The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 28, 1901, Image 1

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; . .0, ....... . ..... . ,., . .....,....., .,,,..
rtiullshnl Kverjr Friday by
1rms of subscription-ll.M a year when paid
In silvmnr.
Tlie mnll srrlvrs from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
a. in. WiliiewUy anil Saturdays; depart! tha
tame 1ys t noon.
Kor Chi'iKiwrih, Icrvbi at K a. m. Tuesdays,
TliuiMtsys ami xatimlsvs; arrive at p. m.
For Vt hlteSlniin ( anil.) leaves dally ai MS
t. m.: arrlvra al 7 : 1 .' p. m.
rum Wlilie ShIiimiii leave (or Fiilda, Olliner,
Tinnt l.nk and HIi-iiwihkI daily at t A. M.
Knr M imeii (Wash.) leave at fi t") p. in.; af
fix en at !i . m.
am iktik".
I H7, I. (i. i. K. -Meets llrat and third Mus
aTH In each niuiilli.
Miss Kara DlvlNniKT, N. 0.
II. 1. IIihharii, ht'i rciary.
f A N R V I'OsT, Nil. If., O. A. R.-MeetsatA.
1 O. t'. V. Hall wi'rmid Mild fourth HnturJavi
of esih inoiitii at i u'clo.i p. in. All U. A. k.
uii'iiilic is liii tied lo meet with us.
I . .1. (, Commander.
i. W. Adjutant.
S1ANHY W. R. C, No. 1(1 - Mecti first Batnr
j day of I'Hih moiiih In A. O. U. W. hall at i
p in. Mm H K. bin tyiiKK, President.
MKa. I nirii in kkm, hei retary.
HOOD KIVKIt I.OfXiK. No. 1U.". A. F. and A
J 1 M. -Meets Saturday evening on or liefore
at-h lull iuii. A N. KAHN, W.M.
A. 1'. Uatkham, Secretary.
(KID RIVKK t'HAI'TKR, No. 27, R. A. M -
Meels third Friday mKlit of each month,
V. C. Brush, II. V.
II. F. Da Vinson, Secretary.
Jl Meets aecond and fourth Tuesday even.
Inns of each month. Via tors eoidlally wel.
coined. Mhs. Kva H. HlIMi, W. M.
II. F. Iavid)-, Secretary.
LET A ASHKMIM.Y, No. 10S, United Artisans.
MeelK et-n:ri Tuesday of each mouth
ialernal hall. V. ('. llKueirs, M. A
l. McUuhAl.n, Ici relary.
IITAI'OOMA l.dlKiK, No. SI), K. of P.-Meeti
) I n A . 0 . 1; . ii . hall every 1 nesnsy niirnt.
FRANK I.. Oavmison, K. Of K. ii 8.
DIVERHIDK I.OIXiK, No. 68, A. O. V. W.-
ji, Meets nrsi ami uuru naiiiroays ui rnci
uionlh. N. C. fcVAM M. W.
J. F. Watt, Financier.
II. L. llowit, Keeorder.
I DI.KWII.IiK I.OIKIE. No. 107. I. O O. F.
.1 Meets in Fraternal hall every Thursday
Bllfht. A. U. OKTUHIL, K.U.
J. E. Hanna, Secretary.
. ..n .,..... n,i.."n - ,n If n 1 f
HU'Jl Il 1 r.n ir..ll. m. i, rv , ir. i. m..
meets at A. O. I', W. hall on the first and
third Fridays of each month.
J. E. Rand, Commander
JV HONOR, A. o. ('. W. -Meets first and
third Saturdays al H P. M.
Mux. (iKORot a Rand, C. ol H
Mrs. C'has Clabkk, Recorder.
rjCNSHINE SOCIETV-Meets ioond and
k fourth SsturdHys of eaeh mouth at t
O'eloi k. Miss I.ksa Snkli., President.
Mini C'ARRtlt Bt'TLKR, beerelary.
4 ...... I. I , r- ,1 ..(n v .. m m. f U' 1
meets in Olid Fellows' Hall the first and
third Wednesdays of each month.
F. L. Uaviihoii, V. C,
E. K. Biiapi.kt, Clerk.
JyJ F. 8IIAVV, M. D.
Office Telephone No. 83.
Residence Telephone No. SI,
All Calls Promptly Attended
O fit re ttpntalrs over Everhart's store. Alt
rslla left at the otlice or residence will he
prom) tly attended to.
For 23 years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. II m IihiI many years experience la
Real KKtnte mat ers, as abstractor, searcher oi
titles and ukciiI. tatisftictioa guaranteed oi
no charge.
F. WATT, M. P.
Huriteon for O. R. & N. Co. Is especially
equipped to treat catarrh of uose and throat
and diseases of women.
special terms for otlice treatment of chronic
Telephone, ollioe, 125, residence, ii.
Estimates furnished for all kinds ol
work. Repairing a specialty. All kinds
of shop work. Shop on State Street,
lietween First and Second.
Men's half soles, hand sticked, $1;
nailed, best, 75c ; second, 50c ; third, 40c.
1 ailies' hand stitched, 75c; nailed, beet
f'Oc; second, 35. Best stock and wo
in Hood River. C. WELDS, Prop.
Is the place to get the latest and best in
Confectioneries, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco,
Cigars, etc.
p C. BROSiUS, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to 3
and 0 to 7 P. M.
Practical Watchmaker ft Jeweler.
"My long experience enables me to do
the bent possible work, which I tally
guarantee, and at low prices.
gUTLf.R A CO.,
'Do a general banking business.
Hood Rivib, Obiuox.
Estimates Furnished. Plans Drawn
Office with Bone Brothers. Business will be
atteuded to at any time. Collections made,
and anv business tjiven to lis will be attended
to speedily and results made promptly. Will
locate on good government lands, either tim
ber or farming. We are in touch with tu U.
ai. Land Office aiTbs Pallei. UivsusioaU.
K Comprehensive Review of the lmporv
Happenings of the Past Week Preie tec"
Int CondenMd Form Which Is, Most
Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many
There are about 27,000 Cltfnese in
Secretary Hay has started anothei
canal treaty.
An Amprican deserter who acted at
Cailles' lieutenant has been placed in
Fire destroyed business buildings
and warehouses in Portland, Or., tc
the value of 0,000.
The loss of life in West Virginia
flood will not be as large as first re
jioited, while projwrty loss will lit
A man in Chicago who attempted
to stop a quarrel between two othei
men, accidentally shot and killed one
of them.
Washington's state grain inspector
predicts that 25,000,000 bushels of
wheat will be harvested in that state
this year.
A saillioat containing a young man
and three girls capsized on Carquinez
straits, in California, drowning one
of the girls and the young man.
Brazil has formally accepted the
invitation to participate in the Tan
American congress of nations. It is
thought other South American re
publics will now follow this lead.
Frederick II. Davies, for many
years prominent as a civil engineer on
railroads running out of Chicago,
was killed while attempting to pre
vent a wreck on the Baltimore &
Ohio, near Midland, Ohio.
As a result fo the war between the
United States and Spain, a new
principle has been established, which
prevents neutral menofwar entering
or departing from a blockaded port
without the consent of the blockad
ing fleet.
Three lives were lost in a storm at
All insurgent prisoners on Luzon
will lie released.
Arollio's force in Batangas is ex
pected to surrender.
President Mc Kin ley will visit the
northwest next year.
Several strikers were wounded in
riots at Columbia, 8. C.
Earl Russell will be tried by the
house of lords for bigamy.
The transport Indiana sailed from
Manila with coast artillery.
Holland will reclaim a whole pro
vince from the Zuyder Zco.
Cortez, the Texas assassin, is sup
posed to have been captured.
The Prussian crop shortage is the
most serious in recent years.
Cailles, the Filipino leader, surren
dered his force at Santa Cruz.
General Chaffee has been appointed
military governor of the Philippines.
Public buildings at Manila are to
be turned over to the civil authorities.
The secretary of state has addressed
the Russian government on the tariff
Adclbert S. Hay, son of secretary
of State Hay, fell from a New Haven,
Conn., hotel window and was killed.
State of Oregon has begun a suit
to collect bond of ex-School Clerk
Davis, who embezzled about $31,000.
At least 200 perished by floods in
the Pocahontas, West Virginia, coal
region. The property loss will reach
General Corbin has started for the
A new political party has been
launched in Kansas City.
A pro-Boer meeting in London was
tfie scene of much disorder.
Under the new ruling no duty has
been collected on Russian oil.
One hundred thousand persons art
anxious to tile on Oklahoma lands.
All the volunteers are expected to
arrive from the Philippines by June
The American ship John McDon
ald, of New York, has been given up
for lost.
Forest fire near Olynipia, Wash.,
destroyed a $16,000 logging camp
The United States is said to have
notified Denmark to sell its West
Indies or fortify them.
A Cuban committed suicide in New
York because of the difficulty of learn
ing the English language.
The sale of postage stamps for the
fiscal year just closing has increased
greatly over any previous year.
P. C. Cheney, of Manchester, X.
II., ex-governor of that state and also
ex-United States senator, is dead.
The southern states plants 27,532,-
000 acres of cotton this year, an in
crease of 2,111,000 acres.
Texas fever has been discovered
among native cattle of northern Ger
many, and is said to have existed
more than 100 years.
The Berlin city mission, headed
by A. Stocker, issues ew?h week 108,-
000 sermons for those' who cannot
attend church, 20,000 of which are
distributed in the city.
Will Be the Ftrtt Civil Governor of the
Philippines. . .
Washington, June 21. Secretary
today issued the order of the president
establishing civil j overnment in the
Philippines. The orJer follows:
"On and after the 4th day of July,
1901, unless it shall be otherwise
ordered, the president of the Philip
pine conimisxion will exercise the
executive authority in all civil affairs
in the government of the Philippine
islands heretofore exercised in such
affairs by the military governor of
the Philippines, and to that end,
William II. Taft, president of the
said commission, is hereby appointed
civil governor of the Philippine
islands. Such executive authority
will be exercised under and in con
formity to the instructions of the
Philippine commission, dated April
7, l'JOO, and subject to the approval
and control of the secretary of war
of the United States.
"The municipal and provincial
civil governments which have been or
shall hereafter be established in said
islands, and all persons jer forming
duties appertaining to the oiliccs of
civil government in said islands, will,
in respect to such duties, report to
the said civil governor. The power
to appoint civil officers heretofore
vested in the Fhilipine commission
and the military governor will be ex
ercised by the civil governor, with the
advice and consent of the commis
sion. "The military governor of the Phil
ippines is hereby relieved from the
performance, on and after the baid
4th day of July, 1901, of the civil
duties heruinliefore described, but his
authority will continue to be exer
cised as heretofore in those districts
in which insurrection against the
authority of the United States con
tinues to exist, or in which public
order is not sufficiently" restored to
enable provincial civil governments
to lie established under the instruc
tions to the commission, dated April
7, 1900.
"By the president.
"Secretary of War."
Big; Battle-Ship Massachusetts Successfully
Passed the Narrows.
Xew'York, June 22. Without the
assistance of a pilot and to demon
strate that a first class battle ship
could be navigated through Hell Gate
successfully, Captain Henry M. Man
ney took the big battle ship Massa
chusetts through the narrows today.
It was the first time in the history of
the navy that any commander of a
war vessel of this class ever dared
attempt the feat, and river craft and
the shores were filled today to witness
the trip of the Massachusetts. The
passing of the mammoth fighting
machine through the dangerous
waters of Hell Gate successfully
proves that in case of hostilities with
a foreign power, a battle ship of the
same draft as the Massachusetts, if
she passed the fortifications of Wil
let's Point and F6rt Schuyler, could
repeat the performance of the Massa
chusetts. Secretary Long has taken
official noticcof Captain Manney's
teat, and issued orders that no naval
vessel the size of the Massachusetts
shall use the Hell Gate narrows ex
cept in cases of great emergency.
Three Men Shot While Trying Enter a
West Virginia Mine.
Matewan, W. Va., June 22.
Strained relations lietween the union
and non-union miners here has re
sulted in bloodshed. Yesterday seve
ral hundred union miners who are
on strike marched in a body against
the Maritime mines of this palce,
where non-union men were at work.
They tried to effect an entrance, but
the operators, with 20 guards armed
with W inchestera, blocked the en
trance. The non-union miners were
headed by Superintendent Lambert,
and when the union men persisted in
ther attempt he gave the order to fire.
Fully 50 shots were fired. Two union
miners were fatallly shot and another
dangerously wounded. The union
men did not return the fire, but dis
persed. All the union miners throughout
Mingo are collecting, and serious
trouble is expected tomorrow, when
they will again try to effect an
entrance to the Maratime mines.
Sheriff Hatfieldis on the scene with
50 deputies.
Will Move Headquarters.
Denver, June 24. George Estes,
president of the Broterhood of Rail
way employes, announces that the
headquarters of the brotherhood will
lie moved from San Francisco to Den
ver in the near future. This organiz
ation admits all railway employes
without reference to their particular
line of work. It is a comparatively
new order, but is said to have a large
niemberhsip among the railway em
ployes of the West..
Righting the Ingalls.
V- V.U T OJ TM .
to float the capsized army transport j
Ingalls at Brooklyn will probably be
made tomorrow. A crew of divers is
working at closing the ports and
hatches. When this is done the hull '
will be pumped out and the ship
floated and righted. The ship doei
not appear to be seriously injured. 1
Commercial and Financial Hippenings of Inv
portsnce A Brief Review of of the
Growth and Improvemeuti of the Many
Industries Throughout Onr Thriving Com.
monwealth Litest Market Report
The town of .Whitney, in Eastern
Oregon, is to put in a water system.
Baker City is endeavoring to have a
weather bureau establish d in that
Steamboat navigation on the Wil
lamette river to Corvallis has ceased
for the summer.
Probably tho last car load of 1900
potatoes in the state was shipped from
Harlburt a few days ago.
The Oregon K.'ng Gold Mining Co.,
of Sumpter, has t. led articles of incor
poration. Capital, $1,000,000.
Arrangements have been made to
make Prairie City a "station" on. the
stage line and tho change will be
made shortly.
Reports from the various sections
of the Rogue river valley are to the
effect that the wheat crop this year
will be considerably short of the aver
ago. ' Sherman county will have an extra
large wheat yield this year.
A number of mines in the Robin
sonville district have been bonded.
Four hundred head of cattlo were
purchased near Eugene at an average
price of $ 17 per head.
Ore from the Badger mine, Eastern
Oregon, is shipped to San Francisco
at the rate of two carloads every five
Work is well under way on the new
road from Whitney to Alamo. When
completed this road will decrease the
distance very materially and bring
more mines into the shipping list.
President Did Not Corns But "The Fourth"
Is Coming and There Will Be a Big; Time.
The enthusiasm which Portland ex
pected to expend in the entertain
ment of the president and party has
been bottled up and will be let loose
in the celebration of the Fourth of
July. While the committee which
is engaged vuarrauging for the cele
bration is not doing much talking, it
is earnestly and energetically at work
on its plans, and will have several
very large surprises in store for Port
landers and visitors on Independence
Day. The fact that cheap railroad
fares will be provided on all lines
into the city will doubtless prove an
incentive to many residents of the
neighWing cities to come in and
help celebrate, and they are promised
a reception which they will long re
member. Bands from various outside towns
will help to furninh the music, and
all societies of whatever character are
invited to take part in the parade.
L. D. Cole, chairman of the adver
tising committee is working hard to
let the residents of sister cities know
that they will lie welcome, and he
says that the city will probably enter
tain more guests during the celebra
tion than at any time in her history.
Portland Markets.
Wheat Walla Walla, export value,
58lc per bushel; bluestcm, 60jc;
valley, nominal.
Flour best grades, $2.903.40 per
barrel; graham, $2. CO.
Oats White, $1.32W1.35; gray,
$1.30132a per cental.
Barley reed, $17 17.50; brewing,
$17(817.50 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $21.50; shorts, $20; chop, $16.
Hay Timothy, $12.50 14; clover,
$79.50; Oregon wild hay, $G7 per
Butter Fancy creamery, 15 17)c ;
dairy, 1314c; store, 1012c per
Eggs 17 17c per dozen.
Toultry Chickens, mixed, $2.75
3.75; hens, $3.003.50; dressed, 9
10c per pound ; springs, $2.003.75
per dozen ; ducks, $34 for old ; $2.50
4.00 for young; geese, $15 per
dozen ; turkeys, live, 810c; dressed,
10 12c per pound.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 12
12!c; Young America, 1313Jc per
Mutton Lambs, 3c, gross;
dressed, 771c per pound; sheep,
$3.25, gross; dressed, 6c per pound.
Hogs Gross, heavy, $5.756;
light, $4.755; -dressed, 77c per
Veal Small, 7 8Kc ; large, G
7c per pound.
Beef Gross top steers, $4.254.60;
cows and heifers, $3.75(54; dressed
beef, 77c 'i per pound.
Hops 12 14c per pound.
Wool Valley, "ll13c; Eastern
Oregon, 812c; mohair, 2021c per
Potatoes $1.251.50 per sack;
new potatoes, 12c per pound.
The American Bible Society is pre
paring to issue editions of the Scrip
tures in 20 different Filipino dialects.
A gypsy fortune teller who was ar
rested in Wyoming had bank notes to
the amount of $3,500 in a belt about
his waist.
Announcement of Coiunt von Wal
dersee's intention to visit America
in the near future is taken to indicate
an early termination of the trouble
in China. u
Two Hundred Lives Lost la West Virginia
Rain Storm and Flood.
Blueflelds, W. Va., June 24.-This
section has just been visited by a
flood, the extent of which in all prob
ability will equal or exceed that of
Johnstown in 1889, so fr as the losa
of property is concerned. Early yes
terday morning, shortly after mid
night, a heavy downpour of rain be
gan, accompanied by a severe electrio
storm, which increased in volume,
continuing for several hours. The
storm continued throughout the
entire night and day and at 10 A. M.,
though the storm had abated, the
lowering clouds threatened another
terrific downpour at any moment.
. Many miles of the Norfolk A. West
ern railroad track, bridges and tele
graph lines are entirely destroyed
and communication is entirely cut
off west of Elkhorn, so that it is im
possible to learn the full extent of the
loss of life and property, but officials
of the coal companies located in the
district have sent out messengers to
Elkhorn, the terminus of both tele
graphic and railroad communication,
and have received a report that a con
servative estimate as to the loss of
life will easily reach 200. Some of
the drowned are among the most
prominent citizens of the coal fields.
The little town of Keystone, with
a population of 2,000, seems the
greatest sufferer, practically the entire
town being washed away. This town
is the principal one in the Pocahon
tas coal fields, and is located near its
center. It was to a great extent the
headquarters from which the mining
population purchased supplies.
A great number of the coal and
coke plants throughout the Pocahon
tas district are reported practically
destroyed and are in some instances
entirely washed away. Owing to the
high water which has flooded the dis
trict and prevents communication,
anything like a correct estimate of
the loss of property is impossible, but
from the best information obtainable
the lo3s to the property will easily
reach $2,000,000.
A rough estimate places the num
ber of bridges washed away between
Bluefields and Vivian Yards, a dis
tance of 28 miles, at from 15 to 20,
and from present indications it will
be impossible to run trains through
to Vivian and points west of there
under a week or 10 days. This will
render it impossible to get relief into
the strioken districts, and with those
who escaped with their lives, home
less and without food, indescribable
suffering is inevitable.
Forty Insurgents Killed or Wounded in
Manila, June 22. It is estimated
that 40 insurgents were killed or
wounded during the recent engage
ments which occurred near Sorsogon
in Albay province. Many insurgents
are returning to their homes.
Charges of theft and sale of prop
erty are made against a number of
the witnesses in the commissary cases.
Trovost General Davis has submit
ted a plan for the municipal govern
ment of Manila. The United States
Philippine commission is modifying
Washington has been asked for an
appropriation of $10,000 to defray the
expenses of 50 Filipino teachers who
are to study for a year in normal
schools in the United States, these
schools having offered them free tui
tion. Two hundred soldier prisoners will
be sent to the United States on the
transport Indiana.
Three Men Were Killed and Five Others
Kalama, Wash., June 24,. Three
men were killed and five others in
jured by the premature explosion of
a blast on the Oregon & Washington
Railroad. The scene of the accident
was in a deep cut about half a milt
south of this place.
The cause of the explosion will per
haps never be known, as the men who
were working at the drill hole were
instantly killed. About 25 men were
working in the cut, and from the sur
vivors it was learned that two men
were loading a 12 foot drill hole with
No. 2 giant powder, and had put in
about 100 sticks. It is supposed
that they had just been tamping the
powder with an iron bar, as they had
sometimes done before, when the ax
plosion occurred.
Americana Invade the Rand.
London, June 25. The Johannes
burg correspondent of the Daily Mail
contributes a long letter to his paper,
in which he describes the American
trade inavsion of the Rand, aided, he
alleges, by British apathy. The cor
respondent asserts that Americans
are quietly buying up shares and
pushing their efforts in every direc
tion. He says that practically all
the mining machinery is already
American and refers to a rumor to
the effect that there is an American
movement to capture ill the poorer
Rand mines.
Invasion of Cape Cqtony.
London, June 25. Lord Kitchener
has sent no report of the Waterkloopf
mishap. Recent events in Cape
Colony seem to prove the Boer inva
sion of that country to be serious.
A letter to the Daily Mail, dated
Cape Town. June 5, confirms the
pro-Boer report and says the invaders
number anything from 7,000 to 10,
000; that they are swarming all over
the eastern and midland districts and
getting recruits and horses. 5
ABOUT $1,350,000.
Two and One-half Millions More Now on the
Way Dowa the Yukon River to St. Mich
eel's, and Another Million is Coming Up
the River to Skagway In the Grips of the
Returning Klondikers.
Seattle, June 26. Gold receipts by
the steamer Dolphin from the Klon
dike this morning are: For the Ca
nadian Bank of Commerce, $1,000,
000; individual dust, $350,000.
There was shipped from Dawson
via St. Michaels, June 12 $2,500,000,
and there is now on the way up the
river $1,000,000. ,
Alaska's output of gold from the
spring clean up has started in a steady
flow to the United States. Over three
tons of gold, or $2,500,000, is on its
way down the Yukon. It will bo
brought from St. Michaels probably
on the Roanoke. June 20 over $1,
000,000 was on its way up the Yukon
from Dawson. It will probably ar
rive on the next steamer.
The Dolphin left Skagway June 20.
The big shipments of gold she brought
came up the Yukon on the river
steamers Zealandia and Canadian,
leaving Dawson June 12. The gold
was removed to the assay office early
this morning.
According to advices on the Dol
phin, the miners on Eldorado creek
have about finished their clean up for
the season. The miners on the other
creeks are also well along with the
work of segregating the gold from the
earth in which it is dug out during
the winter, and an estimate of the
total clean up for the district for the
season places the amount at between
$15,000,000 and $20,000,000.
The next steamer from Skagway
will probably be crowded to the guards
with returning Klondikers. Over
150 Klondikers arrived at Skagway
the day the Dolphin left. Very few
of them, however, came down on her.
Between 100 and 150 Dawsonites were
en route to Skagway from White
Horse, and fully 200 passengers from
Dawson were said to lie in White
Horse. All steamers leaving Dawson
had full passenger lists, and two of
these boats, well loaded, were on the
voyage up the river.
Adclbert S. Hay Accidcntly Killed at New
Haven Son of Secretary of State.
New Haven, Conn., June 25.
Adelbert 8. Hay, son of ( Secretary
Hay, and ex-consul to Pretoria, was
found dead on the sidewalk outside
the New Haven house early yesterday
Mr, Hay retired to his room at 1
o'clock, after spending the evening
with friends in apparently excellent
spirits. About 2:30 o'clock in the
morning a few people standing out
side the hotel were startled at seeing
a large white object come whirling
through the air and strike the side
walk. The night clerk of tho hotel
was immediately summoned and rec
ognized the body as that of a young
man who registered as Adelbert S.
There was considerable excitement
about the hotel, and a large body of
students and graduates, who are here
for the commencement exercises, soon
gathered. A number of his former
classmates at Yale positively identi
fied the young man.
Dr. Bartlett, the medical exam
iner, stated that Mr. Hay came to his
death by an accident. The clothes
on the bed had been turned, showing
his intention to go to bed. His
clothes had been folded. On the
ledge of the window was found a part
ly burned cigarette. This discovery
leads to the belief that Hay had light
ed a cigarette before retiring and had
went to the window to smoke it.
Whether he was seized with a fit of
dizziness or fell asleep on the window
ledge cannot be determined. There
are no external injuries.
Mr. Hay graduated from Yale in
1898 and had come here to attend his
class triennial reunion. He was out
driving in the evening with a party
of classmates and friends, and on re
turning to his room left word to be
called at 9 o'clock next morning.
This was the last seen of him alive.
Only Great Britain Objects.
London, June 26. A dispatch from
Pekin says: All the ministers of the
foreign powers at Pekin, with the ex
ception of the British minister, have
agreed to the Russian proposal to in
crease the Chinese tariff on imports to
10 per cent in the event of a deficien
cy in the service of the indemnity.
Sir Ernest Satow declares that Great
Britain will only ageer to such an in
crease in duty in return for the total
abolition of the liken tax on inter
national commerce and other conces
sions. Heavy Wind Storm In North Dakota.
Minot. N.. D., June 26. A heavy
wind storm at White Earth early
today blew two box cars from a side
track onto the main track. The
Great Northern flyer, west bound,
due here at 1 A. M., ran into the
cars, and part of the train jumped
the track. It is said two tramps
were killed and several passengers
injured. The wires are down and
particulars unobtainable, : . .
m J
Ex-Insurgent Takes the Oath of Allegiance
Arollios, Command Will Give Up.
Santa Cruz, Province of Laguna,
Luzon, June 25. General Cailles sur
rendered here yesterday with 650 men
and 500 rifles. The oath of alleg
iance was administered to the ex
insurgent. Colonel Cahailles, who
fled to tho mountains wth a portion
of his troops, likewiso surrendered.
Cailles did not sufficiently control the
populace to bring in all tho insurg
ents in his district. Tho proceed
ings of surrender were orderly.
It is reported that a large numlr
of Cailles' followers have approached
him with a proposition that he issue
a strongly worded proclamation de
claring all Filipino insurgents who
refuse to surrender to m considered
as bandits, and thut this proclama
tion be published by the insurgent
president of every town in Laguna
More Surrenders Expected.
Manila, June 26. Tho insurgent
general Arollio, together with a con
siderable portion of the forces of Gen
eral Malvar, is expected to surrender
to the American forces at San Jose, in
Batangas province.
With the change from a military to
a civil government of the Philippine
islands, which occurs July 4, the
difficulty between the department of
the military secretary and civil serv
ice board over the matter of holding
examinations in the civil service for
certain civilians now employed by
the military department will disap
pear. In consequence of the surrender of
General Cailles, all the insurgent
prisoners on Luzon island will lie re
leased. Information from native
sources confirms previous reports
that General Malvar will soon sur
Valuables Smuggled Out of the Forbidden
City Sold to Foreigners.
Pekin, June 26. There has been
no meeting of tho ministers, of tho
foreign powers at Pekin since the first
of last week, but the ministers them
selves profess satisfaction at the
course of events. The Chinese forts
have not yet been destroyed. It has
been determined that each nation
shall destroy those forts now occupied
by its troops, but the ministers find
that the respective military command
ers object to destroying Chinese forts
not occupied by their troops. Conse
quently the ministers will probably
ha'e to employ Chinese labor to effect
the destruction of the unoccupied forts
at the expense of the different nations.
Many Chinese cnuchs have been
selling valuables which have come
from the Forbidden City. Ti e valu
ables thus sold were probably passed
over the walls of the city to the
enuchs' confederates outside. One
beautifully carved table, which was
seen in the Forbidden City only two
weeks ago, has been sold by a enuch
for 600 taels. No valuables of any
kind have been taken out of the city
through the gates. These are guard
ed by American and Japanese troops.
It is estimated that the cost of repair
ing the palace, independent of tho
valuable works of art which are miss
ing, will reach 250,000 tales.
Members of the staff of Li Hung
Chang and Prince Ching say that
great anxiety is felt regarding the
whereabouts and safety of a large
quantity of gold that was buried in
the Forbidden City. Certain enuchs
who knew the secret of the location
of this gold have disappeared.
A Tien Tsin Anniversary.
Tien Tsin, June 25. The first an
niversary of the relief of Tien Tsin
was celebrated yesterday. The Rus
sian and British authorities have pub
licly thanked the Indies who, June
17, the anniversary of the beginning
of the siege of Tien Tsin, decorated
the graves of the soldiers of all na
tionalities. The Chinese insurgent
leader, General Mais, is here in con
sultation with the German command
ers concerning the pacification ai.i
reconstruction of the country.
Ran Down a Launch.
Boston, June 25. While coming
into the harbor this morning the
steamer City of Bangor, during a
dense fog, ran down the naptha
launch Estelle, anchored off Deer
island beacon. Five men on the
launch were thrown into the water
and two drowned.
An Appeal for Foreign Help.
Tien Tsin, June 26. News has
been received from Tai Yuen Fu,
province of Shan Si, that General
Tun Fo Hsiang is inarching thither,
and the governor of the province has
appealed for foreign help in opposing
his progress. F
Rioters Stormed a Monastery.
Madrid, June 26. The anti-clerical
rioers, who have len parading tho
streets shouting "burn the convents, "
and who hissed the Infanta Isabella,
stormed a monastry during the night.
They were finally dispersal.
Without His Signature.
Olympia, Wrash., Jnue 20. Gov
ernor Rogers filed with the secretary
of state today" senate bill No. 4 w ith
out his signature. 'Senate bill No. 4
is the act relative to the issuance of
death warrants and was introduced
by senator Rands, of Clark county.
It was the measure to cure which the
recent special session was called.
Governor Rogers was asked why he
had failed to sign the bill, but he
refused to have anything to say!