5ood iiver (Slacier. FRIDAY, AlAV 31, 1901. g UiicitliiN Address at (Mtysbiirt;. Four score and seven year ago our fathers brought forth on thin continent ti new uution, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men re created equal. Now we are engaged In a great civil war; testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a tac tion of that Held as a tlnal resting place for those w ho here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether litt ng and pror tlmt weshoulddothis. JSut, in a larger sense, wc cannot ded icate we cannot consecrate we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living or dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember w hat we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for tis, the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the untiuished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the- great task remaining before us that from these honored dead w e take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the hint full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain that this nation, under tied shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of tin) people, by the ooi for the people, shall not perish from the earth. Memorial Day Exercises. Can by pout, G. A. R., and V. R. C, w ill assemble at 2 o'clock p. m., Memorial day at the ball grounds, on the hill, and march from there to the cemetery. All old soldiers of all wars are invited to fall in with them. All who do not feel like marching can join the procession in their carriages or other conveyances. Capt. J. II. flukes will act as Marshal of the day. All civilians are invited to join the procession. At the cemetery the graves will be decorated and the Grand Army and Relief Corps will con duct Memorial services according to the service book. Everybody invited and all are expected to bring flowers. Record of Hbrli Water. The Dalles Chronicle. Following is the record of high water in the Columbia as kept by Special Ob server S. L. Brooks: 1871! June 23 51 1 1M-May 81 2S isso-.lul.v 2 4S.7 IS!i2-.Iiine 24 35 1SSI June IK IH.7 IS June U as..1 1HM2 June II 4H.2 lHlH-Jiine H 6M l.snt June l;i .T1.7 IS!i5-My SI a. lHSl-Jiine. 1!) H7.7 HI! June 22 42.7 )SM.-June 24 2 ,S I lsir May 24 42.7 lHSti-Jiine 9 a; .2 1SHS June 21 W .11 inn: June 111 4H1 IMM June 22. 4:1 KK-.Iuie 21 HS.5 l!Ki() Muy 111 .'12.2 lsuu-june 12 liil.S Highest yet, 19.11.. .111.1 The Mountaineer tells a joke on Pr.V C. Cook, who lives across the r ver from The Dalles. On Tuesday he was lament ing to an old Indian medicine man that no rain had fallen to make the crops prow. The Indian asked how much he would give for a good rain. The doctor said he would give $ UN). "Very well," said tho Indian, "I make it rain; you give ! f 100." The doctor assented and the Indian repaired to his wigwam, smoked nimsoii ana oitereii up prayers to the gol of rain. Rain liegan falling Wednesday night and by Thursday was pouring aown in torrents. 1110 next lav Sir Indian appeared at the doctor's home and demanded his nav. dec arini? that he had brought the rain. The doctor is somewhat skeptical about the Ihdimi having produced the rain, but doesn't know how to get out of his bargain. Thq town of Hood River ia soon to jiave an elegant gymnasium w hich is be ing built by contributions, in connection with the L nited Brethren church. The building, w hich is Hearing completion, is two stories high, and will be supplied with all innocent amusements to make it an attractive resort to the youth of the riverside city. The people of Hood River are certainly to be congratulated upon the enterprise they have shown in erecting the gymnasium. Mountaineer. The Heppner Gazette has changed hands. Col. .1. W T!uilimrti its. founder, and one of the best newspaper men on uie const, w in fane a rest trom editorial work. The Gazette, under the n id iiQifomnn f if lVwl . ,.!- a V P. Michell, shows that these gentlemen Know now 10 run a newspaper. A copy of the first Junior Annual ever imblislied at the University of Oroion lias made its appearance under the title 01 "lho Vtebloot. Hie publication is sunstantmiiy hound 111 blue cloth and has as iU frontispiece a splendid cut of the university building and camnus The dedication reads: "To the men and women who blazed the path we now tread, who have sacrificed that we might enjoy, who have laid a foundation upon which we may build to the pioneers of Oregon we dedicate this book." Sam L. Simpson's immortal poem "Beautiful Willamette" follows next. The volume contains 1(18 pages, is neatly illustrated, having tlu p ecures of ex-Presidents Johnson,Chapnian and President Strong, members of the faculty and students. The publication is a credit to the Uni versity of Oregon and is a step in its progress that win m terially aid in its advancement. Allen 11. fcaton, editor; Kdward Blythe, manager. yiU Uoud .Notes. The first sheep niiide their appearance on Paid Hutte today, aDd llieold butle looks very red. Mrs. Ijirewnod's Bister, who hns hn hrro from (Southern Oregon on a visit, left lust Ht-.....i.,.- ri 1... 1.. 11.... ' UIU'I.I i.JI 1IIU Jlllll'N. Frank O raves of Oregon City mudo a trip to ML Hood lust woeK to look at a piece of muu. nc is iiiucu pieaseu wun mis country. Work on the water ditch seems to he the go at present. The hot weather makes it nece. sury 10 have plenty of water to make the clo ver grow. Mr. Bird Is getting along nicely with his dam considering tne adverse olrriimstHnees lie nus had 10 ton lend against. The water Is still a Utile hitch, but he works Just the same. C. H. Bone ha broken mm 11 nt. lho Inn place and will use such men only an oho board at nome. tie lias tne diuh utmost completed to that point. jj. School Report. In district No. 44 Mosler, Oregon, the fol. lowing lift mod pupils were neither absent nor tardy durln? the month ending May 21th: Irene Fisher, Kiirina Cask, I.urllne Fisher, luVl-nna ll...r Al" ...... i'l 1 l ... . . . u. ....... ...1 jas, 1 iiniin, w.VMM, It'ior Cask, F.rnesl Fvnns, lessle Hardwlik, Christ iana UoU hereon, Willie Ulherl, Flossie filbert. tnflii l-AKsorts, leactier, Base Ball. June 2d. The following is the personal of TheJ liaiies and Hood Kiver base ball clubs to play in Hood River June 2d : tik dalles. hood river. Ward, c Davidson, c Emerson, p J. Dinner, p and 1 1 Fergerson, 1st Harry, s nd u Bartell, 2J Blowe s, 1st Ball, 3rd t'. Castner, 24 lluott. Foul. 3rd Karle, 1 f Knapp, I f Dufur, c f Rud, c t Cooper, rf Tompkln$,r f a sub. A. P. Clark and family arrived from Yakima last week for the berry season. Mr. Clark is agio it work for Daven port Bros., while the rest of the family re picking berries oU tjio Chaajburliiii Condition or Oregon li iilt. Hon. E. I.. Smith, president of the state board of horticulture, has received reoorts on the prospective yield of fruit throughout the state and under date of May 24th furnishes tho Glacier with the following tabulated report : JjlSTBICT. Med ford MeUliird If....hiii 1 AlllUllV ft MIIU'I (Ininl (.'mitral Point II. l Klver uuklund N011I1 Vunihill Kutfene... 4U KiiL'ine 40 LaUrandi) i Saves TiT' from Death. Oiirlittledaughtcr had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis,' writes Mrs W.K. llavilandof Armonk.N. V., "hut when all other lemedies failed we saved her life with Dr.King'sNew Discov ery .Our niece, who had consumption in an advanced stage, aiso used tins woimenui medicine and today she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lungdiscases yield to lir. king s:ew uiscovery ai to no otner niAilioltm 111 anriti I n f ill I i lll,i for COUL'llS and colds. 50c and 1 bottlesgtmranteed by Chas. N. Clarke. Trial bottles free. Seven Yearn in lh'tl. "Will wonderseverotase?" inquire the friendsof Mrs.L. Pease of Lawrence, Kan. They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kid ney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and peneral debility ; but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me. to walk," she writes, "and in three months I felt like a new person." Women suffering from headache, backache, nervousness, sleep lessness, melancholy, fainting and dizzy spells w ill find it u priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed by Chas. N. Clarke. Only 50c. Your Face Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health as woll. Impure blood makes itself apparent in ft pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out, and do not have a healthy appearance, you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases, where cheap sarsapurillas and so-called purifiers fail ; knowing this, we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Williams & Brosius. Dyspepsiacan be cured by using Acker's Dyspepaiii Tablets. One little tablet w ill give immediate relief or money refunded. 2oc and 5tc. Williams & Brosius. Moki Tea positively cures sick head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a per fect complexion, or ifoiiev refunded. !.'5c. and 50c. Williams & Brosius. Experience is the best teacher. Use Ack er's English Remedy in any caseof colds, coughs or croup. Should it fail to give im mediate relief money refunded. 25c and 50c, Williams & Brosius. The following firms generously donat ed their advertising space to the carnival commission for this week ; their ads will uppear next week better than ever: W. E. Sherrill, Geo. P. Crovvell, Prat her & Barnes, The Glacier Pharmacy and Booth's. E('zema,saHrheum,tctter,ehaflng,lvvpoi soniiigand all skin tortures arequiekWcu red by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The certain pile cure. Chas. N. Clarke. Stages leave Bingen three times a week for Camas Prairie. A surgical operation is not necessary to cure piles, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve savesall that expenseand neverfails. Be ware of counterfeits. Chas. X. Clarke. Hon. E. 15. Dufur, if he can dispose of his property in The Dulles, will proba bly open a law office at Gold Hill, near his placer mine, in Jackson county. Jus. Brownof Putsniouth, Va., over 90 years of age.suffered for years with a bad soreon his face. Physicians could not help him. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently. Chas. N.Clarke. Danger.diseaseand death follow neglect of the bowels. Use DeWitt'eLittleEarlyRi sers to regulate them and you will'add years to your life and life to your years. Easy to take,nevergripe. Cha's.N.C'laike. The bilious, tired, nervous man cannot successfully compete with his healthy ri val. DeWitt's Little Early Risers.the fam ouspillsforconatipation, will remove the cause of your troubles. Chas. X. Clarke "The doctors told me mv cough was incur able. One Minute Cough Cure made me a well man. "Norris Silver, North Stratford, N.H. Because you've not found relief from a stubborn cough, don'tdespair.OneMin uteCoughCure has cured thonsandsand it will cere you. Safe and sure. C.N.Clarke. "A few monthsago food which I ate for breakfast would not remain on my stom ach for half an hour. I used one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and can now eat my breakfast and other meals with a relish and m v food is thoroughly digested. Nothingeqiials Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troubles. H. S.' Pitts, Arlington, Tex. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. (Jbas. .V (Jiarke. Dyspeptics cannot lielonglived because to live requires nourishment. Food is not nourishing until it isdigested. A disorder ed stomachcan't diuest food, it must have assistance. Kodol Dyspepsia Curedigests ell kinds of food without aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain its natural functions. Itselementsareexactly the same as the natural digestive fluids and itsimplr can't help but do you good. Chas. N. Clarke. Glacier Pharmacy. Horses for Sale. A team of B'm1 work horses, irrnys, perfect ly true. Also, a large Poland China sow. Je21 J. C. BOtiOS. Bids Wanted. Bids for the purchase of the bulldine now occupied by w, K. Hhcrrlll as a furniture store, una tor tne removal of itie same within 80 days, will be received by the nnderslirn.'d up till 0 o'clock 8atunl.1v evening. June 1 1901. EAB.LY A BKUSILS. Advertised letter List. May 27. 1001. Dock. M O "hiiley, H E Wenliitfer. K WM. M. YATES, P. M. Hayes, Mrs. I E Smith. Mrs L Wells, Mrs L Fresh Cow for Sale, Fresh cow and calf for sale hv m:!l T. J. CrXMXO. CLOUD CAP INN CONFECTIONERY. None hut the nest prudes of Confections kept. Home-made Tair.v. Joe Cream and hYuits. Light l.unehes, with cotR-e or tea, served nt all hours. Ie en-am sodus will he served to customers f.0111 the Mm-st un lo date fountain in town. Agent for The 1 miles I-numlrv. ERN ST V. JENSEN. Strayed. One hnckskln ponv. with Idnek stripe down his hack. Branded MB on left hip. $1 lor his reltirn. JDK ITBsi It. Buggy for Sale. Droti-spai l.i.v, wiili shafts and j ole. Also one sai ao-y. Aryly to mi7 A. S. EtiOWtBS. j 7 ; f S n 3 sr 5 2. 3 8 , - a a j f ! ! Hi I i ! ; 9 M j ....11B -,s ;t a') w 7 rr, .. no 10 as w n su so -S uO 25 l' l(l 15 ... UW 1(1(1 ... lJ IWi IW uv in, iu o .. 7.1 ... ; ... is in ;o in) no is 10 .,') &l & Id IU) m ... 2i) Bi ... 10 lit M ... K'i til) ... 25 2!) 1U0 ... o .. a so W) 70 WO I'D 10 ... 20 M 2j 1U0 W) ... if ;& ... W'-'K J1 f. - i ) :. ' 1 f - , 1 - A Cyclone of Electricity II5S struck Hood River, which will wipe the rheumatism and all nervous and chronic tli serges -clear off the face ot tho earth, it you will avail yourself of the great opportunity that is now'offered to you. If you are sick and not able Jo buy at present, call and see our appliances any way, for you will have to have electricity Ix-fore you can regain your health ; and by ao doing you can see that we have the'best. Ve will gladly explain all about our electric appliances. Our time is yours. Electricity is the most wonderful curative power 011 earth for the cure of all diseases of a chronic nature. I will say that in patronizing us you are not buying of an a iron t that does not know the first thing about the article ho is selling or nothing at all about the uses and abides of electricity ; but with a person that has cured hinise f of that horrible disease culled consumption after liniieHng for lit) years and after being pronounced incurable by a great many eminent physicians, aftertlie right lung was gone entirely, I wasperstiaded to try electricity, and from that time on 1 have been a great believer and practitioner in that line, and am also the inventor of (lie l'ratt Electric Appliance, which is the best in existence. Cull and see me and be convinced. We will furnish you with testimonials of some of the great cures vie have made, on application, and some of them people of your own town. Since I have cured myself I have cured thousands of others of all diseases. Call toilav. Delays are dangerous. I will remain in Hood Kiveruntil June 4th only. Hood iiiver otiico at the Glenwood house; ollico hours from 2 p. m. to 8 it. m. Portland ollice in Aliskev buildinir. corner Third and Morrison streets. If you can't call while I am here, our treatment; but you should not let us at once. Mamioatmu and consultation House to Rent. An 8 room house, water free, In Blowers ad dition; tine view; splendid location: tl2 per month. B. WAKHKN. Prices Cut in Two. Apnl 21, Hull, ( will sell from now until July l.-tllielull tilioil'-dsillverNpanKled H11111 burn eo-irs al trc a fetlinn of 11. AN", while faeed Black Kpanlsh ikes at "np price. m24 W. Id. K.I.U8. Tomato Plants. Hlronn and healthy tomato plants for sale at Hhiimii & JJartli') ' store; 50 ei-nts pr 100. Town Lots for Sale. Apply lo J. V. WATT, Hec'y tiood River TownslteCo. The Glenwood, Heleet boiirillnir and rocmmir house, corner Kouttli und dak streets, In western part of town. if! Houses to Rent And spfond-hnud iuinilure for sate on Par udiHe Kurin. Butterick's Patterns. 11. licrbrinir, the well-known und relinhle dry itooils men-hunt of The Dalles, wishes to Inform the Indies of Hood Hivernnd vli-inlty thai he lias aeeepled the niteney for the eel-ehriili-d Uutterick l'ubllshltin Co.'s Patterns and their publications. A full assortment of patPrns Is always kept on hand, and any mail order sent to him will be promptly lUicil. BON TON Barber Parlors. Newly furnished In all the latest modern barber flMurt-s, imtkln it second 10 none for first-class seivh e. Porcelain Until Tubs. Hy draulic Barber ( halls. t'so Ilerplcide for the bald side; (let your whiskers pulled 011 ull sides; For we are th boys that suits We pull your hair out by the roots. Wc don't (tnarniilee nnytliinif. A shoe-polisliinx artist alaayson hand. EVANS & DeBORD, Prop'rs Timber Land. Act June ? 1S"8 NOTICE 1'UH PUBLICATION. 1'nlted States Land OfMee, Vancouver. Wash., May 25. 111(11. Notice is hereby given that in compliata-e -ftli the provisions of the net of congress of June ;l, ISTs, entitled "An net for the sale of timber Inn is In the States of Cullfurnla, (Jreon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public land states hv act of August 4, lti!)2, JONITIIAN I.. .STIIMP, Of Fulda, coiliily of Klickilat, slaU? of Wash ington, has tills dsy lll'-d in 1 b Is otlice his sworn statement No. 2MI, for the purehaFe of the norlhwes quarter if section No. in township No. a north, rnnc,c No. 11 east,vV ,M., and will oiler proof to show tlmt the hind sought Is more valuable for Its tlmherorstone tlian for airrleultiiral purposes, ami to estali lish bis claim to said liiud before Hie liCKl.stcr and Keeeiverof tliisultiee at Vancouver, Wash.. 011 Friday, the 1 ,th day of August. I'M. He names us witnesses: Leonard Stump and Jennie Slump of Fulda, Wash., and Mordccal Jones and (j. Jones of llusiim, Wash. J K.N' .NIK STL! .Ml', Of Ku'da, county of Klickitat, stateof Wash ington, has thlsdn U led In this ollice Iter sworn statement, No. 2J10, for tho purchase of the northwest quarter of section No. a."). In town ship No. north, range No. II east, W. M..und will ofl'er proof to show that the land sought is more valuable tor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said laud before the Register und Keeeiverof this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Friday, the bith day of August. 11:01. She names as witnesses: Leonard Stump and Jonitnan L. Stump of Fulda, Wash., and Mordccal Jones and (J.Jones of Hiisnm.Wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the Above-described lands are requested to file their claims In Ibis office on or before said Kith day of Aug 1st, linjl. m:lla2 W. R. JiUNBAR. Itegl.-iter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I . -. - .n .. , .. . , . . r a i.tiu.i wuitc ub v iiiicuii ver, u.su., may e, iiiui. i-oiieu is nenuiy ijivcn tnai tne lonow-ing-named settlers have tiled notice of Inten tion to make final proof on their res?ctive Claims before F. W. Kale, Clerk of the Supe rior Court of Skamania County, Washington, at Stevenson, Wash., on June 2H, IDOL via: SUSANNA C. Wlt.LAUll. On Homestead Application No. msiXI, for the southwest yt southeast Vt, east southwest and northwest Vt southwest seetlou 2j,town sliip 4 north, range I) east, W. M. Who names the following wltnesestorrove her continuous residence upon und cultiva tion of said land, viz: ' o John A. Fisher, Suintiel C. Dickinson, John W. Hill and Sondre Toryuson, ull of C'ben owlth, Wash. SAMUISL C. DICKINSON, On Homestead Application No. U8hl), for the northwest ',4 of section 2J, township 4 north, ran.'e a east, W. M. Wlio names t lie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of siid land, viz: Kmtle Wlllard, Joint W. Hill, flondre Tor guson and John A. Fisher, all of Ciienowith, Washington. JOHN A. FISH KR, On Homestead Application No. 07:T!), for the southeast southwest . south ij southeast nnJ northeast southeast 1 seenon 15, town ship north, range (least, w. M. Who names the following; wiinessesto prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ol said land, viz: Kmlle Wlllard, John W. Hill, Sondre Tor guson and Samuel u. Dickinson, all of Chen owith. Wushinion. Je2t W. R. Dt'S'RAR, Register. Timber Uind, Aet Jmie 8, 1SW.1 NOTICE FOU rUULICATlON. U.S. lnd Offlee. The Dalles, Oregon, May 20. 1H01. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of con gress of June :t, IX a. entitled "An aet for the sale of timber lands in the stntesof California, Oregon, Nevada nd Washington Territory.'' as extended to all the public, land states by aet of August 1, isi2, KM. MA E. BONNEY Of Tygh Va'ley, county of Wai stateof Ore ton, has this day filed In this otliee her sworn statement .o.l-l, f.,r the purehaseof the northwest 1,4 southwest !-4, and soil ch west -. northwest . ol section No.o in townshipN'0.2 north, range No. a east, W. M-, und will otter proor to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its limber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Ueeeiver of this otliee at The Dalies, Oregou, on Satur day, the ;ij day of A ugust, bull. " she i.umes as witnesses: cicdo Rnnnevof Hood hiver. Oivson; A. A. llonnev of Ti gti valley, Oregon; r.d. Mays und Joseph Majs 01 liisid hivei , 1 Hegon, Any and nil persons claiming adversely the nhove-dt-scribeU lands are rt,nesle:t to file tnelrcieims In this offlee on or before suid 3d day 01 August, 101. ra.ili JAYj'.LUCaa.RegUtcr. 'l ft ' 1, ..rik. '. v write to Portland ollice when in need of this opportunity go by without calling on tree. I'K. A. A. l'KAii, Inventor mid Manager, HARNESS. Tho old nil able Harness Shop Is slill do ing tiosiness ni the old sin ml. Ten tier cent discount Ktven for easfi. Bicycles for sale and bicy cles repaired. All work fruur- untced lo give sansnici'on. JOHN HTLLT. Houso to Rent. On the Mutton place. Apply 10 n.lT . U. WllonWORTIf. Eres for Hatching:. Mv hints are from the best strains. My Light Brahma rooslcr scored III points at the Mullnomah County Poultry show in IK'HI and r."i oolnts nt the Albany show In Win, reeel lug first prize nt both shows. My Black Mi norca stock comes from (leo. 11. Norlhup's yards at Kncevine. i. . Eggs 7'X! 11 sell ing. or ft sellings for 81. (i'Kjd Haired PlMiioutli Itin k eg-s, SDen set. ting. (mSJ K. vV - m?s. $15 per Acre Will buy one of the most desirable 40-acre tracts in Hood Klver. No ugems. T. R. COON. Spring Millinery. The ladles of Hood Kiver und vicinity are Invited to visit our rooms and Inspect our new line of Spring Millinery. We have the latest up-to-date styles ami qualities and can satisty the most lssttuious purchaser. We "are also prepared to till all orders In Dressiiialiing. Mr!. T. It. CLARK', MliS. .;. KMtADLJ.Y. NOTICE FOR I ' C 1!L ICATiON . Land Offlcc nt. Vancouver, Wash., April 19, 1901. Notice Is hereby given that the follow-ing-niimed settler bus nied notice of bis In. tcntiou to make ilnnl proof in support of his claim, mid that said proof will be mndu before tho Ilegister und Uecelver U. M. Land otllee nt Vancouver, Washington, on Frl day, Juno 7, lid, viz: JAM KM MARTIN. Of Trout Lake P. ()., Washington, who made II. K. No. 1 1 l.'il, for the southeast quarter ol seei ion 1 tow ns in p.i non u, range lueast, w.M, He names (he following witnesses to prove Ins continuous iv.-iiuence upon and cultiva tion of said laud, viz: Charles Moore. Robert K. Cox. Tivard C. Hamilton, Peter McMillln, all of Trout IjUio r. (., " Halnngtiiii. n2tlm:il W. R. 1U7N1UR, Register. Timber Lund, Act June :l, IS"S.l NOl'KK FOR PUBLICATION. United Stales Lund Ofllee, The Dalles, Ore gon, April 2, WW. Notice Is hereby given mai 111 compliance wun 1 lie provisions 01 tne act of Congress of Jnue 8, Ml. entitled "An act for the sale of timber hinds In the States of California. On gon. Nevada und Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the public laua sillies ny nci 01 August 1, iw.v SAUNA M. PHIIiMAN. Of The Dalles, county of Wasco, state of Ore gon, nas tins day men in tins omee tier sworn statement, No. imi, for the purchase of the northeast i of section No. i.l, In town ship No, 1 north, range No. 9 east, Willam ette Meridian, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable tor Its timber or stone than tor aurieiillttral puriioses, und to establish her claim to said land before the Keglster and Keeeiverof this otfiee nt The Dalles, Ougon, on Saturday, the Uli day of July, l'.MJl. she names ns witnesses: J. H. Phlrman, Christine A. Phlrman and Henry BoyenofTbe Dalles, Oregon, und Wiliiam Hand of Hood River, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the Biiove-aescrincu lanos are requested to nte their claims in this ollice on or belore said t.ii day 01 July, 1WI. mstJyS JAY 'P. LUCAS, Register. (Timber ijind. Act June 3, 1878.1 NOTICE FOU l'UHLICAI'lON. United Rtnten Ijmd Ortlee. Vancouver Wash., May 21, 1(101. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the orovislons of the act of congress of June a. 18 8. entitled "Anact for the sale of timber lands In the states of California. Oregon, Nevada and Washington territory," as extended to all the public land muius oy aci 01 August -i, iswa OLIVER P. KRKPS, Of Fulda. countv of Klickitat, slate of Wash inglon.hns thlsditv filed In thisotlleehlsswnrn slaiemetit No. 2JU8 for the purchase of the 101. 1 01 section jno. s, ana lots 2, a and i of section No. 1. In township No. 5 north, range Nr.. 11 cast. W. M.. and will oll'or proist to Ms how thatthe land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to e-dablisli his ciaini 10 saxt 111ml be Hue me Register ana Receiver of this otlice at Vancouver, Wash., on Tuesday, the27lw day of August, IHOI. He names 11s witnesses: Halsey D. Cole.John wyers, ticnia.nin r . Oneil and umuel M Cole, all ol'Eulda. Washington. Any and all persons el .lining adversely the above-described lauds are requested to file ineir claims in this oinee on or beioro said in nay t August, 1SWI. mSlicj w. K. DUNBAR. Register. Notice. Notice Is hereby giv, n that the un lerslgned will make application lo the common council of Hood River, at a regular ineeiini in June, foralicmso to sell spirituous, vinous and mall liquois in )p.m quantities than one gal lon for a period of one ye ir. Hood Kiver, Or., May 15, KOI. W. If. ALLEN, J. MORRISON. f-T, Uyspepssa mm Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in atrengthening and rccun Etructlng th". exhausted ditiestive or gans. It is thelatest discovered ditrest ant and tonic. No ether preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relievesnnd permanently ernes I'yspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Fl:lt lllftMU-0 Knu. CtAne.,h qihps "i9 mi; lilffli - , 1 ui, 11 . u .1 , , m 1. . v. . , Sick Headache, Onptralgia.t ramppr.d allotherresultsofiaiperfect digestion'. I Prlce5nr.. and $1. LanresUecontalns timet Small sizo. Book all bouldyspepsiainaiiedfree j Prepared by E. C- CeWITT C0, ChJS 1 EVERYTHING FOR CAMPERS, Such uh Frying rHiin, CofToe I'otH, Knives and Forks, l'liiteu (till, cliiim und granite), Dlunkcta and Conifortorn. Ono-pint I'tipf, full si.c, two for 5c. Tid PlntcH, good Kizc and deep, two for 5c. Pins, tlireo pnpers for Sc. c Cull and wo our lino of Cc'Calicocfl. Visitors am always welcome. COME JUST TO LOOK. Every day in a Hargiiin Day with us. HOOD RIVER praying Is the best ...... . . I 2-lb lots V, hito Araenic. u f c Sal Soda Turkey f eatSier dusters NOTE 15c 25c Inch . 12 inch . Also, new Glassware, Lunch Baskets, Stationery and Harmonicas. GEO. F. COE & SON, Phone 101. urn f,i ?'J iff mm in mm m I'll Battle Axe Tohacco , Canned Peaclu-s, per can 2-B can Oysters , Sardines in nuisUid, largu size can and finest quality, per can Fresh vegetables arrive Thursdays and Saturdays. Rehatu cheeks given with all cash purchases. Your orders will receive prompt at tention. Baled Hay, per ton, f 14. 23eciprcit3r Coiiigi- I, YDS & 3CKS 5 mithmg and Ilorse-shocing a specialty. All work guaranteed. HOOD RIVER EAST END DAVENPORT BROS. Are running their two Mills, Planer and Box Factory, and can fill orders for Boxes, "Weed 6z oata On short notice. At EerhartssH A dip play of assorted fancy Fruits Highest grade table delicacies: Strawberry, Raspberry and Black berry Jam. Selected fruits in Sugar Syrup: Gooseberries, Blackberries, Straw berries, Peeled Plums, Pears, Black and Royal Anne Cherries. Also, Cherries, Apples, Pears and Pumpkin canned in 1-gal. tir.s. Try something j;cod. FACTS. We now have the largest and most complete stock of General Mer chandise that we have ever carried in this town. When yon want a pair of GOOD Shoes see us; we handle the old reliable Miller make; no better shoes on earth. Iu men's and boys' hats and caps we have a magnificent stock, all new and up to date. t Men's Suit3 from $7.50 to $16. Don't bnv until you see them. A. S. BLOWERS & SON. Delinquent Taxpayers. The county court tias Instructed the county clerk lo place a warrant on the tux roll of HU0 comnmudinc nie to col ect the taxf-a for said y-nr hv inxkine sale. Ifne'-t-sary, of the proo ertv therein mentioned, and to retina the roll Inside of sixty dnys. I hiii sworn to ,1o my duty, nni nm also nn Vr twin s tor its dot li fill performance: th.-re-lore have no al ernaiive but to ohey the man date, ol the rourt, un1 will immediately pro ,.r. ,., m.iii out n Ms o' delinquents and ad vertise the property for snl The Us 1 1. -s, .May 111, I 'll ROHF.RT KFXLY. rr lQil lierlfl ot Wau (Juaiity. PHARMACY'S JVfotcn 3 we can buy. 10-lt) iotrt. 50-lt. lotn, m pur Bji l)c ,,t.r tj,. 4-n loti, 20-It. lots, 100 tb io, 4c per ft. 3c per Hi. lie per C. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS. PRICE. I 10 inch . 111 inch , 20 State Normal School, MONMOUTH. OREGON. DEMAND FOU GRADUATES The. do- maud for graduates of the Normal-Schools during tho pant vear has been much he voml the gupnlv. Positions with from f 10 to f75 per month. STATE CEKTIl'ICATKS AND DIPI.0 MAS Students are prepared for the state examinations and readily take state pa pern on graduation. Strong academic and professional courses Well-eqnii'ped Training Department. p:xpciiscH range from f lL'U to fl75 a year. 1 nil term opens .ept. Itn. ror catalogue containing lull announce P. L. CAMPBELL, President. Or J. B. V. Hi'Ti.ER, Secretarv. 35c 15c 20 10. COMPANY, WasfonMakin "3ESa canned by the Davidson Fruit Co. Notice. Kotle Is hereby (tlven that the undersigned will mske application to t e common council of Hood Kiver, at a regular meeting in June for a licence to sell Hfiritnou, vmoun nd malt liquors In loss quantities man one gal lon for a perio I of one year. Hood Klver, Or., Slav IS. Il0l. I'. V. FoUTS 4 SON. Blacksmithing And wagon repalrinif attended to promptly at my shop on Mie Mr. Hood road.soutn of tow n, work at rMMriHl)lo prtccfe. LIST OF LANDS For Sale FOR RENT AT THE EMPORIUM. 1 The Lov piace, near Tucker's mill, on Ihiod river; small house; 0 ucrcii cleared ; price f;(50. ... 2. Wemlort-place, near l ntierwoon, Wk1i. : ItiO acres; 10 in cultivation; fair improvements; voting orchard ; 3 acre la'aring straw tierncs, ; pienty oi goon water. Price (2, 000; terms easv. S. I'iu'ht ucrea ott tint . J. Lttker place, known as the Heflernan place; in utrawlsrries; price, with crop, f 1 ,(XH). 4. lrutcret-oceupie'l oy I'.. I.. Uooil ;f Law. 5. The old Kofcrs place at Krankton; owned by l-iic; large hout-e, barn, 2 sprain, part of 1 helps crclc falls, 2 acres iniprovid, jilciity of fruit", price, $1,100 f.;00or more cash. tj. Twenty acres off J. W. Daker' place ; pear orchard and other fruit iu bearinn; price flL'5 per acre. 7. liarrett-Sipnia addition ; JHO per lot: $10 down and per month; no interest. S. 'fen choice lots in Highland addi tion, only two Mocks (at of tho post (.Mice, on' State street, at $75 to $150. Terms ein-y. livery lot has a command ing view. (. Fine homestead of KiO acres on Kock creels near Davenport's. Price $l,0Ot! $;;00 down, balance at 0 per cent. 10. Kiu'ht lots in Hull's addition ; each lot level, 80 x 1?0 ; center of ball ground ; $100 each. 11. TlioG.T. (inllVnn CO acres, lving on the county rond north und east of the Harrett farm'; 24 acres in cultivation; 1HK) fruit trees Price $2,150,' or $2,210 half cash. New $500 barn on place. 12. The Chas. Rogers 5 acre tract and cottage, Frankton. Good springs and creek. $li50, terms easy. 13. The . II. Ilishop home in Hood River; a pretty home; price $1,100. 14. The Allen Fulton farm, 100 acres, 5 miles cast of town ; price $1,000 ; terms easy. 15. Lots in Henderson sub-diviision $:i7.f 0 a lot. Hi. John Sipma farm, 100 acres, $5,000. $1,000 or more cash and balance at 8 per cent, or the (fist 40 acres, cleared, for $2,100. $5iX) or more cash, balance at 8 per cent. P.est farm in tho valley. 17. Two hits and nice cottage, east of Congregational parsonage; price $00; terms easy. IS. fjhas. Rogers place, 120 ncres, in section IS, adjoining Jack Binn's place; price $500. l'J. The Glover farm, well improved, 4).j miles from Goldeudiile ; 240 acres: 110 acres in cultivation; i3 acres in winter w heat; 7 acres in hog pasture, with a creek running through it; all un der fcuco, with cross fences; lare new burn and fine house. Price $12 60 an acre; will take Hood River property in part pavnient. 20. P. A. Tmna place, White Falmon, in sight of Hood River; 8 acres, 5 in strawberriesaial tomatoes 17,000 straw berry plants end 1,400 tomato plunls. Xo irrigation required. Price $700. 1. N. S S. K. !, 8. N. K. see. 4, T. :i X., R. 11 K White Salmon; fine timber land ; $10 per acre. 22. The Emerson homestead, only ono mile east of town ; tine range: $1,500. 23. Lots 5 and 6, block 7, Winans ad dition ; $50 a lot, or $85 for the two. 24. J. F. WickLam's 3 acres and ert tasre, near Mrs. Alma Howe's. Price $s'50; $350 cat:h, balance on time. Will be for sale for 'M days. 25. Two beautiful building hits near Robl. Rand's new houso. Price $200 for the two. 20. 8. II. Cox's fine residence in Hood River, lot 100 x ICO; price -1,200. 28. 52!) acres, with lunch tir timber, including both falls on Hood river. Re fer to Ilutlcr e; Co. 29. Twenty acres lying north of Petor Kopke's, Fast Side ; good land; unim proved. Price $500; terms easy. 30. W'ishart 40 acres, East Side ; $750, or $300 half cash. 31. At Trout Lake, 80 a. ; 3 in timothy, cuts 8 tons a year; 50 a. in heavy saw timber, white pine, lir and cedar; west fork White Salmon river runs through the place ; price $1,250. 32. Emma G. Robinson's 100 acres on hills cast of White Salmon, known as the Dryer place; fine timber; unim proved"; $780. 33. The Monroe homestead claim, on the Esst Side; 125 acres; 50 in cultivation; new house and burn: $3,000 cash for 30 days only. Subject to Cros by's lease. Also, 70 acres, of which 60 belong to the John Monroe homestead, and 10 join on the east;the land west of road $10 an acre; east of the road $20; half cash, balance, on time. Eligible residence lots in Spangler's subdivision, near canuou house; only $75 ; terms easy. $200 to $1,200 to loan. At the Emporium is kept a flrst-class surveyor's transit, and the proprietor being a practical surveyor, is well pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying. N. B. Terms are easy on all the above lands, with interest at 0 per cent. Per sons desiring locations on homesteads and timber claims should apply at the Emporium. Davidson Fruit Co., Hhlppers of Hood River's Famous Fruits. Packers of the Hood River Brand of Canned Fruits. Manufacturers of Boxes arid Fruit Packages. Dealers In fertilizers and Agricultural lax- pigment. (Timber Land, Act June 3, 187S.1 NOTICE FOIi PUULICATION. United states l and Otllee, VaneoHver.Wash.. March St, Idol. Notice is herehv given that III compliance with the provthionsof the not of consressof June 8, 18.S, entitled "An act for the sale of tiinbor lauds In the stales of Cal llornla. Oregon. Nevada and Washington ter ritory, as extended to all the public land states by act of Auenst 4, IS92, ' n, , , Fit AN K OKAY, Of Olenwood, county of Klickitat, state of Washington, ban thtx day filed In thin offlc .... . .. ,..,,,,.,..,,,, .i.J)lir ia,. purenflae of the southwest J.4' northeast 4, west V, south east V nrul nnrll.A.,., I.' w - . o-A'n inwofhlp No. 4 north, ranee No. 11 east. W M., and will offer pnmf to show that the land sought Is more x Kimble for Its tim ber or stone than for agricultural purp. and to eshibllsh his claim to said lnd befor the Reylfiterand Receiver of thlsolllce at Van couver. Wah.. On l.,nrl. C.v. 1. July. 1901. " 0,u "7 m Me names witnesses.- Jullns A. Onnnaf son and John H. Hanson of Ulenwood.Wasb.: Char es V oilmen mil... 'i Ollmer.Wa.h. " "'"'"r Any and all persons. elBlmlng adversely th aboviMl,.cribed !nd are requested to fl the re a m in tv.i- .rr,. I1'" day of July 1901. ; w,ur" "11Q e,a "V'l W. K. PTTNBAH. T?e.t.t- Farm for Saio Or rent. 2f0 acres S mile. .it nt vir. m.-.. IS ctM plow land; plenty of -sir; rni