The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 26, 1901, Image 2

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    FRIDAY, Al'KIL 20, 1901.
A friend, writing to the Glacier, men
tion the fact tliat Slingerland'u best
(Hood River) apples are Awllinjf at
wholesale in PortlRttd at (2.50 a box,
while California' bent orange are fell,
ing at wholesale in the same market at
$2.25 a box. It might bo added that
Hood River's bent apple hinds aro held
at from (50 to (125 an acre, while Cul
fornia's best orange laud ia held at
(1,000 an acre and upwards. Apple-orchard
land in the famous 1'itjarm valley
of California in held at (COO and (800 an
acre. They (trow no tatter apples there
than In Uood River, but their orchard
are extensive, and apple buyers can to
there in the season and purchase apples
by the train load, or bargain for them in
such quantities in advance of the har
vests. Every acre planted to winter
apples in Hood River will help to sell
tle product of other orchards here when
it cornea into bearing. At the same
time all of our apple land is made more
valuable with every acre planted. The
excellent quality of our fruit, our near
ness to the mining districts the bent
markets in the world and onr unri
valled transportation facilities, combine
to give Hood River a prominence that
t being recognized by the home-seeker
and the man with capital to invest.
A terrible tragedy is reported from
Vancouver, Wash. Chas. Brown and
E. L. Canby, president and cashier of
First National Bank of that city, after
falsifying the books of the bank for
years, were detected in their crooked
ness by Rank Examiner Maxwell, last
Friday. Bad speculation in boom times
was the starter for the bank's misfor
tunes, and these two officials had man
aged by false entries to keep the bank
going since 1803. Depositors will suffer
heavy losses. Brown and Canby couldn't
face the fury of duped depositors and
public opinion, but they had the nerve
to kill themselves, and their lifeless
bodies were found in the woods near
town, with an empty pistol showing
that both had suicided with the same
The Portland Evening Telegram con
templates organizing a party to visit the
Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo.
Low rates, special features, side trips to
New York, Toronto, Niagara, Thousand
Islands, down Hudson river and to Cleve
land will be arranged for and an ex
perienced conductor will accompany the
party and relieve the members of all the
troublesome details in connection with
tickets, berths, baggage, hotels, etc.
Hurry and bustle is the order of, the
day in Hood River. 'Everybody is work
ing under high pressure to get through
the spring work and prepare for taking
care of the strawberry crop now due in
a few days. In the town, the sounds of
carpenters' tools are heard on every
hand. Store rooms are being enlarged
and new ones added to be occupied by
newcomers w ho want to be in on the
ground floor of Hood River's "boom,"
when it arrives.
The Cheney (Wash.) Sentinel has
changed hands and is now published by
A. W. Thornton. Under its present
management the Sentinel bids fair to
regain the standing it once held as one
of the leading newspapers of Eastern
Washington. Cheney is situated in a
fine agricultural country that is now
getting its share of the big immigration
moving from the East to our neighbor
boring static
A snow storm, extending from Lake
Erie to Tennessee, only last Saturday,
covered tho states of Ohio and Ken
tucky with snow to a depth of a foot or
more. Floods in the Ohio river and
tributaries around Pittsburg destroyed
property to the extent of (3,000,000.
It is. rather hard on Hood River to
have to give in property valuations to a
deputy assessor who last year was our
census enumerator, Last year we were
rich, with everything coming our way;
this year we are too poor to pay taxes.
In parts of Australia a drouth has
lasted for six years. Many stations in
Queensland and New South Wales have
had no rains for two years, and the
number of sheep has been reduced in
six years by some 50,CO0,0O0. .
The Oregon Lumber Manufacturing
Association and the Southwestern Wash
ington Association have recently ad
vanced the price of lumber from (1 to
(4 per thousand on the different grades.
Tho Inland Empire of. Walla Walla
published an illustrated edition giving u
description of Walla Walla city and val
ley and other sections of Eastern Wash
ington. Price 25 cents.
It is a surprising fact that the apple
crop of the United States is of greater
value than the wheat crop. But the
apple is not recognized as a necessary
staple of life, and therefore its market
quotations create less" interest and cut
a smaller figure in the concerns of na
tions. The entire apple crop of the Uni
ted States for last vear amounted to 215,
000,000 barrels. Placing the vallue as
low as (1.75 a barrel, it totals $370,250,
000, while the w heat crop of the nation
in 1899 was valued at farm value at
The Rev. W. A. P. Martin, who was in
Pekin all through the great siege, calls
the loss of the crfat; Imperial library at
Pekin the greafeU loss of valuable btioks
since the destruction of the library at
Alexandria. The thousands upon thous
ands of rare volumes and manuscripts
which cannot be replaced were utterly
destroyed by flames and by the ruthless
and wanton desire to pillage. Not even
a vestage of the former glory of the great
library is now- lelt.
If tman must swear.let him swear and
bedonewith it.The substitutes w herewith
a timorous conscience salves itself, smack
of cowardice "liosh darn," and "I
l wan" and "Iswow" and "Jiminy cricU
ete" and '"tarnation" and "darn it"and
"dog gone it" and the whole brood of
sneaks away with them ! If your com
munication cannot be yea, jea and nay,
nay, if you.must swear", do it as though
30 j meant it.Kw York Sua.
Able to push our pencil once more.
Mt. Hood is now quite M. W,
Cooper hauled the last load of applesout
lust .Saturday for P. F. Knudson. They
were (he llnest lot of apples that ever
went to Hood River from here.
Frank Spanlding moved his family
out to his homestead near Mt. Hood,
last week, where he will stay for the
summer at leant.
Lewis Burkhard has returned from
Portland to his ranch for the summer.
Lewis is welcomed back by his many
friends. He had a tine posit iou in
Portland at good wages. Ho may go
back next w inter to his old job.
II. II. Tomlinson has been doing a
good job of blasting out Mumps for a
week or more w here he intends building
his new house this summer. ,
The way Tom La re wood came step
ping down to the new school house the
other day was no trouble to him at all,
and upon inquiry, we learned that Thom
as was celebrating the arrival of a sou at
his house.
J. It." Bird has started logging on the
East Fork of Hood river. He expects to
run 40 to 50 men all summer. He is
going to build a dam on East Fork to be
iO feet high by 200 feet long and will
cover abttut 10 acres of land to a depth of
0or8 feet with water. It is one of the fin
est dam sites on the East Fork. We are
all in hopes up here thatthedam w ill be a
successes Mr. Bird is a good logger and
we want to see him make some money,
as he deserves to, and it will help the
country out up here. L.
Job CouliLi't Have Stood It
If he'd had itching piles. They're terribly
annoying, but Butklun's Arnica Salve will
cure tho worst case of piles on earth. It
has cured thousands. For injuries, pains
or bodily eruptions it's the best salve in
tho world. Price 25c it box. Cure guaran
teed, bold by Chas. N. Clarke.
Among the questions at the recent
examination for teachers' certificates at
The Dalles the applicants were asked to
name two national conventions in 1900
and tho candidates nominated. One of
the fundidates for pedagogy answered,
"The Republican convention at Phil
adelphia nominated Win McKinleyand
Theodore Roosevelt; the democratic con
vention at Salem, Oregon, 'nominated
W. J. Bryan and Mark Hanna." The
fair applicant passed, however, with a
general average rating of 88.
TU Easy to Feel Good.
Countless thousands have found a bless
ing to the body in Dr. King's New Life
Pills, w hich positively cure constipation,
sick headache, dizziness, jaundice, ma
laria, fever and ague and all liver and
stomach troubles. Purely vegetable;
never gripe or weaken. Only 25e at
Chas. N. Clarke's drug store.
A heavy frost at Van Buren, Ark.,
April 18th, injured strawberries and the
crop will be two weeks late.
S. J. Yidger, commission merchant
of largo, N. i).,died reJentlv. Mr. Yid
ger handled a great many Ilood River
strawberries during the past four or five
Those famouslittle pills, DeWitt's Little
Early Risers, will remove all impurities
from your system, cleanse your bowels,
make them regular. Chas.N. Clarke.
The Arkansas state senate has .passed
a bill requiring every saloon patron to
pay a license ot (a.
Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds and
chafingquicklyheal bytheuseof DeWitt's
itch Hazel Salve. It is imitated. Be sure
you get DeWitt's. Chas. N. Clarke.
It is expected that the crop of peaches
this vear in the Southern states will be
excellent. The past winter in the South
lias been most favorable for t lie fruit
buds and the outlook for a large crop is
good. In Georgia and Delaware, whence
more than 2,000 car loads were shipped
last year, the farmers expect to double
tiiat number this year.
You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy
cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver is
sluggish and vour bowels clogged. De
Witt's Little Early Risers cleanse the
w hole system. They never gripe. Chas.
N. Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
"Pat," said a manager to one of his
workmen, "vou must be an early riser.
I always find you at work the first thing
in the morning. Inuade and Ui am,
sor. It's a family trait Oi'm thinking."
"Then your father is an early riser, too?"
"Me father, is it? He roises that ear
ly that if he wint to bed a If tt le later he
wud meet himself getting up in the
mornin'." Loudon Tit Bits.
Spring coughs are specially dangerous
and unless cured at once, serious results
often follow. One Minute Cough Cure acts
like magic. It is not a common mixture but
is a high grade remedy. Chas. N. Clarke.
On March 24th James G. Green shot
and killed E. V. Benjamin at Under
wood's landing, in this county. On
April 12th Green was found guilty of
murder in the lirst degree by a jury of
his peers, after a fair and impartial trial.
In less than three weeks the murderer
had been run down and captured, all
formalities of law duly observed, the
trial held and the verdict rendered. Now
it seems to us that is a pretty good rec
ord for a little county. Pioneer.
"I had piles so bad I could get no rest nor
find a cure until I tried DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. After using it once 1 forgot I
everhadanything like piles. "-E.C.Boice,
Somers Point, N. Y. Lookout for imita
tions. Be sure you ask for DeWitt's.
Chas. N. Clarke," Glacier Pharmacy.
The only instance on record when a
post office has been named after a pat
ent medicine, was last year, when ill
Wetzel county, W. Ya'., a new post
office was established and named Kodol,
after the famous Kodol Dyspepsia cure
manufactured by E. C. Dewitti Co., of
Chicago. It had given such satisfactory
results that the name was unanimously
selected by the people fur the new post
office and adopted by the department at
Washington, D. C.
"Last w inter I was confined to my bed
with a very bad cold on the lungs. Nothing
gave me relief. Finally my w ii'e bought a
bottle of One Minute Cough Cure that ef
fected a speedy cure. I cannot speak too
highly of that excellent remedy." T. K.
Houseman, Manatawney, Pa." Chas. N.
Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
According to Secretary Wilson, Amer
ica soon will be passing the butter to
every country in Europe. Buffalo Ex
You will waste time if vou try tocurc in
digestion erd vgpepsia bystarving yourself
mat only makes it w orse when you do eat
heartily. You always need plenty of good
food properly digested. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure is the result of years of scientific re
search forsomething'that wouiddigest not
only some elements of food but every kind.
And it ia the one remedy that will' do it.
Chas. N. Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
It is said that 1,000 pounds of poultry
will cost less than 1,000 pounds of beef,
and w ill sell for almost twice as much.
"I have been troubled with indigestidn
for 10 vears, have tried mwiv things and
spent much money to no purpose until I
tried Kodol DyspepsiaCnre. 1 have taken
two bottles aud gotten more relief from
them than all other medicines taken. I
teel more like a bovthan I have felt in 20
years." Anderson Riggs of Sunny Lane,
I'm. Thousands have testified asdid Mr.
Rights- Clu.N.ClarkeGlaoittr Pharmacy.
. . JVtuiliey ('ohh's Trnr-iirFjr) t.
"Anil there shall bp hlHhway for tho rum
mini ol hi .people, willed "bull be led up
f ont Aosyrlu; Use as It was to Imucl In the
day when he cmim up out of tlia luml of
Ku'ypl". Prophecy of liuilnh.
London, April 18. When Sir John
Aird, the contractor of the great dam
across the Nile at Assuau, walked across
the dry bed of the river in front of the
dam, the prophecvof Ii-aiah was fulfilled.
The "tongue of I fie Egyptian sea" has
of a veiily been destroyed.
No more can it lick up the lives and
harvests of Egypt at its pleasure, or, by
tw isting to one side or the other or b
curling back, refuse to give to Egypt
moisture when the parclied field are
crving for w ater.
The tongue of the Egyptian sea has
been destroyed. Men now walk back
and forth iii the dry bed of the great
Nile. The prophecy is fulfilled.
The "tongue of the Egyptian sea,"
as Isaiah so pictnresouely terms the
Nile, has been destroyed by one of the
greatest feats of engineering ever un
dertaken in modern times.
A great dam has been built in the
Nile bed, on the southern side of the
first cataract, near Assuan. The im
mense wall of solid granite which forms
the dam extends from the right bank of
the Nile to the left, a distance of a mile
and a quarter, and, when completed,
will rise 90 feet abovo the level of the
river at low water.
And w hen this top of the great dam is
paved and graded into a thoroughfare,
and cars and teams and people are pas
sing at will back and forth upon it, then
will come true the last part of the
prophecy of Isaiah.
The object of the great dam at Assuan
is to transform thousands of miles of
dreary desert in Egypt into smiling pas
tures. riaycd Out.
Dull headache, pains in various parts of
the body, sinking at the pit of the stomach,
loss of appetite, feverishncss, pimples or
sores are all positive evidences of impure
blood. No matter how it became so it must
be purified in order to obtain good health.
Acker's Blood Elixer has nover failed to
cure scrofulous or syphilitic poisons or
any other blood diseases.. It is certainly a
wonderful remedy, and we sell every bot
tle on n positive guarantee. Williams &
Since the big Lucas oil geyser was
struck in the Texas oil fields last Jan
uary nearly 100 companies have been
organized to sink wells, w ith aggregate
capital of nearly (::0,OJO,000. Six of the
companies aro capitalized at (1,000,000
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a
positive guarantee. (Jure heartburn, dis
tress after eating, raising of the food, or
any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet
gives immediate relief. 2oe and 60c.
V illiams & Brosius.
Germany, although it has 35,000,000
acres ot forests excellently managed and
yielding an immense revenue, demands
increasingly greater Quantities of wood
so that for the last ten years the amount
of timber which it buys has doubled and
its value trebled.
Aeker'tEnglish Remedy will stop a
cougn at any time, ond will euro the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money re
funded. 25 and 50c. Williams & Brosius.
Sick headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using aioki Tea. A pleas'
ant herb drink. Cures const i nation nnd in.
digestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and
happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money
oacK. zoe ana ouc. illiams S isrosius.
WANTF.D Trustworthy men nnd women
to travel und advertise for old-established
house of solid tlniincinl standing. Salary S7N0 a
year nnu expenses, nu payitme in casn. No
canvassing leoi.lred. tlve references and en
close sh f-ndd ressed slumped envelope. vd-
nres .li-innupr. .tin , ,,'txTon ol'lir, ( lllejo.
Oliver Plows, Wheel Hoes, Cultivators,
. noes, naKes, Drills, Lorn Plant
ers, Singer Sewing Ma
chines, Spray
The cheapest and best lino of Ranges
and Moves ever brought to Hood River.
lirooms, Brushes and Bolts: Cow
Bells and Cream Cans; Door Locks
and Butts, Latches and Coat Hooks
The Jones Chain Mowersand Hay Rakes.
The "Eli" Oue-IIorse Wagon.
All work warranted first class. Estimates
marie without charge.
Office with Mountain Stage Co., Hood Riyer.
To Contractors.
Tilds will be received by the executive com-
muiee oi me Masonic lodge ror the construc
tion oi a Masonic hall In the town of Hood
River. Uids will bo opened Mav 1st. 1W)I.
New plans and specillcallnns can be seen at
i t.. nvage s store. Committee reserve the
right to reject any and nil bids.
Seed Potatoes.
100 sacks of Kuibank, Kural New Yorker
and McKinley seed potatoes for snle at one
cent a ponnn ny imnj L,. i. HUl ki.
Administratrix Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the county court
of Wasco county, state of Oregon. Adminis
tratrix of the osUite of hi son V. Benjamin,
deceased. All persons having claim- against
said estate are hereby reouired to present the
same to me. properly verilied, at the office of
a. a jnyne, in me city or noon Kiver, In
said county, within six months from the dale
of this notice.
Dated this 18th dnv of April, l!X)l.
a22"i2f Administratrix.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., April 19,
1001. Notice in hereby eiven that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his In
tention to make final proof in support of his
rluiin, nnd that said proof will I mad
before the l!c(fiter and Receiver 17. H. Land
tirllce at Vancouver, Washington, on Sat
urday, June!. IHOI, viz:
tif Tront Ijike P. o Washington, who made
if. K. n. Ill.",l, fir the southeast quarter of
sect Ion t tow nhip5 north, ranee lOeasl, w.m.
He uaine the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon und cultiva
tion of said land, Tk
Chnrles Moore, fw.bert F. On.' Bvard C.
Ilnmiilnn P.,,.. UnUlliln a 1 , ..r T..'..i
P. (I.. WaililuKlon. " ' I
tlMrtl W. tL DUNBAE, Reciter. ' I
" Eggs for Hatching.
My In 1 1, uiu from the best "train My
Light liriihitui rtHistt-r si'orcil al point at the
Multnomah t iniulv 1'ouliry show to Islittand
tifi nolnihiit (,,u AM'nV "how In !K), nici'lv.
liiK tliht prl.i, Ht both shows. My lllnrk Mi
norca, Mock comes fo'iu Uco, 11. Norlhup's
yards at Ihu cvllie, N. V.
I'4IK 70: or 8 settings for tt.
i'x,d liiirrud i'.vniiiiitli Hock eifijs, !) n sct-
iut. is ''Lv-AJUALLL.
Eggs, Eggs.
rekln Iiii, ( 1.7, i,,r hn'ciiintf.
Thorotighli Ha lliirred I'l) numlli lUck ew.
Hiunum eii'.,.
Two li:iiivii Plymouth Hock Cocks f' r sale.
Also, i few HeWiiill Hull's, thoriitlKhhreilH.
fjW . I. W. .fl'INKlNS
PekinDuck Egg3
From puie-tirml birds. Thny Hie not cov
ered Willi Kl, nieilulA or ntlic prl,i'S, but
thevNliiml mi their merits. No heller birds
In the ul Icy. iju for lit in
' h. N.jn"KRLKI?.
Brown Leghorn Eggs.
1 have. Ihoriiiichhr it Drown Lci'Iim ii ckk"
for shIi iii .'iiets h settlnir. ('. L. I ' il'I'Ll,.
Peanut Roaster.
We have a u anut Itouster of latest patera
and can supply our custoiniTH with the best
quality o iiiiulh, fresh ronsted every day.
Sample I hem. I'Ol.KA UUAAM.
For Sale.
One 13 sprlnu-tonth harrow, sot second hand
harness, biiKuy, huiI Mllchtrll spring whkoii,
one low wheel 2-horse wagon, for sale cheap
.for cash. ('. 1'. UOSM.
Raspberry Plants.
Rlnck (upltnupberry plants for sale; Con
rath und (irivg firm berry, excellent shipper.
SI. Ml per 100. Leave orders at Kveiiiart's store.
440 Acres
Of land for sale at. and near Tucker. Orecnn
In Hood Hlver valley, (rood for nil purposes
lor winch noon mver lanu is annpteu, .in
quire of KU. TI't'K Klt.Jlood Klvcr, Or. I
Frankton Express.
PaswMiKfm tnkfn to and from Nicola! nnd
Davenport raiiipw. und singlo ran luruUued
fur family Niunming.
ml TUo.iasjL:ALKINS Troprk-tor.
We have tho latest effects in tusrnn,
horse hair braids, and are still receiving
new troods, new styles and latest trim
mings from Chicago. The only trace
of cheapness ia found in the nrice mar!;.
' .; .Hl.:i itlAlllliMP,
Horse for Sale.
Five-year-old mure, will work single or
double, for sale fur S-Xl; also ca.'t and huruens
all for toft. Iniiuireol'CHAH. ltKiUS.Jcwelcr.
Art Needle Work.
I have recently completed my studies In
embroidery and lace work nnd will open
classes in Hood River, for ladles and children.
Lndlesnre Invlteil to call nnd examine my
woi-K. M ism .M A l' IU'. I'A Klv r;it
"Poland China Pigs.
I have for sale a tine lot of I'oliimi China
pigs. m!7j ; H. H. (JALLIGaN
Tho Annual Bonfire
Will soon be mndu of nil surplus stuck. If
you nuvo room for another tree, shrub or
plant nnd have a nickel In your pocket, call
at once uf aim A I IIHSKUY
Timber Land for Sale.
Mrs. Julliv Knnpp has moved hack to her
old place und desfii s to sell or exchange liKI
acre or heavy limner lana In Wusijinglon.
Also, is prepured to do all klmls of hair work
Inquire at the Peoples' Htore. In 17
Eye Lenzes.
.lust recolveu. a fine lot unitizes. Watches
repaired at reasonable rules. No charge for
adjusting watches, by I'H AH. TK.MPLK.
Persons wishing to hire a scsmstresn hv the
day will please hui'ii'e of Miss ImIiiu (larru-
priinf. I miles wei-Mil Hood (liver. all'
Wagon Wanted.
Alight second-lmnd farm wugon; will pay
yA) or u.ju lor one mat snus.
n!2 J. X.JKNK1HT, Mt, Hood.
New Goods.
We have moved' to Prutner's corner and
have Increased our stoejc, now1 carrying a lull
line of collars, (h, etc., along with il good
stunt ol harui;sss.J AK, nie.vrie repairing.
20 Acres for Sale.
Twenty ucresof Improved land, part of the
liarn'ooii place, mm union on Neal creek, in the
famous apple bell of Hood Klver valley, and
one mile from Pine (irove sclmol house, tine-
fourth of this land nmy he covered by water
from Neu I creek, if desired. The land Is on
sale at a reasonable price for iiO daj s; terms
oiie-uiiii cusp.
$15 per Acre
Will buy one of ine most desirable 40-ncro
tracts In Hood Klver. o agents.
a2j . T.. K. COOV.
ElMA 1M11ET.
McGuire Eros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables,
Highest prine paid for fat Stock.
Free Delivery. . Thone 35
Spring Millinery
Tho ladles of Hood Klver and vicinity are
Invited to visit our rooms and Inspect our
newlinoof Spring Millinery. We have the
latest up-to-date styles and qualities and can
satisfy the most fastidious purchaser.
We are also prepared to fill all orders la
MRS. T. 11. n.ARIv,
Lnnd Offlee'nt Vancouver, Wash., April 9,
ijui. notice is uereov given mill I tie toiiow
Ing named settlers lmve filed notice of their
Intention to make llual priaif In support of
t heir claims, and that said proofs will be made
before the Register and Kecelver of V. si. Land
tllfice at Vuucouvcr, Washington, on Mouduy,
amy a,, ujui, viz: i
Of Lyle P. O.. wash., who made H E. No. 9 KM
for the northeast qua i ter of section 8, townihip
a norin. range ieast, ivv At., who; names tuu
following witnesses by prove his conllnuous
residence upoii and cultivation of said land,
viz.: John Paulsen, Kristian Paulson, Haskin
Trabue and James Morgan, all of Lyle P. O.,
wiisn. . ounAiN.kN,U fAlllVMN,
Uf Lyle P. O., wash., who mude H. K. No. flS78,
for the south half of southwest uuarter of see
Hon . townshi Da north. rame 12 oust. w. M..
who names the following witnesses to prove
ner conunuous resilience upon ana cultiva
tion of suid land, viz: James Hotsford.Hnskin
Traliue, Christum TJieckson und Kristiuu
ruulsen, all of f,vie p. o Washington.
.KKImTUS PAULMON, p ii .kn ....ia ii i? v QjmT
for the south half of northwest quarter ami
north half of southwest quarter of section 9.
townships north of range ri east, w. M.,.. who
names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
smiii ianu, viz: James M. rsotsiorn, i nomas
Kroenung, Christian Dieckson and James
Morgan, all of Lyle P. ().. Washington.
ttliml7 W. K. DUNHAM, Ueglster.
A. L. CRaIo; Gen'l Pass. Agt.Portlund.Or.
J., Agent, Hood River.
(Timber Land, Act June 3, 18:8.
L'nlted States Land office. The Dalles. Ore
gon, March 21, IIWI. Notice Is hereby given
thai In compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of .lime :i. Is:, entitled "An
act for the snle of timber lands in the states of
i an lornia. Oregon. Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the public laud
slates by act of August 4. KrJ.
Of The Pollys, .count v of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this duy riled In this office her sworn
slnlement. No. ITS, f,)r tne purchase of the
sonih northwest and north ', southwest
; of section N, 2.1, In township No. 1 north,
range No. ft east, W. M and will ofler prooi
tiiBhow that the land sought Is more vnltia
bl for Its timber nr .trm than for Bp-rlcnlenr.
al purposes, and to establish her claim to said
lend before the Register and Keceiver of tnis
office tit The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, the
c wnj i,llllie, nut.
,. urn mi witnesses: a. n. inompson,
'. P. Kelchum. S' U.' U'lle.. nf The llnlleu
tlrecon:nnd W'.K.Knnd of Hood Kiver.Ori-gon.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely l!:
nlHve-li'scrihe,l lands are requested to file
t hesr claims In this office on or before said let
day of .lime, isqi,
loamai JAf p. LUCAS, HeflMUm.
Having removed to tho new store huilliii one door west of o'd lo
cation, I would respectfully invite old friends ami new eiiston ers
everj hodv to give us a call when needing goods in our line. We do
not handle everything but will enlarge along the lines of
BcoRs. MagazinGS, Stationer aM KinflreQ Goofls.
An the demand may warrant, and shall endeavor to erierit a share
of your patronage. Uespeetfully yours,
Job Printing a Specialty.
Bnttlo Axe Tohacco 35c
Canned reaches, per can 13c
2-lb can Oysters 20c
Bardiuea in mustard, large size can and finest quality, per can!...., 10c
Fresh vegetables arrive Thursdays and Saturdays. Kehate checks
given with all cash purchases. Your orders will receive prompt at
tention. .Baled Hay, per ton, $14.
ISeciprocit3r Comer.
BSacksmitllig, and
Horse-shoeing a specialty.
of tho
Teapots, Flower Pots, Water Trays, Shelf Paper, Lamps, Lanterns, Fruit
Sets, Lemonade Sets, Chamber Sets, School Supplies, Fruit Paper,
Baskets, Fishing Tackle, Cutlery, Comb's, Brushes, Whisk Brooms,
and Souvenir Views.
Yours for mutual benefit,
Arc running their two Mills, Planer and Box Factory, and can fill orders for
Boszes, "Wocd z IFosts
. On short notice.
A display of assorted fancy Fruits canned by the Davidson Fru
Highest grade table delicacies: Strawberry, Raspberry and
berry Jam.
Selected fruits in Sugar Syrup: Gooseberries, Blackberries,
berrie, Peeled Plums, Pears, Black and Koyal Anne Cherries.
Also, Cherries, Apples, Pears and Pumpkin canned in 1-gal
Try so m e t h i n g good .
1 HIaH
W e now have the largest and most complete stock of General Mer
chandise that we have ever carried in this town.
When you want a pair of GOOD Shoes see us; we handle the old .
reliable Miller make; no better shoes on earth.
In men's and boys' hats and caps we have a magnificent stock, all
new and up to date.
Men's Suits from $7.50 to $16. Don't buy until you see them.
S.7 Ik' 3 it
Time Schedules.
E. BottMD
W. Bousn.
Cblcncn i
11:25 a.m.
Snlt Lake, Denver,
VI Wortli.OmahH.
Kansas City. Bt:
Louis, Chicago
: 2:C5 p. m.
ana trie r-.ttst.
Wnlla Walla, Spo-I
8:27 p.m.
kane, Minneapolis PortlnnJ
8t Paul, Dulutli,
Sltiwankee, cm
cago and East.
4: '0 a.m.
Salt I ake, Denver,
p i worin.ui.ianH
Mall and
o: a.m.
Mail nnd
ll:4j p. in,
KanKHs Cltv, Ht.
Liinis. Chicago
ana ine I'
8 p.m.
41 p.m.
Ioceam Steamships!
ror San r raneiieo i
ball eveiy oilays.
Ex. Sunday Steameks.
4 p.m.
Saturday, To Astoria and way
iu p.m. lanaings.
Wlllametto River.
4:30 p.m.
8 a.m.
Orepon City, New-:
Ex. Sunday
bere.Snlem & way
WlLLA METT1C AND 3:30 p.m.
7 a.m.
YAMiiti.L KiVKRS.I.Mon, Wed.
Tues. Thur. Oreuon Clty.DByton
and Sat. I and way landings.
and Frl.
o.m. i Willamette K ver. 4-.i . m.
Tnes, Thur. Portland to Corval- Mon., Wed.
5:1o.m. Snakk River.
daily. iRIparia to IxMTlston
Lv Lewist'n
8 a.m.
C. H. Temple,
THE JEWELER, will examine ynnr wnteh
iree wnen it ireis ui oi orner, ana will repa r
It nl miMierale cost nrtt gunrsntee bin work.
A fine line of Jewelry, silverwnw. eloi ks.
watches and eve-elases lias been Weil tnmv
stock. Come and see Day cooda bufure t;ur
otnuloc eiattwlxir
All work guaranteed.
many things we always
carry in stock.
it Co.
. tins.
ITlmher Land, Act. June 3, 187S.1
United States Land (iilice, Tlio Dnlles, Ore
trim, March 4, IH0L Ntitlee Is hereby Kiven
that In complianee witli the provislnnit of tlie
act of eont;res of June S, 18,' 8, emit led "An act
for the snle of timber lands In the States of
California Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to nil tho public land
stales by set of August 4, ls!ri,
Of Tych Vallf j .count v of Wasco, slate of Ore
?on, has, on Sept. !i4, lfliX). tiled In this oillee his
sworn statement No. lfi!) for the nurelinse
of the west ?.j southeast M nnd lota , and 12,
section 7, township 2 north, ranee tl east,
W. M., und will offer proof to show tlnU
the land sought Ii more vuluahle for Its tim
ber or stone tlina for nKi ienltural purposes
nnd to establish his claim in said land
before the lieirister and Receiver of this oflice
at The Dalles, Oregon, on .Saturday, theiith
day of May, IDOL
lie names as witnesses: Clyde T. Bonney,
Donald Koss, O. H. Hartley and Leslie
Butler, nil of Hood Klver, Oregon.
Any and all persons elnimlmc adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their cluims In Hits oflice on or before said
2olh day of Muy, lflOl.
niSmlO JAV P. LUCAS, Itelstor.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby plven that tho undersigned
has been duly appointed bv the county court
of the state of Oreicon for Wasco county ad
ministrator of theestnloof MiltonO. Wlie ler.
deceased. All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby required to present the
sntnetome, properly verified, as bv law re
quired, at Hood River, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated this 12th day of April, 1001.
Administrator of the Estate of Milton 0.
Wheeler, deceased.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what vou cat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the. exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
antanrt tonir, Ko ether preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cu'es
Dvsnensla. Tnrlii'pstlnn lloaMVium
Flatulence, Sour Stomach. Nausea!
Sick Headache, Otistralgla, ( ramps a nd
allother results of imperfect digestion.
Pricp5ne. and tl. Larireslzecoiitalns t t'met
Small size. Book all about dyspepsia maiiecifre
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO., Crjleag
Wheat Hay for Sale
P.H'.od Ucui Uay furifeie bv
l"K. BiiOADflH.
For Sale
1. The Loy place, near Tucker's itrfll,
on Hood river; small house; 6 ncreii
cleared ; price fooO.
2. Weiulorf place, near Underwood,
Wash.; Kit) acres; 10 in cultivation; fair
improvements; young orchard ; 3 acre
bearing straw lierries ; plonty of good
water. Price fL'.tXK) ; terms easv.
3. K'ht acres off tho W. J. Baker
place, known as the Ih ffertian place; in
straw tenuis; price, with ciop, fl.tXX).
4. Lot opposite schoolhoums; 75 feet
gijunro. lVice, f 175.
5. The old Holers place tit Frankton;
owned by i. W. l.ano; largo house,
barn, 2 springs, part of l'helpi cre.k
falls, 2 tieres improved, plenty of fruit ;
price, f 1,101) $;;00 or more rih.
6. Twenty acres off J. W. Hal er'
place; pear orchard and other fruit .n
bearing; price fl'.'S )ier acre.
7. i'.arrett-Si pma nddition ; f GO per lot :
flO down and fo per month; no interest.
8. Ten choice lots in il'i hland addi
tior.oi l.' two I locks east of the post
oftt e, on Siate street, at $75 to $150.
Terms easy. Every lot lias a command
ii g view. ,, ,
0. Fine homestead of 1G0 ac'
Kock ereek near Davenport's, frit
$1,000 $o00 down, balance at 6 jier
11. The G. T. Gulligan 0 acres, lying
on tho county road north and east of thfr
I'.arrett farm; 24 acres in cultivation;
1)00 fruit trees Pricn $2,150, or$2,200
half cash. New fJOO barn on place.
12. lot) acres on Hood river, 3 mil pa
above Tucker's mill; 8 acres cleared.
Trice fl,K5t).-
13. The W. H. Pishop home in Hood
Kiver, lot 6 ami part of lot 7, block 1,
Wnueoma nddition to Hood River; a
pretty home. Only $1,100,
14. " The Allen Fulton farm, 1TO acres,
5 miles east of town; price $1,000; terms
1. V Lots in Ilcndcrnou sub-division
$o7.r0 a lot.
Hi. JohnSipma farm, 100 acres, $5,000.
$1 ,000 or more cash and balance at 8 per
cent, or the east 40 acres, 3 cleared, for
$2,100. $500 or more cash, balance at 8
per cent. I!est farm in the valley.
17. Two lots and nice cottage, east f
Congregational parsonage; prico $050;
terms easy.
18. Chas. Rogers' 120 acres near J. I.
Miller; can be bought with or without
timUr or in separate 40s; $;J00 for the 3
40s, or $100 for the timber on the west
40, or $150 for tho west 40, land and
I'.). The Glover farm, well improved,
41? miles from Goldcmlali; ; 240 acres;
140 acres in cultivation; t!3 acres in
winter wheat; 7 acres iu hog pasture,
with a creek running through it; all un
der fence,' with cross fetices; largo
new barn and line house. Trice $12.50
an aero ; will take Hood Kiver property
in part payment.
t 20. 1 A-. Traua place, White Falmop,
in fight of Hood Kiver; 8 acres, 5 in
strawberries and tomatoes 17,000 straw
berry plants and 1,400 tomato plants.
No irrigation required. Price $700.
21. N. y2 S. K. l4 S. yt N. K. i sec.
4, T. 3 N., K. 11 E White Salmou; fine
timber land ;. $10 jic r acre. 1
22. The Emerson homestead, only one
mile east of town; tine range; $1,500.
23. Lots 5 and 6, block 7, Wiuana ad
dition ; $"0 a lot. or $S5 for the two.
24. J. F. Wieklmm's 3 acres and cot
tage, near Mrs. Alma Howe's. Prion
$85D; $:!50 cash, balance on time. Will
be for sno for 30 d;tys.
25. Two beautiful building lots near
H. ht. Kami's new house. Price $200
f ir the two.
2i. H. II. Cox's fine residence in Hood
River, lot 100 x 100; price $1,200.
27. J. R. Nickelsen'g place at Bel
mont ; 35 acres ; $2,100. Terroi eaiy.
29. Twenty acres lying norm of Peter
Kopko's, East Side ; good laud ; unim
proved. Prico $500; terms easy. . ,
30. Forty acres of. unimproved land
on East Side of Hood river; joins tie
Emma Robinson 40 acres on tho north,
near Harbison's, prico $750 or $S00 half
31. At Trout Lake, 80 a. ; 3 in timothy,
cuts 8 tons a year; 50 a. in heavy saw
timber, white pine, lir and cedar; west
fork White Salmon river runs through
the place ; prico $1,250.
32. Emma G. Robimon's 160 acres on
hills east of White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $785.
33. 70 acres of the John Monroe honu.
stead; 30 in cultivation; price $2,000;.
terms reasonable.
34. Levi Monroe homestead, 125 acres;
50 in cultivation ; 30 in bearing orchard ;
well watered; line hew house and barn;
price $3,750, subject to Crosby's lease.
Kliuibla residence lots, in Spangler'a
subdivision, near cannon house; only
$75 ; terms easy.
$200 to $1,200 to loan.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
surveyor's transit, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying.
N. L. Teruis are easy on all the abov '
lands, with interest at '6 per cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads
and timber claims should apply at the
Emporium. ' .
Davidson Fruit Co.,
Khlppera of
Hood Eiver's Famous
Fruits. .
Paekers of the
Hood River Brand of
Canned Fruits.
Manufacturers of
Boxes and Fruit Packages.
Dealers In fertilizers and Agricultural Iru-
Timber Lan,!, Act June 8, ItCsTj "
United Stntos Land Oltlce.Vnnenuvcr.Wash..
March '2:i, 1H01. Notice is herehy (jlvwi thnt In
compliance with the provisions of the act of
conKrewior June 3, IS,"H, entitled "An act for
thcfaleof timber Inn. is in the state of Cal
ifornia, Orr-con, Nevada and Washington Ter.
ritory," as extended to nil the puullo Und
stated by actor A brum 4, 1K!!2,
(If (ilenwood, county of Klickitat, stat of
Washington, has this day filed Intblsomm
Ins sworn statement. No. 2113, Tor the pnrrhaae
nr the southwest northeast V west S tomb
erist 14 nnd northiasi V; southeast u ofVetlon
No. 4, In town, hip No. 4 north, ran?o No. 11
east V M., nnd will oiler proof to uliew thnt,
the land sought Is more valuiible for It tim
ber or stone than for agricultural pnrpoara,
and toeutsblish his claim to suid land hpfora
the Hegiterand lieeelver of this office t VB.
eon ver, Wash., ou Monday, the &lb day of
July, HOI.
He HHines ns witnaws: .lntlns A. Onnnof
son nnd John II. Hanson of Glcnwood.Waeh.
Charles w. Gilmer and George Gilmer o
Gilmer, Wh.
Any and all persons claiming advertelr the
above-described binds are reruefel to ft In
dav'oV Jul, 'ln9J"onor before end
w'"'J'i? W. R. DUNBAR, RegimT.
Farm for Sale.
Orrent, JSO acres 5 mllen eont of Uvxl Brxtr
lSaces plir land) tkj,ty ef -ier; . (r5i