterprise, it is stated, has the
backing of the Bank of Franco and
powerful money interests in the
United States. It is to bo essentially
a French-American undertaking, for
which capital is already in bight
should it prove feasible.
The length of the proposed railroad
from Circle City to Behring sea will
la about 2,000 miles, and on tho
coast of Siberia to Vladivostock is
1,800 miles. If tho concessions are
secured from tho United States anr!
the protection afforded tho property
of the company is adequate tho pri
mary survey will commence shortly,
M. Barbier, it is stated, is in the
United States for tho purpose of oh
taining information as to the prob
able attitude of the government to
wards the proposed line.
First Step on the Part of China for the Pro.
tectlon of Travelers.
Washington, Aug. 6. The state
department has received, through
Mr. Squicres, secretary of the legation
at Tekin, a note from Li Hung Chang,
describing the regulations for the
control of tho mounted patrol, which
it is proposed to establish along the
road between Ching Ting and Pao
Ting Fu.
Mr. Squicres says this is the first
step on the part of tho Chinese au
thorities toward the protection of for
eigners traveling through the dis
turbed districts of the provinces of
Shan Si and Chi Li. The regulations
aro quaintly expressed, but it sub
stance they provide for the establish
ment of military posts at nine sta
tions on the road, the commanders of
which are to furnish escorts for trav
elers. Tho escort is to keep within
12 feet of the traveler, whose puce
must set theirs. It is to disperse
peoplo who gather about the traveler
and are boisterous, and its members
are not to accept any pay from a trav
eler under pain of dismissal. A post
will be forwarded every two days.
No News Given Out Regarding tit Schley
Court of Inquiry.
Washington, Aug. 6. Acting Sec
retary Hackett had expected to be
able to announce the name of the
third member of the Schley court of
inquiry today, but could not do so up
to tho time the department closed.
Nevertheless, it is surmised that he
has heard from at least one of the rear
admirals he lias addressed on the sub
ject, and that ho has communicated
the result to Secretary Long, and will
await his pleasure before making any
announcement. Secretary Long has
specially delegated the task of mak
ing a selection to Acting Secretary
Hackett, but as a matter of courtesy,
it is probable that he will be made
acquainted with the choice before it
is made public.
United States Mines Far More Coal Than Any
Other Nation.
Washington, Aug. 6. The report
of the coal product of the United
States for 1900 shows that the output
of Oregon was 58,864 short tons, as
compared with 86,888 tons in 1899.
The Washington product increased
from 2,029,881 tons in 1899, to 2,
474,093 tons in 1900.
The total output for the United
States in 1900 was 269,064,281 tons,
an increase of 15,324,289 tons over
the year preceding. This makes the
United States by far the greatest coal
producing country in the world.
Postal Service on the Koyukuk,
Washington, Aug. 6. The post-
office department has established a
steamboat mail service from St.
Michael, at the mouth of the Yukon
river, to Beetles, a new postoflice at
the head of navigation on the Koyu
kuk river. The distance is 900 miles.
and service including all intermediate
points is to be performed until the
cloee of navigation this year.
Fatal Sir.elter Explosion.
Phoenix, Ariz., Aug. 6. Advices
received from Morenci aro to the.
effect that the center converter of the
Detroit Copper Mining Company
blew up, killing two men and serious
ly injuring eight. lhe furnace and
centers were scattered for some dis
Will Manufacture Arms and Ammunition,
Tien Tsin, Aug. 6. The governor
of Shan Shun, Yuan Shi Kai, is con
structing arsenals in that province
for the manufacture of arms and
smokeless powder. He is engaging
experts who were formerly employed
in the arsenals here. The Chinese
are also manufacturing arms and
ammunition at Pao Tine. Trade is
j improving, but. the attitude of the
I Chinese is sullen "uid defiant.
Her Son, Kaiser William of Germany, King
Edward of England and Many Near Rel
atives, Wert Present Long a Sufferer
From Cancer and Dropsy Interment wiL'
Be at Potsdam.
Cronlierg, Aug. 6. Empress Fred
erick died at 0:15 p. m. yesterday.
The death was somewhat sudden. At
4 o'clock her physicians reported no
change in lier condition. Emjteror
William and her majesty's other
children were in the sickroom most
of the day. Professors Renvers and
Spielhagen were also in her room.
The flag on tho castle was immedi
ately halfmasted.
Emperor William arrived at Hom
hurg at 3:15 yesterday morning and
drove to the Homburgcastlo. Thence,
accompanied by the empress and
Crown Prince Frederick William, ho
proceeded to Freidrichoff, which he
reached at 5:20 o'clock.
At 8 o'clock this evening, Emperor
William conducted tho members of
the dowager empress household into
the death chamber and led them one
by one past the bedside to take a last
farewell of their-mistress.
Closely following the announce
ment of the death from tho castle,
the church bells were tolled and the
flags halfmasted. Visitors to the
castle began inscribing their names
in a book placed for the purpose in
the hall.
It is said the cause of death was
dropsy accompanying cancer. The
remarkable vitality of tha dowager
empress astonished her physicians.
She retained consciousness to the end.
The castle grounds are now sur
rounded by soldiers and patrolled by
hussars and mounted police.
Six Phildelphia Buildings Wrecked by Explo
sionFire Added to the Horror.
Philadelphia, Aug. 7. A terrific
explosion in a block of six buildings
on Locust street near lentil wrecked
five of tho structures and caused the
death of probably 20 or more persons.
Over two score of others were more or
less seriously injured. It is estimat
ed that at least 35 persons were in tho
five buildings when tho explosion
occurred and tho exact number of
dead will probably not bo known for
24 hours.
The explosion occurred about 9 :30
o'clock. What exploded and how it
happened is not known, but i't is be
lieved to have been a barrel of gaso
line in one of the three grocery stores.
With the explosion the front walls
of the buildings were blown outward
into the street, while the floors and
the roofs were blown upward and fell
straight to the ground. Almost every
building in a radius of two blocks
about the scene of the explosion had
window panes shattered and was
otherwise damaged. Every building
on the opposite side of Locust street
was more or less wrecked, but none
of them fell.
Malvar Issues a Warning to Insurgents Who
Manila, Aug. 7. Miguel Malvar,
who has been recognized as the suc
cessor of Aguinaldo by the Filipino
junta at Hong Kong, has issued a
proclamation dated July 10, copies
of which arrived this morning, giv
ing assurances to the natives of the
continuation of an active campaign
and expressing hope for its successful
issue. The proclamation, of which
50,000 copies have been printed,
purports to emanate from Batangas.
It is a characteristic insurgent docu
ment, charging the Americans with
all sorts of atrocities. It recounts
the losses of guns and ammunition
and the death of four distinguished
American officers July 10, all of
which, it says, the authorities con-
caled. Tho proclamation threatens
General Cailles with death for treach
ery, and warns all Filipinos who sur
render that they will never be able to
live outside the American lines.
Malvar claims he has sufficient arms
and supplies to continue the fighting
The American authorities believe
the proclamation was really written
by Agoncillo (the ex-representative of
Aguinaldo in Europe) at Hong Kong.
Ex-Congressman Boult Stricken.
Macon, Ga.,'Aug. 7. Ex-Congress
man James II. Blount, who repre
sented this district in congress for 20
years, and who was sent to Hawaii
by President Cleveland as commis
sioner paramount at the time of the
revolution in the islands, has suffered
a stroke of paralysis and is in a criti
cal condition at his country home
near here.
Monument to King Alfred.
Britons plan to erect a monument
to King Alfred on the thousandth an
niversary of his death.
A Burning Coal Mine.
New York, Aug. 7. The Delaware,
Lackawana fc Western Coal Company
will probably have to abandon its
Jersey mine at Plymouth, owing to
the fierce fire which has raged in it
for months. The loss will be several
hundred thousand dollars. Although
(skillful fire fighters have endeavored
to'stop the spread of the fire, they
have been driven back. They are
now compelled to work from the
outside, and are doing little good.
War Tax Reciepts Increasing Sampson-Schley
Investigation Will Cost $25,000.
Instead of falling off $3,300,000 a
month, as was figured would be tho
result of the reduction of the war
taxes, tho receipts for the first month
of tho fiscal year will bo a million
dollars tuoro than tho oovrox pond ing
mouth last year,
It is believed by those who have
been keeping in closo touch with the
arrangements for tho court of in
quiry in the Schley case that a series
of sensations will result as the out
come of the investigation. It is un
derstood pretty generally that jeal
ousy is rampant in tho navy. There
is an undercurrent of opinion that
Admiral Schley realizes this, and
in view of his speedy retirement from
the navy purposes to ojien up to pub
lic gaze all tho ins and outs of the
naval management in times of peace
and war, at home as well as abroad.
Up to date something like $4,000,
000 has been withdrawn from New
York and sent West to move crops.
Tho withdrawals have been as fol
lows: ToXew Orleans, $2,235,000;
to Chicago, $1,300,000; to Cincin
nati, $100,000; to St. Louis, $225,
000. It is estimated that the cost of the
Sampson-Schley court of inquiry will
be about $25,000. This estimate it
based on what navy department offi
cials have now in sight, but making
an allowance for an examination of
probably a third more witnesses than
aro now contemplated tho expenses
would perhaps bo $35,000 or $40,000.
Secretary Long has issued impera
tive orders prohibiting naval officers
publicly discussing the Sampson
Schley controversy. It is tho purpose
of the secretary to keep the case out
of the newspapers as much as possi
ble until the court of inquiry meets.
With a view to showing the effect
of abolishing the army canteen, Sec
retary Root has called on the officers
of the army posts for reports on this
subject. It would not be surprising
if congress should repeal the anti
cantcen law.
On account of timber land frauds
discovered in Montana and Idaho,
Commissioner Hermann of the general
land office has suspended all proofs
made during tho present year under
the timber and stone act pending the
conclusion of the full investigation
and inquiry begun Borne time ago
This action applies to all station,
where government timber land la
purchased and involves thousands of
cases. Many of the large companies
and speculators, who, it is alleged,
have had "dummies" as agents, make
purchases of these lands from the
government, as in Michigan, Wiscon
sin and Minnesota.
One Miner Is Dead and Two More Are at
Death's Door.
Port Townsend, Wash., Aug. 7.
A story of death from starvation
at the mouth of the Agiapuk river,
in the Agiapuk mining district was
brought from Xomo today by passen
gers on the steamer Centennial, and
as a result of 43 days of unparalleled
hardship ono man is dead and his two
companions cannot live.
The men had been in the Good
Hope country prospecting. June 7
they started for Nome by way of the
Agiapuk river. Traveling was hard
over the long stretches of tundra and
down streams filled with ice. Before
they reached Teller City their pro
visions gave out and, after wandering
along, hunger compelled them to eat
grass, snails, birds' eggs and anything
they could find, but they became so
weakened that further progress was
impossible. After reaching a deserted
igloo at the mouth of the Agiapuk
river they decided to remain in tho
hope that assistance would arrive in
the shape of a prosjiccting party.
Summoning courage, they attempted
to build a boat, the frame being made
of willows, which they attempted to
cover with canvas taken from tha
body of a dead Eskimo. A party of
miners, coming down the river beard
the cry, "Help, for God's sake; don't
leave us. " They proceeded to where
the cry came from and found tho
unfortunates, one of whom was al
ready dead, and took them to Teller,
where the two are being cared for by
the government officials.
Many New Woolen Mills.
New York, Aug. 7. The Times
says: Reports from textilo indus
tries show that the number of woolen
mills undertaken to lie built in the
first six months of 1901 was a gain of
250 per cent over the numlier built
in the last six months of 191X). Dur
ing the first half of 1901 the number
of mills constructed or contracted
for was 261, a gain of 37 over the 224
reported in all tcxtiV manufactories
for 1900. Of the 261 mills 143 are
devoted to cotton, 35 to wool. 58 to
knit goods, and 25 miscellaneous.
The Venezuelan Revolution.
Port of Spain, Trinidad, Aug. 7.
The revolutionary movement which
has been so long expected has broken
eut. General Carlos Rangel Gerbiras,
formelry president of the senate under
the presidency of Dr. Rojas Paul,
rose against the government of Gen
eral Cipriano Castro. He is near San
Antonio del Tachira, a town on the
boundaries of Colombia, with 4,000
to 5,000 men who, the Venezuelan
government admits, are well armed.