The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 08, 1901, Image 2

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    3cod liver Slacier.
FRIDAY," MARCH 8, 1901.
Governor (jeer vetoed the Portland
charter Ijill passed liy the lt'ginl atu nr: t
Tho revised churter placed the police
end fire departments under one com
mission r!th two democrats and one re
publican aa commissioners. The reason
given by the governor for his veto is
that a law has been enacted creating a
commission of prominent citizens of
Portland to frame a charter to be sub
rnitted to the peoplo about a year hence.
Ho says that in view of this provision it
is not advisable to change, the charter
now ami thus create business disturbance
and uncertainty in public affairs. The
democrat) who voted fo'r Senator Mitch
ell in exchange for this eoncesiiion to
their party In Portland, along with their
supporters throughout the state are
greatly chagrined ut the governor for
upsetting their plan. Their republican
coadjutors got their choice for acnator,
but they got left. Sio- transit gloria
mundi. m
The United States now htand at the
head of 'the world's exporting nations.
The total exports of domestic merchan
dise from the United States in the cal
endar year 1900 were $1,453,013,059;
those from the United Kingdom, which
has heretofore led in the race for this
distinction, were $1,418,318,000, those
from Germany $1,050,611,000, and those
from France $787,000,000. A quarter of
a century ago the United states stood
fourth on the lint of exporting nations.
District School Elections.
Iu the town district Hon. T. R. Coon
was elected director to serve three years
and Geo. T. Prather, clerk. Clerk Hen
ry's report showed 888 children of school
ane in the district, against Ml last vear
Inquiry by Hon. E. L. Smith brought
out the fact that the primary room had
71 pupils. Mr. Smith thought it unfair
that 71 little children had to be crowd
ed into one room ; the children in the
first grade had as much right, he said,
to fresh air and attention as the more
advanced pupils, and he hoped some ar
rangement could be mnde to give them
what is their due. Director Evans said
the board had labored with "tho propo'
sition to provide for the primary depart
inent during the present school year.and
part of the time had employed an extra
teacher, the hoard, was handicapped,
however, by a shortage of funds. The
clerk's report of the' financial
condition of the district showed it
' to bo deeper in debt than it
was layt year, but the healthy increase
ot school population to draw school nioir
ey will help out some this year.
Frunkton school district, No. 2, met
lor annual election Monday, March 4th
t 2 p. m. M. K. -Noble was elected to
serve 3 years as director and M. II
Nickolseii was re-elected clerk foranoth
er year. The clerk's report showed 172
ptipilH of school age in the district, and
including is pupns or the subscription
school ut Nicolm, there were 152 eiv
rolled. Number of days attendance
H,B,8. Receipts Ironi all eourcssf 1151.17
e.viienditt'res,112.61 ibalance on hand
$24.W. The district voted to build a
school house not to exceed $500 in cost,
for house, furniture and land, for the
benefit of pupils in the west end of the
district, the location of the school house
'to be decided upon by tire directors
V. I, uiluert, our county superintend
cut, was present and among other good
things he said were some well chosen
words of condemnation of the manner in
which the business of the district has been
handled during the past 10 or 11 years
lie was heartily applauded and it is t
be hoped that those interested will take
a tumble to themselves and make an ef
fort to bring about a better condition of
things at rrankton.
Uurrettdistrict, No. 4, at theirelection
Monday, elected C. L. Copple director
to serve lor lime years, and r. D. Ilm-
richs was re-elected clerk for another
year, making 4 or 5 years in succession
lor linn in that position, there were
J 20 pupils ol school aee in the district
00 enrolled and something overf2(j0duys
attendance. There were (15 legal voters
in the district. itli a 20 mill tax they
received trom all sources, in round num
bers, $1180.110; expended, $1130.00; bal
on hand, i;u.
In Cropper district, Geo. A. McCurdy
' was elected director to serve three years
and J. I. Miller re-elected clerk ' The
"district has t'.H in the library fund.
In Pine Grove district.C'has.Sproat was
elected director to serve three years and
and J. .11. l eak re-elected clerk. The
school will bo continued two months
with the same able corps of teachers.
In M.tllood district, Thos. Larewood
was elected director for the term of three
years and W. II. Ediek clerk. The board
desires to have the school house painted
end a porch erected ;two necessary things,
Mount Hood Notes.
lion Tavid Wishart has ordered
through the Liberty Department Store
K70 pounds of clover seed and as soon as
the ground is in suitable condition will
seed some of his valuable wheat land to
Several new residences are contem
plated this season. Among those
are H. H. Meyers, II. II. Tomlinson and
thos. Larewood.
We understand that J. R. Bird, the
logger, has taken another contract and
will open up in the spring with a large
Chas. Helmer, with tho assistance of
John Kredenburg,took to the station hist
Saturday a load of apples (o0 boxes) for
shipment to Seattle.
John II. Fredenburs leaves next Run
day, March 10th,for II waco, Wash. .where
lie will operate fish traps this season
John is an expert trap man and com
Ii mints good wages on linker h bay.
We understand that our old friend
Bnd neighbor Geo. Wishart has traded
his 80 acre tract for an 80 belonging to
his father and that he will make Mount
Hood his permanent home ngnin.
Apples in Oregon.
Henry Dosch, secretary of the state
board of horticulture, gives the total
acreage in apple orchards in Oregon at
lB.ftOO acres.
This seems to the Observer i a small
area. There are HO millions of acres in
Oregon and it is surprising that there
are no more, now, in apples. The fruit
interest, with apples as king, has been
far more talked and written about than
any other Oregon industry. For 50 years
men have planted orchards in Oregon ;
the state has been famous for its "big
red apples" for half a century, and yet
so small a portion of land adapted to
apples is devoted to their grow th.
Yet 16,500 acre is a large orchard.
Reckoning that t ie trees stand 25 feet
apart, seventy trees can be placed on an
acre. This would make the number
of apple trees now in Oregon 1,155,000.
But if in planting th trees, the orchard
ing followed the formula laid down by
the state board oi horticulture and
placed the trees 40 x 30 feet spurt, at
tho latter distance there would only be
3i trees per aero, ami thx total number
would be 690,uiK). La Grande Observer.
Your Face
Shows the state of ycrur feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pule
and valid w complexion, Pimples and
Muii bruptions. l you are leeling
weak and worn out, and do not have a
healthy appearance, vou should try
Acker s lSlooJ Elixir. It cures all blood
diseases, where cheap' sarsaparillus and
go-called puritiers fail; knowing this, we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
llliams S lirosius.
A six-vear-old boy died in a New York
hostiitnl. Feb. "1th. from the effect of
swallowing a toy dime savings bunk.
Dyspepsia can be cured by using Acker's
Dvsoensia Tablets. One little tablet will
give immediate relief or money rof A tided.
25e and 5('c. Williams & lirosius.
Carrie Nation will sue tho Inventor of
the "Carrie Nation cocktail," which is a
favorite beverage in New York saloons.
Carrie wants $10,000 damages for tho il
legal uso ol her name.
Moki Tea positively cures sick head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of tho skin, producing a per
iod complexion, or money reiunnea.
25c. and 50c. Williams & Hrosius.
There was a butter famino in Golden-
dale this week. But as eggs are 10c a
doz. and axle grease is cheap, the jieople
are doing fairly well, Kays tho hentuiel.
Experience is the best teacher. Use Ack
's English Remedy in any case of colds,
coughs or croup. Should it fail to give im
mediate reliet money relunued. iac and
50c. lllianiH lirosius.
Eastern railroads have made a rate of
one fare for the round trip to the Buffalo
When vou are bilious, use those famous
little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early
Kisers to cleanse the liver and bowels.
They never gripo. Chas. N Clarke. .
Although our lands are rich, an appli
cation of land plaster increases the crop
of clover to an amount which repays
several times the cost of the plaster,
while on some lands it is almost impos
sible to get a vatisfactory crop of clover
without the aid of lund plaster. The
time to apply the land plaster is in the
(pring before the rains cease. Rural
See that you get the original PeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve when you ask for it.
Tho genuine is a certain cure for piles,
sores and skin diseases. (Jliaa. .N. Ularke
If the farm is paid for, don't put a
mortgage on it or on your personal
property unless dire necessity compels
it. Don't overreach. That is what a
mortgage usually means. The work, worry
and sense of obligation which a mort
gage carries until'it is paid don't pay.
It takes more happiness out of farm
life than tho increased gains usually
bring, ray as you go and enjoy lilts.
Inland Empire.
Their promptness and their pleasant ef
fects make DeWitt's Little Early Risers
most popular little pills wherever they are
known. Ther are simply perfect, fur liver
and bowel troubles. Chas. N. Clarke.
Assessor John R. Rankin of Kiltkitat
eouiitv. Washington, has nonointed J
P. Ea'gan a deputy assessor for White
Palmou district.
The lingering cough following grip calls
for One Minute Cough Cure. For all throat
and lung troubles this is the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate results. I re
vents consumption. Chas. N.Clarke.
Work on the construction contract of
tho Cascade locks was finished last week
and about -10 men were thrown out of
employment. We understand that most
of these men will have to seek work
elsewhere. As they are mostly men
with families it will make quite a differ
ence in the population ol Cascade Locks
It is estimated that it w ill yet take
something like $500,000 to complete the
works, which amount congress has not
yet appropriated. Skamania Pioneer.
Counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve are liable to cause blood poisoning.
iA'avethem alone. The original has the
name DeWitt's upon tne box and wrapper
Itisa harmlessanil healing salve for skin
diseases. Unequalled for piles. Chas. N.
Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
A Detroit millionaire who last fall be
came alarmed lest Bryan should beelect
ed, deposited $900,000 in Canadian banks,
and when he died not long ago his heirs
found they would have to pay $15,250 in
heritance tax to thoOntariogovernment.
Like Oliver Twist, children ask for more
when given OneMinuleCoughCure. Moth
ers endorse it highly for croup. It quickly
cures all coughs and coldsand every throat
and lung trouble. It is a specific for grip
and asthma and has long been a well
known remedy for whooping cough.
Chas. N. Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
Ripe wild strawberries wero picked
and brought to the Eugeno Register
office Feb. 27th.
The stomach controls the situation.
Those who are hearty and strong are those
who can eat and digest plenty of food. Ko
dol Dyspepsia Cure djgests what you eat
and allows you to rat all the good food you
want. If you suffer from indigestion, heart
burn, belching or any other stomach trou
ble,! his preparat iou can't help but do you
good. The most sensitive stomachs can
take it. Chas. N.Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy
Mrs. W. Slants and daughter, Miss
Ruby Slusher, of Dufur, were in town
today on their way home from Hood
River, where Miss Ruby has been at
tending school. Miss Slusher, while be
ing driven to the Hood River depot one
lay last week, was thrown out of the
buggy ttnd sustained injuries to one of
her knees that it was feared would re
sult in permanent lameness. Her moth
er was immediately sent for and under
her careful nursing and the skilled at
tendance of the Hood River physician,
it is hoped that the injury will only be
temporary. Dalles Chronicle.
Prof.Ivison of Lonaeoning.Md., suffered
terriblyfrom neuralgiaof the stomach and
indigestion for 13 years, and after the doc
tors failed tocureiiim they fed him on mor
phine. A friend advised the use of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure and after taking a few bot
tles of it he says, "It has cured meentirely.
Iean'tsaytoo much for Kodol Dvspepsia
Cure. It digests what you eat.'' Chas.
N. Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
Sheriff Kelly tells a pathetic story of
Mrs. Hattie Wiedner, of Mosier, whom
he and Mrs. Kelly took to the insane
asvlnm Sunday. Mrs. Wiedner was
told that she Was to be taken to the Sa
lem hospital and the poor woman was
so elated with tho prospect that when
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly called for her at the
Umatilla house, at 3 o'clock in the
morning, she was already dressed and
ready for the road. On the way to Sa
lem she prattled of her new home like a
child, and when she was driven up in
front of the big asylum building and
read the sign over the entrance, "State
Hospital," she went into an ecstacv of
delight. Then taking Mr. and "Mrs.
Kelly by the hand she thanked them for
bringing her there, and bade them an
affectionate good bye. DallesChronicIe.
There are occasions in a man's life
where it really takes more courage to
keep out of a fight than to get into one.
The bashful man and the conceited
fellow vre really very much alike. They
both think too much of themselves.
Strikes a Rich Find.
"I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion and nervous debility,'
writes F.J.Green of Lancaster, N.H. "No
remedy helped me until I began using El
ectric hitters, which did me more good
than all the medicines lever used. They
have also kept in v wife in excellent health
for venrs. She savs Electric Bitters are
just splendid for female troubles; that
they are a grand tonieanu invigoriuor ior
w eak, run down women. No other medi
cine can take its place in our family."
Try them. Only50c, Satisfaction guar
miieed by Chas. N. Clarke.
There is one redeeming feature about
freckles, anyhow; they are always genu
Tho mail w ho never smiles is no more
to be trusted than the dog who never
wags his tail.
When you buy a Plane
you buy it oi
When you got your watch repaired you
don't Inke It Ui lint shoemaker, nor your doc
tor's prescription to t ie blacksmith simp to
be flUeC.
When yon buy hardware, the nnturui place.
to seen, wnul you neeu is ui me
Hardware Store
Ezz of the prize-winner W hlte Wyundottes
ami lilac ai i iioivhh Kir mue ni fi.-i a wiling.
LrfH'tU trade, SI. K. 1. CAI.ivl.NSJ, .Miunwr.
A brown more, with u hhu.r face, branded
two half circles on the Itft Mln. A reward
w ill be paid for tho return of the mare Ui
mS J. L. uouijojr.
Eggs for Hatching:.
Mv buns ure from the bet strain,. My'lit Itnthniii rooster ared M pom Ik nt Hie
Multiimnuli county rounry snow t" imwaim
Wi nolntM nf the Albany show In 1UU0. receiv
ing first prize ut both show. My Uluck Mi
norca Ktoclc romei from Geo. 11. jSortlmp'i
yarns al Ktieeviue, is. Y .
IX'kh 7.V: u setting, or 5 Hettine M.
U'Mid Burred Plymouth Hook ej?, oOe ft net
ting. JinSJ K. W. AXjl'is.
Two Cottages to Rent.
Apply to . r. va iku., rtaeni.
Don't Foreret
That little 6 acre nlueo near town which I
will sell cheap. Also some other bargains Iu
lund. NoaKeiits. T. It. ( taiM
Fruit Ranch for Sale.
II) acres of the best fruit land in Hood Hlver.
All Improved, with beiiring trees. Kor purlio
ularx address r. 1'.. uaii.m
New Milch Cow.
A fiesli cow. Price 8t0, for sale by
ml.i M. V.Itnnd.
Spring Wagon for Sale
A lwo.geuM'U f()riii wagon, in guou tmv
nni mi, ior sale ciieap. Apply to
in IS F. K. B.MI.KY
Brown Leghorn Eggs.
I have thwroiiRhbred Drown Leghorn esgs
for sale, at 50 cents a sotting. till '1'l.j.
2 or 3 Fresh Cows.
1 have 2 or S fresh cows for sale ul Hlverslde
Farm,:) miles trom town.
Wanted to Trade.
A good pony for sale or trade for a fresh
L'UW. FJ. l. KIV.AWlU'jl
Farm for Sale.
Or rent. 2.S0 ncre3 5 miles cast of Hood Itiver;
IS acres plow lund; iilenty of water: ifood
ranse. Apply to J. U D.WKNJ'OKT.
Light red heifer, about 0 months old. Any
one take up, notify ine and receive reward.
m C. L. MOUSE.
100 cords of wood cut on my farm, -f' miles
from liood Hlver. on the l-.ust. mho. unnn
wanes. Address I. A. Mason, 100 Second (St.
Portland, Oregon. ml
House for Rent.
A very desirable new cottage: splendid view
of Mt. Adams and the scenery beyond the Co
lumbia; s rooms; Tree wuter, rent si
ml It. WARREN.
Dry Wood for Sale.
Cut IB inch; oak, pine, tlr and ash, all under
cover. Delivered at M.u n ric.K, or $i n euro,
nil U. V. WOODWUllTH
Jersey Bull.
I have for sale a thoroughbred Jersey Hull
one year old In March. A Im, a few thorough
oreu Marred rivnioiitn hock i ocks.
A. II. .JEWETT. White Salmon, Wash
Angora Goats.
N. Ii. Jordan of Sioux City. Iowa. Is pre.
pared to ship AnRora goats to Hood Hlver If
a carload or two carloads can no sola, rnee
delivered here from to Sit. Parties deslrlni;
lo purchase these goats can apply totheed'
nor or the Ulacieror to J. .1. jokdan,
JvH Hood Uiver, Or.
Those deslrinar a nurse in confinement
please address Mrs. W. T. Hansbury. Kefur-
ences itiriiisiieu 11 desired.
Frankton Express.
Passengers taken to and from Nicolal Mid
Davenport camps, and single rigs furnished
for family shopping.
al TIIOM AM CA t.KIN'S, Proprietor.
Calcixnining, .
Paper Hanging.
All work warranted first class. Esti
mates made without charge.
Office with Mountain Stage Company,
Hood River, Oregon.
Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby riven that on the Bth day
of February, pun, an execution was regularly
Issued out, of the circuit court of the state of
Orejron for Wasco county upon a Judgment
Riven and rendered therein on the 131 n day of
February, l'MI, In favor of Mays & Crowe,
plaintifl's, and against Wilson II. Wlnnnsand
Mary Winans, defendants, for the" sum of
Stiy-t.00. the same being enrolled and dix:kei,ed
in said court on the Vd day of March, MX).
Kald execution being to me directed and com
manding me to levy upon and sell the per
sonal property of the said Judgment debtors,
or In case no personal property I found, then
to levy upon and sell nn-rcal estate belong
ing to' said judgment debtors or either of
them on or allur aU1 2d day of March, l'.HX),
and under and in pursuance of said execution
I did, on the aith day of February, HMjl, levy
npon the west half of the aoniheast quarter of
the northeast quarter of section one in town
ship one north of range nine east of W. M., In
Wasco county, Oregon, au J'wtll on
Saturday, the 30th day of March, 1001,
at the hour of 2 o'clock, P. M.. at the court
house door lo Dalles City, Wasco county,
Oregon, sell the above described real estate io
the highest bidder for cash In hand for the
purpose of satisfying said ludsmenu
mlm3 Sheriff Wa county, Oregon.
re Bros.
Fresh and Cured Moats,
Lara, Poultry.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Highest price paid for fat Stock.
IlOUb 1HVK11. OK.
Free Delivery. l'honn 35.
Eggs, Eggs.
lVkln Duck cms f,,r bnti inn.
ThorotiifhbieU Uarred Plymouth K'JK CSS
llamuiu e.'.
Two Burred 1'lvmouth Rock Cock for sale
A IsO, m few lielifiitn llurrs, llioronuhhreds.
r.-i . J. W. JF.NKlNt.
" "Pekiii Duck Egs
r ruin iurr-wi en Mrufc. I m y "
end wild pold uirdiila or other prl.e, lml
ut.,i..1 .... ii . . PhTit Imllor tilr-ilx
In the vulky. f,)r ;i eta's.
. Bids Wanted.
Healed bids will We received at the Mt.Hood
Cost otllce fur put in I ii tin' school house and
ulhtlinf a iKirch lo thi.same. Hncclnvutlons
can be hud by Hpplyi,g to the clerk of stchisil
I'lSUICl . o. O, niLllOOll, "ll'IT'in. i.ytiriMTUl
Directors. . WM. r.l'li K , lers.
Cow lor Sale.
A Jersy cow; will be fresh about March 1st,
l'l Ice H. V. JIKSIWl'
In the Circuit Court for the Ktute of Oregon,
In the I mint v or W asco.
ChlirluA. Lane, III'., "i hull foi divorce.
vs. v numinous 11 puuu
Viola K. ljine. deft. I cation.
To Viola K. i-aii" the above lotmeil de-
fitidant: In the nuaie ol I hi' slate of Ort'irou
you are hereby rciiu'ii'il tiutppear und answer
the complaliil : filed a.:iilnst ou In the above
entitled suit and t uui t, on or bcroni
Fi idav. theltld dav of March. A. 1). !!.
That beinit the la-t day pn'scrlbcd In the
order for publication of said summons, where
in It whs order, 11, tuai sum puoucanoii oe
made once u wc k for six consi cutive weeks,
and for seven Insertions, In thoi lliaid
ltivcr Olueler, a newspaper of Keneral
circulation, published weekly In the Town ol
lloial Uiver. saiil I 'oiinly anil Htate; und If you
fall to appear and answer snld coiiiplalnl, for
want thereof, the Jilalnlitr will take Judg
ment airulnsi. ymi mra decree dissolving un
bonds of iiiatrlmonv hi reloforeaiul nowelst-
liu bi'twecn Un plulntiil' and you, Uelcnilaul
Herein. j
Tho service, of this Summons Is tlicrefore
made upon yon v publlcititon lher,s,f In the
said Hood lilver tllacli r, a newspuncr of (tcn
erul clrculntlnii. published weekly In snld
Was)County,Slaleof OrcL' order of the
Circuit Judtre of said county, W. L. Iliad
shaw, under datn the 2!th day of January,
A. 1. 1IP01, for six consecutive weeks and lor
seven Insertions, the (lata of the first publi
cation of w hlch Is the eighth day of rubru
ary, A. I. mil.
fRmK! Attorney for I'luintlff.
(Timber I jimf7Act June 0, 1S7H.
United Staten l.nnd Olllce, The Dalles, -Orn-
Kon, March 4, HOI Notice Is hereby iilven
Hint In (uiniillance Willi the provisions of tho
act of conKiess of June 1h:s, entitled "An uct
for the sule of limber lands In the Htates of
California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Tei-rliory," as extended to ell t lie public land
states by act of Auir'ist 4, W'i,
Al UfWI i H A. HoNNEY,
Of Tvuh Valli-y.countv of Wasco, state of Ore.
(ron.'has.on Het. i, 1)0, tlli d In thlsolllcn his
sworn statement NK Mi for the puicluise
of the west !, southeusl 't and lots 7 unit Ii,
section 7, township 2 nonh, ranue 9 east,
W. M., and will otTi r pneof to show that
the land aomrht is more vulunble for Its lim
ber or stone than for airrlrulliirul purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land
before tho KeKisterand Heceiverof this ollice
at The Dalles, Oregon, on rtuttirduy, the li'ith
tlay of May, 1IK)I.
He nnmea as witnesses: Clyde T. Ilonney,
Donald Koss. O. II. Hartley and Leslie
II utler, all of Hood Uiver, Orison.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile
their claims In Oils olllce on or before, said
i",lh day of Muv, l'H'U
niMnlO JAY P. LUCAS, r.eKlster.
" jTiiiiier'l,ariir, Act .1 mil-: j, 1K7S.1 "
tTnllcd Ktutes Land Office, Tho Dalles,
OrcKon, Feb. 12, IIKII. Notice is hereby given
that In compliance with tho provisions of the
act of eonirrcss of June It. ls.TS.ent It led "An net
for the sule of timber kinds. In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada ami VV nslilnzton
territory." as extended to a H, the public land
status by act of A uirus! 4, l)i, I he followinir
lersin.i h(,v tlilud.i.v Aid 111 tills o!llcJ their
sworn stateiiM'nis. towii: .
Of Hood lUvcr, eeuiity of Wasco.'stnte of
ureuon. sworn siiiu inent .Mi. 1U, men uci.n,
Into, for the puivhivc ,,f n, (,uR, 11 and h),
section IS and lot.s 2 and H section If, In town
ship No, 2 north, runire No. 0 "list, V, M.
Of Hood lilver, county of Wasco, state of
uiesron, sworn siaienient, ino. un, n ni'u repi.
17, IPOO, for (he piuchase of the southwest yt
northwest und west 'southwest section
S and northwest '4 northwest of section f.'o.
V, In township No. Znorth, lango No. Seas!,
V. M. ,
Thiit they will ofll-f proof to show that the
land sought Is morefalunble for Us timber
or stone than for aKiicullunil mirnoscs, and
to establish their claims to saiu Innils before
the KeciHterund Heceiverof this ofllce at The
Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, the 2)lh day of
April, uiui.
They nuineaswitnes$es: S. A. Wherry, Roy
Wherry and O. O. Olinmbcrlln.of Hood Hlver,
Oregon, Dcwlt Clinton, of The Hallo, Oregon,
unn i. a. ai. .iiariin 01 curson, wnsn.
Any and ull persons cluiniina adversely the
above-described lands are requested lo die
incur ciainis 111 mis o,nce on or Duioie suiu
frith day of April,
floali JAY-P. LUCAS, Register,
Land Office at Tlio Dalles. Orecon. Feb. 15.
1601. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler bus filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be before
Oeorue T. fiatlicr, h . commissioner, al
Hood River, Oirgon,' on Friday, March 29,
hWl, viz:
Of Hood River. Oregon. II . K. No. 5S33, for the
southeast section at1, township 2 norm
ranee 11 east. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion 01, suld land, viz:
Robert Robertson. Charles Wells. Warren
Wells and Chester Sears, all of Hood Kiver.Or.
Mima) JAY I . LCCAS. Ki;wister.
Alio vnitoi Pacific
Time Schedules.
E. RousD. Fr'mHOOD RIVER W. normn.
11:26 a.m.
Salt Lake, Denver,
ri wortn.innana,
Hp, clal
2.C5 p. 111.
Kansas C'ily. Ht
Louis, Chicago;
and the
Walla Walla, Spo-I
8:27 p.m.
Kane. Mi nnea pons, i-ortinna
St Raul, Duluth,
Milwaukee, Chi
4:: 0a.m.
cago aud Last.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Mall and Kansas City. Ht.
r Wurth I ITIflMll.
Mali and
5:50 a.m.
Kxpress. Louis. Chicago
11:43 p. m. aua the East.
Depart From PORTLAND.
t p.m.
ir or Han Francisco i
sail every adays
w .vn.i mniA 111 ".n
1.x. Sunday! Ki kamers.
Saturday, To Astoria, and way
10 p.m. I landings.
ftnm t'rr ... . . t,T..B
4 p.m.
- IIIUIHPIIV lun u i. m t'.in,
fla.m. jOreiroii otty, New-lEx-Sunday.
VXr;iin ... I .
i.. nuuuif: uerK.saiem J! way
I landings.
iWili.ambttr AkdI 3:S0 p.m.
I amhii.i, UivKBS-'Mon, Wed,
lues. inur. oregoo Citv.Da.vtoni aud Fri.
auu rai. ana way landings.
" 1 " "ismeue ittver.
Tnes Thur. Portland to Corval-
inu Sst. I lia.C...
i a m win .. r.,
4:S0 t.m.
Mon., Wed.
and Fri.
5:& a.m.
Lv Lewist'n
9 a. m.
dai ly.
RiPiria to Iwisi,in
J -, wi n 1 M2C. 111,1 UI VIIJU,VI
Baquy, Ajcat, Hood Rirer.
I t.. . u A ..1 U.Tl I u n ,1 I W-
jtt!' Oregon'
Ll(3)t, W3ite Loaycs.of Bread
are the pride of every housewife. And why not? What is
nicer than fine, light, white loaves of wholesome bread
and perfect baking. The skill of the housewife ccmea
to nanght when uned on doubtful flour. j
and complete satisfaction will reward your
efforts where our SNOWDRIFT FLOUR '
is ued. liy the iaek only
Our Meat
appreciated by particular people. Not
only can vou inul quantity ana quality, Hit
tho limit of prices id such
and economical. We give
cook them to suit yourself.
meat is from selected ntock ami
meal, it's good if we furnish it.
Greatest Bargains
Come und convince youraulves. A mammoth stuck of Clntliinp,
tlio latest up-to-diito stylos and just received, In men's, linvs, youth's,
and cliiUlren's. AVe sell them Ht the lowest prices.
A mammoth stock of Pants, just received, up-to-date styles, tailor
made, the strongest on earth. We sell them at Icjs than wholemle
A mammoth assortment of nil kinds of Shirts for every day and
dress, nt the biirycst bargains on earth.
Just received, a mammoth stock of Underwear for spring and
summer, at very low prices.
A iiiHinmoth stock, newly received and up-to-datu styles, in Hats.
AVe will sell them lower than wholesale prices. -
We hnve jujtt received a muniiiioth Btock of Shoea of the bent
brnnds from the largest manufacturers in the United States; the best
logging and working Shoes as well as up-to-date styles of dress shoes,
in black and tan colors for men, boys, youth and children. We sell
them at less than wholesale prices.
We carry the best, finest and largest assortment, and brand new,
of ladies' Shoes every day, with up-to-date styles in black and tan
dress shoes. Ladies', misses and children's Shoes, at great bargains.
Also, other lines of goods at tho lowest prices.
Opposite the Hank.
Geo. P. Goe & Son.
I hone 104.
U. S. CoinmiEsioner and XotaryTublic.
A hoirc rf o PnnTmtrQr.nintr DgoI Itototo Tnonnnr,rn Mnun
Lots and Blocks for sale.
Township flats
Telephone SI.
Best Bacon, per pound
Best dry f?alt 1 ork
.1 cans torn 4
3 cans Tomatoes
Corn Starch, per 1-pound package
10 bars Laundry Soap
Other goods correspondingly
A. S.
At Cost to make Room for the Summer Cut.
Call and get, prices. All kinds of Dry Lumber on hand.
Land Offli-e at The Unllcs. Ornn, Feb. SI,
lflOl. Kottt-e i hereby Rivru Unit the follow.
Ing named fu-ttler has fileit notice of his
Intention to make final proof In nupport
of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before the KoRtster and Receiver at
The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, April , 1901,
Of Moslcr. Oregon, n. E. Ne. for the
north southwest V4. northwest H sontheiist
i'4, and southwest northwest sect iou 10,
township 2 north, rane 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
James Hunter. Frank VVridner, Mat Duty
and Charles Frathar, all of Monier. Oreeon.
rnlao JAY P. LCCAK, Hogisusr.
as appeals to the thrifty
you rare nieatii always. You
They give you strength. Our
sold to give you an enjoyable
I 9 ry
Agents for Union Laundry Co.
Taxes paid for non-residents.'
and Blanks in stick.
Correspondence Solicited.
low. Call and see 119.
Ijind at Oregon City, Oregon, Feb. 2T,
19(11. Notice is hereby (riven that tho foilow-Inc-named
settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in supportof his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the KeslsU-r and Receiver at Oregon City
Oregon, on April 10, liiOl, vl:
II. E. fo. 10575, for the southwest 1 of ,-tli-east
i ectlon 21, and northwest U of ncrth
eat Ttlon 2s,township2 north. raneeT east.
He nmn the following witnesaes to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Oregon Washburn. Orecon Cltv, Or.; John
North and Joseph Zlnes. Portland. Or.; W ill
lam Ham, WarrenfUle. Or.
inlad CIIA9. U. MOOK.Ep, Rosier.
For Sale
MARCH 1, 1001.
2. Wendorf place, near Underwood,
Wash. : ItiO acres : 10 in cultivct on : lair
improvements; young orchard; 3 acres
bearing straw hemes ; plenty ol good
water. 1 rice f 2,MHJ ; terms easy.
Ii. John Sipma farm; in lots from 5 to
20 acres; f.W to $l0 per acre; terms easy.
4. Iot ojiposite schoolhouse ; 75 feet
square, nice, ri.a.
5. The old Rogers place at Frankton;
owned by li. W. I-iine; large bouse,
bam, 2 springs, part ol l'lielps creek
fulls, 2 acres improved, plenty of fruit ;
price, f 1,100 f.HJO or more cash.
fl.' (ireat burgain. Two quarter blocks
in l'urkhurst, level and sightly; $150
7. Barrett-Sipma addition ; fito per lot :
f 10 down and 1(3 er nioiith ; i,o intercht.
H. Ten choice lots in Highland addi
tion, only two blocks east of tho post
ollice, on State street, at $75 to f ISO.
Terms easy. Every lot bus a command
ing view.
!. The J. If. Frary ilace, East Side,
near Tucker's mill; 200 acres, nearly tit
level ; part well improved ; price f 12 an
acre; will bo sold in forty-acre tracts at
small advance. Terms, three-quarters
or more cash. A great bargain.
10. Stalling's block 5; pleasant view ;
2rr)..l00 14 lots; price ?il0.
11. The (1. T. (iiilligan (10 acres, King
on the county road north ami cast of the
Barrett farm; 21 acres in cultivation;
900 fruit trees Frit-a $2,150, or $2,210
half ci'.sh. New $500 barn on place.
12. 100 acres on Hood river, !! miles
above Tucker's mill ; 8 acres cleared,
l'rice $1,85(1.
f3. The W. If. Bishop home in Hood
River, lot fi and part ol lot 7, block 1,
Waueonia addition to Hood River; a
pretty borne. Only $1,100,
14. The Allen Fulton farm, 1(50 acres,
5 iniles east of town; price $1,000; turms.
15. Lots in Henderson sub-division.
$:!7J0.a lot.. " . ' '
10. John Sipma farm, 10(1 acres, $5,000.
$1,000 or more cash and balance at 8 per
cent, or the east 40 acres, cleared, for
$2,100. $500 i r more cash, balance at
per cent. Best farm in the valley.
17. Joe Backus lot, occupied by (irant
Evans as barber shop; price $575.
IS. Chas. Rogers' 120 acres near J. I.
Miller; can lie bought w it li or w :"ort
tiniljer or in separate 40s; $:S0O for the I!
40s, or $100 for the timber on the west.
40, or $150 for the west 40, land aid
10. The (ilover farm, well improved,
4J miles from (loldendale ; 241 acres;
140 acres in cultivation; Mi acres in
wiuterwheat; 7 acres in hog pastnn ,
with a creek running throu.'h it; all un
der fence, with cross fences; lar,e
new barn and line bouse, l'rice $12. .0
an acre; w ill take Hood River property
in part payment.
20. P. A. Trana place, White Salmon'.
in sight of Hood River; 8 acres, 5 iti
straw berries and tomatoes 17, 000 straw
berry plants and 1,400 tomato plants.
'o irrurutioii rMiniriMl. Prifw 711(1 1
21. N. a S. E. -.', S. N. E. 4' hoc..'
4, T. 3 N., U. 11 15 White Salmon ; flrke
timber land ; $10 per acre.
9'? Tim V.miti'ufii li,,,, inutiMi.t r.t.1
mile east of town; fine range; $1,500.
215. Lots 5 and (!, block 7, Winans ad
dition ; $.50 a lot, or $S5 for the two,
21. Bernard Warren's fruit farm at
Frankton, plenty of water, good build-,
ings, etc. 17 acres. Price $11,500.
25. All ofWaucoma Park addition, 48
lots, at $2,400 cash.
2(i. S. II. Cox's due residence in Hood
River, lot 100 x 100; price $1,200.
27. J. R. Nickelsen's jilace at Bel.
iiiont; 35 acres; $2,100. Terms easy.
28. A strip of land 30 feet wide by t4'
mile long, with the creek, lying between
the west side of Blower's addition and
the county road at Paradise farm. Price
29. Twenty acres lying north of Peter
Kopke's, East Side; good land; unini
proved. Price $500 ; terms easy.
30. 35 acres of J. C. Hoggs' fruit farm
for $3500 $100 per acre in 15 or 20 aero
tracts. The 15-acre tract in 5-aere tracts
at $125 per acre; Jj cash; balance to
suit purchaser; interest, 7. per cent per
32. Emma 0. Robinson's 1(50 acres on
hills cast of White Salmon, known us
tho Dryer place; line timber; unini
proved ; $785.
For Sale Eligible residence lots on
the bill, near cannon house; only $75;
terms easy. In Spangltr's Subdivision,
block 2, Pirklinrt.
For Pale at the Emporium 100 acres;
can be cleared for ten dollars an acre;
40 good timber. Fine soil; no rock on
150 acres; big bay shed; school and post
office only )(, mile; on daily stage line;
well watered. $50 down, $50 in 1 month,
$50 in 2 months; bal. in 4 years. Only
$500; a rare bargain; 15 miles distant;
$200 to $1,200 to loan.
At the Emporium is kept a first-class
surveyor's transit, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor, is well pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying.
N. P. Terms are easy on all the above
lands, with interest at ti per cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homexteads
and timber claims should apply at th
Money to Loan.
At the Emporium.
Davidson Fruit Co.,
Shippers of
Hood River's Famous
Packers of the
Hood River Brand of
Canned Fruits.
Manufacturers of
Boxes and Fruit Packages.
Dealers In Kei tllizers and Agricultural Im-
Ind Office at Tho Dalttw, Oregon, Jan.2,
Ifltil. Notice is hereby eiven that the follow.
Ins-named settler has tiled notice of hla In
tention to muke final proof In support of hi
nlaltv, unl , 1. n t ... iA .swru.f . i 1 1 K 1 I r.
the Register and Receiver at The Do Ilea, Ore
gon, on Wednesday, March 20, 1W1, vii:
of Mosier, Oregon, II. E. No. 60 for tho at
southeast i and aouth northeast 'ec
tfon 15. township i north, ranue 11 east, V. M.
He names the following witnesses to pifn
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, vlr.:
J. W. Hubkey, O. W. Husfcev.N. P.tfturfrcsi
and M. Vwiy, a !J of M ojir. f "-enon. -
fin: 9 JATT. tTCA, RcsiUCT.