The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 12, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 47.
J'uIi1iIii 1 I'.M'iy Kriilay by
Terma of aiilm'rliillim- II.'pO a year when tmi'1
In advance.
The mail nrriv.'s from Ml. Ilnm! at 10 o Vlork
ft. in. W eilni'Mlayn and l-atiirilayd; departs the
name 1a k at noon.
Knr I henowcth, li'uvn at a. m. Tur-nlay j,
I'liurHHaya and SHtiniiav; an ives al l p. in.
tor Vk hitc halinim (V Bh. Ii-avi-s daily al 6 A't
a m.i arrives al 7 : 1 . p. m.
From While Halinim leaven fur Fiilda, (llmer,
Trout Lake and tileiiwood daily at 9 A. M.
For HiiiKt-n (Sinh.) leaven at p. in. i ar.
riven at 2 p. m.
Kill 'IKTIK'.
i 87, ). O. i. K. -Meets It rut and third Mon
day! in each month.
Minn Katr Pavksi-oiit, N. (i.
If. J. HlBBARIi, rterretaiy.
CANBV POST. No. 1C, (i. A. K.-Mceta t A.
O. V. W. flail an'mid and fourth SainrJara
of eat h month at 2 o'elo k p. in. All A, If.
meinbera invited to meet with u.
T. J. UNMNn, (.'ommgiuU'r.
J. W. Rli.hY, Adjutant.
CUNBY W. K. C, Nif. IB-Meet" first Satnr
I day of each mouth in A. . I'. V . IihII at 2
p.m. JlKi B. K. .shckhak kr, resident.
MRU. I'Mst LA lit kks, K-crclary.
TIOOI) K1VF.K I.OIHiK, No. m. A. K. and A.
Jl M. Mecla .Saturday evening on or before
each full moon. A N. Kaiim, V. M.
A. I'. Batkiiam, Secretary.
Meets third Friday night of each month.
K. C. Km mi ra, H. I'.
H. F. Daviiwon, Secretary.
HOOD K1VKK CHAPTKK, No. J.'., ((. K. S.
Meets aecoml anil fourth Tuetday even
ing! of each month. Vis torn cordially wel
comed. Mua. Kva II. Havnh, H . m.
H. F. Davidson, Secretary.
OLETA AS8KMB1.Y, No. 103, t'nited Artisans.
Meetx Kecond Tuesday of each month at
Fraternal hall. F. ('. Kkosh'S, M. A.
D. McDonald, Secretary.
W ACCOM A IJ'I'-.K, No. :to, K. of P. Meets
ill A. O. I'. . hall everv Tuesday night.
Frank I.. Davidson, K. of K. it 8.
DIVKRHIPK I.0IM1F:. No. 6H, A. O. V, W.
Jt Meets first and third Saturdays of each
month. N. C. Evans. M. V.
J. F. Watt, Financier.
H. L. Huwk, Recorder. i.oixiK, no. iot, i. o o. f
Meela iu Fraternal hall every Thursday
mcht. A. U. Gktchku, N. (i.
J. E. II anna, Secretary.
HOOD RIVER TENT, No. 19,. K. O. T. M..
meets at A. O. V, W. hall ou the- first and
third Fridays of each month.
J. E. Rand, Commander.
Jl HONOR, A. O. V. W. -Meets first and
third Saturdays at 8 P. M.
.Mm. Gkorou Rand, C. of H.
Mrs. Ciias C'laskk, Recorder.
SUNSHINE SOCIETY Meets leeond and
fourth Saturdays of each month at 2
o'clock. Mikh I.kna Snkll, President.
Miss Carrik Bctlkr, Secretuiy.
HOOD RIVER CAMP, No. 7,71)2, M. W. A.,
meets in Odd Fellows' Hall tiie first and
third Wednesdays of each month.
F L. DAVtmos, V. C.
E. R. Bradley, Clerk.
Jfl F. SHAW, M. D.
Tefephone No. 81.
All Calls Promptly Attended
Office upstair over Eve'rhart's store. All
calls left ait the office or residence will be
promptly attended to.'
For 23 y ears a resident of Orenonand WasJi
lnuton. 'Has had many years experience in
Real Estate matters, as abstractor, searcher of
titles and agent, balisfaction guaranteed or
no charge.
J F. WATT, M. D.
' - r n I. XT T- ..nBniollv
Bltrgeon lor i. n. a. vu. in rniv
equipped to treat catarrh of nose and throat
and diseases of women.
Special terms forotllce treatment of chronic
Telephone, office, 125, residence, 43.
Estimates furnished for all kinds of
work. Repairing a specialty. All kinds
of shop work. Shop on IState Street,
between First and Second.
If your walls are sick or mutilated, call on
Consultation free. No charge for prescrip
tions. No cure no pay.
Office hours frvn 6 A. M. till 6. P. M., an 1 all
night if necessary.
Men's half soles, band eticked, $t ;
nailed, best, 75c; second, 60c; third, 40i
Ladies' hand stitched, 75c; nailed, best.
AO; second, 35. Best stock and work
in Hood River. C. WELDS, Prop.
Is the place to get the latest and best in
Confectioneries, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco,
Cigars, etc.
p C. BROSiUS, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Hoars: 10 to 11 Ar M.j 2 to 3
and 6 to 7 P. M.
Tommsson Bros, Trops.
Of the beet quality alwas on hand at
prices to suit the times.
' Do a general banking business.
jYf A. COOK '
Hood Rivsb, Oregon.
Estimates Furnished. Flans Drawn
Office with Geo. 7. Prather. Business will be
attended to at any time. Collections made,
" and anv bminen rien to tia will he aiterded
to speedily and results mmde promptly. W ill
locate on good government lands, either tim
ber or larmier. We are in touch with the V.
. Land OOh The ballea. Ulreusaoaj.
n or i wi
From AH Parts of the New World
and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Important Hap
penlngs of the Put Week bi
Condensed Form.
The Dean of Canterbury Is seriously
Sandico, the Filipino general, sur
rendered. ARulnaldo will be removed to an
other prison.
Chinese troops In Mongolia and Shin
SI have rebelled.
The Chinese court is preparing for
a removal from Pekln.
The Indemnity negotiations ara like
ly to be long drawn out.
A naval school will be established
at Newport for petty officers.
A plot to assassinate the prosldent
of France has been discovered.
Cecil Rhodes has entirely recov
ered and is now in good health.
A Mississippi woman shot and killed
her husband during a family quarrel.
Over 1500 arrests have been made
at Odessa during the past few days.
It Is rumored In Brussels that Gen
eral Botha will renew peace negotia
tions. Seth Jaynes, a Klondike miner,
made the trip from Dawson to Seattle
In 19 days.
Agulnaldo is living high while in
prison, and will soon remove to a fash
ionable residence.
The Portland torpedo-boat destroyer
Goldsborough broke record for speed
of vessels in her class.
Miscreants attempted to wreck an
O. R. ec N. train at Malad bridge,
Idaho, but did little damage. t
Two students of Havana were se
verely Injured while being Initiated
Into secret society of the students.
Admiral Remey has been author
ized by the secretary of the navy to
enlist 500 Filipinos In the American
A voting machine was used In re
rent Maine elections. The result was
known two minutes after the polls
Court dissolved injunction against
Chicago Gas Company and holds that
they can charge whatever they like
for gas.
Bubonic plague has made Its ap
pearance In Alexandria, Egypt, and
six new cases are also reported In
Cape Town.
Twenty-one Russian students have
been arrested at Kharhoff for rioting
in consequence of the expulsion of sev
eral of their number.
Special committee finds that school
land funds of Oregon are short
$20 44G since Napoleon Davis' admin
istration of school land board.
Kitchener is arranging to replact
stale by fresh troops.
California oil experts have bonded
4000 acres near The Dalles.
The striking dock laborers at Mar
seilles have resumed work.
National railway employes' union
will Investigate Portland trouble.
Assurances of support from British
Columbia for Portland's 1905 fair.
Earl Li says no more hitches are
probable in negotiations with powers.
It daily becomes more evident that
the Boers intend to fight to a finish.
The United States armored cruiser
New York has left Algiers for Manila.
Augustus Byram, a pioneer mining
man of California and Colorado, is
B. F. Durphy brought from Cali
fornia to answer to a charge of big
amy. Captain H. K. Steele, of the British
ship Khyber, was arrested for kid
naping. Young Women's Christian Associa
tion has begun Sunday afternoon
United States commission makes
recommendations for civil government
to be established July 1.
The largest steamer ever built has
just been launched at Belfast. She
is over 680 feet in length.
Lawyer Patrick, also accused of
murder of Millionaire Rice, says Valet
Jones' confession is not true.
Oregon will have to buy wood from
men who have supply cornered, says
principal factor in transaction.
The czar of Russia has given 2000
roubles toward the building of a new
Greek orthodox church In New York
Official In charge of American lega
tion wires that Russia will not re
ceive official communications from
L. S. J. Hunt creates a sensation by
returning to Seattle, and paying heavy
outlawed debts. He will found a news
paper. American officials are much per
plexed over Russia's refusal to re
ceive official communications from
The revenue collector of the second
district of New York recently received
an order for $587,413.84 worth of reve
nue stamps.
The "Edinburgh Castle" public
house, situated in the Strand, London,
is to be hauled down, and the London
county council has to pay 22,500 as
Probably the smallest monarch In
the world reigns over the Hindu vas
sal state of Bhopaul, and governs a
people of more than a million souls.
This dwarf is a woman, Djihan-Be-gum
by name, but although she is
about 50 years old, she does not ap
pax larger than a child of 10.
Opinion of Transvaal ex-President on
u the Situation.
NEW YORK, April 8. A dispatch
to the Herald from Paris says:
An interview with Mr. Kruger ap
pears in the Matin. The ex-president
of the Transvaal was seen In a mod'
est little inn at Utrecht, where he Is
staying for the moment. His eyes
have been very much improved by
recent operations, and he can now dis'
ponse with spectacles. Sitting in
front of a table with a Bible under
his left hand, Mr. Kruger delivered
himself of an important statement,
to which further significance was
given by the presence of the Orange
Free State delegate, Herr Fischer.
Mr. Kruger began by announcing
that Saturday next beJ proposes retir
ing into the country for complete
rest. The little village of Hilbersum,
not far from Utrecht, has been se
lected for his abode. Nothing has
yet been decided regarding his trip to
America. Mr. Kruger will undertake
the Journey if his strength permits
and if there is any hope of gaining
advantage for the Boer cause.
Pointing to Herr Fischer, the aged
president declared that the two re
publics are indissolubly united.
"Herr Fischer," he said, "is fight
ing for the same cause as my heroic
friend President Steyn. The two
presidents and the two commanding
generals, Botha and Dewet, will share
the same fate."
On being questioned regarding the
reliance he placed on the Boer of
ficial telegrams and statements in
parliament, Mr. Kruger, half rising
from his arm chair, declared:
"The British government, British
telegraph and the British press al
ways try to make this much" and he
measured his little finger "look like
this much" and he extended both
"I am persuaded everything is go
ing well there precisely because our
enemies continue to dissimulate and
travesty facts. As regards General
Botha's negotiations, the public knows
from the blue book and by reading
General Botha's last dispatch that it
was the British general who first made
proposals. Never did the Boer gen
eral refuse to listen. We do not fight,
except for peace. We are not con
querors, but, although General Botha
listened to the British proposals, he
never uttered a word of equivocation
on the subject of independence. In
dependence is the only treasure we
cherish, even if we have to sacrifice
all others. It is for this reason our
citizens forsook their farms and sac
rificed their lives, and our women and
children now suffer temporary servi
tude in the enemy's camp.
Regulations Concerning the Trans
portation of Supplies.
WASHINGTON, April 8. The war
department has received a copy of a
regulation to carry Into effect an act
of the Philippine commission amend
ing a section of the provisional cus
toms regulations, which Is of interest,
in view of the recently reported
frauds In the commissary department
in the Islands. It shows the precau
tions ordered to be taken to guard
against any misappropriation of gov
ernment supplies. These regulations
provide briefly that where supplies
for the army or navy tn the Philip
pines come on other than government
vessels they shall be accompanied by
a certificate from the chief of depart
ment charged with their custody cer
tifying that the goods are exclusively
for the army or the navy or the in
sular government, and that no other
disposition of them will be permitted.
The regulations also set forth that
prompt notice must be given the col
lector of customs for the Islands In
case of the nonacceptance of any con
signment of goods or cancellation of
sale. Goods purchased in the Philip
pines after importation must be ac
companied by an affidavit of the seller
affirming that an absolute sale has
been made by him and that "he re
tains no interest of any kind or char
acter In such goods."
More of the Kitchener-Botha Corre
spondence Made Public.
LONDON, April 8. The letter of
General Botha, the Boer Commander-in-Chief,
to Lord Kitchener, command
ing the British forces In South Africa,
piellminary to the recent peace meet
ing, casually referred to in Lieutenant
General Kitchener's report of the ne
gotiations and from which the oppo
nents of Colonial-Secretary Chamber
lain hoped to obtain some clew of the
reason of the failure of the conference,
was published as a preliminary paper
this morning. This letter is dated at
the Commandant-General's camp, Feb
ruary 13, and Commences with a refer
ence to "the verbal message from yrur
excellency." Continuing, the letter
"I have the honor to Inform your
excellency that no one desires more
than I to bring this bloody strife to an
end, I would also very much like to
meet your excellency for the purpose
of mutual discussion to see if it Is
not possible to discover terms under
which this can be done."
Boer Seat cf " Government ! Again
LONDON, April 8. Lord Kitchener
reports as follows to the war office:
"Colonel Plumer has advanced 20
miles beyond Nylstroom, unopposed on
the way, toward Pietersburg."
According to the Pretoria corre
spondent of the Dally Telegraph, the
Boers have shifted their seat of gov
ernment from Pietersburg to a point
35 miles northeast.
All the Guns Accounted For.
London, April 8. Lord Kitctnaer,
reporting to the war office the finding
of an abandoned and destroyed pom
pom, near Vriheid, says: "This ac
counts for all the enemy's guns known
to be in the southern district."
Cape Town, April 8. General
French continues to press the Boers
at Vriheid, Transvaal colony. The
Boers abandoned a pompom, which
the British found in a small shed at
the bottom of a precipice.
OHM lit ns
Items of Interest From All Parts
of the State.
A Brief Review of the Growth ind Improve
ments of the Many Industries Through,
out Our Thriving Commonwealth.
Forest Grove Six inches of snow
fell near Forest Grove on April 5.
The Dalles The Dalles council has
ordered six more fire plugs to be In
stalled lmmediatley.
Nyssa The citizens of Nyssa de
mand that the railroad company build
a depot at that point.
Galls Creek Operations have been
resumed at Kubli & Co.'s quartz mine,
In Gall's creek district.
Weston This town will Issue $5000
worth of bonds to raise money to im
prove its water supply.
Eugene Boy tramps are reported
as being more numerous in Eugene
than ever before known.
Dusty The school at Dusty has
been closed again on account of a
fresh outbreak of diphtheria.
Lincoln County The Lincoln County
Farmers' Association haB decided to
hold a county fair next fall.
Grants Pass Work has commenced
on the Grants Pass-Williams telephone
line, and will soon be in operation.
Baker Citv Ilnrlnsr March. 98 cov-
ote scalps were turned In at Baker
City at the office of the county clerk.
Baker City Negotiations are now
pending at Baker City for sale of the
Pacific brewery to an Eastern buyer
for $40,000.
Eugene The board of directors of
Eugene school district have accepted
plans for a new school building, to
cost about $15,000.
Wendling Smallpox is very preva
lent at this place, and county author
ities have been appealed to. So far
it is only In a mild form.
Corvallis Benton county has Issued
a call for all warrants outstanding
up to August 10, 1900, and same will
be paid upon presentation.
Brownsville There are now two
brass bands in Brownsville. A new
one has just, been organized, known
as the Brownsville Independent band.
Glendale There have been 41 cases
of smallpox in and about this place,
but no deaths as yet. Several cases
are now in a very critical condition.
Goble The Goble & Nehalem Rail
way Company Is operating six donkeys
at its Goble camps and expect to in
stall four additional donkeys about
Lebanon The Electric Light and
Water Company of Lebanon has let
the contract for construction of a new
water tower. The tower will be thirty
five feet high.
Athena A man arrived at Athena
on a new bicycle and was Immediately
arrested by request of Pendleton au
thorities. He had stolen the wheel
from a store at that place.
Medford A pioneer butcher of this
place has been convicted of selling
diseased meat. His employes testi
fied that they had orders to kill any
sick animal that 'was likely to die.
Klamath Captain O. C. Applegate,
agent at Klamath Indian agency, is
making arrangements for extensive
Improvements at the agency, for which
provision was made at the last ses
sion of congress.
lone A well is being suuk at lone
near the depot for the Oregon Railroad
& Navigation Company. The road
will have Its windmill above town
moved to the new well, the old being
insufficient to supply the engines with
water during the summer.
Wheat Walla Walla, 57c; Valley.
nominal; bluestem, 59c per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $2 703 40 per
barrel; graham, $2 60.
Oats White, $1 25 per -ptal;
gray, $1 20 t 22 per cental
Barley Feed, $11 50(3)17; brewing,
$16 5017 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $16 per ton;- mid
dlings, $21 50; shorts, $17 50; chop,
Hay Timothy, $1212 50; clover,
$79 60; Oregon wild hay, $G7 per
Hops 1214c per pound; 1899 crop,
Wool Valley, 1314c"; Eastern Ore
gon, 912c; mohair, 2021c per
Butter Fancy creamery, 2022V4c;
dairy, 1518c; store, 1012V2C per
Eggs Oregan ranch, 1313Vc per
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3 50
5; hens, $536; dressed, ll12c per
pound; springs, $45 per dozen;
ducks, $36; geese, $68 per dozen;
turkeys, live, ll12c; dressed, 1314c
per pound.
Cheese Full cream, twins, 13
13c; Young America, 1314e per
Potatoes 4555c per sack.
Mutton Lambs, 12M.C per pound
gross; best sheep, wethers, $5: ewes
$4 50; dressed, 77V4c per pound.
Hogs Gross, Heavy, $D 75(&6; light,
$4 755; dressed. 7c per pound.
Veal Large, 77c per pound;
small, 8'49c per pound.
Beef Gross, top steers, $5 5 2;
cows and heifers, $4 504 75; dressed
beef, 784c per pound.
In 1800 Sweden had a population of
2,350,000, and at tne present time, in
spite of the large emigration which
has given 1,000,000 people to the
United States, the population Is 5,-
But one person is alive who sat in
the house of commons when Queen
Victoria came to the throne. It is
Earl Fitzwilliam, who, when Viscount
Milton, was elected a few months
before William IV died. At the Dia
mond jubilee there were several sur
vivors of pre-Victorian parliaments.
Shipwrecked Men on Raft Forty Days
Two Out of Twelve Survive.
LONDON, April 9. The Singapore
correspondent of the Dally Express
wires a story of cannibalism at sea
brought to Singapore by two survivors
of the Novo Scotian bark Angola,
which was wrecked six days after
sailing from Manila, October 23 last.
The correspondent says:
"The survivors Johnson, a Swede,
and Marticornu, a Spaniard assert
that the Angola struck a reef. Two
rafts were built. The smaller, bear
ing five men, disappeared. The other,
with 12 men, drifted for 42 days. The
sailors ate barnacles, seaweed, and
finally their boots, and on the 25th
day two became Insane and killed
themselves. On the 20th a Frenchman
killed the mate with an ax, drank his
blood and tried to eat his brains, but
was prevented by the others. Next
day the Frenchman was killed while
attempting to murder the captain. The
survivors, all of whom were now In
sane, ate the Frenchman's body. Can
nibalism continued until only Johnson
and Marticornu remained. On the 42d
day the raft stranded on Subi, or Flat
island, in the Natuna group, north
west of Borneo. Johnson and Mar
ticornu were awfully emaciated.
Friendly Malays sent them by Junk to
Will Examine all Cattle Destined for
United States.
WASHINGTON, April 9. As a re
sult of negotiations between Secretary
of Agriculture Wilson and the Cana
dian minister of agriculture, an agree
ment has been reached between the
two administrations by which Canada
Is to have a first-class veterinarian sta
tioned in England to test for tuber
culosis all British cattle shipped to
this country via Canada. The Cana
dian administration wanted cattle to
be admitted from Canada without tewts
at the border by American experts.
The department at Washington would
not agree to this. Secretary Wilson
said, however, that if Canada would
send to England an agent who should
have sufficient expert knowledge of
the subject, the United States would
admit cattle upon his certificate that
the cattle had been tested and found
free of tuberculosis. This was agreed
to by the Canadian minister. It is
officially explained that about 10 per
cent of the livestock in the United
States and about 40 per cent In Great
Britain have tuberculosis. The cattle
on the continent of Europe are so dis
eased that this government will not
permit the admission of any animals
from there.
Collier Merrlmac is Being Blown Out
of the Way.
teen hundred pounds of dynamite were
used yesterday afternoon in blowing
up the forward superstructure of the
sunken United States collier Merrl
mac, which has long impeded the en
trance to the harbor. The explosion
was heard plainly in the city, five
miles away. Divers immediately de
scended and found 40 feet of clear
water over the forward portion of the
wreck. Port Captain Irving will be
gin tomorrow to place mines aft, which
he expects to explode In a week, thus
completely clearing the harbor en
trance. Yesterday's Incident was highly
spectacular. Residents on Smith Key.
adjacent to the wreck, left the island,
fearing that their houses would be
demolished. The overlooking hills
were lined with people, and large
numbers of pleasure seekers encircled
the wreck at a safe distance. When
the electric button was touchd a pyr
amid of water arose 40 feet, and the
surface was Immediately covered with
wreckage and tons of dead fish. The
launches and yachts returned to the
city laden with souvenirs of the
Reduction of Money Order Rates.
Washington, April 8. In addition to
the arrangement with Canada, it is
expected that a reduction of postal
money order rates between the United
States and both the Philippines and
Cuba will be put in operation on July
15, next. The arrangement just signed
between the postal administrations ol
the United States and Canada will
take effect on that day, and negotia
tions are now In progress with the
islands mentioned which are expected
to be consummated in time for all
three arrangements to be effective
simultaneously. This means a reduc
tion on all money order business be
tween the United States, Canada, Cu
ba and the Philippines of from 1 per
cent, the International rate which now
applies, to three-fourth of 1 per cent,
which is the domestic rata.
Fatal Train Wreck.
Kansas City, Mo., April 9. By the
derailing of the engine and a number
of empty freight cars being brought
into the city this evening on the Kan
sas City Suburban Belt Line railroad
line .four members of the crew were
injured. William Prime, brakeman,
had his skull broken and eyes scalded.
He will die. The engine was demol
ished and 10 cars were reduced to
kindling wood.
Ten Fresh Cases of Plague.
Cape Town, April 9. In the last 48
hours 10 fresh cases of bubonic plague
have been officially reported. Of these
four are Europeans, and the others col
ored persons. The corpse of a colored
person who died of the disease was
found today.
America Must Pay Higher Duties.
Lnnrlnn Anril 9. Accordine to the
St. Petersburg correspondent of the
nntlir Mail fmnnrt. duties for Vladi
vostok have been raised on all Amer
ican iron, steel and machinery
No Verdict in Joinist Case.
Sallna, Kan., April 9. The first trial
of a ioinist under the new Itorrell
law, passed by the last legislature,
I which makes it a misdemeanor to be
! found in possession of spirituous
liquor, resulted in no verdict here late
last night, and the Jury was dis
charged. It was the case of Henry
Stevens and wife, whose place was
raided by the sheriff recently. The
passage of the law was a result of the
temperanee crusade started by Mrs.
Carrie Nation.
Serious Uprising in the Interior
General Tunj Fu Sun, Commander of the
Northern Armies, is at the Head
of the Movement.
PEKIN, April 10. The rumors
which have been current during the
past few days of the outbreak of a
rebellion, headed by General Tung Fu
Slan, the ex-commander of the North
ern army, in the provinces of Mon
golia aid .Shen-SI, have been abso
lutely authenticated.
Li Hung Chang and Prince Chlng
have received information on the
subject which, though Indefinite, still
proves that the court is seriously
General Fu Sian was, according to
last accounts, about 150 miles from
the court with 11,000 regular troops,
all supposed to be devoted to himself.
The court has about the same number
of soldiers at Singan Fu, but it Is
probable that the troops of Tung Fu
Slan are better drilled and better
aimed. It Is believed that the Mon
golian rebellion was brought about
through the agents of Prince Tuan
and General Tung Fu Sian. Li Hung
Chang thinks there are about 5000
regular troops in Mongolia, and in
clines to the belief that they have
not joined in the rebellion. He does
not think the court is in any danger,
and thinks the object of Prince Tuan
(who was last reported at Nlng Hsu
Sian with 10.000 men prepared to re
sist arrest) and General Tung Fu Sian
is to create a diversion of interest In
order to force unconditional protec
tion of themselves.
Unofficial Chinamen of intelligence
regard the rising as most unfortunate
at the present time to the interests of
China, and as of possibly meaning the
use of foreign troops to protect even
the court itself. The .ministers of the
powers do not think that, provided
foreign Interests do not suffer, any
present interference is likely. If the
dynasty should bo overthrown. It
would, to a certain extent, delay the
peace negotiations, but they consider
that a regime not bound by traditions
like those of the present court prob
ably would be much easier to deal
with eventually, as the ceremonial
could be much curtailed.
Prince Ching, who, as a relative,
may be considered to take the court
view of the situation, thinks the re
bellion is a storm in a teapot. He
says the present court is loved and
esteemed by nine-tenths of the pop
ulation of China, and that the same
proportion of able-bodied men in
China would rise to protect the ex
isting dynasty. The empress dow
ager, as the adviser of the emperor,
holds the affections of the people, not
dreamt of and not understood by for
eigners. Her slightest wish is the em
peror's law, though he Is by no means
a figurehead, as the foreign powers
frequently suppose. The emperor rec
ognizes her ability, Invaluable aid
and advice.
The remaining bodies of Americans
were shipped homeward this .morn
ing. They now number 54, and will
leave on board the transport Egbert
tomorrow. The Egbert will also take
27 military prisoners, a number of
sick men, the discharged soldiers, the
teamsters and other civilians em
ployed. According to expert opinion, China
would be able to pay from 20.000,000
to 30,000,000 without crippling her
financial resources, while the amounts
which the powers at present demand
range from 80,000.000 to 100,00,
English Girls Apply by Hundreds for
the Opportunity.
NEW YORK, April 10. A rather un
expected result has followed Mr.
Chamberlain's recent speech in sup
port of the scheme for sending women
out to South Africa, at the conclusion
of the war, says the London corre
spondent of the Tribune. An enor
mous number of letters has been re
ceived from women eager to emigrate
and reluctant to wait until hostilities
are ended. One woman who wrote
direct to Lord Salisbury said she was
prepared to go out at once with her
mother and sisters, but she indicates
no particular sphere of usefulness.
Another wrote to the colonial office
in behalf of herself and a few other
"first-class lady barbers." Naturally,
the colonial office authorities are do
ing their utmost to discourage appli
cations from women other than those
who are self-dependent, and girls of
the servant type are urgently advised
not to go at all. It is very doubtful
whether there will be any openings
for them, and the public iunds cannot
be used for the purpose of granting
free passages to the Cape.
Flood Scare is Over.
Boston, April 10. The flood scare
all over New England, due to rising
waters from five days of heavy rains,
has died out, and tonight the reports
indicated that a change for the bet
ter would come before daylight. The
losses will be heavy, no doubt, but
nothing to be compared to the fresh
ets of recent springs. The reason Is
obvious to people in Southern New
England, for the early spring left
the ground open for a good soaking,
and this natural absorption of the
rain is taking care of much of the
water, while the great surplus of the
overflow, being unimpeded by ice, is
rushing forward.
In Charge of Colorado Fuel 6V Iron.
Denver, April 10. The statement
Was made today on what is said to
be the highest authority that John
W. Gates, chairman of the American
Steel &,Wire Company; John Lam
bert, et-president of that company,
and I. L. Wood, ex-second vice-president,
have secured control of the Col
orado Fuel & Iron Company by recent
purchases of stock, and will at once
double the capacity of the Pueblo
plant, adding tin and wire mills and
additional blast furnaces.
Make Good Speed In Two Trizls on
Puget Sound.
SEATTLE, April 10. The torptviO
boat destroyer Goldsborough, limit by
Wolff & Zwlcker, of Portland, w;-.m
given two of the first of her olili'
trial runs In Puget Sound, off Alia
Point Saturday; ono i;i the moi:ii;itr,
and the other in the r,ftenioo,i. The
official trial board, comprised of Lieu- 1
tenant Coniniandeis (J. II. i'eteis and
Btilmer, Lieutenants A. li. Wilson and
C. Oilier; Assistant Naval Constructor
Adams, all of the battleship Iowa;
Frederick HalHn, representing the
building firm, and several invited
guests of the builders, and the cor
respondent of the Telegram, were
aboard during the trial trips.
It was 9 o'clock in the morning
when the order was given to cast
awuy the shoie line, and soon the lit
tle steel flyer swung from her moor
ings and heutlel down the harbor for
Alkl Point. She made the trip over
.it a comparatively slow speed. Thou
sands of spectators lined the wharves
the entire dfrtance of the long water
front, and watched the pretty maneu
vers of the destroyer, and they wit
nessed a fine sight, seldom seen In
these waters.
Arrived at Alkl Point, orders were
given to let her go full speed ahead.
The smoke poured from her two
large stacks In dense columns, as she
fairly flew through the blue waters
of the Sound, spurting the spray high
into the air from her bow. Over to
Magnolia bluff she sped, like a race
horse, eager to win the highest tro
phies; circling around, she crossed
back on the course Just traversed.
This was repeated four complete
trips. Arriving back at Alkl Point,
where Puget Sound steamers make
their runs to the city from Tacoma,
she paused, as if to catch her breath,
when the Flyer, the fastest steamer
on the Sound, appeared. Still the
Goldsborough waited. The Flyer came
alongside, then passed oil. The full
speed ahead signal was given, and
then a race such as was never before
witnessed on Puget Sound, began, the
distance to the city belni? three miles.
Faster and faster through the waters
sped the little steel destroyer, and It
seemed that the Flyer had suddenly
stopped, so slow was her speed com
pared to that of the Goldsborough.
The latter was at her dock and tied
up before the Flyer had blown her
city whistle. Probably never again
will so grand and majestic a sight
be scan as that race, and the Immense
crowds on the docks seemed to ap
preciate It, for as the Goldsborough
drew near to her wharf, she was greet
ed with tremendous shouts from a
thousand and more throats. At noon
the party went to the Butler cafe,
where they were given a banquet by
Mr. Ballin.
Destroyer Built by Union Iron
Works Fails.
WASHINGTON, April 10. Secre
tary Long was Informed today that
the torpedo-boat destroyer Perry, built
by the Union Iron Works, of San Fran
cisco, failed to meet contract speed
requirements on her official trial.
Under the contract the vessel was re
quired to develop a speed of 29 knots
an hour, but the best she could do on
her trial run was 28.2 knots an hour.
The action of the department has not
yet been determined, but the vessel
probably will be accepted, subject to
a slight deduction from the contract
Much Mall From Nome.
Seattle, April 10. United States
mail from Teller City, within the
circle of the Arctic, Sinrock, Nome,
St. Michael and all of the principal
points along the Yukon, from Its
mouth to White Horse, arrived In this
?ity today, on board the steamer City
of Seattle. It Is the third Nome mall
'.eceived since the close of Behring
sea navigation. There were probably
3000 Nome letters of date as late as
January 15. From the stamping the
carriers did not leave St. Michael
until eight days subsequent to their
leparture from Nome. Numerous St.
Michael letters were stamped Janu
ary 23. The Nome mall which was
carried in a single pouch, contained
letters posted for every principal city
In the United States and Canada,
while not a few are addressed to Eu
ropean cities.
An Incendiary Fire.
St. Louis, April 10. It is believed
that the fire yesterday which caused
the destruction of a grain elevator
owned by the St. Louis Elevator &
Storage Company, was of incendiary
origin. Several boys whom the watch
man Just previous to his discovery of
the fire had ordered from the premises
are thought to be guilty. The fire
started in the oil room.
Major Taylor In Paris.
Paris, April 10. Major Taylor, the
Amerlcan cyclist, will make his first
appearance on a European track this
afternoon, when he starts in a mile
open event. Taylor's European tour
Is under the management of Robert
Coquelle, the Paris cycling promoter.
One of the stipulations In the colored
lad's contract is that he shall not be
required to ride Sundays.
killed" INAWRECK.
Southern Pacific Firemen Meet Death
in Smash-Up.
OGDEN, Utah. April 10. West
bound Southern Pacific passenger No.
I was wrecked at Moore's Hill, near
Wells, Nev., last night. Fireman
Hickman, of Ogden, and Fireman Lo
der, of Wells, were killed, and En
gineers Warner, of Wells, and Bride,
of Ogden, were seriously but not fa
tally injured. A broken truck caused
half the train to leave the tracjc, the
two mail cars catch!g fire, cremating
Hickman. Engineers Warner and
Bride were badly scalded. The mall
cars were entirely consumed.
Epworth League Tourists. -
Indianapolis, April 10. The In
diana Epworth League is the first to
make official arrangements for the
trip to San Francisco for the inter
national convention in July. North
ern Indiana will rendezvous at Chi
cago, leaving there July 9; Central
Indiana will meet at Bloomin?ton,
111., and Southern Indiana at St. Louis,
all leaving the same day and meeting
at Kansas City. Sunday. July 14,
will be spent at Salt Lake City. This
state will send t delegation of 600 'a
the convention. - . "