3(ood'I$ver Slacier: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1001. URIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Uriah Ileup cigars. Dr. Brosiu' horse for sale, $75. Wood gutters and spouting at Savage's. Ihiildor's hardware, nails at Snvugo's. Old )trij 25c a hundred at the Gla cier ollice. K. K. Savage, sole agent for Oliver plows and extra. For the host logger shoe in town go to Bone & McDonald. For Rent- Small house, (3 a month. Inquire at People' Store. When you want a good smoke, buy the "Uriah Heep" cigar. For tale by all dealers. Jusl arrived. A flue lino of spectacles at Cha Rigg tlie jeweler's. Call and see liia prices. Thin is the season of the year to cut cordwood, grub trees and do your prun uing. Get your cross-cut flaws, mattocks, aies, wedges, pruning shears and saws at Savage'. F,. E. Savage has been appointed agent for Hood River and vicinity for tho S. I,. Allen & Co. 's l'hinet Jr. goods, and will carry a.fuil line of these celebrated tools, and extra parts for the same. Dr. F. C. Hrosius has removed to his new residence. at tho west end of Oak street, midway between tho school house and armory, and can tie found in his of fice over VUUams & Brosius' drug store between the hours of 10-11 a. m., 2-3 and G-7 p, rh. Kureka ?f arkct will have on Jiand Saturday 'VJresBud chickens, Belgian hares, Faate 4 oysters, salmon, smelt, crabs, sweet potatoes, celery, cabbage, purfS home made pork sausage, link pork ansagn, Frankfortb sausage, Hamburg Steak, pickled pig's feet and trijw, fine stock of fresh and cured meats. We employ no hired help. We do nil of our own work. TImis wo are able to com pete with the other fellow Free- deliv ery ; phono 35. . AI. Roberts and family of Portland moved u p last Friday. Mrs.Wiju Evans arrived from Skagway Saturday,-on a visit to her relatives here. John Iceland Henderson last week old one lot iu Barret t-Sipma addition for (. Miss Hirstel returned t Portland last Patnrday after a visit of five weeks in Hood River. ..- Letters remained i the post office, Jan. 2Htlufor H. IWnhard, Joe Lobby and Frank F. Young. Quality and not quantity makes De Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable little liver pills. Chas. N: Clarke. ; Mr. Kiel has finished his house suffi ciently to he occupied. Though there is quite a little carpenter work to be doue yet. . . The wife of Rev. J. G. Alford, at Rel mont, who has been dangerously sick for the past month, is now in a fair way to recover.- Miss Nellie Erwin is quite sick with congestion of the lungs. The attending jihysician'was called in three times last Saturday. ' E. L. Smith is getting his small tract of land on the hill pretty well cleaned up. Heinttuids plantingstrawberrieson it in the spring. T. II. Coon has soll six acres of his country Tiicev' including his dwelling house, and has moved to tow n, occupy ing his dwelling on tho heights. Mrs. K. W. Udell was taken sick lat Thursday night with chills and fever. She was confined to her bed for several days, but is now somew hat better. Mrs. M. II Nickelsen, who is visiting liersonat Heppner, will probably be obliged to stay for ome time, as the small-pox is prevalent at that place. The Ladies' Ai'd sorioty of tho M. E. church will meet Fridav afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. W. E. Sherrill. All members arg requested to ho present. I',. H. Pickard has been on the sick list for some time and passed through a siege of pntlemonia and a complication of other diseases. lie is on the streets again. Miss Nellie Isenberg, who has beon working for Davenport's for the past two months,1 is now at home. She ex pects to go Jo Portland to work in the near future. H. Hennagiu of the East Side, Fri day night f last week, gave an oyster supper for the benefit of the Pine Grove church. It was well attended and about ( 10 rertli.ed. Mrs. riutson Was taken to a Portland hospital last week. She. has Veen suffering with risings in the head for some time, and acting on tho adviea of her physician, uho went there, for treatment. , C. R. Tione is pushing tho work on the East Side ditch. He is camped on the ground, and with a force of ten men and teams, will make a strong endeavor to give the East Side ranchers water, for their crops iu the ye"ar 1901. According to our correspondence in unother column, writteu by an old fish erman, the-fish caught in ilood river at this season of the year are not fit to eat. The surest way to stop the Indians from from fishing during the closed season is to quit buying the fish from them. The oflicers o(,the Sunday school of the Valley Christian church und Christ ian Endeavor society met at .Mr. Lock man's last Friday evening. . After at tending to. soiiie business, the rest of the evening was spent iu'a very pleas-, ant social time. E. E. Savage has purchased a lot SO I 100 feet o.n.Uie E. L. Smith block. This lot fronts pnThird street between Oak and State, adjoining Reciprocity Corner. Mr. Savage will commence at once the crecion of a two story building with a 3t front on Oak street for his hardware store. Tho O. N. fend out a letter each week to dealers in (arm produce, fruit, live stock, wood or any other commod ity placed on the market. In this let ter the names of all persons known to the company as having anything to sell are given. It would be well for our far mers and others, who have anything to market to take note of this free adver tisement and give their names to Mr. J. Btgloy, the company's agent at Hood River who will forward them to head quarters. Richard X. .Mills, whose arm was Lroken and who received other severe injuries while attempting to dislodge a jam in the Hume at Davenport's planer, is getting along nieely towards recovery. He geU nvwdical altendanco free and is looked after by his w ife and daughter and the good people-of the planer com munity. Mr. Mills is an old soldier, having served during the civil war in Co. B, 8(th. Illinois. He wassunstruck at Nashville,- Tenn, iu 18;i3, and at Chiekamauga he was overheated during the hard marching of the army and fell between the union and confederate lines, where he laid for three days without food or water. He i of strong constitu tion, but he never fully recovered from the effect of hjs.war hardships. - Urenville Goddard was severely in jured Friday of lust week. He was rid ing on the reach of A. C. Staten's wagon when, in going down hiH, the team started to run. . He was jolted off the wagon and the hind wheel struck him on the hip and Kissed over his abdomen. Although considerably bruised, Mr. ( rodiiaru win bo all right again ui a lew days. ' "-. Mrs. J. W. Ingles last week received word of the dent h of her father, James A. Hatch, who died at Evansville, Iud., Jan. 18 1001. Deceased was a pioneer of Oregon, coming here in 1851. lie was a veteran of the civil war, having served as second lieutenant in Co. F. 1st. Ore. volunteers. He at one time served as county judge of Klickitat county, Wash. His age was 70. Riverside lodge, A. O. U. V., has pur chased the lot on the comer of Oak and Irving streets, opposite the IT .IS. church, on which the lodge will erect a hall for the use f different fraternal societies and for public use. At tho next meet ing of the lodge, Feb. 2d, tho iilaiia for the building will bo presented, and if adopted, work on the building will soon commence. Tho World Almanac tor 1901 is for sale at E. R. Bradley's, price 25 cents. It is a book of over 000 pages, u cyclope dia, a statistical volume of facts and figures crowded into less space than any other book. It is regarded as standard authority by writers and statesmen. Rev. J. W. Jenkins, who hai been holding a meeting at Athona.will return this week and occupy tho pulpit in the Valley Christian church Sunday. His meeting at Athena has been quite suc cessful, fifteen persons having obeyed the gosjK'l during the meeting. . " . Hon. E. L. Smith, II. F. Davidson, I'. J. HihbarU and G. J. Gessling will attend the meeting of the Northwestern Fruit Grower's Association in Portland next week. It will be a good timo for all interested in fruit growing to go. Recorder Nickelsen on Wednesday re ceived from tho county clerk theasseased valuation of all property in the town of Hood River, amounting to ?(io,0t)5. This is f-i(),000 below w hat was generally sup posed the valuation of our property amounted to. The friends of Dr. II. K. Hines iu Hood River aro raising a fund to pur chase him a lot in University Park. The' Dr. has many friends in Hood River who will be pleased to contribute to wards this laudable purpose. Thomas Chapman has bought 0 acres ofthe'fendiek place, making him 5fi acres in his farm. He has a two story house ltt.2 nearly completed. Thomas in rapidly becoming one of our substan tial farmers. All who arc or have been members of Mrs. Armor's Sunday school class are invited to meet at the home of Miss Clara ISlythe on Saturday Bt 3:30 p. in., for the purpose of organizing a club. The Sunshine society will meet with Mrs. F. E. Jackson on Saturday, Feb. 2, 1001. Every niemlier is requested to bo present as there is special business to come before the meeting. Mrs. ISoyden-Goddard's recital is post poned until the evening of Washington's birthday, Feb. 22d, when an especially good programme is promised. Hood River Poultry Club meets in the A. O. U. W. hall tomorrow, Feb. 2d, at 2 o'clock. Important business. Every mem be.-should ho present. A. O, U. W. Notice. Important busi ness to be considered at regular meeting Saturday, Feb. 2d. All members aro re quested to be present. The Sunshine society will give a social on Valentine evening. Every one re member this and don,t make any other appointment. A boy was seen on the streets of Hood River Tuesday wearing a button hole boquet of purple iris, the first signs of spring. The father of the Spront Bros, of the East Side is building a neat dwelling house between the two new houses of his sons. Mr. and Mrs. Chas T. Early of Viento started Wednesday for a trip to Kansas City and will stop" at Salt Lake on the way. Hon. J. W. Morton sold a hog to Reci procity Corner, Monday, that, when butchered,dressed 355 pounds. Workmen are encaged planting the poles in the streets for the Howl River Electric Light and Power Co. ' Mrs. W. II. Perrv has been qnite sick for the past week with an attack of tlie grip and sore throat. L. Bradley stepped on a nail that ran into his foot, and he was laid up several days last week. . F. W. Ccal has purchased 40 acres of partlv improved land on the Last Side of Robt Rand. Frank Countryman is building him a house on his 5 acres recently bought of D. G. Hill. . .. Rev. J. L. Hershncr has ymrchnsed the Emma G. Robinson 40 acres on the East Side. The Misses Vera Jackson and Nellie Clark spent Saturday and Sunday in Portland. Miss Lillian Lewis dislocated a finger while hitching up the family horse on Monday. Miss Ezma Jones was the guest of Miss Laura Hill last week. Uncle John Smith of Belmont is laid up w ith a bad cold. Gifford, photographer, of Tho Dalles is in the city. S. J. La France of Portland is in the city. - ,. John Sipma is on the sick list.. , Old-Timer Had their dav, but their time is past and eone, and the smoker of today buvs "Uriah Heep," the best 5c cigar on the. market. Try one. Underwood Notes. The sun never fails to shine at Under wood. Tuesday evening a fow of the neigh bors gathered at tlie residence of Ed. Underwood, it being tho 13th birthday of Miss Elsie. Those present were: Ed. Underwood and wife, E. Benjamin, T. L. Bunco, Will, Lena and Lizzie Kellen donk, Will, Maggie, Elsie, Lottie and Kata Underwood, Mrs. Geo. Tyrrell, Mrs. G. Dark, Mrs. N. Brown, Geo. Du venal. Games were played and songs ung. Lunch was served. All report a jolly time. Amos Underwood went to The Dalles Wednesday, and while there was offered a position as captain on a barge or flat boat on the upper river, but declined the offer on account of his advanced age. Fred Luthy went to visit his sister in the Willamette valley whom ho has not seen for a number of years. On account of the high water he could not get back and stayed longer than he expected. Nicolai & Cameron have a force of men at work on the White Salmon river re pairing their boom which was destroyed by the flooiL Eick headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki'Tea. A pleas aut herb drink. Cures constipation and in digestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy: Satisfaction guaranteed or money baek. 25caud50c. Williams Brotius. Protect Hie Fish. Hood River, Jan. 20, 1901. Editor Glacier: About the first of September, from time immemorial, there arrive in tho waters of Hood river one of the most lienutiful, gamiest of all our food fishes, that is, our Silver trout. These trout aro protected by law, which makes the closed season commence Nov. 1st. Trout ure being caught now by people of poor taste and judgment, in tho fact that the trout are now in the heighth of their spaw ning season, and aro in the poorest jioNsible" condition. Indian Spokane lorn came in town Monday night with 4t trout, and sold them about town. Thisshould not he allowed. These fish should not he caught at this stage of the spawning condition, and no true sportsman would catch them now, at this stage of the game. It is not just ice to the fish. Nor to the people who wish to keep these most excellent fish in our waters. Xio.n. Menial Notes. W. T. Hansberry was seen .in town Tuesday. Samuel Etter moved to Portland Mon day. J. A. Hcavener of Hood river valley is working.at this place. The W. S. IS. I. Co. have been en gaged for tho past two weeks building another dam in tho White Salmon at the mouth of the river for the purposeof raising tho water so it will run through a ditch constructed to run logs down. Harry Hansberry is nursing a boil on his hand. ' , IS.'A'.' Ileavener is laid up with 'a sprained wrist. . " . - ; ,j F. It. Smith and family are visiting in Portland. Miss Ilattie Purser is staying with lior sister, Mrs. Rowley Thelps. Who. . Aid .Society's Teas. Tho Ladies' Aid society ' of the Con gregational church has planned a series ot "teas" to be given monthly, for the purpose of promoting Christian fellow ship and culture, as well as to udd to the society's funds. The first of these teas will be given at the residence of Mrs F. C. Brosius on Friday (today) at 2 to 5 p. m. under tho auspices of the following ladies: Mrs. J. F. Armor, Mrs. Frank Button, Mrs. I,. N. Blowers, Mrs. N. W. Bono and Mrs. F. C. Brosius. An inter esting programme will be presented, of which, part will he as follows: Instru mental solo, Miss Clara ISlythe; instru mental duet, Mrs. A. B. Canficld and Mrs. J. H. Ferguson ; recitation, Mulla White; vocal solo, Mrs. P. S. Davidson, jr. Refreshments w ill he served. Only charge, 10 cents. Tho public is invited. ('. E. Anniversary. The 20th anniversary of tlie C. E. so ciety will bo observed bv tho local socie ties of Hood River next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock in tho Congregational church. The Epworth League of the M. 1',. church win join with the C. E. societies in this service. An ap propriate order of service will he pre sented, including briet addresses by the local pastors, Jenkins, Soaulding, Shaffer and llershner. The public is invited to attend tins service. . Horn. In Hood River, Jan. 25, 1901, to Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wetherell, a son. Harried. . At Belmont, Jan. 29, 1901, at the. resi dence of the bride's parents, George J I tin tor of Mosier and Miss Eliza Rogers ; Rev. J. G. Alford .officiating. ' The bride is a dauuhter of. -Mr. snd Mrs. E. C. Rogers. The Glacier extends congratulations to tho happy couple, t'luirch Notices. Congregational Church. Services with worship will he conducted he.xt Sunday at Jl a. in. and 8 p. m.. At the evening sorvice a chorus choir consisting of young people will sing. Mrs. P. S. Davidson, jr., will also render a vocal solo at the evening service. A cordial invitation is extended tho public. Valley Christian Church. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. hi. bndeavor meeting at ir.W p. ni. 1 reach ing by the pastor at 7:30 p. m. United Brethren Church Sunday school at 10 a. in. Preaching at 11 a. m. und 8 p. ni The 0. K. will unite in the J uior Endeavor service at the Con gregational church from 7 to 8 p. m. Besides the music by tho orchestra in the evening preaching service, Miss Nellie Clark will sing. The subject of the discourse Sunday evening will be "Mama's Boy or The Other Fellow." Revival services each evening . this week and next at 7:30. A cho- ,rus will lead iu the singing each eveiv ing. Appointments, Belmont Charge 1st Sunday Pine Grove, 11 a. m.; Crapper, ;i p. m. ; J'.eimont, 7 p. m. 2d Sunday Belmont, 11; Crapper, 3; Pine Grove, 7:30. 3d Sunday Mosier, on the hill, 11; lower school house, 7:30. Pino Grove and Belmont supplied at 11. 4th Sunday Mount Hood, 11; Bel mont, 7 :30. . At Belmont, prayer ' meeting each Thursday evening, at'7; Junior League, Sundayat 3; 8. L., Sunday, at 0:30. Everybody invited. J. G. Alford, pastor. M. E. Church Sorvice. Sunday-school 10 a. m. ; preaching followed by class service, 11 a. m.; Epworth League 6:30 p. m.; preaching at 7:30 p. in.; regular prayer meeting Thursday even ing at p. m. t. ll. Spaulding, pastor. Personswhosufferfrom indigestion can not expect to live long because tbeycannot eat the food required to nourish the body and the products of the undigested foods they do eat poison the blood. It is import ant to cure indigestion as soon as possible, and the beet method of doing this is to use thepreparation known asKodolDyspepsia Cure. Jtdigcstswhatyoueatand restores all the digestive organs to perfect health. Chas. N. Clarke, Glacier Pharmacy. In Memory of Daisy Campbell. On voice Is sllfot nround the eenlne fire. One form comes not to cheer us with iu glad- "nes; There brothers andslttors mingle with mother and sire. But toneting ara mute and hearts are chilled with sad ; Thoughts dwell on past communion ud forgot, One volee Is silent, we hear it not. The loved fo'm no more is sittlnn there, Those lius move with eheeriun words no more; leath'shnnd has thrown a strange light on the brow. One voice is silent. It pleads not now. One voice Is silent from the couch of pain Which she has preuod in winter time and Rprlnit: No words of comfort shall eome again, No troublesome thought that gentle bosom The shrouded eye hath parted with Its tears; One voice is silent, one we loved o dear. One voice is silent, aye, no more that tone: Kather and mother, brothers, sisters, o'er our pleasant home is stealing. Onr darling Daisy's life is done and wears BlOllB. But oh, remember, in this pang of feellns. How denr the ho?e that Ood to ns has given. One voice Is silent here but wakes in heaven. In heaven's flower garden, above. Sweet little Diilsy buds und blossoms Into an an ire I of love: Her angel baby brother meets her at the pearly gates. And at Ood's throne together for tlie loved ones they wait. Tree Pruning And tree planting by an experienced nn.r servman and gardener. Address "Gardener," tare of Ulacier o2ie. JJ5 A Square Every time is what wo give you. In fihoes wo liave somtj lines we are closing out. What WE mean by cost is w holesale cost to us plug freight. We will NOT try to deceive you bv saying, These aro FOUR DOLLAR SHOES for ONE DOLLAR. We try not to deceive you either in our advertising or our goods. Sometimes we are deceived in buying but don't wa'nt you to stand the loss. If they do not wear your money's worth, wo want to audit your claim and adjust It fairly, giving you tho benefit of the doubt. Youths and mistW oil-grain Shoes, laoo and button, 90c to 1.00l Boys' kang. calf Shoes, one piece, non rip, $1.35. Ladies' best Puritan calf heel and spring Keel, 2. Men's satin calf Shoes, f 1.25 to f 1.75. Our men's Hercules and. Dis. 76 school Shoes are STANDARD I'NITS OF VALUE. We sew your Shoes freo if they rip while In good condition otherwise. ' On the square, THE PEOPLE'S STORE. TENTH SATURDAY SURPRISE SALE. FOR SATURDAY ONLY Childs' Waists, popular shape, drab color, but tons to accommodate all under garments special price. .. s English fast black sateen corsets, w hite lined, French strip, black and gold embroidered tops social price 4c 3c 25c Oc 4-inch delft pat tern footed bowls, each , Japanese decorated Tea Pots, very dainty, each Straw Cuffs, the iiieest sleeva protector, per pair New, Autograph Albums... .MUSIC VALENTINES. Come Just to Sea THE LITTLE STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES, For thirty days, commencing January 11th, we will offer in our Dry Goods Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes and Rubber Goods at Prices Na?er Before MaOB ia Eoxfl River. - This is no fake nor sell out, but a purely business proposition and up to date. Now is j'bur golden opportunity. ' Many of these goods aro priced lowest now when you most want them. ' ; J. E. HAND. SOLD BY HELD HIGH In the estimation of Practical Painters. Every gallon of The Sherwin-Wiluams Paint will cover 300 or more square feet of surface in average con dition, two coats to the gallon. Every gallon is a full U. S. standard measure. It is made to Paint Buildings with. It is the best and most durable House Paint made. Chas. N. Clarke, Agt., at the Glacier Pharmacy. Oo lo him for pure freali Ilrugs, I'atent Mcdlclnos aud Wall Taper. Prescriptions and Family Kcclpe a specialty. , . . . . , PAINTING, Graining, Natural Filuisliibfj, etc. EstiMatks Gbatis. .' E. II. PICKARD. NOTICE FOft PUBLICATION. l and Oflle at The Dalles, Oregon, Per. 21, 1000, Notice Is hereby given thut the follow lni nnined settler has Hied notice of his liiU'tilion to imike flnal proof In support of his claim, sud that said proof will be made before (icorpe T. 1'rather, U. S. Com missioner, at Hood Ilivcr, Oregon, on Fri day, February 1, 1!H)1, viz: CHARLES ALBERT WELLS, Of Hood Klvcr, Oreson, II. K. No. 4T02. for the northeast section 17, ton-niihlp i north, ransto II east. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: J. It. Juekson, I'oter Kopki1, V. Winehcll and Murk Robertson, all of Hood River, Oregon. dJSfl JAY Y. LI't'AH, Koylsier. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening; and recon structing thi exhausted digestive or gans. It is thelatestdiscovered dist ant and tonic No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia, Cramps and allotherresultsof imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and $1. Laree size contains m ttme small size. Book all sbbutdyspepsia mnilexlfres Prpard by E- C DtMTT A CO.". Ct)lcaj ' Sheriff's Sale. ' In tha Circuit Court of the State of Orogon for Wasco County Chris Iietlinmn, Plaintiff, vs. Ltr.nacusW'Inansand 1.. C. Winnns, J. M. HunlinKton, 1'. J, Mcowtn and Sous, a corporation, Ciuciunnll Coventon, und Dalles Lumbering Company, a corpora tion, Defendants. , Ily virtue of an execution, decree and order of sale, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for the County of Wnsco, to me directed and dut ed the 7th day of January, KWl, upon a decree for the foreclosure of a certulu mortgage, and Judgment rendered and entered in suid Court on tlie 2ilh day of December, liiOO.in the above entitled cause, in favor of the i'laintill' and ngaiutit the Defendants Linnaeus Winansand 1 4. C. Winans as Judgment detuors In the sum of to hundred and twenty five dollars, with intercut thereon from December Sl.IKliS, tn-wit: the sum of SJii!i..'l2, for the further sum of 87. 25 011 account ot taxe paid by I'laintill on the premises herein described, and the further sum of flflylSoO.OO,) dollars, as attorney's fees, and the further sum of thirteen f $13.00) dollar costs.aod the conUofand upon tills '.Vrit, and commanding me to make sale of the real property embraced in such decree of (orceins ure and hereinafter described, I will, on the 9th day of February, liiul, at the hour of two o'clock, in lhn anernoon of said day, and at the front door of the County Court House In Dalles City, Wasi;o County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the Defendants, Linnaeus Winonn and L. C. Wlnans or cither of them had on the filst day of Dwember,lis.'M. the date of the mortgage foreclosed herein, or which such lefenduntsor nny of the Defendants herein, have ince ac quired, or now have iu and to the following described real properly, situate and being in Wasc. County, Oregon,to.wll: The southwest quarter of section thirteen (111), township one (11, north of range nine (flj.enst of W. M.. or so much of sal it property as will satisfy said Judgment and decree, with costs and accru ing costs.. Said property will be sold subject to eon llrmatlnn and redemptions by law provided. Dated at The Dulles, Oregon, this Stb day of January, 1901. ROBKHT KfcLLY, Sheriff, Wasco County, Oregon. East Fork Irrigating Co STOCK HOLDERS' MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of stockholders of the East Fork Irri gating Company will be held Saturday, Feb, 16, lful.at 1 o'clock, In Rone Bros.' office, town of Hood River. C.'R. BONK, President, SATISFACTORY Weat YOU KNOW, is not always easily attainable. Sometimes the price, is objectionable; often it is Uie quality, a 11J occasionally BOTH are unsatisfactory. We always try to have both price and quality right. If we cn furnish you o'shoe that meets these requirement, we know yon will become a shoe customer of ours. The C. G0TZIAN &C0S SHOES Combine both essentials lo a . remarkable degree. We carried them last yearliiul are now restocking with the same make. We have them in men's, women's, youths, misses and children's, and ask you to examine QUALITY AND PRICK. . LATEST a mm m a , , , VMDDFPT ft 6T! crn ciiDcninn STYLE POALIH Goodyear Welt WITH INVIIISU CCD. iOLt Manufactured ;JTHEY FIT THE FEET WATSZ Equal to any $5 Shoe en th Market Kit your dalr dim u keep them, tnilrt on tiim fffittnr jiir cor yuii. waourtMiaiAiOMCfromvwiiiAMiMM, ft Pinncsota Shoo Go. it, !SSSl FOIt SALE BY BON & McDONAXD. Mow is the Time! SHERRILL'S IS THE PLACE. I have just opened a line of elegant Pictures for the holiday trade, the finest assortment that has ever been shown in Hood River, in cluding some of the finest design in Photo Panel and. Color Photos Also, tlie newest design iu frame. I am offering these to my pa tron at very low prices. I shall open a stock of new Furniture this week, including the newest pattern in Bedroom Suites, Iron Beds, Kooker, Dining Chairs, etc., at Portland price. I have an expert mechanic in the shop to frame picture. My stock of Duors, Window Moldings, Paint and Oil i unsurpassed for a town of this si.e. W. K SHEERILL. U. S. Comnissioner. Notary Public GEO. T. PRATHER, Mb HOOD RIVER, OREGON. r'. I have lots and blocks for sale In different parts of the town of Hood River. Also, linve tlie exelusiv. suleof lulu iu Mowers' Addition, tlie most tooautlful bulld- lu location In town. Business, mcli ns paying tuxes for non-resitlents, or anything pertaining to th. County Court, piomptly attended to. t'un furnlNli township pliils t binne-seek- crs or ihosii looking fur lands. Have been a resident of ilood Hlvcr Valley for 21 ' years. Correspondence solicited. Telephone W. GEO. P. CROWEI.Ii, (Successor to E. Ij.Hmlth Oldest Established House In th valley. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Flour and Feed, etc. This old-established house will continue to pay cash for all it poods; it pays no rent; it employs a clerk but does not have to divide with a partner all dividends are made with customer in the wey o reasonable prices. E. R. Bradley, Job Printing, Books, Stationery, Hag. azines and Periodicals. In addition to my line of Books and Magazines, I carry a complete and well selected stock of Stationery. I am also constantly adding to my Job Printing Department and roeiiectfully solicit your patron age along these lilies. Orders by mail given prompt attention. FURNITURE Below Portland price and you also av the freight. Common W. W. Mattress, (1.50 same old price. Yum Yum W. W. Mat tress, (2.25 redueed. Excelsior Wool Top Mattress, $2 same old price. Washing Ma chines, (3.50 reduced. Iron bed, (3.50 "educed. Lumber, Lath, I.ime, Toor8, Windows, Vloldings, Building Material of all kind. Lowest price on Wall Paper. ! . FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. .. - " 0 AT C..L. ROGERS & CO.'S. Ladies' Wool Hose . 25c Ladies' Wh1 Hose 30c 1 ,-t Wrilinrt Pnnnr nnft P.nvplnrw - lftfi Children' Wool Hose 15, 20 and 25c Little girls' Kid Gloves 75c 8 roll Toilet Paper 25c 2 packages Jumho Mush , 15c 1 gallon Pride of Oregon Syrup : 25c 3 large Pencil Tablet 10c Boys Hats ami Caps at cost. Children' Sloep Garment at eotit. And all kinds of supplies for 111 Printing paper, card mounts, developers and toning solutions. Prices range from (5 to (20 for Kodaks. WILLIAMS & BROSIUS. NURSERY ii.su, jLJSBBMwatawi.ii jm i L'iJlLJUJ1Bt STOCK. The Columbia Nursery is on hn. airalii. as usiml. with lane stock of Kruit Tree. Ktrtiw berry Plants, and all kinds of Kumrjr atoek uei our price, auu see is. sinck.