The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 22, 1901, Image 3

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    3(coi H(mt (Slacier
Uriah Heep cigars.
Barbed wire at Savage's.
AxIh gree fic lit Savage's.
Now gwls diiily at Savage's.
'Stoves and ranges at Savage's.
Fruit ami nuts at Coe & Son'i.
Dr. Brushis' horse for Hale, t5.
Alden chocolates at Coo & Son's.
Garden and grass weds at Savage's.
Old papers 25c a hundred at thu Cla
vier ollice.
I'lanct-.Ir. tools, Oliver plow and re
pairs at Savage's.
If yon want good strawberry plants,
all on John Kelley.
For the best logs shoe in town go
to 15one & McDonald.
Seed corn, 3 thoroughly tented va
rieties, for dale by (,. J. dealing.
For Sale A new 3,'i Sohnttler wagon ;
ulso cedar (Mints, by Geo. T. I'rather.
Good wlicnt hay at Waynes' . Spur at
$13 per ton, for miio by Frank Davenport.
When vcu want a good smoke, buy the
Uriah Heep" cigar. Fur sale by ell
If vou buv vour farm machinery be
fore calling on Savage you will probably
regret it.
Mitchell wneons.
run easy iitid never wear ; out. C. V.
The lowest nrice berrv and fruit wae
on in Hood River is the Mitchell. Sold
bv C. D. llonrich.
If vour waUih should atop.Chim Rieixs,
the jeweler, will charge you nothing for
An accurate diagnosis.
Now is the time to order repairs for
vour machinery. All kinds supplied
by C. D. Ilenrich, agent.
Several thousand feet of 1x8 lumber,
ltl to 2t feet lone for salo cheat by Da
vidson Fruit Co. Real thing for flumes.
All uood points found on all other mow
ers and those peculiar Jo itself, found only
on the Champion. C. D. Ileurich, agt.
Juiit received a carload of Champion
mowers and rakes,"U-st on earth." Auk
for catalogue. See machines. C. D.
llonrich, traveling agent.
Mitchell wagons and buggies, Myers'
tnrav pumps and hay tools.Case's plows
and 'harrow and right lap orchard culti
vators. C. I). Henrich, agent.
Jos. A. Wilson wants to let a contract
to clear land.
B. F. Relict, is building a house on his
lots is Blowers addition.
J. L. Henderson sold a lot in Ilender
eon subdivision to Chas. Knutson for (75
Frather &. Dames sold two lots to Al
bert iielieu in 1 '.lowers addition last
Letters remained in the poHt office
March 18th, for Mrs. Oma Wheelor.Toin
Into mid Sin Ling.
Mrs. M. L. Harbison returned laet
Friday from California, where she spent
the winter with tier eldest son.
If you do not seo what you want in
our want column, ask for it by inserting
little ud. Six lines or less will cost
but 25 cents for four weeks.
J. M. Lakin ami family of Hayes
county, Nebraska, are visiting the family
of D. C. uarrabruut. Mr. I.stkin is
brother-in-law to Mr. Garrabrant.
F. R. Absten's stock have all been
nick durinsj the past week from the ef-
fects of eating mum foreign weed in hay
thut was imported into the valley.
Fortv-three acres of the old fleald
" tilace. includinz the house and all im
jirovements, was sou to a air. rranz oi
of Portland, hiBt week, for fo.OOO cash.
Mrs. Louise Doyden-Goddard, assisted
bv Mr.Grenville Goddard and her pupils,
Will give a recital on or about April 1st.
Full particulars and programme will ap
pear in next issue.
0. D. Rea went to Portland last week
to have a surgical operation performed
on a sore on his neck. The operation
was successful, and the sore, which had
been with him for nine years, is in a
fair way to be removed.
Miss Nellie Wickham is suffering
from blood poisoning. She had been at
tending a neighbor who was sick with
tonsilitis, and scratched her finger with
a pin. Blood poison set in and it is
feared her finger will have to lie ampu
tated. The latest thing in town is JohnBrad
Ipv'm neonut and popcorn roaster on
wheels. It opened up for business last
Saturday afternoon, and two men were
kept busy handing out goods in the
uhne of neanuts and popcorn at a
nickel a buck.
L. R. Bradley finds that he needs
Mice room for his job printing office and
book store to meet the demands of his
increasing business, and E. L. Smith
has commenced the erection of n larger
Minn (iilii.iiiiiH' Reciprocity Corner,
on Oak strevt, which Mr. Bradley will
Tho Davidson Fruit Co. has had two
boiler-makers from Portland repairing
the boiler in tho box factory during the
past week. The repairs have made tne
boiler as pood as new. The factory will
t;irt in next week making strawberry
orates and is expected to run right along
till enough crates are made up to supply
the demand that will be caused by our
strawberry crop, for which tho prospects
were never better.
John V. Gnnn, special agent for the
Iimlon and Liverpool and Globe Ins.
Co, was in town Monday. Mr. Gunn
likes Hood River and may conclude to
locate here and buv a strawberry patch
find amass w ealth along with the rest of
ns in that profitable line of agriculture
He represents one of the wealthiest and
best insurance oompauiesdoing business
in this country.
V. K. Thomas of Ellie, .Kansas
visiting Geo. L. Robinson of the Fast
Side. Mr. Thomas is an old soldier
hawing served in the 4th Kentucky in
fantrv durinc theeivil war. He is mak
Sua a. tour of the Pacific coast and stop-
tied over in Hood River to visit his old
Kansas neichbor. The fact that Mr,
Robinson sent several boxes of Hood
River apples back to Kansas last fall
may have had something to do with his
hunting up uooa tuver.
Mrs. Win. Snroat. who died last Sun
dav. was the mother of Sproat brothers,
w ho came here from Minnesota last fall
and purchased the Peter Kopke place
Mrs. Sproat had been in her usual health
and on Saturday helped her hueband
set out some plants at their new Lome
She rautrht cold, was taken with the
crip and died next morning. The aged
eounlo vero preparing to move into
their new cottace recently erected mid
way between the dwellings of their sons
The stomach controls the situation
Those who are hearty and strong are those
w hocan eat and digest plenty ol food. Ko
dol Dvpepeia Cure digests w hat you eat
nn J allows vou to eat all the eood food you
want. If you suffer from indigestion, heart
tiurn.belcbing or any other stomach trou
ble, tbwpreparation can't help but do you
rood. The HKWt sensitive stomachs ean
14k e it Cba..V.CJftrke,G)aciir Phannatv
At Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rand's pretty
home, Monday night, was spent one of
the ixst enjoyable evenings of the reas
on. The entertainment provided the
guests was progrc.five whlbt. The rooms
were tastefully decorated in greens, hya
cinthes, and jonquils and Indian baskets
rilled with pussy willows. Eight tables
were grrangend" for whist j 18 games
plaved. Mrs. Ross carried off thu tirwt
ladies' prize, a handsome Utok, and C.
N. Clarke the Gentleman's bead pri;ee, a
wedgewood "candk-stick. The boobies
were prejited to Miss Carrie Butler
and P. S. Davidson, jr. Miss Butler
was en to be wearing a huge green frog,
a sign of spring, and Mr. Davidson re
tired to the smoking room to use his fine
iipe, ready lor lighting. A delicious
uuciieoii was served. The following
guests were present: Dr. ami Mrs. Watt,
Prof, and Mrs. Barnes, Mr and .Mrs .Mc
Donald, Mr and Mrs C. P. Ross, Mr and
Mrs J Baglev, Mr ami Mrs N W none,
Mr and Mrs II F Davidson, Mr and Mrs
V S Davidson, jr., Mr and Mrs A J Gra
bam.Mr and Mrs Truman Butler, Mrs
Reid, Mrs Erwin, Mrs Jayne, Misses
Suell, Smith, Butler, Dukes and White, Bateham.Langilleand Davidson.
An explosion of acetylene gas occurred
in J. E. Rand's store last Thursday
evening. The light had given out, and
D. E. Rand and Arthur Cole went into
a back room with a lighted lamp to put
carbides in the gas tank. Dell raised
the lid of the tank, when tho explosion
quickly followed. He was considerably
burned about the lace and necK ami on
bis hands and wrists, and has since been
confined to his house with his face in
bandages. Arthur Cole was slightly
bur tied about the face. Dell came buck
into the store and told Elmer the build
ing was on fire and that he was badly
burned. "Never nnnil me, lie buicu ;
"the tire needs looking after." Miner
ran for his chemical tire extinguisher
a:id soon had the flames subdued. It
was a close call for Dell, as well as lor
the store and u big part of the town.
The Hood River Spring WaterCo.have
completed arrangements to lay larger
mains in the streets and enlarge and
improve their reservoir so as to take
all the water that flows from their big
spring. A ti inch main will be laid in
State street, and all laterals will he not
less than two inch pipe. If all the water
of the coniuanv's sprincs is utilized there
will bo plenty for bouse use and irriga
tion, nrovided. of course, the water is
used economically by the patrons.
Miss Nellie Clark had a runaway wilh
her bicycle, one d:iv last week, which
miirht have resulted eerionsly, but for
tunately she escaped with only slight
bruises. In cominc down the school
house hill her bike bv Mime means be
came unmanageable. She managed to
stuido it down tho hill, and after cross-
inir the state road, ran into the fence at
Watson's place, breaking three boards
in a panel of the fence.
N. P. Anderson came up from Port
land last week and is spending some
t;me on his homestead in Dukes valley.
Mr. Anderson was one of the unfortu
nates who went w ith the Btampede to
Nome last vear. He returned wiser if
not more wealthy. He has lately been
workimr at his trade of carpentering in
Portland and finds work plentiful.
A. I. Mason and family moved up from
Portland, Saturday, to their fruit ranch
on the East Side. ' Mr. Mason returned
to Portland Wednesday. He hopes to
come to Hood River next fall for good
and put in all his time on his ranch to
look after his fine young orchard on the
Jos. A. Wilson yesterday mailed two
Hood River apoles each to a friend in
Pennsylvania and a friend in Kentucky.
The apples were Yellow Newtowns and
Snitzenhnri's. He mentioned' that the
Soitz were a little out of date but that
for thu Newtowns no apology was needed
The Christian Endeavor society ot the
Congregational church will give an
unique social with -Miss isonney,
ot li i-.,ui.1tnc nf (Uviln T. Bonnev. Oil
Friday eveninc. March29. This"W itch
of Enilor." social promises unbounded
entertainment to all w ho attend.
I'ncle John Smith has sold his place
of 10 acres at Belmont to H. S. Lewis of
Portland for 1.(M)0. The family of II.
R. Lewis, who have been stopping for
tho winter in Mrs. Alma Howe's house,
will occupy the John Smith place for the
Judge Prather has made another ofli ce
room, Irontmg on nan street, in ins
bin ilini! and alongside his office.- ine
new room will be occupied 'by C. L.Rog
ers and a gentleman from Portland, who
it is said will open a real estate omce
The negotiations that have been pend
ing for a consolidation of The Dalles and
. .n . .... Ti . i .
Mootl Kiver Electric lIgnt couipiunco
are declared off. The local company
will continue work on their own plant,
which in fact has never been stopped
Samuel McCartney has purchased the
interest of his partner, C. L. Rogers, in
the store at Prather's corner. Mr. Mc
Cartney has been a silent partner in the
business but has had the management
of the store for some time.
The real estate office of I'rather &
Barnes has been fitted up to facilitate
business. A handsome counter has
been nut in. and the books of the tow n
library have been placed on ehelves in
the front ol the room.
The Hood River Manufacturing Co.
started uo their works Wednesday to
fill orders for house finishing work. The
buildings prelected and in course ot con
struction make a demand lor una com
pany's products.
Mrs. Uoht. Leasivre came nn from
Oregon City last Thursday. Mr.Leasure
met her in Ilood Kiver, and i-naay
thev went to their home at Mt. Hood.
.. ' ..t s: i
Mrs. measure is siowiy ivkhiuiiik i"r
The ladies' aid society of the M. E
church w ill give a social at the residence
of Mrs. T. 11. Clark on tnday evening
March 29th. Further particulars next
The monthly literary and supper of
Knights of Pythias will be held at their
ball on Tuesday evening. March 28. All
members of the order and their families
are cordially invited to attend.
Wm. F. Zwick, special agent and ad
juster for the American Central Insur
ance company and others, w as in tow n
Wednesday and appointed E. E. Savage
as his local agent at Hood River.
Capt. Coe says he accepts the office of
superintendent of streets only because
he is in favor of good roads. He will see
that the work is well done as far as he
Mrs. Geo. F. Coe, who went to Michi
gan with the remains of her father,
writes that she is enjoying good sleigh
iug hack in the Wolverine state.
Don't forget the entertainment of the
Junior League at Belmont church, Fri
day evening. Admission lOcents.
Miss Shattnck and Miss McDonald of
Portland arrived in Hood River Monday
and are guests of Miss Teal.
Dell Rand eame down town Tuesday
for the first time since his experience
with gas in explCsion.
Mrs. Belle Bartlett expects to move to
Portland soon, and w ill rent her house to
Mrs. J. W. Connell.
T.i'trlf Gnssie Fosberg was ouite sick
with chills and fever last week.
Mi IWthii Prather is clerking t
McCurtrifv's store.
Milton Oliver Wleeler was born in
the state of Massachusetts, Deccember
15, 1828, and died at Hood River, Va:eo
county, Oregon, at the residence of .
II. inans, March 4, 1!HH, of rheuma
tism ot the heart, aged ii years, i
mouths and 17 davs. He w as the father
of Mrs. Mary mans, wife of . K.
Winans, who is the only member of his
family in this part of the country; the
other memliers living in lows) and Mis
souri, lie lived an energetic, active lite ;
bellied to build manyot thoitom? arches
and walls used in the construction of
Eastern railway bridges, being a skillful
stonecutter and having charge as tore-
man, and was always found at the front,
w here it took push and energy to win.
And these works and many others Ftand
today as lasting monuments to the work
of his hands. He pioneered the way in
Illinois, Iowa and Missouri, when these
states were "new, coming to Oregon in
March, 1HH7, joining the inans colony
at Hood River, and has now gone on
ahead to the reward of his life s work.
The funeral services were conducted,
March tith, at the residence of . R.
Winans, also at the grave, by Rev. J. L.
Ilershner, assisted by Rev. Taggart,
whoso touching prayers and kind words
of tribute were a lasting solace to the
sorrowing relatives and friends gathered
there to bid a last farewell.
Then Ipnilorly we laid htm down to rest,
HliiKlniC mid sonirx ly Ills sneni Rruv;
Pniyhw to IIWo who. kniiwliix brut,
lliu llmonly loving power loiwvc.
Now we hold a goldmi anchor by a crystal
oho I li of teat s,
Aorons lii'iilli'n mystic river, while wc bldo
Hie pawiinif yrim,
we II nun tii) micm oouiinitn h iic
nllu iti-ri,MM (lift tlilt'
To bear n to our loveii ones waiting on the
When we know thut our beloved one watch
li ml wait feir unto come.
It will enw the pnln of dying when we know
we re going Home.
We fultlll I he law of nutiire whllo we're pas-
Ing, one by one.
And should bow in meek submission to Thy
w ill, mil mine, be done.
W. R. Winans.
Your presence at our opening w ill not bo only welcome but very
much appreciated.
Our Millinery stock will interest you. Our goods are ALL NEW
and up to date.
Our stock has been selected w ith great care from the best Eastern
and coast markets.
Flowers and Trimmings have been purchased DIRECTLY FROM
EUROPEAN IMPORTERS, and we give our customers the bent fit
of our buying.
STYLE, QUALITY and LOW PRICES ro inseparably linked
in our II. Us.
We have studied the requirements of the people several seasons
and believe Hint we have a stock'thoroughly adapted to the trade.
Our stock is fresh and unbroken. Come and help break it.
Had their dav, but their time is past
and gone, and the smoker of today bins
Uriah Deep," the best oc cigar on me
market. Try one.
In Ifood Ulver valley, March 17, HW1, Mrs.
W. C. Spinal.
The mirrowlnir relallveii and sympathising
neighbors OMseinhleit mi Tuesday la-it to pay
their Ian! Hllei-llonate tribute to Mrs. W. C.
Hnroat. who died nn last Sunday morning,
Murcli l.tti, or congestion oi iiieiuiig,
Ing an attack of me grip. Her .illness wa
brief and her death came as a sudden blow
to her grief stricken himbiind anil children.
IleCeilMU Will DOrn in Ufrilliurr t-uuuijr, .-.uw
York, nearly 71 years ago, coming wu-t wbh
her parents before the era of railroad and sel
ling in Wisconsin when that mule Wiix Mill a
wilderness, later moving to northern Mlnne
soln, enduring the severe cold of that cliniale
for M vears and last Kepleinber Heltllng Willi
her faintly in tho genial Hood Hiver valley,
fondlv anticipating a further lease of life In
this fruitful vale.
she was a home woman in every sense m
the word, her husband and her chllilren ever
belnn uppermost in ber minn. neu aeniai.
sell wu-ritlce and a rigid fulfillment of her
sense of duty and morality were her cardinal
principles, sne early in me unocn won um
MathodiM church middled In the fullness of
Christian faith.
Ivan Frederick, son of (4. 1. and Radie M.
Katlnu'cr. Horn May 22, IM; transplanted
March IS, HOI.
There are times when one almost questions
the good newt of od. A dear little one comet
Into tho home and entwines itself around pu
rentsl hearts, and by Itsswectness and beamy
make friends with all with whom It comes in
..,ntuet. Ivan una a swet little buy. with an
iMi.-lliffence far in urtvance ot ins yearn, ne-
Ingnlwin. his mute, little Inez, constantly
asus for -iva nnu iookh mr io uimnn.
Kind Mends came forward and did all in
thnir turner to lighten tho burden or tnegriei-
Htr'cken parents. A beautiful and Impressive
service was held Sunday at tho llelniont
church, the Sundav school and Junior League
li,. ireiit v. T ie remains were lain icn-
derlv to rest In Idluwllde, and another voice
i nimrlnir "How beaut ful to wiug in liie
tps of the Savior," that being his favorite
nvmn. l wo noruea are luuvij
sweet heart ;
And sli!b for tne loncil ot a vamsneu nanu,
And the sound of a voice mat is sun.
Church Notices..
United Brethren Church Sunday school at
10 a.m. Preaching at II a. m. and p.m. u.iu at
7- :m n m Music bv the orchestra every sun-
ilVv evenlne. Plcnse notice the change of
time for the C. K. and evening preaching ser
vice. H. ('. Shuner, pastor.
Congregational Church. The pastor
will conduct services at 11 a. ni. ana
7- :m n n, The morn nil: service win ne con
ducted In Ihe Interest ot tne young penpie oi
the church. Subject will re "liieui roung
Manhood and Womanhood." Mrs. Boyden
Ooddard will sing a selection ent itled "In the
Puliieeof the K nit." All young people are
ilv rennested to ntund this service. C.
E.servlee attiMS.wlth Eva Meklusen, leader.
Vnllev Christian Church. Sunda y school at
in a m l'reiich nif at 11 a. 111. t I-., at 7 P.m.
Preaching at 8 I), m. All not worshipping
elsewhere are cordially Invited to auenu
these services.
Appointments, Belmont Charge First Sun
day Pine trove, 11 a. m; Crupper, 6 p. in.:
Belmont, 7:30 p. m.
Second Sunday Belmont, 11; Crapper,
ti.iu nr., 7-:iii.
Third Sunday Alosier, on me nm, ii
lower school house, 7:;l0. Pine urove an
It., iiimil tnnn led H 1 1 .
1.. .iii-i li Miiniiuv-.vii. noon, li: i,eoiiimi..i..ju.
ii . .1..,, ml nrnver meel Inir each Thursday
ovt-niiu', nt 7: .Imii'or League. Sunday ut3; S.L.
Sunday.tttiO. All Invited. J. (. Alford. pastor
iM tr, I'Ullfll fSl 1 UHV iu-.,inpi. iu
nreiiell nir. rol owed DV Class Ktrviw, li n. ill
kmvorih leuL-ne. il::W D.m: preiu'lilng, 7:33 p.m
regular prayer meeting, Thursday evening at
8 p. in, V. It. Spau.ding, pastor.
Card of Thanks.
Tn th manv friends who so kindly assisted
iU .inririv the illness and laving away of onr
darling Ivan, we e.xiena our iicbi iii-h uimmk
O. I. Katinokb and Family.
SPECIAL I'OH SATURDAY ONL l our-ply Linen Collars in high-hand
turn dow ns, dress etui d-;ips and roll fronts. Regular "Oc goods 12)8'c each
Easels, Talettes, Palette Knives, Palette Cups, brushes all kinds, Academy
lloaid, Plain and Oold-tinted Plaques, Kaney Panels, Puste'.s, Chareoal
Penrils, all shades Oil and Water Color Paints, Water Color a id (v.
on Paper, and all other accessories, it w in he a pleasure to t now mem
to vou.
'Violin, Mandolin. Guitar and Ban'o Ptrincs.
Our new stock will soon be coining in, to keep your eye on
7 IF SlTLft
izz FOR MEN.
Twenty-eight years of
Buceessful shoe building
in five great factories rep
resents satisfaction to
millions of shoe wearers.
Every pair of Solz Men's
Fine Shoes fully illustrate
this fact They make your
feet look well, no matter
what aize you wear, and
combine the extreme of
style with perfection of
comfortand wearingvalue
Look for the sign of " Selz" It
marks the Popular Dealer.
Sell shoes for Men, Women and Children ere
Satisfactory Shoes-rrice-Quality-Comfort-btyie.
stu "Liimi skin- SELZ, SCHWAB & CO., Chicago.
it1,; H:;.h.Vh!;:",h,, m.. . . shoe. . .h.
Si a y
7 Ml
t. n-
St M j-
In the estimation of
Practical Painters.
Every gallon of
will cover 300 or more square
feet of surface in average con
dition, two coats to the gallon.
Every gallon is a full U. S.
standard measure. It is made
to Paint Buildings with. It
is the best and most durable
House Paint made.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash.. March 8,
tun N'iii,-e u hereby e ven tout tne lonow-
in,r-.,iii.ri eltler have II led notice of their In
tention to make lliinl proof In support of their
ehilnis. and that siilrt nriMifs win tie mane oo-
fore the lU-Kistcr una Heceivcr u. n. umu in-
flee ut Vancouver, Wash., on Weanesuay,
MuV 8, 11KJ1, v r.:
Of White Salmon 1'. O., U nshlneton, wno
nisile H. K. No. a.iis, rorine norineusniimru-r
..iinn s niwiishiiili north. raniielleaHt, W. M,
Who mimes the following witnesses lupruve
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of sold hind, vii:
Atiram I). Groshone. Has h. Evans, Jasnor
(junning and Jaooh Von Weydom Claterbos,
oil of WhlUJijaltnon P.O.. Washington.
1L.A3 1.. EVAS.1,
Of White Salmon 1 )., V nshlncton, wno
made H. E. No. W2,for the siulhweHt quarter
seel Ion 9, tounship A north, range llenst,W.M.
Who niimes tne roiiowinx wunensiwwiunive
his continuous residence upon mid cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Atiram 11. tiroshonit, -MiKe Zimmerman,
Jasper Gunning and Jacob von Weydom
Claterbos, all of while Salmon P. O., Wash.
Of White Salmon P. O., Wunhlngton, who
made H. E. No.ta 2. for the lots tnree ana lour
and south balf of northwest quarter of sec
tion S, township 3 north, range li east, w . m.
Who names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Mike Zimmerman, Jasper uunnlng, Aorsm
'J. liroshonr and Has U Kvans, all of White
8alinon P.O., Washington.
mloa 111 w. ri. uii.Mi,ii itegimT.
Land Office at Vancouver. WnsK. March 8,
IDOL Notice Is hereby given that the follow-
Ine-nanied settler has Bled notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the Heglster ana Keceiver u. . iana
oriice at Vauwuver, Wash., on Tuesday,
April 28, IKH, vir.:
Of White Salmon P. O.. Washington, who
nmde Homestead tntrv o. 10.U1, lor tne west
haif of northeast quarter and east half of
northwest quarter of section In township ii
north, range 10 east. Will. Mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Iver A. 11 am re. D. O.Satre. P. L. Bather and
KnuteS. KnuUon, all of White Salmon P.O.,
W ashlngton.
ml5a!9 W. B. PPSBAR, Rerlster.
Chas. N. Clarke, Agt., at the Glacier Pharmacy.
uolohlmforpureiresli Druijs, i'ateut Mediclucs and Wftll Paper. Prescriptions und
YOU KNOW, is not always easily tt(iiiinblo. Soinctiuici the pru-e
U objiH tionublo; ofton it is tho quality,' ami oci-asiomtlly BOTH ri
We always try to have both price and quality right. If we can
furnish you a shoe that meets tlieBO requirements, we know you will
become a shoe customer of ours. The
Combine both essentials to a remarkable degree. We carriel thorn
Inst year and are now restocking with the sumo make. We have
them in nien'f, women's, youths, misses and children's, and ask you
to gamine QUALITY A X B PRICE.
I1 , SHOE for WOMEN.
v asmE quality f
f JU. II
Cos Sun
Manufactured by
Equal to any 5 Shos en ths Market
MfnnrAMlw ili k"S . " "'"
lorv vl.wirlMiawMMtliuail.uiuiBui.uw.
C. C0TZIAN CO., rrop'ri.
. mrmm C. C0TZIAN a CO., rroprt.
It mncQota Shoo uo. st. paul, mimn.
Uit fcJALfcj BY
bone & Mcdonald.
with the
I am better prepared than ever to furnish my patrons
best goods in my line at prices as low as the lowest.
Mm, Ml His
At prices that will eave money for the buyer.
I shall open up soon the best and nioft complete line of WALL
TAPER that has ever been rhown in Hood River.
Floor Mnttiii in new pattern. Fuller's Prepared Paint has made
for itself an enviable reputation in this valley. I expect to carry a
larger stock of these goods than ever before.
A pood stock of Trunks, Linoleum, Building Taper and Furniture
always on hand. Yours for business,
mm i i.ijiuj j. JJ '" ma ' ' 1 11 11 ' "
Sucoessor to E. I,.Hmlth-01dest EstabllstieU House in tin valley.I
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes,
Hardware, Flour and reed, etc.
This old-established house will continue to pay cash for nil Its
goods ; it pays no rent ; it employs a clerk but does not have to divide
w ith a partner all dividends are made with customer in the way of
reasonable prices.
At Everhart s
He has in stock
D. & V. Steel Cut Oat Meal, full weight, 10-pound sacks.
Pure Cream Rolled Oats.
Harbison's Whole Wheat Graham.
Five-minute Mush, Rolled Wheat.
Jumbo Mush, Rolled Wheat.
(irano and Yuco. ... , , i u
Malt Breakfast Food, a predicated food, mad from barley malt and
wheat, especially recommended for 'nvalidsiicojlw-ents.
Commissioner and Notary Public.
AlwtwrtQ nnnMflMOf talMf! taMP, Mlfflrtlfflll
n III ; I U. lllilll U I UliUIilfcl llUUlUUlUll J w
Ji uiuuiiuiinij
Lots and Blocks for sale. Taxes paid for non-residents.
Township Tints and Blanks in stock.
Telephone 51.
Correspondence Solicited.
Family Recipes s speeialty.
Wanted to Trade.
A aood pony for sule or trade for fresh
row. E. K. URADLfcY
Farm for Sale.
Or rent. 2N) acre 5 mi les east of Hood Riven
1 acres plow land; plenty of wster; eixd
range. Apply to J. L. DAVEMVUi.
Land ORiee at Vancouver, Wash., MnrohB,
1001. Notice Is hereby Riven Hint the following-named
settlers have riled notice nf their in
tention to make final proof In support of their
claims, and that said proof will be mad.
before the Keslster and Keceiver U. M. lind
Olticc at Vancouver, Washington, ou Tues
day, May 7, laol, viz:
Of White Salmon 1 ()., Washington,-who
made II. E. No. HSSH, for the southwest quarter,
of northeast Quarter, west -' of southoast
tiuarterund southeast quarter of southwest
quarter of sections, township 3 north, range
lu east, w . .11 .
Who names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon aud cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Abram II. (iroshong, Has L. Evans, Jasper
Gunning and Miae Zimmerman, all of White
Salmon 1'. O., Washington. .
Of White Hulnion P. O., WashniRton, who
made 11. K. No. llMXM.for the low one and two
and south half of northeast quarter section 3,
tmvns i n it north, raune 11 eant, w . M. i-rofii
will he offered for the lot two and southwest
quarter of northeast quarter ol suld section 3,
Uiwnsiup ,i norin, ranue eiuvcu . .u.
Who iiumea 1 lie folloM'ink wlini-sses to urove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Mllm Zimmerman. Abner B. Oroshonir. Ja
cob Von Wevdoin Claterbos and lias L.Evans,
all of White isalinon 1M., Waslilniston.
Of White iSaltnon' V. O., W anhinKton, who
made H.E. No. tfilS, for lhesouthwetquaner
of section five, township taree north, range
eleven east, W. M. .
Who names the following witnesses 10 prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
JaaperUunnlii!,', Mik Zimmerman, lias L.
Evans and Jacob Von Weydom (Jtatcrbos, all
of While Salmon P. )., Washington.
mloalS W. R. DUN BAR, Register.
Lamt Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 12,
mil Tnt Ice la herehv iriven that the follow-
Inif-named settler has tiled notice of his in
tention to make final proof In support of his
unri ihuteiii.l nnMif will be made tieforc
the Kegisierand Reiwiverat The Dalles, Ore-J
.,V M..H,- inril il. I'lOl. Viz: 1
Of Mosler, Oregon, H. B. No. 5 51, for the lot
1, southeast Vt northwest and south ,liuorth
cast section 2i, township 2 north, range 11
eat, w. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Hufu Patterson, Sidney Briggs, Peter Hen
nlngnen and I). J. Puben.,ll of Mosier, Or.
ml6al JAV P. LLCA3, lU-glslcr.
Dalles, Portland & As
toria Navigation Co.
Regulator and
Dalles City
Tally (except Sunday! between
The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks,
Vancouver and Portland,
Touching at way points on both sides of the
Columbia Kiver. ;
Both of the above steamers have been re
built and are In excellent shape foi the sea
son of WOO. The Regulator line will endeavor
to give lis patrons the best service possible.
For comfort, economy and pleasure, travel
by the steamers of the Regulator Line.
Dalles Cltv leaves The Dalles at 7 a, m.,
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday-.
Regulator leaves at 7 a. m. Monday, Wed-
Irf-ave Portland 7 a. m.; nrrlve at The Dalles
5 p. m. at Portland p. m.
Portland office. Oak U Dock. The Dalles
office, Court street.
General Agent.
The young man loves the young woman;
That's his business.
The young woman loves the young man;
That's Iier business.
The voung man and young woman get
That's the preacher's business.
They will neea lurniture,. carjicio,
nai-.r anrl hnilrlini? material!
inai my ousiness
And all kinds of supplies for
to Pli
Printing papers, card mounts, developers and toning solutions.
Prices range from 5 to (20 for Kodaks. '
KfuCK. The Cnlu.ubia Nnrsery l on nan
aifaln, as nsual, with a large slock of Krnlt Trees
Hiraw berrv Plants, and all kinds of N'urseiy.stock
Get our price and see the stock. ,.
mmber Iind, Act June 3, M78.1
United Slates Land Office, The Dalles,
Oregon, Jan. 5, 11)01. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
.... r...n,, of .lime S. 18.8. entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the mates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and wasningion
Territory," as extended to all the public lan
states by artof August 4
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of Ore
gon, has this day filed In this ofllce her sworn
statement. No. 1,5, for the purchase of the
aonthwest Vj of section No. 29, iu township
No. 2 north, range No. 9 ast, 11 lam-
eite Meridian, ana win unci
8how that the land sought is more valuable
for Its timber or atone t han for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim to said
t..A ii.o Kiat.r and Itecetverof this
office at The Da lie. Oregon, on Monday, the
2Mhdayor April. in.
Kh names as witnesses: Frank Pavcn
c l- v..hv mil M. M. Davenport of
River Oregon, and ii. A. Van Anda of The
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
nbove-le-wTibed lands are r.-uesU-d to tile
their claims In this office on or before said
7rAPnAYP.LUCA9, leister.
, Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.1
U. . Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Feb.
Si, Idol. -Notice Is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act of con
gress of June 3. 17H. entitled "An act for t lie
sale or limner lauu m m"-iiiiiii.ii
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory."
aa extended to all the publio land states by
act of August t, 18M,
if nnnH Blver. conntv of Waaco. state of Ore
gon has on Kept. 21, liiOO, filed In tills office her the nor.h
sworn statement, for the purchaseorUie noiihweat t
.i n iy ..miiiwpMt w. and aouthwest hi southeast w
norinwesi y, oi ih--hii "; """--
north range No. east, W. M., and will offer
proof to show thst the land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than forngrl-
ITlmoer l4nd,"Act Junes, IST8.
United Kt at es Land Office, The Dalles, Ore-
eon, Jan, 8, lHII. Nonce IB liereoj
Vulliiral purpia
to said lima oe
au-a. and to establish her claim
lore the Register and Keceiver
of this olfice at The Dalles, ( iregon, on riatur-
dav. the lltn nayoi .nay. owl
sihe i.aines na witnesses: Joseph Mays, F.d
ward Mav and Civile B-mnev of Hiaid Kiver,
Oregon, and A. A. Bonney of Tygh Valley.Or.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
j !...!. am n-fitiMilnl to file
r,'.1.7r. i ihi, office on 6r before said I their cli lm in this office on or
, Ji 'Z ,.t Mil I th day of April, mol.
1IUI III,., V, 4J, . . . I ... ...
mlmi JAY r. l"tCAS, iteguier. i iwai
that In compliance with the provisions of th
act of Congress of June 3, is;s. entitled "An.
act for the nalcJif timber lands In the Hletes
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Vashln
um Territory," as extended to all the jblte
land slates by act of August 4, IsWS.
of HoiKl Kiver. county of Wasco, slate or
Oregon, has this day filed In this otfjee his
sworn statement No. 17S. tor xne pun-iisc"i
northeast ana noniieaai -a
section :t2, and sonthweat y.
southeast section W in townsnip :). i
north, range No. M east, v . .h., anu win "nor
proof to show that the hind sought it more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to wild lhnd before the Register and Heeelver
of this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Mon.
dav. the th day of April, I1.
He names as witnesses: Frank Davenport,
F. K: Newbv and M. M. Davenport of Hood
Kiver. Oregon, and U. A. Van Anda of Tna
Dalles, Oregon. ...
nv and all neraons claiming adversely the
Bbnve-dcacrtbed lands are requested to file
JAY P. LUCAS, Register.