The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 22, 1901, Image 1

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voir xii.
NO. 40.
Publisher! Kverjr Krlitay bjr
Terrna ( subscription-11. a year whnu pud
in advance.
The null arrive, from Mt. Miki.I at 10 o'clock
a. in. W eilnmilays and halurilays; depart. Ilia
aame aays ai noun.
Mr t'lienowt-tli, leaves at 8 a. m. Tuemlays,
TtiuiMilaxa and raturdavf ; arrive, at 6 t. m.
hot V lute Salmon (Vtaah.) leaf. a ually ai
a ni.: arrive, at 7:1. i . in.
From White Salmon leave! for FiiMa, '111 mar,
Trout Lake and lilenwood dallv at A. M.
For Hi men (Mash.) leave, at 6;4 p. in,; aiw
rive, at 2 p. m.
hi iter ik .
'. H'Iil I Ij L ti L- L' k II I .L'l : II L' If I fl I kl : V Ki
J J K7, i.' (I. O.'ets first and third Unit.
liny. In each inonth.
II. J. Hirbaiiii, Hvcreiary.
1 A N R Y HOST, No. , (). A. K.-MeetaatA.
V (I. 1 . W. Hall .ei'ond and fourth hatiirlavi
oi eat h nioiitli at 2 o clo 'k p. m. All U. A. K.
Iiieuibera invited to mei l Willi (in.
T. J. t unmnu, Commander.
J. W. It why, Adjutant.
1ANIIV W. R. 0.. No. IB Meets first Katitr-
VJ day of each month In A. (). I'. VV. Iiitll at 1
p. m. m Ka. h. r . fHiH4Ka, rre.mmi,
Mm. I'lmlli 1t kks, Betrelary.
1I0OI) 1UVKK I.OIMIK, No. 1113. A. K. and A.
J I M..Meeia Saturday evening on or before
cn lull menu. A r.. Kill, n . M.
A. I' Hatkham, Secretary.
llOul) H I V K K IIAI'TKK, No. 27, R. A. M.
Jl Meeia third Friday nlxlit of eaeu niouiti
r. c. bin las, h. p.
II. F. Davidson, HiTre'ary.
IIOdD K1VKK CHAPTER, No. 2. O. K. 8.
J I Meela ae '.oiiil and lourtli I even
Inn of eacli inonth. Via tor co d ally wet.
coined. Mkb. Kva B. IlllMI, W. M.
H. r". David ON, Secretary.
I.ETA A88KMRI Y. No. KU. l ulled Artisane.
? Meet, reiond Tuesday of each month at
fraternal nan. r . t.. hkohius, m. a.
l. Mt bonai.n, Secretary.
"TAI ('(IMA I OIM.K, No. 80, K. of P.-Mceti
f In A. O. t . W. hall every Tuesday nlitlit.
llnaKANl It hHUH, (J. C.
Frank I.. IUvimon, K of K. A H.
Jf r.ivnuin i.i'i'iir,. t.n. wo, n. v. . , , .
I Meeta first and third Hanirdays of each
.lI'L'tlllllill 1,.1,1'L- V . IT W
month. N. C tVANH. M. .
J. F. Watt, Financier.
11. I,. Il'.vvk, liecorler.
1HI.KWII.IiK I.OIMiB, No. 107, I. O O. P.
Meeta in Fraternal hull every Thursday
Blent. A. i. liKTCIIEL,
J. E. Hanna, Hecreiary.
UTI'L'li rrL'"f. k-.. in V 'P .
J I meet at A. O. II, W. hall on the Ural ana
third Fridays of each month.
J. K. lU.ND, Commander.
Jt HONOR, A. O. IT. W. -Meeta ami and
third Saturdays at a P. M.
Mm. (iKiiboia Rand, C. of H.
Mm. Chai Clark k, Recorder.
OUNSHINE PdCIF.TV-Meeta Fecond and
Kl fourth r'utunlava of each uionlh at t
o'clock. Mta Lena Knklu President.
Mim Carris Rt'Ti.ER, Kecretai).
JJ F. hHAW, M. D.
Telephone No. 81.
All Calls Promptly Attended
Office upnlalrs over Kverhart's ilore. All
culls left ihe ottice or residence will b
l-rumi t y attended to.
EST A 'I fc AliENT.
Fur 23 yeara a resident of Oreionand Waah
ItiKton. Ha. many yefr.t exer:euce in
Real Estate inut era, as att acto:-, searcher of
titles and agent. rauif(Mion xuaran eeJ or
no cli. rue.
J F. WATT. M. D.
fiurircon for O. R. A N. Co. Ia especially
equipped to treat catarrh of nose and throat
and diseases of women,.
Special terms for otlice treatment of chronie
Telephone, office, 125, residence, 4".
Estimate! fnmiBhed for all kinds of
work, Repairing specialty. A 11 kind
of shop work. Shop on .State Street,
between First find Second.
If your walla arc sick or mutilated, call oa
Consultation free. No charge for prescrls
tlons. No cure no pay,
OHi'1 In iM(r n 3 A. M. till . P. ., aniall
nluht if necessary.
Men's half soles, hand dirked, $l;
nailed, beat, 75c; r-et'ond, 60c; third, 40o.
Hliee hand stitched, 75c; nailed, bext,
M)f, setond, 36. Best stock and work
in Hood River. C. WELDS, Prop.
Is the place to get the latest and best ia
Confectioneries, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco,
Cigars, etc.
p C. BROSiUS, M. D.
'Phone Central, or I2l.
Office Hours: 10 to ll A. M. ; 2 to
and 6 to 7 P. M.
Tommxson Baos, Props.
Of the best quality alwas on hand at
prices to suit the times.
Do a general banking business.
Hood RivlJ, Okkoom.
Estimates Furnished.
Plana Draws
Office with Geo. T. Prather. Business will be
attended to at any time. Collections mad,
and auy business aiven to us will be attended
to speedily and results made promptly. W ill
locate on good government lands, either tlm
beror farming. We are ia leucb with the U.
H- Land OOio at The Dailea." Give us a oaU.
ns or i ii
crom All Parts of the New World
and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of th Important flap
penlngj of the Put Week In a
Condensed Form.
The condition of Empress Frederick
continues unchanged.
PnrchHKe of 500 cavalrr horses iu
Oreou )ihs been ordered by tr war
A provincial government is iu courxe
nf fortnntioa iu Tarlac, a northern Lu
ton province.
Geueral Chaffee is not to join in the
German expedition iu Chiuu under
Von Walderaee.
Fire destroyed the Union Railway
Company's barns at Klwood, R. I.,
and 3D, tiolley cars, canning a loss of
Governor Rogers has appointed G.
Meade Emery, as an additional judge
for King county, Waeh., to serve until
the next election.
Eight alleged Boxer leaders, after
trial by officers of Chang Chi Tung,
the viceroy of Hanko, have been de
capitated at thar. place.
William P. Hill, for over 60 years a
prominent New England newspaper
editor, is dead of grip, at the home of
his son-in-law in Denver, Col.
The schooner Alice, which was in
the Nome trade last veur, ran on the
rocks near the West Point lighthouse,
while en route to Seattle from San
Pedro. The full extent of the damage
is not known. She was towed to Port
Fire destroyed the Pythian opera
house, the Second National bank build
ing and the building occupied bv the
Southern Express Company, at Jack
sou, Teun., canning a lots of $100,000.
It is believed two lives were lost in
the fulling of the opera house walls.
The bank of Omaha, at Omaha, Tex.,
has been robbed of $8,000 iu cash and
paper amounting to $2,000. The rob
liers made their escape upon a hand
car. The lone occupant of the bank
wbb decoyed from town by bogus tele
trrams, aud remained away from Oma
ha on the night of the robbery.
A verdict for $1,500 for the plaintiff
was rendered in the circuit court in
the case of J. J. Hecker vs. the O. R.
& N. Co.. at The Dalles, Oregon.
Hecker, in June last, while driving
across the railroad track four miles
west of town, was struck by an engine,
and sustaiued severe injuries for which
suit for $2,500 was brought.
Money scarcity in Engluud contin
ues. The president will call an extra ses
sion. The end of the Boer war is not in
Severe cold weather prevails through
out Europe.
A 13-inch gun exploded on the bat
tleship Kearsarge.
An Englishman's letter created a
sensation in Manila.
Five rebel olllcers and 20 men were
captured near Manila.
Civil government was established in
Pangasinau province.
All the volunteers will he home from
the Philippines hy June 30.
The czar is suspicious of Emperor
William's doings iu England.
Appropiiatioa bills have the right
of way in the house this week.
Russia has imposed an increased
tariff on imports from America.
The seuate will practically tlvote
this week to appropriation bills.
Louisiana mob hanged a negro who
killed a white man and his family.
Six perxons were killed and as many
seriously injured in a train wreck in
Nine prisoners in the Spokane coun
ty jail overpowered the jailer and es
caped. Otticial list of the victims of the
Umun mine accident places the num
ber at 64.
, One regiment aud a portion of two
others will be mustered out at Van
couver, Wash.
Elaborate preparations are being
made for the colonial tour of the Duke
of Cornwall and York. -
Two Bridal Veil, Or., factories and
the O. R. & N. railroad bridge were
damaged by the bieaking Of a drift jam.
Danish government has broken off
negotiations with the united States
regarding the sale of Danish West In
dies. Colonel W. T. Hart, a well-knowa
Western promoter, committed suicide
by jumping from a moving train into
the Snake river.
To hasten penot) negotiations, Von
Waldereee has planned an 80-day ex
pedition aad asks American and French
to co-operate with the Germans.
(Jneen Victoria Jwtd 73 children.
grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Lord Roberts is the first man ever I
entitled to wear the Garter, the Vio-;
toria Cioss and the order of St. ut- :
rick. i
Thirty-five promifttmt American !
sculptors will contribute to the embel-
lishnient of tne grounds and huildingi '
of the Pan-American exposition at :
Buffalo, X. Y.
Dolnji of Importance it the State Capital
Bills Passed.
To Prevent t1oboln(.
A bill to prevent persons beating
their way on railroad trains was passed
by the house Monday. The bill was
introduced by Poorman, at the request
of railway employes and managers. It
is a copy of the law now iu force in
Alabama, and is designed to put a
stop to the tramp nuisance. The result
of such laws in Alabama was shown by
Mr. Poorman to bo fur reaching in its
effect, putting a stop to car robbing.
The bill was passed, there being uo
uegntive votes.
Patted bv the Senate.
The senate passed the following bills
Monday: ilonxe bill 11, to authorise
clerks of school districts and connty
judges to hid in property sold for taxes
and to direct the manner in which
such property may be disposed of; sen
ute bill 222, to regulate surety com pan
ies; by Seuutor Booth, fixing the salar
ies of the county treasurers of the state;
senate bill 237, to authorize the capi
tol building commissioners to construct
a ditch in order to secure water for
the state institutions.
To Pay State Taxes Twice a Year.
Senate bill 223 was passed by the
seuate Monday. It provides that state
taxes shall be payable by the counties
in two semi-annual Installments. This
change in the law is proposed in order
to harmonize with the new law which
makes taxes payable in the counties
The Senatorial Vote.
The vote for senator Monday stood:
II. W. Corbett, 82; Binger Hermann,
28; U. D. Inman. 26; George II. Wil
Hams, 1; C. E. S. Wood, 1; absent, 2.
Two Railroad Bills Killed.
The house after spending nearly nn
other half day in consideration of rail
road bills, disposed cf two more Wed
nesday. Oue of these measures was
f'oorman's fellow-servant bill. It was
debated at length, and although even
its oppouents admitted it had good
points, it was defeated by a vote of 81
to 22. The other railroad bill which
was disposed of, and which met a sim
ilar fate, was the bill of Hatrla to fix
the liability of railroad corporations
for iu juries. But 19 votes were cast
iu favor of this bill.
No Holiday at Salem.
Washington's birthday, February 22,
is a legal holiday, but it is not a legis
lative holiday unless the legislature by
specific act chooses to make it so.
Inasmuch as Washington's birthday
happens this year to fall on the 40th
day of the session (the usual day of
sine die adjournment) It is probable
that business will he proceeded with
much as usual. The constitution of
the state does not, limit the sessions to
40 davs, but does limit the total com
pensation of each member to $120 at
$3 per day; therefore, few legislators
can be expected to be so self-sacrificing
as to work long for nothing.
Bills Passed.
The senate Wednesday passed the
following bills: Senate bill 79, to cor
rect the description of the boundary of
Wheeler county; senate bill 143, to
protect hotel and boarding house keep
ers; by Hunt, regulating street rail
ways iu Portland; seuate bill 73, to
enact the Torrens system of registra
tion ol land titles; senate bill 172, to
regulate insurance companies; senate
bill 31, to provide for the election of
road supervisors; senate hril 137, to
create the otlice of connty auditor of
Multnomah county; senate bill 217, to
amend the charter of Sherwood; senate
bill 216, to fix the salary of prosecut
ing attorney in the Seventh judicial
The house Wednesday passed bills
as follows: house bill 27, providing
for a uniform system of mine bell sig
nals; house bMl 146, making it a crime
to remove or interfere with mining lo
cation marks; house bill 127, regulat
ing the supply of water for irrigation
The Senatorial Vote.
The joint vote for senator Wednes
day was: II. W. Corbett, 82; Binger
Hermann, 29; George II. Williams,
1; R. D. Inman, Democrat, 26; W. E.
Robertson, Democrat, 1; absent, 1.
Oregon Notes.
The Robins saw mill, six miles east
of Union, has been leased by a man
from the East.
Eugene veteians of the Spanish and
Philippine wars are plauning to organ
ize a local association.
A paper ll being circulated at New
berg soliciting subscriptions to stock
for the purpose of operating a cannery.
Tom Gilliam's log drive, consist
ing of 4,000,000 feet, is stranded in
the Mohawk waiting for a freshet. It
is consigned to the Booth-Kelly mills
at Coburg.
Barbed wire telephone lines are com-
, ing back into fashion in 5Iorrow conn-
ty. The latest is one between the
ranch of C. E. Jones, near Eight-Mile
postolrice and Heppner, Aia O. E.
Farnsworth's ranch on Rhea cieek
and the public road to Hardman.
The recorder and clerk of Washing
ton county collected $211.80 in fees
last month.
It is announced from Hariisburg
that David Busey has sold his farm on
Lake Creek to Mr. Busbee, from Wash
ington. The consideration is said to
have been $7,000.
The Heppner Milling Company last
week ehipp. d a lot of sud-hand ma
chinery to Portland. As soon as the
water opens up aagin the mill will be
run to its full capacity day and night.
Ill A Dfl IP
Sixty-Five Miners Are Entombed
No Hope for Them.
Only Exit Is the Mouth of the Shaft, Which Is
Filled With t Huge Volume of Smoke
Relief Measures Have Begun,
Vanoouver, B. 0., Feb. 18. Sixty
five miners are imprisoned in No.
ibatt of tin Cumberland cnsl mine on
Vancouver island. The only exit Is
the mouth of thai ahuft which is tilled
with a huge volume of (tame. ' There
is considered to be no possibility for
the unfortunates to escape.
Details of Disaster Meager.
Details of the disaster are moager.
The Cumberland mine is near the vil
lage of Union, about 60 miles north
of the town of Nanaimo. Th) only
telegraphic communication fiotu Un
ion is by a siugle government wire,
and little is known of the tragedy in
the mine except that a terrible explo
sion occurred in No. 6 shaft of the
Cumberland about 11 o'clock this
morning. Following the explosion the
shaft caught tire, and the 65 miners
who were working half a mile from
the entrance were caught in la death
trap. A relief party from No. 6 shaft
made a brave but futile attempt at a
rescue. They were headed off by the
fire aud could not reach the imprisoned
men. The attempt at rescue was made
through No. 5 shaft, but the flames
prevented any development of the per
ilous venture.
The Cumberland mine is one of the
pioperties of the Union Colliery Com
pany, situated near Comox and
reached trout Union bay by the private
colliery railway crossing the Trent
river on which the memorable bridge
disaster occurred a year or two ago.
It has been singularly fortunate here
tofore in immunity from disaster and
was counted an especially safe mine to
work in by reason of the character of
the formation in which the coal ii
found there, and the manner in which
it had been opened up. No. 6 rhaft,
the scene of the disaster, was bottomed
in October, 1898, at a depth of 814
feet. It is well constructed aud lim
bered, with a mud wall, the pit bot
tom being timbered with 12x18 sawn
hulks, built solidly together, 16 fees
wide and 12 feet high. The shaft is
located close to the lailmrny, and the
ventilation of the mine is effected by a
14x5-foot Guibal fan, which, when run
to its full rapacity, gives 85,000 oubio
feet of air circulation per minute.
The air enters by the haulage slopes
and is divided into seperate splits, the
main split being at the point where
No. 2 branches off the niHin slope,
part of the air going down each slope.
Further down each of these slopes the
air is again split, and sent to the work
ings east and west of the respective
, A second explosion ocourred in No.
5 shalt tonight, but it had been ex
pected, and all the men had left the
workings. There were no casualties.
This explosion prevents auy further
efforts being male to resoue the en
tombed miners through No. 5 shaft.
Killed by a Tiger.
Indianapolis, lud., Feb. 18. Albert
Neilaon, aged 15, employed as au ani
mal keeper at the Zoological garden,
in this city, killed by a Bengal
tiger today. He entered the tigei's
cage and was attacked by the beast.
A terrible struggle followed in which
Neilson was torn in a htiudred places.
Red hot irons were thrust into the
blood thirsty animal, but not until
seven bullets had been fired into its
body did it release its hold on its vic
tim. Neilson was dragged from the
cage more dead than alive, and was
hurried to the city hospital, where he
died as he was being carried in. The
tiger was not fatally wounded. Neil
son had been employed by the Zoo
company thTea years. He was in
charge of the lion's cubs, and it is sup
posed opened the tiger's cage by mis
take. Generals to Retire Today.
Washington, Feb. 18. Generals J.
H. Wilson, Fitzbugh Lee and Theo
dore Schwan will be retired tomorrow,
the last named on his own applicaion.
Colonel A. S. Daggett, Fourteenth in
fantry, will be promoted to a brigadier-
generalship, succeeding S.chwau, and
will be retired immediately.
May Arrest Without a Warrant
Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 18. In the suit
of John B. Bennett against Seoret Serv
ice Agents Flynn and Berriman and
Deputy United States Marshal W. S.
Blair, who were charged with malic
ious trespass assault and battery in
connection with the arrest of the plain
tiff, Judge W. M. Achin, in the Unit
ed States court, handed down an im
portant opinion. He makes a prece
dent in deciding that United States
marshals or their deputies can make
arrests in emergency cases without
Found Dead on the Desert '
Tucson, Ariz. Feb. 18. Georsra
Wbeatley a well-known mining man
and two Mexican miners were found
dead in their tent, one mile from the
mining camp of Schnltz, 80 miles from
Tucson. When found the parties had
been dead for several days. Indica
tions point to death from charcoal
ftu'ies. Some believe that the men were
poisoned. The body of one o' the
Mexicans was being consumed by fir
when the remains were discovered.
Five Passengers and Fireman on Wrecked Train
As Many Seriously Injured.
Witinemocca. Nev., Feb. 19. The
sastbound overland limited Southern
Pacific train, officially known as No. 2,
was wrecked at 6:20 o'clock yesterday
morning at a point 27 miles west ot
this place, while running at a speed of
50 miles an hour, the train weiit Into
a washed out culvert, and the result
was the worst wreck known on this
division of the road. Six persons were
killed and six injured.
The disaster occurred at a point
where an embankment 8 feet high
crosses a ravine. Melting snow from
the mountains caused a beavy rush of
water which broke through the em
bankment some time duiing the night.
The washout was about 75 feet in
width, and Into the raging torrent the
ill-fated train plunged without warn
ing. The engine nearly cleared the
break before the rails gave way, the
tender falling back. Tne mail car
and composite car followed into the
chasm, the composite car telesooping
the first of the Pullman sleepers nearly
half its length.
Two sleepers and the dining car re
mained on the track.
The bodies of two men, evidently
tramps, who were stealing a ride, are
In the wreckage.
Train No. 4, the east bound express,
was tollowing the limited train very
closely, and the rear brakeman of the
latter had only a few minutes in
which to flag No. 4 and prevent a rear
eud collision.
At 7:20 A. M. a special train left
this place for the scene of the wreck,
carrying doctors and nurses, and the
injured were given every attention pos
sible, being taken to the hotel at Mill
City, the nearest station. The dead
and injured were later taken back to
Wadsworth on a special traiu, and
will be carried on to San Francisco.
It will be two or three days before
the track can be put in condition so
tliat the running of trains may lie re
sumed. It will be necessary first to
build a tiestle aotoss the chasm in
which the recked cars are lying.
Nine Prisoners in the Spokane County Jail
Escape Officer Cave Pursuit.
Spokane, Feb. 19. Arthur Spencer,
of San Francisco, charged with imper
sonating a United States officer, and
eight other prisoners overjiowered
Jailer Thompson in the Spokane county
jail this morning aud are now at large
Thompson says he was seized from
behind by prisoners who were hiding
behind a door, was beaten in o insen
sibility, robbed of keys and revolver
and gagued to prevent an outcry.
When the jailer got loose be took a
Winchester and went out to look for
the escaped men. He spied a citizen
who, frightened bv the jailer's appear
ance, started to run. The jailei gave
pursuit end began to shoot at the man,
w ho finally was rescued by a jury out
for au airing.
Posses have been sent out every
where, but not one of the jail breakers
has been sighted.
Kilied a Man and His Family and Ransacked
the House.
New Orleans, Feb. 19. Thomas
Jackson, a Negro, was lynched today
at St. Petei, 20 miles above this city,
for a series of ciimes. This morning
ho visited the home of Alexander Bour
geois, the engineer of the drainage
machine on Bellepnint plantation, some
distance from the plantation quarters.
He told Bourgeois the manager wanted
him, and the engineer mounted the
tricycle with the Negro. Jackson
stabbed the engineer in the back and
threw the body into a ditch. He then
returned to the house and butchered
Mrs. Bourgeois aud her two babies and
ransacked the house. Two boys visit
ing the family hid in the woods. After
the negro's departure the boys went to
St. Peter and gave the alarm, return
ing with a mob of several hundred
men. The negro was tracked to his
home and fully identified by the boys.
He was hanged and his body riddled
with bullets before the sheriff arrived.
Composer Nevln Dead.
New Haven, Conn., Feb 19. Eth
elbert Nevin, musician and composer,
died suddenly here today of heart dis
ease. Mr. Nevin came to New Haven
about five weeks ago to be associated
with professor Parker, of Yale nuiver
sity, in his rausuial work. Ethelbert
Neivn was born in Nevinacre, Pa in
1863. As a copmoser, Mr. Nevin at
tained a name hardly second to any
musician, and his songs are known
throughout the continents. Among
these are "The Rosary," "Narcissus,"
"Good Night," "Good Night, Belov
ed," and an arrangement of Hems'
"The Heiden Roeslein."
Mexican Troops Defeated Indians.
Mexico City, Feb. '19. The federal
troops had another engagement with
Maya Indians yesterday, aud the troops
turned their flank and drove them from
all their fortified places. The new
Mauser rides are found to be extremely
effective against the enemy.
Three S'.'icides in San Francisco.
San Francisco, Feb. 19. Suicides
were epidemic in this city today.
Three men suffering from despondency
took their lives. A. Lewis, a shoe-
tnaekr in ill health, ended his life trou
bles by asphyxiation. Robert Mc
Kenna, a painter, quarreled with his
wife and swallowed a dose of arser.'.o.
A. Moeller, a baker, who grieved over
the death of a son, who was killed in
the terrible football accident last
Thanksgiving, took carbolic acid.
Chaffee Is Not to Join the Ger
man Expedition.
State Department May Try to Dissuade Berlin
Authorities From Undertaking This Cam.
palgn Chinese Are to Blame.
Washington. Feb. 20.'-The United
States government is facing a serious
crisis in China, owing to the announce
ment of the purpose oi Field Marshal
Count von Walderaee to begin anoth
er offensive campaign. General Chaf
fee has been invited to join in the ex
pedition, wbiob is to be mobilized on a
larger scale than anything attempted
in Chiua since the allied army began
the march to Pekin. The general so
informed the war department today,
and the officials of the state depart
ment have been advised of the situa
tion. This German movement is viewed
with absolute dismay here, for it is
feared that it requires an immediate
decision bv the United States govern
ment of its whole line of policy toward
the Chinese question. General Chaffee
wi'l be told that he is not to partici
pate in this campaign. He has been
keeping the American forces in Pekln
ever sinoe the city was pacified, simply
as a legation guard, and the German
government is fully aware that the
United States government purposely
deprived the American oontingent in
China of its offensive military char
acter and withdrew it from the control
of Geueral von Waldersee in order to
hasten peace negotiations and prevent,
so far as it could, the continuance of
military movements against the Chi
nese, which were baneful in their
effect upon the peaci movement. So
our government, not having changed
its policy, cannot do otherwise than to
cause Geueral Chaffee to refrain from
any participation in military move
ments so long as the present peaceful
conditions continue.
But another very serious point under
consideration is, not whether Chaffee
shall join the German movement, but
whether it is not the duty of our gov
ernment to exercise all proper efforts
to dissuade the German government
from undertaking this campaign.
The Chinese government is unfortu
nately dolaying the peace negotiations
in an exasperatin ! fashion, and is not
responding in proper spirit to the effort
of the United States government.
Word has just come from Minister
Conger which confirms the press ad
vices relative to the Chinese declina
tion to accede to the demands of the
ministers in the matter of capital pun
ishment of the leaders implicated in
he Boxer movement. Mr. Conger's
message gave it to he understood tnat
the Chinese government had agreed to
exile Prince Tuan and Lan without
capital sentences; to reoommend sui
cide to Prince Cnwang; death for Yn
Hsien and Chao Chi Chao; imprison
ment and degradation from office for
Chi Haul and Hsu Cheng Yu. It is
said an edict has already been issued
to execute these sentences.
A visit from the Japanese minister
to the state department served to give
color to the story that onr government
is casting about to ascertain how far
the other powers party to the Chinese
question would indorse this proposed
campaign. It is impossible to secure
exact information on the subject. The
whole subject, it is said, is to come be
fore the cabinet meeting tomorrow,
when the course to be pursued by the
United States government will be de
termined. It is said unequivocally by competent
anthority that the American military
foices under no circumstances will
participate with the Germans in the
proposed expedition, and, although it
cannot be learned that General Chaffee
has yet received instructions to that
effect, he undoubtedly will have threra
very shortly. The United States gov
ernment stands steadfastly by the prin
ciples laid down in Secretary Hay's
letter of July 8 last.
Collision at Sea.
ljondon, Feb. 20. The Russian bark
Hoppet, Captain Lindblom, wbich
sailed from Hull February 14 for Sa
pelo, has been towed into Grimsby
with bows seriously damaged by col
lision on the night of February 15,
with the steamer Homer, from Li ban.
The Homer disappeared after the col
lision, and is believed to have found
ered, with the loss of 16 lives.
Mexican Mine Flooded.
Phoenix, Ariz., Feb. 20. Particu
lars have been received here of the
flooding of the Santa Rita mine, in the
Bacatate mountains, 200 miles south of
Hertnosillo. Four miners were
drowned and their bodies have been
recovered. The flood was caused by
the opening of a vein by a blast. The
main tunnel was flooded, and while
miners in the upper end escaped, the
workers in the lower end were caged
like rats its a trap. Miners outside
made desperate efforts to resone their
fellows, but without avail.
Strikers Riot In France.
Chalons Sur Soane, France, Feb. 20.
Striking metal workers marched
throneh the town today, compelling
other factories to close, forcing open
the doors and onngmg out workmen,
nntil the strikers numbered about 800
men. Tne gendarmes and troops were
summoned and the rioters were dis
persed with fixed bayonets after the
reading of the usual proclamation.
Fifty arrests wree made. Nobody was
seriously injured.
For the Publication of University Bulletins
320 Students Have Been Arrested.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 20. Ihe min
ister of the interior, M. Sipiaguiue, on
Saturday ordered the suppression for
three months of the Novosti Dnja. a
Moscow newspaper, which has violated
the prohibition against the publication
of university bulletins. A secret cir
cular has been issued reminding all
the newspapers that the prohibition is
now effective.
Information has been received here
that 820 students have been arrested in
Moscow, , presumably the whole as
sembly which obstiuctbd the lectures
among the students. Eighteen stu
dents were aneRted here, but were sub
sequently released. Pending a decis
ion iu their case, howaver, they were
forbidden to re-enter the university.
Sixteen additional arrests were subse
quently made. Ihe forestry institute,
near by, held a meeting and declared
the institute closed until the sentences
aaginst the students should be revoked
and military law repealed.
The institute of railway engineers,
by a vote of 230 to 100, declared for
obstruction. The military and medi
cal aoademy students met, with the
permission of Geueral Kouroptkin, the
minister of war, the latter merely
warning them that he could not pre
vent the operation of military law it
obstructionary tactics were adopted.
Of the 800 who were present at the
meetiug only 150 favored obstruction.
LEFT $70,000,000.
Huntington's Estate Has Since Increased $10,
000.000-Pavs $700,000 Inheritance Tax.
New York, Feb. 20. Executors o(
the estate of Collis P. Huntington,
have deposited with the controller a
certified check for $700,000, to cover
the amount of the inheritance tax
which will be collected by the state.
The deposit indicates the worth of the
estate at the time of the testator's death
to have been approximately $70,000,
000, which has now been increased
aliout one-seventh, making the present
worth $80,000,000.
The size of the check indicates that
the Huntington estate in value will
more than double the estimate placed
upon it at the time of the death of the
California pioneer. Owing to the rise
in railroad securities during the last
six mouths, the Huntington estate ia
now worth almost, if not quite, $10,
000,000 more than it was when the
will was offered for probate. As the
inheritance tax is based upon the value
at the time of the death of the testa
tor, the estate would now seem to be
woith approximately $80,000,000.
No accurate idea as to how the Hun
tington millions ere invested has yet
been made by the executors.
Tennessee Negro's Jurors Hanged Him He
Confessed, Implicating Others.
Dyersburg, Tenn., Feb. 20. An un
known man broke into the residence
of Dr. Arnold, a prominent physician
here, yesterday, and struck Miss El if a
Arnold on the head and side with a
hatchet. She fainted without sebing
the assailant, who became frightened
and fled. Bloodhounds followed the
trail from the young lady's room to the
house of a negro named Fred King,
where a hatchet was found in a bnreau
drawer. King and two other negroes
were arrested but the latter were re
leased. A mob formed and would
have lynched King but for the plead
ings of Dr. Arnold, who insisted upon
having better evidence of guilt. A
mob formed today and took King from
the jail and tried him befoie a jury
selected from the mob. He confessed,
implicating several other negroes, and
was then hanged. Another negro
named Beebe has been captured,
charged with complicity in the assault,
and probab'y will meet the same fate.
Danish Government Will Not Sell Is Danish
West Indies.
London. Feb. 20. "The Danish gov
ernment," says the Copenhagen corre
spondent of the Daily Mail, "has sud
denly broken off all dealings with the
United States regardig the sale of the
Danish West Indies. This ia due to a
satisfactory offer made by the Danish
East Asian Steamship Company to as
sist aud in the future to administer the
islands. The American government
has been notified as to this decision."
The Copenhagben correspondent of
the Times says:
"From a competent source, I learn
that the Danish West Indies will not
be sold during the present parliament
ary session. The syndicate will form
a new trans-Atlantic steamship com
pany and undertake other commercial
enterprises in connection with the
islands, whose excellent ports will be,
it is presumed, invaluable when the
Nicaragua canal is finished.
'The negotiations are still uncom
pleted, but they will be settled before
October, and the negotiations with the
United States will then be dropped.
Skagway to Dawson.
'Tacoma, Fefc 20. Advices have
been received here that the White Pass
& Yukon road have purchased the
property of the Canadian Development
Company, to take effect April 1. By
this extensive acquisition of property
the railroad company practically ex
tends its line from SksgA-ay to Daw
son. This practically gives the White
Pass Railroad Company the control of
all the waterways to the interior, ai it
also controls the Atlin route.