The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 12, 1901, Image 2

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    ft - c ,
Kpsd iiver Slacier
fiuu.w , jl . 12, mm,
T'..e FirH!i in ilii! Kir.
An 'deal summer day, a larye, order!)
Crowd, ju '.ut ll'.'i.t programme, and a
Jjiji tujily of 1 etriiitirm united to make
llmd lexer's Fourth of July celebration
I he best and most successful of its kind
ever held in the town. Early in the
'pioruiiiji people be-all pouring into
town, and crouds arrived bv boat hiiiI
I rain, until it :& estuiiate'd 'that 3,000
people hiui turned out to the eekdira
tiOii. P.verybtdv was out for a ii'i.'jinw
P'kkI time, and there were no complaints,
that Hliujlic d:d not enjoy the holiday.
-TfjJ di'f.oraJ'UW iJl town wen prof nee,
and tliTu wore no i ml ; ra )onn in HiskI
Iiiver that t lie fires of American patriot
ism were hnrniiii; any inns brightly than
during thu spirited times of 1770, 1801 or
WH. Tim eagle screamed, and young
nl old vied in making the celebration a
fplundid success.
At 10 o'clock, tlie procession, headed
by the libeity ear otul the Iiood Kiver
uues, passed tip Ouk wtrcet and out
rotate stiret to the jrrove in blowers aJ
dition. Miss Agneft Dukes made a
i'harinitiR Goddess of Liberty, and the
little icirls representing the elates and
terripirics of the Union looked pretty in
'their "whtiy dresses 'and wreaths of
At the ground 8 the Hood Uiver brass
band and the glee club furnished music.
E. K. Savage, an president of the dav,
had cl large of the programme. The in
vocation was extended by Kev. J. L.
Hvrshner. Mrs- Iuise ioililard, in a
clear and distinct voice, read the grand
old Declaration of Independence. E. F.
Kennedy of I'orthind enlivened the oc
ras'on with several humorous selections.
A well ordered and able oration, forcibly fitriif wtl v presented, and tilled wit ti
(lufriotieamJ stirring passages, w a de
iveriij by lion. Hubert F. Itell of flort
fand.' U'urtj it not for lack of space, the
Hinder would print the complete nra
t.on. Ah it is we can give only the fol
Jywing abort extract :
I haw Utile patience, on tli la day of a II days,
inif'lll llii. (mru.Vl tl.'jo'l Uiver of all places,
Willi the litilill f iiilnil which on I lip Knurl I)
of July causes some, rncn to lnini hi t lie prls-
( litue of the republic, lo prophesy Its
fuming (Ipwi'inll. to he II I led with Bloomy
foiclioilln.'s at the Jo,ou acclaim jiU-ii
we meet ibis day. And I lime no min i sml
no In ii rt to spcuk to j on now except about the
I b.-rty Hiid tne irlnry of my country. To' the
Jiudy an l vigorous American Amerien In
ill) tie land of lilierty, the refuge of tlie oi
IH'jW'it, the beacon nf hope to the dun n-I nul
lum, li nil h light to I hem l tint sll In darkness.
These Hie ull phrases, time worn and trite,
but like true koIiI they do not tarnish. 1 unl
to bespeak toiiny n inrer tnlih In our coun
try, lulls lilnnlHHKt and IU woiiiHnhood, In
Im wealth ofeli'iraeter, In lu power of aehieve
liiiiit,' I mint In dwlHre Immy that afler 1&5
yeiiUdeiniK-r .ey has censed lb bo on trial,
that It to Ilium, haul, and Hihi iu triumph
was heralded an I proc! iniied In that old Hec
Jiiratlon o' lnueiendi nee. I (:o not lueim
that otner eo nitr.e hnVo iiddple l our form
01 KoveriiiiiKitt-tte ein.nut expect that. Form
of Kocernuient vary and must always vary,
bPiauaeof tllu dllleri nt traullluu and ehai
umtr of raeea. lint toe npiril of rteinoeracy
hUBK"Ue.'ibioiil; jou v,ll tlnd U In the l b
era constitution of Hie new (Jermaii en pi re
y ith n reicliKiax, vuu u ill Unit It In auhiiIii,
ni lUil)', IJ Fiancr. Sot the two Americas
Hioue, but the Hindu beyond the t hay,
fr't tr Tipttft of tlienroau spirit of equulll-y,
Let no mnn f una lluil he Iah m'u
people's overnmeni, where everw man can
till own ii ! o n home, where biloie Ho- In if
oil ale equal, wiiere hut cnllureu can he e.
ucuted mid where h; home Is prolecleU;
V. iitie lumor an I ood name wait on virtue
fiBI InduHlry, Hherethe llatfwhleh tlontaover
bun Ik his Il.trf. (.et lis maintain honorably
and ltriul tlie knlC, for It Is our letuxciii
eivc pruer un I liidiilry, let iik loster ednea
tl 'tiaiiii religion. .et each iiiiin.woiiuni and
thilu ta!e the It'd-ionn of the Fouriii of July
Into Iheir henrtu, nn1 let theso IcaMina hear
fiultiiKein a oXauproBtetslve, enllnluoned,
" iaJirSp"fiappy cltlicn-liifi." "
X " nn DAliliS AND 1UCE8. "'
After m Hood old iuiliiuii picnic dinner,
thoroughly enjoyed by all, the pro
gramme of games and faces waa carried
put. Owing to come delay the ball game
did not begin until 3 o'clock, and after a
aeries of discouraging error, and un
necessarily bad work lor the homo niteb-
C during fthe third inning, the game
van wearily brought to a dote, with a
in to 14 Mjore in lavor of The JJalles.
The other races resulted as follows:
Winnie dinger climbed the greased
pole and secured the prize of $X
The tack race was won by Chester
$hnte fc?.50.
The greased pig wan caught by Chas.
Eichman. Ho sold it for i(5.
i lie mree-ieggcu race with a pruto
pf t2 50 waa won by Claude Hendricks
pud Charles Sparling.
Tlie 100 yard dasji was won by E. C.
Muoiieyl prize, f7.50. Sam Iilowers look
pocond'place; jirize 2.50.
The fat men's race (Colonel Hartley
and S. W. Arnold, contestants) was won
py llurtley ; prize, $2.50.
The pouey race was won, bv Jim Hunt;
prize, f 10. " '
At the armory hall in the evening, a
Ffttfier fpall audience greeted the pro
duction of the Hiiarklinit cocietv coined v
''A Summer's Fancy," pret-euted under
thMiirection of 1 ercy II. I.evm, assisted
by amateurs of local talent. The play
ing, though, vyas wejl received, and the
amateurs Mmwed a faithful and intelli
gent ppneeption of the roles awign'J
them. I'imaide-!'ii2 the disadvantage
tinder which the plavera worked, their
reauiUK renearsai Having LH'en jiem uie
Saturday night before and with but three
nights for' practice, the performance was
creditably executed. This was Mr. I.uv
jn's tirft appearance in Hood River, but
lie c;i1 oijnt on a good house should he
retiirii again. He is a clever actor, and
bis versatile characterizations show the
depth of his conceptions.
The parts of the plav taken by tl e
amateurs were well rt'p;)ered and elicih d
pinch favorable comment, Miss (iloria
j.rthe, as leading lady, interpreted the
d rtklilt role of Mercy liaxter with a
grace anJ feeling seldom equaled by
amateurs. . Miss Lane would score a de
cided success in high class theatrical
work. "Charles Foster also plaved hie
part well. His personification of Farmer
rater evoked generous applause. M;ss
Ithidys Hartley, as the natty Emma
AVatson, did remarkably well. MissXel
lie Clark very tibly ou; tho part of
Mrs. Jlend rsnn. .lohn Herry in his two
parts as Wallv Heniierson and Jake Bax
ter; Maltie rukes as the versatile Pro
fessnr Potts: Miss Blanche laneasthe
fascinating Kdit.h I lend.'rson, and N'ed
Blythe in the pile of Harry V(ioilthorH,
acted eac.ii of their parts in good stvle.
Between tlie acts of the play Ituis
Baldwiu iui Ilamlil Hhof rnjiker gave an
e bib tion of nerobat'e win k that would
do credit to some pmfe-situial performers
in that line.
Inimoiiiately ufieF the theatrical, the
flour of the armory was cleared for danc
ing The function was under the aus
pices of Professor Sandivig of The Dalles
and was managed bv Major.!. S. Booih;
Beit Baldwin of The Dalles furnished
prod nujMe. About 200 people were
present, and although almost an im
jiruinptu afiiiir it was thoroughly en
jovfd by the participants, who were a
unit iu dwlaritiij it was the most success
ful affair of its kind ever given in iLvid
K'ver. Dancing wa? continued until
ab-mt one o'clock. If Major Booth con
cludes to arrange for another dance, Jie
can count on' all of Hood River being
there, and an evening river evciu-!on
ivoc.Ul b'ing a crowd fn ni The paiies.
v ilson J. .Irffers, the fifer m lielpd
to niake the martial music on the 4th,
lives nea-Tlte Du'les. He is a veteran
jj two wars. Ua served ui v!.e CtU iu-
fantrv in th ilexieau ar and was
d ii in major of the Hth Illinois in thu
w r of tl rebellion.
Artillery man Hunt wn early at his
poi-t of duty on the hill wluve town, and
ut di yhr ak commence d tiring the i:;it
inpal raiute from tlie !M-pnuuJ funnon
that belongs to the ti. A. R.j.o-t. Mr.
Hunt use.u 43 poniuls of powder, and
tired twenty chots in all. lie used greet
c.over for wadding purpoi-es, and the
coiicnssion from a 2-pouud charge of
powder rattled the windows iu town.
The fireworiB were' a grand success
There were a number of fantastically de
signed Hit pieces which were quite bril
liant in their effect. The rockets were
extra good.
TJiere jv.crfl no Occidents, and only
four arrests for disorderly conduct.
A hundred eople could not .et rnsfaue
on the boat ir iu TJie Dalles on Uie 4 1 1 ,
The .-aloons reaped a harvest, Uaiiit.
infSOOeacb. 8ome of the ice cream
stands made f'JOO.
The expenditures of the finance com
mittee amounted to 550.
Major Booth's company of zouavea
looked quite winsome in their neat uni
forms, and added much to the martial
appearance of the jicrade.
The Hood Kiver Zouave.
Last Saturday's Evening Telegram
contains a quarter page picture of Hood
River's company f young lady zou,tyes,
with a cut of the fjrilljnnster, Major J. S.
Booth. Accompanying Uie picture is
the following write up:
For the purpose of combining thor
ough physical exercise with graceful
military precision, a nnmlier of young
girls of Hood Uiver have been organized
into an amazoniati drilling club, known
as tho Hood Uiver Zouaves. The com
pany was organized less than two months
ago 'by Major J. S. Biaitb, an experienced
instructor in milif&ry evolutions, who
was in the Oregon National Cuard 14
years. The company of female soldiers
iire said to have picked up the drilling
tactics with surprising quickness. All
evince a desire to become well versed
in the exercises. They attend the drill
Tuesday evenings in the armory with
marked regularity, and a great deal of
interest is being taken in them by the
parents and friends of the joung ludies
in Hood River.
Hood Iiiver, by-tlie-bv, is noted far
and w ide for great big apples and I'Mtlty,
red-cheeked girls. That they will make
an inio,"-ing appearance when lined up
for march no one for a moment doubts.
Portland would have been entertained
by the zouaves on the occasion of the
president's visit alas! that there should
have been ho many "ifs" in vain on that
great flay which did not happen and
the zouaves as well as the public missed
a great treat. The girls are nattily uni
formed and are quite advanced in pro
ficiency in sword exercises and attract
ive drills. Major Booth is popular as a
drill-master, and in the course of time,
it is stated, he will raise the funds to
equip the young ladies with more com
plete, perhaps it were well to tay real
istic, accoutrements,
The names of tlie members of the com
pany are as follows;
' Major . I. S. Booth, drill master; Nell
Clark, commanding;; FJthel Entrie n,
ljrst sergeant ; Minnie Perris, second ser
geant Kellie Rogers, first corporal; Eva
Nicklason, second corporal ; (JraceCamp
bell, color sergeant ; Vera Jackson, Nellie
Krwin, Violet Laman, Dollie Gee, Mary
Foley, Blanche Lane, Gloria Lane, Lonra
Welds, Maggie Garrabrant, Maud Free
man, Edith Moore, Stella Richardson,
Ethel Moonev, Maud Smith, Mrs. Mc
Gill, Edna S-h'errill.
Ferry Itnat Swamped.
Saturday morning, tlie Hood River
White Salmon" ferry was swdmped just
off the upper dock, find an hour after
wards, the (iceupants of the boat, Will
Rankin and Fred Purser, were picked
up near Underwood landing by tlie tug
of the Nicolai-Cameron mill. The men
were crossing to the White Salmon side
for the mail and in attempting to hoist
the boom pole in the heavy wind, the
sail flopped the boat on its side and a
big wave completely filled it with water.
The lioat, though has too much of a cen
ter board to let it upset, so Rankin and
Purser climed to the sides of the boat
and calmly awaited the arrival of as
sistance. The men on the mill com
pany's tug saw the accident and imme
diately started after them,
Stevenson Celebrated.
The people of Steveneon enjoyed the
Fourth with a good celebration. There
were the usual exercises, and a stirring,
patriotic oration by District Judge Mil
ter of Vancouver, with races in the after
noon and tire works in the evening. An
excellent picnic dinner, free to everyone,
added much to the good feeling of the
day. The boys' race w as won by Warren
Edwards, as was the horse raco. The
men's foot race was won by Easterbrook.
A serious accident in the evening marred
tlie pleasure of the fire works. H Sly,
the school teacher at Stevenson, touched
off a large bomb with a match and a
premature explosion severely injured
ids face and hands.
Temperance Song.
lTnnc-"T!e Last Fierce Charfce."
To the Women's Chrlstlun Temperance
Union these linos are respeetfully Inneribed
h.V the author, if thpy shall be the means of
making onk humiui being better or more
happy, my ambition will be gratified.
Oh, the demon of rum, will the time ever come
That shall bring us a glad tomorrow?
For we long for the day that shall bring us a ray
That will end the l )g night of our sorrow.
When tlie faithful wife will find Joy in her life
Ard know that her husband nnls.ui
Are nlklns upright and w 111 come home at
And their manhood shall not be undone.
Oh whore U my girl, with her hair that uld
And h -r cheeks of bright msy bloom;
Is she waiting her life as a drunkard's wife.
Going doivn to a notter's field tomb?
Is he spending her life as an honored wife.
Settled down In the comforts of home;
Is she happy tonight In a cirele of light,
Oh w here Is my son wlien bis day's work Is
To his own hearth do.- he go;
Or does he go down U slum la the town
Where the waters of misery How?
Is he sipping the froth from a villainous broth
Thai was brewed In the reghmsof woe;
Poe he slobber and splutter and lie in the
Where the waters of misery flow?
Is he wasting the lime of his manhood's prime,
Is he laying tip trensiuos of woe;
Is he brralhlug the fumes of the "horrid
Whore the waters of agony flow?
Is he standing upright In bis manhood's
As a map of nobility should;
Or does he yield and abandon the field,
As a man without character would?
I w ill trust that my ly through his life will
A conselence untnin'sheJ, ty w rong;
Which he never can do unless he is truo
And his fe is us pun- as his song.
Tm n let us abide the fountain be. te,
Where tlio ruintvi s of purity gliw,
best we lie evermore on I hat desolate shore
Where the waters of pestilpne flow.
Uood Wver, Or., July S, JS01,
White Man Turned JVHimr.
Great consternation wa (felt fcybe
fritmUif.M. A.Hogarty of I.exington.Kv.,
w hen thev mw he was turning is
tkinslowlv changed color, also Jiistes,
and he Buffered terribly. His malady was
yellow jaundice. He was treated by the
best doctors.but wit bout benefit. Then he
was advised tyjry Electric Hitters, the
wonderful stoma b and lier remedy, and
he writes; "A'lertukingtwo bottle I was
w holly til red." A trij proves its match
less merit for all stomach, liver and kid
ney troubles. Duly 50c. Sol iy C.hiis
N. Clarko, druggist.
Advertised Letter List.
July I, iroi.
Dunhrnw, Pearllim Hniimid, JliYnhard
Kox. Mm el llam-y, J Mrs J C Harris. John
liihnsoii, f,lle lloues, Itoy
lones. Mrs Hobt Jenkins. Ktigene
ems, .Miss KM Knox. J W
l.lndsie, Miss Mubtl Larson. Vo'ean
Mill hell, Mrs l.uey Union. 0 A
KiihhpII, Mis Laura Mciviniei, uay
slhelllng. Miss M Me.Vell Joe
Hmilh, Km ma J Miller. Tommy
Alfsen, Andrew 1'iigli, Win
Mlard, r'red Hehei-se, , If Hcoullee, John
r.lalr, r.iios M Huurne.v, f rel R
Collie, Kied Hiewarl. florfaerl
PftTls. WJ Tljli-tt, Win
liergarty, lleury Vaughan. Jas
lladley, K-ra Wrenii. Kluier
July , 1901.
r.nrdon. Mrs M II Laving, Jas I.
IMllei. Ituihfiford Cibiegsclilngcr, John
Kills. Itae Bin? l;-er, K (J
Jones, Win 0 Ktacey. Kdword i
W.M. Al. VAThH, I'. M.
For Rent
For a term of three years to a sat
isfactory party for a guaranteed rash rental,
payable Beiiil-iinoually Will sell team, wanon
and tarininir Implements: ulso, 2 eows, rhiek
n, pigs, pic. Haven J-Jj per mi nln milk
.rude. A iso have a ftHspgg Incubator, boni
er, hone culler, Ac., and a Pijw modern ctikk
en boue 20 z & feet. It. C. VoK,
!?0,no0 strawberry planls. K. II. FRANZ.
Lots for Sale.
At nhnul s.6 each, en the ridge overlonklng
both rivers. covered with treesand shrubbery,
and only sit or seven blocks from depot. Ad
dress ARTIIUlt UlfSliltuW, Hood Hivpr.
Watch Lpst.
Alndhs' ginall iiilu watch, attuchpd to a
bliivn-imeled cliuttatftlne pin; lust either In
or around the park In Iilowers addition on
the Fourth. Kinder will plea.ii notify Miss
Eva Nicklason or the Glacier office.
furniture for Sale.
One bed-room set and noma other home
hold articles. J. K. AKMIIK,
Team for Sale.
A well-matched, wtdl-broke team; weight
auvrrt-iynSiJoi' ule cheap. Inquire ut Tnci.ur,
u'l -..-J::, K.'aTIUNO.
Itetween depot and tlie Parker house, a
small I'unsy Tin, Willi diamond sen Ing. lie
ward given If returned to H. W. WAIT.
For Sale.
A small ho ise, 12 x 12, with good, new No.
8 cook stove ind nlenslls-all for $2U. Apply
at tilaeler off! -e between II and 12 a. m. ail
To Rent.
Thirty or forty acres of the finest, of straw
berry land, the brat for berries iu the county.
Kasily watered and close to town. Can be
rented on shares on I'aradlse Farm.
A bay horse with stub mane; If In P"d con
dition would weigh between WM am: 1100 lbs;
!l years old; no brand. Five dollars ie aid 11
dellved at my place. A. S. I1A II M.
Plants Wanted.
In July, 21,0W)good strawberry plants.
Ju28 A, N. HAIIM.
160 Acres for Sale.
Two miles from Mosler; house and barn; 20
acres In cultivation. I'riee JI.OOO
Posts for Sale.
A good quality of cedar post", delivered to
the lower vulley or In town, at from e to 8c
each. 4 ARTIU'H DISRKi iW.
Bids Wanted,
Rids for the envtlon of a school house at
Nicolai, in District No. 2, will be received by
the board of directors up to July 1, VMM.
I'lansand spei-irteatlons may he seen at the
residence of ,M. H. Nlekelmn. tho district
clerk. The bourd reserves the rlgut to reject
any and all bids.
By onler of the Board of Directors of
District No. 2.
Stockholders' Meeting.
Htockhoiders of the Fast Fork Irrigating! o.
lake notice, that there will be a special meet
ing held in Rone Hros.' office In ilood Kiver,
at 10 p'clQi-k Saturday, fane 2ft, 1U01, for the
purpose of electing a director,
Je7 C. K. HONE, Secretary.
Town Lots for Sale.
Apply to J. F. W ATT,
Hec'y Mood River Town-lte Co.
Peanut Roaster.
We have a peanut Roaster of latest patern
and can supply our customers with the best
quality of euiiuts, fresh roasted every day
Sampfe them. C'OI.KA OKA 11 AM.
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard. Poul'ry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Free Delivery. I'hone S$f.
Notice of Trustee's Sale
.oine is hereby given thai the umierslirned.
trustee of the estiite of Morse Krothers and I..
K. .Morse and C L. Morse, b ,nkrupts, will, on
Saturday, the 10th day of August, 1101,
At the hour of 2 o'clock on said day. at the
olllee oi Rutler A Co., bankers, in the city of
II. I K:ver, Oreiion. sell to Uie highest and
best bidder therefor for cash, the lollowin
dpscribed real proeriy belomting lo said
bankrupts, towll: The north of me noriii
west of section Jl, and te enit of the
northeast V4, I lie noi l h west Vt pf nortneast Vj,
and 'be northeast of nqrthwest of section
fi all In townshl 1 north of range east of
Willamette meridian. iSuld sale will be by
auction of entire tract described, or In lots ac
cording to legal subdivision, iq suit pur
chasers. imted at Hoid River, Oregon, this 10th day
of July, l'JOl. LES.LIK BUTI.KIi.
jyl2a8 - Triistea.
To Water Consumers.
Th rules u' in company .ir mrir. i
faMowed Hftt r ihih Jhih. All w U" Hre delin
quent niter (ho ituv nf tin in. nl't w ili (k1
cimnri'd th i f o . vi: Sih'o t-r mtiniii,
llu'exim Sp' g':i:g l;i IhftS'iiwior, w.. will
hiit !!' want ut in' tiHin frain rts('tMif-
where pH.viiifi.t it Qot prti;iMlv nuntt , nud U
will ii(t btf tuinei on tH:n ua'U :itt urrear-
HjErt hiv -ud. lU'ninuiitK July 11 o.t, nil
WHier ivnlt will bt Wmraed lo 4twnr o rent
ed buildint?? taM:d tf t Ui tHViipjti.l.
iiUUii KiVtUt bi'lUOWAlttt CO.
Tho old rill
able Ilainess
H:li.p Is still uo
I'g business III
,.lie old stand.
irceetes foi
s.ile an I blcy
cies npaiitfU.
All work gnar
loueed to .vi
House to Rent.
On the Mutton place. Apel) lo
n,i: l. 1). WiMiDWtiUTlI.
$16 per Acre
VIII buy iin of tne most desirable 40-ncti
tracts Iu Hood Uiver. Nougenis.
uat t T. It. (Q( N.
Barber Parlors.
Newly furnished In all the latest modern
barber tlx I lues, inaklnj It Scci.ud to none foi
first class servl'-e. Porcelain b.uli Tubs. Hy
draulic llarber t 'bnlis.
A slioe-i olisbln artist slwaj son hun I.
EVANS & DeCORD, Prop'ra
House to Rent.
An 8 room house, water free. In Iilowers ad
dition; Hue view; splendid loin In 11: tl lr
month. H, WAKKK.N.
Frankton Express.
Pftssengeis to und from .Nleolnl and
fiavenpori camps, and single rigs furnished
for family shopping. 7 K. D. t AlKj.
And wagon repiilrin inn nded to p omptly at
in y shnpon the Ml. Ilood road, soutn of town.
liisil noik ut reusoiiubli
my 17
(i. A. lloWF.I.U
Best is the Cheapest.
II. K. Tin ker is ngi lit for siuiniuid Mowers
and Ilakes find Fish ltiyi.' Wagons. Try one.
None better. iiji
Cows for Sale.
Choice family cows, full b O' d tmrt grade
Jersevs, ror sule by J. A. H l-..Mi II-' i.,
nla' White Halmon, Wash,
Hay Press".
The undersigned have, fltted up Iheir bay
press with all the necessary appllaiices and
are now prepared to hale hay throughout the
valley, llefore engaging your line for ball ng
call on us M 1 1.1,1 U I .IMS.
Timber l.nnd, Act JntieU, WTH.J
t'nlted States Land Olllee, Vancouvpr.Wasli.,
June 11. IhoI. Notice is hereby gl en that In
compliant-- with the provisions of the net of
congress or J line H, 18 s, entitled "An act t t
the sale of limber lauds In the states of ChI
llornla. Dicgon. Nevada and Washington Ttr
ritorv." as extelidiM to nil tl.o pubile land
status by act of August 4. ISI4,
OKuKitF. KIlKl'M,
(If Fnlda, county of Klickitat, slate nf
Washington, has this day n led In this olllee
his sworn statement, No. i.!. tor the pin chase
of the southeast soutnwest '4 section
2, and northeast uorlliwcst yt of sr-etion
No. l, li township No. A D'Ulli, ratigu No. II
east, W, M.. und w 111 idler piisd to show that
the land sought Is nunc vuliinble for Us tim
ber or stone llian for agrleultural purHrs.
and to rslabllsli hlsrlalin Ui said bind before
I he Kegister and Kceeiver of hlsollieenl Van
couver, Wash., ou Tuesday, the 2;ih day ot
Annus!, HOI.
He nanus as wiluesses: Hamnrl M. Cole,
lldlsey I) t'ole, Jonnlhan Hliimp and Court
land t'liapman. all of Fulda, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
abovi'--deserllH.'d lauds are requested Ui Hie
ihelrclalins In tills otllce ou or before said
i III dav or August I'.'ll.
jcll'il-l VV. It. M'NIIAlt, lieglsler.
Timber I and,
Act June H, IS H.J
United Btnlci fjind ( ittli-e, The Dalles. Ore
gon, May al, IliOI. Soliee Is hereby given
that In compliance villi the pnivlslons of the
itctol rongressof June il, IS7S, entilled "An
act for I lie mi 1. of tiiiila-r landsln the stales of
L'allf'irnlH. Oreuon. If exada and Wasbingion
Territory," as exteiisVd to all the public fund
states by act of AugtiM 4, Isi 'i.
llEllllFIll' C. HI1AFFKR.
Of HiMid Uiver, county of Wssco, state of Ore
gon, hits this day filed In this olllee his sworn
statement, No. lsj.i for tbe purchase of the
lots 1, 2, 5 and ti of section No. H-t, in
township No. 'i north, range No, 9 mint,
Willamette Merldimn. and will oiler prool
to show that the limit sought is more vhIiiii
bte tor Its timt"r oi .y tiiun for Herlr-ti It ur
al purposes, and to (lablisli blselniui lo said
land hcfoi-e j he keg "tlr and Keeelver of tills
ortleeatThe Dalti-. on-ifon, on Wednesduv,
the '21st day of Aiiulsi. I . sj I .
He names as w iuesps; E. Ii. Fix of Tcndle
ton, Oregon: J.H. l'ukes, i), D. Wi odworlh
unit Miss I., lllistai. d of ib nd Iiiver. Oregon.
Any and nil perwijn eliilining adversely the
nbove-di scribed lal-ds are requested ti It I e
their claims tn this ojUce, on or m-toiv suld 2IM
day of August, Itmi.
JeUalrt JX P. I.I'CAS. Register.
ITimber l.nmi, Act June S, 1S7H.1
United States Laud Olllee, The Dalles, Ore
gon, June 7, IIUl. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of tne
act ofcongre-sof June 3. IS. a, entitled "Annet
for the sule of timber lands In the States of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, lti,
ALliUS'lTs A. Wl.SNKY,
Of Tygh Vul lev. county of Wasco. Male of Ore
gon, has, on Dec. 15. 1 WO, filed In lliisofliee his
sworn statement No. Ida for the purchase
or tlie west southeast nnd lots , and 12,
section 7, township U north, range east,
W. M., and will otter prisif to show tnal
the land sought Is more valuable for Its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and tn establish his claim to said laud
before the Register-and Keeelver of this oirice
at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, the Huh
day of August, lliOl,
He names as witnesses: Clyda T. Ronney,
Donald Uoss. I-slie Holler nud O. Ii. Hartley,
all of Hisid Uiver, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are lequested to tl le
their claims in this olllee on or before said
lillh day of August. 1WI.
Jellal'l JAY I'. LUCAS, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, IS.s.l
NOTICE 1-oa ILliUfAllON.
I'nlted States Land oifiee. Vancouver, Wash.,
June 13, 1H01. Notice Is hereby given that in
compliance w'tn the provisions of the act of
congress of June 3, IS7S, entitled "An net for
the sale of limber iands In H p states of Call
tornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, lK'.BJ,
Of The Ttalles, county of as'-o, state of Ore
gon, has this day tiled tn this dlDce bis
sworn statement, No. 2221, for tlie purchase of
tbe lots Hand 4, and sout" northwest '4 of sec
tion No. 3, In township No. 3 north, range No.
II east, W. M., and will offer pnsif lo show
that the laud sought Is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than lor agricultural pur
pos' h, and to establish his claim lo said laud
before tbe Kegister and Keeelver of this olllee
at Vancotive. , Wash., ou Wednesday, the 2tith
day or August, ltiOl.
He names as witnesses: T. W." I.uslt, Hugh
I.uskand J. W. Hill of Chetiowlth, Wash.,
and F. tl. Connolly of 1 he Dalles, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims In thlj office on or before said
2Sth day of August, IH01
Je2Ia23 W. U. IiT!NBAR, Register.
Timber l4nd, Act June 8, 18 8.1
Unllcl Stntes Ijind Offi-, Vancouver,
Wash , June 21, 1901. Notice Is hereby given
that 111 ciaupliance with III provisions of the
act of Congress o" June 3. lS7i4. intllled"An
an H-1 lor I hp sale of limber lauds Iu I he Mates
0 : California, tin-gun, Nevada and Washing
ton territory," as extended to all the public
hUld slates bv act of Auirnst 4. 1SH2,
of Seattle, county of King, slate of
W'siil'igton, has lm dav ftl-d lutliisofft e
tils sworn statement No. 2"ii0. for the nurciiase
of I be SK V, of HI '4 sec. 21; K H n( - W an 1
W l4 nf fV of soi lb n No. 22 in lownshl
No. it, north, range No. 10 east. W. M.. and will
oflVr (ins f to sl.ow Unit the bin t souvht Is
more valuable lor iis timber or stone than ror
SLTii'tl tllrul piiioses. and to establish his
claim lo said lend be. are the Rctrlster and Re
ce.ver of this olli.-e at Vancouver, Wash., on
Friday, Sept. I t, 1!U.
He names as witnesses: Robert F. Cox and
A. J. Wagnluof Trout Lake, Wash., A. Ay
libdell oi Portland, Or., und Niles 11. Winuns
of "Seattle. Wash.
Of Seattle, county of King, state of Washlne
ton. has this day til. d in this office his suorn
statement No. 2iU, fo.r the putehiiaeof Hie S)
of N F.l nnd of NW of sect ion No. 0 iB
township No. i north, rante No. 11 east, W.M.,
an 1 will offer pi oof 'O si. o that the InnJ
Miimht is more valuable loritsliti.bcror s'O'ie
thvu tor aiir culm-Hi nur o-M. and lo estuu
llsli his claim to said Uti'l be.ore I he Kegister
and Heeiiivef Qi this cfflec at Vantwuvir,
ash., on t rid h.v. Sept. Ii. IHOI.
tie ie.mes as wltucs.1 s: Robert F. Cox rrel
A. .1. Wagnttr of Tioul Lake, Wash., A. W.
I ob lei of t"o.rtl.ind. ur., and Thomas F..
. ln-n ofseatlle. Wash.
Any and ull persons clalmln" ndversely tho
nliove dc-uril-od bin's a re no :'! te . to rile
j their cl.ii ms in thUoine on or tef reiiii 1 j-ith
i day ol Sep:, JUsJL
- in a. DUJigAR, Rcgisteri
Ho bought
tho right kind
St W
You are reasonably auro ot catcliiti ii -!i if you buy tho right kind
if Tacl.le. Wu keep an up-to-date atock of UoJs, H.-ela, Lines, Mien,
in fact, anytli nii yon need to catch fish with.
(Jive ti' a cull before you go lulling. 6
No trouble to I tunc giaxla. ;
-w-1 -in rtxirt Cir".T )
Pboui(t ITX.U.
sTl ima
Reciprocity Corner
he Paris Fair.
We have a nice line of goods, all new.
We have no old m.ith-oaten goodd to hl-11 you an old s.tyla goods
to pet rid of.
We bou-fht our goods for cas.h and ara selling for caah on a very
email margin.
Call and aeo our line and becou inced that we can liave you money.
Viaitora are welcome.
Wo Civo You Bargains Every Day.
Cheapness is often clearness disguised. We handle first-clusa Goods
at rock-bottom prices. Our stuck is complete, mid it will pay jon to
call on ua when in want of Dry Goods, UrocorieH, Hoots and Shoe?,
or Flour and Feed.
IF YOU were canning fruit and fhnulri
lingers, "wouldn't it jar you?"
Sun Fruit Jar.
Absolutely the
best Jar made
Danger of fruit spoiling.
Loss by breakage.
N O 'Metal to corrode or taint contents.
Danger of burning bauds.
J Woman, losing her temper.
Call and see the Jar and get price.
Is the best
vi,u a ...!., I 2-lb lots
l lino .1101:1111; 1u1 , m
I llij-jc per U).
) 4. It. lota,
1 j 4c tier .
Sal Soda . .
BSacksmithing- and
m Horse-shoeing a specialty.
Are running their two Mills, I'laner and Box Factory, and can fill ordera for
On short
t.nnd Office at The Hallos. Oreiron, June Vi,
ICOI.Nntli-e ia hereby alven thai the follow,
inir nanieil Rettler has rtlerl notice of hia Inten
tion to make final proof In support or hia
claim, ami that salil proof win te made before
(ieorife i". 1'rather, U. H. t'oniniisbi' tii-r. at
HiHid Kiver, Oregon, on Friday, July 2 ,
1)101, viz:
Of Mt. Moorl. ireifon, fl. K No 5tfl". for the
northeast K.-cilou 3t), township I north,
ranae I0eal, W. M.
He natnea the followlnir witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of. said lanrt. viz:
I. It. Os.per. W. H. (irlbb'e, A. B. Rllllns
an I Robert Leasitre, all of Mt. lliaid, Oreiron.
jeHljy.'i JAY 1'. l.l'CAS. Heuister.
f and Office at The Dulles, Oregon, .Inly 2,
IfOI. Notice is hereby (tiven that tbe follow
In? named settler has filed potli-e nf his
Intention to make final proof In mtpiiort
of hia cluiin, and that said proof will
be made before the Ileplster anil Heceiver at
The Uallm.iireaoii.on Mnnilav. AiiRust 12,1001,
WI.PIf H. (KiriBHWuN.
(f Moslei. Oregon, H. E. No. M 1. for the
northeast Vt aouthwet and north eotith
easi sci-Hon -1 , bd I northwist aoutliwest
quarter aecti u 25, tuwuahtp i north, range 11
east. W, M.
He names the following witneanei to prove
hU continnou residence upon and oaltlva
tion of said land, vlr.:
Axsel K. Peterson. Moaier. Oreeon; R J.
Rorden.The Dalles. Oreion; S. K. Fisher vt
Gtmnre W' oJ of Mooter. n-eff.n. '
j'.a J AYP. l.t'l'.Asl. R -gislet ,
M-n to grub or 10 (iv'rc tiii the Fnr.t lrle.
as good Fish
n iiooa river as
ever caught.
X . WXi CO auitii
efXfl V
jr j iLsi U
break the top of the jar or burn your
A void 'such mistakes by using the
Casv to Fenl.
Kasy to open
we can buy.
10-lb lots,
10c per lb.
SO-1. lots:,
He per lb.
100 11. lots,
2'oc per &.
SO-fl. lotR,
3e per lti.
All work guaranteed.
. . . EAST FND
Timber Ijtnd. Act June 8, 18"8
United fitaten Land ifflee. Vancouver
Wash., May 25. IfOI. Notice is Iterchv given
thai in conipllame witli the provisions of
the act of congress of June a, lsT8, entitled
-An act for the sale of limber bin la In the
Mates of t'allfornla, Oregon. Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public hind states by act of August I, I8H2,
Of FiiMa.eonnty of Klickitat, state of Wash
Ington.hiuilbiKday fll-d In thisollieehlsswoin
statement No. 22HH, for tlie puicbase of the
nnrlhe.'ifti fu:irter of section N. X. tn
loM-nsbiii No. H north, mnge No. II east.W.M.
and will orter pnf to show Hint the land
sought is moie valuable for
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lij.ll hlaelaiin losaid land before the Keulster
ani Receiver of tliisoltleeat Vaneouver.Wash..
on Friday, the 1th day of Antjii-t. loot.
le names as wIIikwoh: lonard Stunipand
Jennie lnmp of FiiMa, Wash., and Mordlcai
Junes and U. Jones of lliisum. Wa.h.
Of Fti'dn. connty of Klickitat, slate nf Wnsh
Inirton.hustbisdiivrlled In thtsofflre tier worn
statement. No. !!10, for the purchase of the
northwest quarter of section No. .V in town
ship No. a north, range No. lleaat, W. M.. and
will offer proof In show that, the land sought
Is more valuable for Im timbcror stone than
for aprrieultural purposes, and to establish her
claim t said land before the Kegister and
Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash,
on Friday, the I 'th day of Aueust. inoi. '
Mie names ns witnessee: Ionard Klump
and I 'n'tiinn U Mnmnof rrubhi. Wash and
Monlical Jones and II .lonsof II iisum.Wah.
Anvand all persons claiming ai eivelv the -Horih. -d lane's are requ.-sted t file
their clnliiM in this office on or before said
lr.ih nny AUtf"-', fil
For Sale
1. Thp Lov n:acc near Tucker' mill,
on Hood river; Mimll house; 0 acrca
cjcarctl ; price fltol).
2. Wciuhirf niiice, near I ndorwortt,
W ash.; 1UI acres; 10 in i'iilliatinn ; fair
niipnivenoTiti' ; yottntf rcliard ; 3 rcrcs
licarinn FlrattiKTriis; plenty gi K"()a
water. Price (2,(00; ternm easy.
3. E'i;ht acred ff tho V. J. TalaT
place, known as the Hi fiernan place; in
straw licrries ; price, with crop, fl.OtlD.
4. lSacn'tnircnpifd In L.l..loi.(i ;f luUU.
6. The iilil Rivera place at Frankton;
owned hy ti. W. lain ; litres Inuise,
l.arn, 2 hpriinrs, part of Phelpa cre-.k
falls, 2 acres iniprnveil, plenty of fruit ;
prutp, f 1,100 :;00 or more cash.
(I. Twenty acres off J. W. Haker'a
place; pear orchard and other fruit in
bearini?; price f 125 per acre.
7. Parrett-Slpma addition ; (75 per lot:
(10 down and (5 per month ; no interest.
8. Ten choice lota in Highland addi.
titiit, only two blocks east of the st
ollice, on' State Mrcet, at (75 to (150.
Terms euay. Every lot linn a cotnimti.U
i lit; iew.
0. Fine homestead of 100 acres cn
Hock creek near Davenport's. Price
(,0(!0-(:!00 dewn, balance at 6 per
10. Fiuht hits in Hull's addition ; each
lot level, 80s 1 10 ; center of ball ground;
(100 eili-lt.
11. Tlie G. T. flitlliv'an 00 acres, lving
on the county road north and cast oi the
Harrett fat in; 21 acrea in cultivation;
1100 fruit-trees Price (2,150, or (2,210
half cash. New (500 barn on place.
12. Tl. Cha. Roger 5 ncre tract and
coltiice, Frankton. Good springs Hid
creek. (liSO.Iei nis easy.
13. Thirty acres off C. A. Wm!n
farm in Odell iiehht'rht d ; all inipro
ed, with free irriijatirif water; luiub.'
on jr'iutnd tie hulld hi Must toll in
oJdavs. Price (1,010.
11. The Allen Fulti.n farm, 100 ncres,
5 mile cast of town ; price (1,000; terms
15. Lots in Ilendert-on sub-division
(o7..r0 a lot.
17. Two lots and niop rottsep, rnt of
Cr.ti'ci.-.itiontil paioiinge; price ?w0;
lerttis easy..
19. The Clover farm, well improved,
I'l, miles fruiii (iohlciidale ; 2 it) acres"
140 acrea in u!li ation ; 03 acics in
w inter w heat ; 7 acres in hot pasture,
with a cri'ck running through it; ail un
der fence, with crnss fences; laree
new bam nnd fine house. Price (12X0
an acre; will take Hood River property
in part payment.
20. P. A. Trana place, White Salmon,
in ;ff lit of Hood Kiver; 8 acres, 5 in
strawberries and tomatoes 17,000 ntraw
berry plants and 1,400 tomato plant'.
No irrigation required.
21. N. R. E. H. y, N. E. M n
4.T.3N.. K. 11 E White Salmon; ii
timner land ; (10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, onlvone
mile east of town; fine rnpe; (1,500.
23. Lota 5 and 0, block 7, Winans ad
dition ; (50 a lot, or (85 for the two.
23. Two beautiful bildiiij lots near
Roht. Rand's new lioiito. Price (200
for tho two.
20. P. H. Cox's fine residence in Hood
River, lot 100 x 100; price (1.200,
28. 520 acres, with much flr timber,
ineludlnrr both fails on Hood river. Re
f.T to Butler & Co.
20. Twenty acres lyinp north of Teter
Kopke's, Fast Side; pood hint! ; unim
proved. Price (500; terms cat v.
3D. Wishart 40 acres, East Side; (750,
or (800 half cash. '
HI. At Trout Lake, 80 a. ; 3 in timothy,
cuts 8 tons a year; 50 a. in heavy saw
timber, white pine, fir and cedar'; west
fork White Salmon river runs through
the place; price (1,250.
32. Emma (i. Robinson'a 100 acres on
hills ett of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; uiiim
proved ; (785.
Eligible residence lota in Sparkler's
subdivision, near cannon house; only
(75; terms easy.
$200 to (1,203 to loan. " -
At the Emporium ia kept a first-class
surveyor's transit, and tho proprietor
heing a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work oi laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying.
N. B.Terma are easv on all the above
lands, with interest nt 0 per cent. Ter
Fons desirinp locations on homesteads
nnd timber claims ihould apply at tho
s. 0. JACKSON,
Painter Mfl Parsr - Hanger.
All work promptly anil satisfactorily ex
ecuted. CJIlcc ut H.errill s furniture store. '
rinld.aoe soi eel mate, 2 years o'd. rnd sor
rel !oit. Mare branded Hon left hip. Kin ilv
fi!'.0JiL!i!i!l,llrrJ?!'5 Hto whereabouts
Timber Land, Act June 3, WK '
IT. H. Land Office, 1 hp 1'nMcs. Oregon Mt.v
30. ltmi. -Nrui.-e Is hcrehv given that In com
pliance with the provisions of treat-lot con
aress or June H. 1s":k. entitled "An set for the
sale of timber lands In 'hesitates of rallfornia.
OreKon. Nevada and Washington lerrltnrv '
iTuLrtr!6 iubit ,itn1
t)f Tych al ley, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed In this office hfr
sworn statement Nn.lM. f .r the purehs.f h
por hwestU southwest V4, and ,,,?
northwest M of s,vlion No. 6 In townshlpNo
SwV5'. ra.niB No. ei,t. W. M and will om-r
pi.mft show thai the land son.'ht-ls mora
valnahle for lu timber or alone tFisi. for Vur I
to said land Wore the Keplslersnd lleoelver
of thisomoc at The Palles, Oregon, on hatu7
day. the M day of Atiftiuit, inoi.
of"i,?io';,0?;o,ya 'nd
Any and all persons claiming adversely trm
ahoveKl,-r.twi ,.llidlt Hr r.neste5l f,
their Calms In this offico gn or before
' day of August, 1001. ueiuie sHia
ni3l2 JAY V. I .TAX I'eglster.
n Farm for Sale.
N.TIl' m1!rs M River:
IS SO, plow IhqJ; .pptv f.f -el.,.