The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 21, 1901, Image 3

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    3fo3d Iiver Slacier
FIMDIY, JUNE 21, 10)1.
Uriuh Heep cigars.
Ice at Coin &. Graham's.
Buy your lin.e at Slierrill's.
Lemons 20c ier ; Blowers & Ron.
l7p to (lute crockery at Coe & Son's.
We have some bargain in groceries at
8hirt waists, full lino, at Bone & Mc
Donald'. You can't resist the sweetness of Coes'
confection 8.'
Bono, Bros, solicit consignnijits of
A lot of white can rubbers, 5 conts a
dozen at 8a vale's.
Lumber atTneker'n,ond making more.
Send us your orders. 7
Always in stock. Best grade of I'm
seed oil at Slierill'H.
Just recoived, a new stock of mat
tresses, at Sherrill's.
Don't forpet the bed bug proof Iron
bed steads at Sherrill's. o
Tlioso iron beds at Sherrill's are hard
to beat for the money.
Wanted. Ladies to call and see the
new crockery at Cots'.
T. C. Dallas is anient for the Buckeye
mower, the bent mower on earth.
A lady's horse, a good hupgy and a f 12
harness at f 125 for sale by Dr.F.C.iirottius
When you buy get a Selz Mioe; they
will make your feet glad. For sale at
When yon want a good smoke, buy the
"Uriah Heep ' cigar, tor sale by all
Bone & McDonald are agents for Oh
born fiirm machinery, reapers, mowers,
rakes, etc.
Now is the time to take pleasure in
hammocks. Slierrills is the place to
get them.
Jiote the Price. Stone jars, stone
churns, bean crocks at 15c per gallon, at
J. L. Kami s.
We have plenty of money to loan on
first class real estate for long term. 1' ra
ther & Barnes.
Bone Bros, have a lot of strawberry
crates to sell and they are the moht per
feet crate in the market.
Chas. Kigg", the jeweler, has removed
to llanna x Hartley s grocery store, op'
posito the Glacier ollice.
Wo are closing out our stock of Planet
Jr goods. Get some of them before they
are all gone, at Hand's.
Sherrill's is the plnco to buy your sash
and doors. Call and get his prices be
fore buying elsewhere.
If vou wish to sell your strawberries
it will be to your interest to see Bone
Bros, before parting w ith them.
Bed bugs are holding indignation
lui'otings all over the valley, all on ac
count of liartmc. iron bed steads.
Dr. F. C. Brosius has removed to his
new residence at the west end of Oak
street, midway between the school house
and armory, and can be found in his of
fice over W'illiunts & Brosius' drug store
between the hours ot 10-11 a. in., i
and 0-7 p. m.
Dr. Pratt, the electric specialist, re
turned to Portland today to remain tin
f il nfti-f Mia 4th of July : will return to
Hood Kiver on July 5th or 6 th and will
remain until the 15th. Those w ho wish
to consult him can call on him at the
Glenwood house during his stay at that
time.1 His treatment is an absolute cure
for all chronic and nervous diseases
Olnee hours from 2 u m. to 8 p.m. Con
sulfation free.
Mrs.J. L. Atkinson roturned to
land Monday.
.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doorman went
St.Martin'a springs Tuesday.
A nuir of colored classes were found
and left at this ollice for the owner.
Pmt.t Whitconih of Portland spent
couple of days iu Hood Kiver during the
week. .
Prather & Barnes sold the Bishop
house and lots.lW x 100 feet, to Geo. F.
Coe, for 1WW.
J. L. Henderson has bought the Levi
Monroe ranch on the East Side. Con
sideration 3000.
Dr. Pratt went to Portland Wednes
day. He may come back in time to
celebrate the'4th in Hood River.
Mia. Jos. Itainvill and daughter Eva
of San Francisco are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Evans. Mrs. Kainvill is a
Bister to Grant.
The Boston Bloomers played the Hood
River nine on Wednesday. The girls
plaved a poor game, and the game stood
7 to 0 in favor of Hood Kiver.
John A. Wilson is limping around.
He has a running sore on his foot caused
by getting the foot frozen last winter
after it had been cut with an ax.
IL A. Shulz, wife and two children,
who have been employed at Klickitat
fish hatchery, stopped over Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalf, and
departed for their home at Kalauia on
the boat Monday morning.
Freddie Gee had a runaway with
Bonney's horse and delivery cart, com
ing down the road in Winans addition,
Monday. The boy jumped out of the
cart, when the horse started to run, ami
the horse and cart went on oxer
bluff at the state road, smashing
whiwl of the cart.
The merry-go-round thatdid a land of
fl holiness in Hood Kiver for three
i.o ri .rrmnwl nut tiresome music,
v ecs.o, iwi -----
...,it.t Qtukna Knndiiv and lett lor
I'll I 1VU WM
pastures new,;much to the regret of
hii,lr.n of all aitt-s. Uncle Oliver Bart-
.oiMtu.! ti, desire to ride like a
i. tin tlm last nmht. when he
could uo longer resist and sat on the
tr.i.,i,t if he was riding his
v: Tal,i-7 nn Thursday last.caucht
- ,ui, .mmed Fred W. Harris in the act
ii.- i.t iiu of u liiskv to an Inniati.
Acting as deputy constable, W ill placed
the man under arrest and took him to
ilv next train. Ue was
bound over to the grand jury in the sum
of 1200. Marshal uimgor
arrested the Indian, and
Ant tin
.f.ii. w AT Walker, formerly
.in....i'ui..r un',1 ltis newlv wedded
i tlm rit.v Friday evening
Mrs.' Walker left on the 5:42 train Satur
day morning for Oakland where she w .11
The general committee of arrange-
intuitu for the -ft t li of July celebration i
ield several meetiiiL's diirimr the wvek.
and the work is pr-ressiug in a manner
inat assures success. llie ti n import u
tion eoiitinittec has secured from the
steumlstat companies one fare for the
round trip from all points on the river.
The advertising committee has sent ads
to papers in nsco unci Hlierman coun
ties, and there lh promise of a good at
tendance Irom these points. The com
mittee on grounds has mude all arMtnge
nients to have the park in Blowers ad
dition in shape to receive the crowds.
The committee on decorations has none
to work in earnest (no play niton the
hairman's name intended) and promise
some ileliylitiul surprises forour visitors.
The fireworks committee received the
largest appropriation from tltu general
tuntl, ami its' part of the programme will
not lie the least inteiestinii. It. M.
Hunt, chairman of c immittet! on artil
lery, is having the hi gun put in order
tor bring the national salute at suuri.e
oil the morning of the 4th. The finance
committee is still at work, and patriotic
iti.ens are still contributing to lielppav
for our big celebration.
Nels Nelson, who recently bought the
Blochcr place, reports being held up by
two highwaymen Monday hitrlit. He
came in late with a load of strawlterries
and on bis way home, after 10 o'clock,
he found a plank taken tin on the bridge
at Kail gulch. His horses jumped across
the opening, and just then two men
stepped up ami caught his horses' reins
aim oruereii nun to itanii over his money .
He had two purses, one containing uold
and the other $1 in silver. He gave up
the Mlver and was allowed to proceed.
He thinks the rohherx were Indians.
There is said to be some tough chante
rs among the noble reds now in the
vallev : they have been well trained in the
ways of cultus whites.
Entertainment. Mrs. Louise Goddard
and pupils will give a recital at the Con
gregational church mi Monday evening,
June 21th, at 8:80 sharp. On this occa
sion .Mrs. (ioddard w ill give an interpre
tation of Whittier's "A Sea Dream, "and
by special request will recite ' the
Church Bells." She will also give a
humorous sketch entitled "Courting un
der difficulties." The pupils will give
piano and vocal solos, anil will be assist
ed by Messrs. Iscnbcrg, Sherrill and
Baud, w ho w ill gite vocal ami cornet se-
cctions. Die entertainment will close
with the presentation of "A BiHjnet of
Human Flowers" who will render hu
morous selections in song. Admission,
adults 25 cents, children 15 cents.
Jas. T. Cooper of Mt. Hood sold his
wool in The Dalles last week. His baud
of sheep numbered 1 ,(0H ; his loss was
111, leaving l,ly2 Irom which he clipped
17,32( pounds, and received a check
from the Wasco Warehouse Co. for fl,-
905.80. This lacks but 4li cents of being
11.20 per head for his 1502 sheep. His
increase in lambs w as 1,308. He w in
tered his (lock on the bunch grass range
without a feed of hay.
A peculiar accident happened to Frank
Beardslev.a Iterry picker from La Camas,
who is working for Burns Jones. He
used a molasses can in which to boil his
coffee. He left the cork in the can, and
w hen it came to a boil, the cork (lew out
and hit the boy between the eyes.
Kiiontrh hot water went with the cork to
badly scald the boy's face. His father,
Frank Beardsley, came upon Friday to
look after the boy, w ho w ill recover from
the effects of the scalding.
Prather & Barnes made sale during
the week of the Larlv & Brosius prop
erty on Oak street, 30 feet, and 14 feet of
Townsite Co's.. 50 feet altogether, the
same beiiut occupied by Sherrill's furni
turo store and W eld's shoe shop. John
Otten was the purchaser; consideration,
$2,550. Mr. Otten will build a brick on
the premises, and it is said will open a
general merchandise store.
John Keatina, the famous composer of
pones, was in Hood Kiver last week in
company with his father. Mr. Kent
he was also
Ka u-ill return and tne iin
Se w ill reside in The Dalles Mrs
-..iir i a charmmu young lady from
Chic w. and Mr. Walker is a well res
Sung gentleman, well know n in
K Viver ve wish the young couple
many years of joy and happiness.
Terrible Explosion.
"Of gasoline stove burned a lady here
i- t!.v,ij. rf Kirk
frightfully,"writes r , "
man la.. "The best doctors couldn theal
the running sore that followed.bnt ue
n' Arnica Salveentirely cured her In
VT..T ii snres.bolls, bruises
la liDie iur uit,w. ... - - - . p'.rkt-s.
fkiodi8eaf6iHlmlef .S5e.att3.X.i.nis.
inc has purchased throimh Prather &
Barnes 120 acres belonging to Leo Har
ris, on the Faet Side, adjoining theJohn
Swcenv place. Consideration, $2,000.
To the same party, Prather & Barnes
sold 33! acres adjoining, known as the
Chas. V . Jenkins place. Consideration
Sam Koplin received a letter from his
brother at Airville. ra.. iniorinniK mm
of the death of their mother, Mary A
Koplin, who died at th t place.June 5th
hl'hi! 7n vears. She was the mother ol
10 children, ot w hom fcamuei iopnn oi
Hood River is the oldest. Sam feels his
great loss deeply.
Mrs. John A. Wilson is still at the
home of her mother in Iowa. Her
brother died June 5th, and now her
mother is too ill and feeble for her to
letivn her. The old lady is nearly 80
vears old. W hen she gets well enough
he. will ncconipauv Mrs. W llsoii to
Hood Kiver.
In tlm votimz contest at Jensen's, for
the most popular young lady, the count
utn,l hist. I'ridav. as follows: Grace
t ttntt hell. 318: Bertha Prather, 225
liouers. 120: Agnes Dukes, 48;
Xi. Chirk. U. ibe volllig win ciose
on the Fourth.
W. Y. Masters and family spent. Sun-
ih.v in IIimhI Kiver. the guests of .Mr.and
Mrs C, I). Thompson. Mrs. Masters
mill nliiMren hud inst returned from
trip to Prineviile and were met nere oy
Sir. .Masters.
V M York and w ife of Cur.ti n
Yan'ihhl county, were in Hood River htbt
eek. Mr. ork and K.n. iioweu ctc
t,.i,,i,,i hoes together in McLean county
Ills., Mr. York was highly pleased with
Hood Kiver.
r. ifnmWuon sold two lots
tlm hull irroumls to Henry Maeomber s
,t idf turl uettcn. Aiao nuiu w
F. Wicklutm 3 acres, known as the Howe Mr. Chapman lor fw.
Rnrnette Duncan lias accepted a post
lion in th eninlov of the Southern Pa
cifle Railroad Co., on the route between
Portland and the caniornm mtc.
Pr.iihop A Barnes sold J. Tostevin :
home property in Blowers addition, coj.
isiiiiL' of house and two lots, to i. I
r. . .. -i .:.... i oo
Kriilnv. I olisiueruuoii, fi,-uu.
T K. Powell sold his strawberry
much on the East Side to D. H. bear
i... ti ..on n a. Turner sold l!0 acres
tn S. H. Cox and Burnette Duncan.
tlm nhl calf belonging to
i m iv.,h died in great pain one day
last week, it is supposeu u.o i.a.i n
i.itten hv a rattlesnake.
TKa n' F. street carnival last week
. -Il the way through. Over
$50 was cleared by the management.
A 3-year old child in a family near
A Wash., has the varioloid and
tlm family has been quarantined.
Senator Mitchell w ill orate at Damas
cus Oregon. July 4tli. si
i...i r.mi,hell of five Mile presented
n Clerk Lake. 119 cayote scalps
and one wild cat and received a w rrant
for240. This was the result of five weeks
trapping and poisoning, bujo v,...v.-
Marshal T. J. Driver of The Daes
seriously sick.
Tltetltp-n 1'iilnt. Wiilcrt'o. Iiiivp II ini niintl
two Ifiiinn hi. work on u tllli-h fniiit thu vnti of
llie old I'oli-roti'l In (fici ii I'olni. 'J'lte coin-
IJiuiy fXts'i lK to Itiivo Im lurin g or ualer nut
Ity Auuiisl Int. Tho illti h will lie funr inllin
luiiK unit w ill rim lliriitiKh hciivy tlr llinlier
tin entile nisliiiK-f-. I III illti-li will kii,ilv
Hitler tor In lCHtlt'li IiIkI) hn the i.!;h.hii
A. A. .liiytie. J. I. MiII.t, It. 11. I .uidhii y Ml. I
ntlii'm in llml lieliililHirlMHiil. M. M. Dtivi'ii-
joit Is kiiHriuleiiiliitK I lit- witrk, huiI JiiiIkUik
iiiiiii tne itritgreiu uu Iihh iiihiIh in iilluiilitu
(lurliiK llin 'ti I lew yeiirs. no ilonOt thin new
rnterprlM! III l u nui'i ckk. Hb Iihh hIhiii!
liiillif(l three miles nf the went lulural for llie
V u t ley Improvement (,
The Ornmin -oiifisri'iice of lli ITnllefl llielli-l
it'll III t'lirtxl ill cuiivt-im lit 1 liH-v. II, ,lu in-
'1 lit, llisltnp N. I Units, It, 1 1., i'inlllil, H('V.
il. ('. Htmir.-r will ilittiii tlm jeio's work til
Himil Kiver this wi-ck. mid hiiiuhiy evinliu
III del vi r his ftirewell mm until, Mr. HIiHlli r
litis eipleureil hliMM-ll to h Iiiimi of irleium hi
lltiitil Kiver h hlHMrtlvn work In H uihmI choh. ,
miiii lln-y lniH. the riinli ii lli'o will return hint
lu hU irusiil (-hiirite.
I'Iikh. W. Olliiier of (llhiiiT, WhkIi., wn In
town Kul u riln . He Itilnrm uu Unit his
iiinlhi'r, Mr. Klly.iilii'lli (.'. Whlli-oiiili, In la
leeltlit hi'iillh. Theiild luil.i Is a pioneer "I tne
White Snliiion cnimiry, well Itnown hy hIi
nlil settlers, who will retire! to h'tirn of her
MMr hetiUh. Mr. (Olinrr reports thnl tin
hieitliy-lniy crop ol hi hi rtlim U very proin-1-liiK
I ..t the clover crop Is IikIiI.
John Uriel ley mill family mat tfrt ThttrmlHV
fur their old home Hi Phi ton. orevon, where
they will ii tit ke their hoinu. Mr. KrHillev will
trnvi'l Willi his peiimit roiinler. Hn will ho tit
Kori-Mt 1iovf ei ten m ii ten I ol' the U, A. U.,nnd
will then return lo liuytini llll ufler the 4lu.
lie will then tot to tltu voai-t.
Mrs. H, H. Notemmi wuk a UelevHtA tit Dip
f pworlh Lett it i if" eonvontlon lit (iolilcudiiie.
Kite reMirts Kood work helnir done throughout
lite dint rlel; nlso reports lioluu pleiisnutlv en
lertitlned w hile there. J. II. Wood, president
of the (llslriet leHicue. whs elected itelegutr to
the Inlet iiiithttiiil convention ut sihu Ki'hucIi'o
A basket social will he irlvcn hv the pnplls
of the II lllstrom iu-IiihiI for the purpose ol
tietthiit booka.oii the evenin" of .1 n ne 2M. pel.
Al are eor Inv ted lo attend. I.B(lle
Itrllin baskets, itentli'inen eotne mid buy, hihI
help iiIoiik this ut rnc 1 1 n if little mo'iiltuiil
school. Ilcmember the nlnht of June 21st.
Cnpt. H.(T. f'ok of White snlmori wnn In
town Hit I it n In y. He thinks tne lute cold
wcHther hn lone onto injury to the apple
top. lie udvlsen rinse thlnnlnir of fruit. Ink-
Inx itfT nil Imprrfi el apples, but to leave the
center apple of u elustHr every time.
The IliKid Kiver stmlrnU nt Corvnllls rol-
Ii'kk returned htttne hint week. Anionic them
ttotleeil Miss I'nrrte Hverlee. Ktirl nnd
Melirs Ilttrtmens. Perry Wells. rVrnest Hln-
rlchs. Burton luivldson und Waller lilckey.
Miss Irene CaMlsnn. a nonitlnr school tench-
er well known in Ilooil Kiver. Is now tench-
Inn the fourth ermle In ll nubile, school it
Colftix, Wash. While on n visit lo her Lou s
In Lnrift county, she stopped over In Hood
Kiver tn visit relatives und friends for a ftw
days week.
Ice cream on utrnwherrle Is not n bud dish
totakeibeno irc-crentn hiys. l-j nest .len.ien.
In the kindness of his heart, treated the dia
ler force on Tuesday, when the mercury was
np lo SI, to this delicious dish. Krnest knows
our devil has a lip for the (fid things ol the
loud tap I mt confectionery.
4th of July Commiltee. Theiienernl i-oinmlt
e will meet rrlduy rvenltiK, In W lllliims it-
Hronlns' drmr store, ttt 8 o'clock sharp. The
chairmen of all sub-cominlttces will make re-
uoru ut this tmeilnif. J. I'. Watt, See'y.
Hon. John A.Hmlth of Illalock, mi exten
slve wheat fin liter of MheriuHn an t (hlllam
couniles, la In the vnlley with his faml'y,
Mr. Htnllh was elected state senator from
Wusco and Hheriniin istuntlos in ISU2.
The strawberry crop In the lower valley Is
about harvested. In the upper valley ship.
liint; httslusl fairly com minced, and thehcrrlc
ate la rue and fine. I'rlcen remain ffood.rung-
Ihk fim Sl.i'U to to SI w hi Hood Hivcr.
The Mauoon strawberry Is hnund lo come to
the front as a irood shipper. It Is a lare, Arm,
hiinilsoine Ix-rry . and I he vine Is proline, but
for flavor, in Hie opinion of mo-1 people, the
.MtiKoon cannot compare wun I no t uirK.
(I. A. MeCttrdv shlptiel by tho union on
Tin sdav two erates ot strawberries to the Bui'
falo exposition. Thev were as handsome n
lot of ben ies as ever left Hood Kiver, running
nom f. to to ute mix.
Is there a man within the confines of Hood
Kiver vallev who bus not voted for his choice
for iroddi'Ns of liberty on the. 4th? If so be will
find the polls still open at the two druur stores
anil oilier stores lit town, vole curly and
0. I.. Koicrs & Co. bouultt liK) acres of V. K.
Mulholland on tho I'.nst slde.,and will set. on I
apple trees r,nd strawberries. They hnve since
sold 40 acres to ('. I). Thompson, w ho will go
into the uciry business.
Hums Jones has sevpn acres in strawberries,
Last Saturday his picking amounted lo lat1
rales, whleli no sold on I no street to t;. I..
Hoirers. tec Ivlna a check for (Wlit.tO. Mr.
Jones will have 1.0(10 crates tills season.
F. P. Krldny, wife and child, are newcomers
to Hood Kiver. Mr. Krldny Is soti-ln la to
John Ollcn. who is about to erect a brlcK
htiildinit and open n store. Mr. Krldny, who
will have chance of the store. Is now meridian
dicing in I huhulls. Wash.
H. ('. Jnckfon. nn ex-soldier from the Phil
ippines, lias located In Hood Kiver. He Is a
painter und paiier-haicxer hy profession.
F. M. Amen on Saturday treated thediacler
to a box of Macotin strawberries. They were,
beautiful specimens, and the Mniroon may be
the coinltiK strawberry lor Hood Kiver, but
they lack the delicious flavor of the Clark
Wm. ITlrich, n printer from the Times
Mountaineer ollice. nicked berries for II. f
Hentrst. He made icood "strinirs" each day
and went home Wednesday to euloy his
Kcv. J. W. ltlehv nnd bride ended their wed-
dlntrtouron their arrival in Hood Hlver Inst
Friday. tr. Ktirny litis since tieen receiving
the conKratulntions of his It lends.
W. f. Chamberlain of Umnlilla county, a
brother to O. It. (.hamberlnin, was a visitor in
Hood Kiver Hnndny. Mr. ChniiiberluiD !
county clerk of I'matlllu county.
'I'h IhHIah' tilrl Roclclv nf the rotTrrcral lonnl
church will meet on r riday afiet noon al the
residence of lite president, .Mrs. t . i). J tioniv
son. A full attendance Is oesircu.
The Kmvorth Keiirxueof Kehnonl will give a
strawberry and he cream festival on the
church grounds Saturday evening. Usual
J. K. Pishmnn returned home from Idaho,
Snturdny, where he han been sojourning lor
ins nenllii. ue is iiiucn unproved.
Judne nnd Mrs. I.. Henry are camping at
t. Martin.. sprinirs. They went to that
health resort on Wednesday.
Miss R iseHiitclift'eof Portlund is rusticating
In Hood Kiver valley, the guest or Mm. Disii
T. Kishon hns bouirht 10 acres of lnnd of the
Z 1 1 1 1 1 ) ti place und has lumber on the ground to
Dilllil a House.
Miss Sadie Orr of Sherman county Is visit
Ing her aunt, Mrs. 1'. Mpiingier.
W. J.Rmlth cutne tin from Astoria nnd spent
Sunday and Monday in iioou Kiver.
Mr.and Mrs. Henry Southern of Boyd vis-
Itcd Mr. mid Mrs. K. M. Amen Sunday.
W. T. Hnnsberry is attending the A. C. con
ference ut Cornelius as a Uclegaie.
Remember the Icecream social at Belmont
next Saturday evening.
Kcv. . I. T. Merrill is In the city and will re
main till Saturday.
Regular meeting of the O. A. R. tomorrow.
lr. T. L. Eliot was In Hood River Saturday.
All kinds of fireworks nnd flags at Jensen's.
Who will be goddess of liberty.
The New Goodyear
Welt Shoes for Women
They are made of the best material by union workmen, and every
pair warranted. There may he better shoes for the price, but you
will waste a lot of money and time iu poor imitations before you find
them or anything as pood.
The R. I'. Smith Shoe for nier., made of White Brothers' box calf, v
f2.50. This is a mate for the Federation, hd if jou Want your
money's worth and wear, buy them.
II. S. A II. tan Kussta calf Shoe, a good full measure of value at
13.00, but we can sell them at f2.50.
For f2.00 we have men's calf or kang. calf, full stock dress or all
day Shoe.
Noono anywhere it willing to sell shoes on as close margin as we do.
We carry, also, the famous Julia Marlowe $3.50 grade; M. A.
Packard Shoes for nieu at v3.50
"lltimanic" Shoes for men at 4.00
And the kintf of all St'llOOL-SHOF.S, the Dis. 70.
Big values in men's Fino Shirts, Ties, Suspenders, Underwear
and Hats; ladies' Shirt Waists, Wrappers, Underwear and Millinery
at cut prices to close the season.
Agents for Royal Tailors.
VOU KNOW, is not always easily attainable. Sometimei the prtea
is objectionable; often it is tho quality, and occasionally BOTH ars
Wo always try to have both price and quality right. Jf wo can
furnish you a shoo that meets these requirements, we know you will
become a shoe customer of ours. Tho a
Combine both essentials to a remarkable degree. We carried them
last year and are now restocking with the same ninko. Wo have
them in men's, women's, youths, misses and children's, and ask you
a ii 4 W i r
7 I
Store lTo-ws.
LADIES' AND MISSKS' SHIRT WAISTS Washable Fercales, in light,
nrcttv tititterns. nlaitetl trout, detachable empire collar eactt
CRASH SKIRTS Two rows w hite trimmingaround bottom, cut extra full,
made to tit, look and wear well eacn
Large assortment of Hammocks. Look at them.
75c and up.
Iron Beds, latest designs and lowest prices.
rAIN'TS AND OILS. The best is tho cheapest. I have tbem.
Just in, a beautiful line of light-weinht Underskirts, in .Mercerized sateen
and Bedford cord elects, aceordeou piaitea anu corueu uounce, laiesi
color effects each fl.50 to 2 25
Our Special Spraying Glove is a great success. The sprav does not work
through the glove; tney ory sou aim are niwaya rcuuv 10 oui on.
gentleman ouvmg some more kiuu, iou can i rciounnutui unm u
highly." '. per pair
A FEW WARM WEATHER SLUUKS11UMS Straw lints, rann l.eai
Fans, Mosquito Netting, HamniockB, Wen's Lrasn irousers, Ligni
Weight Underwear, Golf Shirts, Summer Neckwear,
l'ricos that will suit your pocket-hook.
None but tho finest grades of Confections kept. Home-make Taffy,
Ice Cream and Fruits. Ieo-cream Sodas served from the finest up-to-date
fountain in town.
Agent for The Dalles Laundry. Special rates for family washing.
Call on Clarke.
Call on Clarke.
For all kinds of PATENT MEDICINES,
Call on Clarke.
Call on Clarke.
Call on Clarke.
The Glacier Pharmacy
Prescriptions a Specialty.
Havinir removed to the new store building one door west of old lo-
cation, I would respecttuliv invite out irienua mm tint umtut my
everybody to give us a call when needing goods in our line. e do
not handle everything but will enlarge along tne mics oi
Wniifiw m umm
As the demand may warrant, and shall endeavor to merit a share
of vcur patronage. Respectfully yours,
Advertised Letter List.
June V, mi.
Pareer. Mrs EflU Holt, James
C'logsdulle, Mr I.Riitx, .1 K
A llltril, l ri'U i Olllin a. i,
Ciisney, John Young, J B
uen.el.jottn WM. M. YATES.
Job Printing a Specialty.
P. M.
rn Hood River valley, June 4, 1901, to Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Keen, a ion.
In Hood Uiver valley, June iO, 1901, to Mr.
and Mrs. Tuos. nere. a son.
In The Dallen. June 13, 1901, Eben L. H(K
..iT.ii uml tlss rioreiu-e hct'ler. imiiIi of
uood Uiver. Tho Jount; citii)!e will tiike up
tli;ir residence ut isicoiui tin tan, oy wuien
lime Kbiii will have a dwellini? Iiou-e built
uixm Ids land Ht Keltnont. liio U lacier con
gratulates the happy couple.
In Portland. June IS. 1901, at the parsonage
of Kcv. Mct'lellati J, Thinnas L. Lucas oi' IMri-
..h i Mi Jesuit) RoieM, eldest daiiifluer
ol Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Uogera of HikJ River.
The young couple will make tlieir home lu
Church Notices.
rnnirrcetitlonal Church. Services will be
... .....n.l t.. die ni.Mti.r nn Sitntln v. At 1 1 A.m.
nnniu i ' ... r - -
nubjecl, -1'lilngs on Kartli that Rest Repre-
at-m. Hcnvtn. Sunday school at IU a.m. I.
.s ( K. service at .:)0 l. in. A buiini-s
meeting of the Christian Enueavor koc ety
Will Oe IieiU "l r i ninj r.rinuft, u. w w.w.
at the residence ol f . a. Ilarnes.
V. B. Church. Sunday school at 10 a.
There will be no preaching at 11. C. K. at 7::).
Pi nrer meetlnir every Wednesday evening at
i. iarewell sermon by the pastor next tun-
Didn't Marry For Money.
The Boston man.w ho lately married a
sickly ,rich,young woman, is happy now,
forhegotDr.King'sNew Life Pills, which
restored her to perfect health. Infallible
for jaundice, billiousness, malaria, fever
and ague and all liver and stomach troub
les. Gentle hut enective. uniyzocenis
at Chas. N. Clarke's drug store.
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
"McGuire Bros, is the plnee to liny meat!"
When vou hear that expression from an ex
perienced housekeeper yon may be convinced
licit you will always find a large variety of
good, clean, tender meal and that our prices
are right, too. , . .
Try a bined-rlb roust of Beer for dinner.
Ynu will nnd the quality and flavor unex
celled, and we will prepare it in such a good
and convenient manner for the knife that any
amateur can carve iu We have all tbe other
choice cuts.
Free Delivery. Phone 35.
at u-lili-h service
ilnv eveilintf.
and Meigs Burliness willsingadue
Messrs. l'.a 1 1
A male
Fresh Cow.
A gentle family cow, h-fcrg
On tb. T. tt- Uou ilto.
quartet will aiao be reudered.
Rev. J. L. Hersliner will preach at Cnpper
uool house uextSundav.Rtao'i-lock
Peanut Roaster.
w lime a m-nnul Roaster of latest patern
and -n supply our customers w itli the best
OtialltV Ot peftllUlS, Itesu iiificu ceijf uuj
Maniple them. COLK (iKAHAM.
Bids Wanted.
Bids for the erection of a sehool house st
Nlcolnl, in Ulstrlct No. 2, will be received by
i im hni rrt or directors uo to July 15. liWl.
pi. in j iin,i snpr-lHcations mav be seen at the
residence of M. II. Nickelsen. the dlstrlet
clerk. The board reserves the right, to reject
onv and nil bids.
By order of the uoara or uireciora oi
District No. 2.
.Ci'.vrnnncrT ft
,- AsBkta mm
t eiv C
rcn WOMEN.
with lavitmit
Ccns Soli
Equal lo any $3 Shot on the Markot
v'lt' ytir1.lor n k..p th.m, lr.,1,1 on Vim -Hine
7Ji1' I" ywU- tm"itit'i.uiBiiiM.
. H t C. COTZIAH CO.. rrop rs.
Elinnosota Shoe uo- st. paul. runn.
bone sc Mcdonald.
At rortlaiul jiricea.
A largo assortment of WALL TAPER in new shades and design-
Undertaking and Embalming.
Get prices on anything in the Furniture lino of me before going else
where. At my old stand on Oak street.
Successor to E. L. Hmlth-Oldest Established House la Hi. valley.J
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes,
Hardware, Flour and Feed, etc.
This old-established house will continue to pny cash for all its
goods; it pays no rent; it employs a clerk but does not have to divide
with a partner all dividends are made with customers in the way ol
reasonable prices.
Commissioner and Notary Public
Lots and Blocks for sale. Taxes paid for non-residents.
Township Plats and Blanks in stock.
Telephone 61. ' Correspondence Solicited.
The young man loves ihe young woman;
That's his business.
The young woman loves the young man ;
That's her business.
Tho young man and young woman get
married ;
That's the preacher's business.
They will need furniture, carpets,
paper and building material;
That's my business.
AND UflSW Pacific
Time Schedules.
U:& a.m.
Stockholders' Meeting.
Htrx-klmtdersof the KaM Fork Irrigating Co.
take notice, that there will be a special meet
ing held in Bone Bros.' office in Hood River,
at 10 o'clork Saturday, f nno 2a, l'JOl, for the
pn roose or electing a ai rect nr.
Hje7 C. H. BONE. Secret nry.-
Town Lots for Sale.
Apply lo r. wait,
Fl ' Sec'y nood River Twn-lle Cn.
Those desiring nure confnerTU,
piv nddrei Sirs. W. T. Htmbury. Bafer
esoct furoistu d If UeXd.
Steamer Iralda
Of Hie Rrnlntor Line leaves Cawade I.rx-ks
rt-'lv. except ssunday, at 6 a. ni. Leaves Hood
River ' ni. Arrive at The Iialles at
lfttn. Returning, leaves The Dalles at i p.m.:
arrive, a' Ho id River at 4,
W. a ALLOW AY, General Agf nt.
Dalles, Portland & As
toria Navigation Co.
Regulator and
Dalles City
Dally (except Sunday) between
The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks;'
Vancouver and Portland,
Touching at wav points on tioth Bide of the
Columbia River. I
n.ith nf the aoove steamers Lave been re
built and are tn excellent shape foi tho sea
win of IHO. The Reg 'iator line will endeavor
to give It patrons the Det.1 service possniie.
For comfort, econumy And pleasure, travel
bv the steamers nl the Kegulauvr l.ine.
Iialles Cltv leaves Tne lUilles at 7 a. m.,
Regu la tor leaves at 7 a. tn. Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday.
Leave Portland 7 a. m.; arrive at The Dalles
5 p. in. at Portland 4:: p. in.
Portland ..(tice. Oak t. Dock. The Dalles
office, Court stn-et, ..... w
Ueueiul Ageut
K. Bound. Fr'm HOOD KIVER
Halt Lake, Denver,1
Ft Wortli.Omaha,
Kansas City. 8t
Louis, Chicago
and the f.asu
W. Bou.
8:27 p.m.
Mall and
11:42 p. m.
Walla Walla, 8po-
kanp.M nnoanolis portiana
ftt Paul, DuttilhJ Flyer
Milwaukee, Chi- 4:lla.m.
cago and Kast.
Salt Ijike, Denver,
Ft Worth.omana.
Kansas City, St.
Louis. Chicago
and the Last.
8 p.m.
2:C0 p. m.
ITimbcr Land, Act .lunc 3, 187SJ
iTnlted States Lnnd Otllce. V ancotiver,
Waxh., May 21, lll. Notlco Is hereby given
tttat 111 COIliplllince Willi inn phiyimumis iiiu
act of congress of June .1, 18;s, entitled "Anact
for the sale of timber lands in the stutos of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
ten iuiry, as extenueo to nil tiiopuoiie mui
slates by act of August 4, lxiW.
Of Fulda, county of KUckilat, mate cf Wash-
Inglon.lias tins any nn u in inisoincc ins uiu
stuteinent No. 2208 for the purchase of the
lot 1 of section No. 2. and Ion 2, S
and 4 of section No. 1, In township No.
6 north, range No. II cast, W. M.. and
will offer proof to show that the land sought
In more valuable for its Umber or stone than
fur Hgricultti nil purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Tuesday, the 27th dny of August, 1H01.
He names as witnesses: Ilalsey I). (Jole.Jonn
Wyers, benjamin V. Onell and Samuel M.
Cole, all of Fulda, Washington.
An V ami all persons claiming adversely tho
above-described lauds are requested to file
their claims 111 this ntJice on or beforo said
27th day of August, VMl. .
mlaz v , t. itu.iDAii, nit,"" "
For San r ranclsv
Wail every 6 days.
Ex. Hundayl Stkamfrs.
Saturday, To Astoria and way
Mall and
Ex press
o:42 a.m.
4 p.m.
4 p.m.
10 p.m.
6 R.m.
Ex. Sunday
7 a.m.
Tue. Thur,
and Sat.
4-:M p.m.
Willamette River.
Oregon City, New-
lcrg .saiem at way
Yam tf u.i. Hivkrs. Mon, Wed.
Oregon City, Dayton! and r rL
and way Iundings.i
am. I Willamette River. ! 4:W .m.
Toes, Thur. Portland to Orval-lMon., Wed.
and Sat. lis way landings.) and Fri.
l.v.Kiparln.! jLv Lewisl'n I Kif ARE RIVER.
daily. 'Rlparla to Iwltonl d.aiy.
A "1T'Ra"IO. (iep'l Pas. Azt.Portland.Or.
J. HAOI.EV. Aifent. Hoi-MRlver jtj
Team for Sale.
A 25W1 learn, well matched, tor Slij.
ITimber Land, AcOuneK, 1S78.1
United Slate Land Ofllce, Vancouver,
Wash., May 25, litOl.-Notieu Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
ait of congress of June 3. 18. H, entitled "An
act for the sale or timber lands In the Slates or
California, Oregon, Nevada nnd Washington
Territory," as extended to nil the public land
states by actnf AngtiKt 4. Mi2,
Of Hnsum, count v of Klickitat, stateofW as
ington, has this day tiled In this office III
sivoi ti statement. No. 22H, for the puiclinse of
tlie soiilhHiiM. iiiirler of section No. Sj, in
township No. ti north, range No. 11 east, W.M.,
and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for lis timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before tha
Register and Receiver of this office at an
couver, Wash., on Friday, the loth day of
He iiHines as witnesses: Jonithan L. Stump,
Ix.-onard stump, and Jennie Hi u tup, all of
Fulda. Wash., and Uwcnllian Jones of
lltisum. Wash.
Of Husum, cituniv of Klickitat, state ofWasb
Ingloii, lias this d:iv filed In Ibis office 111
sworn statement. No. 2213. for the purcltase of
the soitttiwest quarter of section No. :V, In
township No. north, range No. 11 east, W.M.,
and will oiler pnsif to snow that tho land
soiight is more valuable for Its tlm Iter or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim lo said land lie fore the Register
and Receiver of tin office at Vancouver,
Wash., on Fridav.tlie ltb day of August ismi.
He names as witnesses: Jonithan U Stump.
Ieonurd Stump and Jennie stump, all of
t uida. Wash., ana Moroicui jones oi iiusuui.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described land are requested to fll
tnelr ch.inis in this otllce on or before said
ltith day of August, I'OI.
Je:a W. U DL'N'BAR, BojUUr.