o 3(33d fiver Slaciei FIUD VY, JUN'E M, mat-iron gar- hard oils, WEF LOCAL MAI IE US. Goes' eanutH. Uriah Hoep cigars. Ice at Culu & Graham's. Fishing tacVo at Coe's. Harness at curt at llullt'. Wyj'fmr lime at Slierrill'a. Jar rubbers and csis at Coo's. Whitu Howing machinus. The People's Bloru. We have some bargains In groceries at Rami'. Camp stoves and camp equipment at Battle's. Shirt waists, full line, at IVone & McDonald's. Vun can't resiHt the sweetneseof Cocs' confections. Bono Bros, solicit consiira meats of strawberries. White enn rubbers, new stock, per dozen at Savage s. For the best W?er shoo in town go to Hone A McDonald. Lumber tit Tucker'W, and making more Send us your orders. 7 Always in stmk. Best grad of lin seod oil at Shi-rill's. Just received, a new stock of tresses, at Sherrill's. Don't forget the bed bug proof bed steads ut Slierrill's. A new stock of spray nozzles and den hose at Huvagu s. Those iron beds at Sherrill'a are to beat for the money. gash, doors, shingles, paints, brushes, etc., utcuvuge a. T. C. Dallas is anent for the Buckeye niowor, the best mower on earth. Vedette and Idenl bicvcles $25.00, easy payments. The l'eojiles Store. Thi best tool for orchard cultivation, the Acme harrow, sold by Savage. Rambler and Hartford bicvcles $35.00, easy payments. The People's Store. Your fruit will not spoil if put up in Royal cans, to be had of E. E. Savage. Whon you buy get a Selz shoe; they will make jour leet giad. For sale at Rand's. When you want a good smoke, buy the "Uriah Heep" cigar. For sale by all dealers. Lowest prices on doors, sash, paints, locks, butts, nails, shingles, etc., at Savage's. Bono & McDonald are agents for Os- born farm machinery, reapers, mowers, rakes, etc. Now is the time to take pleasure in hammocks. Sherrill a is the place to get them. Note the Price. Stone jars, stone churns, bean crocks at 15c per gallon, at J. h. Rand s. We have nlentv of money to loan on first class real estate for long term. Fra thor & Barnes. Arsenic is an ingredient in thecoating of cheap granite ware. The kind we sell is safe. Savage. ' Bone Bros, have a lot of strawberry crates to sell and they are the most per fect crate in the market. Chas. Rigg, the jeweler, has removed to llanna & Hartley's grocery store, op' posile the Glacier ollice. We are closing out our stock of Planet Jr (roods. Get some of them betore they tire all gone, at Hand's. ', Screen door, complete, with hingesand knob, fl at Savage s. A ladv'a horse, a irood buggy ami a $12 harness at $125 for tale by Dr.F.C.Brosius . RherriU's is the olace to buy your aash and doors. Call and get his prices be fore buying elsew here. If you wish to sell your strawberries It will be to your interest lo see Bros, before parting with them. ' Mach'ne needles, and all kinds of ex tras. See the new improvements on our machines; so cheap, too. liootn s Bed bugs are holding indignation meetings all over the valley, all on ac count oi lsurimess iron ueu sieaus Rnhhrtr hose guaranteed, for the sea on. nut to crack. Cheaper grades, of course. L'uarauteed to have a hole through endways, that's all, at Savage's Do vou need a wagon to haul in your berries? The "Eli" one-horse wagon Borings uiider the box, brake, shafts top box, spring seat complete, 55.U0 at Savage s. Sav. do vou know that you can get more pleasure out of a little money spent fur nn invan or niano. man any ouier way? Wo handle the best makes, am: sell them in such a reasonable way Cume and seo us. Buoth s. ot as Rev. Frank Spaulding is in attendance at the M. E. district conference at ooi dendale. Oi'n. T. f!no t Ron had some fine strawberries in their window Tuesday that were grown by II. S. Richmond Mt. Hood. . Accompanied bv W.D.Scott, II. R.Lew is came up from Portland Saturday night and spent Sunday with his son uaipn who is at Mr. Armor a. Miss Lillie Shute is in attendance delegate from the M. E. church of Hood River at the Epworlh League district convention at Goldendale. Mitchell Freelander, son-in-law of J. L. Blount, came over from Tacoma during the week and is vieitiu. with his wife ut J. L. Jf lount's. Mrs. Alma Howe s wind null is ap proaching completion. When finished she will have water pumped into her dwelling to all parts of the house. The Glacier force was madi) glad on Tuesday by the presentation of a hand some boquet of roses by Mrs. Mercer. One rose measured sii inches in diam eter. ', o Fivt) Indians were arrested for being drunk and disorderly on Sunday and cun fined in the city jail till Wednesday. A white man suspected of furnishing them the whisky kept them company iu jail. Prather & Barnes, who purchased the Champlin building, are having it set out on the street and will put a stupe foundation underneath. The whole building will be remodeled and fitted up for reut. The B ttm Blown its. One of the most interesting and ex citing games of the season will take place in this city on Wednesday, June 19th, between the Ladies' Champion Base Ball Club of Boston, Mass. and the Hood River club. The Boston Bloomers 4a iht. iumuI itiiivin this famous ladies base ball club. Jf&ey are justly entitled to the same, as they always appear up on the field, to battle for supremacy, dressed in the twentieth century garb the bloomers. This is their seventh an nual tour, and they travel iu their own palace car. Ladies can attend thi game without anv fear of being offended, as nothing is said or done that would shock the most fastidious. Game 2:b0 p. m. Admission to grounds 26 and 50 ceuU. 1 1.e k tri : i:i tl.e Oregon !'. net r i ArSoriauo.i.Vi. .. 11 1 1 niCf.w riiei :"I u lit j eijr boi ry II. ut I .oiuerdai could mr. hue bet u h.vi-il loru.t tUis.ulviurt Hoot I l.i.er liioiuurs ; but when it wus fhtiibl.fli.-d on June lot n, a great inuny ;ear u;o, liobodv was in ii. o strawberry IniHin.'cs except the Indians. As it required Hie combined i tlorl of England and Uncle Sum more than 40 years to etilo upon the loth of June, IMP, as to w Inch nation should control Urcgon, there is little hope 5o j ears later of an attempt being made to change the dale. As well might one sUart'pt to change the 4th ot July. It will lorever siaiiii an inuepciiticiic'! nut. In Uie same sense June loili stands as it memorial to Signify that English domin ion ceacd in uiJ ol w hat is now Oregon, W usliiugtoii, Idaho and all of Montana and Wyoming west of the Kocky mount ains, and furthermore, us a direct re sult ol the causes w hich led to the settle ment of the Oregon question, the Span ish-Mexican territory of California be came a part of the domain of the United Stales. '1 he pioneers In in all parts of Ore gon would be delighted to meet the Hood Uiver brethren eou Id the exigencies ol bus iness permit them to ulteud." W, P. Watson discovered apricot and orange scale on a lia.el bush close to ids house, whure orange peel had been thrown by the children. He brought a sample ol the scale in a jar to the Gla cier ollice. This shows that great care should be taken to destroy orange peel or the peel and refuse of all California fruit. A specimen ol the scale was sent to the state entomologist, Prof. A. B. Cordley, Corallis,witli inquiries regard ing the liability ot this scaie becoming a dangerous addition to our fruit pests. The electric plaiit of the Hood River Electric Light and Power Company sturted up Saturday evening, June Mb. The electricity was turned on at 8:43 p. m. ii nd gue good light ill the stoies and residences that hue been w irtd, except ing ut Bone & McDonald's store, w lit re the arc light went out because of faulty connections, latrons ol the company are much pleased at the success ol the electric light. Other business houses and residences are being wired since the electric light has proven such an im provement over the coal-oil lump and the light ot otherda s. Drunken Indius are plentiful and an Indian tight is a common occurrence. Last Sunday while the bull game was in prioress, an Indian came madly chus n. throiith tie grounds looking tor the marshal. Some hoys started on the run. veiling "a tight, a fight." Iinme diatelv the crowd followed, and iu about two minutes some &s 0 people were watch ing two drunken Indians beat eacl other. lhev were soon separated, apparently none the worse for the wear, and the ball game was resumed. The M. E. church people on Saturday last sent Ut the money to make the last paymentoii the uiortgitgeun theirchiirch. hen the panels come uaca llie cnurcn will have a bee and bum the mortgage. Kev. Frank Spaulding, during his paslor- uge, has raised ?i4d luwarus paying ior the building. Jiesides this, a turiiace has been placed under the church that Cost about fl4U. War in liood River's chinatnwn has compelled the old pioneer wnshee man, Oh fllv. to flee tor Iiih llie lie leu ior Portland on the boat lucsdav niornin He told Recorder Niekelseli that the chinamen occupying the house west of linn laid bothered hun a good deal and threatened bis Lie. It la thought he went to Portland lor counsel or lor rem furcenients. C. W. Harhimgh from South Dakota was in liood Kier iust week and made the rounds of the valley with Blurt Rand. hen Mart showed him cherry trees that had been planted two months unlv, with well matured ripe fruit, Mr. Hai baugh thought it a wonderlul sight. He sais he will come to liood layer to make his home. Some one w ithout the fear of his con science or the shot gun of W. P. Watson aided the latter s Henhouse Monday night and stole a $5 Plymouth Kock rooster and two hens, ine nen iioiims was locked, but entrance wiib. made firobablv bv a small boy) through a hole ujj inches in width by 20 long. Two crates of strawberries, packed by Mrs. F.G. Church, were sent to the Bulta lo Expositionou Monday by G.J.Gessling secretary ot the union. Mr. t nurcn, it is said bv the knowing ones, lias wie best putch'of strawberries in the valley this season. The berries shipped to Buffalo averaged iiti to the box. Mrs. A. P. Morse had a birthday an niversary last Saturday, June 8th, when she was 72 years old. Her chil dren, grandchildren and great-grandchildren gathered at the home ot her son. C. L. Morse, and gae her a party on that date, and a happy day was spent bv all present. John L. Henderson has purchased the Chun. 11. Rogers 120 acres in section IS, t,.u i.Kliio y north of range 10, cast. Also his home place of 5 acres at Frankton. Ti n I...,.,- ..i.w.u t'.ir uiiln on easv terms lor tboO. It is well watered, has a good house and barn. Judge Prather is not so much of a kicker us he was. W bile in the woods ...,n n i,.irv the other day. looking for Indian whisky smugglers, he uncovered k and kicked it about till he discovered 4s sticks of dynamite in it Mash. -Last Sunday at ilm hall imiiio George Smith was catch ing at the home base, when by accident, Sain tsiowers sieppeu on ucui6 o and it was severely mashed. Ti,n i,.linnnnnt tax list for Wasco county .occupying 17 columns solid nou- ttu ncl m ttlit'it t 8 ill the Mountaineer. Hood uivs H..immieiits take up a big part of the list, bale is advertised.for July b itiuith. accompanied by Iiih daughter, Mrs. Atkinson, came up Iron V.,r:,ui no TllUsdUV. Mr. BoOllI Will operated on for rupture and had a close call tor ins Hie. J. W. Robinson, wife and child of Ash ., .wf tvPi-H quests ot Mr. and Mrs. v K Sherrill over Sunday. Mr. Robinson . i........tu.l in i he Oregon King mine la in n 11 1 11 - at Ashwuud. Mr, i; D. IVardman, Mrs. I la r wood .,,,.1 t,i ,.i S. 11. Cox's children, and Duncan went to St. Martin s a .rich a camping outut on Tues- i-ji . One. ,.i r. p Rnus' cows cot into the J kiv ui - f feed box and helped herself too freely one day last week, and came near dy ing bui is uow recovering. W. B. Co.e of the geological survey , ;,. ir.,n, i m h. k Jieds Riiiur.ia ii rwiuiriH that it siiowud at the iMK licds the morning fie left. .f Lueile Roberts was left out of the list of eighth grade graduate niibiished in the Ulacier last week. m. .,,,.1 Ira lien Thevsen. who have 1,-1. living at Suokane,' have returned to Hood River for the summer. W N. West of Viento is back again in Hood Rier for the straw berry season l,.v,i,u berries for shipment, u"J'"t - . I neee and daughter of Viento were visitors in Hood River last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. A. W. Ackerman and sn Wal ter of Portland are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F-f Armor. Robt. Rand is buildi-ig a veranaa uor The bulk of the strawberry crop ban hi t n shipped. ShipliientH for I he season reached lnj.li water ma i Monday, June 10, h, w hen about 8,00 1 crates went out. The st'HSnn has been fuvorublc lor the crop, mid probably finer berries, taken us a whole, were inner sent from Hood Kiver 'i belt; Iiiih been some complaint ol rust and blight iu places, but where the patcl.e were well cared for, the crop gnu-rally is nil right, 'lhe output will be greuter than List year. Prices have kept up well, and at this date berries are worth $1.75 to $1.'.)0 iu Hood River. I he largest picking in one day, except in the Davidson Fruit Go's big patches, wiujmade by G. D. Eatinger, hist Mon day, when lie brought iu loOcratea. John Unlit intends vning East in a i-hort time lo sell patents he has received ob a bicycle coaster brake of disown and F. E. Denzer's invention. For this reas on he has concluded to close out his goods very cheap, to ullow him to get awuv tins summer. B. T. Young's 12-vear-nld loy was kicked in the mouth bv a horse on Mm dav. Three teeth were knocked out mid his lipciit. lr Brosinssewed up the cut and the boy is doing all right. Johnnv S'owtier, Indian, who lately returned from Yakima, caught an eel about t',1 feet long, in the Columbia river, V ednesday. A young lady desires a situation to do housework. Apply ut the residence ol Mrs. Fred. Howe. For two weeks, John Hullt will sell harness goods Ht cost. The ineiuliers nr I lip lilVi rslilf txlgp, D 'ol 11.. mi' n qui sp il l hi-pii'H ni ill A. u. I'. Vt Imll Saluiiniv. Die 1 ith, ill S j. in wIipii u n- ieilii n will ba lenilurril lo Mr. Mint Mis. Ill II' V HOrtP. All lllelllUlTH III lim wiirKinril IimIkh'iiip cord Iii 1 1 y PviU ! to cit-npi-nile Willi I lie ln'urep In Klioivbiit llielr ngnni f'ir mir re- siipett-ti ini'intii'iH who uiu uLioiit to ii inove iroin oiii'cniiiimiiitiy. i. of il. Hi t inT ihiIIpp In unotlier rnlumn. VVphave hren Inn lipuvv c ih-iikp iiiiltlnif In mnins.el to Klvs our i iisininero boo I wuIkc "i viit. We i ow liiive iih kihmI it supply u liny Kiw n In tup Kiiileiiml llnd UKini'iiil liel.ng nf siiii- iiicllon. V lire clmiuing i nl.v liull Inn nnei lor hiiaiitiiiK llnil I'nri Luirt chiinirs. Sow id we ask In prompt piiyineni Hie lust ol ev. ry lllolllll. IIOOU KlVKIt KCit I Ml TKIIt, A vnilnir conit'Ml for (lo PIcjh of Liberty for our 4lli ol Ji.ly ei lebinl oii hint tiei n In mgii' iiiIimI. 'I'll ki Is hiv lor ki if mil Innlm Ii ' liiivi'Pn n plu e l ut illiti n n' onvi In to.vn. or llie voleiH In ilei oU I lie, r liuilol.i unit ciii!'. 1 He ni li c nl ii volo Is 10 imiu. Tub vimiiii! mini tin Co sn't vnP' earl nil I of en for his Oibt gli 1 will nol itesi'i ve lo m-l llie Ki 1. Kieryhody In p.xpcctel to clean up tho Hln-HiH in mint ol tin lr plmvs ol IhikIiipks mill iiiiiku goo I know ing lor llie iouilli. No ulio.illn ol Hie eraeiiern will Im hIIomsI on tneslieeU down town, nn I can keep the ti eels clean. Iloo I K V . r will nee I P pul on lis best bib iiiui tiiener In reeplve flic many visiioi's t but will lie beie on tbu Koui lli. Miss Nellie Allin pres. nlert the Olai'lcr on Weiinesitiiy Willi it Imskel of as nice vegi li.bles us Jon ever sn . '1 bey were yrowii In 'i lie Inline burden wiihoul Ii rigiillon innl cuieU I' ir bv bersi'll Mini niollier. lb basket cun mlneil ii big mess ol pnise, loliuois, nun in. riiiilsboi, let luce, turn u bnciuet l t'l.oice popples. ilieSiniilnv Hhool nf tlio Vullpy riirlxtiHn eliureti obwrvpil Ciilliln n's litv .lime 2 I. The elilliln n remli ipil in a eieillliible iniinni r un i'.v ri ise t nt It led 'l lie lietler Pay," ami wen' :ri'ct-i by il full hotiv. The (olleellon .niioiinlr-i! lo $ .oil imJ w ill be devotud to loi ein iiiissn nt. The Imlies Inleresteil In "Snnshlnf" work .till ineel ut the hniini of M s. Miner H'liut. Ki liliiy Hfunno m.ut paOo'ciock. tiring tliiiu- bll'S Mill M'is.-OI'H. Up to 1'biir-ilny mnrnlim. s we po tn prpsn Iim Jih nf.lnlv linanep roinnilltee biive re- i i.ivi il suliai i ii'jlii n to Hie Minoiiiil ol 811 .50. A Wg Ice ereiun frppwr lit Jenspn' will en i b!e 1 1 mi lo s. II lep eieimi, (h-llveied on short I ollce, i t :Uc a quurt. Plume 1 5. Mrs. M. K. Shaw t nth nlinr tlioernduiUIng .xeieise- id sit. Helen's Hull, I ortl.m I. HoSinhbline of 'Irani' Past Is vialtlng lis brother-ill bnv, W. K. Mhurrill. Mis. Ionise (li.ridanl will iva ono of her popular lecnuls ubmit ,lui:r 'Jltli. The ( aiiiiviil. The C. E. Street Kulr mid Carnival opened liiHtevjnliiK under what seeincJ lo bu unfx oiublu allspices but. w hich turned out to be very sueepssnil. rue music nyiini missis ...! wim i i' isrlitlll . innl me nun oy me .oiiiup eoinpauy w us npprei iini ii. j or i n living members nf I tin V. u. ori-iiPs:iu on- .,1-1, ...I iiiii-. l'i'i.r. (' iii'i'iice. (illbeil. violin; Mrs. II. I'. HIllilliT, Kllltin; .HI '. I,. llHri- in.. nuiTin .11 ss l.tllli! r 11 I H nil. ni'iiii"'i'ii. Hei't Knti ieiin. violin. The ninine!'Miu nt of t lie fairpxi'iH-stlieiriippreelation. 1 lielinollis wero iiresliieil nver nv ine .msse.s r.ui:nii n.mnev .lnniiitpop boolb: A L'liea 1 uilio.caiiily buolhf.Mfllie uliner, popioru mid peiinuls; Hester Howe mm i;iirriu ier. wci ". others, lie ereiun: Vrs. price, limey wont. The pnntnimnie Mr ioiiikiii w in luiigiiu-i piitertioniiiir. llie mit bhiiouii mip up i" nltjlit, Thiiisdiiy. I veryuony win uo iuuio. Married. At Sura. Wnsh'nglnn, Jene lmi. C. .1. Fit of sum and Miss Alice tl. Metcuif of llo id Illver. The bride Is a daughter of Mr. find M rs. Jna Meicnlf of J loot. V. ver. The bridegroom Isa sneroua furmer t Chirlie county, Wash. The young couple will nmue tneir iioiue ui urn, usii. In Hond Plver. nt the Cnnpresatlenal par- sonnu'i', on sun lay. June , iwi, ,mi M ss Anne in w evunnni. uoui m county; Hev. J. c. iiemiineroiuuiuuuK. C'linicli Sotifc. Vnllev Chrl-ttnn Church. Sunday ebonl .1 111., m I'l'l'iiph 111 lit II. 111. IMllll'UVOr i : . 41 n in. l'ri'iiehinij Ht S:l") p. m, Mornlne siibieet. - n r dutv lo Kvanuelize mr state. Kveiiin?sulijei t, "PiessiiiB Toward the Murk foniriPiiutioniil Chiireh.-Heivlcn with wor- ii in lw. ..nmliietpil nv nip oasior SII I M 1. '" 1 - .. V. . 1 siilileel ut inoinliiB seivlee. "I'ne Unieckoned J ...1.... ... 1.J n ... mlllfr l'rtU...I I I".. S V I'W III I ."V U. ..w.-i iiu linniliev. snnilav m liooL at ie a. ni The nub he Is Invucu lo tiiene serines. United Brethren Cnnrch-Siindiiy senor. iu 10 a.m. Preaclilns at 11 n. ni. nun 8 p.in. ...r.. i :il) n. ni. special iiiiim iu ai i ...... dav evening at .5:00. You nre cordially Invited to all tnec serviees. it. w i'-"-- The New Goodyear Velt Shoes for IVomen $2.50. 'J liey are niadeof the best material by union workmen, and every pair warranted. There may bo better shoes for the price, hut you will wuste a lot of money and time In poor imitations before you And them or anything fts good. , The U. i Smith Shoe for men, mado of White Brothers' box calf, (2.50. This is a mute for the Federation, and if you want your money's worth and wear, buy them. II. S. & II. tan Hiissia calf Shoe, a good full measure of value at t.1.1'0, but we can sell them at $2.5). For f2.0J we have men's calf or kang. calf, full stock dress or all ' day Shoe. ., No one anywhere w will ing to sell shoes on as close margin as we do. We carry, also, the famous Julia Marlowe ?3.60 grade; M. A. l'uckard Shoes for men at f?J.50 "iliimanic" Shoes for men at HOD And the king of all SC11OOL-S110F.S, the Dis. 70. Big values in men's Fine Shirts, Tics, Suspenders, Underwear and Hats; ladles' Phirt Waists, Vrapers, I nderwear and Millinery tit cut prices to close the season. THE PEOPLE'S" STORE. : Agents for lioyul Ta Ion. Men's Harness Leather Belts, latest style Leather Shoulder Uraee suspenders Men's Tics, silk and satin, tecks and bows Split Bamboo Fishing Hods, extra tip, iu cases Fly Hooks, all varieties, Flag, in various sizes, as low as Brass Cannon, mounted on w heels Cap Pistols, 5 bo iesi cups with each Ladies' fast black, white looted hosi, A pairs A lady came bad; alter a second lot, the other uay were so coinlortaoie. We carry the Corli.-s Coon brand ladies' and gents' Collars. THE LITTLE STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES. EH MEAT McGuire Bros. DKALERS fN Fresh and Cured Meats, I ai-H Pnulirv. Fruits and Vegetables iiMnfini Cms is the place lo buy meat! s. ...'.. i...... ii.,.i cv nnissinii from un eX' " ' 1 " I " I' I , ! V, ; convinced u' "n : " .riwuVs riivi .We vuriety of iooii: 'eleiin. tender meat und that our prices "TrvnV'nwl-rlh roaat of Reef for dinner, s" -. .i...i ii... nimlllv imrl fluvor UlleX celled, und we will prepiirp It in such a jjid und eonvenient inunncr for the kn fe Ihui any Hiniiiour can curve U. e nave uu tue in" Tr Delivery. Fhone 35 Stockholders' Meeting Morlilioaieisol lliP Kiist Fork lrrlunilii(; o ...i. ....iiT... iiini there m'III bearieciul ni-et '.. . ....in ,..'ti,.,.. itios ' nillee in llnnd Uiver nt lOo'eloek Siiturday, lima 2n, IsOl, for the pn rpo. oi ehelin,' n direeior Je7 C. B. HONK, Hecrpliiry. Peanut Roaster. it's, hoca it iwit.11111 Kimsipr ui lutest putsr .n.t ,...n simiilv mir eiistomers Willi the best nuality ot pi'iniuis, iresn Sumple ineiii. mnsied efpry d.ii t'Ol.KAUKAllAM. Dalles. Portland & As toria Navigation Co Steamers Regulator and Dalles City Pnilv (except Sunday) betwepn The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks Vmiennver and Portland, Touchlnent way points nn both sides of tbe r,.iiimhiit Kiver. Z Ruth of the Mis.vp steiuner hnve been re built und lire In excellent simpe foi the sea iu of hsM. The llPKiilntiir line will piidvavor i.i vlvp lis rutrons the best ervice possible. 1 . - Ln B,..,ii.imv unit pleasure, travel hv the steamers "f tlipVo Kiilator f.tne. . t 'in,',,s..i,1p iitnl Sutnrd:iV. liOLMiiainr i-rtvsttl 7 a. m. aionday, Wed- ' rJi.v Portland i a. m.: nrrtvp at Tne Dalles 5 n. in. Arr e nt Portland 4: p. in kooi. ivaiiv id .-v- , : I'nrtlann "nice, unit st. nw.. the Oak street entrance U) the uienwoou ofllcei Colirt sireeu house. W. Al-un vy . ts is, Gnerl Agent, POctVU iuwiiivip a. m The Dalles SATISFACTORY PEES eai YOU KNOW, is not always easily altainahle. Sonmtlmes the pric Is objcctionahle; often it is the quality, and occasionally BOTH are unsatisfactory. We always try to have, both price and qnalit right. If we caa (uriiish you a shoo that meets these requirements, we know you will baoonie a shoe customer of ours. Tho C. G0TZIAN &C0S SHOES Combino both essentials to a remarkablo degree. Wo carried them last year and are now restocking with the same make. We hav them in men's, women's, youths, misses and children's, and ask you to examine (JUAMTY AND THICK. vv ft m i jnuL. run iiwifiL.Hi v. 4 i - . B 9 t 'i STYLE M CORRECT IGoodvehs Welt with Irivisinu Ccnii Soli Maajfaoturccl if biiEISICS 1 "-. V, -i-.v 50 SUPERIOR QUALITY THEY FIT T!E FEET SSfte 'i1v Equal lonny $3 Shoo cn Ilia Markol 3,tl fmirSMln iIim i" lw tti.in. In.lrt mi Mm rttlo fm, g c. corziAN a tu., rrop r, Ota SfiQO IpOa ST. PAIX, MIWN. FOR SALE BY bone fc McDonald. Storo USTcws. 27th SATURDAY SURPRISE SALE. 17 in. Scotch Linen Crash Toweling, full bleached, 12,c per yd. With every ten yards purchased we give, free, one Star Holler, the neatest towel roller nude; it sells for L'oc. SATUHDAY O.N LY. f5c 5.5c 25c l 25 per doz 25c per Uoz She said they 5c 10c 5c 50c CLOUD CAP INN CONFECTIONERY. None but the finc-t graih-s of Confections kept. Home-niake Taffv, Ice Cream and Krnits. Ice-cream Sodas served from the finest up-to-date fountain in town. Agent for The Dulles Laundrv. Special rates for family washing. ERNEST V. JENSEN. For SPRAYING MATERIAL Call on Clarke. For PURE FRESH DRUGS, Call on Clarke. For all kind3 of PATENT MEDICINES, Call on Clarke. WALL PAPER, For For ANYTHING IN Call on Clarke. THE DRUG LINE, Call on Clarke. Flie ul acier Fiiarmacy 10 Large assortment of Hammocks. Look at them. 75c and up. Iron Beds, latest designs and lowest prices. PAINTS AND OIL8. Tho best is the cheapest. I havs thorn. BUILDING MATERIAL, including II iiiuiuiiic-,1 At Portland prices. A large assortment of WALL PAPER in new shades and deelgna Undertaking and Embalming. Get prices on anything in the Furniture line of me before going else where. At iny old stand on Oak slreet. W. E. SHERRILL. GEO. P. CROWELL, Ruccosnor to E. L. Smith-Oldest Established IIou.,a In His ralley.J Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Flour and Feed, etc. This old-established house will continue to pay cash for all ita goods; it pays no rent; it employs a clerk but does not have to divide with a partner all dividends are made with customers in the way of reasonable prices. GE.O T. PRATHER, U. S. Commissioner and Notary Public. PRATHER & BARNES, HOOD RIVER, OF.ECON. FRED B. BAKNES. Mfitls, Cmiffiii Bed Estate, Ihi, mow to Lot Ixits and Blocks for sale. Taxes paid for non-residents. Township Plats and Blanks in stock. Telephone 61. Correspondence Solicited. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Prescriptions a Specialty. Agent for the SHERWIN-WILLIAMS TAINTS. REMOVAL Having removed to the new store building one door west of old lo cation, I would respectfully invite old friends and new customers everybody to give us a call w hen needing goods in our line. We do not handle even-thing but will enlarge along the lines of BooRs. Magazines, StatioRsry aiflXiiiareil Gooils, As the demand may warrant, and shall endeavor to merit a share of vour patronage. Respectfully yours, E. R. BRADLEY. Job Printing a Specialty. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND mm Oregon and UwsftN Ptcmc wall THE DALLES HOSPITAL. 9t I- .-ns t ii awa. : . k t r mt ;. mm !r? i. ft:-.. A 4 5 i - o t. -!!. . . L. P. O. Box 640, The Dalles, Oregon. Bid3 Wanted. Bids for th fr-tfn of ft "hool honw nt Nli o'nl. in liifrlot N. 2. will be rsriveil hv thf houid of rtlreci-r up tn .lulv im. IM iinftnd niie.'itlCHtliins ninv he won Hi the rsl.ln',' f M. H. S'flf'iin. lhe distn-t j plprtc. The ho ird rcseives ih right to rejpet anv and all bids. J B nrder of tb Board of Directors of Elstrlct So. . . Steamer Iralda Of the Rjralntor f.ine leaves Cs''n''e fx)-ks ri..n- o..Ai.i Knnduv. nt . ni. leaves Hoo I nivpr'nt Sr.M) ii. in. ArrivP t Tlip liMlleHt li 0 R-iornins. pvo The Ihillps at 2 p. in.; an Ives ii' Hoo.1 Uiver t 4 V. I'. Al.l.tiWA. 'ienpral Aent. Town Lots for Sale. ADDly to WATT, rr Sec'y Hood Biver Towowio Co. Time Schedules. E. Bound. Fr'm HOOD KIVER W. Bound. ChippRo sneciai 11:25 a.m. Spnknne Klyer 8:27 p.m. Suit .tike, Denver; Kl Woi th.nmuhn, I'ortinntt Kansas City. St! Mp. clai Iiuls, Chlc.go 2:C5p. m. and the Knhl. Walla Wftlln, flpo-: Itnre.Mliinenpnlis l'ortlnna Mull nnd Kt nreu. U:4i p. m. Depart 8 p.m. 81 I'aul. Dulnth, Mllwimkee, Chi cago and Knst. Suit Lake. Dpnver,! l-'t Worlh.oinalia, Mali and S p.m. Kx. xiinday rt.ittirday, 10 p.m. A a.m. Ex. Sunday Kaunas City. Ht. I.'iuis. Chicago and tne t.ml. From PORTLAND. Ocean steamships For san Krani'i'soo i Sail every o days. Comtmbia River. Htkamehh. To Aslorlii and vtf lundlmjH. Wllhinieite Rivpr. (JreL'i)ii CUV. New- berg."salum & way lanclinga. 1 WlI.T.A M FTTK ASH 7 a.m. Yamhim.Kivf.R8, Tue". Thur.'Oreaoii City, Dayton and Kut. and way liindinjjs. m. I Willnmettoflliver. Tuns. Thur., Portland lo Corval- and Sat. limit way landings. t.v.Klparta.l Lv lwist n KiLlll. HNsKB HlVKR. S l.'n. daily. llipnria to Iiton' dally. A. U f ftAl'irCfr'l fiisii. Aur.V'ortland.Or. J. B.sI KV, Airent. (Inort Uiver. Team for" Sale. A 2M0 team, well matched inr 8U". jy U. 8. QALLIQ.VS. -FURNITURE The vounu man loves the young woman-, That's his business. The young woman loves the young man; That's her business. The voung man and young woman get married ; That's the preacher's business. Tliev will need furniture, carpets, ' paj er and building material ; That's my business. S. E. BARTME5S. EMBALMER. Timber Land, Aet .lime 3, 1R7S.1 NOTICE 1'OH PUJiLlCATlON. United States f.and Oince, Vnnoouver, Wash., Mnv 21, 1!K)1. Notice in hen'by Riven that in compliance with the provisions of tho act of wintcnss nf Junes, l;s, entitled "An act for the Mile of timber IhiiiIk In the atates of California, Or"gon, Nevada and Viihltii;toii ten ltoi v," n extPiided Ui all the public luuu fates by act of August 4, lx"2. OI.IVKK 1'. KU LI'S. Of Fuldn, pounty of Kllekititt, Btatfl of Hum Initlon.hasthiHdnv tiled Iu thiHollleehiaswoin KlatPinent No. 2."0S for the purcliaKe of tha lot 1 of section No. 2. and loin 2, and 4 of seeiion No. 1, in township No. 5 north. rnn:;e No. 11 cant, W. M., mid will oiler proof to show that lhe land soiiuht Is more valuable for its timber or stono thsn for ugrlpuliti nil purposes, and to establish his claim to said hind before lhe Kepisler und Kecciver of this ollice ut Vancouver. W anh, un Tuesday, the 27th day of August, 1'jMl. He names as wimcFses: Halsi y l. Oilti.JnnB Wvcrs. Hcnlamln K. Oneil und trjimuel If. C'o'le, all ol ! ulda, WnsMnKlon. Any and ail persons eliiimlni; adversely the above-ilpscribcd lauds are requested to file their claims In t his niBce on or before salu 7ll. Hutw,f All,ll!.t. 11)01. in.Ua W. H. DUNBAff. HfgUter. Timber Land, Act JunpS, 1ST8.1 NOTICE FOii 1'UJihl CATION. United States hanrt Omco, Vancouver, Wash., .May 1!1. Notice is hereby etvpu that in coiiipliunro with the provisions of thu u'-tufcoiiKruNM of June 3. IS.S, entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lands in the (slates of California, Ureon, Nevada and Vasliingtou Territory," as extended to all the public laud states by act of August 4, lsw, MUKUICAI .luNLH, Of llusum. couni v or K lickitat, stole of V asl liiL'lon, lias this day tiled In Ibis ollice his swori. stalttiieriL No. 22H, for the piircliMWJof tim southeast quarter of sention No. At. in township So. it iiortb.ranue No. lleabt, W .M.. and will olh-r proof to kbow that the land sought is moi r. valuable for lis timber or thtoi tor uiripiilturat mirnoses. and to Vsiablisii bis chum to said lund betore tba K.visier and lteeeivi r ot this ollice at au couver, VAasb., on Friday, the li-th dsy of August. 1UI1. . he names as witneses: Jonlthan 1.. fcuinip, ls.nuid Mump, and Jennie Slump, all of t'ulia. Wash., and Uwenllian Jones of llusum. Wash. ' bWKKLUAN JONES, w Of flnsum, county or Klickitat, siateofWash lnion, has this (Jay tiled in this oUlce his sworn slalenieut. NifcKl.j. for ttie purebiisc ot the sonlnwest quarter of section No. , J n township No. 0 north, range No. 11 east, W .M., and mil oiler proof to snow that the land souirbt is more valuablefor its timber orstone tiuiu for agricultural purposes, and t' estal lish bis claim lo said land before thp iti-gitu r and iw-l-r of this offliss at Vancouver, Wash., on Krldav. the Kith day of AuuhtKi1. He names as witnesses: .louiiuau i.. oiuinp, fonard Htump and Jennie mump, all of r nlda, Wash., and Mordlcai Jonas ol llusum, VV uso. . , Any and all persons claimine adversely th above-dc-ribc l lauds are requtated to llie tneir chiiiis in Ibis office ou or before j.d liith day ot August, I'Xil. je.aS W. U DUNBAR. Bcf IsKJT. Flyer 4: Ou.m. Kx press o:il a.m. Arrive 4 p.m. 4 p.m. Ex.Sunday. 4r;50 p.m. Ex-Sunday. .1::I0 p.m. Man, Wed. anil Fri. 4::)0 .m. Mon.. Wed. and Fri. 1 o