I $3od Iftver Slacier FRIDAY, JULY , 1901. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Coe' peanut.. Uriah Heep cigars. Firecrackers ot Coes'. Ice at Cole & Graliam'a. Buy your lime at Sherrill's. Give Coes' firecrackers a trial. Jolls' ice cream it Coes' stand tlie 4th We have some bargains in groceries at. Band's. Shirt waists, full line, at Bone & Mc Donald's. Best grade firecrackers at Bono & Mc Donalds. You can't resist the sweetness of Coes' confections. . Remmnbar Coes' will serve Jolls' ice cream the 4th. , For Pale Two show cases. Inquire of F. E. Jackson. If you buy Are works get the best at Bone & McDonald's. Celebrate the 4th with Coes' fireworks and be up to date. A lot of white can rubbers, 5 cents a dozen at Savage's. ' For sky rockets and roman candles go to Bone & McDonald's. Always In stock. Best grade of lin seed oil' at Sherill's. Just received, a new stock of mat treBsest Sherrill's. See the kitchen treasure and cupboard combined at Sherrill's. Doo't forget the bed bug proof iron bed steads at Sherrill's. Those iron beds at Sherrill's are hard to beat for the money. T. 0. Dallas is agent for the Buckeye mower, the best mower on earth. Somethi.ig new at Sherrill's--a new kitchen cupboard and Bafe combined. A lady's horse, a good buggy and a 12 harness at $125 for sale by Dr. .C.Brooius When you buy get a Selz shoe; they will make your iuetglad. For sale at Rand's. When vou want a good smoke, buy the "Uriah Heep" cigar. For sale by all dealers. Bone & McDonald are agents for Os born farm machinery, reapers, mowers, rakes, etc. Now is the time to take pleasure In hammocks. Sherrill's is the place to get them. Note the Price. Stone jars, stone efctirna, bean crocks at 15c per gallon, at J. E. Band's. We have plenty of money to loan on first claps real estate for long term. Pra ticr & Barnes. . Jolls of Portland makes an ice reaoithatis a standard of excellence Coes' will serve it on the 4th at both the stand and the store. Chas. Riggs, the jeweler, has removed to Hanna & Hartley's grocery store, op posite the Glacier office. We are closing out our stock of Planet Jr goods. Get some of them before they are ail gone, at Rand's. Sherrill's is the place to buy your sash and doors. Call and get his prices be fore buying elsewhere. Bed bugs are holding indignation meetings all over the valley, all on ac count of Barituess' iron bed steads. How dear to our heart is Cash on subscription, When the genorons subscriber Presents 11 to view; But the man who don't pay We refr.iln from description, For, perhaps, gentle reader, That man might be you. Reserved seats at Booth's. Hiss Cora Copple is attending business eollege in Fortlauu. Miss Bessie Wrieht is visiting her mother in Portland. Perry McCrory and family returned from Montana last week. Root. Leasure of Mt. Hood was in town Tuesday, on his way to The Dalles Earl E. VanAntwerp, representing the Oregonian, was in Hood River last week. Mrs. Fred "Howe and Miss Blanche Howe are taking instructions at the Standard Dress-cutting school. G. R. Castner last week received word of the death of his father. George R Castner, sr., who died in Michigan.June 25, 1901, aged 83 years. , Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Eliot and son Tom we ud from Portland to spend the sum merat Shuehulah, their country home on the banks of Hood river. George Baker, found guilty in the V. S. court of selling Whisky to Indians in Hood Kiver, was sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and serve CO days in Wasco Mrs. W. H. Bishop and son Perren are visiting in Hood River, Mr. Bishop, who is government .clerk at warm Springs, will take his vacation July 15th and come to Hood River. G. R. Castner is buildine an addition 16x28. to his dwelline house. He will also build an apple house to care for his big crop. Mr. Schanno says Mr. Cast ner has the best Yellow Newtowa apples He has seen. H. J. Hibbard brought to town, last Saturday, a red apple of the season of iw and asked a good many apple snarps to name it, but no one coula guess the name, it proved to be a Bailey bweet, aiau apple, and kept in perfect con dition. ' Persons enrolling their names at the Standard Dress-cutting School before July 15th will receive the instructions and comDlete svstem at a reduced Drice The school is at present located in the goy property, Sixth ana Oat streets w)ates, manager. C. A. Hickle, whose place is up on the uuuuuun, near uavenpon s mine, now in the midst of his strawberry bar vest. The three davs of cold rain, he ss, blighted much' of his crop. The Glacier is indebted to him for two boxes ot handsome berries. . W. W. Ferrier, editor of the Pacific at San Francisco, preached at the Congre gational church Sunday morning and at the U. B. in the evening. The Pacific M the second oldest paper of continuous publication on the Pacific coast, being passed only by the Oreeonian. The state encampment of the G. A. R and W. R. C. at Forest Grove, last week a well attended and a most enjoyable time was had bv the old" soldiers and "e representatives of the Relief Corps. Upt. Joseph A. Sladen, a very worthy nirade, was elected department com gander of the G. A. R. and Mrs. Win walloway of Orezon Citv president of e w. R. c. Astoria was selected for . encampment. . To Cloud CaD Ian on an automobile tt a means of locomotion not thought of few years ago, though Wednesday ttorping such a trip was accomplished By F Y. J ndd of Boston, with a triple, linder, 12-horse gas power machine, eighing 1800 pound?, and constructed r heavy mountain roads. Mr. J odd is President of the Pendleton woolen mMIs, i although a resident of Boston, pends most of his summers in Oregon fta fflukts asaual trips to Mt, Hood, Last Friday Mi d vaiicuuuit owd a must HucoKfnl t. at Mobier, with expr. ,J n.1uui merit. The whole neiL'lihorlifwt ni out to enjoy the day. It is safe to sav ium me expectation of every one was fully realized. A basket dinner was served on the ground alter which all re tired to the house where for two hour they listened with much pleasure to our future Webslers and Fl aales, every pupil taking part acquitting himself or herself in the most creditable manner. The room was tastfniiinW. rated with flags, flowers and blackboard rawings which evinced mnh ukill the part of the teacher. It is only jus tice to say that the entire work has re fleeted the greatest credit nmn Mi Davenport wlio leaves next Thursday to attend the Portland burino colio.,.. Chronicle. The Glacier is in receiut of n' nnat.lv printed brochure, entitled "Health and Pleasure," and issued bv the general passenger department of the O. R. & N. company. The pamphlet describes the notable summer resorts of the Pacific Northwest, and is the product.of the or iginally vigorous and pleasing pen of P. Uonan. Persons contemplating an out- ng this summer should have a eonv of this souvenir, which may be nrocnrerl free from any O. R. & N. airent. or for two-cent stamp from A. L. Craiir. sen. eral passenger agent, Portland, Or. J. T Bnelev has resigned his nnsitinn as O. R. & N. agent for Hood River, and has gone into partnershio with J. J. Luckey in the livery business. Mr. Baelev. dtirinc the twn vpnra ha I, as been depot agent here, has shown him self an obliging and capable railway employe, and the patrons of the railroad regret to see him go. His thorough business qualifications will assure him success in connection with the enterpris- ng uvery nrm oi L,ucney & cagley Prof. J. T. Neff was one of the exam iners appointed by Congressman M. A. Moody to conduct the competitive ex amination at Portland last week for the ppointment to a naval cadetship at An napolis. The other examiners were Prof. R. 8. Johnston of the Portland cademy, and Principal J. A. Churchill of the Baker Citv high school. There were eleven candidates for the examina tion. Ernest Durr of Baker Citv ranked first, with Huuh Belliniter of Woodstock as alternate. Rev. W. W Ferrier of San Francisco spent Saturday and Sunday in Hood Kiver, the guest of Dr. and Mrs. M. F. Shaw. Rev. Ferrier is a graduate of Otterbein University, class of 78, of Westerville, Ohio, and is an old college acquaintance of S. E. Bartmess, who graduated from the same college the year following. Rev. Ferrier is now ed itor of the Pacific, at San Francisco, the official paper of the Congregational church for the Pacific coast. T. Bishop, John Wilson and C. L. Copple, the board of directors of Bar rett school di8tnct,N.o. 4,met last Iriday night and decided upon Mifs Loraine Bridges for principal of the school in that district. Miss Bridges is recently from Lewiston, Idaho, where she taught last year in the high school of that city. At a former meeting of the board Miss Cora Copple was secured to teach the primary department. The steamer Bailey Gatzert, on the Fourth, will make no way lauding be tween The Dalles and Portland. This is done in order to give the passengers an opportunity to reach Portland in time lor the fireworks that evening, Feople wishing to make the trip from Hood Ri"r can board the boat on her way to The Dalles, and will be charged fare be tween Hood River and Portland only. C. D. Moore was over from White Salmon Monday. Mr. Moore reports that the tomato crop at White Salmon will be a good one, and that he will have something over 200 tons, while his neighbor, S. C. Zeigler, will have nearly as many. The tomatoes are marketed in Portland, and net the growers aoout $800 per acre, which is even better than strawberries can do. W. A. Foley arrived from Crook county on Monday. He recently sold his ranch and sheep in Crook county, and after visiting relatives in Hood River for a while will co to the eastern part of the state to look out for a new lo cation in the sheep business where set tlers are fewer and further between than they have become in the country he left. R. Kirbvson shipped 168 crates of strawberries from his Frankton patches this year. All the wort oi picaing arm packing was done by himself and family of wife and four children, which is a good record, and effected a considerable saving in the expense account. iur. Kirbyson will have a good crop of black berries, and ins vegetaDie garuen is uo ing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Butler, accom panied by Mrs. Butler's parents, Mr. mid Mrs. William Leamerof Lecompton, Kans., left yesterday for Seattle, where they will take steamer for a three weeks trip to- Alaska, visiting Fort Wrangle, Juno. Skaaway and other points. This is nne ot the most aeimnuui summer trips in the world. K. F. Kennedy of Portland, assistant erand master ot the united Artisans, c . .... . t m 1 .. ,1 n,:n arrived in Hood Kiver iuesuay, aim wm runinhi i pnnnle of weeks in the interest of the oreanization. Mr. Kennedy has huon sM-nrfirl to ifive a couple of humor ous selections for our celebration here on the Fourth. t Tt Rnwrl has been triven the con trart to furnish the 200,01X1 bricks for tha new tno-storv building to be erected by John Uuen ot unenans, on mc yiup- erty he recently purcnaseu oi xruo.uo orM Varlxr MT. tfOVa Will UUfU Hie aiivt ... brick in his kiln at tseimoni. , ukes this method of re . . . . t : L I lw. turning thanks to me dbujuuuib worked with him in trying to save his .Urt from the flames on Monday, p.v.y . v.; . ,ooXa fhot uhan 111 H III 1 1 1 UI1I1ICU 1 w !. sArvice thev rendered on this occa sion can never "be repaid. t i rt.ontnrff brother of Mrs. J. J. jl.il.viv..i ... . Wtan Arrived here from tauionua .-. . ... T..l.,o I..,, rc.v nun ia visiunu me Mr. Oreudorff served in the Philippines in the First Washington regii.ienu t--,iai. 'VinkBlsen received .a limited number of copies of the Hood River charter from the secretary-of state's office and is giving them out to those asking for tnem. The new officials at the depot bp- . j 4-1. a rociirnation OI J. ! Pagley, are: J. E. Wilhelm. .wnt; C D. Atterberry, operator, and W. R. W id iuht orjerator. The Hood River Springwater Co . is We crivinff 200a service no- oTwSirriglasandgardens within the city. Rev. H. C. .Shaffer and w, re urned Tuesday from the U. d. comeicu, has been reap- fu.::i River charge for pointed 10 iuo "taTerisenber. ?turned TuT from Puget Sound, where he ha. been since last April, ne g shortly for the harvest fields cf Eastern Ellis ara ineir - oand flat snt three days in camp at Sandy nat ta :tk.-,. tw09 h ve a new s'gn for H.nl th - of Jim Hunt, their effice, the painter. war Harry Bailey, who has faithfully per formed the duties of mail carrier for the past year on the free-delivery route in Hood River, has resigned the position and will retire to his farm. Marshall Isenlerg, who takes Mr. Bailey's place, has been making the trip for the past few days. Mrs. B. Warren returned, last week, from a trip to Puget sound, where Bhe spent a month visiting relatives. She found ourokl neighbor. S. B. Crockett, in poor health. He had a fall a year ago from a ladder and received injuries from which he never recovered. R. Kirbyson, Sam Koplin, Jas.Gordon and Wm. M. Stewart went to Sand) Flat lftnt week and spent three days fish ing. They had poor luck j too' much snow water yet for fishing in Hood river. Miss Marjorie Baker left on the de layed passenger Tuesday afternoon for Portland and will spend the Fourth with friends in the city. Assessor Rankin of Klickitat county was in Hood River Monday. His wife is still quite sick and under the doctor's care. Attorney N. Sinnott of The Dalles was in Hood River, Monday, and attended the council meeting Monday evening. S. B. Hess and wife of Mt. Hood went to Portland Tuesday, where they will spend the Fourth. The Glacier force thanks W. J. Baker for a sample of choice Royal Anne cherries. Mrs. E. W. Rowe and children of Portland came up Saturday on a visit to relatives. The steamboats all land at the low water landing above town. Death of Captain Davidson. Captain Payton S. Davidson, general manager of the Lost Lake Lumber com pany, dropped dead from heart failure at his home early Saturday morning. As Captain Davidson was in his usual vigorous health and had passed a rest ful night, his death came as a shock to his family. He had risen from his bed and walked across the room when he fell dead without uttering a sound. The funeral services were held at the family residence Sunday evening, and the body was taken aboard the 8 :27 train for in terment at LaCrosse, Wis. Captain Davidson came to Hood River in March, 1899,and located here one of the largest lumbering concerns in the state, of which firm, the Lost Lake Lumber company, he was general manager and treasurer. Captain Davidson was a man who paid close attention to business all his life, possessed a sterling character, and the loss of his influence as an enter prising business man and citizen will be heavily felt by the community. Captain Payton 8 Davidson was born September 16, 1827, in South Point, Lawrence county, Ohio. He entered the steamboat business on the Ohio at an early age, and in the 50's was prom inently connected with one of the larg est through passenger and freight steam- boat lines ever operated between New Orleans and St. Paul. In 1862 he re moved to LaCrosse, Wis., where he was interested in an extensive lumber busi ness until he came to Oregon three years ago. Captain Davidson was twice married. His first wite, by whom he was the father of nine children, was Miss Ada E. Johnston of South Point, Ohio, who died in 1887. In the fall of 1893 he married Miss Newton of Gallo- pio, Ohio. Three of his children died in nfancy, and the remaining six, all ot whom are residents of Hood River, are William f.; Payton S., jr.; Arthur.). Frank L. ; Louis N., and Barton G Payton S. Davidson, jr., is secretary of the Lost Lake Lumber company. Tucker's Mill Burned. The sawmill of B. R. Tucker, five miles southeast of town, burned to the cround Monday afternoon. At the noon hour, while the mill hands were at din ner, fire from a burning sawdust pile was accelerated by the high wind at the time and communicated itself to the main buildine of the mill. The flames were bevond control when discovered and the surrounding bunk houses and lumber piles were consumed in a tew hours. By hard work the county bridge at this point was saved, though consid erable damage was done to the east end approach. One hundred thousand feet of new lumber, besides seasoned lumber in the sheds, was consumed. JJy the loss of this mill, five or six men, with families, are thrown out of employment The total loss will foot up to about $4,000 with no insurance, this is the third fire Mr. Tucker has had to contend with on this place. First his dwelling house was burned: six years ago nis oox iac torv and store were consumed witn heavv loss. The burnine of the mill produced such intense heat as to draw pitch blisters on the rustic of his dwelling house, and it is a great wonder the building was not nVstrnved. The barn near at hand ...j caught nre in the nay a numoer oi times but was saved by the vigilance of the mill hands and neighbors. About 'lh raeh tree" near the mill were killed The high wind at the time fanned the fire to such an intensity that burning cinders were carried over Slingerland's hrn on the toD of the hill, and numer ous fires started among the dead logs on the h side. The nre made a ciean sweep of everything, melting all the chains and castings, and leaving nothing intact but the steel shaita. Council Proceeding's. The common council met in the coun cil chambers Monday evening, Mayor Brosius presiding. Present Bell, Blow- ora T.nr-kev and McDonald The petitions oi Alien Morrison onu Fouts & Son for saloon licenses were oirain nresented. together with bonds and treasurer's receipts showing that tiHi had been put up by each saloon firm for license for one year from June 18th. The petitions, including names of signers were read. The petition of Allen & Morrison contained 77 names ; that of Fouts & Son 82. A remonstrance con toininir 94 names was read. About half a dozen names appeared on both the pe titions and the remonstrance. The mayor ruled that the petitions could not be considered for the reason that petitioners had not complied with (ho nrnv-lHiona of the new charter and ordinance 21. The aldermen were of opinion that ordinance 25, which allows liquor licenses to issue upon application on nptitioners. without publication, Q oHil in force. A motion that the petitions be considered notwithstanding the runng oi mo umjvi -i-'-- ThA mavor declined, witnoui nrsi con suiting legal authority, to. put a motion hot h txstitions be granted in conform i iiith the treasurer' receipts. After a short recess, the motion, that the pe Vu urantpA in conformity with the treasurer's receipts, was put and carried unanimously. The finance committee reported the treasury short $10 on account of cow .,AA lout vfsr. The discrcpancv lies be- tirn the treasurer ana Bnaitni, and r.A marshal a Art notified to prodiice eiDt for the $10 or be charged with amniint. The prenent qnarters for council cham u... . wrm-Hd bv the finance com- ,;ttP at a monthly rental ot $5, the ai -M,nA .r.fifir!t rait': i ro?2-f that sum. .. . -- caik(1 ttenua to the mat-1 TO CELEBRATE The Fcwrth 1b proper style you will need to see ufl about those Humanic, good as gold, (4 Shoes. Men's fine Velour . calf shoes, $3.75 and $3. Men's fine Box calf shoes at 2.50. Probably you will dance, we hav the pumps, fl.60 and $1.75. Julia Marlow shoes for Ladies. We carry the $3.50 grade only. Fine Vici Kid, straight or circular vamp, light or heavy soles, at $3.25, $3, $2.5, $2.60. $2.25 and $1.75. You can't duplicate them at the prices. All money savers. Well selected line of children's shoes, and no one is willing to di vide the profits with their customers as we do. Gloves You must see our gloves before the Fourth. If you see them you will buy them sooner or later. You can't help it. You will remem ber how fine, soft and strong they are, and the price you can't for get $1, and if you buy once you will not be willing to pay $1.50 any where for gloves that are not as good. F. 0. Corsets That's about all the room we have to talk corsets, but when we say F. C. that's saying a good deal, because it means a good deal. Many of our customers are finding out it means the most for the money, and absolute satisfaction. 50c and $1. Firecrackers Yes, all kinds of fi ration for the boys candles, rockets, flags, buuting, etc. cheaper than anybody. THE PEOPLES STORE. Bay a Bike and got into the Purade. Store THIRTIETH SATURDAY SURPRISE SALE. NEW SUMMER DRESS GOOD S Dimities in pretty, attractive patterns 10, 2 : and 15c values for before its gone. Ladies' Fancy Cadet Blue Polka Dot Hose. Si Ik Mits. black and tan Fancy Gilt Brooches, stone settings Pompadour Combs, Large size, stone Sash clasps, something new Corded silk pulley belts, with spikes Japanese tooth picks, fancy boxes NEW LINE of Lace and Embroidery allovers just received. If you wear Corsets the K. & U. will suit you THE LITTLE STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES. CLOUD CONFECTIONERY. None but the finest grades of Confections kept. Home-make Tafy, Ice Cream and Fruits. Ice-cream Sodas served from the finest np-tc-date fountain in town. Agent for The Dalles Laundry. Special rates for family washing. ERNEST V. JENSEN. REMOVAL. Having removed to the new store building one door west of old lo cation, I would respectfully invito old friends and new customers everybody to give us a call when needing goods in our line. We do not handle everything but will enlarge along the lines of B90ls. Magazines, Statioaeiy aiifl lisflrei Gooils, As the demand may warrant, and shall endeavor to merit a share of your patronage. Respectfully yours, . E. R. BRADLEY. Job Printing a Specialty. ter of special police for the 4th. The mayor was authorized to appoint as many special policemen as he may deem necessary for the 4th, at $2 a day. Marshal reported he found nre buck ets, as follows : At Bone A McDonald's, 11 ; at Prather's, 10; at Dallas', VI; at the jail, 1. Keport ot recorder lor second quarter was read and filed. Claims were allowed as follows: Oh Mv Kee, $1.85; recorder, $20.45. The judiciary committee was instruct ed to report, within CO days, an ordi nance fixing bonds and salaries ot re corder and treasurer. The recorder was instructed to ascer tain how much the treasurer bad over drawn in compensation during the past year and report at next meeting. uraiimnce regulating biwu"iib ami re pealing ordinance 21 was read first time and laid over. Ordinance vacating part of Columbia street was laid over till next regular meeting. Adjourned New Gyinnasjum Hall. Following Is the program for the entertain ment to be given . In the new gymnasium building on Tuesday, 9th inht., commencing at 8 p. m.: Orchestra "Overture Standard" Ramond Duet "When Ufe Is BrlKhtir..Clro fluentl Karl and Melira Burtmen Solo Irish Bon? Lang Mitw jetwie ticcoimeu Duet "Kew Life" Geibel Mr. MUlT and Mm. Peaver Male Quartet" Annie Laurie" D. Buck Messrs. Chirke, Hurt menu, Entrlcan and Wentworth Solo" Fou r-f af Clover' ((.'oinb)...Mr. Miller nolo Selected Mrs. Hhllloek OrrhtKlra '-Bnt a I'renrn" (serenade) Mooh Solo "The Bwertent Flower" ...Vanderntuken Mls A. Urn It h Piano trio raiee of the Darnonen Tanz" , Kdward Hoist Mrs. Huxlev, Mitw Lutieand Ethel fcutrlcan Solo. "A Dream," by Bartlelt Mrs. Deaver Violin duet Selected Messra. Ullbert and Wentworth. Solo, selected Mrs. Hhllloek Orchestra, "Gavotte, Golden Reward" Hnowbarger AdmiaaioD AdulU, 25c: children under 12, 15c Born. At The Dalle Hospital. Sunday. Jane SO. inoi, to Mr. and Mrs. V. If. Bradford, Jr., of Hood Kiver, a aaugnter. Tills Is the nrst child born to Mr. and Mr. Bradford after a married life of t years. Mother and child were doing nicely at Uutt account. Married. In Hood River, at the Onereiratlonal pan sonaee, July 8, l'Ol, T. H. Frohm and Ml Ida M. Aicseiwr); ttev. t u. nemnner ociciauug. ( hnrcii Smiee. Valley Christian Church-Sunday school at in a.m. l. r. a. u. at 7:.iu. Congregation! Church. The regular quar terly eonimusi'ia service will t ine yen in cniiM-i ou with tlte aervlce oi wulilp and ureactilnif at l( a. in. A1m, toe ordinance of baplixro will be adminmtered U children. Hnmlay school at 10 a. m with Prof. K. B. Bwnea. superintendent, v. K. service at ": 8 p. m., witn J. H. Bo-itli, prexlili-at. A cordial tnvi'at'og Uet.oJed to alLlo attend llutae M-tvic-. rjni'ed Brethren fhnr?h Sunday acbor.l at to a. tai. HwicWns at U a. m. ai.d K p. m. t B. .Bi i Prayer iwrvie" Wvioesday rea- IfcTe - ws. 10 and 12c per yard. Get yours .per pair 20c per pair Zoe , each 25c settings . . . . each 25c each 25c each 60c per box lc exactly. CAP INN . Bids Wanted. Bid for the erection of a school house at Nh-olnl, in District No. 2, will be received by the board of directors up to July 15, MM. Finns and spec-mention may be seen at the residence of M. 11. N eke rail the district clerk. The board reserves the right to reject nnv and all hlrifl. Bv order of the Board of Directors of District No. 2. Stockholders' Meeting. Stockholder of the East Fork Irrigating Co. take notice, that there will be a special meet liiff livid In Rone Bros.' ofne In Hood Kiver. at 10 o'clock Saturday, I nne 2U, 1001, for the purpose of electing a airec'or. Je? C. It. BONE, Secretary. Town Lots for Sale. Apply to J. F. WATT, Sec'y iiood River Towncite Co. EUREKA MEAT MARKET. McGuire Bros. DEALERS tN Fresh and Cured Meats, Lard. Poultry. Fruits and Vegetables. Free Delivery. fhone 3& Peanut Boaster. We have a neannt itnastcr of latest patera and can supply our customer with the best quality Sample nality or peanuts, iresn tohsuju every uu ample them. COLE&U11A1U Steamer Iralda Of tha Itcc-nlntor Line leave Cascade fxck rtii v. em-en! Kundav. nin a.m. Laves noon Kiver at 8:10 a. m. Arrive at The Dalle at lO-.m. Returning, leave The Dulles at 2 p. m arrive at Hood River at i. W. C. ALUiWAY, General Agent. Timber Land, AH June , 1OTH.1 NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. tTnlted State Land Offlce.Vanconver.Wash June 18. lwil. Notice 1 hereby aiven tuat In compliance with the provision of the act of Minorca or J line 8, 1" , enunea ' n bci tor the sale ol timber land In tlie states of t'al fornla, Oregon, Nevada and Wunhtnglon Ter ritory," a extended to all tlie public I an (J suite oy ncv oi nuuin-i , ii;-, ANTONK NKLHON. of The Dalle, county of Waco. tat of llrpvnn. hm lh lii dav filed In till otfl- til sworn statement No. 2211. for the purchase of tharooth aouinwest i, ana sontn vjsouin mt.i.. of section No. 8. In township No. north, ranee No. 11 east, W. M..ami will offer pnxiftosliow that the land sought I more valuame lor It iimDeror ione man n,r asri cultural rjuriioxes. and to establish hi claim to Hld land before the keglster and Uecelver oPtliisofflc at Vancouver, Wash., on Tliur- aav, the imn aay oi wpn-mwr, r"i. lie names as wltnesi: Harry W. Selllmrer, Robert K. IJoMJeorgeB.Sellinitcr and August J. Wagner, all of Trout Lake, Wash. Any and all persooi claiming adversely the above-described land are requested to (lie theirclaims In this office oo or before said Itflhrim of September, 1K)1. Jc-atO W. It. DUNBAR, Register. NOTICE To Water Consumers Th.mlMi( ihx vnmnanr will be stricti rn'.inwMt aftr this date. All ho are delin quent after the Knh day of the month will tm charged the full rrlc vi: tl.W per month; the extra 2Sc gum- to the collector, who will shut odT water at the main from residence whera iMvment 1 not iiroinmlv ruaiie. and will not be turned on as-a'n nniit all arrea m in milil. Hertnninit July 14 next, n water rent will be churned to owners of rent ed buil'timrs Instead of to the m-cupanu UwD'HlV'fcU HJ'RJNUWATttt 00. Fireworks We have a full stock of Best Grade of Fire crackers in all Sizes; Torpedoes, Roman condles, Hobson batteries, Sampson batteries, Sky Rockets, Dewey bombs, etc., etc. If you are going to celebrate get the best from Bone 51? 'Mt 'At yLc::. - ; rnnncfT ailLb THEY goodvear Welt WITH INVIII 9: Cor Sul Manufactured v. ,v aV' 1 fj Llisincsota Shoo Go st.Vaui.. kinn. FOR SALE BY bone & Mcdonald. Sh Large assortment of Hammocks. Lock at them. 75c and up. Iron Beds, latest designs and lowest prices. PAIXT8 AND OILS. Tlie best la the cheapest. I have them. BUILDING MATERIAL, including ilfiTirTnTrrn Tlnnnn Ifftlrliiirr! I lUUllUllol At Tortland prices, A large assortment of WALL PAPER in new shades and designs. Undertaking and Embalming. Get prices on anything in ibe Furniture line of me beforo going else where. At my old stand on Oak street. W. E. SHERRILL. For SPRAYING MATERIAL Call on Clarke. For PURE FRESH DRUGS, Call on Clarko. For all kinds of PATENT MEDICINES, Call on Clarko. For WALL PAPER, For ANYTHING The Glacier HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Prescriptions a Specialty. XS Agent for tho SHERWIN-WILLIAMS -FURNITURE- till 0 jnTir 1,1 " "" ' " 1 11 '"' FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. I I.an(J Ofnoe at Vancouver, Wnsl-., Juno H, 10OI. Not is hereby Klvcn thut tho tullciw- nif-nnnicil set tler lias tl leu notice or til in tention to make html proof In support or hisclnlin, niul tlmt suld prmir will be made before the Hvalstur ond Kecelver U. H. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., on Suturduy, August 10, 1(K)1, VlU! JOHN UNO EH. OfLvle. Wash., It. K. No. WM, for the NW M of HE '4, H y., ofBW '4 ami riV of N W of sec. m, Tp. t nonn, ranK n east, win. ir. He niiine tlio rollowinK witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and cuitivu tlon of Hiild land, viz: O-cur H. fursons, haaar A. Hopper, iiusuen Trahue and Kusscll ii. Hwuiu, all of Lyle O., Washington. Jc28au2 W. R. PUNBAR, Register. Timber l-and, Act Junes, 18TR. NOITCK FOR rUlSLICA'l'ION. tlnllcd Slates Uinrt Ofliee.VHncouver.Wash., .Tiiiu all. IK1. Notice 1 hereby alven that In com pllnnie with the provision of tlioact of conitres or June , 1M B, entnico "An act ior lie sale or timber land in me state ot ( in- Ifornia, Orcf on, Nevada and Washington ler r I lory," as extended to all the public land states by act of Aii"ii 4, W2, ARrHifito.ri;nusQ, Of The Dalle, county of Womti, late of Ore gon, hn this day tiled in this office hi woni siatement. No. 22tt, for the purchase of the south ', southeast , outncat south weit 4 section , anu souinwesi. a iuuiwuui section No. 10, In township No. H north, ranve No V east. W. M.. and will oiler proof to show that the hind sought I more valuable for It timber orsloue than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his cliilm to suld lund before the ltlster and Receiver of this otllce at V apcouver, Wcl on 1 hursday, the Ulli aay of KepUiiiber, He names as wllne: Frank O. Connelly of The Dulles. Or.-. Thomas W. lusk and Huiih l.nsK or i iieriowitn, h an.: anu iiia. j.niuu- llnKOtThe lulles, Or. fltARLFJH J. BTtrniJNO. Of The Dalles, county of Wasco, tte of Ore- son, ba I lii day (lied In thl ottli-e lil swora suitemer.t, no, ior ine purcnase oi ino n-rth northeast section . and north V, northwest of section Mi tu, in lownxmp ro. i north, raiue No. H eat, W. M., and will oiler proof to show that the land souk lit I more valuable for It timber or sloii' than for aicrl cullural piirpoxe. an I U esUiblltii hi claim to ld land efore the Register and Receiver of this otllce at Vancouver. Wash., on Thur Uhv, the tilth day of Hcptrmber. liOI. lie nnmesas wltnnwe : Krank O. Connelly of The Uaile', Thomas W. Luxk and Hugh Lnlt of Cmmowito, Wh.: and Arthur C. wiub Inar of The Imllea, or. Any and all person claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claim In this office on or before aid titlh dav of KepUsniher. hil. Jevt J W, K, I if S BAB, Register, Fresh Cow. A eeotle family cow, freb. for sale tr H. M. ABBorf, Ou to X. U. Coon pluvo- and Flags IcDonal " a LATEST shoe for WOMEN. ft -Th CTfl cimrninn PU UUALIII FIT THE FEET S'Ku Equal to any $3 Shoo on the Market If roardtaWr dni noi kr thum. Inlfi on lt'm ft(lifT (tiir forjrii. Wocwty lJjiaawekifiaCtottiiu-vilt'. ill W MSB. TOTISIP gun xuu ixuuujj-j.ujiuiikixxui.il Call on Clarke. THE DRUG LINE, Call on Clarke. IN Pharmacy PAINTS. The youiijr nmn loves the young woman; t-i. V. i.;u i.i.unnDfl JIIUVBOID uuruiioD. The young woman loves the young .man:; That's her business. Tha voung man and young woman get married; That's tlie preacher's business. They will need furniture, carpets, wall patur rnd building material; Ihttt s my business. ITImber Land, Act June 3, 1H7S.) NOTICE Oii rUBLICAiTOIS. United Btalo Lund Office, . Vancouver, Wash,, Mav 21, 1(101. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 1H 8, entitled "Anact for the hule of timber lands in the stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory, asextentieu louu me puuuc iuiiu lute by act of August 4. Mi, OLIVER I'. Kit Kill, of Fulda, county of Klickitat, state of Wash Itigton.liasllilailny tiled In Hum. (lice hlsswui n sltttemeiit No. 'iAli for tlie purchase of the lot I of section No, 2. and lot i, H and 4 of section No. t. In township No. 5 north, range No. 11 east, W, M., and will oiler proof to show thut the land sought I more valuable for Its timber or tone limn for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi claim to suld land before the Register and Receiver of thl office at Vancouver. Wash., on Tuesday, the 27tli day of August, 1W)1. He names as wllnesse: Halsey D.Cole,John Wycrs. Bunlarnlu V. Onell and aamuel M. Colo, all of Ktildu, WoHhlngion. Any and all persons c)iiiiing adversely tho above-described lands are requested to file tlieir claims In thl citllcu on or before said 27th day of AugtiKl, 1!01. inShi-i W. R. DUNBAR, Register. " fTimher Land; Act June 3, lWH. NOTICE FOll 1'UliLlCATION. United State Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., May itfi, IWll. Notice i hereby given tiiatln compliance with tlie provision of tho act of congress of June , IS 8, entiiled "An uel for the aie of limber lands In the Mtatcs of t'ulllorniu, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory, as extended to all the public land stale by act of August 4, 1W, MollDlCAI JUKI'S, Of Husum, county of K lickilai, state of Wash-. Ington, hiut tbi day tiled in this oftlce hi woru statement. No. 2214, for the uiclu.be of the outheast quarter of section No, K5, in township No. north, rauge No, II east, W.M.. and will otl'er proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish hi claim to said land before the Register and Reeetvr of this office at Van couver, Wash., ou Friday, the lutU day of August. lvOI. ... . ,. He name 0 Wlineshe: joniman u. mump, a a Leonard Htunip, and Jtoule Hiump, r nmn, usu., anu Uenllian Jonea Husum, xwash. ' UWESUJAS JONKS, Of ff iisum, county of Klickitat, slate of Wash ington, ha this day tiled In this .ftic hi uoru statement. No. for the puichuse of the mninwest quarter of sei-ticn No. S3, iu township No. north, r.'.r;e No. 11 east, W ,M., and w,l! oiler pioof lo show that the ihud sought I more valuable for its timber or Mens than fur agrlcullurul puro, and Me tib lish hiselalm to suld lund lo-toie the Retit .cr and Kt-eelver of tin olllce at Viiuii tl er, Wusli., on Friday . tisu ICth uay of A uguat tujl. lie name a witnesses: Jonithuu L. btump, looard Slump and Jennie Kuiiiip, ail of V nldn, Wash., and ilordical Joaes ot llasum, Wali. Any and all person claiming adversely tha bove-de'ribe(l land are request! to flio their eli ims la tbi otlica Ouor beftiusiaus.. bJUi day ol August, Ii01. , Jt7 W. U DCSBAE, EWtcr. of