IMP "IT'S A COLD DAY WHEN WE GET LEFT." 'j i. VOL. XII. HOOD ItlVElt, OItE(JO FIMDAY, FElUtUAllY 15, 1901. NO. 3l. ' HOOD RIVER GLACIER Published Kvery Friday by 0 H. r. HI.VTIIK. Ternn of subscription- il.SU 4 year wlieu pud In advanee. TUB MAII.M. The mall arrives from Ml. Hood at 10 o'clock ft. 111. Weritieadays and Saturdays; departs tli. same days at noon. rbenoweth, leaves at 8 a. in. Tuesdays, Tbnrsdavs and Haturdnvs: arrives at A p. tn. ' for W hue balinon (V anil.) learVs daily ai :A ft. m.; arrlvei at ":!' p. in. from White Salmon leave (or KuMa, (illiner, Trout Lake and Glenwood daily at A. M. t or Bingen (Waalr.) leave, at p. ni 1 ar a lKTIK-t. AI KM, KKHKKAH liKHRKK I.OIM1E. No i 87, 1. (). . K.-.Meeth tliKt and third Mon days incarh tuoiith. Mis Katk Dive.npokt, N. 0. II. J.'llIRBARP, Secretary. pANHY HOST. No. 16, (). A. K. -Meets at A. I ) (I. II. YV. Hall nni'ond anil fourth HalnrJavs r park month at 2 11 elo k p. m. Ally. A. H, member. Invited to meet with in. T. .1. cvn.mnu, Commander. J. W, Hiuby, Adjutant. (1ANBY W. R. C, No. 16- Meela Brat Hatur ) day of each month in A. (. U. W. hall at t p. m. Mkh. B. K. Hiiokmakkr, Pretldent. Mrs. 1'nmi.A iM'KKs, ttecrvlary. II OI ItlVKK I.OWIK, No. Kft. A. F. and A. M.Mei'ia Saturday evening on or before cacnillll n. A fc. KAIIM, W, M. A. H. Batkiiam, Heeretary. HOt)l) KJVKR (IIAPTKII, No. 27, R. A. M -Meela third Friday Ik li t of earn month. r. C. bBoia'H, 11. P. H. F. Davidson, Seore'ary. IIOOI) KIVKR CH AFTER, No. 25, O. K. 8. JL Meets second and fourth .ten Hi k a o' each month. Via tor. co d ally wel comed. Mns. Kva H. Havms, W. M. H. F. David ON, Secretary, 0I.F.TA AS8KMBI Y, No. 103, Inlted Artisans. Meets et'ond Tnesdav of each month al Fraternal hall. F". C. HK'.Btrs, M. A. I). McDonald, Secretary, YrAI'COMA I.OIKIK,, K.of P.-Mcett II in A. O. li. VV. hall every Tupaday nltthu Horham k mint, C. (J. Frank I.. Pavidson, K. of K. & 8. K1VKKHIDK I.OIX'K. No. 6M, A. . I'. W. Meet, rlrat and third Saturdays of each month. N. C Evans. M. W. .1. F. Watt, Financier. H. L. How i, Recorder. 1DI.EWII.DE I.OlKiK, No. 7, I. O O. F. Meen In Fraternal hall every Thursday night. A. 0. (jRTtHKI,, N.O. J. E. Hanna, Secr.lary. 1 001) RIVER TENT, No li), K. O. T. M.f Jl meets at A. ). I!, W. hall 011 the firm and third Fridays of each month. J. K. Rand, Commander. I) IV E RSI HE LOIRiK NO. 40. DEC REE OF li HONOR, A. (. V. W. -Meets ftrxt and third Saturdays at ft P. M. Mrs. (ieoROtA Rand, C. of II. Mb. Chai Cl.ARKK, Recoriter. SUNSHINE POCIETY-Meeta tecond anil fourth Saturdays of each month at i o'clock. Miss Lksa Snkli., Preaident. Miss Carrie Rittlkr, Secretary. Jy F. SHAW, M. D. Telephone No. 81. All Calls Promptly Attended Office upstairs over Everhart'a atore. Alt call left the orttce or residence will b t.roni t y attended to, JOHN LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY-ATLW, ARSTRATTOR, NO TARY l'lMtMC and REAL EKTA'IK AOENT. For 23 yeara a resident of Orewn and Waah liiKion. Has hnd many ypi r- exierletu e In Real Estate niat-.ra, aa alt atMor, searcher of titles and HKent. batikfactiun xuaranieed or 110 chre. J F. WATT, M. D. Surgeon for O. R. & N. Co. la especially equipped to treat catarrh of nose and throat and diseases of women. Special terms for oflice treatment of chronl. cases. Telephone, office, 125, residence, 45. JJ J. FREDERICK CARPENTER AND BUILDER. K"timatt8 furnished for all kinds of work. Repairing a specialty. All kindi of shop work, fchop on State Street, between First and Second. J)APERIIANaiNU, KALSOMININU, ETC. If your walls are sick or mutilated, call oa E. I.. HOOD. Consultation free. No charge for preacrla tlotis. No cure no pay. O nVn hi irs fr n 8 a. M. till i. P. ., anl all night if necessary. CON0MY SHOE SHOP. PRICK MST. Men'i half soles, band eticked, $1; nailed, hest, 75c; second, 60c; third, 40i! l.Hiiies' hand stitched, 75c; nailed, best. Mo; second, 35. Best stock and work in Hood. River. C. WELDS, Prop. . JHE KLONDIKE CONFECTIONERY la the place to get the latest and best ia Confectioneries, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. , ..;.ICE CREAM PARLORS.... COLE & GRAHAM, Props. p C. BROSiUS, M. D. " THYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 'Fhone Central, or 121. Office Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M. ; 2 to I and 6 to 7 P. M. JT. HOOD SAW MILLS Tomms80n Bbos, Props. FIR AND PINE LUMBER Of the best quality alwas on hand at prices to suit the times. gUTLER A CO., BANKERS. Do a general banking business. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. JyJ A. COOK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Hood Rivib, Obkgon. Estimates Famished. Plans Draws Q.J. HAYES, J. P. Oltlc. with Geo. T. Prather. Bnainess will b. attended to at any time. Collection! made, and any boainess given to tia will be attended 10 apeedily and results mad. promptly. Will locate on good government lands, either tim ber 01, srmlng. W. are in touch with th. C. V Lmoatc atTh. Dalles, a oaU. ins-or iif id crom All Parts of the New World and the Old. F INTEREST TO OUR MANY READERS '.omprthenilvt Review of the. Important flap penlngs of the Past Week In Condensed Form. e Ex-King Milan is dead. All the saloons in Topeka have closed. The pacification of Panay is com plete. The senate passed the naval appro priation bill. The Philippine tariff act has reached Washington. Thete is no longer any donbt of the plague at Cape Town. Bids for Manila harbor improvements will soon be advertised. The disorders in Madrid and other Spanish cities continue. The house voted to ask for a confer ence on the war tax bill. Mrs. Nation sayt she is going on a world tour of "joint" smashing. An order is being prepared for the organization of 10 new regiment. The Mammoth has been added to the list of Eastern Oregon pioducing mines. A ballot box was stolen and three were hurt in an election riot in St. Lonis. The Chinese plenipotentaties will lie excluded from meetings of the foreign envoys. The new regiment of the Twenty eighth infantry is to be organized at Vancouver. There is a lack of cordiality between army men and the Philippine com missioners. Lloyd Griscom, United States secre tary of legation and charge, at Con stantinople, is coming L-ome on leave of absence. He has not re-iigued. as had been reported. The Ohio supreme court holds that the state supervisor of elections (the secretary of state) is the final judge of all controversies arising under the election laws of the state. Senator Foraker has reported a hill providing that Hawaiian coitm may be received at par for all government dues, and that when once co received, they shall not be again put in circula tion. The followers of General Maximo Gomez triumphed iu the Cuban con stitutional convention. The 'dauBe making him eligible to the prenidency of the republic wag adopted by a vote of 15 to 14. Portugal, it is said, will send troops to aid the British. A good vein of coal has been lojated near Pendleton, Oregon. French troops in China disobeyed Connt von Waldersee'a orders. Three lives were lost and four people badly injuied in a Boston tire. Dewet and Steyn have issued a proc lamation saying they will enter Cnpe Colony. La Grande, Oregon, farmers protest against alleged discrimination of army horse buyer. An nnknown man at Salem, Oregon, drove over an embankment and sus tained serious injuries. One British general was killed nd another severely injured in an en gagement at Orange camp. Colonel Albert D. Shaw, former commander-in-chief of G. A. R., died sud denly at his home in Watertown, N. Y. Professor Von Max Pettinkofcr, the distinguished German chemist, com mitted suicide by shooting himself in a tit of melancholy. Three men have been arrested at Manila,lowa, for the robbery of a United States Express Company's safe. They secured f 10,000 iu money and other valuables. The condition of ex-King Milan, of Servia, has taken a turu for the worse. Both his l'ings are congested, the heart is very weak, and his malady Has en tered au extremely critical condition. Vir.nhflnnr ronArti that ttaatarn innvA- ment of British troops has npset plans ot lioers. Coming marriage of Piincess of As turias greatly displeases the Spanieb students. Typographical Union No. 13, of Bos ton, will call strike in every book and job office in that city in case the master priuters refuse to sign the anion scale at once. They demand that women typsetters shall be treated as "journeymen com posi tors," and re ceive the same wages as men for doing the same work. Alfred Vanderbilt has given $3, 700,000 t his fiance, Elsie French, aa her marriage portion. A Montreal paper warns Fgnland to cease insulting Frcnch-Cauadiaob, declaring the British government holds Canada through the people of Quebec province. Abraham Oppenheimer, a Philadel phia citizen of 80 years, astonished all observers by cViing some wonderfttfly fancy skating on the pond in rreinont park. OUR LAWMAKERS. Doings of Importance at the State Capital Bills Passed. Llcenje Bill Defeated. Senate bill 10, lor the licensing of stationary engineers and firemen was defeated Monday. Woman Suffrage Defeated. An effort was male in the house Montkty to reconsider the vote by which senate joint resolution 71, for woman suffrage, was defeated. The vote for reconsideration was lost, 1!8 to 21. Law Without Governor's Signature. Governor Geer Monday filed the barber Sunday eloping bill without bis signature, thus completing the proceedings necessary to make it a law. As it bears an emergency clause, it went into effect Monday and will make barbering on next Sunday a crime. Passed Both Houses. The following bills have paused both houses: House bill 2, relative to school libraries; house bill 91, to pro hibit barbering on Sunday; house bill 203, appropriation for legislative ex penses and deficiencies; senate bill 12, proviling for sale of school lands; sen ate bill 15, exemption of earnings of judgment debtors; senate bill 17. fix ing fees of witnesses in Douglas, Jack son and Josephine connties in criminal aotions; senate bill 95, fixing salary of judge of Clackamas county. Incorpor ation bills, Sheridan and Whitney. Signed by the Governor. The following hills have been signed by the governor: House bill 3, amend ing Albany bridge act; house bill 4, appropriating $45,000 lor Oregon agri cultural college; house bill 25, appro priating $47,500 to Oregon state uni versity; house hill 180, for payment of scalp bounty warrants; house bill 224, relative to Portland tax ley; house bill 257, relinquishing ground to United States for postoffke at Salem; senate bill 8, relative to licenses on state fair grounds. (A law without governor's signature); senate bill 19, to pay ex penses of Indian war veterans to Wash ington; senate bill 89, to submit initia tive and referendum; senate bill 104, removing incline at Cascade locks; senate bill 11, to authorize Portland to levy a special tax; iucorporatiou acts for the following places: Rose burg, Canyonville, Silverton, Elgin, Summerville, Baker City, Antelope, Dallas, Sumpter, Myrtle Point, Med ford. The Vote for Senator. The vote for senator Monday stood: Corbett 30, George II. Williams 23, William Smith 25, Biuger Hermann, 6, not voting 1, absent or paired 6. Aid for Orphanages. The house committee on corpora tions Wednesday rendered a favorable report on the bill by Holcomb provid ing state aid for all orphan asylums of not to exceed $10 per annum per in mate. - Bills Passed. The house Wednesday passed bills as follows: By Mulkey, to give old bor rowers of school funds the benefit of same rate of interest as given to new borrowers; by Smith, of Yamhill, to amend the charter of Sheridan; by Masters, to reduce fees of witnesses and jurors in Douglas, Jackson and Josephine counties; by Porter, to re duce the salary of Clackamas county judge from $1,200 to $720, beginning in 1902. The senate Wednesday passed the following bills: Senate bill No. 77. re quiring that sentence of death be exe cuted at the penitentiary, by the super intendent or a warden; senate bill No. 83, relating to the proof of writings; senate Dill No. 86. to create the oflice of state bacteriologist, without pay; senate bill No. 85, relating to title of floating logs; senate bill No. 103, to authorize district and county high schools; senate bill No. 115, a substi tute for the original, to fix the fees to be paid county clerks; senate bill No. 188, to amend the charter of Yernonia, Columbia county; senate bill No. 192, to incorporate Grass Valley; senate bill No. 108, to amend the scalp boun ty law. Passed by Both Houses. Bills passed by both houses are as follows: Senate bill 12, providing for sale of school lands; senate hill 119, amending charter of Sheridan; senate bill 17, fixing fees of witnesses in Douglas, Jackson and Josephine coun ties in criminal aotions; senate bill 95, fixing salary of judge of Clackamas county. Signed by the Governor. The governor Wednesday signed the following bills: House bill 257, re linquishing ground to United Statea for pogtofBce at Salem; house bill 127, amending Myrtle Point charter; house bill 120, amending Medford charter; house bill 3, amending Albany bridge act; house bill 4, appropriating $45, 000 for Oregon Agricultural College; house bill 25, approprating $47,000 to Oregon State University; senate bill 102, amending Sumpter charter; sen ate bill 104, removing inoline at Cas cade locks. The Vote. The vote Wednesday stood: II. W. Corbett, 80; George W. McBride. 21; William Smith, Democrat, 26; Binger Hermann, 7; C? W. Fulton, 2; F. A. Moore, 1; S. A. Lowell, 1; not voting, 1. Foj Dark Sword Fund. In the house Wednesday Eddv in- traduced a concurrent resolution pro viding for an appropriation of $262 for the completion of the Captain Clark tvord fund. WML EMI England's Action on the Nicara gua Canal Project ALMOST EQUAL TO A FLAT REFUSAL A Counter Proposal, Likely to Cause Extrnded Negotiations, Will Soon Be Presented Through Lord Pauncefote, London, Felt. 11. It has been learned that a reply will shortly be sent to the Unit C, States Nicaragua canal project. It will not comply with the senate's demands, utitner will it be iu the nature of a flat re fusal, though for purposes of immediate construction it ill be tantamount to uch a It will cousi-t mainly in a counter roposal or proposals, likely to necest-itnte extended negotia tions. The nature of the proposal it not yet ascertainable. Lord I'annce fote will likely be the medium through which the answer will ba seut and by whom the subsequent negotiations will be couducted. In British oflirial opin ion, it is likely that several mouths will elap?o before the matter reaches a conclusion, by which time the Hay Pauncefote treaty will have elapsed, on the basis of the senate's amend ments. The British counter proposals are cow formulHtin;, and it is hoped an entirely new agreement, satisfac tory to both countries, will eventually be reached. Commented on in Washington. Washington. Feb. 1 1 . So far as can be ascertained, the administra tion has not had Hny intimation of the counter proposals the London dispatch uys will be made ia the matter of the Nicaragua canal project. Tliere is a feeling of reuret that the British gov ernment has felt constrained to Hdopt snch a conrt-e, as (he hope was enter tained that the ameucimeuts to the Hay-ratincefote treaty might have been accepted in tiio spirit in which they werevmado. Senator Morgan when informed to night of the new stand taken by (ireat Britain, said he believed that if Ureut Britain has decided to take Ihe action stated, it would crei,ta resentment in tho senate and among the people and distrust of tho .moves of that govern ment. He hoped it might remit in some action on the pending bill at this session. Senator Morgan, however, was not willing to say what action, il anv, he proposed to take to briug about such a ret-nit. One sugges!ion made tonight as a possible counter proposal by Great Britain was that iu return for conces sions made by her she might desire an open port on the Alaskan coast as au entrance into her gold fields iu the Klondike. MORE MEiTf0RKETCHENER Reinforcements for the South African Army Boers Held Up a Natal Train. London, Feb. 11. Public attention has again been turned toward South Africa by the di-mtch of reinforca. ments and the publication of Lord Roberts dispatches. Rumor has boen in circulation that Mr. Chamberlain had reconsidered his South African policy, and was contemplating a louiid table conference with John Morley uud Sir William Vernon ilarcotirt, and the recall of Sir Alfred Mi.ner. ine appearance of the bubonic plague at Cape Town seems likely to add to the difficulties of thi situation. The authorities there have decided upon a wholesale extermination of .rats. Should the disease spread, it will necessitate changes in the niili tary arrangements. Today Sir Alfred Miluer makes an other earnest appeal to employers to allow as many men as possible to en roll in the colonial mounted defense forces. The Boers held np a Natal mail train near Vlakfontein. The few soldiers on board exhausted their cartridges, and the Boers then milled !,. n.ion. gers, afterwards allowing the train to proceed. Transports Requistioned. London, Feb. 11. The government has requisitioned three Castle liners to transport reinforcements to South Africa. The remount department is uncommonly active, its agents buying largely in several pirns of the world. Following yesterday's war office an nouncement, recruiting todav was brisk. Wreck in a Snowshed. Trnckee, Cal., Feb. 11 Spreading rails in the snowsheds tnst o r.r m... canyon caused the wreck of a freight train last night. Several cars were piled np. part of them being thrown to the bottom of the hill and demolished. The snowshed was torn np for a dis tance of 300 feet. No. i A,i.,,;.. '.. uiiu ox press had passed the point but a few luiumos ucium mo wrecic occurred. Will Try for New Constitutions. Alabama add Virginia will both try for new state constitutions during 1901. General May-berry Prtnliss. Bethany, Mo., Feb. II. General May berry Prentiss, one of the oldest surviving generals of volunteers of the civil war, is dead at hit homeJiera aged 81 years. He was known as the "hero of Shiloh." He defeated Gen erals Holmes and Price at Helena Ark., July 4, 1862.' He was the last survivor of the Fitz Johu Porter court martial. He was in the volunteer service in Illinois during the Mornoa xoitement la early days. ARRESTED FOR ROBBERY. Three Well Known Men Were Trailed Through the Snow. Sioux City, la., Feb, 12. Three men, believed to have been implicated in the theft last night at Manila, Ia., of a United States Express Company's safe, said to contain $40,000, were ar rested at that place this morning. 1 hey were traced by their tracks in the snow. The men are John Jack son, John Stovnll and Charles Hayes. All live at Manila, and are well known. Their reputations heretofore have not been bad. They stoutly protested their innocence. Mrs. Jackson, wife of John Jackson, was also arrested, but at a preliminary hearing, she was released. The three men are in jail, having been unable to furnish a bond, fixed at $13,000 each. None of the money or valuables, hat been recovered. The safe that wat stolen contained iu the neighborhood of $40,000. Two thousand dollars was in cash, and the remainder in drafts, checks and various valuables. While the robbery undoubtedly wat deliber ately planned, as the horse and wagon were in waiting in a convenient spot, It is not believed that the men knew they were making so rich a haul. They had no meant of knowing the contents of the safe, only that it wat nsed in carrying valuables. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul train on which the safe was taken from Sionx City, arrived at Manila at 8:05 P. M. The Omaha train was late, and James Sturtevant, of Sioux City, the express messenger, did not hurry in unloading the goods and pack ages from his car. The express box, with other articles, was placed on a truck on the depot platform, and then Sturtevant and the baggageman went to the other end of the platform to get another truckload. When Sturtevant returned he noticed the articles on the truck wete disarranged, and a glance showed that the iron box was gone. There was great excitement, and no time .vas lost in spreadiug the alarm. Marshal Fearall hastily assembled a posse. Snow lay thick on the ground, and it did not t ike long to discover the tracks of two persons, who evident ly had been carrying something heavy directly from the track, as it stood on the depot platform. They carried the safe a distance of about two blocks, and then loaded it into a wagon, which had been left there in waiting. The wagon was driven about a mile and a half out into the country, and there the safe was forced open and the contents abstract ed. The men abandoned the safe and went their way on a new track. It was not difficult, however, to traoe them, and this morning three arrests were made. The authorities say the shoes of two of the men under arrest fit exactly the tracks in the snow. THREE LIVES LOST. Result of a Fire in a Boston Brick Building Four Others Badly lnured. Boston, Feb. 12. Three persons lost their lives and four others were badly injured in a fire in a four-story brick dwelling in Harrison avenue early thii) morning. There is suspicion that the fire was of incendiary otigin and two arrests have been made, Harris Levin and hit wife Bertha. Levin had a shoe store on the first floor of the building, and the arrests are made on the suspicion that naptha or Fomehing of that kind caused the fire. Men and women jumped from the burning building and firemen and po licement rescued others from smoke filled corridors and hallways. The second-stojy was occupied by Daniel Hart, his- wife, her lister and lour children. They all jumped from a window. One of the children wat badly bnrned and suffered internal in juries by jumping, and died. Mrs. Hart Vas badly hurt. The third story was occupied by Daniel and Thomas Brennan. The lat ter escaped,' but Daniel jumped three stories to a shed and suffered serious injuries. The fourth story was occupied by Mrs. Frances Riley and Mrs. Barry, Mrs. Kiley was overcome by the smoke and suffocated. Her body was discov ered after the flames had been sub dued. Mrs. Barry jumped from the fourth floor and is in a precarious con dition. Transport Ashore- Santiago De Cuba, Feb. 12. The United Statet transport Rawlins went aground 'this morning on a coral reef near the wreck of the United States collier Merrinuo. She arrived at day break, intending to embark the troops of the Tenth infantry for New York. The pilot attempted to past on the wrong side of the Merrimao, and struck the hidden reef hard. Three powerful tugs pulled unsuccessfully all the afternoon in the attempt to float the ship. It will probably be necessary to rig elaborate tackle before she can be gotten off. She is in no danger, and ihe likelihood is that the it not injured. Will Take Part in Inaugural Parade. The Yale undergraduates have de cided to take part in the inaugural parade in Washington next March. Mexicans Defeated Indians. Mexico City, Feb. 12. The federal troops in Yucatan have had another battle with the rebel Indians who were strongly intrenched, bat the Indians were anabln to withstand the charge on their position. and fled in all directions. Many of the Indians would like to be released from the tyranny ot chiefs who inflicted the penalty and torture, and commit many barbaritiet to Infuse terror into their adherents. EM 1 11 1'Eti' Exiled Ruler of Servia Passed Away at Vienna. NEITHER HIS WIFE NOR SON THERE He Retained Possession of His Faculties Until Within a Quarter of an Hour of His Death Body to be Interred in Slavonia. Vienna, Feb. 13. Ex-King Milan, of Servia it dead. He passed a sleep iest night and wat unable to take suffi cient nourishment. The remains will be interred at Kronchol, sacred monastic shrine in Syrtnia, Slavonia, with the honors due a member of the reigning dynasty. The illness began with influenza. Milan left his bed too quickly, and the result was pneumonia. The doctors also found faty degeneration of the heart, which wat the actual cause of death, as the danger immediately aiis ing from the lung trouble had been overcome.. Fearing a fatal issue, the doctors caused messages to be sent King Alexander and ex Wueen Natalie, but although Milan desired to see them and himself tent messages re questing their presence, neither came. Natalie's reply, whioh was to the ef fect that she would come if her pres ence was really desired, reached him just before death. Emperor Francis Joseph, who sent nn aid-de-camp to the deathbed, has ordered a military funeral, as Milan wat formerly the colonel of an Austrian regiment. It was Milan's written wish that he should be buried at Svr niia. He said he had been greatly disappointed at the absence of hit son, whose ingratitude has provoked much comment in Vienna. According to the Neue Freie I'resse, he said to hit physician: "I feel that I innst die, but it it very sad to be compelled to die at 47." Ex-King Milan, who was born in 1854, abdicated the throne in favor of his son, Alexander I, March 6, 1889. The circumstances that compelled the king to abdicate arose from the policy that he had pursued at the beginning of his reign, both in domestic and for eign affairs. The new Seiviau consti tution was adopted by the grand skup htina January 2, 1899, by a majority of 494 votes against 75. The ministry of Nikol Cristich resigned. The king wat unwilling to appoint a radical cabinet, and applied first to Jovan Kistich, but oould not induce that statesman to form a cabinet. The radicals refused to take office unless Tusohnovich, revolutionist, who had been condemned to death for participa tion in the Titnok valley uprisin , should be given the portfolio of the in' terior. The king's throne was at stake. He determined to appoint liberal pre fects, and sub-prefects, and attempted by pressure on the people to bring in a liberal majority iu the elections in the autumn. The radicals became en raged at the determination to exclude them from office. Cristich wat un willing to play to dangerous a game, and told King Milan that it wat im possible for him to remain in office. Milan abdicated the throne in the pres ence of the ministers and chief digni taries, and the members of the diplo matic body assembled in the konah to celebrate the anniversary of the elec tion of Servia into a kingdom in 1882. On being promised a liberal yearly al lowance, he agreed in 1889 to go into perpetual exile. It wat decided that Queen Natalie should likewise live abroad. (jueen Natalie, however, came back, and was only ' expelled af ter desperate resistance on the part of her adheranta in 1891. The Tax on Banks. Washington, Feb. 13. Senator Aid rich today sent the following dispatch: "Mr. A. B. Hepburn, chairman Ameri can Association of Bankers, Chase Na tional Bank, New York City: Am re ceiving a large number of letters from banks throughout the country, sent in response to request issued by your sec retary, demanding that the tax on bank capital shall he entirely removed. The hote retained the entire tax and the senate has reduced one-half. No action is possible in conference except to agree to either the house or the sen ate provision or to adopt some compro mise between the two. I hope this statement will save the members of your association and the members of the finance committee much unneo l tary correspondence." Pnrchasing for Morgan. Ironton, O., Feb. 13. Col. E. J. Bird, Jr., late superintendent of the Martin Iron & Steel Company, it here representing J. P. Morgan & Co., for the purchase of the plant of the Hang ing Rock Iron Company, the Belfonte Iron Works Company, the Kelly Iron & Nail Company, the Martin Iron & Steel Company, the Norton Iron Workt Company and the Ashland Steel Com pany, Ashland, Ky. If the deal is consummated, other plants will be erected here. Raided a Depot Temakah, Neb., Feb. 13. The rail road depot in thia town wag raided by nnknown persont last night and 85 cases of liquor, consigned to people here, were destroyed. Temakah is "dry town," under the local option laws, and it is believed a party of wo men took she law into their own hands. - . Interest in Crnada. The legal rate of interest in Canada in now 5 per cent. AT THE EXPOSITION. States Arc Alive to the Impwtince of Making Comprehensive Exhibits. The different statet and territories of the union are alive to the importance of the Pan-American exposition and all I of them Will be represented there in a befitting manner if present plans car ry, as is almost safe to say they win. . In some instances appropriations have ! been made for buildings and exhibits and there are now in various legisla tures bills pending fur appropriations. I New York etate has appropriated !$3OO,C0O and is erecting a oeuimml ! permanent building. , Illiuois has appropriated $75,000. Connecticut hat made a preliminary appropriation to cover the expenses of an exhibit ami the state board of agri culture has passed a resolution unani mously asking for au additional appro priation 01 $25,000. . Massachusetts has appropriated $15, 000, with the expectation of an addi tional appropriation. Wisconsin has appropriated $25,000 and it erecting a building. Ohio's appropriation it $30,000. The state ia putting up a handsome building which ia now ueariug comple tion. Rhode Island bat appropriated $15, 000 with the assurance of mure if it should be necessary to carry out the state's plans. Missouri hat guaranteed an appro priation of $25,000 to $50,000, and within the last fortnight the Missouri commission has resolved to ask for $100,000. Alabama proposes to appropriate $25,000, and a bill providing for such an appropriation is now pending in the state legislature. Georgia appropiiatet a turn neces sary to pay the expenses of au exhibit. West Virginia will have a handsome building. In advance of the action of the legislature a guarantee fund hat been subscribed by her citizens to pio vide for a building and exhibit. California has completed arrange ments lor an extensive exhibit through the state board of trade and the Los Angeles chamber of commerce. The board has endorsed a memorial from the water and forest association to the state legislature asking that the state make an appropriation of $500,000 equal to that given by the federal gov ernment to hava California properly represented at the exposition. Michigan has appropriated $40,000 for a building and exhibit. Iowa has appointed a commission of eight. The agricultural and horticul tural boards are arranging for partici pation in the exhibits. Oregon, Mississippi, Louisiana and other states will be suitably represent ed, owing to the great enterprise of oitiens, who are voltin'eeriug piivate tubscriptiont with the intention of ap pealing to the legislature for reim bursement. The New England stataa are com bining for a New England building and private subscriptions are being taken in Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire in anticipation of legisla tive action. Plans have been made for a magnificent building ol colonial architecture. Maryland hat a stafe commission and the Baltimore Manufacturers' As sociation are co-operating with this body to raise money for representation. In a number of states bills asking for appropriations for exhibits at the exposition are now peuding. They are as lollows: Washington, $50,0110; Oregon, $35,000; Idaho, $1)0,000 Mon tana, $50,000; Indiana, $100,000; Pennsylvania, $100,000; Kansas, $50, 000. In all the othet states, with only one exception, official recognition has been given the exposition by the selection of representatives, members of women's boards of managers or commissioners and through whose efforts legislative action is being agitated LOST A MILLION AND HALF. Glass Plant Burned in a Pennsylvania Town The loss Is EstimateJ at $1,500,000. Rochester, Ta.. Feb. 1. The town ot Rochester, on the Ohio river, nbout 25 miles from Pittsburg, to lay suffered the greatest fire in its history. The loss is estimated at $1,500,000. The fire started just after midnight in the copper department of the National glass plant, the largest tumbler plant in the world, located outside Roches ter. The night e-nployes turned ont with their own hose and endeavored to subdue the blaze, but a strong west wind was blowing and the flames soon spread to the packing department. The plant occupied sevoral actes of ground and employed 1,500 persona. The fire departments of nearby towns were called upon. Millions for Automobiles. It is estimated that during the first five years of this century the enormous sum of $100,000,000 will be expended by puichasers of auotmobiles. It re mains to be seen, if the prophecy comes true, what style of vehicle will secure the bulk of the business. At the Pan-Amerioan exposition all stvlet of automobiles will be exhibited, and then we may be iu beter position to judge of the respective merits of the variout maket and methods of operation. Plague at Cape Town Cape Town, Feb. 13. The govern ment hat decided to- give notice to the foreign cations of the fact that Cape Town ia infected with bubonic plague. There it no longer any doubt as to the nature of the disease. Joseph Cham berlain has addressed a communication to Sir Alfred Milner approving the latter't remarks made in bit reply to the Afrikander deputation sent with a resolution addressed to Queen Vi 0 toria.