o food River Slacier J FRID VY, JUNE 2i, 1901. BRIEF LOCAL MATTEIW. Lemons at Cce Uriah Keep cigars.. '0) Firecrackers at Coei'. Ice lit Cola fc Graham's. Buy your lime at Sherrill's. Give Coos' tlrecrackers a trial. Lemons 20c per do. ; Blowers A 6on. Up to date crockery at Coe St, Son's. JoHa' ice cream at CW stand the 4th . We have some bargains in groccricsat Hand s. Remember those Aldon chocolates at Coes' Shirt waists, full line, at Bone & Donald's. Mc- Bent grade firecrackers at Bone & Me Donald's. You can't resist the sweetness of Coes' couiecuons. KiraimirOoi' will ssrvo Jol Is' ice If you biv flre w.rks git ths but at Bone &. McDonald's. Celebrate the 4th with Coes' fireworki and bo up to date. A lot of white tan rubbers, 5 cents i uoren at Savage's. Lumber at Tut ker's, and making more. Send us your orders. 7 For sky rockets and roman candles go A Ib.nn i. tnn.i.i. Always in stock, seed Oil at Sherill's Best grado of Un- Just received, a new tresses, at Sherrill's. stock of mat Don't forget the bed bug proof Iron ueu sieaus ai Mierriu a, ThoHe iron beds at Sherrill's are hard to beat for the money. anted. Ladies to call and see the new crockery at Coes' T. C. Dallas is agent for the Buckeye mower, me oest mower on earth A lady's horse, a good buggy and a 1 12 harneas at f 125 for sale by Dr.r .C.Brosiu When you buy get a Sels shoe; thev wtll make your feet glad. For sale at Rand s. When ron want a good smoke, buy the "Uriah Hcep" cigar. For sale by all dealers. Bonedc McDonald are aecnta for Os born farm machinery, reapers, mowers, rates, etc. -Now is the time to take pleasure in liam mocks. Slierrill s is the place to get them..-, ; -Note the Price. Stone iars. stone churns, bean crocks at 13c per gallon, at J. liana s. We have plenty of money to loan on first class real estate for long term. Pra ttler & Barnes. ... . . joiig ot rortiand makes an ico cream that is a standard of excellence Coes' will serve it on the 4th at both the stand and the store. Chas. Riggf, the jeweler, has removed to llanna & Hartley's grocery store, op posite t ne iiiacier omce. We are closing out our stock of Planet Jr goods. Get some of them before they are all gone, at Kami's. Sherrill's in the place to buy your sash and doors. Call and get his ' prices bo fore buying elsewhere. If you wish to sell your strawberries it will be to your interest to see Bone lirba. before parting with them. Bed bugs are holding indignation meetings all over the valley, jtlfou acr count of ISartmcss' iron bed steads. Dr'. F. C. Brosiu has removed to bis new resilience at the west end of Oak street, midway between the school house and armory, and can he found in his of fice over VtMlliama & Browns' drug store between the hours of 10-11 a. ni., 2-3 nnd (5-7 p. m. . Commissioner N. C. Evans and wife were in The Dulles Monday. ' Master Leon Oppenheimer of Portland is staying at Mrs.' Alma Howe's. Contractor L D. Boyed will furnish 100,100 brick for the new store building of John Otten. The Glacier editor is in attendance at the state) encampment of the G. A. R. at rorest Urove. Miss Alveiia Hoadley has accepted a positiou as Ktenographer in the office of i'ra trier & Uarnes. . Ed Robert of Pan Francisco arrived in Hood -River.htst Friday, oil a visit to his relatives iuOdell district. Chas. H. Gavlord. secretary of the Hotel Portland, spent Sunday with his wife at Mrs. Alma Howe's. Mrs Margaret Reid was badly hurt last Thursday. Her horse tell in going down hill and rolled over her FC.'Barnes and wife will move into their new 6-room cottage on the school house hill about the first of July. Cox Si Cook w ere the contractors on the new iou.se. N.'Tostevin . has sold his residence property in Blowers, addition to F. P. Friday, recently from Chehalis, and will remove with his family to his farm in tho country. Geo. T. Prather went to Portland Tuesday afternoon on the Bailey Gatiert to secure Hood River's pyrotechnic dis play for the Fourth. The Hood River library was recently presented with 48 volumes of the Cri . terion Library Series of histories and biographies. Geo. T. Prather was the generous donor. -- " Mr. and Mrs. E.' D. McKee and Miss Belle of Portland spent last Sunday at (he Howe lmuse on Lyman Smith ave tiuo. Mr. MeKee is clerk of the U. 8. district court at Portland. Thomas Clark, of Hood River, has In-en in Stevenson sereral days. He is looking up a location for Mrs. Clark to open a milinery.store, which will bo a branch of her store in Hood River. Pio neer. . : Noble & Eastman, the contractors for Dr. Shaw's new residence on the corner of State and Irving streets, have com pleted their work and P. F. Davidson jr. and family are moving in. The Fonrth of July. P reparajspns for jcelehjating are progressing satisfactorily. the 4th The fin anee committee have been very success ful in raising funds. The committee on ground and decoration have received (5nal instructions and are going ahead to beautify the city and to put things in order for such a celebration as Hood River has never undertaken be. fore, feopleare coming from all parts of Sherman and Wasco county as well as from the neighboring counties in Wash ington, So hiok out for a crowd. Every body i$ expected to bring baskets well prepared for a feast, and to stay till after the ficeworks and balloon ascension. The committee of arrangements will meet Fridav evening M Williams A JJrosius store. All sub-committs are requested to get their work well in hand and to make definite reports at that time. . See. Com. of Arrangements. V' J.liJ. l.nmil!e U' .li... I' ll irv.i i Hicliarilhon urrived in fmiii Um McCov creek mining district Monday noon'. The trip in'rsaid Jim, "was the tough eat kind of mountaineering. Snow drifts were eight and ten feet deep in places, -and the trail so Impassable for horses that the party had to turn the animals back when erne day out from Trout Lake, the rest of the trip being made on foot, each nun carrying a &0 pound loud ol blankets and provisions." This was a month ago, but the snow has not vet uiBupinssreu. mine at me mines, J in cleared out some 14 feet of tunneling which gives him a 1W) foot shaft. Jm thinks there is something in it. and hates to give tin after doinu so mm work, though he has no pay dirt in sigh The recital In elocution and mnsi given at the Congregational church .Monday evening, by Mrs. Louise God dard and her pupils was another eujov ble and successful affair that, was mud appreciated by the large audimice pres ent. ioia Aiteri)ury,ettie Allen, I'eurJ Bradley and Elliot Staten did very well with their piano selection. W. K Rh..r- rill and W. A. Isenberg contributed ii good form a couple of comet duets. D b. Hand appeared in his usual gxn stylo iu a vocal solo. Mrs. (ioddard whose work in elocutionary lines is every where well received, sustained a mini ber of dilficult parts remurkably well winning generous applause at each up pea ranee. L. R. Bradley, when in the Eust- lant month, nee u red a unique curio in th shape of a hand-carved cane nnulu bv i forger in the North Dakota peiiitentiarv. i"cr mo iiaiitiie in wie chub are ii woras "Avengers of the Maine," ami down the sides of the cane are carved the pictures of Admiral Dewey, Rear Admiral Sampson, Lieutenant Hobsot anu captain ivans. ine pictures Hre raised about 1-32 of an inch and the out lines filled with India ink. The wood iP hard maple, the cane is tipped with buf falo horn and altogether it makes a very unique and valuable curiosity. F. P. Friday and family of Chehalis, Wash. ,aro expected in Hood Rivr the fore part of July. Mr. Friday will have charge of the new general merchandine establishment which John Otfen.llie re cent purchaser of t he Hrnaius-Earlv property, expects to open in Hood Rivrt. Mr. Otten is a prosperous merchant of Chehalis and is evidently conlideut of success in Hood River an he is contract i ng to erect a two-story brick 60 x 80, with a plate elaxs front, the proposed structure to replace the wooden build ing now occupied by Sherrill's furniture store.' R. E. Harbison reports as follows from Hood River for the weekly crop bulletin : "Clover hay making is well advanced and a gixxl crop as being r-ecureil. Wheat will soon be ready to cut for hay. The strawberry season is nearly eloped. the apple crop will lack a good deal of W'ni a full one, as many have dropped luring the lust few weeks. H heat proin- ims an average yield. The country is becoming drv, but no more so than is common at this time of the vear. Irriga- ed crops look finu. The foundation for the Masonic tem ple, on the E. L. Smith block adjoining Crowell's store,is completed and work on the building will begin in a week or ten davs. Contractor L. D. Boved will fur nish tho necessary 1U5.000 brick, and ex pects to complete the work in about 00 lays. 1 he building will bo a two-story structure. The first floor will lie rented for store purposes, and the second will contain the lodce hall and reception rooms. George Baker was arrested on Sunday by Deputy Constable Maltie Dukes. He was caught in the act ot seliiuu whisky to an Indian. Baker resisted ar rest and was promptly knocked down b. .Maine. 1 he prisoner was taken lietort U. S. Commissioner Geo. T. Prather, oleud guilty and was held to answer be fore the grand jury. Prather Si Barnes made sale of real estate during the past week as follows: r if teen ncres trom Ihos. Chapman to G. D. Eatinger, 700. Ten acres from 1'hos Chapman to John Nealeixh, $700. Ten acres from Thos.Clmpniau to Doug las Lockman, 1701). twenty acres from J. S. Tendick to H.W. Chapman, $1,000. Capt.F. M. Jackson was seriously hurt on Monday. lie was riding from town to his home on the Cast side, when his horse fell and fell upon linn, lie was picked up insensible and remained in that state half an hour. He received a cut in the back of the head and was bruised in other parts of his body. The Bailey Gatxert is again making trips on schedule time, and is do ing a big passenger and freight business. The fast time the steamer makes is at tractive to the traveling public. The distance from Hood River and Portland is made in hours. Prather s Barnes as the Hood River agents are rustling quite a business. Monte Arnold, who had his hand se verely injured at Davenport's little mill some time ago, still has a very bad hand. So much of the flesh was burned away from the back of his hand by contact with the saw, that it is very difficult to heal over and Monte says he will have to go to Portland and undergo the graft ing process. The Hood River nine went against it pretty hard at The Dalles last Sunday when the sphere twirlers from that city rolled up a 14 to 6 score. The Hood River bovs are not done for yet and will endeavor to reverse the score on the 4th of July and secure the $50 purse put up by our townsmen. T. J. Cunning, L. D. Blount, O. L. Stranahan, and S. r. Blythe of the G. A. R.. and Mrs. O.L.tUranahan, airs, bhoe- maker and Mrs. T.J. Cunning of the W R. C, are attending the encampment of the G. A. R and W. R. C at lorest Grove. The defendants counsel in the suit of Mrs. M. Sue Adams vs. A. P. Bateham, which was to have been tried June 25th, not being here, the case has been post poned Until July 9th, at 10 a. m., when the case will be tried beore C.J. Hayes. Invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hill for a reception at their home Thursday night of this week to their daughter, Miss Laura, who re cently returned from hsr work in the Portland hign scnooi. The ladies of the Congregational church will give a lawn party at the home of Geo. T.Prather, Friday evening, June 28th. Refresh ments will consist of ices.cakes and summer beverages.and there will be music for the occasion. The public is invited to participate. The decoration committee for the 4th have decided to place the mam arch over Oak street between Crowell's store and McCartney's cigar stand, instead of putting it near the depot as at nrst intended. Harrr Bailev expects to give op his position as mail carrier for the rural de livery by the first pf July. Marshall Isenberg will take his place: ' E. B. Learning and family of Portland came up during the week and went put to their ranch in the Crapper district, next to the I.J. Miller place. ; Jack Bartmesa and his new wife were Up from Viento to see the Bloomer base ball game lasi wee. Mrs. N. M. Harrell Is visitmg her sis ter in Seattle. . 1 romom linn n inner rhiincn fur 'Slnvii liuine tniveiiiK" lii t-ii (ill. ivil limn In tin'' l.i (in nuiiif .nun nul lor J uly. ! nun U oil I'oint mi pii'iurvu ny oniricr l.iOim on thecovvr, rfnilrii may no Willi W. I.. Taylor to e "A nimy tfcMton nirwt at Hluli Noon;" next try "(oln' Kluliln' with Jo Jeirorwni" In HornU; in. i. lruvfi out w with K.rmwt feulon Thonimm to mt "The MollitT IViilaml ihe Overlain! Kouir:" next. ko iiluiifr me AiLaulic rnllHl to fl'Hl Kill lioi tilt) liu-m "V hMtur i-ounuy iiikmii look loilny; llicnvk North i ii ii iiilf mi in ntr -inn Miorv in h .Mnpii Tito.'- by W illiam !h-iiioi tlulln'M; n. x vMlan fcUKUMit imimiriBt. rtlltur'ii olflw ini't enjoy Ihe B'Kwl Mmiyiw.l raillery of'-l lie ( aw AkuuikI lim Keillor."' by Kauaril liokj ami mniny ximi"iiie ( oiinlrv nf HlurlUmi i Itltle ' liKiku ItKii iiowinlii v. ThfiH lira liiiuiv itnvr arl loirs ( roiuil IiiItcI mi vnrlin null. ji-i'i. ny tn ( iililx riilillnlilnx t'liintiHiiv rni milt ipiiiB. une Jolliir a ycur lot a copy Tin y (l..t llir IilKurr-W. J. IIukrr' tx.y one evenma IhkI iiwk Hiirliit a mnuilirc In h iihiiow (mk trr bmiiiokaniu i1iwer winirrel rh trrc tHk Hra In Ihr miitille of the iih-tit in i in) nrv uurncii up imcoitiir Mi uili-U u nunlnt the tlfr. Tlirolil lurin uuUi iluil liuiiit on inn irw hii DiirncMi nit. I liecrackllnir in tire wakail up Mr. linker In time to nave iimvitrii iy nam work. I he Inivs aot uu. too, ana way upon one of the top llini of Uu ninminolh imik they ileil Mr. Iilvaer. He xmkii'x l'erl down hy a well-illrecUU etohc in row and waa killed by the lot. H. K. Harlnii Ku wa nitn'eably nurprlMil a irw umiaao in rereive a leiier iroui a bank ms houe at hU old home il jifuvelle. Iml eoliUiluing a dnilt rorll..l. The letter stilled thai IliU umount IihiI been stiimllnx mi Ihe mink booka lo linriineix' erwllt for u nnmliei o( yeurn, anil at they were almnt lo close ill buniiirM they m nl ll In lilm. Mr. liartineM nan no rrcniieeiion or depiwltlng Ihe iiioney The Mounlnlneer nrlnla a Mm mil nf lin n July relt lirallon at "the aanlen iot of the beaiitiful Northwest. ' The inline ol no pluee Is loi ni lone.l. lint of euiirae every one will knowtliHt Hood Kivtir U meant by Ihodo- m:ripiion. The pernon who ordered one of Dr. Hlne' biNiks of Mr. Weo. I'. Crowell Is aked lo re- l-oi'l in her. Hhe hm a bisik Unit wiu ordered and haa forxolien whoonlered lu lei. Hlneiim write to Hon. E. f.. Hmlth thai the Hood Hlver apples on extilhlllon al the llull'ulo eiKilllon are kraplng belter man llev. J. W. Jenkln left, laat Thuradny frir I uriier.u lieie he Is alteuilliia the stale eon- rennun iu ine nrisiiitu cnurcn, ami will re main over Hiiuday. II. Ithtelow if Newbera. mate deputy for the Ain-kiu Order of ihe ltod t'ro. la In town arniimnu.KMirauriUe a todge. Mr. and Mm. W. O. Hadluy and two rhlld. reu visited the fniiiely of Cliai. N. Clara for few days this week. Orover Klusher of On fur arrived In flood tllver Ihe Hrst of the week for a short visit and in iis-na the 4th with hlaalater.Mra. t'lnu. N Clarke. a mi; llieiub In tliegyinu imiuiii. rrograinine next wee. Mra.Iamallle left for ("loud Can Inn Tuesday to arrange lor me opening ol the Inn on July 1SU Hon. K. t. Hmlth has been Invited In de liver the tt Ii of July oration al Mommw, Idaho. J. V. Armor rune no from HI. Marlln'i aprlnga last Krlday much Improved In health. Mra. M.C. Miller of Hcholls Is visltlnii ber aouaanu ineir lamiue in mwi iiiver. Clinrcli "i.ce Valley Christian t hureh Sunday arhool al iu a. in. i. r. n. v. K., 7::iu p. in. rreaeinna 1 1 a. in. bv Kliler Andarson. The monlhlv ouHiness iiieetinoi me k. win lie held at me church r rlilay evenlng,June in. Kplseomi I Church Hervh ea will he held in the A. o. IU W. hall on Hunday afternsn at X) hy Itev. Ijike. nasior oI'Mt. Puul'a ehuirh. 1 ne I la lies. All inembera or the r.plsropal cnureii are reiiiested to be present and a nearly Invitation la extended to all others. A special nn Kirn in me at the IT. B Kndeavor Biiuuuy irvenlng. lllancli l.une, leader. AdrerlUed letter List. June ii, 1001. Knules. Mrs W M Hlielllni. Mtsa M I'Ihim. jiMin, MraU II - Chiimpttn, John I Kirk. Win Uilinorr. II W (Iravea, Mlio l.uuck, Wm Vanderfoid. J W Wulk It Wataon, Mra J W. M. Y ATES, P. M. Must Pupil! ar Young Lady. The following is the count on the Gui tar MiUidolin voting contest at the Cloud Cap Inn confectionery: Grace Campbell W ueruia rritiner , a 10 Nellie lloxera i")S Agnea Dukes 77 Get all vour votes in this time, it's the last run of shad, as the final count will be made July 0th. A Terrible Explosion. "Of agaHoIinestoveburuedalady here frightfully,"writes N. E. Palmer.of Kirk- man, la., " the bestdoctorscouldu theal the running sore that followed, but Buck- len's Arnica Salveentirely cured her."In fallible for cuts, corns.sores, boils, hruises, skin diseases and piles.25c.atC.N.CIarkes. Fresh Cow. A gentle family vow, fresh, for sale by H. M. ABBOTT, On the T. H. Coon place. NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION, land Offlce at Vancouver, Wast-.. June 2l. 1HUI. Nollcc Is hereby al veil that tho follow- Inif-niiiiipd settler has Uled notice of his In tention to make final proof In support ol hlseliihn, nnd that said proof will be made before the Keiflster and Itecolver V. K Land Ollli'e at Vanmuver, Wash., ou Saturday, Augunt 10, Hat), viz: JOHN UXflER. Of I.yle, Wash., H. No. K2I. for the XW y. il K k, .1 i'aOl nil V4 llliu nw Yt in w H Ul V Jn..ll, I') cut U.' 1 1 1 VI ..r Hu names the follow nig wiinesses w prove his continuous reildenve upon and cu ultlva- tion or said land, viz: Oscar a. I'arsons, r.dirnr a. Hopper, iiaswen Trnhiie nml Hussell It. Hwuin, all of Lyle P. O., WashlngUin. jeaiau w. B. dukuau, negisicr. Tlmber Liuid, Act June S. I,, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Offloe.Vnneouver.Wash.. June "20. 11X11. Notice Is hereby alven that In eoinpllanie with the provisions of the act of congress or June , is.a, eniuiea "An aei lor the sale of timber lands In the states of Cal ifornia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory." as extended tn all the public land itatee by act of August 4, 1SH2, ARTHUR C. HI lIULINO, Of The Dalles, county of Wasco, slate of Ore gon, has this day tiled In tula office his sworn statement, No. 2211, for Ihe purchase of the south yt southeast , southeast southwest V, section 9, and southwest Vf southwest ot secllon No. 10, in township No. S north, range No v east. w. M., ana will oner prooi to snow that ihe land soualit is more valuable for it timber or sione than forngiicullural purisse. and lo eMaMlMi Ills cliilm to sulci la ml neiore he lleKter and Kecnver of this ornce at V siuniiver. W'nsh.. on Thursday, the ISlh day of Hepu niber, lull, ' Hensmesas wlinessesv Frank O.Connelly of The llnlle, Or.jThomasW. Laisk and Hugh ,118k of( henowiui, w asii.t ana una, j.biuu- ling of The Halles. Or. CHAKI.KS J. 8TCBMNO. Ot The Dulles, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, has this day tiled tn this office his sworn statement. No. 2215, for the purchase of the north y, northeast section ft. and north northwest Si of section No. 10. In lownahin No. S north, range No. V east, W. M., and will offer proof lo show thai ihe land sought is more valuable for lis Umber or si on- than for agrl cultural purpose, an! to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Vancouver. Wash., ou Thur- uav, ihe IWh day ol September, iwi. He niinies as wltnesse-: Frank U. Connelly of Tim Dalles; Thomas W. Lusk and Hugh Lnsk of Chenowilh. Wssn.: and Arthur C. Hlub Ing of The Dalles, or. Any and all persons claiming adversely tne above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this offlce on or before said ltlth flay of September, inn. jeasvw v. a. in: haw, rtegister. Timber Land, Act June S, IH7S.1 NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION, United State Land Office. Vancouver. Wash.. June Is, 1HU1. Notice ia hereby gU-en tnal In compliance with the provisions of the act of ermgresaof June 3, 1S7S, entfiled "An act for ine sale pi iimoer ihdos in me siaies oi I ni fornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory, a extended lo all the public land states by act of August 4, 12, ANTON E NfcLMON. nf The Dalles, county of Way. stats or Oregon, has this day filed In this office his worn sUiU'ineni su lor ine purchase oi the south U southwest H. and south south east!, of section No. S, in township No. S nontt, range No. 11 Mai, W . M..and will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable ftsr Its timber or suine than forairri- cultural purpose, and lo establish his claim lo said Isnd oefoee Ihe Kegister aud Ue-etver of tin office at Vaneojver, Wah,, on Thurs day, the ISth nay orseptemtier, M, He names as wituoe Harry w. Selllngar. Robert V. Col. HfOi ge K Melllner and August J' Wagner, all of 1'iont Ijtke, Wash. . Any ana an persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested lo file innrrLiiin.in inn oui'T ou or more saiu ISlhdaf September. 1W. W, R. OUaiR, Regtatai-? TO CELEBRATE The Fourth in proper style you will need to see us about those Humanic, gocjas gold, $4 Shoes. Men's Une VeUiur calf shoes, (3.75 and $3. Men's fine I'oi calf shoes at (2.50. Probubly you will dance, we have the pumps, $1.60 and $1.75. Julia Marlow shoes for Ladies. Wo carry the $3.60 grade only. Fine Vici Kid, straight or circular vamp, light or heavy soles, at $3.25, $3, $2 ft), V 6D, $2 25 and $1.75. You cau't duplicate them at the prices. All money savers. Well selected line of children's shoes, and no one is willing to di vide the profits with their customers as we do. Gloves You must see our gloves before the Fourth. If you see them you will buy them sooiieror later. You can't help it. You will remem ber how fine, soft and strong they are, and 'tho price you can't for get $1, and if you buy once you will uot be willing to pay $1.60 any where for gloves that are not as good. F. C. Corsets That's alwut all the room we have to talk corsets, but when we say F. C. that's saying a good deal, because it means a good deal. Many of our cu'tomer are finding out it means the most for the money, and absolute tntisfaction. 60c and $1. Firecrackers Yes," alt kinds of flration for the boys candles, rockets, flags, bunting, etc. cheaper than anybody. THE PEOPLE S STORE. r ; , - U4 a Blkt and get lo o the Tarade. Store 29th SATURDAY SURPRISE SALE. 600 srds Swiss and Cambric Embroideries, 6c values 3c, 10c val ues 7c, 15c values 10c, 20c values at 15c per yard. All new and beau tiful patterns. - ) : IU00 yards Fatin Cros Grain Kibbons, all shades, 7-8 inches wide, special price per yard, 4c. Misses light weight union suits, per suit (ientlemen's wrous knit summer underwear, per suit Hoys' Stanley shirts, pretty patterns, with collars and cuffs, each Aew Shapes Ladies' linen colors Men's embossed leather Belts, each few sheet music just arrived, the latest songs, waltzes, etc. OikmI dressers wear U & O corsets, sterling value. We are agents for McCalls dress patterns. Petticoats, Duck Shirts, White Shirt Waists. FIREWORKS. FLAGS- BUNTING. V Come Just To See. THE LITTLE STORE CLOUD CONFECTIONERY. -.. " None but the fireat grades of Confections kept. Home-make Taffy, Ice Cream and Fn its. Ice-cream Sodas served from the finest up-to-date fountain in U wn. Agent for The I alles Laundry. Special rates for family washing. ; ERNEST V. JENSEN. For SPRAYING MATERIAL Call on Clarke. For PURE FRESH DRUGS, Call on . Clarke. For all kinds of PATENT MEDICINE3, I Call on Clarke. For WALIi PAPER, For ANYTHING IN The Glacier MOOD RIVER, OREGON. Prescriptions a Specialty. fW Agent for the $HER.WIWILLIAMS PAINTS. REMOVAL. Having removed to the new store building one door west of old lo cation, I would respectfully iuyijte old friends and new customers everybody to give us a call when needing goods in our line. We do not handle everything but will enlarge along the lines of Books. MagaziaBS, Stationery anil KinSroil Goo As the demand may warrant, and shall endeavor to merit a share of your patronage. Respectfully yours, u E. R. BRADLEY. Job Printing a Specialty. . Didn't Marry For Money.' The Boston man, who latelv'.mafried a sickly, rich, young woman, is hapny now, forhegotPr.King's New Life Pills, w hich restored her to perfect health, ': Infallible i for jaundice, billiousneNs, malaria, fever ml airue and all liver and stomach troub les. Gentle buteffective. Only 25 cents at Chas. N. Clarke's drug store. , EUREKA MEAT MARKET. McGuire Bros. DKALERS IX . Fresh and Cured Meats, ' Lara. Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. MdOalre Bros. I the nlnf lo hoy meat!"' When yon hear that ex prcMalon from an ex- perlrnnMi imuseneeper von may be convinced thil you will alwaya find a InnrcvarlRtv of good, clean, lender meal and that our price are right, ton. Try a boned-rib roant of Bef for dinner. Yon will find the oiihIIIv and flavor unex celled, and we will prepare 1t in mich a good and convenient manner for the knife lhat any amateur ran carve lu We have all the otn r etioli-e cnt. Free Delivery, Phone 36. Peanut Roaster. We have a rwannt Itoaxtcr of latent nnt-rn and oan oiipply mr riiKioinHm with the best quxllty of iwaiitii. frtwh roaned every day. Sample them. lUKA UK All AM. Steamer Iralda Of the IWalator Line leave Ca'aHc Ixv ks a ly, ex-ett xunaay-. at s a. m., Iieavtw Hood l-r a S.-:a. m. Arrive al Ttie ruilea 1xn RMl,nln leav.iJ-hJwlles.u. 'T'V,ih'-" W, C ALUlWAT, GeeeraJ Afeqt. 2To"V7mi r.6c 10) 50c 15c to 20c each 35c WITH LITTLE PRICES. CAP INN Call on Clarke. THE DRUG LINE, Call on Clarke. Pharmacy Bids Wanted. Rid for the erection of a school houae at Nlcolai. In DIMrlcl No. 2, will be received by the board of director up to July 15, 1901. Plana and aperiflcallon may be aeen at the resilience of M. H. Nlckelacn. the dlatrict clerk. The board reserve the rlaht U reject any and all bid. By order of ths Board of Directors of District 4o.z. Stockholders' Meeting. stock lui.dem nf the Knat Kork Irriaatlnt o. take notice, that there will be a special meet ing held in Bone Bros.' offlce In Hood Itlver, at 10 o'clock Saturday, fnne 29, 1101, for the ptiriKMeof electlnK a director. Je7 C. K. BONE, Secretary. Town Lots for Sale. Apply to J. K. WATT. Bec'y oood River Townslte Co. Dalles, Portland & As toria Navigation Co. hleaiuoi Regulator and Dalles City Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland, . Touching at way point on both aide of tbe Columbia Klver. ; Roth of tli above steamer have been re built and are In excellent aiiape f"i toe sea son of IKOO, The Regulator line will endaavur to rive lis patron the beat service posHible. Kr coirtfia-t, eeon.imy and pleasure, travel by the Kteamera of the Regulator I .Inc. Dalle Oly leaves Tue ialles at 7 a. ni Ttis4a.v. Thursday and Halarday, Keeulatikr t-aveat 7 a. m. Monday, Wed nesday aiid Krlday. Iiive lrUand r a. arrive at The Dalle 5 p. ni. Arr.ve at INirtland 4:0 p.m. Portland office. Oak si. Dock. Tbe Dalle vSlce, t.'ourt street. . ; . . ."C.AttAWCY; K Oeue(l Agent. Fireworks and Flags W have a full stock of Best Grade of Fire crackers In all Sim; Torpedoes, Roman eondles, Uobsoa batteries, Sampson batteries, Sky Rockets, Dewey bombs, etc., etc. II you art going to celebrat get the best from Bone & McDonald CORRECT, STYLE Ni jtucv IJGOOOVCAR 1 Ii uibi W Welt V with Inn 1 1 f Com Si ' anufaotured K r.linncsota Shoo Co T.Viul, kiHZ FOR SALE BY bone & Mcdonald. herrill Large assortment of Hammocks. Look at them. 75c and up. Iron Beds, latest designs and lowest prices, TAINTS AND OILS. Tho best is the cheapest. I hive thsm. BUILDING MATERIAL, including WMows, Doors, Moldings lie aii Hair, At Portland prices. A large assortment of WALL PAPER in new shades and designs. Undertaking and Embalming. Get prices on anything in the Furniture line of ine before going else where At my old stand on Oak street. W. E. BHERRILIu GEO. P. CROWELL, Hncceuor to E. L. Smith Oldest Establlalied House In tu valley.) Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Flour and Feed, etc. This old-established house will continue to pay cash for all its goods; it pays no rent; it employs a clerk but does not have to divide with a partner all dividends are made with customers in the way of reasonable prices. GE.O T. PRATHER, U. S. Commissioner and Notary Public. PRATHER & BARNES, HOOD RIVER, OFiECON. Lots and Blocks for sale. Township Plats Telephone 51. S. ID. BABT1ESS, FURNITURE 0- FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. J-si I kkrst OREGON Shoit line AND Union Pacific Time Schedules. E. Bot-KD. Fr'm HOOD KIVER W. Bound, Chlonuro Bait I.nke. Denver, Hiieclal 11:25 .m. ti wortn.omaha. fortiana Kansas City. Ht Hclal ..mil, unicago ZA.ijp. m. ana me tusi. Walla Walla, flpo- Spokane Klyer 8:27 p.m. Kanr, Minneapolis I'ortlnnd fit Paul, Duluth, Fiver Aiiiwauaee, (Jin cago and East. 4::X)a.m. Halt lAke. Denver,! Kt Worlh.Oniulm, Mall and Mall and Ktpres. 11:42 p. m, Kansas City. Kt. Kxprea liiiis. Chicago 6:42 a.m. aua ine t.nui. Depart 8 p.m. From PORTLAND. Arrive t p.m. OrKAM Steamships ror San t ranciaco i Hall every 6 days. 8 p.m. CoLVMniA Rivkr 4 p.m. ExjSunday. Kx. Hunday1 fc Htkamkkr. Hatnrday, lOAsionaana way 10 p.m. I landing. Willamette Elver. 4.W p.m. 8 a.m. lOreron t'Uy, New-Ex-uuday. Ex. Sunday beiy.aleiu A way landings. WtLtAMfxra :. p.m. 7 a.m. I Yam HII.C KliKRRjt Mon, Wed. Tue. Tliur. Oregon il i liy.im.virini and rru and Bat, j and way landings. Sa.m. V Willamette River. 4: .m. Tues, Thur. Portland to Corval- Mon., Wed. ncsai. n way landings. andr rl Lv Klimria. Lv Lewiat'n Sam. dailv. S: 15 a.m. H!tAKB RlTKR. daily. Riparla lo fwlaton A. U OKaIO. (er'l Pas. Aat.Portland.Or. a. fl.ui..., i'iii, iitim. ititrr, A MOO team. we matched, lor !. n LATEST SHOE for WOMEN. Q 50 SUPERIOR QUALITY tit Tur crcr nore rl I si r t-nva ns in i ilia ibki tumrvninoLB Equal lo any $5 Shoo on tht Market FRED B. BARNJES. Me, Taxes paid for non-residents. and Blanks in stock. Correspondence Solicited. The young man loves the young woman;, The young woman loves the young man; That's her busineps. The young man and young woman get married; That's the preacher's business. They will need furniture, oarpeta, wall paper ana Duuuing material ; mat's my business. S. fc. tSAKTMbSS- (Timber Land, Act June 1 WS. NOTICE t'Oli PUBLICATION. United Btatea Land Oflloe, Vancouver, Waah., May 21, 1001. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with ths provisions of the act of congress of J nne S, is:s, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the state of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all the public land late by act of August 4, IKU2, OLIVEll V. KREP8. Of Fnlda, county of Klickitat, tW of Wash Ington.ha this day filed In tlilKoitt. lib sworn taiement No. t3M for the puruhuse of tba lot 1 of section No. 2. and lota 2, 8 and 4 of section No. 1, In township No. 6 north, range No. 11 east, W. M., and will oiler proof to ahow that tbe land sought Is more valuable for Its Umber or atone than for agrlcnllural purposes, and to establish hia claim to said land before tho Register and Receiver of this ofllre at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the 27th day of August, 1U01. He names as witnesses: Halsey 1). Col.John Wyers. Hcn.la.nln F. Onell and Hamual M. Cole, all of r'ulda, Washington, Any nnd all person clHlmlng adversely the above-ilesrrlbed lands are requested to (lie their claims in this office on or before said 27th day of August, IWI. millaa ij.1!- DUNBAR, Register. ITIinber I-iind, Act June 8, lfft.l NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION, United 8lo tea Land Office, Vancouver, Wash., May 26, l'JOl. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, INS, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the Mate of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land state by actnf August 4, 1HM2, MORD1CA1 JONES, Of lluaum, county of Klickitat, state of Wash ington, baa this day filed In tbl olllce his sworn statement. No. 2214, for the purchase of the fcotHlirast quarter of section No. 36, la township n. 0 nortli, range No, 11 eeal, W.M., bud will otter proof to show that the laaa sought i more valuable for Its timber or alone than for agricultural purpose, and to esiabllsh his claim to said lund before tti Rgistcr and Receiver of this office at Van couver, Waah., on Friday, tbe lttth day of August, ttiul. lie names as wltneasea: Jonlthan L. Stump, Leonard slump, and Jennie (Hump, all of Futda. Wash., and Uweolliaa Junes trf Huaum, Wash, O W EN Ll .1 A N JON ES, Of Hnaum, county f Klickitat, atate of Wash ington, has this day filed In this offlne hi sworn statement, No. 2215. for the puichase of the soutnwest quarter of suction No. X, In township No, 6 north, range No. II east, WW., and will uller proof to ahow that tt land sought is more valuable for It timber orstoua IIiho for agricultural purposes, and to estab--llkh hia claim lo said land before the KegiaUT and Receiver of this office at Vkihohht, Wash., on Ftlday.the lttth uay of August 1(01. He names as witweswa; Joullbsn U Htump, -Leonard Slump and Jeuuie ('lump, all of r ald.i, Wasbu and Mordical Jooe of llusoJn, , V ash. A n, Md aH rrsinflimlng ad Tersely h , above-dPm'nbel lands are rsqaesk-d. f0 4He tlielr ch Ims In flits l lCde'obbr bt lores 14 luth day of Aagusl, IWi. eraS W. U IXy'SBAR, Regtster, J