The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 15, 1901, Image 2

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5food Jiver lacier.
Representative Montague is the author
oi a bil now beforo the legislature at
Huifiii wiiich Btiits the old Iiuliuii war
veterans of the war of 1855-8. Tho bill
carries an appropriation of $.0,000 to
y these old soldiers for their services.
The soldiers sent out by tho state (or
territory) of Oregon in 1817 got their pay
$2 a Jay for each day spent m the
service ot the state and two dollars
day for" their horses. This pay was
pledged by t!io Oregon legislature of
1K"6 The veteran have waited long and
patiently for this pledge to be kept.
. Nearly half a century has passed away,
niany dying and leaving uo direct heirs ;
yet not one dollar of the money pledged
to them has been forthcoming. In the
hope of tardy justice being granted to
those survive of the Indian war of
1A35-A and to the immediute heirs of
'-, those who died still waiting to receive
their due, the bill Introduced by Mr.
Montague has been presented.
'' The deadlock in the senatorial election
;t Saluui Htill .continued. The republi-
' nam have about a twd-thirds majority
in tba legislature. .the majority fuil
u . Vo elect a senator the .majority only , will
'be to blame;- The tight between the re-
publican factions is so bitter that it looks
- like either side would ratherthero would
be no election than allow the other fellow
to succeed.
Nothing 1ms been heard of the Hood
River charter since it passed the senate
kl'rtalem Feb. 5th. It lias" probably
been pigeon-holed and may not come to
light again during'the few remaining
days of the session.
i . . . . .'
The Mazarnas will celebrate their 7th
anniversary on the summit of Mt. Hood,
July loth. The party will start from
, Government Camp July 15th. The club
organized on the summit of Mt. Hood,
July 19, 1894.
; The Antelope Republican has pub
lished an annual number giving illustra
tions of that enterprising section of
Wasco county The work was all done
in the Republican office.
Tho health committee of the Heppner
city council have issued a circular em-
iihaticallv denying" reports printed in
Eastern Oregon papers to the effect that
. smallpox is epidemic in Heppner. Like
many other places all over the country,
the committee says, Heppner has been
having its share of the so-called Filli
pino itch, and has hud about a dozen
'cases, and has some how; but all are
very light eases and are being strictly
Quarantined. There have been no
eaths and no serious sickness;, and
the committee respectfully aska the out
side' world not to believe the
i torts about smallpox being epidemic in
The committee of veterans who are
back in Washington are enjoying them
selves, and gave a dinner Friday evening
to a considerable company, . But, so far,
' '" they have not been obliged to send to
the Oregon legislature for more money
and it is presumed' they have return
tickets.-rPortland Telegram.. .... ,
, Northwest . Ff nit Grower; Association.
At the meeting of this association in
Portland last week, two sizes of apple
boxes, standard and special, were adopt
ed. E. h. Smith, chairman of tho com
mittee on apple boxes, presented a-re-
' " port which was adopted, as follows:'
"Your committee respectfully recom
mend that the apple boxes of this asso
ciation shall be of the following dimen
sions, inside measurements, viz: 18 inch
es length, lljg iiifhos width, 10'g inches
. deep, containing 2173 cubic inches and to
lie known as 'standard.'. We further
recommend the following size to be
known as '.special:' Length 20 inches,
width 11 inches, depth 10 inches, and
N that the ends of said boxes to be of an
sncltirt thickness. We also further ree
. onwiefld that all former actions of this
association relative to apple boxes be re
pealed." The transportation committee was re
appointed. It consists of W. F. Offner,
-' "Walla Walla, Wash.; Conrad Rose,
Wenatchee, Wash. r Frank L. Wheeler,
North' Yakima,- Wash;; L.- A. Porter,
Lewiston, Idaho; Ben Burguuder.CoIfax,
Wash.; W. K. Allon, New berg, Or.; JI.
, J. Clark, Latah, Idaho; O. J. (iessling,
Hood River, Or.;. T. It. Tannatt, Farm
jngton, Wash.' " ...
All the ollleers were re-elected except
Ing the secretary and vice-president tor
British Columbia. The secretaryship
went to Walla Walla because that city
had been selected as the place for the
next annual meeting. One of the duties
of the secretary is to make arrangements
.. ;'Jorthe annual meetings, and it was
deemed advisable to have a secretary
who lives in the town selected for the
meeting. The new list of officers is as
, follows:
President Dr. N, G. Blalock,of Walla
Walla, Wash.
Vice-presidents For Oregon, E. L.
Pmith, of Hood River; for Washington,
Frank L. Wheeler, of North Yakima;
for Idaho, L. A. Porter, of Lewiston; for
Montana, 8. M. Emery, of Bozeman;
.,, for British Columbia, J. K. Anderson, of
Secretary C. F. Vandewater.of Walla
Walla, Wash.
Treasurer W. S. Offner, of Wralla
Walla, Wash.
Four Washington cities were candi
dates for the next convention. Walla
Walla received 43 votes, Spokane 16,
Seattle 3, and Colfax 2.
On motion of Secretary Posch, the
association indorsed Portland's 1905 ex
The vice-presidents wore appointed a
committee to prepare a uniform horti
cultural law for the Pacific Northwest,
and present it at the next meeting.
- Death of Captain Horatio Cooke.
Captain HoratioCooke, brother of Mrs.
Middleton and uncle of Mrs.C. R. Bone.
died in Portland, Feb. 10, 1901, aged 74,
Deceased came to Oregon in 1852.
He engaged in the undertaking busi
ness ana rnanuiauiureu coiuns in Uie
. carl v days, and he conducted an es
tablishment until two yoars ago, when
rheumatism and other troubles com-
, . pelled his retirement. Captain Cooke
was known as a generous hearted man.
and it was said of him that in cases of
, ; . : death 'where a noor family was unable to
v pay the burial expenses, lie marked the
j charges in his credit book and let them
stand Until some one was able to pay
them. He never attempted to collect such
bills, and very often the debtors failed to
pay him, so his losses were rat her heavy.
Captain Cooke was for several years cap
tain of the old Washington Guard, the
crack organization of the Northwest. IJe
was also an active member of the old Col-
umbiftNo. 3 volunteer Fire Engine Com.
n pajiy, and was always seen on the line
when the heavy Amoskeog apparatus,
ia response to an alarm, was haukrl to
a fire by the sturdy young and old vol
unteers. Captain Cooke leaves a wife,
whoiiin failing health; a daughter,
Mrs. Gertrude Andrews, of Portland;
another living in Dnlton, Culv, and a
third, Mrs. Alice Walker of New York
City. He also leaves two brotle-, J.
W. and Vincent Cooke, and two sinter ,
M t. Middleton and Mrs. lJr.Thompsoi ,
all of Portland.
Au Old Hook.
An old book on pomology, printed in
German, has been left with the Glacier
to sell. The book was printed in Ger
many in, and is therefore 125 years
old. It is well preserved and contains
full-sizo illuhtrutions in natural colors of
apples, pears, plums and cherries. There
are 112 varieties of apples illustrated,
some of w hich are well-known varieties
that are being cultivated today. Some
of the cherries look like varieties well
known in Oregon. It is an interesting
book to fruiv growers even to the unin
telligible names in German and French
to those unacquainted with these lan
guages. The owner says JiO is more in
need of the money than the book and
offers it for the low priee of $5. E. E.
Savage, who is tkilled in several lan
guages including the German, kindly
copied the title page, and we reproduce
it, as near as we can in our type, as fol
lows: "Pornologia, das ist Iloschreibun
gen und Abbildungen der beaten Arten
der Aepfel, Birnen, Kirsehen und ein
iger Pfiaumen, welcho in-und ausserhalb
Deutschland in Achtung stehen und
gebauet werden. Beschnebun, nachder
natur abgebildet und iiiLt.ih.Ten natuer
lichen Farben abgeschildert,' Oder der
von JoIiumd Hermann jKnoop herausge
gebenen Pomologie. ' Zweiter Thiel.
Nuernberg,- Im erlag-der Seligmnen
nischen Erben, Anno 1760."
County Tax Levy.
At the recent term of county court the
board levied a tax of 25 mills on tho
dollar of, taxable property in tho county
on the roll of 1900. This on assessed
valuation of $ .1,3:14,004, will create a rev
enue of f83,352,35. Of this amount $17,
840.03 is the state tax, while the remain
der will be applied to county und school
purposes. In making the, levy it was
estimated that one mill be used in . im
proving the roads of the county, though
no special road fund was created. The
levy for the several different funds is as
State... 5.70 mills
Scalp bounty 25 mills
School fund 5.00 mills
(1. A. .05 mills
County fund 14.00 mills
Total : 25.00 mills
A Place for the Dude.
A High valley farmer drove into La
Grande one day last week. He had a
top box on his wagon, but over the edge
could be seen the heads of several sheep
and some young stock. As he drove on
he was accosted by a swell citr dude
who thought he would crack a joke oil
the hay-seed, and sang out : "Say Noah,
your ark seems to be pretty well crowd
ed today!" The farmer looked and un
concerned like, replied: "Don't you
AVQrryj I have reserved a place for the
jackass, anil you can step right hi. 1 he
city upstart looked like 30 cents, never
squeaked, and the farmer drove on.
Cove Courier.
Time to Spray for Curl Leaf.
It will be advisable to spray peach
trees very soon with Bordeaux mixture
ii all districts in which the trees are
likelv to blossom out by the first of
March. The most effective time to use
this spray for. the prevention of curl
leaf is from one to three weekB before
the blossoms" open. If the trees are
infested with scale and it is necessary
to spray them w ith . the lime, sulphur
and salt or lime, sulphur and blue
vitriol mixtures(Duiiiie's Nos. 1 and 2),
it is not necessary to spray also with
Bordeaux, although some additional
benefit would probably result from its
use. . The most effective time to apply
the sprays is when the trees are dry.
If necessary to spray when the trees are
wet, the solutions should be a little
stronger than usual. Rural Northwest.
Nicolal 'otcs.
, J. A, Heavener was taken quite sick
and went home Monday.
Mrs. W. T. Hansberry of Hood River
is visiting her son Harry of this place.
A pleasant time was had at the Klose
Tillicnm literary society last Friday Eve.,
Harry Hansberry being the leader on
the programme. A negro minstrel was
given in which B. A. Heavener acted as
"Bones, "J. A. Heavener as "Rastus,"F.
R. Smith as "Sambo" and Harry Hans
berry as "Fph." They had two farces,
entitled "Moonbeliever's society" and
"Topicstif the Day." They sang a num
ber of the latest songs and some com
posed by theirown number.
Mr. and Mrs. Drill have been on the
sick list for the past two weeks.
Recentexperimentsshow that all class
es of foods may be completely digested by
a preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure, which absolutely digests what you
eat. As it is the only combination of all the
natural -digostants ever devised the de
mand for it has become enormous. It has
never failed to cure the very worst cases of
indigestion and it always givesinstant re
lief. Chas. N.Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy.
Played Out.
Dull headache, pains in various parts of
the body, sinking at the pitof the stomach,
loss of appetite, feverishness, pimples or
sores are all positive evidences of impure
blood. No matter how it became so it must
be purified in ordorto'olitain good health.
Acker's Blood Eh'xer lias never failed to
euro scrofulous or syphilitic poinor.s or
any other blood diseases. It is certainly a
wonderful remedy, and we sell every bot
tle on a positive guarantee. Williams &
Brosius. -
Morse Bros, are preparing to go to log
ing again in the near future. They will
occupy the same camp as last year, and
log on the Iman property. Lou. Morse
was in town yesterday, and he then
thought that operations would commence
next week if the weather held favorable.
This will bo the fir-it camp to start up
this spring but there are others getting
readv, and the vear will not be many
months old until the town will be prac
tically surrounded by logging cam pa.
Pioneer, . , .
Persons who can not takeordinary pills
find it a pleasure to take De Witt's Little
F.arlv Risers. They are tlie best little liver
pills evpr made. Chas. N. Clarke.
Chaunoy Depew's latest: "If an emp
ty barrel weighsten pounds, what can you
fill it with to make it weigh seven
pounds? till it full of holes.
There is alw aysdanger'n using counter
feits of DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve. The
original is a safe and certain cure for piles.
It isa soothing and healing salve for sores
and all skin diseases. Chas. N, Clarke.
The old Iman saw mill at Stevenson
is about to be started up under the man
agement of Iman, Dale & Co-
Sick headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleas
ant herbdrink. Cures constipation and in
digestion. makes you eat, sleep, work and
happy .'Satisfaction tfiiirranteed or money
back. 2oc and 50e, Williams 4 Broaim, "
Chrifl Dothmnn, a prosperous orchnrd
lt and farmer of the Hood River valley,
is in the city, the guest of the Umatilla
house, Counting up the income from
his fife-acre apple orchard the other
day after he luul M.ld the last of his 1900
crop of apples, Mr. Dethtmin found that
he had realized the snug little sum of
tlW0. or au averino of t270 per acre.
His apples are all winter varieties, and
his closing sale was lik0 boxes at 90
cents a box. Dalles Chronicle.
A republican state like Oregon will
never give woman the ballot anyhow.
Wherever they have done so they have
lost the state. Salem Journal.
While the legislature is wrestling with
the oleomargarine business we trust it
will find time to pass a law mjuiring
farmers to put the small and gnarled and
wormy apples on tho top of the barrel.
Detroit Journal.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a
positive guarantee. Cure heartburn, dis
tress after eating, raising of the food, or
any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet
gives immediate relief." 25c and 50c.
Williams & Brosius.
Sow oats, mow them in milk for hay.
Oats cut in milk have more protein and
makes better feed for cows tlian if they
ripen. Fodder corn planted late con
tains more protein tlian that planted
early. These two have been proved as
facts by analysis.
Acker'tEnglish Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve honra, or money re
funded. 25 ami 50c. Williams & Bronus.
There is a steadily increasing demand
for Angora goats, for mohair, and also
for angora venison, and there is a great
demand for skins. If all the goats, in
the United States were kept for the
single object of supplying skins for mar
ket, they would fail to sutM'lv a small
fraction of the present demand, and at
the suiue time remain at their present
number. At four pounds to the skin,
which is not far from the average weight
of dry skins, it required the slaughter
of 10,220,021 goats and kids to yield the
skins imported during. the last fiscal
Millions of people are familiar with De
Witt's Little Early Risers and those w ho
use them ti ml them to befamous little liver
pills. Nevergripe. Chas. N. Clarke.
Tho first public schools were opened
in 1045, in Massachusetts.
Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve are worthless.
The original quickly cures piles, sores and
all ekin diseases. Chas. N. Clarke. -
Reuben Hunter and wift of Liberty
township, Jefferson county, lowaj cele
brated, the 72d anniversary of their
wedding Jan, 22. Mr. Hunter is 02and
his wife is 91. f'
Ordinance No. 30.
An Ordinance entitled An Ordinance
Permitting the Laying of . Water
Pipes and Mains, 'and Putting in
Hydrants and Reservoirs for the
Purpose of Supplving'Water to the
Citizens of Hood River for Firo Pro
tection and Domestic Purposes, by
the Hood .River Spring.Water Co.,
its Successors and .Assigns.
Be it Ordained by the Common Coun
cil of the Town of Flood Kiver:
Section i'. That the Hood RivcrSpring
Water Company, i corporation organ
ized and existing tinder' the laws of the
state of .-Oregon, its" successors and as
signs, be and it is hereby granted the
privilege and right of laying mains and
pipes underground, in and through the
streets, alleys and other public grounds
of the town of Hood River, and all addi
tions thereto, for the purpose of convey
ing water into, through and throughout
said town for-the use if the inhabitants
thereof, and for' the? of protec
tion from fire in said town, and to charge,
therefor such rates as said company may
fix, subject to the reasonable supervi
sion of the common council as to all
such charges. . .
Sec; 2. All mains and pipes for con
ducting water which biay or shall be
laid by said company pursuant to the
provisions of this ordinance, shall be
laid not less than one foot below the
grades of streets as now or hereafter es
tablished, and so as not to interfere w ith
the construction of sewers; and when
any mains or pipes are laid, or when
cisterns, reservoirsor hydrants are built,
constructed or erected by said company
us hereinafter provided, the streets, al
leys or other public grounds where the
same are placed shall, without unnec
essary delay, be put in as good condi
tion by said company as before they
were excavated for such purposes. And
the building, construction and erection
of all such cisterns, reservoirs and hy
drants, and the laying of all such mains
and pipes shall be subject to the reason
able supervision of the common council.
. Sec. 3. Said company may nlo build
and construct, in the streets, alleys or
other public groundsof said town of Hood
River, at such places as may be agreed
upon by the company and the common
council of the town, and in a safe and
suitable manner, the necessary cisterns
or reservoirs for tho purpose of storing
water for the protection of every part of
said town and the additions "thereto,
from fire; and may likewise place and
erect at suitable and convenient places
hydrants for the purpose of supplying
water for Are protection as aforesaid;
the tow n lo pay such sum to said com
pany for such fire protection as may
be hereafter agreed upon between the
company and the common council of
said town.
Sec. 4. This ordinance ehall not be
construed as in any sense granting to
said company, its successors or assigns,
an exclusive franchise.
Passed the common council February
4, ,1901, and approved by me this 12th
day of February, 1901. . . .
Fl C. BROSIUS, Mayor.,
Attest: J, R. Nickelskn, Recorder.
Fruit Ranch for Sale:
10 acres of the best fruit land In Hood River.
All Improved, with benriDjf trees. For partlc
iilnrs uddri'88 R K. BAILEY.
New Milch Cow.
A fresh cow. Prlue (MO, for sale bv
ml5 - M. V, Rand.
Spring WaerOn for Sale
A two-wnted spring wnson, In good con-
ummi, iur saie cneap. AOpiv u
ml5 F. K. BAILEY,
Taken Up.
A light brlndle heifer y years old; left ear
heavy cropped) some white in forehead und
on belly; tail tipped with white.
Tradc Makks
Copyright Ac.
Anvone sending a nkeirti nd denerlntlon mar
Qnloklv eertntii cmr wlmon free whether an
indention Is prnlmhlr puentable. Commanie.
tlona strict); eiiiiilntlal. HiMHtboek on Patent)
sent free. OMeftt steiw.y for securing patents.
Patents taken tbrmiirh Maim St Co. recelv
tperia) notice, without chirse. In the
Scientific Jlmerican.
A handsnmely Illustrated weeklv. T.ntcest cir
culation of anv seientlUn journal. Terms. 12 a four month. !. gold bjall newsnwilers
fi'UNN & Co.36lB"'- New York
8ntDcb Office, 634 F Bt, Washington, p, C
McGuire Bros.
Fresh and Cured Meats,
Lard, Poultry,
Fruila and Vegetables.
Highest price paid 'r fat Stock.
Free IVliverv. l'honn 3.1.
Dress Making
and Millinery.
In connect i, m wllli our Dromiiiuklng. we
halve M'in'd up n net stji'k "f
Millinery Goods,
Ilieliidlnif Mil the uel styles, and respecl
Inlly invite the ladles of llixul Klveriind vl
elnlly t.M'Hll ut rmr rooms unit lnM''l t'.
Every nil'urt will hi made Miit1ly onr cux
ttimera. JIHS. t'l.AKK.
2H MUM. ltKAlil.EY.
Farm for Sale. "7"
Or rent, iiso Here 5 tulles east of Hood Klver,
lXncttn pluw iHudj plenty of vnler: yood
raiUjeA pply io iAj.Xi.K VEX I'nltT:
Hay, for Sale.
Fifty tons of titty fur uilu nt Iluynea Hpur, at
J10.o0ttiid up. Any iie Mutilans; hay will do
well, nuu save moliev. by rnlhiiK t" nee
Water Notice.
We hereby (jive notice Unit the company
wi'l nut Kreu t furnish water fur I'.KII on an
plli'Htitina hciiI In idler Feb. 1.1th, mi the old
iliuii. The watvr wil Iihvo to spnra will he
promUed to consumer on the luterula ailer
unit OHIO.
I)y II. H. Uni ley, Hyerehiry.
Onion Sets.
Potntn Onion Si Is fur nuliV. Also, thorough-
orea mown ijeunorn noosier.
Ti') It. C. ROOOH.
Jersey Bull.
I have fur Rule a thoroughbred Jersey Rnll,
one year tun in .March. A imi, a lew thorough'
bred Itnrrctl 1'lvnnmth ttix'k Cocks.
A. H.jM'.WJlTT. W litte Walloon. Wash.
Bronzed Turkeys.
Trio of tliorouithliri.d Uronzed Turkey for
sale, rice U-'J lLJI.U'KKTX
Angora Goats.
rf. It. Jordan ol Sioux C ity. Iowa. I pro-
pared to ship Anifora Koat to Hood Kivef if
n ciirloitd or two curmadx can he sold, Price
dollvered here from $'i U) fl. Parties deslrine.
lo purchase these goats fun npply to thu ed
itor ot too uiacieror lo J. .1. JOHPA.N
J'ii a jtootl Klver, Or.
Thoae rlefdrh:: nnie in confinement,
please ttddrcHS Mrs. W. T. Ilanshury. Uefer
encos furnlxhed if desired.
Rooms to Rent.
. From Slot rooms to rent, und small place
fir gardening. If desired. ,
Ji K. W. yK NSI'IILNCIC. Helmut! t.
For Blowing Stumps.
I nm agent for the!"nlllornbi Vigorlt Powder
Co. and have omhainl and on supply any
i)UiiuUly of Uie iKiwder of this, company, at
Hny time. FWI. STAN To
Calves Wanted.
I will pay cash lor calves from one week to
a year old. Wrilwor call on m at the llnr
rett ranch. . WAKUKN HAVEN PoKT.
Frankton Express.
PasaenKern taken to and from Nlcolul and
Davenport camps, find Hingle rigs furnished
for family shopping.
J.lI THOMAS CALKIN'S, Proprietor
House For Rent.
A five room house with two (rood lots; a
month. Apply to 15. WAKUKX.
Don't Forget
That little (I acre place near town which I
will sell cheap. Also some, other barnlns in
hind. Noanent?. 'f. It. OOOX,
East Fork Irrigating Co
Notice Is heraJiy given that tho annual
meeting of stockholders of the Kasl Fork Irri
ffat'ng Company yi'lll he held Saturday, Feb.
1(1, 1 o'clock, In Dine llros.' office, town
of Hood River. C. It. IloNK, President.
, Clubbing Offer.
All subscribers to the Hinder who pay In
ndvnni and additional can have the
Twlc-n-weck llepublie or the Toledo Iihtdc
sent to their address for one year.
Two Lots.
Two lots In RnrretUHipniti addition for falc
at fo0 a lot. Th Is Is choice residence property
Applyl nt the.(lncier o(lic.
; jt.'
Timber Irfind, Act June 3, 1878.1
Unitfd Stolen." 1n1 Office, "The Dalles,
Oreunn, Jan, . JlKll. Notice is hereby (,-lven
that In compliance with the provision of the
act of conirrcss of ,Itne 3. 1878. entitled "An
act for tho sale oeUimbor lands in the Ktiitcs of
GiHfornhi, Oickou, Nevada and waRhlnclon
Territory," ns 'extended to all the publU) land
states by net of August 4, 1W2,
Of Hood River, connty of Wasco, state of Ore-
con, bus this na,y tiled In this otllce her sworn
slntenient, So. p5, for the purchase of tho
snuthweiit. '4 of section No. ijt. In township
No. 2 norlh, -.lanaie No. 9 ast, Wlllain
eile Meridian" and will olter nroof to
how that the innd Kriiisht Is more valuable
for Its timber or stone titan for aKrlenltural
nurDoses. and t eslaWiKh her claim to Mild
land before the Register and Receiver of this
oitlee at The Unites, Oi egoji, op Monday, the
ann nay oi vpi n. ran,
She names at witnesses: Frank Davenport,
F. K. New by anh M. M. Davenport of Hood
River, Oregon, and O, A. Van Anda of The
Dalles, Oron.
Any nnd all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Die
tfteirclaims in tins ouice on or beloro suid
?Jth day of April, 1K1I..
fl5al ,i JAV P. LUCAS, Register.
In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon,
In the County of Wasen.
Charlo A.-IiiB,- Pitt"., I Suit for divorce.
vs.;' VSunimons by publl-
Viola E. Lane, deft. ) cation.
To Viola K. Lane, the above named de
fendant: in the name ot tlie tutte oi Oregon,
yon are hereby required to npear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the above
entitled tutrt and Court, on Or before
Friday, the tld day of March, A. 1). 1001.
That being thflast day prescribed In the
order for publication of said summons, where
in K. was oroerta, inat snia putuicaiion te
made once wtk for six conkeeullve weeks,
and for se.n' fnsei'tlons, In the Hood
River Glnoier. newspaper of general
circulation, published weekly in tho Town of
Hood Klver, said t'ounty and Slate; and if you
fail to appear and answer said complaint, for
want, i ncrein, tne piamnn win oiae judg
ment against vott for a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony heretofore and now exist
ing between the pluiatilr and you, defendant
The servlee of this summons ts therefore
made upon vou bv publication thereof in the
said Hood River Olacier, a newspaper of gen
eral circulation, published weekly in said
WascoCotinty.Btateof Oregon, by order of the
Circuit Judge of said county, V. L. Brad
shaw, under date the 21th day of January,
A. 1. 1U01, for slk consecutive weeks and for
seven Insertions, tho date of the first, publi
cation of which is the eighth day of tebru
ary, A. 1). VM).
fSmM Attorney for Plaintiff.
Dalles, Portland & As
toria Navigation Co.
: Stennicrs
Regulator and
i Dalles City
. -. .Dally (except Sunday') between
The Dalles, Hood River, Citueade Locks,
'' Vaticouwr and Portland,
Touching at way points on both side of the
Columbia Kiver. ;
Roth of the above steamers have been re
built and ure In excellent shape foi the sea
son of lnotf. Tlie Regulator line will endeavor
toeive iis patron tlie bust service iwissible.
For comfort, jconorr.v and pleasure, travel
by tlte steamer r.i tiie neulntur Line.
Dalles Citt leaves The" Dalles at 7 a. m.,
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Regulauir leaves at 7 a. m. Monday, Wed
nesday aud Krtdav.
Leave Portland 7 a. m.: arrive at The Dalles
a p. m. at Portland 4:M p. tt. - -
Portland i.filce. Oak St. Dock. The Dalles
office, Court fctreet.
General Agent,
Geo. F. Coe & Son.
f. ' -' 'V
IVnt Fiuooii, jior poutnl 12lS!e
Ik'st dry Suit Pork ' 12Si
3 raiiH Corn 2.r)C
3 cans TuimiUx'B .' -'5c
Cirn HtartdiH jitir l-pound package 05c
10 bars Laundry Simp : '-'5c
Other goods correspondingly low. Call find soe us.
H SI J H It Kl 1
At Cost to make Room for the Summer Cut.
Call and got pricec All kinds of Dry Lumber on hand.
2-pound enn Oystura 20c
(Jranulatod Flour, per sack , 80c
Snowdrift Flour, per sack ; 85c
billies Diamond Flour, per pack 90c
Sweet Fotatoca, per pound 3c
Cabbage, per pound ' .' 2,ljjc
Oriental Blend Coffee, per ponijd loo
Arbuekle'a Coffee, 7 packages for f 1.00
Menado Java Iilend Cuffee, per pound . 20c
Peerless M. and Java, per pound 25c
Table Peaches, per can -. 15c
Atlas Corn Starch, 4 for 25c
New and complete lino of staple Groceries, Flour and Feed, Beef,
'.MijUon, Pork, VEAL, Pork Sausage, Link Sausage, Bologna Sausage,
lining, Bacon and Lard. . .
Phone 21.
Reciprocity CcrnnLer.
The Best
We have home-canned Fruits in glass Strawberries, Blackberries.
Peaches and Pears. The same variety of fruit put up in the form of
Jam, Jelly and Preserves.
Davidson Fruit Co.'s Spiced Apple Butter.
Davidson Fruit Co.'s Canned Strawberries and Tomatoes.
Honey Drop Sugar Corn, and Beaver brand Sugar Peas, are sweet,
tender and just right.
ITlmber Land, Act June 3, 1873.
United Btntes Land Office, The Palles,
Oregon, Keb. 12, lflOl. Notice Is hereby given
that In pohipllnnee with the provisions of tho
act of congress of June ;t, ISTS. entitled "An act
for tlie sale of timber lands In the. states of
California, Oregon, AeTada and Washinslon
territory," as extended loall the public, hind
slates by act of August 4, 1SH2, the following
person.! have this day filed In this olllce their
Kworn statements, to-wit:
Of Hood River, county of Waseo, slats of
Oregon, vorn sitetiicnt No. 170, filed Oct. H,
l'JOO, for the purchase of tho lots S, 11 and 10,
section ISand lota 2 and 3 section Id. lir town
ship Ho, 2 north, rtincc No. t east, W, SI.
Of Hood Tflver, county of Wasco, state of
Oreson, sworn statement. No. Iii7. filled WepL
17, I HOD, for the purchase of the southwest H
northwest l4 and west Y, southwest section
8 and northwest )4 northwest ,' of section No.
17, in township No. 2 north, rtitige No. 9 cast,
W. M.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land nought is more yuluable for lis timber
or stone than for aRrictiliurul purposes, and
to establish their claims to snltl lands before
tho Heirlslerand Kecelverof this office at The
Iialles, Oregon, on Friday, the 2)tb day of
r III I lt llli. r
They imirrenis witnesses: 8. A. Wlierry, Tloy
Wherry and O. U. Chum tier) in of Hood River,
Oreuon, Dewlt Clinton, of The I nl lea, Oregon,
and I. A. Kt. Martin of Carson, Wash.
Any and all persons elainiltiK adversely the
nbove-diweribed lands are requested to llle
their claims in this office on or before said
2,ith day of April, limi,
flSa!9 JAY- P. 1.UCAS, Register.
" fTlaiher Land, Act June 3, 1S78. .
United States ijtnd Office, Tho Ballei, Ore
gon, Jan. 5, 1H0I. Notice is hereby given
that In conipllunce with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 8, 1S.8, ent itled "An
act for the sale of timber lands In the States
of l a iifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the public
land tles bv act of Attiiisl 4, 1HHJ,
of Hood River, connty of Wasco, state of
Oregon, ns mis uny men in mis otnee nis
worn statement No. 174, for tlie purchase of
the nor.h northeast and northeast W
northwest section X2, nnd southwest y.
sontheaiit se:tion 4) in township No. 2
north, range No. enst, W. M., and will offer
prtxif Uishow that the hind sought is more
valuable for its timber or slone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said Innd before the Heuister and Receiver
of this olflce at The rjalles, Oregon, on Mou-
ati.v. vie iviii any oi April, r.iui.
He names as witnesses: Frank Davenport;
F. K: Newhy and M. M. Davenport of Hood
River. Oregon, and O. A. Van Anda of The
Dalles, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their ch lnts In this uftloe on or before siii.l
2iith day of April, HiOl.
lianw JA V V. LUCAS, Register.
Peanut Roaster.
v iii..vo (oiit;t luppnT ut iiiiehi pnTrrn
ahd -mi supply our cusitomt'rs with the best
Hum pie ihem
Mt.titi.T BttuutesuTMi niHiea every aay.
Wanted To Rfint.
For ytarnr .more a hone in ,ni.r
ow ner can retulri nfe of landv tj deired. Ad
dress stating terms: lns K. J. pierc, 657
i landera t Portland, ore, ,
I'hone in.
At'enls fort'nlon 1 annpry.
The RigW Goods
mcK;rr prices
. AT
Reciprocity Corner.
Free Delivery.
flit OREGON. '
mim line
Time Schedules.
E. Bound. 'Fr'm HOOD KIVER W. BofSD.
ll:2o a.m.
iSnlt Lake, Denver,
ht w ortn,t iniana,! rortlnnd
Kansas City, hi. Hpiclal
i.oun, i;nicago 2:C5 p. in,
anu (.no r.iist.
Walltt Walla, Spo-I
- (tane'Mlnneapolia Portland
"'. Flyer -,
8:27 p.m.
St l'aul, Dulutli", Flyer
Miiwauee, cum t:
cao aim KiiHt.
Salt Mkf. Dener,
Ft Worth.OmahaJMail and
Mall and
K press.
. 11:42 p. m
Kansas City, Bt. Fxprewi
Louis, Chicago 5:00 a.m.
. una tne r.usi.
8 p.m.
4 p.m.
IOtban Htkamships!
or ban b ranclsco
Sail every 5 days.
a n m nrxrumi I . . .
4 p.m.
Ki. SiMiilHV Ktsameus.
baturdy, To Astoria and way
10 p.m. I landings.
Willamette River. 4:20
8 a.m. lOregou City, New-, Ex-Sunday.
c.A.ouiiuii1 i.'erK.niiiviu ai way
WlLI.A MKTTB AND 3::)0 P.m.
7 a.m.
1 AMiiit.i, KivKtis. Mon, Wed.
Tue. Thur, Oregon City, Dayton
ami Frl.
ana not. ana way liuiuinKS.
6 a.m.
Tues, Thur,
and Sut.
W amelte Ttlver. . m
Portland to Corval-;Mon., Wed.
usflt way lunuinjs. and Frl.
Lv.Ripttrla. ' Lv UwiHt'n
:. xake iUVKR, 8a.m.
daily. Rlpuria to lewiston cluliv
A. L. CRAlo; Oe'n'l Puss. Agt.ljrilaU(i,Or"
J. llAQI.EV, Agent, Hood River.
i. mm f
'V Nttf I UU I J.111 II 111 II.
" 1
Farm Implements,. &c.
Exclusive Agoat for Oliver PIon-.
For Sale
JANUAttY 2, 1001.
1. Four hitch at Franktoti, iniprovcil ;
g'Kd riii;; only ff.W.
2. Wcnduif place, nenr l'iiilcrwool,
W'uhh.; lHt) acres; 10 in ctiltivntion ; fair
iiiiirovciiicntt ; yomiK (irclmnl ; 3 acre
licitring ntra licrricn ; jtlcnty of good
water. I'rico f 2,tM)0 ; ternm cay.
3. Jolm Hipma farm, in lota from 5 to
'M acrea; f50 to ftW tcracre; termaeaKy.
4. Lot ojijoHit cluiollioufw; 75 fect
Bxiuuru. I'rico, 175.
5. The olil Ivnsera plac at Frnnkton;
owned liy (i. V. l.nne; large. Iioiim1,
bum, 2 spriiiKf, part of l'ltelpa creek
fn 11 n, 2 acrca iinproved, plenty of fruit;
price, 1 1 , 1 iH) $1100 or more canli.
ti. lirent lturaii). Two quarter block
in I'urkliurst, level and sightly; flM)
7. I!arrett-Sipma addition ; f C0 per lot :
f 10 down and f " per month ; no interest.
8. Ten choice lots in Highland addi
tion, only two hlockn cant of the post
i llice, on' t-tiite "treet, at 75 to f 1 50.
Ternm etiKy. Kvcry lot hatt a coniniand
iiijt view. . . .
. The J. i r..lary' place, Fast Side,
near Tucke.r'n mill; -tX) ttcivK,. nearly all
level; part well iinprc-ved; jtrice fl3 an
acre; wtil lie hold in forty-acrti tract at
small advance. Tcrma,'' three-quartura
or more cnt-h. A ;reat bargain.
10. Slallin'H block 5; pleasant view ;
?35.r,(Hl-14 lots ; price, f (it 0. .
11. The (i. T. tiallipan'lip acres, lvii:j
on the county mail north and cant of the
Uarrett farm; 21 acres in cultivation;
Dili) fruit treeH I'rice f 2,150, or2,2(0
half cuhIi. New (5(K) barn on place.
12, KiO acres on Hood rivcr,.3 tuilci
above, Tiu:ker's mill; 8 ucrea cleared.
Trice 11,850. ' ' . ,
13. The II. Disliop. home in Hood
Kiver, lot (i and part of lot 7, block 1,
Waueoimi inlilitioii to Ilood ICiver; a
preUy home.. Only ll.HH),
14. Tho Allen Fulton farm, lf,0 acres,
5 niilea-eatit of town; price f 1,000; terma
eiify. .. .
15. Lots in Henderson - sub-division
$:i5 a lot.
1(1. John Sipnm farm, 100 acres, 5,000.
J1,000 or more cash and balance at 8 jier
wilt, or the east 40 acres, cleared, for
2,100. f5(0 r more cash, balance at 8
per cent. Host farm in the valley.
17.. The Lddelmnn timber vlaitn, 2C0
acres, at f 1 .50 an acre. Plenty of watt r.
. 18. Chas. Ktgers' 120 acres near J. 1.
Miller; can be bought with'or without
timber or in separate 40s; $:J00 for the 3
40-, or flOO for the timber on the went,
40, or 1150 for the west 40, land and
1'.). One fl-acre tract and one 16-acro
tract of the Ileald place, f 100 to J130per
20. F. A. Trana ttlacV, White-Salmon,
in sight of Hood Kiver; 8 acres, 5 in
strawberries and tomatoes 17,000 straw
berry plants and 1,400 tomato plant.
No irnuntion required. Trice $7tK).
21. X. yt K. K. -4', K. X. K. l sec.
4, T. 3 X., it. 11 K White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 jer acre.
' 22. The Emerson homestead, only one
mile east of town ; fine raiijie ; $1,500.
23. Ix.ts 5 and fl, block 7; inans ad
dition ; 50 a lot, or $S5 for tha two.
' 24. Bernard Warren's fruit farm at
Frankton, jilenty of water, good build
ings, etc. 17 acres. Trice $3,500.
25. All of AVaitcoma Turk addition, 48
lots, at $2,400 cash.
2ti. S. H. Co.x's fine residence in Hood
River, lot 100 x Kit); price $1,200.
27. J. R. Xickelsen's place at Bel
mont; 35 acres; $2,100. Terms easy.
28. A strip of land ISO feet wide by 4'
mile Ionp, with the creek, lyinur between
the west Bide of lilower's addition and
the county road at Taradise farm. I'rico
29. Twenty acres lying tvorth of Peter -Kopke's,
East Side; pood land; unim
proved. Price $500; terms easy.
30. 35 acres of J. C. Bopga' fruit farm
for $3500 $100 per acre in 15 or 20 acre
tracts. The 15-aero tract in 5-acre tracts
at $125 per acre; Jj cash; balance to
suit purchaser ; interest, 7 per cent per
32. Emma fi. Robinson's 1(0 acres on
hills east of. White Salmon, known as
the Dryer place; fine timber; unim
proved; $785.
For Pale Eligible residence lots on
the hill, near cannon house; bnlv$75;
terms easy. In f-pangler'u Subdivision,
block 2, Tarkhurs't.
For Sale ut the Emporium 100 acres;
can Le cleared for ten dollars an acre ;
40 good timber. Fine soil ; no rock on
150 acres; big hay shed; echool and post
office only mile ; on daily' stago line;
well watered.. $50 down, $50 in 1 month,
$50 in 2 months ; bal. in 4 years. Only
$500; a tare bargain; 15 miles" distant ;
. For Rent. Tho Wickham tVee acres,
near Mrs. Alma Howe, for rent. Fur
nished house; liearing orchard; straw,
berries netted $200 this ytar. . Jtent $150
for one year; payable in instal
ments ju advance. ...
$200 to f 1,200 to loan. '
.-At the Emporium is kept a first-class
surveyor's transit,, and the proprietor
being a practical surveyor", js well pre
pare to do the work of layina out acre
age property in lots'a'nd blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying.
B. Ternis are easy on all the above
lands, -with interest at 6 per cent. Per
sons desiring locations on homesteads
and timber clailnV should apply at tho
Emporium. . .
Money to Loan.
At the Emporium.
Davidson Fruit Co.,
Shippers of
Hood River's Famous
Fruits. ,
- backers of the .
Hood River Brand of
. Canned Fruits.
Munufaeturers of
r,JPox,es.and Fru''t Paokages.
Dealers In J-ertilizers Hnd. AgriomiuTal Im-
, plementa.
, J.?ni, Office nt VoneonVer. WasK, Jan. 19.
liiK-nnmcrt setller tins tiled notice of his In-
....... m niuni, ntiBt prooi to support of
hiiM-lalm, ijtiU thru said proof will he mnde
before the itei;lsUr and Um. it u
tttliee at Vancouver. Woh . 't..a.
.March S. 1!K), vl
Of W'h e Kn mno P .L . , .TI .
inatle Jt. K Nit. for the south balf of
m" , nouiiirasi quarter or north
west quarter, Bnd northeast quarter of gonth-
U nantes LU rollowiuff wltncsse to prora
his eontinnotu. residence upon und cultlv.
lion oi tmittluHd, viz: . .
l.uiayhU:nxJroha V B"- IV R.
a. wLUntten"1- f