The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 15, 1901, Image 2

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    5cod iiver Slacier.
FRIDAY, MAKC'H 15, 1001.
Icth of Ex President Harrison.
El-Presideut Pcnjainin Ilarrixon died
et hi liomu in IiulianapoliH, Indiunn,
March 13th, at 4.45 o'clock p m. ien
t'ral Harrison was in perfect health u
week no. On the morning of March
"th In. awakened with a pain in the
diwa which later grew worse, and the
family jdi vHioiait wan railed. Two
physicians, assisted by a corps of trained
nurwH, had ehargn of the noted invalid,
but all the Bkill of bin attendants eould
liot allay the course of disease. P.enja
inin Harrison was born August "0th,
1H3X He was one of the great men of
the nation, ami bin death will be sin
cernly mourned by hi countrymen.
Conservative estimate of the money
to bo spent ut St. Louis in the next three
yearn in connection with the Louisiana
Purchase exposition place it at ( 100,0tK),
(WO. St. Louis will contribute f 10,OIX),0()0
to be devoted to the fair direct, the
United States f j,0,K),000, the mate of
Missouri 1 ( 1,000,000. In addition St.
,ouis will issue bonds in the cum of ('10,
000,000 for th purpose of beautifying
and improving the city for the reception
of visitors from all the world. The
money to he sient on displays from each
of the other platen and foreign countrnts
and the thousand of visitor will more
than swell the amount to (100,000,000.
Letter from California.
Sacramento, C'ali., March 8,1901. Ed
itor Glacier: We arrived safely in the
land of sunshine, (lower and oranges
Jast Wednesday evening, Feb. 27th. Had
a very pleasant and enjoyable journey
from the time we left l'ortland, duspim
the fact that it rained until we com
menced the ascent of the Siskiyou mount
ain?. There being about two feet of
Know on the summit. We found it rath
er cold. The conductor informed us that
the snow had reached to the depth of
neven feet at one time, and the small fir
trees and shrubs showed that it had been
very deep as they were all bent over and
a great many were broken down. Some
parts of the road over the mountain are
very dangerous. Could look below in
several places ami see three different
tracks which we had gone over. Tlie
highest point of elevation on the road
over the mountains is 4l;X) feet. Mount
Muistn, 14,000 feet above sea level, is a very
rugged but proud looking old mountain,
lint I think it has no comparison, cannot
compete with glorious old Hood for its
scenery and grandeur. We stopped at
Shasta springs or soda springs' ten min
utes and drank unadulterated soda
water, so strong that it almost burns a
person's throat, while not ten feet away
trom tlie soda springs can be found mag
nesia water, a very mild, sweet drink.
They say one can drink a great quan
tity of this water and it will not prove
injurious. This water is sold in the city
at 20 cents a quart as a health drink.
Sacramento is quite a pleasant city
despite tlie fact that it has itsdrawbacks
the same as any place, nevertheless there
has only been two obstacles that have
come in our way so far, and they are the
fleas and poor water. My sister, Mrs.
W. G. I'lelland, savs that she can stand
the poor water, but thinks the tleas are
tough on Oregonians. Of course the
Sacramento people have become flea
proof. Has not showed any signs
of rain since we arrived, the weather be
ing just like our M ay in Hood Kiver.
Very little fog has been noticed. A gen
tleman informed me yesterday that he
had lived here 13 years and bad never
teen a snow Hake until this winter. I
picked my first orange last Sunday. One
can see tlie trees growing in almost every
yard in the city, are planted for shade
trees. There are some very line edifices
here, and especially the capitol, which I
visited yesterday. The carved statue
of Queen" Isabella and Columbus is a
grand piece of workmanship, and I was
told that the sculptor devoted ten years
of his life on it. The library is also
worth speaking of, and any one visiting
the capitol building should not fail to
visit the library also, The number of
volumes is 115,000. The agricultural
bulding is also a fine edifice, also the
Catholic cathedral. The public library
is also very large and contains about
30,000 volumes w ith a fine reading room.
JUisiness is transacted here on Sunday
tho same as any other dav. I think it
would not be a bad idea if a Mrs. Na
tion would visit this part of the world
and make a raid, as I am told there is
something like 250 saloons in tho city,
There is all kinds of groen vegetables on
the market; also strawberries, and
blackberries.- Hood Kiver apples are
selling at five cents a piece and very few
even at that price, w hile oranges are
selling at 10 and 20 cents a dozen. Have
seen some that would go very well along
side Hood Kiver pumpkins. Every one
seems to be busy and there are few idle
men. Taking eyerything into consider
ation I think that California is a very
pleasant place to stay in winter, but in
summer 1 think Hood River would head
the list, B. J. Rand.
Dentil of Daniel Jl. dough.
Tho community was shocked last Sun
day upon learning of the sudden death
of Daniel H. Clough, who dropped dead
of heart disease while w alking in the or
chard of his son-in-law, A. (). Ilershey,
Sunday, at 1 o'clock. Mr. Clough had
not been well for several days, but there
were no symptoms to excite alarm, and
when death came it was entirely unex
pected. Daniel II. Clough was born at Char
don, Geauga county, Ohio, March lrt,
1832. His age was 08 years, 11 months
and 24 days. He enlisted in the United
States service Dec. 19, J801, at Cleve
land, Ohio, entering the tth Ohio bat
tery. He bravely bore the hardships
pud sacrifices of army life until Feb. 12,
1SU4, when he received his discharge at
Tullahoma, Tenn. But his discharge
did not last long, for he re-enlisted the
same day he received honorable dis
charge, and at the same place. He re
ceived final honorable discharge from
his country's service at Cleveland, Ohio,
Julv 25, 18'iio.
Mr. Clough was united in marriage
with Jane A. Hull, December 31, 18,0,
at Vermillion, South Dakota. They
moved from the place of, their marriage
to Kansas, whero they resided several
yearn, coming to Clackamas county. Ore
gon, in 1876, In 1802 they came to
Jlood River, residing here sinee then.
The sympathy of a large circle of
neighbors andefriends goes out to the
uurviving widow and only child, Mrs.
Eva J. Ilershey. Mr. Clo'ugh's life was
especially characterized by such sterling
qualities as euergy and industry, rugged
honesty and unquestioned integrity, and
the inlluenocs ol these noble qualities of
Jife abide to enriub. the community in
ivhiuh he lived.
Funeral services were held at the home
of hi son-in-law, A. O. Hershev, on
Tuesday, at 10 a. m. Rev. J. L. Hereh
lier spose words of comfort and hope.
Canby Post, No. lri, G. A. R., of which
deceased w as an honored mumler, con
ducted tho burial service in Idlewjlde
Ml. Houil Notes.
The ground has been covered about
2 inches deep w ith the W-antiful for the
the lust two days, but it is all gone now,
tlie result of a warm ihiuook wind.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Yanthiers arrived last
we-k from San Francisco, to put ill the
summer on their ranch lit this place.
B. Biitikir has relinquished his
claim to his homestead for a coiisid
ition of (2i 0 to Mr. (inff, lately
from Illinois, w ho will settle hi re per
manently. Jnd S. Fish and Mr. Seufert of The
Dalles came up the valley for an outing
Saturday. Jnd suy it always storms
w hen he conies up here, so he can't have
any pleasure.
X. C. Evans and W, J. Il-.irrimnn,the.
commissioners of this county, came out
to Mt. Hood last Saturday to inspect and
receive the new bridge that the settlers
built, and which was damaged bv the re
cent high water, They seemed to lie
well satislied with the job.
C. R. Bone is at work on bis
ditch, which he expects to have com
pleted by the 15th of May. He is work
ing a large force of men, and it is gen
erally believed that he will have water
running through the ditch before that
John Bird is working a crew on the
river between the forks and Tucker's
bridge, getting out the logs for the Lost
Lake Lumber Co. He is thinking of
getting a contract and going to logging
again in the spring, but is not certain
yet w hether he w ill or ipvt, , L.
.Nicola! Notes.
Ed IIardie,.wbo has been the on sick
list for the past two weeks, went to Port
land with his father last Friday, to spend
a few days.
Mr. Xicohii was taken sick Sunday
night and was confined to the house ail
day Monday. We hope he will be out
Workmen are engaged In rebabbiting
the edger and fixing things up in gener
al on the mill during the layoff.
The Klose Tilliciim society are holding
regular meetings and having fine times.
Harry Hamberry is building a new
life boat for the steamer Felida.
John and Ben Ilcavener attended
the dance at J. II. Shoemaker's last
Thursday night. Who.
Barrett Ileini.
Mrs. Alice Fricdley isquiteseriously ill.
Mrs. Bertha Taylor and children of
Viento visited in the valley lust week.
Miss Grace Upton left for Astoria, last
week, where she expects to spend the
Dave and Frank Gibbons left last
week for Weiser, Idaho, where they in
tend to remain a few months.
Mrs. J. E. Dishman and family are
home from California. Her mother,
Mrs. Ballard, is much improved in
The dime social given by the C. E. of
the Valley Christian church, last Friday
evening, had a good attendance and a
pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Over
six dollars was cleared. D.
Played Out.
Dull headache, pains in various parts of
the body, sinking at the pitof the stomach,
loss of appetite, feverishness, pimples or
sores are all positive evidences ot impure
blood. No matter how it became so it must
be purified in order to obtain good health
Acker's Blood Elixer has never failed to
cure scrofulous or syphilitic poisons or
an v other blood diseases. It is certainly a
wonderful remedy, and we sell every hot
tie on a positive guarantee. Williams &
Ike Moore, formerly of Hood River, is
under arrest in the Dalles, charged
w ith thelurreny of 1,01 pounds of brass,
the property of the O. R. & N. Co.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
fonder of the other man.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a
positive guarantee. Cure heartburn, dis
tress after eating, raising of the food, or
any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet
gives immediate relief. 2ao and 50c
Williams &, Brosius.
You can drive a horse to a brewery
wagon, but you can t make him drink
Acker'sEnelish Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money re
funded. 25 and 50c. Williams & Brosius
Interest makes some people blind, and
others it makes quick sighted.
Sick headache absolutely and perma-
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleas
ant herbdrink. Cures constipation and in
digestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and
nappy, natisutcuon guaranteed or money
back." 25c and 50c. Williams & Brosius.
Men seem to have an aversion to wo
men barbers ever since the terrible hair
cut Sampson got in Delilah's chair.
When you are bilious, use those famous
little pills known as De Witt's Little Early
Risers to cleanse the liver and bowels.
They never gripe. Chas. N. Clarke.
1'resident Mckinley will visit the Pa
cific coast next .May.
See that you get the original De Witt's
Hitcu Hazel Salve when you ask tor it.
The genuine is a certain cure fo, piles,
sores and skin diseases, t lias. . Clarke
The Lostine Ledger lost a subscriber
because the paper failed to notice the
marriage of the subscriber's daughter.
Nobody told the editor, and how was he
to know of the marriage, he asks.
Their promptness and their pleasant ef
fects make PeWitt's Little Early Risers
most popular little pills wherever thev are
known. They are simply perfect for liver
and Dowel troubles. Chas. . Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ace, of Montgom
ery, Ala., were kicked clear out of a
huiigv by aft unruly mule last week.
This is proJaably, .the.. first instance on
record where one Jack has beat two
Aces, when it came to a showdown.
Sunday Welcome.
The lingering cough following grip calls
for One Min ute Cough Cure. For all throat
and lung troubles this is theonly harmless
remedy that gives immediate results. Pre
ventsconsiimutiou. Chas. N. CI arke.
The hog is the mortgage lifter, the
eheep the farm fertilizer, the cow the
barn builder and the hen the grocery
bill payer. The quartette, with a man
and a woman not afraid of the work in
caring for them, will insure prosperity
on any farm. J. S. Trigg.
Counterfeits of PeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve are liable to cause blood poisoning.
Leave them alone. The original has the
name DeWitt's upon the box and wrapper
Itisa harmlessand healing salve for skin
diseases. Unequalled for piles. Chas. X.
Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
It is high time to stop the seed swindle
perpetrated by the department of agri
culture, at Washington. W. J. Ingalls
says he wrote to the secretary of agri
culture for some tobacco seed, and care
fully specified that he w anted Battle Ax,
Climax or Star Plug, and was put off
with the silly excuse that they were
giving out nothing but fine cut this
season. Sunday Welcome.
Like Oliver Twist.children ask for more
w hen given OneMinuteCoughCure.Moth
ersendorse it highly for croup. It quickly
cures all coughsand colds and even throat
and lung trouble. It is a specific tor grip
and asthma and has long been a well
known remedy for whooping cough.
Chas. i. Cla'ka, Glacier Pharmacy.
A Horrible Outbreak
"Of large soies on my little daughter's
head developed intuit cne of scald head,"
writes C. D. lsbill of Morguntow n, Tenn.,
but ISucklen's Arnica Salve completely
cured her. It's a guaranteed cure for
eczema, tetter, salt rheum, pimples,
sores, ulcer and piles. Only 25 cents at
Chas. N. Chu i'n.
The Man with tho Hoe
Is all right if it is a
wlrt' iind poultry nrnlm:; UIkc him! uplke
tonih hnrrnw; ctiltivutntH, luttlN, mhMi 4ir(J;
IfK'kHtMKl hlntfp: Hxlctficne ittui (ixck; cros
cut hWihii(1 k'ikI''" M't'dw; gritSH Hfifl
Ice cream lirt'icciN: clover timothy, und
the cheapest aria hft lino (if a loves and
ranged ever shown In Hood Ulver.
I hnve nol Hold out Mie ( olumhtii Nursery,
n Iihk lii'Pii n-poned, but hitve yet on hnnri a
pnott stock of -vear-olt tree, ami pic'liillv
email fruits. Call unci see. H. ('. 11ATKUAM.
Dried Prunes for Sale.
IVtilesnnrl Italians, a trooit (iiiiilllv, I anil &
ernls a pminil. JT. N KA I.KK.I I.
One of the Earliest
Strnwbeny riuic hfn In Mood Ulver; 'Hunt,
2 ml leu west of tow n; 2'i In lien les, one In
fitfully firvliiirfl, luirw uml tiHmin ami all tin
tfletneiiU. i'rlt-0 fli"0: ettsv term.
Mi2 I'JAiLi1"' Kiunvsox.
Strawberry Plants.
Strawberry I'ltintu for Mile ut , Vie per liHIO nt
niy pline ut Hltn.en, Vnh , or tl M per lUOO
tlellvert-tl HI tlie bout landing wltbln 1(1 day.
These plants uro from iuat yt-rir Melting, anil
cbolee. A. II. BY UK K IT.
Kccrs nf tlie prize-winner White Wyandotte
and lllnclc Mlnoratt for Mule ut 81. '.?' a Nt'tUng.
Uifu trade, til. K. I. CAI.K1XM, Manaijer.
A brown mnre, with a bliir.e face brnnded
two hull elrcli-H on the left mltle. A reward
will tie paid for the return of lite mnre to
niS .1 L. ODKIxi.X.
1 Don't Forget
That little 6 ncre pluee ni-iir town which I
will Hii1 cheap. Algo some oilier bargains in
land. No qui nt. T. li. ( MiX.
Fruit Ranch for Sale.
I0 acres of the best fruit, In nd In Hood Kiver.
All Improved. W Uh bearing trci-K. l-'or pari ie
ii lur add tvs8 K. h. HA I Id-; 'L
Spring Wagon for Sale
A two-H-Hied fprliiK Kuu'on, 111 good con
dition, for wile cIkt.i. Apply to
in I', K. K. HA It. FY.
Brown Leghorn Eggs.
I huve thturotiKhhivU Hrown f,ecrhor;i ctrgs
fbrBalPatoO cenUa sctjinif. C.I,. OUTLK.
2 or 3 Fresh Cows.
I have 2 or H fresh rows for sale at KlverMde
!''nrm,tf miles west of town,
u li .1. W. MOV.TON.
Wanted to Trade.
A good pony for sale or trado for a frpsh
cow. E. It. HKAHLKY.
Farm for Sale.
Or rent. 2X0 acrea fi miles east oflfood River;
lHaeies plow hind; plenty of watc: (food
noifte. Apply to .1. I.. DAVKNPOKT.
Mirht red heller, ubtiut H months old. Any
one iuko up, noiuy me ana receive re warn.
f22 C. L. MUltSl-
Wanted .
100 cords of wood cut on my farm, A mile,
from Hood Hlver, on the Kant Side, (iood
wages. Address I. A. Mason, X) Second St.,
l oriiann, uregnn. mi
House for E,ent.
A very desirable new cottage; splendid view
of Mt. Adams and the scenery beyond the Co
lumbia; rooms; free water; rent 812.
Dry Wood for Sale.
Cut 1(1 Inch; oak, pine, (r and ash, all under
cover. Lieuvereu at Sl-.O a l ien, or Co a cord.
ml U. 1). WOomvoHTII
Timber Land,
Act June i, Irt.S.I
United States Land Office. Vancouver.
Wash., March 5. HOI. Notice Is hereby given
tnat in compliance Willi ine provisions ol
the act of conuress of June 3. 187S. entitled
"An act for tlie sale of timber lands In the
Slates of Culilornla, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public kind slates by net of August 4, 1HII2,
Of Decorah, comity of Winneshiek, state ot
Iowa, fc-is this day tiled In thlsoftice hlssworn
statement No. 2138, for the purchase of the
southeast quarter southwest quarter, south
nan southeast quarter, ana northeast quar
ter southeast quarter of section No. .12, In
township No. 0 north, range No. lOeast.W.M.,
and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought Is more vuluable for Its tiniheror stone
tlian for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before the Keaister
and Receiver nf thisomceat ancouver.Wash.,
on Tuesday, the 21st day of Mav, IlKll.
He names as witnesses: Charles H. stone and
William W. Pi lchard of Spirit. Lake, Iowa;
Honald D. Cameron of While Salmon, Wash.;
and Christian (iulerofTrout Lake, Wash. Alsu,
Of Spirit Lake, county of IHcktnson, state, of
Iowa, has this day filed In this olfb e his sworn
statement,, So. 2W9, tor the purchnse of the
southeast quarter of section No. 8S, In town
ship No. H north, range No. lOeast, W. M.. and
will oiler proof to show that tlie laud sought
Is more valuable tor Its timberor stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ins
claim U said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Tuesday, the 21st day of May, I'M.
He names as witnesses- Albm t C Baker of
Pecorah. Iowa; William W. 1'richard of Spirit
Lake, Iowa; Ronald I. Cameron of White Sal
mon, Wash; Christian Uuler of Trout Lake,
VN'asli. And
Of Spirit Lake, county of Dickinson, state of
Iowa, has tins day tiled In thlsotlice his sworn
statement No. 2Ut) for tlie purchase of the
southwest quarter of section No. tl. In town
ship No. II north, range No. 10 east. W. M.,and
will otter proof to show that the land sought
Is more vuluable for its timber or stone than
for agrtculluial purposes, and to establish his
claim ti si id land bet'oie the Register and
hcceiver of this oilice at Vancouver, Wash.,
on Tuesday, tlie 21st day of .Mav, null.
He names as witnesses: Albwrt C. Baker of
IHeorah. low it: Charles II Stone of Spirit Lake,
Iowa; Ronald D, Cameron of White Salmon,
Wash.; Christian tinier of Trout Lake, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claim in ibis olfice on or before said
21st dav of Mav, lmd.
mloil7 W. R. HUNBATVReglster.
Land Office at The Dalles, Orpgon. March 12,
1901. Notice is hereby given Unit the foilnw-Ing-natned
settler has filed notice of her
intention to make final proof in sup
port of her claim, and that said proof will
be made before Oeorge T. PratbT, L. 8. Com
missioner, at Hood Kiver, Oregon, on Fri
day, April l, l!H, vin:
Of Mt. Hood. Oregon, H. E. No. or:, for the
south southeast and south souihwesi U
section!! township! north.,rnngelOeast,VV,L
sue names t lie loiiow'tng witnesses to prove
her continuous residt nee upon end cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
J. M. Lenz, .1, A. Knox, P, L. Aubert and O.
H. Rhoadcs, all of Mt. Hood. Oregon.
iBloaW JAY 1'. LUCAS, Uejjiater.
Eggs for Hatching.
..... ..... ,,, ,m. ,M., IMKIK- ' " J
Light Urahftiii riskier Mt, red i'l points at the
My lii-.
W. iiolnls at the A'lhunv i.'mv In land.
"oiiy I'oultrvshow in iNWHiiii
Inu flfht orlt, hi .t KI1.1-U
M I-
norm stock conies from Ueo. H. Noriliup s
yards at Raeeville, N. Y.
i-.iois ! wiling, or settings tor ji.
fi'Hid llurrctl I'U m...,ii. 10. .!, ft),' n
1 1 in;.
V. W. ANHl'S.
Eggs, Eggs.
I'eklu Din k 1 i,,r hiiUioiig.
Thoroughhicd llarrcd I'l) mouth Rock fugs
Illinium eL'.
Two lliirred I'lvnioiith Hock Cocks for sain.
A Iso, m few lielijiitn Hares, llioroiiglilireds,
J.-1. . I. W. .II-:.KINS.
Pekin Duck Eggs
From pure-bred birds. Thev ai not eov
ed with gold untlula or til lie', hut
lhv stand on tlwlr merits. No better birds
III the valley. l. 41 fur : egv. '
D. X. II Y I'll I KE.
Bids Wanted.
Healed bids uill he received nt the Mt.Hootl
post ollleo lor piilmlnm (lie school li- use und
liiillding a port a to 1 he mine. St-illi-ntioiis
can be bad by mailt to Hie clerk of School
District No. U, ML liootl. Oiegon. Ilyorderof
Directors. WM. r.l m K , H'ik
Cow lor Sale. "
A Jei-sy euw; will be fresh about March 1st
Price V. II. C. II KNUST.
Two Cottages to Rent.
In the Circuit Court for the stale of Oregon,
In the County of vt iisco,
Charles A. Lane, phi., 1 suit for tllvorce.
vs. vsuininons by publl
Viola E. Lane. deft. I eallon.
To YI0I11 J-:. Lunc, the above nanted de-
fctiilant: In the name 01 the slate ol Oregon,
votl ure hereby required to amu-iir and answer
I he complaint tiled iciulnst you liitheubove
entitle. 1 sun aim 1 ourt, on or lieltirt:
I'rltlav. Ihe22d day of March. A. D. 11101.
That being the last dav iirescribetl In the
ortlt r for publication otitlj umtiions. where
in It was ordered, that said piibllcat Ion fa
made once a week for sl.t const cuilve weeks,
and for seven ItiMM-tlntiS, In the Hisui
Ulver illueler. neusiinner' of Kt-neral
circulation, pulills "tl wtt-kly In IhtiTottn t,r
HikiiI River, said County anil Slate; und If
full to uppeur aiol answer said coinplalnl, for
want tliereof, Hie plalntill' will take judg
ment ngulh't you fordecrie tlissolving I be
bonds of mail linoiiv hcii'lolimiand now exist
lug between the plaintiff und you, deleudunl
The service of Ibis summons Is therefore
made upon you tie publication thereof l the
said Hood t;ivt-r lilace r. a nespiii-r ol gen
eral circulation, -published weekly in saltl
Wasco Counl . Slaieol t inmon.liv older of tin
Circuit .lutlk't' of said county, W. L. Uratl
shaw, under date the 2atli tlay of January,
A. I). litll, for six consecutive weeks and tor
seven Inserlions, the date of the Ilrst publi
cation of which Is tlie eighth day of rebm
ury , A. D. hoi.
fsmyj Attorncv for I'li.lntlir.
" I'l'Imlier'f.aiiiT, Act Jntip'ajflX)
T'nlled States Land nftlee, The Dalles, On-
H'ln, March -I, 1HH. Noliee Is hereby given
that In compliance will! tlie pro visions of the
net 01 emigre- s 01 .nine .(, 11 s, cniitieu a n act
for t he sale of timber lands In the Stales of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Waslilngiou
Territory," as extended to all the public land
Mule by a'-t 01 AUirnsi i, i-vts,
At'lll'STl'.S A. ROXNEY,
Of Tvch VnllfV.counl.v of Wasco, slatnof Ore
gon, has, on Sept. 21. 1'.tO. tiled In this otllce his
swttrii statement No. liili fur the purchase
of the w est '4 southeast and lots 7 aud 12,
section 7, towrshlp 2 north, ramie H east,
W. M., and will oiler proof lo show Hint
the land sought Is moro valuable for Us tlin-
Ktid to establish his claim to said hind'
before the Register anil Receiver of this olliee
at The Dullet. (iregon, on Saturday, the 2tli
dav of Mav. RtOI.
He names as witnesses: Clyde T. Ilonnev,
Donald Koss, O. H. Hartley and Leslie
liuller. nil ol Hood Ulver. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are lequesiid to tile
their claims In this olliec on or beforo said
2",th dav of May, I'M 'd.
inMitlO JAY P. LDCAS, Reclsler.
I'llmber Eanti'. Act June:), jsTS.
United States Lnnd Otllce, The Dalles,
Oregon, Keb. 12, I'.ml. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with the provisions of the
act ot con.'ress ft .lime .1, 1S7 .entitled "An act
for till sale of timber lands In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevadu anil Washington
territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4. Is!) the following
person 1 have this day (lied in this oilice their
swort ilatenicnis. 10-wit:
Of Hood River, county of Wasco, state of
Oregon, sworn statement No. L0, 11 It'll Oct. 8,
1WKI. for the purchit-e of the lots 8, 11 anil 10,
section Isnnd lots 2 and .1 section 111. in town
ship No. 2 north, range No. ast, W. M.
Of Hood Kiver, eouniv of Wasco, state of
Oregon, sworn statement, No. IH7, tilled Sept.
17, lixm, for the purchase of the southwest I,
northwest 'i and west. '.; soiithwest section
S und northwest '.( notlhwest V of section No.
I', In township Mo. 2 north, lunge No. U east,
W. M.
That they will offl-r proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable for Its limber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish their claims to said lands before
the Register and Receiver of this otllce at The
Dulles, uregnn, on I-riday, the 2ith day ol
April, 1001.
They nameits witnesses: S. A. Wherrv. Itoy
Wherry and O. O. Cliamberlln of Hood River,
Oregon, Dewlt Clinton, ol The Dulles, Oregon,
and 1. A. St. .Martin 01 ( arson, wash.
Any and all iiersons clmmlng adversely the
Bhove-rtescrlhed lauds are requested to tile
their claims In this ofilce. on or before said
2.1th day of April, Mil.
f.tlli JAY- P, LUCAS. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Feb. 15,
lfllll. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has tiled notice, of his inten
tion to make final proof In support, of his
claim, and that said proof will lie made before
Ueorge I . rrattier, s. Commissioner, at
Hood River, Oregon, on Friday, Mtireti 211,
laui, viz:
Of Hood River, Oregon, 11. E. No. Sm. for the
southeast section Ii0, township 2 north,
range II east, W. M.
He names tho following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon und cultiva
tion 01, suta lann, viz:
Robert Robertson, Charles Wells, Warren
Wells and Chester Sears, nil of Hood filver.Or,
fiim2ll JAY P. LUCAS. Register.
Time Schedules.
E. Bound. Fr'm HOOD KIVER! W. Bousn,
11:25 a.m.
Salt f ake. Denver,!
Ft Worth.Omaha. Portland
Kansas City. Bti Spidal
Louis, Chicago zit'ap. m.
una ine tuist.
8:27 p.m.
I. Dim nitllH, ipv.-
Lnlln tl,n,,n Qn.
st I'aul. Duinth.l Flyer
Kace.M nneano is I'ort ann
Mllwnukee, Chi- 40b.hi.
cugo and Est.
Salt Lake, Denver,!
rt vtorth.Omaha, Mall and
Mall and
11:42 p. m,
Kansas Cltv. St.
Louis. Chicago
and the East.
S:j0 a.m.
8 p.m.
4 p.m.
Ocean Steamships
ror san Francisco
Sull every 0 days
8 D.m. I COI.f'wn, RivrR 4 n m
Ei. Sunday Steameks. !F.i.Sunday.
ouiuruuy, 10 Asioria ana wayi
,u p. in. 1 litnaings.
Wlllnmntta "Plver i-:lil n m
6 a.m. Oregon city, New-Ex-unduy
Ek. Sunday! berg.Saiem Jt way!
landings. I
(Willamette and 3::io p.m.
7.m. I Yamhill RivK.iw.IMon, Wed.
1 ues. j nur. uregon City,Daytin and Frt.
una sut. and way lundings.
e a.m. W lllnmeno nit-er I 4-:lr m
Tues, Thur. Portland to Corval-Mon., Wed.
and Sat. : lis 4 way landings.. and Fri.
I.v.Riparia.: ;Lvl,ewisfn
Vorutn. I snake River, i 9-i.m.
rt'V'y- LJvlwria to lwiston1 daily.
a. u crakj, '5rri'i'u"urtaiiujtj(ffr
J. La,lev, Ajunt, Houd River.
flit' Oregon
Ligljt, Lonycs of Bread
are tlio pride of every liousewijo. And why not? Wlnit is
nicer tlian fine, liglit, white
and perfect linking. Tlie t
to Mitught when used on
and eoniilete satisfaction will reward your
efforts where ur SNOWDRIFT FLOUKj
is used, lty the iaek
85 Cents.
The J
Big I
Grocery ;
Our reat
is appreciated hv iiarticular people. Not
only can you find quantity and quality, hut
the limit of prices is mich
and economical. We give
cook them to mit yourself.
meat is from selected stock and
meal. It's good if we furnish it.
n ji 1 y . .
mmm Migaiiib
Come and convince yourselves. A nmminotli Btotk of Clothiii);,
tlie lulest tip-to-diite styles and just reeeived, in men's, boys, youtli'n,
and children'if. We veil tliem at the lowest jirieen.
A mammoth stoek of Punts, just reeeived, up-to-date stylt'S, tailor
niiidf, the gtrongtwt on earth. We sell them at leas than wholesale
A mammoth assortment of all kinds (if Shirts for every day and
dress, nt the liiovst liaryuinH on earth..
Just received, a mammoth Htoek of Underwear for Bering and
ftimmer, at very low rieen.
A mammoth ftoek, newly received and up-to-dato styles, in Hats.
We w ill sell t ln-iii lower than wholesale prices.
We have just received a mammoth stock of Shoes of the best
brands from the largest manufacturers in the United State; the bet
lo(.'ginj,' and working Shoes as well as up-to-date styles of drets shoes,
in black and tan colors for men, boys, youth and children. We sell
them at less than wholesale prices.
We carry the best, finest and largest assortment, and brand new,
of ladies' Shoes every day, with up-to-date styles in black and tan
dress shoes. Ladies', misses and children's Shoes, nt great bargains.
Also, other lines of goods at the lowest, prices.
Opposite the Hank.
Fo Coe k Son,
rhone 104. . Agents for Union Laundry Co.
U. S. Commissioner and Notary Public.
AiistTECts, ConYeyaEGjsg. EealEstate, Insnrance, Money toLoaa.
Lots and Blocks for sale. Taxes paid for non-residents.
Township Plats and Blanks in stock.
Telephone 51. Correspondence Solicited.
Best Bacon, per pound JSVoO
Best dry Salt Pork 2'ic
3 cans Corn 25c
3 cans Tomatoes 25c
Corn Starch, per -pound package 05c-
10 bars Laundry Soup 25c
Other goods correspondingly low. Call and see us.
At Cost to make Room for the Summer Cut.
Call and pet prices. All kinds of Pry Lumber on hand.
Paper Hanging.
All work warranted first class. Esti
mates made without charge.
Office with Mountain Stage Company,
Hood River, Oregon.
Frankton Express.
Passenuers taken lo and from Nicolui und
Davenport cuinos, and single rigs furnished
for I'Hiiiily vnopping.
Rl THOMAS CALKINS, Proprietor.
Jersey Bull.
I have for mile n tlioroutibred Jerwy Bull,
one year oM in March. A lo, a few thorough
bred llurretl Plymouth l:o,-k t'oeks.
A. U. JEWETT, WUitt Salmon, Wash.
loaves of w lioler'onie hruul
- kill of the housewife comes
douhtful Hour.
as appeals to the thrifty
you rare meats always. You
They give you strength. Our
sold to pive you an enjoyable
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice Is hereby Riven thnt on the 25th dny
of February, full, an execution wu regularly
Issued out of the circuit court of the i-tate of
Oregon for Vwo county upon a judgment
clven and rendered tin-rein 011 the l.itli day of
February, lMJU, in favor of Mrivs & Crowe,
pliiintills, und iia'aliist Wilson It. Wiuansund
Mary WinaiiK, defendants, for the sum of
t .SW.00, the saiiie beniK enrolled and docketed
In suiil eourt. on the Hd day of .March, 1!KW.
said execution beinn to me directed and com
niundinK me to levy upon and sell the per
sonal property of the said Judgment debtors,
or In ease no personal property be found, then
to levy upon and sell any real estate belong
Ini? to said Judgment debtors or either of
them on or alter said 2d dny of .March, IIK),
and under ami in pursuance, of said execution
I did, on the Iriih dny of Febnui.-y, lsul, levy
upon the n est half of the southeast quarter of
the northeast quarter of section one in town
ship one north ot ranae ninetyst of W. .M., lu
Wasco county, Urt-son, and w ill on
Saturday, tlie idlh day of .March, 1101.
at the hour of 2 o'clock, I'. M., nt Hie court
houst! door lu i'alioi. City, Wasco county,
(fregon, sell the ahove described real estate lo
the hlxhes' bidder lor cali in hand for the
pnrouse of satisfying said linlguieiit.
ailU)29 hlieiiff Wusco couuty.Uiegoa.
Clothmsr Store.
For Sale
1. The I.oy plnee, near Tueker's mill,
on liootl river; small house; f itctes
cleared ; iirire !.'0.
2. Wentlorl pluee, near I'mlerwootl,
W ash. ; Hill acres ; U) in cultivation ; fair
improvements ; youiiK urchnrit ; U ncres
bearing strawberries; plenty of good
water. Price f2,M)0 ; terms easy.
8. John Sipma fit in 1 , in lots from 5 to
I'D acres ; foil to fbO per acre ; terms easy.
4. Lot opposite schoolhoiise ; 75 feet
square. Price, fl7 j.
5. The old Kot'ers place at Frankton;
owned by (i. V. Lane; large bouse,
barn, 2 springs, part of Phelps erck
falls, 2 acres improved, plenty of fruit ;
price, 1,11KI $jtM) or more cash.
tl. tireal bargain. Tw o quarter blocks
in Parkhurst, level and sightly; flol)
7. Ilarrett-Sipnm addition ; $i!0 per lot :
(10 down iinti (.') per nioiith; 110 interest.
8. Ten choice lots in Highland addi
tion, only two blocks east of the post,
oilice, on State street, tit 7o to $150.
Terms easy. Every lot has a command
ing view.
y. The J. II. Ernry place, Enst Side,
near Tin ker's mill ; 2110 acres, nearly all
level ; part well improved ; price fli on
acre; will be sold in forty-acre tracts at
small advance. Terms, three-quarters
or more cash. A great bargain.
10. Mailing's block 5 ; pleasant view ;
2:!"i::iKl 14 lots; price M)0.
11. The i. T. (ialligtin (iO acres, lving
on the county road north and east 0 the
Ilarrelt farm ; 21 acres in cultivation;
INK) fruit trees Price f2,l.'0, or f2,2U)
half cash. New t'llrl) barn on place.
12. liiU acres on Hood river, 3 miles
above Tucker's miil; 8 acres cleared.
Price tl.KoO.
l.'l. The W. II. Ilishop home in Hood
River, lot It and part of lot 7, block 1,
Waucoma inlililiou to Hood Kiver; a
pretty home. Only f 1, 1(H),
14. The Allen Pulton farm, 100 acres,
5 miles east of tow 11 ; price f 1 ,000 ; tei nm
lis. Lots in Henderson sub-division
f:i7.f0 a lot.
111. John Sipina farm, 100 acres, fo.OOO.
$l,(i()0 or more cash ami balance at K jut
cent, or the east 40 ncres, cleared, for
$2,100. $,"i00 or more cash, bill unco at 8
per cent. Jlest farm in the valley.
17. Two lots and nice cottage, east of
Congregational parsonage; price fofiO;
terms easy.
15. Chas. Rogers' 120 acres near J. I.
Miller; can be bought with or without
timber or in separate: 40s; f,.00 for the 3
4()s, or ?loo for ti e timber on the west
40, or fl-jO for the west -10, land and
I iinber.
10. The Glover farm, well improved,
4'j miles from ( ioldendale ; 210 acres;
140 acres in cultivation ; (ill ncres in
winter w heat ; 7 acres in bog pasture,
with a creek running through it; ail un
der fence, with cross fences; lare
new barn and line house. Price (12.50
an acre ; w ill take Hood River property
in part payment.
20. 1'. A. Traiiti place, White Salmon,
in sight of Hood River; 8 acres, 5 in
straw berries and tomatoes 17, 000 straw
berry plants and 1,400 tomato plants.
No irrigation required. Price $700.
21. N. ), S. E. '4, S. Ja N. E. ( sec.
4, T. 3 X., R. 11 E White Salmon; tiuu
timber land ; (10 per acre.
22. The Emerson homestead, only one
mile east of town; fine range; !fl,500.
2:1. Lots 5 and ri, block 7, VYinMns ad
dition ; (oO a lot, or (85 lor the two.
21. Bernard Warren's fruit farm nt
Frankton, plenty of water, good build
ings, etc. 17 acres. Price ii;i,o00.
25. All of VYuucoma Park addition, 8
lots, at (2,400 cash.
20. S. 11. Cox's line residence in Hood
Kiver, lot UN x 100; price $1,200.
27. J. H. Xickelsen's place at Pel
moiit, ; w5 acres; (2,100. Terms easv.
28. A strip of land liO feet wide by i
mile long, with the creek, lying between
the west side of Blower's addition and
the county road at Paradise farm. Price
20. Twenty acres lying north of Peter
Kopke's, East Side; good land; unim
proved. Price $300; terms easy.
30. 3,') acres of J. C. P'Oggs' fruit farm
for (Ij.'iOO (UK) per acre in 15 or 20 acre
tracts. Tho 15-aere. tract in 5-acre tracts
at (125 per acre; 3s cash; balance to
suit purchaser; interest, 7 per cent per
31. At Trout Lake, 80 a. ; 3in timothy,
cuts 8 tons a year; 60 a. in heavy saw
timber, white pine, fir and cedar ; west
fork While Salmon river runs through
the place; price (1,250.
32. Emma (i. Robinson's KiO acres on
bills east of White Salmon, known 11s
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved ; (785.
Eligible residence lots in Spangler'B
subdivision, near cannon house; only
(75; terms easy.
, 100 acres near school and P. 0., 15 m.
distant; on daily stage line; line soil, 40
a. good timber; price (500 (rj()down,(i,0
in 1 month, (50 in 2 mos., bal in 4 years.
$200 to (1,200 to loan.
At the Emporium is kept ft first-class
surveyor's transit, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying.
N. 1$. Terms are easy on all the above
lands, with interest at (1 per cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads
and timber claims should apply at the
Davidson Fruit Co.,
Hhlppers of
Hood River's Famous
rai'krrs of th
Hood Eiver Brand of
Canned Fruits.
Mnnulncturers of
B-xes and Fruit Packages.
Dealers in Fertilizers and Agricultural Ira-
mot j eiTFon p uii Nation .
I.nnd Office nt Oretrnn City, Oregon, f eb. 25,
IlKll. Notice Is hereby given that the follow-Insr-mimrd
settler hss hied noliee of his In-,
tention to moke final prisif in supportof Ii!k
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Ht-glster and Heeeiver at Uregon Cltv,
Oiegon, on April 10, l.KII, viz.:
II. E. No. Ifti1."i, for the southwest ), of south
east section 21, and northwe-tt 1.4 ofnrrth
eust ;, seel ion 2township 2 north. ratureT phsI,
lie mimes tlie following witness,- toprove
his continuous residence upon an4 cultiva
tion of said lnnd,vi7.:
Oregon Washburn. Oreenn Cltv. Or.; John
North snd Joseph Zlnes. Portland, Or.; Will,
lam Sums, WiirrendHle, Or.
i-"!lH'l ( HAH. 11. MQOHKSI, Register.
l and Office nt The Dulles, Oregon, Feb. 31,
lfiOl. Notice Is herehv giveu that th follow
ing mimed settler has tiled notice of hl
Intention to make final proof in tnpport
of his rliiiin, and' thst said proof will
he miide before Hi Heglster und Kerlver at
The Dalles, Oregon, on Satordn v, April 8, 1901.
or Miwlcr. iiregon, II. F. No. sus, for tho
north southwest V4", north -vest southenst
and southwest north west ' section 10,
to""nshlp'2 north, miiire II eotf, w. M.
He mimes the follow, ng witnesses to pro-
his continuous residence, up in and cultiv.
Hon of sii'd hind, viz:
Jiinies Hunter, Frank Vl lner, Mat Duty
und Charles I'rathar. nil of M ter, Ore-'on
mliii JAY P. LUOAM, Ueglst r.