FROM POORHOUSE BY MARY J. CHAPTEU VI. Mary bad been et the poorhouse about three week when Minn Oruudy one day ordered ber to tie on ber auu bouuut and ruu acros tbe meadow aud through tbe wood until h came to rye atubble, then follow tbe footpath along tbe fence until abe came to another atrip of wood, with a brook running through It. "And Just on the fur edge of thew wooda," said he, "you'll aee the men folk to work;" and do tell 'eui to come to their dinner quick." It waa mild September day, and Mury determined not to hurry. She had not gone far when abe came auddenly upon boy and two little glrla, who seem ed to be playiug near tbe brook. In tbe feature of the boy abe recoguized Henry Lincoln, ami remembering what Billy bail aaid'of him. ahe waa about turning away wbeu the smallest of the girla esnied her. and called out: "Look here. HiMU, I rmkou that' Mary Howard I'm going to apeak to her." "Jenny Lincoln, you mualn't do any inch thing. Mother won't like It," aa ewered tbe girl called Hose. Knt whether "mother would like It or not, Jenny did not atop to think, end going toward Mary ahe said: "Have you come to play in the wooda?" "No." waa Mary'a reply. "I came to call the folka to dinner." "Oh, It wan you that acreamed ao loud. I couldn't think who it waa, but it can't be dinner-time?" , "Yea. 'tie: it'a noon." "Well, we don't have dinner until 2, and we can atar here till that time. Won't rou nlay with ua?" "No. I can't: I muat go back and work." aald Mary. "Work!" repeated Jenny. "I thiuk It'a bad enough to have to live in that old bouse without working; but come and ace our fish pond;" and taking Mary'a hand, abe led her to l wide part of the atreain where the water had been dam med up until It waa nearly two feet deep and clear aa cryatal. Looking in, Mary could ace the pebble on the bottom, while a fish occasionally darted out and then disappeared. "I made this almost all myaelf," aaid Jenny. "Henry wouldn't help me be cause be'a ao ugly, and Itose was afraid of blacking her fingers. But I don't care. Mother saya I'm a great great I've for gotten the word, but it meana dirty and careless, and I guess I do look like fright, don't I?" Mary now for the first time noticed the appearance of her companion, and readi ly guessed that the word which ahe could not remember waa "slattern." She was a fat, chubby little girl, with a round sunny face and laughing blue eyes, while her brown hair hung around her fore bead In abort, tangled curls. Altogether ahe was just the kind of little girl which one often finds in the country swinging on gatea and making mud plea. Mary waa naturally very neat; and in reply to Jenny's question aa to whether she looked like a fright, ahe answered, "I like your face better than I do your dress," because it is clean." "Why, ao waa my dress thla morning," J aaid Jenny, "but there can't anybody play In the mud and not get dirty." Jenny drew nearer to Mary and aald: "If you'll never tell anybody aa long aa you live and braeathe, I'll tell you some thing." Mary gave the required promise, and Jenny continued: "I shouldn't like to have my mother know It, for ahe scolds all the time now about my 'vulvar tastes.' though Tm sure Rose likes the same things that I do, except Billy Ben der, and It'a about him I waa going to tell you. He waa ao pleasant I couldn't help loving him, If mother did aay I mustn't. He used to talk to me about keeping clean, and once I tried a whole week, and I only dirtied four dressea In all that time. Oh! how handsome and funny his eyea looked when I told him about It. He took me In hla lap, and aaid 'that waa more than he thought a little girl ought to dirty. Did you ever see any boy you loved as well aa you do Billy Bender?" Mary hesitated a moment, for, much aa ahe liked Billy, there was another whom she loved better, though be bad never been one-half aa kind to ber aa Billy had. After time abe answered: "Yea, I like, or I did like, George More land, but I shall never see hi in again;" and then aha told Jenny of her home In England, of the long, dreary voyage to America, and of her father's death; but when she came to the sad night when her mother and Franky died, ahe could not go on, and laying her face in Jenny a lap she cried for a long time. Jenny's tears flowed, too, and she, softly caressing Mary, aald: "Don't cry so, for I'll love you, and we'll have good times together, too. We live in Boston every winter, but It will be 'most six weeks before we go, and I mean to aee you every day." "In Boston?" said Mary, inquiringly. "George lives In Boston." Jenny was ailent a moment, and then suddenly clapping her hands together, she exclaimed: "I know George More land. He lives just opposite our house, and Is Ida Seldon's cousin. Why, he's 'most aa handsome as Billy Bender, only he teases you more. I'll tell him about you, fof mother says he's got lots of money, and perhapa he 11 give you aome." Mary felt that ahe wouldn't for the world have George know she waa In the poorhouse, and ahe quickly answered, "No, no, yon mustn't tell him word about me. I don't want you to. Prom Ue that you won't." CHAPTER VII. One afternoon about the middle of Oc tober Mary sat under an apple tree In the orchard, weeping bitterly. It was in vain that Alice, who was with her, and who by this time was able to stand alone, climbed up to her side, patting her checks and trying in various ways to win her attention. She still wept on, unmindful of the sound of rapid foot steps upon tl. grass, nor until twice re peated did she hear the words, hy, Mary, what is the matter? What's hap- . pened?" Then looking np she saw Billy Bender, who raised her in his arms, Laying her head on hia ahoulder, sha aobbed out: "She's gone she's gone, and there's nobody left but Sally. "Oh dear, oh dear!" "Gone! Whose gone?" asked Billy, "Jenny," was Mary's reply. "She's gone to Boston, and won't come back till next May. and I loved her so much." "Oh, yes, I know," returned Billy. "I met them all on their way to the depot but I wouldn't feel ao badly. Jenny will come again, and besides that, I've got aome real good newa to tell you. "About Ella?" said Mary. to PALACE HOLMES "No. not about Ella, but about myaelf; I'm coming here to live with you." Coming here to live!" repeated Mary with astonishment. "What for7 Are your folka all dead?" Billy smiled and answered, .oi quue so bad aa that. I went to school here two years ago, and I know I learned more than I ever did at home In two aeaaona. The boys, when Henry Lin coln Is away, don't act half as badly tber do In the village; and then they usu ally have a lady teacher, because 11 a cheaper, I auppoae, for they don t pay them half as much as they no geuue men. and I think they are a great deal tbe best. Anyway, I can learn me uiosr when I so to a woman. . "But what makea you come here, ami what will your mother do?" aaked Mary. . . .L "she eot a sister come irom u i to stay with her, and aa I ahull go home every Saturday night, ahe'll get along well enough. I heard Mr. Parker in the store one day Inquiring for a boy to do chorea. So after cousulting mother I offered my servicea anil was accepted, Won't we have real nice times going to school together?" Three weeka from that time the winter acbool commenced, and Billy took up his abode at the poorhouse, greatly to the satisfaction of Sally and Mary and great ly to the annoyance of Miss Grundy.. "Smart Idea!" aaid ahe, "to nave mat great lummox around to be waited on!" and when ahe saw bow happy hi pres ence seemed to make Mury, she vente.l her displeasure upon her in various ways, conjuring np all sorts of reasons why she should stay out of school as often as pos sible, and wondering "what the world was coming to, when young ones linnliy out of the cradle begm: to court! It wasn't so ill her younger days, goodness knows'." Much as Mary had learned to prize Sally'a friendship, before winter was over ahe had cause to value it still more highly. Wretched and destitute aa the poor crazed creature now waa, she show ed plainly that at aome period or other of her life abe had had rare advantage for education, which ahe now brought into use for Mary'a benefit. Each night Mary brought home her books, and the rapid improvement which ahe made in her atudies was aa much owing to Sally's useful hiuta and assist ance as to her own untiring persever ance. One day when she returned from achool Sally saw there was something the matter, for ber eyes were red, and her cheeka were flushed aa if with weep ing. On inquiring of Billy, she leurned that aome of the girls had been teasing Mary about her teeth, calling them "tushes." Aa it happened, ou of the paupers was sick, and Dr. Gilbert was at that time in the house; to him Sal Immediately went, and after laying the caae before him asked him to extract the offending teeth. Sully waa quite a favorite with the doc tor, who readily consented, on condition that Mary waa willing, which he much doubted, aa auch teeth came hard. "Willing or not, ahe shall have them out. It s all that makea her ao homely," aald Sal, and, going in quest of Mary, abe led her to the doctor, who asked to look In her mouth. There waa a fierce struggle, a scream, and then one of the teeth waa lying upon the floor. "Stand still," said Sal, more sternly than she had ever before spoken to Mary, who, half frightened out of her wita, atood atlll while the other one waa ex tracted. "There," said Sal, when tbe operation waa finished, "you look hundred per cent better." For time Mary cried, hardly know ing whether ahe relished the joke or not; but when Billy praised her Improved looks, telling her that "her mouth waa real pretty," and when she herself dried her eyes enough to see that it was a great improvement, she felt better, and wondered why she had never thought to have them out before. Rapidly and pleaaantly to, Mary that winter passed away, for the presence of Billy was In itself a sufficient reason why she should be happy. He waa so affec tionate and brother-like in hla deport ment toward her that abe began question ing whether ahe did not love him as well, It not better, than she did her sister Ella, whom she seldom saw, though she heard that ahe had a governess from Worcester, and was taking music lessons on a grand piano, which had been bought a year be fore. Occasionally UiUy called at Mrs. Campbell's, but Ella seemed ahy and un willing to apeak of her Bister. Why is there this difference?" he thought more than once, as be contrast ed the situation of the two glrla the one petted, caressed and surrounded by every luxury, and the other forlorn, desolate, and the Inmate of a poorhouse; and then he built castlea of a future when, by the labor of hia own head or hands, Mary, too, should be rich and happy. CHAPTER VIII. As spring advanced Alice began to droop, Sally's quick eye detected in her infallible aigns of decay. But she would not tell it to Mary, whose life now seem ed a comparatively happy one. Mr. and Mrs. Parker were kind to her. Uncle Peter petted her, and even Miss Grundy had more than once admitted that "she was about as good as young ones would average." Billy, too, had promised to remain and work for Mr. Parker during the summer, intending with the money thus earned to go the next fall and win ter to the academy in Willbraham. Jen ny was coming back ere long, and Mary's step was light and buoyant as she trip ped, singing, about the house, unmind ful of Mrs. Grundy's oft-expressed wish that "she would stop that clack," or of the anxious, pitying eyes Sal Furbnsh bent upon her, as day after day the faithfnl old creature rocked and tended little Alice. At last Mary could no longer be de ceived, and one day wben Alice lay gasp ing In Sally's lap ahe aald, "Aunt Sally, isn't Alice growing worse? She doesn't play now, nor try to walk." , Sally !ait her hand on Mary's face and replied: "Poor child, you'll soon be all alone." There was no outcry no sudden gush of tears, but nervously clasping her nans npon her heart, as if the shock had entered there, Mary sat down npon her bed, and burying her face in the pillow, sat there for a long time. But she aaid nothing, and a careless observer might have thought that ahe cared nothing, aa it became each day more and more evi dent that Alice was dying. But these knew sot of the long nights whea with nntli-lni lnva aha aat by her sister's era- die, listening to her Irregular breathing, pressing her clammy hands and praying to ba forgiven If tver, In thought or deed, ahe had wronged the little one now leav ing bar. , , And all this tlms there came no aiua word or measage of love from Ella, who knew that Alice waa dying, for Billy bad told her so. The end came peacefully, there was some talk- of buryiug the child In the poorhouse luclosure. but Mary pleaded ao earneatly to have ber laid by her mother that her requeat waa granted, and mat nlitht when the young apriug moou came out It looked quietly down upon the grava of little Alice, who by her mother a aid waa aweetly sleeping. Three weeks had passed away since Alice's death, and affair at the poor house were beginning to glide on a usual. Mary, who had resumed her post as dish washer In the kitchen, waa almost daily expecting Jenny; and oue day when Billy came In to dinner he guvo ber the joy ful Intelligence that Jeuny had returned and had been in tbe field to see him, blddiug him tell Mary to meet her that afternoon In the wooda by the broog Mary bounded joyfully away to the woods, where aha found Jenny, who em braced her in a manner which allowed t hut ahe had not been forgotten. "Oh," said ahe, "I've got so much to tell you, and so much to bear, though 1 know all about dear littlo Alice' dealt didn't you feel dreadfully?" Mary's tears were a aulllcient answer, and Jenny, aa If auddenly discovering something new, exclaimed, "Why, what have you been doing? Who pulled your teeth?" Mary explained the clrcumstanoea of the tooth-pulling and Jenny continued: "You look a great deal better, and If your cheeka were only a little fatter and jour skin not quite ao yellow, you'd be real handsome; but no matter about that. I saw George Morels ml in Boston, and I wanted to tell him about yon, but I'd promised not to; and then at first I felt afraid of him, for you can't think what a great big fellow he' got to be. Why, he' awful tall and handsome, too. Rose likes him, and so do lota of the girla, but I ilou't believe he cares n bit for any of tbem except his cousin Ida, and I guess he does like her." . Here the chatterer was interrupted by Henry Lincoln, who directly in front of her leaped across the bro .k. He was evidently not much improved in bis man ner, for the moment he was safely land ed on terra firtua he approached Mary, and. aeizing her round the waist, ex i lnimed, "Hulloo, little pauper! You're glad to aee me back, I dare say." Then drawing ber head over so that be could look into, her face, he contin ued. "Had your tnska out, haven't you? Well, It's quite an improvement, so much so that I'll venture to kiss you. Marv struggled, and Jenny scolded, while Henry said, "Don't kick and tlounc ao. hit little beauty. If there's anything I hate It's seeing girls make belleva they're modest. That clodhopper Bill kisses you every day, I'll warrant. (To be continued.) ALL MUST SERVE IN ARMY. Hwlo Citizens Cannot Kcape Doing; I ull Military Dnty. By law every Swiss adult Is liable to nerve personally, but the physlcul teat la ao strict that nearly 50 per cent are. In fact, rejected. These pay Instead a yearly tax of 3 shillings per bead, with nn luconie tax of 4 pence In the pound, In practice this tax is not exacted from the very poorest. The iiutn who In hi twentieth year passes tbe test Is called out to do his "recruit school" In the bar racks for a period varying from six weeks (Infantry) to three month, (cav airy). By this short training he at once fulfills one-quarter of the whole military duties to which he will ever be liable, except, of course. In case of actual Invasion. For the first thir teen years of his service he belongs to the "elite" and Is called out every other year for a "course of repetition." vary. Ing, according to the arm. from four teen to eighteen days. The cavnlary alone are called out every year, but only ten days. In bis Intermediate years tbe soldier shoots at his own time and place, but under strict government conditions, forty rounds per annum at his own expense and at the time and place fixed by the authorities for "shooting school" of three days. With the beginning of the thirty-third year the soldier passes for twelve years Into the "landwehr," or first reserve, Here be Is called out every fourth year only, for from eight to eleven days at a time; during the other years he shoots his forty yearly rounds as before. With his forty-flftb year he passes Into the "landstrum," or second reserve, which Is composed of the whole body of cltl zens between 17 and 50 (except, of course, the elite, the landwehr and tbe actual halt and maimed). This body la partly armed, partly sorted Into clerks, porters, etc.; It Is never to be called, out except In cases of Invasion Or similar great emergencies. At 50 the citizen re tires altogether. The enormous major ity serve In the Infantry and have, therefore, at this age devoted a sum total of not quite half a year less than the hundredth part, that Is, of their lives to theduty of contributing to that military security and prosperity of thel country. And not a duty only, but t most a real pleasure also. It is the re jected candidate who Is pitied in Swltz erland. Typical of the sentiments which one may hear everywhere are those which were expressed to me by a bank er, no military fanatic, but. simply- public-spirited citizen: "Next to the pain I felt wben one of my sons was rejected for the army, one of the sad dest moments of my life was when the time came for my own suporannua' tion." National Review. Church Property in Spain. Spain now boasts of possessing more convents, more monasteries and more Jesuit colleges, seminaries and estab lishments of all kinds tfmn at any time under the houses of Bourbon and Aus tria. ' The last census, In 1807, showed 28,549 nuns. 45,328 monks and priests. 1,200 Jesuits, nine archbishops, fifty one bishops, fifty-five deans and 1,213 canons In the country. The religious houses of every kind exceed two thou sand. It Is not possible to ascertai their real wealth or the value of their movable property. They pay no duties on their real property and none on their workshops, as they are not enrolled on the registers of ratepayers, ouly having to pay on capital Invested in stock. Aa Effect Spoiled. "After the ceremony the bride wept" "Grief at leaving her home?" 'Ko; she forgot herself, and held up her beautiful long satin train going down the aisle." I our? THE PASSING ARHY. The Irresistible Conqueror Is Thinning the Ranks of the Veterans of the Civil War. H T is now thirty-six years suice the first flowers were strewn upon the graves of the men who gave their lives' that the nation might live. Observ ed at first in a small way by isolated communities, this decoration of the grassy mounds has come to be recogniz ed as an established custom and Memo rial Day has long had a fixed place in the calendar. With each successive anni versary the day has gained a wider ob servance and has been made the occasion for many appeals to the patriotism of the people. Tbe verdure of each returning spring covers more deeply the scars of battle which ouce aeamed the hillsides and valleys of the sunny South. On this day of precious memories it is well to re call the sacrifices of bygone years, and It is also fitting to express the hope that thoso who are now charged with the guidance of our national destinies will pel-form their duties patriotically and well. When the gray-haired veterans of the great war for the Union meet together in annual observance of Memorial Day, few will bear in mind that the day Itself, aa a part of the national life, Is the result of the inspiration of one of the greatest of all the volunteer soldiers who fought for the flag the late Gen. John A. Logan of Illinois. Few, indeed, of those not associated with the organization of old soldiers will remember this. The soldier statesman who won his spurs la actual fight and refused to accept peaceful hon ors while the war was still on one of the first, if not the first, of the list of honored comrades who headed this or ganizationwas the originator of the day of sorrowful remembrance of the bravery and virtues of those who fell in battle or who have crossed the dark river since the conflict ended. The apple tree of Appomattox never blossomed so full and ao fair as to-day. Its flowers and Its fruit were never so fine and fragrant. The Union which Ap pamattox established and cemented was never so strong and glorious. It sacred bonds have been welded, not merely by the mutual pledges of devotion, but by the fire of heroic service, side by side, under the common flag, on a distant soil, and they never before bound up so much of nationnl pride and hope and high as piration. The great chieftains Grant and Lee, illustrious products of the same national school at West Point met at Appomat tox with mutual respect and honor, and In their generous and chivalrous coming together typified the spirit of a reunited country. That historic hour dates a new Union, which is now a true union ol hearts and hands that none can sever. So long as the flag remains unfurled Memorial Day caunot cease to be a great and tender memory. Each anniversary becomes,, more pathetic from the fact that mauv of the "boys in blue" are pass ing away to join the vast army in the silent land. Every year the ranks of the veternns on this side the river grow thinner, and the steps of the marchers slower. Within twenty-five years nearly all will have joined their reglmeuts on the other si,le. Rut their deeds can nev er Hie. I.iiir fenerations will read them, deen cut. defying the tooth of time, on the marble of the country's greatness. They will blaze on the pillars of the Union and in the springtime of each year a erateful neonle. bearing choicest now ers nature' sweetest emblem of love and affection will decorate their graves for those ersssv mounds will be known as shrines forever more; shrines so long s the remit,)!,, shall endure; shrines where mil riot knees will bend and pat riot eyes will weep so long as freedom has a worshiper and equality of right a Jevotee. Grant and Lee are no more, and Sher- man and Stuart, and Jackson and Hook er, McClellan and Hill, Early and Meade all are gone, and the great spirit of change broods over the scenes of their former activities. The grass grows green on the deserted battlefields, and all is quiet along the banks of the Potomac. The James and the Chickahominy, the Rappahannock and the Rapidan, wind their course to the sea undisturbed by war' rude alarms. The former turns the earth in the fertile valleys which drank the blood of the flower of Ameri can chivalry; the feathered songsters of the wood make melody In the tangled thickets of the Wilderness; but the great captains and many of their devoted fol- lowera have departed. Tbey pitch their tents on other camping grounds not be neath the atars that shine on Southern scenes, but above the atars on the fair fields of Elysia. There they commune and there they hold sweet intercourse. We may not know their employments there; tvc may not conceive the rapturous delights that attend tbem in that blissful station; but of this we may be assured; they are not unmindful of the comrades who tarry here, and they have no higher joy than the realization that the peace they set up at Appamattox has grown into a perfect peace a peace that has overcome all obstacles and the doubts and perplexities which first attended It a peace whose blessings fall to-day up on onr laud like the rain upon the mown grass and like the dew upon the moun tains of Lebanon. And so it is that in the decoration of the graves of the heroic dead human hands and human hearts have reached a solution of the vexed problem that baf f'ed human will and human thought for three decades. Sturdy sons of the South have aald to their brothers of the North that the people of the South long since accepted the arbitrament of the sword to which they had appealed. And like wise the oft-repeated message has gone forth from the North that peace and good will reigned, and that the wounds of civil dissension were but sacred mem ories. . - The eontest that followed the end of argument between two great civilizations was, while it lasted, the greatest and bloodiest of equal duration In the au thenticated annals of the race and the nnt destructive ever waged by men. It lasted four years; it annihilated six bill ions of property; it overthrew the rebel lious governments of thirteen States; it called four millions of men to arms; It was fought on 2,300 recorded fields; it filled 700,000 graves from the swi-d aud shot and Bhell and pestilence; the silent sleepers went down on mountain side and in tangled wood, in dismal swamp and' ou sunny plain; where the rivers rolled and the wide-waved ocean stretch ed tbey found sepulcher; and at last one civilization, with its garments rolled In blood, passed away to the shades for ever; the other, victorious, raised a spot less ensign In the sky, Its stars washed brighter with the glad tear of rejoicing humanity that the greater government of and for and by the people had not perished from the earth. At the Top. On Memorial Day the flag flies at half mast, because it is a day of commemora tion of the dead. It is not uncommon for some person appointed to hoist the flag to run it up to the peak, forgetting the funereal custom; then some veteran arrives, and causes the bauner to be dropped to half-mast. This custom preserves the early senti ment of the day, when it was more a day of mourning than it is at present. Late ly many veterans have advised the aban donment of the custom, and the issue of an order directing that the flag should hereafter always be raised to the peak on Memorial Day. This was the expressed view and wish of Gen. Grant. It was his opinion that I while the day ought not to lose, and had not lost, its significance and solemnity, it was nevertheless not a day of mourning, but one for the commemoration of and rejoicing In the noble deeds of soldiers. On such a day it was fitting that the flag should fly at the highest point on the staff on which it is placed. The matter received much attention at last year' observance of Memorial Day, and it is possible that the demand will find recognition, before the day comes around again, In orders by some at least of the department commanders for the full-masting of the flag. THE SEXTON OF THE SEA. 'ou scatter flower on the grassy mound That marks the spot wucre your loved ones be; You bring them emblems with never a thought For the dead benearh the sea. For every ship that the hands of men Have tmllded with chart and wheel, The bon.!s of men In a hundredfold Are laid beneath Its keel. A canvas shroud and aa Iron bar At the weary head anil the wasted feet, And lo! from the deck they move away, From the hearts that throb aud beat! Soldiers and pallors and captains grand, -Babes with a mother's breast Wet with the Hps that will touch no more. Come down In my arms to rest. And 1 lav them gently alone to sleep, Where 'the bed of the sand Is clear; And none may wander, and none shall stray; For I keep them, oh, so dear! And hark! When the bell-buoy toils at night. Above the wave where the Ashes swim, You may knew that I keep my Father's watch, , For the dny I shall give them back to him! -Leslie's Weekly. Where Coffee Came From. There Is extant a tale of the discovery of coffee, a story which might have suggested to Charles Lanib the idea for his "Dissertation ou Roast Pig." This Is the legend: Toward the middle of the fifteenth century a poor Arab was traveling In Abyssinia, and finding lilui.self weait and weary from fatigue he stopped near a grove. Then, being In want of fuel to cook his rice, he ut down a tree, which happened to be full of dead berries. His meal beiug cooked and eaten, the traveler discovered that the half-burned berries were very fragrant. Collecting a number of these and crushing them with a stone, he found that their aroma had increased to a great extent. While wondering at this he accidentally let fall the substance iuto a can which contained his scant supply of water. Lo, what a miracle! The almost putrid liquid was Instantly purified. He brought it o his Hps; It was fresh, aijreeable, and In a moment after the traveler bad so far recovered his strength and energy as to be able to resume his Journey. The lucky Arab gathered as many berries as he could, aud, having arrived at Ardan, In Ara bia, he Informed the mulfti of his dis covery. This worthy divine was an In veterate opium smoker, who had beeu suffering for years from the effects of that poisonous drug. He tried an In fusion of the roasted berries and was so delighted at tbe recovery ot bis own vigor that, In gratitude to the tree he called It cabuah, which in Arabic sig nifies force. Cnltnrei. "She's from Boston." "I thought you told me you never saw her before this minute?" "True, but I Just now heard her call those mountains In Asia the Ha-mol-yaws." Judge. Fotatoes, parsnips, carrots, turnip! and artichokes are highly nuitious, but not so digestible as some veg'eta blea. Potatoes are the most nourishing and are fattening for nervous peopnj. END OF FAMOUS HOSTELRY. Hotel Where Parnell IHcw l.p Irith Cmip Inn l'lttii . Morrison's Hotel, one of the old luml marks of Dublin, Is being rnwd to the ground to afford a site for otlli cs fur an Insurance company. The building bus historic associations for Irishmen, mid was once among the beat patronized und most populur hotels lu Dublin. It was famous as ParncU's resort. It was originally one of the town houses of the Fitzgerald family, who owned a great deal of property lu the vicinity, Including the famous I.elnsWr house. Over the door of the hotel at the present day ar the l'it.ciald arms, and In the supports uie prom inent figures of two monkeys. In com memoration of a striking family Inci dent. When old Kllkee Castle, one of the seats of the Fltzgernlds, took lire, the heir to the estate was saved by a mon key, which took the infant In hi arms aud clambered from point to point with Its precious burden, finally reuchlng the ground with It In safety. ParncU's first arrest was effected at Morrison's Hotel on Oct. 13. 11. Pur nell was thence taken to Kllinalnliaiu Jail, where be was confined as a "sus pect" until the following May. It was at this hotel that ParncU's friend, the late Dr, J. E. Kenny, discovered Par ncU's extraordinary superstition. Go ing Into bis writing room one day. Par nell saw a green cloth on the table, lie nt once had It removed, and tbe same evening be refused to enter another room In the hotel In which three can dles were burning. Three candlesticks are supposed In the minds of supersti tious people to mean death, and a green tablecloth foretells disaster. Parnell more than once said that the Irish cause would never prosper until the Irish people discarded green as their national color for the older blue. When In Dublin Parnell always stayed at Morrison's up to the time of his death. It was there be outlined the national program and the agrarian movements In Ireland. London Mall. CHINESZ PEANUTS. They Are an American Product, hut Receive Oriental Treatm -nt. The trans-American railways have their agents In all parts of the world commercial agents, Industrial agents, tourist agents, live-stock agents, car service agents, and Oriental agents, us well as the regulur assortment and va riety of freight and passenger agents. The Oriental agent of the Great North ern Railway in this city Is Moy Wu Yen, a highly Interesting Cblnamau, who carries lu his pockets a handful of Chinese peanuts with which, from time to time, he regales his friends, lu tbe midst of business be suddenly con ceals his hand beneath bis blouse and asks, "Will you try a Chinese peanut?" The hand, soft as that a of gentle maid en, reappears with the nuts, and you are tempted. You yield with pleasure, accepting one. It resembles the native "goober," which ex-Governor Campbell failed to corner, but Is the most deli cious morsel In the nut shape that you ever tasted. Mr. Moy laughiugly tells you, when you ask where more nuts cau be bad. that tbey are not Chinese peanuts at all, but the familiar, old Virginia "goober" prepared In tbe Chinese fash ion. "We take the raw nut," be ex plains, "and dry It perfectly in the sun, leaving It many days on the house top. Then we soak It lu salt water brlno you call It for three days, after which we again dry It thoroughly. This may take a week. Then we put it in an oven In a pan of very hot snnd, and continually stir until It Is cooked well done. That Is all. Nothing could be more Blmple. The peanuts the Italians roast In their sheet-iron cylinders no Chinaman would touch one! We say Chinese peanuts to have fun with our friends. There are no Chinese peanuts." New York Press. Conjuring the Sharks. In the Terslan gulf tbe divers have a . curious way of opening the season. They depend Implicitly upon the shark conjurers, and will not descend with out their presence. To meet this dif ficulty the government Is obliged to hire the charmers to divert the atten tion of tbe sharks from the fleet. As the season approaches vast numbers of natives gather along the shore and erect huts and tents and bazaars. At the opportune moment usually at midnight, so as to reach the oyster banks at sunrise the fleet, to the number of eighty or 100 boats, put out to sea. Each of these boats carries two divers, a steersman and. a shark charmer and Is manned by eight or ten rowers. Other conjurers remain on shore, twisting their bodies and mumbling Incantations to divert tbe sharks. In case a man-eater Is perverse enough to disregard the charm and at tack a diver, an alarm la given, and no other diver will descend on that day. The power of tbe conjurer Is believed to be hereditary aud the effi cacy of his Incantations to be wholly independent of his religious faith. Llpplncott's Magazine. , A Dry Bath. A Scotchman was once advised to take showerbaths. A friend explained to blm how to fit oue up by the use of a cistern and a colander, and Sandy accordingly set to work and had the thing done at once. Subsequently 1hJ was met by the friend who had given him the advice, and, being asked how he enjoyed the bath, 3'Man," he said. "It was flnel I liked It rale weel, and kept myself quite dry, too." Being asked how he managed to take tbe shower and yet remain dry, he replied: "Dod, ye dinna surely think I was gae, daft as stand below the water wlthoot an umbrella?" London Tit-Bits. Chinese Ilosaries. Some Chinese rosaries are made of wooden beads, with leather tassels, on which are small brass rings, and are finished at the ends with brass orns ments and tags of leather. Women Workers of Britain. In proportion to Its population, the United Kingdom has a greater number of women workers than any country, and among them no fewer than 610, 000 are set down as dressmakers.. " Most girls can play the piano Just enough to spoil tbem for housework.