The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 05, 1901, Image 2

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3(ccd Iiver Slacier.
, I-IilDAV, Al'KIL 5, 1001.
The i tipturu of AuinaKIn by Clcn . l'mi
iton was one of the. most daring pel iorni
imecs in the history of modern warfare.
Gen. Funstoti allowed himself, with oth
ers of his comrades, to be marched to
Ajjtiinaldo's liendiiiarUri( under irnard
of native FillipWios who lmd turned
trnitor to their chff, reporiLn,' that the
Americans were prisoners. Ai-'nimtldo,
not suspecting treachery, welcomed hi
captors and wan easily made a prisoner.
The capture, of Aguinaldo ends the war
in the Philippines. The Fillipino chief
tain subscribes to the oath of allegiance
to tho United States. (Jen. Fnnston has
been rewarded for his daring deed by
beinjf appointed by the president a
brigadier general in the regular army.
II. 15. Miller, appointed consul to
ChniiK Kin, China, writes to llon.E. I..
Smith under date of March 4th. Mr.
Miller in nuw UHttitsting tliu consul gen
eral at Shanghai. lie speaks very hii:h
ly of Minister Conner and says: "lie
has tho conlidenee ai.d respect not only
ofAniercitns but ull in China. His
views and purposes in the adjustment
of the relations between our countrruntl
China meet with the approval of all
Americans here."
Tho second annunlrtportoftheOrcgon
IliBtorical Society has been received. It
is a pamphlet 1U4 x d inches ami .com
tains 121 paaes. It shows that the so
ciety had (127 members on Nov. SO, 1900,
distributed in 23 counties in Oregon and
four in Washington. The material col
lected during the year is classified as
follows: Library department Docu
ments, 134; diaries, account books, etc.,
18 j maps and charts, 15; bound news-paper
files, 27; miscellaneous papers, un
bound, 53; pamphlets, 105; miscellan
eous books, 10;l; early school books, 48.
Museum department Pioneer relics,
207; archaeological relics, 172; pioneer
photographs, 448; other pictures, 139
The documents consists nia'nly of let'
terand other written matter relating
to tho early social and business life.
of the country, and the relics are such
as were used in crossing the plains with
teams or in the enrly industries of the
countrv. Visitors at tho rooms in the
citv hall, Portland, average 1500
month, and all who visit that city are
invited to call,
The Ashwood Prospector is the name
of a new paper ' at Ashwood, Crook
county, published by Max Lueddemann
Tho new paper is to make, known the
richness of .the J rout creek mining
country to the outside world.
loiitcl I'rwpetliiijjs.
An adjourned meeting of the common
council was held Wednesday evening in
Fone's office. Present Mayor Brossius,
Aldermen lien, Islowers, Davidson
Luckey and McDonald.
Minutes of last regular meeting read
and approved.
Petition of II. D. Langille and others,
asking that a sewer be built in Itiver
street, from fourth to first, was read
and placed on tile. The fact that grades
have not been established, it w as argued
and decided that a sewer would be pre
Mayor reported that about one-half of
the new grade on the Last Side was in
the town limits and would have to be
looked after by the street superintend
The recorder was instructed to notify
the county clerk that the tow n of Hood
Kiver had been set apart as a separate
road district, and asking that he Bend
the property tax and poll lists for the
Street superintendent was instructed
to get the lists lroin the supervisors,
On motion, the superintendent of
streets was instructed to work all the
streets w here necessary except the streets
mentioned lor grading.
Superintendent Cue reported that
proirty owners on the hill above tow n
were encroaching on the streets w ith
their fences.
On motion,, the street superintendent
was instructed to see that all obstructions
or encroachments on the streets were re
moved. Supt. Coe reported that the gravel pit
on Mrs. Baldwin's land on the hill
could be bought for a reasonable sum.
On motion, the street stipurintendent
and street committee were instructed to
look into the matter of the desirability
of purchasing the giavel pit, with power
to make the purchase.
On motion, the superintendentof streets
was authorized to employ a surveyor to
run the section line between the Smith
Thompson and Baldwin-Stranahau tracts
and locate the county road.
The finance committee was instructed
to rent a room for council chamber.
Adjourned. '' .
Sew Law on Weights anil Measures.
The new state law relating to the stand
ard weights of produce, provides that
wheneverNvheat, rye, Indian corn, oats,
barley, clover, seed, buckwheat, dried
apples, dried peaches, potatoes or pears
qlull be sold by the bushel, and no spe
cial arrangements as to the measure or
weight Ihereot shall be made by the par
ties, the measure thereof shall be ascer
tained by weight, and shall be comput
ed as follows:
Sixty pound for a bushel of wheat or
clover seed.
Fifty-six pounds for a bushel of rye or
jjiuian corn.
';Thirtv-two pounds for a bushel of oats.
..Forty-six pound t for a bushel of barlev.
Forty-two pounds for a bushel of buck
Thirty-eight pounds for a bushel of
dried apples or reaches.
. Sixty pounds for a bushel of potatoes.
.'Forty-live pounds for a bushel of ap
ples or pears. "
You w ill w aste time if you try to cure in
digestion ordyspepsia by-starving yourself
1 hat only makes it w orse when you do eat
heartily.' Yon always need plenty of good
food properly digested. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure is the result of yearsof scientific re
search for something that would digest not
only sonieelements of food but everykiud.
And it is the one remedy that will" do it.
Chas. N. Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
Jake Hunsaker, twenty years ago a
rancher and later a merchant at W hite now city treasurer of Everett,
"I have bean troubled with indigestion
for 10 years, have tried many things and
spent much money to no purpose until I
tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, lhave taken
two bottles and gotten more relief from
them than all other medicines taken. I
feel more like a boy than I have felt in 2d
years." Anderson Ri,r?of Sunny Lane,
Tex. Thousand have testified as did Mr.
Kiggs. Chs.y.drkc,QlQierPbrnncy,
Jli'iimrlal Iay.
Not fot manv generations to come
ought thu proposal to be entertained to
lisnense with observance of Memorial
dav, M.iv 30. At the first meeting of
the iilliiliatcd Memorial association and
the (irand Army of tl.o Kcpnblic, held
Tuesday, it was sngg'H'U inaT. mu pa
rade lie abandoned on account of the ad
vanced age of many of the veterans, i lie
motion was twbled,
Memorial day is a national institution.
Ml, .m iioim.-nriitcil it llli'dlt. IMrhllliS
have b.'en described as a sectional' loust.
Such, however, is the depih of the na
tional feeling, such the power of love of
liberty that tviore many years nan piemen
Mii,i.riil fliu itrnvi'il loin, un i rri-s i m! i I lit-
force in reuniting the North ai.d South
a force lor toe perpetuation oi niuiuui
r,ioit !! u-een former ii nlneon ists and
for tlfseehiciit of every sentiment w hich
dul not promote national pride ana na
tional consolidation. That this force
was accomplishing its benign work was ilcinonsiriifea wnen the
first testnrriyed a wholly unexpected and
undesired test. The moment the news
ciime that nn American ship bad been
blown lip at a fort iirn imrt there ap
peared no SoutlMio North. The repub
lic, was one. The nutiop:i! duty was in-
ul'iiitlt' tit, isiS' tit. ntul a ntiui'oliiwtn of the
civil war were brethren in the discharge
of the national obligation.
' It is. true that here. and there a solitary
protest is still heard against the perfect
unity of s'.mtinient which ought to char
acterize Memorial day. Timo is rapidly
enninal'ng these rare exceptions. The
mass of Americana hold dear , all who
perished nobly in the civil war, for they
were all Americans. Over the graves of
the bluij and. the gray tho garlands fall
Memorial day, for overall flouts the flag
of the I'nion.
The number of veterans b, it is true,
dimin'shing. Their sons ara ready to
carry the flag to the felds where the
Krafa Ii, iiihI uliitlint1 all ulin live
young or older, ore tending. Memorial
uay lias necome a least or national love.
An unci) it should be observed forever.
Chicago t'hronlclu.
A Racing, Knnrliiir Mood
Washed down a telegraph line which
Chas. I!. Ellis of Lisbon, In., had to re
pair. "Standing w aist deep in icy water,"
he writes, "giu'e me a terrible cold and
cough. It prew worse dailv. Finally
the best doctors in Oakland; Neb., Sioux
Citv and Omaha said I had consumption
and could not live. Then I began using
Dr. King's New Discovery and was
wholly cured by six bottles." Positive
ly guaranteed for coughs, colds, and all
throat and lung troubles by Chas. N.
Clarke, druggist. Price 50c'and $1.00.
County Exhibits at the Stale Fair.
The liberal premiums offered for the
county exhibit at the Oregon state fair
this year will afford every county in the
state an opportunity to exhibit her re
sources. There is no question about the
great number of homeseekers coming to
the state this year, and tho state fair
will afford them an excellent opportuni
ty to judge for themselves of our re
sources. For this reason alone every
county that makes any pretension to
general agriculture should make, a good
showing. The premiums offered on
county exhibits is $1,H:0, divided intoS
parts as follows: rirst premium, 3(KI;
second premium, $2(0; third premium,
$200; fourth premium, $150; tilth prem
ium, $ 100. The Southern Pacific Co.
hauls all exhibits to and from the fai.
free of charge and a very liberal rate is
made on all other lines in the eastern por
tion ot the state.
Kail of Honor.
Report of Hood Kiver schools for month
ending March -Ulh. The following-named pu
pils were neither tardy nor nb.sent:
Henry Bla,g, Mellaril Yates,
Clyau Hunu, Muy liittdloy,
l.uui .Mi l uintlou, Helen DuviUson,
Hurry Kviins, Alyrile Howe,
1 ii oi:. li.l Nli'Krlscil, (liudys silsson,
(jiuce. Williams, I'uiiUSoll.
Mi'lvln Kuper, Annie HiHsher?,
Iltilph I'm Hons, Isiitie Miicomber, .
Kwi'i'lt Knot), Clurice li nuley,
Kdiilc ssn'Ui'k, Joo sipunjj'ler,
l.ila Eviner, ltoy Ellis,
Kiunk Tale, I'alinn Hunan,
llessie Moouey, 1'iuil Hlowrra,
Alum K per. Vioia .lnnis,
llluni lie liihr, Jlue .Miller,
Kiuoii Humify, j led McMillan,
Teddy Uutiou, Aubrey liuiweia,
Ednu Evans. Eva YiiIps,
Hazel (dinner, Uerirune Erwin,
AMaHimell, Leonard Miller,
Muinli-c Jayue, Ciaiih,
Ellu liiaHtf, Lloy Cole,
Kleuiior Coe, Klitie Thompson,
Lilly Thoinpson, Freddie Hull,
Willie Evliuer, Claude Tliniiipson,
l.lnyd Iniiuiiino, Karl Hpaiildiiig,
Allie Miller, Willie lialier,
Lena Newton, Georgia fnnher.
lilmie le Howe, Harry Kood,
Waller Parsons, Eiiiiiih Miller,
Anna JhcKkoii, Elwood Enekey,
leail Hum Icy, Alaynai d Cole,
Eugene haters, Harold llershner,
Henry linm u, Maude Parsons,
s-tehu Siuihr, . Keiiie Allen,
Meriiu Slsson, Zola Neil,
Cecil Green, Herbert HearUs,
Cora I'euuh, Ulier Hadiey,
.lolin Coniiel, C'liarles Shiue,
W illie Koss, , Huience Cole, ,
Ellsworth Hanna, Lilly sjnute, '
Lena Evans, Percy Adams.
C. D. THu.Ml-siGM, principal.
" ait. Ilond Sclmol.
Roll of honor for month of March, 11)01
Donald Larwood. Kullan Meyers,
Myrtle Toiiiliuaon, , Grtore C ioper, .
llaltie Cooper, Joseph Hens,
Floyd Hess, , May Cooper,
liavie Cooper, Fred Heoner,
Gladys Leasure.
He Kept His Leg:.
Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan of
Hartford, Conn, scratyhed his leg with
a rusty wire,-. Inflammation and blood
poisoning set in. For two years he suf
fered intensely. Then the best doctors
urged amputation, -'but,1-' he writes, "I
used oneJsottle of ElectricBitters," and
1 boxeof Kncklen'a Arnica Salve and
my leg was (sound and well as ever."
For eruptions.eczema, tetter salt rheum,
sore and all blood . disorders Electric
Hitters has no rival on earth. Try them.
Chas. X. Clarke will guarantee satisfac
tion or refund money. Only 50 cents.
"Last winter 1 was confined to my bed
with a yeryhad cold on the lungs. Nothing
gave me relief. . Finally my wife bought a
bottle of One Minute Cough Cure that ef
fected a speedy cure. I cannot speak too
highly of that excellent remedy." T. K.
Houseman, Manatawney, Pa." Chas. X.
Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
Brown Leghorn Eggs.
I have tlKironclibr. d Urown Leghorn eggs
for sale at oil cts a set! in. C. L. C'UlTLL.
0. H. Temple,
THE JEWEI.KR, will examine your watch
Iree when it pets out of order, and will repair
It at moderate cost and guarantee Ma w ork.
A fine lino of Jewelry, silverware, clocks,
watches and eye-glasses has been added to my
stock. Come and see my goods before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Millinery Opening.
The ladies of Hood River and vicinity are
Invited to visit our rooms
Saturday, March 30,
And Inspect our new line of Spring Millinery.
We have the latest uo-lo-rinle lr! and mini.
Hies and can satisfy the most faktldious pur
Weare also prepared to fill all orders In
Dre niakubg.
Your Face
Shows the state of your feelings and the
statu of your health as well. Impure
blood makes Itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples anil
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out, and do not have a
healihy appearance, vou should try
Acker's Plood Elixir. It cures nil blood
diseases, w here cheap sarsaparillas and
so-called purifiers fail; knowing this, we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Williams A lirosius.
When you clean np th henhouse
wheel the guano out among tho small
fruit and young tree. There is no bet
ter fertilizer under th sun. If yon have
any left over w heel it into the orchard.
The old apple trees are as greedy for
food, and more so, than young trees.
It is folly of the biggest kind to expect
trees to go t il bearing heavy load of
good fruit and starve them. Ex. The
only criticism pertinent tb this plan
is that by so doing at least one half the
fertilizing value of the guano ds lost bv
evaporation and blenching. Yon would
better clean the hen house once or tw ice
a week, put the guano under a good shed
that, will excludo both rain and sun,
thoroughly mix with sufficient quantity
of dry earth to prevent firing; then when
you are ready to plow the orchard or
cultivate the small fruit, apply the pro
pared guano, get it immediately under
ground and receive the full benefit of the
fertilization. Ed.
Dvspepsiacan be cured bvusing Acker's
Dyspepsia Tablets. One little tablet will
give immediate relief or money refunded.
25c and 5' c. Williams & Brasilia. .
Tha election in Goldendale on Monday
resulted i.i. a sweeping victory for thu
anti-licMiso ticket, and as a result the
two saloons must shiilup.
Moki Tea positively cures sick bnad
aehe, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful' herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a per
fect complexion, or money refunded.
2oc. and 50c. Williams At lirosius.
The bet grade of apples sell to the
trade at a box in Portland. At Seat
tle fancy apples sell as high as f 2.50
a box.
Experience is the best teacher. Use Ack
er's English Remedy in any case of colds,
coughsorcroup. Should it fail togivo im
mediate relief money refunded. 2oc and
50c. W illiams A lirosius.
In the Western Fruit Orower R. M.
Kcllou'g predicts the best prices for straws
berries this year that have prevailed for
many years."
Those famous little pills, DoWitt's Little
Early Risers, w ill remove all impurities
from your system, cleanse your bowels,
niakeihein regular. Chas. N. Clarke.
A Missourian is said to have invented
a devise for picking cherries with the
stems on.
Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds and
chalingquicklvheal bylheuseof DeU'itt's
Witch Hazel Salve. It is imitated. lie sure
you get DeWitt's. Chas. N. Clarke.
Tho Rural Northwest says: Fine dis
plays of fruit jams and jellies, in glass,
packed by the Davidson Fruit Co., of
Hood River, have recently been noticed
in the show windows of some of the lead
ing grocers in Portland.
You cannot enjoy crfect health, rosy
cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver is
sluggish and your bowels clogged. Do
Witt's Little Early Risers cleanse the
w hole svstem. They never gripe. Chas.
N. Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
After a recent term of circuit court in
Umatilla county the county court disal
lowed a number of bills of witnesses.
There is an old statute w hich provides
that only five witnesses on each side
shall be allowed in criminal cases. If
cither side wishes more than that num
ber the attorney representing the party,
whether the state or defendant, must
get an order from the circuit judge for
the issuance of the extra subpenas.
Spring coughs are specially dangerous
and unless cured at once, serious results
often follow. One Minute Cough Cure rets
likemagic. It isnotaconnnon mixture but
lsahigh grade remedy. Chas. N, Clarke
I met a man in Oregon who hadn't
any teeth not a tooth in his head vet
that man could plav on the bass drum
better than any man I ever met. He
kept a hotel. They have queer hotels in
Oregon. 1 remember one where thov
gave me a bag of oats for a pillow. I
had the nightmare, of course. In the
morning the landlord said: "How do
you feel old boss hey?" I told him
felt my oats. A. Ward.
"I had piles so bad I could get no rest nor
hnd a cure until I tried De itt s H itch
Hazel Salve.' After using it once I forgot I
ever bad anything like piles. -L.C.lioice,
Somers Point, X. Y. Lookout for imita
tions, lie sure vou ask for DeWitt's.
Chas. N. Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
Roll a Bit.
'Twns said of old,
The stone that rolled
Ne'er gathered any moss.
They argued, too,
1 hat be who knew
, Ko venture, knew do loss.
Who rolls, yon bet,
Some dust will (ret.
Some knowlediie will he gain;
Who ventures not
Ah! sad his lot
A mossback will remain.
-Toledo (O.) Times.
A Great Newspaper.
The Sunday edition of the sit, Louis Republic
la a marvel of mod' i n newspaper enterprise
The organisation of Its news service ID world
wide, comnlete In every department': In fuel.
superior to that of any other newspaper. The
inatxe.iou seeuon is iinisiraieo in daintily
timed colors and splendid half tone pictiiroi.
i nis secnon contains more men-class literary
matter than imvnf the mom hi v niHirozines.
The fashion Illustrated tn.nalnia! colors arn
especially valuable to the ladies. The colored
eoinie section Is a genuine laniih-niiiker. The
funny cartoons are by (ho best artists. The
humorous stories are Inch clasn, by authorsot
naiiunai repuiauon. s,neei music, a nujh.
class, popular somr. is furnished free every
.Sunday In the Itepubllc. The price of the
Sunday ltepnbllc by mail ono year is CX For
sale by all news dealers.
For Sale.
One 13 spring-tooth harrow, set second hand
harness, bugiry, and Mitchell soring wagim.
one low wheel 2-hore wagon, tor s.ile cneap
"" 'i'su. Kj. r. KUSS),
440 Acres
Of land for sale at and near Tucker, Oregon,
in Hood Kiver valley, good for all purposes
for which Hood Klvrr land Is adapted. In-
quire oi u. k. i I'ChKK, Hood River, Or. 1
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Ijtnd t Ulice.Vaneouver.V.'nF'h.,
March 2 lWl. Notice Is hereby given that. In
compliance with the provisions of the act of
congress of June 3. 18 M, entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the stales of Cal
Uornla. Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory,'' u.s extended to all the public land
slates by act of August 4, lSHS,
Of Olenwood, county of Klickitat, state of
W aslnngion, has this dav tiled In this office
Ills sworti statement, Xn.21i3.for Ihe purchase
of I he southwest 4 northeast ij, west south
east 4 and norlhcasi 4 southeast 4 ot section
No. 4, In township N 4 north, range No. 11
east. . M and ill otlcr prisif to siiow that
the land sought is more valuable for iw tiin
beror stone than fjr agricultural purpose
and to establish his claim to said land before 1
ncsisu-r nu Kccciveroi litis oilier at Van
couver, Wash,, ou Muuday, tho Sth day of
He names as witnesses: Julius A. finnnnf
son and John H. Hunson of ulenwiKtd.W ash
Charles V. Gilmer and
Gilmer, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-dewTibe.! landx aro requested to file
theirclaim.H in this office on or before said Sin
day of July, 11)01.
W. R. DUXBAU, Roister.
Eggs for Hatching:.
Mv bo,-;, I, f ,) (i-oni the b si ilrulna.
...... i ihc h st kl rill n. MV
l.liilit IO..I u ..... ,...r.. ,1111 i.nititM lit Ihc I'nuniv Poultry show In Isii'iand
l'.Mi UOIIltn ;i It,,. VlbilllV show III lllOO, I'ccclv-
iiM nrsi prue til
norm stoci
bnih shows. My Hlaclc Mi-
ciiiiies lloi'i ""o. II. .MMinup
vio-ils in i:,...... iu.. : v
i en- n v, ' i lug. or ,i sen ii ci
(clod Hand mouth lim a ru'ipt. .Vie a ct
n,r. ,...ii I.' iv. Mil's.
Eggs, Eggs.
IVkln riin k i i-i lor liateioug.
Thoronghii,,.,! Hailed riyinotlth Rm'k I'gM.
llaniuin c.:l'-..
Two ll ii i'i-d Plymouth liock Cocks for sain.
Also, u few Lcl'Oiin Hares, thonniclibii'ilH.
Ki " I. W. ,ii-;.kinh.
Pekiri Duck Eggs
From purc-Ici ,1 birds. They arc not cov
ered willi g,ii ini'ilaU or otlie' prizes inn
IheVHliind on their merits Nu belter birds
in the Milk y. iM for lu eggs
l. N. IIYKItl.l-:
I'ggH of the prlye-w Inner While Wyandottes
HUH I, hick .illimi'ih ItTHif III m-uiiik
local tin de. SI. K. I '. CALK INS, M illiieer.
Peanut Roaster.
We have a peanut Roaster of latest patern
and can supply uur customers Willi the hesl
qiiiilil v oi pi anuis, Iresli roasieii every nay
Siiiujile Hu m. COI.KA 'illAHAM.
" Chickens Wanted.
llrown or W Idle teghorn chickens. Ad
dress .1. v,N i'IIIKIts,Mi. Hood, lir,
$15 rer Acre
Will luiy one of Hie mm desirable 4n-acre
tracts In Hood River. Xo agents. JU!J
n2i T. R. (,'imi.V.
To Contractors.
Rids will he rii el ved bv the executive com
mittce.of,tnv.'!:isoiUv lodee for the construe
Hon of a Masonic ball In the town of Iltsxl
River. will be oneiied Anril fi. IIHil. at
li! o'clock l. I'hinsiind speclilcHtloiis to he
seen at tlie kmi oltlce. Committee reserves
the right to reject an' or all bids.
4 Coinliilltee,
Wheat Hay tor Sale.
Ruled wheal hay for sale bv
nM L. . Riln HIV-s.
Farm for Sale.
Orrent. 'Jso aere 5 miles east of Hood River:
is acres plow land; plenty of v titer: good
l tinge. Apply to J. i u.n ivs rwi. i
Dried Prunes for Sale.
retltesnnd Ilallaiis, a good quality, 4 and 5
cents a nound. .1. T. NKALKIUH.
One of the Earliest
Strawberry ranches In Hood Kiver; acres,
I! tulles west of town; In berries, one In
lalnliy orchard, lieaiHI wagon ami all nil
plements. I'rice tl.;i"0: eiisv terms,
aw ft I tM 1A U I)hJ It R YSO L
Frankton Express.
Passengers taken to and from Nlcolnl and
litivenport eainps. and single rigs furnished
lor ramny snoppinu.
til TlliAlASC'ALKlNS, Proprietor.
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruits and Vegetables.
Highest price punt tor fat Stock
Free Delivery. Phonn 35.
CotnmoneiiiT fiiitnrilfiv. Alurcli !'.011i
I will open ns large ami stylish n stock
.f xtMii.w.... .... .....'.- i'ii.l ii;,...-
All the Idlest trimmings, dress lining
nml novelties. Prices rcnsonahle.
IRH antiaa ll('inR th01 n"r,n nl,,f
''-'v nui vu null partofthw south
half of section li, township 1 north, range 10
east, near Ml. Hood pout ollke, I'l miles souih
of Huod River.
Tills laud Is covered with vine maple; some
fir timber, r Ine grialnj; and orcliard hmus.
$10 per Acre.
Address PELL STUART. BIT and C18 Ore
gonian Rullding. l'oftl.ind, Oregon,
Digests ivSiat you cat.
It ctrtiflcially dtuests the food and aids
Nature, In strengthening and rccon
Etructing t h exhaiisteti digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered dist
ant and tonic. No ether preparation
can approach it In cfticiency. It in
stantly relievesnnd peiinanently cines
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heaitburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Giistralgia.Cramppana
all other resultsoflai perfect digestion.
Price50c. and St. Larfreslzccontalns m tlmei
small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailcdfi efl
Prepared by E. C. CcWTT A CO.. Cblcaso
Time Schedules.
K. Bousn. Fr'mUOODKIVEltj W. Borsn.
Salt ,aket penver,
Ft Wnrtl'i Omaha!' Tortland
Kansas Citv. St! wp, elal
Louis,- . Ciiicago 2:0b p. m.
ana tho Kast.
Walla Walla, spo-l
K'ane.MiiineapollR Portland
8:27 p.m.
t l'aul..l)uluth, Flyer
J'ilwauUee, (.:hl-l 4:':0a.m.
cogo and EaU
Salt Lake, Denver,'
Mail and
Kx press.
11:42 p. m,
m i orth.i iniana, .Man ami
Kansas Citv. St
ljouls. Chicago
and the Kast.
Depart jFrom PORTLAND.
4 p.m.
8 p.m.
Ioceas Stbamsoips
r origan rranuKco
Ball every 5 days,
8 Con-Man rtivitR 4 n.m.
Fx. su:iday! Stf.amkks. lEx.Kunday.
Saturday, To Asiorla and wayi
10 p.m. , limdings.
I Willamette River. I 4:30 p.m.
( a.m. Oreeon City, New- F.x-undav.
Ex. Sunday, benr.saiem Jt wayi
laudinus, .
iWlI.I.AMEn-j; AVO :0 p.m.
7 n.m. I Yamiiu.l Uivkhs. Mon, Wed.
Tue. Thur. Oregon Oit v.Davlon! and Frl.
a :dSat. i and way landings.!
Sa.m. ! Willamette Ittver. i : .m.o
Tnes, Thnr. rortlaml to ,,rV(. Mon.. Wed.
and Sat. lis way landings.! and Kri.
Lv.KipariaJ . Xv lwist'n
Sou a. m. I Snakr P.ivkr. j 9ft.m.
diiMy;. nipnria k Iwistnnt dailv.
A. U CrtAli, iVerriT.XirtT'oTliaudTur.
J. liiUi-fcv, Jlgeot, Hood Uivtr,
Dyspepsia Cure
Coniinihiii Perry Sets, I.oinomi'le. Sets; also, Comports and Salvers,
received direct from factory.
l'ir.-t invoice of Fishing Tuekle, just received.
Cull Bud exniiiinc paalH.
lice collection and delivery. Pranch Union I.nnndry.
Phone 101.
A disnhtv of nswirtcil fancy Fruits
Highest i;radu tiihle deliciicica : Strawberry, Kuspberry and Plac!;
berry Jam.
Selected fruits in Riitrnr Pyrup: Oooselterries, IllncklH'rrics, Straw,
berries, Peeled Plums, Pears, l'.lack and Hoynl Anno Ci.errics.
Also, Cherries, Ajiples, Pears and Puni)kin cannoJ in l-g:il. tins.
Try Honiethin (jood.
Some Nursery Price
21 sackn choice dried prunes at t3 per sack.
4 h) .'ood cednr poi-ts nt Tic.
15 mcks new seed potatoes at f 1.
6oo Lombardy poplars for wind breaks at 2e.
50i)() rod raspberry plants at fti per M.
6iH1 (irapevines at i'i er 100. i i
f(V ) dowtx.-rrv plants, law, at t2 per 100. ,'
400 currant bushes hI $1.60 per 100. . - , . ,
150 Or;ui.'e (juifice at 5c each. ..
biri;e sock yet of cherry, prune and 2 year oM apple trees. Mail orders filled
same day as received, rree fleliVery to
TLe latent Mnpiizinop And IVriotlicnls in stock. Agency fur tho
Orcgouian niul Evening Tclegrum. . . . . ,
We now have the largest and most complete stock of Gmieral Mer
chandise that we have ever curried in this town.
When you want a pair of GOOD Shoes see us; wo handle the old
reliable Miller make; no better shoes on earth.
In men's and boys' hats and cups we have a magnificent stock, all
new and up to dale.
Men's Suits from $7.50 to $10. Don't buy until vou see them.
L'U 11
At Cost to mako Room for the Summer Cut.
Call and pet prices. All kinds of Dry Lumber on band.
Timber Land, Act June 3, IS:;).
Pnlted Slates l and CItlee, Vancouver,
Wash., March 0. I!ihl. Notice Is herehy given
tiial in compliance with Ihe provisions m
the act, of congress of June 3, IS7S, entitled
"An net for the sale of timber lands in the
Stales of California. Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public land mates by net of August!, ISW,
ODceorah, eounty of WlnneslileU, state ol
Iowa, has tills day 'tiled In Ihisolilee. hlsswoni
slatement No. ili.JS, lor the pi, retinae of the
southeast quarter suuthvel quarii.r, south
half southeast (piai't'T, and northeast quar
ter sotilhens' (Uioler of wet Inn No. In
townsliip No. fi norlli, rantie ,o. 10 est,W.M.,
and will offer proof to show (hut Ihe land
Koniiht is mote valuable for llstinilerortiine
than for aurieullural purposes, and to extals.
lish his claim to said land before the Roelster
and Ki'eeiver of thisollleeal Vioieouver.Wasli..
on Tuesday, tlie ilst day of May, i'.icl.
He names ns witnesses: Charles Il.sitoneand
Willlain W. l'nebard of Spirit Lake, Iowa;
Ronald I). Cameron of While Salmon, Wash.;
and Christian (iiilerolTrout Lake, Wash. Also,
Of Spirit l.nke, count:' of Olekinson, s'nteol
Iowa, has this (iay hied in tills otllee hissworn
statetni nt, No. 21:111, tor the piirclnise of the
southeast qnarler of seetion No. i!;i, In ttiwn
shlp No. li nortii, ramrc No. JUeast, W. M.. and
will oiler )i'oof to shtiw that the land sought
is more valuable (or its timberor slono than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Iteijister and
Receiver of this odiee at Vancouver, Wasli.,
on Tuesday, the 21st day of May, I'.OI.
He names as witnesses' Albert (.'. linker of
Pecornli, Iowa; William V. Pilchard of Spirit;e, Iowa: Konald I. Cameron of WhlteSal
mon, Wash; Christian tiuler of TrduL Lake,
Wasli. And
Cf Spirit l ake, county of Iilckinson. ftnte of
Iowa, has tills day flled in tills oilier IiIh sworn
stiiteinent No. 2H0 for the purchase of tlie
southwest quarter of section No. HI, in town
sliip No. t) north, ransro No. 10 east, W. M.,nnd
will oiler proof to show that the land souiriit
Is more valuable for lis timber or sinnct than
for aricullti nil purposes, and to e-dablish his
claim to said land before Ihe Kemsler and
liecciver of tins otliceat Vancouver, Wash.,
on Tuesday, the iilsl day of May, ltWI.
He names as witnesses: Alburt C. Baker of
Decora h, bora; Charles H Stone of spirit Lake,
Iowa; Konald I), tameron ol w riire Salmon,
Wash.; Christian (iulerof Troutl.ake, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe
above-described lands nra requested to tile
I heir claims in this ol!"iee on or before tald
21st dav of Mav, lftul.
ml.'.inU W. It. HUNn.Mt, Tteul ,tr.
ITImber Land, Act June 3, 18TS.1
'United States Land . Office. The Dalles,
Oregon, Jan. 5, 1!H11. Notice Is hereby Riven
thai in compliance with Ihe provisions of the
art of congress of .luno 3. IS'., entitled "An
act for t he sale of timber lands In the Slates of
California. Oregon, Nevada and W ashintrton
Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, ISilJ,
Of Hood River, county of Wnseo. stateof f)re
Kon, has this day riled In tins oihee her sworn
statement, No. I7,", for tlie purchase of the
southwest 'i of sect ion No, 2si, In township
No. 2 north, range N'o. 9 last, Willam
ette Meridian, and will oiler proof to
show that, tlie land sought Is mori valuable
for its timber or stone than for agricultural
Curposes, and lo establish her claim to said
md before the Hegitler and Receiver of this
ojnee nt The Italics, Oregon, on Monday, the
auli day of April. 1W1.
She names as witnesses: Frank Davenport,
F. K. Newby and M. M. Davenport of Hood
Kiver, Oregon, Bnd G. A. Van Anda of The
Dalles. Oregon..
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are n-qnestcd to lile
their claims in this office, on or before said
2iith dav of April, 1!01.
fl.rnlD JAY P. LUCAS, Register.
Timber l and, Act June :J, Ists.I
United Stales Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, March 21, 1SK1I. Notice is herehy eiven
that in compliance with the provisions of tlie
act of Congress of June 3, IsTS, entitled "An
act for the fale of timber lands in the slates of
California. Oregon. Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extvnded to ail tho public land
states by act of August 4, lsl'J,
Of The Pallas, county of Weseo, state of Ore
gon, has Ihis day tiled In this office her sworn
statement. No. jrs, for the purchase of the
soutn ;,2 norm west ana norm y, southwest
of section No 21, in township Nn. 1 ninth,
range No. 9 east, W. M.. and will oiler proof
lo show that the land sought is more valua
ble for its timber or stone than for agricultur
al purposes, and tn establish her claim to said
land before Ihe Kegister and liecciver of this
cftlee at I he Dallci, Oregon, on Saturday, the
1st day of June, V.i'i,
She names es witnesses: A. It. Thompson
I'. P. Ketehnm, V. W. V ilon, nf The Dalles,'
Oregon;and W.F.Pand of Hood Hiver .Oregon.
Any and a'l persons elaiinim adversely the
shove-di'iM'isbed lands are reonesU'd to file
theirelaims In Ihis oiliee on or before said 1.U
dav of ,Iud0, PjOI.
uiJPntfl - ; -.- JAT P. LUCAS, ReftMor.
erharl s,
canned by the Pavidson Fruit Co.
the city. .viiiren or call on
II. itATKHAM, Colnmbin N
ITImber Land, Act June 3. 1S71
United Slates Laud Oiliee, The Dulles, Ore
gon, March 4. lull. Notice is hereby tven
inai in i. 'ompnance wn n tne provisions oi ine
set of congress of June 3, Is S, enlH ,.(t "An act
lor tiie sale nf timber lands In the States of
Cal ilornla, ( iregon, Nev ada and Wnshlngton
Territory," i.s extended lo nil Ihe public laud
soul's oy net ot .au.-iim. i, is'm, ,
Al'lilSlfS A. HO.'NF.Y,
OfTygh Valley, county of Wasco, sliit-i of Ore
uon, lias, on Sept. 21, ISKH). filed in this oflice his
Nitii' ii slaiemi in, No. li.i for Ihe purcliase
of the wci J Siuitheast i.( and lots 7 and 11,
section 7, township 2 north, range W easl.
W. M., and will otlcr proof to show that
lite land sought Is more valuable lor Itslim
ber or shine than for agrieitlinriil purposes,
and to establish his claim to said laud
before the licrjlste,-and liecciver of this ottfe
at The Dulles, Oregon, on Saturday, lhe2ih
nay oi may, unu.
Ho mimes as witnesses: Clvdo T. Ronnev,
Donald Koss. (). II. Hartley foul Leslie
Hutler, all of Hood River, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
nhove-descrihed lands aro lequested to file
tneir claims in mis oinee on or beiore said
2.J11) dav ot May, PHJl,
iiismlll JAY I'. LUCAS, Register.
ITImber Lund. Act June 3, 1S7S,
United States Iu,d Ofllcn,, The Dalles,
Oregon, Fen. 12. 1!'(U. Notice In hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of Ihe
act of congress of Junes, IS S, entitled "An art
for the sale of timber lands In th'j sbilea of
t alllormii, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
territory," as extended to all Ihc public land
stales by act of August 4, Withe following
person i nave this day tiled In this office, their
sworn slatements. to-wit:
Of Hood Kiver, county of Wasco, Slate of
Oregon, sworn slatement No. 1 0, tiled Oct. S,
PHO, for the pnrchae of the lots s, 11 and In,
seetion lsanrt lots 2nd S section 111. in town
ship No. 2 north, range N'o. 9 east, W. M.
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of
Oregon, sworn statement, No. Jti7, tiled Sept.
ii, osni, tor l lie piiii.'nnse ot tne souiuwest n
northwest and west V, southwest 'i section
S and northwest y. nortli'wel 4 of section N'o.
1", In township No. 2 north, rungo No. Heast,
That they will nflhr nroof lo show that th
land sought is more valuable lor lis timber
or stone limn for agricultural nurnoses. and
to establish their claims to said lands' before,
the Register and Receiver of this olflee at The
Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, the 2ith day of
.via ii, n'ui.
They nameas witnesses: S. A'. Wherry. Hov
Wherry and O. i. Chamberlln of Hoiid lilvef.
Oregon, Dcwit ('Union, of The Dalles, Oregon,
and I. A. St. Martin nf Carson, Wash,
Any and ail nersons claiinin? ail verselv the
above-described lands are requested to file
ineir claims in tins onico on or belore swd
2'ilh day of April. Hfil. ' " '
nanis JAV i LUCAS, Iteglster'.
Land Office at. Vancouver. Wash.. Mnreh 9,
IflOI.-Notice Is hetebvglven that the follow
in, r.immeH uvltloru h l,.rl n.i i. ..OI..I.I.
tendon tomakeilnal proof Insnttportof their
claims, and that.said nnKifs will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver U. S. Land Of-
nce at vaneonver, Wash., on Wednesday.
May S4.1DU1, viz;
Of "While Salmon P. ()., Washington, who
made. H. K. No. HfdS, forthn northeast qunrler
section S, township.l north, range Heast., W. M.
Who irinies the following w itnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Abrnm 11. liroshonr. nn , Kv-nns. Jasper
('untune and Jacob Van Wevdorn Clnturbos
nil of White Salmon P. O.. Washington.
Of Vhite Siilninn 1 n '..i,i.., i
mnrte H. K. No. is2. for die southwet qrterter
secliim 9. township 3 north, range II east.W.M.
Who names the following witnesses to prove
imiiimiouK residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz.:
Ahram B. Oroshong,' Mike Zimmerman
Jasper (innning and Jeeob Van V evdom
Ciaterbos, all of White Salmon P. 0 Wash.
Of White Salmon P. O., Washington, who
made H. E. No. (2-2, fordie lots three and four
and south half of northwest quarter nf see
tion township 3 north, range II east, W. M.
Who names the fnllou-incr uiinnEau.
his continuous residencw upon and cultiva
tion of said land, v?.:
M i tte Vi in mprm n Iann.r:.,nniH- t i
n : "--i- ' "iiooijf, .iirain
p. Oroshong and Das L. Evans, all of White
. - ... ' ' 'C'liuiKl'MI,
Clean Up! Clean Up
The beallh of our neonlA onH h..n,
town demand cleanliness. Notice ts' hereby
, ,'"ii, e is iier
Plven ttlflt a I Pflrhaire rehhlh nrl A
... , : ,,,,,,
, - "' '"""i "eiiiogs must oe
cleaned unand disposed of In the nsnal wav
at once. Cast ntr vehicles, hrnsh. old lumber
miiu o inner iirurid or inter will not be
a I-
mweu iu icuiaii on our streets.
A. 8. BioU'EKS,
C. A. liK.I.L,
Ccmauttoe on iitb acdTonco.
For Sale
1. Tlio Loy jilucc, lu iir Tucker's mill,
on Hood river; smull Louse; ii aorea
clenrcil ; price fo'Hh ;1
2. Weiiilort jilacH, nonr Uiulerwoixl,
Wash. ; ItiO acres; 10 in cultivation ; fair
iniprovenients ; yonn orchard ; 3 acres
hearing striiwlierrics ; plenly of good
wnter. Price fJ,(KK); terms easy.
8. John Sipnia fiirin, in lots from 6 to
20 iicrcs; to fiat per aero: terms eauy.
4. 1 Ait opposite) schoolhouse ; 75 fi-t
K iinre. Price, $175.
5. Tho olil Hcnrcrs plsw at Frankton ;
nwne.l by ti. . Lane; laroe house,
ham, 2 sprir.s, part of Phelps rre.k
faiis, 2 acres improved, jilenly of fruit ;
price, fl,10 fSOO or more cash.
(i. til-cut tm rpiin. Two iiurter block
in rurkhuiht, level and sightly; UHJ
7. rett-Sipnm addition ; ftiO per lot:
f 10 down find f.r per month ; no interest.
S. Ten ciioieo lots in Highland addi
tion, only two blocks east of tho post
ollice, on' State street, at $70 to $150.
Terms easy, '"very lot has u comnnind
ilift view.
9. Fine homestead of 1(10 acrrs on
Uock creek near lhivimport's. Price
U,000 D00 down, halnuoa at 0 per
10. Stalling' block .I: pleasant view;
2:j,x:;0n 1 lots ; price $GC0.
11. The (-' . T. tiiillinan tiO acres, lying
on th- county road north and east of the
Parr. -It farm'; 24 acres in cultivation;
turn fruit trees Price f)2,lo0, or 1 2.2(0
lialf cash. Now '00 ham on place.
12. l'K) acres on II nod river, 3 miles
above, Tneknr'a mill; 8 acres cleared.
Price. fl.KoO.
13. The W. H. I'ishop hom iu Horal
River, lot o and purt (.f lot 7, blk 1,
Wauconia addition to Hood Kiver; a
pretty home. Duly fl ,1U1,
1 '.'The Allen Pulton farm, If acres,
5 miles eatt tf town ; price f 1 ,00U ; terms
15. Lots in Iletidersou eub-division
i:;7.f0 a lot.
lb. John Sipmft farm, 100 acres, $5,000.
f 1,001) or moro cash and balancfl at H p r
tvnt, or the east W acres, j cleared, for
$2,100. t500 or more cash, luilanco at 8
per cent. P.est farm in the alley.
17. Two lots and nice cottage, east oi
Conui-eutioniil parsonage; piico 060;
lei ins easy.
1H. Chas. Ropers' 120 acres near J. I.
Miller; can be bought with or without
timberor in separata 40s; fflJOO for the 3
40s, or ff 100 for the timber on tho west
40, or $150 lor tho west 40, land and
10. Tho Glover farm, well Improved,
4'- mill's from Goldendale; 210 acres:
110 acres in cultivation; f.3 acres in
winter wheat ; 7 acres in Log pasture,
with a creek running t!r,oiit;U it; all un
der fence, with cross fences; lanje
new barn and tine house. Price f 1 ii .5t
an acre; will lake Hood liiver property
in part payment.
20. P. A. Trana place, White Kalmon,
in sie:ht of Hood Kiver; 8 acres, 6 in
strawberries and tomatoes, 17,0(;0 straw
berry plants and 1,400 tomato plants.
No irrigation required. Prie $700. .
21. N. )i S. K. yA, S. )i N. K. X.
4, T. '& N., R. 11 L Vhit Salmon;, fine
timber land ; 10 per aero. . ' ,
22. The Kmerson hoiuci-tead, only one
milo east of town; fine ratioe; f 1,500.
'2?,. Lots 5 and H, block 7, Wiriaus fld
diiion ; $50 n lot, or for the t wo.
24. J. F. Wiekham's 3 acres and cot
ta 'i', near Mrs. Alma Howe's. 'Price
,$'0; $350 cash, bntam ou time Will
be for salj for 30 days. .
25. All ot Wauci.nia Park addition, 48
lots, at $2,400 cash. . ...
20. S. H. t'ox's fine residence in Hood
River, lot 100 v 1 C.O ; ri! 11,200.
27. J. R. KiokolKonY place at Bol
niont ; 35 acrr ; f2,H)0. ,'1 ernia easy.
28. A strip of land 30 feet wide, by t
mile long, with the creek, lying between
the west side of. Mower's addition and
the county road at Paradise farm, Price
$750. , '.
29. Twenty acres lying north of Teler
Kopko's:, Knst Side; pood land ; unim
proved. Price $500; terms easy.
30. Potty acres of unimproved land
on 1 ipd Skle ol Hood rivrr; j6ins 6
Emma U ibinson 40 acres on the north
near Harhisc u's, price $750 or $800 half
31. At Trout Lake, SO a. ; 3 in timothy,
cuts 8 tons a year; 60 s. in heavy saw
timber, white pine, lir and Cellar; west
fork White. Salmon river runs through
the place; price $1,250.
32. Emmn G. liobinf.oii'B 100 acres ou
bills east of White Salmon, known as
the Drjer place;, fine timber; unirn.
proved ; $7S5. .
Eligible, resideiico tots in Spanglw's
subdivision, near cannon liouse; only
$75; terms easy.
$200 to $1,200 to loan, '
At the EniHirinm is Itiqit a first-class
surveyor's transit, and the proprietor
lieinn a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of Irtvint; out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and d)
ing all kinds of aurvcyin.
N. Ii. Terms are eiisv on all theabov
lands, with interest at 0 per cent. 'Per
sons desiring locations on homestead
and tim Iier claims should apply at thu
Emporium. '
Davidson Fruit Co!,
Shippers of
Hood River's Famous
' ' Fruits.
Packers of the
Hood River Brand of
Canned Fruits. .
; Bnxes and Fruit Packages.
Dealers In rei tilizers and Agricultaral Im-
plemcnls. .
Notice Foil PUHijcLvxioNT
i, 'fb'J"' nt Ore-on City, Oregon, Feb. !5.
li'ill.-.Notlep Is herehy prlveii that the follow.
ns-named settler has tiled notice of his In
tention to make final proof In snppnrtnf his
elalin and Unit said proof will be made before
tlie KeKister and Ueeeiver it Oregon City.
Oregon, on April in, mm, viz- . . . '
i. t- v, ,1'AVIIi O. I.KAVFNH,
11. h No. KuTii. for the sonlhwesl ' ' of fouth
east i section 21, and northwest V, or north,
eat section W.townshlpannrth.ranBeTcMrt.
llenarni-a the following witiiees to prov
ilseontinnotm rwtdenee uik.ii nd cultlv.
lion of mud land, vis:
Oregon Washhnrn. Oregon City, Or John
North and Joseph Zis, l'ortliuid. Or7 Will
lam Mains, Warremlale, Or ' . ' .
ml"5 " AHJI. MOOKF.S,. ReKMer.
oiicl; i-oji r-LisLifAiioNT
,ri,nn i0,"10', Bt, Th """(I Orf.pon, Feb. js'.
no- N '? . '1,"r,'hV rtT,, lht the follow:
ne named settler has tiled notice or hi
intent,,,,, , make nK, irof " ' , JJ
of his claim, and that Knld pi-rK-f-wni
H, and nnlhw,M yt northM-est M sect Ion 10
township 2 north, ran.? 1 1 M,t vl' M '
hi enminnT,S,,,ie f,,.1'"wnif witnessed iofrov
tlion,i!,,rt,'jrndr:v,.rm'e ?iwn and
.I:ino Hntit.ic u-..i. i - . . .
.n,t c n.rK. ..ww r