The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 31, 1901, Image 3

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Sfood Iftver Slacier
FRIDAY, MAY 81, 1901.
Cues' jieanutg.
Uriah Ileep cigars.
Stamp pads at Coes'.
Ice at Colo & Oraliam'i.
Souvenir views at Cues'.
Shipping bankets at Coes'.
Fishing tac-klo at McCartney's
Order that rubber stamp at CoeV.
Coe's are agents or rubber stamps.
Go to McCartney's for your groceries.
Strawberry ticket punclios at Co &
White sewing machines. The People's
We have some bargains iu groceries at
Camp stoves and camp equipment at
Savage s.
Shirt waists, full lino, at Bone & Mc
Donald's. Hone l'.ros. solicit consignments of
A new stock of groceries just arrived
At McCartney's.
Fresh and completo stock of groceries
at McCartney's.
White can rubbers, new stock, 5i per
dorenat Savage's.
For tho best logger shoe la town go
to Hone & McDonald.
Lumberat Tucker's, and making more
Send us your orders. 7
A new stock ol spray nozzles ana gar
den hose at tavage s.
Sash, doors, shingles, paints, oils,
brushes, etc., atSavage's.
T. C. Dallas is agent for the Buckeye
mower, the best tnowor on earth.
Vedette and Ideal bicycles 25.00,easy
payments. Xliel'eople s More.
The best tool for orchard cultivation,
the Acmo harrow, sold by Savage.
Rambler and Hartford bicvcles $35.00,
easy payments. The People s Store
Your fruit will not spoil if put up in
Royal cans, to be had of E. E. Savage
Utina Si McDonald arc having a rem
liant sale of shoe. Get in while it lasts.
When you4tuy get a elt elioe; they
will muko your feet dud. For sale at
When vou want a good smoke, buy the
"Uriah Deep cigar. or salo by all
Lowest prices on doors, sanh( paints,
locks, butts, nails, shingles, etc., at
Hone A McDonald are agents for Os
born farm machinery, reapers, mowers,
rakes, etc.
Note the Trice. Stone jars, Btono
churns, bean crocks at 15o per gallon, at
J. E. Hand's.
We have plenty of money to loan on
first clans real estate for long term. Pra
thcr & Harries.
Arsenic is an ingredient in thecoating
of cheap granite ware. The kind we sell
is safe. Savaok.
Hone Bros, have a lot of strawberry
crates to sell and they are the most per
fect crate in the market.
Chas. Iiipgf, the jeweler, has removed
to llauna & Hartley's grocery store, op
posite the Glacier otfice.
We are closing out our stock of Planet
Jr goods. Get ome of tiiem before they
aro all gone, at Hand s.
Screen door, complete, with hingesand
knob, $1 at Savage's.
Just received at McCartney's, new
shirt waist goods, and everything in the
line of ladies' furnishing goods
If vou wish to sell your strawberries
It will be to your iuterest to see Bone
liros. before parting with them.
Bed bugs are holding indignation
meetings all over the valley, all on ac
count of Hastmess' iron bed steads.
Rubber iiose guaranteed, for the sea
son, not to crack. Cheaper grades, of
rourso, guaranteed to have a hole
through endways, that's all, at Savage's.
Do vou need a wmgoji to haul in your
Iwrrics? The "Eli" one-horse wagon,
sprinirs under the box, brake, shafts,
top box, spring seat complete", $55.00
S. J. LaFrance is on our streets again
tnr ft few davs.
Wui. Ellis traded to Burns Jones 20
hens for a horse.
What's the matter with the cows? A
ow belonging to G.J. Gessling died last
Sunday on the range.
The cow that was found dead in the
fmlch near Doniker's place was the
property of Chas. Chandler.
Mrs.John A. Wilson is at her mother's
home in Iowa, having been called there
bv the serious illness of a sister.
Attnrnev. I. L. Henderson, wife, child
and nurse, took in the excursion to The
Dalles on the boat last Sunday
.T R Kinsev and wife of New Phihi-
Ohio, old neighbors of the
Cunnings, visited them last week.
k K.llin. wife and son of Lewistnti,
T,lnh(v nr visitinir their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Ellis, of Hood River.
Miss Malinda Prathar, who is stop-
with her sister at Bridal veil, vis
A distressing accident hnnitened nt
Ml. Hood last Sunday. Louis Baldwin,
who hud jimt arrived home on a visit,
thought U clean his gun. Ho had fin
ished tho gun, and in pressiue
the cartridge in the breech to load
it, the cartridge exploded. He received
the full charge of powder in his face.
The hall went through the gun and
through the house. Ho was brought to
'w li and lias since been under treat
ment by Dr. BrosiiiH, who thinks he
can save his eves. Iuis Baldwin is one
of the most populurand deserving young
men oi noou Kiver, and his friends will
hope for his speedy recovery.
Joseph I.nullo. a Yakima Indian, is
in the valtev. Joseph is a Christian
preacher in his trile. He was baptized
by Rev. Waller at The Dalles in early
days. Ho says he doesn't know his age
but was a boy w hen Governor Aberne
thy was governor of Oregon territory.
He was acquainted' with all the pioneer
ministers of the M. E. church. He car
ries a recommendation from Prof. J.
S. Landers of The Dalle, who says that
Joseph frequently visits the schools of
that city and gives a talk on the early
history of Oregon.
Two young men, J. W. Ryan ami D.
Martel.who were charged with larceny in
a dwelling and complaint filed iu Justice
court in llood River.were taken to The
Dalles by order of the prosecuting attor
ney, Tuesday. Information waa tiled
against them and Aloore & Gavin ap'
tiomted to detend them, in Place oljoim
j. Henderson, w ho declined on account
of previous engagement. These men
are charged with thefts In the Mt. llood
The basket social at Frankton lust
Friday evening was a success in every
way. The programme was well render
ed. Miss Idell Wood worth's basket sold
for $2.00 and Mii-s Alice Chuivh's basket
sold for $2 M). Total received for baskets
was $21.40. No basket sold for less than
30 cents. Frankton never does things
by halves.
Canby post, G. A. R., has lately been
made the recipient of a valuable pres
ent from A. P. Batcham. It is a book
of civil war scenes, representing some of
the most nnjMirtaiit battles oi the war.
The post appreciates the gift very high
ly and will have the pictures framed and
hung in their hall.
Col. O. H. Ilartlev states that while
he was at Wveth. last Saturday, a big
rock, as large, he savs, as the Langille
house, rolled down a mountain forabout
a quarter of a mile. The terrible noise
it made as it crushed great trees in its
flight and started smaller rocks, fright
ened every one who heard it.
Chas. Temple dropiied a gasoline lamp
in his store last Friday evening. The
burning lamp ignited the floor and for a
little while it looked as if there might be
a big conflagration : but he kicked the
lump out into the street and succeeded
in subduing the flames iu the store by
smothering the tire with a blanket. No
d image.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hibbard went as
delegates to the grand lodge of Odd Fel
lows and Rebekas at Buker City last
week. The delegates were given an ex
cursion to SuniPter, which Air. and Mrs.
Hibbard attended. They report having
had a very pleasant time.
Miss Minnie Woodward, a cousin of
Mrs. H. 11. Holmes, came up from Port
land last Thursday to look alter Mr
Holmes' interest in strawberries. Mr.
Holmes and family expect to move up
for the summer about June 1st.
on the East Side last
ited her parents
Mia Minnin Rrewin. who has been
receiving treatment for facial paralysis
in a Portland hospital for the past two
months returned to Hood River last
week much improved in health.
Miss Marv E. Chandler, who atone
iro tftiitrht the Frankton school, is now
a ti.nrhpr in the public schools of Cres-
ton, Iowa. She is expected to visit her
brother, Chas. Chandler, ot uooo kivh
when her present term of school is out
The ad of the White Collar line w ill
be found in another column. The
splendid steamer, Bailey Gat7.ert,is mak
ing round trif)sdaily from Portland to li e
Dalles, special rates are given mini
berry pickers from Portland, good mv
til Aug. SOW. l rainer iiani"
agents for Hood River.
Hon. Tom Coon of Hood River, a suc
cewful berry grower, has come to Salem
the chances of leasing land
-ri i.tini nut an acreage for shipment
He is correct and hopes to secuee what
t i hu nu1 on favorable terms, buy a
home and cist his lot at Salem to make
a business and educate ins runun-u.'
Salem Journal.
Judge J. F. Caples, late United States
..o.,i i,- Vulnuraiwv came up from
ioupui w -,- . - ,
T... i.nyi Sini.inv and soent the da
with Dr. V. L. Adams and wife, at 1 ar
Hdise Farm. The judge said he had
,o,.t , deal of Hood River and
t...,na Farm, hut was now ready
..v with the Queen of Sheba w hen view
ingtheglorv with which Solomon ww;
....,.,,i.u "Th half was never told
Rev. Frank Spaulding preached an ex
.rpllent sermon on Memorial sunuaj
.w i w .-Lurch, to a verv large con
cregati o n. Every seat was oecupied.
V, V:l. nlaan amity A ftnUI. KeV. tl.,.. Mr. Snanlding or read
ing scriptures nnd prayer. Judge Haves
,.Za m,nral orders on Memorial day
Little Ella McDonald, the four-year
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc
Donald, fell from a porch at their resi
dence, last Saturday, a distance of 12
leet. She struck the ground on her tace
and was badly jarred, but no bones were
Miss Me'.la White left Wednesday
morning tor her home in Polk county
here she w ill spend her vacation ana
come back again in time to prepare for
the term of school to commence in September.
W. H. Haynes of Salem, who was a
resident of Hood River about 17 years
ago," is visiting his brother-in-law, Hon.
J. v. Morton, lie minus oi again mus
ing his home in Hood River.
The thanks of the Glacier force are
due Ernest Jensen for a treat to ice
cream and strawberries and candies.
Mr. Jensen is doing a good business; his
place is a popular resort.
F. Arnold, sawyer at Davenport s But-
terllv mill, had his hand badly lacerated
on Monday by getting it jammed against he uuuidu l exincaie ii
until the mill stopped.
Surveyor Campbell of The Dalles has
contract to survey government lands
south ot Hood Kiver and Col. Hartley
and Jess Holmau of llood River will as
sist him. .
The primarydenartinentof the Frank
ton school closed last triday for the
term Miss Edna Brown, the teacher,
n-iorni'il to her home at The Dalles on
Attorney John L. Henderson, in the
fin-nit court Monday, procured a divorce
for Cons. a. iuiie iroui nis
wife, Viola E. Lane, oil a charge ot de
White Salmon takes a back seatagain
it v Witit. broilsin in on May Znth
half a sack of Eany Fonune potatoes, and
he didn t have to dig over 10 nins.
Court Miller, whose hand was ampu
tated last week at Davenport's planer, is
getting along mealy and the doctor
thinks he will save uie uuiuuco ui mo
John L. Henderson made sale recently
of two biocks in fhrhliurst belonging to
K.L. Smith to O. C. Dean of the Oregon
Lumber Co., for il,10J casn.
II. H. getting out cordwood
f..r lu.nnev at el ti. uses a chute that
Hroimthe wood 2U) feet. It is men
.,.. .. -
tluuied to tne rauroau.
Miss Glndvs Ilartlev is expected home
from Portland today and will take a po
;t .,n uh lik keener in ine store oi
ilauna & Hartley.
Mrs. W. F. Woodward of Portland
loin.,! rim tunnlv oi joiin h Henderson
last week. Her mother accompanied
her home.
Mr nnil Mrs C. R. Bone returned
their home in tow n the tirst of the week
and will remain during the strawoerry
Mr. rhillios of Portland came up Sun
day to visit his wife and daughter, who
are stopping at Mrs. Armor s.
Frank Falk of Polk county, a promi
nent hop grower, was a visitor ta liooa
River the tjrst oi tne ween.
John Dethtnan of Bingen took Otto
Ritter to Goldendale on Sunday to be
examined for insanity.
Rev. J. L. Hershuer and family and
Miss Eva Nilason were visitors at The
Dalles last Saturday.
Miss Grace Hobsou of The Dalles was
the guest of Miss Carrie Butler the first
till U't4'lf -
Judge Prather, wife and child went to
The Dalles, fcuuuay, on iuo ia"Cj
Ralph Lew is went to Portland Monday,
for a tew days visit with his folks,
u it Lindsay was in town Monday
limping w.ith rhumatisui.
M. A. Cook started for his mine at Mt
-1 Wednesday.
J. II. Gerdes has sgain started up the
Citv Bakery.
Siuee Peter Kopko sold his placo last
fall, on tho East Side, to Sproat
Bros., he has been taking the world
easier than usual. Since removing to
the little place which ho bought from
Abner Cox, he has twice visited a mar
ried daughter living in Oakland, Cal.,
and Is just now w ielding a paint brush on
K. h. Harbison s house, painting being
a trade which lie learned before he took
up farming. Mr. Kopke went to sea
while a twy and followed it for 20 years.
During that time he circumnavigated
the world several times and visited all
the leading ports of the world.. At the
time of our civil war he enlists) in Uncle
Sam's navy and served two years in
West India waters, taking a band in
many a hot contest with the blockade
runners that frequented those parts.
O. R. Downs, tho old soldier from
Forest Grove, is again here with his pop
corn roaster. Mr. Downs landed with
his goods from the boat Saturday. He
lid not put up his tent but piled his
goods behind a pile of straw berry crates
at the boat landing nnd slept by them.
Sunday morning about 4 o clock, -three
young men came along looking to see
what they could pick up. One of them
found his peanut sack but didn't se
Downs. "Hello, boys," he cried out m
great glee, "I ve struck ra whole
sack ot peannts and I won't do a
thing to them." "That's right
young man, said Downs, ns his
tall form raised up, "always tell the
truth." The voting fellow jumped back
so quickly he nearly fell in the river.
About 1,200 crates of strawberries
were shipped from Hood River on Tues
day. ' Wednesday evening the Davidson
rruit Co. and the L nion shipped the
first carload. Portland took about one
third of tho shipments for Tuesday,
something unusual, as our berries gen
erally go to Montana and other points
hast. I he price, Wednesday, was f-'.ue
to 2.7d. .
Dr. Pratt's ad in supplement form
goes with this issue of the Glacier. His
picture and a short sketch of his wonder
ful recovery from consumption appears
in another column.
The niembersof the Sunshine club are
requested to meet with Mrs. Stewart on
Tuesday aiternoon to no some sieciai
work. Please bring thimbles.
The Dalles base ball nine have char
tered the st anver Iralda to bring an ex
cursion to liood River for the game June
Miss Teal, w ho went to Portland last
Thursday, reports having arrived there
in a pouring rain, llood niver nau a
tine day on last Thursday.
The rate war on the lower Columbia
is ended. The old rates on the railroad
and steamboats have been re-established.
Thompson's street sprinkler collided
with a tree, one day last week, and for
that reason was not in use for several
McGuire Bros are building a refriger
ator, which will be completed by F'ridav.
Frederick & Arnold are doing t lie work.
The ladies' aid society of the Congre
gational church will meet at the resi
dence of Mrs. J. L. Hershner on Friday
John L. Henderson, on Monday, sold
the John Si miia ranch of 100 acres to
Warren E. Davenport for $5,100.
A. L. Craig, general passenger agent
0. R. & N., was in town Wednesday, the
guest of A. P. Batcham. Mr. Craig and
(Mr. Batehaui were old acquaintances in
'St. Paul.
Old papers 25o a hundred at the Gla
cier othce.
Our close margin system will do it. Rough and Ready Sailors,
neat and up to date," all silk band, unexcelled value .. ' "&0c
A limited number colored Sailors, -all silk bands 40c
Plain straw, good quality sailor on Knoxorder .,$1 35
This grade would sell for $1.75 in Portland or The Dalles. ; ; .
Stylish street Hats at lowest prices possibly consistent with tho
quality and stylo.
We excel irt values on Trimmed Hats.
Our fxjvekiea and highest grade flowers at cost. ';'
We have some of the richest novelties and highest grade flowers,
in fact, too exjiensive to sell at a profit in Hood River. Pari yo only '
ask you actual wholesale price; for otlura, less than wholesale,,
There may be better SHOES than ours, but if you will try them,
you will wear them a long time before you will find the other kind.
They are HONEST. We give more change back than most people
are willing to, and they are stylish.
There may be better Gloves than ours at $1, but it would take years
to find them. All colors. Remember the name, Agnon and Sorosis.
Our Corsets deserve your consideration, 50c and $1. .
Agents for White Sewing Machiues.
Booth's BIGBARGrAs,
We've given our space away this week.
We'll tell you all about it next week
oot Wea
' YOU fCNOW, is not always easily attainable. Sometimes the price
is objectionable ; of ten it is tbequality, and occasionally BOTH are
We always try to litre Ixrth price and quality right. If we can
, furnish yon a shoe that meets these requirements, we know you will
' -become a shoe customer of ours. The
Combine both essentials to a romarkable degree. We carried them
last year and are now restocking w ith the same make. We havs
them in men's, women's, youths, misses and children's, and ask you
piyoii LATrfiT
for WOMEN.
Equal to any $5 Shoe on the Market
If your WUr do if4 thm, tnilrt on Mm fttlnr
pair lot ywu. cri Utr is la wUt trow V io in til tn.
j filinncsota Shoo Go st. paul. mm.
bone & Mcdonald.
IK .. sT' v, n T - M im m
X VvcA' SH0E
Cork Sun
Fair and
Carnival !
Given by the Christian Endeavor Society ol the Congregational Church,
TiiBEfiay, Wii at Itwi WwiM 1, 51k am 6111, 1901,
A Vision of Oriental Grandeur, Replete with Music, Mirth and Merrymaking.
lO ce:rrts.
In llnnd Hlver Vulley, May 33, 1901. lo Mr.
nnd Mrs. Hli-hiirrt Ktrbyson, lo-jiounrt
iluughter. Mother and ehilil doing well.
Cliiircli 'ntices.
i'rinrwimtlnnnl rinireh Scrvlcen with wor
ship will he conriiii-U'd mornm nnd evening. I
-i.ii.. t iii niortiliis nervli-e: "The Hf-cret nf
8 I'tonlrol." Hundiiy school at 10 a.m. hr n -
inn Kmw-Hvor wrvnw at i:io P.m. a cnruuii
InvUiitiou to all, especially thcae,
fnltprt Brethren Plmrrh-Snnday whonl nt
10 n. m. Pminhlng at II . m. and 8p.m. CK. nt
7: M p. in. Kpei-lnl music next Siinrtity
evenlmt. Finver w-rvlre ever" Wednes
day evening at 00. You are cordially Invited
to all these nervlccH. a. v snaiier, pastor.
Valley Christian Church. Sunday rcIioo)
ntlOn. in. I'l-eaehlne at II a. m. f.noeavor
at 7:TO p. m. Chlldren'ii day exercise at 8 p.
ni. A collection will l tiiKen lor ioreit;n iinn
nlot All are cordially invited to attend
tliee nervlees. .
Appointments, Belmont Charge First Sun
(lov I'ine (Jrove, 11 a. in; Crupper. S p. m.;
Belmont, 7::l p. m.
l-tenond Biinaiiy neimooi, iii v,rnji(ji;i, o,
IMnetirove, 7:m ,
Third Sunday Moler, on thn hill. 11:
lower ncliool house, 7:30. Pine Orove and
IH-lmont supplied nt n.
Kourth Hnnilay Mt. noon, ir, ceimmu,..
ti Uoitnmtt.. iiraver meetfne each Thnridny
evening, at 7; .Tunt'or I, ennue. Sunday at 3; S.I.
Snnday,ii::V All Invited. J. O. Alford. pastor
M. K. Chinch sunili'.y scnooi. in .oi;
preneliinir, followed hy class service, II ft. m,;
Kpworth league, Il::i0 p.m: nreaehing, 7::t0 p.m:
regular praver meeting, Thursday evening at
8 p. m. F. U. Spamdlng. pastor,
Wednesday Evening a Beautiful Spectacle will be presented. Tuesday JEvening, Hood
River Nisht. Wednesday livening, vaiiey nigai, xu.mou.ixy Dvomub) . 0
Orchestral selection
Opening address
Vocal selection
Exhibition drill
Orchestral selection
Riverside Orchestra
. . .Rev. J. L. Hershnef
...Mr. Chan. N. Clarke
. . .llood River Zouaves
. . . Riverside Orchestra
Orchestral selection .Riverside Orchestra
Vocal selection "....Mr. Delbert Rand
Orchestral selection Riverside Orchestra
ThurXy The Dalles, bringing hundred, of people,
win aiiiyo auuuu v y.
- Male quartet From The Dalle
Pion nio . Miss Lizzie Roberta
Vocal solo . ' ,?nc! "T- .TlmD.dleaB.ud
Music ; ..The Dalles liana . ... iu
t 1 F. B. BARNES,
MAJ. J. S. B'JOTH. Director. , ,,nnara MRS. A. PRICE.
Commissioners, MISS CARRIE BUTLER.
Music b-v The Dalles Band
.S. J. Lat ranee
; ...The Dalles Band
Having removed to the new store building one door west o old lo
cation, I would respectfully invito old friends and new customers
everybody to give us a call when needing goods in our line. Ve do
not handle everything but will enlarge along the line? ot
Steamer Iralda
Of the R'-gulator Line leaves L'asraot' ixpks
dnllv, except Himday, at a. m. leaves noou
Kiver at . m. Arrive at The lnlles at
10::K). Returning, leaves The Dalles at 2 p. m.;
arrives at Hood River at
W. V. AL.IUWAI, enerai neui.
As the demand may warrant, and shall endeavor to merit a share
of your patronage. Respectfully yours, . ' . " '
Job Printing a Specialty.
Time Schedules.
E. Bound.
Fr'm HOOD UIVER W. Bocmd.
U:ii a.m.
Salt Lake, Denver,'
Kt Worth.Omaha. rortiana
Kansas City. Kti Htxeiul
Loula, CliicagOi 2.-C5 p. m.
and tlie KutiU
8:27 p.m.
Mail and
Kx press.
11:42 p. m.
8 p.m.
Valla Walla, Svl .
kaue.Mlnneanolis ror liana
St I'n u I. Duliith.l Klyer
Milwaukee, Clil- 4:::0a.m.
cago and KasL
Salt Lake, Denver,1
Kt Worth.Omaha,
Kansas City. St.
Louis. Chicago
and me t.asi.
Kor Kan Kruneiseo
Sail every i days.
Mail and
Kx press
4 p.m.
Coi.r-MBiA Rives
8 D.m.
Vt. Kundav
Saturday, To Asioria and way
10 p.m. , landings.
4 P.m
Willamette River. I 4:40 p.m.
6 a.m. lOreemi City, New- Ex-auuday,
Ex. Sundayl rMW.Saleiu. wayi
AVn.t.AMETTie Asm S::M i.m.
7a.m. I Yamhii.l Kivbks. .Mon, Wed
Te. Thur. Oregon Citv, Itavum and Yri.
and rial, j and way landings.!
m I Willamette River. 4:
Tnen, Thur. Portland to Cnrval- Mon., V,
and Sat. I lis way landings. and Ft..
The young man loves the young weman-,
That's his business.
Tl.e young woman loves the young man ;
That's her business.
The young man and young woman gat
That's the preacher' business.
Thev will need furniture, carpets, wall
f, paper and building material ;
That's my business.
firi ..'si?i.vaa.
i4l Wr
Timber Land, Act June S, 1878,
United State Land Office, Vanwuver.WaHh.,
April 2, IM01. Notice Is lierehy given that In
compliance wltn the provtBtona of the act of
congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "All act for
thenaleof timber lands In tlie states of Call
tomla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all the public land
slates by act of August 4, 1S!2,
Of St. Paul, county of Kamsey, state of Min
nesota, lias this day filed in this office his
sworn statement. No. 21 .11, for tlie pnrehuse of
the east H northwest i and lots 1 and 2of sec
tion No. 7, in township No. 4 north, langre No.
13 east, W. M., and will otter proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for nirricultnral pur
poses, and to bis claim to said laud
before the Keglster and Heceiver of this office
at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the Klh
day of July. lflOl.
Ho names as witnesses: Frank Gray and
John H. Hanson of Glenwood, Wash.; Charles
W. Gilmer of Gilmer, Wash.; and Martin
11 ant llPIt, lf nienwoori. Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested lo file
their claims In this office on or before said
Sill day of July. IH01. .
nl2JcM W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
p. O. Box 646, The Dalles, Oregon.
Dalles, Portland & As
toria Navigation Co.
.. . . . .,l'..,
str. bailey gatzert Regulator and
The Dalles-Portland Route.
Leaves Portland rlnlly except Monday, 7 a.
m.. arrives at Hood Kiver p. m Arrives ai n.llr feTcent Sundav
fMVa.X7riV The Dalles', Hood River Cascade. Locks,
snecini rale f-r strawbciry pickers from Vancouver ana l ortlanrt,
Portland to liood River, good until August Touching at way points on both side of the
m UMll
Landing Portland. Alder street dock.
F W. Crlchion, asrent, Portland.
John M. Killoon, e nt. The Dalles.
I'll THEU A BARNES. Agls liood River.
i-.Sn.m. SAK RlTltR.
daily. Klparla to lwtslon
Lv twist'n
I a.m.
A. U CRaIG, Oen'l Pass. Aet.Purllaod.Or.
J. J3A0l.IV, Agent, Hood Kiver.
Bids Wanted.
Bids for the erection of a s-hool honse at
Niiolai. in lilslrirt No. 2. will be received by
the board of dlrTt rs up to Jane 15, mil.
I'l mt and speeiiiciUona may be seen at the
residence of M. M. Nickelsen. the district
clerk. The bo ird reserves the riglit to reject
anv and all bids.
11 v order of tbe lioard of Directors of
f-nimnh a Kiver.
Both of tlie above Mamers have been re
Knii, nnrl uiv in encclleiit shape fm tlie sea
son of IK. The Rennlat.w line will endeavor
to (five Us patrons the best service possible.
For comfort, economy and pleasure, travel
bv the steamers oi tlie KeK"i"r
'lalles City leaves Tne Dallea at 7 a. m
t.iu.h.i. Thmsiiiuv and Hatardav.' - "
Kea-nin'tor leaves" at 7 a. m. Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday.
Leave Portland; arrive at The Dalles
5 p. m. at Portland 4::t) p. m.
Portland office. Oak at. Ixiek. Tbe Dallaa
office. Court street.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 3,
IfiOI.-J-Notlce is hereby Riven that the follow
In? named settler has tiled notice of bis Inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
clnlm, and that said proof will be made before
George T. Prather, u. S. commissioner, ai
HoodrRlver, Oregon, on Friday, June 7,
1901, viz:
Of Hood River. Oregon, H. E. No. 6130, for the
northwest quarter of section 31, township 2
north, rane II east, w. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Frank H. Stanton, John B. Jackson, Roy
Jackson ana Henry Jge, all of Hood River,
Oregon. .
m?lje7 JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
!? t?ity WMk MEAT IIA
McGuire Bros.
Oeocral Agent. .
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
- - Fruits and Vegetables.
"MeOLlre Is the place to buy meat!"
When you hear that expression from an ex
rw.ri need housekecner von may be convinced
fh:tt vou will always find a large vartetv of
giHMl. clean, tender meal and thai our prices
are right, too-
Try a boned-rib roast of Beef for dinner.
Yoo will find the aualily and flavor unex
celled, and we will prepare It iu such a iroxd
id convenient manner for the knife that any
amateur can carve 1L We bave all tbe other
ehoicecuta. .
Free Delivery. , Phone 36.
Tlmlier Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
United States Land Office, Tlie Dalles, Ore
gon, March 21, 1IKM. Notice la hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of lha
act of Congress of June 8. 1K7K, entitled "An
act for the sate of Umber hinds in the slates of
California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the publl land
states by act of August 4. 1WI2.
Of The Dnlls, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, hits this clay filed iu this office her sworn
statement, No. 178, for the purchase of tho
south ), northwest 1 and north J4 southwest
'4 of section No. 2 in township No. 1 north,
range No. 0 east, w. M., and will otter pn of
to show tlint tlie lund sought Is more valua
ble for It timber or stone than for agricultur
al purposes, nnd to establish her claim to said
land before the Kegisler and Receiver of this
nttice at The Dalle,, Oregon, on Saturday, the
1st day of June, UKII.
She names as w itnesses: A. R. Thompson,
K P. Kelchum, F. W. SVHhoh, of The Dallas,
Oi-eg.m;and W.F.Kand of llood Rlver.Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Jil
their claims In this ofllec on or before said 1st
day nf June, 1901. . , .
inamiSi JAY P-iit'CSReglster
Land Office nt The Dalles, Oregon, May t,
l'l. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his Inten
tion lo commute and make final proof in up
IKirtof his claim, and that said proof will be
made before George T. Prather, L. W. Commis
sioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Friday,
June 14, IDOL viz:
Of Hood Rlver.Oregon, H. K. No. 730, for the
east H northwest section and east
soutnwesi yt seciiou i, vowh.uih
range 9 east, W. M.
j He names tbe following witnesses to prov
his continuous residence upon and culllva
tioo of, said land, viz.: .
Frank Davenport. Frank Gregory, N.T.Zeek
and F. K. Newby, all of Hood River. Oregon.
mlujel4 JAY P. LUCAS. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. April 27.
IMll. Notice is hereby given that the follow,
ing-named settler has filed notice of her
Intention to make final proof In up
port of her claim, and that said proof will
be made before Ueorge T. Prather, U. 8. Com
missioner, at Hood River, Oregon, on Tues
day, June 11, iHOI.vli:
Formerlv Nellie Holter'ians.of Mt. Hood.Or.,
H. E. No". 5730. for the south southeast V
and south ! southwest section 11, township
1 north, range 10 east. w. x.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous n-sidenee upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
J. M. Lenz. J. A. Knox. P. U Anbertand O.
H . RhOttdea. all ol ML Hood, Omfon.
mrtje- JAY P. LUCAS. Bcglsler.
Peanut Roaster.
We have a penut Hoaster of latest patern
And ean supply our enstomera with the best
uality or peanuts, iren nmr 'r-i
mple lhm.
frtSJ 03 two ! tendrjuarWt