The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 19, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 48.
rf r Yl I
- - . '! - - - - a sW m a I kinr-tiiiiTw t mm I i m a a mm ft A ft I IKIKJIKJTUrtRr. 1 1 IT
i - l r raucm i i lla ma. r r m sr n r, i in ' w . w
aa M'KINLFY ON WHEELS. Illlt-f.llfl I I T II r I'M I III llallll II 1(1 kill
TO Ul lilt 1 w "siir -PP )P IIAllllA
l'i hc.i Kvi'tjr Ki lilny by
M. I . iii.ytiii:.
Trrnn .f Milncripilon-- ll.." a year when paid
III advance.
The mail arrive from Ml. Hood t in o'clock
in. niiifwlBj mut i-Minii1ny; depart! the
Mine ilrts hi in (in.
ror rll'l'llouelll, l-H Rt . 111. I'llOSllaJS,
TIiiiim'hmi nii'i xatni-daa; arrives at p. m.
toi lii ii' Sniinoii ( null.) lea vet daily at 11:45
a. in.; rr; ki 7:1.. p. tti .
. rum Win ii sl in.. n leiivs fm Hilda, i.ilmcr,
Ttonl l.iiki' Hut !' "ivniiil dailv HI H A. M.
ForBimeii (Viiisli.) leave ul .:4 i p. ui.i ar
rives hi 2 p. in.
J J 7. I. O. (I. K.-Mn'li tirl ll third Mon
days 111 each iiimii Ii.
Miss KiTK flAVINPORT, N. 0.
If. 1. HlHHAIlli, MiTl'UPy.
1 IAN BY '1'OcT. Nil li'. 'i. A. K. Mneta t A.
i (i r. . Hull second kihI fourth Haturdaya
u( each iimiilii ul 'J o elo a p. m. Aim. a. n.
members limit! In nn-.'i Willi ns.
T. .1. t'L'NMNii. Commander.
J. W. liH.IIY, AdjlCaiit.
1ANUY V. I!. ' N. Pi - Meets llrst Satiir
l lUy of 'H-li ii-iili III A. o. I'. W. hall at'2
p. m. Mn. B F. hHnKMAKKR, Prcident.
Mkh. Ciimi.a In kK. Secretary.
Prom AH Parts of the New World
and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Important (Up
penlngs of the Put Week In a
Condensed Form.
HOOII I'.IVKR l.OIMJK, No. lu", A. F. and A.
M. - ii in ,-aturday I'Vi'iiliiK on or before
each full moon. A N. IUHM, W. M.
A. 1'. Hatkham, Secretary.
Micls third I rnlav niKlit of each month.
K. C. BKoait'H, 11. Y.
II. F. IHviihon, SHi rmnry.
fOOl) KIVKK (II AHTKK, No. 'A O. E. H.
Jl Mct-lH I'coiKi Hint loiirth Tiio1hv even
inxa o taiili niontli. Vl t'ir cordially '
lonifil. Mm- Kva II. tUYNH, W. M.
H. V. Pavidwn, 'icretaiy.
OI.KTA ACHKM1I V. No. 1IW, I'nlted ArtiaHin.
Meets lei-oiid 1 ucadny of each month at
KraleriiHl hall. K ' Bkuhhh, M. A.
1. Mi 1io.nai.Ii, S'rctry.
TlAUCOMA I.ODiiK, No. K, K. of P.-Mceta
in A. (). I'. W. hall every Tiiewlay niRht.
IlllKKAM k smiH, C. I'.
Frank I.. Havihson, K. of K. i s.
llVK.KSlllK MlDliK, No. f. A. O. V, W.
t Meela ttrst and third Hmnrdaya of each
.1. F. Watt, Flnaiieier.
H. h. HoWK, Ki'i'iinler.
1III.FWII.HK l.nlMIE, No. 107, !. O O. F.
Mel' 1 8 in Fraternal hall every Tliuradajr
.,ght. A. O.tiKTCHItl,, N.O.
J. K. Hanxa, Beerelary.
HOOD KIVKK TF.NT. No. 1!), K. O. T. M..
nieelH at A. ). I'. W. hall oil the first and
third Friday of each month.
.1. K. Band, Commander.
HUNOK, A. o. I!. W. -Meets Hmt and
third hatnrilaya al 8 P. M.
MRU. (.KIll'.lllA KANti, 0. of II.
MRU. Ciiak I'l ARKK, Keeorder.
SUNSI1INK SOCIETY Meeta iond and
fourth Satuiilava oi each month at i
o'rliK-k. Mia I.kna Snuli.. Preaident.
Mis" akrik 111, Secretary.
HOOD KIVKK CAMP, No. 7,7(12, M. W. A.,
tni'cti. in odd F.'llows' Hall the Brut and
third WciliH'Mlays of each month.
P. L. UaviiudN, V. 0.
K. II. Brahlkv, Clerk.
JJ F.'SUAW, M. D. ,
Telephone No HI.
Alt Calls Promptly .Attended
Office npilaira over Kverhart'a Blore. All
cRila leii ai i he oiHce or resilience will be
proml t y ailendud to.
TAKY ri lii.H aim nr.Ai.
Fur 2:i veara a resident of OrcRon and Wash
ington. Has ii"1' many yenr experience In
Keal Ksinie milt ers, as abstractor, aeareher of
tillea and agent, haiisfnction Kuaranteed or
no charge.
J F. WATT, M. I).
Hnrgeon for O. U. A N. Co. Is especially
'eqitippeil to treat catarrh of nose and throat
anil diseases of women.
Special terms for oltice treatment of chronic
cases. . ,
Telephone, office, U, n sulence, 4 .
Estimates furnished for all kinds of
work. Repairing a specialty. All kinds
of shop work. Shop on Mate Street,
between First and Second.
Men's half soles, hand eticked, $1 ;
nailed, iieBt, 75r. ; second, 60c ; third, 40.
ladies' hand stitched, 75c; nailed, lieat,
M; setond, H5. Best stock and work
in Hood River. C. WELIS, Prop.
Is the place to get the latest and beet in
Confectioneries, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco,
Cigars, etc.
U C. BROSiUS, M. 1).
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M. ; 2 to 8
and t to 7 P. M.
ToMbiscos Bros, Trops.
. .....FIR AND PINE LUMBER...'..
Of, the best quality alwas on hand at
prices to suit ihe times-
Do a general banking business.
Two transports are overdue from
Archbishop Martlnelll becomes a
Kitchener will soon resume active
Minister Wu wants the Chinese ne
gotiations settled.
Morgan is not seeking - control of
the British iron market.
Dr. Kinyottn has been transferred
from San Francisco to St. Paul.
There are sensational developments
in the army scandal at Manila.
The territory of Hawaii la made a
part of the ninth Judicial circuit.
A man was murdered while walk
ing up main street of Gem, Idaho.
President Schurnian says the Cu
bans shoiud have civil government.
A strong flow of natural gas has
been located near Colorado Springs,
The transports Logan and Thyra
sailed trom San Francisco for Manila.
There la an unconfirmed rumor In
London that the Boers captured
A banquet was tendered President
Tucker, of Dartmouth college, at San
About 200 boiler makers, helpers
and heaters struck In Buffalo for
higher wages.
There is grave doubt as to the con
stitutionality of Oregon's new direct
primary law.
The British ship Monterey cleared
from New Orleans for Cape Town
with 1100 mules.
Fishing season on Columbia opened
with more gear in water than ever
before on first day.
China has thanked Japan for what
aid that country has already rendered
and asks for further assistance.
A house was raided In Siout Falls,
S. D., and a counterfeiter arrested.
The officers secured a complete coun
terfeiter's set.
Daniel C. French, a sculptor, of
Philadelphia, will receive a commis
sion from the Lawton Monument As
sociation to construct a memorial to
General Lawton. who died In the
There will, be no 6trike on. the Jer
sey Central.
The allotment of Chinese Indemnity
has been fixed.
An American party was almost en
trapped in Leyte.
All arrangements are complete for
the president's trip.
It Is evident that Japanese will ex
pect war with Russia.
The trial of an army scandal case
has opened in Manila.
The crown prince of Germany will
visit the Austrian court.
Moral crusade in Seattle Is a per
sonal war on Mayor Humes.
Tsvelve cents per pound has been
offered for hops at Salem, Or.
Japan demands to know whether
emperor will return to capital.
The miming of the negro Alexander
at Leavenworth Is being investigated,
Mrs. Nation was arrested for ob
structing streets of Kansas City, Mo.
Many natives flocked to Caplz to
hear form of provincial government
Twelve thousand acres In Dougla!
county, Or., are to be prospected for
oil and coal.
Co-operative method of marketing
fruit was dealt a severe Diow Dy cat
ifornla court.
Three Pennsylvania people were run
down by a train and killed, and an
other Injured.
Conduct of ministers of powers In
postponing meetings causes much ad
verse comment.
Ann Arbor university dean of med
icine acknowledges Student Hare hai
bubonic plague.
The stolen gold bars were fount"
during the cleaning of the Kaiser Wil
helm der Grosse.
Captain J. G. Griffin, a Columbi?
(S. C.) railroad man, was shot, prob
ably by Major 1$. a. Evans.
Commissioner Young, of 1905 cen
tennial, would call on the Orient foi
both funds and attractions.
The Taft commission is in Western
Washington pan-American fair com
mission turned down honorary mem
bers of woman board of managers,
One of three Idaho men who fired
on deputy sheriffs from ambush was
killed. Trouble prouaniy due 10 bdoi
ition of martial law.
Charles M. Pepper and Professor
Edward M. Koss were speakers at the
convention of the Academy or rout
leal and Social Science.
Anton Pfanner, Forest Grove, Or.,
banker, who failed for $40,000, and
then mysteriously disappeared, has
turned up in Switzerland.
Tour to Be Made by President and
Hit Cabinet.
Washington Correspondence.
President McKlnley's tour to' the Pa
cific coast and thence eastward to
Buffalo, whence the return to Wash
ington will be made, will be one of
splendor. The train upon which" hp
will travel will be most gorgeous and
President McKlnley will travel
across tho continent surrounded by
his cabinet, with the exception of Sec
retary Gago, who remains In Wash
ington. It is proposed to transact Im
portant business while en route. The
cabinet officers will keep in close
touch with the heads of bureaus of
the respective departments. The pres
ident will transact all of the vast
routine which the chief executive
must look after while In Washington.
A corps of expert telegraph operators,
representing the two big telegraph
companies, will accompany the train
to handle official messages, and every
telegraph station along the lines of
the railroads which are to be tra
versed will be subject to their orders
to the exclusion of all commercial and
newspaper business. Cabinet meet
ings are to be held on Tuesdays and
Fridays, Just as they are now held In
Washington. The questions pertain
ing to domestic and foreign policies
will be discussed. Cipher dispatches
from all over the world will be laid
before the president, experts from the
state department being In attendance
to reduce them to English. rlhe con
clusions reached upon all public ques
tions will be conveyed to the acting
heads of the departments In this city,
and will by them be disseminated to
all those concerned.
Trip for Recreation.
As this Is to be a trip for recrea
tion and pleasure, the president wants
it understood that he will avoid formal
receptions wherever possible and
make speeches only wnere ne cannot
escape doing so. They want to see
everything that will serve to give
them an idea of the progress and ad
vancement of the country, and Its
commercial growth and mercantile
stability. They will pay a special
visit to the great cotton wharves of
New Orleans to witness the loading
of steamers of all nations with the
staple product of the fields of the
South. The party is due in San Fran
cisco, May 8, and will participate In
the launching of the battleship Ohio,
and will remain five days. The coast
Is to be followed north to Salem, Port
land, Seattle and Spokane, and thence
the party will .move eastward into
Montana, where, after an inspertion
of the vast copper mines, they will
pay a flying visit to the Yellowstone.
Thence they will go to ugaen ana
Salt Lake and then eastward through
Colorado, stopping at Denver for a
protracted visit. From Denver tne
train goes to Topeka, Leavenworth
and Kansas City. St. iouts win De
honored by a visit of two days. The
Mississippi valley will be traversed
from that city to St. Paul, with stops
at Keokuk, Burlington and Dubuque.
From Train to Steamer.
From St!- Paul the party goes to
Minneapolis and then to Duluth, where
a steamer of the Great Northern line
will be waiting to convey them
through Lake Superior, the famous
Sault canal, with its wonderful locks,
the Straits of Mackinaw, Lake Huron,
the St. Clair and Detroit rivers, and
Lake Erie to Buffalo. The trip down
the lakes will possess novelty and
Interest for every member of the
party, even for thotse who have al
ready made it, and at the samo time
will constitute a recreation after
nearly 'five weeks of travel by rail
through plain and prairie, desert and
mountain and valley.
The president will visit the Pan
American exposition at Buffalo. Then
he Is to go to Niagara Falls and .make
a trip down the American rapids.
After he has done that he and his
party will embark on a new special
train for Washington, arriving there
June 15.
President McKinley will travel
about 13,000 miles on the fastest,
safest, most comfortable and best
equipped train America can produce.
He will visit 25 states and territor
ies, and touch the southern, western
and northern boundaries of the coun
try. Mr. McKlnley and the members of
his cabinet are to be accompanied by
their wives and several other ladies,
well known in Washington socieiy;
will accompany the party.
Items of. Interest from All Parts
of, the State.
K Brief Review of the Growth and Improve
ments of the Many Industrie Through,
out Our Thriving Commonwealth.
Lawton The Lawton Townsite
Company has been reorganized.
Grants Pats The Josephine coun
ty court has extended time for pay
ment of taxes to June S.
Grants Past The Southern Pacific
Company had Its repair crew working
on the bridge across Rogue river last
Pilot Rock A Pilot Rock corre
spondent writes that it Is feared the
recent cold weather seriously injured
the fruit crop in that section.
Island City Williams Bros, sold 135
head of hogs to Kidle Bros., of Island
City, at 5.40 per 100 pounds. This
is tho highest rate reached for some
Weston W. J. Wilkinson, at Wes
ton, purchased from Alex Walker, for
the Pacific Elevator Company, 5200
bushels of wheat, which is stored at
Downing Station. He paid 46 cents
per bushel.
Pendleton John Bradburn took to
Pendleton two wagon loads or 22
sacks of wool from Charles Cunning
ham's home ranch above Pilot Rock.
The wool was from thoroughbred
ewes and the 22 Backs weighed 8C00
Salem Oregon Christian Endeavor
ers are looking forward with much
enthusiasm to the 14th annual con
vention, which will be held at Salem,
May 16-19. The convention will open
with the evening session, Thursday
evening, closing Sunday evening.
Toledo A committee of the Toledo
fire department is investigating the
probable cost of a system of water
works and a storage reservoir on the
hill east of the city. Another commit
tee is figuring on the cost of fire en
gines ,and a third is Investigating
hooks and ladders.
Hudson A $10,000 sawmill is to be
established near the mouth of Rock
creek just north of Hudson.
Cable Cove Work has been re
sumed at the Goldbug mine, In Cable
Cove district. Two shifts are em
ployed. Grants Pass Prospects are favora
ble for the resumption of active work
at the Pacific pine needle factory at
Grants Pass.
Paisley The Lake County Tele
phone & Telegraph Company is the
name of a new company Just organ
ized at Paisley.
Coos City The shaft at the Coos
City mine is now down over 300 feet,
and It is expected coal will be found
in the next 100 feet.
Coos County Work has stopped In
one of the tunnels in the Beaver hill
mine, Coos county, pending installa
tion of new machinery.
Baker City The Bonanza mine, In
Baker county, is making preparations
to install considerable new machinery.
Some of the buildings will be re
modeled. Arlington The Arlington Ware
house Company has made the pur
chase of about 7000 sacks of wheat
stored on the Heppner branch at
prices ranging from 43 to 45 cents
per bushel.
Grants Pass The Grants Pass
Water, Light & Power Company has
received 700 feet of seventeen-bich
steel pipe, for an extension to a point
above the place where the water Is
now taken out of the river.
BERLIN, April 16. The correspond
ent of the Press hears tonight from an
authoritative source that tho Chinese
indemnities for war expenses, exclu
sive of claims of private Individuals
and missions, have been fixed as follows:
Russia, 300,000,000 marks (about
$90,000,000) ; France, 2GO.000.000 marks
(about $65,000,000); Germany 240,
000,000 marks (about $60,000,0000);
England, 90,000,000 marks (about $22,
000,000). France will also present
claims for the Indemnity of the Italian
Captain Read, Formerly Depot
Commissary, Arrested.
Manager of t Firm of Government Contractors
Is in Jail How L'ncle Sam's Monty
.Wis Squandered.
The Amount Too High.
Washington, April 16. The last ad
vices to the state department from Mr.
Rockhlll contain further details re
specting the amount of indemnities
claimed from China by the powers. It
appears that these claims have been
much exaggerated In some statements,
although the sum total Is still far In
excess of the amount of money it is
believed here that China can raise. It
is the belief of the state department
that the total claims should not be
allowed to exceed $150,000,000 or $200
000,000. According to the Information
received here, the British claim, so
far as formulated, is reasonable In
amount, as compared with other
claims. In fact, the United States and
Japan represent, in these negotiations,
the moderate element, whose desire
Is to prevent the imposition of charges
that Bhall dstroy the Chinese govern
ment and result In the division of the
empire. None of the claims exceeds
$100,000,000, and even the largest Is
something less than this amount. This
is believed to be the Russian claim,
which is fixed at $90,000,000. The Ger
man claim is flexible, ranging between
$60,000,000 and $80,000,000, but Is near
er the former mark at present, though
it, doubtless, will grow. As already
stated, the claim of the United States
is $25,000,000, and, with these few to
tals, It will be seen that if the remain
ing powers are to be allowed a pro
portionate share, the aggregate will be
beyond China's ability to pay, which
has been tentatively placed at $100,
000,000. Nothing has yet been deter
mined respecting tho method of rais
ing the indemnity fund, even after an
agreement is reached.
MANILA, April 17. The trial of
Commissary Sergeant John Meston,
charged with complicity in the com
missary frauds, Is finished. No ver
dict is announced and Meston's con
viction is uncertain. Other trials of
those implicated with follow.
Captain J. C. Heed, formerly depot
commissary at Manila, has been ar
rested, it is alleged that entries upon
the books of Evans & Company, gov
ernment contractors, indicate that the
commissary officers received the fol
lowing sums: Major George B. Davis,
upwards of $1000; Captain J. C. Read,
$1000; Captain Frank H. Lawton,
$750; B. L. Trenuiine, Colonel Wood
ruff's chief clerk, $700. It also ap
pears that Kvans & Company fur
nished tho handsome residence of Col
onel Woodruff.
Harold M. Pitt, manager of Evans
& Company, who is now under arrest,
is notoriously lavish In entertaining
commissary officers, while the depot
commissary, a frequenter of the ten
derloin district, occasionally spent
day at Pitt's house in questionable
society. Pitt's house is a bacchan
alian rendezvous and prominent of
ficers frequently visited it. drinking
champagne and playing poker. Women
of doubtful reputation are known to
have often been there. It Is nlleged
that Pitt had the inside track in
securing government contracts and it
Is also asserted that he was the prime
mover In the scheme to re-establish
cockpits in Manila, Mrs. Lara being
subsidized in securing a cockpit.
It is asserted that the commissary
department made unauthorized pur
chases of quantities of champagne.
Pitt sold some. In addition to what
the transports brought, the commis
sary imported 200 gallons In Febru
ary and a like amount in March. The
commissary and the commissary ser
geant kept private carriages and in
dulged in other extravagances.
" . . IIoop RlVKP. Orsoon.
V, 'J'- '
.E8Uina,tes Furnished. Plans Drawn
.... .. , . .;.... will K
i..ii..n,le,t. in at any time. Coll-ectiona made.
and anv busmeai aivep io ua n ... ;" -toVtHTJlilv
amrrelulis made prompriv Will
lie ifii tiH"! government lands, filler m-
Laud Odice at The Dalles, tiiva ua a.eall.
Depositors Will Wait on Bank Which
Failed No Longer.
NEW WHATCOM, Wash., April 15.
After waiting 45 days at the request
of the bank officers to enable them to
raise funds with which to reopen the
Scandinavian-American bank in this
city, which failed February 27, the de
positors today unanimously requested
the court to appoint Robert Muir per
manent receiver, and he was request
ed, if appointed, to take Immediate
steps to punish those responsible for
the failure of the institution. Presi
dent H. St John, of the institution, is
said to be in London to secure funds
from his family with which to pay de
positors. His legal adviser is in New
York trying to dispose of some pic
tures belonging to the St. John fam
ily, with the same object in view.
St. John was also president of . the
Bank of Blaine, of Blaine, Wash.,
which failed the same time as the
Scandinavian-American. The liabili
ties of the two institutions are said
to be about $50,000. It is believed the
assets are practically valuelses.
The London Times was first printed
by steam power on the morning of No
vember 29, 1814.
Wheat Walla Walla, 5657c;
Valley, nominal; bluestera, 59c per
Flour Best grades, $2 703 40 per
barrel; graham, $2 60.
Oats White, $1 25 per cental;
gray, $'l 201 22Vfe per cental.
Barley Feed, $16 5017; brewing,
$16 5017 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $16 per ton; mid
dlings, $21 50; shorts, $17 50; chop,
Hay Timothy, $12012 50; clover,
$79 50; Oregon wild hay, $67 per
Hops 12 14c per pound; 1899 crop,
Wool Valley, 13 14c; Eastern Ore
gon, 912c; mohair, 2021c per
Butter Fancy creamery, 2022c;
dairy, 1518c; store, 1012c per
Eggs Oregon ranch, 1313c per
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $4?M 50;
hens, $5(ff5 50; dressed, ll12c per
pound; springs, $3(ff5 per dozen;
ducks, $5ff?6; geese, $67 per dozen;
turkevs, live, 1012c; dressed, 13
15c per pound.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 13
13V4c; Young America, 1314c per
Potatoes Old, 50 60c per sack;
new. 232c per pound.
Mutton Lambs, lOrfillc per pound
sross: best sheep, $8; wethers, $5;
ewes, $4 50; dressed, 7'74c per
Hogs Gross, heavy, $5 75 6; light,
$4 755: dressed, 7c per pound.
Veal Large, 7c per pound; small,
8fff 8c per pound.
Beef-Gross, top steers. $55 25;
cows and heifers, $4 50 4 75; dressed
beef, 784c per pound.
Cashier of a Vergennes Institution De
ceived the Officers.
VERGENNES, Vt., April 16. The
Farmers National bank went into the
hands of John P. Sullivan as receiver
at the close of business this afternoon.
The exact amount of the shortage is
not made public here, but it Is inti
mated that the entire stock will be
wiped out and in addition the stock
holders will be heavily assessed. It is
not thought likely the depositors will
lose. Special Examiner Cunningham
was asked for particulars tonight, but
he declined to say a great deal, merely
remarking that Cashier Lewis had de
ceived the officers of the bank and
that he alone was responsible for the
wreck. Mr. Lewis Is very well known
throughout the state, has been a mem
ber of both branches of the state leg
Islature, and in 1886 was a candidate
for state treasurer. He remains at
home and has turned over to the of
ficers of the bank his entire holdings
of stock and negotiable property. His
sureties are equal to $30,000, and the
men who have signed his bond are
believed to be good for the full amount.
Four Counterfeiters Sentenced.
The "Edinburgh Castle ' -punnc dvvkwik, omu., -n...
house, situated in the Strand, London, j counterfeiters were sentenced vy
is to be hauled down, and the London Judge Hanford this morning in the
. i W tn nav 22.500 as federal court. James Monarity was
given 10 years, while Mike Williams
and Mack McCleary got on with eight
years each at hard labor In the United
States penitentiary. oMrs Ethel Wal
lace, the last member of the gang, was
Probably the smallest monarch In
the world reigns over the Hindu vas
sal state of Bhopaul. and governs a
people of more lhan :a million, souls.
Thia .a Yarli. is a woman.! Djihan-Be-
gum by name, but aitnougn-sne is Spencer, tne Dogus enmese inspector,
bout 50 years Qld." she does not ap- j a the daring jailbriak a few weeks
pear larger 'than a child, of 10. . ago.
Decisions of Hawaiian Courts Are Net
WASHINGTON', April 17. The
United States supreme court, through
Chief Justice Fuller, today issued an
order granting leave to file a motion
for a rulo against the circuit court of
appeals for the ninth circuit to permit
the filing of an appeal lu that court
from a decision of the supreme court
of Hawaii In the Wilder Steamship
Company case. The rule was made
returnable May 13. Previous to this
action, a rulo was promulgated at
taching tho territory of Hawaii to the
ninth circuit with headquarters at
Sun Francisco.
The action of the court In assign
ing Hawaii to the ninth circuit and
at the samo time issuing a rule to
the circuit court of appeals to show
cause why it should not take Jurisdic
tion of an admiralty case originating
In Hawaii, involves an interesting
general question relating to our new
territorial acquisitions. The applica
tion in this ca:ie was made by Duane
E. Fox. in behalf of the Wilder Steam
ship Company, of Hawaii, against
Hind, Spreckels et al. Under the act
of 1891, organizing the circuit court
of appeals, it was given jurisdiction
In appeals from the supreme court of
territories and the supreme court
was given authority to assign the ter
ritories to the several circuits. But
the courts in the territory of Hawaii
were organized by the act of April
30, 1900, on a different basis from
other territories, and the same dis
tinction was made as In courts of a
state as to writs of error and appeals,
and the supreme court of the United
States made no order assigning the
territory. The act also provided that
cases pending at the date of the or
ganization of the territory should be
carried on to final judgment and ex
ecution in the corresponding courts
of the territory. It also established
a district court, having the Jurisdic
tion of United States circuit and dis
trict courts. The supreme court of
the territory rendered judgment for
$.')5.000 against the Wilder Steamship
Company, and, when the company at
tempted to appeal, the circuit court
of appeals on April 1, 1900, refused to
entertain the appeal, holding that the
Judgment of the territorial court was
$350,000 Fire in Blower Works
Boston, April 16. The main build
ing of the extensive blower works of
the B. P. Stertevant Company, in the
Jamaica Plain district, was burned
early this morning, causing a loss of
$350,000. The concern manufactured
various kinds of machinery and elec
tric goods, as well as blowers. All pat
terns and plans were destroyed. The
company had recently added $75,000
worth of tools and machinery, find had
a large amount of electrical work
ready for shipment. It also had a
big number of engines and blowers for
the government for use on battleships
and cruisers In course of construction,
all of which were destroyed.
Kitchener Will Soon Resume Active
LONDON, April 17. The British
newspapers and magazines comment
ing upon the alternating periods of
hope- and apprehension which char
acterize the latest stages of the South
African campaign, compare these
with the latter stages of tho Amer
ican war of independence as though
to emphasize these fluctuations.
While the letters of responsible cor
respondents in Pretoria depict the sit
uation in a rather despairing mood,
the Pretoria representative of the
Daily Mail sends today a dispatch of
the most hopeful character.
"The next six weeks," says he,
"will see a resumption of active cam
paigning. Lord Kitchener will renew
his sweeping movements. He has an
army of 250,000 efficient troops, in
cluding 60,000 mounted men with a
good supply of horses, 40,000 having
been secured in Cape Colony alone.
The army Is In good spirits and Lord
Kitchener is satisfied with the prog
ress of events, slow though it seems."
The war office has received the fol
lowing dispatch from Lord Kitchener
dated Pretoria, April 15:
"Colonel Henry Rawlinson's column
rushed the South laager, northwest
of Kerksdorp at daylight. Six Boers
were killed, 10 wounded and 23 taken
prisoner. He captured a 12-pounder,
one pompom complete and two ammu
nition wagons with ammunition. Our
casualties were three wounded. Col
onel Plumer captured a field cor
net and seven men with 10 wagons
and rifles. During Colonel Pllcher's
operations in the Orange River col
ony, seven Boers were killed."
It is said that a private telegram
has been received here to the effect
that General French, with 500 Brit
ish troops, has been captured by the
Boers, while his force was envel
oped in a mist on the hills. No con-
flrmntion of the report can be ob
tained. The war office here knows
nothing about the rumored capture
and entirely discredits the report.
Several Governors Have Named Dele
gatesObject of Meeting.
CHICAGO, April 17. The govern
ors of the various states are beginning
to announce their appointments of
delegates to attend the conference of
taxation, called to meet at Buffalo,
May 23 and 24, by the National Civic
Federation. At the headquarters, no
tice of the appointment of the delega
tions lias been received from the gov
ernors of Missouri, Maine and Mon
tana. The call for the conference Is
signed by leading economists, tax ex
perts and public men representing all
portions of the country and all Inter
ests. The letter of Invitation says:
"For many decades the states have
been building up independent sys
tems of taxation without reference to
each other, until now we have a state
of affairs bordering on chaos, where
each state is practically fighting near
ly every other state. Some property
Is taxed three or four times, while
other property is not taxed at all.
Corporate activity has largely changed
the character of Individual Invest
ments. Industry has overstepped the
boundaries of any one state, and com
mercial interests are no longer con
fined to mere local limits. This con
ference will be the first attempt in
this country to work out some uni
form principles. It is not expected
to settle any of the problems in the
two days' discussion, but it will be a
beginning, and may result in the ap
pointment of a permnnent committee
to work out some basis for future
Russia Laying Mines.
London, April 16. Joseph Chamber
lain's organ, the Birmingham Post,
learns that the Russian ministers of
war and marine have issued joint or
ders for the laying of an extensive
system of submarine mines at Port
Arthur, Vladivostock and elsewhere in
those seas. The apparatus leaves
Odessa early in May.
Granite The Climax group of
quartz claims, three miles north of
Granite, was purchased last week by
C. R. Aldrin. The property was for
merly owned by John Hardie, E. J.
Cross and Adam Christie. The Cli
max vein is about 10 feet wide.
The Egyptian reed, which was used
.for making the pens round in Egyp-
sentenced to one vear. Moriarity and tian tombs, is a hard variety growing
McCleary were partners of Arthur to about the diameter of an ordinary
gjOOfW? mil 11. vna mauc iiutu i v t vj
said to last for a day or two and do
excellent work.
Run Down by a Train.
Wllkesbarre, Pa., April 16. A party
of four people, while crossing the
tracks of the Lehigh Valley railroad at
South Wllkesbarre early this morning,
were run down by the Buffalo express
going north. Three of the party were
killed, and one injured.
Missionary Statements Exaggerated.
Pekin, April 16. Prince Ching says
all his reports go to show that the
Unguarded Valuables
Phoenix. Ariz., April 17. The death
tere of Mrs. Robin Iche reveals the
fact that unconcealed and unguarded
in her house wrs preat weilth in
jewels and precious stones. The hus
band of the woman is in jail await
ing trial for insanity, and the sheriff
nas taken charge of the jewelry, the
estimated value of which is not less
than $:0,000. i.irs. Iche has a sister
in Birmingham. England, the wife of
a great coal operator.
Pcstoffice Robbed.
Salem. Or., April 17. Chief of Po
ice Gibson received a telephone mes-ias-e
from Turner this afternoon, say
ng that the postoffice at that place
vas robbed at noon today, while the
.wstmaster was at dinner. The bur
glars secured $300 in rash and stamps.
At last reports there was no clew to
the guilty parties. This bold piece
of work, taken in connection with the
robberies at McCoy and Lincoln last
Wednesday and Thursday, leads to
the conclusion that this section ,of
the valley is being worked by a gang
o. professional crooks.
Forest Reserves.
Washington, April 17. The secre
tary of the interior has announced
Inspection of Philippine Craft.
Washington, April 17. The inferior
condition of many of the craft sailing
In Philippine waters has led to ar
rangements for an examination in any
city of the United States having pos
tal free delivery of candidates for
appointment as inspector of boilers
In the office of the captain of the port
of Manila. The examination will be
held May 21 by the civil service com
mission, at the request of the Philip
pine civil service board. Back of the
plans for establishing this office lies
an official desire to avoid any serious
accidents, for which the Philippine
government might be held responsible.
missionary statements regarding a re- his intention of turning over the ad-
bellion in Mongolia are not supported j mjnjstration of the national forest re-1
by the facts. Neither does he bslieve
that the rebellion of General Tuns
Fun Siang amounts to much. "It is
the object of certain elements," he
asserts, "to make it seem that China
is In a condition of constant broil, ren
dering it unsafe for the foreign troops
to be withdrawn. Those who have
this In view will magnify a village
quarrel Into a big rebellion.
serves to the forester of the depart
ment of agriculture. This great body
of lands embraces some 48,000,000
acres, and its scientific and practical
administration is a matter or na
tional importance, since the area in
cludes the sources of hundreds of
rivers and strearu3.
Is Rightfully Theirs.
Washington. April 17. The millions
and tens of millions of dollars which
the government has received from the
West through the sale of its public
lands, give that half of the continent
the ripht to expect liberal assistance
from Uncle Sam in the reclamation
of its remaining arid lands which
only require the building of storage
reservoirs to make fertile and pop
ulous. Transport for Manila.
San Francisco. April 17. Two
transports sailed for Manila today
the Logan and the Thyra. The Logan
took a battalion of the Ninth cavalry,
a battalion of the Tenth cavalry, com
panies I and M, First Infantry, and
the First battalion of the Eleventh
The Thyra was to have taken the
horses of the Ninth ' cavalry, but it
was found at me last minute that
glanders had broken out among the
horses of the Ninth at the Presidio,
and horses of the Sixth cavalry, which
were brought back by the disabled
Arab, were substituted.
Proceeds of Arid Land Sales.
Washington, April 17. The propo
sition to devote the proceeds from
the sale or the arid public lands to the
construction of irrigation works is one
which should commend itself to every
interest. The West should of course
support It as a unit, and there can
certainly be no reasonable opposition
in the East to allowing the West the
use of its own funds in the improve
ment of its property.