The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 21, 1901, Image 2

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Kccd iiver Slacier.
FRIDAY, JUNE il. 1901.
fti: C-l I loecMlitijf.
The regular meeting of the cominon
council va held in the council chamber
Monday evening. Present Mayor Bro
ius; Aiuerniuu Bell, Blower, Davidson,
I.uckev, McDonald Btid thaw; Kccotdtr
JSickehien and Marshal Oiinger. Min
utes of last regular meeting w ere read and
rttitiuii of Allen & Morrison for license
to tell apiitous, vinous and malt liquorsin
Hood River in quantities less than one
gallon, rraa read.
Major Brosiua stated that the ordi
nance (25; amending ordinance 21 was
found to have no enacting clause. In
uch case, he held, it would be necessary
for the council to work under ordinance
21 in granting saloon litemcs. Ordinance
21 requires tlie signature of a majority
of legal voters in the tovn and the publi
cation of petition. I.uckty claimed that
the council was working under the new
charter, which does not require publica
tion of a petition for a saloon.
Attorney Jayne was called to give his
opinion in regard to tl.o legality of an
ordinance without an enacting clause,
lie said the weight rj authority was in
line with the mayor's ruling. No license
rould ge granted 'underthecharteritsclf ;
It requires an ordinance.
Petition of l outs & Bon, asking for a li
quor lisence,waa aho presended. Consid
erable debate ensued over the petitions,
but no action was taken.
Remoiiairance against the town con
tracting for electric light, nr making
oilier contract with corporations, wa
rend and ordered placed on file.
Committee on streets and public prop
erty reported that a preliminary survey
for establishing strtet grades had been
aiado, and the council not meeting, the
committee had ordered the work done.
Report accepted.
Special committee on ttreet lamps re
ported that street lamps had been put
up where most needed andthttUliawtme
were beinji paid for by property owners
near the lamps.
Ordinandi 32,vacating part of Colum
bia street, between Third and Fourth,
was read second time and laid over till
Tiext regular meeting.
Claims against the city were ordered
paid, as follows:
Mt. Hood hotel 12 00
M. E. Welch a ou
fc. H. Oilugor , a 00
tflucler &
V. K. bherrtll 2 60
.T. Ubby 4 Hi
Williams A liroslus 60
Bill uf Mt. Hood Stage Co., for $22 dam
Hgea to wagon and harness caused by bad
roads in town limits, was rejected by
finance committee.
Proposition of M. A. Cook, to furnish
the town with hydrants, hosocart and fire
l)09e,was ordered placed on file.
V. L. Clark ul mitud bid and plans
to establish street grades at a cost to the
town of $95. Accepted.
Resignation of li. C. Coo ns street
commissioner was accepted and Robt
Ilusbands w as appointed and confirmed.
On motion the licenses of the two sa
loons were extended until July 1st..
The marshal was instructed to look
after the fire buckets belonging to the
town and see that they are put iu con
venient places.
Jlood River Strawberry Carnival.
About 150 persons went from here to
Hood River Inst night to attend the
strawberry carnival, leaving at 8:30 and
returning at about 4 o'clock this morn
ing. The trip would have been very
much more pleasant to a large majority
of tlie excursionists if about a score of
The Dalles young bloods had stayed at
home. The main unpleasant feature of
the excursion was the presence of a
number of young fellows who went
aboard nnJE shut and got completely
paralyzed on Hood River whisky. It
lias just come to this, that if any future
excursions ot a similar nature are to be
made enjoyable for self-respecting
people, these young hoodlums, who are
well-known and could easily be named
must be left at home.
The Hood River people did all in their
power to make the visit of theexcursion
lata a pleasant one. The ttrawberrv
carnival, which cave occasion to the ex
enrsion, was gotten up by the Christian
Endeavor of the Congregational church
and was arranged to last two nnilits
The proceeds were to be devoted to the
improvements ot the grounds surround
ing the church edifice. The receipts of
me nrst uignt netted aootit foil, and
those of last night were probably more
Hood River misses and matrons
served ice cream and Hood River straw
berries under the shade of oak trees
that would make Longfellow's Village
.tilacksiiiitirs chestnut tree ashumed ot
itself. Chroniclo.
Salein Strawberry Fair.
A strawberry fair was conducted at
Salem, lust week, under the auspices of
the Press club. The fair was a grand
success. The Journal savs: "The ex
hibits of berries and plants with their
iruit were complete in each cie
pnrtment. There was a largo attend
twice of growers unil the new varieties
were chmelv studied and the result will
be thut hundreds of acres of new fields
will be put out this fall. Salem will be
come the berry shipping and canning
center of the Villanietto valley. The
exhibitors who showed new varieties de
serve greatest praise. It is easy to get
plants and grow berries alter a variety
lias been discovered and tested in these
various valley soils. But the grower
w no carries on the tests docs t at a
loss in cash and time that few persons
are aware of, as not over one out of fifty
advertised ever amounts to anything for
field culture. The exhibit of t he Clark's
or Hood River berrv was surprisingly
fine. They surpass in size and deli-
ciotisness even the Hood Hiver product,
which lias become world famous. The
croeerv firm of Hoth fc (trailer Ims made
a special feature of this berry for their
retail traue anu it nas proven a great
We learn from the Sentinel that Jacob
Prahl of Ulenwood was shot by Win.
MctJrath of I'mims Prairie, last week,
Bud is now in (Joldeudale under the care
of physicians. Both parties are sheep
The Salem cannery is paying 3 cents a
pound for strawberries. The Journal
says this year's crop surpasses any pr
viousyear by one-third in quantity.
Albert Toaier of the Pacific Farmer
was elected president of the national ed
itorial association at its meeting in Buf
falo. The next meeting will be held at
Hot Springs, Arkansas.
The county treasurer ia paying county
warrants issued prior to Jan.',l,18t)8. In
terest ceases after May 24,1901.
Seth Morgan and wife, who not long
ago sold their home in The Dalles and
removed to the Sound couutry, have re
turned, the Chronicle says, "to God's
Attheoity election in the Dalles, last
Monday, G. J. Farley was elected mayor
over V. A.Johnston by a majority of o7.
Stevenson w ill celebrate the glorious
Fourth with a procession, oration, njtisie,
educing, athletic contests, etc, ,
Let the Scream
mmf 1901,
4th of July
ZEIood Klrer, Oregon.
Music by the Band and Glee Clut3.
Grand Parade, Comprising Patriotic, Military and Civic Features.
Beading of Declaration of Independence
O 23 j&. T
Log Rolling Contest at the Boat Landing, upon the arrival of Excursion.
$100.00 in Prizes.
Base Ball Game. Dalles vs. Hood River.
At the Base Ball Ground in the Afternoon.
Greased Pole, Wheelbarrow and Sack Races, and Other Amusing Features.
(Liberal awards to the winners.)
Cash prizes for the handsomest and best decorations.
In the Evening.
Cool, Shady Picnic Grounds, with Romantic Surroundings for tho Lovers of
fiTReduced Rates on all Transportation Lines, jgrj
Everybody Come
Subscriptions to 4th of July Fund.
following ia a report of tho amounts so fur
subscribed to defray the expenses uf the cel
ebration on the Ith. A good ninny of our cit
izens huve not yet been interviewed by the
finance committee, lint the committee Ih con
lintiiritr tn the pind work, anil u more com
plete report of their luborsuill be published
next week:
Allen A Morrison f:tu fin
louts & Son (XI
Cole A Graham a) ml
C I. Gilbert IS M
J E Hand 15 W
A !S Mowers Son 15 00
K A Honnev 15 TO
s McCartney 15 W
.1 J Luekev 15 W)
Bone & Mi Doniiid 15 (U
(,eo K Coe & Son 15 00
Butler & Co 15 Oil
V K .laekmu , 15 (JO
CIhih N Clnriie 15 00
Williams &, Ilroslus 15 (III
W O AkIi & Co 15 01
I .out Lake Lumber Co 1 (X)
Kniest V .leusen 15 00
I. Hublnson 10 00
H A Kmipp 10 (10
H l) Kverluu l. 10 00
The (iltieler 10 00
K K Snviiue 10 00
.1 II H crimson io (it)
Joe l.ibbc.v 7 Ml
Meiluire Bros 5 00 I
I imiK&i'ox B 01
I H Itootli 5 00
I I, Heiidi i' oii 6 00
Win M Viites 5 Oi
I'mther & Barnes 5 00
M M Unwell 6 0(1
W K Sberrlll 5 00
Kvnns & lieHord 5 00
Bone Brim 5 00
( : Ij Hoiiers 5 no
C II Temple 5 00
TC Dallas 500
.1 K Mdkelscn 5 00
llanna A Hartley.. 5 Oil
K It .rimess 5 00
.IT Hat: ley 5 oo
Hiivldfoii Krult Co 5 00
C P Kosn , 'i 50
N O Kvnns 2 50
f'h 2 co
( bus Ulaiis 1 ,-,o
A K Ileishner, '. 1 50
I Spangler..... 1 00
(lus l.owengurd 1 00
Ciiwb ,., 1 00
li Btruuutiuii ,., 50
A Snotv Storm In June. '
Sjiow began lo fall at midnight Tuesday,
June 11th, and by 7 O'clock on Wednesday
morn'nz it measured five inches on the level.
It continued snnwtnj until about noon, win n
a rain set in. At lUdecwny, about 12 miles
west of us, snow is ten Inches deep, and the
early hay, that was ready toulve way to the
reapers, is now lying tint on Hie ground, At
Antelope, six miles south, only about two
Inches of snow was on the ground, white n
t lie bills sin rounding the town it is said the
maw was 12 Inches deep. SliunlUo Leader.
Judge A. S. Bennett will orate at Mil
ton on the 4th.
In this line we are "IT."
Pailr aiifl Paper - Ilaiiaer.
All WOrJt llPOmttlv nr..l colieAlr.fll.f
ectued. tftke ut Sherrill'H furniture store.
160 Acres for Sale.
Two miles from .Mosier: bonse and barn' ai
acres in cultivation. Price $1.00)
J.' CI1AS. . l'RATHAR.
Posts for Sale.
A (food mutiny of cedar oost. itcliverpd tn
the lower valley or Iu town, m fmm .v- tn s.
each. 4 ARTHt'll lilsKUtiW.
Best is the Cheapest.
li. H. Tucker 1 agent for standard Mowers
n l R ikesimd 'lU Bros.' Wagons. Try one.
None better.
At Private Sale.
Will se'.l at private sale ai. mv ,in. n
borne mow ir nnd steel mke. eru'n svmniti'ir
Osborne snrtng-tiHiih harrow, buegv wagon
and harness, t horses, lumber, 14) or VO ricks of
oak and pine wood, carpenter tools, 2 stoves,
rnruiiuiv, und other articles too numerous lo
mention. All cheap fi.r cal
Cows for Sale.
PhillVt fullitlv Anu-e -..11 ktA...l t .
Jerrys, for sale by J. A. HKNPKUsox,
X O IT .
and Brine:
the Children
Delinquent Taxpayers.
The county court tins Instructed thecomilv
clerk to place a uurrunt on the lax roll of lnuO
commim linn me to col ect the luxes for said
year by miikin wile. If nwessai v, oft lie prop
erty therein mt niinned, and to ruturu the ndl
msiueoi sixty (lays.
I am sworn to do my duty, end am also nn
der bon stoi'ils faillifnl performance: tb' ie
lore have no nlteinxilvc bin lo oliey the inun
date of the court, and will Immediately pio-
to to make out a list 01 iienniUi Ills and a
vertlse Hie piopertv for sale.
The Dulles, May 10, 1KU.
ml0Je2l Sheriff or Wasco Countv.
And wagon rcpalrins; atlinded to piomptly nt
my soop on 1 lie ,111, noou roau.KOilin 01 io n
00011 w oik at reufouaijiu in iccii.
ni.vl7 O. A. HOWEI.l
Stenographer and
TVrfcWinTKlt. All kinds of stenoRrnphlc
work done 11 1 reasonable prices. Apply at the
uiiii oi ioul- d'ih,, noon niver.
Bakery for Sale.
The Hood Klver Bakery, Including build
ins, brick oven, fixtures
stock and business, (lisid location. A busi
ness ih.-it win I,.,.,. infnEiiiiii.n
.-.oils selling. A splendid opening for some
A. V. UKltMi.NKrt. Hood Itlver, Or
For Sale.
A choice of two horses; onegcntlefor family
use. aiso. two young milk cows, and a full-
uiooucu 1 oiuuu-imnu nrooa sow.
Jyl" A. O. IIEU'sHEY,
To Water Consumers.
Therulesof the comnanv will ho Hirieiu.
followed atler this date. All who are deliii-
queiu imer the loin diiv of the month will be
enargea ine mil prle v)x: SI.50 pertnontb
the extra 25e going to the collector, who wll
shut off water at the main from residences
where payment Is not promptly made, and It
win inn oe iiuneu 011 ai(iiin unit! all arrear
ages are paid. Beginning July 1st next, all
a ter reins win ne rtmrgrd to owners of rent
ed buildings Insteatl of to the occupant.
f.nnil OfTiKfl at Ttio t i -
1101. Noilfv in hereby iriven that t lie follow-
iitK uitiuru m'uifr hum men noiire 01 nis tntpn
lion to mtike II mil vniM)f In mipporr of his
claim, nnd tlmt caid proof will be mnde before
' 1. rruiner, u. t'oinnnssloner, nl
l!K)l, viz;
1 & Ul?a t f'flADL'IJ
or Mt. flood, oretfon, II. K. No.5'l07. Tor the
nrtrtliniiur 1 u,mii.w. 'in 1 1 . .
y "'i'wu t iuniiip i norm
ninrra lllaii.i J Ai
He name the following witnesses to prove
hi rnntlnii,u,u nuui,l.iH,in 1
..... Ui,ila imiui-uiU II HIU U11U UU1L1V11
ttririit' ultl it..i
J'- if- Cooper. V'. S.Virlbble, A. B. nillln.'R
.... . ........ i. lAiisuir, an ,n., uoou, tiregoi,
JeSIJyii JAY f. l.UCAS. Keglsler.
ITi roller I iin.l A fit o lo-u I
United states l.nnd Otllce. Vancouver, Wash.,
June Pt. limi Vntieo lu liUv..l,.F !...,
' , p . til IIJI1I. II,
compliance wan tlie provisions of the act of
. -...1 ..i unc ... inn, rumiftj -An an ior
tlie sale of timber lands in the states of Call
lornia. Oregon, .Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the public land
states by uct of August 4, 1SH2.
. III.'. VliV i L'OIDrV
Of The Dalles, county of Was o, state of Ore-
. nn mm iiiij- inni in mis ontce his
sworn slatenient. No. 2J2t, for the purchase of
tlie lots .land 4. and scut" northwest 1 of sec
tion No. .1, In townslilp No. .1 north, range No.
w east, W. M., and will oiler proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural pur
noses, and to etabl,h his claim to said land
before the Heglster and Keeelver of this office
at ancouvc.-, Wash., on Wednesday, the 28th
dav of August, l!ll.
He names as witne-ses: T. W. I.usk, Hugh
I.,usk 11ml .1. V. mil of Chenowilh, Wash.,
and t. ii. Copnolly of The Italics, Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands aro requested to tile
their claims In this office 011 or before said
28th day of August, Itni
Je21it23 W, K. DUN BAR, Register.
Str. "TAHOMA " ,
Dolly Round Trirw except Sunday.
Leave Portland 7am
JLeatfe Astoria , MM 7 p. m
Daily Round TriD excent Mnmlnv
Cascade Locks, Hood Kiver, White Sal
mon ana liie Dulles.
I.-plvJ!or,,':m,,s7A M I IavTlie Dalles.. 4P.M
ArrlvTlie Dh1Ic..3i'.m Arriv 1'ortland ..11 km
Meals the Very Best.
This Route has the grandest scenic aflrac
tions on earth. Sunday tripsa leadint lealiire
i.anomg and office f.s,t Alder street, liotb
phones main r,,l. Portland, 1 ir.
,.Xr W' Cri. hion, agent I'onlind; John M.
Hil.Min, agent The Dalles; A. J. Taylor, agent
Agents at Hood River.
TUa oi l rcl'
Blue Iliirni'-H
Mini, In mill ilo
hllsllie-M ai
thuold sli ud.
Way-elm fir
All work punr-
nnu i' I lo (Ive
saUi-fact on.
John iiin.i.T.
House to Rent.
On the llulton place. Apolvtn
nil? u. D. WiMiDWCRTIt.
$15 per Acre
Will buy one of ine most desirable 40 nen
tracts In Hood Itiver. No aciiu.
in24 T. It. CfiON.
Barbor Parlors.
Newly furnished In all tho latent modern
barber fixtures, milking It second lo none foi
llrst cliiss sei vl. c. roreelalii liatb Tubs. Hy
dranlic llni her ( 'Inilis.
A sboe-pollshlng urtlst olwnvson band.
EVANS & DeBORD, Piop'rs
Horses for Sale.
A team of gisal work horses, grays, perfect
ly true. Also, a large 1'oland ( binn sow.
Je21 J. C. Ill it KIN.
House to Rent.
An 8 room house, waler free, In Mower ad
ditton; tine view; splendid IocpIIou; ii u-i
iii'mmii. j. nmiir.L,
The Glenwood,
'elect boarding nnd looming house, cornet
Kouitliund (Nik streets, ill western part ol
town. JC7
Spring Millinery.
Tim ladles of llooil River and vicinity are
invited to visit our ro nns and Inspect our
new line of Spring Millinery. We have I lit-
latest up to date si vies and qualities and can
saiisiy me most laatidiotia purenaser.
We are also prepared to 1111 all orders In
M Its. T. II. CLARK.
Mlts. K. It. UltAl'I.KY.
Lots for Sale.
At about f!0 each, ( In the ridge overlooking
both rivers. covered wnh irecsand shrubbery,
and only six or seven blocks ironi depoi. Ad
dress A KTHC 11 DIMtltuW, Hood Itiver.
Closing Out Jewelry.
I will close out some of my Jew lry at cost
price, lome 111 and secure nargains.
Frankton Express.
Passengers taken to and from Nicolai and
DavenKri camps, and single rigs rural-died
Tor ramlly shopping. 7 K. D. CALKINS.
New Harness MakerT
. We have em ployed 11 tli-st-class workman and
can do a'l harness mrudlngon sliort notice.
Iring along your work: give us a trial. We
guarantee satlsiacilon In work and prices.
Registration of Land Title.
Hi the matter of the application of Archibald
A. Sehenek to regtsier the title to Dot letter
ed "I" of the p'at of South Addition lo the
Town (now Cltyl of Hood Kiver, county of
nsco and slate of Oregon, all to w 10m It
may concern:
That on the Tth tlay of June, A. D, 1(101, an
application was filed by said Archibald A
Sehenek In the clmill court of Wasco conn!' y
lor initial legislation of the title of the land
above described.
Now, tinle.vs you appear on or before the Tth
dav ol July: A. D. 1W)1. and show cause-why
sueli application simll not be granted, tlie
same ill be taken as confessed, and a decree
will be entered uccnrdliitf to the prayer of the, and ymi win be iuiever oaired
fiom deputing I he hi me.
Witness my huisl and seal of cald court
hereunto umxed ttiis iin oay 01 june, a. v.
I'M. ' A. K. LARK,
J-;llJy5 C'erk.
ITImber Land, Act .Inne l:tt
United states Land 1 uneo. The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 2., Wol. Nolle Is hereby given
mat Iu compliance with the provisions 01 the
aclol 'Congress of. .line H. IS S. entitled "An
act for the sale of II nber lands in the States
ol California, Oregon, Nevada mid Washing
ton lerrllory," as atlended to all tlie public
land suites ry act ol August i, ic,
HAl.lN A M. I'll I KM AN,
OfTbe Dalles, count,- or W asco, state of Ore
gon, has this day tij-d In this oflice her sworn
statement, No. lsd, for the purchase of the
northeast or selion iso. o.(, in town
sliio No. 1 north. range No. I) east, Wlllain
cite Meridian, aid will oiler proof to
show that the laol sought Is more valuable
for Its timber or sinic than for agncullural
nurooses. and to dtablisli her claim to said
land before Ihe HOfister and Keeelver of Ibis
oilice at The Unlit. Oregon, 011 Saturday, the
Uh day of July, 1SKI.
She names as wJnesses: .1. If. l'hlrman.
Chrlsllne A.l'hirmat and Henry BoyenofThe
Dalies, Oregon, am Wlliiam Kaud of Hood
River, On gon.
Any and all perstns claiming adversely the
nhove-deseribed laids are n:quested to file
thelrclatms In thh olllco ou ur uetoru wild
lith day of July, 1MI.
m:i.y,) .HY P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber l.iud, Act June 8, 1S;S.
United States Laid Oltlee, Vancouver, Wash.,
June 11. I'Ml. Notice Ih hereby given that. Ill
compliance with tie provisions of tlie act of
congress 01 j tine .1 lb a, eutiiieu "An nci ior
the sale of timber! anils In the states of Cul-
llornia, Oicgon. Ntvuduand Washington Ter
ritory," as extendril to all the public land
state by act of AU;usU, I!I2,
Of Fuldn, count)- of Klickitat, state of
Washington, lias this day tiled In this oflice
his sh oi n stateineiit, No. 2222, for the purchase
01 ine soutiieasi yt soiiinwest, yt seeuon
2, and northeast ij northwest of section
No. II, In toi'ni-hi No. 5 north, range No. 11
east. W. I and will oiler proof to show that
I lie land sought is more valuable for lis lim
ber or Mone than for agricultural unlooses.
and to establish bin claim to said land before
the Keglster and Receiver of ihisolliceat Van
couvcr, Wash., ou Tuesday, the 2."tli day of
August, niui.
He names as witnesses: Samuel M. Cole,
Ualsey I). Cole, Jonathan Stnmp and Court
land Chanman. ollnf Kulda. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described hinds are requested to file
iiicirciuinis In this oil ice on or peioro sum
2, Hi day of August 1M0I.
Jellall W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
I'niled States Land Ottice. The Dalles. Ore
gon, May til. liWI. Nolice Is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 3, IK7s, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the slates of
( alifornia. Oregon. Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by ae of August!, ls!2.
Of Hood Itiver, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has tins day filed in ihis oilice Ills sworn
statement, No. Is2, for the purchase of the
ioib 1, , :) una 01 section jno. i, in
township No. 2 north, range No. 9 east,
Willamette Meridian, and will otter Drool
to show Hint Hie land sought Is more valua
ble lor its timber or stone than for agricultur
al purposes, and to establish bis claim to said
land before the Keglster anil Receiver of this
orfi'-eat The Dalle.,, Oregon, on Wednesday,
iue isi nay 01 August, imu.
He names as witnesses: K. K. Fix of Peiulle-
inil I ll'l...... T Tl ,l..l.nn .1 TV ll'.,A.i.. n.ll.
V.. t 'i- I'liftoi, o. e, o .;v,,v 111
and Miss L. HlBMand of Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Any and all oersons ebuminir nilverselv I hp
above-described lands are rupicsted to file
their claims In thisofflceon or before said 21st
day of August, Uiui.
jeai-i JAY V. LUCAS, Keglster.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 187s.
United States Land Ottice. The Dalles. Ore
gon, June 7, wot. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
actofeongrosof Junes. Is 8, entitled "An act
for tlie sale of tlniher howls in thn Slates of
Cnlilornia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," h extended 10 all Ihe public laud
suites Ly act of August 4, 1Sh2,
Al'liL'STU A. UO.s'NEY,
OfTygh tlllev.lrourilv- of Wasco, stale of Ore
gon, has, on liec. &, m, died in this office Ids
sworn statement No. lull for the purchase
ol the west yt southeast i and lots 7 and IJ.
set-lion 7. township 2 north, range t) eaM.
. .M.. and will offer oronf to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its tim
ber or slone than ii7i-ieiiltnrnl linroiise.
ami to i-stablisb 1,1s eialui to said land
before the Register and Receiver of Ibis otli-e
nt Tite Dalles, Oregon, uu Monday, the lilth
WM, ,,1 .-LOlj, i'.a.
He names as witnessi-s: Clyde T. Ronnev,
.,'n:!l'.1. k"s- 1-enie Rutler and O. R. Hartley,
nil ot HihxI River. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
a hove-d escribed lands r? jeipuested lo tile
their claims in this office on or before wild
pith day of August, bull.
Jellalil jAV v LUCAS, Register.
V . ." Vj -Ic and
ti. 1 If
Cheapness in ofton ilonrnei-s tlisiitiiseJ. W'c iiHiidln first-class flood
at rock-bottom priw-H. Our stork in complete, hik! it will pay you to
call on uu w licn in want of Dry (it)O(lH, iiroecrioH, Boots and SI1008,
or riour and Feed.
-5. .
Wo lrnvo jimt rereiviu . , a crato of Pisliea ci n-
cistiiirf of two puttorns, as follows: TriiiceMH Shiipe, 8t.
Decoration and Arcadia Flow HI tie.
Now is the time to buy, for you need the dinhe more than you
need tlie money.
riione KU
mm 9. hM.4, mm l iOiHiI mm
s lie Paris raip.
We have just received a new supply of Lndics' whito S1IIKT
We have reduced our 85c Shirt Waists to COc.
Our 80c Fhirt waist in reduced to COc.
Wo havo a nice line of Shirt Waists at 50c and up.
Some Waists slightly damaged at 25c.
We have some nice summer duck washable Skirts at fiOc.
Call and see our line of Summer White Goods, Lawn, Swiss, etc.
Summer Vests, Pants, etc.
The Best Goods for tho Least Money.
IF YOU were mmiing fruit and should
lingers, "wouldn't it jar you?"
Absolutely the
beht Jar made
Sun Fruit Jar.
Danger of fruit spoiling.
Loss by breakage.
J Metal to corrode or taint content.?.
Danger of burning hands.
J Woman losing her temper.
Call and see the Jar mid get prices.
I3 the best
1 O H.
White Arsenic
c per H),
4-lb lots,
4c per lb.
Sal Soda
Battle Axe Tobacco
Canned Peaches, per can
2-lh can Oysters
Sardines in mustard, large size can nnd finest quality, per can
Fresh vegetables arrive Thursdays and Saturdays. Rebate checks
given with all cash purchases. Your orders will receive prompt at
tention. Baled Hay, per ton, $14.
EeciprocIt37" Corrxer.
acksmithinsr anc
Horse-shoeing a specialty.
Are running their two Mills, Planer
Boz:es, "W"ocd- Posts
On short
Lnnrl Office nt Vnncnuvcr, Wa?h,, May 8,
lfKll. Notice is hereby given tlint the fullow-Ine-named
settlers hnvc filed notice if Inten
tion to nniltu tlnul proof on their respeetUe
In i ins before V. V. K.'ile. Clerk of tlie Supe
rior Court of .Skiimiitiiu county, WnsblnaUin,
nt ritevenson, Wnsli,, on June 28, I11OI, viz:
MMA.NNA C. WIl.l.AItli.
On Homestead. Applicution No. dM)0. for the
southwest W U. east i snntliwest W
nnrl northwest l4 Ronlhwest '4 section 2i,towu-
sii'p norm, rnnue ti eiist., w. At.
V houtiuies tlie follow hik witnesses lo prove
her continuous resilience upon and cultiva
tion of said bind, viz:
John A. Kisher, smnnel C. Dickinson, John
W. Hill nnd 8undre Toruuson. all of Chen-
owltb, Wiish.
nAMtf.l, C. JICKIKO,
On Honiesteud Applitntlon No. iKtsB, for the
northwest '4 of section 23, township 4 north,
rttnret) east, W. M.
ho namesthefollowins witnesses tonrove
nis continuous rcsiuencd upon alia cultiva
tion of siid land, iz:
Kmile Williird. Jolin W. Hill. KonJre Tor-
cnsi nnd Jolm A. Kislier, all of Cbtnowith,
On Homestead ApplicHtion No. 0T!1, for the
touthi-iist V. foul li west niuth Y f-oulheiist Vt
nnd northeast U sotilheust ' .wiion lo. town
ship t norlb. rsuife M east, W . M.
Who names the following wiinessea to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Kmile Villard,.lolin W. Hill, 8ondreTor
?usin and Siiniuel V. Dickinson, all of Chen
owiih. Wiisblxiiion.
ml J. 21 W. R. DLND.VR, Register.
Buggy for Sale.
Droscat baiiy, witli shafts and pole. Also
one saddle touy. Apply to
ml- A. 8. BLOWERS.
break the top of the jar or burn your
Avoid such mistakes by using tho
Easy to seal.
Kasy toope.n.
IB fj I o
we can buy.
in 11. 1..1.
50-lb lots,
fie per Ih,
100 n lots,
2,'c per ib.
li- w ivi n,
10e per lb.
CO-. lots,
3c per fl.
All work guaranteed.
end ro. Factory, and can fill orders for
Timber Land, Act June .1, 1ST.
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., Way 25. lixil. Notice Is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of
the act of congress of June 3, 187'', entitled
"An net for the sale of timber lands In the
Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public land slates by act of August 1, lx2,
Of Kulda, county of Klickimt, slate of Wash
ington, has this day filed In this oilice his sworn
slatenient No. 2M, for tlie purchase of the
norlheas quarter of section No. Pi, in
tow nship No. (i north, range No. II east.w.M..
and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its timberorstone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before t ho Register
and Kecei verof tills oflice at VancouH'er.W'ash..
on Friday, tlie 1 ith day of August. (ml.
He names us witnesses: I'onard Htumpand
Jennie (slump of Kuld.-i, Wash., and Mordicai
Junes und (i. Jones of II usum, Wash.
Of Kulda, county of Klickitat, state Of Wasb
ington.liasthisdnyflled In tliisolllrehersworn
statement. No. 2210, tor tlie purchase of tlie
northwest quarter of section No. M.". In town
ship No. a north, range No. lleast, W. Mnnd
w ill oiler proof to show that tiie land sought
is mote valuable tor its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and lo establish her
claim to said land before the Keglster and
Receiver of this oilice at Vancouver, Wash
on Friday, the l ull day of August. 1001.
She names as witnesses: Leonard stump
and Jon'tiian I,, stump of, W ash . and
Mordicai Jones and U. Jones of Jlusum.WRsh.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
Itith day of August, 110).
lalai W. R. DCN'IUR, Etglrtfr.
For Sale
1. Thn I.oy plnro, near Turkor's mill,
on llniiil river; sinali hoime; li ucrei
cleared ; price f '50.
2. Wendoif plare, near rinlerwoisl,
Wash.; lt0 iutch ; 10 in ctiltition ; fair
iiiiproyciiients ; yoiiiij? orchard ; 3 acre
Ix'iirin Htraw berries ; plenty of ginnl
wMer. I'rice fi,('t)0; terineay.
3. I'luht ncrcN ff the V. J. liaker
place, known nn the lli ffernan place; in
straw lierries; price, with crop, f 1 ,0(M.
4. lSacresoccupled byK.L.Ruod ;$lo00.
5. The old I'.oi'er.s place at Frankton j
owned by ti. V. Lane; larpe house,
barn, '2 rpring, part of l'helps rre'.k
falln, 2 acres improved, plenty of fruit ;
price, f 1,100 f.'iOO or mure canh.
li. Twenty nereH off J. W. I'.uker'
place; pear orchard and other fruit in
bearinc; price f 1.5 per acre.
7. IJnrrett-Sipnia addition ; f00 per lot:
$10 down and to per month; no interest.
8. Ten choice hits in Highland addi
tion, only two bltiilis east of tlie post
i.flice. on State rtreet, at $' to (150.
Terms easy. Every lot has a command
ing view.
9. Tine honiestrnd of 1 (10 acres rn
I'oek creel; near lavenport'c. Price
.'l,00:)-$::iJ0 down, balance nt 6 per
10. I'.iulit lots in Hull'i) addition ; each
lot. level, SO x HO ; cenler of ball gnnind j
flOO each.
11. The (1. T. Gnllnjan CO acres, lving
on the comity road north and east of the
I'.arrett farm; 21 acres in cultivation:
twill fruit trees Price $2,150, or $2,2(0
half cash. New $500 I am on place.
12. The Chits. Rogers 5 acre, tract and
colt ace, l'ranliton. (iood springs and
creek. $lioO,t( rnis easy.
H. Ti e Allen Fulton farm, lf-0 acres,
" mile cast of town ; price $1,000; terms
lo. Lots in Henderson sub-division
$37.ii0 a lot.
17. Two lots and nice cottacft, pst of
Concreational parsonage; price $1150;
tonus easy.
10. The Glover farm, well improved,
I Vh miles from Goldendale; 210 neres.:
110 acres in cultivation; M acres in
ivinter w heit ; 7 acres iu hog pasturp,
vith a creek mimic,; tI,ioii;,'li it; all tin
ier fence, with cross fences; larcn
lew barn 11 nd line house. Price $13.50
in acre ; will take. Hood Kiver property
n part pnnieiit.
20. P. A. Trann p'are, White Palmon,
n eight of Hood IViver; 8 acres, 5 in
strawberries and tomntoeR 17,000 straw
berry plants and 1.4!0 tomato plantc.
No irrigation r'nired.
21. N. ',; S. K. u R. '.; N. K. ( hoc.
1, T. 3 N., II. 11 !: White. Salmon; Gua
limber land ; $10 per aero.
22. The KmerHon homestead, onlvone
mile east of town ; fine range ; $1,500.
23. Lots Ti niui , block 7, Winans ftV
lition ; $50 a lot, or $S5 for the. two,
25. Two beautiful building lots near
1'iibt. Kaiid's new lioute. Price $2tX)
for tho two.
20. S. II. Cox's fine residence in Hood
River, lot 100 x M0; price $1,200.
2. 520 neres, with much tir timber,
including hoth f-.ills on Hood river. Re
fer to liutlcr A Co.
20. Twenty tierrs lying north of Teter
Knpke's, Kiist Side; potxl hind; unim
proved. I'rice $500; term oany.
30. Wishart 40 acres, East Side; $760,
or $800 half rash.
31. At Trout Lake, SO a. ; 3 in timothy,
cuts 8 tons a year; 60 a. in heavy caw
timber, white pine, fir and cedar ; west
fork Whito Salmon river runs through
the place; price $1 ,250.
32. F.mniit G. Robinson's 100 neres on
bills east of White Salmon, known as
tho Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved ; $785.
Eligible residence lots in Spangler'n
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$75 ; terms easy.
$200 to $1,200 to loan.
At the Emporium is kept a first-clasn
surveyor's transit, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying.
N. B. Terms are easy on all the above
lands, with interest at 6 per cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads
and timber claims should apply at the
Davidson Fruit Co.,
Shippers of
Hood River's Famous
Pui-lrr-a nf tha
Hood River Brand of
Canned Fruits.
Manufacturers of
Boxes and Fruit Packages.
Oeaiers In Fertilizers and Agricultural Ira-'
ffi7jbSTiua"Aci"juiie3, wjKT '
IT. S. Land Office, The lttlles. Oregon, May
20. I1U1. -Notice U hereby given that In com
pliance Willi the provisions of tlie act of coiv
).'iess of Junes, s7S. entitled "An act for Uib
sale of timber lands In the slates of California,
( ireaoii, Nevada and W.ishinnion Territory,''
as ejttendel to all the public laud tate by
act of August 1, lS'i.,
Of TjKh Valley, county of Wasco, stat'OfOre
Ron, lias tblii day tiled iu this olDee her
sworn statement No.lsi, for tue purchase of the
northwe-t1 xouih'.rcst nnd southwest' .l
northwest of section No. 5 in townshlpN'o' i
north, raiie No. 9 est, W. M., and will olfor
pn-if to show that tlie land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or slone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish herolalra
to said iand before the Heglster and KeceHcr
of thin oiiicc at '1 lie Dalles, Oregon, on Satur
day, the :;d day of A :iirust, limi.
She 1. ames ns witnesses: Clyde Bonney of
Hood Klver. Oregon; A. A. Honnev of Tveh
Vj'.liey, Oreaon; l.d. Mays and Joseph Maya
of Uisid Itiver, Oregon.
Any nnd all persons claimlna; adversely the
Bbove-descrihed lands ure rcntiested to file
their claims In this office oa or before said
3d day of August, bl.
JAY V. I.CCA1. Register.
Farm for Sale.
Or rent. are 5 miles east of Hood Elver
ls acres plow lm,d; plenty n( -p-ster- rinA
rang. Apply to J. I DAVEJirORT.