The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 08, 1901, Image 4

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When Lova went by I acarcely bant
Mr ayes to aw which way be went.
Life bad so many joya to abuw,
What time bad I to watch bim go,
Or bid biui In, whom full aent?
But when the day waa well nigh apent.
From out the casement loog I leant
Ah, wonld I bad been watching ao
When Love went by I
Gray days with dismal ulghta are blent,
Lonely and mid and discontent;
I wonld bia feet hud been more alow.
Oh, In-art of mine, how could wa know
Or realize what passing meant
When Love went by?
Woman's Hume Companion.
r T waa the yellow kitten who did It"
Miss Priscllla Trice said at the
church social In her moat positive
manner, and 110 one, not even Mrs.
'Llua Miller, pretended to contradict
"It's the truth, indeed," Mrs. Sarah
Crump agreed, with her fat, comfort
able chuckle, and the society In a liody
responded, "That's so."
Yes, the yellow kitten was responsi
ble for the wedding that was to cu;ue
off to-morrow and that would tiiua
unite forever not only two very attract
ive young people, but also the well
known families of Price and Campbell.
But we have begun at the wrong end
of the story, for Miss Priscllla ought to
have made, and In fact did make the
remark about the yellow kitten at the
end of the narrative, and not at the
beginning. And t line, to get things
straight, we will start over again In the
old-fashioned orthodox way.
Once upon a time (not so very long
ago, either) the little village of Pine
vllle flourished like a green bay tree.
It Is true It bad not arrived at trolley
cars or electric lights, but It was a very
charming place to visit nevertheless.
Bicycling was not entirely unheard of,
though those who rode were scarce a
few visitors at the summer boarding
bouse In the little hills Just outside the
vlllag had Introduced the wheel, but
the most conservative Plnevllllnns,
Miss Priscllla Price at the bead, quite
frowned down upon the sport, and Miss
Kebetca Slow has said. In season and
out of season, that "If any niece of hers
so demeaned herself as to be guilty of
such an unladylike, worldly amuse
ment, she would be sorry, that's all,"
and then an expression of having al
ready made a will would pass over her
austere countenance.
But to the story! There were two
prominent families In the village who
bad lived there since the very existence
of the settlement, and with whom all
the best people craved to be connected
lu some way. They were the Campbells
and the Prices, and Miss Priscllla, who
Insists upon getting Into print just as
If she were a heroine, was one of the
most respected members of the latter
tribe. As it has been hinted before,
this Is an old-fashioned story, and has
a genuine heroine, to wit, Mabel Camp
bell. Of course, there is a hero, too,
whom the girls said "was just too
sweet to live," and their 'mothers de
clared that he was a perfectly safe
young man, while the fathers and
brothers, though not going quite so far,
had only good words to say of Charlie
Price, at your service.
Now the "gentle reader" or, as some
writers prefer to say, the "fair reader,"
has doubtless guessed the sequel.
Charlie was in love with Mabel, and
the wedding, though properly opposed
by the powers that were, waa a natural
consequence. But where or when did
the yellow kitten come In? All In good
time, my friends.
The Campbells and the Prices had a
feud of long standing, originating In
the years gone by over the fence
boundary, each head of the family
claiming twelve feet more of ground
than the other considered his due. For
tunately this feud was conducted In a
quiet and perfectly lawful manner, and
poison, bowie knives and pistols did not
figure in it. But the feud was a posi
tive one, notwithstanding. No Camp
bell or Price had ever been known to
shake hands, not even at a church so
cial, which Mrs. 'Lias Miller and Miss
Rebecca Slow denounoed far and wide
as "onChristlnnlilce." But In spite of
the disapproval of many of their com
mon friends, there was apparently no
chance of any of the members making
up until well, Just before this story
was written.
The places adjoined, as the disputed
boundary line suggested; In fact the
whole village had grown up around
them, and what was once an old coun
try lane where their gates stood, was
now a smart village street.
As children, our hero and heroine had
several times displayed much contempt
for the family fuss, and bad been seen
playing together, though often forcibly
separated by indignant parents with
threats of being sent supperless to bed
If the offense was repeated. Evidently
they bad Inherited none of the 111 feel
ing of their ancestors, which was
mighty unnatural, Miss Priscllla
thought, though, as she always said,
site blamed the mothers on both sides
who certainly had not Inculcated tne
proper spirit of righteous resentment
and unappeased wrath In their off
spring. But when childhood was over, Mabel
Campbell was estranged by circum
stance from Charlie Price as complete
ly as If an ocean had been between
them Instead of a paliug fence. When
she was 18 she came back from board
ing school and was pronounced old
enough for picnics and socials, and
was. Indeed, the acknowledged belle of
the Young People's Pleasure Club, and
the favorite even of matrons and spin
sters at sewing bees and Dorcas socle
ties, and a perfect id 1 at home. She
was an only child, and the lore that
seemed to overflow from father and
mother was expended upon innumer
able pets. She had two fat Yorkshile
puppies, a pug dog, a parrot, and a cat
who recently had added to the proces
sion a yellow kitten, of the story. This
mall animal was up to mischief of all
kinds, and had the most exploring turn j
of mind, for she was forever getting !
tost and being returned to her mistress '
by little boys of the village, who thus !
turned many an honest penny.'
Senator Stewart of Nevada, who is the proud possessor of tba most luxuriant
growth of whiskers In the Senate, baa never been ahaved lu his life. Hi beard
began to sprout when he waa about 10, aiyl he la now 75. "Oh, yes," aaid he the
other day, "1 have often thought of shaving. Kind-hearted frienda bare given
me razors tud advised me to go to work on my beard, but 1 never took their
advice. You see, when I whs a young man I never owned a razor, and I had to
let my whiskers ruu wild. Now it is too late. My constituent would rage and
my political career would bo wrecked."
One afternoon Mabel had been out n
the woods with her young friends hunt
lug for chestnuts, and on her return
was greted with the sad tidings that
the yellow kitten had again strayed
from home. A search throughout the
place was at once begun. Evening
came on, however, and uo yellow kitten
put In an appearance. Mabel became
much distressed, as she was sure that
an evil fate had at lust overtaken her
pet. She begged to be allowed to send
over to the Prices, and see If the wan
derer, scorning old opinions, bad found
her way there, but her parents would
not consider such a proposition, so for
that night the household was mluus the
The next day was spent In looking for
the loved though lost, and many of the
village boys joined lu the hunt, but
with no result.
Toward sunset Mabel decided to walk
through the woods that skirted the vil
lage, thinking possibly her little prodi
gal might be somewhere about, and
down a shady path she went. She fan
cied ere long that she heard a monn a
very sad. klttenly moan It was and
soon discovered up In a tree, tangieil
most promiscuously lu creeping vines,
the yellow kitten, unable to free her
self. In vain Mabel called and tried to
entice her from her perilous position;
only piteous little meows were the re
sult. If she only had a long stick, or,
still better, If Bhe could climb the tree,
something might be done, but the years
spent at boarding school had robbed
her of all her childish accomplishments.
In the nildlst of her dilemma, help
was forthcoming she little dreamed of.
Through the bushes she heard the
sound of approaching footsteps and a
cheerful whistle. Soon the author of
these pleasant noises was In view. It
was Charlie Price, the family enemy,
and, to boot, a splendid young athlete!
Mabel forgot the traditions of three
generations of bitterness and called out
to her 'playmate of former days:
Charlie Mr. Trice, 1 mean can you
help me? See my poor yellow kitten;
she cannot get down," pointing, as she
spoke, to the tree which contained her
"With pleasure, Miss Mabel! Beg
pardon, Miss Campbell. Poor little
beastle she is caught In the vine."
And with that he sprung up the tree
with the agility of a squirrel or a circus
rider, and at some peril of broken limbs
rescued the kitten and placed her In the
outstretched arms of her young mis
tress. Then it was the most natural thing In
the world for our hero to walk home
with our heroine, and still more natural
the next day when they by chance met
in the same woods, to stop and speak of
the lost one. Thus, In spite of the fam
ily feud, the Intimacy ripened between
the young branches.
It was useless for Mabel's parents to
protest; Indeed, nothing short of a com
mand would have stopped this new and
delightful friendship, and Charlie bold
ly announced to his paternal that he
was tired of keeping up such an anti
quated fuss; let the grandfathers light
ont their own battles In whatever
world they were now residing, but he,
for bis part would no longer encourage
hatred, malice and all uncharltable
ness. Ere the winter had advanced Charlie
Price was known throughout Plnevllle
to be Mabel Campbell's "steady com
pany," and although Miss Priscllla, at
the head of the Price family, and old
Mr. Jonas Campbell, Mabel's great un
cle, the chief of the Campbell tribe, de
clared In unmeasured language their
opinion of the doings of their young rel
atives. It was useless, and, in fact, hur
ried up matters. Then the two moth
ers, who secretly bore no malice, ex
changed calls, and actually Mrs. Camp
bell was overheard to say that Mrs.
Price's sausage receipt was the best In
the village, while Mrs. Trice made no
denial of having borrowed Mrs. Camp
bell's knit quilt as a guide for the one
she was making to exhibit at the coun
ty fair In the spring.
From that the fathers of the two
peacemakers met and discussed poll
tics, and not boundary lines over the
disputed fence. By this time, as may
well be imagined, the wedding prep
arations were well uui r way. At the
suggestion of Charlie bis new house
was to be built directly over the part of
the ground that both Campbells and
Prices claimed, and this was universal
ly regarded as the most amicable Set
tlement of the trouble, and lo and be
hold! the marriage was announced to
take place on the following Easter
And Just then did Miss Priscllla Price
maker her statement that the yellow
kitten did It, and the entire village
agreed with her.
William Mason Telia an Anecdote
of the Violinist Kenienyi.
"I have already bad something to say
of Eduaid Kemenyl, the Hungarian
violinist who accomixiuled Brahms to
Weimar lu 1853, says a writer la the
Century. He was a talented mini and
was esteemed by Liszt as being. In his
way, a good violfulst. He belonged to
the class typified by Ole'ltull. but did
not achieve so great a reputation. He
remained at Weimar after Brahms left
there, and 1 became Intimately ac
quainted with hi in. He was very en
tertaining and so full of fun that he
would have made a lip-top Irishman.
He was at home In the gypsy music of
his own country and this was the main
characteristics of Ills playing. He had
also a fad for playing Schubert melo
dies on the violin with the most atten
uated pianissimo effects and occasion
ally his hearers would listen Intently
nfter the tone had ceased. Imagining
that they still heard a trace of It
Not long before leaving Weimar 1 had
some fun with bim by asking If be bad
ever heard "any bonn-flde American
spoken." He replied that he did not
know there was such a language.
"Well," said I, "listen to this for a spec
imen: 'Chlng-a-llug-a-dardee, Chebung
cum Susan.' " I did not meet him
again until 1878, twenty-four years
after leaving Weimar. I was going
upstairs to my studio in the Stelnway
Building when some one told me that
Kemenyl had arrived and was rehears
ing for his concert lu one of the rooms
above. , So. going up, I followed the
sounds of the violin, gave a quick
knock, opened the door and went in.
Kemenyl looked at me for a moment,
rushed forward and seized my hand,
and ns he wrung it cried out: "Chlng-a-llng-a-dardee,
Chebung cum Susan!"
He bad remembered It all those years.
A Plant that Coughs.
The vine Eutnda tussiens Is called
the coughing bean. It Is a native of
moist, tropical regions, and there is one
thing which it cannot, and moreover
will not. stand, and thnt is dust. When
the breathing pores of this plant become
choked by dust the gases accumulate
within the leaf for a time and are then
forcibly expelled in an audible par
oxysm of coughing and sneezing which
makes the leaf tremble violently. At
the same time the whole plant turns
red In the face, so to speak, through the
sinking In of the green chlorophyll
grains and the appearance of particles
of red coloring matter on the surface.
The eutada Is sometimes cultivated as
a house plant. Sweeping the room is
apt to set the plant coughing to the In
tense astonishment of persons who are
not familiar with Its peculiarities. The
respiration of plants is carried on
through the leaves. On the underside
of leaves are millions of micro
scopic mouths, each of which is opened
and closed by two movable lips. These
openings are the termination of pass
ages which are filled with water
vapor, air, and other gases, produced
by the chemical changes which accom
pany growth.
Odd Furniture.
Perhaps the oldest suit of furniture
In the world is owned by a certain hotel
keeper. For many years he bas made
it his business to collect match boxes,
of which he has now a collection of 4.
000. He ordered a skilled cabinet
maker to equip a room with furniture
made of these boxes. The outfit con
sists of a writing table with smoking
apparatus, Are screen, a cabinet, a
chair and other smaller articles.
Perfidious Man.
Mrs. Linguist I want to get a di
vorce. My husband talks In his sleep.
Lawyer Soozem But. my dear mad
am, that Is no ground for divorce.
There Is no cruelty In
Mrs. Linguist But be talks In Latin,
and I don't understand that language
at all. Baltimore American.
A man who neglects bis own business
can't be trusted to look after other peo
ple's affairs.
Women who lira la Data In London
are finding it almost Impossible to em
ploy servants, because they are so com
pletely Isoluted from the outside world.
At a dluuer given by Count Bonl de
Castellaue in purls re'iitly, dwarf
cherry trees loaded with fruit were
used for ornament and the cherrlea for
dessert. The cherries, It Is said, cost
$4 each. The trees bad been forced In
One of the most frequent uses to
which the telephone Is put by French
couutry subscribers Is that of an alarm
to wake them lu the morning. Those
who wish to be aroused at a given hour
have only to advise the telephone ad
ministration the night before of an
hour at which they wish to be ruug
The Land That Swings Like a Ham
mock Is the name given by Indians to
the territory about Sau Salvador, Cen
tral America. That city was entirely
destroyed by an earthquake on March
111, 1873, hut the people had grown
alarmed and had deserted It, so only
five hundred were killed. It flourishes
A. recent careful count by a com
petent person places the wbol number
of buffaloes living to-day at oily 1,024.
Or. William T. Hornaday says It would
have been as easy to count the leaves
In the forest as to calculate the num
ber of buffaloes living at a given time
during the history of the species pre
vious to 1870.
The "towers of silence" are two tall
towers In Persia, so called by the Tar
sees. They never bury the dead, but
leave the body exposed on the top of
one of these towers until the sun and
the rain and the fowls of the air have
cleaned the bones of all flesh. Then
the bones are collected and placed In
the other towers.
There Is no doubt the first Idea of a
suspension bridge was suggested to
primitive man by the Interlacing of
tree branches and parasitical . plants
across rivers. Probably monkeys used
them before men did. In very moun
tainous countries, such as Thibet and
Peru, they have apparently been used
since the dawn of history, possibly
Hoboken, N. J., Is the most densely
populated city In the country, having
sixty-one Inhabitants to the acre. At
the opposite extreme, New Orleans bas
but two to the acre. Los Angeles, Qal.,
and Lynn, Mass., are oddly bracketed
as having the most park space, an acre
to every twenty-eight Inhabitants. Jer
sey City bas but an acre to every 11,
488 Inhabitants.
Boston is the richest per capita city
In the country and spends the most per
capita. If her wealth was evenly
distributed every Inhabitant would
have $1042 worth of property. Of
course, In aggregates New Y'ork Is far
ahead of all the rest, having a valua
tion on a one hundred per cent basis
of $4,733,114,370, or enough to pay the
national debt four times over, with a
comfortable ln!nce of $.'10O,0O0,O(X).
Tacoma has the largest per capita debt
In the country, $115.74. .
It Is a well-known fact that the en
tire Atlantic seaboard Is sinking at the
rate of two feet a century from Cape
Cod to Cape Hatteras. If It can sink
that fast. It certiVnly has no very solid
underpinning, and some day the props
may let go all at once, and where will
New Y'ork be? Vnst tracts of Holland
are already far below the surface of
'he sea, and the waves are kept out
with the great dikes, and science says
thnt Holland, Belgium, Lenmnrk and
ill the southern coast of the Baltic Sea
ire sinking steadily. The entire conti
nent of Atalanta has gone down under
.he waves. Why should not other con
tinents follow?
Finding Days of the Week.
The prematurely aged young man
whose duty It Is to get up the Kecord's
"Answers to correspondents" column
says that queries of the same nature
ilways come in bunches. They seem
;.o be epidemic. Just at present a great
many people seem eager to know what
day of the week they were born on,
,ind It keeps him busy figuring the
dates out. He has a system which he
uses, and for the benefit of others who
may be In search of like Information It
Is herewith given. For Instance, take
Jan. 15, 188. A man born on that date
writes to know what day of the week
It fell on. In order to ascertain this
divide the figures representing the
year by 4, rejecting the remainder, If
any. To this dividend and quotient
add the number of days In the year to
the given date, Inclusive, always reck
oi'l' g twenty-eight days in February.
Divide the sum by 7, and the remain
der will be the number of the day of
the week, 0 signifying Saturday. Here
is the Illustration, taking Jan. 15, 18GS):
4)1808 -
Number of days to Jan. 15. ,
Thus, by this calculation, which Is In
fallible, It will be seen that Jan. 15,
1808, fell on the fifth day of the week,
which Is Thursday. Philadelphia
He Knew.
One cold, gusty December evening a
man was struggling along against the
wind, his overcoat buttoned to the
neck. He was rather anxious to know
what time It was, but he was too lazy
to unbutton bis coat in order to get at
his watch.
Just then he saw a gentleman In the
distance. When he came up the man
who wanted to know the time raised
his hat politely and Inquired: "Sir, do
you know what time It Is?"
The stranger paused, removed bis
right glove, unbuttoned his overcoat
and finally pulled out his watch, while
the cold wind beat against his unpro
tected breast. Holding up the watch
so that the light of an adjacent lamp
would shine on It, he scrutinized it for
an Instant, and said "Yes," and then
passed on without another word. Tit
Bits. A pert schoolgirl recently Informed
her mother that she didn't propose to
wear short dresses any longer.
loflnlte Horrors of the "Living-In"
System tuforcei by Klcu 1 roprle
tors Hot h Meu and Wo me J Are Poor
ly Paid and Heavily Hue J.
Thousands of the worklug girls a.)
men of Loudon, with the assistance of
Influential members of Parliament, are
making a determined effort tu alleviate
the deplorable conditions under which
they are now compelled to labor. The
poor shop workers are Imposed upon 1 1
many ways by the rich proprietors of
some of the metropolis' biggest depart
ment houses and the condition of many
Is described as little better than sla
very, from which up to the present
there has been no hope of escaping, as
the majority of the shop workers have
no other means of obtaining a liveli
hood. Oue of the systems enforced by some
of the proprietors Is known as the "11 v-lng-lu"
system. By this plan the em
ployes are lodged and fed together at
the employer's expense and are under
his jurisdiction night as well as day.
The system has many advantages In
theory, but In practice they are found
to be remarkably few. The grievances
of the shop assistants who have to
"live in" begin with their sleeping
rooms. Of all the big London shops
there are not more than one or two
where every assistant has a bed to him
self or herself. The general rule, Is two,
and sometimes three. In one bed and
f - - , mm
eight or nine lu every room. The rooms,
too, are about as. bare and unattractive
as it is possible to make them, fron
bedsteads constitute the furniture.
There are no chairs, no tables, no cup
boards. Every assistant keeps bis
or her clothes In ' a trunk under
the bed, and If Inadvertently any
article. Is left lying out It Is usually
confiscated. It Is against the rules to
have any pictures, photographs or orna
ments on the walls or any flowers, eith
er in pots or vases. The girls are for
bidden to do any needlework lu their
dormitories, ('old water and basius are
supplied by the generous bouse, but the
clerks have to get thelr soap and tow
els. If they break any article of furni
ture or crockery they have It to pay for.
No assistant Is allowed to visit any
other assistant In his or her room; none
Is allowed to receive a friend from out
side anywhere In the building. But the
hardest rule of nil Is that the clerk
cannot choose his bedfellow or
feliows, but is forced to "bunk In"
wherever he is put. and If his bedmates
be of bibulous proclivities and come
home drunk, or happen to have auy
disease, why, so much the worse for
him. This unbreakable rule is the same
In the girl's department as in the men's.
There Is a sitting-room for the girls and
a smoking-room for the meu, but they
are both always crowded to suffocation,
and the assistant who would like to
read a book or write a letter, has no
chance at all. It is one of the1 bitterest
cries of what the victims have dubbed
"The white slavery" that there is no
such thing as privacy that one Is never
alone. Again, every assistant half sus
pects every other of being one of the
firm's staff of unknown spies, and they
distrust each other accordingly.
Everybody must be out of the living
rooms by 8 o'clock In the morning and
rn again at 11 at night by 12 on Sun
days. The living rooms are generally
hi a building in a side street nenr the
shop, and at the street door there is a
Cerberus who lets In the young men
and young women as they arrive, up to
the forbidden hour, when the door Is
shut, and If a girl has been delayed In
getting back It's ten to. one he. will
have to walk the streets all night un
less she can find friends to "put her
Just fifteen minutes after the closing
hour the gas goes out everywhere, and
anyone who bas a light later than that
time is discharged. Not even a candle
is allowed. In most bouses It Is a rule
that all rooms shall be unoccupied on
Sunday, and wwM of the assistants are
glad to live up lo it, but sometimes,
wheu the seventh day happen to be
rainy, It comes hard.
No marriage la tolerated wLere "liv
ing In" obta'ns If the firm gets wind
of an affection between a man and a
girl one of the two is promptly dis
charged. Such houses will not employ
a married man If they kuow It, but
sometimes they are outwitted by uieu
who hee their better halve only from
Saturday to Monday. It Is another
bard and fast rule that none of the
mule employes lu these shops may vote.
The dining-room Is usually a dark
one lu the cellar, not Invariably free
from cockroaches, known lu England
as black beetles. The meals are served
on long oilcloth-covered tables, bare of
anythlug beyond the essential Imple
ments of gastronomic warfare. As a
rule the food is Indifferent, for the pro
prietor Is constantly dissatisfied with
the chef's efforts In the way of econ
omy, and the bill of fate hardly ever
consists of more than three staples. The
damp root. i Is lighted with flaring gas
lights. The stale bread, raucld "butter
Ine," a pallid chicory mixture that mas
querades as "coffee," stewed tea and
tainted meat, and having to bolt It lu
fifteen or twenty minutes amid a clat
ter of dishes, combine to make a ghust
ly experience.
The clerks go to their meals In "par
ties" and are as llnble as not to be called
back to the shop again before they ran
eat two mouthful. If a clerk Is busy
when his "party" Is ready to go h has
to wait an hour or more until all thw
parties have finished, when there la a
special table for stragglers, and If he Is
busy when that time ciuues be has to
go hungry. It often happens that a man
or girl has to work on for eight or nine
hours In a busy Time without a bite.
The proprietor does not have much
trouble with grumblers, however bad a
table he "sets." The reason is that he
fines his people two shillings sixpence,
or 02 cents, a grumble.
The London shop man draws a salary
of from f 150 to $'.'25 a year In addition
to his board and lodging; the shop girl
$."0 a year less. They have to be well
dressed, and their little Income is
drained by all sorts of fines, to say
nothing of the small sums they often
have to spend to eke out their scrimped
meals. Of course there Is a fine for
every clerical mistake, and the pro
prietor encourages those whose busi
ness It Is to ferret out such slips by pay
lug them a small sum for Oveiy oue
they can locate.
Most shops have all their rules and
the fines attached to them printed In a
little book, which they graciously soil
to their employes for sixpence and tine
them sixpence If they lose It. One well
known London shop has 1U8 rules, an
other 159. There is a flue for being
late, which Increases with every minute
of tardiness; one for taking a knife,
fork or spoon to one's room; a set
amount to be paid for every box, of
goods not properly dusted; for wearing
a bunch of flowers over three Inches lu
diameter; for leaving the counter be
fore the bell for meals has rung. Then
there are what are called "omnibus"
fines that Is, the heads of departments
"have discretion" lo exact a tine for
practically any offense. When the clerk
has liquidated all the tines that he In
curs In the hurry of business and has
paid out small sums for the "doctor,"
the shoe black, the shop's system of ac
cident Insurance, and so forth, what he
has left for himself must be no great
A Close Shave.
A Sand Hog in a ml shirt and grimy
trousers sat down by me one afternoon
on a heap of boards midway between
the Sand Hogs' bouse and the "hos
pital." This pressureworker, whose
knees showed traces of "the bends,"
evidently had a story to tell.
"It was only the other day," he said.
"I seen It, und how the man ever hap
pened to live, I dunno. It was one o'
these little caissons here we're putting
this big building on. He was one of the
superintendents, a young college feller
that knows his job. Well, he went
down with us. There wuz four In the
gang, and one o' them, Tim that
Harp yer might see drlnkin' coffee
now. They wuz a rock there, and the
foreman told Tim to have a go at It.
He got his pick and swung it for a
good crack. There was a tearin' an' a
rlppln' an' Tim dropped his pick. As
he swung It the young feller had step
ped out and the pick had ripped off
every button from the blue Jumper he
had on, without even scratchin' him."
- Frank Leslie's Fopular Monthly.
Counting the Stars.
Today the stars visible from the first
to the thirteenth magnitude aggregate
to about 43,000.000 of which" ..nearly
10,000,000 have been photographed. In
the most powerful telescopes, even the
fifteenth magnitude has been reveal
ed; of this magnitude perhaps 100,000,
000 stars are suspected, but knowledge
concerning them Is uncertain. In the
milky way alone there are some 10,000
stars," separate by vast distances. To
the eye. at the telescope the ty seems
no' longer. .dotted with constellations,
but turw'dexefr with gold dust .. .
What has become of the old-fashioned
woman who asked her boy, when he
did not speak up promptly and -'acknowledge
his fault "Haa the cat got
your tongue?"
A stiff tipper lip Is useless when pit
ted against a wagging lower Jaw.
Encouraging Reports Come From
the Western Centers.
Bradstrett's says: Trade reports
from the distributive centers at the
West continue encouraging, while
such ineiuuies of trade volume as
bauk clearings and railway earnings
Indicate a considerable gain in busi
ness over a year ago. Soft spots are,
of course, to bo found, notably in
the manufacturing brunches of the
cotton and the wool trade, but ad
vice from the dry goods and cloth
ing distributors are encouraging, and
it Is thought will help business. The
strength of Iron and steel this week
recalls the boom of IS'.c.i. It Is prob
able,' too, that the broad and strong
consumptive demand and not the ope
rations of pools or cliques, Is respon
sible for the steady advances. Prac
tically all markets report Iron and
steel higher, but special activity Is
noted at Pittsburg, Birmingham and
Chicago; St. Ixmls alone reports
foundry Iron consumers indifferent.
The cereals are without notable
change, wheat and corn being frac
tionally lower in a dull, scalping mar
ket. Lumber Is strong In price, pend
ing the resumption of general build
ing operations. Western advices are
especially bullish. Chicago has done
the heaviest business ever recorded
in yellow pine nnd white pine. Stocks
have been broken badly by the active
demand. Hard woods are rather
slower to respond, however, nnd are
still unsteady, not to say weak. Cop
per Is less active for export, but
hold firm, whllo tin Is again lower
on foreign advices.
Wheat, Including flower, shipments
for the week aggregate 5,233,313
bushels against 3,424,002 bushels
last week.
Business failures In the United
States for the week number lt!7, as
against 231 Inst week.
Canadian failures for the week
lumber 28, as against 24 a week ago.
Seattle Market.
( Onions, new yellow, $3.50(4.25.
Lettuce, hot house, $1.60 pur case.
Potatoes, new, $1S.
Meets, per sack, $1.25.
Turnips, per sack, 75o. ,'
Squash 2c.
Carrots, per sack, 75c
Parsnips, pur sack, $1.25 1.50.
Celery GOc. doz.
Cabbage, unlive and California,
Jc per pounds.
Bntter Creamery, 25c; dairy, 15(3
18c; ranch, 1 5 1 8o pound.
Cheese 14 c.
Eg?" Hanch, 20c; Eastern 20c.
Poultry 13c; dressed, native chick
ens, 14c; turkey, 15c.
Hay L'uget Sound timothy, $15.00;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $24;
feed meal, $24.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
Flonr Patent, per barrel, $3.40;
blended straights, $3.25; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $0.00; ttra
ham, per barrel, $3.25; whole wheat
flour, $3.25; rye flour, $3.804.00.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $15.00;
shorts, per ton, $10.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $23; oil cake meal,
per ton, $2.0o.
Fiesh Meats Choice dressed beof
steers, price 8c; cows, 7Jec; mutton
7?; pork, 8c; trimmed, 10c; veal, 10c.
llama Large, 1 1 Jc; small, ll,Si;
breakfast bacon, 13?4c; drv salt sides,
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla. 50o; Valley
nominal; Blueatom, 57 'eo per bushel.
. Flour Best grades, $3.40; graham,
Oats Choice white, ,45c; choice
gray, 43c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $16.50 brew
ing, $16.50 per ton.
MillstutVs Bran, $16.00 ton; mid
dlings, $21.50; shorts, $18.60; chop,
$16 per ton.
Hay Timothy,$12 12.50; clover,$7
9.50; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 22 Js J6c;
store, 13c.
Eggs 14c per dozen. .
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13ic;
Young America, 14c; new cheese 10a
per pound .
Potatoes 40 GOc per sack; sweets,
$l,6o per 100 pouuu.
Vegetables Keets, $1; turnips, 75e;
per sack; trarlin, 7o per pound; cab
bage, 1?4C per pnnuri; parsnips, 85c;
onions, $2.75i(? 3.00; carrots, 75c.
Hops New crop, 12 14c per
Wool Valley, 1314c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, lU12c; mohair, 25
per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
$4.75; ewes, $4.60; dressed mutton.
6 Yi (3 7o per pound.
FlogR Ciross, choice heavy, $5.25;,
light and feeders, $5.00; dressed,.
6(d ic. per pounds.
Beef (iross, top tteers, $4.50(34.75;
cows, $1.00(8 4.60; dressed beef, 6
7c per jxuiiiil.
Veal Large, 7 7 ,'a'c; small. 8 g (J
9c per pound.
San Francisco Market.
Wool Spring Nevada. II (ft) .'!; tht
pound; Eastern Oregon. 10l4c; Yul.
ley, 1517c; Northern, 9tei0c.
Hops Crop, 1900, 15(320c.
Bnttor Fancy creuiuerv !,
do seconds, 17c; fancy dairy, 15;
do seconds, 12c per pound.
Kg.'s Store, 'i'c; fancy ranch
Mil stuff. Middlings. l?no a
20.00; bran, $15. Oil 5 16.00. ,
Hay Wheat Srfl3'.:- wheat
oat 9.tt0a 12.50; best barley $s.r,t)
alfalfa, $7.0010.00 per ton? straw,
35rr4TC per bale. '
Po!toe Oregon l'.urbnnk-.
Salina Bnrlwnks, ;.r,ciit $1 .! 5; river
buriifinks, aj 'at,5c: sweet", .".o ra $ 1 .oo.
Citrus Vrnit ( 'v.; ues '
$J.-7fta.3d; Mexieau Mi,,,, $i.(V),'
5.00; California, -i-mim 7 5c $1.50:
do choice $1 .75 (a .(,() per Uv.
Tropiciil Fr-i te isamum ti v.a
4.60 per bnncb; pineapple,, "nom
inal: I'eiH.iiiu dittos. v.ctc. i-