The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 24, 1901, Image 2

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    vvooa liver Glacier
FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1001.
Memiirhil Services
Memorial services w ill bo cnndiicte
In tlio M. E. church in H-xid Iivr,Mv
20th, at 11 . in. Rev F. U Spaulding
will preach the sermon. All outer mil
Inters with their congregations urn invit
ed to loi ii in tit ih service. All old sol
lcrs of all wars and their families are es
pecially invited.
The ministers of HoJ Kivnr have for
many years takeij turns In prL-ncliinp
the Memorial sermon. Lust vear 1 1 !
sermon was preached in the M E. church
by Kevf J . W.JenkiDot the Valley Chris
jan church ;two veaws ago it was prenche
by liev. J, L. Hersliner in the Conjrro-
national church : three years aflby Rev
J. T. Mejrill in the V. B. rht rch, and
thin year it comes around uguin to the
M. E. church.
All old soldiers of all wan and ons of
veterans are invited to fall in with Can
bv pout at their hall on Sunday morning
at 1Q:.'!0 and march with them to the
church. The Relief Corps will al
tnarcn with tne oiu soiuiers, Jjie com
pany of yonni lady zouave, under the
command of Mtij. Ilooth.w ill act as escort
of the old soldiers and Relief Corps on
Sunday, if they receive their uniforms in
time. .
At the service in the M. E. church. J
B. NickeUen will, by request, sunt Die
"II Fought Tor th Cause He
Thought w as Right "
uanoy post aim Kenci uorps will ar
range a programme for Memorial day
their meeting tomorrow. A full attend
ance at this niCHting desired. - -
" City Cmwcil.
The city council failed on having;
quorum Monday evening and adjourned
subject to cull by the mayor. An in
formal meeting was held by the mem
bers present and the third house am:
several subjects pertaining to the good
and welfare of the city were fully and
freely discussed. Among tither thing
me reporter learned
That the sewer nuisance on River
itreet has not been attended to for the
reason that the street grades have not
been established.
T hut the blacksmith on the corner of
First and Hate streets had been notified
bv the marshal that he would not be
allowed to build, fires in rear of his shop
in clone proximuy io other buildings.
That the merry-go-round on the lots
west of the box factory will be run by
steam engine with a screen over the
smoke-Mack, but that the screen lift"
holes in it that make it unsafe to op
erate in the immediate vicinity of the
, .
oox laciory.
That the finance committee have rent
ed a room of Bone Bros, for a council
chambor, and for the use of the record
er, at f5 a mouth.
That the committee, or the council
will sub-let the room to the Justice of
the peace for $1.50 a month, and to the
constable and city marshal for fl, and
also rent it to drummers and other re
sponsible parties, thereby securing rev
enue enough to more than pay rent.
That the marshal will hereafter be re
quired to furnish the pelts' of all dogs
killed by him, as it has been learned
that dog i-klns are worth 3 apiece, thus
assuring a source oi revenue not to fie
despised by the guardians of the city's
That - the. street commissioner, who
may be waiting for the street grades tp
do established, has not repaired t he dan
gerous washouts in the streets that may
cause the tiity to' become liable for big
vmiuia ior uamages. :
The ouarterlv for the Oreirnn H
al Society No. 4, for December, 1900,has
been received. This completes the first
volume, which isor great historical value
1 he.contents of this volume are-' B "fol
lows;. "The Oregon Trail." bv F. G
Yonng illlustrated by a map of the immi
grant roaa irom independence and Coun
cil Bluffs to Oregou.C.ity, and numerous
half tones showing different scenes along
the route. This'is one of the most im
portant articles vet published; and it is
the boginning of a movement which it is
hoped will result lu permanently mark
Ing the immigrant route from the
Missouri to the Willamette rivers
"A Pay with the Cow Column,"
Dy the late Jesse Applegate who
came in 1B13, Col. Geo. B. Currev's
"Tribute to the Ox Whip," Sam L.
Simpson ' poem, "The Cmripflres of the
rioneers, two poems by Joaquin Mi
ler, "Pilgrims of the Plains," and "Pio
neers of the Pacific" and a document re
lating to"The Oregon Iiiimigrants,843,'
make up a table of content by which
this issue U fittingly described as "The
Dregon Trail Number," Address all in
quiries about this publication to Geo. II,
Hirnes, Assistant Secretary, Oregon His
torical Society rooms, City Hull, Port
land, Pregopj .
Demand for Nornial Uradiiates. The
Btate Normal School at Monmouth re
ports that the demand for it graduates
uunng ine past year has been much tie
yond the supply. Graduation from the
normal school practically assures a place
worth from IIP to $75 per month. The
students take the state examinationsdu-
ring the regular course and are easily
able to pass on all subjects required for
state papers oeiore graduation, The
chQQ) has a well-equipped training dc
partment, consisting of a ninth-grade
wwn school and ol a typical country
A letter received by the Davidson
Fruit Co. from Horin, Cal., of date of
May mil, states that heavy straw berry
lroui wim piace wouia con
tinue for another week, From 4,000 to
6,001) ffteen-aup cases are being shipped
from there daily. California berries
are of betterquality this year than usual
Milton, Ore. has commenced shipping,
ana ii ooo Kiver berries have to com
pete wilb, them as well as California
berries, in the- Montana markets Tn
consequence, prices for our berries this
early in the harvest have dropped to 5
a craie, wnere lormeriy tiiev have kept
pp later at from $7 to. $9.
The'Glacier has given space to Elder
Dix of the Christian Advent church and
Elder Qoodwin of the Hoorganiaed
church of Latter D.iy Saints to chal
lenge each other or accent a challenge tci
discuss the doctrines of their respect ve
.l,., I'll... Hi. !!. .
i.iiuii.iii.d, ajiuui ui iirsi. gave ine
phallenge, and the elders have been
sparring at eacl? other through our col
umns without getting any nearer an open
debata. Elder Di.v now writes again in
anewer to-Elder Goodwin, but the Gla
cier declines to publish anything further
from either of them on their different
religious views. Tbe communication
get longer as they get further apart in
the discussion. They can w rite to each
pther or hire a hall. Our space is too
limited tp accommodate them further.
The Davidson Fruit Co. received an
prderon Monday for three crates of
phoice berries for the banquet given by
the city of Portland to the visiting Ohio
pongreasmen Tuesday night. The ber
ries were furnished by C. D. Moore of
White crate, and the David
ion Fruit Co'a. ranch the other two.
The time was too short in which to pro
cure extra choice berries, but the prates
aeut were a fine lot.
B. B.Smith, superintendent ot spLooli
al AjliaWu, is in Uu city. i
Anrfnrn tho- school' laW as
printed make the li.-cal school year
begin on the third Monday in June and
end on the hist duv of June. This
would make the school year consist of
1L" calendar months. In a letter to
uoiiiity superintendents, Supt. Acker
mnn calls attention to this error and
says it should n-ad, "and the fiscal veur
shall begin on ttie third Monday in June
and end out he day preceding." The
next annual school meeting w ill be on
the third Monday in Jure, 1002.
Tht Dalles Chronicle remarked : "It is
very gratifying to learn that The, Dalles
hospital is'now half tilled with patients
ami there is every prospect that it will
he filled to its fullest capacity liefore
manv weeks." Whereupon the Fossil
Journal surmises that Bro. Gonrlay con
templates an urmea tour among ins ue
liuquent subscribers.
It Saved II U Leg.
P.A. Danforth of LiiGrange.Ga. .suffer
ed forti months with a frightful running
soreon his leg, hut writes that Jiucklun i
riiica Salve wholly cured it in five days.'s the bestsalve
in the world. Cureguaranteed. OnlyZuc.
Sold by C'luiH. N. Clarke.
Old S.dillcrS Experiencr.
M.M. Austin, a civil war veteran.of Win
chester, lud., writes: "My wifo was sick a
longtime in spite of good doctor's treat
ment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's
New Life Pills, w hich worked wonders for
her health. They alwaysdo. Try them
Only 25c at Chaa. K. Clarke's drug store
Vote for your favorite girl at the Cloud
Cnp Inn confectionery, Lvery II) cent?
Worth you buy autrtlu you to it vote.
. The Columbia river was checked ill its
upward cdreer by the cool weather pre
vailing tor the past week, - and com
menced falling May 21st. The locks at
the Cascades have not been closed. No
danger of a big flood this year is now
Mrs Bartmess, Miss Earl and Misses
Aldine and Marie Bartmess went to The
Dalles, Wednesday, on the Iralda.
There will be a special programme
prepared for the Endeavor at the U. B.
church Sunday evening. The subject
will be "Missions", among other things
there will be a recitation, "The Two
Mitts," by Vera Allen. Ladies' quartet,
",Seed Awav" by Nellie Clarke, Lutia
Kiitricaii.NeflieErwiuand Agnes Knapp.
The young people are cordially invited
to attend. At 7:30 sharp.
Miss Chenry, who has been the
guest of Miss Teal for the past two
weeks, returned to Portland Wednesday.
Miss Chenry expects to go to Alaska in
the near future.
Mrs. Philips and child are the guests
of Mrs. Armor. Mrs. Philips ig here
for her health.
Miss Ruth Teal and her nurse Miss
Zogg, after a week's visit with Miss
Teal, returned to Portland Wednesday.
Miss Zogg, who is from Switzerland,
says: "1 his place reminds me more of
my bwitzerland home than any place I
have ever had the pleasure of visiting; I
wonder if the people of Hood River
realize and appreciate what a beautiful
country they have here."
Under the -management of D. II. Swim.
an entertainment w ill be given at Arm
ory hall next Wednesday evening for
the benefit of the A. O. U.' W. building
fund. The house should be tilled on
this occasion.
W, E.Tate of Rufus. Ore., was in
town Wednesday, .
Recent heavy rains in California straw
berry sections have checked shipments
and in consequence the market for Hood
Kiver berries is stronger todav. Thurs
day. - -' -
Alt those' interested in the Sunday
school of tho Valley Christian Church
and the C. E. society are requested to
meet at the church Friday evening. Mav
Bob Foley came home from Crook
eounty, arriving here Tuesday on old
Matt Russell has had to employ an
assistant in his barber shop. Dan Ver-
letto of Arlington is employed.
You are much more liable to disease when
your liver and bowelsdo not act properly
DeWitt's Little Early Risers remove tlie
cause of disease. Chas. N. Clarke.
Stevenson will celebrate the 4th.
The least in quantity and most in oual
ity describes DeWitt's Little EarlvRisers
the famous pills for constipation and liver
complaints, uiias. r. uiarke.
On Friday of last week T. M. B. Chas
tain closed a very successful term of
school at Pine Grove near Hood River
where he taught since lust September
Mr. Chastain is conceded to be one of
the best educators in the country, and
fortunate indeed is the district that se
cures his services. Mountaineer.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers search the
remotest parts of the bowels and remove
the impurities sjieedily with no discom
fort. 1 hey arc faiuotig'for their eflicacv
Easy to take, never gripe. Chas. N
Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
The Blue Mountain Eagle savs: "The
best of apples are being delivered in Can
yon City at the present time for 60 cents
a box. in l'ortiand good aprHes readily
command $3.75 per box and they are
scarce at that price."
Skin affections will readilvdisaDneariv
using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Look
out for counterfeits. If you get DeWitt's
you will get good results. Itistheqtuck
and positive cure for piles.Chas. N.Clarke.
iX-uovetnor Aiorriii ol Kansas owns
what is said to be the largest a pole or
chard in the world. . When work now in
progress shall have been completed the
orcnard win contain tH.uoo tree.
W..I. Baxter of North Brook, N.C., says he
tillered with piles for lo years. He tried
manv remedies with no results until hp
used l)e itt's Y itchllazelSalve and that
quickly cured him. Chas. N. Clarke.
on. .... . j . m
ine niiiiiiatea remains ol a man wri
tminq last week in the Columbia . below
Stevenson. The body was nnnlv humnrl
and thete was every evidence of fnul
play, iso clue to his identity. .
"Our little girl was unconscious from
strangulation during a sudden and terri
hie attack of croup. I quicklv secured a
bottle of One Minute Cough Cure, giving
ner i ii rue uoses. I ne cron n was nixtitorpil
and our littledarlingspcwlilv recovered."
So writes A. L. Spafford, Chester, Mich.
cnas. i. Clarke. Ulacier I'harmacv.
Miss Mamie Stranal.nn i t..o..),i,,r.
me .uuiikiiinu, cnermaikcountv, school.
r I.I ... , rt .
1 have been sufferuiff from nVsnpnaia fr
me ):isi.u years una nave been n liable af-
teriryingaii preparationsand physicians
to get any relief. After taking one bottleof
iouoi uyspepsia Uurel found re iVf nnH
am now in better health than I have lieen
tor .-u years. I can not praise Kodol Dvs-
pepsiaCuretoo hiirhlv." thus uriiu.
C. W. Roberts. North Crenk. Ark C.U'
N. Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
Mrs. Adeline Elizabeth Pail ot
Stevenson, May 11,901, aged 60.
If leonleonly knew what we know about
Kodol would he nsuvl in
nearly every hotNiebold, as there are few
people who do not suffer from a feeling of
fullnessaftereating, beluhimr. flatnlen.-A
sour stomachorwaterbrash, caused bviu
digestionordy?pes!a.ApreparHtionsuch as Kodol dyspepsia Cure, whicli. with nn
aid front the st4imach, will digest vourfxd
certainly cau't help but do vbu goul.
Qbjia. X, CUrke, Ulacier Pharnwy, ' j
Dull headache, pains in various' parts of
the body, sinkingut the pitof thestoinach,
loss of upx'tite, feverishness, pimples or
sores are all positive evidences of impure
blood. No matter how it beciimesoit must
be purified in order to obtain good health.
Acker's Blood Elixer has never failed to
cure scrofulous or syphilitic poisons or
anyother blood discaes. It is certainly a
wonderful remedy, and we sell every Init
tle on a positive guarantee. Williams cl
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets an- sold on a
positive guarantee. Cure heartbiirn.dis
tress after eating, raising of the food, or
any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet
gives immediate relief. 25c and 60c.
Williams & Brosius.
Acker'sEngllsh Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money re
funded. 25 and 50c. Williams & Brosius.
Sick headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleas
ant herbdrink. Cures constipation and in
digestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and
happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
back. 25c and 50c. Williams V Brosius.
A Word from the Sexlon,
To the people whose lot I am caring for 1
will say that I expect tny pay Jnnf 1st. Come
and we If you are iHtlsllt-d with my work.
To Ih0h who Imvf made n- nrrHiiKcments
forcurlnn for tltnlr lots, I will hhv, Coin om
ami Rt kuul clean tlm weeds liiiin otr and
Rronnil the mounds. There Is a rood WHIi-r
apply In the remelery, and all It will coil
you i a short piece of nose to rcurh your lot
with Hie wster f-otn llic neiirit stand pine.
I cannut ulloir my hose to bo tampered with.
A. O. UKKMHKY, Brxlon.
WANTKUTrnstworthy men and women
tn Ira vel a nil advertise f ir iild-eatabllahed
house of solid himnulul sUtmiliiir. Hularyl.HOa
yeur and exMnM, all puyitble In t-aNli. Net
rmiviiwlnx reiblreii. llve rereruiictw and -D-close
lu'lf-addn-wuMl slnniod envelope. Ad
dress Miiniicr Vvif'MXIon Hl lir. riilcmrn.
House to Rent.
An 8 room house, wiuer free, lu lllowers ad
dition; flue view; spltndld Iocs I Ion; $u per
month. I. WAKKKN,
$5.00 Reward.
I will pay a reward of (6 io any one producing
evidence Hint will lead lo the convletlon of
any n-r.'on or ersoii tampering with or lu
Htiv way molesting any of Hie flowers, ow
orutlnns orany ol Hie public or private prop
erlvofllie Asms-lullon or of the nrocrty
holders of the IdlewllUe Kriiterniil Cemetery
Association A. (. HKflHKY, Hexton.
None but the finest grades of fonfitctlons
kepi, llome-made Tatty, Ice Cream and
Krulln. LlKht l.uuclitu, with Co Hue or lea,
served al all hours.
Agent for The I)hII f.aundry.
Tomato Plants.
ftnmt and healthy tomato plums for sale
Hmina A Hai tley'ii store; AO c-enls per 100.
Butterick's Patterns.
H. llerbrlng, the well-known and reliable
dry nooiis inerrhant ol 'Die Iialles, wishes to
Inform the ludlesof ilood Kiver and vicinity
thai he him aen-pted the ajifticy lir Hie col-ebi-Hted
Hutleriek l'ubllshlnic Co. 'a Patterns
ami their publications. A full aworlinent of
putt' rna Is always kept on hand, and any
mail order sent to hlm will be promptly filled.
Barber Parlors.
Newly furnished In all tho latest modern
harber lUires, mnkiiu It 8. eond lo none lor
flrst-elasa service, l'orcelalu Uatli Tubs. Hy
draulic llarber Chahs.
Use ilerplrlde for the bald side;
(Jet your whiskers pulled on all sides;
For wo are the boya that suits
We pull your hair out by the roots.
We don't guarantee anything.
A shoe-polishing artist alwayson hand.
EVANS & DeBORD, Prop'rs
House to Rent.
On the ilutlou plufie. Apply to
nil7 n. I). WOuDWliRTH.
Blacksm i t.h i n er
And wagon repairing nt tended to promptly at
(itiod work at reasonable prlevs.
ii'jii i. J. iim i-.i.Ij.
One buckskin nonv. w .Hi block uti-ln down
Ilia back. Ill un Jed MH ou left hip. fa lor his
relurn. JoK PUKSKIl.
Buerffv for Sale.
Drop-seat bugi;y, with shaft and ole. Also
one suuuie puuy. Apply to
Town Lots for Sale.
Apply lo J. K. WATT,
Hee'y Kood River Town-lie Co.
The Glenwood.
Heleet boaralng and rooming house, corner
l-'oiiitnund Ouk street, in western purl of
iow ii. je7
Houses to Rent
And second-hand luinilure for sale on Par
adise rami.
For Sale.
Two lots, GOx 100 feet each, on Hhermnn Pt.
only 4 blocks from depot; set out to fruit trees.
rriee iui ciixii. inquire or
MltW. C. O. HOKNUNQ, Hood River.Or.
New Shoe Shon.
I have opened shoe shop next door to F.K.
jucason siore. w un V2t ytBrM ex)erlence 1
mil prcpured to niuku or mend shoes. Wood
work guaranteed. ii. W. KIUOS.
Light Waeon.
Light spring wagon, twoseuied, with tongue
unu buuiia, jur Mile t'ueap Dy
ni24 It. W. WAIT.
New System of Gar
ment Cutting:.
The undersigned represnu the ."tandnrd
qiHie-inen garment cutting system. Per
sons desiring further information In regard
to this work are lulled lo cull upon in at
ine nomeol u. Calkins at Frnnkton.
Ice for Season ot 1901.
lo whom It may concern: I have arranged
to hanule Ice in Ilood Klver this season. It
win ue a superior quainy, j- v. WJA ANS.
Land Office, at Vancouver. Wash.. Mav ft
IDOL Notice la hereby given that the follow-
ing-nameu aettiers have tiled notice of lntn
Hon to make II mil nroof on Ihelr resnm-iiv..
clnlms before r. W. Kale, Clerk of the Supe-
i..ifuihm rTiiaoiuuia county, v-asnington,
at Stevenson, Wash., on June W. PJlili!
On Homestead Application Ho. mM, for the
southwest yt ijputheasl , east ji aouthwesi V
and iiorHiVest aonlhwest (ie:lloii2J,Uiwn
shlp4 not Hi, range Deust, W. M.
W lio niiine.s the following witnesses lo prove
her continuous resldenco upon and cull na
tion of sulci land, vii:
John A. Kisher, Wamiiel C. Dickinson, John
W. Hill und ttondre ToriniMon nil tf i-hn.
owilh, Wnsh. .
On Homestead Application No. 'JS9, for tlie
iioriiiwe.n yt oi section , township 4 north,
run,'e eu.n, W. M. ' '
Who names i he following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence ujon and culliva
llon of land, viz:
Ktliile Wlllard. John W. flill.'Hondrn Tor.
guson and Jonu A. Fisher, all of Cheuowith.
On Homestead Application No. 9733, for the
southeast southwest Vt, SQUth sonllieast 14
and norttieusi aoiilbeust I secimu la, town
lilp i north, range east, W, t.
no iuiiick nieioiiowing witnesses to prove
his conlitlllous residence unon an.l enltivn.
Hon 01' said land, vix:
Kmiie Wlllard. John W. Hill. HondreTor-
gllson and Kxniuel c. Ulekinson. all of Chen.:
owith. WiisliiUL'lon.
ml W. R. DUNBA R, Register.
Administratrix Notice.
notice la hereby glveu that the utidersigned
has been duly auDointetl bv HiReoiintv court
of Wasco county, t(e of Oregon, Adminis
tratrix of the mute of i.don V. Benjamin,
deceased. All oersona h&vinir elaiio. nu.ln.i
wild eatate are hereby required Pi prevent Hie
same to me, pruperly veritled, at the office of
A. A Jayne, in the city of ilood Kiver. In
Suld count V. within six luoullm rmm thennis
of this noli,
1 lea ini iiiM day of April, 1001.
AmU AiliulnUUmUix.
The old rell
bin Harness
Hliop Is wi t 1 1 do
ing business ill
the olil sliinil
Ti-n ncr cent
dlM-onnl given
. lor rush.
Hleyeles for
sule unit bley
t.e reiuiireu
All work guar
anteed to give
Prices Cut in Two.
April II, 11)01. I will anil-from now until
Jiny li.tlhehil.l,looiled Hiivornpanglua nam
bnrg eeirs at a setllng or I I. Also, wnue
meed Jlliick Hpunlsli n' t an me lirlen.
mH ' V, M. Kl.t.TSt.
Effes for Hatching:.
My IiITiih are from the best, strain. My
Light Hi h inn riskier si-ored i. points at tin
Milltiiomnh Cminlv I'nilltry show In 18iKlan1
ytiyA noinia at Hie Albany allow in mm, receiv
ing tlrst prlzi! n. both shows. My llluek Ml
liorcii alm-k comes from Oeo. 11. Korthup
ynrils ut Uaeevllle, N. Y.
K.gga7.Vi a Bellini, or 5 settings for I!.
(Paid Purred Plymouth Hock egg, We n set
ting, lino r, w. AimiJ.
Peanut Roaster.
We have a peanut Konster of latest patern
no inn supply our cusuimcra wun the oesi
(piHiity or H.-anut8,fit)ii roasteii every flay.
wuinpie mi-lit. i n.r. at Kit am am.
440 Acres
Of land for sale at and near Tucker. Oregon
In Hood 111 ver vullnv, good for nil purposes
lor which itiver limn is aiiMi t.-.j. in
(julreofH. K.TUCKKR, thsid Kiver, Or.
per Acre
Will bny one rtf Lhe m.t dCHlruble 40-acrr
mU T. It. COON
Spring Millinery.
The ladleftof Mood Kiver ami vicinity are
invited Pi visit our rooms nnil hisiecl our
new line of Spring .Millinery. We have the
latest up-to-dalc styles and quulltief and can
Hiitisry t no most nsunloua purchHsur.
We are also phpaied to till all orders In
Drcusmaklug. V
MRS. T. 11. CI.ARK.
M HH. K. It. UKADi.KY.
;fnopp Line
and unjojv paohc
Time Schedules.
ll:j a.m.
Salt Lake, Denver.
Kt Worth.! muh,i Portland
Kansii City. Ht
l.oii Is, Clilc.-.go
ud tlie Kail.
Mn. elal
z:vu p. ni.
Walla Walla, Rpo-I
8:27 p.m.
tune, Minneapolis I'ortlnnd
HI funl, liuluth
Milwaukee, Cht
ago and East.
Halt Lake, Denver,
Mall and
, Ks press,
11.42 p. in.
Ft irnnn,i miana,
Kithska City, HI.
Mall ami
Kx press
a:ti a.m.
Lmris. Chloaso1
llliu ine r.usi,
8 p.m.
4 p.m.
I'or San r raneiseo
Hri e ery dduya,
i. fc.--.'. '
8 p.m.
Kx. Munduy
10 p.m.
4 p.m.
To Astoria and way
'jandings. '
Willamette Elver. 4:tt) n.m.
8 a.m. Oregon City, New- Ex-unday
cx.ouuuuy ueiu.nitieiii a wuy
IWiri.AniF.rrB An
::0 p.m.
7 a.m. Yamhu.i. KtVKits.;Mon, Wed
lues, i nur.. uregon i,uy,imyion unit i-ri.
and hat. and way landings.
ua.m. Willamette Kiver. t:IO .m
Tues, Thur. Portland to Corval-:Mon., Wed
ana Hut. I lisdi way landings. mid Kri
Lv.Klpnria.l Lv Lewist'n
5:.iu a.m. I HNAKR Rivfr. Uil.m.
daily. iftlparla to lwlstonl dally.
A. LTCltA li,T;on j 'Pass. AKtTPoTuandiiJr
J. Baglkv, Agent, Hixid River.
Land Office atVanconver, Wash., April in.
I'.IOI. Notice is hereby e ven that the follow
Ing-named settler has filed notice of his in-
teiition 10 makennui urKif In support of III
claim, and that said proof will be mud 1
before the Register, nud Kecelver U. S. Land
Oillee at Vancouver, W ashington, on Sat
urday, June 7. 11KM. vli:
Of Trout Ijiike l. O., Washington, who made
ii. r.. no. 11101, ior ine soutneiisi quarier ol
st'.-iioii ia lownanipo norm, range lueasl, W.M
Jie names ine following witnesses Pi provi
iiih coihiiiiiou xesiucnce upon and cultiva
tion 01 saiu lana, vn:
Charles Miairer Robert F. Oox. Bvard C.
Hamlllon, Peler Mo.Mlllin, ull of Trutit Lake
r.y., uasiunguin.
a2;m3l . jVV, R. DUNBAR, Register
ITImber Land, Act June S, 1IT8.1
United States T.and Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 27, PAH. Notice is hereby given
iiiai in eompiinnce witn ine provisions 01 tlie
not of Congress of Juno 3. IS, 8. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the States
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton territory, 11s extended to ull the public
iuiiu states oy acoi Augusi , istrj,
Of The Dalles, county of Wasco, slate of Ore
gon, Bus this day tiled In this office her sworn
statement, No. 4, for th, purchase of the
noriueasi ft 01 section ro. ;m, 111 town
ship No. 1 nortli, range No. 0 east. Wlllum
eite Meridian.... anil will ollur proof to
show that the land sought Is more vuluiible
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
fmrposes, and to establish her claim to said
nud before Hie Register and Receiver of this
omce ai 1 ne i.xtiau, uregon, on aainrnay, ine uuy 01 juiy. imn.
Mhe names as witnesses: J. H. Phlrninn.
Christine A. I'lilrman and llenrv DovenofT he
Dalles, Orcgonr and William Hand of Hood
River, Oregou,- ?
Any and ull persotis claiming adversely the
above-desenbrd. lands are requested lo file
men- ciuinis ina,Hii!U01lli!i0U or neiore. wuu
liin nay of JhLi.aiiul
ni lli t ) . f r, I Yrfi . d T. I .. .
' .j .. , - j.yi t, i.ij, iwe;inici.
Land Office atfho Dnllen. Oreeon. Anrll f.
liKll. Xotiissfcrhereliy given ihut the follow-Ing-nalhcd
m-itier iius tiled uotice of her
inieniiou to make final proof. In sup-
iKiri 01 ner ripinr, und thai sum proor wu
be made before (ieorre T. Pratlier. U. 8. Com.
mlssioner. at Hood River. Orceon. on Tuea-
uay, June u, luoi. vix:
Formerly Nehi. Molter'iniis.of ML Hood.Or..
tj 1.' x-.. e ... - ...1.-.. .
and south southwest section 11, township
i.r. io. a'.TU. ior ine noiiin -a aouineiisi
1 001 in, mnge lueasl. w. M.
iShe names the follou-in? trltnessea to nrove
her eont'iiumis residence opon and onltlva
Hon of said land, viz:
J. M. Lens. J. A. Knox. P. I.. Anbert and O.
H. Rhoades. all ot Mt. Hond. Oregon.
m:ije7 JaY P. LUCAti, Register.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It ftrtlflciallv r?twt,H the fonrl and aids
Nature In Ptrenirthenine and tecon-
ttructinfr th exhausted digestive or
gans. It is tlielatbt discovered digrst
ant and tooii. No oth;r preparation
can annroach It tn efflciencv. It In
stantly relievesandpenuaiiently cne
ITpepsia, Indigestion, lieaitburn,
Flatulence. Sour Ktomneh. Kausea.
Sick Headache, G:8tralKia. ramps and
PrU-e5ne. and It. Large slie contains TH times
mailtize. Book U aooutdy$pepl niailedfre
Prepared oy 5. q, dWTT CO, Ctjlca
he Pasis r air
N ICtaiGiflsM
Children's School HandorcliiefH, each lc
O Iiojs' ready-niftdtt Waists 20c
Ono-gallon Oil Cans, tin 15c
y Ono-gallon (;alvauied iron Oil Cans 20c
3 Six beautiful engraved Tumblers 25c
O Alarm Croels, good quality, regular size 75c
Sit-quurt flaring Tin Buckets 10u
H A largo line of Corsets 20c and up
s Everytliiiis Marked Down to Oib Last Gent.
Spraying JWatenal
Is the best we can buy.
' White Arsenic lols . ; f fc ,
- ) 12,4c pvr ib. 10c per Hi. 9c per Hi.
'"' Wl Rwta l lots,, 20-B lots, . 100 Hi lots,
. Sal ' f 4c per lb, 3c ,.er per lb.
Turkey feather dusters
8 inch . ,
12 inch..
Also, new Glassware, Lunch Baskets, Stationery and Harmonicas.
Phone 104.
Gr-raiELd Street Fair
Juno 4th, 5th and 6th, 1901.
To be given by the young people of tho Congregational Christian
Endeavor Society.
Tho Fair Commission are preparing elaborate plans, which will bo
given out later. Write to your friends and have them come and
take it in.
Remember, three whole days of festivity. This will bo the great-
est fete Hood River has ever witnessed.
k tl Wmt
Battle Axe Tobacco
Canned Peaches, per can
2-B) can Oysters
Sardines in mustard, large size can
Fresh vegetables arrive Thursdays and Saturdays. Rebate checks
given with all cash purchases. Your ordera will receive prompt at
tention. Baled Hay, per ton, f 14.
Reciprocity Corrxer.
lacksmithing and
Horse-shoeing a specialty. Ail work guaranteed.
Are running their two Mills, Planer and Box Factory, and can fill orders for
On short
A display of assorted fancv Fruits
Highest grade table delicacies: Strawberry, Raspberry and Black
berry Jam.
' Selected fruits in Sugar Syrup: Gooseberries, Blackberries, Straw
e berries, Peeled Plums, Pears, Black and Royal Anne Cheirie.
G , Also, Cherries, Apples, Pears and Pumpkin canned in 1-gal. tins.
Try something pood.
We now have the largest and most complete stock of General Mer
chaiidisejhat we have ever carried in this town.
When Von want a pair of GOOD Shoes see us; we handle the old
reliable Miller muk$; no better shoes on earth.
In men's and boys' hat and caps we have a magnificent stock, all
new and up to date.
Men's Suits from $7.50 to 116. Don't buy unBl von see them.
10 inch ..
I 14 inch . ,
State Normal School
inand for graduates of thy Normal Schools
during the past year has been much bn
vond the supply. Positions with from
40 to 75 per month.
MAS Students, are prepared for the state
examinations m:d readily take state par
pers on Graduation.
Strong academic and professional courses.
vt ell-equipped 1 ruining Department.
'Expenses ranue from $120 to $175 a year
' Fall term opens Sent. 17th.
For catalogue containing full announce
,i j . - ' .
uiiiia, uuiiiern ....
P. L. CAMPBELL, President.
Or J. R. V. Hi-Ti.Eit, Sreretarv;
,t 355
and finest quality, per can 10c
- .. ... . RRT FN I).
canned bv the Davidson Fruit. Co.
For Sale
1. The Loy pin w, near Tucker's mill,
on Hood river; small house; 0 acres
cleared ; price f350.
2. Weiidorf place, near Underwood,
Wash. ; ItiC acres ; 10 in cultivation ; fair
improvements ; young orchard ; 3 acres
(waring stiawlierries; plenty of good
water, rnco T-'.tXH); terms easv.
3. Eight acres off tho W. J. Taker
place, known as the Heff-riian place; in
strawberries; price, with crop, f 1,000. -
4. lSacresocenpied byE.L.Kood ;f lWO.
5. The old Rogers phit-e at Frnnkton ;
owned by G. W. Lane; largo lioutrs,
barn, 2 springs, part of Phelps crek
falls, 2 acres improved, plenty of fruit;
price, f 1,100 f:,00 or more rush.
0. Twenty acres off J. W. linker's
place; pear orchard and other fruit In
Lenrini;; prii-e 125 per acre.
7. Burrett-Sipma uddition ; $00 per lot :
$10 down and $5 per month ; no interest.
8. Ten choice lots in Highland add;
tion, only two blocks ea-t of the post
office, on State street, at $76 to $150.
Terms easy. Every lot has a commaud
ing view. - ... -. '
9. Fine homestead' of It'iO acre
Rock creek near Davenjiort's. Price
$1,000 $:JOO down, balance at 6 per
10. Eijjlit lots in Hull's addition; each
lot level, 80 x HO; center of ball ground;
$100 each.
11. ThoG.T. Gnlligan CO acres, lying
on tho county road north and east of the
Parrett farm; 24 acres in cultivation;
900 fruit trees Price $2,150, or $2,200
half cash. New $500 barn on place .
12. The ("has. Rogers 5 ncrts tract and
cottage, Frankton. Good fprings and
creek. $(i50,terins easy.
13. The W. H. Bishop homo in HooJ
River; a pretty home; prico $1,100.
14. The Allen Fulton farm, 1(0 acres,
5 miles east of town ; price $1,000 ; terms
15. Lots in Hondergon sub-division
$37.f0 a lot.
lti. JohnSipma farm, 100 acres, $5,000.
$1,000 or more cash nud balance at 8 per
emit, or the east -10 acres, 'fi cleared, for
$2,100. $500 or more cash, balance at S
percent. Best farm in the valley.
17. Two lots and nice cottage, east of
Congregational parsonage; price $660;
terms easy.
13. Chas. Rogers place, 120 acre, in
section IS, adjoining Jack Itinn's place;'
price $500.
19. The Glover farm, well improve!, .
4'. miles from Goldendale; 240 acres;
140 acres in cultivation; 63 acres Jn
winter wheat; 7 acres in hog pasture,
with a creek running through it; all un- '
der fence, with cross fences; large
new barn and tine hotife.: Price $13.50
an acre; will take Hood River property
in part payment.
20. P. A. Trana place, White Salmon,
in sight of Ilood River; 8 acres, 5 in
straw berries and tomatoes 17,000 straw--"
lierry plants and 1,400 tomato plant.
No irrigation required. Price $700. .
n. N. H 8. E.'tf, S. N. E. i sec.
4, T. 3 N., R. 11. E White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 per acre.
2.' The Emerson homestead, only bna
mile east of town; fine ranee; $1,500.
23. Uts 5 and 6, block 7, Winans ad
dition ; $50 a lot,. or $S5 for the two. .
24. J. F. Wii-kham's 3 acres nnd cot '
tat;n,-near Mrs. Alma Howe's. Price-.
$850'; $350 rush, balance on time, Will
be for f ale for 30 days. .... ... -
25.. Two .beautiful building lots near
Ridit. Rand's new bouse. Price. $200
for the two. ' "
2'V. H: H. Cox's fine residence In Hood
River, lot 100 x 100; price $1,200. .
27. J. R. Nickelar-n's place at Pel.,
mont; 35 acres ; $2,100. Terms easy,
2!5. 52! acr.w, w ith much tir tin'iW.
including both falls on Hood river. Re
fer to Butler & Co.
29. Twenty acres lying north of Peter .
Kopke's, East Side; oud land; unita.
proved. Price $500 ; terms easy.
30. Wihart 40 acres, East Hide; $750.
or $800 half cash.
31. At Trout Lake, 80 a. ; 3 in timothy',
cuts 8 tons a year;. 50 a. in heavy saw
timber, white pine, fir and cedar; west
fork White Salmon river runs through
the pjiu-e; price $1,250. -
32. Emma G. Robinson's 100 acres ob
hills east of White Salmon, known as .
the Dryer place; fine timber; unira.
proved; $7S5,
33. The Monroe homestead claim,
on the East Side; 125 acres; 50 in
cultivation; new house and barn: $3,000
cash for 30 days only. Subject to Cros.
by's lease. Also, 70 acres.of which t?0
belong to tho John Monroe homestead,
and 10 join on the east ;the land west of
road $40 an acre ; east of the road $20 ;
half cash, balance on time.-
Eligiblo residence lots in Spangler's
subdivision, near cannon house; onlf
$75 ; terms easy,
$200 to $1,200 to loan. . ..
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
surveyor's transit, and the proprietor
being x practical surveyor, is, well pre
pared to do the work of lavinc out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and dc-.
ing an Kinas ot surveying.
N. B. Terms are easv on all theaborn
lands, with interest at '& per cent, Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads .
and timber claims should apply at ihm
jcmponuin. .-
Davidson Fruit Co.,
Hhlnnairs isf
Hood River's Famous
Hood River Brand of
Canned Fruits.
llanulHcturers of
B-VflS anH Fruit- Doi-lra iys
Deaiers In Kei tllizrrs and Agricultural j'm-
lt:int.i ik.
TTnltAH HtalMl andilHIu '-...
Murch 21 llnl 'nilnu lu k.H.1... . l.?: !J
7. ' ...v 1 iiweilj g .oil Ulltl in
cnmpliHiic. with tho provisions of thea-t of '
congronsof June 3, 18.8, enlltleit "An act for
JiiexRlijof timber liuirts in the stute. of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nfivgrta unrt WftshlnirtooT.r.
ritory." as tjuendort to nil tbe pulillo Unit
staten by act of AngtiM 4, l.st2,
Of (Jleowood, county of Kll. kltat. (tat of
Vvaslilnnton, has this clay tiled In thl.offloa
ll H IWnill ItnlAtnAnl Vn Ol. Q .
of the south west yt northeat hi, west U sonth-
V- . . " '"vhm rt nmiiniMKi 01 section
No:4J,n!nwnhhP No- north, range No. u
east, W. St., and will offer proof to show lhi
the land .Might la more Hlnnle for It tim
ber or atone than f,or airrloultnrHl purpovM,
mu 1.1 .nin mi ciHitn tu said land befor
the KelNter it n H IIaU.uv Aliht. rA -
July, . ihoi. "VB u 01
efkllVAr V B. 1 ,.n II. .nrf. n 11... o.w .
He names a witneaacs: Julius A. Onnnnf
on and John II. Uanwiii of (jlenwood.W'aab .:
hnrli. W nilmM ..... c,. .1
OMmer.Wa.h. " m
Any anil all persons clatmln adveraclr tha
above-leicribd li.. are requested to HI
IhetrHulm. In fl.l. ,r.. .. - - . I .
dHv.,r jui, mi.
Farm for RnlA .
Or rent. ?6 acre 5 mltea eet nr rr-irvd si
lSactea plow. Uted: pleoty of wn wnrrd
ranga Apirtyta J. L. TtAVnviHra-m