The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 24, 1901, Image 1

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11 m n"
IvO. 1.
.--.5sSM - 3Nivf vK zKS 4 . ' ;ywu ---A-' 7
l'iil.h.hi-. Kvery Kii'Uy ly
H. r. III.YTIIK. v
Terniiof Milirriitton $t4) a year wlion paiil
III ailValKV.
Tli moil arrive from Mt. Hood at 10 o'rlork
a. in. WtMnriulaya mill Saltinlaja; departs th
tame iIhi i til iiiiiin.
hur ( Immiiihi-iIi, leaven al S a. m. TnmUya,
1 liiiiMtat ami HHt.inlm; arrive at H p. in.
. hor iilte salmon ( nali.) ltavis ilally ai 6:4"i
a. in.: arrive al 7 ; l. p. m.
r nun White snli leaven for Fnlda. Cllmer,
Tmnt l ake an. I OI.'IiwiukI ilally al A. M.
I-or H.naeii U,ili.) leaves al :4i p. m.; ar
ri en al 'J p. in.
I AI'ltKI. IthllKKAII HK(iRER l.)K!K. No
1 4 a:. I. O. II. K.- MeelH Hint and third Moll
ila in eaeli tiiont h.
Mis Katf Iuvrnpurt, N. 0.
II. J. IIihhahii, N. reiary.
1ANHY ro.-T. No. 16, i. A. K. Meeta at A.
V i (). I . W. Mall seeoiid and fourth Saturday!
of eni h inonlh al i nVlo.-k p. in. All (1. A, k.
fiieniln-iR tux UtM In meet mllli lia.
I . ,1. unmnii, Commander.
1. W. ItlliBY, Adjutant.
UNHY W. R. ( .. No. 1(1 Meet tint Natur-
ilav of eaeh month in A. ). I!. W . hall al i
y. in. Mm. K K.hhiiMMAKKB, President.
Mp. I'hM'i.a Im kkh. Seeietary.
HOOD I: I V K It I.ODiiK, So. in:,, A. F. and A.
M.- Meet a Saturday evenlntt on or before
e. eh full mi on. A N. Hahm, W. M,
A. P. B vtkham, Secretary.
HOOli lilVKK CIIAI'TKK. No. 27, R. A. M.
Meet iliint Iridav iiiKlit of eaeh month.
K. U.', II. P.
II. K. Haviiiwin. Secretary.
n()()H KIVKIl I'll APTEK, No. M, 0. K. H.
Meetn aeeotid and lourtli Tuesday even
iiikh of eaeh tiiontli. Visit' coidlaily wel
I'oineil. Mkh. Kva H. IUymi, W. M
II. F, David on, Secretary.
0I.KTA AS8KVM' Y, No. 10:1, foiled Artlaana.
- Meeu-e o it Tuenday of eaeh month at
1 lalernal hall. K. ('. Hut Mil's, M A.
J). MrlJiiNAi.o, herretary.
ll'AI'COMA I.OIHiK, No. 30, K. of I'.-Meeta
In A.O. I'. V. Iiall everv Tuesday night.
Frank I.. luvinaoN, K. ol K. fc H.
RIVKKSIliK I.ODiiK, No. W, A. O. I', .W.
Meets II ml and third Saturday of eaeh
month. N. 0. Kvass. M. W.
.1. F. Watt, Finaneier.
II. I.. Ih.WK, Heeorder.
1DI.KW1I.DK I.OlXiK. No. 107, I. O O. F
MeelH In Fraternal hull every Thiiraday
niulit. A. li. (Iktciiki., N. li.
). h. Haxsa. Secretary.
HOOD HIVKK TKNT. No. 19, K. O. T. M..
meeiH at A. O. I'. W. hall on the 11 rut and
Ihlid Fridays of eaeh month.
1. K. Hand. Commander.
1)1VKRSIDK 1-ODdK NO. 40. ft EG OK
I IIONOH. A. o. r. W.-5leet llrst and
third SatunliiH al 8 I'. M.
Mrs. Ciias ( i.arkk, Heeorder.
OUNBHINK SOCIKTY-Meeta leeond and
O fourth SatiinlHys of each month at 2
n'elork. Mlsa I.KN A lNKLU Preaideiu.
MihNl ARKlK, Seeretaiy.
OOD RIVKR CAMP, No. 7,702, M. W. A.,
meets In idd Fellows' Hall the first and
third Weilnesdaj a of eaeh month.
F. L. DAV'iHiON, V. C.
K. II. BltADl.KY, Clerli.
Ofliee Telephone No. 81.
Residence Telephone No. 8:1.
All Calls Promptly Attended
Olllce npvtalra over Kverhart'a atore. All
eaila left al the o trice or rekhlenee will be
)toiii tly atteitiled to.
TARY I'l liLIt: and REAL
F'or 2:i years a resident of Oregon and Wash
ington. Has hud many years experience In
Real Kstate milt ei's; as abstractor, aearclier of
pliles and agent, f aiisfiiction Ruaranteed or
no charge.
J F. WATT, M. D.
Surgeon for O. R. t N. Co. Is especially
equipped to treat catarrh of nose and throat
and diacascs of women.
Sieeial terms lor office treatment of chronic
Telephone, office, 123, residence, i".
' Kstimatea furnished for all kinds of
work. Repairing a specialty. All kinds
of shop work. Shop on State Street,
between First and Second. .
Men's half soles, hand (ticked, $1;
nailed, best, 75c ; second, 80c ; third, 40c.
Ladies' hand stitched, 75c; nailed, best,
M)c; second, 95. Best stock and work
in llooit River. C. WELDS, l'rop.
ia thn place to net the latest and best in
Tonfectioneries, Canities, Nuts, Tobacco,
I'igars, etc.
p C. BROSiUS, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M. ; 2 to 3
and (i to 7 P. M.
Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler.
My long experience enables me to do
the best posBible work, which I fully
guarantee, and at low utices.
Do a general banking business.
Hoon Rivsb, Oregon.
Estimates Furnished.
Plans Drawn
Q' J. HAYES, J. P. J
f)ice with Bon Brothers. B names will bs
attendfrd to at any time. Collections made, I
a'jifl anv bmiueas niven to tmwill be attended
to speedily and results made promptly. Will
locale on good government lands, either "tirsWy
ber or farming. We are in touch with the I .
b Land Ofbce at The Dalle Olveuaaraii
K Comprthenilve Review of the Impor'int
Happenings of the Past Wtek Presc wd
in a Condcnwd Form Which Is Most
Likely to Prove of Interest to Our Many
Mm. McKinlcy continues to im
prove hIow ly.
Cm ncfjie gave 2,(KH),(KK)to Scotcli
li u i vt-rsi t
The Ohio congressional party is in
Oregon on their trip home. -
In it aeeond trial rare Shamrock II
lieut Shamrock I one minute,
Pi-enidi'iit McKinlcy reviewed the
school children of San Francisco.
The University of Oregon defeated
the University of Washington in ftth
let ic.
An extra session of the Hawaiian
legislature cut the salaries of a great
many of the ofl'ie'ial.
The Pan-American exposition has
been dedicated. Vice President
Roosevelt nuulc the address of the
An American company has con
cluded arrangements with the. Mexi
can government for the construction
of a new railroad in Yucatan, Mexico.
A body of Filipino rebels under
Angells attacked a detachment of
American troops, killing two soldiers
and one native xeottt and taking one
soldier prisoner.
A New York syndicate lias been
formed for the purpose of securing
the trade of the Orient. Maiuanillo,
on the southwest coast of Mexico,
will be developed as the chief port.
The general strike of the employes
in the machinery and allied metal
trades throughout the country to en
force the nine hour day, with an in
creasn in wages, was estimated to
effect at least 150,000 men, but many
employers signed the scale at the last
moment, thus reducing the number
King Alexander of Servia will not
The Albany, N. Y., street car strike
has been settled.
King Edward has ordered many
reforms at Windsor.
Lawson's yacht Independence is
being hurried to completion.
Germany is much afraid of Amer
ica's commercial supremacy.
Turkey refuses to permit the entry
of typewriters into that country.
The buttle ship Ohio was launched
at San Francisco in the presence ol
President McKinlcy.
A fund is being raised for the de
struction of sea lions at the mouth
of the Columbia river.
The president told Governor Geei
that he might visit Oregon befor
the expiration of his term.
The Union Pacific now controls
the railroad situation from the Mis
souri river to the Pacific coast.
Mrs. McKinlcy is now able to sit
up. No date has yet been fued for
the return of the presidential party
to Washington.
Orders have been issued for a strike
of fifty thousand machinists through
out the country. A prolonged strug
gle is expected in the Pacific coast
Peace reigns in the southern Phil
ippine islands.
Civil officers have been appointed
in Albay province.
A transport line may be establisbed
via the Suez canal. t ,
An Ohio river boat was burned.
Two lives were lost. ' ' fc ' '
Three hundred firms have signed
the agreement with machinists.
Ten cars were w recked on a branch
of the Southern Pacific near Albany,
Nine miners are dead and three
fatally injured from an explosion in a
West Virginia coal mine.
The Chilean government bus waived
its objection to the Pan-American
congress to be held in Mexico.
Tresident McKinlcy has given ur
his tour to the Norhtwest on account
of his wifes' illne?s. Her condition
is considered serious.
The Shamrock II will lie partially
The Alaskan, the largest merchant
setamship ever built on the Pacific
coast, has leen launched at the Union
Works, at San Francisco.
The governor of New York has
ordered 2,200 soldiers to Albany. All
efforts to settle trouble between strik
ers and employers has thus far failed.
Although reports coming from
South Africa are very meager, the in
dications are that the Boers are rapid
ly breaking down, owing to cold and
lack of provisions.
The congressional appropriation of
f3,000,000 for the extension of the
rural delivery postal service becomes
available in three months.
The Roman Catholic archbishop of
Montreal has forbidden the members
of that church fronV countenancing
cremation in any way.
The public printer of Minnesota
beat all records by issuing the laws
passed by the rteent legislature with
in two days after adjournment. .
No Doubt About It, Syas Physlcan Who Made
the Investigation.
Seattle, May 20.j Ttollowing ore
private advices imcHviiI iy mail from
Sitka, Alaska, dated Mny 11:
Doctors Moore of Skaigway, and
Linhart, of Juneau, have bren inves
tigating the small pox epidemic at
this place, and the former says there
is no doubt of the prevalence of the
disease, despite reports to the con
trary. The doctors visited all the in
fected districts, and the Indian ranch,
Russian town and the Indian mis
sion. Dr. Moore was outspoken re
garding existing conditions. He said
there can 1k no question of the seri
ousness of the situation. Small pox,
generally in a mild form, is preval
ent, and owing to the uncleanly con
dition of tho ranch, combating the
sickness will be a difficult matter.
In Russion town there were but two
cases, one serious. At the mission
there were found over !10 children suf
fering from small pox. They have
been treated in the hospital which is
located considerable distance from the
dormatories. Up to the present time
there have been seven futilities, all
confined to the Indians A rigid
quarantine has been placed on the
ranch, Indian policemen guarding all
entrances to the infected quarters.
Guards have kept visitors from the
homes of the two Russians who are
Particulars of the Murder of Missionaries in
New Guinea.
Vancouver, B. C. May 20. Details
have been brought by the steamer
Moana from Sydney of the massacre
of the missionary party in New
Guiena. , The report to the govern
ment resident of Thursday island is
as follows:
"The crew of the Dido report the
murder of the Rev. James Chalmers
and Kev. Oliver Tomkins, of the
London Missionary Society, by New
Guiena natives at Debe, near the
mouth of the Fly river. It seems
they went ashore after friendly na
tives had warned them that a tribal
war was in progress, and that their
lives would he endangered. Despite
this warning the missionaries, with
six native converts, went ashore and
attempted to hold a religious service.
The natives blamed the missionaries
for a reverse in battle, and killed the
two white men and all their school
boys. Part of their bodies were
afterwards devoured by the cannibal
natives. The captain of the mission
ary schooner Nine, from his vessel, saw
the bodies lying on the bench with
their heads cut off, but he was afraid
to land. This report of the Dido's
crew has been counlirmed by a well
known native missionary named Isai.
Alaska Packers Assocation Will Stay Out ol
the Salmon Trust.
San Francisco, May 20. The big
salmon combine is off, so far as the
Alaska Packers' Association is con
cerned. After days of negotiation
between the promoters of the Pacific
Packing & Navigation Company and
the association's officers, a halt wat
called. President Fortman and Vice
President Hirsch of the Alaska Pack
ers' Association, say that they have
refused to sell to the promoters except
for cash, and that not being offered
they terminated the negotiations. T.
B. MeGovern, one of the promoters,
in an interview, said :
"We shall put this combine through
without the Alaska Packers' Associa
tion. We had figured that with the
options we have, if we could secure
the association, we would control
practically all the salmon in the
world. There are, roughly speaking,
3,200,000 cases of salmon packed
every year. Of this total the Alaska
people put out about 1,000, 000 eases. "
Leagalty of the Blacklist.
Chicago, May 20. Judge Baker
has decided that it is legal for em
ployers to maintain a blacklist. The
plaintiff was a labeler and can painter
in the employ of the Libby Packing
company and in February, in company
with a number of other young women,
went on strike because of repeated re
ducrtions in wages. Later the women
tried to obtain work with other firms,
but their applications were rejected
on account of their having been strik
ers. Miss Condon brought suit as a
test, and the court ruled that the var
ious firms had a right to take pretect
ive measures against persons who had
quit the employment of other firms
without valid reasons.
Conger Favors Ship Subsidy.
New York, May 20. Edwin II.
Conger, minister to China, was the
guest of honor at the third annual
banquet of the American Asiatic
Association, given at LVlmonico's.
In his address he dwelt upon the
great possibilities in China, advo
cated the subsidizing of American
ships as a patriotic measure, and re
gretted that our new possessions in
the Pacific were not connected by
American cables.
Refused Medical Aid. -
Chicago, May 20. After lingering
12 days, during which time she suffer
ed much pain, Mrs. Josephine Chris
tensen, wife of Louie Christensen,
both "Dowieites," and who with her
2-year old baby was frightfully burned
in the Marquette avenue fire in South
Chicago the morning of May 5, died
last night. Mrs. Christensen refused
medical aid to the last, and was the
only one of those injured in the fire
who died.
Commercial and Financial Happenings of Im
portanceA Brief Review of of the
Growth and Improvcmeuts of the Many
Industries Throojhout Onr Thriving Com,
monwealth Latest Market PtporL
The cost of repairing the Albany
bridge amounted to f l,8:i7.57.
Tin new ii'o lilimt'flt Ruler Cfv
will Imi in operation by July 1.
The annual meeting mid barliecue
of Wheeler County 'ioiieers will be
held at Richmond on Jiwe 12 and 13.
The advance in the price of pota
toes has caused the planting of more
potatoes than ever lieforoin the vicin
ity of La Grande.
The Albany council bus resolved to
turn over the bridge across tho Wil
lamette at that place to Linn and
Benton counties or to Linn county,
when the city shall be reimbursed for
the recent improvements.
' A rural mail delivery route from
Eugene will In? recommended to the
postal deparrtment. The route will
lie as follows: From Eugeno north
on river road to tho Miller fruit dryer
and return to Santa Clara school
house, thence west to Irving road,
thence southeast to Sinslaw stage
road, thence west to Kemp school
house thence south to font hills by
way of Martin brick yard and return
to Eugene via Hawkins road. The
trip will be made six times a week.
Service will not lie established before
July. j
Bear creek cattlemen shipped from
Pendleton 110 head of catllo to Puget
sound. J
The "annual field day athletic con
tests of the Pendleton puiilic schools
will take place May 27. i
Henry Brune from Rockland, sold
30 sheared yearling wethers at The
Dalles for $3.10 a head. : .
A bridge has been completed across
the Sandy river near Leima. It is
233 feet long and 16 feet vide.
It is rejiorted that the Golconda
mine, situated in Williams creek dis
trict, has been sold for a good figure.
Jack Gordon and Pete Gagnon re
cently sold several quartz mining
claims in the Greenhorn mountains to
Gibb Lenvitt for lf:i,0)0.
Recently a pieco of quartz weigh
ing 25 pounds was picked up at the
Mule (iulch placer mine, near An
toine. It is estimated to bo worth
A clean up from 100 tons of Mam
moth mine ore treated at the Virtue
mill was taken to Baker City last
week. The clean up amounted to
$1,100 two bars, one of the value of
$800 and another of 300, an average
of ,$ll to the ton.
The North Powder Irrigation Com
pany, which recently purchased the
big Grayson ditch, south east of Baker
City, has completed surveys for the
extension of the ditch into tho lower
valley. The work of construction of
the ditch will begin this week.
Portland Markets.
Wheat Walla Walla, 00c. ; val
ley, nominal; biuestem, ()lG2c.
per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $2.'J0(a3.4O per
barrel; graham, $2,110.
Oats White, if 1 . 35(S 1.40 per cental ;
gray, .$ 1.30(31.32, percental.
. Barley Feed, $17(317.50; brewing,
$17(S 17.50 per ton.
MillstufTs Bran, $17 per ton ; midd
lings, $21.50; shorts, $20.00; chop,
Hay Timothy, $12.50(314; clover,
$7(2:0.50; Oregon wild hay, $(i7
per ton.
Hops 12 14c. per lb.
Wool Valley, ll13c; Eastern
Oregon, 7f10o; mohair, 2021e.
per pound.
Butter Fancy creamery, 15
17 'jc; dairy, 13(gl4c. : store, 11
Pi'aC. per pound.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 1212je.
per dozen.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 13
13a'c. ; Young America, 13al4c.
per pound.
Poultry Chickens,mixed,$3.50(a4;
hens, $4(.a5.00; dressed, ll12c. per
pound; springs, $35 per dozen;
ducks, $5(80; geese, $C7; turkeys,
live, 10(Sl2c; dressed, 14lCc. per
Potatoes Old, $11.15 per sack;
new, 2,2,1s'c. per pound.
Mutton Lambs 45c. per
pound gross; best sheep, wethers,
ith wool, $4.254.50; dressed, 67c
ner pound.
Hoes Gross, heavy. $5.75(3(5:
iigiiL, fi.itiiiti, uivoacu, itji;gU. per
Veal Large, 6g7c. per pound;
small, 7 s8c. per pound. - .
Tlftnf f!rrca t nn Gfoora ftfiK f
ncef, 8.g 82'c. per pound v
A telegram of 12 words is sent to
my part of New Zealand by simply
9ixing to it a 6J stamp 12 cents.
Improvements already authorized
r contemplated in New York city
will cost thf tremendous sum of
The -United States leads all other
nations in the matter of fruit grow
ing. Strawberries were valued at
$80,000,000 last year and grapes at
The Big 14.000-Ton Hull Slid Into the Bay
With Perfect Success.
" San Francisco, May 20. On a plat
form, decorated with the national
colors, which had been built around
the prow of tho big battleship Ohio at
tho Union Iron Works, in this city
Saturday, were gathered tho presi
dent and members of the cabinet,
Governor Nash, of Ohio; Miss Desh
ler, his niece, who was to christen
the ship; Miss Barber, who was to
act for Mrs. McKinlcy, and many
uniformed officers of the army and
navy waiting for tho signal to start
the big iroti monster down the ways
into San Francisco bay. Miss Burlier,
with her finger on tho button, was
looking intently at the indicator.
At 12:22)t, two and a half minutes
before the tide w-as at its highest, the
time set for the launching, there sud
denly shot into the face of the indi
cator the word "ready. " Miss Barber
pressed the button. The last block
fell away. At the same time, Miss
Deshler, a young lady of 17 years, let
go the bottle of champagne suspended
at the side of the bow by a red, white
and blue ribbon, and as it crashed
against the side she uttered the
words, "I christen thee Ohio."
Released from its bonds tho heavy
hull of 14,000 tons of steel went plow
ing through tho thick grease of its
cradle. Slowly at first, then faster
and faster, she slid down the ways,
taking the Hood majestically and pil
ing up the water in great waves in
front of her. The band crashed,
whistles blew, and tho multitude
shouted. No ship ever given to the
American navy has taken her initial
plunge into the sea under more favor
able allspices or in the presence of a
more distinguished company.
The workingmcn of the ship yard,
whom President McKinlcy addressed,
presented him with a plate of burn
ished gold live by five inches in di
mensions, surmounted by the eagle
and shield' of the American seal. Tho
shield in the center is of California
gold-bearing quartz and is flanked on
either side by tho American ami
California republic flag!". At one
comer of the plate is the seal of Cali
fornia and at the other the seal of
Ohio. In tho center is a miniature
of the battleship Ohio and the follow
ing inscription :
"To commemorate the launching
of the United States battleship Ohio.
Presented to Hon. William McKinlcy,
president of the United States, by the
employes of the Union Iron Works,
San Francisco, California."
The decorations around the border
of the plate are of oak leaves, inter
twined with California poppies.
Mrs McKlnley Was Able to Sit Up-No Defi
nite Date Fixed for the Start Home.
San Francisco, May 20. Mrs. Mc
Kinlcy 'a condition was so far im
proved yesterday evening that she
was able to sit up for a while. This
welcome news was given out shortly
after 5 o'clock
There were many callers at the
Scott residence yesterday. There was
a general feeling that the crisis had
been passed, and that Mrs. McKin
lcy would continue to gain in
strength. No definite date has yet
been decided upon as to when the
president will start for the national
capital, but it is hoped that Mrs.
McKinlcy will be able to travel with
in a few days.
President McKinlcy is in receipt of
cablegrams from the king and queen
of England, President Loubet of
France, and many other European
potentates, inquiring as to Mrs. Mc
Kinley's condition.
Among the callers on the president
was Calvin S. Titus, the first Ameri
can soldier to mount the walls of
Pekin, who returned with the trans
port Sheridan, just arrived.
Admiral Kempff Reports the Surrender of the
Insurgent Mascardo and His Force.
Washington, May 21. The navy
department has received the following
cablegram from Admiral Kempff at
"Captain Owen advises that the
Urdanetta and Gardoquil received on
board May 17 General Mascardo, 20
officers, 184 men, 260 rifies, at Binong
bay and Morong. They are now in
arsenal bound for Marciso, w here the
majority desire to surrender to the
army. Others surrendered to Draper,
marine officer at Olongapo. This is
the last insurgent force in Zambales
province. Gunboats resumed sirvev
work." .
Dangerous Derelicts Reported.
New York May 21. Two liners
which came into port today, reported
they passed dangerous derelicts,
which, if met with in the night time,
would certainly have resulted in dis
aster. These wrecks are drifting in
the ocean lanes, which are now being
daily traversed by liners. The gov
ernment will be asked to send out
one of the small gunboats' to hunt
for ansljdestroy the derelicts.
Wrecked by a Washout
Ellis, Kan., May 20. Union Pa
cific west-bound freight train Ko. 11
was wrecuea ny a wasnea oui.onugi
, three miles west of Sharon Springs
Early this morning. Both the cn
Igineer and fireman were instantl)
j killed. Two trackwalkers who were
, at the bridge have disapix ared and it
j is believed they lost their lives. Tin
'engine and several cars went into tin
river, the engine and one car oi cattle
being entirely submerged. '
Machine Shqps Are Tied Up From Atlantic to
Pacific Strike Docs Not Include Men In
Employ of Government Allied Trades In
Sympathy, and Some Have Already Gone
Out With Machinists.
Washington May 21. Approxi
mately 50,(KK) machinists through
out the country struck yesterday for
a nine-hour day, a scale of wages
equal to the present 10-hour tlay
scale, and other demands. This is a
rough estimate nf President O'Con
nell, of the national association of
machinists, bused on telegraphic ad
vices that hae reached him today
from the machinists headquarters in
the various cities. The strike thus
far has not extended to tho allied
trades, save in one or two instances,
as at Seranton, Pa., where men in a
part of the allied trades arc out. No
machinists engaged in government
work are affected. This is due to the
fact that on such work an eight-hour
day schedule already prevails."
Bailroad machinists, as a rule, are
not engaged in the strke, though the
men on several roads are out.
Mr. O'Connell said last night that
up to 5 o'clock reports show that 904
firms, employing approximately 30,-
000 men, had signed agreements for
the nine hour day or made satisfactory
arrangements with the local organiza
tions. The Strike at San Francisco.
San Francisco, May 21 Sixty five
hundred union machinists and other
iron trade workers affiliated with them
quit work in this city yesterday. It
is expected that about 1,000 more
men will join the strike as soon as
they are ordered to do so by their re
spective national directors. Among
the latter are the iron molders and
core makers. The other crafts affect
ed include almost every branch of the
iron shipbuilding and boiler making
Of the 4,000 men employed at tho
Union Irom Works, 3,700 went out.
At the Hisden Iron Works, G50 men
started to work yesterday morning
and only 50 of them remain there.
On the pay roll of the Fulton Iron
W oi ks there are about GOO names and
500 of them voluntarily quit work to
day. From these three establish
ments alone 4, IKK) men have walked
out. In the local industry there are
!t!t shops and of these thero are only
10 that employ more than 100 men.
Eight of the smaller concerns acceded
to the demands of their men prior to
yesterday morning. All the others
refused to sign the agreement submit
ted by their union employes.
A Struggle at Cincinnati.
Cincinnati, O., May 21. At a
meeting late yesterday afternoon of
the employing machinists, they de
cided to close down their plants in
definitely as a result of the strike. A
numlier of the larger firms declare
they have enough finished product on
hand to tide them over a strike with
out inconvenience.
At a meeting of the strikers last
night, Business- Agent Schilling, of
the combined machinists unions, of
this city, announced that the tie up
in Cincinnati is the most complete in
the country, lie said there were but
100 union machinists at work today,
aside from tho COO who have already
been conceded their terms. These
100 he pledged would not work to
Effort to Close the Mail Bag Incident at
Constantinople, May 21. Ahmed
Tewfik Pasha, Ottoman minister of
foreign affairs, called upon the am
bassadors today and notified them of
Turkey's desire to re-establish the
status quo ante in the postal ques
tion and the intention to send high
functionary to npo'o.ize for the vio
lations of the foreign mail bags. The
ambassadors met yesterday at the
residence of the German ambassador
to determine what attitude to adopt
in view of the complete submission
of the sublime poi te. It is under
stood that the German ambassador
considers the incident closed. The
other powers, however, decline to
regard a rettirn to the status quo
ante as an adequate settlement; and
the British, French and Austrian em
bassies have even declined to transmit
the explanations of Tewfik Pasha to
their governmnets.
Burned By Molten Lead.
Youngstown, O., May 21. Two
men are dead and three are expected
to die as a result of an accident, in
the Bessemer department of the Na
tional Steel Company s plant today.
The accident was caused by the
cover of a mammoth converter be
coming detached and allowing several
tons of molten metal to flow over the
mill. The dead are two unknown
Hungarians. The body of one of the
Hungarians was literally burned to a
cinder, while that of the other wa
nearly as badly burned.
Goldsboro Disabled.
Seattle, May 21. The torpedo boat
destroyer Goldsboro broke her star
brjftrd engine eccentric rod today dur
ing a trial run, necessitating the ves
sel's return to her dock. It was
stated that the rod was made of de
fective steel. The Goldsboro had been
but 10 minutes on her course.
Another run will not be made before
the last of the week.
Arrangements Finished forExercises at Glad-
, stone Park.
Oregon City May 22. Ararnge
J ments have la-en completed fnrfhe ex
reiscs at Gladstone Park, July 313.
Thomas J. Morgan, of New York city,
j will be the orator on the Fourth of
'July, and will later give a lecture on
the "Negro Problem." Others who
will deliver two lectures are Dr.
Chalres Bayard Mitchell, of tho Hen
nepin aveiiuo Methodist Episcopal
church of Minneaolis ; Dr. J. M.
Bashfoid president of the Ohio Wen
lyan university. Lectures will Li de
livered by Dr. Alexander Blackburn
of Portland and Dr. A. J. FrosttJ Los
Angeles. The Parke Sisters of New
York city will give two instrumental
I concerts and Polk Miller will give two
evenings of entertainment ou "South
jern Life.".
Musical concerts will lo unrtrr
j direction of Prof. Boyer and tho Che
I mawa Indian band will give daily
programmes. The class instruction
i will be a special feature and the in
1 struetors will lie the same as last year
j except that Miss May Neal, of North
j west University, Chicago, w ill have
! charge of reading and elocution, und
Prof. J. Ivey, of Los Angeles, will
i have charge of the art classes.
Meadow Lands in Idaho Which Produce Heavy
Washington, May 21. A rejiort
has been received by tho department
of agriculture from a special statis
tical agent who bus recently traversed
the great hay district of Northern
Idaho. Along tho St. Joseph and
the St. Mary's rivers, and subject to
overllow during tho spring, are thous
ands of acres of rich meadow lands
which produco heavy yields of wild
hay. Timothy, whero sown, will
yield from two to three tons per acre.
In the Indian reservation tho land is
practically given over to wild hay,
but elsewhere timothy is usually
cultivated. Farmers near tho navi
gablo parts of tho rivers bale their
hay and ship it down tho stream to
the markets of the river or lake
towns. The larger part, however,
of the hay raised in the district is de
voted to stock feeding, a thriving
Much of this district is heavily
timbered, tho principal varieties be
ing white pine, red fir, cedar, yellow
pine and tainarae. Timber cutting
is carried on extensively and the
cleared lands converted into farms.
Stravlierries are a profitable crop.
High prices are obtainable because
berries from this district come upon
the market a week after those from
other sections are spent.
Clouds in the Sky Interfered With the Ob.
San Francisco, May 22. A cable
gram received from Padang, Sumatra,
from Professor CD. Perirne, in charge
of the Crocker eclipse expedition from
the Lick observatory, stated that the
sky was partially clouded at tho time
of the eclipse. The programme was
considerably interferred with, but it
is hoped that results of value have
been secured on a part of tho pro
gramme. The form of the corona
was similar to that observed at the
eclirses of 1808 and 1900 in that the
equatorial extensions of the corona
were prominent. Tho sky was con
siderable darker than on the occasion
of the eclipse last year, but still was
hardly so dark as expected. De
tailed results of the expedition will
be cabled as far as possible in two or
three days after tho photographic
plates have been developed. Tho
health of all the members of the ex
pedition is very good.
General Chaffe Issues an Order Ending the
Relief Expedition.
Tekin, May 22. General Chaffee at
midnight last night issued a farewell
order terminating the American relief
expedition in China. Tho American
troops will lxnird the transports Wed
nesday at Taku and Thursday will
leave direct for Manila.
M. Pichon, the F'rench rhinister,
left here for home this morning.
A meeting of the foreign ministers
will be held tomorrow, but it is not
likely that much will be accomplish
ed, as some of the ministers have not
yet received instructions from their
home governments.
Remey Goes to Auckland
Washington, May 21. A cablegram
received from Admiral Kemey at the
navy department announces that ho
will leave Melbourne next Sunday
for Auckland, N. Z., where the
Brooklyn goes at the invitation of the
colonial government.
Japan's New War Loan.
Yokohama, May 21. Tho govern
ment has announced the issue of
6,000,000 yen in exchequer bills at
7- per cent, repayable in six months,
to defray the expenses of the China
J The Concord Orderd to Alaska.
Washington, May 21. The navy
department has ordered the gunboat
j Concord, now on the Asiatie station,
! to proceed to this country for duty in
i Alaska. She will assist in the strict
; enforcement of the liquor laws of the
1 gold country,
Newfoundland Seal Fishery
The Newfoundland seal fishery this
year will be one of the most successful
in years.