The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 08, 1901, Image 1

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NO. as.
Published Every Friday by
8. r. I5LVTIIK.
lerms o( ubcri'i)oii
In advance.
tl.'Xl a year wheu paid
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at in o'clock
a. in. Wednesday and Saturda) s; departs the
same da i hi noon.
rr hiMic.m-tti, leaves at S . m. Tnesdaya,
I'll it i ln h Hint Saturday; arrives al 6 p. m.
lor W iiltc halinmi (Wash.) leaf. dally al 6 44
. ni.i arrives al 7:li ). ro.
I rum Willie Salmon leaves for Fulda, (liliuer,
Trout l ake and tllenwnotl daily al A. M.
For Hiiikuu (Watd!.) leaves at ,i:4j p. in.; ar
riven at 2 p. m.
) lltriK-.
I AlKhl.
Ji W. I.
O. (i. I'. Meets tl i ft aim uiiru jiuu-
ilmi It) itm-li infill t h
Miss Kat Davenport, N. 0
(I. J. Hihbari), Secretary.
1ANHY I'OsT. No. Ill, (i. A. R Meets at A.
1 1 O. I!. W. Hall second an 4 fourth Hatur aye
of parti month at 2 i elo p. ni. AI10. A. R.
members invited to meet Willi u.
T. J. UNSiNu, commander.
1. W. Rkiby, Adjutant.
1ANBY W. R. ("., So. 16 Meets tirst Satur
j day of each montli In A. O. U. W. hall at 1
p.m. MRU. B F. Sih kmakkr, President.
Mm. t'Ksri.A Imkks, Secretary.
1 10(11) IlIVER I.OIHIE, No. l.i, A. P. and A.
Jl M. Mil la Saturday eveiilna; on or before
each full mi on. A N. 1UHM, W. M.
A. I' Hatkiiam, Secretary.
()(1) ItlVKK CIIAI'TKK, No. 27, R. A. M-
Meels third Friday nhflit l eacn mourn.
f. V. llBi Sirs, II. P.
H. F. Daviiwoh, secreary.
t)OI RIVER CHAPTER, No. 2. O. E. H.-
Mcets ae.ond aii.l loiirtn luesiiay even-
4 ii if ni eai-ii miniMi.
VU lira co d any wei-
e.nned. Mpi. Kva B. Haynei, W. M
11. F. David on, Secretary.
I.KTA ASPKMHl.Y. No. KM. I'nlted Artlaans,
II Meets -econd 1'ueaday of each month at
Ftalernsl hall. I. C. UKcaita, M. A
1). MclioNAI.I), Secretary.
TACCO.MA I.OIH.K. No. 30, K. Of P.-MielS
In A. O. U. W. hall every TucS'lay nit'iiu
Ihirrancr smut, C. C.
Frank I.. ruvwsoN, K. ol k. ii S.
lilVKKKIDK I.OIH.K. No. m. A. O. I', W.
Ii. M ei'i. tlrat and third Sainrdays of each
luonth. N. C. Evanb. M. W.
J. F Watt, Financier.
II. L. HnWK, Kecor ler.
HII.KWll.DK I.OIKiE. No. 1(17. I. O (). F.
I Mecu In Kraternal hall every Thursday
Hiuht. A. u. OKTCHia, u.
. E. Hanna, Secretary.
T10OD U1V KK I KM , Ml. 1, R . u. l. m..
1 1 mei iH at A. O. U. W. hall on the firm and
third Fridaya ol each month.
J. K. Rand. Commander.
l, HONOR. A. O. U. W.
Meet, tint and
third baiurdaya a( 8 V. M.
Mrs. (Ikoroia Rand, C. of II
Mro. ( has Clark k, Recorder.
lecond and
kl fourth
Sutunlavi of each
luonth at
, I'reaidciit,
o'elock. M ih l.KNA Sni Li
Mii-r Carrie Hi tler, Secreiai)
F. hllAW, M. D.
Telephone No. 81.
All Calls Promptly Attended
rim unctalra over Everhart'a atore. All
cai'a left a the oihce or redence will he
I roinl t y attended to.
TARY I'l HLIU ana iit iu
FSTA'lli AUE.NT. 23 vears a resident of Oregon and Wash-
lnuton. IIhi hud many f t exiereuce in
Meal KstRie mat. era. as ab t auto . aearelier ol
titles and agent, taiinfaui.uii ifuaran eeJ or
no chartte.
Siirucon fur O. R.
A N.
Co. la
eoiiintH-d to treat catarrh of nose and throat
nl it;.,. nf wnmrn.
Knecial terms for ollice treatment of ohronlo
Telephone, oftlce, 125, residence, 45.
ERtimateg furnished for all kinds ot
work. Repairing a specialty. All kinds
of slion work. Minp on Mate eireec.
between First and Second.
j) A I' E R 1 1 A N 0 1 N G , KAI.SOMININU, ETC.
If your walls are sick or mutilated, call o
e. l. noon.
Consultation free. No charge for prescrip
tions. No cure no pay.
O net h i im ir n ii A. till . P. a il ill
night if necessary.
Men's half soles, hand eticked, $lj
nailed, best, 75c ; second, 60c ; third, 40c:.
). adies' hand stitched, 75c; nailed, best,
f0c; setond, 35. Rest stock and work
in Hood River. 0. WELDS, Prop.
Is thn place to get the latent and best in
('onfectioneries, Candies. Nuts, Tobacco,
('i(jars, etc.
p C. BROSiUS, M. D.
'Phone Central, or 121.
Office Hours: 10 to U A. M. ; 2 to S
and 6 to 7 P. M.
Tommnson Bros, Props.
Of the best quality alwas on hand at
(trices to suit the times.
gUTLl.R A CO.,
Do a general banking business.
Hood Rivkb, Oregon.
Estimates Furnished. Plans Prawn
r J. HAYES, J. P.
office with Ceo. T. Prather. fiuslnesa will be
attended to at any time. Collections made.
...a nv huaini s riven to us will be attended
to speedily and results made promptly. Will
locate on rood government lands, either .tin
beror larmioa;. We are In touch with the U,
a. Land Omoe at The Pallea. GiveuaaoaU.
to of i m
:-om All Parts of the New WorU
and the Old.
ompthtrulvt Rtvkw of th Important Hap
peiilngi of the Put Week In
Condensed Form.
The qneen's body was laid at rest
at Frog more.
The Italian mlnintry was stacked
in the chamber of deputies.
Secretary Root replies to the senate
on the deportation of Tagals.
Mrs. Nation was arrested while
'joint-smashing" in Topeka.
The president has sent a lonit list of
s: my nominations to tlie senate.
The Astoria city council has granted
a 75-vear street railway franchise.
Titled guests are hogining to arrive I
at The Hague for W ilhelmiua's wed- j
Five inches of snow has fallen in
New York city during the past 24
John Marshal dy exercises were
held at the national capital aud at
other cities.
Mindoro natives in the Philippines
rose against the insurgents and killed
the rebel governor.
Federalitsts in Ballan province, Phil
ippine islands, waruod the insurgents
to cease operations.
Oregon appropriations to the a nonnt
of f3y6,380 have heon agreed up in by
ways aud means committee.
The Masonic temple at Toledo, Ohio,
was destroyed hy fire, entailing a loss
of $150,000. of which $50,000 is on the
Senator Hansbrontjh has reported
from the committee on lauds a bill
providing for the establishment of res
ervoirs lor storing wacers 10 irrigate
arid lauds.
Railway traflio is seriously inter-
ferred with by a land slide on the
Southern Pacific in the Cow tnek can
yon country. The track is covered lor
over 200 feet, lauging in deptn Iroin
15 to 20 feet.
' Captain Rayand Sulzer, of the volun
teer quartermaster's department, died
on the transport Pak Ling, which has
arrived at San Francisco. Cap aiu
Sulzer was a brother of Representative
Sulzer, of New York.
L. A. Wing, manager of the Tacoma
theater, was assaulted hy two men as
he was going home and twice knocked
down, lie fought energetically and
called for assistance, and so was not
robbed, lte received slight injuries
on the forehead and wriit.
Consul-General Pierce says the Boers
are not beaten.
Governor Nash says he will prevent
the Jeflries-Ruhllu fight.
Eulogies to the late Senator Davis
were delivered in the house.
Edwin Markham read a poem in
Philadelphia dedicated to Queen Vic
toria. Ex-Senator Hill declares that he is
not a candidate tor the presidency in
Iron Dvke copper mine in Eastern
Oregon changes hands; couRiJeration
A plot was discovered to tar and
feather Mrs. Nation, , the saloon
Fire in the trimming department of
the Krug Packing Company's plant,
St. Joseph, Mo., did $100,000 damgaes.
Fire from an unknown oanse de
stroyed the large plant of the National
Wire Company, at rairhaveu, Conn.,
entailing a property loss estimated at
Fire at the W. B. Earthman Lum
ber Company's plant, Nashville, Teuu.,
destroyed lumbei, warehouses, 12 teue
ment houses, aud nine freight cars.
Loss, $100,000.
The worst storm of the winter pre
vails throughout Kansas, Nebraska,
Iowa, Colorado, Michigan and Wis
consin. Railway tratBo is somewhat
interfered with.
Mrs. Thomas Green, an aged woman,
wife of an old-time mine prospector,
was burned to death in her home in
the suburbs of Aspen, Colo. It is sup
posed the fire was of accidental origin.
State of WaKhington cannot have one
of the new battle-ships named for it.
The Union Pacific Railway Com
pany, by purchasing the entire hold
ings of the Huutington estate and Stanford-Crocker
estates, has secured con
trol of two-fifths of the Southern Pa
cifio railway stock.
The president has issued new cre
dentials to Mr. Choate as ambassador
of the United States to Great Pritain.
Tbey are similar in form to those held
by Mr. Choate, wih the exception that
thev accredit him to King Edward
VII instead of Queen Victoria.
Columbia university has appealed to
its friends for $100,000.
The school children of Mississippi
have voted in favor of the magnolia as
the state's flower.
American, Canadian and English
iron interests have practically united
to push trade in Europe.
Consular reports say British mer
chants and manufacturers continue to
worry over commercial
Invasions by
Contracts Will Co to Newport Ntwi, Bath
Works tnd Neafle & Levy.
Waahlngton, Feb. 4. Bids for the
construction of three protectod cruisers
were opened at the navy department
The attendance of bidders was neither
as large nor as representative as in the
case of the last opening. It is doubt
ful if the Cramps or th9 Union Iron
Works have been unrepresented before
in any bidding since the birth of the
"new Davy." One of the Moran Bros.,
of Seattle, was the solitary representa
tive of the Paciflo coast interests, but
did not bid. There were onlv four
bids in all.
The first bid opened was that of I he
Newport News Shipbuilding Company.
They offered to build a 5,700 ton
cruiser with a speed of 22 knots in 1)0
months for $3,741,000. The Bath Iron
Works offeied to build a cruiser of the
same proportions for $2,750,000. The
William R. Trigg Company, of Rich
mond, offerd to build one cruiser for
$2,780,200, being the limit of cost
fixed by congress, or two cruisers for
$6,480,000. The last bid was the
lowest, and was submitted by the
Neafle & Levy Shipbuilding Company,
of Philadelphia. It offered to bnlld a
cruiser on tlie department's plan in 30
Dionths for $2,740,000.
These cruisers are designed to be the
lost formidable vessels in the world of
their olass. They wlil resemble close
ly the type of second-class armored
cruisers and might be easily mistaken
for such. The act ot congress author
izing this class of cruisers states that
the vessels should carry "the most
powerful ordnance for vessels of their
type, and have the highest speed com
patible with good cruising qualities
and great radius of action." Admiral
Hichborn, chief constructor of the
navy, who has been foremoat in the
preparation of plans for the building of
the "new navy," says that in an en
gagement the new cruisers would be
able to cope with and prove more thiui
a match for some of the armored cruis
ers of foreign navies.
The new vessels are to be named
the St. Louis, the Milwaukee and the
Charleston, the last to continue the
name of the ship wrecked November 2,
1809, in the Philippines.
Caused by an Explosion of Chemicals In the
Wickc Factory.
New Yoik. Feb. 4. The extent of
the destruction wrought by the coufla
cration which destroyed nearly a
whole block of buildings at Thirty
first street and First avenue last night
could be better appreciated this morn
ing. The huge factory of the W illiam
Wicke Company was almost level with
the ground. Contractor Joseph Cody,
of the building department, with a
force of 100 men, had labored at the
ruins all night pulling down dangerous
sections ot tho walls.
Other propei ty destroyed was the
six-story building, numbers 404, 406
and 408 East Thiity-second street; the
five torv tenement at 646 and 548 First
avenue the five story tenement at 462
East Thirty-first street; Jackson's iron
foundry and a two story brick building
on Thirty-first street, occupied by the
Swift Dressed Beef Company. About
70 families were rendered homeless by
the burning of the tenements.
Fire Chief Croker said today he be
lieved the fire was caused by an explo
sion of chemicals in the Wicke (ao-
tory. He was lufurmed that a watch
man had gone into the vault in the
cellar with a light nd that ths vault
contained the exp'osives. The chief
added that he did not know what had
become of the watchman or who he is.
He said the explosion that started the
conflagration might have been caused
by illuminating gas getting into the
cellar from the gas main, but he did
not think this was the case.
Policemen Thomas J. Fitzpatrick
and John B. McMullin, who were on
duty at the fire, are reported missing
It Is Supposed the Chiefs Rebelled During
the Absence of Menelik.
Paris, Feb. 4. -A dispatch to the
Francais from Cairo says news has
been received there from Abyssinia of
a great battle in which 7,000 were
killed. It is supposed the chiefs re
belled during the absence of King
Menelik, who has gone to the Egyptian
frontier in connection with the delitn
ination of the Egypto-Abyssinia fron
tier. London, Feb. 4. A dispatch to the
Exchange. Telegraph Company from
Cairo says severe fighting is reported
in Abyssinia. The causalties are said
to number 7,000.
The foreign office officials know noth
ing of any difficulty in King Menelik's
territory, but it is not unlikely they
think that certain malcontent chiefs
may have taken advantage of Kins
Menelik's absence fr6ra the capital to
foment an insurrection.
Belgium Has no Navy.
Belgium has no navy execpt a train
ing ship for the merchant marine.
Accepted a Reduction.
Youngstown, O. Feb. 4. At all the
blast furnaces throughout the Mahon
ing valley today the bottom-fillers and
helpers have accepted a reduction of 10
cents per day in wages, taking effect
Killed by Highwaymen.
Dr. James Gibbons, nephew of Car-
, iinal Gibbons, was shot and killed by
highwaymen at New Orleans.
Mindoro Natives Turn Against
the Insurgents.
Rebel Governor of the Island Killed -Federally
In s Luzon Province Warn
the Insurgents.
Manila, Feb. 6. Natives have re
ported at Bataugas that a week ago the
natives of the island of Mindoro rose
against the insurgents ana killed the
insurgent governor. In r are no
t.-oops at Mindoro.
The Federal parly of Bataan prov
ince, including the president of each
pueblo, held a big meeting at Urania
yesterday, and resolved to noiify the
insurgents of Bataan that they must
cease operations within a week or the
people will assist the Americans to
capture them.
Surrenders and minor skirmishes
oontinue in Southern Luzon. A few in
surgents have been killed. There were
no American casualties.
Public discussion of the provincial
government bill, has been completed.
The bill will be passed Wednesday,
and soon afterward the commissioners
will begin their tour of organizing
provincial governments in those prov
inces of Southern Luzon which Gener
al MaoArthur and the commissioners
consider sufficiently pacified. Com
missioners Wright and Ide, who are
drafting criminal and civil codes, may
remain in Manila temporarily, to com
plete their work by February 23, when
the commissioners and practically all
the employes will leave for the south
ern islands, where they will examine
the conditions and continue the otgan
ization of governments in provinces
which are found to be prepared for self
government. The commissioners ex
pect to spend four weeks on their toutli
em tour.
Fewer than 400 persons attended the
meeting called bv Seuor Buencamiuo
at the Kisal theater, in the Tondo
ward of Manila, to inaugurate the
evangelical movement. Considerable
interest was manifested in the pro
ceedings, and there was some expres
sions of approval of the addresses. No
attempt, however, was male to com
mit the meeting to Protestantism, that
aspect of the case being left for subse
quent action at his discretion by Rev.
James B. Rogers, a missionary of the
Presbyterian bnnrd, who was present.
Senor Buencamiuo explained the relig
ious effort as wholly outside the Federal
party, which had been organized solely
to promote political police.
Engaged Mays Indians and Killed and Wounded
Three Hundred.
St. Louis, Feb. 6. A special from
Oxaco. Mexico, says: The military
authorites have been advised of an
other engagement which took place be
tween the government troops and a
large force of Maya Indians. The bat
tle took place about nine miles from
Santa Cruz, the stronghold of the reb
els, and resulted iu a victory for the
government troops. The casualties on
the rebel side were heavy, it bemg
estimated that tbey lost over 300 men
killed and wounded. Several hun
dred reinforcements have joiued Gen
eral Bravo's command. It is asserted
that there are several white mei',
among the officers of the Maya foices.
They are believed to be Englishmen
from British Honduras, which country
borders on the Maya territory.
Anti-Jesuit Demonstration.
Valencia. Spain, Feb. 6. The anti-
Jesuit demonstrations which began in
Madrid in connection with the anti
clerical play "Electra," havespreadto
Valencia. Today crowds gathered iu
front of the Jesuit church of the
Sacred Heart, where a confirmation of
children was in progress, and shouted,
"Liberty forever," and "Down wit;i
the Jesuits." A Jesuit who was leav
ing the church was hooted, and then
the crowd marched to the Jesuit col
lege and stoned the windows and doors,
still shouting, "Down with the Jesu
its." Finally the demonstration was
dispersed by gendarmes.
Philadelphia Editor Commits Suicide.
John T. Williams, editor of the Key
stone, a Philadelphia trade paper, com
mitted suicide by poision at St. George
hotel, New York.
Receivers for Locomotive Works.
New York, Feb. 6. William Bar
bour and John C. Bennington were to
day appointed receivers to wind up the
business of the Rogers Locomotive
Company, at Patterson, N. J. It is
likely the works will be disposed of at
private sa!e
Trains Again Running Out of Pekin.
Berlin, F-eb. 6. lhe war
office has received a dispatch from
Count von Waldersee, dated Pekin,
which announces that railway com
munication has been restored between
Pekin, Feng Tai and Pao Ting Fu.
Fit Only for Fuel
Lima, Ohio, Feb. 6. V. F. Lakin,
une of the Standard Oil Company's
confidential men, returned today from
Beaumont, Tex. He says that repeated
testa show that the oil there cannot be
refined, and that it contains only a
Blight per cent of illuminating oil.
He says that it is bt only for f ael. but
that freight rates are so high that it
will never come into competition, even
for that, with Lima or Pennsylvania.
Appropriation Bill Carries One Hundred tnd
Eighteen Million.
Washington, Feb. 6. The army ap
propriation hill, making provision fur
the army, under the reorganization re
cently enacted as completed by the
house committee ou military affairs
and reported by Chaiiman Hull. It
carries approximately $118,000,000, as
against estimates of about $130,000,
000 made by war department officials.
The total of army appropriations, gen
eral and deficiency, for last year aggre
gated $118,000,000. Chairman Hull
says the present bill will be ample,
and will not entail a deficiency meas
ure later. The contingency appropria
tion of $1,000,000 to "meet emergen
cies constantly arising," was stricken
ont ty the committee. The main
items as allowed are: Pay of officers,
$5,000,000; pay of enlisted men, $14,
000,000; pay of retired officers. $1,
600,000; nurse corps, $130,000. The
total for subsistence approximates $13,
000,000, of which amount $12,000,000
is for regular rations and $630,000 for
sick and convalescent rations.
The aggregate for the quartermas
ter's department is the largest in the
bill, reaching $57,150,000. The ohief
items are: Quartermaster's supplies,
$9,000,000; incidental supplies, $2,
400,000 horses for cavalry aud artil
lery, $750,000; barracks and quarters,
$3,000,000; transportation of army and
supplies, $34,000,000; clothing, etc,
$8,000,000. Owing to the needs of the
paymasters department, the bill grants
authority for the detail of captains of
the line as paymasters while there
may be necessity for snoh details.
Kitchener Reports Fall of Medtjersfontein
No Details.
London, Feb. 6. The war office has
received the following dispatch from
Lord Kitchener, commander-in-chief
in South Africa:
"Pretoria, Feb. 4. Our post at
Meddersfontein, in the Gaterrand,
southeast of Krugersdorp, was attack
ed by 1.000 Boers. The relief column
sent out from Krugersdorp failed to
preveut the fall of the post. No de
tails yet at hand, but officers and men
captured at the post are arriving at
Boers in Portuguese Territory.
Lonrenco Marques, Feb. 6. There is
i commando of 2,000 Boers on Portu
guese territory, it is supposed mat
their intention is to rescue the Boers
here. The Portuguese authorities have
decided to remove to Madeira such
Boer refugees as decline to surrender
to the British.
Kaffir Rifles Lost Heavily In the Engagement
Near Senekal.
London, Feb. 6. The Cape Town
correspondent of the Daily Telegraph,
wiling Sunday, sys:
"It appears that in the action be
tween General Knox aud General De
wet, near Senekal, the Kaffir rifles sus
tained about 100 casualties. More
mounted troops are still needed. Three
Boer invading columns, of which Her
zog's was for a time the advance guard,
are now moving toward the Orange
river. It is believed that Piet Botha's
force of 2,000 men, with seven guns
from Smithfield. has crossed into the
Colony. British concentiatiou is pro
ceeding. Outlying garrisons are be
ing withdrawn for the purpose of secur
ini! the main lines. General Dewet is
expected to enter Cape Colony."
French Captured a Canyon.
London, Feb. 6. General Kitchen
er, in a dispatch from Pretoria, dated
February 5, says:
"French's column, in driving the
Boers east, captured a 15 pounder and
picked up parts of a seco.nd gun dis
abled by our fire. The commandoes in
the colony are being hustled. The
Midland commando is being chased by
Haig in the direction of Steytlersville.
Sixteen of them have recently been
killed by our men."
The Moddersfontein Affair.
Iajndon, Feb. 6. Lord Kitchener,
commander-in-chief in South Africa,
reports to the war office as follows:
"Pretoria, Feb. 6. Uur ca-uaities
at Moddersfontein were two officers
killed and two woundei. It appears
that the post was. rushed on a pitch
dark night during a heavy rain. The
enemy numbered 1,400 with two gnus.
'"Campbell, south of Aliddelburg,
engaged 500 Boers, who were driven
baok with loss. Our casualties were
20 killed or wounded.
"French is near Bethel, moving east
and driving the enemy, with slight op
position. Four of our ambulances,
while seeking wounded, were captuied.
The doctors were released.
"Dewet's force is reported south of
Boer Prisoners Escaped.
Sebastopol, Feb. 6. Dispatches re
oejved here say that four Boers who
escaped from a British ship at Colom
bo, Ceylon, sought refuge on the Rus
sian vessel Kherson, whose passengers
received them enthusiastically.
Fought Maya Rebels.
City of Mexico, Feb. 6. Merida ad
vices show that Thursday last a battle
was fought between Maya rebel In
dians and government troops 25 miles
from rebel headquarters. Ei ht bun
dred Indians, armed wiih muskets, at
tacked the Sixth battalion, which
held its ground, though outnumbered.
and inflicted a heavy loss on the enemy,
who had 60 killed and about 100
woundad. Tbc federal troops lost four
1115 W
Interesting Events and Gossip of the Past Week Reported From
Cities and Towns in Washington, Oregon
and Idaho.
The Blue Mountain Ice Compnny of
Perry, is storing ice at the rate of 500
tons a day.
An old man of the name of Webster
was found dead in his cabin on Dead
wood a few days ago.
Rainier school district has levied a
special tax of 13 mills. Tba total tax
iu Rainer district is 42 mills.
O. W. Williams has sold the Vander
mulen farm, near Island City, contain
ing 157 acres, to a Mr. Stein, a late
arrival from Utah, for $9,600.
J. Bonner's grocery store at Baker
City was burned, lie had an-insur-ance
of $400. The stock was small.
The machinery in Clayton Bros.'s
broom-handle factory at Coquille, is
being moved to a place eight miles be
low Bandon.
Malcolm McFarlane has resigned as
justice of the peace at Westport pre
cinct, and David West was appointed
by the county court to succeed him.
The breaking of the boom on the
Siuslaw during the late flood oaused
heavy loss of logs belonging to loguers
on that stream, but the Lake creek log
gers report their losses were smal'.
The Astoria Box Company is mak
ing preparations to increase the capaC'
ity of its box factory. The old ma
ohinery is being replaced by the most
improved kinds, and several new ma
chines are to be added.
A fine team of horses was killed at
a logging camp near Berry, a tree, iu
falling knocked another tree down,
which fell in an unlocked for diiec-
tion and struck the horses, killing
them almost iustautly.
Sara White, an old and well-kown
resident of Kerby, was drowued in the
Illinois river. He had been at Kerbv
and started home iu an intoxicated
condition. He sucoeeded in crossing
the river, but after landing walked
about dazed and fell into the river.
Andrew Houk, a miner was acci
dentally killed near Rye valley. He
was working alone at the time and
was in the act of placing a set of tim
bers when a cave-in oocurred. One of
the timbers struck the nufortnnate
man on the side of his head, breaking
his neck.
Mrs. George F. Eglln died at Cor
vallis of pleuro-pneumnnia. She was
a native of Dallas, Or., and was united
in marriage to George F. Eglin at Al
army, October 20, 1884. Her maiden
name was Cynthia Ellen Mounts. She
was aged 84 years. The survivors are
a husband and four children.
Jacob L. Myers, a Mexican war vet
eran, died at the Soldiers' home at
Rosehurg, aged 79 years. He was one
of the oldest members of the home,
having entered the institution soon after
its opening. The remains were
shipped to Olympla. Wash., for inter
ment. A fine Jersey cow was stolen 'rom
W. H. Lindslev. who resides on the
Sheridan farm, near Rosehurg. A few
days latter a stranger, probably a
tramp, appeared at the Chad wick
farm, near Myrtle creek, aud sold the
cow to Mr. Chadwick for $30 and has
not been heard of since.
Mrs. Ray E. Watts, who
has been
appointed postmistress of
Or., haB filled out her bond
scribed to the oath of pfflce.
and sub
The Reu
ben office will be in operajion as soon
as the naners can be returned from
Washington. The offioe was discon
tinned about five years ago.
A man. supposed to be a hobo, took
two shots at Nightwatchmiin Nnnn, of
Cottage Grove. The officer called the
marshal and others to his assistance,
and set out in pursuit ol his would-be
murderer. The man, with two others,
was lo-ated in the brush near town,
but as the night was dark, it was im
poBsbile to effect a capture. The
nightwatchman had been keeping olose
watch on a suspicious character win
was about town, and ho is quite cer
tain that this man was his assailant
Lobeo & Barry, who are construct
iua a water syttem for Seaside and the
property adjacent to it, expect to have
their plant in operation before Way 1
The city of Seaside is amending its
charter so as to give them a franchise,
and the county court will grant them
the rieht to lav pipes across the coon
tv bridge over the Necanicnm. The
source of water supply is in the hil
about two miles east of Seaside, which
has been secured, as well as the site
for the reservoir and the right of way
for the piping. The supply of pure
mountain water is estimated at seven
miner's inches, which is much more
than necessary at present and it can be
doubled at very little expense. The
cost of construction of the plant will
not be great, so the service will be a
relatively cheap one for the consumers.
An addition to the Coburg townsite
has been platted It commences at
the church and runs north and east,
being part of the old Vanduyne place.
The machinery for a pressed brick
plant purchased at Chioago by E. E.
Angel, of Baker City, has arrived. The
plant consists of a press maohine
weighing 22,000 pounds, a 35-horse
power engine and a 40-horse power
boiler, in all weighing 37,000 pounds.
The capacity ol the plant is 20,000
bricks per day.
A high school la to be established at
Yakima City.
J. S. Kikendale, a carpenter dropped
dead while at work near that place.
Deceased was 65 years old.
The citizens of Summervllla have)
organized a co-operative creamery as
sociation and elected officers.
George Weatherwax, who resides np
the Wishkak about IS miles, while en
gaged in logging suffered fracture of
both bis legs by a oapstan.
Spencer Jones, of Wilbur, killed
large cougar near that place. The
animal measured 6 feet 9 inches from
tip to tip and weighsd 80 pounds.
The Legal Tender, in Keller oamp,
has resumed work with one shift, aud
is to enlarge its force shortly. The
Romine, adjoining it, started work
this week.
The Inland Telephone Company's
service is to be extended from North
Yakima to Moxee and Suunyside, and
thence to Walla Walla to oonuect with
the line to Spokane.
Upward of 20 teams are engaged in
hauling ice to the var'ous ice bouses of
Repuhlio. Every available team has
been pressed into service. The quality
of ice could not be better.
Information has been received of an
explosion in mine No. 7 at Franklin,
whereby two men were killed and sev
eral persons injured. State Mine In
spector Owen has been summoned.
F. E. Thompson, of Parker, has con
tracted his hop crop to be grown on 24
acres to New York people for 11 cents
per pound. The bops are to be deliv
ered in October at Siracoe station.
The estimated crop is plaoed at 40,000.
The Big Bend flour mill at Daven
port, which has been running single
shift for some time on aooount of sick
ness among the men, is again running
night and day. Its shipments for Jan
uary will be 7.650 barrels.
Gene Johnson, 17 years old, acci
dentally shot himself with a 88 caliber
revolver while out bunting near Lo
rene. The ball entered the young
man's leg above the knee, passing tin
der the knee cap and out on the oppo
site side.
J. W. Harper's store at Pa louse.
was burglarized and a lot oi cigars,
candy, tobacco, etc., secured. The
store was entered through a rear win
dow which was broken. John Powers,
aged 14, was arrested and confessed
the crime.
Frank and Ephriam Miller have
leased the Dodge coal mine, which was
recently opened up on Coal creek, east
of Chehalis, and will operate the prop
erty. Two coal mines are now being
worked at Chehalis supplying the local
demand and shipping some coal t)
outside points.
The Gettysburg Mining, Milling &
Townsite Company filed artices of
incorporation. The company is capi
talized for 1,000,000 $1 shares, 'lhe
incorporators are: P. C. Shine and
C. G. Pence, oi Spokane, and J. G.
Scribuer, A. Coolin and A. E. Coolin,
of Coolin, Idaho.
Natural gas and oil are reported to
have been discovered in large quanti
ties on the farm of M. F. Mitchell,
fouth of Walla Walla Several leases
have already been seenred by E. K.
McCoy, who ls here from Spokane in
the interest of a California syndicate,
and the sinking of oil wells, and Tros-
pectiug for the souroe ol the gas,
which is said to be in paying quanti
ties, will begin at once.
The Selah Valley Canal Company
has put a force of 30 men at work tin
proving and enlarging the canal which
irrigates the lands of Selah valley.
About 200,000 feet of lumber for flam
ing purposes have been hauled by
teams from North Yakima and will be
pnt in place within the next few
weeks. This is the only irrigating en
terprise in Central Washington, where
the hillsides are farmed and planted
to orchards and vinyards.
Fire at the mammoth compressor at
Wallace inflicted a loss of about $500,
fully insured.
E. B. Blaine, an employee in M. D.
Wright's logging camp, was caught by
a log and severely crushed.
The bridge that will support the
flume for the new flour mill at Kend
rick is under construction.
Chris Teissan, the Clearwater sheep
man, is having plans drawn for a
three-story pressed brick structure at
Miss Dorcas J. Harvey, of Fort Hall
Agency, Idaho, has been appointed
assistant matron at the Fort Belknap,
Mont., Indian school.
The framework cf the Boise railway
bridge at Nampa is now completed,
and will soon be placed in position.
A report has been received that Abe ;t
Harper, of Grangeville, had accident
ally shot and killed himself. He was
a member of the A. O. U. W.
James Rutherford, an English min
ing expert, is at Usk, Idaho, making
an inspection of several mining prop
erties along the Fend d 'Oreille river,
but refuses tc disclose the names of the
parties he represtts.